#in the words of best boy gavroche
vivalamusaine · 8 months
A protest planned around interrupting les miserables is based as hell, actually. And if you think watching performative demonstration is more important than an actual demonstration, you might have missed the entire point
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expired-applejuice · 10 months
Based on:
Dark paradise by Lana Del Rey
Grantaire takes the bullets.
Enjolras pretends to be shot but he was spared. No words were spoken. None could be. Grantaire was choking on his own blood, while Enjolras was trying to keep his sobs quiet. Still they had a conversation. Grantaire smiled, holding Enjolras hand. Enjolras kissed his head while squeezing his hand tightly. He felt useless as Grantaire slowly died in pain.
When the women came to clean, one, who resembled Grantire, found him still clinging on his hand whispering a tearful apology. She too started to weep and helped the young leader up, pulling him into a silent hug. Enjolras apologized for getting blood on her dress, but she said not to mention it.
Days later Marius found the leader in the abandoned Cafe setting in a chair. The place was empty besides the furniture and two school boys. Marius sat across from him. He took note of Enjolras's bloodshot eyes, and his tear stained face. He held a tight grip on his handkerchief as he stared off into the room. He no longer wore his red coat, nor was his hair at his shoulders. No, he wore a black trench coat that was buttoned, with his hair pulled back into a low ponytail.
Marius looked no better with his bullet wound, broken bones, and shattered heart. Cosette, who took care of him, said he had gain some color back but was still awfully pale. His hair seemed to darkened, and he felt like he aged 20 years. He wasn't sure if he was alive without a soul, or just lost.
"What are we to do now?" Enjolras's weak voice broke Marius from his thoughts. He looked back at the blonde, who was still staring into space.
"I'm not sure, brother," Marius answered as they fell back into their silence.
After a sad sigh, Marius turned to the door. He haft expected their friends to walking into the door laughing. He waited for it, but they never came.
Enjolras found that he missed their laugher the most. The roar of it after one of Combeferre's remarks. The not so hidden chuckles when Bossuet trips. The gleeful victory "haha"s when Bahorel or Grantaire won a sparing match. The sneaky snickers that accured when a prank was being played. Their smiles. Their voices. Their presence. Them.
Feuilly always worked hard. Harder than any other in Paris. Joly was so compassionate and helpful to everyone. Jehan Prouvaire was simply a bright star that always helped them get through rough patches. Bahorel would always have your back in the best and worse way. Courfeyrac could influence anyone to do anything, but was still respectable. Combeferre, with his smarts could outwit a sly fox. Bossuet could give some of the best hugs. Grantaire, as much as he hid it, would have done anything for the group. Oh and how could he forget Gavroche? The little guy had more spirit in him than any of them. And poor Eponine, she was tougher than any of the national guards' men.
Enjolras spent so much time on the revolution that he had no idea who or what he was without his friends and movement. Really he didn't want to remember who he was, because it wasn't. It was not him. Not anymore.
"Their funeral is tomorrow," Marius reminded him still looking at the door.
Enjolras finally pulled his eyes towards Marius, "Yeah. Musichetta promised to help cook the food."
"That's nice."
"Yes, and Montparnasse promised to help Bury them."
"I'm thankful for him," Marius looked at him, "How's Grantaire's sister?"
Enjolras looked down at the table, "She saying it wasn't my fault. I'm just glad she agreed to move in with me, you know? With out Grantaire she probably wouldn't be able to make rent."
Marius nodded.
A few months later, Enjolras walked to the graveyard. He said hi to each of his friends, and even Javert, placing a flower on each stone. He stopped at Grantaire, sitting by his headstone in the snow. The blonde, who wore a green heavy coat, pulled out a bottle of wine and placed it by his stone.
"Marius' wedding is today," He said out loud, "I just got back from the tailors. I'm honored to be his best man."
The wind blew into his face making a roar in his ears. It was freezing, but Enjolras didn't leave, "We've helped each other a lot in these past few months, Marius, your sister, Musichetta, Montparnasse, and I. Talked a lot about old times. It's been hard."
Snow started to float softly down around him. It was beautiful and peaceful. "People say we should move on, past the revolution, love, and friendship. They tell us to forget the songs and memories."
Enjolras laid down in the snow, feeling as numb as his legs. He looked at the sky, "Sometimes I close my eyes, you lot are still here. You're drinking your wine. Courf' and 'ferre are talking about something Courfeyrac said to get Combeferre heated up. Joly and Bossuet are talking about Bossuet's soup he made for him. Jehan, Feuilly and Bahorel are singing a song. And 'Poni and Gavroche are happy. I feel save in this place behind my close eyes."
"That's when it scares me. It scares me because when I go to join you one day, will I see you? Will I be punished for causing this to happen? Will you guys want to see me?" Tears fell from the corners of his eyes making his face colder.
He closed his eyes and he was still there, everything was the same. The only difference was Grantaire laying beside him, holding his hand, "Red, you say the stupidest things. We're waiting for you guys."
"Are you really here?"
Grantaire smiled sadly, "I love you Apollo."
Enjolras opened his eyes and he was alone.
"I love you too, Icarus."
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lys-9-10 · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
Context: Éponine asks R to look after Gavroche while she goes to a job interview. Featuring Ep & R as best friends and Gavroche as a little imp who likes to take digs at R but actually idolizes him
The door opened to reveal Gavroche’s impudent, toothy grin. 
“Sup R,” he said, darting out a small fist and punching Grantaire lightly in the stomach. Grantaire responded by pulling him into a headlock and rubbing his knuckles in the boy’s hair. 
As Grantaire entered the apartment, Eponine’s voice called out from the washroom.
“Is that Taire, Gav?”
“Sure is!” Gavroche hollered back without turning his head. “Here in the flesh, unsightly as ever.” 
Grantaire snorted. “One of these days you oughta learn to respect your elders. You’ll get farther in life if you do.”
Gavroche shrugged. “Who says I wanna get far in life? I could just follow in your footsteps instead.”
Grantaire flicked Gavroche in the forehead.
A moment later, Eponine emerged from the washroom, a number of bobby pins sticking out of her mouth and both hands engaged in some kind of wrestling match with her hair. She was dressed in a grey pencil skirt and a white blouse — the crispness of which suggested that she'd valiantly put aside her hatred of ironing today. She’d taken out her nose ring and her wild mane of hair was starting to take the shape of a quite passable French twist (Lord knows how many bobby pins and how much product had been required to achieve that). She looked chic as hell — but so unlike herself that Grantaire felt a mildly painful twang in his chest.
As Éponine drew near to Grantaire, she finally dropped her hands from her hair and spat the bobby pins into them. Then she turned a glowing smile on him.
“Thanks so much for coming, Taire.” Eponine said, seizing him in one of her fierce hugs. Éponine only had one level of intensity for hugging. Her arms always rocketed around him and her fingers dug into his back like the two of them were sharing a single parachute after being chucked from an airplane. 
“Dont mention it,” Grantaire murmured, dropping his face into the back of her neck. It was curious that it was just exposed skin there — he was used to nuzzling his face in her thick nest of hair. 
After breathing into him for a couple seconds, Eponine pulled away. “Do I look okay?” She asked, a little anxiously. “Professional enough?” 
“You look like Wonder Woman in that scene where Chris Pine tries to outfit her to blend in with non-superhero society.”
Eponine arched an eyebrow. “Is that a yes?” 
Grantaire chuckled. “You look great, Ep.” He reached towards a stubborn stray lock at the nape of her neck and rubbed it between his thumb and forefinger. “Just promise me you won’t pull an Anne-Hathaway-in-The-Devil-Wears-Prada on me and start dressing like this all the time. I’m quite partial to your knock-off lulus, tank top, flip flops look.”
From behind Eponine, Gavroche mimed sticking his finger down his throat and retching — which neither his sister nor Grantaire observed. 
“My, you’re full of movie references today,” Eponine commented breezily.
“Just gearing up for an iconic movie night with Gav over there.” Grantaire jerked his head towards the boy in question, who chose that moment to get a word in. 
“Speaking of which,” Gavroche interjected drily. “You gonna mozy on out of here sis or what? As mentioned, R and I have plans.” 
Eponine rolled her eyes and flicked a bobby pin at Gavroche, through some kind of expert manoeuvre of her fingers. Then, turning back to Grantaire, she picked up his hand in hers and dropped the rest of the pins into it. 
“Mind putting these away for me, Taire? Gav’s right, I better jet.” 
She offered him another grateful smile then made to head towards the door – but Grantaire caught her waist and pulled her into him for another hug. 
“Good luck, Ép,” he murmured fondly. “You’ll do amazing.”
When Éponine was gone, Gavroche turned to Grantaire with a dastardly grin.
“Right. Now that we’re rid of the broad, what shall we do first? You bring any liquor?”
Grantaire rolled his eyes. “For the umpteenth time, Gav, you’re underage.”
“And you’re stuck up.” Gavroche blew a raspberry at him.
That's all for now! If you want updates on when the fic is done without seeing all my other tumblr posts, you can subscribe to me on ao3 here
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wellntruly · 2 years
Our third & last Plane Post
Vol. IV: Saint-Denis: carry[-]on:
Book 7
Argot, argot! Only the French could be so horrified by, shudder, SLANG.
I remembered this one well, though still found several things to marvel at anew -
:: “The real human division is this: the luminous and the shady.” This means something else but man I love it meaning what I want. Sliding scale with “cutie-pie” on one side and “sneaky” on the other.
:: Had forgotten I once knew François Villon’s ‘Où sont les neiges d’antan?’/‘Where are the snows of yesteryear?’ [Rossetti] was the medieval reference for one of the best things in literature, Yossarian’s “Where are the Snowdens of yesteryear?” refrain in Joseph Heller’s Catch 22. Genius alert!
:: “il lansquine, it rains, a striking, ancient figure that partly bears its date about it, which assimilates long oblique lines of rain, with the dense and slanting pikes of the lancers, and which compresses into a single word the popular expression: it rains halberds.”
Book 8
Some good stuff in here! For some reason the description of Marius and Cosette as “Two swans meeting on the Jungfrau” speaks to me. Captures their oddballness somehow. I also am curiously riveted by the side plot, or not even side plot, just occasional reference to the cholera epidemic that is sweeping Paris this month, but which never affects any of our characters. World-building? I guess? I like it so much! It’s so jarring and grim each time!
I also like much the image of Marius sneaking out of Courfeyrac’s room every night from about midnight to one o’clock in the morning. Bahorel is like: definitely shady.
“[Courfeyrac] was not much in the habit of concealed passions; it made him impatient, and now and then he called upon Marius to come back to reality. One morning, he threw him this admonition: ‘My dear fellow, you produce upon me the effect of being located in the moon, the realm of dreams, the province of illusions, capital, soap bubble. Come, be a good boy, what’s her name?’” Mon dieu.
Me, reading on June 2nd: “The following day was the 3rd of June, 1832" Me: I did it
Eponine Corner: She’s crushing it: “She had set her elbow on her knee and her chin in her hand, and she swung her foot with an air of indifference. Her tattered gown permitted a view of her thin shoulder blades. The neighboring street lantern illuminated her profile and her attitude.”
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And finally, this book closes out with a goofy and ultimately amazing bit where suddenly in M. Gillenormand’s narration, just FOUR years have passed since Marius left. He personally calls him “one and twenty” twice, and I’m quietly losing it assuming Victor Hugo has just lost track of his own timeline. And then WITHOUT ANY OTHER COMMENTARY ON THIS, not even an “Actually,” Marius states it to have been five years since he departed his grandfather's. The character has just forgotten how much time has passed and the narration honored his POV by matching it. This is such a weird wonderful writing move, lord.
Book 9
Eponine, now in drag in “a gray blouse and trousers of dust-colored cotton velvet,” stealth drops a note on Jean Valjean’s head that just says “MOVE AWAY FROM YOUR HOUSE.” Incredible how she has gone from a slightly grating introduction to becoming the best fucking character.
Book 10
---something I fear I cannot say for my feelings on Gavroche, unfortunately. I feel so bad for being annoyed and tired by Gavroche, but...I am annoyed and tired by Gavroche. The only Gavroche I’ve liked, and a good deal, is the ragged bitter tween in the original 1980 French concept album. Now that’s a Gavroche I can get into.
Anyway, speaking of albums, we are really entering ‘Do You Hear the People Sing’ territory now. The *Pivot* Approaches..!
Vol. IV, Books 7-10 ✓✓✓✓
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for the revolution ~ enjolras;les mis
word count: 2101
request?: no
description: she wants to fight for her country, but he won’t let her, so she decides to disguise herself
pairing: enjolras x female!reader
warnings: swearing, violence, death, mentions of steamy stuff at the beginning
i watched les mis for the first time last night, so if this has an inaccuracies please forgive me as i’m currently writing after one viewing (also i’m gonna be changing how it all ends just for a more fluffy ending instead of a sad one)
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His body was pressed against hers, both of their bodies still stuck together with sweat. Enjolras’ lips gently grazed her neck, causing her to giggle every time he touched her sweet spot.
It took a lot of will power, but finally Enjolras separated himself from her. He began to stand, only for (Y/N) to take hold of his hand and pull him back into the bed.
“Must you go already?” she asked with a pout.
“I have to meet with the boys,” he told her, although he moved his arms around her to hold her close.
“You’re starting a revolution tomorrow, you can spend one night with your girlfriend. Especially since you are leaving me tomorrow.”
Enjolras sighed and kissed the top of (Y/N)’s head. “Not this again, my love. You know I am leaving you for your own safety.”
(Y/N) propped herself up on her elbow and looked down at her boyfriend. “I do not understand why you won’t let me join you lot. Gavroche is fighting with you, and he is a child!”
“You know it has nothing to do with your gender, as you keep insisting it is. It is because I cannot stand the thought of you being hurt. This is my fight, our fight, this isn’t a fight for you.”
(Y/N) cupped Enjolras’ face. “It is our fight, Enjolras.”
He sighed and pulled away from her. He turned his back to her as to make it easier to dress himself to leave. He knew that if he looked at (Y/N)’s face he would cave and stay with her. He promised his men he would meet them tonight, he had to meet them tonight. They started their revolt in the morning.
(Y/N) watched sadly as Enjolras reluctantly pulled his clothes on. She understood that he was just worried for her safety, but (Y/N) was also worried for his. She knew how dangerous this was going to be, she knew that the policemen would not stand down against the Friends of the ABC, and neither would Enjolras and his friends.
She just wanted to protect him, and to fight for her country at his side. She wanted to be a part of history.
Enjolras turned to look at (Y/N) one more time. She looked up at him with those beautiful eyes that he loved more than anything. He approached the bed and leaned over to gently kiss her forehead.
“I will come back to you, my love,” he promised.
“I will be waiting,” she responded.
Enjolras smiled. He had to pull himself away from her before convincing himself to stay.
Once the door closed behind him, (Y/N) softly counted to 60, making sure he was gone and that he wasn’t coming back, before she quickly jumped up from the bed. She made quick work of collecting some of the clothes Enjolras had left at her place and pulling them on. They were very obviously big, but nothing too suspicious. And they covered any...identifying features on her body.
She picked up one of Enjolras’ hats and stuffed her hair underneath it. There was no way to change her face, the face that Enjolras knew so well. She just had to hope that he wouldn’t see her, or that none of his friends would recognize her face.
Her heart was racing as she made her way to the pub that she knew the Friends of the ABCs always met at. When she arrived, they were already setting up the barricades. She was quick to join, trying to blend in the best she could.
“Oi! Who are you?” asked one of the men. (Y/N) recognized him as Joly, one of Enjolras’ friends. He was looking at her long and hard, waiting for her response. She privately prayed that he wouldn’t recognize her.
“I-I - ” she stuttered, trying to come up with an answer.
“She’s with us Joly.”
Another familiar face came to (Y/N)’s aid, but this one, much like her, was dressed in a disguise.
“You don’t have to be so suspicious over everyone, Joly, she is just a young buck like us,” Eponine said, putting an arm around your shoulder. “Come, arm yourself.”
She led (Y/N) away from a still suspicious looking Joly.
“What are you doing?” (Y/N) whispered to her brave friend as she picked a gun and shoved it into the waistband of Enjolras’ pants.
“The same as you apparently,” Eponine responded. “I want to be part of the revolution, and I’m trying to look out for Marius.”
(Y/N) followed Eponine’s longing gaze towards the man she had been hopelessly in love with for years; Enjolras’ best friend Marius. Her heart ached for Eponine, especialyl with the latest news that Marius had fallen in love with a strange, blonde girl.
“I just want to be a part of the revolution,” (Y/N) told her friend. “Enjolras refuses to let me take part, but I want to fight for this country. You cannot tell him I’m here, please.”
“Of course, they don’t even know that I am here,” Eponine promised. “Just...stay safe, please.”
(Y/N)’s eyes trailed back to Marius, who was now talking to Enjolras. She looked at the man she loved, imagining the devastating heartbreak he would feel if he lost her on that day.
“I will,” she told Eponine. “I promise.”
The watch was boring at first. Little excitement happened, besides the reveal of an undercover police officer trying to infiltrate the barricades.
(Y/N) was sat behind the barricade, huddled next to another of the men, when a shot rang out. She quickly looked over and felt her heart break when she saw little Gavroche holding a bullet wound with one blood soaked hand.
“No!” she exclaimed before she could stop herself. “He’s a child, leave him alone!”
Another shot rang out, hitting Gavroche again. He stumbled this time, his skin turning deathly pale. A final shot deafened (Y/N)’s ears, but she couldn’t tell from what side the shot had come as one of the police officers fell at the same time that Gavroche did.
She began to climb over the barricade, desperate to get to the lifeless little boy. Someone grabbed her arm and tried to pull her back. “Are you insane?!”
“We can’t leave him out there!” she cried, forgetting to disguise her very feminine voice. “We have to bring him back, we can’t leave him!”
Whoever grabbed her pulled on her arm hard, causing her to spin to face him. (Y/N) came face to face with the blue eyes and curly blonde hair she loved more than anything.
“(Y/N),” Enjolras breathed.
(Y/N) pulled her arm free from her boyfriend’s grasp before he could say anything else. She pulled her gun from her waistband and began to fire on the closing officers.
A sense of pride swelled in her as she watched officers fall from her gunfire. The other men followed suit, climbing from their hidden spots and opening fire. They were outnumbered, but they weren’t going down without a fight.
(Y/N) saw the officers coming closer to Gavroche’s body. She looked over her shoulder at Enjolras, who was busy trying to battle himself. She took a deep breath and leaped over the barricade, quickly sliding down to cradle Gavroche’s small body in her arms.
He felt weightless as she lifted him. His whole life ahead of him, taken by those damned officers. (Y/N) had started back up the barricade when she felt a stabbing pain run through her shoulder. She screamed in pain but refused to back down. She was near the top when another searing pain shot through her stomach, causing her to exclaim in pain again.
One of their men took Gavroche from her as another pulled (Y/N) the rest of the way. At some point, she had lost the hat concealing her hair, but she didn’t care anymore. She laid back against the barricade, one hand covering the wound on her stomach. She winced as she put some pressure on it in a futile attempt to stop the bleeding.
“Out of the way!”
Through her blurring vision (Y/N) could see Enjolras as he knelt in front of her. He looked over her injuries, trying to put pressure on the wound on her shoulder but stopping every time she winced.
“Why did you do this?” he asked her as he pulled her into his arms, cradling her the same way she had cradled Gavroche. “Why did you come like this? Why did you come at all? I told you - ”
“Foolish of you to think I’d listen,” she responded, her voice weak.
Enjolras smiled through the tears forming in his eyes. “You have me there.”
(Y/N) smiled as well before beginning to cough, the taste of something metallic coming up in her mouth. Enjolras held her tightly and kissed her forehead. “Stay awake for me, okay love? We’ll get you help, but you have to stay awake.”
The edges of her view were starting to fill with black spots. “It’s getting hard to see, Enjolras.”
“I know, love, but you have to fight it, okay?” Over the continued gunfire, he shouted, “I need help! Someone, get her some help, please!”
The sounds around her became more and more muffled as the black began to swallow her whole.
And suddenly, she felt nothing.
(Y/N) woke up some time later. She wasn’t sure how long she had been out. She wasn’t even sure she was alive. She was sure those wounds had killed her, that she was waking up in heaven.
The hot pain coursing through her shoulder and stomach, however, alerted her that this was far from the truth.
She opened her eyes and immediately cringed as the sunlight beamed in through the windows. She closed her eyes as her head pounded from the sudden bright light. Through her closed lids, she could see the light disappear. When she opened them again, she could clearly see the face of Enjolras leaning over her.
“You’re awake,” he said, softly. “I was so scared that you...”
He trailed off as he took her hand in his and pressed a soft kiss to her knuckles.
“How long have I been out?” she asked him. Her throat felt raw, from lack of use she assumed.
“A few days,” Enjolras replied.
Her eyes widened. “What? Days? Enjolras, what have I missed? Where is everyone? Have we won?”
“Calm down,” he told her. (Y/N) realized then how painful her wounds felt when she got worked up. “We won.”
Relief washed over her and she couldn’t help but laugh to herself. Enjolras smiled at her response, leaning down to kiss her forehead.
A realization hit her in that moment. “Gavroche.”
Enjolras’ face darkened as he looked down at their intertwined hands. “We...we lost a few good people. Eponine was among them.”
(Y/N)’s heart broke. She felt tears welling in her eyes. “And Marius?”
Enjolras shook his head. “No, Marius made it out. Eponine took a bullet that was meant for him. She...she died in his arms.”
Although the fact that her friend was dead hurt her greatly, (Y/N) was glad to know that Eponine had died in the arms of someone she loved, someone who loved her even if it wasn’t in the same way that she wanted.
“I’m so sorry, Enjolras,” she said, her voice just barley a whisper. “I’m sorry for going against what you asked me to do, and for worrying you like I did. I just...I wanted to - ”
“I know,” he cut her off. “You wanted to fight like the rest of us. I understand. I cannot be mad at you for that. I’m just...I’m so glad you’re alive. I’m glad that I haven’t lost you.”
(Y/N) squeezed his hand. “You’ll never lose me, love. I promise.”
Enjolras smiled and climbed onto the bed next to (Y/N). He took her in his arms and held her close, the way he had that fateful day before the revolution started. He held her tightly to him, as if afraid that letting go would mean losing her again.
(Y/N) settled into Enjolras’ chest, taking in the familiar scent and warmth that came with him. “I’m glad you’re okay, too, love.”
Enjolras smiled to himself and placed a kiss on the top of her head. “Rest, love. When you’re feeling better, I’ll take you out into our new world.”
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honeybeekao · 2 years
the moment i saw you said you liked talking about theatre my first thought was "ask dino to talk about theatre" so
talk about it!!! i wanna hear <3 i know basically nothing but pls. talk about something you love!!!!
hmnjdhjdhd WAAA youre so sweet
okay OKAY so i was in 4 musicals (+1 in middle school but that one barely counts.. i miss it tho) and they were All so fucking cool ! i really wanted to be an actor for like 4 years that was my passion for awhiiile
i got to be in ensemble for newsies and oh my GOD newsies is like the best musical ever i adore it. broadway musical i could watch over and over and over the music gets stuck in my head easily AND OKAY SO. my gender was rlly difficult for me freshman year, but being able to dress up as a boy for that show felt really validating. and just the way the script Is... accidental gender affirmation everytime us as a group got refered to as boys despite the all gender cast. this was also during my "i wear flannels for gender euphoria" moment of my life so my newsies outfit was just...clothes i already wore plus a vest and hat HDKDGDKD
then we did into the woods and.... my god. okay so i dont think i ever got all the lyrics right for the amount of songs with the same melody but Different words... but thats okay. i got to play one of cinderella's stepsisters THE FUCKING DRESS FOR THAT SHOW WAS SO PRETTY only time ive gotten to wear a real princess dress <33 HORRIBLE TO DANCE IN THOUGH. i almost tripped and fell every show (which wouldve been funny i was evil sooo i mean. i shouldve)
then. then we did les miserables and . that musical is hell to work on it's a fucking opera and it's So emotionally taxing but SO good. like i had the time of my life but i barely slept. best show ever best show ever. i played gavroche (an 8 year old boy who just lives on his own.... and joins the revolution) and i successfully made people cry! i really really hope my mom can find the camcorder her bf used to record the whole show because.. i think i'd cry if i got to watch it as audience. the music is terrifying to learn i sung in soprano (for reference on how difficult it is, check the song one day more. the chorus sections are insane)
i also tripped in the audience during a full solo and my ONLY concern at the time was "please let my mic not be broken Please let my mic not be broken." i cried backstage for like 5 minutes after bc of the adrenaline. THEN I HAD TO GO ONSTAGE AGAIN ALONE so i couldnt cry long GDKSHDJ
les mis is like my best life experience that show means everything to me i miss it so much..it went by too fast
the last show i was in was called urinetown (sounds weird but it's a satirical comedy about how capitalism will kill off all of humanity it's fun) and the dancing for it was the most difficult thing ive ever had to learn!
the music is also like. Yikes i was struggling probably just as much as les mis because i switched to alto (i attempted soprano for it but it Hurt me. so i switched. and harmonies are a pain but i got em eventually) i had more lines in this show than les mis but i didnt really care much for my character?? it was similar to newsies except i had some one off lines because comedies with a group of characters are like that. gfjdhdj THE DANCING. we had 2 choreographers helping us, and i hated it so much <3 i hate learning choreo in dimly lit rooms because i Cant see anything. i needed to take videos and learn on my own and had like 1 friend who could kinda help but it was still like aushajha Why
WE DIDNT GET TO PERFORM THAT SHOW. our opening night was march 13th 2020 so . we just had to fucking mourn everything. but i mean the experience was still great and theatre was my escape. idk what i would've done without it, the theatre kept me focused on things i enjoyed and meant i wasnt just wallowing
tysm for asking i love theatre and musicals and i think everyone should watch newsies
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melloian · 3 years
Character bio 2
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Age: 14
Gender: M
Race: French Species: Human
Alignment: Good
Status: Alive
Relatives: Felix (older brother), Ambre (cousin), Oscar (cousin),  Gabriel (father), Emilie (mother), grandmother, Amelie (aunt)
Occupation:  Student (Françoise Dupont Lycée) & Superhero
Love interest:  Marinette 
Friends: Nino, Marinette, Chloe, Max, Alix, Juleka, Valery, the guardians, Kid Mime (later on), Celeste (later on), Mercury  (later on), Sparrow (later on), Aeon (later on), Gavroche (later on), Mime (later on when he redeemed).
Enemies: Hawkmoth, Every villain, Mayura, Mime (formerly)
Personality: Playful, optimistic, Loyal, Calm, Gullible, Sympathetic
Bio: Adrien is a teenage boy who attends at  Françoise Dupont Lycée. He don’t really talk much but he does like having fun with others. He somewhat daydreams alot. Outside of school, Adrien lives in a strict family, with his brother Felix. He’s pretty much the favorite child, he doesn’t really get punished much for his actions. But he is pretty much hiding his true personality. In the meantime, he’s a hero who goes after the name chat noir.
Backstory: Adrien was 8 years old at time when he sorta knew his mother. He, his brother, and cousins used to play with each other alot. One day, some incident happen where is his mother ended up in a coma. He was wondering what happen but Nathalie didn’t want him to enter the room. Adrien noticed that felix was acting strange afterwards, he tried to say what happen but felix just ran off. He isn’t sure what happened, but his father walked out the room and also didn’t answer his question.
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Cousins Disappearance
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When Adrien was 11, He heard about that his cousins was coming over. In some other room, he heard a girl screaming from next door, so he ran into Felix’s room. Felix was looking down on his phone in terror and Adrien wanted to know what happened. The only response was “they’re gone... both of them....” Adrien didn’t understand what he’s talking about so he shake him to snap out of it. However Felix was too in shocked and left frozen. Afterwards,  Adrien was left worried.
After these incidents, Adrien acted little different, but everyone else changed completely. 
As Chat Noir
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Altered personality: Determined, Reckless, Daring, Sarcastic, mischief, playful
High Jump
Med Durability
Scree - give am person fear
Misfortune - give anyone bad luck
Watch - Look in far away distance
Sense - sense some one from anywhere location around him
Blackhole - summons a blackhole from anywhere
Catsnatch -  De-akumanize a person and prevent them from being akumantized for an current time.
Pawlace - clean all the damage and reserve the effects
Main ability:
Cataclysm - release a strong mist that can cause destruction. This can also destroy akumantization, but in result killing the butterfly. 
Weapons: Claws
As Chelonian
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Altered personality: Wise, chill, determined, Sympathetic, Meticulous
High durability
Slow but can go fast in certain situations.
Stomp - be able to break strong/tough objects
Tucker - turn into turtle shell ball and become invincible for 70 seconds. 
Blockage - be able to block any projectiles or attacks with a small hologram shield for 50 seconds.
Slow down - make time slow down, making you fast for 80 seconds
Blocked -  De-akumanize a person and prevent them from being akumantized for an current time.
Sweep -  clean all the damage and reserve the effects
Main ability
Shell-ter - creates a huge force field that’s unbreakable for 120 seconds.
Weapon: turtle shell shield and Hat
As Blaze
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Altered personality: sympathetic, Dignified, Forthright, chill, Individualistic
High durability
Rings of fire - summon fire rings on ground
Firebody - lit themselves on fire and becomes untouchable for 76 seconds
Flamesla - shoot fire out of hand
Highpressure - alter the climate anywhere to make it hot
Firetint -  De-akumanize a person and prevent them from being akumantized for an current time.
Smelt -  clean all the damage and reserve the effects
Main ability
Sun of the Eyes - Summon a bright large sun that can blind others
Reincarnation - Becomes a different person that was made in the image of what adriens thinks about for the rest of the day (one time use in every transformation. Also Adrien can change back to themselves at will).
Weapon: Mace on fire
As Delight
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Altered personality: Cheerful,  sympathetic, outgoing, playful
Med  durability
Immunity to cold
Sparkles of Joy: Makes other around them happy
Surprise! Gift - Present Grenade
Sparkles of Sleep - causes anyone around them to fall asleep
Gift - Gave anyone a gift of what they wanted
Breeze - causes the weather to snow
Sparkles of relief -  De-akumanize a person and prevent them from being akumantized for an current time.
Cleaning sparkles -  clean all the damage and reserve the effects
Main ability
Christmas Joy - Causes huge blizzard mist and summon every Christmas decoration from the sky. Awhile making others dreams come true, if their near (expect for the targeted opponent). 
As ColdHeart (akumantized form)
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Altered personality: Cold hearted, Envious, Disrespectful, Selfish
Cause of akumanzation: Heartbroken (during the time he didn’t have a ring)
Goal: Freeze the city until there’s no one left
Akumantized object: bracelet 
Fast speed
Loud screaming power
If he smells or sense love, he will turn them into ice
Ice missiles
Summons heart shards bombs
Adrien & Nino
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Adrien and Nino have met since highschool. They usually talk to each other and hang out. Adrien helps out with Nino’s creations and criticize them. They often go to each other houses.
Adrien & Marinette
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Adrien and Marinette met since highschool. Adrien is pretty much shy to talk to Marinette. He tries to talk to her but he ends up mumbling his words. He often invite her to things, but still can’t talk to her correctly. He later on started to talk to her more without blushing so hard.
Chat noir basically trying to wins Marinette's affection awhile also causing reckless actions. However, he respects her and try to be a best sidekick for her.
Adrien & Chloe
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Adrien and Chloe met since Highschool. Adrien pretty much talk to her sometimes and sometimes hangout with her. However, He seems little confused about her actions towards him. Later on, Chloe started acting differently towards him, but he really didn’t mind. 
Adrien & Felix
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Adrien & Felix used to play alot in childhood years, until some incident happen. Adrien pretty much don’t understand why Felix feels gloomy and stressed all the time. He asks him but he really don’t like his answers due to because he talks about Gabriel.  Most of the times, Adrien is just bigoted towards Felix. Other then that, Adrien pretty much loves his brother and sometimes worries about him.
Adrien & Gabriel
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 Adrien remembered when Gabriel was happy to see both him and his brother. After the incident happened, Adrien don’t really see his father the same way again. He dislikes how strict he is now and overprotective. However, Adrien is extremely gullible to what his father says. Despite Gabriel's ways, Adrien thinks his father wouldn’t do something horrible.
Adrien & Lila
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Adrien met Lila since highschool. Adrien is pretty much kind of scared of her. He doesn’t like her aggressive ways towards others. He doesn’t really hangout with her, but Lila tries to make him do so. 
Adrien & Plagg
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Adrien pretty much dislikes plagg ways. He have to stop him from doing certain things so he wouldn’t get in trouble. Other then that, they pretty much chill with each other. Adrien is also sorta gullible to plagg. 
Full body
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Adrien’s alternative outfit
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As an kid
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Other information
He thinks about if he can just time travel back in past to see what happened.
He’s still allergic to pigeons
Adrien pretty much have a one-sided friendship with lila
He often read alot of books.
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andromedaa-starss · 4 years
les amis' level of swearing
bc im bored and these fuckers deserve it. also what they do when they're angry.
firstly, enjolras: he does not swear much, but when he does it is either with affection or with as much anger as he can muster. usually can be heard muttering "shit" whenever he's late to something, or fondly calling marius "dipshit." there are times when he's increasingly passionate and times when he's actually angry. it's hard to distinguish between the two, which is why combeferre usually keeps a mood meter for enjolras to use to help others understand if he's angry or not.
next is combeferre, the guide. he infrequently swears. hell, only enj has heard him swear and he says he never wants to experience it again. combeferre expresses his anger in other ways, with carefully placed words and well reasoned arguments. when he's mad, you had best run for cover.
courfeyrac swears like a sailor, but also frequently directs it towards others angrily if they deserve it. he loudly say "sup, motherfuckers" and call everyone a bitch when they're "mean" to him. he never does it out of malice. when calling out bigots, or arguing with marius' grandfather, his vocabulary can get the best of him.
feuilly rarely finds a reason to swear (though he knows several in polish), but one of the reasons is to tell enjolras to "go the fuck to sleep." he bottles up his emotions because he has to deal with annoying customers on the daily, and exploding at customers is not good. however, when his anger does come out, it is explosive, scary, and full of angry polish. oftentimes he will give the cold shoulder until he's calmed down.
bahorel loves swearing, it's probably a fundamental part of him. you can find him singing along to the dirtiest of drinking songs, loudly and cheerfully. but when he's mad there is no such cheerfulness. he is curt, brunt, and not willing to speak (but very willing to punch).
joly loves using replacement words to fuck with everybody, and since everyone finds it annoying, he continue anyways. usually cries whenever he's mad, the cane becomes a weapon. also they can hold a grudge like nobody's business.
bossuet is a man of simple words and few swears. he doesn't use them much, but when he's mad oh boy. granted no one has heard him drop the f-bomb but everyone supposes it's a matter of time. also bossuet?? rarely gets mad?? if you make him mad you've actually fucked up holy shit--
jehan uses whatever words come to mind. they are masters of eloquently swearing (think "may i ascertain the whereabouts of my fucking keys"). if they are mad you will know. harsh words, spit flying, and no desire to talk to you are good indicators.
marius rarely gets mad, or visibly at least. he doesn't swear (so if he does oh my god pls run for your life), and he doesn't like confrontation. if he's mad he'll probably cry but he'll also probably punch you or something. when he's trying to contain it he'll at least be visibly offended, and just. you Can Tell.
all im going to say for gavroche is that he's a fucking gremlin and picks up on all the swear words that les amis say. truth be told no one else as actually seen him mad? they are all scared of when it will happen and are collectively holding their breaths.
eponine, too, swears like a sailor, and also gets "mad" frequently. you can hear her shouting "fuck!" as she accidentally locks herself out of her apartment. when she's truly, actually angry, murder might happen, but it's mostly raised voices, and slipping into bouts of french or mandarin. hell hath no fury like a girl who was forced to raise her siblings by herself for a period of time.
cosette knows a lot of swear words from her time with the thenardiers but doesn't utilise them. also?? doesn't?? get?? mad?? like no one's ever seen her mad? oh boy. although there are times when she's visibly upset but. still.
musichetta uses them moderately, and loves affectionately calling someone a bitch. but there are no swear words to be found when she's mad. she is direct and to the point, with no room for arguments
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Miraculous Future (2)
After the Picnic/Saturday afternoon
KDP> I’ve updated story tags, so please check those before you read.
Previous Next Masterpost
Marinette and Adrian managed to work together to get all the kids, Chloe, Kagami, Nino, Nathaniel and Alix into the two large cars Alfred and Jason had driven.
“Alfred, do you know if there will be baby necessities where we’re going,” Marinette asked as she made sure the kids were settled into seats. There was no car seats for a toddler in either of the cars.
“We do not have anything for older babies,” Alfred sighed.
“Hold him,” Marinette said passing the toddler to Jon, “keep getting everyone organized.”
After giving directions she ran through the park and across the street to her parents bakery. She ran right past her mother who was helping a customer and up to the apartment above the bakery. In her room she found the diaper bag she was making for Bruce and Selina’s new baby and packed it with a few of the diapers, wipes and other items she kept at her place from when she babysat the kids of her parents friends.
“Marinette what is going on? Mr. Wayne called and said something about an incident and children?” Sabine asked as Marinette made it downstairs.
“Somehow children from the future are coming into the present.” Marinette made a face, “including six that are calling me mom.”
“Six!?” Sabine exclaimed.
Marinette shrugged, “We’re working out what happened and hopefully we can send the kids back to their times. Since classes are over after today, can I stay with Mr. Wayne and the others until this is resolved.”
“I think they’ll need the help,” she said holding up the diaper bag she carried as proof.
“Mr. Wayne has already suggested having you and your friends come help with the children if you’re willing.”
“I’m willing,” Marinette immediately said.
Sabine smiled, “he offered to pay for your father and me to go with you but with the orders we have to finish this weekend...” she trailed off.
“It’s okay Maman. It’s the end of spring and the wedding business is booming.” Marinette shrugged as if it didn’t bother her.
“Thank you Maman,” she said kissing her mothers cheek before running back to the waiting cars.
“Thank you for waiting Alfred,” she said as she slid into the car. She accepted the baby and did her best to hold the boy in her arms as safely as possible for the short drive to the hotel.
“I hope we can get you guys back home soon,” she said a little worried about what they would have to do to keep them safe if that wasn’t the case.
“It’ll work out somehow Bug,” Adrian said and smiled at the twins snuggled into either side of him.
When they arrived at the building that held the French branch of Wayne Industries, Marinette was less than surprised. Even the men waiting for them at the curb didn’t surprise her.
Damian opened the door closest to Marinette and the children upon seeing him and Luka started calling out greetings for their ‘Papa Luka’ and ‘Baba’. Like when he saw Marinette the toddler practically leaped into Damian’s arms. Marinette, not expecting it, nearly dropped him but Damian caught him and shifted the baby into his arms. The baby, once settled, just babbled at Damian and patted his hands on Damian’s cheeks.
Marinette had to stifle a laugh at Damian’s deer in the headlights look and quietly snuck a picture using her phone camera. Dick and Tim helped Nino, Nathaniel, Alix, their future kids and the future teens out of the second car before both groups were being shepherded into the building. Bruce Wayne himself met them inside and escorted them further into the building.
“Thank you for coming,” He was saying to the group. “For whatever reason this phenomenon is occurring across the globe the heroes affiliated with the Justice League are escorting the children to local access points where we can transfer the children to a safe place they can be protected while they get to the bottom of this. We were told the Batman would be escorting your children himself from this point.”
The door Bruce led them to opened to a conference room where he ushered them inside. “You can wait in here until he arrives.”
“Thank you dude, I mean, sir,” Nino said before walking into the room with his three kids from the future.
“Thank you,” Alix echoed before entering with her boys and Nathaniel and his girl saying thanks in passing.
Once everyone was seated around the table he said, “Considering that these children are from the future, members of the League will be asking you for information to help identify possible causes that led to the children being displaced. Since they are technically underage, we would need parental consent to speak with them. But given the unique circumstances we need to know if you would qualify as an adult that could give us that consent?” He asked looking at the teens in the room.
Nino, Nathaniel and Alix nodded. They had all had their 18th birthdays during the school year. Marinette’s birthday was last month as well, however having skipped a grade when she was younger she was only 17 years old.
“I’m not,” she said.
Bruce nodded. “I did speak with your mother and she said they would support any decisions you made. Additionally your future children will have a second parent involved and we’ll need to identify who that is, if we’re to have all the information available to us to help solve the mystery they present to us.”
“We could probably tell you all that,” the male teen, McGinnis the girl had called him, offered to them. “Marinette, future Marinette that is, had all the kids tested to identify the bio dad because they would have unique family medical histories depending on who they are.”
“Very well,” Bruce acknowledged, “but the testing will still need to be done to verify and to be put in the records.”
“Okay,” Marinette agreed.
“Let’s begin from oldest to youngest. Can you give us your names and ages. Then the names of parents,” Bruce said and looked at the two teens.
“Oldest would be me,” the boy said, “I’m Terry McGinnis, 17 years old. My mom and dad are Warren and Mary McGinnis. There’s more to process with my genetic information but that’s something I’d prefer to go over later B-Man.” He finished with a significant look at Bruce.
Bruce nodded before turning to the girl.
“Helena Wayne, 15 years old, daughter of Bruce Wayne and his wife Selina Kyle. Hiya dad,” she finished with an impish grin at the shocked man.
“Let’s get the rest of you done in batches,” Dick tried to pick up where Bruce had stopped in his shock. He looked at the kids with Nino.
“Dahlia Lahiffe, 13 years old, my mom and dad are Alya Cesaire and Nino Lahiffe. My sisters are Lacy and Julie Lahiffe, 7 years old, their parents are Stacey and Nino Lahiffe.”
“I break up with Alya?” Nino asked.
“Mr. Lahiffe, it’s difficult to say what the future holds. Even with these children here in front of us, it’s possible that their very presence has changed our futures and what happened to result in their world may not happen in ours,” Bruce finally pulled himself out of his shock and addressed Nino’s question. “The best thing we can do is to live our lives the best we can.”
Nino nodded before attention turned to Nathanial who in turn looked at his little girl.
“Mary Kurzberg. I’m 4,” she said holding up five fingers. “This is my daddy,” She added hugging Nathaniel. “I don’t know where my papa is.”
“Is this him,” Nathaniel asked showing her a picture on his phone.
“Papa!!” The little girl exclaimed holding his phone and hugging it.
“It’s a picture of my boyfriend, Marc Anciel,” He told them. “He hadn’t shown up to the picnic yet when the kids appeared. I can text him to meet us here.”
“Please.” Bruce said.
“I guess that leaves you munchkins,” Alix said looking at the boys with her.
“I’m Rolland Kubdel. I’m eight years old,” one said.
“I’m Theo Kubdel and I’m six years old,” the younger one interrupted.
“I’m talking poop head,” the older boy said hitting his younger brother on the arm.
“Ow,” the younger yelled, “mama Rolland hit me.”
“Stop it. Didn’t we go over this in the car downstairs,” Alix asked, “no hitting each other.”
“And your parents,” Bruce asked getting the kids back on track.
“William and Alix Gavroche,” the older finished.
“Okay, that leaves you and your group, Marinette.” Bruce turned attention to their group.
Marinette blushed because she had some suspicions based on how the kids interacted with their future adults what their responses would be but listened as the oldest girl interrupted.
“You should do Sakura first. It’s only her and her mom’s. We have a lot more in our family.”
The adults agreed and turned to the little girl.
“My names Sakura Bourgeois-Tsurugi. I’m six years old and my mothers are Chloe Bourgeois-Tsurugi and Kagami Tsurugi-Bourgeois.” She frowned thoughtfully at her mom, “I don’t know who my dad is.”
“You’ll want to test me just in case,” Adrian said, “but I don’t think it would have been kept from her if I was the donor.”
Chloe nodded in acknowledgement of his words but didn’t add anything.
“We haven’t ever heard anything about her dad,” Terry said, “just that Kagami and Chloe are her moms and that Chloe was the one that was pregnant.”
“And we’ve spent three weeks every year during the summer holidays at their madhouse since I was seven,” Helena added. “That was a fun year too, since both Marinette and Chloe were pregnant.”
“We’ll test just in case but we’ll rely on the two of you to make decisions based on the information we have,” Bruce made a note in the file he created for the girl.
“I’m Emilie Kent. Ten years old, and the eldest of Marinette Dupain-Cheng-Couffaine-Wayne and Adrian Kent.”
Adrian was pleasantly surprised at the information that this was his daughter by blood and that he and Jon would be married in the future. Jon looked confused by her introduction though he was a bit happy about Adrian marrying him too.
“I’m Thomas Couffaine-Wayne. I’m the 8 year old son of Damian, Luka and Marinette.” The boy said with a stubborn cross of his arms.
“Damian’s his bio dad but he’s always been pretty stubborn about the fact that he has two dad’s,” Terry said.
“Shut it, McGinnis,” Thomas turned on the older boy.
“Make me, kitten,” Terry said tauntingly to the smaller boy.
Marinette pushed the small boy back into his chair when he growled and stood up. She didn’t feel like separating them if they did actually get into a fight like she’d seen Damian and Jason do on occasion.
“I’m Emma Couffaine-Wayne,” one of the twin girls said next.
“And I’m Jane Couffaine-Wayne,” the other girls said.
“And we’re 6 years old,” they finished together.
When they didn’t say anything else the adults looked at Terry and Helena.
“Luka and Marinette,” Helena answered.
“I’m Guy, and I’m five years old. Mama is my mama and Baba, Dad, Papa Adrian and Papa Luka are my dads.”
“Guillaume Kent. Jon and Marinette,” Terry inserted before the adults could ask.
“And last is little Louis Couffaine-Wayne, he turned two a month ago and he’s biologically Luka and Marinette’s,” Helena answered for the baby who was really too young to say much of anything understandable.
Bruce finished the last of the notes before putting the paperwork aside.
“The next steps are going to depend on what you agree to,” he started. “The League are going to need to see the kids to do their tests and to ask additional questions but that will be in the smaller familial groupings and will take a day to get through all the children that have arrived here in the present.
“They are setting up quarters for the future children to stay in while they are in the current time. Whether you stay with them or just arrange to visit them while they are here is up to you. It is inadvisable for them to go to your current homes because of the circumstances of their presence here in their past present to them.
“If something should happen then most medical personnel would not believe that you have the rights to approve treatments. Additionally if any currently active villain somehow got ahold of them they would again be in distress as because they theoretically do not exist yet.
“Yes they are here. We can see them and talk to them, but legally, they are non-entities and we can’t change that.”
“What are you recommending sir,” Nino asked.
“The League wants to take responsibility for the children while they are here to protect them. There are a few secure locations that the children can stay at and visitation can be arranged or if you prefer it can be arranged for you to stay with them.”
“I think I’ll stay with them sir,” Nino said and looked at his oldest girl. She smiled at him which he returned.
“Me too, but could Marc stay as well,” Nathaniel asked.
Bruce nodded. “If he wishes to of course.”
“I’ll stay as well,” Alix sighed with an exasperated smile. “Someone is going to need to keep these two from killing each other,” she said as she broke up yet another silent fight between the boys.
Chloe and Kagami were quietly conversing with Sakura so attention turned to Marinette, Luka, Damian, Adrian and Jon.
Damian was quick to insert, “Couldn’t we arrange for this group to stay with us at the manor father? It’s as safe as any of the houses that the League has available and I think they’d be more comfortable in familiar quarters.”
Several ‘Please grandpa’s’ followed his suggestion from the kids before he added, “And I think Ms. Bourgeois, Ms Tsurugi and their daughter might be more comfortable there as well.” When little Sakura had started pleading to grandpa right along with the Bugs.
“We’ll speak with the League and if Marinette and the others agree, I won’t mind hosting them,” Bruce answered to the children’s cheers.
@a-marlene-s @eve-valution @multifandomscribette @mochinek0 @zebrabaker @northernbluetongue @bluerosette23 @thepeacetea @vivilakitty @actualaster @galahadwilder @del-phin @sassydepression @mindfulmagics @bee-wrecker @bloody-no-kissu @yokizu @niza13149 @dragonflyswing @echpr @kris-pines04 @daminett4life @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @iglowinggemma28 @corabeth11 @chocolate1721 @drarryismylife101 @blackrosee3 @serphichana (couldn’t find a blog to tag) @zalladane @missadorable96 @jardimazul @kristycocopop (couldn’t find a blog to tag) @silvergold-swirl @loysydark @lirulua @fandom-trapped-03 @that-feeling-wyn @loveswifi @whatsupwithjinx @magicalfirebird @lntimancy @dagnysdawn @abrx2002 @darknightchan @queen-annaira @indecisive-mess-named-me
And for everyone that has sent me an ask with a question or comment on something they liked for my other fic: YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING!!!! because you got me back into writing.
@g-arya @fertileleaf @mystery-5-5 @ravennightingaleandavatempus @maya-custodios-dionach
I’m pretty sure the tag list is closed, the last time I tried editing mobile shut down on me.
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dammitradar · 4 years
Could you please describe les Amis (and javert and valjean) in your own words? You can go into as much/little detail as you would like this is for science™
Valjean: weird neighborhood dad who has a killer pot roast and a wide variety of knowledge, but never explains how he knows things. Definitely adopts all the barricade boys (at least in my head). A total sweetheart with a mysterious past. Wigs for every occasion.
Javert: relentless sense of duty is completely confused when confronted with chaos. Rigid moral compass, uncompromising. Once felt so bad for almost arresting Valjean that he demanded Valjean fire him. Gotta hand it to him, he is COMMITTED.
Cosette: gets to live with the world's weirdest but best-hearted dad ever. Chooses to believe in the good things in life, like love and happiness and... constantly evading the law?
Marius: well intentioned dumbass. We love him around here. Loves Napoleon almost as much as Victor Hugo loves talking about Waterloo. Loyal to a fault, easily attached, romantic in every sense. Thought Cosette's name was Ursula for like two months because he was too afraid to ask.
Enjolras: "the chief," gay and angry at injustice, protective of his boys, will not admit to being a mom friend even though he totally is. Personally I headcanon him as ace. Tends to hyperfocus on projects that interest him.
Combeferre: "the guide," the common sense of the group. Also a mom friend. Kind of like the ethical guide, like the Patton of the Amis. Makes sure all the Amis take care of themselves.
Courfeyrac: "the center." The emotional caretaker of the Amis. Used to be Marius' roommate for a while, now lives with Combeferre. (And they were roommates...) Optimistic, determined, and all around loyal friend. Has a beautiful relationship with Gavroche.
Joly: Med student. Always exhausted, slightly hypochondriac, uses a cane like a badass. A walking ball of anxiety. Has a fucked sleep schedule, functions entirely on caffeine and hope.
Bossuet (Lesgles) Law student, has the worst luck but the best attitude. Makes bad puns all the time. Great sense of humor. Bald.
Bahorel: absolute unit. Definition of a himbo. Ripped as all fuck, respects women, and such a lovable dumbass. Probably my favorite Amis. Punches Nazis.
Jean Prouvaire (Jehan): poet, artist, Romantic (like swords and sunflowers and drama). Many people headcanon Jehan as nonbinary. Willing to throw the fuck down.
Feuilly: literally the only one of the Amis that actually has a job. Slightly older than the rest. Very tired. A literal sunshine. Everyone loves Feuilly probably more than their own families.
Grantaire: cynic, alcoholic, sarcastic, a bit of a little shit. Good hearted, though, he's not really as gruff as he acts. A realist. Embarrassingly smitten with Enjolras. I hesitate to call him an atheist because he pretty much worships Enjolras. Everything you've read about him is pretty accurate.
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transrevolutions · 4 years
character meme: gavroche
I had a feeling this would happen..
Why I like them: Sassy child with IDEALS and COURAGE and WIT and also he’s just a chaotic ball of energy like smash street lamps, pickpocket the rich snotty people, you go dude
Why I don’t like them: I’m offended you’d imply that there’s anything I don’t like about the child.
Favourite scene: The one where the guy’s bugging him and he just goes ‘the bureau is not accepting your complaints right now’. ICONIC.
Favourite movie: Um, I’m pretty sure he’s only in one...
Favourite outfit: I’m also fairly certain he wears basically the same thing the entire time, which is also very valid
OTP: bruh he’s a child, so as of now I don’t ship him with anyone (when he’s older monique/julian/gavroche could be cute tho~)
BROTP: his friendship with courf and R is literally precious
Headcanon: He has a frog named “Inspector Ja-vert” just for the pun. He likes to terrify the rich people in their fancy clothes by putting it down their necks.
Unpopular Opinion: He’s a bit smol for his age, he knows this, and he will use it to his advantage.
A wish: For him to have everything he wants and nothing ever go wrong for him bc this child deserves the world.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen-to-him: Please, please, again, do NOT let him go running for ammunition. Got it? We’ve been over this.
Five words to best describe them: Sassy child, deserves the world
My nickname for them: Gav, child, that kid, sassy child, sassy boi, ma boi, my son, arson child, cinnamon roll...
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merinathropp · 3 years
Merina Rambles About Les Mis
(Another post I drafted nearly two years ago and never posted.)
hi yes I finally read The Brick and then went and saw the West End production from the front row half an hour later and it was hands down one of the best experiences of my life I am not kidding
Where Has Bradley Jaden Been All My Life? - Bradley Jaden as Javert just...commanded the stage. He was upright and polished and sneering at the beginning, perfectly in control the whole time. Stars was stunning, I felt that man’s conviction in my SOUL, and it brought the house down. Then gradually throughout the show, he started to unravel. The suicide scene was genuinely upsetting, I felt like I was watching a man fall to pieces. He was staggering around the stage, crying out and clutching at himself kind of like a person trapped in a nightmare? It was awful to watch, but in the best way. You felt his pain so deeply. Bradley Jaden, you are a gift and we don’t deserve you. 
Marius Stole My Heart - Like I usually find him a bit simple and dull, but this guy? Toby Miles, I think? His smile could like up a Christmas tree, and I swear he’s read the book. It was like book!Marius just walked off the pages and onto the stage. He felt so young and over-emotional, leading with his heart, making silly mistakes, being incredibly awkward and yet ardent with Cosette. He added so many tiny details to the character that I’ve never seen before, like struggling to sleep peacefully during Bring Him Home, letting out a little laugh of relief when Cosette admits her affections (I died, it was so cute), trembling silently with grief after Eponine dies...he felt so REAL as a character, and I loved him. 
Valjean/Javert Dynamic Was INTENSE - But not in a sexual way, more like...a vicious rivalry between two polar opposites, two unstoppable forces, two predators circling each other. I was on the edge of my seat. Like, I could watch them together and understand exactly why Javert was so enraged and eventually destroyed by Valjean? One had to eliminate the other, in the end.
Grantaire, Enjolras & Barricade Moments - Grantaire was warm and funny and lovable, more-so than I ever found him in the book! When Gavroche did Little People, Grantaire sort of leaned forward on his elbows and just GRINNED from ear to ear, watching this kid dance about, it was the cutest thing and melted my heart. Also, he had a beautifully strong Irish accent that made me happy. 
- There was a lovely moment just after Eponine’s death, when Enjolras strode across the stage towards Marius with a very business-like expression, like “okay time to sort this out” and Grantaire just launched himself right in front of him, like “oh no you don’t mate, now is not the time”. They had a moment of silent communication, then Grantaire went to comfort Marius, put an arm around him etc. whilst Enjolras retreated with his arms held up. I don’t know if this is normal blocking or not, but it was played so well in the moment. 
- Samual Edwards was an interesting Enjolras, I’m honestly not sure what to think of him. He was definitely going for a more cool, emotionless portrayal, so I found him hard to read. Honestly...I didn’t find him very compelling, it was hard to believe he had the power to inspire crowds. He was a bit awkward with the other guys too, lots of shoulder patting and looking at the floor. Maybe this was an intentional choice, but...yeah. I felt like he needed charisma. I know Enjolras isn’t meant to handle emotions like a pro, but he’s not an awkward teen either. 
Improv & Ad-Lib - Oh my word, the magic of the front row. I felt like I was ON that barricade, it was beyond words! And I could hear SO MUCH improv and ad-lib, little moments between the Barricade Boys and the ensemble that I’ve never heard before! 
tldr go see Les Mis from the front row it’s worth every dang penny
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jupitersflytrap · 4 years
look down was just a brillant start to a brilliant show
amazing, amazing valjean. 24601/10
valjean got absolutely battered by mr “feel the weight of my rod”
also there were flaming torches now and throughout which was pretty sick
valjean crying when the bishop redeems him
the hordes in at the end of the day had their shawls taken off to become the factory girls which was cool
there was a PROPER SCRAP between fantine and the factory girl
there was a lot of fighting in this actually
it was good tho
carrie hope fletcher just... *chefs kiss*
no teeth pulling for fantine in lovely ladies
and all the ladies were really good too
when fantine told valjean her story she was clinging onto him and crying it was… very emotional
have i mentioned javert yet? because he was really really good, bradley jaden really came through
fantine dying was extremely sad. as usual.
madame. frickin. thénardier. was excellent. she was a really nice change from the normal pantomime vibes, like a cross between that and helena bonham carter in the film
the actor playing thénardier had some problem with his vocal chords so he wasn’t on, but the cover was acting his heart out and trying his best to sing but i think he’d lost his voice too which was a huge shame. he was still really good and funny though.
that master of the house… my god. hilarious.
there was a new bit at the start of it??? very exciting. it was like,,, people ordering drinks i think
valjean and little cosette was… so cute i literally can’t
the bargain was brilliant as per
look down featured enj and marius getting told off by the police and getting their banner taken down
also enjolras??? hello?????? he was amazing and pretty much exactly how i picture him. stellar work ashley gilmour.
and harry apps was a brilliant marius, big brick!marius energy
and!!! eponine was so cheeky with marius it was adorable
stars?????? amazing. emotional. the street-lamps were on wires which was nice.
red and black!!!!! new!!!!! harmonies!!!!!!! yes!!!!! also it was perfect in general marius was so melodramatic and grantaire was so… sexual with the bottle
do you hear the people sing!!!! oh lord i heard them!!
also all of les amis were just great
in my life!!!!! oh cosette!!! marius!!!! eponine!!!!!! oh god they were all so well cast and their voices were all unique and beautiful
a heart full of love!! my heart is full of love for this cast!!
oh side note montparnasse was very handsome and had a knife
ONE DAY MOOOOOOORE was as rousing as ever
on my own,,,,, oh god my tears, shan ako’s voice is just gorgeous and i love what she did with the song
monsieur warnings was great
and the spy javert?? excellent scene. “SHOOT THE BASTARD” great work gav
they said “incoming!” instead of “there’s a boy climbing the barricade!” which i think was more fitting tbh
yeah so eponine got shot and little fall of rain nearly broke me
grantaire was holding gavroche back :(( my heart
drink with me had no right to be that emotionally devastating
grantaire was angry and enjolras tried to comfort him but he pushed him away :((((
on the upside tho whoever it was that sang the line about witty girls who went to their beds then got slapped by the witty girl it was directed towards lmao
OKAY SO bring him home!!!!!!!!! NORMALLY i really don’t like this song it feels a bit like torture to me BUT!! MR JON ROBYNS MADE IT SO GOOD, I WAS HANGING ONTO HIS EVERY WORD AND IT WAS JUST BEAUTIFUL
also the staging was great he was sitting on the barricade above sleepy marius
it was just generally great and the old man sitting near me audibly said WOW when he started singing
okay now it’s time for the deaths
FIRST OFF gavroches death was...... harrowing. he made it back to the top of the barricade before he died. when he got shot there was like a blood effect and i was just,,, shook tbh
now the other deaths
hoooooly shit
enjolras died first and i was not prepared AT ALL so i just started sobbing
everyone else died and grantaire was last f
it was super sad and i was crying basically the whole way through this bit lmao
jvj + marius -> sewers
BUT FIRST the bit with enjolras dead hanging off the cart!!! oh no!!!!!! the tears!!!! and when they picked up gavroche and put them together i just,,
okay now dog eat dog
don’t like this song much but it served its purpose in distracting me from my tears by suddenly pulling teeth out before my very eyes
thanks thénardier
back to the surface! it’s javert! speaking in third person again! he’s very unhinged now which i like, hair all loose and everything
oh god the soliloquy i just,,,,, oh god, the staging of this was amazing but i won’t spoil it :))
empty chairs… oh marius baby he looked so broken, and all the candles were great as ever
oh marius whatever will we do with you
not to worry cosette is here to make it all better with her amazing voice, and her weird dad to make it all worse again with a criminal record
huge brick!marius energy here, very much passive until valjean told him to be angry lmao
THE WEDDING!! IT WAS SO SWEET! cosette’s dress was gorgeous
the thénardiers were great here as well, mrs thénardier was eating snacks the whole way through the bargain with marius
and marius punched thénardier in the stomach
i also cackled very loudly when mrs t tried to pass off stealing the silver as a magic trick
valjean kicked the bucket in the most stunning way he could have tbh
and of course the reprise of dyhtps had me in tears as always
just amazing
added bonus: i got to chat to and get autographs of a few of the cast at stage door
they were all lovely!! carrie, shan, ciaran, harry, lily, jon, loved ya
also harry had a cut on his hand and someone asked how he’d got it and he said “i wish i could say it was on the barricade, but i cut it on a can of baked beans” and if that’s not the most in character thing ever i don’t know what is.
okay intense summary over hope u enjoyed
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cornholio4 · 5 years
New Friends and New Life
Author’s note: uploading a story from my fanfiction and ao3, it’s based on a story called Take Two by Leonardo_Charles_BlueWood_69.
Marinette Dupain Cheng had finally decided she had enough of Lila’s flaunting her stupid lies and their classmates soaking it up; and going against her for confront her on it. Plus Adrien telling her to just leave it alone; saying she was not hurting anybody.
Her crush on him had soured after that; her parents finally picked up and renewed their old offers to have her transfer schools. Before the last year whenever she was feeling extra down because of Chloe’s bullying, they would give her the offer but she would turn it down thinking she could get through the school life and move on, never having to see Chloe again.
But now it was feeling worst because she knew what having the trust and friendship of her class felt like, feeling isolated was made even worst knowing what it felt like not to be. She could not take it and talked it over with her parents. She finally decided to take them up on it.
She decided she couldn’t be bothered to tell her old classmates about it; if they wanted to focus on Lila and her storytelling then she would just let them.
In her final week in her class Marinette kept to her herself; she could hear the whispering about that Marinette should calm down and apologise. She pretended not to hear them but she did; it would be over soon enough. Ms Bustier seemed to look apologetic when she looked to Marinette’s direction; she knew it was coming and was sorry about it.
She asked to see her out in the halls where she basically apologised for not doing more to be there for her. Marinette gave her a smile; she could safely say she would miss the staff here. Ms Bustier wished her good luck and told her that the principal at her new school was actually her older brother.
During this time it seemed like being out on patrols as Ladybug was the best time for her. Helping out and dealing with Akumas and doing her best to ignore Alya when she tried asking for an interview.
The day came when she nervously was in front of her new school for her first day; deciding that there was no use turning back now she walked in.
She had been greeted by Principal Bustier; his hair was darker than Ms Bustier’s and he had a bit of a beard but she could certainly believe he was related to her old teacher.
“Ms Dupain Cheng; I’m Principal Bustier and my sister has told me a lot of good things about you. You are a hardworking student with a lot of promise and passion for helping fellow students so I hope to see that continued.” Principal Bustier greeted her and Marinette smiled back at him.
Then he looked a bit stricter and told her “but she did let me know about your tendency for being late and weird absences so I hope there will be less of that as this is a fresh start for you Ms Dupain Cheng.” Marinette paused and nodded nervously. Principal Bustier then called a girl about her age with blond pigtails who looked kind of like Chloe.
She did give a similar look to Marinette that Chloe would give; “This is my daughter Melody; I checked and she is the class representative of your new class. I hope she can make you feel welcome.” Principal Bustier told her and Marinette looked at the kind of glare that she was giving her.
It looked like she could be another Chloe only banking on being the principal’s daughter instead of the mayor’s daughter.
“I trust you will help your new classmate Melody; she has been through a lot from what I have been told.” Principal Bustier told Melody before leaving. Melody kept giving her a look which made Marinette sigh.
“Let me warn you new kid that I practically run this school so don’t get in my way or cross me because those who do regret it.” Melody told her harshly and Marinette decided to glare back.
Was she supposed to go back to it being a year ago again when she wanted a fresh start at her new school. She decided she was done being docile. She didn’t notice the crowd of students gathering as if wanting to see a show or something.
“Look Melody; I had to deal with a girl who thought she could do what she wanted and be mean to people as much as she liked for years; I am through so if you want to be a big bully then stay out of my way because I am through with putting up with it.” Marinette roared back with a glare; feeling surprised at herself instead as she never expected to retort back like this.
Melody looked stunned before returning to her previous look, then suddenly she started laughing. When she done she was now smiling at Marinette putting her off guard; now she looked more like Rose than Chloe right now.
“I am sorry to bring up any bad memories about your old school Marinette; I know you will fit right in. Don’t worry about making friends as everyone in our class is basically just a big group of close friends so you will fit in just fine.” Melody told her cheerfully walking through the corridors leaving Marinette stunned.
What just happened?
Tikki in her bag had been listening in and was just as confused as Marinette was. Suddenly several students came over to pat her on the back; then came in was a brown haired boy in with a white and blue shirt.
“I’m Mark and sorry about Melody; she is honestly a big jokester. Giving the mean girls first impression to new students is just a prank she likes to play.” The boy introduced himself and showed Marinette his friend who was wearing green and looked kind of like Nino.
“Well I’m Marinette and sorry if I ruined her prank.” Marinette told him but they shook their heads.
“I’m Davis and don’t worry about it; one time she did it to a new boy who was about to cry before she had to stop it and would not stop apologising to the boy for the entire week.” Mark’s friend told her and Marinette felt better.
They then started leading her to class before Melody came back and pretty much dragged her there herself, asking forgiveness as she forgotten her dad asked her to be her guide for the school. Marinette already felt that her classmates would be better.
Sure enough things were better; the classmates were nice and the one who was closest to being a jerk was a boy named Felix; but he preferred to be by himself and was polite enough when working with him and just didn’t like people invading his personal alone time.
Marinette had no trouble fitting with her new class; she could do her classes well and even the hard ones she had no shortage of volunteers wanting to help her study.
Of course during lunch and after school when there were Akuma attacks (if they were not at the school) it was harder to get there to deal with them but she was still coping.
Melody seemed like her in wanting to help anyone who was having trouble and when Marinette noticed when she was having trouble with some of her duties as class representative. Marinette told her that she was the one in her old class and offered to help; she pretty much became Melody’s unofficial deputy after that.
Mark was like the class goofball and Davis had aspirations of being a rockstar; in fact before class he had pretty much stormed in with his copy of Jagged Stone’s latest CD. He had pointed out to everyone the disclaimer saying the cover was designed by Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
She had said she did design it and hoped to be a professional designer one day (she was a bit overwhelmed when word got out and she became something of a celebrity at the school) and even awkwardly showed everyone her sketchbook. They were gushing about it and Melody was even drooling at a jacket design she had been working on.
The four were paired for a project where they were to design something about themselves and Davis got the idea of creating their own superhero identities (this made Marinette). Mark wanted to be called Kid Mime, Davis wanted to be called Gavroche and Melody wanted to be called Melodie (she admitted she was not the most imaginative one).
“What about you Marinette; I bet you would be an awesome superhero. I would not be surprised if Ladybug and Cat Noir went to you next time they need a new partner.” Mark told her and Marinette sheepishly stayed quiet.
Still she was happy with how her life was now.
Same could not be said for her old friends.
They had still been expecting Marinette to apologise eventually; Alya in particular had been waiting for Marinette to suck it up and accept Lila in their little circle of girl friends. The day came when they thought Marinette was just being late again only for Ms Bustier to tell them that Marinette had transferred to another school.
That caused mutterings around the students with Lila making a show of asking that it wasn’t because of her. Alya was the most shocked thinking that Marinette was overreacting and she needed to confront her about all this soon enough.
However Marinette would never answer her calls and neither did she answer the calls of Juleka, Mylene, Alix or Rose. Adrien tried to call her but was beginning to wonder if she took his advice poorly.
Then the day came when Jagged Stone himself had appeared after school; he was going past the crowds of fans to the class asking where Marinette was. He had wanted to surprise her by inviting her and her friends to his next concert in person. He was disappointed when a staff member informed him that she was no longer attending the school.
Kim had gone up and asked him about the song he wrote about Lila after she had saved his cat; Lila had a look of panic as she was muttering to herself that this could not be happening.
The entire class watched as Jagged asked what they were talking about and left. Then they turned on Lila asking if there was any truth to what else she had told them.
Lila ignored their questions the next day and tried to say it was a misunderstanding but her mother had turned up at the school to turn in a form. Rose had asked if Lila knew Prince Ali and Lila’s mother asked her daughter what she was talking about.
Then came that Lila had lied to the classmates about where she had been and to her mother about the school having closed down. The class and school staff had been furious over the truth and Lila now had to answer for the months she spent basically playing hooky.
Lila became the pariah Marinette had been before and the classmates slowly began to realise how much they missed Marinette. It had not been the same without her.
Adrien had gone to check on her one night as Cat Noir; he sneaked in and was startled when he heard her scream. He saw that Marinette was having a sleepover with Melody; Melody had dared her to watch this horror film DVD she had brought. Adrien remembered how Marinette told him how much she hated horror films.
She finally had enough and tried to turn it off but Melody stopped her; Marinette related by hitting her with a pillow and the two friends were laughing while having a pillow fight.
Adrien left thinking he had done more spying that he should have done but still happy and satisfied that Marinette seemed to be doing well.
Nino had showed everyone the TV clips of Jagged Stone’s latest concert and there were bits that Marinete could be seen with her new classmates. Alya and Nino felt stupid for losing their close friend over something they should have seen right through and the class realised they had forgotten the last time they had seen Marinette as happy as she was in the clip.
Most of the class was at a shopping district when they saw Marinette at an outside cafe with Melody, Mark and Davis. Marinette was telling them that she wanted all of them to go to the cinema to see Martian Attorney the latest movie by her favourite comedy actor.
“Do we have to go; his movies are just so stupid.....” Melody had moaned but Marinette had her arms crossed.
“You owe me Melody; you had us watch that scary horror movie despite me told you much I hated them. You can consider us even!” Marinette grinned as Melody groaned and Davis and Mark laughed. Marinette looked and noticed her old classmates.
They gave her apologetic looks but Marinette just sadly looked away from them and focused on her three newest friends. She did sort of miss her old classmates and she might one day forgive them but for now; she was happy with her new life and her new friends.
Her old classmates walked away resolving that one day they will make it up to her and get the chance to apologise in person. They swore if they could get their everyday Ladybug to forgive them then they will never make the same mistake with her again.
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Some important notes:
1. I cannot make a "continue reading" because I'm on the app. I'll change that for the next stories.
2. I will make a tag list if anyone wants that. Just write "taglist" or whatever in the comments
3. This is an old Enjoltaire fic that I posted on wattpad some time ago in german and It was sitting in my notes ever since so here we go:
It knocked four times. Courfeyrac, apparently. Reluctantly I laid the brush down on the colour palette, stood up and wiped my hands on my old trousers before shuffling to the door, took a sip from a bottle and opened the door. The brunette slipped inside and went straight through to my bedroom. I followed him slowly and stopped in the doorway. With a careful glance he looked at my latest work of art. Enj, as mostly.
Courfeyrac didn't even turn around when he started talking: "He noticed." I kept an eye on him, sipping wine over and over. "Who?"
Now Courfeyrac was getting away from my painting. "E. He knows you weren't there."
"And?", I replied, confused. Enjolras wasn't usually interested in me, he hardly ever noticed me. If he did, he only gave me mocking or annoyed looks, because I interrupted his high speeches with critical remarks.
"He asked for you," Courfeyrac said. Sure he did. The brunette was just trying to lure me back to the Musain so he could amuse himself with my comments. I asked what E had wanted while I put the empty bottle on the table and resumed my artistic activities.
"There was no one there to criticize him. Maybe he missed you," Courfeyrac replied with a grin, leaving me a little more space.
"Sure," I replied ironically and finished my work of art before opening a new bottle.
Courf sat down on a chair in the corner. "He was totally unfocused, had to start over several times. Man R, He's worried!"
Of course. E only had his revolution in mind.
Courfeyrac knew I liked men, more precisely, the blond Apollo. He knew I drew, he knew I drew Enjolras. He knew that I drank to much again and was not really interested in the revolution, but was usually there to listen and stare at Apollo, as I liked to call him, while I drew. Mostly him.
The gong of a church tower clock could be heard from outside, in half an hour the others would meet in the Musain without me. Since I had started a fight with Bahorel at the Corinth almost a week ago, which was ended by E, I had not been there or at the Musain anymore. Enjolras had pressed me against the wall in rage and lectured me. First about me being drunk as usual, then about us having more important things to do, and then something about the fight. I had hardly listened, pushed him away at some point, got my jacket and my folder and hadn't been there since.
As expected, Courf got up, straightened his clothes and went towards the door. He turned around again in the doorway. "Write him you're all right. "If you're not coming back, write him."
"Not interested," I said grumpy and tried to get rid of him. He just grinned and stood firm. "Otherwise I'll tell him you're here," that was all he said. I threateningly held the brush in front of his face: "You wouldn't dare."
"If you have not written a letter by tomorrow morning, I feel obliged to do so. You can leave the letter on your doorstep and I will pass it on, you don't even have to leave home for it. I'll see you." were his last words before he disappeared into the darkness
I closed the door, sat down at my desk and dropped my head on the table with a loud bang. Some empty and full wine bottles clinked, I took one of the full ones and enjoyed another drink. To the revolution, hm?
Even 7 hours later I still had not put a single letter on the paper in front of me. I had made up my mind, because I did not want Enjolras to show up here personally. I didn't have enough storage space to hide all the drawings and I would give anything to make sure Apollo didn't see them.
With tired eyes I looked at the picture I had painted today. Enjolras, with the red jacket and a red flag in his hand, standing over the city. Slight signs of angel wings were visible behind him. Sighing, I took the now dry picture from the easel, put an R on the front and the description "Leader in Red" on the back.
I put the picture aside and drank the rest of the wine bottle. I quickly put the words "I'm fine" on the empty sheet of paper before tiredly putting the sheet of paper into an envelope and laying it outside the door as the sun slowly rose over Paris. A little later I dozed off.
When I woke up again, the sun was already high in the sky. I cleared my dry throat with a few sips of wine and tried to remember what had woken me from my sleep. I received the answer when there was another line of knocks at the door. Definitely more than 4 knocks. I moved withoug the bottle to the door and already heard a childish voice. "Grantaire! Gavroche here, Courfeyrac sent me with post. Open up, R. "
I opened the door, pressed a few coins into the boy's outstretched hand and received two letters in return.
Gavroche disappeared whistling happily and I sat down at the desk in my studio/bedroom after closing the door.
The first letter I opened was from Courf.
Hey R,
I delivered the letter. Do you still have all your artwork together? There was a drawing on the back of the letter, but I couldn't tell which one as quickly as Enjolras put the letter away. He saw them. I suppose it wasn't planned.
P.S.: I'll send Gavroche with the letter, I won't be able to make it myself today. Hope you tip the kid.
I dropped the bottle and started going through my drawings. It was definitely not planned for Apollo to get his hands on one of his drawings, but I couldn't figure out which one was missing.
With trembling fingers I reached for the bottle again and fetched the second letter. A drop of the red drink hit the white paper and left marks as I recognized the handwriting I had seen so often. Very carefully and accordingly slowly I opened the white letter, which was closed with a red seal. Red. Enjolras color.
17 words had been immortalized with blue ink on the white paper. It was nothing special and yet they touched me in a strange way.
The old bank on the banks of the Seine.
At dusk.
If you don't come, I'll come to you.
I carefully folded the letter back together, put it in the envelope and put it in a box on the shelf. In this box I kept the drawings I liked best, 95% of these artworks obviously showed E.
I started a new sketch and at the same time another bottle of wine to distract my brain from thinking up horror scenarios about the upcoming meeting.
Just as I finished and looked at the black and white drawing of the Musain, the time of nightfall began. I basically inhaled half a bottle of water to sober up at least a bit more than I even wa now. The wine had stopped from making problems disappear and it didn't make me feel light and happy and funny anymore. I sighed and left the dwelling.
From the said bench one had a fantastic view over the Seine. I had been here many times before and had captured this wonderful landscape.
When Enjolras appeared next to me the sun had already set. Without a word he sat down next to me and took a folded piece of paper out of his pocket. I recognized my letter, but the paper was folded so that the drawing remained hidden. I unfolded it slowly.
The memories came back when I looked at the picture. It was originally a scene from the Musain. On the right side there was Enjolras on the table, on the left the Rest of us were spread out. I had drawn myself sitting on the wall, but only with very light strokes, so I looked rather invisible. Enji, on the other hand, was drawn with much more pressure, so that he was the center of attention.
Enjolras had obviously changed the picture.
He had traced the fine lines of my figure with a pencil, so that they now appeared darker and thicker than the others. I seemed more important.
"I didn't know you were drawing us." he said calmly. There was some kind of emotion hidden in it but I couldn't figure out which. I felt to dizzy and really warm. Maybe it was Apollos aura, his radiance
"Of course not." I scoffed "It seemed a miracle that you ever noticed my presence at all." Enjolras frowned at me. He looked cute when he was frowning and I hoped to not forget his face so I could draw it later
"It is wrong." he said.
I scoffed again."No. It's exactly as it originally appeared." My voice was kind of rough and it hurt as I spoke.
"You are not invisible. And I am not invincible, I am not as strong as you make me out to be." Enjolras said calmly while slowly shaking his head
I shrugged my shoulders, not knowing what to say as all words seemed to have left my brain. "Damn you Enjolras." I thought and stared instead at the dark water in front of me, shimmering in the moonlight.
Enjolras put the drawing back in his pocket and dragged me to my feet. I walked beside him, our hands touching each other from time to time. I noticed for the first time that evening that I was really cold, which could be because I had left my coat at home. I trembled, but tried to suppress it as best I could. Out of an alley came soft voices which attracted my attention.
So I only noticed when it had happened that Enj had put his hand on my forehead. "You have a fever" he said and helped me into his jacket which he seemed to have taken off in my absence.
Something inside me screamed that it was not right to accept this gesture, but I remained silent.
"R?", the blond teared me out of my thoughts again. I made a questioning sound and looked into Apollo's pretty face as I turned my head "I asked, since when you have been sick?" His voice sounded much softer than usual and somehow worried.
I shrugged my shoulders and held on to Enjolras when my vision blurred and I tilted forward. At least I wanted to hold on to him, but I missed his shoulder completely and almost hit the ground.
Luckily for me Enjolras reaction time was much shorter than mine in my current condition and I found myself in his arms. E put me back on my feet and supported me all the way to my home. "Thank you", I said quietly and started to look for my key.
"It is wrong. I do not always think only of the revolution. There is something else I think about. Or rather someone," Enji said much quieter.
I turned around and tried to stop despite the dizzyness, he came closer and pressed me against the door by my shoulders to keep me upright as I slouched. Confused, I pulled my eyebrows together. "I see. What's that got to do with me?" E leaned his head forward and now spoke into my ear, "Because it's you."
Before I could even react, the blond had pulled his head back a little and made another movement. His lips lightly touched mine.
Shocked but happy, I returned the kiss as the door behind me gave way and I fell into my apartment. Apollo must have pulled the key from my pocket without me noticing. As I looked at him in bewilderment, he pulled the key out of the door, threw it on the old dresser beside it and closed the door.
I got up and stumbled behind him to cut off the blond man who was about to enter my bedroom. We fought until I got dizzy and fell over again. Blackout.
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nerdasaurus1200 · 5 years
AU Masterlist
Any and all asks for these AUs are more than welcome.
Kwaminette AU- AU where Marinette is Plagg and Tikki’s daughter. She’s a Kwami instead of a human, but she prefers to take on a human form because she likes interacting with humans. She’s the Panda Kwami of Balance, and the kwami of Cory Bernard/Panda Girl, my Miracusona. When she’s not helping out Cory, she’s busy trying to bond with Adrien. This one takes place within the show.
Miraculous Injustice AU- AU where the members of Team Miraculous are placed in the Injustice video game. The canon Team Miraculous gets sent to a dimension where the team is split up and akumas fight for both good and evil because Cat Noir turned evil after they found out Gabriel was Hawkmoth. The Quantic Kids (Felix, Bridgette, Melodie, Sparrow, Gavroche, Kim Mime, and Mercury) are included in this AU as well.
Dupain Cheng Kids AU- AU where Tom and Sabine adopt everyone in the Miracuclass as their child (except Adrien cause he’s their future son in law). Marinette keeps an eye for fellow classmates that don’t have the best home life. She then passes word to her parents, who fight tooth and nail to earn legal custody of said child (We don’t care they aren’t on the adoption list, they deserve to be in a home FULL OF LOVE).
Catbug AU- AU where Marinette has both the Black Cat and Ladybug Miraculouses. She calls herself Catbug. Plagg and Tikki are like a second set of parents to her, and she eventually develops a harem.
Mike and Mari AU- AU where Marinette has an older brother named Michael. He is her favorite thorn in her side as well as her go-to Miraculous Holder. He’s dating Miss Bustier and is going to school to become an interior designer.
Role Reversal AU- AU where Marinette and Adrien are switched Miraculouses. Lady Noire and Mister Bug protect Paris against Pavona and Hudie (Gina and Sabine); who want the Miraculouses to bring back Tom. Involves reverse crush and somewhat reverse life.
Adrien’s Monster AU- AU where Duusu summons a full time sentimonster to protect Adrien. He names it Hiss and it follows him everywhere he goes. Hiss and Plagg hate each other.
Supernatural AU- AU where everyone except Adrien (who’s still human) is a mythological creature. Marinette is a fairy, Kim and Rose are werewolves, Alix is a Hobbit, Mylene is a Dwarf. Juleka and Luka are vampires, Ondine is a mermaid, Ivan is an ogre, Alya is one of the last of the Nine-Tailed Fox clan, Chloe is an elf, Lila is a changeling, Max is half-sphinx, Nathaniel is a brownie, Kagami is a yokai, Marc is a leprechaun, and Nino is a Kappa (though nobody knows). The Kwmais are fae creatures that run/protect the school. Miss Bustier is a pixie, Ms Mendeleiev is a witch, and Principal Damocles is the owl of Athena. Gabriel is secretly a hunter of mythical creatures and sent Adrien to the school so he could get closer to them. (Courtesy to @miraclesoup for some of these ideas)
Hive Guard AU- AU where Chloe keeps her Miraculous at the end of Miraculer, runs away, and becomes a freelance hero of sorts. She’s extremely active is trying to find and stop Hawkmoth and Mayura. She lives in the eiffel tower, and trains with Pollen every day. Nobody but Sabrina knows her location; and she becomes Queen Bee’s right hand.
Jurassic AU- AU where Emilie’s maiden name was Hammond, and one day Adrien discovers is grandfathers work and reopens Jurassic Park.
House Cat AU- AU where Cat Noir actually decides to date Marinette in Weredad and becomes the Dupain Cheng housecat.
Mother Peahen and Papallion AU- also known as the MP3 AU. AU where Duusu and Nooroo adopt Adrien after Heroes Day with Plagg as the greasy uncle.
Road Trip AU- An AU where Team Miraculous travels around the world looking for Lost Miraculouses after defeating Hawkmoth and Mayura. Ali and Aurore bear the Moth and Peacock Miraculouses in this AU.
Miraculous Descendants AU- An AU where Miraculous characters are in the movie Descendants. Most of them are the children of Akumas.
Thing 1 and Thing 2 AU- An AU where there are two boys that like Kagami. Conner (a new student from America who tries to make Kagami jealous by lying about Ryuuko being into him) & Hiroki (a rival from Japan that she beat who believes that she should be his girlfriend) & Luka/Viperion doesn't like how uncomfortable they make her or how angry they make her feel.
Guard Dragon AU (Rockstar!Luka & Bodyguard!Ryuuko AU)- An AU where Kitty Section's new bodyguard is so mysterious and tough. Anarka trusts her to keep her children and their friends (Juleka and Rose dating) safe. Ryuuko does not plan on letting her down, but with Luka? It's hard for our Lady in red black & gold to stay professional.
SongHeart & The Queen (Ryuuka's Beauty and The Beast AU)- Kim is Lumiere, Anarka as Maurice (great parents are great), Chloé and Sabrina as Gaston and LeFou (duh), Emilie and Adrien as Mrs Potts and Chip (need that adorable mother/son bond), Marinette is (a younger) Wardrobe (fashion girl!) and Luka's closest friend in the place. Luka is Belle and Ryuuko is the Beast. Instead of inanimate objects, they’re cursed to be akumas.
Scales and Whiskers AU- An AU where Ryuuko and Cat Noir fight over who gets to date Marinette. She eventually gets so sick of it that she just tells both of them to date her. Before she knows it, she’s got a superhero boyfriend and girlfriend.
Behind the Scenes AU- An AU where Miraculous actually is a show in the canon universe and the characters are all actors. Chloe and Rose are sisters from the South. Jagged, Marinette, and Kagami are siblings. Gabriel and Adrien are Uncle and Nephew, and Lila is Marinette’s best friend.
Akumavillian AU- An AU where everyone who has been akumatized has the ability to turn into their Akumas without the power of the Moth.
Cat’s Shipping Show AU- An AU where Cat Noir runs a blog dedicated to all the ships of Team Miraculous, because he’s shipper trash. He gives people the news on certain ships, and reviews ships as well.
Ghost Bug AU- An AU where the past Ladybug’s are attached to Marinette. They’re like her 24/7 Obi-Wan, and they’re a little Ladybug family. Turns out, everyone on Team Miraculous (plus Hawkmoth and Mayura) are in the same boat.
Sentibug AU- An AU where Bugette wasn’t destroyed by Mayura and instead becomes Ladybug and Cat Noir’s sidekick/daughter
Mom Pink AU- An AU where Pink appeared instead of Steven when his gem was taken out. Somehow they can both exist now and mother and son are reunited.
Adrien Universe AU- Steven Universe, but with Miraculous characters.
Momma Mayura AU- An AU where as soon as Stoneheart appeared, Nathalie grabbed the Peacock Miraculous and became Mayura. She fights on Ladybug and Cat Noir’s side to bring down Hawkmoth and quickly becomes the team mom.
Tales of Pegasus and King Monkey AU- An AU where Master Fu instead distributed the Horse and Monkey Miraculous and Kim and Max are the main characters of the show.
Chatroom AU- An AU where Team Miraculous has a group chat
Genderbend AU- An AU where everyone’s genders are swapped.
Teacher Kwamis AU- An AU where Miss Bustier is fired and the Kwamis take over teaching.
Frozen Dragons AU- A Hiccelsa AU that combines Frozen and How To Train Your Dragon. Basically, just before the events of Race To The Edge, Elsa and Hiccup have an arranged marriage and her, Olaf, Sven, Kristoff, and Anna are present for the events of the show and Dragons 2
Kumafeather AU- An AU where Max and Kim have the Moth and Peacock Miraculous and are trying to bring Max’s dad back. They call themselves Kuma and Dark Feather and are like that classic supervillain and dumb sidekick trope but they’re gay.
GrayBlue AU- An AU where Adrien and Marinette have the Moth and Peacock Miraculous and are trying to bring Emilie back. They call themselves Grayling and Beau Blue.
Mastermind Fu AU- An AU where Master Fu is evil and the Miraculass steal the Miracle Box to fight him.
Evil Miracuclass AU- An AU where the Miracuclass is evil and steals the Miracle Box. Master Fu must use the remaining Miraculous he has to fight them.
Marigod AU- An AU where Marinette and her parents are Gods.
Tangled Sisters AU- an AU where Cassandra grew up in the tower with Rapunzel and Varian is Flynn’s protege/adopted little brother. It’s be the same as the movie, just Cassarian, Aged Up!Varian of course, and the sister duo we deserve.
Apprentice AU- An AU where Master Fu was Emilie’s mentor. They have a father-daughter bond
Killer Princess AU- An AU where Juleka has the Moth and Rose has the Peacock
Timmy Dupain Cheng AU- An AU where Timmy (Sandboy) is Marinette’s foster brother and earns the Dog Miraculous under the name of Pup Fidele
Forbidden Love AU- An AU where Flynn is still a thief and Rapunzel is the ruler of Corona. The two of them have a little flirty to and fro, as he’s the most wanted theif in the kindgom and they both really dig each other but don’t want to admit it, not even to themselves. Lance is his sidekick and Kiera and Catalina are their young protégés. Meanwhile, Varian and Cass work under Raps. Cass as her royal adviser and personal bodyguard, and Varian’s her little brother and the royal alchemist.
Cousins AU- Inspired by the theory that Rapunzel, Elsa, and Anna are cousins. An AU where they were there to celebrate her birthday in Secret of the Sundrop and went with her and the gang to the Dark Kingdom! Sven, Kristoff, and Olaf tag along too, of course.
Twins AU- An AU where Marinette and Kagami are long lost twins
The Prince and The Pup AU- An AU where Prince Ali starts going to Marinette's school after falling for the heroine known as Chien De Guarde after his first encounter with her. What he doesn't know is that Chien De Guarde is Sabrina Raincomprix.
Tales of Monarch and Chien de Guarde AU- An AU where Monarch and Chien are the main heroes
Tales of Ryuuko and Viperion AU- An AU where Ryuuko and Viperion are the main heroes
Tales of Ryuuko and King Monkey AU- An AU where Ryuuko and King Monkey are the main heroes
Elsa Padare AU- an au where Elsa is adopted by Cass and Varian
Gandalf Swears AU- An au where everything is the same except Gandalf swears
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