#in this au i will demonstrate...
ckret2 · 8 months
You know all I want to see his a show down between Evil Ford and Canon Ford after seeing the last post with annon. I just imagine it to be funny for some reason, like who would even win? I know evil Ford can't kill cannon Ford because it would wipe him out to? Well, at least that's how I think it would work-
lol who says Evil Ford can't kill Canon Ford? He's not some kind of magical doppelgänger tied to his existence.
We as the audience see the character concept of Evil Ford as a modified copy of the character concept of the original Canon Ford. But from their perspectives, they're not "characters," Canon Ford isn't "the original," and Evil Ford isn't a "copy." They're simply two guys from independently existent parallel universes who are both named Stanford Pines, one of whom said "I've got to stop Bill from taking over Earth" and one of whom said "helping Bill take over Earth sounds fun."
For the most part, I figure they'd be evenly matched; although Evil Ford has at least one physical advantage over Canon Ford.
Which I shall demonstrate with the help of a t-shirt.
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"Hey," said nobody, "since Evil Ford was always on Bill's side, does that mean Bill didn't turn him into gold during Weirdmageddon—?" No, no, Bill still did that. Just in a different way.
On the other hand, Evil Ford lacks two advantages that Canon Ford has: he never built a quantum destabilizer (although Canon Ford's is out of fuel, so it's not terribly useful); and he doesn't have a pack of Pines ready to back him up in a fight.
If they actually fought, I think Canon Ford would probably win; not due to any particular skills or weaponry, but due to the fact that they're Disney characters and evil is always doomed to lose.
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relaxtimestwo · 7 months
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Kafka 🕸 Witch Hat Atelier AU
It is finally complete! BrimHat!Kafka's character sheet!
If you would like more context, check out the "hsr x wha au" tag!
More on Kafka's AU lore under the cut ⁀➷
Using forbidden magic, Kafka has altered various part of her body. Most notably are her ink claw and her augmented vocal cords. The ink claws are hollow inside and hold ink, allowing her to cast spells on the fly easily. The augmented vocal cords are a key component for her Spirit Whisper spell. Her voice is capable of speaking in a frequency that can only be heard by the spell's victim.
Kafka belongs to a group of Brim Hats called the Stelleron Hunters, who, true to their name, collect Stellerons.
Not much is known about stellerons, except that they are harbingers of disaster. Is they remnants from before the Day of the Pact? Perhaps ancient contraptions? Or maybe signs of divine wrath? Rumour has it that knowledge of it's true nature is only know by the Three Wise ...and the Stelleron Hunters.
While travelling on its usual route, the Express suddenly screeches to a halt. It's stuck. As the the crew members (Pom-Pom, Himeko, Welt, Dan Heng and March 7th) rush to the front to check what's wrong, the power goes out. Neon pink webs shoot up from the floor. Then, illuminated by the glowing webs, a woman with striking purple-pink eyes appears.
"Kafka." Himeko stands protectively in front of her fellow crew members, weapon at the ready.
"Relax, Astral Express." Kafka's smile curls up further but doesn't reach her eyes.
"I've brought gifts~"
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msphagime · 3 days
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Modern AU but Theon got kicked out of the Starks' house at 18 (because Catelyn just couldn't deal with him anymore and he was probably spreading his bad influence all over the children), got kicked out of the Greyjoy residence (because Balon disowned Euron a month before that so might as well get the other headache away from here), and is now living in a village in the middle of the Northern nowhere with two prostitutes (Kyra and Ros, who took him in because he's the only one that can cook with more than two ingredients (eggs and pan)) in a property given to them by Littlefinger in exchange for tax-free stweardship. And they go out into the city every day on a bus numbered 47 that passes by the village only at 6am and 6pm only on workdays for Theon to try and find work and stop freeloading and maybe go to university one day but the only place that is willing to hire him is the Butchers' round the corner (Theon would've gotten over the bad work conditions and the mould on the walls if it weren't for the fact that the Butcher keeps looking at him with his weird ass pale blue eyes like he wants to snap his spine and eat his pith every time he passes)
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sarasade · 8 days
It's been pretty interesting to follow the
"Why Didn't Viren Get Redeemed vs Viren Got What Was Coming To Him"
discussion after The Dragon Prince's 6th season got released.
Hot Take
I think Viren got redeemed.
Because to me Viren humbling himself and acknowledging the hurt he has caused was redeeming. His conversation with Soren was the main event. His rather heroic death was only the cherry on top of the character development cake that has been baking since s4.
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I think Viren dying wasn't as significant as what he did before that and how he tried to provide Soren with some kind of comfort and closure, you know, as a parent should, before going. Viren's redemption wasn't just him dying for Katolis but acknowledging his wrongdoings and trying to salvage what he could.
That was pretty redeeming for me at least. Viren did the right thing even when he knew there wouldn't be any reward for it. Even if he couldn't stop Aaravos from destroying Katolis or manipulating Claudia even after his death. Like, man, I kinda feel for the guy.
I think it has always pretty easy to feel sympathy for Viren. Viren wants to matter and wants to be important. However, his grandiosity, as psychologists would call it, keeps him from creating genuine connections with others. His friends, wife and children are only there to prop up his ego or get rejected if they fail to live up to his expectations. It's also pretty damn tragic that Viren opens up about his deep insecurities to Aaravos of all people. Someone who was the most likely person in the world to exploit these insecurities for his own gain.
Viren had to taste his own medicide but I don't think TDP says that's an objectively good thing per se or that we should enjoy this sort of revenge fantasy uncritically. Viren is still portrayed rather sympathetically and of course there is the part about his actions affecting others and the world in unpredictable ways. It's still a tragedy because Viren's actions and personal problems have caused so much collateral damage. The Why behind Aaravos exploiting Viren and Claudia is part of that tragedy, too. There are no winners here. In a way Viren is a victim of his own narcissistic tendencies, too.
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This isn't just about the final episodes of Viren's arc. To me it's essential to ask What was Viren's biggest sin he should be redeemed or punished for? Depending on your answer you may have a relatively different reading of s6 story development compared to mine.
To me it's not a specific action he took but his whole worldview. Viren is a fictional character (duh!) so his story isn't exactly literal but metaphorical, a representation of certain values and morals real people and society holds. In s3 TDP draws a pretty straightforward, though brief, comparison between Viren and reactionary right-wing ideologues. It's not exactly subtle.
It's just one way TDP goes to show how toxic and abusive Viren's core values are. that gets reflected both in Viren's personal life aka how he treated Lissa, Soren and even Harrow and Claudia (last two more indirectly). Since he also had a ton of political power as a high mage and briefly as a king we see what he did with that power. It's a pretty clear take on people who dehumanise others, fetishise power and see all living things as something to exploit. TDP explores that both philosophically and psychologically through Viren. Dark magic encapsulates this philosophy well since using magical creatures like tools or objects is essential for it to work.
Also also- I don't really get why people see redemption or atonement as something black and white. It's not bad or anything but Redeeming Yourself For Your Sins is a very Christian concept and Christianity isn't the only way to understand villain story arcs. Like I wish there could be more discussion about WHY redemption is the main analytical framework we impose on villains when villainous characters have a ton of variety anyway.
I don't really have anything to complain about Viren's death itself and I'm not surprised that he ended up dying (for real this time). Aaravos seemed like someone who'd turn against Viren the moment he stopped being useful to him so Viren's life has been hanging by a thread since s4. Viren was the best part of TDP and every scene he's been in had been a delight, well expect the s5 dream sequence because it was too long-winded and obvious, anyway, I'm sorry to see him go and I look forward writing AU fix-it fics where he and Aaravos are married and run a hot brown morning potion shop with all their four totally not dead children. RIP Viren. You lived like a messy bitch and died like a messy bitch. Iconic.
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mel-loly · 6 months
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-From river to the sea, Palestine will be free!🇵🇸
Draw your fav character with a watermelon to show that we all are with them! :D🍉✨
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wheredidalltheusersgo · 9 months
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Some alliances last a lifetime.
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cb-writes-stuff · 3 months
I had a dumb idea for an ISAT AU and I have no idea what it really is or what it’s about but the name came to be like a blessing from on high and I must share this. Hear me out.
In Hats and Time.
Basically, it is—somehow—A Hat in Time combined with In Stars and Time. Alternatively, if you want to keep half of each title, it would be:
Some Hats and Time.
I know what this means even less than I know what that means.
I have literally no idea how the two would go together. They are extremely different, both in terms of tone and plot. And I haven’t even beaten ISAT, so I don’t know the Deep Lore™︎. I can certainly come up with ideas (I already have one percolating), but I think I should wait on that.
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desultory-novice · 7 months
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...UH OH...
Just kidding as this is all very good stuff, Mechalor Anon! Can't draw it, because it's a lot, but I will drop some corresponding text/lore on you, based specifically on your "The HWC misguidedly brings Zero Three back in Planet Robobot" concept (with a touch of the sword/brush thing) because it did latch onto my brain!!
(This is the LAST major event I do in this doomed timeline though)(1)
[Planet Robobot] [Apologies AU "Snowflakes" Timeline] [Secret Boss Fight - "NULL v0.3"]
:Kirby enters the room: :There is no one there: :Suddenly, the whole building shakes: :A horrific scream, overlayed atop itself, is heard:
:A door opens and Susie rushes out: :It shuts behind her, then shakes with a thud: :Eyes downcast, she murmurs to herself:
Susie: "...What is that machine thinking...? Why would the Mother Computer...ask for something that awful to be...?"
:She finally sees Kirby is here and puts her business face back on:
Susie: "Ahem! You're back! And you've found our secret lab."
Susie: "Clearly, you don't appreciate the miraculous wonders of science and technology as much as some of us..."
:The door bangs again, interrupting her: :There is another piercing dual scream:  :Susie flinches at the sound and begins shaking:
Susie: "...I can't do this anymore." 
Susie: "Listen, think what you like about us being here, but I just need a little more time. I can't let anyone interrupt this!"
Susie: "My original plan was to distract you with our latest in wide-area suppression, fresh off the assembly line but..."
Susie: "...I can't go back in there... We excavated this dreadful THING out of your planet, so YOU handle it...!"
:The door behind her opens as she flees the scene: :Slowly, white sludge begins to spill out from the open door: :It rises into a burbling bubble with a single slit of a closed eye:
:The bubble then cracks right down the middle where the eye sits: :The split orb unfolds into two limp halves each with a smaller, half-lidded eye: :Inside each of the sphere halves one melted-looking half of two figures, a boy and a girl: :Each vaguely familiar figure has a single wing (one dark, one light) made of grasping fingers:
[BOSS: NULL v0.3] - Pause Screen
Of all the biological data the Haltmann Works Company unearthed from this planet, the Mother Computer seemed especially interested in this. However, it found it could not fully analyze it to its satisfaction due to the "unknown bond" sustaining the creature's core. It would ultimately deem the project a failure.
[IE: Star Dream is trying to understand Zero for its own purposes but cannot and could never understand the deep "love" that ultimately brought about Zero Three; just like it could not understand Haltmann's love and would delete it]
[BOSS: NULL v0.3 EX] - Pause Screen
Though Susie always tried to follow the mother computer's directives faithfully, she deeply questioned this particular project. When the directive came to "use" the creature in spite of the unhappy children's souls inside, it strengthened her conviction that Star Dream had to be separated from her father.
[In EX form, the sibling-goo is dark matter black instead of snowflake white; Noir's wing is blood red instead of corruption purple; their eyes remain the same]
NULL v0.3 plays out as a very unusual boss fight. It is somewhat timed, because v0.3 will damage itself with its "attacks," thrashing about. And if you leave it alone for long enough, it will kill itself. Or you can defeat it with regular copy abilities. Both of these lead to the "normal" boss fight ending, where v0.3 rips itself apart, both sides screaming as the white bodies melt away into nothing. 
However, like in Super Star, this boss will provide you with special, unique battle-limited Copy Abilities if you inhale the right attacks from it: "Dark Sword" and "Light Painter."
Attacking the "swordsman" side of v0.3 with the Dark Sword ability will make it attack you more aggressively. However, if you try to turn Dark Sword ability on the "painter" side, you will be met with a vicious, un-blockable counterattack from the swordsman side that will knock the ability out of you and cause it to swap sides again.
If you try to use Light Painter on the swordsman side, it will cower away in the background, ...guiltily... keeping its distance, however you can lure the painter side closer to you and reduce its aggression levels again by attacking the painter side with Light Painter.
If you succeed in the task of defeating v0.3 with proper use of the two copy abilities, you are rewarded with a different end fight cutscene, where the white body coalesces into a giant sphere once more before melting away, revealing Adeleine and Noir, looking as they did before, who then dissipate peacefully into sparkles...
...Man I want to make video games so bad...
AHEM! Here's Mechalor Anon's uncropped asks that inspired this!
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Thanks for the appreciation and glad you liked what I did with Zero Three! Sorry I couldn't include Bandee in this more. I really did dig the idea of him using the paintbrush like a spear though!
PS: NO MORE HURTING THEM, OKAY? ^^ ; < message to myself
(1) I say this again to myself because after the "good" ending, someone out there is going to suggest, "Well, if they were purified they could come back in Star Allies! Maybe each of them sporting white hair! They could be a swap character, like the Mage Sisters. It would make King Dedede happy..." which... okay, sure, maybe yes!
Bu~t I have a huge backlog of stuff INCLUDING other Apologies stuff to do so I'm still declaring Snowflakes to be a "failed Noir" timeline!
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starheirxero · 7 months
i wish i could ramble about my au in the way i want to without like sounding genuinely ridiculous. like sometimes i just wanna be like "what if hundreds and hundreds of hours of your life have been erased from your memory drive and you are lost and scared and hungry hungry hungry hungry and you thought only a day or two passed but it's been months and everything has changed so much so quickly and you're forced to change alongside it but you're still hungry hungry hungry and you want to trust your father but it doesn't realize it's trying to starve a part of you that cannot die and you don't want to upset it but you're ravenous ravenous ravenous and its friend are food food food and it will soon realize you have not been so perfectly tamed like it believes." but that sounds literally unhinged 😭
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nomsfaultau · 3 months
well i had a tumblr error so I'm going to copy and paste the ask
wlwdwtys asked:
(Potentially) Daily ask №4
Tommy edition!
How did he become a collected? You don't gotta say if it's way too major spoilers
If he was given the opportunity to get rid of the Red permanently, would he? What if that meant that some random child in the world got the Red instead? Would his choice change?
How old is he?
His opinion on SCP 053? That one 3 year old girl physical contact with whom causes the person to become aggressive towards her but die moments after harming her, from a heart attack? She's kind of the opposite to his powers, isn't she?
BOOM I have brought a golden bracelet that allows to turn the red on and off at will. With just the intention to, basically. Now he can hug whoever he wants with little repercussions. Also, eat your vegetables, Tommy Innit.
Not spoilers at all. Tommy and Philza’s first encounter consisted initially of Philza threatening to caramelize him till he was but naught a stain upon the earth all shuddered to remember etc etc. In Phil’s defense he thought the phone call was a hostage negotiation for his teleported mentee. After reunion with The Blade, Philza’s opinion about the summoning thing was that it was a power not in good hands, given teen Tommy was a twit, but at least non malicious ones. He figured it was best to be on good terms with Tommy given The Blade’s safety was on the line. Tommy naturally had a whole normal life going on and wasn’t exactly going to drop it to be with them 24/7, which Phil thought reasonable despite his security problem. Tommy started visiting them and bringing food (and his mum at first, who wasn’t pleased her kid was hanging around with homeless men but also recognized they had experience with powers that she couldn’t help Tommy with). Tommy was in desperate need of any sort of guidance given he was grappling with suddenly not being human anymore. Poor idiot thought he was in a different genre and mistook the anomalies for a band of superpowered vigilantes. The trio tried to tone everything down for him, make life on the run seem thrilling and not deadly, hide the bodies before he came to visit, etc. Everything just seems safer and lighter when Tommy was around. Philza became fond of the bright eyed ball of energy, and after months realized ‘oh muffin I want to Collect him.’ At which point Wilbur and The Blade traded money in the background. It was more efficient that way anyway, since The Blade wouldn’t be summoned if Tommy was safe so might as well protect him. Not sure what his long term plan was since mother innit would’ve had his hide if he suggested Tommy take up being a homeless nomad instead of going to college, but the Foundation captured Tommy before anything so I suppose it doesn’t matter much. Tommy’s initial reaction to being asked about Collection was “huh? But I already have a dad.”
Tommy would get rid of his Red in a heartbeat. It’s a curse to him, a large source of his trauma, and the reason the Foundation oppresses him. If someone else would get it… he’d still give it up. He’s not above selfishness. And honestly it still might be a better outcome since the new person wouldn’t be traumatized by their own power in a way that makes it far more dangerous and difficult to live with. Frankly if it wasn’t a trigger for him Tommy could very well touch people just fine since its effects are proportional to his panic.
Now that is a spoiler. But he was captured when in the late 15 area, and had a party with Tubbo and Rosalind for his 17th while in the Foundation. They were guessing tho, since it’s hard to keep track of time and so it didn’t really take place on the 10th of April, if I’m remembering Tommy’s birthday right. And since the clues are in Fault and at least a few commenters have figured it out: Tommy is actually 21, and everyone was in the Foundation for 5 years. The Blade is the only one who knows this due to his infrequent escapes. Due to a lack of typical developmental milestones such as graduation, moving out of his parents house (in a normal and safe way), etc Tommy still acts like a teenager. People well into adult hood like Rosalind, Rhodes, etc register him as a kid because of that immaturity. Philza doesn’t judge mortal ages well, Wilbur has no frame of reference and is always taller even when Tommy grows, and everyone is teeny tiny to The Blade. Tubbo was initially pretty shocked given how tall Tommy is, but Rhodes skewed the frame of reference. Plus, then Tommy opened his mouth.
In his role as a research tool, it’s possible Tommy’s encountered her, since the Foundation would want to know if she has powers outside of the touch thing. When ordered not to touch the kid, he laughed humorously. Likely he dripped some Red on her and then sat in the corner while the kid attacked the D-class. He was grateful about the heart attack part, far easier for them to just drop dead rather than watch a baby try to rip em apart. He’d probably try to comfort her after, and would have some degree of success given a scene where he calmed a hysterical Jasmine (5) and the number of instances helping Tubbo through the trauma of the Foundation. It’s helped but the fact 053 isn’t really affected by the attacks, but he would lose points for inadvertently suggesting some of his own ill advised coping mechanisms or convictions. I don’t think her anomalous affect would target him while the Red was active, so he might draw little pictures on the floor for her with Red while janitors took care of the body.
Tubbo has to carry around Tommy for days since he’s in full koala bear mode. They don’t mind but also they don’t have very high stamina due to how many bees they’ve lost. Wilbur would also get a lot of physical affection, and for once wouldn’t be a cagey tsundere about it. There’d be hesitation at first, of course, still instinctively demuring from contact and holding himself back, but that would fade into only subconscious, infrequent moments Tommy would be almost always touching someone, an arm slung over shoulders, a hand hooked in the crook of an elbow, leaning and pressing and starving.
He’d never turn it back on.
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kimi-co · 28 days
merc you better not lied about that support system and blame-free culture
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bat-snake · 1 month
Naahh but I keep thinking about Xadia Tabletop seriously (probably in an "mostly everyone lives/Aaravos Goes To the Calm the Fuck Down Therapy Zone", Leola is allowed to design some dungeon maps/creatures time bubble AU), wherein a second campaign is picked up.
Following Aarvos having to hold everyone's hands in character creation so they don't spin off the rails immediately again*
And the campaign just ends up looking like if Star Wars and Tales of Prydain had a baby and raised it polyamorously with DunMeshi.
*Guys I love this so much, you have no idea
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dusical-moodle · 6 months
heyaaa just saw your puppyshipping DBD AU, and made me so so happy that I started to think of my own version, too (kinky and very fucked up bc it's dbd hello) ajhshjfd hope it's not a problem for you!
But also I want to know more of this if you have more to share!!!!
We need more ygo x dbd crossovers or AUs aaaa
i actually have a story thought out for the dbd au thats a little too bloated to spell out here but i'd be happy to talk your ear off in dms or even bounce around ideas for your own au!
well i suppose i ought to give you at least a little more info since you sent an ask soo bravely ToT
- in this au most of the yugioh characters are meeting for the first time in the fog
- joey and kaiba are an exception as they were actually in a relationship before the entity took them both away
- when they were taken away it was in the middle of a big dispute which ended in a deep vengeance brewing in kaiba and joey extremely burdened with his own demons
- kaiba becomes more and more dragony as time passes in the fog, which makes the chances of them reconciling and escaping the entitys realm together grow slimmer every day
that is all for now, ofc my au has its fair share of kinky moments but hfjsjdjak its also very story based. i'd love to chat more
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my-thoughts-and-junk · 3 months
love the idea of transhet laios
#random thoughts#dungeon meshi#chilchuck watches in horror as laios slowly animorphs into his second wife#'he didn't have a second wife?' not yet babeyyy#i am neutral verging on negative on trans chilchuck (negative being mainly because i see it everywhere)#i don't like it when people take the male character who looks the youngest and make him trans like 'well duh'#so he's cis to meee. and bisexual but quiet about it in the same way he's quiet about literally everything else about him#he knows what being trans is because one of his daughters is trans :] flertom#the way she treated her transition was throwing herself headfirst into gender roles like wanting to get married and worrying about her look#which laios definitely won't do (she was horrified when she saw how she would have stayed in the village and had a family in the au viewer)#but it'd be interesting to see chilchuck try to be supportive by encouraging her to try traditionally feminine things#which laios wouldn't be very interested in and probably wouldn't be able to connect the dots on her own that he's trying to be supportive#so she'd just be like. questioning why chilchuck keeps getting her weird gifts#pink and frilly and aaaaaaa#probably use some of the gifts for weird things. uses a sewing kit for taxidermy.#appreciates the new baking supplies probably#he gets her a journal which she genuinely uses#chilchuck seeing how she reacts to his gifts and knowing she doesn't get what he's doing but he's not gonna open up about it#so here have some more stuff until you get the point#btw this is unrelated but does anyone else think it's weird it's marcille who was able to put herself into the shoes of chilchuck's wife?#like she literally viewed him as a child for the longest time but now she's miss empathy???#honestly i think it'd've made more sense if laios did it? like how he put together the cannibalism thing#like i know he's not good with social cues but it could have been a chance to demonstrate how well he knows chilchuck#laios in another life would be the world's greatest detective
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paintedkinzy-88 · 1 year
I had a cute thought and want to ask your perspective in something with the danger noodles. What if, in terms of draconian customs and such, to gift a dragon with a piece of you're hoard is a very, very significant event or milestone. Like... sua Ink gave Error one of his paintings or canvases, that'd be hugely significant to them because that's a piece of Ink's hoard and it's like Ink is saying "I trust you with that which is most precious to me and you are my family/life partner." The context varies based on relationship, bur you get what i mean right?
I know exactly what you mean, and kinda have this in TTS already! Though less in terms of gifts, and more storage?? Dream, Ink, and surprisingly Nightmare constantly are passing their hoards around to people as an unconscious way of saying they trust you to take care of it in their place!
Dream leaves his pillows/blankets everywhere in the castle and at the Stars’ homes, and usually has clothing from each of his friends that has been offered/claimed into his hoard that the others still wear, like Killer’s and Horror’s jackets, Ink’s scarf, or Lust’s vest, etcetc.
Ink is constantly leaving his art and supplies in the antivoid and, for a while, in Cross’ empty world (before Nightmare claimed him, a fact that will be important later 👀), both to de-clutter his home, and allow Error and Cross to use it as they please (mostly Cross). That’s not even mentioning the many pencils and pens and such the others often take home that Ink doesn’t even bat an eye to.
Night just trusts his boys to remain safe under the others’ watch, hence his irritation when Ink blew up on them in the first chapter. He understands the circumstances, but he still feels a bit betrayed.
I absolutely ADORE the idea of gifting from the hoard being something even more special, though! I had been playing more with the idea of giving one of the dragons more items to hoard, and the significance to that (again, something I’ll get to soon… cries in Violet 4), but you’re absolutely right, giving someone a piece of their OWN hoard would be so incredibly important. That’s beyond just trusting them to keep it safe. That’s trusting them to keep it.
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aroacemisha · 1 year
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Okay but I love how canon Steve also does this to Lilith. And just the fact that they canonically hug.
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