#in this au it acts up whenever she gets too stressed which is. often.
yukidragon · 1 year
Oh my goodness! I completely understand if you don’t immediately want to write more about Alice having Ian’s baby au, but the next time you would like to I would love to hear more about it! Your au’s and ideas are always so well crafted! I can’t get enough of your writing or Sunny Day Jack ideas!!! :)
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Thank you so much for your sweet praise. It really means a lot for me to hear. I'm glad you enjoy my writing and headcanons!
I'm really glad this pretty dark AU has been entertaining for you and others despite some of the heavy topics in it. I appreciate that you want to hear more, but I think I'll want to take a bit of a break before I dig deep into it again given how heavy it is, especially since I just did a follow up of sorts discussing Ian's more problematic traits when it comes to his relationship with MC. It might be a good idea to focus on something a little lighter next as a palette cleanser, hahaha.
Though maybe I could think of a couple bright spots for that particular AU. Hmm...
Alice's family, at least those still living at the King house, do all chip in to help her take care of Lily. This is good since her health took a hard hit from the pregnancy and she would struggle otherwise. This allows her to have more time to rest and recover.
This also allows Jack more time to talk to Alice one on one despite the presence of a newborn demanding mommy's attention. Granted, a lot of time is spent just resting in the guestroom or outside in the garden when she's not taking care of the baby, but Jack does his best to keep Alice entertained while she's recovering, and he's the absolute best at being a cuddly teddy bear for her when she has to lie down.
The King house still has plenty of baby stuff in storage, so they're well prepared to help Alice out with the baby. It's more reason why mama Lycoris wants Alice to just move back home for good. Their house is big and she won't mind, nor will papa Zephyr.
Yup, papa King has a name now too. Guess this AU is oddly helping me with picking out names, huh?
Jack is really good with children, and whenever Lily starts crying, he just has a knack for getting her to calm down. It's almost like magic how he can just radiate calm emotions and help her understand that there's nothing to fear. Alice can't help but feel the same way about Jack really. He's just such a wonderful presence in her life after things have gotten so hard on her. He's been invaluable to help Alice take care of Lily and minimizing her stress.
Jack's empathy cheat and connection to both Alice and Lily really comes in handy at this point doesn't it?
While Alice is going to need more time than in Sunshine in Hell to even think about being in another romantic relationship, she does grow really close to Jack very quickly. Although... he's not the only guy crushing on her who wants to help out.
When Shaun comes back in town, he would have crashed with Alice for a while, but since she's a guest at her family's place, that's not doable. He does, however, get a nice bed and breakfast nearby until he finds a new place to settle down in, and he stops by as often as possible, much to Jack's annoyance. Alice is grateful for his visits and he never fails to make her laugh, which is also to Jack's annoyance.
Shaun even brings Moonpie over to visit Alice, and he mock fights with her over whose baby is cuter. Alice and Shaun eventually concede on a draw of a vote of one vs one... until Jack acts as tiebreaker and throws in his vote for Lily. That will probably be how Alice decides to try introducing Jack's existence to Shaun, though it's possible Alice will tell one or more of her family members about Jack before that. Coraline would just be thrilled to meet a ghost after all.
Needless to say, Shaun is both excited to meet Jack and a bit wary given Alice is in a vulnerable state. Still, she does insist Jack helped her, especially when Ian kept trying to see her, so that does give Jack some brownie points in Shaun's book.
Not that the feeling will necessarily be mutual from Jack. Shaun is yet another obstacle between Jack and his sunshine after all. Who knows though, maybe they'll bond over their mutual disdain for Ian and desire to protect Alice here too.
Huh. This got longer than I expected it to. I guess there are some more bright spots even in this dark AU than I thought. Then again I'm always a sucker for thoughts about my OTP being cuddly and sweet. I'll leave this post on that note with the image of Jack spooning Alice from behind while she nurses Lily, being this big protective teddy bear to his beloved sunshine and little sunspot.
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur
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fanficfish · 1 year
Donald and Douglas ranch au headcanons
Main Post
Focus Chapter
Playlist :D
Some of these also kind of apply to my interpretation of canon. Well, actually most of them but that's a whole different thing.
Backstory: {redacted] [redacted] fire, mistaken placement of blame, [redacted] (You thought you coudl get spoilers? Gotta read the fic for that lol!)
Donald is older then Douglas. But Douglas acts slightly more mature so it evens out. Kind of.
Donald is quicker to anger, but Douglas builds his fury until he snaps (hard). Donald is also better at letting loose aand Douglas is more serious.
Donald is way more social and outgoing then Douglas. Donald knows way more about things like movies or local gossip. Douglas prefers keeping it quiet with a nice book, and lets his twin do the chattering. They both like a good prank though- they'll often pretend to be each other, especially if they know someone can't see their nametags.
Hownstly the easiest way to tell them apart (they like to match whenever possible) is by their reaction to a prank. Donald will prank you back but Douglas will just take and move on with his day. But he'll join in on it if Donald thinks up soemthing though.
they once went camping with the others, and shared a tent (along with Oliver and Duck). The twins went to sleep normally and woke up having tangled themselves into a literal pretzel of limbs and both Duck and Oliver were Not Very Happy because they'd also managed to shove the other two into the far corner.
They tend to sit back to back, or side by side wheenver possible- bit of a side effect from having to go on the run to get to Sodor with threat of permanant seperation. They don't mind working apart, it's part of their job after all, but they get a bit ants if they haven't heard from the other in a while. Especially if the other is going off the island for something. They try to check in with each other at least once a day, even if it's just to swap funny happenings from the day's events. The second Sir Topham Hatt knows this and will sometimes slip in a job that takes one past the other.
the singing. Oh gosh the singing. They know so many songs. They've picked up sea shanties from the sailors at the docks, country songs from working on ranches, folk songs from locals, pop songs from the radio. They're actually fairly good singers, but if you want quiet you won't get it from them. Douglas can actually play the bagpipes, and Donald picks up the accordian after coming to Sodor, so it's never quiet in their room, rest in peace Duck who's right next door. They sing while working a lot, and they only really stop singing if they're not feeling great or something's wrong.
which was why they only really started it with the singing after being signed under contract to the North Western.
they also like to sing sea shanties while shoveling snow. Keeps them in time and at a good steady pace. And it helps keep them warm, too.
probably won't write this in, but TTTE season 21 "Love Me Tender" sort of has an equivalent. Once, the twins were shoveling the snow and got into a disagreement over where to go. They split up, but Douglas soon found himself stuck in a snowdrift and unable to get out. At some point, Donald realized he still had Douglas' water falsk clipped ot his belt, and went back to find him, luckily finding him after a good bit of looking.
Donald uses DIlly like an emotional support duck. Because she is that breed of duck known for having big white bellies and Donald is a lot more stressed then he looks, between running every which way to take goods somewhere or fix a broken wheel axle.
Douglas doesn't have a pet he just sometimes borrows Dilly for the day. He likes going to the Vicarstown Public Library and taking out books about Donald Duck to read to Dilly.
also have a few random piccrews I made of the twins :D (I can't decide if I want them to have black or red hair, I'm thinking black but red is also an option...)
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OK so I've been thinking about human DID!12 a lot and I decided to watch an interview with a couple DID systems for research and it gave me ideas.
I've decided Tiid (the dragon alter) is Basil's protector which is a common type of alter. They're pretty much exactly what they sound like, an alter identity who acts as the guardian or caretaker for other members of the system.
Tiid will front or copilot with other alters a lot if Basil or any other alters are stressed or uncomfortable. Hell copilot in the background to sorta provide comfort to whoever is fronting
Basils system like to refer to themselves as plural but they dont mind being called singular when referring to whoever is fronting
Their alter identities are real to them and they want to be respected as real beings with independent thoughts and feelings
I think alter!O would have a sorta rivalry with alter!missy over music taste. Like O loves breakcore and rap but missy thinks it's way too loud and obnoxious
So sometimes when O is fronting and enjoying some breakcore missy will occasionally try to force front to turn it off and it becomes an internal argument which Tiid has to break up
It initially was pretty scary for Basil and alter!11 having their host body being literally fought over but tiid being the wise dad he is has managed to bring O and missy's fights to a minimum
I'm thinking of making up some other original character alters for DID!12
I think basil would have a hyperfixation on skyrim and DND so many of his alters would be fictional or nonhuman
I think one of his alters would be a straight up animal. Like I'm thinking theyd be an elk or something
They're a yearling who fronts very rarely, they only really appear when hes been very stressed or hes outside in nature for a long time
I'm trying to get used to the way did systems describe how their identities work cus I know that it's wrong and very rude to identify them by like "oh which is the *real* one"
I think Basil is the host (or the identity that fronts the most often) and he acts just like 12 with some minor changes that primarily express his autism more
Like I said before tiid tends to integrate a lot but he also fully fronts the second most often
Missy and O tend to front pretty equally often and 11 fronts a little less often than them
11 is like a little that also is an adult. He has a classic childlike spirit and he gets positively triggered by things like toys and sweets and goofy hats
11 just calls himself 11 in this au cus I'm lazy lol
I wanna gush about Tiid a bit cus I'm having a lot of fun with him hehehe
So although the host body is human, whenever tiid fronts he actually sees his body as a dragon. Like he can see his tail and wings
Although dragons are huge naturally, tiid just sees his body as a human sized dragon. He walks bipedal but he does like walking on all fours occasionally (like in the short scene I wrote hehe)
Tiid will constantly keep his arms bent and tucked to his torso like a dragon tucks in their wings cus its comfortable for him.
If Tiid happens to front towards nighttime he will rearrange their bed into a nest of pillows and blankets.
I like to think dragons act a lot like cats so hed also have a habit of kneading the pillows as he preps his bed
He also acts like a cat in that he cleans and grooms himself a lot. He may not have fur to groom but he has to dust off his scales and groom his claws. He likes rubbing his face and head like a cat
Sometimes when hes bored hell also start playing with his tail. Like hell roll on his back and dangle the tip of his tail in the air while he swats at it
Tiid, and the system in general, are quite affectionate with their friends. Sometimes when bill is chilling doing work or whatever, tiid will rest his head on hers or her shoulder and just have this content smile. Sometimes hell sit on the floor next to her while she works and rest his head on her lap while she rubs his head
Its completely platonic, hes just very physically affectionate and likes giving his friends little reminders that he loves them :3
Also just for fun, he is attracted by laser pointers. Bill found this out and took complete advantage of it for weeks. She still gets a huge kick out of watching him chase it around
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tunaf1sk · 3 years
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*makes bad memes for my dumb internet cartoon AU*
(edit: A lot of this is kind of outdated now...)
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ilovelotsofthings · 2 years
Genetic Owlbeast Au
The Owl beast isn't a curse that Lilith gave her. It is a genetic curse that comes from their father's side
Which means Dell is an owlbeast along with his daughters.
Well as Lilith is a Ravenbeast and Eda an Owlbeast Dell is a Cardinalbeast 
Birdbeast family ♡
Lilith is the largest and Dell the smallest.
Anyways Gwen is a part of the beastkeeping coven still but not to cure them.
She just likes to work with beasts. 
Also you have to care for beasts to marry into a family of birdbeasts
Also it is less of a curse now in their eyes as generations have passed and they've gotten used to it.
They still unwillingly transform when stressed or upset but they also can transform on their own freewill
Partial transformations are also still a thing.
Literally the only thing that has changed is there is more freewill and there is no 2nd entity with them
Idk if this will be important as I just type my thoughts down but the Clawthornes are related to the Wittebanes
Caleb's wife was cursed with this birdbeast curse. She also was a Cardinalbeast.
Oh also I named his wife Ariane [Nickname Aria]
Why are the Clawthornes cursed? 
The wife's grandmother was a adventurer who got cursed on an adventure
So still not The Boiling Isles magic
Okay so they all still have their own rooms and 'actual' beds to sleep in. Also to hang out with friends.
They do have a room with a very large nest for the whole family to cuddle in.
I do even mean when they are fully grown.
Eda and Lilith did make their own nests in their closets when they were 10.
Also Eda and Lilith [technically Dell too] as toddlers were adorable. Their owl forms were the size of German Shepherd puppies.
With the age difference Lilith was also slightly bigger. Then she became fully grown and 4× the size of Eda
Also toddler birdbeasts are not to be trusted as they are more acting on instincts then logical thoughts.
Lilith bit Eda for the first time when Eda was a week old. Lilith wasn't doing it to be mean she wanted to play.
This also means lots of cuddles between the sisters growing up.
The sisters as they grew up started to shift from being in mostly birdbeast form to witch form.
Also Lilith was the one who stayed in witch form more often because of her constant studying.
Dell whenever he could would play with his daughters in their beast forms. It was just good all around for everyone.
Dell also stays in witch form more often because he loves working with his hands and his job in general 
Dell sadly still got injured by Eda in an accident. Eda was chilling in her beast form and got spooked by him. Which caused her to take his eye out.
Don't worry he didn't let her run away. For long at least. He found her and hugged her and explained he is fine and when she tried to say she ruined his life he just told her she didn't.
It did take awhile for them to get better. She did injure her father but he also explained he is fine.
His hand is fine and he technically can still carve; he just needed to learn to compensate for a missing eye.
He still decided to plant Palisman trees though and craves normal wood trinkets.
Eda and Lilith have necklaces their dad made them. 
He also made Gwen a wooded flower for her. She loved it. She gave him a gem.
Gwen also loves her daughters. She loves brushing her fingers through their feathers. 
She also loves showing off her scars she has gotten from playing with her daughters as children.
As I said they bit a lot as kids. Also scratches. This is a recipe for small scars.
[I've owned German Shepherd puppies and let me tell you they bite a ton]
Gwen also wanted to dress them up in their beast forms but they kept getting destroyed. Especially by Eda. They just didn't like clothes in beast form as it is too restricting.
Gwen is an adventurer at heart and loves to tell her daughters of her adventures.
Also idk if I still want her to be anti potions as it seems like that derived from Eda's curse in canon but it would be funny if she still was anti potions.
Hmm yeah no she is Anti Potions
Dell isn't though so don't worry. This is something they argue on.
Dell and Gwen are the couple who sleep in separate rooms because they just cannot sleep in the same room.
Dell loves heavy blankets and the soft. Gwen loves thin blankets and neither soft nor rough. Also Gwen snores.
They can sleep in the nest because of her big, soft husband. Also no blankets needed.
Anyway the portal was still found by Eda when she ran away for awhile after hurting Dell. 
He told her if she was going to keep going into the human realm she should learn about it first.
She sighed about it but she did do it. That is because Lilith loves to learn so she just joined in on the human realm learning.
Oh Lilith and Edna's relationship is better than in canon at this point. Like she is still envious of Eda but she isn't cursing her sister because Eda just told her she wanted to join to be with her and that she was going to forfeit.
So yeah Lilth. Sibling issues are there. Mommy issues are still a thing. Daddy issues none… well a tiny bit.
Dell did a good job at showing his kids equal attention.
I am slightly bashing Gwen but it is kinda normal for parents to pick favorites. They just cannot show it like Gwen did in canon and here [even if ever so slightly less so] in this universe I made.
Eda also has mommy issues from her paying too much attention to her. 
You think an adventurer would understand the feeling of needing to be free but she didn't get the memo for Eda.
[Pausing 5/31/2022][Continued 6/1/2022]
Eda runs off to the human realm often and sometimes brings Lilith.
They get stuff from the human realm that they do bring back.
They [Mostly Lilith] went to the library to learn about human history 
That also means they have seen the Wittebanes Statues. Which you know are their ancestors in this au 
A thing I decided is that they know that 2 humans came and not just Philip. I know in canon they only knew Philip but I just don't want Caleb forgotten by his family.
Most people still think only one human came though. Gwen did too until she married into the family.
They have no real reason to keep it a secret. They just want too.
They do have pretty comprehensive knowledge of their family history.
So Lilith and Eda finding out their however many greats grandfather's history in a library was exciting. 
They knew he was human but to find more stuff on him even if a bit scattered.
Also more info on their however many greats uncle. Also excited to learn about their mostly unknown uncle.
Well until decades later when they find out he is Belos and is trying to kill their entire species. 
At least they can help Luz with their amazing knowledge of those 2 dudes who came to the Boiling Isles in the 1600s.
Moving on, Dell tried to teach his daughters how to crave. Both are great at carving. 
Lilith still joined the Emperor's Coven while Eda still joined no coven. Lily wouldn't betray her sister though.
Knowing how to crave is actually how they earned money in the human realm to buy anything they wanted too.
Eda does still steal. Mostly for fun but sometimes she and Lilith bird instincts just go "mine" so they just take it.
Lilith says she has control. Just know she is a big ol' liar. She has no control.
Also Eda got her wanting to care for everyone from Dell.
He also if he could would care for every child he could. Also animals which is why Gwen adores him.
Whenever King gets found Eda immediately adopts him compared to in canon where he decides he wants to be adopted into her family.
This is because she is closer with her family and trusts them.
She also explains to King much earlier than in canon that he is indeed a child. Just a tiny baby who may be the child of some type of powerful beast.
Eda just tells him he is still a tiny king. Also because he is the first grandchild he gets lots of everything.
This may be controversial but Eda and Raine are not married. Shock and Horror I know. 
It is just that they don't want to marry. They are still monogamous and love each other. Just they don't want marriage.
They still did a ceremony for the Clawthornes. Just for a get together.
Also, Raine is still going to be a coven head and it wouldn't be a great idea for them to be married to a very wanted criminal. 
Raine does know the family history also because again not married but still together forever.
However it took Eda forever to tell them. A decade and a half to tell her partner.
Love Eda but sometimes issues are just built in. She does get some help with her issues if you are wondering.
Lilith didn't inherit the need to adopt almost every living thing to be her child. She inherited it in the way to adopt niblings.
Eda is slightly amused and slightly worried
Stopping here for now.
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minnie-mei · 4 years
yandere pillars (pt.1) | kny
yandere! au
general headcanons!
[Uzui Tengen, Mitsuri Kanroji, Giyuu Tomioka, Sanemi Shinazugawa, Kyoujurou Rengoku]
part 2
note; these are on the softish side; uzui's is kinda long bc I added the wives, as I should
WARNING(S): unhealthy/obsessive behavior, abusive themes, mentions of violence/murder
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Uzui Tengen (+ wives)
yandere type: possessive, protective
Makio yandere type: protective, possessive
Suma yandere type: clingy, obsessive
Hinatsuru yandere type: protective, obsessive
With his wives being strong and (mostly) independent kunoichi's, Tengen would probably find himself infatuated by a weaker, softer darling
maybe it starts with him rescuing you from a demon and he sees just how sweet you are
how incapable you are
his attraction isn't something that slowly escalates either, it's intense as soon as it starts
You can't take care of yourself, what are you thinking trying to go back home alone?
so he offers to bring you home with him tonight, just for some extra security obviously
Tengen is a pretty basic possessive/protective; he feels that you belong to him and he’d easily put his own life on the line protecting you
once he gets you home with him, there's no leaving. he's officially taken you to be his forever and will make you his 4th spouse.
He still let's you go out with him and the other wives, but keeps a careful eye on you, not wanting you to run away or get hurt
when you're out, you have to hold Tengen's hand
the only way outside privileges would be taken away is if you were to get injured or try to escape
Punishments aren't common, but they do occur if you act up too badly (ex. escape, speak harshly to them)
they aren't all that bad, but escalate the more you mess up
tengen is the only one in the family allowed to punish you
no one likes to see it happen but there's an understanding that it's necessary sometimes
Over time it's clear that his tendencies aren't all that extreme and wouldn't get that way unless you were to get hurt
As for the wives, they're attached to you as well once they meet you (especially hinatsuru)
Hina tends to be very motherly with you, always sure to spoil you and treat you with great care
and as much as she'd love for you to spend time with her training and cooking, she won't let you
she believes the risk of you hurting yourself is too high
Suma does not share this way of thinking
for Suma, she wants to spend all her time with you doing anything
she's more concerned with being with you than you getting hurt, which often annoys the others as they're all protective
Makio is probably the most extreme in the household
she's more possessive than protective, and is surprisingly jealous for the lifestyle she leads
when you do happen to leave the house, it has to be with her and/or tengen
she doesn't trust the other wives with you enough
she's not necessarily clingy but she'll hold you close to her whenever she gets the chance
you're the only person in the house she refuses to yell at
With four of them (3 of them being protectives) they tend to be really overwhelming and will argue over you
Tengen always gets the final say, but that doesn't stop the girls from being petty
Suma will outwardly whine about how she wanted to spend time with you first, while the other two try their best to distract themselves until they can get to you
Physical affection is something that's very important to all of them so anytime you initiate anything they will melt
Tengen and Makio are the most dominant with their affections
they have no problem with pulling you into their lap or yanking you into them
this stresses Hinatsuru out so badly
"be careful with them!"
Hina's the most gentle with you and although she'll give you tons of head kisses and hand squeezes, she prefer you initiate anything else
Suma, again, does not share this way of thinking
she will tackle you in hugs and kisses she doesn’t care
of course makio and hina will throw her off you to make sure you're okay though
She loves nothing more than touching you and cuddling you whenever possible
They all call you Angel or Love (except for Suma, who calls you "Baby!!!")
Going back to the punishments, Hina hates them and makes excuses for you every single time you make a mistake no matter what it was
suma would too, but she gets upset whenever you act up
makio and tengen are the only ones that have a strict resolve and can stick with their choice to punish you
again, they're not harsh punishments at all, just time-out for the day or spankings, but still
talking down/bad at them would get you the worst punishments
calling them crazy would make suma cry
When training, they let you you watch and assist them with anything minor
you're welcome to work out with them, but no lifting weights, touching weapons, or fighting with them
Tengen let's you hold onto him and sit on his back when he does pull-ups and push-ups
he'll also jokingly lift you as if you were one of his weights
outside of training, he'll give you piggyback rides whenever you ask
he just loves holding you
Overall, they're very pleasant to be with excluding the punishments, limits they put on you, and the fact that you'll probably never see your family again
so :)
they love you sm
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Giyuu Tomioka
yandere type: stalker, obsessive, protective
Giyuu could really be attracted to any type of darling as long as they're kind and welcoming towards him
he's really flexible with preferences and his obsession could've been started any kind of way
you work under one of his fellow pillars (Gyomei or Rengoku) and they always bring you along to things, leading to Giyuu seeing you often
At first, he hardly noticed you
he thought you were attractive, sure, but it was no big deal
After the first time you speak to him, however, he develops a huge crush on you
and that's all it is at first: a crush
but then he keeps seeing you and you're still so sweet to him and he just can't help but want to see you more and more and more
He can't tell you this, though. He's socially awkward and kind of afraid of what you'd think
he ends up stalking you as a way to cope and calm his emotions
this instead worsens them and he believes himself to be fully in love with you at this point
Despite this, he's able to hide his tendencies quite well (though a few other pillars have definitely noticed his blush whenever you're around)
He loves you to such an extreme extend, but absolutely refuses to lose or hurt you in any way
your happiness and safety is his number one priority
He thinks he'd be okay if you end up with someone else (as long as you're happy, he doesn't deserve you anyway) but should another potential love interest enter your life, he'd probably harm them
Anything that poses a threat to you will be eliminated, even if he dies in the process
with how much he's lost growing up, he knows he needs to protect you
and he'll do so with every fiber of his being
he'd sooner die than let you even break a bone
If he becomes desperate enough, I see him eventually kidnapping you
it's not that likely however, and he'd possibly become delusional in this case
He'd much rather you return his feeling and confess to him so that you could both be happy
he'd like to marry you as soon as possible, but he's so awkward lol
he has no prior experience with relationships and you'll have to make the first move with most things until he's able to build his social skills and confidence
(even though he's awkward, he still appears neutral and strict and comes off as so)
unconsciously, he'd isolate you in his home in order to protect you
this is something you might not even notice either, seeing it as just living with your husband
Giyuu isn't a bad yandere by any means and doesn't get too intense or extreme unless something bad happens
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Mitsuri Kanroji
yandere type: obsessive, clingy, protective
Mitsuri, our lovely little angel, would be attracted to literally any darling
no matter the looks or personality
it could be anything, there would be something about you that she finds so charming that she doesn't see in anybody else
she'll find something to like and would become absolutely enamored
you work at her estate, responsible for taking care of the plants and helping her with anything she needed
you were formerly a demon slayer but had an injury, leading Oyokata-sama to assign you to her
you were happy to make yourself useful and she was happy to have you
Her obsession grows over time, but it gets rather intense
I don't think anything would drive her to kidnapping (also you already live at her estate)
but she'd do whatever she has to in order to keep you with her
luckily she's very nice and charming, so it's unlikely you'd even want to leave
Over the course of a few months, you become the only thing that occupies her every thought
she dreams about you almost every night
she gushes about you to other pillars and it's fairly obvious how she feels about you
Mitsuri is very loving, being the love pillar and all, and has a habit of spoiling you
she gets you whatever you want and will help you with all of your work with the plants
after seeing how well you do your job, she may even gift you an entire garden filled with flowers and fruits that represent love
you're her obvious favorite among those that work under her
She'll abandon any project or training for you, even if she was working with other people
this may make you unliked by some of the people there, Mitsuri favoring you so obviously
but should she ever hear someone speak badly on your name, she'll kill them and make sure no one finds out
She'd never ever ever use any form of violence or punishments against you
you're her whole world and she'd do anything for you
She's able to let you do your own thing and her protectiveness lies in keeping you safe from demons and other people rather than yourself
she understands that accidents happen and let's you go back to work once you're fully healed if it makes you happy
she loves when you're happy
she does watch you more carefully though
As her obsession builds, so does her clinginess
she's always liked touching you in general, simple hugs or hand holding
she's always come straight to you after returning from missions
but it becomes more intimate over time
she starts kissing you on the cheek every time she sees you and makes excuses so you'll sleep in the same bed as her
Without you even noticing, you practically move into her room and are unofficially dating
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Sanemi Shinazugawa
yandere type: protective, possessive
Sanemi has always had a certain image of a perfect spouse in his head: kind, smart, beautiful
It's based off his ideas as a child, what his mom told him he'd have when he's older
As he became an adult, he believed it less and less, until he met you
You were the new official medic for the pillars; there hadn't been a new one in years
he met you after coming back from one of his more gruelling missions, returning to his estate to get some rest but instead finding you
Although his infatuation with you began as soon as you greeted him and fixed him up, he refused to admit it to anyone (himself included)
his feelings get intense rather quickly, which makes him easily frustrated with you
He blames you for his feelings but he can't help but want to keep you close to him
he knows you're not at fault but he's a tsundere lol
He does his best to hide and deny his feelings, but he's pretty obvious
not only is he clearly extremely jealous, but he also refuses to let anyone but you treat his wounds
he could literally be bleeding out and dying but still only let you touch him
Going back to his jealousy issues, he's a pretty by-the-book possessive
you're his and only his, even if you don't know it
he probably wouldn't threaten his fellow pillars, but anyone else is fair game to him
sure, people have always been afraid of his brash personality in general, but that fear has now multiplied since you've come around
he could see them so much as look at you and there'd be a problem
you wouldn't find out though, he'd make sure of it
Sanemi has a temper, but canonically he genuinely does his best to protect his loved ones
this applies to you as well
he'd do anything for you, including lay down his life
not that he'd admit it though, not happening
He's lost a lot in his lifetime, which makes him extremely protective
like Mitsuri though, his protectiveness lies in protecting you from demons and people
especially people (they aren't allowed anywhere near you unless they wanna disappear)
should you ever have an accident, he'd low-key panic but there's not much he could do but watch you closer next time
He's not one for kidnapping unless desperate, but if there's ever an incident where you nearly die, then he'd take you and hide you away without hesitation
past this point, everything he does depends on what you do
he feeds off your emotions
if you reject him or treat him harshly in any way, this will trigger is rougher and more sadistic side
If you accept him or treat him nicely, then things would be much better off for everyone involved
treat him gently and praise him
he wants you to love him
he craves it
No matter what, he'll always have a minor sadistic streak that is brought out only in bed and during punishments
it's not too bad, just something he needs to let out every so often
despite how much he loves you, there's always gonna be that piece of him that's angry at you for making him so weak
he's in love with you and believes he's the only one that can protect you properly, but deep down he feels he doesn't deserve you and that you'll die bc he's not good enough
He's not an overly affectionate person, but he loves when you touch him
hugs, kisses, cuddles, he wants them all
not an initiator unless he's angry or horny (which actually is pretty often huh)
He likes when you touch his scars
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Kyoujurou Rengoku
yandere type: obsessive, clingy, possessive, delusional
Being the positive soul he is, Kyoujurou could fall for any type of darling, likely someone gentle and motherly/fatherly
he mostly follows the example given to him by his parents' relationship so he'd find himself attracted quickest to someone who balances out his bold personality: calm, graceful, kind
His interest begins as soon as he meets you, but the intensity sets in only after he gets to know you and realises he wants to be with you
you'd have to be around him a lot for his feelings to develop into obsession, so you'd probably be someone who works under him
maybe a maid or assistant of sorts
Having more traditional views on relationships, he believes courting to be necessary
he makes any excuse to be near you or to get your attention
this includes making you write his letters for him (bc he has "bad hand writing")
faking an injury so you tend to him
pretending to be upset so you hug him
outside of these things, he's not really the manipulative type
He's typically very straightforward, but he intends to take his time with you so everything's genuine
he wants to build off of trust and love
He becomes quite delusional over time, which corrupts his initial planning
he's convinced that you're soulmates who are in love and are meant to spend forever together
he's not very good at hiding his feelings, so his more extreme tendencies get pretty obvious
it doesn't matter much though at that point, he won't let you leave even if you want to
he's definitely the kidnapping/isolating type, even when he did want to do things naturally
There will be no punishments
not only is he soft for you, but he's most delusional when it comes to your feelings
he'll brush you trying to escape off as you just being stubborn or upset
he'll laugh as he drags you back home, kissing and snuggling you the entire time
You get free range of his estate for the most part, but when he's out on missions you have to stay in a building he reserved for you
the house is very nice and is equipped with plenty of things to do, including a garden with your favorite flowers and foods
Marriage is a must
it's unavoidable and a major priority for Kyoujurou
because of his traditional values and way of thinking, he'll wait until marriage to have sex with you
after a year of marriage, he wants babies
Contradicting his general personality, he's quite possessive and easily jealous
he has the idea that you belong to him and he belongs to you
he can't risk you being taken from him by someone
just the thought makes him upset, activating his more clingy side
He does his best to respect your wishes and personal space, but sometimes he just really needs attention
he rarely forces you to cuddle with him, but when he does, it's because he's upset/discouraged
should you ever compliment, comfort, or praise him, he'd be on cloud 9
it's all he's ever wanted
Kyoujurou isn't the worst yandere, but,,,
excuse in spelling/grammar errors, I'm not illiterate i swear
-Admin Duckie
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can i request a childhood friends to lovers with annie and gn reader? :)
Of course!
Also sorry if you wanted a fic, this just worked out a lot easier in headcanon form haha
Also also, I also accidentally wrote some implied fem reader but it’s a little too late to take it out now, whoops. It’s still 90% GN though hahaaa
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Annie with a childhood friend S/O: HCs
AU: Canon
Warnings: Season 4 spoilers
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It had all started with the fall of Wall Maria
You lived with your parents inside of Wall Rose your whole life, so the sudden influx of people following the attack on Shinganshina was a bit to get used to
But then you met Annie
She was twelve, the same age as you
She didn’t talk much, and especially not about her life before the attack, but you did know that she was supposedly orphaned in the chaos
When you talked to her at first, you had felt pity for her
After all, she had lost her home, her parents, and was now abandoned in the middle of the overcrowded and overpopulated cities
And even though she remained mostly emotionless, there was a slight tug on her features that made her look quite... sad
So, with much convincing from you, your parents agreed to let you take the poor girl in for a few weeks, until the panic had died down and an orphanage would take her in
You weren’t exactly abundant with food, shelter, money, or really anything, but you made it work
And Annie, though dedicated to her cause, couldn’t help but find herself indulging in your presence
Even with Reiner and Bertholdt, she truly longed for a close friend that she didn’t associate with through the Warrior Program
So, even after Annie was eventually taken in to an orphanage, you two remained friends
You would always walk up to the front door of the building she stayed at, and the second the lady would answer, you would ask for Annie
Nearly every day the two of you would hang out
You’d take her with you as you ran out to get groceries for your parents, and you would always buy an extra loaf of bread behind your parents’ backs to give to Annie—since you knew the kids at the orphanage were never fed enough
You’d talk to her excitedly about whatever was on your mind, and even though she seldom talked much, she’d listen patiently to every word you said
And, whenever some kids started to pick on you, they’d be on the ground in a flash, noses bloody and crying out obnoxiously
Even though you appreciated the sentiment, you’d usually have to pull her off them so she wouldn’t go too far
And, after the first few incidents, you were practically invincible. Nobody wanted to touch you in fear of retaliation from Annie
Slowly, as the two of you grew closer, she told you more about herself.
Her father was the one who taught her to fight like she did, and she strived to one day make him proud
It made you quite sad, to see her talk about family with such a sad smile, whilst you had a perfectly healthy and intact family
In the very rare instances where she would vent and cry to you, you’d hold her and reassure her that her parents love her no matter what, and that you’d always be there for her
You swore that the two of you would do everything together.
So, when Annie signed up for the military to get revenge for her parents, you signed up too, to follow her and keep her safe
She paled when you told her, telling you to stay home where you’d be safe, and that she promised she’d visit you whenever you could
But you just smiled and told her that you promised to stay with her no matter what, and that you weren’t gonna leave her alone
It was there, fifteen years old, that she realized she had fallen for you
Being in the Cadet Corps together only further strengthened the bond between you two
Not only did it give you the chance to meet Bertholdt and Reiner, who were her other best friends she met in the orphanage
But, by some miracle, you and Annie were selected to share a bunk, much to your delight
It took a few days of convincing her, but eventually she started sleeping in the same bed as you
You had told her, “We’re just friends, it isn’t weird!”
And you were right—partially
It wasn’t weird when you were twelve and oblivious, but now that she was hard crushing on you, it was much different to her
When it came to daily life and training, the routine was almost always the same
You’d wake up and get breakfast with Annie, sitting with her in silence since you were usually too sleepy to make conversation, but sitting close to her nonetheless
Occasionally, you’d be so tired that you’d lean your head on her shoulder and take a quick nap before practice
She tried to look indifferent, but her red cheeks always betrayed her
Then you’d go out and train for hours with your assigned training partner, Mikasa
She’d almost always destroyed you in combat, but you learned a lot from her, and came to befriend her over the months
Annie would always get jealous of yours and Mikasa’s friendship, so you’d occasionally have to talk to her about it in one of your many late night talks
You’d see her facing away from you—opposite of what she’d usually do—and you’d know something was wrong
You’d tap her shoulder, and when she turned to face you, you could always tell something was wrong
So, you’d ask her what it was, and once she finally spit it out that she thought you and Mikasa were getting really close, really fast, you’d be quick to reassure her
You’d grab her hand and pull her closer to you, always causing her to blush, but you’d thankfully never noticed it due to the dark lighting
“Annie, I know how you feel. I get it. I’m close with Mikasa, yes, but she’s nowhere near your level. No matter what, I’ll always be your closest friend.”
And it always felt so bittersweet to her.
She was glad you held her so dear in your heart, but the word “friend” was like an arrow to her heart
She treasured you so dearly, your friendship alone already filled her life with joy and fulfillment
But she wanted to be closer to you
Even if it compromised her mission
Which is something that came up more than once with Reiner and Bertholdt
They could tell she was crushing on you, and were less than pleased
Bertholdt tried to reason with her, to coax her out of it gently by telling her how getting close to her would only end up in pain. Because, in her own words, she was a traitor, someone who’s done such unforgivable sins that they’ve become unlovable
Reiner, though, has a much harsher approach. He knew how protective she was of you and your wellbeing, so he often threatened your safety if Annie ever tried to get closer
Once, in an argument, he suggested “getting rid of her permanently,” but the terrifying glare she sent him proved that that option was completely off the table, unless he wanted to face a furious and grief induced Titan shifter
Which, he didn’t. So, he never brought it up again
Despite all this, she was very hesitant to confess to you. Bluntly put, she didn’t think you liked her back.
You acted the same as you did when you were child, and she was the same as she had always been to you—a close friend, but nothing further
Of course, you always loved her, but how was she supposed to know that?
Still, as time went on, it became more and more obstructive
Her thoughts and insecurities kept her up at night, yearning to love you while you lay sleeping mere inches away from her
It ended getting so distracting that she just decided she didn’t care if you reciprocated or not, she needed to get it off her chest
Even if there was a tugging feeling at the back of her mind that you would say no, and the friendship would be ruined
Still, she couldn’t bear to hide her feelings, so she came up to you one day after breakfast and shyly asked to meet her behind the barracks after afternoon training had finished
You casually mentioned this while training with Mikasa, but she only laughed
She knew Annie had a crush on you—it was obvious to anyone who was paying attention to how she acted around you, really—but decided to keep quiet, encouraging you to see what she wanted
So you did
When you walked around to the meeting spot, you saw her leaning against the wall biting her nails, a habit that only came out when she was really stressed
She didn’t seem to notice you at first, so you called out her name and smiled and waved when she saw you
“So what is it you wanted to talk about?”
She clammed up at first, staring at the ground nervously
You found this behavior really odd for her, considering she always appeared so confident and put together
And here she was, blushing and fidgeting like a schoolgirl
In an effort to ease whatever her concern may be, you grabbed her hand in your own, running your thumb over it
“It’s fine, Annie. You can tell me anything.” You smiled warmly
It gave her the final little confidence boost she needed to confess
“I... Y/n, I’ve always treasured our friendship no matter what. I feel like no matter what happens, you’re always there for me, and I couldn’t be more grateful for that, for having a friend like you.”
She paused and took a deep breath before continuing
“I don’t wanna make anything weird between the two of us, but this has been weighing down on me for ages. Fuck it... I love you Y/n. And I— I know you don’t like me back, that’s okay, I just want—!”
“Annie.” You spoke calmly, cutting off her panicked mumbling
Her flustered-ness was adorable, you thought, and you couldn’t help but giggle a little bit
And Annie’s heart dropped
Poor girl thought you were about to reject her
But, after a moment, you spoke
“I love you too, Annie.”
And those were the best five words anyone had ever spoken to her.
Although it wasn’t apparent on her face, she was absolutely overjoyed that you returned her feelings
She felt like, for just that moment, no matter what happened, she would be happy because she was with you
She immediately jumped onto you, wrapping her arms around your neck and lifting her feet off the ground, nuzzling her face in your shoulder
You returned the affection, moving one hand to her lower back, and the other one tangling in her golden blonde hair, undoing the messy bun she always kept it in
After that, the dynamic certainly changed between you two
In a good way, of course
She no longer felt weird about cuddling closer to you at night, waiting until you had gone asleep to press her chest against your back and spoon you
At mealtimes, whenever you went to nap on her, she would always carry you to bed instead, and claim you weren’t feeling well when Shadis asked her
And she’d totally share some of her food with you if you were feeling extra hungry
You two technically were keeping your relationship a secret, but everyone knew anyway
Especially because, every morning, you two were always the last to get up, so all the other girls could see the two of you cuddling and sleeping together so comfortably
So when the two of you eventually announced your relationship on your three-month anniversary, everyone was just kinda like “was it supposed to be a secret?”
But the two of you spent your years as Cadets together, and the both of you couldn’t have been happier
Then, one day, it came time to pick a regiment
Since you both made the top ten, Annie tried to convince you to join the Military Police with her
You two could live peacefully together inside of Wall Sina, safe from all the titans, and paid handsomely enough to live comfortably
But you were hell-bent on joining the Scouts
You said that you were gonna help protect society from the titans, and now that you had Eren on your side, saving humanity actually seemed possible
She was horrified when you told her, however
The Survey Corps had such a high, high mortality rate, and the chances of you being dead within a year of joining were alarmingly high
She almost considered joining the Scouts with you, to keep you safe
But she knew she had a mission to carry out, and that mission couldn’t progress without her joining the Military Police
So, she swore that she would write letters and visit whenever she could, but she was going to join the Military Police
It was hard for both of you, at first
Neither you nor her had slept without the other in well over four years, so the sudden shift was incredibly lonely
You’d always spent time together during your days off, though
You’d go back to your hometown and visit your parents for the day, courtesy of the horses provided by the Scout regiment
Hitch would also constantly tease Annie about constantly writing letters to you, but Annie would always snap back “At least I have a partner.”
And it always shut her up
When the time came, and she had to shift into a titan to attack the Scout regiment, per Reiner’s instructions, she was terrified
She knew you’d be one of the little soldiers out there, and she doubted she could tell you apart at a glance
If she accidentally hurt you, or god forbid, killed you, she wouldn’t know what to do with herself
Still, she had to go on with it
She never had a chance to check whether any of the countless bodies that day were you, so you can imagine the pure relief she felt when she received another letter from you in the mail
But upon reading the contents of the letter, her heart dropped a little bit
Sure enough, the “abnormal titan” you had encountered was all over it
You detailed seeing it up close, and watching helplessly as she crushed your comrades left and right, and how lucky you were that the titan skipped over you
A twinge of panic came over here on realizing that she was this close to accidentally killing you
But, she bit the bullet and wrote back, the letter reeking of faux concern
But, when the day came that the idea of Annie being the Female Titan was brought up, you were distraught
They made a good point, though. The titan looked quite like her, for starters
When you had first seen the titan, chasing behind you, you recognized the icy blue eyes right away
You pushed the thought to the backburner of your mind, but you couldn’t deny that when you looked at the titan, the first thing you saw was Annie
They brought up other things too, such as fighting style, her apparent absence that day, and others
All overwhelming evidence of her being a traitor
But you argued
Of course you argued
Why wouldn’t you argue?
Annie was your everything, she was there for you for years
You had known her from the day she was a lost, lonely orphan, spirit trampled just like the walls themselves
She was always so loyal to you, she would do just about anything to keep you, and her friends, safe
But, the responsibility fell on you to corner her
Hange had given you an ultimatum that day
“If you truly believe she is innocent, then you should have no problem helping us investigate, no? Lure her into a corner, and we’ll see if she truly is a titan.”
At first, you weren’t sure what to do
Part of you was appalled by the idea
Incriminating your lover? Out of the question. On the very very slight chance that she was a titan, you weren’t gonna be the one to pull the trigger
But the other part of you was filled with blind faith in her
She would never do something like that. There’s no problem in clearing her name
So, you agreed, and one day, you pulled her aside from her Military Police duties and told her to take the day off with you
She agreed in an instant, following you around town to the “destination” you had in mind
But she froze when you tried to lead her down the tunnel
A small seed of doubt planted itself in her mind
‘Is Y/n... trying to lead me somewhere where I can’t transform?”
So, she stalled, trying to make up her mind whilst spouting out excuses of being scared of the dark
But then a sound rang out
A shout, or a whistle of sorts
And all of the sudden, countless soldiers ran towards her at all angles, holding her arms behind her back and putting a cloth gag in her mouth
She didn’t piece it together right away—or rather, she didn’t want to piece it together—that you had, in fact, set her up
It wasn’t until you stood on the steps to the tunnel, staring into her eyes
And you didn’t move to help her
You had promised, back when the two of you were little, that you would always follow her and always protect her, no matter what
She realized at that moment that you weren’t there to save her
You were there to trick her
So, she pulled out the spike on her ring finger and cut a small gash in her finger, and lighting sparked and materialized out from her, before a puff of smoke and flesh manifested
Your mouth was agape the whole time
So she was the Female Titan...
A traitor...
You had known her for so long, and this is what she really was?
You couldn’t wrap your head around the fact that the sweet little lost girl was truly a heartless murderer
But the evidence of that fact was standing right in front of you, 15 meters tall
You were frozen in place, still standing on the stairwell
You expected to be squashed like a bug without hesitation
You couldn’t imagine Annie ever doing that, but at the same time, you couldn’t imagine Annie being any bit of what she was right now
But, to your surprise, she didn’t
She kneeled down as delicately as she could, given the confined space of the street
And brought her thumb to your back, rubbing it gently a couple times in a comforting matter, almost like she was trying to say “It’s okay, don’t worry.”
But another quick flash of lightning brought her attention away from you
Another shifter
You watched in shocked horror as the two of them wrecked through Stohess district
They fought, and fought, and fought, destroying buildings and sending wreckage everywhere
But, at the end of it all, she was reduced to a mere doll stuck in a crystalline prison
You were able to recognize one thing, though
Her face, mere moments before crystallizing
She was crying
You longed so horribly to reach out and stroke the tears from her face, yet two feet of impenetrable glass separated her from you
You visited her crystal every day
Waiting for something, someone, anything, to break her free and return her to you
You were so sick and tired of the war, of the fighting, of the heartbreak
But the universe showed no signs of giving you a break, though, as you were always called upon to fight again and again
To fight the titans, and then to fight the other traitors, Reiner and Bertholdt, and to fight Marley, watching in horror as Paradis repeated the actions the Warriors had done to Shinganshina so long ago
Yet, still, you visited Annie through it all
Checking up on her, updating her on your adventures and how the story was unfolding
And you knew it was mostly pointless—after all, she couldn’t hear you at all
But you stayed and talked, waiting indefinitely for her to wake up
Because, all those years ago, you had promised to be by her side and protect her no matter what.
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sleepysnk · 4 years
Hello can I request a Porco x fem reader Modern Au where they are in high school and Porcos like the bad boy football kind of guy and reader is just sweet and an adorable angel but they are good friends and Porco has a huge crush on reader but won’t admit it and their friends try to get them together but one day someone’s flirting with reader and she’s really shy and uncomfortable with it and Porc comes to the rescue and ends up confessing and they end up together
omg i literally LOVE this request 🥺 this was super fun to write and i hope you enjoy! thank you for requesting love ♡, Porco is definitely one of my favorites to write 💗!
What If I Told You I Love You?
Pairings: Porco Galliard x Fem!Reader
Warnings: None
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Porco sat at the lunch table with his friends, the voices of his friends and other students filling his ears. The crowded lunchroom didn't distract him from what he was staring at, nothing could distract Porco from watching (Y/N), one of his closest friends.
He had met (Y/N) in middle school, she was being picked on by one of the rude popular girls and he came to rescue. He defended her that day and ever since then the two had been attached to the hip; he never left her side, and he even brought out a side of her that nobody else even knew existed. She was such a sweet girl, she had a heart of pure gold and Porco found that to be one of the many reasons he stuck around her.
Now being juniors in high school, things didn't really change. Porco was on the football team and (Y/N) was more into her studies; she was always doing her own thing. Even if her and Porco weren't as close as they used to be, they still talked on a daily basis.
Being friends with her for so long was something Porco cherished, he always cared for her no matter where he went. She would always clean him up after a football game or if he got into a scuffle with a guy, she was always there to help him, even if Marcel didn't ask her to.
While being friends Porco began to feel something more than just a friendship with her. He would always find himself being annoyed when a guy came around, or when she would mention a guy, he'd roll his eyes.
He fell for her, hard.
But he was too scared to ever go and admit it, fearing loosing her and the friendship they shared for years.
Here he was, clenching his jaw at the sight of a guy talking to her. The blonde was talking to her and they seemed to be having a conversation, considering how she kept giggling at his jokes and the way she would smile whenever the guy told her something.
It irked Porco so badly.
"Pock, you're staring again!"
His gaze ripped away from the sight before him to look at Pieck. She was nodding her head.
He scoffed, "Yeah whatever... that guy is clearly someone that looks like trouble," he said before crossing his arms.
Pieck giggled, "That's just Armin Arlert! He's a nerd and he would never go for (Y/N). He's a shy guy Porco," she said.
He rolled his eyes, how did she know that?
"Come on Porco you can't keep hiding it forever! You've liked her for so long, eventually you're gonna have to come clean." Colt said, shrugging his shoulders.
A blush crept onto his face thinking about her. It was something only (Y/N) could do to him. "It's fine! I'll do it eventually, I just need more time." he said.
"You said that four months ago, we've all heard that excuse!" Marcel replied, looking at his brother with annoyance. Marcel was the first one to know about his crush on (Y/N), he encouraged him to tell her, but Porco was too stubborn to admit it.
He fixed his jacket, "Just shut it! I'll do it when I want to.." he mumbled.
"Well she's coming this way," Pieck said.
Porco's head snapped up to see (Y/N) walking over to his table, she waved at him before stopping at the edge of the table. "Hey Porco.. I was wondering if you could walk me to the library?" she asked, smiling a bit.
He blinked for a moment, she always had a pretty smile. It could cure diseases, "Y-Yeah! Totally! I'm down," he replied. "I'll be back guys."
Marcel and Pieck exchanged looks as the two left the table. "He's such a stubborn ass.." Marcel mumbled.
(Y/N) and Porco made their way up the stairs, the library wasn't a far walk. She'd often find herself there during lunch to study for exams or tests she had coming up, Porco would always call her a nerd, jokingly of course.
"So, how's football been going? I know you almost got into a fight the other day with the rival team," (Y/N) asked, nodding her head.
Porco looked down at her, "What? You know about that? Ugh it was nothing (Y/N), but football has been fine. How are your classes?" he replied, rubbing the back of his neck. (Y/N) disliked the many fights he got into, sometimes she'd be the one breaking it up.
She giggled, "People talk Porco, even if I'm shy and quiet I always hear others talking. My studies have been okay.. I'm just a little stressed is all," she said.
Porco stuffed his hands into his jacket pockets, he saw a few students passing by seeming to be ditching. "Porco! Ooo! I see you with her!"
(Y/N)'s cheeks suddenly grew hot at the comment, Porco rolled his eyes annoyed with the boys in front of him. "Mind your own business," he mumbled before opening the doors to the hallway.
"What were they trying to say, Porco? I hope they weren't making fun of me.." she said, looking at the floor.
Porco furrowed his brows, "Oh! No, no! They do that sometimes.. that's all," he replied trying to reassure her.
The last thing Porco would ever want is someone picking on or making fun of (Y/N). She isn't exactly the type to stand up for herself, she's a quieter student and she's always been a nicer girl. She never talked back, always got assignments done, never got into trouble, she was overall an innocent girl.
That's why people found her friendship with Porco to be an odd pair. He was a jock, a bad boy, he got into trouble before, he was surprised (Y/N) even stuck around to be his friend.
'Opposites attract' as Pieck would say.
"Well we're here.. thank you by the way for walking me here. I kind of miss talking to you all the time," she said, her eyes avoiding him.
He chuckled a bit, "Yeah, yeah me too.. but I'm always here when you need me (Y/N). I'll always be your friend," he replied, putting his hand onto her shoulder.
"Could you maybe drive me home tonight? I have a club meeting after school and I don't think I have a ride back.." she said, nodding her head.
Porco shook his head, "Of course! I have practice until five, so it works out perfectly."
She smiled, "That sounds great! Thank you Pock," she said before hugging him.
His cheeks dusted pink from her touch, his arms going around her. "Yeah! Don't mention it," he replied with a smile.
She broke the hug, "See you later!" she waved before entering the library.
Porco stood there for a moment, his mind totally lost in what just happened. God did he yearn for her touch, her touch was almost intoxicating. She always smelled good too, like a vanilla and fresh baked cookies, it was one of the many reasons Porco loved being around her. Her aura always lit up his life.
If only he could just confess.
Practice ended fairly quickly that day, Porco was pretty exhausted. His muscles were sore from working out and all he wanted to do was go home to rest.
"I'll see you tomorrow Porco," Reiner said, patting his shoulder.
He looked up from his phone, "Yeah! See you, Reiner." he replied before walking down the hall.
His mind began to wander to where (Y/N) was. She told him her club meeting was over and she was waiting on him; maybe she was at her locker? He decided to send her a text and walk around for a bit, even though it wasn't exactly allowed.
He turned the corner and was met with an unexpected sight. There was (Y/N)... but there was a guy next to her, more specifically, Eren Jaeger. He played soccer and Porco hated him with every inch of his body, he was a stubborn asshole who got away with everything.
Porco listened in to the conversation, curious as to what was going on. Did they know each other?
"(Y/N) you're really pretty.. we need to go out sometime," Eren said, taking a piece of her hair and playing with it.
She didn't know what to say nor do, Eren had this grin on his face which made her nervous. "U-Um.. Eren I don't know.. w-we don't really know each other," she replied.
"Please? You're so sweet and cute, I just wanna treat you to something," he said, a pout visible on his features.
She avoided his gaze, she didn't know what to say or do. Eren clearly wasn't giving this up and she couldn't exactly walk away, it was Eren Jaeger for Christ's sake.
"Eren I-I.. um.." she mumbled.
His brows furrowed, "Come on (Y/N)! What? Do you think I'm going to do something? Pretty girls like you deserve the best," he smirked.
Her face clearly showed discomfort, Porco clenched his jaw watching the situation unfold. That's when he began walking forward.
"Hey (Y/N)."
She turned and looked at Porco making his way over, relief washing over her. "Hey Porco," she said with a smile.
Eren narrowed his eyes, "Sup Porco.." he said, looking at him with annoyance.
(Y/N) walked over to Porco leaving Eren by her locker.
"Sup Eren? I didn't know you two talked but uh.. we gotta get going. I'm driving (Y/N) home," Porco said, crossing his arms over his chest.
Eren clicked his tongue, "I see.. well my offer still stands (Y/N), see you later."
The two watched the way Eren walked down the hall and disappeared behind the doors.
(Y/N) let out a sigh of relief, "Thank you for that.. I didn't know what else to do to turn him away," she said.
Porco smiled, "Yeah! Don't worry about it, we should get going before he comes back," he chuckled.
She laughed and began to follow him down towards the exit of the school. It was dark out, it was October and the wind blew around the leaves on the ground; a few crunched under their feet. The air smelled crisp and fresh, just the way she liked it.
Getting into his car, (Y/N) noticed the way Porco was acting. He seemed more nervous and his body language seemed off.
"Pock?" she asked. "Is everything okay?"
His honey eyes peered over towards her, "Huh? Oh, yeah! I'm good. Why?" he replied.
She chewed the inside of her cheek, "You just seem a little off, are you sure?" she didn't necessarily believe what he had to say. She knew Porco like the back of her hand and she could tell when he wasn't telling the truth.
A sigh escaped his mouth, "If I tell you what's up will you be upset?" he asked.
She could see the seriousness in his eyes, "No of course not! Porco have I ever judged you?" she asked as her fingers brushed against his arm.
Sparks danced along his arm from her touch, it made his mind cloudy. "W-Well.. I'll explain the best I can," he said shifting around in his seat.
She nodded, "Go on.."
Porco's heartbeat began to pick up, he could feel it against his chest and his cheeks began to grow pink. This was it, he was about to confess.
"(Y/N).. we've been friends for awhile, and I enjoy hanging and talking with you; you never fail to make me smile and you impress me everyday with the things you do. What I'm trying to say is.. I like you. I like you more than just a friend and I want to be yours," he replied. "I know you don't feel the same.. but I really do like you (Y/N)."
It was silent for a few moments, Porco felt the worst coming for him. He knew she didn't feel the same, and he was okay with that.
"Porco.. that's really sweet of you," she said with a smile.
Her fingers ghosted over his hand which was on his lap, his heart quickening at the feeling of her skin touching his.
"I-I understand if it's weird... we don't have to be-"
"Porco no, no! I-.. I feel the same way about you. I like you too," she said, her voice coming out a bit quieter. Her cheeks now hot and embarrassment rushing onto her.
Porco's eyes grew wide after hearing her words, he wasn't exactly sure if she was bluffing or lying, but he knew she would never lie. That was something (Y/N) would never do to Porco.
"Y-You..? You like m-me back?" he asked.
She smiled feeling bashful, "Of course! You've always been nice compared to other guys... and I couldn't ask for someone better."
He opened his mouth to say something but he remained silent, taking in all the information.
"Hey.." she said, turning his face to look at her. "I want to be yours.. I trust you Porco and I like you so much."
He cupped her cheek, running his thumb along her skin. "I want you to be mine.." he said, looking into her hues.
Her fingers wrapped around his wrist, her eyes staring back into his honey ones. Porco leaned in and placed his lips onto hers, the kiss made sparks flow along his body. Her hands went to the skin underneath his jaw, tilting his chin up a bit.
A smile appeared on his lips as he pulled away to see her bashful face. "Let me make you mine, please, be my girlfriend (Y/N)." he said, taking her hand into his. He rubbed circles into her knuckles.
She looked away feeling her cheeks growing hot again, "Yes, yes of course Porco," she said, smiling at him.
He chuckled a bit, his heart swelling and his mind in a frenzy realizing what just happened. She actually liked him back, (Y/N) was now his and he was going to make the best of being her boyfriend.
"Porco.. we need to head to my house," she said, breaking him out of his trance.
He shook his head, "Oh! Yeah right.. my bad, you're just so amazing and I can't believe you're really mine now," he said, kissing her hand.
She giggled, "I'm glad I have you as my boyfriend.. you're all I ever wanted," she replied.
He turned his car on, "I could say the same to you."
The drive to her house was fun, the two talked about when their feelings developed and things they wanted to do together now being a couple. Porco felt as if a weight was lifted off his chest and he couldn't be happier, he couldn't wait to tell Marcel and the others.
He slowed the car in front of her house, "Well.. we're here," he said, looking at her.
She grabbed her backpack, "Thank you for the ride.. and thank you for being honest about your feelings. I'm glad," she said.
Porco rubbed the back of his neck, "It was nothing.. I'm glad you were honest too. I can't wait to show you what I've been wanting to do for so long," he replied.
She looked down feeling bashful again, "I can't wait to see that.." she smiled.
She leaned in and pressed a kiss onto his cheek which made his cheeks grow pink. "See you tomorrow," she said before exiting the car.
He smiled as he watched her head into her house, (Y/N) was now his girlfriend and he couldn't believe how well tonight played out. He was excited to start a new chapter, with her.
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aestheticfangirl · 3 years
{ Wonwooxreader }
~fluff , angst , best friends , hidden feelings
Word count : 3k
Trope : best friend au
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“Yah Mingyu yahhhhhhh, stop doing that or else I would kick your ass I swear”, I shouted from the top of my lungs.
“You can stop me if you can but I know you can’t”, Mingyu replied and then started running.
I was running behind him, breathless. I stopped and stood when Wonwoo came and handed me a bottle of water.
“You both should stop running and rest or else you guys will get tired and then I will be the one to suffer to drag you both to your respective houses”, he spoke and took me by my arm and made me sit. “Yah Kim Mingyu, you too come and sit”, he shouted at him. 
And then Mingyu returned. It was our daily habit since high school that I would mess up and he will help me. Wonwoo and I were best friends since 8th grade and then Wonwoo met Mingyu in college and they were best friends. He introduced me to Mingyu and now we three are best friends. Mingyu and I always create problems and Wonwoo always helps us. He is always an angel.
We three then sat down in silence for a few minutes and then left for our houses. Wonwoo came to drop me off and then he too left. I feel blessed always to have him.  When I had my first break up he was there by my side. Whenever I face any problems he comes to me to help. He never expresses everything openly but he does care about me the most and also he protects me. I just wish we won’t part ever.
[A few days later]
I don’t know why it aches so much. I had dated some people before too but this time it hurts so much. I can’t understand why he used me and left. I was crying since like three hours. I was dating this guy since 6 months but I found out today that he was cheating on me. I never said about him to Wonwoo and Mingyu because he said to me to keep this a secret. I don’t know whom to call. It feels so bad right now.
My phone lightened up and I saw Wonwoo was calling. I gasped if he will see me crying like this then he will freak out seriously. I wiped up my tears and drank water and then I picked up my phone.
“Hello”, I said managing my tone.
“Why is your voice so heavy?” he enquired. I don’t think I can hide it from him.
I explained him everything that happened. How I fell for the wrong guy and how that guy used me and now he threw me away. When I completed telling him everything I could understand from his voice how angry he was yet he maintained his calm and talked to me. That night we talked up to 3 in the morning until I fell asleep.
The next day when we met he didn’t ask me anything rather all he did was made me laugh the entire time and my heart felt a lot better. Till a few days all we did was some stupid and random things and met our other friends and hung out.
[A week later]
“How much long shall we wait?”, Mingyu asked irritated.
We have been waiting for Wonwoo for the past one hour because he called us here saying there is something important he wanted to tell us.
And finally Wonwoo came with a girl. Me and Mingyu exchanged glances confused.
Wonwoo came and spoke “hey guys, I am sorry the traffic was horrible”.
“hie and it’s fine but why did you call us here”, I said looking at the him and then the girl. I have to admit she is pretty.
“And Wonwoo who is she?” Mingyu asked.
And then pulled her closer holding her from her waist. Then he continued, “oh yeah about her only I called you guys here”, he said “actually she is my girlfriend, jihyo”.
Jihyo spoke up finally, “hi , I heard a lot about you guys” and then she shook my hands.
“ What girlfriend ?” Mingyu literally shouted in my ears. “Gyu I heard that no need to scream”, I spoke and everyone laughed.
“Umm it’s been a month since we started talking and a week since we are going out”, Wonwoo replied and then looked at me and said, “so many things were happening with y/n so I decided to postpone this announcement”. He smiled.
“I am so happy for you guys”, I replied and smiled. But something felt weird which was difficult to understand for myself too. I didn’t say anything. We all then went to eat ice cream as Mingyu had lots of questions. All the time I was watching Wonwoo and realized he never was this happy like he is now. I guess it’s good he found someone. 
[ Time skip ] 
A few weeks have gone by and a lot of things have changed. After Wonwoo getting in that relationship he is spending less time with us. It is kind of weird. And I feel a bit sad because of this fact. I really miss him but I can’t even say him this or it might sound weird.
Finally today Wonwoo was free and decided to spend time with me and I had to buy some books so we decided to go to book shopping together. When I reached my building’s gate he was standing there. He was wearing a simple black t –shirt and blue jeans. I never realized Wonwoo is this good looking. I always felt Mingyu is handsome but never thought of Wonwoo that way. I blushed, what’s wrong with me. I rushed to him.
“Hi , you could have called me if you reached here early I was ready already”, I said.
“It’s okay I was lost in thoughts anyway, let’s go now”, he replied.
We reached the bookstore and I picked up some of the books I wanted to read and then we decided to have lunch together. It was a long while since we spent some time together. But I don’t know this time it feels weird. I feel lighter and I blush a lot. I never found him this attractive. I shook my stupid thoughts away. He was my best friend and also he has a girlfriend. Jihyo is indeed lucky to have him.
“Umm Wonwoo , how is Jihyo ?” I asked, not that I was curious I just wanted to know.
“ I don’t know , maybe okay”, he replied and continued eating.
I was confused by his statement, I replied, “what, why don’t you know? She is your girlfriend.”  
“No more. We broke up”, he spoke calming and still focusing in his food.
Is he a robot or what who says about their break up like this? “WHAT? AND WHY HAVEN’T YOU SAID THIS EARLIER AND WHEN?”, I spoke mouth full of food.
“It’s been a while and first eat your food, you will get choked”, he looked at me and said with a straight face.
I don’t know why I was happy inside I know I shouldn’t be happy but something felt good inside. I hate these confusing emotions. I didn’t ask anything until I finished my food.
When we left the restaurant I asked, “why did you break up?”
“There was something”, he said and then pulled me to the side and we went to the edge. He always does this. I smiled looking at the ground.
“What was that something Wonwoo?” I said and stopped and looked at him. He too stopped and then sighed, “I have feelings for someone else which I realized after going with her”, and then he continued walking.
“Who”, I asked softly. I wanted to know who is this girl whom he loves this much.
 “ I can’t tell you , something should always remain hidden”, he said and we reached my room.
I didn’t ask anything further I knew when the time comes he always confronts everything.
[A few days later]
Wonwoo has been acting pretty weird since some days. It seems like he is avoiding me. He lies to us saying he has other work but again he hangs out with his other friends. His behaviors are also pretty weird. I asked Mingyu but he said there’s nothing he is normal with him and I am overthinking but I am pretty sure it’s not normal. He calls me even less now and leaves me on read pretty often. These things are getting the best of me now and it’s super confusing and I am hell lot scared to confront him too. But to be honest I have been feeling weirder too about him. I am maybe attracted to him and I know I shouldn’t be.
I saw him today but he smiled and left when I reached there. And now it’s quite hurting especially with these feelings. I always kept myself in check and also my feelings. When everyone teased us and said us we should date I always laughed it out but why can’t I do it anymore. I hate these feelings.
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[ time skip]
Finally came the time of our graduation which is only a month left but I have to decide now whether I have to stay here or leave for further studies and I am pretty confused. I have never left my family and especially Wonwoo, but again I don’t want to suffer with these one sided feelings these hurt a lot more.
Right now we are in a better place he is pretty normal but I am kind of avoiding him and staying in home mostly. I can’t face him I can’t hide my feelings that too from him. 
Wonwoo called me to meet him and after ignoring him like for many days I decided to meet him. I went to our regular café where we usually hang out. When I reached he was already there sitting and playing games and looking perfect as ever and this thought made my heart jump a little.
“ Hi” , I said as I sat down in front of him.
“ Hi , it’s been a long time y/n”, he said putting his phone down.
“umm yeah it’s been a long time”, I looked down  thinking of excuses and then I continued, “ I was pretty busy cause of these final exams and all”.
“ I understand and how are you?”, he asked.
“ I am okay and you”, I replied. I never struggle this much to talk to him. Why is this getting difficult?
“ Yeah I am fine just a few things are stressing me”, he said and smiled.
“ what , you want to talk ?” I asked worried.
“ no it’s fine it will be okay , by the way are you dating anyone ?”, he asked and it caught me off-guard.
My pupils dilated and I coughed , “ no I am not dating anyone”, I managed.
“ Oh , okay. Then do you like someone”, he asked again and looked at me in genuine confusion.
I didn’t want to lie to him and if I say yes then he will ask me who and then I will get rejected and things will get awkward so I replied instead, “I don’t have time I am so busy for the future to think about these and also I don’t want to date anyone right now I had enough of dating experiences”.
“ OH I see”, he replied and then focused on his drink. I decide to ask him too who he is in love with. I know I might never replace that girl but I might help with her although it will kill me from inside. 
I spoke up, “anyways Wonwoo, you said you liked someone last time we met, and so are you still into her?”
“ Yes I am still in love with her”, he said without hesitating, it means he is pretty serious about her and I don’t have any chance.
“Oh okay , who is she ? Do I know her ?” I asked.
“ umm no you don’t know her and why are you asking ?” he questioned back.
“ I thought I might help with her it seems like you are pretty serious for her”, I replied.
“ Oh no need it’s fine don’t worry”, he said.
“ cool , if you ever want I will help you , even if you want to move on I will help you find blind dates okay”, I said with a smile and crying from inside.
“Thank you”, he smiled. 
I understood I don’t have a single chance with him. We sat there and talked for a few time and then finally decided to leave. As usual he came with me and dropped me off at my room and we said our goodbyes. After I went to my room I decided to leave this place. And I didn’t even realize when I started crying.
[ time skip]
Okay so as I decided I will leave and luckily I got a scholarship in a different city and it was actually a good place. I know I would hurt for a few time in the starting but then gradually I will move on. I was not that brave to deliver this news to my friends face to face so I decided I will lie to them and after I will reach there then only I will tell them. I don’t want to change my mind now.
The day came when I had to leave I still didn’t tell Wonwoo and Mingyu about this. My mom and dad came to see me off. My dad was super proud and my mom was crying. I consoled her and then went. I had already typed the texts I was about to send them once my flight takes off.
I completed all the security procedures and then as I took my seat I opened my phone and then I copied the entire texts and pasted it and hit that sent button. I am going to throw this sim card anyways so it didn’t matter what the guys would think.  I haven’t cried at all when I was with my parents but suddenly my tears started flowing down. I wanted to stop crying but for some reasons it didn’t stop and it made me angrier. I was thinking of all our past memories and all those moments I spent with them especially with Wonwoo. Thinking of him my heart ached more. I don’t know how to stay away from him but I had to do this. It would have hurt me more to see him with someone. His future always has that someone who isn’t me. I wiped my tears when my flight finally took off.
To Mingyu :
Hey Gyu!! I know after seeing this text you might freak out but I am sorry. I am leaving actually the time by which you have seen this text I might have left already. Anyways I just wanted to say thank you to you for all those memories we shared and for always being that goofy and protective friend and for always lending me an ear when I needed. And also for handing me tissues when I cried. To be honest I didn’t wanted to leave but my heart just couldn’t take it anymore. I wanted to confess you something that I like Wonwoo and it’s been a while actually, I never said this to you or else you would have forced me to confess him which I couldn’t.  So don’t think much and stay the way you are and please look out for Wonwoo and yeah I will be deleting this number but don’t worry I won’t lose your contact. But you should never say Wonwoo when I will text you please I want to disappear from his life so that he can concentrate on his life without worrying about me and at the mean time I can heal. Take care <33
To Wonwoo:
I know whatever I am going to say now might sound weird so sorry from now only. I like you, I know it’s weird so don’t freak out. I remember we used to laugh at others who did this but yeah I fell for you and who won’t. You are that perfect guy out there. Whenever I dated someone it never worked out because no one treated me like you do. And for that thank you. And also I am grateful that you were always there by my side even though everyone left. You did everything for me and you were there in my vulnerable state but you know what, all I ever did was burden you with my stupid and messed up life. I always created the mess and you helped me out. I never thought I would end up falling for you I know I am super stupid, you might me wondering now why I never confronted to you about this it’s because I don’t want to lose you but look at the irony I did already. I can’t take that burden of rejection so I left. And don’t freak out it’s of no use and it’s for the better as from now you can focus entirely on your life without worrying about me all the time. At first I thought it was a simple crush but when I saw you with Jihyo I felt jealousy for the first time and I felt so hurt. But I hope you will be with the girl you like and stay happy okay that’s what matters. Oh by the way I forgot after your break up Jihyo called me and blamed me for your break up I know right it sounds so funny and she said that you like me that’s why you guys broke up and you know what I low-key wished you did. Anyways that’s too much for a text but again this is the last text. Stay happy Wonwoo and live your life with no regrets. And yeah I love you.♡
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kozzax · 4 years
so recently the folks over at @petrichormeraki have been working on a silent tommy au because of a few asks talking about mute!tommy. and one of the things that’s canon in that au is the fact that xisuma is the only mortal hermit. i took this as free reign to work out why each of the other hermits is immortal. some of them are gods, some of them are demigods, some of them are supernatural beings, but none of them (except xisuma) can be killed through feasible means.
because of the sheer amount of immortal hermits there just to live out immortality in peace, i like to think hermitcraft is sometimes referred to jokingly as ‘the retirement zone’ by other immortal beings. most mortals outside of hermitcraft wouldn’t know the hermits are all like... gods and shit.
hermits + their immortality under the cut because oh god this was supposed to be a fast post but i accidentally wrote... a lot. whoops!
Grian is a watcher. He was a watcher before he joined hermitcraft. That’s... just. Canon Grian Lore TM. Not much to explain with him.
Cleo and Joe are both immortal by virtue of no longer being capable of being mortal. As both of hem are undead beings (cleo a zombie and joe a ghost), killing them again isn’t... possible. In addition to this, at some point during their afterlife, they managed to gather enough power between the two of them to be labelled as the “Twin Gods of Life and Death”. Which one is life and which one is death? That depends on the day.
Cub and Scar are definitely not gods. But the deals the two made with the Vex are almost more of an insurance on their immortality. The Vex protect their ConVex as a dragon protects its hoard. Not only can the two of them hold their own in a fight, but their respawn is insured by the fact that even if they were to permadie, the Vex would bring them back anyways. 
False is the Queen of Hearts, Heads, and Body Parts. She’s also a vampire. In a similar vein, Ren is a werewolf. Both of them can only be killed through very specific means, and neither can die of old age. Throughout their many years in the worlds, they’ve gathered tons of skills and allies. Although now they’ve both stepped down, content to enjoy their peaceful lives and chill out in Hermitcraft, each of them was once a ruler of their respective factions. The ‘queen’ part of False’s title was never just a title.
Etho was granted immortality by a council of gods, after they took a liking to his interesting antics and kept an eye on his longstanding worlds.
Doc, BDubs, Beef, and Etho (again) were all brought to Hermitcraft as the last ‘mortal’ members to join. The general idea was that maybe they could give Xisuma some company and relief from the antics of his immortal and godly friends. This did not happen. Instead, the universe decided it was going to give all of them godly powers in their own right. Etho himself may have been immortal, but he and the rest of the NHO all grew infinitely more powerful after leaving the jungle of season 5.
Stress is a dryad. She can control and warp the nature around her in strange and beautiful ways. In addition to this, were her body to ever get fully destroyed in a way that would prevent her from respawning, a new body would instead form for her out of the nature wherever she died. This is how ice queen stress came about in season 6.
Impulse actually bullshitted his own way into immortality. Where most of the other hermits were either brought into it by someone else or born into it, Impulse actually discovered the secret of immortality while he was trying to figure out how totems of undying were made. He now knows how to create totems and how to become immortal, though he won’t tell anyone else if they ask. Part of the process of creating totems involved...
...Tango, who is a demon. As a demon, his powerset includes but is not limited to both pyrokinesis and an affinity for very very large and very very deadly animals. He doesn’t use those abilities on Hermitcraft often, but they’re in his skillset for sure.
As a byproduct of the immortality, Zedaph showed up in the current timeline. His immortality is... strange, because it’s not technically immortality. Zedaph, as a person, is mortal and can die. Zedaph, as a being, though, is one of billions of Zedaphs in the universe; each of whom is nearly identical to the others; and whenever one Zedaph dies, he is replaced instantly with a new Zedaph; a functionally identical Zedaph to the one who died. Nobody’s quite sure how this process works, but Zed claims it’s through “time travel”.
Jevin, as a slime, can actually inhabit any portion of his slime that he wants; no matter how small the amount. Even if he were limited to one singular molecule of slime, he could still exist around that molecule and regenerate slime until he was fully present again, though it might take a little while for him to complete that process. The only way to kill Jevin is by fundamentally altering the chemical makeup of every single molecule of slime he’s ever had anywhere. It simply won’t happen. He does use his abilities to get out of conversations, if he’s feeling particularly annoyed at the time.
TFC is potentially one of the most interesting hermits, in his prior responsibilities. It’s easy to forget that he’s not mortal, considering how frighteningly average he acts in his day to day life. One peek into any of his bunkers, though, and you’re hit right in the face with a bold reminder. TFC used to be one of the gods responsible for shaping the very worlds players would walk on; more specifically, he was in charge of cave systems and mineshafts for a long time. He’s retired from that life and is having a lovely time in Hermitcraft, just vibing.
Wels gained his immortality through a deal with the patron god of the kingdom he grew up serving. He made this deal as a young knight and watched for decades as the kingdom grew and prospered, Wels himself known far and wide as quite probably the best warrior of them all. After being dismissed honorably by the kingdom, as he’d been protecting them for many decades now and the rulers honestly felt he deserved a break, the god he’d made a deal with finalized this immortality. He joined Hermitcraft not long after, and has taken up a spot doing his part to protect the hermits.
Iskall was somewhat of an enforcer, for the gods. Were a god to be acting particularly out of line, Iskall would be called in to bring them to the council for trial. Sometimes his targets came peacefully, sometimes he’d have to use force to bring them in. No matter what he had to do, there wasn’t a single target he missed. He both can and will kill a god if he must. Technically, Iskall’s still on call, but generally councils don’t call on him unless absolutely necessary anymore.
Hypno made a deal with a god many years ago, trading his mortality for the ability to see hundreds of thousands of alternate paths for the future. He wanted to chronicle them, and he still spends one or two days a week writing out winding paths of the future. When he’s not working, he wears his bandana to cover up the third eye that allows him this insight. This helps him focus on the now, rather than the futures that may or may not be.
Xb is an eldritch being with reality warping abilities. He has them under fairly good control, most of the time. They really only become an issue when he gets too much pent-up magical energy at once; examples of this being things like season changes. His season 7 base is built around what happens when he needs to release. It’s a post apocalypse world, and the apocalypse was him.
Mumbo is definitely both magical and immortal, but the specifics of his powers are incredibly unclear. The hermits know it has something to do with redstone, maybe, and that the unpredictability of Hermit Challenges are a reflection of his strange and confusing powerset, but nobody’s really sure where his immortality stems from. Every time you ask him he gives you a different answer. The mumbonis are all different joking theories as to where his powers came from.
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thebookwormfairy · 4 years
Kelpto!Marinette Au: Ft. Captain the Retired Police Dog
In this au Hawkmoth isn't active (yet) so Marinette doesn't have her miraculous (yet)
Daminette Masterlist
First things first, Captain loves his girl
Even if she had sticky fingers
He knows she's never stolen anything from stores but she does "borrow" stuff from her friends
He first noticed it when her friend Luka came over
She kept taking his guitar picks and giving them back
At one point she took it out of his hand as he was playing
Luka didn't seem mad about her taking them in fact he seemed amused if not a little fascinated by her ability to do so
The there was the time she was with her other friend Kagami
She took her fencing foil right out of her hand
Captain expect the usually cold girl to get angry at Marinette so he jumped up from his place on the side lines to protect his girl
But as he made it to his girl's side Kagami started to laugh
Kagami: I should really stop being surprised by you Marinette
Captain was surprised by the girl's reaction but was happy that she wasn't mad at the girl
Captain started to notice that his girl's friends took Marinette skills as a challenge
They would set up mini heist for Marinette to do
They always have different objectives
One of them was to steal a ring off Luka's mom's hand without her noticing
Which of course Marinette succeeded
Anarka was very impressed by this
The loud music man, Jagged Stone, and his mate, Penny Rolling, also seemed to join in on the fun
One time the objective was to steal Fang
Marinette got it done in 30 minutes and just had Fang hang out with her and Captain
The crocodile was in Marinette's room for half a day before Jagged realized that Marinette had already got him
Captain notice that these heist would usually happen whenever Marinette was stress, like when she had a lot of commissions or it was exam time at her shool
It seemed that Marinette had her sticky fingers under control until they went to Gotham
Captain could tell that Marinette was excited to go to another country
But he could also tell that she was nervous to be without her family and close friends
She wasn't on bad terms with most of the class but she wasn't exactly on good terms either
It was almost like a stalemate in a war
A war between Marinette and Lila
They were civil was the best way to describe it
But that didn't mean that Lila wasn't looking for every opportunity to to push the stalemate to her favor
For that reason Captian snucked onto the plane so that his girl would have somebody with her
Of course Lila tried to make it out like Marinette did it on purpose
But luckily Marinette was quickly able to prove that she had nothing to do with it
Marinette: I have absolutely no supplies with me to take care of Captain! What kind of irresponsible dog owner would sneak a dog into another country without making sure they had to proper shots, food, and supplies?!?!
The class had to admit if there was one thing Marinette would never do it would be putting Captain in a situation that would put him in danger
So Marinette got Captain everything he needed while the class was out shopping
Though Marinette was thrilled to have Captain with her she was stressed that Lila was going to do something to the good boy
Marinette knew Gotham was a dangerous city and she wouldn't put it past Lila to cause some sort of "accident" to either her or Captain
So with her stress level up Marinette felt her fingers begin to itch
Usually she would turn to Luka and Kagami for times like this but they were on the other side of the planet
She could feel her fingers start to twitch as she walked around the block that her class was exploring
She always been good at controlling her kelpto tendencies but her nerves were really making them act up
She started to fidget with the stuff in her pocket when she heard shouting
Marinette looked up and saw a man running from a woman
Woman: Stop that man! He took my purse!
Marinette angled her body so that she would be in the man's path
The man not paying attention to the girl now in his path ran into Marinette
He was in such a hurry he didn't realize that Marinette had switch the woman's purse for a used poop bag when he ran into her
The man continued running not realizing the switch as Marinette walked over to the woman
Marinette handing the woman her purse: Here you go
Woman: Thank you so much
Marinette: No problem
Jason in the roof across the street: Guys you would not believe what I just saw
Tim over com: let me guess you are once again for going work to do patrol during the day
Jason: Yes but you got to hear what I just saw
Dick over com: What Jason?
Jason: I was watching over the shopping district and some guy snatch this woman's purse. I was about to jump in, when he bumped into this girl with a dog who switched the woman's purse with a use pop bag! The guy still hasn't realized the switch I can see him two streets over still running!
Dick: What?!
Tim: Really?! How did she manage that?
Jason: I don't know! She got some quick fingers on her! But we can't tell Bruce. She's right in his MO for adoption
Tim: Black hair blue eyes?
Jason: Exactly!
Damian over com: Will you three idiots quiet down! Unlike you three I still have school work to do, and it's hard to do that with you three chattering in my ear. Coms are only suppose to be used for emergencies during the day!
Jason: Oh calm down Demon Spawn. I just couldn't wait to tell y'all about this girl.
Damian annoyed: Well why don't you just ask her out then?
Jason: Nah not really my type, also she's a but too young for me, she looks around your age Demon Spawn
Dick: Ohhh, maybe we should set them up together
Tim: With such quick hands she would be a great addition to our team
Jason: And she has a German sheperd with her
Dick: She sounds great! Right Little Bird?
Damian: I've have enough of this, Damian out.
Damian turned off his com cutting off his brothers' laughter
The last thing Damian needed right now was his brothers trying to set him up with some random girl who was able to trick some low level criminal
The incident with the purse snatcher relieved a bit of Marinette's stress but she could still feel her fingers twitching as she ran them through Captain's fur
She couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to happen soon
She had the okay for Captain to come with her on all her schools outings
But that didn't mean that something wasn't going to happen
She just didn't know what
The next day when Marinette was walking Captain in the park when sheet a nice (and cute) boy named Damian and they hit it off
He was such a sweet boy with his own dogs
The two just seemed to click
All Marinette's free roam time was spent with Damian, Titus, and sometimes Ace
Captain got along great with Titus and he seem to have the same instant connection to Ace
The two were often seen cuddling when Damian brought her along
Captain was a little sketch out about this new boy
He couldn't get rid of this feeling that Damian was hiding something from his girl
He tries to ask Ace and Titus about it but the two just brushed him off
Though Captain did notice as the two got closer his girl's twitchy fingers calmed down and she didn't reach to sneakily borrow something from the people around her
So he begrudgingly accept this strange boy
Marinette had to say the best part about the whole Gotham trip was meeting Damian
The two were just friends but Marinette couldn't denied the spark she felt
There might have been a bit of flirting between the two but Marinette was hesitant to form a deeper relationship with Damian because she knew how hard long distance relationships were
On her final day in Gotham Marinette and Captain went with the class to get a tour at Wayne Enterprise
It was the finally stop before they were to return home
As Marinette entered Wayne Enterprise she was surprised to find Damian their waiting for them with an older man who had black hair and blue eyes
Marinette broke away from her class who were too busy talking among themselves to notice
Marinette: Hey Damian! What are you doing here?
Damian: Hey Angel, Captian-
Dick: Wait you didn't tell her Baby Bird?
Damian blushed at the use of his nickname in front of the girl he admittedly had a crush on
He had done his best to keep her away from his family and had succeeded
The only one he really talk to about Marinette was Dick who promised to keep Marinette between the two of them
But when Damian found out that Marinette and her class were going to be touring Wayne Enterprise on their final day in Gotham
Damian tried to tell Marinette before the day arrived but whenever he was ready to tell her, he would get lost in her big blue eyes or Captain would interrupt them
So as he stood in front of the girl who has wrapped himself around her finger in such a short time he was once again at a lost for words
Marinette wrapping her hand around Damian's and giving it a squeeze: Damian are you okay?
As Marinette pulled away she realized to her horror that she accidentally stole his watch
Damian and Dick stood wide eyed as Marinette held out Damian's watch
They didn't even notice her taking it off him
Marinette: I'm soooo sorry! I really didn't mean to take this! I'm so so so sorry!
Captain moved so that he stood between Marinette's legs ready to protect her if either of the two males in front of him tried to do anything to his girl
As Marinette freaked out a little bit Dick couldn't help but laugh as this young girl was able to pull off that trick without him or Damian noticing
Damian snapping out of his shock: It's okay Marinette, that's actually a really great trick. Not many people can sneak one by me
Marinette blushing: Thanks Damian, but you didn't answer my question. What are you doing here?
Damian scratching the back of his head: Well you see Angel I'm here to help my brother give your class a tour of Wayne Enterprise
Marinette: So your Damian Wayne?
Damian: Yes, I hope that doesn't change anything between us
Marinette smiling: No, it definitely doesn't
Marinette and Captain walked back over to the class
As Damian watched Marinette walk away he went to put his watch back on only to see that it's gone from his hands
He hears a small wuff as he looks up he sees Captain sitting in front of him holding his watch
Dick: That some girl you got there Damian
Damian sighing: Yeah she is
Jason seeing a picture of Marinette and Damian together: THAT'S THE GIRL I SAW!!
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doodledrawsthings · 4 years
Oh The Humanity! AU  Masterpost
Hi! Making a masterpost for this AHiT AU so y’all have one place to just find all the important bits that I and other folks in the fandom have done for this AU! Everything will be under the read more
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AU Premise: Snatcher steals a time piece from Hat Kid and Bow Kid to mess with them. He tries to use it during one of the Death Wish fights, but turns out the particular time piece he stole was faulty/ something was up with it/ he broke it in a weird way that really messed it up. Because of this, when he broke the piece, instead of rewinding time back a few minutes, it sent his form back about 300 years, returning him to human form, but with all his present memories. Now, he’s stuck as a human as and has to wait for the Time Traveling Alien Kids to fix the time piece and return him to normal, while also being forced to confront his past.
You can find most of this in the tag #oth!au. I will also be updating this as new stuff gets added or if I find that I’ve missed something. Let me know if there’s something I missed that you’d like me to add, cuz boy howdy i didnt realize how much is stuffed into this AU, and I dont remember what I’ve already said and what I’m saving for future stuff:
Significant Events in the Main Timeline story (these are kind of in order and kind of not. There’s more to be added, just not yet):
this au has a bunch of different endings thanks to the lovely ahit fandom’s contributions.
This all happens sometime after This comic. So, by the time OTH!AU happens, Moon and Snatcher are at least on“awkward acquaintance” terms with eachother and snatcher is trying to be nicer to him. He’s still got his moments of being rude and snappy tho, but thats just because he’s snatcher.
The first actual post i made In regards to this AU+ @positive-polygons​ comic interpretation of the beginning of the AU. He breaks a weird time piece he stole and he reverse ages back to being alive again. : Link Link1 Link2 Link3
Snatcher asks moonjumper to watch over Subcon while he’s stuck like this Link
Bow takes him to Nyakuza Metro to get new clothes. He trashes the Prince get-up as soon as possible. Link
Arctic Cruise Arc Link1 Link2 Link3 Link4
Some comics, they learn his name is luka at some point
Moonjumper is taking care of Subcon. They do things way differently than snatcher but they’re trying their best. 
Cooking Cat comes by to cook and help out. She’s very motherly to everyone. She’s taken Mu on as an apprentice, so she’s usually there with her whenever she drops by.
The birds are wrapping up a collab movie. The main cast are invited to the premier party, as Hat and Bow acted in the film. Snatcher gets to wear a nice suit and he has some interaction with the conductor and grooves. Link Link
at multiple points, MJ checks in with snatcher for status reports on how subcon is doing. This is usually where their bonding moments happen and they become less and less awkward with each interaction.
At some point around mid to late story, they find out that Subcon is starting to freeze over again. Snatcher was the only one who could melt the ice so this now gives them a time limit.
The Mirror incident Link Link  second fic by @greentrickster​
as snatcher gets along with the kids more, they remake his mailman hat so he can use badges and equip him with his own umbrella. Link Link
at some point snatcher realizes he doesn’t wanna go back to being a ghost.
Main-timeline ending is a Boss battle with Vanessa. Link
General Headcanons:
Almost everything you need to know about moonjumper and the prince and vanessa’s relationship Link
Snatcher and Vanessa have known eachother since they were kids. Their marriage was arranged, but they were good friends
OTH! Snatcher is aroace 
about snatcher’s feelings on defeating vanessa (*human!/final boss vanessa ending) Link1 Link2
This fic has a really good interpretation of the horizon that I’ve pretty much adopted, myself. Link
regarding snatcher’s expression of empathy and emotion both as a human and as a ghost Link1
Snatcher gradually takes on a fatherly role towards the girls. He is constantly trying to deny it as he comes to realize it but eventually accepts it. 
he’s actually pretty graceful with the umbrella  Link Link
Hat kid’s a good leader, but she can often be reckless and stubborn. Significantly more chaotic of the two space gremlins. She’s a lot like snatcher in a lot of ways, and because of that they are constantly butting heads but they get along better as Snatcher both gets used to being human and grows fonder of the two girls. She’s a bit closer to Snatcher, having been the most adamant about being his friend (initially out of spite but yknow) and they have a lot in common. 
People frequently mistake snatcher for being Hat Kid and Bow Kid’s visiting father. They usually comment on how much he looks like he could be HK’s biological dad. Both are in denial of this throughout the main timeline of this au. It’s a running gag. Link
snatcher is sometimes completely oblivious when he enters Dad Mode sometimes
Bow, on the other hand is generally a bit more shy and careful than hat kid is. She tends to take the passenger seat, taking on a more supportive role. She’s also way more polite. In this sense, she has more in common with moonjumper, and gets along with them quite well and she frequently goes to visit him the most often, on her own.
 Her and snatcher’s relationship kind of parallels snatcher’s relationship with MJ. Snatcher, having once been a big jerk to these kids, is now trying to teach bow to take more of a leading role and be more confident.
as this au takes place not long after the Clearing Incident comic, Snatcher and MJ’s relationship is a bit awkward in the beginning. Over the course of the AU their relationship would build up to be more brotherly.
the subconites like moonjumper but they miss their boss. MJ spoils them tho, which they appreciate and occasionally take advantage of Link Link
moonjumper learns to stand up for himself, snatcher learns to be more vulnerable
moonjumper is the badgeseller. Only hat, bow, and snatcher know this. 
snatcher very much enjoys feeling warm, its one of few saving graces he clings too in the stressful early part of the story.
snatcher doesnt like looking at himself in this AU. He’s very self-conscious about his “pathetic human body.” He doesn’t like being pitied and he doesnt like being seen as weak.
snatcher frequently has nightmares about his past.
after recieving the mailman hat, people start refering to him as The Mailman. Link
his voice frequently cracks a lot, especially in the beginning, since he keeps trying to use his Loud Ghost Voice, which can do a number on human vocal chords. Link
the kids bully him constantly Link Link Link
his arc is that he learns that it’s ok to be human and it’s ok to be vulnerable and to open up to people, and he learns to accept his past and who he used to be
the girls accidentally call him dad sometimes, which freaks him out at first, but he gets used to it eventually. Link
he adopts them, for sure, it just happens post- whatever ending.
beard. Link
Spin-off AUs, Alt Endings, and Fanfics, Oh My!:
That ending where habijob kills moonjumper  Moonjumper goes to fight Vanessa, alone. In one version they win, and in another, they lose, and snatcher has to return to ghost form to retrieve them from the horizon. by @habijob  Link Link Link 
From The Horizon fic by @greentrickster Link
@lindendragon‘s hypothetical endings where snatcher is captured by vanessa Link Link
@fedoraspooky‘s spinoff au where the timepiece takes him back even further and turns him into a kid Link Link
@positive-polygons‘s Vanessa Spinoff Link
@doodleimprovement‘s Royal ending Link
@erekiosuncreativeideas​‘s fanfic, Being Human, her version of the au’s story in chronological order starting from when he breaks the timepiece Link
@lemonadesoda​’s Fanfic series, And I Don’t Think You Hate This As Much As You Wish You Did, fills in and expands upon the ideas in  my comics for the AU Link
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xenteaart · 4 years
You’re a Cat, Hargreeves
Pairing: Five Hargreeves x Reader
Request 1: Hello, so Five has been through a LOT in just two weeks, so can I request something where the reader and him have a bit of intimacy but are not together yet. Then something happens that is just the last drop to him and he shows up to the reader with red and glossy eyes and collapses in her arms? She just holds him (because boy, he needs it) and after a while he manages to talk about things letting his feelings for her slip in the process. Then she can just calm him down and make him feel loved.
Request 2: Could I request a fanfic where Five has a terrible day at the Commission or in the Apocalypse and at bedtime the Reader comforts him, and he suddenly becomes the little spoon for the first time? Idk I think it would be cute to see him shy and secretly liking
!!! Note: Since these two requests have a common theme of Five being stressed as fuck and having a breakdown I’ve decided to combine them. Personally I imagine this scenario in my Commission AU, HOWEVER, I intentionally didn’t make it very specific in terms of the circumstances so you can headcanon whatever u like <3 also sorry its not the exact scenario from your requests but i hope you don’t mind me taking some creative liberty.
also both Five and Reader are in their 20s here coz otherwise i’m very uncomfortable
massive thanks to @wonders-of-the-multiverse​ for helping me out with wording the physicality of certain things <33333
GIF: @maxiemayfield​
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You’ve seen Five in many different states.
You’ve seen him anxious and spiraling, you’ve seen him furious and borderline insane; depressed and distant, lost and confused. At this point, you genuinely thought you’d seen it all but, apparently, you were wrong.
“I am just so tired.” Five whispered almost inaudibly with a sigh so desperate that it made your stomach turn.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” you asked, your voice small as you weren’t quite sure how to act yet.
He glanced at you, and you couldn’t help but notice his eyes glistening with salty wetness that was about to spill out and smear his frustration all over his cheeks.
You always loved Five’s eyes - his huge, almost puppy dog eyes that made you absolutely lose yourself in their depth. Whenever you looked into them, you saw wisdom, maturity, exhaustion and patience, dedication and passion, all at the same time. There was a whole other universe behind his blue orbs, and you admired it endlessly. Looking into his eyes right now, however, was nowhere near as exciting and pleasant. Instead, it felt like some strange and violent ache was gripping you at the very heart and squeezing it without mercy, and you winced at the sensation as worry and concern were uncontrollably blossoming inside your ribcage.
Five didn’t grant you with an answer, too busy trying to hold back his tears and clenching his teeth proudly as if there was any point at all.
You got up on your feet and approached Five slowly, careful not to freak him out as you were giving him the time to get used to your presence in his personal space. Normally, he wouldn’t mind yet you couldn’t tell if the same rules applied to scenarios like the one taking place.
“I’m here, yeah? It’s okay, you’re okay,” you kept repeating like a mantra as you pulled Five into your embrace.
He buried his face in the crook of your neck and you instantly felt your skin getting damp. In just a few seconds Five’s entire body relaxed into yours and he wrapped his arms around you tightly, finally letting go and allowing himself to have a proper cry. He hadn’t had one in years, and, by all means, he was entitled to this breakdown.
Most of the time, Five was the one protecting you - looking out for you and leading the both of you out of dangerous and potentially lethal situations. Not that it was a completely one-sided dynamic but it was true that you tended to rely on him quite a lot in times of crisis. Five was good in crisis, exceptional actually. He made decisions quickly and didn’t hesitate to do absolutely anything it took to achieve his goals, which, unfortunately, meant that he was often forced to make choices where humanity and ethics were no longer a top priority.
Despite all that, Five always seemed in control, and even when he wasn’t, you knew he’d get it back eventually. You had placed your trust in him at all times, and only now were you starting to realize that it must have felt like a huge weight of responsibility on his shoulders. Granted, he was objectively smarter and more capable due to his superpowers but he was still human.
Hearing Five’s hopeless and feverish sobbing was unnerving, and you could only imagine what was going on in his cluttered and clearly overloaded mind as he was bawling his eyes out with such raw and genuine fury. From the lack of a better idea you simply waited for Five to cry himself out, patiently holding him in your arms and whispering words of reassurance into the air, not so much out of hope he’d hear them and listen but more as a means of letting him feel you were still there.
“I’m so fucking tired,” Five finally uttered but his words rather quickly got drowned in his weeping. You still got the message, though.
“You deserve to rest, Five,” you replied, feeling your legs start to shake from the weight of Five’s entire body leaning on your form. As much as you wanted to stay like this for as long as he needed, you couldn’t exactly go against your evident physical disadvantage. Five was a heavy gentleman, after all.
“Hey, let’s move to the bed, yeah?” it was more of a statement than a question, so you stepped towards the bed suggestively, expecting him to follow you. To your relief, he didn’t resist and followed your lead right away, seemingly too exhausted to even think, let alone disobey.
Five’s body was limp from the absence of energy, all of which had presumably gone into crying, and he could barely manage to walk on his own, so you grabbed at his shoulders to steady him.
It felt like his physical self was now merely a vehicle with no pilot to steer it, and his mind was long lost someplace else.
As you sat Five down, you caressed his cheek with your thumb, wiping away the trails of his tears whilst also trying to gently break him out of the prison of his troubled and restless brain. To your disappointment, it failed to spark any sort of response.
Right in this moment, he looked almost defenseless. Sure, he wasn’t an incapable baby all of a sudden but he was relying on you, reversing your roles and putting all of his worries and pain on your shoulders, basically asking you to carry them for him because he simply couldn’t anymore.
“Fives. Fives? Look at me, please?” you called, trying to shift his attention to something on the outside because you knew it was the looking inside that pushed him to crumble.
“Focus on my voice, alright?” you tried to keep your tone as steady and stern as you possibly could because right now you were his only bridge back to reality.
You pressed your palms against Five’s shoulders and slowly climbed onto his lap, resting your weight atop of him completely and hoping the pressure of it would manage to snap him out of his almost delirious daze.
As your hand reached for Five’s, you placed it on your chest right where your heart was beating and said:
“Can you feel it? It means I’m alive, Fives. I’m a human and a consciousness just like you. And I'm never leaving your side, no matter the circumstances. You’re never going to be alone, I promise you.”
You took Five by his chin with your other hand and softly guided his gaze upwards to meet your own, noticing his red glossy eyes finally regaining some clarity. The very peak of Five’s episode had already passed, and, as he was coming down from it, he encircled your waist with his arm and let his head sink to your shoulder with his eyes closed shut.
Still sitting straddled across his lap, you brushed your fingers through his soft silky hair and began to massage his scalp in a calming manner, trying to release some of the tension and lull him further into peacefulness. As your fingers moved a little lower, you knew you’d hit the sweet spot because Five literally purred into your skin as soon as he felt your nails gently scratch at the nape of his neck.
“How many times did I say you’re a cat, Hargreeves,” you rolled your eyes at his reaction and couldn’t resist a wide smile as you buried your nose in his hair. Five hummed quietly, and it was the only response you were going to get from him, which, to be fair, was already a big improvement so you couldn't really complain.
“How about we get you into some comfier clothes, wash your face and then you can tell me all about what’s been on your mind, hm?” you proposed confidently, still holding Five close and practically enveloping him in your warmth.
Your every movement was saturated with such understanding and care that not for a split second did Five feel like his vulnerability was making him weak or unworthy. It was quite the opposite, and with each passing moment he was beginning to feel like you were only making him stronger.
He nodded at your suggestion approvingly but didn’t move an inch, and you took it as a hint that he needed a few more minutes of sitting in silence; the bridge of his nose pressed to your collarbone as he was still finding his way back into the present.
You didn’t mind at all.
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promptmaker · 3 years
EdWin Smut Prompts
Below is a list of smut prompts for Ed/Winry from FMA. Some are old, some are new. If you want to use one, let me know and I can cross it off or I can leave it open if you want!
The prompt is in bold text. Regular text is my suggestion for it.
(Ed doms a stressed out Winry) Winry has been stressed out with work orders lately and has been working late nights. Ed tries to get her to take a break but she is too stubborn to listen. So Ed takes matters into his own hands. Donning his Dom persona, he gets Winry to submit and finally take a break. (D/s is part of their relationship. All consensual)
(EdWin goes sex toy shopping) Winry Drags Ed to a new sex shop in Rush Valley to see their wares. Ed is reluctant at first but Winry is quick to tell him of the benefits the items of the store have and they do not go home empty handed. They spend the rest of the evening testing them out.
(EdWin sneaks off for sex during a Central party) Ed and Winry go to a fancy party/gala in central (Mustang’s Coronation?). They make a date night out of it and try to get through the event while keeping their hands off each other. They catch up with team Mustang after years of not seeing them and they learn what has been going on in the world at large. But soon they get bored of the party and more interested in each other and sneak off to an unoccupied room or balcony.
(Ed and Winry get frisky in a hot spring) Ed and Winry visit Xing for their wedding anniversary. Ling sets them up in a fancy room at his palace with its own private hotspring. After some drinks with the Emperor, the couple heads back to their room and a frisky Winry decides they need to test out the hotspring and have some extra fun in it.
(Ed and Winry do porn. Modern AU) Ed is fresh out of college and needs to make some cash on the side. His friend suggests he could make that money in the Adult Film industry, so Roy decides to give it a shot. Once in the industry Ed learns that his first scene is to be with Winry Rockbell. She is an old friend he hasn’t seen in years who has been in the industry for a while. She is more than happy to show him the ropes.
(EdWin do it in their broken down car) Ed and Winry (married/together) rent a car during a trip to central but when it breaks down Winry goes into full mechanic mode trying to fix it.While watching her go to work, Ed decides that he has never been more turned on.
(EdWin in a dressing room) : Ed takes Winry shopping in Central for her birthday. He bemoans being dragged to clothing stores until she has him come into the dressing rooms with her. Ed enjoys watching her try on clothes for awhile but soon can no longer contain himself and they go at it in the dressing room and have some fun with its mirror.
(EdWin has a spontaneous threesome) Ed and Winry visit Liore years later for an Automail convention and to visit Rose. They stay at her place where they notice she is a bit flirty with them. Then one night over drinks she admits she has a crush on both of them. They have been considering expanding their sex life a bit a she seems more then a willing participant. She confirms this when she stumbles into them having sex and they offer her to join them.
(EdWin alone in a train car) Ed and Winry get to travel in the new luxury train. They get their own private train car and it's like a fancy hotel room. They have a romantic dinner while enjoying the sights and of course, make use of the bed.
(Ed does to well a job distracting Winry from a surprise party) EdWin visits Rush Valley for Winry’s birthday. She doesn’t know that her colleagues and customers are throwing a surprise party for her at Garfiel’s shop and Ed has been tasked with keeping her occupied until then. When she starts to get suspicious of Ed’s motives he tells her that his leg needs another oil rub down and Winry is happy to help with the new wax she just got (or whatever excuse you can think of). But once Ed’s pants come off she is distracted by something else entirely and Ed seduces her. They are going to be late to the party…
(EdWin Sexting while they are long distance. Modern AU) Winry is home alone while her husband Ed is away on a business trip in central. Having just finished with her last customer of the day, she is alone, bored and quite frankly horny. Ed has been gone for 2 weeks and she plans on jumping him as soon as he gets home. It’s at this moment that Ed texts her from his hotel room, letting her know he will be home the next day. Winry informs him of what she plans on doing to him when he gets home. They flirt a bit before it devolves into full on sexting. Which leads to sending nudes to each other. They end their night with phone sex and excitement of seeing each other in person soon.
(Ed unintentionally distracts Winry when she’s trying to work) When the two of them are stuck home together, Winry decides to work on her backlog of automail orders. Ed gets bored and decides to hang out in her workshop in just his boxers. Winry must decide which needs her attention more: her work or her husband.
(Edwin plays Strip poker) A bad storm preemptively ends EdWin’s poker night with their friends. But they already got everything set up so they have a game with just the two of them. But of course they have to make it more interesting so they up the stakes with clothing and sexual favors.
(EdWin have some fun after working out) Since Ed can no longer use alchemy, he has turned to working out and staying in shape as a pseudo-replacement. Much to the appreciation of Winry, who loves to watch him work out and often joins him in their home gym. They are often competitive and sometimes, when the work out isn’t enough, they go at it right there in the gym. Putting their new strength and flexibility to the test.
(Winry wears Ed’s jacket) Winry learns very early in their relationship that Ed is easily turned on by seeing her in his clothes. Especially in his jacket. Winry often uses this against him when she wants his attention when he is distracted by alchemy research. Her fully naked in just his jacket, never fails to get his attention.
(Winry casually strips down after work and Ed internally freaks) Ed and Winry have just started living together as a couple and are already pretty comfortable with each other. But what Ed has to get used to is Winry stripping down as soon as she gets home from work. She is usually eager to get off her greasy clothes so she strips down without a second thought. Ed enjoys the view but mostly doesn’t know how to act when she does this. But Winry is very aware of his reaction and uses it to toy with him. How long can Ed resist?
If you want any more details or input to work with on the prompts above, send me a DM! I will update the list whenever I think of something.
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kpop---scenarios · 4 years
Affair To Remember (1)
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Pairing: Jackson Wang x Reader / Byun Baekhyun x Reader
Genre: Idol! AU
Warning: Just Smut (for now)
Word Count: 2k
"...You may now kiss the bride." The priest smiles. Jackson pulls you into him before dipping you slightly to plant a kiss on your tender, plump lips. A blush spreads across your cheeks as the guests cheer for your love. 
A love you wish you truly had. Not a love that was forced for the cameras.
You and Jackson had initially begun dating for the buzz, so you could get people to talk about you and him, to make sure they were talking about your newest upcoming TV series and his music, and the group he was in, expanding both of your fan bases if you will. 
And that's exactly what it did, but it also went further than that. People fell in love with your love. The way Jackson looked at you was what women and girls yearned for, the way he treated you in public was what they gossiped to their friends about. The way he protected you, always watching to make sure you were safe had all the girls falling all over him, fantasizing about him. 
While you didn't need to do much, you had a solid male fan base but since being with Jackson your female base increased quite a bit, which is what you needed. You needed to be a role model, a positive woman that young girls could look up too. At least that's what your manager and publicist wanted, but not you. You wanted real love. 
You wanted to live your life your way, being happy but then another part of you gets a twisted pleasure from pleasing other people, making everyone around you happy even if you're not. Which is why you sat in the kitchen of your shared home with Jackson, drinking your fifth glass of wine. 
Quite often you avoided going to bed with Jackson. Mainly you just felt overly guilty for staying with him because you weren't in this relationship completely, so you stayed up, avoiding the guilt while you laid beside him, but also, you preferred going to bed in slience, where he enjoyed talking and cuddling, especially after sex, whenever he was in the mood.
It had now been two years of this marriage and you had hoped by now you would be madly in love with him, regretting ever thinking this wouldn't work. But you sat there knowing this would be the greatest regret of your life and you couldn't do anything about it. You couldn't leave him, you'd end up being the most hated woman, the woman who destroyed the perfect marriage, with the perfect man. 
At least from what they saw he was perfect, from what you saw he was far from it. He often took his frustrations out on you, yelling at you until the veins in his neck popped out, and his face became red, pieces of spit flying from his mouth while you sat there with your head down wondering why you put up with this. He never put his hands on you, just yelled, not that it made it much better. You knew he was stressed out, but that's no excuse. 
And then you get that woman, the one who approaches you while you're walking down the street and she tells you how inspirational your relationship is and how she can't wait to find a man just like that. A love just like yours. And you remember, you give hope to these women that a relationship like that is possible but at what cost? You're lying to her, not fully but enough. You're lying to everyone. Marriage, It's not perfect but really what marriage is? 
You were confused. Should you continue to live unhappily for the happiness of thousands, or make thousands sad for your own happiness. There's no way you can win.
“Are you coming to bed?” Jackon asks, peeking around the corner into the kitchen, 
“Yeah” You smile, finishing the rest of your wine before leaving your glass empty on the table, following Jackson to the bedroom. 
“You're so distant lately.” He yawns, crawling into bed with you before pulling you close. 
"A lot on my mind." You whisper, snuggling into him. You cared for Jackson, you did but you didn't love him like you were supposed too and you couldn't force that. However, when it came time to fuck, you were always ready for that, hoping this time would be better than the last, craving that good orgasm. You found Jackson extremely attractive, his face, and his body. He was exactly your type for a fuck buddy, so thats what you referred to him as, in your own mind of course. There was only one problem with the sex you had with Jackson.
He was selfish. 
"I can help with that." He groans, tilting your head up towards his, leaning down to press his lips to yours.
Jackson is quick, usually not wanting to waste time. He continues to deepen the kiss, pulling your body on top of his. He tugs at the bottom of your shirt, telling you to take it off. You break the kiss, sitting up on top of him to tug off your shirt. Your breasts perk up as the cold air hits them, hardening your nipples. Jackson cups your breast leaning forward to bring it to his mouth, wrapping it around your nipple, sucking hard. You throw your head back, grinding yourself on his hardening cock. 
“Please” you cry, rubbing your pussy over him. 
Jackson sits up, turning you over so he's now hovering over you. He hooks his fingers unto your panties, dragging them down your legs, tossing them somewhere in your shared bedroom before taking off his own boxers. 
He maintains eye contact as he lines himself up with your wet, throbbing pussy, sliding his cock inside, stretching you out. He picks up his pace awfully quickly, thrusting in and out of you, needing to find his own release, not worrying about yours. 
You place your fingers between your legs, rubbing your clit, desperately seeking your own high before him but that's never the case. 
"It's a quick one." He grunts, pulling himself out of you, pumping his cock until he cums all over your stomach, sighing in relief while you lay there disappointed, again while he grabs his cum towel to clean you off. 
Jackson gives you a small peck, and a half smile before he rolls over, satisfied enough to go to bed while you lay there still horny. 
 Over the next few weeks Jackson's schedule became increasingly more busy, having more things packed into his day now that a comeback was around the corner, which left you at home, alone far too often. 
The production for your newest show had been put on hold due to your costar becoming sick with something that was putting him out of work for longer than a month, leaving you projectless and acting like a bored housewife. 
Sure, you had friends but most of them were already busy living their own happy lives, either working or being actually happy in their marriages. You haven't told anyone your thoughts before because no one would understand. Everyone would judge you but until they lived in your shoes, they had no idea what it was like to live your life. 
"Are you sure you're okay?" Jackson asks one of the rare nights that he was actually home. "You seem upset." He says. 
You were honestly surprised he even noticed. 
"I guess I'm just bored." You say, shrugging your shoulders. "With 'Affair To Remember' on hold, I don't have anything to do." You sigh. 
"Well this might put you in a happy mood." Jackson smiles, sliding two tickets across the table. 
"Whats this?" you ask, picking it up..
"The annual kpop party." Jackson laughs. Last year you had been unable to go and now you finally had time. "Would you be my date?" He asks. 
"Of course!" You smile, getting up to give him a big hug. 
You couldn't wait. 
This party was the party of the year. All the major kpop groups went and mingled, drank and just all around had an amazing time. Now you finally got to go. 
It was 7pm, the night of the party and you were finishing up a few last minute touches to your look before you and Jackson left. You put on your earring and your necklace before checking yourself out in the mirror. 
You looked amazing. You had on a tight, form fitting black dress with a long slit up your thigh, paired with a bright pair of red pumps, with a smokey eye and red lips. 
You slowly and gracefully made your way down the stairs, being greeted by Jackson who had a large smile on his face. 
"You look beautiful." He smiles, holding out an arm for you. 
You take it, heading out the front door where paparazzi and your car are waiting for you. 
Arriving at the party, Jackson abandons you almost immediately after arriving, telling you he had to go say hello to a few people. You managed to find the bar, ordering yourself a wine, filled to the top while you scanned the room. Most of the attendees you only knew of, there were a few you were friends with. 
Your eyes happened to land on one man in particular.  Byun Baekhyun. The man you'd let do anything to you if you could. The man you dream about when Jackson fucks you. You just know he would fuck you right. 
The rest of Got7 came to you to keep you company for a bit, Bambam hyping you up as usual. 
An hour later, Jinyoung scanned the room only to look at you with a sad face, mouthing an apology. You look over to where he was and you see Jackson with his hand around a girl's waist, leaning in close to her. You acted like it fazed you a bit; but it really didn't. You knew je loved you too much to actually do anything. You continued staring, looking hurt until Jackson noticed you and then it was time for a bit of a show. 
You wipe away a pretend tear, keeping up appearances of a hurt wife, you storm up the stairs, running towards the bathrooms while Jackson chases you, grabbing onto your wrist. 
"We were talking." He growls into your ear. 
"Looked like more than that." You snap, yanking your wrist away. 
"Ayn! Don't make a scene." He snaps. 
"Too late." You cry, running away from him. You were a great actress. Even Jackson believed you were mad.  But in reality, you were playing a part. 
"Quite the show." You hear from behind you as you leave the bathroom. 
"Ah yes, well you know. Marriage." You say, turning around to see Byun Baekhyun of EXO. 
"You mean a fake marriage?" He asks. 
"What?" You ask, shocked. No one had ever figured it out before. 
"The way you were eyeing me up earlier. You looked like you wanted to jump me right there. I can't imagine a real happy marriage would be like that." He says. 
"You saw that?" You ask, horrified. 
Baekhyun walks closer to you. 
"I did. And I liked it." He whispered into your ear, pressing his body against your before walking away. 
Your stomach dropped as your panties soaked, the image of Baekhyun saying that to you running through your head. 
With a smile you walk back downstairs, an apologetic Jackson waiting for you. He asks you to dance, pulling you in closely. You should be into it, you should close your eyes at the feeling of his embrace but instead your eyes are locked with Baekhyun's who bites his lip before looking down. Your eyes follow, stopping at the bulge in his pants as he looks at you again, winking. You should stay away from him, you knew that but suddenly a spark was put back in your life and it wasn't from your husband. 
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crispy-chan · 4 years
carriwitchet ch.5
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pairing | han jisung x reader, 3racha x reader genre/warnings | fluff, angst, high school au, slow burn, friends to lovers, love square word count | 3k  a/n | sorry for the long wait. I really have to be in the right headspace for thsi series but i'll try my best to update it more often from now on. also - this chapter is a lil bit sadder than usual. enjoy <3
my masterlist
“Hello there N/n,” Changbin beamed as he ran towards you. (I trolled you all kekeke)
“Oh hi Bin,” you waved at him, as he tackled you into a bear hug. This wasn't unusual in your relationship, the both of you being quite affectionate people. However, the hug was getting a little too long, even for a person like you.
“Ugh, let go. I can’t breathe,” you groaned, patting his back.
After he finally let go of you, you got to have a proper look at him. He definitely dressed up for the occasion. He sported a crisp white button-down (that outlined his toned biceps) tucked into black ripped jeans and topped off the look with his signature high-end cap. Overall, he looked pretty damn handsome. Suddenly, you felt a bit underdressed in your cardigan.
Changbin turned around to find you staring. “Whatcha looking at?” he smirked cheekily.
You immediately blushed and swatted him away, turning around to pretend you were looking at the movie options. It was a stupid move since you guys have already agreed on the movie, but Changbin was thoughtful enough not to call you out on your bullshit.  
He must have sensed your discomfort though, because he leaned in and whispered in your ear, “you look really pretty today.”
You felt shivers run down your spine as he said that and felt a soft blush stain your cheeks. You pushed that thought out of your mind, focusing on securing a spot in the line so you could purchase your tickets.
Changbin looked amused at your antics but gracefully decided to drop it. Both of you approached the counter and asked for the tickets. You agreed on two back-row middle seats but argued for a while on who should pay.
“Stop being ridiculous Y/n, I'm taking you to the movies for your birthday so you're not gonna pay.”
“Oh come on, I can just pay for my own ticket,” you tried to protest but Changbin was already swiping his card on the terminal. 
“No. I'm paying and that's final.”
You wanted to further object but decided to drop it at the unamused expression of the part-timer behind the counter. You didn't want to be kicked out after all and the annoyed whispers of the people behind you led you to simply drop it.
You reached the minibar and started to roam over the menu. 
“Do you want to buy popcorn?” Changbin inquired, smiling at your apparent excitement.
“Of course. What's going to the movies without having popcorn?” you laughed as you stuck your hand in your pocket, struggling to pull out your wallet.
Changbin frowned at that, not liking that you wouldn't just let him pay so he put his hand over yours, halting your movements.
“Come on,” he whined, “just let me pay, ok? I invited you as a birthday present so the least I can do is actually pay for it.”
You groaned at that but finally agreed, albeit begrudgingly. Whiny Changbin was actually pretty cute. 
Wait for what?
“Fine but I'm paying next time, ok?”
Changbin just shot you a wink and a sing-songy “maybe,” as he went up to the counter and ordered one extra-large popcorn and two medium sodas.
He pulled out his wallet and took out his credit card before swiping it over the terminal. Damn, why did guys always look ten times more attractive when paying by card? That must have been surely the mystery of the century. After grabbing the order, he pulled you in the direction of where your movie was being played.
“So, are you scared?” he teased.
“Oh shut up Bin! I'm sure it can't be that bad, right?”
“Well good thing you've got me to protect you,” he chortled.
“In your dreams.”
“Which seats do we have again?” you asked while climbing up the stairs.
“Twenty-seven and eight,” he read from the tickets.
You finally got to your seats, placing the popcorn on the floor for a moment before shuffling around to sit properly, lifting the popcorn from the floor, and placing the sodas in the cup holders on the armrests.
“Don't forget to turn off your phone,” you reminded Changbin while pulling out your own to not disturb anyone.
“Your right, thanks.”
The lights in the room slowly dimmed as all the ads started to run. After about ten minutes, you were feeling a little tired as you absentmindedly leaned your head on Changbin's shoulder. The boy was startled at first but cracked a smile at your zoned-out expression. When the movie started, he gave you a light nudge to get you to focus on the screen.
You whipped your head up in surprise, your cheeks heating up at you slip up as you quickly sat back, eyes directly on the movie. Changbin internally chuckled at your flustered state, redirecting his gaze at the screen too. 
The movie was actually quite interesting, save for the occasional jumpscares that scared the shorts out of you. During one of the scenes, you could tell that the main character was walking straight into a trap and you really didn't want to witness it.
“Oh god, why is he going there?” you whined, “isn't it obvious that she's there and that she'll kill him.”
You couldn't stand it anymore, almost launching yourself onto Changbin's lap (while doing some gymnastics to get around the armrest in between you) as you pressed your head into his chest to drown out the movie completely.
“Why did I even agree to this in the first place?” you moaned, “I should have said no.”
Changbin had a hard time suppressing his chuckles at your adorableness. He'd never tell you this but he was actually glad whenever you snuggled up to him. At this rate, he was afraid though that the movie might be too much for you so he slightly nudged your shoulder.
“What?” you whispered, looking up at him with those big eyes. “Just that, you know - if it's too much, we can leave and go get ice cream or something,” he muttered, his palm going to brush some stray locks of your hair behind your ear.
You felt your heart skip a few beats at the gesture, choosing to snuggle back into his arm to avoid his intense gaze.
“I'm fine Bin, sorry for… sorry for acting like this. I should be fine now,” you smiled, moving away from him and sitting back in your seat. Embarrassment started to creep on you with how you just behaved. You hoped that Changbin didn't think you were too weird after this.
The rest of the movie went rather smoothly, none of the jump scares being nearly as frightening as the previous one. Changbin still did reach out to hold your hand whenever he sensed something even mildly alarming.
When the final credits rolled, the both of you started to pick up your stuff, heading out of the dim room while chatting about the movie.
“Look, I'm sorry for all that,” you started nervously, “but please don't tell anyone. I'd never live it down if they catch wind of it.”
He smirked at the display of you begging him like that but after seeing how worried you were, he decided to drop it.
“Don't worry N/n, I won't tell anybody. Besides, why would I share something as cute with the rest? This is now a thing between you and me only,” he smirked.
“Okok, that's enough,” you said firmly, not wanting to talk about it anymore, “let's go get something to eat.”
You entered the cozy cafe and took a seat near the window in a quiet corner. You scanned the menu, getting a little too immersed in choosing what you want as you completely zoned out when the waiter came to take your order.
“N/n,” Changbin flicked your forehead lightly to bring you back to earth. “What do you want to order?” he asked, pointing to the waiting part-timer who was slowly losing his patience.
“Oh. sorry, I'll have the latte and a matcha pudding, please,” you murmured, hoping the boy heard you. Luckily, he did as he scribbled down your order and briskly walked away.
You sighed, hating yourself for spacing out like that and making a fool of yourself. You were zoning out all day and you didn't know why. Maybe it was because of the movie - you were quite scared after all, no point denying that but you had this underlining feeling.
After finishing your drinks, Changbin walked you to the bus stop (insisting it was late already, and you shouldn't walk alone) and thanked you for coming with him.
“Seriously. Bin, stop,” you chuckled, “why are you thanking me? I should be thanking you. It was lovely, I didn't realize I needed this but I actually really did. I had lots of fun, and I hope you too.”
“Of course I had fun N/n. As long as I'm with you, I’ll always have fun,” he patted your head with a wink, shooting you the finger guns as he walked away.
You were still laughing about it as you got on the bus, his corniness proving to be really funny as always. You realized you actually missed some of his stupid jokes, the momentary separation between you two suddenly seeming way pettier.
You softly hummed the melody of For You. Again. But you just couldn't help it, the song had such a calming effect on you. It was your go-to song when you were stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed with school. And hey, who knows? Maybe there really are blessings waiting for you.
Getting off the bus, you walked the short walk home and rummaged for your keys. After stepping in, you made your way to the bathroom. You jumped in the shower, feeling ready to wash off all the sweat and lather yourself in that coconut body lotion.
On Monday morning, you walked into the school building, exhausted from just going up the few steps. You didn't get much sleep last night, opting for preparing for that chemistry exam even though it was on Thursday.
You see, chemistry was never exactly your forte. That's why you had mad respect for everybody that understood it, which was unironically about half of your friend group. Felix and Jisung were absolute chem and bio whizzes, making you wonder if they ate workbooks for breakfast. On top of that, Iris was also quite good which left only you, Mei, and sometimes Changbin to stick together
It was quite painful watching everyone understand the lecture and later not study at all, only for them to get a better grade than you, who had studied for three hours every day a week before the exam. You learned to suppress those feelings, not wanting to come off as rude, it wasn't their fault after all that you just couldn't beat those damn formulas into your head.
Chemistry today was especially hard, the teacher dividing you into pairs and handing you worksheets to complete with your partner. 
You were paired up with Changbin, who usually fared better than you but today, he was none the wiser.
“God damn, I have no clue how to do this,” he cursed under his breath, scanning the handout with visible distaste.
You laughed at his antics, going through your backpack to find your notebook. “Neither do I but I think we should manage with the help of my notes.”
“Yeah, your notes are a literal lifesaver, thanks.”
You plopped the notebook on the desk, opening it and turning the pages to find the needed material. 
With the help of your trusty notes, the two of you managed to complete the paper, even finishing before the bell rung and giving you some time to chat.
You left the classroom with a smile, feeling like you probably won't fail the next exam.
If you just put enough time into preparation, you could maybe even scrape an A. Today was Monday - that meant that you still had three days left to prepare. You studied for three hours yesterday, familiarizing yourself with the theoretical part of the topic. Now all that was left was to not forget it and go through the formulas to make sure you could build the proper equations.
Let's say you could cram in about two and a half hours of studying every day until Thursday. With that much dedication, you could likely do pretty well. While you were counting in your head and mentally planning out study sessions, Jisung ran up to you from behind and scared the shorts out of you.
“Wassup, N/n. Wanna hang out?” he put his arm around your shoulder and playfully nudged your side.
“No Jisung,” you threw his arm off, speeding in the direction of your locker, “sorry but not this week.”
When you saw his pouty face, you patted his hair and added, “the chemistry exam. I need to study as much as I can.”
“How come you didn't ask for help? I can tutor you if you want, I know how you despise chemistry.”
“Thanks for the offer, but I'll have to decline, Sung. I want to manage on my own.”
“I see,” he murmured, “that sounds a lot like you, actually,” he crinkled his nose and laughed. “See you tomorrow then.”
“Bye,” you waved at his retreating figure. Maybe you should have taken up on his offer. He was really good at chemistry, after all. You blinked, thinking about what would happen if you agreed, wouldn't do you any good. Plus, Jisung was a busy guy, he had a lot of things on his mind and you didn't want to bother him so it was better you declined.
You trudged your way home, entering your room and slamming the door shut. It was going to be a long day. Opening your notebook with a sigh, you started to go over the stuff for the n-th time. Oh, how you wished you were good at science. The stuff just didn't come easily to you and you had no idea why. You tried everything! All the methods there were but you could just never figure it out until you studied for hours. Maybe that's what you needed to do?  Just suck it up and study some more.
You were about to just do that but the sudden clang made you put down your notes for a second. And then you heard it. The beginnings of a loud argument that brewed between your parents almost every day. They always fought over the pettiest things like who put the dishes in the wrong place in the dishwasher? Who left their cup on the table? Where was the remote?
Whenever you heard someone raise their voice, you could feel your thoughts spiral down the deep end. It was like this trigger that sent your thoughts to this dark place. Blocking out the noise, you picked up your notebook and tried to concentrate on studying as to distract yourself. That's something you really needed at the moment.
At ten pm, you decided you had enough. Standing up to stretch your sore limbs, you threw on a pair of leggings and a t-shirt, not even bothering to brush your teeth as you made a dive for your bed.
It was a dreamless night.
The next morning, you practically moved on autopilot. Pulling on your clothes and shoving breakfast down your throat, you left the house without even bidding your parents goodbye. You ran to the bus stop and pulled out your headphones to listen to some music.
“Yeah I know, we know If it's you, you can do it, ayy Don't give up, oh no You persevered up until now What's the worry? Believe in yourself”
That helped a lot. It calmed your racing heart and gave you hope. You struggled with some pretty harsh thoughts and just bottled it up because you didn't feel like you had anyone to talk to. Listening to their songs provided at least a little comfort and let you somehow channel this stuff out of your system.
The day at school was pretty uneventful, you were only assigned an English essay and a few math equations. Nothing you couldn't handle.
It must have shown that you didn't sleep too well, many of your friends asking if you were okay at the sight of the black circles under your eyes. You bit back a sob and tried to patiently assure them with a fake smile that everything was indeed okay. That you just binged a Netflix show till four am and were tired.
They all bought it.
Except for Jisung. 
He watched you like a hawk for the entire day, being extra kind and doing little things for you here and there to better your mood. You appreciated his efforts, you really did but no amount of candies and encouraging little notes would make you forget the upcoming exam as well as the stress piling up on your shoulders.
After class, you skipped lunch and went straight to your locker so you could leave as soon as possible without anyone noticing you.
“Oh hey, Y/n. Wanna grab lunch together?” Changbin smiled at you before bending down to tie his shoelaces.
Shoot. You completely forgot that Changbin didn't have lunch in the canteen on Tuesdays. You racked your brain for possible excuses, before eventually settling on the lamest one. 
“Sorry, I have to study for chem. I'll probably just get something to go near my place.”
With an apologetic expression, you backed out of the hall, and almost ran to the exit with a quiet “bye” thrown in the confused boy's direction.
You ran down the cobblestone path, ignoring the grumbling of your stomach. When you told Changbin you'd get something near your place, you were lying. You figured there wasn't time to spare and you planned to invest every second possible into preparing for the exam. You knew it was wrong, to skip meals and lock yourself in your room for hours but you didn't know any better. Every time, you told yourself it was the last time you'd pull a stunt like that but as they say...old habits die hard.
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