#in this case haitani siblings
tene324 · 7 months
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the haitanis if theg slayed
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 6 months
any cute haitani hcs? like between the brothers, i go insane for sibling dynamics :3c
Yeah I've got a few which are focused on their brotherly dynamic and are cute!
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They never forget each other's birthday's and always put a lot of effort into each other's presents/ surprise parties.
Ran attended all of Rindou's competitions 
When they go travelling together, Rindou packs an extra eye mask for sleeping in case Ran loses or forgets his somewhere.
They have a lot of movie nights together 
They're the best men at each other's weddings and both take their duties very seriously.
They hang out a lot together even if one of them isn't interested in what the other is doing, they'll still go with them.
When they were kids and teenagers they used to attend each other's dentist and doctors appointments.
Ran has Rindou's optician on speed dial in case he breaks his glasses
Rindou will remove any bugs from Ran's room and their apartment so Ran doesn't have to deal with them.
If one of them is cold, the other will roll their eyes but still hand over their scarf/ gloves.
As kids, Rindou used to run to Ran and sleep in his room when he had nightmares
Their arguments tend to not last very long, a few hours or a day at most. 
Ran has attempted to flirt with girls on Rindou's behalf before (Rindou is always very embarrassed about this).
They take care of each other's injuries after fights
When they were little it was fairly common for Ran to give Rindou piggyback rides. One time after a fight, the opposite happened, Ran got hurt and Rindou gave him a piggyback ride to help him home.
Ran secretly tells people that Rindou is the best DJ around
They're very good at reading each other's body language and knowing their moods straight away.
The first few times Rindou decided to drive his bike, Ran forced him to wear a helmet. (Ran said he didn't need one though, only Rindou)
Both of them are kind of unsure on how to take care of a sick person but try their best when each other is sick. 
They text each other a lot when apart
They both follow the code of "I can tease/ bully him as much as I like but if anyone else does then they're dead"
And finally, Ran ruffles Rindou's hair a lot. Rindou always acts annoyed at this but secretly likes the act of affection.
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sunny-mercya · 1 year
Sickly Summer
Bonten x Male Baby Reader
Inspired by the many Stories @reallyromealone had done! Go and check his Blog out!
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Mochi had you in his arms, carrying you through the living—back and forth, swaying in gentle manner from side to side—in hopes of, finally, calming you down.
Never did Mochi thought, that you, their little precious baby boy, could cry so much during one night and throughout the day. He knows babies do cry, a lot even sometimes, but this? This seemed way too out of place to be called normal behaviour.
Then again, you weren't feeling all that healthy well right now and your only way of telling them this, was through bawling.
«Here. Maybe a lukewarm bottle of Milk will soothe him a bit, till Rinny find his pacifier and plushy.» suggest Ran, emerging out from the Kitchen, holding the bottle to you. You scrunched your face up in disgust, before burying it back in Mochi's neck.
«Huh, I think so too, bud. Papa Ran surely doesn't wanna have a repeat of last time.» emphasised Mochi, going back to rocking you into soothing as soon as he heard your sniffles again.
Ran shrugged his shoulders in defeat. He doesn't know what to do either. Mochi was right though, neither Ran nor the others would like to have a repeat of what happen 2 weeks ago.
Bonten knew you had a very sensitive stomach, couldn't handle most, if not even all, foods and drinks. You got a special Diet plan, but even then it could happen that your stomach would go into a cramping strike.
Like how it happen two weeks ago; You had Semolina porridge for dinner, something you would eat most of the time since it was stomach friendly enough. Either it was Takeomi himself or one of them, who might have accidentally poured a bit too much sugar or any kind of spices in it, but it was a literally shit night after dinner.
Kakucho had changed your diapers about three times, till he decided to just stay with you in the bathroom throughout the whole night, as you shitted into a tiny bucket and if you weren't doing that, you would vomit till dry-heaving. Worst case of Diahrrea.
Takeomi was trying to get some fluids into you again, coaxing with mostly water and diluted milk, knowing well from his own experience with his siblings, that fluids are essentially necessary during such a time. Tough case it was though, you refused every time and had enough strength left to slap Takeomi's cup offering away.
Ever since then, they did good monitoring over your diet plan and what you eat.
Rindou came hopping into the living room, a big smile on his face as he triumphal hold up the pacifier. I mean, you had a whole box of them and your dads keep extra ones in the storage and to lose them is rather easy, but you had certain favourite ones and in times like these you only want them.
«Lookie lookie, [Name]! What Papa Rin has for you,» Rindou gently put the pacifier into your mouth—which seemed to sooth you right away as you sucked on it—taking you from Mochi's arms and prepped your face with kisses.
A slight frown came over Rindous face. Sitting himself on the couch, you on his lap, he take good glance at your chubby face.
Cheeks flushed red, eyes swollen and still brimmed with left over tears. Your tiny chest heaving heavily, you weakly gripping his shirt.
«Did you two shitlings make him cry more?» Rindou give a slight glare at them, almost accusing.
«No we didn't, asshat. If you couldn't tell already, our darling baby isn't feeling goodie.»
«Thanks, Mr. Obvious. For telling me.»
«Be glad Mikey and Kakucho aren't here or you two would have to put 20Yen into the swear-jar.» Kokonoi's amusing chuckling brought the Haitani Brothers out of their word squabbling. They hadn't heard that Kokonoi has come in.
The three watched how Kokonoi put some bags down onto the coffee table. Rummaging through them, Kokonoi pulled out a small stuffed frog and one of those squeeze balls.
As soon as you notice what one of your dads had in his hands, your eyes lit up and made grabby hands towards him. Koko give it to you.
«Is he getting better? Did you gave him something to drink already?»
«To both of your questions, Koko, is the answer no.» Rindou and Ran said it at the same time.
Mochi sighed, having make a cup of coffee for himself. One of the strong types, which a shot of Vodka in it. Mochi loved you, but parenting was exhausting sometimes and they all could agree to this.
It didn't take long till the rest, besides Mikey who was still in the office and probably doing some last minute paperwork's, had come home too.
You sat on the ground, in front of the TV—Ran had put on some child friendly cartoons, but you didn't pay attention to it—playing with toys, your new stuffed friend sitting between your legs.
Kakucho and Rindou sitting besides you, being your play buddies. Glaring every so often at the others, who sat on the couch and giving playful comments about how good parent they are. It was mostly Sanzu and Ran who did.
«I was by the doctor and he said it's probably the summer heat, which makes [Name] so sick right now. We should try to keep him cool and give him light foods only.» told Takeomi, crouching down to you with a Sippy-cup in his hand.
A pocky stick hanging from his mouth, a replacement of a cigarette as Takeomi wasn't one to smoke around you. He offered you the cup, filled with milk. You took it, taking a few sips from it and give it back to your Papa, who pinched the bridge of his nose.
«At least [Name] didn't refused it right away and did drank some of it.» comment Mochi, going back to reading his newspapers.
Takeomi was concerned about you. Last summer you were fine, you hadn't any problem with the heat. So seeing you refusing food and drinks, crying through night and night and not even going potty in your diapers at all, did raise red flags of concern for Takeomi.
They really need to bring you to the doctor, but you're a fussy child and just being at the front door, brought you to tears—which raise another set of questions for Takeomi.
When Mikey had come back home, he ignored the mess of toys and stuffed animals in the living room. Too tried to care about tidiness, non of them were the best when it comes to do household chores, but for you they try to do.
After changing into nightwear, which consisted of only a pair of underwear and a oversized shirt, Mikey was making his towards Kakucho room, knowing well that you're in there. You might have your own room, crib, to sleep in, but you never do, preferring to sleep in the beds of your many dads.
Mikey pried you gently from Kakucho's arms, ignoring his incoherent mumbling and going into his own room.
Laying down onto his bed, god was Mikey exhausted, he hold you close. Giving you a small kiss to the head, shushing you back into sleep, when you begun to stir and lowly whine.
Mikey and the others would do anything to keep you loved and safe. You're Bontens heir, the ray of sunshine in their dark lives and the only family they still had left.
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narcjsistx · 2 months
𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓: Hopefully your requests are still open. What do you think Shion would be like as a big brother? I can definitely imagine Ran judging Shion for being a lousy sibling. (Also I hope you are doing alright today) @kikaicore
HI! thanks for the request, hope you have a good day 💘
— Shion Madarame as a big brother HCS ᡣ𐭩
Privacy and calm do not exist with him. He enters the room without knocking, leaves his things lying around and accuses you of eating his stuff when he forgot he ate it a few hours earlier. He loves seeing you angry because he loves to use the excuse "I'm the big brother, you have to obey me"
As a child, your parents forced you to take close-up photos when you visited a new place. The photos are essentially all of you crying, him making faces or you pulling each other's hair. In fact, if you browse your family album, you will hardly find a photo in which you are close and composed
Until a few years ago you had a YouTube channel where you posted videos of Shion hitting the punching bag or you explaining how to survive an unpleasant brother. The channel became successful for an unknown reason and when Shion joined Tenjiku, Rindou teased him for the channel
Kind of brother who says he doesn't care about you but on your first date stalks you all the time, accompanied by Mochi and Ran, to see what the guy you date wants to do
In the remote, VERY remote case, you were to date a boy who is part of Tenjiku, such as one of the Haitani brothers, Kakucho or Sanzu, he would partially agree. It really depends on which guy you choose; he has no problem with Kakucho but he wouldn't trust Sanzu or even the Haitans. It must be said, however, that the very concept of his 'friend' being with you in a romantic way annoys him
Your quiet moments are exclusively when you have something interesting to tell each other. Gossip, gossip and more gossip! He doesn't show it but he's actually a great listener when it comes to these things, he loves to mind other people's business
When he came home with his huge tattoo, you were the only one in the family who seemed thrilled. Your mother would have killed him, your father was even tempted to throw him out of the house... you, on the other hand, were extremely fascinated, even though initially you didn't like the drawing very much
Unexpectedly, a fairly close-knit group was born between you, him and the Haitani brothers. He and Ran always joke that they are responsibility personified, you and Rindou just want to beat them up. Going out at night, making noise in Roppongi and Shibuya festivals are your main activities. Shion wasn't too happy about the idea of ​​hanging out with the two guys with you, but hey, as long as they don't screw up...
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asirensrage · 4 months
The Lesser of Two Evils
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Title: The Lesser of Two Evils Fandom: Tokyo Revengers Rating: Explicit Pairing: Haitani Ran x OC x Haitani Rindou, Haitani Ran x Haitani Rindou Word count: 3k Warnings: Dark!fic. Incest. Dub-con. Mention of child abuse/abusive father. Murder. Violence. PTSD. Coercion. Jealousy. Unhealthy relationships. Unbeta’d. *warnings are not exhaustive* Summary: There is a third Haitani. She loves her brothers. They love her more. Written for Fright Night: Forbidden Fruits collab for @enchantedforest-network "The theme of this Collab is Taboo topics. Murder, stepcest, incest, noncon - bring your most rotten fruits to the table."
Notes: I think this is the darkest thing I've ever written. It turned out a lot darker than I intended, so much so that I needed to edit things out because part of it was too dark for the event lol. I tried to fix it so it fit, alluding to things but never straight up saying what happened. It was a result of thinking what would drive the oc into accepting this. I hope I did it right. Apologies to anyone who reads this lol. I have so many regrets but I also enjoyed the challenge.
In case it needs to be said, I don't condone anything that happens in this fic. It's fiction.
HEED THE WARNINGS. seriously. read them.
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There is a third Haitani. 
A younger sister born from a last chance to rekindle a marriage that never should have existed in the first place. Her brothers were old enough to want to leave her behind, venturing into the world while Renka remained in the dilapidated apartment. It was a blessing when it was only her and her brothers. A miracle when she was alone. 
With a family like hers, it was easy to slip through the cracks, to fall silent and let her brothers claim the spotlight they always dreamed about, the ones they whispered to each other about in the dead of night when the three of them were curled into the one bed they had as children. Ran wanted to be famous. Rindou wanted to be strong and go into music. He wanted to own a club that everyone would line up for ages to go into like they saw when they were out at night. Renka…just wanted to be happy. And safe. She didn’t tell her brothers the last part. 
Whenever they were together, her brothers were glued to her side. They grinned at her, messed up her hair and teased her the way they teased each other. Rindou and Renka hid together when they’d accidentally wake up Ran, who was a demon no matter how old he was, when he woke up before he wanted. Ran promised her that he’d dress her in the fashions they’d see in the windows they passed. He swore that no one would look down at them, at her, the way he saw others do when they went out. 
The Haitanis were not well off. Not anymore. The broken marriage of their parents, the infidelity that became more and more apparent, left their home in shambles in more ways than one. Ran swore to himself that he’d make things better for his younger siblings. 
Ran and Rindou love their sister. When she was five, Rindou smashed a bottle over their father’s head. Ran used an umbrella to smash his face, leaving him struggling to breathe through his broken nose, before he threatened the man who helped give them life. “You ever look at her like that again, I’ll kill you.” 
They pulled Renka out of the apartment and kept her between them before they treated her to some ice cream they bought with money they stole. 
“I’m sorry,” she whispered.
“Not you’re fault you’re so cute,” Ran teased. “Ever happens again, you tell us.” 
“Or at least scream,” Rindou adds. “Someone will help you.” 
Renka nods but inwardly she already knows she doesn’t want to cause more trouble. She doesn’t want her brothers who are trying to look after her to get hurt. They’re just kids. What can they do against adults? She feels ancient and young and too aware of what the world holds already. 
Their father leaves them alone for the most part. Their mother disappears, taking off to a new life as if she doesn’t abandon her own children. Renka is left with her two brothers who protect her, whispering promises to her that the life they deserve is waiting for them. 
When she’s nine, her brothers are arrested. She doesn’t get to see them. Not right away. She’s left alone in an empty apartment, confused as to why they haven’t returned. It takes two days before she finally gets the news…and their father comes home. 
She can’t stop him. Not from coming in or staying. Renka does her best to stay out of sight and out of mind, trying to find a way to get to the detention center to see her brothers. She needs to know what to do. She needs their reassurance that they’ll be released soon. Her home is not safe without them. 
Renka is nine years old when she runs away from home. 
She waits until the bruises fade before she finally manages to find a way to visit her brothers. One by one. Rindou comes first, takes one look at her and asks “What the fuck happened?”
“Nothing, everything is fine,” she lies. He looks like he doesn’t believe her, but he tells her where they hid some cash despite the risk of being recorded. He tells her that he worries about her by asking what she’s eating, how school is going and if there’s anyone whose ass they need to kick when they get out. Renka forces herself to smile and tells him that she misses him. They’ll be out in less than a year. She just has to wait for them. He leaves after pressing a kiss to his palm and his palm to the glass. She reaches back, pretending she can feel it. She issues being safe at night, tucked between them. She can’t sleep anymore. 
Ran arrives before her, smiling widely at her until he actually looks at her. He doesn’t need to say anything. He’s five years older than her and Renka has never been able to withstand the tension of his stare, the anticipation of him waiting for her eats at her insides until she finally blurts it out. “Ourfathercamehome.”
She half hopes he doesn’t hear her or thinks she said something else, but the way his face changes tells her he understands. She has never seen her brother look at her like that. The fury in his expression makes even the guards straighten. 
“What did he do?” 
Renka swallows and doesn’t answer. She doesn’t need to. Ran’s anger is palpable and she can’t stop the way she shrinks down in her seat. 
“Tell me you’re not staying there.”
“I–I’m not,” she says quickly. “I…I left.”
He doesn't ask where she’s staying. She has friends, but that’s tricky. She can’t be sent back. She can’t.
“Come back tomorrow. I’ll have a place for you then. Rindou tell you about the stash?” 
She ends up crying, making Ran do a complete 180 in his reactions as he coos at her, tells her she’s strong and he’s proud that she’s protecting herself. That he’ll take care of everything. That no one will ever touch her again. She needs to trust her nii-sans. 
Within two days, she’s introduced to someone named Kakucho. He’s tall, but quiet and kind. He’s only a couple of years older than her, but he shows her a space where she can stay with a lock on the door and teaches her more ways that she can block it to ensure no one else comes in. He gives her multiple escape routes and doesn’t ask questions. Even from inside their prison, her brothers found her protection. They continue to take care of her. 
When they’re released, when she’s finally reunited with her protectors, both of the brothers hug her. They bury their faces into their hair and she can’t help but cry, even though she doesn’t want to. She’s just relieved. 
“We’re so sorry,” they whisper to her. They’re sorry for getting caught, for leaving her alone, for not being there when she needed them. They promise never to leave her again. She doesn’t believe them, but she clings to them and wishes it’s true. 
Ran and Rindou stick to their word until they’re arrested for the events of the Kanto Incident. She’s fourteen this time and more self-sufficient. More importantly, despite their aim for success, her brothers have arranged for her safety. She knows now where they stored money that she can use to keep their apartment paid for. She’s safe because her brother’s reminded all of Roppongi why what is theirs stays theirs in any absence. Her father cannot come back from the dead. 
By the time she’s in her twenties, her brothers are released and giving her the life they’ve always promised. She lives in an apartment that suits all of them and while she has her own room, it’s not uncommon for her to find her way into the bed of one of her brothers just to sleep by their side. She still has nightmares about the way she was woken that one night as a child, but being with her brothers chases the monsters away. They are scarier than anything else she’s come across and they are always in her defence. 
She doesn’t completely realize when it begins as it starts small. A kiss to the cheek that lands on the corner of her lips. A hand slipping under her shirt to rest at her waist because they’re cold when they’re all curled up on the couch together. Them being curled around her when she wakes up, one of their legs between hers. It doesn’t seem like anything because it’s not just her. Her brothers treat each other with the same casual closeness they show her. 
She doesn’t care. Not really. Her brothers are the only ones she trusts. The only ones who have willingly murdered anyone who touched her. She was there when they beat their father to death. They held her any time she woke up screaming or crying, and pressed kisses to her hair as they promised they would never let anyone hurt her ever again. 
And they didn’t. They never let anyone else near her. Their jealousy was obvious when they first caught her talking to a boy at her high school and continued until they banned her from their clubs unless she went with them. She was only allowed to dance with them, pressed in between her brothers as they grinded against her and told her she was the prettiest one there. She always would be. Their praise made her stomach flip and even though she knows it’s wrong, she can’t push them away. Fear of their abandonment tinged with a desire to keep them close makes her easy to mould…makes it easy to give in.
She’s twenty-two when one of them finally makes a move that can’t be ignored. 
Ran presses his lips to hers with ease, as if he’s done it a thousand times before. She can’t stop the way she freezes in place, the way she stares at him, but her brother tucks a hair behind her ear. “Don’t wait up for us, princess. We’ll be back before dawn.”
“Ran, you just–” she cuts herself off, unsure if she wants to actually say it and make it real. 
“I can’t kiss the one I love?” he asks, teasingly. “You want me to stop, I will.” He leans forward, lips brushing her ear as he whispers, “We’re not him, Ren. We’ll never hurt you.” He presses a kiss to her cheek. “Think about us while we’re gone.”
Rindou, never one to let his brother win, kisses her next. Quickly, before she even realizes he is, he pulls away and leaves first. It makes Ran laugh as he follows him out. 
Renka is left reeling, torn by the fear that if she refuses they’ll leave her and the logic that tells her they’ve always been at her side. They’ve kept her between them for years. They wouldn’t abandon her if she says no. And…she doesn’t want to lose them. No matter what they’ve been through, they survived because of each other. She knows it’s unhealthy and it’ll never be anything they can boast about, but the only people she can picture in her future are her brothers. The only ones she’ll ever feel safe falling asleep next to are Ran and Rindou. It’s a terrible but easy choice to make. 
They go slow as if they expect her to disappear, to run from them as she ran from her father. The difference is that while she ran from him, she was running towards them. They are her sanctuary. Her home. 
For all the violence they cause, despite the blood on their hands, they’re soft with her. Only her. 
Ran kisses her with slow, open-mouthed kisses, savouring in the way she whimpers into his lips. He treats her delicately, taking things at a pace that sometimes feels excruciating. He builds her up and pulls away until she finally breaks and yanks him back to her. She’s pretty sure he wants her to want him, to crave him the way he claims to feel for her. 
Rindou kisses with desperation, as if he expects her to tell him to stop. He’s carefully attuned to her every move, every sound she makes. Rindou makes her feel wanted in a different way and sometimes, if it feels too much, he slows down. He’s happy enough to share her breath, waiting until she’s ready. He doesn’t ask, doesn’t put the words into the air, but she knows he’s scared she’s chooses Ran over him. As if that was ever possible. She’s theirs and they are hers. 
The change is subtle but extreme. 
They walk in without knocking. Rindou’s hand rests between her thighs when they sit together on the couch and Ran curls up with his face pressed against her breasts after she crawls into his bed. They kiss her without reservation and stop hiding the way they kiss each other. The first time it happens, that she walks in on how Ran has Rindou pinned to the wall, hands on his hips as he grinds against him and they look like they’re attempting to devour each other, she stands there watching. She’s not sure if it’s in surprise, shock or…something else, but she couldn’t look away. 
It’s Rindou who sees her first. He grins at the sight of her watching before saying something to Ran that she doesn’t catch. Ran pulls away from sucking marks into Rindou’s neck. Ran looks up, gaze half-lidded as he looks over at her. “Wanna join, Princess?”
“I didn’t know…”
Rindou scoffs at her. “How’d you think we dealt with wanting you? With being locked up?” 
Ran moves his hand to Rindou’s throat, pressing in and cutting him off from saying anything further. Rindou moans into it. “What our brother is trying to say is that there’s no one better for any of us than each other.” 
She watches as her eldest brother gets on his knees before Rindou and undoes his belt. Rindou’s head falls back against the wall as Ran pulls him out of whatever underwear he’s wearing. Renka has felt her brother’s cocks hard against her before, mainly when she woke up with them pressed up against her, but this is different. 
Rindou’s hand gathers Ran’s braids as he takes him in his mouth. Renka has only seen sex as something damaging, but the sight of Ran smiling as he takes Rindou’s cock in his mouth, the way Rindou groans and tries to thrust into him…reaffirms the idea that it’s not with her brothers. That the two of them have only ever been protective and kind. That even in this, as she watches them in this moment, they take care of each other. Of her. 
Ran is the first. Of course he is. 
“Tell me if it’s too much,” he murmurs against her skin. She’s lying in his bed, shirt off and looking up at him. It’s late in the night. She woke up from a nightmare, not needing to sneak in because she was already in his bed. She barely has her own at this point. “Tell me if you need to stop, okay, princess?”
She nods because she trusts Ran, even if the feeling of his body on top of hers sends her heart racing. It’s different than before. She wants this now. She knows that. She trusts Ran to take care of her. Her brother always has. 
“Promise. I wanna hear it.”
“I…” Renka takes a deep breath. “I promise.” 
He takes his time, bestowing praises against her skin as he carefully maps out every curve she lets him explore. His fingers leave goosebumps in their wake. He leaves marks as if he’s leaving a trail for Rindou to eventually follow. He encourages her to be vocal, that he wants to hear her. No one is covering her mouth this time. It’s just her and her big brother in this moment. 
Ran buries his face between her thighs. He encourages her to bury her hands into his hair that’s loose and unbraided. Renka has never felt anything like this. The few instances of touching herself in the privacy of her room, exploring in hopes of erasing the assault that felt branded into her, never felt like Ran’s mouth does now.
He breaks her apart, makes her see stars behind her eyelids, and when he buries himself into her, it’s by her choice. He lies back on the bed and gives her the option of going further, of riding him. It’s nothing like she’s ever experienced and she somehow loves her brother all the more for giving her the choice…and the power to choose. 
Rindou is not far behind. Once Ran has broken the final barrier between them, once she’s comfortable with that boundary being crossed, he follows with ease. He takes his time with her, but it’s different. Where Ran knew he was bridging a gap that was created by their father and morally by society, Rindou crosses it without looking back. 
He fucks her on the couch. 
He’s careful with her, don’t get her wrong, but while Ran lures her in with slow, mind-blowing sex, Rindou teaches her how to enjoy it faster. Harder. Until the only thing she knows is how to call his name while her legs are around his waist, begging him for more. He shows her how his weight on top of her isn’t a bad thing, how she can still have the control like that and how good it can feel giving up that control to someone she trusts.
Her confidence grows with the attention they lavish on her and it doesn’t take long before she finds herself between them in more ways than just dancing on the club floor. They teach her everything they think she’s missed. How she likes to be touched, pleasured and teased…and how she enjoys touching them in return. No matter how often they leave hickeys on her neck or bruises on her thighs, she feels nothing but loved by them. It doesn’t matter that the world says it’s wrong because Renka’s life has always been defined by the times with her brothers and without. She has always been safer with them.
There is a third Haitani. 
She loves her brothers. Her brothers love her. More than they’re supposed to. They always have. 
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tr tag: @mitsuwuyaa @blackfire2013 @bleach-your-panties
I'm not tagging anyone else lol
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the-tragic-heroine · 2 years
Haitani Brothers Analysis
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While the Haitani brothers didn’t get as much screen time in the series as many fans would probably like, we did get a small glimpse into their characters during the main events of the manga and some extra content in the character books—enough for me to reasonably speculate on some things. As always, these are just my own thoughts, and you are more than welcome to disagree with me.
Neither Ran nor Rindou actually enjoy fighting that much.
In the main series, they don’t have an actual clear reason for participating in the gang wars. They even state stuff like “well, I guess we have to” before entering the battlefield
Whenever they are beat up they very readily accept defeat.
They fight very unfairly, with Ran using his baton to beat up opponents while Rindou holds them still and breaks their bones. Once they are separated, they lose quite easily. If they really enjoyed fighting, they likely a) wouldn’t be using these underhanded methods at all and b) wouldn’t be this bad on their own.
Both of Rindou’s extra stories in the character book involve being unwillingly dragged into some kind of conflict.
EDIT: I was mulling over this point and I think I mean to say that while they do like fighting, because it’s clear they do have fun beating people up, they don’t CARE about fighting the way some of the others do. Eg, those who fight to protect, those who fight for a cause, those who fight because they have a passion for it, etc.
This is pretty much where the similarities between the two brothers end, though. So, if they don’t care about fighting, why are they even delinquents in the first place? What do they care about?
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Ran cares about maintaining an image.
Rindou talks about being annoyed about Ran trying to strike ‘cool’ poses when fighting
His special skill is “presenting himself in a favorable light”
In CB3, his profile states that Ran wants to be a celebrity and he enjoys getting his hair done at beauty salons
In fact, he tends to talk out of his ass, shown in his conversation with the hairdresser and…what he says about music here…
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The two living in Roppongi makes even more sense, as it is a very high-end district
However, with that being said, there are a few additional pieces of information that may strike people as rather odd, as they seem a bit contradictory to what we are led to believe Ran is like.
His hobby is sleeping, he likes staying in bed, and his special talent is sleeping 24 hours in one go
In Rindou’s story, Ran was so pissed off at getting woken up because of his party that he got violent
What this reminds me of are my interactions with people who tell me that their hobbies involve clubbing and drinking, only for them to admit later on that they don’t actually like doing those things at all and would much rather be at home. Instead, these hobbies are simply a means to make up for something that they are lacking: something like, human connection, self-esteem, etc. In Ran’s case, delinquency—because what it got him was an army of followers in Roppongi that he and his brother can command. In the delinquent world, he is that celebrity he wants to be.
When Kakucho invited them to join Tenjiku, their conditions to accepting were that their uniforms be a different colour than the rest. Izana beat him up because that made them stand out more.
We don’t get much more info beyond this, but I think there’s some valid reason to believe that, like many who choose to surround themselves with material possessions, he is merely putting up a front to cover up a deep-rooted insecurity. Perhaps one that developed in an environment full of wealthy elites that is difficult to stand out in.
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Rindou cares about his brother.
This might take a little more explanation because sibling love-hate relationships are complicated, and like Ran a lot of Rindou’s character traits are contradictory, but there are a few things that make this evident both in the series and the character book.
Rindou’s interests are DJing and martial arts, the latter of which is quite known for promoting stuff like peace, respect, etc unlike Rindou’s delinquent tendencies
Again, both of his stories involve being dragged into conflict he didn’t wanna be a part of. Kakucho once invited him to train, which Rindou thought was weight lifting, only to be brought to a Yakuza hideout. Rindou vowed never to hang out with him again.
He is actually ranked 2nd best boyfriend and 2nd least vicious in Tenjiku, which would strike people as odd considering his special technique in combat is literally breaking bones
All of this should make Rindou a pretty chill guy but he isn’t. Instead he follows his brother into gang wars, gets sent to prison, and in the Bonten timeline gets involved in criminal activity. While we don’t see him or his brother really doing anything during this arc, I think that itself (just standing and watching) tells us enough about how they feel being a part of it. So, we get into the next key part of Rindou’s character book profile.
Rindou’s most feared/disliked person is Ran
In his second story, he locks himself in the bathroom to avoid Ran’s angry outburst and has to buy him Mont Blanc to appease him
I don’t think Ran is abusive in the way Taiju was toward the Shiba household, because in their interactions it’s quite clear that they do care about one another and are comfortable enough together. They always stick together throughout alliance changes, their signature technique involves teamwork, and are in the same business owning a club in the final ending.
Instead, I think it’s clear that Ran was a pretty terrible influence to Rindou. I think he was pulled into this pretty early on due to circumstance and was unable to get out because he didn’t know much else—again, because of Ran’s influence as the older brother. Otherwise, I don’t think he’d have chosen this path voluntarily.
There isn’t much else for me to use to make more speculations on Rindou’s character, but I think based on all that info he really just seems like a big himbo on the inside. All the dude wants is to make music and get buff. Also, probably a tsundere, because it seems that he calls Ran “aniki” in public but “niichan” in private. So cute!!
Anyways, I think that’s it for now! I typed this all up in one sitting so I hope I didn’t miss anything. If you have any input do feel free to comment as I love these boys and am always looking to read more headcanons and scenarios with them!
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Masterlist (or something)
Yey, I finally decided to put a little bit of order here, good for me! 🎉
In case that you didn't notice it, Tokyo Revengers is my Roman Empire, so there is going to be a lot of that here.
Current head image it's an amazing comission of me and Sanzu, by the hand of @gojosoreos . It makes me so so so happy, planning some chaos with my favourite gremlin ever! 💜💜💜
Is not my head image anymore, but I still wanna leave this here because it'll always be hilarious! The product of a collaborative brain riot with @just-sp-in-inginthevoid , about Autistic!Kakucho vs. Adhd!Sanzu. They're soulmates archnemesis and it's so funny 🤣🙈 Link to the art here!
The icon is mine, happy silly Sanzu (he's probably high, okay?)
The previous one was Meowzu, the best member of the Haitanis Team Rocket! 🙈 (link to both "art" in this post)
Also: My ao3 account in case someone wants to read it there!
(I'm trying to post everything here too but some of the last fics are only in ao3 for now)
Real masterlist and how to do ask/requests after this!
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Red Snow (Angst KakuIza with happy ending)
Bonten was born from pain (this is technically a drabble but with enough angst for being a long fic T.T)
Look at how my tears ricochet: (Sanzu vs. Kisaki Angst with some light MuSan on it)
Part 1
Part 2
Let me tell you now, you're the lucky one (really angsty Bonten HaruKaku)
Hits Different (drabble of a train wreck)
Chokehold (Sanzu/Takuya in bad Toman Takemichi timeline) + Check the art here! 🥹
No drug can give me clarity (I need you here). Past Musan drabble
I'll love you better when I'm dead (tragic MuSan drabble of chapter 206)
Soon you'll get better (because you have to) (Dead Dove Bonten HaruMai)
Reborn Again (and again and again) (Bonten HaruMai & Sanzu bday centric)
Time, mystical time (cutting me open then healing me fine) (Final tl HaruMai & Mikey bday centric!) (FLUFF uwu)
Izana Kurokawa x gn!reader receiving a red rose
Izana Kurokawa being a little shit with surprises (hc+drabble x gn!reader)
Kakucho Unbirthday series:
Izana's servant needs a birthday. Period. (platonic KakuIza)
Kakucho used to loves his unbirthdays. Before everything changed. (Angst drabble of Bonten Kakucho)
Mitsuya used to admire the Haitani brothers. In past sentence. (drabble of the final timeline)
Snippet on 5th division Takemichi.
Fanart:(or something)
Haitani brothers + Sanzu as a Team Rocket
Ran Haitani with an energetic s/o (art)
Silly Sanzu on fire
Ran Haitani with an energetic s/o
Izana Kurokawa being a little shit with surprises (hc+drabble x gn!reader)
Little hc of Izana with "his kids" in the final timeline
Kurokawa siblings in the OG!timeline
Shared hc of Manila Izana and Bonten Mikey being connected in dreams!
HaruTaku hcs my beloveds:
HaruTaku headcanons!(bad Toman tl) 💜
Final timeline childhood sweethearts HaruTaku!
Final tl adult them headcanons around drugs, ooopsie?
Bonten HaruTaku! 🔥
Shared HaruTaku rambling!
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I'm gonna try to put my theories/rumbles/memes about TR here, but it's a little bit chaotic and I'm probably forgetting something 😅
Memes: (aka random stuff that I found funny)
I can fix it (or not) + extra Takemitchy
Shinichiro DON'T
Poor Mitchy xD
My TR matchup! (because it makes me so happy that I didn't want to lose it)
Random thoughts/theories:
Kurokawa siblings in the OG!timeline
TR is like a trauma onion (Sanzu and OG!timeline)
The meaning of Sanzu's name (all thanks to @just-sp-in-inginthevoid )
Random thoughts about Mikey and TR ending
Say My Name (or how the season 3 ending broke me):
Analysis of why this ending is just pure pain
Analysis Part 2
Say My Name is pure Bonten coded
Talking about the meaning of Kokonui kiss
Kakucho and Sanzu parallels (again, just adding and commenting to @just-sp-in-inginthevoid post, bc sharing hc is fun 💜)
Adhd Sanzu Propaganda (I'm not even sure if this is a hc or just brain riot)
SHINICHIRO STAY AWAY FROM THE KIDS! (with love, but please xD)
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You can ask me anything, if you just want to talk about TR or any other fandom I'm in, I will be more than happy to do it!
(but please, I can talk/theorize about JJK, but don't ask me to write about it, I'm still coping 😭)
About requests:
You can ask for headcanons, specify if you also want a drabble!
I'm gonna try to answer all the request, but sometimes I can write a lot in one day and other times not being able to do it in weeks, so if you ask for a drabble, be patient please!
I don't write smut (mostly because I don't feel comfortable writing it even if I enjoy reading it, sorry >.<) But we can talk about "dead dove, do not eat" 😌
Angst (with ot without happy ending) and fluff are my happy places for writing. But tbh, I'm an angsty whore. Hurt/Comfort is my type of fluff 🙈
Also, ask for ships! Rare ships are more than welcome, I love to experiment with them!
Or a gen drabble. You are curious about that character in that specific time line? Hell yeah, give me brain riot! 🔥
I usually write gn!reader, but I can do any specific gender if you ask.
I will not tolerate transphobia, homphobia, racism, etc. So be respectful!
Besides that, I will be more than happy to do any request, since I feel this is helping me to write more again. So don't be shy, ask! 💜
Ps: English is not my first language, so be nice please!
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blackcatruse · 3 months
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𝔣𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔞𝔰𝔥𝔢𝔰
«prev. ❃ next» ❃ first chapter ❃ m.list ❃ ao3 pairing: r. haitani/fem!reader ↳ she/her, fem descriptors, nickname ❃ chapter synopsis: having friends is nice while it lasts, but when you leave, you want to leave no trace of yourself behind. that includes working with the haitani brothers. word count: 3.5k chapter cw(s): swearing, possible ooc, mentioned abuse, mentioned death, ran being ran a/n: see end
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The nightmares still plagued you, but at least with somebody else in your apartment it was easier to come down from your anxiety. Shika already knew what to expect, but poor definitely-Hato and poor Nezumi were not anticipating the sleepless nights. You apologized to them, but Nezumi insisted it was fine. At least definitely-Hato had the courtesy to be disgruntled at you, which is what you figured would be the case. He did look confused when you thanked him for snapping at you, but you didn’t bother to explain.
With others in your apartment, you made a point to hide your private burner under your mattress. You didn’t want anyone to find out about it, even if you were warming up to them. You could trust them to hang out with you, but you wouldn’t trust them with your private burner and other plans. They could rat you out, and you wouldn’t put it past anyone to be cutthroat, regardless of how friendly they were. Sometimes you felt bad about your misgivings, because you knew that having friends or companions would stifle the itch for normalcy. You tried your best to not let your guard down, but sometimes when you were laughing with them, it almost felt like the world wasn’t on your shoulders.
You learned about their burdens too. Nezumi’s contract was going to be up in about a year, since his younger brother was undergoing the last course of treatment for his illness. Shika ran to escape her abusive father and was caught trying to pickpocket Suzaku. She admitted that if anyone else in Wuxing had found her, she’d probably have been given to Byakko. There was no denying that Shika was beautiful and carried herself with an element of grace you could only dream of, and you were thankful Byakko didn’t get his hands on her. Definitely-Hato, who hated that you called him that, was just trying to get his younger sisters through school. Their mother worked multiple jobs and long hours, yet still barely had enough to make ends meet. He took it upon himself to supplement the rest.
“Your siblings are lucky to have someone like you,” you told definitely-Hato and Nezumi. You gestured at them with the can of melon soda in your hands. “I’m glad that they have you looking out for them.”
There was no point in lying to yourself or your tentative friends about your feelings towards your own brother. Shika was an only child because her mother died during childbirth. It was something Shika’s father never let her forget, and she still carried guilt over it.
“Stop getting so soft on us, Lotus,” definitely-Hato chuckled, taking a sip of his beer. “It’s weird. Like who are you and what have you done to the bitch we know?”
You busted out laughing at the same time Shika scolded him. Wiping a stray tear from your eye, you found words between your laughter, “Well, we didn’t bother to know each other at all.”
“It’s a shame we waited this long,” Nezumi admitted. His cheeks were flushed from the two beers he’d downed and the third he was working on.
“Now who’s going soft?” you teased. “But it’s fine. It never bothered me. I didn’t want to get attached because when I leave, I don’t wanna leave anything behind.”
“That’s so sad,” Shika pouted. She wasn’t drunk, but she was much more emotional than she let on. “Surely you still don't believe that?”
You gave her a knowing glance. Shika knew more about you than the boys did, so she knew the answer. “I do, but I also believe that had we met under any other circumstance, I think we’d have been great friends.”
“As if!” definitely-Hato scoffed. “I wouldn’t be caught dead with you.”
“Okay, asshole, just Nezumi and Shika then. And I call Shika because I’ll have met her first,” you laughed.
“You wish!”
You and definitely-Hato bickered back and forth with snarky jabs and too-close-to-home insults. But you didn’t mind it. You wanted this kind of banter with someone. It felt normal. You actually felt like a person for once, and you knew that this high would come crashing down. You tried to ignore it and be present with your teammates, but it lingered in the back of your mind, whispering that good things never last.
As the night dwindled down, the boys passed out on the floor and Shika was curled up on the couch. You decided to clean a little, while stepping around Nezumi and definitely-Hato. You trashed takeout containers and gathered up the cans and bottles that were scattered around the floor. You looked back at your sleeping guests and smiled to yourself. Yeah, you really did appreciate their help.
Having cleaned up sufficiently, you decided to call it a night yourself. With everyone asleep, you pulled out your private burner to see a plethora of messages from Ran and Rindou. They were keeping you posted about the job and you were updating them on your house arrest. Neither of you knew how to sneak you out, and time was not on your side. The shipment was on the move now and other preparations were being made.
Too engrossed in your messages, you didn’t hear Shika stirring from the living room. “Who ya textin’?” she asked.
You damn near threw your phone. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. You were caught and no matter what you did, you were guilty. You stuttered trying to find an answer, but nothing came to mind. You hurriedly sat up trying to tuck the phone away under the sheets.
Noticing your panic, Shika entered your room and closed the door behind her. She sat at the foot of your bed and whispered, “Your secret is safe with me, promise.”
You swallowed back your anxiety, but words still caught in your throat. You just nodded. When you were able to speak, you said, “I don’t want to get you in trouble or drag you into this.”
Shika tilted her head. “I told you, we gotta look out for each other. I’ve got your back.”
“Don’t,” your voice cracked. “I don’t want you getting hurt because of me. Please, drop it.”
“I’m not scared of them,” Shika said. “C’mon, let me help you.”
You wanted to intentionally stay vague. The less information you told her, the better. It would be nice to share your secret with someone else, but if Shika knew too much it could jeopardize her and your safety.
“I have a personal burner too,” Shika admitted. “So trust me I get it. How about you let me guess, and if I’m right you just nod.”
It was your turn to be confused. “What?”
“Well, if I leave it to my imagination, you won’t risk any of your secrets,” she reasoned. “Clearly this is important to you, and I can see how much you want to get out.”
“But if something happens—”
“I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself and you don’t need to worry about me. So just let me make something up, yeah?” Shika winked at you. “Let me guess, you have a secret lover!”
You choked on the air you were inhaling and coughed violently. You wished it were that straightforward. But the implication would be that one of the Haitanis was your lover and you didn’t know if you could stomach the idea. “Something like that,” you said in a strained voice.
Shika nodded. “I see. And you’re going to sneak out to meet him? Or her, I guess. I don’t judge.”
“Y-yeah we’re making plans,” you stammered. Either Shika was a genius or you were reading too much into it.
“Ohhhh, late night excursion? Sounds romantic,” Shika sighed.
“What are you doing? Why are you doing this?” you asked.
“Because I’m on your side, in your corner, whatever you need. It’s tiring to try to talk to only boys. It’s really not the same, and I don’t think I’ve ever really had a reliable girl friend. And surely you would feel better if someone knows your struggles.”
You hated that she wasn’t wrong. Sharing things would make the weight on your shoulders a little easier to bear, but still. You didn’t want someone as kind-hearted as Shika to be dragged down by someone like you. Fuck, maybe asking for the others’ company was too much.
You felt Shika flick your forehead. “Stop thinking so much,” she said. She pulled a knee up to her chest and leaned on it. “You don’t have to tell me everything. Are they cute at least?”
“I mean,” you paused. The Haitani brothers were conventionally attractive, and the air of confidence and charisma was something people gravitated towards. “Yeah, I guess they are.”
“You guys talk much?”
“Every day.”
“Must be nice.”
It took everything in you to not scoff at that. Ran was flighty at best, maybe answered your texts every few days. At least Rindou would respond to you within the same day. Sometimes it was just to insult you, but you knew you could rely on him to keep you up to date. “I guess,” you said. “They annoy me though.”
Shika nodded wisely. “Yeah, that sounds about right.” She looked you over. “You really like them, huh?”
“I-uh, well, it’s not like that!” The thought of being with either Haitani nearly made you retch, but you couldn’t give up the act now.
“You gonna run away with them?”
“Kind of, I guess,” you admitted.
“Well, before you go, remind me to give you my personal burner number. You can’t get rid of me that easily.”
You laughed. “It won’t be any time soon,” you admitted. “We’re still planning some stuff.”
Almost as if prompted, your phone buzzed with a message from Rindou. You looked at Shika, who nodded, and you flipped open your phone. You bit the inside of your cheek as you read it.
The shipment arrives Thursday.
You doubted that your house arrest would be reversed within that time frame. “So, as you know, I’m very nosy. What was that about?” Shika leaned over like she was gonna read your message, but she just laughed, bumping her shoulder against yours.
“Uhh, it looks like they want to meet up Thursday,” you said.
“This Thursday?”
You nodded. “I don’t know how I’m going to get away. It’s important that I be there, but I can’t stomach the idea of being under Byakko again.”
“Well, your guards never enter your place, and with one of us here, they’ll probably be a little more lax.”
“You may be right. I’m just paranoid, I guess.” You chuckled dryly and rubbed the back of your neck.
“Byakko is that bad, huh?”
“Unfortunately, and worse,” you shuddered. You could almost feel your conscious receding, not because you were tired, but more of a defense mechanism. Retreating into your mind was the only way you knew how to deal with Byakko’s abuse. You tucked yourself and your thoughts into a tiny corner in your brain and tried to shut it all out.
“I can be your decoy.”
“Like, I visit Thursday then I’ll ‘leave’ and sneak in through the window. You have a fire escape you can shimmy down. That way, if they even bothered to check, they’d see a sleeping body in bed and not bat an eye. Just wear a big hoodie, don’t call any attention, and I’ll fake being asleep until you get back.” Shika beamed at you as she told you her plan. You had to acknowledge that it was a decently sound plan.
“Wouldn’t the guards know to check the alley or anything?”
“Nah. Even if they did it would just be a cursory glance and then you can sneak off wherever you need to.”
“What if… what if they find out? I don’t know if I could let you—”
“You’re not letting me do anything, Lotus. I’m offering. I’ll be fine.”
You had no idea how Shika could be so confident, but you felt a little more relieved. You trusted the way Shika’s eyes shone brightly and her relaxed body language.
“Okay,” you acquiesced. “I’ll trust you on this.”
“One condition,” Shika said quickly.
Trust was fragile, and you nearly felt it crack inside you before she continued on. “You tell me who you’re seeing.”
You could invent a fake lover. “Why do you want to know so badly?”
“To see if I know them! And we can talk and giggle and whisper about it to confuse Nezumi and Hato.”
“You make an excellent point. I do enjoy taunting them. All right, but you swear you’ll keep it a secret?”
“Cross my heart and hope to die.”
“Okay, don’t have to go that far. I think I’ll miss you if you do.”
Shika tossed her head back and laughed. “Perfect, I’ll see you Thursday then.”
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Thursday came sooner than you’d like it to. You’d already bid your “goodbye” to Shika, who promised she’d be back in about an hour. You were set to meet Rindou a few blocks down because you couldn’t take your own bike. You explained the situation via text and you could almost hear the annoyance in his response. You asked if you should just ride with Ran, but Rindou immediately claimed that Ran had awful night blindness and shouldn’t be trusted to drive anyone after sunset. You were able to tease Rindou back about “caring for you”, which he ignored. You took it as a win.
Every little detail had been finalized yesterday. The container was estimated to arrive around two in the morning, and everyone should be in their places just a little before then. Once you heard the signal, the loud distraction that would hopefully attract the security detail, everything would go into motion. You and Rindou would be in and out first, so you ran less of a risk of someone seeing you. Grabbing the crates and getting to the getaway car and then you’d meet up with another driver to switch cars. You would switch a few times to throw off a trail, but once everything was dropped off at Rokuhara Tandai’s warehouse, it would be one job done. Halfway to your freedom.
You found Rindou near a corner store. He looked bored and like he could use a cigarette. As you approached you pulled your hood down so he could see your face in the dim light. “Yo,” you greeted him succinctly.
He just nodded curtly, face expressionless. “C’mon,” he said, jerking his head back.
Tentatively you made your way over and sat behind him. You knew you were going to have to hold onto him, but the more you thought about it the more you considered just falling off and disappearing.
Almost as if he heard your internal monologue, Rindou muttered, “Don’t make this weird.”
“Shut up! It’s only weird if you make it weird,” you shot back. You swallowed thickly and wrapped your arms around his waist. You were glad he couldn’t see you because you were sure your face was bright red. It didn’t help that Shika had teased you earlier about meeting a lover. Were you going to tell her that you were seeing one half of the Haitani brothers? Would you have to have him play into the act as well? Maybe you’d be better off lying, or confessing the whole truth to her instead.
You certainly were not paying attention to how solid Rindou felt underneath your grasp. You most definitely were not thinking about the lingering scent of sandalwood and something sweet that wafted off his jacket. You were not going to think about how warm he felt as the cool winds whipped around you. Even though you knew you were likely safe riding with him, you never liked not being in control of the speed and maneuvering. Rindou weaved effortlessly through late night traffic, and some turns made your hold on him tighten.
“Ease up,” he grunted. “You’re gonna break my ribs.”
“Yeah, well maybe you should get a taste of your own medicine,” you grumbled into his back. Reluctantly you loosened your grip, but not before you felt the shake of laughter Rindou tried to stifle.
You watched the city lights fade to sparse streetlights. You and Rindou were meeting Ran nearby and then getting everything set up. According to the intel team, the shipment was about an hour from the docks. It would be cutting it close to get everything in order, but you’d be lying if you said the adrenaline rushing through your veins excited you. There was a hint of anxiety underneath the surface and it made your heart occasionally skip in your chest. Without thinking much of it, you pressed your face into the soft fabric of Rindou’s jacket. Your grip on his waist was firm, but not tight at all. Something about this felt right, but you immediately jerked back when you felt every muscle in Rindou go rigid.
“Oops,” you said, not very apologetic at all.
If he wasn’t focused on driving, you’d bet that Rindou would look back to glare at you. Instead, he held up a middle finger where you could see it, and you laughed.
It wasn’t until you saw Ran that you realized how relaxed you’d gotten. Man, being around the other runners was taking your edge off. You couldn’t grow dull at a time like this. Rindou stopped his bike, killed the engine, and immediately turned to you to say, “Get off.”
“Someone’s grumpy,” you tutted, letting go and dismounting. “This the most intimate you’ve been with a woman before?”
Before Rindou could respond, Ran emerged from the shadows carrying two messily folded lumps. He looked at you and Rindou and asked, “Lover’s quarrel?”
“Fuck off, Ran,” you and Rindou said simultaneously.
Heat spread to your cheeks and you refused to look at Rindou. This was not happening. In your periphery, you could see Rindou put his head down. Hell, Ran’s comment was going to make everything in the next two hours awkward.
“Stop messing around,” you muttered. “We have a job to do.” Your words weren’t exactly oozing confidence.
Ran just raised an eyebrow, but he shrugged. He tossed the worker’s uniform at you so you wouldn’t see the smug grin on his face. “Managed to nab some of these,” he said. “We’ll blend in a little better maybe.”
You unfolded the wrinkled pair of dark coveralls and a baseball cap fell out. It looked pretty standard. The only thing missing was actual safety equipment like a high visibility vest and hard hat, but you couldn’t afford looking like a nerd. And you would stick out in a stupid safety vest. You weren’t expecting to be anywhere near the dangerous machines though, so you should be fine.
You shucked off your hoodie and when Ran whistled, you threw it at him. “Pervert,” you snapped. You were wearing a short sleeved tee and leggings, so you weren’t in any significant state of undress, but the whistle did grate your nerves a little.
“You’ll have to forgive him,” Rindou spoke dryly next to you. “He’s incorrigible.”
“That’s a—” The words in your throat dried up when you turned to him. You figured that he was probably built given how solid he was, but you weren’t expecting the dark ink trailing down his right side. Nor were you expecting the white tank top that showed off the form of his muscles. You could see the tattoo underneath the fabric, and you couldn’t help but admire how beautiful the art was.
“I’ve got one, too,” Ran chimed in.
You turned just as Rindou launched his discarded jacket at his brother. It hit Ran straight in the face, and you chuckled. “Serves you right,” you said, shaking the coveralls out in your hands.
You kicked off your boots and stepped into the coveralls, adjusting the collar as you pulled the top around your shoulders. You shook your arms to get everything adjusted, and zipped yourself in. You sat on the ground to redon your boots, and you could grab the baseball cap while you were at it. The final step was taking your hair and tucking it up underneath the cap. The Haitani brothers had followed suit and now looked as unassuming as you did.
The final addition was a small earpiece that Ran placed in your hand. Rindou got a matching one, but the difference was that his was wired to a transmitter. When you raised your brow at the elder Haitani, he gave you a reasonable answer. “We can’t have anyone else hearing you. As far as the third team knows, it’s me and Rindou on our own.” You hated the lazy grin on his face, but you hated that he had a point even more. Just to add insult to injury, if you needed to communicate anything it would have to go through Rindou first. You really hoped you wouldn’t need to contact Ran for any reason during this escapade.
After testing the equipment and running through the plan again, it was time to get the show on the road. One job and you’re halfway to your freedom. The thought alone brought a creeping smile to your face.
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a/n: if you distrust shika, don't. i'm tired of the girls betraying each other tbh. let them be friends !!!! please T^T
Please do not reupload, translate, or steal my work! If it isn't here or on my ao3, it's not me! Likes & reblogs appreciated! <3 Dividers courtesy of @/cafekitsune & @/firefly-graphics
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toloveawarlord · 2 years
Tokyo Revengers OC Picrew 1
Part one of my tokyo revengers ocs! There are so many of them.
Quick List: Koharu, Aika, Ami,; Kumi; Kana
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Koharu Shiratori (inspiration)
Age: Mid-Twenties
Paired with: Hajime Kokonoi
Hair: Silver
Eyes: Crimson
Height: 5'7
Timeline: Bonten
Affiliation: Bonten
Occupation: Lawyer
Enemies: Rindou Haitani
Other: Koharu becomes Kokonoi's wife due to her father owing Bonten a large sum of money. She is quite morally gray, but skilled at winning legal cases. Koharu begins to work as Bonten's lawyer after she proves herself loyal to Mikey. She isn't against what they do, but she prefers to stay on a need to know basis.
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Aika Oshiro (inspiration)
Age: 17 (Met Ran) - 18 (Tenjiku Arc)
Paired with - Ran Haitani
Hair: Pink
Eye: Gold
Height - 5'5
Affiliation: Wherever Ran is
Occupation: Student/Stay at Home Mom
Enemies: Girls who think they can steal Ran
Other: Aika's father is the warden at the juvenile detention center where Ran and his brother are sent to. She meets Ran in the back of the yard, and they soon become more than friends. Aika is extremely loyal, and slightly yandere when it comes to Ran. She loves to watch him fight, especially if its over a boy hitting on her. Rindou becomes a younger brother to her.
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Ami Matsuda
Age: 13 (Met Mikey) 22 (Future Timeline)
Paired with: Mikey Sano
Hair: Purple
Eyes: Amber
Height: 5'3
Affiliation: Toman (non-member)
Occupation: Student
Enemies: None
Other: Ami once met Mikey in the future, but their budding love was snuffed out when Ami became terminally ill with a tumor. Takemitchy travels back in time, changing the paths just enough to let Ami and Mikey meet when in middle school. This time, Ami caught the tumor early enough that the doctors are hopeful that she could survive the chemotherapy. Mikey becomes her source of strength during the trials, and she soothes the darkness that creeps up in is soul.
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Kana Hirayama
Age: 12 (met Chifuyu)
Paired with: Chifuyu Matsuno
Hair: Pink
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'6
Affiliation: Toman (non member)
Occupation: Art Student; Art Teacher
Siblings: Kumi Hirayama
Enemies: None
Other: Childhood friend of Baji. She met Baji when his mother worked for her family. They became fast friends, and eventually, she met Mikey and Haruchiyo, and Kazutora. She doesn't spend much time with toman members besides Baji once they enter middle school. She and Chifuyu meet when a few of his follows harrass one of her friends, and the encounter doesn't go well. Later, once Chifuyu starts teaching Baji, Baji introduces Kana to him. Baji is the driving force that gets Kana and Chifuyu together.
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Kumi Hirayama
Age: 19
Paired with: Kazutora Hanemiya
Hair: Light Blue
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'4
Affiliation: Bonten (for a time)
Occupation: Gamer
Siblings: Kana Hirayama (older)
Enemies: Chifuyu
Other: In a relationship with the infamous Ran Haitani, Kumi becomes roommates with Kazutora after he is out of prison. She isn't interested for some time, too wrapped up in pleasing her manipulative boyfriend. Kazutora finds himself falling for her quickly, and tries his best to free her from the path that she stuck on.
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yozue · 2 years
Sunday Funday
characters: ran haitani, rindou haitani, izana kurokawa, kakucho, shion madarame, yasuhiro muto, and reader.
warnings: fluff, some cursing.
word count: 2.9k
note: had this idea after i saw that new info about the haitani brothers in the new character book.
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There are only two things that Ran Haitani likes; any apparel from Saint Laurent and his favourite dessert, mont blanc. Now normally, with how much Ran dotes on his two younger siblings, a lot would expect that they'd be at the very top of the list.
However, there's a clear difference between likes and priorities. They're at the top of his priorities of course.
But likes?
With how much headache they give him. Top 10 is probably the closest they've gotten.
He hadn’t really gotten much trouble taking care of Rindou while growing up, mainly because they were only a year apart. Whatever Rindou was going through, Ran was also undergoing the same phase. 
Meaning, it was easier for him to locate the problems, and find solutions. 
However, you were a completely different case, he has to approach all your problems and any other situation in a different light. With your massive age gap, it was quite hard to understand you from time to time.
He had noticed however, that you seem to take after them; habits and personality wise - and this time, you have seemed to adopt a majority of Rindou's mannerism and it was driving him crazy.
"Nii-chan, you look like sadako" you said one morning, while he was cooking your breakfast. The way you had bluntly commented on his look was something he did not expect, usually you cushion your words. Giving vague comparisons, easing your way to prove your point. 
However, now that you've gotten older, you seem to have gotten more brutally honest.
"That's mean (Y/n)" placing both hands on his hips, he stares you down. A look of faux hurt on his face for extra effect, thinking that you might feel guilty and say sorry.
"But you are" Rindou has to cover his laugh as he watches you from behind your eldest brother. Almost forgetting to flip the pancake he was cooking, too engrossed at your and Ran's little squabble.
Letting out a huff, Ran crosses his arms over his chest. "Then no chocolate chip pancakes for you" 
You let out a gasp, eyes widening as you look at your eldest brother in disbelief. Rindou raises a brow, that was just way too dramatic. Definitely, you got it from Ran.
"Nooooo'' you cried out, immediately wrapping yourselves around your brother's leg.
He ignored your pleas as he tried to walk around your kitchen to finish setting up your breakfast.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry"
"No, you were very mean"
Rindou sweardrops, clearly Ran's enjoying this way too much. You may be the youngest, but Ran sure as hell enjoys tormenting you from time to time. 
He's evil like that.
"I'm sorrrryyyy" Rindou wanted to laugh, really, he does. However, if he does you'll definitely start getting pissy with him later, and he does not want to deal with a bratty (Y/n).
"Apology not accepte- ow! Did you just bite me?!"
Ran rolled his pyjama pants to see a bite mark just above his knee, he didn't actually think you'd do something so bestial.
Even Rindou was left speechless, someone definitely has been a bad influence on you.
"Pancakes!" you stomp your foot as you glared at your brother. Clenching your little fists, refusing to accept any other food aside from that flat round thing Rindou was making.
"No pancakes for naughty girls like you" Ran wagged his finger at you, he was only joking a while ago. But your little stunt just caused him to rethink his decision and decided to deny you for once.
"Pancakes, pancakes, I want pancakes!"
Your voice was getting an octave higher the more you were screaming, as Rindou quickly motions for Ran to do something before you start throwing a tantrum,
"Okay, okay you little banshee" Lifting you up so now you were eye to eye with him. "You will get chocolate chip pancakes but you'll only get two, you're not allowed to eat too much sweets in the morning"
You eagerly nodded your head as Ran put you down, Rindou snorted.
'Too much sweets my ass' 
Ran doesn't even give two shits if you eat ice cream for breakfast. The only reason you're getting two was because he accidentally ate way too much before you woke up, and they don't have any more chocolate chips or pancake mix left.
“Now go change first before we eat”
You quickly run to your room to do what your brother had instructed. As Ran lets out an exasperated sigh.
“We spoiled her too much” Rindou commented, placing the pitcher full of juice on the table, before taking a seat. Ran lets out another tired sigh plopping down on his own chair, he can’t really deny his brother’s words. They had spoiled you since you were a baby, giving you everything and anything you wanted. Showered you with so much love and attention.
But can you really blame them? 
The moment you were born, your parents didn’t really give you any attention, you were always left in the care of nannies. Your mom would only visit you when you needed to be fed. Only your brothers were there watching over you, opting to stay in your room to accompany you and make sure you were safe.
Breakfast was peaceful, some small talk here and there. It was going the way your breakfast usually does, with Ran occasionally stealing some of your pancakes, and Rindou sneaking you some sips of his coffee when Ran wasn't looking.
It was going great, as a few minutes later you were all chilling in the living room. Rindou had went out to go to a friend's house to celebrate a birthday, but Ran knew damn well that he was just going to a brothel to get a quick fuck.
Mindlessly going through the channels, there wasn't anything good to watch, and so; the both of you settled for one thing.
Going back to sleep.
Just like that, the two of you laid down on the couch, situating yourselves properly before falling asleep.
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The sound of the doorbell woke you up, the chime resonating throughout the apartment breaking you apart from your dream. You wiggled out of Ran's grasp, landing on the floor with a thud, another chime sounded as you stood up and walked to the door.
Opening the door, you were greeted by Kakucho and Izana. Your brothers friends from Tenjiku.
"Good Morning (Y/n), did you just wake up?" Kakucho gently pats your cheeks to try and wake you up. You nod your head, a yawn leaving your lips, struggling to keep your eyes open.
"Where are your brothers?" you pointed to the couch, where a loud snore was coming from. “Rin-nii went out though” 
You lifted up your arms towards Kakucho, the boy understanding what you meant picked  you up then followed after Izana.
"Should we wake him up?" Kakucho asks, bouncing you a little after noticing that your eyes were starting to close again. 
"We can just go without him" Izana replied before turning his attention to you. Ruffling your hair a little to get your attention. "(Y/n)"
"Want to go to the aquarium with us?"
The question seemed to have awoken you as you nodded your head, you wanted to see the fishies again. It's been so long since you visited, the last time you went there, you left the place crying because you thought the shark was going to eat you. 
But you're a big girl now, and no shark was going to ruin your experience.
"Okay, go change" you quickly ran to your room to change, as Izana and Kakucho were trying to wake your brother up. Informing him of your whereabouts beforehand.
"Oi Ran" Ran scrunches up his face, moving his head away from the hand touching him. "Hey, listen"
"Hm what?" 
“We’re taking (Y/n) to the aquarium”
Both boys look at each other then shrugging their shoulders, not quite sure if Ran heard them. Hearing the pitter patter of your little feet, you emerged from the hallway all dressed up.
“Okay, let’s go”
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“Oh look it’s the tiny Haitani” Shion bends down to look at you, a grin plastered on his face as you lift up your hand to give him a little wave. Then giving Mucho’s stretch out hand a high five.
Entering the aquarium, they didn’t really expect you to run around from one exhibit to another. You may be little but damn were you fast.
“(Y/n), don’t run around too much, try to stay in our sight” Izana reminds you, as you nod your head. Before dashing towards a larger tank with Shion running after you in case you do get lost.
“Look, look!” you excitedly pointed to the whale shark swimming by, its large body casting a shadow over your smaller form. 
“Imagine getting eaten alive by that thing” You involuntarily shuddered at Kakucho's words as you watched the whale shark open its large mouth to capture its food. 
Walking further into the aquarium you spotted a little display area where they let children interact with smaller fishes. They watch you crouch down on your knees, looking at a webbed starfish. Stretching out your hand, you dipped it into the little pool and grabbed it.
“(Y/n), no put it back” Kakucho gently took it from your hand and placed it back into the water. You didn't pay it any mind as you found your next victim.
Moving towards the pool just beside it, you saw a little yellow octopus. Its little flappers catch your attention as it flaps above its head.
Your eyes were literally sparkling at how adorable it looked, its tentacles curling beneath it. Occasionally using its flappers to cover its face, when it starts getting shy from the attention it was receiving.
But what caught your attention the most was how squishy it looked. 
With that thought in mind. You put your hand in the water and move to grab it, and just as you were about to get take it and give it a big fat hug. Shion lifts you up and places you on Mucho's shoulder.
You blink, wondering how you get so tall. 
"There, that way she can't go grabbing any of the animals"
They fully expect you to start throwing you a tantrum, kicking and complaining. They weren't strangers to your little episodes, they've witnessed it beforehand how you would give your brothers a hard time.
However, you seem to be satisfied being on Mucho's shoulder.
"Are you comfortable?" he pats your knee as you nod your head. Wiggling a little before pointing to where you saw a turtle swimming.
The trip to the aquarium seemed rather fast, although you all spent a good four hours there. It wasn't supposed to last that long, but when they made the mistake of passing by the area where the kids were allowed to interact with the animals. 
They knew they weren't leaving that place any time soon.
You were having the time of your life, the handlers helping you interact with the dolphins, while the rest watched from the side. Holding their phones and recording anything happening in front of them.
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While you were having fun at the aquarium, your brother was losing his mind.
"Where in the world did she go?" Ran was close to pulling all of his hair out in frustration. Racking his brain for any idea as to where you could have gone.
When he woke up alone on the couch he didn't really pay it no mind and just thought that maybe you went back to your room or you went to the toilet. So he sat there, trying to get his bearings together. However, he had noticed something rather different in the apartment.
It was quiet, a little too quiet, and at that moment he knew something was wrong.
After checking every single room in the apartment and still no signs of you. He finally concluded, you were missing and for the first time Ran Haitani didn't know what to do.
"C'mon Rindou pick-up" Ran stared at his phone screen as it kept on ringing before going straight to voicemail. Cursing under his breath, Ran let out a heavy sigh before another call went through.
"Did you find her?"
"Sorry boss, there's no sign of her in Roppongi"
"Then look somewhere else!" he snapped, pocketing his phone and storming out of the front door.
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"Is there somewhere else you'd like to visit (Y/n)?" you thought for a moment, swinging yours and Kakucho's intertwined hands as you walked through the shopping district.
One hand holding some souvenirs from the aquarium to give to your brothers. Courtesy of Shion paying for all of them of course (albeit forced by Izana, but you don't know that)
"Over there" you finally decided and pointed to a Saint Laurent store. They led you inside as you started skimming through the various forms of apparel displayed. 
"Are you buying something for yourself (Y/n)? They don't seem to have anything of your size here at this shop" 
You shook your head. "It's for nii-chan" you ask the sales lady to get the coat hanging just beside the scarves and other winter clothing. You saw Ran inspecting this specific piece a week ago, and you knew he liked it when you would see him put it somewhere discreet so that no one else could take it.
"Can she even afford any of these?" Shion took hold of a shirt's price tag and stared at the 6 digit price on the tag with bugged out eyes.
"Who knows, maybe she can" Mucho shrugged his shoulders as a sales assistant led him to the area where clothes his size were displayed.
Wandering over to the counter, he arrives just in time for you to pull a wad of thousand yen bills and give it to the cashier as she counts them one by one.
"Did you take that from your brother's bank account?" Izana inquired, raising a brow at you. You shook your head.
"It's my savings" you answered. "I don't really spend the allowance nii-chan gives me so I save them"
"...and how much is the allowance your brothers give you?''
"Around 6,000 to 10,000 yen"
Shion’s jaw drops, staring at you incredulously. "How the hell is a kid have thousands worth of money, while were out here broke as fuck?" 
"You're broke, not us"
"Where do you even get your money, we don't even have jobs!"
Shion clamps his mouth shut the moment he sees Izana glared at him. Those lilac eyes staring right through his soul definitely meant. "I will kill you later"
The cashier too got a bit startled at his outburst, as Kakucho strikes a conversation with her. Redirecting her attention to someone else.
"Yeah, I'll just wait outside" he walks towards the door, Mucho following after him.
After that little commotion, the cashier started wrapping up the coat. Giving you the bag, you thank the cashier as the three of you walk out of the store. Your hands are now filled with different paper bags, regrouping with Mucho and Shion you were about to go back home when a shout from the distance stops you.
"(Y/n)!" turning around, you saw Ran running towards you. You tilt your head to the side when Ran lifts you up and gives you a tight hug.
"Where did you go? I was looking everywhere for you!" Ran exclaimed, putting you back to the ground as he kneeled down in front of you. 
You noticed how his eyes were slightly puffy, most probably the result of him crying just a while ago, and with the way his eyes were starting to get glossy you knew that he was about to cry again.
"I'm sorry" you feel bad now, you never intended for him to worry that much. you thought that maybe it was okay since you were going out with people they know.
"Did you just search all of Yokohama for her?" 
"Yes!" your brother replied as Izana let out a sigh.
"I knew you'd forget, I told you  that we'll be taking her to go out. But you look like you weren't listening to me so I told Kakucho to send a message again to make sure"
Ran stares at them for a movement, trying to remember what exactly happened after breakfast. He did remember someone talking to him while he was asleep, but he was far too engrossed in his dream to even bother listening.
He just shrugs his shoulders, before he feels you tugging on his shirt.
"I'm sorry" you mumbled, eyes cast downward. Afraid to look at your brother in the eye.
All the things that he wanted to say had been pushed down. He knew you didn't mean it, he should've been more careful and properly aware of his surroundings no matter how tired he is.
"It's fine, but please don't do that again" you nodded your head, as your brother gave you a hug. 
Picking you up, the both of you bid the rest of Tenjiku farewell as you went back to your apartment. Promising to hang out again the next day.
"Shion tighten your jaw"
"Wha-?" Shion didn't have time to prepare himself when fist collided with his face. Sending him stumbling backward.
"The hell?!" He rubbed his jaw as Kakucho and Izana walked away. Resuming their day with just the two of them.
"You should've tightened your jaw" Mucho gave him a lazy grin as Shion stalked off, grumbling to himself.
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© 2022 yozue. All rights reserved.
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venus-giirl · 2 years
Tokyo Revengers
💜Headcanon Haitani Brothers💜
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Author's note: before writing these headcanons I wanted to write a little story of Mikey x Lectora, however these last days I have not been able to continue it so I bring you this marvel with the two siblings that we like so much.
(All copyrights to whoever created the image).
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💜The first time he fell in love with you was at the Lantern Festival. He saw you along with Emma and Hinata and since he knew Emma was Mikey's sister he started to get more interested in ToMan so he could watch you (even though you didn't belong to the ToMan, you did hang out with them to hang out with your friends).
💜Over time he got your phone number and at first you had your doubts, however you knew how to set your own limits and he molded himself to you. After a while getting to know him you decided to officially go out after the first date.
💜At first Mikey and Draken were very over protective, even the Wakasa twins threatened Rindo not to hurt you.... Angry was very angry at first.
💜He doesn't tell you directly that he loves you, as he prefers to show it with words.
💜He likes marathons of crime series.
💜He asks you to take care of his hair, when you wash it he puts his glasses on your head so they don't get wet. He says he can't see a peep, but he loves it when you pamper him. He also likes it when you dye it, he even once suggested you both dye your hair to match, an offer you turned down because your job didn't allow it.
💜He is a bit inexpressive, but with you he learned to show his feelings and his different facets you saw only you so feel lucky.
💜Sometimes he doesn't take no for an answer, his brother raised him that way, if you have any complaints tell Ran.
💜He's very possessive. He's the little brother and in that sense he's a bit capricious so he wants to have you all to himself.
💜He's very jealous and you know that perfectly well. He's not the toxic jealous type, he knows what men's intentions are and he doesn't want you to get close to anyone he doesn't know and he's even jealous of the ones he knows. He simply wants to protect you.
💜 Although it may not seem like it his love is very sincere so you don't have to worry about infidelity on his part.
💜In this case he is the one who cooks your favorite dishes for you, he learned from his brother to cook.
💜Many nights he would come to your house after a fight with his brother Ran for you to comfort him.
"I don't like fighting with my brother, but sometimes he's unbearable." He replies in your embrace while they are lying in bed.
"Don't take it the wrong way sweetie, Ran just wants to protect you after all you are his little brother." You smile.
💜When you don't reply quickly to a message he gets nervous because he thinks something happened to you.
💜He's funny when he wants to be.
💜Rindo is very playful so he will get on your nerves at any time and doesn't care if people are around.
💜He loves the feeling of having you around and adores your company. She will seek you out whenever she can to spend time with you.
💜 Some time later he gave you a black necklace with a small blue pearl in the center.
"With this necklace everyone will know that you belong to me so I hope you wear it well." He whispers in your ear while putting on your new accessory.
💜He's going to compliment you on everything you wear and everything you do well. He's a bit self-centered and knows how good it feels to be complimented so he wants to make you feel the same way.
💜He's a little serious, but he's going to love you as long as you love him back, simple as that.
❀~✿ ❀~✿ ❀~✿ ❀~✿
💜Rindo loves everything, but absolutely everything about you, being very possessive he wants to have your body and possess it just for himself.
💜 After a while together he wanted to take the relationship to the next level by showing you once again that he loved you and wanted to make you feel good.
"I want you so much, my love." He whispers during one of your dates at a restaurant. "Let me possess your body tonight" He smiles and you die of embarrassment.
💜His favorite parts of your body are your breasts and your thighs, he loves to use them as a pillow when he wants to sleep and when he wants to fuck you he will use them to masturbate between them.
💜Although he seems very calm he is usually very rough, leaving marks of his hands and bites all over your body, afterwards he loves to see them very much.
💜He loves foreplay and can last for many hours at a time.
💜Just as he has a dominant side, he also has a submissive side. He blushes a lot when you are the one who makes the first move. If you know how to make him nervous you will even be able to make him tremble.
💜He really likes to grab you by the waist to bring you closer to him and feel your body to the fullest.
💜He is very kinky, it turns him on to tease you in public. Once in one of his meetings with the band he took you to case made to provoke you in front of everyone.
💜When he goes too fast he puts his glasses on you. Many times from rudeness they have slipped down to place on your head.
💜As we already know he is very elastic, so he is going to test your own elasticity in different postures.
💜He likes to have you in doggy position, he loves the folds of your hips over his hands and your bare back.
💜 He loves it when you take off his shirt little by little while you move your hips over his erection.
💜When he sees you with his big shirts on he can't resist spanking you.
💜He wakes up at 3 am just to make love to you.
💜Likes to try new positions in different places around the house.
💜When he is in submissive mode he loves to have you ride his face.
💜He is very vocal and loud, can't stand to moan.
💜He wants you to scream his name at every lunge, greedy.
💜When you're giving him a blowjob he loves to pull the necklace he gave you to make you look him in the eyes.
💜He likes to cum inside you and that you don't spill a single drop. Afterwards he will clean you up and sleep cuddled up to you.
❀~✿ ❀~✿ ❀~✿ ❀~✿
💜When he met you, he was more direct and approached you with his typical pimp smile.
💜 It was the first time he was rejected in his life and he decided to change that reputation as a womanizer.
💜After many dates they decided to go out together. The night he proposed he paid you a nocturnal visit, you couldn't say no and you let him into your house.
💜 Behind that calm face he knows how to hide his anger or his jealousy very well and he will show them with a tired-eyed smile.
💜Nicknames like "Beautiful", "baby" or "princess".
💜His favorite series is "How to defend a murderer"
💜He doesn't want you to get close to Sanzu.
💜He's a little jealous and he likes to take care of you.
💜 He is the one who buys the hair products and gives you tips to take care of yours.
💜 You straighten his hair so that his hair looks pretty and you braid his hair.
💜He is very cheating when in games, if you don't realize he will cheat. Although sometimes he lets you win so you don't feel bad.
💜 His clothes are your clothes, he likes to see you around the house with his big shirts.
💜 He likes to go out of stores with you and buy you everything you want or need.
💜Although he appears to be serious, he is very funny and makes you laugh a lot, he loves your smile.
💜You have to lift your head to look into his eyes.
💜 He treats you like a princess, he doesn't want you to lack anything.
💜 He likes to place his hand on your head and caress it.
💜He loves that you sleep hugging his back or that you have a hand over his while you sleep.
💜Observe all your movements as they seem funny and adorable.
💜 He will always take care of you and will be there for whatever you need.
❀~✿ ❀~✿ ❀~✿ ❀~✿
💜He likes to punish you using different objects such as whips, leashes or his ties.
"Now tell me, beautiful, do you know why I'm angry?" she asks as she lashes out a few times on your bare skin.
💜 He is very dominant. He will not be submissive so easily, for that you will have to beg beforehand.
💜He's not very shaved down there, he likes to see how his dick fits around your soft pussy.
💜He loves to give you orals, he prefers to give them to you than to receive them.
💜 He usually smokes while he rams you.
💜It contains its moans, you will only hear serious sighs and the occasional moan when it accidentally escapes.
💜During the weekend they do a BDSM session, he likes to test your body and see how far you would go for it.
💜He loves to grab your thighs and pull them to better position himself on your legs.
💜Sometimes some insults or curses slip from how good he feels.
"Fuck my little whore is taking me so well tonight."
💜 Tie your hands so you don't move.
💜 He likes it when you pull his hair, with that you'll get the odd moan.
💜He spanks you until your butt is red.
💜 He knows how to handle his hands and fingers well on and inside you.
💜One night she went so far that she made you have multiple orgasms in one go.
💜 He likes the positions where he can see your face.
💜 Spread kisses all over your body and use your tongue a lot in your erogenous zones.
💜He likes it when you swallow his cumshots without protesting.
💜 He cums on your body, he wants to see his seed on your body.
💜 He will clean your body and kiss you on the forehead.
"Good girl...". Stroke your hair.
❀~✿ ❀~✿ ❀~✿ ❀~✿
💜 They live together in the same house, at first they argue for your attention, which you find very cute.
💜You won't be bored with them all day, there is always something to do.
💜 They bathe together, do food and housework between the three of them, so there are no fights. They never leave everything to you nor would they take advantage of it.
💜 Many times you have to scold them so they don't fight each other, in the end you end up being like a mother to them.
💜Get ready not to sleep at night, when one gets tired you will have the other ready for the next round.
💜 They will also fight to see who can last longer or do it better and you will be their test dummy.
💜 They like to play music and move to the rhythm of the song. One night they both tried to go inside you while they moved to the music. You took them so well that even they were surprised.
💜 Whispers and a lot of flattery in your ears.
💜You will have twice as many bites, bruises and scratches all over your body, considering that they will cum a lot inside you, they will leave you dripping. All this with protection, of course.
💜 When they finish they take care of you and clean your body very carefully. Then you will sleep in their midst.
❀~✿ ❀~✿ ❀~✿ ❀~✿
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boycigs · 2 years
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masterlist. next chapter.
taglist; @gabytodd @rome-alone @milkyfab @defnotphantomofficial @satsuri3su [send an ask to be added or removed]
bibi's note ; mentions of izana's death , I figured I should have a prologue for this series ,, it's gonna be short though. comments and reblogs are very much appriceated !!
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It's been a while since the fall of tenjiku and its king. (Name) hasn't been in contact with anybody for a hot minute. He tried to locate Ran and Rindou haitani, but not much luck in that case. Alas (Name) barely knew them, just of them, and what would he say ?
'Oh hi I'm Izana's brother, I heard what happened I'm sorry for your loss.' that would just stir up pity for himself, being the actual family member to their gang leader. no need for that mess. Although, (Name) did take his loss into his own hands, grieve then celebrate the life his brother experienced.
The alive kurokawa did still care for his rage strucken sibling; visit his grave and clean it, leave him offerings and say a few words each time he saw the poloroid in his kitchen.
Nowadays he didn't have that much time, catching uni classes and trying to take care of himself. Though he did reach someone interesting, Manjiro Sano. His adopted brother that Izana rarely mentioned. Well, this shall be interesting.
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athyathye · 3 years
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Long lost siblings!
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(Mikey and Haitani sibs)
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Author's note 📝: to the requestor, I hope you don't mind me making the haitani's as one...cuz they're like already siblings lol
Warnings ⚠️: Curses, Violence and more!
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Mikey :
❥  With his sleaze of a father, there was no doubt that there was a huge possibility of Mikey having another sibling, blood-related or not.
❥  It was already known by Shinichiro who had tried sneaking out in the middle of the night to find their youngest sibling, but Mikey had caught him red-handed. Promising Mikey that he would introduce him next time, the younger let him go.
❥  After that day, Mikey was looking forward to the meeting. Bugging Shinichiro almost every hour of the next days until the older was forced to make a schedule.
❥  But alas, terrible situations happen at the most unpredictable times. Once Shinichiro had passed, Mikey had never once brought or even spoken a word about the topic of the littlest Sano.
❥  He was sure he was going to carry the burden of their last sibling to his grave...until that fateful day.
On average, you will walk past 36 murderers in your lifetime. This is the case for every person who walked the path the infamous Bonten leader walked on this gloomy day. The soft pats of the raindrops hit his body. Comparable to a way a sparrow or any bird would peck you.
It felt as if the whole world was mocking him by this rain. As it continued to get stronger, so did the harsh sound of water droplets hitting the grey streets. Reminding him of every gunshot he had fired thus far. Every person he killed. And every family he had left incomplete.
He had long lost the hope of having someone by his side, loving and taking care of him for who he is. He had long lost the will to even live, just being strung along the path he chose with the remaining sanity he had left.
He entered a nearby bright convenience store, seeking a refuge from the rain and to feed his unhealthy urges. At the cigarette section, he was silent as he looked for his preferred brand. That was until the sound of plastic ruffling dominated his senses. He turned to the source, only to find a quite terrible shoplifter.
Your face was covered but it did not cover the fact that you were trembling and breathing heavily. ‘Must be a teenager who got kicked out or something’ Mikey turned a blind eye to it. After all, A criminal doing the right thing? That alone exceeds absurdity in his opinion.
But no matter how much he tried to ignore the heavy breaths you took, your teary-eyed gaze as if you were ashamed of your own actions. His eyes couldn’t leave your figure, even when you had accidentally locked gazes.
If he wasn’t a well-trained criminal organization boss he would have flinched. Flinched from the way he thought he was staring at a mirror that contained his once youthfully bright eyes. Before he could understand what he was doing, he had already grabbed your stuff.
Hurling it to the counter, not even batting an eye at the way your breath hitched, the way your eyes turned wide and froze in your tracks. Did you perhaps think he was going to out you?
He paid for your stuff, only to find you missing from the store. Ah, he should have thought of that conclusion before he startled you. Even so, his own actions confused him greatly. Why did he help you? You were an insignificant pathetic little thing towards his world.
A speck of dust could be all your worth to him. His mind went back to your eyes. What ugly round orbs those were. He hated the way you gazed at him with those features. It reminded him of something he wished- ...he yearned for.
Thinking about leaving the plastic bag full of goods he didn’t need outside the store, he suddenly got a call.
“Boss, you might wanna check this out, I was just out for a mission you gave me, when I found an exact replica of a younger version of you! Could you believe that? No? Well you should~”
Mikey pinched the bridge of his nose. Feeling irritated just by hearing the voice of his subordinate, when it hit him.
“Younger version?...”
“Yeah! Like little b*stard has your eyes, which was the first thing I noticed. Your hair- No- Well, kind of your hair...It’s black though...Hey you didn’t dye this right?-”
Mikey felt his own kind of nervousness, one he hadn't felt in decades probably. He gripped the phone a little too tightly, voice back to being commandant and urgent.
“Tell me where you are right now. Keep them there too.”
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Haitani bro’s :
❥  The siblings had cut ties with their parents a long way back. They couldn’t even remember what they looked like anymore.
❥  And as the cold-blooded ruffians that they were, they didn’t care one bit. Finding relationships with other people besides each other and strict business related ones, annoying.
❥  They could probably drop dead and neither of them would ever know. Being too caught up in their schemes, they learned that nothing was more important than the brotherhood they had, though sometimes, it was the only thing keeping them from murdering each other.
❥  Long abandoning their duties as faithful sons, what they’d never would have expected...was to find a little bug crawling in their space.
❥  A little bug coming in to steal their tightly-sealed, hardened hearts that not even the most beautiful women could pry open. Much less even walk near it.
A lovely child you were, a child that grew up with parents that cared for you. A child that grew up tightly locked inside their room. Your restless parents wondered each night where they went wrong.
They had been so hung up on the disappearance of their sons that they may have induced an obsession over you. The child that was born from their worries. The child that they never wanted to stray the wrong path like their brothers.
It was their anxiety in bringing you up wrongly that caused them the way they are now. In a nonsensical way, you could say that your brothers were the reason you had been shackled to your room your whole life.
Once in a blue moon, you’d sneak out. Quite rebellious for a child as young as you are, but the room you stayed in felt more like a dungeon. One that you wished was at least covered in warmth. But the only thing keeping you warm in that room was your blanket. That was probably someone else’s seeing as though there was a cursive name in the middle of it.
Shoeless and only in your nightwear, you strolled the bright city of Roppongi. It was certainly more lively at night, but also 3 times more dangerous. You weren’t stupid, you were aware of that fact ever since you were old enough.
You knew about the existence of your older brothers, how could you not when there were still pictures of them hanging around your house. The house that made you believe you were a replacement.
It has probably been about 5 hours since you left. The sun was starting to rise and you were in a hurry to sneak back in, afraid of the horrors of what might happen once you get caught. Holding your blanket on your side, you ran through the bustling streets. Reckless and careless of what was in front of you.
Your only goal is being able to act as if you’ve never left the suffocating room in the first place.
That was your plan. When you suddenly bumped into a tall man.
“Careful there, little bug. It’s dangerous out here you know...hmm?” A man who had long hair grasped your wrist once he had a peek at your face.
He studied your figure before leaning down. He gripped your chin and made you face him. He hummed in acknowledgement before he froze at the sight of what you were holding.
“What the. Brother, look what I found.” Rindou muttered with a smirk as he grasped your trembling shoulders, turning to where he thought his older brother was.
“What now you little-...oh. It looks like you.”
“Don’t call it ‘it’ ”
Ran ignored the hypocritical reply and fully turned his body towards you, trying so hard to look tall and unafraid...when you looked more like a trembling rabbit ready to collapse at the drop of a hat.
Rindou grabbed a handful of your locks, rubbing it against his fingers before turning to Ran, wondering what his older brother would do. He wanted to keep you curious about what might happen if he does. But a life with a criminal...he didn’t want to be the cause of your ruined future.
Call it an older brother sense, he already felt deeply attached to you.
“Do you...wanna keep it?”
“...Hell yeah.”
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sugusshi · 3 years
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Part 18 of “My Insufferable Idiot” Series
MASTERLIST | previous — CURRENT — next
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“So wait…” Ran is sitting on the couch, elbows on his knees with his chin on his linked hands, “You’re telling me this guy is a private investigator?”
“After YN?”
“It has to be.”
“Are you sure? What if it’s me?”
“It can’t be. Otherwise we would have seen him more around you and even me. You only saw him when you were around YN.”
Ran tries to stay calm, watching as Hoshi happily hops around the ‘bunny-safe’ area Rindou and you made in their living room. Big enough for him to exercise and not feel confined. Of course Rindou, bestie, you, and even Ran let him roam free elsewhere but usually under watch. Hoshi sniffed some toys, nose wiggling before he deems the toy not worthy and hopping back to go eat some more hay. Cute, he thinks. No wonder YN-
“Ran?” Rindou snaps his brother out of his train of thought with a raised brow, “You good?”
“Yeah…” Ran clears his throat as he sits up straight, his hand running through his hair, “Were you able to find out more about this guy?”
“I found out his name and occupation, but I have yet to find out who employed him. I’m running that now but it’ll probably be a while.”
“I don’t understand why the fuck YN would have a private investigator on her though…” The thought of someone following you makes Ran sick. He knows you can fight, knows you can defend yourself when needed, but how were you supposed to do that if you didn’t even know you were being watched?
“Well,” Rin pulls up another page on his laptop, “I did a quick background check on YN,” This earns him a glare from Ran, only making the younger sibling roll his eyes, “Just in case Ran. I could care less if your little lover had a record. Ours wouldn't be clean if it wasn’t for you know who.” Ran huffs at this, motioning for his brother to proceed, “Anyway. I didn’t find anything. I had to dig a bit deeper to just find out that yeah she used to get in trouble a lot when she was younger, but nothing enough to get on record.”
“Then, what the fuck?”
“Maybe she has some enemies?”
“How? You’ve met her. She’s a people magnet. Gets along with practically everyone. Who could possibly hate her?”
“Well…” Rindou sighs as he shuts his laptop close, “We could ask Izana. He’s known her longer than us. Maybe he knows something.”
“Please,” Ran throws his head back on the couch, glaring at the ceiling, “He and his siblings are protective as shit towards her. If he knew someone had an eye for her in a negative way, he would’ve taken care of the problem by now. He probably doesn’t know.”
“Can’t hurt to ask though. What are you losing by asking? Nothing. You’re worried for her aren’t you?”
“So just fucking ask. The worst case scenario is that he doesn’t know. If he doesn’t, we move on and try asking bestie. Maybe they know something too.”
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· · ────── · ·
- Uh oh, YN’s mother is up to something again 😬
- Emma and Souya were invited to the tea party btw; aka take out and movies (everyone else was banned until further notice)
- hehe… The Haitani’s coming into the group chat with a bang! They have no filter
- Yes YN was sending all those messages while Izana was explaining everything to Rin, Ran, and Kakucho & when the three got added to the ‘menaces to society’ gc; they were just so focused on what was going on they ignored poor yn
- Bestie was in a good coma tho, so they’re excused
- As always, feel free to tell me what you think in the comments or in my ask box ♡
➥ author's note: I know this update is so behind, but man I've been going through the ringer irl. As I said, updates for this series and any upcoming pieces will be very sporadic until probably late May (when my semester ends). I do still throughly enjoy writing for this series and there's still so much to come!!!
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© all works belong to sugusshi | DO NOT COPY OR REPOST
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Series Taglist: @beautifulblhell @missarabellla @netzukochannn @uzumakioden @luvelyxp @xiaos-boywife @justrandomlypassing @lollipopd @kamikoii @1uvly @xbabybajix @sh4nn @rinsie @chocoberries-keisuke @bontensbabygirl @hanmasangrysmoosh @blkladyelle @rosesandtoshi @denkis-slut @coconois @misinfe @queen-flower @ryobf69 @qualitygiantshoepsychic @shi-thats-kiera @souyasbabyy @q-the-rockaholic @sp00der-m00n @ayeputita @crown5 @mrsryuguji
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a/n: i've had the same exact idea and i'm glad someone requested this!!! i hope you enjoy this <33
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Being their one and only sister meant that you are always a target for your brothers' enemies. But, little did they know, your upbringing caused you to become even stronger than your brothers. Well, of course, Ran and Rindou would train you too because those boys don't want their little sister to get hurt. But, they just remind you to use your strength only for self-defense.
One night, while going home from school, a group of delinquents ganged up on you. There were 5 guys on the scene and were spouting nonsense on how you just rely on your brothers for power. You sighed, thinking how unfortunate it was that you were wearing a skirt. The biggest guy who was taunting you and telling you the things they're going to do to you. "I can't wait to see the look on Ran and Rindou's face once we get a hold of their sister." They all laughed, and you watched them celebrate their short victory. You laughed alongside them, and suddenly you headbutt their "leader", causing his nose to bleed. The four other guys started to attack you all at once, but you managed to defeat them all so effortlessly. "I can't wait to see the look on my brothers' faces once I tell them I beat up guys who are 3 years older than me." You just walked out of the scene like nothing happened. It's just that you got your sadistic side from Rindou, while you got Ran's trait of being calm in any given situation. And that makes you the perfect figure for delinquents.
You basically made a name for yourself. You're just Y/N Haitani, not the Haitani brothers' little sister anymore. You willingly joined your brothers in fights. Out of the three, you were the smartest among the Haitani siblings. So, you always win bets that pay out a lot of money. To be honest, it is a joy for them to see their younger sister be interested in what they do. They loved spending time with you at places they usually go to. The three of you loved to tag team on brawls, and you made a special move together. The Haitani siblings became well known, and many prominent figures wanted the three of you to work for them.
The funny thing is no guy could ever have the courage to ask you out. One look from your brothers is enough to send them running away and leaving you behind. But, you just accepted the fact that if they can't go through your brothers before they ask you out, then they're not worthy of your love. Plus, you want someone stronger than you, at least.
And, it isn't actually that long until you three joined Bonten...
You weren't really uncomfortable being the only girl in Bonten. After all, you grew up being surrounded by terrifying men that always want to take advantage of you. However, even if you're strong, your brothers can't help but look after you 24/7. In Bonten, you became really close friends with Koko because money is what led you two together. And, you liked talking to Kakucho because deep inside, he has a soft soul. (a contrast to the men you've been used to who have hard shells to crack and weren't really nice) But, out of all the members, Sanzu has his eyes on you. He uses his spot in Bonten as number 2 just to get to you. Although, your brothers don't like the idea of you dating a guy like Sanzu. They once interrogated this poor man and Rindou was fully ready to torture Sanzu in case he lays a finger on you. But, you were the one to put him in his place and told him that he only wants you because you're clearly the only girl in Bonten. Your brothers secretly applauded you for that.
Whenever you're tasked to do a heavy assignment, one of your brothers would volunteer to tag alongside you. They don't trust anyone in Bonten being with you. Even if you and your brothers are practically members of a criminal organization, they'll just tell you, "He's dangerous so be careful." And, when danger strikes, they'll look for a lot of ways to cover up for you. You have to constantly remind them that you can handle yourself and they can leave you alone already. But, if you do say that to them, they would feel hurt...
If there is one thing you admire about your big brothers, is the fact that they'll go to any lengths just to protect you. Even if they went through all the trouble of teaching you how to fight. It's just that they become too overprotective at times. But, they trust you enough for you to discover yourself on your own. And, they realized that their little sister is not so little anymore is when you decided to go on your own path. They'll support you no matter what and will take down anyone brave enough to hurt you.
To say they love you is such an understatement. Your brothers will always be there when you need a hand. And, you'll keep on coming back to them just to fight a group of delinquents. Because without you, the Haitani siblings would be nothing...
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kokomochi · 2 years
𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐖𝐁𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐃 | 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐲𝐨 𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐳𝐮
"𝙞 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙞𝙩 𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙘𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙢𝙮 𝙣𝙖𝙢𝙚."
SOULMATE AU! BONTEN TIMELINE! they say that soulmates were typically connected through the red string of fate- some believe that they are connected through tattoos appearing on their skin, or even a timer on their wrist. in this story, however, is through glowing hair. bonten's executive, haruchiyo sanzu, never thought that he would be soulmates with the youngest sibling of the notorious haitani brothers.
01. fate
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soulmates, everyone has them.
in this day and age, everyone has already met their partner for a lifetime.
they might've met them during their middle school or high school years- it doesn't matter.
mainly, whenever people enter their adulthood, they are expected to have met their soulmates. but to those who have yet to meet theirs weren't frowned down upon or what- they were pitied at.
because it's a sign that you're going to have to wait for fate to do its magic- or your life partner passed away.
the magic of this soulmate thing is simple- a small section of your hair is colored different from yours.
the color is the color of your soulmates.
but, how would you know if this person is your soulmate or not? we all have generic hair colors for fucks sake.
well, think about it like you're playing hot or cold.
whenever you're near your soulmate, that lock of hair will glow brighter and brighter until you're in front of them. and it goes back to its dull color whenever you are away from them.
if you do meet them, however, that lock of hair will forever stay vibrant- unless one of you die that is.
in the case of haitani y/n and sanzu haruchiyo, fate has yet to cross their paths.
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