#in which linkle and link are the same person this time
radioactivepeasant · 1 year
Fic Prompts: Zelda Tuesday
At the very edge of the Gerudo desert, right at the foot of the mountains, a watchtower balanced between two climates. Sometimes blisteringly hot, other times bitingly cold; it was a post no Hylian in their right mind would volunteer for. Of course, soldiers had whispered that retired marshal Bram was a little bit mad as it was, which was why no one was particularly surprised when he chose the watchtower for his home.
Bram didn't take his duties all that seriously-
At least, not the duties expected of him by the crown.
He didn't spy on roving Gerudo bands from his tower, or collect tolls from the Rito to remind them that they were subject to the King of Hyrule. Instead, he spent hot days napping in the sun, and cool nights attending the only duty he found worth pursuing: teaching his daughter to protect herself.
Linkel was a stout-hearted lass, full of courage and mischief alike. But courage without strength and wisdom could only get a child so far before they ran into trouble of one kind or another. Bram didn't insist that Linkel practice swordsmanship, as the knights of Hyrule had nagged him to do when the mark of the Triforce appeared on her left hand. There were plenty of things a body could use to defend themselves in a pinch: hammers, axes, crossbows, even cutlery! He saw no reason to enforce old traditions under the guise of "destiny" A blinky triangle on a ten year old's hand was no reason for everyone to lose their heads!
Linkel delighted in trailing along behind her father at night, terrorizing the local chu's and driving moldorms away from the slopes where a travelers' stable sat. Frightened horses caused Situations, and Situations were -- as her father often complained -- a Hassle. During the day, she attended lessons at the stable with several Gerudo and merchants' children around her age, or scampered up and down the foothills like a rabbit with little oversight.
Or at least, she did, until a Sheikah mistakenly accused her father of spying for the kingdom of Holodrum, and everything just got needlessly complicated.
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luimagines · 10 months
Another request because my brain has decided to start working somewhat the chain finding someone not from their world
This one... Is very vague. So don't mind if I take many creative liberties XD
Part one will include Wild, Legend and Hyrule.
Content under the cut!
Wild wasn't sure if he was meant to be looking at this person at the moment.
She had a high ponytail, with their quiver and shield strapped to their back. The sheath which held her sword rested at their hip, a very familiar sheikah slate was hooked on the other side.
She was blond with blue eyes and burn marks all over the side of their face in a very familiar pattern.
Wild gulped and stuck a hand out, trying to mean no harm. "Uh, hi. Why do you look like me?"
She eyes him with suspicion and slowly puts her hand in his. "I could be asking you the same thing."
"Hey Cub, have you seen- oh god there's two of them." Twilight fumbles out of the surrounding foliage. He blurts his words without thinking and points.
The girl eyes him with just as much suspicion, borderline glaring at him. Twilight shrinks back somewhat, not expecting this. "Hello...Can we help you?"
"You look familiar." She mutters and but shakes her head. "Where am I? Who are you people?"
Twilight coughs. "My name is Link and his name is Link. We're... actually not from here. But you can call me Rancher or Twilight. I respond to both. He goes by Champion or Wild. What's your name?"
She takes a step back, very purposefully looking them both up and down.. "...My name is Linkle..."
Twilight looks just as lost as Wild feels. Wild shakes his head, smacking his cheeks for good measure. He hopes that there's no triggered memory because of this. That would really bad at the moment.
"A new hero maybe?" He ventures tentatively. "We're going to have to tell the others."
She looks even more on guard. Her hand goes to rest on the hilt of her sword. "Others?"
Twilight nods, putting his hands up. "We have a group of others named Link...We're all heroes of Hyrule. Sound familiar?"
She doesn't relax but she nods. She makes no move to follow them though. "Where's Prince Zelden?"
Wild frowns. "Never heard of him....There's Princess Zelda though but she's not here right now."
Everything about her reminds him of himself but it's never been so... off. Is it because she's a girl or too similar to him? Wild cant figure it out.
He looks over Twilight as he pinches the bridge of his nose. He's getting a headache. Wild isn't sure why though. She's his look alike- Oh wait, that might be why.
Wild offers his arm like any good gentleman (Sky would be proud). "We all have questions, I'm sure. Together we can both try to figure out what's happening. Would you like to join us for lunch? I was about to start the fire."
She slowly reaches for his arm and nods. "...Yes. I'd like that actually. Thank you."
Twilight shakes his head. "I'll let the boy know we have company... Please don't set anything on fire."
"...I need to start the fire though."
"You know what I mean."
The girl next to him giggles. "I have a friend just like him. She tells me the same thing all the time."
Wild smiles. "She sounds fun."
He had to crane his neck to get a decent look at them.
They were huge, as big as a hinox. They had four arms and a massive maw full of razor sharp teeth. They has large scales on their body in a brilliant green color. The closest thing Legend could compare them to were beatle wings but they must much larger and hard as a rock.
"Admiring my armor?" They said. Their voice shook Legend to his core. Something about it spoke of power and restraint.
He finds himself nodding. "It's armor then? How do you put in on? There's no strap of anything."
They laugh. "Of course not. It's a part of my body. They've only gotten this strong because of all the times I've torn them off."
They poke their shells. It makes a small dull sound. They bring it closer for Legend to touch as well. He does, only because he has no idea what would be considered weird in this circumstance. It's smooth but warm. Solid. "Did it hurt, Sniper?"
"Of course." They pull back. "The blood is always a pain to clean up but it's necessary where I'm from. My people pick from the toughest warriors and strongest soldiers. There's someone I have my eyes on so I hope to prove myself tough enough to form a life bond."
Legend nods. He understands only the need to peacock to catch attention. He doesn't understand the rest of it.
"The Drev are a war species." They explain, as if that's an normal to say. "We pride ourselves in being unbeatable and we train our young from a young age to be a merciless on the battle field as out predecessors."
Legend finds himself only getting more freaked out by this conversation. Is this normal? Can someone call him or something? Get him out of this!
"We..." He tries to explain himself and his people. But how does he not piss off this giant behemoth of a creature?
They had met up while they were tracking down the shadow. The shadow ran out of a portal like their life depended on it and this...Drev, came out chasing him. It appears they they did enough damage to be thirsty for more.
It's unnerving.
No one really had a choice when they said they were traveling with hem now to track down the shadow and given their battle prowess... they weren't going to turn them away from that either.
"You are all soft and squishy." The drev pokes his leg. "It's incredibly you've all survived as long as you have."
They laugh and Legend is inclined to let them have their moment. Of course it's obvious that they've all had close calls. What does he even say to that?
Hyrule knew by this point that there were many worlds beside his own. His own world has changed so much that he could hardly recognize it outside of his own existence. It might as well be a different place entirely.
So when he comes face to face with a person who's entire bottom half is a serpentine, he's not exactly inclined to ask many questions at first.
Their eyes are bright and vibrant. Between the slits down the center and their yellow color, Hyrule finds himself drawn further into their differences.
Their tail is black with orange bands. Similar scales trail up their uncovered torso and over their joints and arms. Their hands are completely covered by the scales and end with razor sharp black tinted claws. The scales become more patchy by their neck, face and hairline and end when long black hair starts to grow out of their scalp.
Hyrule seems to focus more on the their face, trying to make the situation as less awkward as possible. It only polite to hold relative eye contact. "Hello."
They slither away, crouching lower to the ground.
The others shout and cry out from just behind him. The creature has made itself known but apparently by mistake.
"Hyrule! Are you hurt?" Warrior calls out, running with his weapon out.
Hyrule forces himself to his feet. The sight of the new being has left him a little unsteady, but he doesn't want them to attack for no reason. "I'm ok! We're all good here!"
That gets them to slow down at least.
Legend makes it to him first with the help of his pegasus boots. Hyrule is tackled into a hug and pushed behind the other hero. "What on earth?"
"This is new to you too?"
"I've never seen anyone like them."
They slither back even farther and start going up a tree.
"Wait!" Hyrule moves away form Legend, even putting his hand on the outstretched blade to lower it. "Don't go away! We won't hurt you."
"But will they hurt us?" Warrior slide in, also holding his weapon.
"They didn't even do anything!" Hyrule tries to defend. "We just crashed together, that's all."
"Looked more like an ambush to me."
The snake being pulls themself higher into the tree, never taking their eyes off of the young boys as they begin to gather around.
Hyrule bounces his knee nervously and coughs. "Do you have a name?"
The person tilts their head and looks to the rest of them.
Legend clicks his tongue. "Do they even speak?"
The entire group stills.
"My name is Kara."
Part 2
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summertimemusician · 11 months
Honestly the one thing that really frustrates me about Hyrule Warriors is how they cut Linkle being Link's sister, because otherwise it would have recontextualized Warriors entirely as a character.
This is mainly just headcanon territory, but something always bugged me about him being a knight in training from the get go, mainly because it's usually never any Link's first choice with First, Sky and Wild being the main exceptions (Gaepora took him in, and Gaepora runs the knights academy, makes sense he'd want to join then plus he'd probably want to protect Sun, plus Skylofts knights function differently than Hyrule knights, they don't have the same hierarchy and Skyloft is pretty peaceful before SS truly picks up so again, makes sense he wouldn't have troubles joining, we don't know First's reasons besides him seeing evil on the horizon and deciding if no one's was gonna do anything about it he might as well do it himself, and Wild was basically recruited at a young age for pulling the Master Sword while presumably young, he was never given a choice), we see it with Four, he's a blacksmiths apprentice under his grandfather and we see in his manga him practically baring his teeth at his father he won't become a knight and he doesn't pick up the sword unless really necessary, we see that with Time, he was raised as a Kokiri, he dreamt of adventure already from the drawings we see in his room, but he could always just become an adventurer if he wanted to though of course we see that change with the Hero's Shade, I'll come back to that, Wind? Was content living in Outset with Aryll before Ganon decided to fuck around and found out really hard, Legend was also a blacksmiths apprentice and adventurer and he only takes up knight training in the manga because Sir Raven inspired him, like even if he didn't want to be a knight the training would still serve him well (and lo and behold the advice pays off given all the shenanigans mostly caused by divine beings Legend gets saddled with), Hyrule obviously leaves in a very hostile world so he wouldn't even have ANY time to think about knight training, he's self taught because he'd literally die if he wasn't given monsters need his blood to ressurect Ganon so it's honestly a unique case of technically self defense, either he learned to hunt or he'd remain hunted, Twilight is the same case as Wind's, Ganondorf fucked around and found out with the wrong older sibling's people plus the protagonists heavily implied love interest(s) and got shafted into next week, him and Dusk don't have a personal connection besides Midna for him to stick around much and we see him go back to Ordon, so no knighthood there, so why was Warriors different? What motivated him?
I think Linkle being his younger sister would have been the answer.
Long post ahead, continue under your own risk
I know lots of people characterize Warriors as being of a noble line and joined the knights at the urging of his father, but let's not forget most Links are orphans so thinking Wars is an exception is a pipe dream. So that's out, however, in medieval times knights actually get plenty of benefits since they work mostly for lords, ladies and the local crown, being a knight is synonymous with being a noble or at least having a decent life at the cost of serving someone else and the Hyrulean knights don't really have any requisites before joining (though we do see long lines of knights exist, which some Links are descended from without their knowledge, so it's not farfetched to think that a good chunk of the knights of Hyrule qualify as members of noble houses loyal to the Hyrulean crown, would also explain their why they're ineffective a lot of the time too, if most of them grew noble and Hyrulean isn't war seeking {most of the time} then they wouldn't have any real experience), it would be a good way for Warriors to support himself as he climbs up the ranks, and most importantly, someone else, because he'd need to make that money to feed Linkle if she's his younger sister because most Links who take on elder sibling roles are at their best when trying to protect their younger siblings (Wind with Aryll, Twilight with Collin, to an extent Legend and Gulley, all Links are at their best when fighting/protecting someone else), Linkle could grown up without restrictions and he could support them both, making them work harder than other knights because he's already at a disadvantage.
Making it so he's in the perfect place at the right time to get noticed by Artemis before the War of Ages, and give him a reason to go against orders and fight rather than standby like other traineés, being discovered as the Hero in the process.
And as a result since Mask is in the war too, he gets inspired by Warriors (who as an older brother would definitely just snatch him, Wind, Tetra and heck even the Skull Kid under his wing because no way is he letting children younger than even his own little sister fight alone) and eventually becomes a knight too after presumably stopping his search for Navi or using his knight status to search more effectively, which gives us the Time we see in LU who eventually become the Hero's Shade, which trains Twilight. Because he looked up to Warriors while younger.
I just think it's a huge missed opportunity with a lot of room for angst/hurt comfort/drama, and also opportunities for Warriors, Legend and Wild to bond over not really liking the knights because they've all not likely been treated well by his fellow knights while young even though he himself is one, and that Warriors would absolutely be one of the first to throw hands if he heard another soldier talk badly about any of the Links, in this essay I will-
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science-lings · 10 months
okay so if i make myself a Dink (dark Link) i would want to make him a version of one of the links that doesn't have a Dink (so not Hero or Gish, or even Huntress or General/ Linkle, or Guardian (maiiced Guaridan counts as a dark link in my eyes))
My first instinct is to give the dink to Sage, not just because they are my blorbo but bc it's easy for my to come up with an idea as to how the dink was made. So maybe Rauru actually removed Links arm (implied to be the case as he mentioned that he had to 'replace' it in his dialogue) and that arm fell into the depths. So all that gloom with the DNA of the hero grew into something that woke up thinking it was the hero (maybe it had made it's way to the secret underground springs under the shrine of resurrection where it was reborn), so in the depths, there's this being that thinks it's the hero just trying to find Zelda and a way out. I could see Sage coming across them while doing the stuff for the spirit temple or even in the depths below the lost woods. (bc it's made of Gloom it may not even be able to leave the depths... who knows I'm just brainstorming lol)
But if I really wanted to lean into the whole 'made to protect the triforce' thing, I could have it be something that King or Queen (sksw Zelink) made after their adventures as a way to protect both the triforce and the Master Sword. That would give my Dink a reason to even have a 'dark' Master Sword that isn't really dark. (It's not evil, just in a different color palette to match Dink's vibe) It likely would know that it's not the same person as Link, and is a creature made by Hylia, likely out of the remnants of dark magic that either Girahim left behind or pieces of the imprisoned that were shed. I love the whole vibe of making something good out of something pure evil. (It's aesthetic would likely include some gold/light/prismatic elements rather than just black gray and red, due to being a creation of Hylia)
I could also have the Dink from the child timeline who has been waiting in the water temple for a hero that would never come, so eventually, he just leaves, and as he's still connected to Hero, he has the same yearning for a normal life but he's also too spooky to be seen around so he's just sadly walking around the woods being all soggy. (I'm gonna be honest here idk if it has lore in tp and I'm thinking about putting some distance between those two stories anyway aka the Heroes Shade is not the Hero of Time, she's just a badass who is in between the family line at some point who had a bad time)
Or I could always just make a guy that I can drop anywhere in the timeline and fuck around and do whatever I want with.
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aikoiya · 2 months
LoZ - Hyrulean Holy Relics
The Triforce = It seems to maintain Hyrule's vitality, so it's destruction would also cause Hyrule's downfall. It is capable of granting wishes, however it seems to be true neutral in regards to which wishes are granted. At the same time, if the one who touches it doesn't have a balance of Wisdom, Courage, & Power, then the pieces will split with the toucher only keeping the virtue that has the most influence in their life. - Though not a true entity in & of itself, it has acquired a form of consciousness over the 41,000+ years that it's been in existence. Its voice is that of a mix of the 3 goddesses who created it. And, sometimes, the voices of Demise, Hylia, Sheikaku, & Karina. Sometimes, it'll even cycle through the voices of the Links, Zeldas, Ganondorfs, & even Aryll & Linkle. It's quite eerie.
Goddess Harp = Created by Sheikaku as a wedding present to Hylia.
Tsukumogami = Tool spirits of Sheikah myth. When almost any inanimate object is loved & cared for enough or has simply existed for long enough, 100 years bare minimum, that object will obtain a spirit. That's a Tsukumogami. The most venerated type of Tsukumogami are tool & weapon spirits, especially sword spirits. You see, when a tool or weapon obtains a spirit, it is said to become an incredibly intimate part of the owner. This is part of why the Sheikah are known to have such a strong tool/weapon maintenance culture. They will repair a tool/weapon over & over again until they are literally unable to be repaired any longer. At which point, they will be buried at a mound much like how a person is. And weapons made by deities are simply created with a Tsukumogami by their very nature of being divine weapons. This means that Fi & Ghirahim are the Tsukumogami of the Master Sword & Sword of Demise respectively. - In Sheikah mythology, the forging of a sword was believed to be a holy undertaking & forges were also considered a house of the gods & bladesmiths were thought to house the spirit of the gods. Bladesmiths were known to purify themselves in water & wear sacred robes during the course of the forging. The forging of a sword was also thought to be no less miraculous than the birth of a child. And it was believed that swords held a piece of the souls of not just the one who created it, but also the wielder, & even the gods themselves. In this way, they were seen as the soul of the swordsman.
- Goddess Sword = Originally designed to be the Master Sword by Sheikaku with the intention of forging it for his wife so she'd be able to protect herself & Hyrule. However, due to him being unable to do so due to needing to hold off Demise, who had resurfaced early, Hylia forged it herself using the skills her husband had taught her with Din & Hebrogar's guidance (who were still too injured from fighting back Demise before to do it themselves). But by that point, it'd been too late & Sheikaku was struck fatal, which was when he relinquished his godhood to use the Triforce in another life. All in preparation of the First Hero. However, due to not being a Goddess of the Forge, despite her skills & her unofficial aunt & uncle's aid, the Goddess Sword is what came out instead. All 3 knew that it would not be enough to defeat The Bringer of Demise, let alone kill him. To supplement this, Hylia advised the Sword Spirit, Fi, to guide the hero & have him temper the sword with the Sacred Flames. (Which, tempering is quite different from forging.)
-- Master Sword = The Blade of Evil's Bane. Originally the Goddess Sword, now tempered by the divine light of the Sacred Flames, which were stoked by the divine magic of the Golden Goddesses, back then known as the Aureliad. While much closer to its originally intended design, it still is not fully complete. To reach its true power & end both The Bringer of Demise & his curse once & for all, it must be reforged anew by one with both the power of a God of the Forge part of the pantheon worshiped by the people to be protected & the skill of a master bladesmith. It's feasible that if Sir Link Smith-Clainborne (LU's Four, a.k.a. Minish Cap Link | I call him Clove) or Legend were to don the Fierce Deity Mask, that they could begin to learn & possibly master Creator-Ranked blacksmith recipes, but it'd take a lot of time & access to some frankly outrageous materials. The Golden Master Sword is much closer to the intended design, but still not quite there. If it'd been forged by Sheikaku, as had been intended, there would likely be no curse to begin with.
-- Sword of Demise = The Master Sword's dark mirror. Created when The Bringer of Demise had Sheikaku's notes on the Master Sword stolen. After which he forged the Sword of Demise. However, due to him neither being a god of the forge, nor having any previous knowledge of swordsmithing (having only ever forged spears & had never really taken an interest, thinking it beneath him), it simply resulted in a pale, twisted imitation. Not even a shadow of what it could've been. Thus, the twisted & very obviously mentally unstable Ghirahim was brought into existence. (It doesn't help that he was forged by Demise, thus giving him part of that mad titan's soul.)
The 3 Sacred Flames = These flames were created in conjunction as a means of improving the Goddess Sword & allowing the Hero to defeat The Bringer of Demise. Each flame is fueled by the divine energy of its respective goddess & is guarded by their appointed Great Dragon. Due to Link's latent, hidden powers, tempering the Sword with these flames allowed him to draw out more of the blade's intended power. However, due to him having no real knowledge of smithing in that life, he was unable to fully draw out its fullest potential. - As mentioned above, I'd say that Four Link or Legend Link from the Linked Universe wearing the Fierce Deity mask would be able to bring about the Master Sword's true potential. Or as close to it as is currently possible. But that's just my thoughts.
Wind Waker = Used to conduct music in celebration of the gods. A royal heirloom said to have been crafted by the Royal Jubalturner.
Phantom Hourglass = Once used by Nayru in a time long passed.
Ocarina of Time = An ancient musical instrument blessed by Nayru.
Harp of Ages = Used to travel through time. Is not located in Hyrule as it is a relic from Labrynna.
Rod of Seasons = Used to change the seasons. Is not located in Hyrule as it is a relic from Holodrum.
Book of Mysteries = A book filled with ancient Calatian (& some non-Calatian) ciphers & magical runes that can be used in various ways. Is not located in Hyrule as it is a relic from Calatia west of Hyrule. - I believe that if Nintendo were to go through with making that 3rd Oracle game, then it'd be best to go with Mysteries instead of Secrets because then we'd have OoA, OoS, & OoM.
Tree of Life = It's said that its fruit can cure any illness. It's actually not native to Hyrule, being originally from the desert continent to the southwest of Hyrule. The fruit of it's Mother Tree is actually far more powerful.
To see the Hyrulean Pantheon.
LoZ Cultural Masterlist 1
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wutheringmights · 2 years
Any director’s commentary or behind the scenes tidbits from recent chapters of CTB (or any of them)? Also, how does it feel to be the most genius writer alive
Most genius writer alive? Are you laying it on a little thick there, pal?
But yeah I got some prime director's commentary and behind the scenes stuff from the last chapter for you:
The flashback sequence was written and two days, which you can probably tell
You know that opening conversation where Warriors, Spirit, and Mask talk about rabbits? My original idea was that when Mask said that rabbits weren't real, Warriors would immediately agree with Spirit and tease Mask for thinking rabbits were fake. After Mask walked away, Warriors would turn to Spirit and be like 'lol nice job he really believed us there.' And Spirit would be like, 'wtf are you talking about???'
The flashback scene was originally going to go on longer, until Warriors found and rescued Zelda. This would have also allowed for a scene of Shigeo freaking out about having to kill people. I cut it for the sake of my sanity and for the fact that I feel like my point had been made sufficiently
I was torn between the soldier Spirit killed being a generic guy or Anders. Ended up going with the former since I had an even meaner idea for what to do with him
Moving onto the present day--
As many of you may remember, the octoball scene is in this story expressly because I accidentally wrote a line way back in chapter 6 that implied the existence of baseball and I was too lazy to change it
Speaking of which, did you notice Time's slip up? While pitching, he sang the same chant Shigeo used to annoy him when he was a child. Surely, this slip up isn't plot relevant...
In my original plan, the reader wasn't going to know Lincoln's name until this chapter where his relationship with Warriors was revealed. Why? Because I knew that making their names so similar would be a dead giveaway, so I wanted to obscure the reveal for as long as possible. However, when I wrote Lincoln's introduction in chapter 4, just referring to him as the Master Knight was clunky, and so I broke and revealed his name right away.
I was stuck on Linkle personality for a long time since I felt like I kept on making her too similar to Lana. What cracked the code for me so to speak was combining Lincoln's traits with Warriors. So Linkle has Warriors's flair for the dramatics and Lincoln's brutal honesty. The main difference between her and the rest of her family is that she does good recklessly while Warriors and Lincoln are far more methodical in their approach.
Speaking of personality, Lincoln is meant to be Warriors's direct foil. When creating his character, I asked myself what a Link-esque character who was competent at both navigating politics and being a hero would be like.
Lincoln being metaphorically a better hero than Warriors is referenced in a few other areas of the story, most notably in that he prevented a war himself. More subtly, one of the reasons Warriors thinks he's an incompetent hero is that he has no musical talent, which juxtapose with Lincoln being a musical prodigy
Remember how I complained that I spent three weeks on one scene? It was the scene where Lincoln, Warriors, and Time are arguing in Lincoln's office. I knew how important the scene was and over-hyped it in my mind.
There was a joke that I cut for being a little too weird, but I'll recount it now. Basically, while the Chain was eating dinner, someone was going to ask about Lincoln being Warriors's dad. This would have led to a joke about Warriors inheriting Lincoln's good looks, leading to the a scandalized argument demanding to know who among them had the hots for Warriors's dad. There would have been two main punchlines. The first one: Wild or Hyrule declaring that they respected Warriors too much to hit on his dad. The second, someone asking Time if he thought Lincoln was handsome since they were the closet in age, which would have made Time so mad that he would have shut down the argument, to which someone would say "he's avoiding the question."
Sky's speech was originally going to end with a direct confirmation that Sky is the origin of the Harkinian line. This is not in the story because I forgot, but this is also not a vital thing the plot will hinge on, and I might find a place to shove it in later.
The name Harkinian would have also been revealed to be derived from Sky's surname, which I have yet to decide is either Hark or Hawkin.
And finally and most obviously, the name Harkinian in a meta sense is from the CDI Zelda games, as it is the name of the King of Hyrule. This is to imply that Lincoln (and therefore Warriors and Linkle) are very distantly related to the royal family, so much so that it hardly counts anymore.
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inked-spirit · 3 years
My DVD player gave up on me just before the scene were Anastasia and her grandmother reunite and talk. And won't play anything for now:')
So these are my notes so far, some things will change, others will be decided. And theres quite a few notes based around what @bokettochild wrote (Hope you don't mind me tagging you). This is basically a part 1, intill I can get my DVD player working (or access one of the consoles at the earliest point) for the rest.
Never thought this au would become that big of a thing but here we are with no regrets:D
(Pre warning there's kinda alot and my notes are pretty bad, also copied and pasted strait from my phone's notes sooo)
• The lulaby music box plays a once opon a december as a Zeldas lulaby adapt which was for the twins.
• It was the 10,000 year anniversary of the hero of time on the day ganon arose.
• When Ravio helped them escape, the music box was dropped by Fable and left behind with him. And the key was kept with Legend.
• The twins were split up in the whole mess, and Fable made it to the train, with Impa, Time and Twilight (the pair being close guards and friends of the royal family). Where as Legend was driven out and lost in the woods. Passing out to hyperthermia, burns, and head injury. Being taken in when found.
• When found is given the name Link:)
• 10 years after the attack, Fable puts out a reward for her brothers return. Around the same time he's sent off to become a knight (which he doesn't want and goes of to the right side path instead of left like told when leaving). And Ravio devises a plan with Marin to fake a prince to claim the reward.
• Runs into Wolfie when deciding weither or not to in the first place.
• When trying to get a ticket to Hytopia and gets denied is sent to Ravio the con for help.
• Mean while Ravio and Marin are taking tryouts for someone to play the part of the prince.
• They give up and go back to the old palace. Where Legend was told to meet them.
• Legend in the ball room sees the ghosts of people has the hallucinations of people dancing around.
• And so Ravio sees him walking around tries to chase him but when Legend turns around beside the old family portrait. Ravio makes the connection of pink hair and looks and goes 'oh you'd play the part perfectly:D'
• Ravio and Marin try to convince Legend that he's the missing prince and he half believes them. He tags along with them either way in order to go to Hytopia
• Ghirahim is in the old palace as a blade on display and overhears/sees the whole thing, and ganon is notified that Legend is not dead.
• On the train blue ink instead of red joke for the train tickets. Also "the mutt gets the window seat"
• Ganon attempts to kill Legend on the train by cutting the baggage cart off, speeding it up and breaking the bridge.
• Maybe Sophie is Warriors and Linkle and Marin are his sisters.
• While on the boat the music box comes out it is not played, but discovered.
• The dream is of a pink bunny leading him to the outside of the boat to try and kill him during a storm. Considering (just an idea not sure weither or not to do it or not yet) the idea of when Ganon fails to get him to jump when Ravio saves him. Ganons anger causes thunder to rain down. (To implement the idea of thunder scars:) and possibly the idea that Wolfie calls Apon Hyrule who's chillin in Hytopia with the rest of the chain via howling the song of healing, to heal him before leaving again)
• Fable and Warriors see the last person who claims to be Legend before deciding no more.
• They reach Warriors who asks the questions to claim Legend is the missing prince and when asked how he escaped, he remembers correctly and Ravio realizes that he is the real missing prince.
• Warriors takes em all shopping to the dismay of Legend. In order to dress them all properly for meeting Fable during the play.
• Ravio and Marin realize they've fallen in love with legend (and likewise:)) and that after they hand him over to Fable they won't ever see him again. Legend does not realize or know this.
• Fable is not happy when Ravio claims to have found her brother, and neither is Legend when he finds out they originally planed to fake him as the prince, after everything they went through and fell in love. He's heartbroken.
All the notes are based strait from the movie, and most will be changed, there just here more so for guidance
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inkperch · 3 years
Linked Universe Zeldas:
My takes on LU style- Zelda’s. Note: I don’t really follow Linked Universe, and I don’t like a lot of their takes on the Links, so uh, don’t assume these Zelda’s dealt with the LU versions of the Links.
SS: goes by Hylia, she jokingly suggests it when they’re picking nicknames, and everyone else just pauses for a second then realises who exactly she is and freaks the fuck out, so it kinda sticks as a combination of an in-joke and just... well, she’s Hylia reborn, can’t argue with that! The others are all low-key taken aback by how not-leadery she is, she tends to be the most hands-off when it comes to planning because well- she just guards the triforce, Link is the one who earned all 3 pieces and used it’s full power. Meanwhile her descendants picked up Wisdom sometime in the intervening centuries, so she’s pretty happy to leave the plans to them and stick to being a mediator. Third most likely Zelda to pick a fight she can’t win, most likely to win despite that.
Minish Cap: goes by Shortie, bc these beanpoles tried that with Tetra and she threatened to stab them, but Minish just found it hilarious so it stuck. Surprisingly quick to pick up how to fight, occasionally gets the other Zelda’s into trouble by running off, but they usually agree with her that whatever caught her eye was actually pretty worth it, because deep down they’re all massive nerds, no matter how functional they appear. Also tends to randomly grab gifts for the other Zeldas.
Four Swords: just goes by Four, jokes about how much her Hero(es) would be annoyed by that. Usually the first to notice encroaching danger, and always the first to investigate it. At first the more combat-experienced Zelda’s were Concerned(tm) that she is the one sticking herself into unknown dangers, until she pointed out that A) she is considerably less likely to get herself caught unless Sheik wants to go, bc she knows she has less leeway to get caught than they are and B) they won’t be down a fighter for the rescue if she’s the one who gets caught, which they reluctantly concede.
OoT: goes by Regrets, which like, the other Zelda’s just hear her bitterly pick as soon as the topic comes up and immediately decide they aren’t touching that emotional baggage. It’s an mix of Child and Adult timeline Zelda, which kinda fucks her up when she thinks about it- especially seeing as she remebers both Ganondorf breaking free and killing one of the Seven Sages in the child timeline, and what became of the Hero of Time... who she remembers clinging to the thought he got to have the childhood he rightfully should’ve in the Adult Timeline, as the waves climbed up over Hyrule to seal the awakened and unchallenged Ganondorf. So yeah, she tries not to. She also remembers the start of the Defeat Timeline, where she was too late to save the Hero and was forced to lead the exhausted and scattered remains of her people to war to kill the Demon King.
Wind Waker: literally just Tetra, she also is the first to look at the less murder-happy Zeldas and give them a knife. She’s currently working on getting them all up to basic pirate crew levels of fighting without magic, just in case, and she’s constantly pestering the fight-y Zelda’s to a spar. Regrets goes along because she’s had three slightly different Zelda’s merged in her head so her skills are a little rusty, Hylia likes to do it just because people keep forgetting she learned to fight at the same school Link did, and their responses when she reminds them are funny to her. Tetra is picked up from after establishing New Hyrule, and she looks up to Hylia more than she’s willing to admit, often going to her for advice on the whole ‘founding a nation in peaceful cohabitation with the locals’ thing. Second most likely to start a fight she can’t win.
Spirit Tracks: goes by Ghost, refuses to explain the joke to any of the others and thinks she’s hilarious for it. She is, but she doesn’t need the ego stoke. They find out about the ghost thing when she accidently astral projects in her sleep at one point and wakes up to them freaking out over her corpse, which is implied to happen often. Tetra notices that she’s really really weird to train as a fighter, because she already fights pretty well but she also fights like she’s a giant fuck-off suit of armour with a sword as big as she is. She finds it amazing to get to meet Tetra, and is constantly asking her if various stories she heard as a child are actually true or if her mother just made them up or exaggerated. They were not, and Ghost thinks Tetra is the coolest person on the planet for it.
Twilight Princess: goes by Twilight, out of tribute to Midna’s nickname for her. Absolutely misses Midna, respects Regrets more than Regrets thinks she should, but she still angsts a lot about how she just surrendered to the unkillable army its implied she’s the only one who could even see properly who could turn them all into ghos- ahem. I may or may not have opinions about people thinking it’s the wrong decision from out of universe. But yeah, she absolutely angsts about it, and really looks up to Tetra and Regrets bc at least they acted, she just sat in her tower and waited for the hero she knew would be coming. Saying that though, she indulged Tetra’s pestering to fite exactly once (1), and promptly kicked her ass and went back to her book. Because really, what else was she going to do with all that free time while Link was fishing to win a Heart Container and she couldn’t leave her room? Ganondorf had to get the idea to have her use a sword somewhere.
FSA: Even among Zelda's, she stands out for how friendly she is- more than once she brought a ‘new friend’ back to camp who’d been trying to kill them seconds earlier. This got her the nickname Torch, because she shines light into even the darkest of creatures- although, Hylia would like it if she never interacted with any of the mini-Imprisoned from HW ever again please and thank you, that was a step too far for exotic pets.
(I’ll do a followup post for the Defeat Timeline, it has a lot of the older games I haven’t played and need to familiarise myself with the characters in, and it’s already getting late)
Hyrule Warriors: goes by Sheik, was unironically ready to fight her ancestor for the name, but Regrets doesn’t really care. Speaking of regrets, upon learning that Regrets did the exact same disguise in the Adult timeline, Sheik immediately wants to go stab Cia (and maybe Lana too) for letting her think she was getting away with the disguise when Cia had literally seen the exact same trick just one timeline over. (post post-game definitive edition, so Cia has her redemption arc) She also was never meant to be the bearer of the Triforce of Wisdom, and views it as a burden- without Cia’s interference, the Triforce of Wisdom and it’s visions would’ve been passively sitting in the royal vaults instead of etched into her hand, but fate got confused when the Triforce had been split, but the one who should inherit Wisdom was much better suited to Courage. This leads to a bit of a disconnect sometimes, where fate has changed her into a suitable host for the Triforce of Wisdom, but she just kinda isn’t one. She’s also a MASSIVE nerd (I saw those TP references in Linkle’s Twilight stage Nintendo! She literally started dropping random history quotes after almost dying, the nerd) so she’s constantly fangirling over all her famous ancestors, because if anyone had managed to hear legends from all 3 timelines, it would be HW Zelda. The most likely to pick a fight she can’t win, she literally only pretends to be functional and have impulse control when they’re in her Hyrule and her people can see her.
Both BoTW Zeldas avoid each other like the plague because yeah, that’s a physical manifestation of my failures. They’re not consolidated like OoT was for bonus angst- because just merging them would show her there’s a happier timeline where all of her friends survived and Hyrule didn’t fall and crumble to ruins while she and Link took a 100 year nap.
AoC: goes by Terrako, because why the hell not. Has Terrako with her, which gets confusing, but he’s an adorable Eggy Boi, and basically team mascot. Is using her Master Cycle+Sheikah Slate movesets, bc she tried to use her Goddess bow moveset and reality just kinda glitched bc there were two Zelda’s using the exact same power, and they both agreed to never try that again. 
BoTW: goes by Architect, because that’s what she spends half her time doing these days. Regularly nerds out with Sheik. Low-key dying inside from self-worth issues rearing up again now that she’s hanging out with all these legendary queens, but tries not to let it show and keep with a positive attitude, too mixed results.
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avoutput · 4 years
Gaps Between Worlds || Live, Love, Link
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Nothing keeps a story going like a love interest. In almost every adventure story, at some point, the hero flirts with love, falls into it, is blinded by it, or is even betrayed by it. Love is the strongest emotional connection we share as humans, a double edged sword that can drive us, but also hinder us. Even when a story lacks a love interest, the listeners might begin to imagine one just to keep themselves interested. One adventure series has lacked cannon love for such a long time, it's hard to imagine how it’s been kept alive in our collective consciousness for as long as it has. The Legend of Zelda has jump-cut to Link saving Zelda so many times, but remains nebulous on what kind of relationship blossoms from their journey. As a longtime fan, I have been starving for more from the world of Hyrule, and I think fans across the world agree with me. The official Nintendo Hyrule Timeline wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for pressure from the fans. Before that release, it had been locked inside the mind of Miyamoto, creator of the series. But it didn’t really whet my appetite, because what I wanted is to know of Link and Zelda. Today, we are going to explore the facets of Link and Zelda’s many re-incarnated relationships, which could have turned into love, and where they must have gone after Gannon was sealed and their adventure came to an end.
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Before we go any further, the usual caveats to my writing, just so you can get where my head is at. First, I am not going to be super concerned with minute details of the timeline in its purest sense. It has a tenuous linear connection from one game to the next, but it still can provide a little fun for us to speculate on. Second, I have completed every mainline adventure with two exceptions. I have made it to the end of Link’s Adventure and Twilight Princess, but I just never walked up those steps to beat Gannon. I can’t really put my finger on why, but usually I just lost interest by the time I made it to the end of the game. Everything else, including the GB, GBA, and DS releases, I have completed.
In the beginning, one of the most bizarre parts of the overall Zelda lore is how little we actually discuss Link’s obligation to do anything for Zelda. As the games mature, they motivate Link in more realistic ways, but I felt that they mostly lacked a real punch. Lets imagine you DID NOT read the manual for the NES titles, the original LoZ, it just starts by breaking the 4th wall. I always thought it was funny that it just drops you into the mountains with absolutely no direction, as if to say, “You bought the game, dummy, do something! Press a button… ooo… check out that cave!” However, what actually happens is Link saves Zelda’s handmaid, Impa, from an attack by some of Gannon’s henchmen. She then begs him to find the 8 fragments of the Triforce of Wisdom, which Zelda has hidden in 8 dungeons, and he just resolves to do it. In the next game though, she’s just struck with Sleepy Disney Princess disease. Classic. But have you ever noticed that true love’s kiss wasn’t an option here? That’s because Link is not her true love in this incarnation, so he has to kill the curse maker. LoZ and Link’s Adventure are directly related, so we know that in between the two games, they never became lovers. And I don’t know if you need any more proof about these games, but if you ever watched the 80’s Zelda cartoon… you’d know she’s better off.
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Climbing up this timeline, we end up at the incredible Link To The Past, a story that’s titular description kind of defies its storyline unless you are really paying attention. Either way, the game has Link, a descendant of Hyrule Knights, being woken up by a psychic message from Zelda. As usual, Link has no real discernible parentage, but he does start off with an uncle. As I grew up, I often wondered if this was his real uncle or the Asian kind of uncle, just an older man with the same familial distance as an actual uncle, just not actually related. (It goes without saying that the west has this kind of uncle as well, but rarely does it rear its head as ubiquitously as in the east) Who knows what happened to his parents, the game never really goes into it. Either way, he runs into his possibly real uncle after following Zelda’s request, only, he is mortally wounded, and with his final breath, he begs Link to take up his blade and his responsibility. Again, he is motivated simply by some sense of obligation, but there is never a moment's glance of flirtation or love. By the end of the game, he revives his Uncle, the Priest, and the King, only to get on a boat and end up ship wrecked on Koholint island, where he dreams up a girl who is much more likely to become someone he could have a life with rather than Zelda.
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Let’s take a quick moment to recognize Link has about 5 or 6 games that have nothing to do with his relationship to Zelda: Link’s Awakening, Oracle of Seasons/Ages, Majora’s Mask, and Minish Cap to name a few. In these games, it rarely meditates on his relationship to his previous adventure or the girl he left behind. Link is a very forward thinking… little boy? Adolescent? Teenager? It depends on the game. The more I think about this, maybe the more obvious it really is supposed to be. Zelda, Link, and Gannon are reborn into conflict over and over again. It’s possible that the stories that we play through are the only time they are born into a point of conflict. Basically, Link and Zelda might be born into a world without each other. Maybe the world only falls into chaos when all 3 of them are born. Maybe only when a certain amount of power accumulates on the dark side. The story just makes room for whatever it finds appropriate.
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Climbing up the timeline, we get to the only game that implied young romance, Ocarina Of Time. Granted, it kind of dashes this with Majora’s Mask, but it's possible he could return to Hyrule for love. He is only 10. Still, in OoT, Link is the only character that keeps his memory of both the young timeline and the teen timeline. When you think about it, Link is pretty mature for a 10 year old, but waking up in the body of a 17 year old would throw you a bit. People in the future might have found him odd… if they weren’t scattered to the winds and mostly worried about famine, death, and Gannon. In both his young and teen timeline, the Zora princess is very interested in him, and yet, the game still ends with a longing look between Zelda and Link, Link remembering everything, Zelda new to the whole thing. Now, I am willing to admit that as a kid, I probably misread this as a longing look, as an adult, it's really just the culmination of Link’s struggle to finally right all the wrongs, but I was a young shipper, and I wanted everyone to fall in love. (You are reading the thoughts of a boy who was super upset that Ash wasn’t awakened by a kiss from Misty (or Pikachu), and instead the tears of all the Pokemon. I almost walked out of the theater. I was a fresh-faced 13.) Given everything we know about both games, and that we know the timeline splits here, it would stand to reason that since in either case, triumphant or not, Link doesn’t end up making baby Link and Linkles with Zelda. In the Triumphant Timeline Child Era, none of the games end with Link in love, including Twilight Princess. In the Adult Era, the Wind Waker series of games always finds Link closely aligned with Zelda, but the whole cell-shaded, PG universe basically ensures that all the people of Hyrule are grown out of the ground, like palm trees on the beach. In the end, Link always makes for the nearest boat or horse and follows the sun, trying to escape the PTSD that haunts him.
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Finally, at the very beginning of the timeline is the largely maligned Skyward Sword. As of this writing, SS is the supposed beginning to the entire legend. It is also one of the few games where there does seem to be an infatuation between Zelda and Link. Throughout the game, they share what looks to be a mild flirtation. When I thought about this budding romance, I began to think it only appears that way because of some cultural filters. First, Nintendo likes to make games for kids, so they aim to get an E rating by the ESRB. So if we ratchet that up to M, the standard for modern day games if you want people to take them seriously, we can adjust the love meter on scale with E = Sesame Street and M = Breaking Bad. They might as well be engaging in some hard sexting, maybe a couple of low-cut Link bathroom mirror selfies. Don’t worry, he has his famous hat over the goods. Why do you think its shaped like that? Secondly, mild flirting in Japan is the equivalent of hardcore furry S&M in America. In actuality, what you are really seeing is the courtship of Link in a Wolf costume and Zelda dressed as a Fire Keese batting eyes at each other. Truly, in this world, Link and Zelda are destined for each other. They are the only freaks in the sky! With this assumption, I can conclude that the legend only continues because once, at the very beginning of their timeline, the Triforce of Courage and Wisdom banged it out. This could mean there is a whole series of games we have never played where the timeline is split at the top. One in which they have children and one where they don’t. Personally, I look forward to their kids journey in The Legend of Steve, the new holder of the Triforce of Wisdom. Let a girl save the boy for once!
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There is always hope for our legendary heroes. You may not want them to be joined in glorious, child-making coitus, but I always have. I have always found it odd that it doesn’t end like most JRPG’s with a very obvious death of the “mains” so that love can’t blossom, or with a lavish royal wedding. The worst part is that often, Link has many love interests, but none of them are Zelda. There is some hope for them in the new Breath of the Wild timeline, which is supposedly the furthest in the future of the “official” timeline, so much so that there is no connective tissue left, so it might as well be a “new beginning”. I would actually hate for them to finally, really, fall in love in the BotW universe, mostly because it's my least favorite Zelda game of all time, squeaking past Skyward Sword and Wind Waker.  All 3 of which I dislike for a combination of gameplay-style and story, though honestly, the best part of BotW is the story. It's just a game I never want to play again. Rambling aside, I look forward to the fate of love between Zelda and Link in their next chapter. Maybe we’ll finally play as their love child some day. 
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triforceangel13 · 5 years
The Mark of Destiny Ch. 15 (A SidLink AU)
Chapter 15: Memory Tickled
Trees whizzed past the car window as Link sat in the passenger seat, eyeing the scenery around him. The morning had been not really a pleasant one but noting this Linkle had volunteered to take him out for the day.
And seeing as Sidon had to leave for work at the last moment to pick up a shift, plus things were a little tense between them now that he had kissed the redhead again which left Link feeling awkward, plus he didn't want to be alone, going out with his sister seemed like next best solution rather than sitting alone in his room with his thoughts.
“Where are we going to go?” Link asked her. He felt bad that she was driving but he didn't trust himself to even cook himself a meal for himself let alone how to drive a car properly. He knew basic functions but some things were just not coming back to him.
“Well I thought it would be a good idea to show you one of your passions,” Linkle responded with a warm smile.
“Passions?” he asked.
Linkle only smiled as she pulled in front of their dancing school. Link looked up the the building as he climbed out of the car slowly.
It was a decent size for a school, a large building with the name of the dance studio plastered right on the front.
“Do we know her?” he asked pointing to the sign curiously as Linkle stepped out next to him on the curb.
“Yep. We have known Cyra for a very long time. Actually we just found out that she is Sidon's cousin. Small world huh,” Linkle added, resting her hand on his arm. “Did you want to go in and say hi to her?”
Link hesitated at first. It was another person that he had to meet all over again that he was meant to know already.
“We don't have to if you don't want to. We can go do something else,” Linkle said quickly, seeming to wilt next to him but Link quickly shook his head. He did wonder if he always could read his sister's mood like this. Either it was a twin brother thing or it was that she wore her emotions right on the surface.
“No, I should say hello to her again. Maybe it'll jog something in here,” Link said, tapping the side of his head.
The smile quickly returned to Linkle's face and she grabbed hold of his hand, pulling him in through the glass doors of the building.
It was mostly empty except for a few students here and there. That was normal after a recent performance. The students always had the chance to get a break from learning new pieces for a few weeks, but in those few weeks they were still expected to come in a few times to make sure they were still in good shape and ready to go.
Well everyone except for the twins. An extended break was given to them right now until things became better.
“So...this is where we learned to dance?” he asked, gazing at himself in the mirror once they were in the main room.
The sight before him scared him. His skin was pale his hair seeming to lack luster. And the cherry on top of it all was the bandage that had been freshly placed over his injury.
This was not the man he was supposed to be. He was not supposed to be scared, looking as if he hadn't eaten in a week.
He wanted to be the person everyone wished he was. A loving brother, a wonderful best friend, a fantastic dancer, and a match to the one person who had made him feel comfortable...that is until Link felt like he had messed it up the night before.
“Every lesson we have learned since we started,” she said looking at herself from the side in the mirror and rest her hand on her small stomach.
Link turned away from his reflection and looked about the room. Music sounded over the loud speaker, giving a nice vibe to the place.
The longer he stood there it was harder to see himself as he was now moving about in the mirror to watch as he moved.
“There are my two favorite dancers,” came Cyra's voice from her office, approaching the two with open arm, pulling them into a gentle hug.
A different sort of greeting than what she was used to doing but due to Link's condition she didn't want to startle him too much.
“Link, this is Cyra,” Linkle introduced to him.
“How are you two feeling?” she asked, looking at the both of them as if she was going to cry. Link shifted uncomfortably but still gave a nice smile.
“I'm feeling alright. Head doesn't hurt that much anymore,” he replied.
“That's wonderful. Soon you'll be fully on your feet in no time,” she said happily, the song on the radio above them switching. Linkle gave Cyra a knowing glance but didn't say anything as Link listened to the soft melody.
The two ladies slipped into a conversation about the baby, Link slowly tuning them out as he stepped closer to the mirrors on the wall.
What was it...about this melody that had him feel just moving his body in certain ways? As if the music was taking control of him...
He let his eyes fall closed, taking a few steps back from the mirror wall and listened closer to the melody.
That was when his body started to move on its own.
His arms and legs in slow sensual movements, hands grasping in the air as if he was dancing with...someone else. It felt natural this way but also different. It felt as if he was meant to have a dancing partner for this.
Someone tall, strong, holding him against his body and guiding him in such a way that left him breathless.
The talking around him died down, though he whisked himself into the melody, not even noticing that he was being watched.
It felt natural and fun, something his body was used to. It was a relief that his body still knew what to do despite that he had no idea what the next step was.
The song came to an end and Link finally opened his eyes, watching as his body was shaped in a particular position.
A small bit of applause came from behind him and he quickly straightened himself, flushing darkly as he looked to his sister and Cyra.
“What?” he asked embarrassed.
Linkle came closer, taking her brother's hand.
“We'll show you,” she said.
“I don't understand, why is so important that I watch this?” Link asked as Cyra pressed play on her computer. The two didn't reply and pointed to the screen.
Link watched quietly his eyes widening as he saw....himself walk onto the stage dressed in a sultry outfit. And across the stage came the tall redhead that had been by his side since he had woken up from his slumber.
There it was. That same music from before in front of the mirrors. Link sat up further in his seat, his eyes following every movement that the him on the screen did.
The same exact ones he had just done in front of the mirror by himself. But the one on the screen was much more fluid with his partner.
The dance was erotic and sexy, bringing heat to Link's cheeks as he watched their bodies move together.
“What is this?” Link asked, pulling his eyes away from the screen to look up at the two of them.
“That was the dance performance that happened a few weeks ago. You and Sidon did a wondrous job with that dance, leaving so many in awe,” Cyra said with a happy sigh as she watched the screen with a warm smile.
Linkle knelt down a little next to him. “That dance you had done just before...was this same one. You remembered something.”
Link's eyes widened at that and he grinned. He had to tell Sidon.
The smell of chlorinated water hit his nose quickly as he stepped into the pool area. Several people bobbed up and down in the water, laughing and playing.
Though Link's eyes sought out Sidon. Ontop of the life guard stand he sat in nothing but a pair of red swim trunks and whistle around his neck.
Link's mind drifted to the dance video he had seen and he flushed a bit. He had to tell Sidon. He wasn't sure why he was the first person he had thought of but once he had  received the news that he had recalled something, all he could think about was getting to him to tell him. Thankfully Linkle agreed to drop him off.
Upon seeing the small blonde Sidon waved to him, motioning for him to come closer to the life guard stand.
Link approached, being careful of the water on the side of the pool. Sidon was just coming down from the side when Link arrived.
“Hey,” the redhead said happily. “What brings you here? I thought you were spending the day with Linkle.”
“I was,” Link replied, taking a small step forward. “There's just something that came up that I think is very important.”
“What is it?” he asked.
Link parted his lips to tell him when another man in red swim trunks approached. “I'll take over Sidon. Boss said you're done for the day.”
“Thanks,” Sidon said to him, giving his full attention to Link then. “What's the good news? Have you remembered something?”
“Yes,” Link said. “Just hearing a song had me remembering the performance we had done together weeks before my accident.”
Sidon's grin widened and he pulled Link quickly into his arms, spinning him a moment before setting him on his feet.
“That's fantastic! I'm so glad you had remembered something. You want to know what? We should celebrate. Follow me, I just need to wash the chlorine off and then we can go out for some ice cream. I can reintroduce you to your favorite,” Sidon declared happily.
Link's smile remained on his face and he followed after him to the locker rooms. The room was empty, making Link relax as he took a seat on the bench near the showers. Sidon tossed a towel over his shoulder and gave Link a small wink before stepping into the shower cubicle, pulling the curtain closed behind him.
Link kicked his feet, looking around the locker room curiously as Sidon started his rinse down. Though the sound dragged Link's eyes to the curtain.
Sidon hadn't shut it all the way, leaving a gap where Link could see clearly inside. His cheeks heated up as his eyes quickly averted.
What was he doing, he couldn't look at him like this.....but wait...why couldn't he? Sidon was his match and aside the awkwardness of what happened last night he wanted to experience things again with him. As well as his body.
He rose from his spot on the bench, taking slow steps as he approached the shower Sidon was in. His body heat rose, his hand shaking a bit as he grabbed the curtain and pulled it open.
Sidon quickly turned around. “Link, what are you doing?”
Taking a deep breath Link stepped into the small shower and closed the curtain completely behind him. His other hand rose, resting on the back of Sidon's neck as he pulled him down into a warm kiss, his small body pressing against him.
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agentsassy005 · 6 years
What if the hero was never reborn but the courage is?
We talk about timelines all the time but what about bloodlines? The first hero wasn’t hero of time but the hero of the sky. The one who rode on the crimison bird. His bloodline exists in every link, but every link doesn’t have the bloodline of the hero of time. After all toon link from wind waker had no relations to the hero of time, yet had the same courage. If the hero is supposed to be reborn why doesn’t he have the same relations?
It seems to me that the hero of time only had a few incarnations before becoming a spirit that can’t move on. A spirit to protect his bloodline from the same fate, and those in his bloodline is twilight, linkle, and wild in that order. He protects twilight by passing down his moves and in some sense prevents ppl knowing he carries the bloodline of the hero. After all time met a grim fate where the people of hyrule betrayed him and hung him. In linkle he probably sent majora after her to distract her and keep her away from villages yelling “i’m the hero” to prevent her from being harmed. And in wild this a longshot hunch, what if time causes wild memory loss so that he isn’t a stand up loyal knight? To question whats truly right or wrong on whats hyrule doing. (Another ramble for later) while twilight guides him on the right path. Since you know memory loss.
Meanwhile heros like wind waker (though twilight and linkle carry the bloodline its not that prominent.) and four sword are a seperate bloodline that took up the role of hero because time refused to reincarnate the reason of betrayal, is a sad story for everyone won’t see them as strong as the hero of time. But at the same time their protected from hyrule thinking they’ll turn out to be evil because they carry a peice of triforce. This continues on of heros being born without the blood of time because time has given up on hyrule but won’t give up on preventing his bloodline from suffering the same terrible fate.
Its suprising that only sky and hyrule warriors link share enough detail to say sky reincarnated that time. Meaning the hero of the sky only is reborn if his zelda is reborn as well, and theirs a higher likely chance that zeldas hardly are reborn due to each one being drastically different in personalities, which is why nintendo writes different characters the hero falls in love with. The hero will always save zelda, but not always fall in love. Its why they gave the hero malon, mipha, midna, lilla, and more. Because the same love story with two different ppl who arent reincarnations is boring and diffucult due to different personalities.
Its also probably why fi only talks to sky and hyrule warriors link, those two are basically the same. All other links are not her master which explains why she stays silent.
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luimagines · 10 months
*walks in tiredly, waves, hands you a cup of hot chocolate, does not elaborate* Hey there, how have you been doing? Hope you've been doing well lately and once again thank you for all your work in the fandom! ^^
I've been busy lately (and frankly way too sleep deprived), so I'll save the gushing over your writing after I properly catch up and refresh myself so I can yell my thoughts in here, but for now I will get this au idea out of my system that's definitely for the Warriors fans and elaborate a bit on the Twilight and Reader Wild West Rivalry Au aka the Cousin of Cattle Raider Reader, though it's still something I need to polish so apologies if it doesn't make much sense. Also, uh, apologies for the long ask ahead xD
First would be Warriors and Assassin Reader Friends to Enemies to Reluctant Friends to Lovers, also known as "Warriors Keeps Stressing Out" in my docs with the single one shot that will likely turn into a series who will never see the light of day (or won't see the light of day until I finish the Fairytale Collection who knows, that's a problem for future Wintertime).
So in medieval times most knights come from noble families right? The case would probably be the same in Hyrule though we do see two exceptions: Impa, by a technicality since the Sheikah work for the Hyrule royalty, and Warriors, who presumably lived with Linkle and probably raised her all alone and worked hard for the rank of knight so he could give them both a better life (which would explain a lot, knights get a lot of benefits in medieval times and good pay, so even without having a hunch he's the Hero he'd probably see it as the best and quickest route to get them both a better life if it's been just them, given most Links are orphans), Reader signed up as a knight because it's obligatory for their family before they inherit the ruling seat and as the eldest child of the family it's their job to do good as a knight to be eligible to the seat, Warriors and Reader thus trained together and defended one another fiercely, the kind of Ride or Die kind of friendship because Warriors wasn't of noble birth and thus had to work twice as hard as everyone else and Reader recognizes his talent (while also being in a quiet panic about possibly having a crush on him) and Warriors can see how much the pressure from Readers family is not doing good for their overall health and because they have to watch their back constantly so they won't be sabotaged by the rest of their family (and maybe he also has feelings, but doesn't process it because training comes first), everything is going well until about three years before the events of the War of Ages when Reader gets framed for a crime they didn't commit by one of their rivals to the noble seat agaisnt the crown, but when they go to Warriors to try and at least convince one person they didn't do it Warriors doesn't believe them (because he was trained to trust the word of the crown first) or is forced to not stand up for them (because he can't lose his position as a knight since he has Linkle to worry about), which causes him and Reader to fight and break up their friendship with Warriors feeling guilty but determined to rise up the ranks to find out if Reader was really guilty or not because he can't really believe his best friend is guilty no matter how hard he tries (which reinforces his hatred of traitors later on), and Reader leaving betrayed and resentful to the knights and the Hyrulean crown, eventually becoming so good at disguising themselves they decide they can monetize this to get by since they're labelled a traitor and to try and find evidence to clear their name by becoming an assassin since their reputation is already on the ground. Being always just one step ahead of the knights and never caught.
Fast forward to the War of Ages and Cia needs a strategist to keep her little rogues gallery in line while she frees Ganon, gets the Triforce and Warriors, she hears about Reader being the best Assassin in Hyrule who has a deep resentment against the crown and decides to take them in with the good ol' "Hey do you wanna tear down the monarchy that failed you and get payed a hefty sum while doing it? You'll be able to be free in full again too", Assassin Reader who has grown more bitter by the day being "Do I? :D", and accepts the position, switching between being a spy, keeping a tight ship on the others following Cia and strategist who is definitely not being payed enough to deal with all this but hey, it will get their name clean. On the day Hyrule Castle is seized Assassin Reader impersonated Artemis briefly to let the monsters in and cause confusion while sabotaging the royal army and after their work is done and Wizzrobe and Volga don't look like they're going to do too big of a mess to their strategy they try to leave as themselves, running into Warriors, marking the first of their many clashes as enemies on different sides of the war with Assassin Reader determined to bring the Hyrule monarchy down even if it kills them and Warriors trying to capture them or to at least talk, because he can probably try to help clear their name now and he's been investigating the charges and trying to find them to talk or at least apologize.
Mind you that Assassin Reader is unaware that Cia started this war not because of the Triforce or anything, but because of Warriors. Until they aren't because one day after sabotaging the Hyrule army, dealing with Volga and Wizzrobe and clashing with Warriors (and yelling at him for presumably dragging Wind, Tetra and Mask into the war because "THEY'RE KIDS LINK WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?!" "YOU THINK I HAD A SAY IN THIS?! YOU KNOW ME BETTER THAN THAT READER-!" "SAYS THE MAN WHO POINTED A SWORD AT MY THROAT WHEN I JUST WANTED TO TALK, YOU TELL ME IF I EVEN KNOW YOU-" While Wind, Tetra and Mask are watching the drama from the sidelines, Mask half approving because while they are trying to murder Wars at least they are against children fighting when they shouldn't be while Wind and Tetra both wonder why Reader ain't trying as hard to murder Warriors like they do literally anyone else) they hear Cia going off about what she'd like to do to Warriors and just receives maior psychic damage.
Assassin Reader, to Cia: Wait wait a darn second, you're telling me, you started a war, recruited monsters and all sorts of unhinged folk from across time and space, and is currently planning on gathering a magic wish granting mcguffing and to resurrect the King of Thieves, all over a man who doesn't even know who you are or want you? You started an ENTIRE WAR because you were thirsty?
Cia, eyes narrowed: ... Yes. I mean have you seen him? Why? Problem?
Assassin Reader, smiling even as they're holding back the urge to shank her right there and then because while they still feel very hurt by Warriors not standing by them and practically kick-starting their villain arc they still care for him: Not really as long as the pay keeps coming boss lady.
You know, like a liar.
So they get in contact with Sheik, whom they had a hunch was Artemis after Cia stole the Triforce, and practically become a triple agent, and by that, while they still make Cia's strategies and command her forces, they now feed information to the royal army and sabotage Cia's force instead in exchange of their name getting clean after the war is over, when asked why they simply shrug non commitaly and said "I still have some standards." (Aka Link was my best friend), Even disguising themselves as a common knight to aid in combat or be more effective in sabotaging Cia's advance (and also aid Mask and Wind into pranking Warriors/tricking him into resting, because they're a bit petty still but they like the kids well enough, and it helps them keep an eye on their friend), the jig is mostly up when the Temple of Souls thing happens, because Assassin Reader heard about it in advance and disguised themselves as Warriors to try and either end Cia right there or to stall her enough so she'd be more tired when facing everyone, getting gravely injured in the process, Warriors finding them there and Artemis coming clean about their role in all this after they drive Cia away.
Warriors, incredibly frustrated and low-key terrified as he forces a red potion down Assassin Reader's throat: Why would you do that you idiot?!
Assassin Reader, coughing up blood but grinning ruefully: Your idiot. Comrades protect one another right? About time I start paying you back for letting me go all those times. *Coughs, shaking their head with a chuckle* By the way, you still hesitate on your left thrusts, specially when I'm involved, focus less on looking pretty and fix that would you?
Warriors, hit by Realization™ but sighing: ... Just shut up and rest, I missed you too. I am, however, yelling at you later and letting Linkle crush your ribs.
Assassin Reader, nodding as they lean agaisnt him: Fair enough, I deserve that.
So Artemis decides to pair the two of them together or the remainder of the war and after until Assassin Reader's name is clear and so they won't do a runner (absolutely not because she's a meddler and also realizes the best way to make sure Assassin Reader isn't scamming them is to have Warriors, who basically knows all of Reader's ticks and tells as well as he does his own, keeping an eye on them *cough*), with time they start building up their relationship from the ground up again and there's two ways this can go: either the neutral dramatic route, before LU and during it, or the chaotic dramatic route, fully during LU, either way the Chain is baffled because even while being at each other's throats Warriors and Reader are acting like an old married couple (minus Time and Wind, Time definitely saw it coming and Wind was already used to it), and I think it would personally be hilarious if Legend and Assassin Reader teamed up to mess with Warriors.
As for Wild West Rivalry with Twilight, the most I'll elaborate on for now is that Time gets framed for a crime by Dink and Twilight and Wild tag along to try and find a way to clear his name (and because Dink brought shame to Midna, who here is Twilight's best friend, and it caused her to her to leave the west entirely, making it a double revenge quest, Wild is an amnesiac mercenary with a bounty of his head he has no idea what he's in for they picked up along the way), all three of them basically becoming outlaws and recruiting the other Links along the way for various different motives (minus Warriors, who is a sheriff and covers and bails them if they get too careless during several questionable jobs and leads and feeds them information on possible bounties they can go after to get by while on the road), Reader themselves is an outlaw because their sibling was wrongfully imprisoned and their parents framed for a crime they didn't commit and who is trying to avenge them post-mortem and clear their sibling's name by going after Dark Link, and whose bounty later got bigger because their partner double crossed them and stole their horse so now they're after them too in a revenge quest of their own, the rivalry starts when Twilight and Reader both somehow end up going after the same bounties and kill steal from one another (Twilight,baring his teeth and leveling his gun at Reader: Why, we need to stop meeting like this missy/lad, I believe you have something of mine? Reader, smiling as they heft the dead criminal up their stolen horse: Hah! As if, you need to stop stealing from me first), and then straight up rolls into enemies when Reader steals Epona temporarily, his money, has one of their guns to his head and shoots one of Wild's kneecaps in the process when trying to get away from law enforcement while undercover at a cabaret, now they're both after each other's throats and bounties while also low key not finding the other too bad in a "If only thing were different" sort of way and it's all downhill from there, the lovers part comes much later in a story that also likely won't see the light of day similar to it's estranged siblings Trigun Au and Fantasy Wild West Rivals to Enemies to Lovers au which I also will not elaborate on.
And that's all I'll say for today because I shall not elaborate. And also I need a nap and to work on the Fairytale Collection, hope you're having a nice day!
-Just A Tired Anon on A Stroll/WintertimeStoryteller 🐚
Oh my goodness- I feel like I just the whole fic XD
And yet it's not enough- like buddy, when you finished the fairytale series I'd love to read both of these. You keep teasing with just snippets of the wild west story but I want more... I love wild west concepts DX
HOLY COW- can one person have so many hats to wear and complete them all?!?
And poor Warrior- the series should probably be tilted In Which Warrior Suffers ^.^*
He just can't seem to win. And having Reader be on Cia's side for a hot second-?!?! Good golly miss molly!! That's gotta sting XD
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sunnidaydreamer · 3 years
Bringing this over from my old account
Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition.
THESE ARE MY OPINIONS. I just felt the need to get ‘em out. And, yes, I know some of them probably fall under ‘We know already!’.
The combat gets repetitive after a while. But it’s a hack-and-slash so what can you do?
The Ganon bosses though…oh my god I hate fighting them.
The Imprisoned sucks, that red lightning or whatever it uses after it’s health hits a certain point. There’s an Adventure Mode battle where using Fi is mandatory, and because of that red lightning I can’t get the best rank. There’s also the mission to unlock one of Volga’s weapons where you face it, and it took me like ten times to unlock his weapon.
Phantom Ganon is just awful. I almost always miss the prompt to start the deadman’s volley so it takes forever to start damaging him. Then he does the thing where he splits into four(I think) and is just aggravating.
Ganon has so much health, but he’s also the Final Boss so, yeah. But the prompts to use certain items, I always miss the one for when he charges across the field then glows. I can never remember what to use. What boss did he rip that move from anyway?
Manhandla is just all around annoying. That stupid bullet seed move always gets me even if I think I’m out of range. And the poison field too.
Zelda as Sheik
I really don’t get why Zelda became Sheik. There’s no ‘gotcha!’ moment EVERYONE knows that Zelda is Sheik already. And in the story it only serves to hurt the Hyrulean army. They all look up to Zelda and Impa and there’s no way Zelda didn’t know that. Having Zelda disappear, implying to her army that she’d been possibly abducted, would only hurt their morale.
She would have to have known that!
And it makes no difference in the end, as she goes back to being Zelda with no issue. She says she feared for her safety, but she’s perfectly fine being Zelda from there on so what was the point? If you wanted Sheik in the roster just add Sheik to the roster! Toon Link, Toon Zelda, Medli, Young Link, they all added nothing to the story but they were added as fighters.
As someone else put it, Lana feels too anime for the game. Her design looks more in place in a magical girl anime. And her summon gate is awful to use!
Her design is meh, but her crossbows are very fun to use. But the whole ditsy, ‘I’m super bad with directions lol’ thing puts me off her. Same with her thing about cuccos. Like cuccos have a bad enough mechanic as it is, since it’s way too easy to piss them off if neutral and they have SO much health when silver or gold. And the escort missions are easy to fail too.
I think she was either originally a female Link or Link’s sister? Either idea would have been cool, in my opinion. The only Link I can think of that has an actual family is Windwaker Link with his sister and Grandma. Breath of the Wild had a concept art of Link’s dad and sister, but all we get in game is a line about how he was a knight.
Also, Linkle? That’s the best you could do?
Character Development
A handful of characters were added for the game and nothing is done with them!
Lana stays firmly in the ‘nice girl’ category. It’s a nice balance to Cia’s borderline yandere attitude toward Link that Lana can accept that Link doesn’t HAVE to return her feelings, but she never shows other traits. She’s just nice. Supportive. Well, she kinda shows more personality, but it���s always clearly in the context of third wheel. Whenever Zelda expresses her support and she and Link are having a moment expect Lana to pop in and voice that SHE also supports Link. Or the one scene where Zelda and Link are looking at each other and she’s framed in the middle looking between them.
Third wheel Lana, everybody!
Wizzro is just an asshole. Even brainwashed he’s a traitor! And I think he wanted to rule the humans? Something along those line was mentioned in The Dragon of the Caves, which is why he betrayed Cia the first time.
Also what happened to him? He gets put back in the ring and then what? They just leave him where the ring fell? Did someone pick him up?
Volga we also know little about. Before the brainwashing he wanted to be left alone, and his people are very loyal so we can assume he was a good leader and treated them well. But that’s it. After Cia brainwashes him he’s a berserker with a battle-boner, who goes out of his way to find the strongest fighter(as that’s what Cia programmed him to do), he’s arrogant, and has a huge ego.
Are we to believe that he was always like that and Cia made it worse? In Adventure Mode he’s not that bad, though, to his allies at least. And he has a few comments that point toward respecting his challengers.
So which is it? Is he an arrogant ass? Or respectful?
(I will also die on the hill that he lived and went home after the final battle with Cia. You will never convince me otherwise.)
I want to like Cia, I really do. She’s gorgeous, and her play style is fun.
But really?
I’m not well versed in ALL Zelda Big Bads, but from what I can tell there are few female ones. And, yeah, we KNOW that the story is going to get Hijacked by Ganon as many Zelda stories do. So I know she doesn’t count as the MAIN Big Bad. But still. You couldn’t have her motivation be ANYTHING else?
It had to be that she wanted Link?
I know she wants the Triforce pieces, but that came later. The thing that got her possessed by Ganondorf was that she wanted Link.
The first notable female Big Bad and her motivation is Lust?
Not only that but after being corrupted she got sexed up too. Her shirt is cut to show a lot of skin, and she has exactly one pant leg.
If she had dressed like that before that’d be one thing, but it only started after she got corrupted. Does being evil mean a mandatory sexing up? A female villain within a certain range of attractiveness HAS to show skin?
Then there’s her boss intro; ass shot, tit shot, good look at her legs.
No one else gets this treatment.
Also, her hat is dumb looking. The mask is kinda cool. But her hat looks dumb. Yes, even as Guardian of Time. Yes, even on Lana. It looks like Gary Oldman’s hair in the first half of Dracula.
And her skin tone change! Why is she darker as a villain? She’s rather pale when ‘good’. Did Ganon make her get a tan to fit his evil checklist?
Wasn’t there backlash about Tetra being made pale as Princess Zelda in Windwaker? Did they learn nothing?
Something else that bothers me is the fact that some people(I’ve seen only a handful but still) try to use a throw away line to say that in canon Volga was getting feelings for Cia.
In context: their base is being attacked by Ganondorf, and Cia has linked her magic to her life-force for a power boost. Volga, who is implied to be getting free of the brainwashing but is still brainwashed, comments that she should take it easy.
That’s it. A comment that she should be careful because she’s using a lot of magic and it’s linked to her life-force. (I’d have to replay the level to get the exact comment).
And I’ve seen people use it to say that he was falling for her. He was BRAINWASHED up until recently! He wanted nothing to do with her, which is why she brainwashed him! If he had any romantic feelings for her, it stands to reason that SHE put them there!
Why would he suddenly be in love with her if he wanted nothing to do with her?
I’m not saying you can’t ship it, but saying it’s a canon thing bugs me.
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aikoiya · 7 months
LoZ - Courage Twins Game
Ya'll, I would actually really like a Zelda game where there are 2 heroes.
Like, Link has a twin sister. Yes, I do mean Linkle, but change the name to Lina or Lara or Lynn or something. Because I really don't like Linkle as a name.
It could be a two-player co-op game, but not like how FSA was a multiplayer where you're essentially playing against each other.
More like It Takes Two, where the better you work together, the better things work overall. With mechanics that facilitates & encourages teamwork. Maybe even having coordinated special attacks like in Kingdom Hearts.
And, maybe they'll bicker sometimes or pester each other.
And maybe they fight differently. Perhaps sister is more long-range or magic-based, while Link is close-range & a heavy hitter? Or maybe if she is a close-range fighter, she's more of a rogue-type who dual-wields daggers or shortswords?
But what I'd especially like to see is Lina/Lara/Lynn actually having literally half of the Triforce of Courage & having been chosen by it just as much as Link was.
We know that a Triforce piece can be broken into pieces from Wind Waker, so why not use that as a plot point here to show that more than one person can be eligible for the role of Hero?
Also, maybe there could be a subplot of the sister feeling a bit inadequate due to her not really being recognized by the people as a hero. Maybe they underestimate her because the legends are always about the Hero?
Maybe the fact that she doesn't have a magical sealing weapon of her own like her brother, also contributes to this? At the same time, it's revealed that while Link is the Master Sword's chosen, the sister is also capable of wielding it, just less effectively due to not being as learned as her brother in the art of the blade if we go with her not being a swordswoman.
Like, she's every bit as skilled & courageous & heroic & helpful as her brother, but due to her being the first woman to be chosen by the Triforce of Courage, she feels a need to prove herself.
Maybe, she wasn't expected, not even by the gods & because of this, they tend to pay more attention to Link.
At the same time, Link is always in her corner & always brings attention to her & always, always includes her.
And she loves & appreciates him for it, but also can't help feeling slightly jealous of him.
Maybe she's the extrovert to Link's introvert? (Essentially doubling as his companion & mouthpiece.)
Or, if we wanna really drum up the emotion. Maybe she wasn't chosen by the Triforce to begin with. Maybe that didn't matter to her & she's on this adventure because that's her effing brother! They shared a damn womb! Like hell, she's gonna let him risk life & limb without her! And maybe people keep encouraging her to go home where it's safe. Even the really important characters & even though she's feeling down on herself, that's the one thing she isn't about to do! Maybe she has to go through similar trials to Wind in order to get the gods to recognize her as being worthy?
And maybe, at the end of their journey, she's come to expect being forgotten about or dismissed, only for Hylia (or at least her bunshin) to recognize her as a Heroine of the Triforce which honestly surprises her.
LoZ General Masterlist
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cookie-waffle · 7 years
002 with Erik and Christine or Link and Zelda :3c whichever one u want tbh
Oh goody my best ship and my worst ship at the same time! (Keep in mind I’m like REALLY specific with how I ship E/C)
when of if I started shipping it:I started shipping Zelink since I first got into LOZ tbh. Same thing with E/C. I was pretty young too :V
my thoughts: Both of these ships are really versatile. Erik and Chrissy are public domain so you can do anything you want with them and technically make it canon. And Link and Zelda have a soul mate thing going on so each version of their relationship is going to be a little different, which I actually really like.
What makes me happy about them: E/C: I am painfully empathetic towards Erik and I just want him to be in a happy stable relationship and not have to suffer FOR ONCE.
Zelink: One word, soulmates ❤️❤️❤️
Zelink: They can never truly be happy together forever. Every time they are reborn they (mostly) forget each other.
things done in fanfic that annoys me: E/C: Fics where Erik is WAAAAY too over the top abusive, fics where Christine is under 18 (she’s public domain and even in the original book she was in her 20’s, there is literally no need to be doing that), fics where Erik is all of a sudden magically not mentally ill anymore because of “the power of love”, fics that demonize Raoul to the point where he’s cartoonishly evil, and fics where everyone speaks like they do now despite the fact that they live in the victorian era (not including modern AUs)
Zelink: Fics where Link has hardly any personality or is just serious all the time, fics where Link and Zelda are written like mature grown adults who are always mature even though they’re usually kids (yea, I know they’re mature for their ages but they’re still teens. Let them act like ones once in a while sheesh.), Oh, and my least favorite: unDERAged SMut FiCS
things I look for in fanfic:E/C: Angst that makes me cry a fuck ton. I also really like fics where Erik is being comforted and finally getting closure for his trauma. What I really wish is that there were more AUs where they meet as kids.
Zelink: Angst, FLUFF, lots of comfort (especially for BOTW Zelink). I really want more fics where Zelda is pampering Link, especially Hylink fics.
My kinks: Link and Zelda are usually minors so I’m gonna have them pass on this one. But as for E/C, Erik is sub asf for Chris. He doesn’t like kinky stuff for trauma reasons but he will completely melt in Christine’s arms and let her do anything to him. But Chris knows his limits and she respects that and never makes him go out of his comfort zone.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Christine: Raoul, obviously. (Or Meg)Erik: The DarogaLink: (Depending on the incarnation) Groose, Malon, Paya, and Mipha. Zelda: Midna, Princess Peach (for TP Zelda) And I never really thought abt till now but…. Linkle??????? Maybe????????
Zelink: They actually eventually get to find peace in the afterlife and Zelda returns to the heavens as Hylia again and Link gets rewarded godhood for defending the land against evil for thousands of years. Then they get to reunite with all of their friends and family and spend the rest of eternity together as a badass god power-couple. Link mostly spending his days getting endlessly pampered by Hylia hehe.
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pastellene · 7 years
legend of zelda
Favorite character: link definitely! same with zelda
Least Favorite character: i still don’t care about chancellor cole. same with wizzro from hyrule warriors
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): zelink, midlink, lalinkle, ravio/hilda, and ghirazant
Character I find most attractive: link
Character I would marry: my fictional crush was link when i was a lot younger
Character I would be best friends with: linkle! lana too. also link
A random thought: if they ever decide to make linkle canon, i really hope they don’t make her a supplement for a female link. it would completely erase what was established of her which was keeping her separate from link. in other words, she should still continue to be a character who thinks she’s the legendary hero
An unpopular opinion: i have several of them. one is that i find ocarina of time boring compared to the other zelda games like skyward sword. yes i understand it was revolutionary at its time but it’s story is just really meh to mei really dislike how the zelda fandom goes to war with each other over healthy ships? like why????cia’s fandom is absolutely disgusting.i found the ship implying fanservice of zelink in hyrule warriors much worse than cia’s terrible design. while at it, the game is pretty heteronormative in terms of its plot (like i don’t mind het ships at all but don’t make your plot the focus around it???)
My canon OTP: kafei/anju
Non-canon OTP: zelink (as a huge fan of this, this isn’t romantically canon. it is however, canon as a platonic relationship more so than anything else?)
Most badass character: link! 
Pairing I am not a fan of: ganondorf with anyone. i don’t care what people do with their AUs, even if its well done, i can’t see ganondorf ever being in a romantic relationship because he actually loves someone. at the most, he would use someone for his own personal gain. like i have seen people ship him with zelda, link, impa–heck even nabooru (a character who completely despises him in canon)
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): i feel that the other sages that weren’t nabooru, darunia and ruto were really lacking in the character department?as for hyrule warriors, lana and cia deserved much better writing. like i understand they made cia her own arc (cia’s tale) but even then that was pretty lackluster in terms of explaining things/giving her better writing.
Favourite friendship: link/sidon, link/navi, link/midna, link with everyone he’s interacted with and had an impact on. there’s too much to listi would love to emphasize more but i feel this post would be too long if i do so
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