ochoislas · 2 years
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Cima tiene un pimpollo, hiel la hormiga, bazo la mosca, su calor la chispa; sombra, si breve, el más sutil cabello; aguijón las abejas, aunque chicas; los mares nacimiento, y los chortales: y uno es amor, en reyes o mendigos.
En aguas mansas, más hondo es el vado; la esfera muda, bien que inadvertida; la fe más firme se declara poco; la tórtola no canta, mas bien ama; pecho leal atiende y ve, no garla: siente y suspira, y por quebrarse acaba.
The lowest trees have tops, the ant her gall, The fly her spleen, the little spark his heat; The slender hairs cast shadows, though but small, And bees have stings, although they be not great;   Seas have their source, and so have shallow springs:   And love is love, in beggars and in kings.
Where waters smoothest run, there deepest are the fords; The dial stirs, yet none perceives it move; The firmest faith is found in fewest words; The turtles do not sing, and yet they love;   True hearts have ears and eyes, no tongues to speak:   They hear and see, and sigh, and then they break.
Edward Dyer
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sasuhinamonth · 6 months
SASUHINA MONTH 2024 Prompts and Artist of the Year!!!
It's time!
Welcome to 2024! In June, we'll be hosting SHMonth2024! Thanks all for following along with us during our journey! Your patience and enthusiasm keeps us going, and we appreciate all of you!
As always, let's start with our Artist of the Year for 2024!
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Mods of the SasuHina Month Event work hard to not only keep up to date with the happenings of our little part of the fandom, but we also carefully consider all our beautiful SasuHina creators! This year's Artist of the Year is always creating beauty with their works, and we want to shine a light on that!
Everyone, please congratulate Pongalia for her hard work and for being this year's SasuHina Artist of the Year!
Our dear artist always brings awe to everyone who sees her art! As you can see above, she makes the most beautiful, capturing art! Her talent is inspiring, and she's known across the fandom for her beautiful shading!
Please visit her X/Twitter to show her some love! She deserves it for all her hard work and passion!!!!
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Now . . .
The time has come.
As a quick reminder, this years theme is Opposites Attract (very fitting for these two, if you ask us). SasuHina Month 2024 is happening in June, so (hopefully) you all will have some time to think and plan!
Thanks all for joining us!
We present to you: The Prompts of SHMonth2024!
Day 1
Beginnings & Ends | Inicios y Finales
New & Old | Nuevo y Viejo
Day 2
Silly & Serious | Bobo y Serio
Fail & Succeed | Fallo y Éxito
Day 3
Shy & Bold | Tímido y Audaz
Few & Many | Poco y Mucho
Day 4
Summer & Winter | Verano e Invierno
Humble & Proud | Humilde y Orgulloso
Day 5
Create & Destroy | Creación y Destrucción
Crying & Laughter | Llanto y Risas
Day 6
Friend & Enemy | Amigo y Enemigo
Empty & Full | Lleno y Vacío
Day 7
Pearl & Onyx | Perla y Ónix
Dawn & Dusk | Amanecer y Atardecer
Day 8
Hidden & Seen | Oculto y Visto
Loud & Quiet | Ruidoso y Callado
Day 9
Kind & Cruel | Amable y Cruel
Past & Future | Pasado y Futuro
Day 10
Angel & Demon | Inicios y Finales
Rain & Shine | Lluvia y Brillo
Day 11
Lost & Found | Perdido y Hallado
Color & Grayscale | Color y Escala de grises
Day 12
Cat & Dog | Perro y Gato
Tea & Coffee | Té y Café
Day 13
Glass & Stone | Vidrio y Piedra
Yin & Yang | Yin y Yang
Day 14
Early & Late | Temprano y Tarde
Far & Near | Lejano y Cerca
Day 15
Sweet & Bitter | Dulce y Amargo
Bright & Dim | Brillante y Opaco
Day 16
Apart & Together | Separados y Juntos
Deep & Shallow | Profundo y Poco profundo
Day 17
Smooth & Rough | Suave y Áspero
Admit & Deny | Admitir y Negar
Day 18
Freeze & Melt | Congelado y Derretido
Water & Fire | Agua y Fuego
Day 19
Love & Hate | Amor y Odio
Fast & Slow | Rápido y Lento
Day 20
Give & Take | Dar y Recibir
Adult & Child | Adulto y Niño
Day 21
Innocent & Guilty | Inocente y Culpable
Doubt & Trust | Dudar y Confiar
Day 22
War & Peace | Guerra y Paz
Yes & No | Sí y No
Day 23
Neat & Messy | Ordenado y Desordenado
Capture & Release | Capturar y Liberar
Day 24
Flowers & Weapons | Flores y Armas
Oblivious & Observant | Inadvertido y Observador
Day 25
Hot & Cold | Caliente y Frío
Rise & Fall | Ascenso y Caída
Day 26
Tall & Short | Alto y Bajo
Single & Married | Soltero y Casado
Day 27
Thoughtful & Selfish | Considerado y Egoísta
Forget & Remember | Olvidar y Recordar
Day 28
Magical & Ordinary | Mágico y Ordinario
Absence & Present | Ausente y Presente
Day 29
Attack & Protect | Atacar y Proteger
Always & Never | Siempre y Nunca
Day 30
Before & After | Antes y Después
Departure and Arrival | Partida y Llegada
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dariann-garcia · 11 days
Cuando menos lo esperamos, un acto inadvertido tiene el poder de derrumbar las sombras más espesas. Como por ejemplo: tu sonrisa.
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apavorantes · 3 months
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A LOOK INSIDE THE BISHOP FAMILY LINE, the mortal & the divine:
Arsema Thomas is Aphrodite Alan Ritchson is Ares Tony Thornburg is Phobos & Deimos
Filhos de Afrodite e Ares, deusa do amor e da beleza e deus da guerra e da violência, os gêmeos Fobos e Deimos representam o medo e o pavor da guerra, respectivamente. Como muitos dos deuses gregos, o par teve suas escapadas com mortais ao longo dos séculos, gerando o que são chamados de semideuses: seres meio humanos, meio divinos. Desde o estabelecimento do Acampamento Meio-Sangue, atualmente localizado em Long Island, Nova York, alguns desses semideus foram sortudos o suficiente para serem encontrados e levados à Colina Meio-Sangue antes de serem devorados por monstros.
Tamlyn Tomita is Catherine Bishop, née Ono Mark Ruffalo is Warren Bishop
Catherine Ono, uma famosa escritora de livros de terror, era casada com o professor de Literatura Warren Bishop quando conheceu Fobos. Suas obras eram assinadas sob um pseudônimo, a junção de seu sobrenome e do então marido: Bishop Ono. A chegada do Medo em sua vida, no entanto, trouxe reviravoltas jamais previstas — um caso extraconjugal e uma filha como consequência, que para um Warren inadvertido era sua. Fobos desapareceu da vida de Catherine e, quanto mais a memória vívida de seu breve romance crescia, mais sua verdadeira natureza se revelava. Mary Ann, como foi nomeada pelos pais mortais, vivia com uma aura de escuridão a circundando, e só entenderia o que ela era aos onze anos de idade. Uma vez revelada a paternidade da garota, Catherine e Warren seguiram caminhos diferentes, mas a mulher manteve o sobrenome do marido em seu nome para compartilhá-lo com a filha.
Lyrica Okano is Mary Ann Bishop Havana Rose Liu is @littledecth
A filha de Fobos, que preferia morrer a atender por qualquer nome que não apenas Bishop, começou a frequentar o Acampamento Meio-Sangue em meio à Segunda Guerra dos Titãs. Aos catorze anos, mudou-se definitivamente para o acampamento, um lembrete constante dos erros de Catherine em sua casa e da decepção de Warren na dele. O chalé 33 tornou-se seu lar e os campistas sua família, ainda que alguns deles a olhassem torto por suas roupas e pela descendência como prole do medo encarnado. A verdade era que Bishop jamais deixaria de ser o legado de seu pai, mesmo que ela o renegasse e considerasse Warren seu verdadeiro pai — e, para sua infelicidade, era muito boa em despertar o medo nas pessoas, até em outros semideuses.
Poucos anos depois do nascimento da garota, os olhos de Fobos repousaram sobre outra mortal, e assim nasceu mais uma de suas filhas, Beatrice Amelie Zhang. Bee, a irmãzinha e protegida de Bishop. As irmãs estão sempre orbitando uma a outra, assim como fazem os demônios gerados por seus passados conturbados e pela herança divina maldita.
Asena Keskinci is @misshcrror Callum Turner is @kthwell
No chalé ao lado vivem Yasemin Solak e Keith Powell, filhos de Deimos e, portanto — ainda que relações familiares envolvendo deuses sejam confusas —, seus primos. Bishop e Yasemin riem da teoria de que os deuses gêmeos tinham uma aposta entre si, pois ambos foram atrás de escritoras de terror que, eventualmente, até se tornaram amigas, apresentando as meninas uma a outra antes mesmo de se descobrirem semideusas. Já com Keith, Bishop divide o interesse por História, ainda que sua graduação tenha sido interrompida pelo chamado repentino de Dionísio e a profecia macabra de Rachel Elizabeth Dare.
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tecontos · 8 months
Virei a puta do quartel kkk.
By; Raquel
Meu nome é Raquel. Tenho 32 anos, 1,64 de altura, 55 quilos, pele branquinha, ruiva, sou casada. Marido nem sonha que eu vivo minhas aventuras (rsrsrsrs).
Há algum tempo, tenho um caso com um oficial da polícia que aqui vou chamar apenas de Capitão, por ele ser bem conhecido de minha cidade. Eu o conheci como professor de cursinho. Foi paixão à primeira vista.
Sempre que nos encontrávamos, rolava de tudo. Anal, oral, ele acabava com minha bucetinha bem gostoso.
Um dia, eu estava com tanta saudade dele, sozinha em casa, que eu resolvi fazer uma surpresinha para ele no quartel. Vesti um vestido vermelho curto e soltinho, bem provocante, e fui até lá.
Quando cheguei, dois soldados me recepcionaram e me comeram com os olhos. Confesso que fiquei, a princípio, meio constrangida, mas a situação era mais excitante que constrangedora. Depois, meu Capitão chegou, todo suadinho, fardado, e eu disse pra ele, na frente de todos:
- “Vamos tomar banho?”
Ele me pegou pela mão e me levou até a sala onde ele trabalhava. Lá, começamos a nos beijar gostoso, ele tirou meu vestido, e eu coloquei aquele cacete gostoso pra fora. Comecei a dar um trato bem gostoso. Como era ele quem comandava o batalhão, não tinha ninguém para impedi-lo…
Só que tinha outros fardados querendo brechar a gente. Um deles, inadvertido, encostou na porta que só estava meio fechada. Quando ela se abriu, eu, que só estava de calcinha vermelha fio, me assustei. O Capitão olhou para os demais, e eles ficaram com medo. Só que eu tive uma surpresa…
Pegando-me pela mão, só de calcinha, ele me levou até uma sala maior. Nos seguiam outros 6 soldados. Chegando lá, ele disse:
– Você vai viver aqui o que nunca viveu antes, vai gostar e vai pedir mais…
Não sei o que me deu, mas eu o chupei com mais vontade ainda. Ele foi tirando a farda aos poucos, e os outros também. Fizeram fila, e eu pedi permissão ao meu Capitão, depois eu fui a cada um chupar também. Gente, 7 cacetes só para mim…
Enquanto eu chupava os dois últimos, os demais foram buscar um colchonete. Meu Capitão deitou, e eu montei sobre ele, cavalgando gostoso. Outros dois chegaram para eu chupar, e um quarto me penetrou, por cima, a bucetinha que já tinha o cacete do meu Capitão…
Eu nunca tinha feito isso na vida… Eu gozava feito loucaaaa… Em cima, houve revezamento, todos me comeram gostoso.
Depois, um soldado moreno deitou, e eu escolhi deitar de costas para ele, colocando meu cuzinho à disposição. Os outros soldados me comeram a bucetinha, e meu Capitão só observava, se masturbando.
Só sei que, naquela tarde, eu gozei váááárias vezes. A partir de então, eu não só saía com o Capitão, mas virei a putinha dele e dos amigos.
Enviado ao Te Contos por Raquel
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daianaguidone · 2 months
El frío de la nieve me recuerda que aún hay tiempo para seguir viviendo en verdad. La tempestad despierta mi consciencia para estar alerta ante los peligros que me ofrece la mala suerte. Luego sé que olvidar ya no es una amenaza, sino un recurso que actúa en nuestra mente a lo largo de los años cuando maduramos. Descubrí que las cosas de este mundo no eran eternas, así que soltaré el hilo aún sabiendo que muchas de ellas son beneficiosas. La existencia nos obliga a que seamos flexibles, ¿Pero quién dice que uno puede transformarse con cambios bruscos? Depende de la situación que elijamos, lograremos crecer. No todo el cambio advertido o inadvertido es bueno. No hay que refrenar los sentimientos, sino elegir lo que deseamos sentir en vista de nuestro bienestar. Si habrá que arriesgar para proteger lo que en verdad amamos hacer, pues más vale hacerlo que mantenernos en la inercia o ser copias ajenas. Al final, la autenticidad y la integridad es lo que nos queda al terminar nuestro ciclo de vida.
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caostalgia · 1 year
Herir cómo defensa o por ofensa ¿Se permite, amor?
¿Herir por defensa o ofensa es menos dañino, cariño? Necesito respuestas.
Guardar silencio no funciona, en serio.
Siento que pasar inadvertido el daño -omitiéndolo- no repara maldita cosa. Tú y yo nos merecemos más que esto.
Intentemos hablarlo; quizás estamos a tiempo para remediarlo.
Por esta vez, regálame un pizco de condescendencia.
Te amo.
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serendipia-nostalgica · 7 months
Parece que la gentileza extrema nos convierte en sociópatas inadvertidos, qué irónico.
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sasuhinasno1fan · 3 months
In love with Mew - Sasuhina Month Day 24
So technically I'm late, but I have been working on this for ages. I don't know what it was about this month, but there were so many WIPs for this that I ended up hating, including Day 8 which was originally going to be my TMM au. It's a bit of a deeper dive into the relationship of Sasuke and Hinata from last years fic. I only did, 2, 3 fics this year, but I hope you like it. I do want to post a full fic of the AU eventually but maybe I'll just do a massive text dump with the idea, who knows.
Flowers & Weapons | Flores y Armas
Oblivious & Observant | Inadvertido y Observador
Hinata walked around the park, listening to the sounds of the area around her. Rehearsal had let out and Sasuke disappeared quickly, only leaving a text for her to meet him here. she thought they’d be doing their normal tradition of getting food by together on the first night of performances but Sasuke had been weird all morning. She started down the stairs taking her lower down into the park when finally, she spotted him. She’d recognise his hair anywhere, spikes and all.
“Sasuke!” he stood up off the bench he’d been sitting on, with his hands behind his back. “I thought we were getting lunch.”
“We will.” He promised, shifting a little. “I just, I needed to give you something.” Sasuke pulled a bouquet of flowers from behind his back, sunflowers and lavender.
Hinata let out a small laugh as she took them. “I thought I get flowers after the performance.” She reminded, sniffing the lavender.
It had been a tradition, since their first performance in Juniors Symphony. They’d done separate performances - Strings, Winds, Percussion – and after her Wind performance, Sasuke have her a massive bouquet of flowers, promising to always give her some after every performance. It became after every first night due to how many she brought home after the first few months. She hadn’t told him, but she’d dry the flowers out and put them in shadowboxes, hanging them up labelled with the orchestra piece they performed that day. They were, to her, the physical representation of how he felt. Of how she felt about him.
“You do, but this is more than just keeping a promise. I want to tell you something, maybe you already know but…we’ve known each other since we were kids. I didn’t want a practise partner for auditions but mom insisted and it turned out to be you. you were shy, but you didn’t give up. Your grandparents were poking at you for not being a prodigy but I remember watching you play through your piece without any mistakes for the first time. I thought it was beautiful. I wanted to be your friend then.”
She did remember that. Sasuke was still his usual closed off self, but he talked to her more. actually, smiled at her. By the time he gave her her first flowers, he was nearly different around her compared to strangers.
“as we got older, wanting to make you smile with the flowers was my main goal and as our families started picking on each other more, I was worried I wasn’t going to be around you anymore. I mean, we were supposed to attend the same school. When I thought I was going to lose you, it occurred to me that it was more than just losing my best friend. I’d be losing someone I loved.”
Hinata felt her breath still. “You, what?”
Sasuke took a breath and stepped closer. “Hinata, I love you. have loved you for as long as I can remember. One of my best friends confessed to me and I had to turn her down, and I realised while I didn’t like hurting her, keeping quiet about how I felt about you was going to hurt us if you decided to move on with someone else.”
“Why would I do that? I have you.” she said, not thinking fully. At the surprised look on his face, she looked at her flowers. “It��s, it’s always been you. I just, didn’t know how to put it in words. But every bouquet you’ve given me, felt like you telling me how you felt.”
“So, will you be mine?” he asked, hesitantly like she’d even say no.
So, she took his hand and looked up at him. “of course I will. Though, our parents…”
There had been some disagreement between their fathers, one that nearly stole Hinata from Sasuke completely like he feared and now the men almost always refused to speak to each other, let alone look kindly to their families interacting. They knew their mothers would be on their side, but they both knew their fathers would want something from the other before they let their kids date each other.
Sasuke sighed, knowing this. “we don’t have to tell them.”
“Kō would know.” she said, reminding him that her caretaker picked on things in seconds. “If we let them know now, they can get their peacocking out of the way and then we can date.”
“Or I can say screw getting their permission and just kiss you anyway?” Hinata was red but she still glared at Sasuke. “Or we can wait.”
“Besides, it’ll make the kiss that much sweeter.” She pointed out, giving him a mischievous smile.
She let out a squeak when Sasuke snuck one onto her cheek, smirking down at her. He laced their fingers together and tugged her down the path.
“Come on. I think I heard something about a café opening here.”
The café was actually a flower shop, though the castle like exterior made Sasuke give a comment about love hotels Hinata hit him for.
“They’re not open yet. ‘Mew Bouquets’, that’s an interesting name.” Hinata said, looking at the sign.
“Hey, they have an ice cream stand over there.” Sasuke spotted. “wanna cone?”
“Before lunch?”
“Like that’s stopped you before.” he teased.
Sticking her tongue out at him, she asked him for vanilla and waited by the building. Across the flower shop, was a slight hill were a girl with pink hair was rolling on the grass. She heard oriental music playing in the distance, no doubt from street performers. A girl in a trench coat and glasses passed her by and she heard someone yelling at someone for eating all the food somewhere. The world felt normal and it made her feel more confident in what she confessed. She was in love with Sasuke, it was a fact that was correct with the world. She took another sniff of the flowers, wondering what their orchestra mates would think seeing her with flowers early. Some of them were so superstitious, she wondered if they’d panic at the sight.
All of a sudden, the birds went quiet and dogs started barking and the ground started to shake.
“An earthquake?” Hinata dropped to the ground, trying not to panic, wondering where Sasuke was and if he was ok. Then there was a light, so bright it was like it was coming from under her. It enveloped her, leaving her standing in a hazy scene. She heard the bellowing sounds of a whale and looked around. Something nudge at her head and she turned. There it was, the whale, floating in front of her calmly. She didn’t know why, but she reached her hand out and touched it, feeling warm when it started to glow. “What are you?”
‘A friend. I’ll help protect you.’
The next thing she knew, she heard her name being called. She opened her eyes to see Sasuke’s worried face looking down at her. Kō was also there, sighing when she turned her head to him.
“Thank goodness. Quick, get her up. We’re taking her to the hospital.” Kō held on to her flowers as he stood up. Wasn’t she just holding those? And why was he getting up?
Sasuke moved as well, Hinata moving with him. He was carrying her. Why?
“What happened?” she asked, wrapping her arms around Sasuke’s neck as he followed her caretaker.
“You passed out. the earthquake came out of nowhere and when it stopped and I got back to you, you were unconscious. You weren’t waking up, I had to call Kō.”
“The concert.” She started.
“Who cares?” Sasuke said, looking scared. “You’re getting checked out first, everything else can wait.”
She had more questions, but she felt exhausted. She’d been fine after rehearsal and even after the walk to the park but now, all she wanted was a nap. So, she rested her head on Sasuke’s shoulder and let the motion of his walking lull her to sleep.
“They’re dating?” Hinata asked, lacing her hand through Sasuke’s arm. He’d been updating her on his friends’ apparently ‘busy’ weekend. It had been busy for them, getting cleared by the doctor before rushing back to the auditorium to perform. Plus, there was Hinata noticing the odd mark by her right eye. it was a spiral with something that reminded her of a tail. She didn’t know where it came from, just that she’d kept having dreams of what she saw during the earthquake, with the whale. A bowhead whale. It got to the point where she looked up what the animal was.
“Yep. Naruto’s had a crush on her forever and I guess my rejecting her got her to decide to say yes to going out with him. She came to thank me weirdly enough. I’m just happy she’s happy now.”
“People will never believe me when I tell them Uchiha Sasuke is a softy.”
“Shut up.” He said, causing Hinata to giggle into her roses. It was their first performance after the earthquake, after he told her how he felt. Sasuke decided that he didn’t want to waste time tip toeing around, but like Hinata pointed out, their fathers wanted something from the other and it was now a waiting game for Sasuke to get permission to date Hinata, or if she knew her best friend as well as she thought, for Sasuke to get annoyed with waiting and just date her anyway.
“It was a little worrying though. Turns out she was at the park during that earthquake and also passed out. she was out for hours but she’s been acting a little strange since. More, wild I guess. I don’t know.”
Hinata squeezed his arm. “I’m sure she’s ok. Naruto’s aunt is a doctor right? So, he knew what to look for. And maybe being with him makes her a bit more free. Animals have been doing strange things too. Did I tell you what Cinna did?” She asked, talking about her Shiba Inu.
“No, what?”
“So, you know how sometimes, we’ll let him stick his head out the window in the town car? He jumped out this time, ended up jumping on a girl coming from work. We were passing the park actually.”
So many things seemed to happen around that park that Hinata was wondering if it would be best to avoid it completely.
“That dog has all the energy you don’t show off, I swear.”
They reached the stage door, just managing to miss the patrons who wanted to pass out flowers to their favourite members. Kō was waiting for Hinata, talking with Sasuke’s cousin who was in charge of his pickup.
“I’ll call you later. Tell Cinna to stop jumping out of moving cars.” Sasuke said, pressing a kiss to her cheek, cut short by Kō’s cough for attention. “Bye.”
“Bye.” Hinata said, shooting Kō a look as their car pulled up. “I thought you were on my side.” She stated, handing him her flute case as she climbed in.
“I’m also on the side of the man who signs my checks. Don’t worry, everyone knows where this relationship was going, they’ll settle their differences and get what they want or they’ll have Sasuke’s mother to deal with.
Uchiha Mikoto was a terrifying person. To Hinata, she was the scariest thing that ever existed, not counting an annoyed conductor and a bad rehearsal. At least until the same girl Cinna had jumped on randomly appeared wanting to return the handkerchief Hinata had given her. Kō was thrown off by her sudden urge to show off her phone charm to every corner of the foyer but Sakura kindly left, at least until Cinna wandered back inside from saying goodbye, growling and grew into a large monster. After watching Sakura turn into a cat eared hero, things were explained to her. The earthquake at the park, a machine revving up to change the DNA of 5 girls, all who were compatible with endangered animal DNA. The whale she saw, that was her animal. The one that allowed her to change into a Mew.
“The flower shop.” Hinata asked, after the battle she couldn’t explain to Kō as the reason the whole foyer was destroyed. “That’s…”
“Home base. Sasori is gonna want you to work there, that way we’ll be nearby in case they need us and so we’re actually paid for being turned into heroes. You can totally yell at him after if you want, that’s what I did when I started looking for answers.”
She wanted to complain but it felt like she didn’t have much of a choice. Her best friend, her constant when everyone else was busy, Cinna, had been turned into a monster. Who was to say what would happen if she hadn’t done anything?
“And don’t worry about rehearsals at the Symphony. I have a friend who’s part of the Orchestra, so I know when your rehearsals and performances are. I’ll help you talk sense into him.”
Hinata couldn’t really think of what else to say, so she took Sakura’s number and promised to be at Mew Bouquets after school. She sent Sakura in a car, while Kō tried to figure out what to do. Hinata’s side of the mansion was really only accessible by the front staircase, since it was closer to the living room she preferred to practise in. she was still trying to wrap her head around what had happened when another car pulled into the gates and letting Sasuke out.
“Hinata! What happened? are you ok?” he asked, pulling her into her arms, Cinna struggling slightly as he was pressed between them.
“I’m ok, just…. I don’t even know if I believe what happened. what are you doing here?” she asked, pulling away to look at him.
Sasuke looked at her like the question was stupid. “Kō called me. You’re staying the night at home. He said you were down here when it happened? who just left?”
Hinata dropped Cinna to the floor and wrapped her arms around Sasuke’s waist, Sasuke hugging her back automatically. It was starting to hit her, one fight in and with details still left unexplained. She go thrown around a bit, but she wasn’t majorly hurt. the aches from the fight had dulled in the span on minutes. If she was attacked with Sasuke close by, he could get hurt.
“Hinata, what’s wrong?” he asked softly, like he was trying to talk her down from an anxiety attack.
“Just, can you just hold me and save the questions for later?”
He held her tighter and pressed a kiss into her hair and didn’t speak.
Being a Kunoichi Mew was, well…there weren’t proper words to explain it. sometimes it felt like she was a normal girl. She had a part time job at a flower shop, she’d listen to Sakura argue with Saori while watching Ino and Diedara fight about flower arrangements and how they shouldn’t look like they just exploded. TenTen had to be talked out of hitting picky costumers with flowers used as shuriken, impressive as it was when she nailed the hit.
Most nights, they’d change out of their colour coded uniforms, back into their school uniform and continue gossiping or complaining about school while waiting for Kō to come pick her up. Other days, the shop would either close unexpectedly or not open at all as they donned their Mew transformations to go stop creatures created by Pein. Sasori was still compiling information so they didn’t know why the alien was so insistent on fighting them or what he wanted. Just that it was their job to stop him. The human souls part was new which made it harder to stop him but they hadn’t failed yet.
So yes, trying to explain what a Mew was felt impossible, but Hinata could be happy for the few joys it brought. It however, did not stop the everyday life troubles she’d deal with. Like Neji.
Sakura needed an outfit to go to a party with Naruto and their school’s soccer team, so Hinata offered she could borrow one. It turned into a field trip with the others to her house. They’d been thrown by all the staff greeting her as she came in but even more when Neji came down the stairs, nose in his book and followed by his guard. He didn’t say much, even when Hinata introduced her friends. Just told them to move out of his way.
It was easy to keep distracted by talking about her wall of dried flowers from Sasuke. Ino and TenTen were quizzing her about Sasuke and their feelings for each other, Sakura oddly not joining in when Cinna ran out from the closet and to the door to her room. He whimpered, scratching at the door that slowly opened. The minute a leg was through the door, Cinna tried jumping up that.
“I saw you two days ago.” Sasuke said, lifting Cinna in his arms, moving his mouth away as Cinna covered him in kisses. He was still dressed in his school uniform and he had his violin case on his back. “Hey Hinata, Kō said you had people over so I – uh, hi?” he said when he realised he was being stared at by the girls.
“Is that him? Hinata, he’s gorgeous.” Ino said, checking Sasuke out.
TenTen circled him, stopping in front of him and stared, eyes slightly narrowed but Sasuke didn’t back down either.
“I hear you and Hinata might be dating.”
“TenTen!” Hinata cried from the doorway of the closet, blind to Sakura trying to keep from laughing.
“I’d like to.” Sasuke said, blunt as ever. “But it’s her choice. That and our stupid parents.”
TenTen hummed before punching Sasuke on the shoulder. “You’ll do. But if you do hurt her, you’ll have us to answer to.” She said, gesturing to the others.
Sasuke rolled his eyes but stopped when he saw Sakura standing next to Hinata.
“Hi. We’ve been friends since middle school.” Sakura explained at the confused looks.
“Ah! You’re his Sakura. How did I not realise you were the same person?”
“Hey, I didn’t realise Sasuke’s crush was you. I think the only time we would have figured it out was when Yukie Fujikaze came. He and Naruto helped me translate but you and Ino didn’t come out until after they left. Honestly, I don’t think you even know where Hinata works.” Sakura scolded, Sasuke refusing to look at her.
“Do you want me to come back tomorrow?” he asked Hinata, hoping to distract her.
“Oh, no. you’re not getting away that easily.” Ino said, taking him by the arm and dragging him out of the room. “You two have so much to tell us!”
Hinata hid her face in her hands, only pulling them out when Sakura bumped her shoulder with hers. “Come on, let’s go save him. At least now I know who’s he’s always texting during breaks.”
It should have been fine, watching Ino and TenTen pull information from Sasuke about the two of them growing up when Kō suggested they come to their next performance.
“The Symphony Orchestra is playing with the Konoha Ballet Company on their first leg of their Romeo and Juliet tour. You must come to opening night. Hinata’s father and sister won’t be able to attend so she has 2 extra tickets. I suppose Sasuke might have another if your father is busy.”
Sasuke nodded while Hinata felt confused. “I have 3. We get 4 and you’re the only one who will be here.”
“Well, since Neji is home, I thought to invite him as well.”
Neji was her cousin but the closest thing to a brother she had. They’d grown up and after his father passed, her own father practically adopted him. If it wasn’t for succession rules, Hinata knew Neji would be the one to become the new head of the family. He’d been the first person she played for, the first person who gave her flowers before Sasuke. As they got older though, Neji was expected to be perfect like the Hyuuga family was and the warm and kind brother she’d grown up with turned into the cold person who’d greeted her friends. She’d never pull him from making his family happy, no matter how much she wanted her brother back.
“Nii-san has a conference the same day. He won’t be attending.”
“I’m sure he’ll change his mind. This is the first time you both are doing this. did you know Neji used to be Hinata’s biggest supporter, always wanting to listen to her practise?” Kō started, stopped when the sound of her chopsticks hit the table.
“He’s not coming. I’m tired, please show the girls out when they’re done.” She said, pushing her chair back and leaving the dining room.
Sasuke would find her cuddling Cinna in her room later. He didn’t say much, pulling off his blazer before dropping into Hinata’s bed, waiting for her to speak. She stayed silent and he decided to at least turn his violin while he waited. That’s when she moved to stop hiding in Cinna’s fur.
“I shouldn’t want him there. He can’t, he’s got obligations. But…”
“We’re allowed to want family to support us, even if they’re really bad at it.”
She continue wishing for it, as they got ready for opening night. she got suspicious when Ino was invited backstage by Kō with TenTen and Sakura no where to be seen. Sakura gave up going to the party with Naruto to come support her so her absences was even more noticeable. When Neji appeared outside the dressing room, she figured it out.
“What are you doing here? You have a conference you’re going to be late for.” She said, refusing to look at Neji, her hands no doubt leaving a mess on her flute.
“I was invited.”
Hinata looked over to the girls who looked hopeful. They didn’t have to go through so much, which made doing what she did next make her feel worse. “You should go. I didn’t want family here.”
They both ignored for the moment that Kō was related to them both.
“Hinata, come on. he came – ” Sakura started.
“But I didn’t want him here. I’m sorry you wasted your time talking to him but Neji, you should just go. I have to go; we’re supposed to be getting there for tuning.” She didn’t wait for an answer, grabbing Sasuke’s arm and dragged him towards the stage door.
“Hinata, slow down.” he said.
“No! I can’t believe they did that.”
“They didn’t. I told him to come.” Sasuke said, making her stumble to a stop and turn to him.
She didn’t get to question him when the whole hallway was filled with terrified screams as a creature with a mask spun in pirouettes while brandishing a sword in place of an arm.
“The fuck?!”
Zetsu, the name for the creatures created with animals, or human souls now, and a parasite controlled by Pein.
“Your lucky that your violin wasn’t destroyed.” She was lucky her flute made it out unscathed, using it as a distraction against the Zetsu.
Before they could transform, the ballet Zetsu had attacked on Pein’s orders, hitting Neji and Kō and Sasuke standing in front of her to keep her protected, even if it left him flung across the room.
“A snapped string isn’t any better.” He said, fiddling with a loaner one he’d been able to get in the theatre, from the original orchestra that performed at the venue. He let Hinata lift his head to dab at the cut on his brow. “I’m surprised they didn’t just cancel this completely.”
“Donors sitting in the audience. They can wait, but if no one’s broken a bone, we go on. that, and they think it’s a sign perseverance with the creatures’ sudden appearance.” Hinata said, reciting what their conductor and orchestra leader had told them. “What did you mean before? About telling Neji to come?”
After the fight was over and Hinata found her brother and caretaker both ok, she tried one more time to get Neji to go to his conference. He pulled out a small bouquet of daisies from his blazer pocket, just like the same first one he gave ever.
“I thought that if I took head of the family, it would mean your father wouldn’t put so much pressure on you, that you could still be happy and play without having to worry about making your father happy. I know your,” at that time, Neji looked over at the doorway where the others were peaking around, including Neji’s guard. Sasuke was leaning against the doorway, the girls watching around them, looking bored. But she knew he was listening intently, “Current situation is leaving you with difficult decisions. I just didn’t want you to have to make you weren’t happy with. I’m sorry doing so made you think I didn’t care.”
Sasuke pulled away from the cloth, looking at the mirror they were seated next to in the dressing room. “I called him and told if he cared about you at all, to get his ass down here or I’d beat him with my violin.” He said so nonchalantly, pushing his bangs back to see how bad the cut was.
“What? You wanted him there, even if you were protesting the whole time. Your family, except for Kō almost never comes. Be nice if someone you know cared was also in the audience.”
“So, you threatened him?”
Sasuke shrugged. “he was making you sad.”
“into the pit everyone!” the stage hand called.
“I think this will – what?” Sasuke asked, picking up his bow, loaner violin in hand.
Hinata pressed a kiss onto his cheek as she took her flute in hand. “Thank you.”
“yeah, yeah. Come on. we wait any longer, the ballerinas might be the ones to hurt us, not whatever that thing was.” Sasuke said, his ears red.
Hinata tried to ignore the looks. She wasn’t supposed to be at practise, she’d already called out. but she couldn’t be at the flower shop. Not with the nightmares and the arguments right on her mind.
“Hey.” Sasuke appeared in front of her, startling her. He looked worried. “Sakura just texted me. Aren’t you supposed to be at work?”
“I don’t want to talk about her. I’ve missed enough practises, so I’m here.”
“Yeah, but,” one of the obo players said, “you’re like always perfect and on point so everyone’s fine if you miss a few practises.”
Because people at the flower shop thought the sounds of her practising during work hours was enough of an excuse to come inside.
“I just don’t want to fail or mess up.”
That was as far as she was going to go on the subject and thankfully people dropped it. any questions were instead replaced with gossip being shared or teasing her about what bouquet she’d get next from Sasuke. It was their biggest performance since their summer concert. After the concert, the whole shop team had gone out to the beach and they experienced Mew Aqua. Mew Aqua had…
“Alright, shall we get started? Oh, Hyuuga, welcome back? Work cancelled?” the conductor asked.
“I quit.” She saw Sasuke looking at her over the heads of those sitting in the second violin section. “I want to focus on my music.”
“Oh, well. we’re happy to have you back. Let’s start with the first piece shall we? Hyuuga, keep up if you can.”
It was easy to lose herself in the music, thoughts of what her life had become after the earthquake, after she’d been combined with animal DNA, pushed as far as they went. People were fine to not ask questions as she easily kept pace, did her solos perfectly and easily corrected any mistakes. Sasuke was not people.
“Hey! hey, wait a second.” He called, following her when they were let out and yanking her to a stop. “You quit? You love working at the flower shop.”
“And now I don’t, can we let it go?”
Sasuke pulled her back, letting go when she pulled her arm away. “Sakura said you snapped at her for clocking out for a while to be with Naruto. You, who’s always gossiping with me about those two.”
Sakura was off being in love, wondering if she should tell Naruto about her pink cat secret while they were tasked with saving the world. Saving the world from aliens, who created creatures for them to stop. Some of them, stronger than they could handle. They wanted to wipe out humans and now they were finding out it was all for one thing. Mew Aqua, a mineral so pure, it interacted with the animal DNA they held. It gave her a tail. If she continued this, there was a chance full exposure would fully turn her into a mermaid, pull her away from Sasuke or fall right into the aliens’ hands and it would all be for nothing. She didn’t want to do it anymore. Neji put up with their family so she could do what she wanted. She didn’t want to be a hero anymore. What was the point?
“What is going on? will you just talk to me? You’ve been acting weird ever since you got back from that beach trip.”
“Just drop it! honestly at this point, I’m wondering why you even care. You haven’t done anything about us, so clearly I’m just something to sooth your ego. I’m tired of having to be at everyone’s beck and call, so just leave me the hell alone!”
She didn’t have to yell at Sasuke, not when he kept texting her apologizing for something that wasn’t his fault. She was fine that their relationship hadn’t moved forward, much as she wanted it to. Sasuke had been hurt by a Zetsu before, she wasn’t about to make him a massive target.
“So, he’s not worth fighting for? As scared as you are to do this, you don’t think Sakura has the right idea, focusing on Naruto as her reason to fight?”
“First an earthquake and then a mini flood? All with another monster?”
Hinata looked at Sasuke who came into the spare bedroom with the first aid kit. Screams and cries from another bedroom with the girls spilled into the room, cut when Sasuke closed the door behind him. When Hinata first transformed, Sasuke rushed over the minute he was told. This time he didn’t have to wait for a call. He’d come over, hoping to try one more time to talk to Hinata when he spotted the attack Temari caused to her room. Her shadowboxes were fine, if only a bit bent and mixed up. As much as she wanted to yell at the older girl for attack her home like that, she made a fair point.
Sasuke was her reason to fight. The fighting and what would happen scared her, but the aliens winning and losing Sasuke hurt more.
“Do they still hurt?”
Another one of Temari’s attacks had left her with scraps and bruises, plus a cut or two. She’d been about to attack Cinna, who followed Sasuke around like he was also his owner. The bird Mew really knew how to get her where it hurt.
“No.” she hadn’t said much to Sasuke when she got back to the mansion, her friends in tow. All he’d done was squeeze her tight and question why she and the others were soaking wet, listening to Sakura complain about getting caught in the flood. He didn’t even ask why Hinata was in her pyjamas and the others were in their work uniforms. She kept thinking of what she said after practise.
Sasuke grabbed her legs, turning her so they rested on his lap. Cinna, who’d been snuggled in her arms since coming in from outside with TenTen, wriggled for Hinata to let him go. He stuck his head under Sasuke’s hand, begging for pets.
“Spoiled.” He says, giving in before focusing on the first aid kit. He cleaned off the scratches on Hinata’s knees, before focusing on a cut near her ankle.
“I’m sorry.” She said, twisting the skirt of her nightdress in her hands without Cinna in them to keep her occupied. “I, what I said.”
“You’re not wrong.” Sasuke interrupted, tying off the gauze with a piece of medical tape. “I don’t normally wait around to do what I’m told. We’ve had plenty of instances were I should have just done it, regardless, but I didn’t. Hinata, I meant what I said at the park, I love you. that hasn’t changed and I’m sorry if I made you feel like it has.”
“I got scared.” She confessed. “everything that’s happening, I don’t know how Sakura can be so happy with Naruto with all the attacks. I got scared, that it’s all going to be ripped away.”
She hadn’t been looking at Sasuke, so she didn’t see him lean closer, just felt his fingers move her head up. Sasuke’s lips pressed against hers, leaving her breath shuttering.
“I’m not going anywhere. Ok, not unless you tell me to.” Sasuke promised.
Hinata closed her eyes and kissed Sasuke, pulling him closer by his jacket. She let out a startled squeak when Sasuke pulled her onto his lap by her legs, Cinna barking in annoyance from all the moving, but neither listened to him as Sasuke put his hand on her cheek and pulled her down for another kiss.
“Hey, what’s all the – oh!” Sakura yelled, causing the two musicians to pull away, Hinata red and Sasuke glaring.
“Do you knock?”
“Ignore me, we were never here. just drop her off when you’re done.” Sakura called, the other girls giggling as the door shut behind them.
Hinata couldn’t help but laugh as she hid her face in Sasuke neck when he groaned. “she’s not gonna let me live that down.”
“Payback, for whenever you find her and Naruto.” Hinata said, moving so she could look at Sasuke. “Was that…?”
“Me tired of waiting. Sorry I didn’t do it earlier.”
Things would be harder now. There would be times that saving the world would have to trump Sasuke, where lying to him would be the best way to keep him safe.
“You left me waiting a while.” She said, deciding to ignore that for now.
“Well, I’ve got you until Sakura gets bored of waiting.” Sasuke said, kissing her again.
Being a Mew was hard to put in words beyond scary and more pressure inducing than her family. But she gained new friends, new skills and realised sometimes waiting wasn’t worth it. she didn’t know how this fight would end, she just knew she’d have Sasuke when the final battle approached, even if she permanently gained a tail.
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belvedia02 · 5 months
Eskimo Kiss
Fandom: Wednesday Tv 2022
Relationship: Wednesday Addams & Enid Sinclair
Words: 1000
La estación invernal estaba teniendo temperaturas más bajas y Wednesday Addams amaba el frío, porque nunca se resfrió ni tuvo fiebre durante su niñez o la mayor parte de su estadía en la academia de Nevermore, solo sufrió algunas heridas y casi su muerte en su primer año. Sin embargo, ahora mientras caminaba por los pasillos del edificio donde tenía su primera clase de la mañana, le dolía su cuerpo y no de una forma agradable. 
— ¿Estás bien? — Preguntó Enid mientras la alcanzaba. Salió un par de minutos después de su habitación, no encontraba su lapicera favorita. Wednesday no la esperó, incluso ante la insistencia de Enid que caminaran juntas. 
—Perfectamente — Respondió brevemente por el dolor que sentía en su garganta. 
—¿Estás segura? — Enid insistió. Su postura habitual al caminar era ligeramente distinta. 
Wednesday se detuvo antes de ingresar a su clase. — Enid agradezco tu preocupación por mi estado de salud, pero debo repetir mi respuesta anterior. Estoy bien. — No esperó a que Enid le diera alguna respuesta e ingresó al salón. Enid se encogió de hombros y movió la cabeza de izquierda a derecha varias veces. Wednesday la mayoría de las veces podría ser muy testaruda. 
Enid vio la hora en su reloj, sus clases empezarían pronto y no la vería hasta la hora de almuerzo.  Veremos quién tiene razón Wends. Pensó mientras caminaba apresuradamente para su clase de aritmética. 
Durante sus clases de la mañana, los síntomas de Wednesday fueron empeorando, pero exteriormente se veía igual de siempre, incluso participó en todas las clases. Cuando fue la hora de almuerzo, esperaba que Enid también creyera que estaba bien de salud, sin embargo suspiró, porque eso era imposible, Enid la conocía demasiado bien. 
Wednesday fue la primera en llegar a la cafetería y de inmediato se sentó en la mesa que compartía solamente con su compañera de habitación. Debido a que Enid era la encargada de traer las bandejas con el almuerzo durante esta semana. 
—Pedí una sopa de pollo, te hará bien— Enid dijo mientras dejaba el almuerzo frente a Wednesday.
—Gracias. Desearía que fuera una preparación de la abuela— Inmediatamente agarró la cuchara y bebió la sopa bajo la atenta mirada de Enid.
Los minutos en que ambas compartieron el almuerzo pasaron mayormente en silencio porque Wednesday se sentía mucho peor que cuando despertó y Enid solo estaba esperando que Wednesday fuera sincera y le dijera que estaba enferma. 
—¿Hasta cuando vas a mentir acerca de cómo te sientes realmente? —Enid le preguntó mientras apoyaba su mejilla derecha en su mano y miraba fijamente a Wednesday.
— Todavía no entiendo tu insistencia. 
—Es porque me preocupo por ti, además no es fácil esconder tus mejillas sonrojadas — Wednesday se sobresaltó por ese detalle, ella casi nunca se sonrojaba, solo en contadas ocasiones. 
—Yo… tienes razón — Al fin admitió lo mal que se sentía.
Enid no dijo la típica frase de “te lo dije” sino más bien le preguntó — ¿Qué clases tienes por la tarde?
—Solo la clase de botánica y después práctica de esgrima, ¿por qué lo preguntas? — Wednesday comenzaba a sentirse mareada. 
—Porque no podrás asistir a ninguna de ellas. Ahora te acompañaré hasta nuestra habitación y descansarás. Escribir también está prohibido — Enid le dijo sin esperar la respuesta de Wednesday y menos haría caso a la queja de que una de sus actividades favoritas se vería interrumpida ese día.
Ambas caminaron en silencio, todo estaba dicho. Wednesday también aceptó que Enid llevara su mochila, incluso Enid bromeó si también debería cargarla entre sus brazos. La respuesta de Wednesday fue salir rápidamente de la cafetería. 
—¿Quieres darte una ducha? Eso te ayudaría a dormir, sé que pasaste una mala noche. — Wednesday se sorprendió.
—¿Cómo lo sabes? — Wednesday creyó que sus varios intentos de encontrar una mejor posición para dormir pasarían inadvertidos para Enid. 
—Habilidades de hombre-lobo — Sonrió y se cambió el uniforme. Tampoco asistiría a sus clases de la tarde. 
Wednesday estaba preparando su cama para dormir, pero se detuvo cuando Enid gentilmente apoyó su mano en el hombro derecho de su roomie.
—¿Ahora qué Enid? — Dio la media vuelta para mirarla fijamente.
—¿No crees que sería más práctico si tomas tu siesta en mi cama? 
—¿Práctico para quién? creo que es más conveniente para ti que para mí — Wednesday se cruzó de brazos. 
—Vamos, Wends, no sería la primera vez que durmamos juntas — Enid acarició uno de los brazos de Wednesday, quien solo suspiró cómo respuesta. 
Enid agarró la mano de Wednesday para caminar juntas los pocos pasos que separan ambas camas. Enid fue la primera en acostarse y le dejó un espacio a Wednesday para que se acomodara entre sus brazos. Wednesday antes de acostarse vio que en el escritorio había un vaso de agua y algunos medicamentos para apaciguar sus malestares. Al parecer la fiebre bajó después de su ducha.  
Antes que Wednesday se durmiera, Enid le susurró. —Creo que olvidas algo. 
Wednesday enarcó su ceja derecha — ¿Estás segura?, no deseo contagiarte
— Te aseguro que no, conozco una manera — Wednesday no necesito preguntar, vio que Enid se acercaba para besarla, pero en vez de unir sus labios, fueron sus narices las que se juntaron en un gesto gentil y varias veces, incluso en esos momentos ambas cerraron sus ojos. Al separarse unos centímetros, Wednesday le preguntó.
—¿Eso fue un beso? — Wednesday segura que Enid la besaría. 
—Sí, fue un beso esquimal. — Enid apoyó su cabeza en la almohada y atrajo la cabeza de su novia hacia su pecho, para que escuchara sus latidos. Una vez le dijo que era una de las mejores melodías que podía oír.  
Wednesday estuvo unos minutos así, pero quiso intentar ese nuevo tipo de beso. Esta vez el roce de las puntas de las narices fueron más lentas y Wednesday apreció más ese momento y también las diferentes temperaturas que poseían ambas narices. Sin decir nada más, Wednesday volvió a apoyarse en el pecho de su novia, quien le dio un beso en la cabeza y se durmió de inmediato. 
Desafío diario de historias con máximo de 1000 palabras hasta el 30 de abril delmgrupo Es de Fanfics (Facebook, Twitter)
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onirismo-literario · 2 years
En un mundo donde todo se quiere obtener sin tener que transitar por la parte evolutiva del trayecto, el amor, el amor es eso que preferimos decir que no existe para ahorrarnos "la incomodidad".
¿La ironía...? La ironía es que, aunque mucho lo negamos, nos la pasamos todo el trayecto deseando encontrar aquello que insistimos es inexistente. Esa es la ÚNICA razón por la que el trayecto se vuelve no solamente complicado sino también sin sentido, pues hemos venido a una sola cosa a este mundo: A AMAR; y sin embargo, hemos elegido pasar por inadvertidos, pues sólo se puede ver a aquel que se ama, ama y se sabe dejar amar.
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ochoislas · 2 years
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La gente esperaba el alba sobre el morro. El océano parecía azogue, la noche palidecía. El mar abrumado de nubarrones, arriba cielo claro. Un perro correteaba. El viento frío mordía mi mejilla.
Tras mucho rato, la grana se derramó por un roto de las nubes. Al punto las nubes calaron. Un halo se reflejó lejos en el mar. Nadie vio el alba.
Pero ciertamente el día quebró. La hierba cargaba reluciente rocío. El océano ahondaba su azul tumultuoso. Volaron gaviotas hacia las colinas donde el viento rasgueaba los pinos.
Luego el sol estaba en lo alto. La gente se dispersó, descendiendo del altozano, cada uno con su enojo, que no era ni disgusto, ni desesperación.
Nakamura Minoru
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juancarlosferrero · 1 year
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Translation from Spanish:
The detail that went unnoticed at Wimbledon: Alcaraz melted into a affectionate hug with a very special person
The tennis player got emotional about seeing in the audience this person from Valencia who has been a turning point in his life.
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bocadosdefilosofia · 4 months
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«Además, igual que algunos han definido la pintura como una poesía silenciosa, así existe una alabanza de adulación callada. Si los cazadores pasan más inadvertidos a su presa cuando no dan la impresión de que lo hacen, sino que parece que caminan, que apacientan el ganado o que trabajan el campo, así también los aduladores consiguen más con las alabanzas cuando no parece que están alabando, sino que están haciendo otra cosa distinta.»
Plutarco: Sobre la amistad y cómo sacar provecho de los enemigos. Editorial Alma, pág. 71. Barcelona, 2023.
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myspacechaos · 10 months
“Posees talento y muchas virtudes, pero no hay necesidad de que los exhibas. La vanidad echa a perder las mejores cualidades. El talento y la bondad nunca pasan inadvertidos y, aunque así fuera, la conciencia de tenerlos y hacer un buen uso de ellos debería bastar. Las virtudes quedan ensalzadas por la modestia.”
-Little Women
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newhector · 3 months
There are details that go unnoticed by people, but when apart from constantly holding hands, they ask the nun if they can sleep together because one of them has nightmares, she doesn't feel alone and the other can hug her... I don't say anything but there is a nice story there
hay detalles que pasan inadvertido a la gente, pero cuando aparte de ir constantemente cogidas de las manos, le piden a la monja que si pueden dormir juntas por que una de ellas tiene pesadillas no se sienta sola y pueda la otra abrazarla.... yo no digo nada pero ahi hay una bonita historia
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