#inch resting....
technovillain · 1 year
I am always thinking so hard about the choice for church imagery in Hollis' mind and what it means for her character. I would say for sure that her inner-sanctum when trying to solve a crisis being a church would suggest that she is religious or had a religious upbringing.
The pews are full of figments of hospital patients. They are nondescript figures but their presence paired with her area to process is by the pulpit suggests that she sees herself as a sort of guide to others in this time, especially helping the helpless find a sense of salvation.
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At the very front of this church rest the main dilemma Hollis faces, and based on her train of thought and general dialogue, it is easy to assume that this is a mental connection that she comes back to often. Risk with Death. The stained glass window behind this tableau depicts a shining sun, beneath which lies a cloud, beneath which lies a fade from blue to pink, not unlike a sunset. It could just be pretty decoration or could be indicative of the idea that just beyond any clouded idea or concept (taking a risk) there lies the possbility of an end (death).
I feel it could be argued either way that she has a positive or negative relationship with religion based on the imagery alone, but I feel it is safest and likely more accurate to simply say that it is a complicated one. We don't know anything about religion in the Psychonauts universe, which is why this choice of imagery was so fascinating to me. We have no clue what the major religions are like, or how psychic abilities would possibly play into religious affiliation or scrutiny. Not making any assumptions on that front, the symbolism of this being Hollis' safe space in her mind says that she, at the very least, sees a church building as a safe location, likely due to events in her past. She would want to come here to be alone with her thoughts, sort of like processing thoughts and seeking help for herself or others through prayer or self-reflection.
But this idea of Risk = Death being at the very center of the church could also imply a type of religious trauma that caused her to experience a form of death anxiety, barring her from knowing what risks are appropriate and therefore taking none to protect herself and others.
Despite all of this, there is another route that could be taken to interpret this symbolism that could go hand-in-hand with religious affiliation or could go unconnected. For many of those who are not religious, a church is still an important space which often reflects two major changes in a person's life: funerals or weddings.
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After the hot streak section of the level, we see that the church windows now have hearts on the windows. Hollis is kneeling on the ground, something that would typically be associated with prayer, but she is gambling on the table....the table which could arguably be like a casket at the front of the church.
Another way to look at the stained glass motifs could indicate the first one being like her focusing on the idea of death as an impending inevitability to be avoided at all costs. The church being covered in hearts later on has a notably different vibe. I am reeeaching here but the first one could be more like a funeral and the later one could be more like a wedding, a time in a church that has a notably more carefree vibe than a lot of church services (although this does vary from church to church and denominationally) and Hollis does mention having a husband in one piece of dialogue relating to the socks and sandals....
Who knows! I am doing some stretching and just bringing up some symbolism. Please feel free to bring up more symbolism that you might find or other interpretations!
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13eyond13 · 2 months
men arent real sorry..... we're all just try for that 'male privilege'..... They're just woman in disguised....
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pulchrasilva · 8 months
She didn't like Noise fuck yeah none of the drum majors do
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wereh0gz · 2 years
Hold on
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Sonic's poster has alternate versions of Amy and Rouge???? Hello????
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marciliedonato · 2 years
Oklahoma sounds an awful lot like 'ok, LA homo" if only American straight 3/4 LA resident dad rock band my Chemical Romance decided we all should not experience something very lgbt tonight.... *bats my big doe eyes dreamily and veryyy slowly *
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conspiracyofequals · 2 years
i sent my girlfriend a tiktok about an autistic person sharing their experience as a kid and how it was kind of eerily similar to my life and she went "oh yeah i've been waiting for you to notice that"
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ultramantr1gger · 2 years
wait a minute tails is wearing pants in sonic prime i thought that wasnt allowed whats going on here
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cdo499 · 2 months
hilarious how whenever an antiracist piece of media comes out the internet fawns over the white twink antagonist rather than the literal rest of the poc cast
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hauntingblue · 4 months
Cavendish alter ego??? Hello???
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eurodynamic · 20 days
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HADES & CERBERUS Hades (2020) vs. Hades II (2024 - EA)
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sergle · 11 months
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red & yellow carnations
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technovillain · 1 year
Hang on I just realized all the interns don't have canon mentor assignments?????
So the canon ones are Raz to Nick Johnsmith, Sam to Coach Oleander, Lizzie to Compton Boole, Morris to Milla Vodello, Gisu to Otto Mentallis...pretty sure that's it... so who are Norma and Adam's mentors??
Kind of like the idea of Hollis being Norma's mentor, but I'm not sure she would have a mentor as Lesser Head, and obviously Truman wouldn't have one either. Why doesn't Sasha have an intern??? I like to think it's because he's about to take on working with Penelope (aka Sheegor) as an intern of sorts, and doesn't want to double up. And ummmm we only know about one more agent and that's Agent 33...unless we count all the randos floating around the motherlobe as agents... I certainly don't. So I guess the problem was that they didn't have enough characters to have an assignment for every intern...
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hayden-christensen · 1 month
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What if I told you that the Republic was now under the control of the dark lord of the Sith?
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pulchrasilva · 8 months
She didn't like Noise fuck yeah none of the drum majors do
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resonanz · 1 year
What form of love do you embody?
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love as devotion —
[ devotion: love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person, activity, or cause ] when ruth said to naomi "where you go, i will go, and where you stay, i will stay. your people will be my people, and your God my God" and when hozier sang "i'll be the dreadful need from the devotee that drove [orpheus] underground" and when deathcab for cutie sang "if there's no one beside you when your soul embarks, i will follow you into the dark"
tagged by: @/invinciblegavial!
tagging: you 👊‼️
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bananonbinary · 1 year
i feel like the sex negativity in ace spaces is....not a widespread problem, but getting to be a bit of a loud one. like, the vast majority of aces aren't puritans, but much like how terfs keep trying to claim its a Lesbian Thing to be transphobic despite the vast majority of lesbians being trans-inclusive, i think there's a certain subsection of aces trying to claim its an Ace Thing to shame people for having and talking about sex. cut that shit out.
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