#the guy from aerosmith!!!
hauntingblue · 4 months
Cavendish alter ego??? Hello???
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heystephen · 7 months
somehow never made the connection that liv tyler is a nepo baby until just now
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thehueofdalan · 1 year
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Couple of TSP things I neglected to post! First is my design interp for 432/Timekeeper! Mainly went for a missing texture motif for them. Uses he/they/it pronouns. Other one is admittedly outdated, as I made this before I established a personal banlist of songs. I’ll explain why in the tags as to not clog up the main text post here. Aside from that, it’s Narry in his rockstar outfit walking along the Adventure Line.
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thementalshawty · 6 months
PAC Who Is Your FS? Pt.1
Hey I am back with another PAC but I’m going to do something a little different this time. I will be doing 6 piles but they will be in a 2 parter because I want the energy of the 6 to be separated. So at the end of the day you can read this one and get the gist and the sec on part is confirmation or even extra information, the others can and will find their answers in one of the piles in either part one or two. This is a general reading so with that you know the deal, take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. So Picc an Emoji and let’s begin now.
Disclaimer: Tarot is not final but is a mere suggestion, don’t you depend on the opinion or suggestions of anyone to make your own decisions and judgement calls.
P1: 🍩
P2: 🍉
P3: 🥘
FS 1:
Animal that represents your FS: Crow Spirit. I feel like your FS off top is taboo, well for some of you here I’m hearing witches and warlocks as spouses in this pile, or maybe some of you are? Something about counting crows idk if they do that but I know that they definitely associate with crows in some way? They Cocreate with their spirit guides whether it’s aware to them or not. I told you some of them are witches and warlocks or are very powerful manifesters. They’re hella creative and they may have a Loud yell or call. They may have bird like features some of them. Something in them is Sharp? Like a sharp nose or a sharp stare??? Numbers: 1,7,8 & 17 may have some importance
Auset describing Your FS: Hapi Water Spirit. Numbers 1,3,4 and 13 could be of importance. I feel for some of you, your FS are water signs, mainly Scorpio and Pisces. They’re the type of person that needs to work energetically and with thought before making any moves. They’re definitely a planner and I’m hearing analyzer. This person wants nooooooo fuck ups! NONE HONEY!!! Baboons may have something to do with them too?? They need to visualize the moves for themselves before they do it. I’m telling you this is my alchemical pile right here, very very magical spouses, maybe you guys delve in magic too or should try it. If not you definitely them!
Describing Your FS (Oracle): Here & Now. Numbers 3,2,5 & 32 could have some significance. Some of your spouses are 32, I heard that not all but for some. They are not one to worry about the future or worry about the past, I heard they gotta plan for that already, they are just worried about executing the plan for today. They’re a very live in the moment and present kind of people. I see that they’re the type of person to get caught up sometimes and forget that though, cos being the planner that they are they do have worries about the future I feel in the past they weren’t as prepared and that shit caused them so much struggle and so from that day they wanna be prepared. This is a person who has plan b-Z if A doesn’t work. They are always present though, even when they worry about the future or the past they manage to always bring themselves back to the present cos they don’t wanna miss a thing. (Ha now I’m hearing that song by Aerosmith).
Your FS (Tarot): 9oPentacles, 6oSwords,Justice. You already know numbers 9,6,11,& 2 may have some importance to them. I feel that your FS are very accomplished, I feel it’s fairly new, they just acquired their success and blessings, they worked their goddamn asses for it! They aren’t a lazy person, they hate procrastinating but I feel they may do it sometimes which is why I feel they worked their asses off to get where and what they needed and it’s finally starting to pay off for them, matter of fact every single one of these cards sort of represent that, instead of telling me who they are it’s almost telling me what they’re going through, or what they’ve been going through and I think it’s because it’s a transformative time for them, they will be ascending and a lot of things that could describe them may be falling off so maybe your guides don’t want to fully share their personality because they’re experiencing their own experiences that’s showing them who they really are. I feel like they may like birds, crows, hawks Ravens etc. spiritually and materially they have just been blessed and they are enjoying every minute of it! They’re not missing a single second for the world! They have gone through way too much shit for them to not be anything other than present for this. They are FINALLY coming out of a dark place in their lives, they were in some drama mama! Some straight up chaos and that shit was so unhealthy it began to shut them down I’m hearing for some the others sort of just reacted angrily and it was so toxic they became spiritually and physically sick. I feel that they got some help to come in, and they were helped out by someone who moved them away from their toxic environment. I feel your FS are like that and I feel it’s cos they are compassionate, they know and understand struggle and they hate to see it. They could be a Libra due to the justice card of have Libra placements. They are the mediators of their group, I don’t see them having many friends, a selective few maybe some acquaintances that they laugh and joke around with but other than that nobody really close to them, I’m getting Lone Wolf and ranger type of vibes from this pile. They are someone who’s going to stand up for what they feel is true and fair and equal! They cherish and crave mutuality, if it’s imbalanced they not a fan. They honor equality and respect for all! They see everyone the same they don’t do favoritism and hatred towards anyone. They suffered. Some of your FS are Black, White, Some Asian/Korean/ Hispanic even too. I feel especially if you’re looking for women those ethnic backgrounds apply. Your FS has an ugly side tho, when unfairness or anything they feel is wrong or unjust comes out they are unmerciful. They can be ruthless if needed. Long hair for some, curly fros for others, black and brown hair colors I’m seeing. Gentleman and gentlewomen. Very soft but sharp features. True knights. Diplomatic and tactful, Hella charming. Playboys and women, they know how to bag a person! They’re very good looking, handsome, stunning, I’m even seeing gorgeous to some of you. It’s a very classy kind of beauty. Innocent and beautiful. They are quick to help out anyone they feel needs them and they’re not the type to swoop in and save the day assuming that needs to happen, they will always approach and ask “you need some help?” “Can I help you?” Perfect customer service representative honestly. They’re very sweet and kindhearted. Great smiles. They may be gardeners some of them, they like organic shit, they may not eat meat, or anything that has chemicals and toxic ingredients in food. They are very sensitive about what they put into their bodies. Smokers for some? (Weed not cigarettes or anything else). This person is a catch, a true victorious winner and they will treat you amazingly. Earth and Air placements especially Libra and Taurus! This person is Venus personified! Congrats! They’re hella seductive! I’m trying to find something bad on them honestly but it’s not working. They just fuccin rocc! Acts of Service is their love language.
I feel that. Congrats p1 you deserve it.
Animal that represents your FS: Bee Spirit. So I’m seeing that 7 could have some significance, as well as the colors Yellow and Black, which leads me to think that some of your FS are mixed races. They’re very hardworking and some of them are the queen bees lol. They have been striving towards something and sweet results are about to roll in for them. I feel like they’re very goal oriented, tunnel vision. This is my workaholic pile I feel, they are workhorses some of them, others are spoiled by others. They have stingers but only use them if they absolutely must. They work like a well oiled machine, no rest. They are around the clock nonstop movers and shakers and they’re about to be rewarded if they aren’t already.
Auset Describing Your FS: Set. Numbers 3,7, 10, 1 & 37 could have some importance to your FS. Set is the god of chaos and war, dirt and sandstorms. I feel your FS have dealt with a lot of challenges and they have some negative traits that you will not like, I’m getting Aries vibes from this. The color red is coming to my head, something about rage. They may have anger issues, they are a jealous person. Some of your FS are bitter from all the challenges they went through, life gave them shit and they kind of internalized it and became dreadful, survival mode on lock, they are so paranoid, they may have or had beef with a sibling. They could have jealous family members. Some of them could have just been dealing with some shit. They can be the youngest sibling or the issue is with the younger sibling. People are intimidated by them. Their demeanor is don’t fucc with me and people heed that shit. They could be 37 some of them, or 10 years older or younger than some of you? They’ve seen some ugly shit in their lives in love, family, career etc. I’m seeing drug addiction for either them or someone they loved and they dealt with that shit. This person is strong but it tainted them in the process I feel.
Describing Your FS (Oracle): Treasure Island. The number 9 could be of some importance to your FS. I feel like they’re the type to see the beauty in things others may not. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure, they may have that mindset. They’re beginning to see the results of their own actions, they’ve been moving slow towards this goal that they’re about to receive. This person is a treasure and you’ll definitely see them that way! Great at manifesting, they’re right now working with the law of attraction. They just received a financial windfall from out of nowhere to them. They’re very abundant right now or they’re definitely about to be.
Your FS (Tarot): The Empress, 3oSwordsRx, & The HermitRx. I see that the number 3, 9, & 7 are frequent in this reading so I feel like those numbers in particular are very important to your FS. They can be a Virgo or a Pisces. They’re very intelligent and intuitive. Your FS is beautiful you’ll be blown away by their beauty. Especially if it’s a woman too! They can have braids or locs some of them. They’re very sweet and loving, nurturing and parental. They could have kids. They may love moon bathing some of them, or they should. They are of the world; hella creative and open to whatever the universe/god is bringing them. They are always coming up with new ideas and projects they are the type of people to have plenty of hobbies, a jack of all trades. They are very blended in their energies, and elements. I feel whatever they went through shaped them and helped them become whole but I just think that they can’t see it. They are the type to not know the magnitude of how much they rule!! They may shit on themselves heavily! They are the type to be there for everyone except themselves. They put themselves on the backburner. They are so amazing but they are the type to wallow in their pain and own ignorance. They don’t want to face what happened to them or they don’t want to take accountability for their part in it, so maybe they had an outburst but they will always come up with excuses for it. They are jaded over this pain, I feel it makes so much impact with how they live, move and make decisions. They are so strong but they are so blinded by this pain or by this anger, they really see nothing but that. It overpowers everything that they are and do. They need to do some shadow work. They procrastinate when it comes to it, they may avoid those feelings because they don’t want to relive that hurt but what they don’t realize is that they’re replaying this pain on a loop subliminally in their minds so they’re technically always reliving that pain! That’s why they’re so jaded, it’s like getting sick of a song but you’re leaving it on replay. They need to get out of their head. They’re in isolation, this person I feel has little to absolutely no friends. They were in some kind of abusive relationship. I don’t really wanna get into that. If they don’t have kids, they’re very fertile!! They barely go out, a homebody and I feel to a scary point and I don’t wanna get deeper into that cos it’s reminding me of myself and what I am having to break out of and baby that shit is no joke and putting that business on here without knowing them personally is just fucked up so I won’t. They have been through some shit but they are beautiful person, their heart is being pulled in so many directions and it’s so hard for them to catch a break and they are dealing with it in a toxic way for them and they need to face their demons. I feel they just need someone to talk too, but I have a feeling this person is locked tighter than a bank vault after a robbery. They aren’t into letting anyone see them, not even themselves, Ugh my heart goes out to them. Words of affirmation I feel is their love language. Fear avoidant attachment style, they’re Virgo like, the highs and lows of the sign honestly, I feel like some are Pisces and some are Virgos. Very feminine energy. They want love but they’re afraid of rejection and getting hurt cos that’s all they know, so they’re afraid to dream bigger and want better for themselves.
Animal that represents your FS: Pig Spirit🐽: The numbers 4,7,11,2,& 47 may have some importance. This is the kind of person who is quick on their feet, they give me air energy. They’re very intelligent. They’re not a messy person even tho they have messy moments. They’re fun loving and just want to enjoy themselves while they’re still on this earth. Happy go lucky type of people. They believe that pigs can fly, they dream big but they’re not delusional they understand the concept between reality and fantasy but they have a great imagination and they have big goals and aspirations for themselves. They wanna own the moon one day. They wanna fly the highest they can possibly get. They live on cloud 9!
Auset Describing your FS: Anubis. 3. He’s one of my guides!!!! I love Anubis he’s amazing! Your FS is such a great person! They’re very wise and give amazing advice. They take care of everyone, no favoritism with them, they treat everyone fairly, they judge by action, they feel like your hearts intention is based on how you move. You can protect on them to guide you whenever you need it, anyone who needs help, they are the one to call. So reliable and trustworthy, they may have a lot of people depend on them. Helping them transition from one state to the next. They can even be a therapist some of them, or the dr Phil/oprah of their group. They stand up for what they believe in and who they believe in. They’re a great protector. You will feel so safe, they feel like everyone should feel that way, “has the RIGHT to feel safe.” I heard that. Guard dog lover, they aren’t jealous but they won’t let just anyone get near you. They could’ve been abandoned by their parents (maternal esp if you’re looking for guy). They believe in healing of the soul by living out their passions. They believe that freedom to be yourselves is the best medicine. They want to get to know people for who they are at a soul core level. I feel they have GREAT FRIENDS. Certain LGBTQ 🏳️‍🌈 energy here, they created their own family! They love caring for others, they feel it’s part of their purpose, some nurses and doctors here. Therapist just doctors or medicators of some kind.
Describing your FS (oracle): A Leg Up. 3,4,7, & 34 could have some significance to your FS. They can be 34 some of them. I feel like they are the type of person to definitely lift others up, they aren’t selfish or greedy about shit, they will share their plate, cos they’re confident in their position. They themselves have received leg ups in life from people and they’re just passing on that energy. They’re not a jealous person at all they’re about progression. Sagittarius energy HEAVY! Sag and Aqua energy HEAVY! They’re very free loving. They’re very authoritative and they know how to delegate, they know how to both give and receive help. They’re not hyper independent they believe in teamwork! I love your FS! They’re my favorite! Shhhhhh don’t tell!
Describing your FS (Tarot): PageoSwords, 6oWands,& Judgement. They’re hella inquisitive and always asking about everything, they love to learn, very Gemini energy. They love to gossip with their friends, I also think that they’re the topic of gossip. Reading is everything to them. You’ll always catch their face in a book. Great conversationalist. Young at heart. Playful. They know how to multitask and juggle many things at a time. Their mind is always racing and they can’t turn it off. They’re a student of the world! They want to learn everything. The type who’s learning how to speak different languages. 6,2,& 20 may have some importance to them, some of your FS in this pile is 20. Some of you????? If that’s the case this is confirmation that you chose the right pile! I am seeing that your FS for some 2-3 maybe are celebrities like well known celebrities! No K-pop I don’t sense that here but I’m seeing some notoriety and some household names being here. The rest your FS is known in their field. Wildly successful and part of that has to do with their success story, how they came up and what they went through their hustle to mask it out of the “hood” or bad circumstances so to speak, they have brown hair, long, wavy, curly and straight, it varies I’m seeing. They are hella influential and inspirational to a lot of people, they’re extremely popular. An important person I’m hearing VIP. The it boy/girl. Everyone wants them, everyone wants to be them. They’re not cocky though, they’re all smiles and laughs, very joyous, I’m hearing for the celebrities, once you meet them and get to know them a little you’ll understand why they got fame. They’re so fun to be around. Fun and bubbly personality. They have loud voice. They’re very in demand. They know how to control a room. How to perform. They’re hella entertaining and I think they’re funny cos I’m feeling the urge to laugh and giggle. They may laugh a lot or giggle. You will find that cute. They’re not all about themselves, I see confidence but I also see that they’re a bit insecure too. They dress nice. They dress and look expensive. This is my glam and glitzy but humble pile. They’re such a fuccin joy. And they’re themselves regardless of what’s happening or who’s around. They are the essence of them and that shit is untouchable. They feel like people should see who they are, to love them and experience them to a full extent. They do enjoy the spotlight on them but I’m hearing they deserve it. They’re so litty. They remind me of me! I’m still feeling giggly and giddy, I feel this is how people feel around them (especially them celebs.). They are accepting too, they don’t judge, they’ve faced a lot of backlash and judgement from being who they are so this is the smack in their faces to your FS, their whole image can be about fuck society and their standards etc. I’m getting rocker energy from this pile so some of them can be famous rockers? I was getting the older numbers like 47, so some of you may have a FS in their 40’s, so what??? You’re all over 18 & you will know this person is your person, I feel this connection between you guys is that of a spiritual one. You can feel their spirit, it’s strong! Their presence is very powerful! This person is electric and everyone loves them! Nothing bad to say about this pile! Not really!
Alrighty my dearies! That’s it for part one of who’s your FS! Thank you for taking this ride with me and stay tuned for good ole part two coming soon!
Hope you have clarity!
Now Spread Love and Light!
EeeP Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 👋🏽
Heka 🕊️🏆
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joshlmbrt · 5 months
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Dream On. (s. harrington x reader)
cw; jealous steve, some loser trying his HARDEST, eddie making fun of steve, not canon complaint, based in the 90s’, yes this is based on dream on by aerosmith, kissing against a pool table in front of ppl, use of y/n ONCE - i’m sorry, it was needed 😭.
song; dream on - aerosmith
an; yes!!! jealous steve! this is my first time writing anything remotely to anyone being jealous - so it might not be that good!!!
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“Dustin was upset he couldn’t come,” Robin takes the drink Eddie slides over to her. She pulls the cherry out by the stem. “Had to study for a test. Well, Steve made him.”
“Hey!” Steve turns to look at the girl. “I know he’s smart, but I don’t want him to fail!”
“It’s okay, Stevie,” You lift your hand, pushing your fingers through his hair. “You just want what’s best for him.”
“See.” He points at you, nodding enthusiastically.
“Even if it means he can’t see his old pal.” You grin when you see his smile drop. Eddie chuckles and slides you the Miami Sunrise you ordered. “Thanks, Eds.”
He gives you a little wink. Steve narrows his eyes at him.
“And who are these lovely people?” A girl steps out from the back room. Her hair was teased to the Heavens and red lipstick perfected. Not a smudge in sight.
“Oh, these are my friends from Hawkins,” He introduces you all. “Guys, this is my lady, Foxy.” He wiggles his brows, tattooed arm slipping around her waist.
She gives a wave before pressing a kiss to his cheek, a small imprint of red being left behind. “See ya later. Steak?”
“And twice baked potatoes?”
“You got it, love.” She pinches at his chin. She walks off, red boots clicking as she goes.
“Marry me already!” He calls out. He was never afraid to make a scene when it came to the ones he loved deeply.
People around the bar looks towards him, brows lifted and some grumbling.
She laughs, slipping on the leather jacket and pulling her hair that was stuck from underneath. “Save up and buy me a ring and propose to me, then I’ll sleep on it.” She winks, pushing the doors open and walking out.
You turn to Eddie, brows lifting. “You gotta ‘lil something right here.” You tease, pointing to your cheek.
He looks away from the door, rolling his eyes. “Ha-ha. Funny.”
You laugh a bit, pressing a kiss to Steve’s cheek. “Come on, Robs. I believe you challenged me to some pool.” You slip off the stool, walking towards the pool table.
Robin blinks a couple of times before looking between Steve and Eddie. Her eyes land on Steve. “Do you think she’ll beat me?” She whispers.
He snorts, bringing the beer bottle to his lips. “Oh, yeah. Good luck.”
She grumbles, slipping out of her own seat. “I don’t have fifty bucks, so slip me a couple of bills, please.”
Steve’s brows lift.
She holds out her hand. “Cough it up. You owe me anyway.”
He rolls his eyes, pulling his wallet out, pulling out fifty bucks and placing it into her hand. “If you win, give it back. I do not owe you fifty.”
She grins and folds the money, stuffing it into her pocket as she walks away. She pats his back.
“She won’t give it back, will she?”
“No.” Eddie smirks, grabbing another beer and cracking it open for Steve, placing it in front of him.
An hour later, Stardust had become a little more crowded and a little more rowdy - not enough to make you all leave though.
You and Robin were still playing pool while Steve sat by himself, speaking to Eddie when he was free of customers.
“Uh… Steve,” Eddie had been peeking towards the pool tables that had a dim, dingy light above them. “I don’t want you to, like, freak out. But there’s a man who’s been at the pool table with Robin and Y/N. And I don’t think he’s interested in Robs.”
Steve’s brows pinch together and he turns to stare at the pool table.
The man in question was handsome - no doubt. Chiseled features, a tattoo sleeve with a couple of tattoos on his knuckles, brown hair with some blonde highlights.
“Does he come in here often?”
“Boy, does he? He’s in here every night flirting with anything that’s breathing and walking on two legs,” Eddie rolls his eyes, catching a hand at the end of the bar lift. “Hold on. I’ll be right bac-” He stops, watching as Steve makes his way over.
“-I’ll show you my favorite song.” And he even has good voice? Steve cannot win.
You peek up at him, lifting a brow. “What song would that be?” You tilt your head to the side. Robin notices Steve, making a face.
“Help.” She mouths.
He grins, turning and walking towards the jukebox in the corner. He slips in a quarter and picks Dream On.
Eddie groans internally when he hears the song - not that he dislikes it, but there is so many times you can play a song.
The man - Drew - steps back, pearly whites on show. Steve’s arm drapes over your shoulder. “Who’s this?” His voice cracks a bit.
Drew looks over at him, lifting a brow.
“Oh, this is Drew,” You point at him, shrugging. Steve’s eyes narrow at him. “Could you get me another drink?” You’re already staring at him with a smile.
He nods, pressing a kiss to your temple as he walks off. Robin goes with him. You curse her in your mind.
“So… I seen that you were having a bit of trouble.” Drew slowly walks towards you.
“With what?” You grab the chalk and rub it on the end of the stick.
“With pool,” You want to laugh in his face. “I could show you.”
“Sure,” Before he gets any closer, you slap the stick into his chest. He huffs. “Show me.”
He clears his throat. “Well, it’s kind of better to learn by actually showing you - if you know what I mean.”
You open your mouth to quickly retaliate. “Here’s that drink, babe.” Steve smiles.
“Thanks, honey.” You grab it from his hand, pressing a quick kiss to the side of his mouth.
Before you could fully pull away from Steve, his hand is grabbing the back of your head, pulling you closer and kissing you again. You squeak when your back hits the side of the pool table, the feeling of his hand traveling to the side of your neck.
He tasted faintly your mango chapstick he had stolen earlier, cherries he had snacked on, and beer, a weird but nice combination that. He grips at the side of your neck softly, his fingernails digging into your skin slightly, pulling away slowly.
He presses one last faint kiss to each corner of your mouth before pulling away fully and pushing your hair behind your ears.
He peeks over your shoulder and notices Drew was officially gone, making some ‘moves’ - if you could even call them that - on another poor girl.
You grin, wiping some gloss from his lip. “You’re so cute.”
He looks down at you, cheeks burning. “What?”
“You’re so cute when you’re jealous.”
“I wasn’t jealous.” He denies quickly.
You lift your brows. “No? Well, then I’ll get Drew. I’m dying to know what he was-”
“No!” He grabs your arm. He knew you wasn’t actually going to talk to Drew again, but just the thought irked him.
You grin at him and grab your glass and Steve’s hand, making your way back to the bar. “Don’t worry, Stevie. You’re the only one for me.”
“You’re cheesy.”
“And gross,” Eddie makes a face. Steve looks at him, face burning with embarrassment when he realizes what he did. “I have to disinfect the pool table.”
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for; @reidsbtch !!! i hope i did jealous!steve justice for u
steve tags; @officerrrfriendly, @lavendermunson, @keerygal, @queercodedcharacter, @halflifejess, @whisperingwillowxox, @alltoomay
thank you for reading! comments, reblogs, likes, feedback, & requests are encouraged, welcomed, & deeply appreciated!
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weirdgenetic-fuckup · 1 month
No Nut November - Steven
A/n: I had no motivation to write this but I'm happy it's finally done and I can add to this short series that people seem to be enjoying, oddly enough I don't expect this one to get the same love as the others just because it's Steven BUT I LOVE POPCORN
Warnings: Smut, oral sex, Steven being sad, reader admits to getting off on Steven in the middle of the night, if you think I missed something let me know otherwise enjoy :3
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No nut November was a stupid idea, he never should’ve brought it up. The month hadn’t even started yet and he was pissed.
He left the studio with a headache just thinking about what would happen when he eventually lost. Even after moving in with you he’s woken up multiple times with stains on his underwear, all while you were sound asleep beside him.
He blasted the radio on his way home. Once he got to your shared apartment he couldn’t bring himself to get out and just sat there listening to Aerosmith’s “Crazy”, and a whole lot of their other sad songs. How did the radio know what he needed? And why was it all one of his favourite bands? He didn’t know, but he took it as a sign anyway and sat in his self-pity.
Eventually you came out and knocked on his window. He rolled it down and looked up at you with sad eyes and pouty lips.
“Did something happen?” You asked, reaching out for him and holding his face in your hand. He shook his head. “Then why are you sad?” He took a deep breath and rolled the window up, turned the car off and got out.
“Let’s just go inside.” He mumbled, an arm going over your shoulder as he walked you back inside.
Steven went straight for the couch and turned the TV on to distract himself. You went to the kitchen and got dinner, the dinner you made before he got home. It was a little cold but edible nonetheless.
“You wanna talk about it?” You asked as you sat beside him. Steven poked at his food and slumped back on the couch.
“The guys and I have a bet going to see who can go a whole month without-” He stopped abruptly, not wanting to say it in front of your home cooked chicken.
“Without..?” You repeated softly, wanting him to finish what he was saying, though you had a pretty good idea on what he meant. “We can’t do anything for a month?” You finally asked, the drummer solemnly shook his head.
“It sucks ‘cause I know I’m gonna lose, I mean, I can’t even count the amount of wet dreams I get from just sleeping beside you.” You froze for a second. Steven must have seen that because he groaned. “Shit, sorry, I guess you didn’t know.”
“Guess I’ll have to stop doing that...” You muttered under your breath.
“You’ll stop doing what?” He looked at you with a smile, wanting to hear this dirty little secret you’ve been keeping from him.
“Well, it’s just,” you started, cheeks starting to heat up, “sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and-and you just look so pretty beside me...” You trail off, now it’s your turn to poke your food.
“Do you fuck me in my sleep?” He asked, sounding more proud than anything. You drop your fork with a huff.
“I don’t do that, I just- I may or may not...” You trail off again, poking your food once more.
“Do you get off on me in the middle of the night?” Steven asked with a big smile and bright eyes. You huffed again and that was all the confirmation he needed. “Oh, sweetheart, you could’ve just woken me up, I would’ve loved to help you out!”
“I know, but I don’t want to wake you up for something that simple when I know you won’t wake up if I just do it.” I look up at him with a small pout that quickly fades to a grin. “You sleep like a dead log, by the way.” You added with a chuckle. Steven scoffed and threw a cooked cut of carrot at you.
After that conversation Steven had more hope in this bet. Then he heard that Duff was out and he thought it would be even easier! The cherry on top was Axl getting out before him, oh he was teasing the ginger about it the rest of the day. Axl almost killed him for it, but he had no regrets.
He came home to you, hoping to tell you about it because he was so proud of himself for lasting longer than Axl, the man who started it. Kind of, it was mostly the drummer's fault for bringing up NNN in the first place. However, when he got home he found you already asleep on the couch.
Steven thought you were adorable, all curled up in your blankets with the TV on. God, he loved you so much.
He picked you up and carried you to bed, helping you out of your jeans and into something a little comfier before crawling into bed with you and falling asleep with his head on your chest, his favourite sleeping position.
“Stevie.” You whispered in his ear. “Come on, Stevie.” You gave him a little shake, trying to wake him up. When he didn’t stir you moved to sit on his lap, hovering over his limp dick with your hands planted on his fluffy chest. “Stevie~” You purred. “Stevie I need you~” You leaned forward and started kissing his neck, nipping at the sensitive skin and biting his earlobe.
Finally the man began to wake up. “What are you- Oh~” He hummed when he put two and two together. “Couldn’t wait till morning?” You shook your head and rolled over beside him.
“I know you can’t do anything but...” You trailed off, tracing shapes on his bare chest.
“But..?” He prompted. You looked up at him with pleading eyes and a pout you know he just can’t say no to.
“Please what?” His hand trailed up your arm and down your side before landing on your waist, giving it soft squeezes.
“What if you just fingered me or something?” You asked, thinking of other alternatives. Steven thought about it for a moment before crawling over you, slowly lowering himself further down the bed.
“I’ve got a better idea.” He mused as he tugged on the waistband of your shorts. His shorts, really, he got you into them because he thought they’d be more comfortable while you slept.
He pulled them off of you, as well as your underwear, and stayed like that for a moment just admiring your slick folds before delving into them. His tongue worked wonders on your sensitive parts, dipping into your cunt and circling your clit, sucking on the nub and making you go cross eyed with moans spilling out of you like a second language.
You had barely noticed that Steven had started grinding himself against the bed. His only thought was pleasuring you, though usually when he ate you out he’d do this, it was instinctual to get himself off on getting you off. He couldn’t help it, his drooling cock was bright red and ready to burst the same way you were, the knot in your gut quickly coming undone.
You screamed out his name, your hands pulling his hair as your thighs clamped down on his head. You often did that and he never complained once, rather loving the feeling of being locked to you.
You felt him moaning around you and when you looked down you could see he was twitching, he looked ready to cry.
“Oh, baby, what’s wrong?” You cooed, leaning forward a bit to get a better look at him. Steven got up and looked down to see a huge wet spot on his sweats, right where his cock was bulging through.
“I-I didn’t mean to-” He sputtered, clearly not over his high. You weren’t nearly as pent up as he’d been, getting yourself off whenever the need came about, the only difference was that Steven wasn’t the one getting you off. You hadn’t thought about how pent up he must’ve been, hell he probably didn’t put too much thought into it either.
“Well,” you started, still staring at his crotch, “if you’re out now there’s nothing keeping us from continuing... right?” You asked, looking  up at him.
“Yeah, but...” Steven trailed off.
“I’m tired.” He said and crawled back to the top of the bed so he could lay down. “Can you top?” He asked with a big grin. You returned the expression and happily climbed on top of him.
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i984 · 1 year
My Thoughts Echoing Your Name | Part 4
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|Pairing|: Wednesday Addams x gender neutral reader.
|Warnings|: Afraid of commitment! Wednesday Addams, reader cried ugly, lame banters, author gave up-ish on writing from paragraph 3, Jealous! Wednesday Addams, lame-ass guy still exists.
|Summary|: Even after Wednesday Addams broke your heart, the ache for her is unbearably still there.
|A/n|: I struggled with this one, there's 5 different drafts until I decided to just type whatever comes in mind, and here you have it, a not-last-part of Burning Red. Next and final part is out!
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It's coming from outside your window.
You strain your ears, and they manage to catch the all-too-familiar tune. It's frickin' Aerosmith blasting in the middle of the night.
Great. Now you look like an idiot from some cliche romantic comedy movie—tears streaming down your cheeks with snotty tissue papers scattered about your bedsheets, a pathetic teenager bawling their eyes out with a love song playing in the background.
Wednesday, the girl of your dreams, was never yours.
It feels funny. How you thought that after leaving Wednesday yet again for the second time that evening, you would finally find peace in the four walls of your dorm space. But instead, here you are, throat hoarse, eyes stinging, chest ragged, nose sniffling, and some psycho has decided to interrupt your much-needed de-stressing session.
The universe must hate you.
You plop down your bed while your eyelids close, drowning in the all-consuming black void while the faint chord of music continues to play. A sound escaped your lips. A defeated chortle. It sounded so weak that you were almost sure it hadn't come out of you, the voice so uncharacteristic of your usual relaxed, carefree laughter.
Memories of your latest cafe commotion flash through your mind, and you feel your heart sinks and touch your diaphragm.
Is this it? Have you been reduced to a heartbroken pathetic fool? The obnoxious images assault your brain, and you scream into your pillow as you give in to the torture, mind re-living the appalling incident at Weathervane.
"Whoa, who are you?" the man across from you and Wednesday asked, his trunk no longer attached to the sofa booth, legs standing up hurriedly at Wednesday's intimidating display.
Wednesday pulls the side of your body closer, both your hips bruisingly pressed to each other as she speaks, "I believe I should ask you the same question."
You squirm under Wednesday's tight grip, unable to decide if you should break free or admit defeat and stay at your place. You chose the latter, partly to assess the situation but also because you've stupidly missed her touch, despite how much you wish to smack the face of the girl standing beside you.
The man's face contorts into confusion before his brows shoot up and his mouth gapes, finally coming to an irksome realization.
"You- you're that outcast from the freak school, right?"
Wednesday, a freak, though she wasn't the only one.
"Your obviously puny brain might want to try coming up with something a little more descriptive than that."
The man ignored Wednesday's insult, finger now raised to point at the raven-haired girl. "No, yeah, I remember you. You're that crazy girl who played cello while the ceremony caught fire."
He takes a small step back from the two of you, the tissue paper in his hand now crumpled. "They said you were the one who staged it all."
"I have to say, the town's people here might not be too dense after all," came Wednesday's haughty reply, and you're starting to get sick of the pointless banter displayed.
The man turns his face to you, "We should go, like now."
You didn't move from your spot—or rather you can't. Wednesday's arm wraps around you more firmly, and you don't know if you hate the feeling of it; the hint of possessiveness in the gesture offers sweet promises and false hope.
Wednesday, the black dahlia that will be the death of you.
It doesn't take a genius to find out, so the next words that come out of the man's mouth are no surprise.
"Wait, you know this girl?" the person you've yet to learn their name asked, and when you didn't answer, he took another step back, his hands now coming up to pull on the base of his hair in horror.
"I can't believe you're friends with this psychopath," and you feel your stomach churn at the man's words. Not at his obviously condescending tone or the sudden behavior change but at the word he chose to use.
Wednesday, a friend. Is that how he sees the two of you?
Even a stranger seems to think this, so could it be true? Oh, how you want to say no because friends don't act this way. They don't get upset about dates; they don't go on those. The romantic kinds, at least.
Their hearts don't hammer against their chests, not when they hold each other's hands so tight they can feel the blood rush under their skin.
They don't swap spit and shove their tounges down each other's throats, and they won't get upset if one of them says that it's all that is. A kiss. After all, friends can kiss each other, right?
But most importantly, they don't get upset when strangers think they're indeed friends.
Wednesday now feels like a foe, and you know you've lost.
"But we're not friends, are we?" You finally turn your head to look at Wednesday's face, and when you see whatever cryptic expression she's got on her front, you lose all hope.
"We're nothing," your voice shakes in defeat, and your free hand tries to pry Wednesday's arm off you, "so I shouldn't have been upset."
"We're nothing," you lift the fingers gripping your hips tightly one by one, "you were right, and I was wrong."
"We're nothing," you look at her previously cold hand that now desperately holds yours, and you wonder if this may be the last time you'll ever get the chance to touch her, "so you should let me go."
You pull your hand to your side forcefully. The cold and the warmth were no more; it was just you.
"So I should go."
The cafe's doorbell chimes, and you leave Wednesday and the stranger behind you, not daring to look back at them, at her.
Because maybe if you do, you'll see that tears have stained her face just like yours have, and you don't know if you'll survive with the sight burned to your brain.
Wednesday, now a ripped page of the book you wish you could burn.
You open your eyes, and the light frays them, making your brows furrow as you groan into the room. The music was no longer there. Gone. Only deafening silence kills your heart and robs your soul. You feel so painfully alone.
Breathing in the air, you look up and see spiders making webs on your ceiling. They dance, weaving more web out, painting beautifully intricate patterns bit by bit.
Your mind calms down, the bitter thoughts now replaced with a name, and your mind holds to it and repeats it like a mantra.
You want to see her.
You want to feel her.
Your heart calls out her name.
Oh, you miss her.
"Wednesday." Your voice calls out her name; a knock answers.
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avecra · 2 years
Not My Babe
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summary: After a nasty break up to a nearly two year relationship, you find yourself dragged to a bar by your best friend, though a familiar blue-eyed biker makes the best of your crappy situation.
pairing: biker!bucky x reader
word count: 3.4k
warnings: angst and fluff, mentions of toxic relationship, violence, alcohol, smoking, biker!bucky is also protective!bucky
a/n - the title and some dialogue is partly based on #icanteven by The Neighbourhood and French Montana, let me know if you guys want a part 2 :)
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The smell of cigarette smoke and aged whiskey burned your nostrils all while you kept your hand encased with your best friend’s, following her into the packed bar. Rock music echoed against the walls, lyrics of Led Zeppelin and Aerosmith filled the air. You passed by a few people, before settling down at the far end of the bar.
You felt wildly out of place, glancing between the leather clad patrons and the grey sweater that sat over your shoulder. Nervously fiddling with your fingers, you saw Natasha plop herself on a stool next to you and place a gentle hand on your wrist.
“Relax, would you?” Her green eyes and soft smile seemed to relax you, but there was still an inkling feeling in the back of your head. “You are not together anymore, if he wants to make a big deal of you going out then he can talk to me.”
“Him being the horrid boyfriend, I presume?” You looked up at the sudden voice and smiled, seeing Sam Wilson behind the bar.
“Ex-boyfriend, actually,” Natasha cut in, a knowing smile, but you couldn’t even muster yourself to lift up the corner of your mouth.
Nearly two years was wasted, and you spent it chasing a man for affection that didn’t even care about you in the first place. A relationship that had started so beautifully, that had been filled with joy and happiness that had now developed into something that filled your days with misery.
Quentin Beck never showed you affection unless you were the one to initiate it, he never showed up on dates and when he did, he was always either staring down at his phone or up at a television set, watching whatever sports was on at the moment.
It didn’t just stop at that, though.
Continuous nights of coming home when it was nearing one or two in the morning, the stench of stale beer and the hint of floral perfume tearing you from your sleep as he slithered into bed. The times you questioned him about it, he brushed you off and told you in an annoyed voice, “Would you relax and stop being so dramatic? You were probably having another one of those dreams.”
Looking back, you put up a lot for a long time with him and his flaws. Always having to clean the apartment, do the dishes, the laundry, everything. Natasha had begged, practically pleaded you to leave and break up with him, but you always opposed that. He, unfortunately besides Natasha, was all you had. You had no one else.
Conversations about your relationship swirled between you and your best friend for months, until finally, you saw him kiss another woman’s neck in the small restaurant you had about to order from, you couldn’t tear your eyes away from how he gently held her waist and caressed her face when he moved to cup her cheek.
It physically hurt you.
Not the fact that your boyfriend was kissing another woman in a bar, but the fact that in the past year of your relationship, he ever showed you an ounce of the love and affection he showed her.
You finally decided that was the final straw and broke up with him the day after. Natasha and a few of her friends volunteered themselves to help move you out of his apartment and in with Natasha.
To say it had been a stressful past few weeks would be an understatement, dealing with moving and adjusting to a life without him, Natasha instead that the two of you meet up with her friends, to let yourself loose.
And now, you found yourself sitting in a bar surrounded by people who you had only met on a few occasions, but Natasha had told them enough to get a good read off of you.
“And I presume that’s a good thing?” Sam’s voice tore you out of your thoughts. Natasha nodded her head a little too enthusiastically and you moved your gaze to his and nodded. “Well, good riddance to his ass. What’s your drink, sugar?”
“I guess a vodka cranberry,” you replied, unsure if you really wanted it.
In all truth, Beck always seemed to discourage you whenever you ordered yourself anything remotely alcohol, he would advise you to take it easy and to order something else in a bitter tone. But Natasha knew you better than anyone else.
“No, give her a whiskey sour. I think she’ll like that,” She slung an arm around your shoulder and leaned her temple against yours. “I know it feels like everything is falling apart, but I’m really glad you’re here with me tonight. I missed my best friend.”  
The familiar sting of tears pricked at the back of your throat and you leaned into her embrace. Sam placed your drink on the napkin in front of you, handing Natasha a beer.
“I missed you, too, Nat.” you said back, taking your drink and clinked it against her bottle. You took a sip of your drink, and you looked at Sam with a gleam in your eyes. “Oh, I like that.”
“See? Don’t I know my friends?” The redhead smirked as she took a sip from her bottle, eyes glinting with excitement when she heard the deep familiar voice of the owner.
“Probably knows us all better than we know ourselves.”
You turned your head to see James, or Bucky as he liked to be called, walk up to the bar, several bottles of alcohol in hand as he began to stock the bar. Striking blue eyes met yours and he sent you a smile.
“The shipment just came in,” Bucky spoke to Sam. “Just stock it up in the freezer and Nat and Steve will go over the inventory tomorrow morning.”
Sam nodded and looked to Natasha, nudging his head to the back, where the inventory was waiting to be put away. Then, she turned to you with a gentle hand on your wrist.
“You gonna be okay if I help Sam out?” she asked and you nodded, pushing out a smile for her. She squeezed your arm and murmured how she wouldn’t be long. You watched her until she disappeared into the back before returning your gaze to your drink.
From behind the bar, Bucky watched as you trailed a finger up the side of your glass, catching the condensation before it touched the bartop. He lifted up your drink and placed a napkin below and leaned his elbows against the counter.
Bucky had been one of the first to know of your messy breakup with Beck. Afterall, he and Sam were both sitting with Natasha in the near empty bar when you called her, crying and almost hyperventilating after a two hour screaming match with him.
He had driven his truck to the apartment you shared with Beck and watched as Natasha dashed out of the backseat to you, pulling you into her arms. A shared look with Sam and Natasha was leading you to the truck, helping you inside before rushing inside to pack you a bag of essentials, some things to hold you over until you could properly move out.
The tissues that sat unopened in his glove box were offered to you, and your glossy eyes met the soft hues of his blue ones and more tears filled your eyes. The night was a blur to you, but you could distinctly remember him getting out of the driver's seat to comfort you until Natasha returned.
It was the simple acts of kindness, like when he placed a hand on your trembling back, rubbing soothing circles across your tense shoulders. Or when he helped pack and move your belongings from Beck’s apartment to Natasha’s.
You had only known him for a few months, but he had shown you more care than Beck had in the two years together.
“How are you?” Bucky asked as you took another sip. You shrugged and propped your head up on the palm of your hand.
“I don’t know,” you sighed. “One day I’m fine, the next day I just want to cry my eyes out for a guy who treated me like shit, now that I realize.” It never dawned on you how horribly he had treated you during your relationship. How he never liked you going out with Nat, or just going out in general unless it was with him. He could go out with his friends, but you had to stay home. He despised when you came home from work late, and would often pressure you into cooking even though you were exhausted. “I’m so stupid for staying with him for so long.”
You quickly downed the rest of your drink and winced at the sour taste before running the back of your hand over your forehead. The urge to cry tore its way through you, but you fought the desire.
Bucky placed a cup of water in front of you and  brushed his fingers lightly over your knuckles. “Please don’t talk about yourself like that. You are not stupid, don’t think that you are.”
His voice was soft, and though he was dressed in dark jeans and a black t-shirt with tattoos lining his arms, he was always gentle when he spoke to you. You had seen him get rousey and excited during football games shown at the bar, but even then, he still remained a gentle person.
Parts of you wished Beck could have been more like Bucky… or that Beck was Bucky. If Beck had been more like him, maybe you wouldn’t have been in a bar drinking your pain away, but you couldn’t change the past, though you desperately wish you could.
“You have such a beautiful personality, don’t let that asshole take that from you again. Don’t let him hurt you even more.” Blue eyes held so much intensity as they gazed into yours and you could feel your cheeks heat up.
“Thank you, Bucky,” you said, mustering up a small smile. He winked at you and took your empty glass off the bartop and you asked, “can I have another?”
But Bucky was already a step ahead of you, placing a freshly made whisky sour in front of you. He watched you with a smile as you took a sip, sighing in content as the lemony alcohol satisfied the pain. “The guys and I have really enjoyed your company. We really like it when Nat invites you to the bar.”
You let out a hearty huff and smiled at him. “I like hanging out with you. I feel like I can… I can just finally be me.”
“It’s a good look on you,” Bucky said with a cheeky smile and he leaned forward. “But seriously, it doesn’t matter how long you stayed with him, or how poorly treated you. What matters is that you are away from him.” Tears gathered at your waterline. “Besides, you’re way too beautiful for him anyways. It’s his loss.”
You were at a loss for words, you couldn’t help the bashful smile and the heat that spread across your face like a wildfire. The way he spoke to you made your stomach flutter, the calm ocean blue of his eyes brought you to a safe place, away from all the toxicity you had faced.
“Thank you, James.” you whispered, blinking away the tears, though one escaped down your cheek. Before you could wipe it away, Bucky beat you to it, catching your tear with the pad of his thumb. He dropped his hand and brushed his fingers over the back of your hand and over your fingers.
As he was about to say something, a few patrons down the bar flagged for his attention. He nodded to them and turned back to you, pushing himself up from the bar. You watched him in content as he gave you a small smile and and you reached out and placed a hand over his tattooed wrist.
“I’ll be okay. Go help your customers,” you gently told him.
“I’ll only be a minute, doll,” He nodded and gave you one last smile before making his way down the bar. Your stomach fluttered at the nickname and you kept your eyes on his back until he was down at the other end of the bar, pouring whiskey into glasses and pulling out beer bottles from the cooler. You forced yourself to pull your gaze away from him, opting to swirl the straw around your drink.
Absorbing yourself in the atmosphere, you looked around, seeing how some patted each other’s back and laughed, some cheered to who knows what, and others placed bets on who would win in a game of pool.
Everyone knew each other around here, and the thought made your heart warm. The music wasn’t too bad either, as the jukebox played mostly classic rock, you still enjoyed it. The atmosphere in general you enjoyed.
You silently thanked Natasha in your head for dragging you tonight, though you had no interest originally, but being around Bucky and talking to him lifted your spirits. The thoughts of Beck and being with him instantly flew out of your mind.
Until you felt an all too familiar presence behind you, followed by the same nauseating stench of his cologne.
You turned around with wide eyes as you came face to face with your ex-boyfriend. Quentin Beck looked at you with an annoyed, malicious smirk. You couldn’t help but scoot closer to the bartop as his eyes raked over your form.
“What are you doing here?” You were the first one to speak, though your voice wavered. Your last encounter with him had been a two hour screaming match that left you sobbing and trembling.
Beck let out a dry chuckle and shook his head. “What am I doing? What are you doing, Y/n? Who the hell brings you to a place like this? I know we had our ups and downs, but really, a biker bar?”
Ups and downs? You swallowed thickly and stared back at him, biting your lip to ground yourself.
“Quentin, you cheated on me. With another woman. All the downs came from you, not me. We did not have ups and downs, you did,” you retorted, trying to hide the tremble in your hands. Your heart beated rapidly against your ribcage. “You can’t control where I go and who I go with anymore. You threw that away when you cheated.”
“For the love of-”
“Did it make you feel bad when you cheated on me? Did I even cross your mind for a second? Did those years mean nothing to you?” you spewed, and he stood with wide eyes that began to fill with anger. “You’re gonna say I’m overreacting even though you know I am right.”
Brown eyes flared with anger and he reached out and grasped your bicep tightly, pulling you up from your seat. You quickly pushed him a few feet away and looked for Bucky down at the end of the bar, but dread sank in your stomach as you found the space vacant. Beck grabbed you again, this time with a much firmer grip on your wrist.
“You keeping talking like that and I swear to god Y/n, I’ll-”
But before he could finish his sentence, Beck was ripped away and the tight grip on your wrist was released. Wide eyes focused on Bucky’s back as he stood himself in front of you, acting as a shield from Beck.
Patrons paid Bucky no attention, merely moving out of the way to give him more area. Beck, who had landed on his rear, pushed himself up to his feet and stood up to meet Bucky, unprepared for the height advantage Bucky had on him.
“Oh please, Quentin, I beg you to finish that sentence. ‘Cause that’ll give me just about another reason to beat the living shit out of you,” Bucky announced to him, piercing blue eyes narrowed on him.
Your shaking hand touched Bucky’s black shirt, and he immediately snuck a hand behind his back  and you quickly latched onto his hand. Beck noticed, it only made him angrier.
“You talk about me cheating, bitch? Yet here you are, giving yourself to a biker nonetheless, whore.” You trembled at his venom laced words.
Bucky’s hand was ripped out of yours and you looked up to see Bucky punch Beck right in the nose. You clasped your hands over your mouth as patrons around the three of you cheered and applauded.
Natasha and Sam came running out to see Bucky leaning over Beck, who was nursing a bloody nose. Natasha made her way over to you, placing an arm on your shoulder as she looked to see if you were okay.
Though Sam did nothing but watch with a gleeful smirk as Bucky grabbed Beck by the collar of his jacket and whispered in his ear, “You come near her again or call her anything other than her name, and I swear to god I’ll make your life a living hell. If she so much as sheds a single tear, it’s over for you, Beck. Do I make myself clear?”
“Good. Now get the fuck out of my bar.”
You couldn’t hear what Bucky said, but you watched and took your hand away with surprised eyes as Bucky released beck and stood up, wringing his hand out. It was only then did you notice the irritated skin of his knuckles.
“Are you okay?” You tore your gaze from Bucky to Natasha, her hands smoothing over your sweater and your bruising wrist.
“I’m okay, Nat,” you mumbled, though you weren’t sure if it was entirely true. You were expecting a night with your best friend but instead saw the one person you dreaded seeing. Bucky made his way over to you, looking to see if you were okay, but you caught his hand in your grasp. “You’re bleeding, Bucky.”
He didn’t feel the stinging of the minor knicks on his knuckles, but he took a glance at the bruising skin of your wrist. “And you’re bruisin’ up, doll. Let me put some ice on that.”
You nodded and allowed him to lead you away from the busy bar to the back office, not before scooping some ice into a cup. He led you to sit on the small couch he kept in the office, and as he sat down next to you, he rolled up your sleeve and pressed the ice against your skin.
“Are you okay?” Bucky asked quietly, and you sighed, blinking away the tears that formed at your waterline. You didn’t feel okay, but with Bucky next to you, in the moment, you felt more than okay.
Nodding your head, you fully expected him to get up and return to the bar, but he stood himself still in his seat next to you. “Thank you for what you did.”
Bucky shook himself and caught your gaze. “You don’t have to thank me, doll. I didn’t like how he was holding onto you. I’m sorry about my temper, but once he called you all those horrible things, I couldn’t help myself. You deserve someone who will treat you the way you deserve to be treated.”
He wiped away the tears that leaked out of your eyes and you grasped his forearm in appreciation. “Thank you, Bucky.”
The two of you sat while he continued to hold the ice to your wrist. His thumb caressed the soft skin of your arm, goosebumps littered your arms and you felt yourself leaning into his embrace.
“Do you think that maybe, whenever you find yourself ready again, I could maybe take you out on a date?” Bucky asked a moment later.
A heat spread across your face as you looked at him. Cerulean eyes stared back at you and a soft smile lit up your face. After a nasty breakup with Beck, you hadn’t even considered anyone else.
But spending the evening talking to Bucky, feeling the fluttering butterflies in your stomach from someone who genuinely made you smile, made you feel something, it was hard to not have some sort of attraction to him.
So, you looked up at him and nodded, “Yeah, I would really like that.”
It would be okay, you decided as Bucky pressed a kiss to your knuckles. Maybe a little rocky to start, but eventually everything would be okay.
Afterall, you had a tattooed biker at the end of the tunnel, waiting for you.
Yeah, everything is gonna be okay.
Part 2
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theone-eyedowl · 1 year
“Don’t stop!” Mista x Reader smut
You an Mista are sent on surveillance for Passione. When it gets boring, you know how to bring the thrill.
Disclaimer: This is literally porn with plot lol, read at your own risk!
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It was simple really. Buccellati had sent the three of you to survey potential drug dealers. So how did you wind up in an alley with Mista’s dick in your throat——I’ll tell you.
After learning of potential stand users selling drugs in a sketchy neighborhood, Don Giovana sent you, Mista and Narancia to confirm these allegations. With Buccellati stepping down to be your capo, he made sure to carry out the Don’s every wish. With circled map locations, the three of you pile into the car and head toward the scene.
While waiting for what seems like an eternity, a suspicious man walks through the door of the warehouse you’re watching. Mista confirms this information with Buccellati on the phone and orders Narancia to go seek vantage and detail on the people inside the building. “Aerosmith!,” he shouts— summoning his stand to arise in a buzz of lively motion. He runs out of sight to get a better look.
Thirty minutes later, a call from Buccellati confirmed that Narancia’s Stand identified 8 people inside the warehouse and instructed you to wait them out. As the boredom takes over you in the shady alley, you get an idea. You two have always had a thick tension between you both, like a rubber band waiting to snap. Licking your lips, watching his breath rise and fall, revolver tucked in the front of his pants and right above his bulge. You start to run your fingertips under the gunslingers cropped sweater. With a look of interest, you suggest a way to pass the time. “Let me suck it ,” you whispered. With no hesitation, he quickly unbuckled his pants.
You drop to your knees in the alley while he keeps a lookout, hands wrapped around your locs. Licking from his happy trail down to his boxers and begin to leave small nips over his clothed cock. He hisses and begs you not to tease. You release his fat, long dick from his boxers, with it springing out and hanging near your face from the sheer size and girth. Licking his tip and swirling your tongue while you grip his balls. “Fuuuuuck Y/N” he whines. You began to bob your head up and down his length deep throating, and swallowing his dick. Your glossy, plump pink and brown lips wrapped snug around him. Sounds of sloppy sucking, whines and muffled moans echo from the alleyway.
“Mista!” A Voice calls out. “Merda!!!” He exclaims, “it’s Narancia,” he whispers to you. And as you begin to lift off he places his hand on the back of your head and looks at you with piercing eyes. “Don’t stop! Don’t you dare fucking stop, keep sucking me like a good little slut.”Mista commands. These words send tingles right to your puss, making you whine and suck faster. His hips buck and his eyes roll back, groaning and whining in ecstasy. With a deep thrust and a loud cry of your name, he cums in your throat.
“ Fuck princessa,” he groans rubbing your cheek. You stand up and wipe your mouth, while he straightens himself up. “Oh shit Mista, Narancia!” you remember.
“Don’t worry about him”, a voice in the alley calls out. “You guys are finally done, he was looking for you two.” “Abbachio!,” you exclaim in embarrassment. “We were just-,” “Save it and let’s go before I tell your capo,” he interrupts. You all go to the car, with your head hung in shame. While on the ride home, Abbachio looks at you from the rear view mirror with a wink.
Mission accomplished.
Pt.2??? Lemme know in the comments.
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Slizzy Appreciation Day
Part IV
"I was working in the Hollywood Music Store the day a slinky guy dressed like Johnny Thunders came up to me.  He was wearing tight black jeans, creepers, dyed black hair, and pink socks. He had a copy of my Aerosmith drawing ... This guy had been inspired enough to seek me out, especially when he heard I was a lead guitar player."
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Izzy and Slash
Slizzy Appreciation Day
Part IV
Slash was drowned, he was washed up, left for dead.
Izzy was crowned with a spike right through his vein ...
But it's all right now, in fact it's a gas.
Yes it's a-a-a-a-all ri-i-ight, I'm Jumpin' Jack Flash, it's a gas, gas, gas
Ooh, yeah! Sha-na-na-na-na-nah, honey!
I love and miss these guys together. I also understand time changes things and people move on. I still appreciate and enjoy all the great music they made together. Here's to my favorite guitar duo of all time - Slash and Izzy Stradlin.
(Above quote from Slash's 2007 self-titled autobiography)
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depravitymoon · 8 months
The Dark Side Of Narancia (cont)
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This is part 2 to my Yandere Narancia post. I wanted the previous post to still be considered Safe For Work horror. Now, this post gets more violent and Not SFW. Furthermore, thank you guys SO MUCH for getting it over 250+ notes. I was not expecting it to get that popular. 
Note: Some of Narancia’s dialogue is in all caps. Yes, I know that can be annoying but it’s on purpose because Narancia’s being annoyingly unhinged.
Warning: Violence, Dub-Con, Non-Con, Knifeplay.
Level 7: 
For most darlings, they’d only see Level 6 Narancia. Level 7 Narancia is if you really insist he’s an asshole and to destroy his delusions.
This results in Narancia getting violent with you. He holds you down and warns you to stop being an ass. 
If you continue to resist, he’ll cut you.
If you keep trying to fight him (or worse, start a stand fight), he’ll use Aerosmith to shoot up your legs. Have fun trying to fight/escape him now.
Also, your closest loved ones are now free game to injure (or worse).
Not SFW + Level 7: 
Since fucking solves marital problems in movies….. fucking must be the solution to your behavior!
Narancia loves knife play. Plus being on-edge, he’s sliding that knife against your body. 
To clarify, he’s sliding the flat part against your skin…..unless you keeping fighting him.
Typically, the blade part is tearing at your clothes. Don’t worry! Narancia will pay for more clothes! 
Trust Narancia! He’s gonna make you feel so good! 
He’ll overstimulate you without mercy. You’re relaxed, right? You forgive him, right? 
While he tries to fuck you gently, he's too mad. He ends up fucking you like he hates you.
It's a good thing he still preps you, because his thrusts show no mercy.
C’mon! You’ll never find a lover that can please you like he can! He’s not stopping until you forgive him!
Narancia has high stamina, so it is possible for him to go multiple rounds a night.
You’ll be forced to forgive him if you want the ‘love making’ to end. 
Not SFW + Level 1 to 6:
Narancia's thoughts on consent? OPTIONAL. You're not in the mood? You dont want to fuck Narancia at all? Just let him fuck you and you'll change your mind! You wont regret it.
Knifeplay is still there, but if he’s in a good mood, you can talk him down and he’ll discard the switchblade.
He focuses on getting you off. Oral is his favorite method. He’s always worried his hands are too rough for fingering/Handjobs.
He’ll still overstimulate you and pleasure you without mercy. How can you think about other people when he treats you so good?! 
Only an idiot can't see how good he is to you and he knows you're smarter than that!
He’ll force you to look him in the eyes while you two fuck missionary.
“Mielo! Don’t look away! You have so many sexy faces! It drives me wild!” 
Extra Notes:
Narancia doesn’t like being considered a baby nor cute. That doesn’t stop him from acting like a cute baby to his advantage. Just dont say it to his face. 
Narancia also pays your bills to keep you dependent on him. This is an aged up Narancia, so he should have some semblance of  adult responsibilities.
I still can’t see him kidnapping you. I dont think Narancia really wants that responsibility and I doubt the Bucci gang would allow him to take him that responsibility. Invading your home and paying the bills seems more efficient.
When Narancia doesn’t care about someone, he’s extremely willing to resort to violence.  Even burn down a whole street, remember? Before he tries to hurt you, he will hurt your loved ones. 
In fact, Narancia can unintentionally blackmail you into obeying him. I say unintentionally because he was about to stab your cousin for insisting you dump Narancia, but you doing what Narancia wants distracts him from his bloodlust. 
Narancia may be the cutest yandere of the Bucci Gang, but he's not harmless. As a consequence of being so childlike, he's unhinged and prone to temper tantrums. Personally, I'd suggest manipulating him so his dark side is tolerable. Just dont make it obvious you're manipulating him, because he will take betray harder than anyone else.
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zepskies · 4 months
Hi! I would love to hear what Ben thinks of the reader's music and what HIS favorite music is. Just picturing a grumpy, old Ben grumbling about "music nowadays" 😂
Hey there, lovely Anon!
Ohohooo, what a great question. 😂 I too can imagine Mr. Grouch trying to understand modern music:
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I briefly explored this in Part 5 of Break Me Down, when they're (playfully) arguing about music:
And you talked—about the old-ass TV shows he never got to see the end of, and the new music he hated. You’d enjoyed (gently) teasing him about being an old man who didn’t understand Cardi B when you played it on his phone. You suspected he didn’t quite understand how all the bells and whistles worked on an iPhone yet. (But he’d taken it back from you before you could text anyone.) “In my day, there was a little more fucking class,” he’d said. “Sinatra. Nat King Cole. Christ, the fucking Beatles.”  You’d rolled your eyes at that. You liked all those guys too, actually. But that didn’t mean you couldn’t bang out all the words to “Bodak Yellow” and “Please Me.”
😂 A little more fucking class indeed, Benjamin.
As a more general Soldier Boy (Ben) x Reader situation, I explored Ben vs. 90s music in this imagine: Taking Ben to a 90’s themed club.🕺🏻
A highlight from that one:
For a while he just sits at the bar with you while you catch up with your friends. You're so damn excited, he can tell. The inside of the club is interesting, he supposes, with dim lighting and a DJ on the stage with a very sophisticated looking setup that Ben finds wholly unfamiliar. The music, however, is ass so far. What the fuck is this, Hip Hop? Rap? R&B? He can't tell, and he doesn't know any of the songs. It sounds like a bunch of fucking whining. And don't get him started on whatever you call grunge.
But as for Ben's favorite music...
It's my headcanon that he personally identified with the likes of Frank Sinatra ("My Way"), Dean Martin, Bing Crosby, Mel Torme, Nat King Cole, etc. He definitely would've come into adulthood on that and sought to emulate their lifestyle, not just like their music.
Him coming up in the 40s, he probably would've (secretly) liked a bit of Doris Day and Ella Fitzgerald. (In BMD world, it would probably remind him of his mother.)
But there's also some edge to him. He would've embraced some "free love" to to speak lol, so getting through the 60s and 70s, I think he would've liked the Beatles, Rolling Stones, maybe some Bruce Springsteen, Billy Joel, and Aerosmith coming into the 80s.
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Interestingly, from that scene in the Legend's penthouse we know he had Air Supply on in the background, so maybe he's secretly into some classic love songs from the 70s/80s. 😂 Maybe some Bee Gees, Spandau Ballet, stuff like that...
Though God forbid someone try to tease him about it.
Especially when he starts to dip into some of your music when you're not looking. 😏
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guardian5tiger3 · 1 year
Tarot & intuitive messages from spirit.
What did /do your dream(s) mean? .
2. 3.
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Option 1
So your dreams come off pretty fantasy like , not as based in this reality and it's probably just cause that's what you're soul is craving right now. That's super dope. I thought of dragon tales that old kids show for some reason but I can see how for someone that energy matches. So you really look at dreaming time as an opportunity to be free. But I think whatever goes on in your dreams it is real dimensions you're in. I see you seriously visiting aliens and people you want to see in your waking hours. You might fight some people sometimes. All of this just seems like you're doing things that you desire to do when you're awake so you're kind of just being more free and adventurous when you are in the sleeping state. If any of you are having nightmares it is symbolic of something you're trying to resist. But I'm not even sure if you guys remember your dreams or the ones I just read about lol. Super dope though. Like really .aliens. Damn.
Option 2
Okay the energy I'm getting so far is kind of off...you guys if the dreams are bad or good are doing a lot of healing work in your dreams ,mostly for yourself. You guys really seem like you're having nightmares or just offputting dreams like weird or creepy almost. But a lot of this is sort of like a blessing in disguise cause somehow you're using it to your advantage to heal , like I said. I think your subconscious mind uses your dreams to confront fears so it's easier on you whatever you may be scared of in your waking reality.
It seems like you guys are healers and or super deep individuals and I think the dreams you're having are making you feel significantly better and come off that way to others because of the healing you're doing in your sleep. ⭐awesome you guys. Proud of y'all.💗
Option 3
At the end of this guess what song came on the radio‼️dream on by Aerosmith. Please go listen to it.
Seems like you're dreaming of things that are helping you cope with your reality when you're awake. You might be dreaming of someone you know in this reality. It kind of seems like a crush of yours for some of you I'm sure it is or it is a desirable version of someone that was or is in your life. I'm being guided to suggest that you guys look into other readings you guys also feel free to request one from me you can message me if you want or you can also make an ask anonymous . I think spirit wants to tell you a lot bout other subjects. Spirit loves you guys so much it seems like some of you are really fighting and the song that just came on I'm just getting that they really want you to go within your heart and soul because that's where your paradise lies and I can't even explain this energy almost but it reminds me of my younger self. Not that much younger like me my whole life and I just had a breakthrough onto better things about a year ago. You are a sweet beautiful warrior soul and you don't have any clue how loved you are. I'm getting teary eyed. You guys seriously message me and I will give you a reading any one you want or general.
This isn't gonna resonate with everybody , but the next song that came on the radio is called heart and soul by t'pau.
One love 💛
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girls-alias · 5 months
Liquid Courage - Sam Winchester
Title: Liquid Courage - Sam Winchester
Words: 716
Relations: Sam Winchester X Reader
TW: Drinking,
Asking Sam out on a date.
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Drinking in a bar with friends. Builds the courage with shots. I huffed as I sat beside Chloe, my best friend. Their conversations stopped as the three of them looked at me. Friends since school. 
"Rough day?" Rachel asked as she pushed a shot towards me. I snatched it from the table and drank it within a second. I nodded as the liquid slipped down my throat. 
"First rounds on me," I commented as I slammed my hands on the table and rose to my feet. I approached the bar and was instantly seen too. "12 shots of tequila rose please," I commented and the bartender nodded. 
"I hope they're not all for you." I heard a guy ask beside me with a chuckle. 
"I wish," I commented slightly sarcastically. A lot of drinks later, my friend gave me an idea.
"We need more drinks, anyone still got money?" She asked and the idea sparked, I couldn't help but smirk as I took my jacket off. 
"I'll be right back," I commented to my girls and they all nodded as I got up. I focused on the steps as I walked up them. The band smiled at me. "Can I use your guitar?" I asked as he continued to play. The guy chuckled as he looked at the rest of the band. They all shrugged so he helped me onto the stage and handed me his electric guitar and put the strap over my head. "Try and keep up," I commented. 
I started strumming the guitar and playing 'Walk This Way' by Aerosmith and my friends cheered the loudest. I hadn't shown anyone my playing so I suspected they were surprised. The rest of the band joined in. I approached the mic and started singing. My girls screamed for me having no idea of the secret talent I had been keeping. 
The band sang some harmony in the chorus and the entire bar seemed to be excited. As the song progressed I got really into it. The whole bar was shouting along and enjoying it. Once the song was finished everyone was cheering and whistling. The alcohol inside me only made me giddy. My girls started shouting for more and everyone joined. I chuckled and started playing Queens 'Another One Bites The Dust'. The crowd got more into it and people started pouring into the bar till it was packed. People were clapping and singing along. I couldn't stop smiling, this has turned the worst day into an amazing day. Once again as soon as the song was over the crowd erupted. They were shouting for more. 
"I'm done thank you," I commented into the mic before stepping away but realised something and stepped back. "Me and my friends are sat at that table, feel free to send us drinks," I added as I pointed to the table my friends were going crazy at and the crowd cheered as I handed the bass back and approached the table everyone seemed to be patting me on the back. I was at the table for 30 seconds before it was practically full of drinks. My girls and I laughed. After drinking way too much the bar was still buzzing. I approached the bar looking out for the guy I had talked to earlier. I played my stumbles off. I leant on the bar beside him. He smiled at me. 
"I'm Y/N and this is my number," I confidentially explained and he chuckled. 
"I'm Sam, nice playing. I was just saying to my brother that you have a good musical taste." He added as he gestured to his brother who was also extremely handsome. Whatever they were drinking growing up needs to be marked as holy water. Holy shit they're hot.
"Maybe I can give you a private show?" I asked making him chuckle. 
"I'll call you," he added making me smile. 
"You better," I added before winking and walking back to my table. People still congratulating me. My girls laughed and squealed. 
"You wouldn't do that sober in a million years," Chloe chirped making me giggle. 
"After losing my job and not being able to pay rent I can be whoever I want to be!" I cheered and other random people cheered around me making us all laugh.
Working On
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nikkistradlinhemmings · 5 months
Dream girl// Izzy stradlin smut, part one<3
-Female y/n-
(Part two - https://www.tumblr.com/nikkistradlinhemmings/738058350804287488/dream-girl-izzy-stradlin-part-two )
(Sorry if there are any mistakes, I have not yet properly proofread)
Warnings: P & V sex, losing virginity, oral sex, fingering, submissive, dirty talk, smoking, swearing, alcohol, partying, etc….
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Summary: Izzy had a really realistic dream of a fellow famous rockstar daughter. He tried to find her and bumps into her at her house party.
Izzy sat himself at the bar in the rainbow, on the strip, he ordered him self a drink, he thought to light a cigarette, he pulled out his pack, and placed one in his mouth, slightly hanging form his lips as he panicked looking though his pocket in his leather jacket to fine his lighter. Which he did not have. He let out a sigh…
Her turned to his left and saw a gorgeous girl sitting there.
“Hey miss you got a lighter?” He asked him his raspy voice, “oh uhh yeah here” she said handing him her lighter, he slightly took it from her and lights his cigarette. He blows smoke into the air that smells of ash and tobacco. “I’m y/n by the way” she said trying to be nice and friendly.
Izzy smiles at her, he has dimple on his cheeks too. he blows out one more puff of smoke as he lowers his cigarette from his lips "Nice to meet you, y/n. You come here often?" “Eh not really” Izzy notices her demeanour and smiles at her, taking another puff of smoke “You a drinkin' kind of girl?" “More of a whisky girl myself”
"Yeah, same here. Bartender? Bring me and the pretty lady a whiskey each" Izzy orders the drinks for them both as he leans on the bar, looking her up and down as he talks to her. The bartender comes back with your drinks and passes it to them both. The bar is somewhat loud as they both get their glass to drink from, the crowd of people seems to be dancing and smiling as y/n both take a sip from their drinks. After a few seconds, Izzy looks y/n in the eyes and says
"You know, I like you. We should grab a table and have a good conversation."
“Alright” she said agreeing with him. Izzy takes her by the hand to one of the free tables in the corner of the bar. He takes a seat opposite to y/n, and slides a little closer to her as she take another sip from her drink. He looks at y/n as y/n look at him, and then he leans over and places his hand on her thigh. “You know I caught ur name” she said breaking the silence. “I never threw it” he said shrugging his right shoulder. “Oh. Cliche.” She said joking with him.
Izzy gives you a sly smile as he leans forward more. "Oh, forgive me. I'm Izzy Stradlin. Rhythm guitarist for gun n rose and..." his hand moves up her thigh a little bit further while he's still speaking but he pauses when he notices she flinch. Izzy pulls his hand away as soon as he takes notice of her reaction to his touch. He pulls back for a second and then laughs softly
"Hey, my apologies. You must get lots of guys hitting on you all of the time, huh?" “Oh yeah a lot of rockstars… wait you said guns n’ roses… right?”Izzy smiles as he nods his head at y/n, "Yes, that's right! I play rhythm guitar for gun n roses" “I think you played a show with my dad” she said lighting her own cigarette.
Izzy perks up with excitement in his voice "Wait... who's your father?” “Steven Tyler, from Aerosmith…” y/n said taking a drag from her cigarette then a sip of her whisky. Izzy's eyes get wide as he realizes that she is saying Steven Tyler, the lead singer of Aerosmith is her father.
"You're Steven Tyler's daughter?" “Live in the flesh, any way how old are you Mr stradlin” she said lightly laughing. Izzy laughs as he sips from his drink. "Call me Izzy, please. And I'm 25 years old". He pauses for a second and then smiles at you as he starts to speak again. "Tell me, how old are you, dear?" “21, and imma call ya Mr stradlin deal with it” she continues to laugh. He laughs one more time before taking a sip of his drink, “alright miss Tyler… I’ll deal with it. So you’re 21 yeah? I thought someone as young and beautiful as yourself would need to have a group of friends around, you know parties, dancing?” He said wondering about her and her personality.
“Young? You’re like 4 years older than me” she said with a surprise look in her face from him calling her young… Izzy laughs as he shakes his head
"Come on, darling, when you're in your 20's, 4 years feels like 10 years. You're still so young and full of energy when you're in your 21, you would never stop dancing and singing the whole night with your friends."
“Nah fuck that, I’d rather stay home and play guitar and make music you know?” She said siping from her drink. Izzy pauses for a few seconds before smiling at y/n.
"I get it now.... Your father being in Aerosmith and everything. You play rock music too, don't you?"
“Ding, ding, ding!” She said slightly being sarcastic. Izzy laughed finding her amusing and never feeling like that with anyone..
"So I'm talking to someone with the same passion I have in music. This is quite a nice surprise for me tonight". he nods his head and smiles. “Yeah you normally talk and fuck groupies right?” Izzy laughs as she make that comment. "Is that what you think? What makes you say that?” “Ur hot and you obviously have groupies don’t even lie”. Y/n said looking at him up and down admitting that he was hot, cos it was the truth.
He leans forward and slightly whispers…“Can I tell you a secret y/n?” “Go for it” she said tilting her head to the side. Izzy leans in close to y/n and whispers this into her ear..
"If you allow me to, I'd much rather spend this evening talking with someone as interesting and beautiful as you, than talking to any women that only care about my celebrity status" Izzy puts his hand on herthigh, slowing moving up and smiles at her. "Say, what do you say we leave this bar and go somewhere more private? It's a little loud here"
She lifted her left eyebrow as she processed what he said. “You know I’m not gonna fuck you izzy, I’m not like that” she said looking away from him. Izzy's smile turns to a frown the minute he heard her words, Izzy sighs a little bit, he takes his hand off your thigh and leans back in his seat. He sips his drink for a few seconds, staring at you for a few seconds. "Look, I respect that. But, is it so wrong to have a little bit of fun every once in a while?" Y/n huffs at him in frustration. “Izzy I’m a 21 year old virgin, I have turned down a lot of rockstar ur not gonna be the last” Izzy was a bit shocked to find out a pretty gorgeous girl like y/n was a 21 year old virgin. But izzy smiles as he laughs
"I'm just trying to figure out what would impress you. Because if you're saying my charms, status, or talents won't work. I'm genuinely confused on what would get me to your heart." Y/n laughs at him, “why me tho?” She asked butting out her cigarette, lzzy gets a bit quiet as he takes this question to heart. "I see someone like you, who is very independent and someone who can stand up for herself. What I see in you is someone who is willing to fight for what they want and who can stand their ground. Those are traits that I really admire. As I'm sure you've noticed, most women fall over for me just by looking at me. When I see you, there's something more to you.. something inside that's really attractive."
She raises her eyebrows at him in not believing him… lzzy can tell she is very skeptical about him, because he's clearly a rockstar and women have fallen head over heels for him in the past. But there's something about him that seems genuine.
"I may be charming, I may be good looking, but I really mean what I say. I'm interested in you, and I want to get to know you better. If you'll let me…..I'm also very curious to know why you've shut down every other rock star who's come onto you." “Honestly I haven’t found the one, you know it’s just hard you know” she said being completely honest and shrugging her shoulders.
Izzy chuckles a little bit and nods his head
“I know what you mean. I find it difficult as well, to not let the fame and success of being a rock star get into me and ruin any chance I have of connecting with someone who is interested in me because of me, and not just my persona"
She nodded her head to show that she was listening and agreed with him. “Yeah exactly”. Izzy smiles as he leans in a bit closer "Well, maybe you should give this rockstar a chance, hm? Because for me, you don't seem like the kind of girl that I want to just be with casually, no offence. You're a special kind of girl to me."
“Hmm Izzy let’s get one things straight, okay?” Her voice had a hint of sternness. He just nodded and raised his eyebrows. “I’m not gonna fuck you, I’m not a groupie I’m not one girl you can fuck and never talk to again, I’m more of the relationship type of girl, if you want me you have me for a very long long time, understand!?”
she was very stern, he could tell she was being serious. Izzy was taken aback by this sudden outburst of emotions. He didn't say anything at first as he looked at her, he wasn't used to being talked to this way and actually enjoyed the sternness she had. It made him want her more.
"That's completely understandable, and frankly I'd be more surprised if you were that kind of girl. But I'm curious about one thing. Just why are you so willing to be in a long-term relationship with someone who you just met? Why would you want that with me?" “Well Izzy I’m not gonna lie, you are very attractive but in general” she said as she nodded understanding what her point was…
“May I please ask you a question miss tyler?” “Yes” “is there a chance I could get at least one kiss from you, right now? You don’t have to answer tho” he leans back in his seat and making eye contact with her. “Why?” She said tilting her head to the side again.
Izzy pauses for a beat before he replies "Honestly, because I really like you. I like to think I can read the body language of women. There is a connection here, and I think this feeling may be mutual. Your beauty is distracting, and I can't help but want to kiss you right now." “Will it make you shut up?” Izzy chuckles and responds. "If you're asking me if I'll shut up if you give me one kiss, I'd be lying if I said yes. I'd want more from you if you gave me one kiss. But maybe we should start with one kiss and see how it goes from there?"
Y/n leans over the table and grabs his shirt and pulls him closer, Izzy is taken by surprise at how she approach him and take control, making him lean closer to her. Y/ns beauty is truly distracting, and he's not able to keep his eyes off her.It's hard to even breathe when you're this close. erini makes eye contact, her face in inches away from his, izzy looks back at you, your eyes are so captivating.
Their lips are so close together, the anticipation is rising. Izzy's hands lightly grab your waist and start to pull you in for the kiss.. Izzy's eyes have now closed, and their lips are so close together. Their breaths are now mixed together, Izzy is losing control of himself from the heat of the moment.
There is no doubt they both wanted this moment. The kiss is filled with passion and desire. The feeling of her lips against his is sending electricity throughout Izzy’s body it feels amazing. There is no hesitation at all between them, as the kiss goes on for a good few seconds before she then pull away from him.
“Izzy?” She said breaking the kiss and making eye contact with him.
Izzy's eyes have now locked onto hers, he is taking this very seriously and it's clear he wants to go farther than just kissing. He whispers into her ear.
"Please, tell me what you're thinking right now. You can be honest with me, I won't judge you for how you're feeling right now."
“I’m thinking you should wake up… wake up Izzy” she said being dead serious. “W-what?”
Izzy slowly wakes up from his dream, he sat up quickly and realized he was back in his room. The dream felt extremely real, but he quickly realized that it was just that… a dream. His mind then started to think about who he was dreaming about. A very stunning woman, he couldn't even remember her name. Did she even exist? or was she his imagination…
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sweetbottletops · 2 months
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"The song that Mitsuki and Aya are listening to will be released as a comic soundtrack! ! It's a CD & LP with lots of new manga drawings, song explanations, etc.💚" [x]
They're getting an OST! Comes with 4P comic and interview. CD - May 29, 2024 / Vinyl - July 31, 2024
CD Japan cd / vinyl (cd with bonus postcard) HMV cd / vinyl Amazon cd (cd with bonus "Mega Jacket") Tower Records cd / vinyl (cd with bonus can badge) Universal Music cd / vinyl (cd with bonus postcard)
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I have all of these songs, but not fused in this order. So practically new.
(MTL below)
It has been decided that a comic soundtrack of the manga "The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy At All'' will be released on CD and LP, which includes the artists and songs that appear.
The CD will be released on May 29th, and the cover vinyl LP will be released on July 31st. This comic soundtrack includes 10 songs carefully selected from the official playlist released in advance, and in addition, the booklet includes a newly drawn 4P manga and interview by Sumiko Arai that can only be read here. will be published.
The soundtrack includes Nirvana's song "Heart-Shaped Box," and according to Universal Music LLC, this is the first time in the world that this song has been included on a compilation album.
The manga "The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy At All'' is a popular work with the first volume released in April 2023 and the second volume released in February 2024, with a cumulative total of over 400,000 copies sold (including electronic copies).
So far, we have placed 2nd place in the female edition of Takarajimasha'sThis Manga is Amazing! 2024'', 1st place in the web manga category of Next Manga Award 2023'', 1st place in the pixiv comic ranking 2023Love Category'', ・Vinci” BOOK OF THE YEAR 2023 Awarded 2nd place in the comic category.
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