#including hemomancy
whitegoldtower · 9 months
I have uhhhh a new Skyrim OC again. Probably the strongest mage I’ve ever made (I love Severin but he’s a lickle necromancer and everything he summons kills the enemies for him. He persuaded Ancano not to be a dick… this guy would wipe the floor with him). His name is Gwalchmai, an altmer mage specialising in everything EXCEPT conjuration. He doesn’t like conjuring things to do all the work for him. He likes being creative, the fucken psychopath.
He gets on extremely well with Taliesin (maybe a bit too well if you catch my drift) and for some reason he also enjoys Lucien’s company (although Lucien refers to him as ‘Bran’ because Gwalchmai told him to - Gwalchmai witnessed Lucien pronounce his name once with the kiki ‘ch’ instead of the bouba ‘ch’ and was mortified). He lives in Morthal, has a slightly more than friendly rivalry with Sybille Stentor 🥴 and plays court wizard to Jarl Idgrod Ravencrone, because who better to keep the vampires in check in Morthal than another territorial vampire with the spellcasting equivalent of nukes for hands?
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Gwalchmai wants Taliesin almost as much as Lucien wants Gwalchmai. He also has a horse named Annwn.
Anyway. Have some aesthetic screenshots of him.
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His context? He came to Skyrim as a follower of Julianos, seeking to learn more about his deity by living in the rectory in the temple of the divines. He soon fucked around and found out with Sybille Stentor, however, and hopped out of Solitude and into Morthal - out of her territory - to become Court Wizard to Idgrod. He worries he’s stepped on Falion’s toes, but Falion doesn’t give a fuck; at least with Gwalchmai as the Court Wizard now, the townsfolk don’t hound him as much.
Out of the frying pan and into the fire, though, because now Gwalchmai has to assert himself over Movarth Piquine, and unlike Alva, I don’t think he’s going to be able to fuck his way out of this one.
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simlit · 10 months
CotS: What Ifs // part i
what if Indy had chosen the right book, what would have changed? did getting it wrong set things back or would it have led down an entirely different path?
It wasn't a separate path, but it was a different way of coming to the revelations we'll reach in the first half of chapter five. So it pushed this timeline back quite a bit. We'll get to the same conclusion but certain aspects will be different, because it will be explained through two different points of view. If the Ledgers had been chosen, it would have given some information about Castien before we saw him die when Sarayn and Åse got ported into the past. However, this still wouldn't have been the best route because most things would have been irrelevant at the time, but readers would have at least heard the name prior to his actual introduction.
If the Bishop's Journal had been chosen, we would have learned directly from a member of the clergy about certain major events in past ceremonies. Some of this information has been filtered through in other ways throughout the story, but the actual outright unveiling of it won't happen until a specific scene in chapter five. But it will be told through someone outside of the church who isn't privy to the same knowledge as those on the inside.
I don't write so far ahead if something is vote dependent, which means I can't necessarily list scenes that would have occurred if a different route had been chosen. However, scenes that would have been altered or never happened would have included Talila and Indryr's discovery of the orc's body in the forest and Sarayn and Taiyo's discussion in the crypt.
what if Taiyo hadn't fucked up had gotten all the riddles correct
This one is hard because the entire direction of the story was altered because of the bloodhex lmao. I would say it's one of, if not the best fuck up, praise the dice! It led to much more interesting outcomes. If Taiyo had answered all the riddles correctly or if the fight option had been chosen, the two would have had a "happy ending" outcome, which I believe were just some mild buffs. Things that wouldn't have happened at all (obviously) include: Therion and Taiyo's continued friendship, Taiyo's ability to pursue hemomancy, the sidequest to return to the forest, and Tayuin's entire "savior arc".
feel free to send more what if's if you're interested in knowing about different outcomes!
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upper-sixth-fanclub · 4 months
hc - 🧡😨💉
Hello! Thank you for the ask. Appreciate you.
Thematic Headcanons
hc + 🧡 for a friendship-themed headcanon
Both the siblings tend to view friendship as a tangible good or as possessing that person and their advantages, like a political bond more than emotional. Daki is the easiest to make friends with in the classic platonic manner. Not just because she's socialized, but also because there's still little vestiges of her human personality at the heart of her motives: she's got a receptive personality. Gyutaro, meanwhile, has that Patrick Bateman brain, so his friends are limited to the people he torments before killing. I like to think that in the final scenes of the burning district between he and Tanjiro were a form of 'frolicking with my friend in a field' moment for Gyutaro, except he's literally just punting a child.
hc + 😨 for a fear-themed headcanon
Daki has a compulsive and totally-unanticipated fear of fire. Her rooms are usually lit dimly with minimal sources, and too many candles put her in an irritable mood. She HATES fighting Flame Breathing style variants, but it's always hard for her to put her finger on why. Fighting Nezuko was a nightmare situation for her.
Gyutaro, being who he is, refuses to admit he's scared of anything. If you pressed him, it would probably be a fear for Daki's safety. In reality it's more selfish; he's terrified of becoming another worthless coward sad-sack outcast. It just so happens that being Daki's protector is also his entire lifestyle choice.
hc + 💉 for a medical-themed headcanon
Becoming a demon didn't cure Gyutaro of all his ails, but it did help with some of them. Chronic body pains, for example: his hemomancy and healing abilities work amazingly together, and I like to think it's because they're just CONSTANTLY working overtime to offset his deficiencies.
I also like to think that, since Daki was burned alive, her nervous system was FUCKED up, and he basically gave her his life and body which includes working nerve endings. (So he doesn't feel a lot of pain when being fought. Likewise, he doesn't get a lot of tangible pleasure from mere touches either.) This is a cursed blessing, because Daki loves her lush life as an oiran, but is extremely sensitive to and averse to pain.
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shimmerbeasts · 7 months
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Also, I just randomly realised how prevailing the theme of MIND CONTROL is on my blog. I mean, I knew that Hounding and its conditioning is basically a form of mind control, but now, that I take a step back, I am realising how pretty much all my muses have some form of mind control in their arsenal. Yes, it is different types of mind control, but it is still there.
You have Silco and Jinx and the Hounding and conditioning, which is the least supernatural form of mind control. There is no magic going on. It is just a rewiring of your mind, complete with trigger words, specific mindsets and everything.
Ahri has her charm, which essentially makes you an almost comatose puppet, specifically engineered to love, adore and protect her, all so she can easily consume your childhood memories. Plus that charm is secreted into her pelt, so she does not even have to cast it.
Naafiri has their hemomancy, which enables them precise control over their fifty or so pack mates. Unless you are a cup, Naafiri can control you down to the tiniest muscle movement. I am still debating how much power Naafiri can have over other creatures and people, including blood golems. Yup, I am debating if the Darkin can control Briar.
Again, this probably is not something new to most people, however, I am only now spotting that repeating theme. I am not against it. It just surprises me as it was entirely an accident. I hope that even with mind control as a theme, my rp partners still feel like their characters have agency and we are crafting compelling and interesting plots.
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theninjabozo · 1 year
Choose an ability
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sofarfarout · 2 years
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Name: Sigil Key
Age: 32
Gender: male
Birthday: June 14th
-once a student at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, studied abjuration and runecrafting
-was diligent, kind and resourceful, kind of a teacher's pet, would remind the teacher to collect homework if they forgot
-patient but tense, has trouble relaxing, anxious and has trouble sitting still, paces frequently
-can be a know-it-all sometimes, prone to bouts of "well actually" and fits of "technically"
-specializes in runes and magical traps, protects his home with a large rune that sticks the pony's hooves to the ground like glue so he won't be disturbed
-fell ill with a terminal blood disease that no treatment or traditional healing magic seemed to help, turned to the most powerful and most reviled arcane discipline in a desperate attempt to save his life: blood magic, stole a hemomancy tome and several scrolls from the basement of the Canterlot Arcane Archives
-blood magic is something even most dark magic users avoid, volatile, costly, highly illegal and dangerous, requires frequent bloodletting and skin carving to channel the energy properly, magic doesn't just flow through his horn but his blood as well
-hemomancy includes reanimation and possession, blood manipulation, blood wards and seals, hematomancy(divination through blood), sacrificial magic and hemokinesis
-inexperienced/careless mages that attempt blood magic have been known to nick important vessels and bleed out, as well as suffer nasty infections, more than one case recorded case of ponies pouring blood from their orifices due to improper casting
-malicious mages have been known to use blood magic to command others like flesh puppets or even kill them by making their hearts explode/literally boiling their blood/using ponies as blood sacrifices for conjuring
-was indifferent/mostly ignorant to the dark arts prior to his illness, has developed an appreciation for them, finds the spell structure fascinating and the history enthralling, especially the often-forgotten discoveries in umbramancy made by Stygian and the uniquely complex runes created by King Sombra
-carved blood runes into his body and made an arcane circle of his own blood for the ritual, different blood has different effects and applications
-to his surprise, his illness halted...temporarily, must perform regular rituals to keep his illness at bay
-when one of his friends saw his hemomancy tome and the freshly carved runes on his hoof, they were appalled and immediately reported him to the school, as well as the authorities
-was promptly expelled and cast out of his community
-hurt and alone, Sigil chose isolation over exile and left Canterlot in the night, wanted by authorities for theft, illegal possession of dark magic talismans and tomes, practice of hemomancy and resisting arrest
-now resides in an old house on the outskirts of who knows where, studying and recording journal after journal on the benefits of blood magic and his discoveries, such a taboo topic has little in the way of proper study and he's still a studious one
-bitter about being abandoned by his friends, believed they would understand his desperation but they chose their reputations over him, sees them as closeminded and backwards, part of him wants them to suffer as he has but the other part is beyond giving a damn
-extremely powerful mage but very frail physically, illness is halted but not cured, still has much to learn in regard to dark magic in general but excels in blood magic and runes
-has a low opinion of modern arcane society, finds their beliefs antiquated and based on fear rather than practical applications and studies, didn't always feel this way, was ignorant to how the magical elite really were
-in addition to halting his illness, the immense power of blood magic has also altered him physically, turning his eyes and horn red and making him taller
-hides under a cloak, keeps himself as obscured as possible to avoid recognition and arrest
-living alone in the woods for so long does a number on your social skills, more brusque and stern than before
-not a malicious pony but just wants to be left alone, willing to help others despite being forced to help himself, though much more jaded and stoic than before, reserved and calm
-a perfectionist, will repeat experiments over and over again until everything is just so
-may be sought after by aspiring dark mages that are foolish enough to believe they're ready to wield the magic he does
-will use his blood magic to aid a pony if they so wish, will not force anypony to partake in the ritual
-has grown cynical and distrusting, doesn't let ponies get close because he feels they'll just throw him to the wolves
-can be reactive, moody and snappy, especially when he's seen as some evil wizard or cultist
-favorite color is plum purple
-never liked parties, was always kinda awkward and didn't know what he should be doing
-gets frustrated with himself when he makes a mistake, always feels like he should be better
-enjoys tarot card readings, fairy tales, meditation, knick-knacks and foggy mornings, house is cluttered but clean and full of little trinkets, talismans, books, scrolls, supplies etc, keeps a small wooden bird next to his alchemy table
-has really pretty penmanship, took calligraphy classes for extra credit as a colt
-keeps a small garden behind his house, grows what he can but sometimes goes hungry
-likes puzzles and word games
-dislikes a lack of personal space, heights, arrogance, overly competitive ponies and conspiracy theories
-can't dance for the life of him, has four left hooves
-was never good at sports, was the kid that got hit in the face once and cried
-not a music guy, makes it hard for him to focus and hear himself think
-afraid of heights and snakes, not the biggest fan of centipedes either
-still coughs up/vomits blood every now and again, he's good don't worry about it
-took a little while to get the hang of blood magic, almost bled out more than once, has gotten it down to a science over the years and has gotten pretty good at first aid too
"Why do you interrupt me?"
"Offer you up to Lord Tirek? Is that what they are saying now? Last month it was bathing in filly's blood."
"The ignorance of ponies is a dark magic itself. It spreads like the most potent plague and feeds on their fear."
"Keep your hooves to yourself."
"Life is fragile and short, so we do what must be done."
Stamina: 3/10
Strength: 2/10
Endurance: 3/10
Intelligence: 9/10
Willpower: 8/10
Agility: 4/10
Magical Abilities
*adept in many fields of hemomancy
-hematomancy, divination through drinking blood
-hemokinesis, can manipulate blood
-blood seals and curses
-blood detoxification, able to temporarily halt his condition
-blood manipulation and possession, manipulating the blood of another to possess their body like a puppet
*staple unicorn magic
*advanced unicorn magic
*adept defensive magic
-magical barriers
-reflective wards, walls that not only protect him from magic attacks but send them back at the attacker, only applies to magical assaults
-arcane armor, fortifies his body with magic to better resist harm
-arcane lock, a lock that cannot be picked or opened with any key, must be unlocked magically by the caster
*intermediate alchemical skill
-basic restorative tonic
-basic stimulant, for long nights studying
-antiseptic brew, for cleaning wounds
bases- box-of-ideas and selenaede on dA
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heredis-sanguinis · 2 months
11. how often does your muse cry? do they cry silently, privately, or out in the open?
Random headcanon Q’s
Vladimir rarely cries, if at all. He has not done so in perhaps centuries.
Being detached from most, if not all connections towards others and all around him, makes for a very un-emotional person. Well, at least in that regard. In the past however, during his mortal days, he would on occasion cry. But only for very specific situations or happenings. Upon the realisation of his father having betrayed his Darkin master and thus forfeiting Vladimir's life was one such occasion. Another the time his mother passed. But ever since he took on the mantle of hemomancy and had to force himself to survive, he also forces himself to not show such 'weak' emotions ever again.
But off course, even if he detaches himself as much as possible from humanity and everything about it, he can not escape certain aspects, including this one.
On the extremely rare occasion that he would find himself in a situation that permits him to have tears, it would always be in private and silently.
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futurefind · 1 year
//a v funny tldr on my big three that can be done via 'how would/nt they handle hemomancy / bloodbending' (under cut for mentions of blood injury etc):
Mara: "lmao what. metal ig" she's peak pragmatic and so Would use it if needed, but primarily just for defensive emergencies ie sealing off wounds faster)
Sasume: doesn't necessarily have any qualms with it, but reserves it for extremes (ie lack of access to Or limited ability to generate water); would weaponize her own blood, especially if already injured, but also including ripping it out if necessary. Would only use 'offensive' blood bending, aka ripping blood out of others, in very extreme scenarios
Rea: lol. lmao. free real estateTM. not only would she readily and precisely rip out her own blood for weaponization, but also rip it out from enemies — not just for maiming/inflicting injuries, but also use others' blood to replenish her own (ftr: this is actually the sort of bs narutoverse ! rea gets up to w the underlying hydromancy that comes with Ice Release. she also figures out a technique to 'strip' blood to make it safe to use, also netting her world's most boring but vital work of one woman blood bank)
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benevolentevil · 2 years
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PDF Link | D&D Beyond Links: Agonize, Bend Blood, Grim Terror
If you’ve been waiting for some mid-level hemomancy spells to go along with the lower-level blood spells and high-level blood spells we’ve shown already, then this preview should really get your blood pumping with excitement! Blood magic plays a major role in the themes of the upcoming D&D Unleashed compendium for forbidden magic and lore, The Impermissicon, including content that ranges from spells like these to subclasses, magic items, monsters, and even a prestige class themed around blood magic.
These spells share more in-common than just being blood magic; they’re also offensive spells that can incapacitate the caster’s enemies. The first is a single-target stunning spell that deals a bit of bonus damage to bleeding targets, while another is a frightening necromancy (just like cause fear at 1st-level, from Xanathar’s Guide to Everything) that often acts as an empowered form of the fear spell, and yet another allows a spellcaster to turn any creature with blood into a combat-puppet against their will in a style that will already be familiar to some. Let’s take a closer look at the design of these three new spells.
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duraxxor · 4 years
Character Sheet: That Damn Trio
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Uh oh, it would seem Duraxxor has gotten himself in a lot of trouble this time around! He’s been split into three pieces of his former self! Oh the humanity! Well there’s only one thing to do. What’s that? Well, we go on a wild adventure to put him back together, of course! That’s why I have decided to create character sheet to explain and every one of the fragments and their traits. So without further interruptions, let’s get down to the material! 
Character No. 1
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Name: Daev  ( Pronounced just like Dave ) 
Race: Sin’dorei?
Height: 5′ 8″ ( down from the 6′ 4″ that he once stood at. )
Hair Color: Silver Blonde
Eye Color: None, his eyes are as clear as glass
Age:  “ I was only born not that long ago... I jest though... “ 
Physical Traits: When a person comes in contact with Daev, the first thing they may notice as his youthful appearance. Unlike Duraxxor as a whole, Daev has the physical body of a young adult that has suffered from lack of muscle. Despite this, he seems able to stand straight and maintain himself but is unable to physically apply the strength and running speed he once had. The scar that once dominated his features is now shrunken down and appears to have lining that almost reminds some of a stitching, so to speak. Perhaps even mending? The same can be said about the majority of his black attire that decorates his body other than the sleeve that appears to have torn on the right side. A thin trench coat and a pair of black leather britches that are only matched by a pair of boots below. One can also notice the pair of snake bites piercing on his lower lip that seem to have appeared as he no longer bears even a semblance of the elven fangs gene. 
Personality: Quiet and probably the most balanced of his former self. Daev seems to be given the nickname of being the Heart of the Trio. And with good reason considering he is probably the very being that keeps the other two in existence. He is never to quickly jump to violence and seeks to see how people function and feel. Selfless thought and under normal circumstances, kind to those that share a mutual respect for him and his space. Although he is the most attuned to multiple emotions, he has a hard time properly expressing them and it may even come out in a series of riddles. However, he does seem to have something to say for every type of person. 
Abilities: Lack of physical strength, Daev has to rely on his mind and quick thinking if he hopes to manage avoiding being killed off with the help of his familiars. It isn’t known whether he retains much of his weaponry training, other than having a dagger tucked away under his coat that appears to have a significance, or perhaps even symbolic value. Despite his familiars having their own personalities, he seems able to maintain control of them in certain moments and can even call them or dismiss them at will. Daev’s greatest ability is that he has so much untapped potential that is it unpredicted what he may learn in his stay within the Shadowlands. 
Character No. 2 
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Name: Randdu ( Ron-doo ) 
Race: Familiar ( Bat ) 
Height: Unspecified, look to his Abilities for details
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: A mixture of Red and Yellow
Age: “ Look, man, give me a break. I only look old. “ 
Physical Traits: You feel a piercing gaze always watching you when you approach Daev with his avian shadow, Randdu. He takes on the appearance of most bats native to Azeroth aside from some defined features that make him appear more like a Fruit Bat from our world, bearing a canine-like snout beneath the leathery wraps that are his lengthy wings. Jagged claws appear to be on both the back legs and wing joints, giving him almost the look a humanoid if not for the fact he lacks thumbs. He is the definition of wild animal with personality. 
Personality: The reckless familiar that is highly regarded ( and prideful of himself ) as the symbol of Duraxxor. Randdu is also the loudest and most immature of the trio. He would rather pick a fight and see who is the strongest than listen to negotiations. He also possesses quite the appetite match this need for combat. However, this doesn’t mean he isn’t self aware when he is in over his head, being the quickest to also panic when he feels outmatched, that is until something goes right, then he will simply mock his foe. Warning: He may curse a lot. 
Abilities: Despite his reckless personality, Randdu is actually quite the powerhouse. He is physically strong and can easily pick up something that is three times his own size, which is only matched by the fact that he is able to grow and shrink his form based on the energy reserves he has obtained through his vampiric aura. The more he fights and succeeds, the stronger Randdu gets. Claws, teeth, and even a mind piercing screech are at his disposal. However, the magical affinity seems to lie more so in the fact he is able to cast a blaze of shadows about his form, giving him enough speed to perform a Wraith Flight, an ability that projects his vampiric aura outward and making mere contact results in the sapping of one’s raw energies. 
Character No. 3 
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Name: Sphula ( Sph-ooluh ) 
Race: Familiar ( Serpent ) 
Height: 15′ 07″ in length 
Hair Color: “ Crimson Scales, you uneducated pig. “ 
Eye Color: Onyx 
Age: “ To old for you to know. “ 
Physical Traits: While Randdu is regarded to be the visible lurker, Sphula sticks to remaining hidden into his time is most appropriate. The lengthy serpent bears a strange familiarity to the Arcane Serpents of Northrend, but with many more rows of teeth and definitive fangs. He also lacks the ethereal skin until certain abilities are applied. Scales, bladed fings, and circular markings that are akin to chains, this crimson familiar seems to be the most colorful of the trio. 
Personality: Calm until provoked, Sphula recognizes his own intellect and will exercise it when it is most necessary. More often than naught, he is seen wrapped around Daev, whispering into his ear while chastising Randdu. For once to gain conference with Sphula would mean that you either have earned his respect or there is something of worth about you or upon you that he would sooner have you align yourself to their cause. Unlike the other trio, Sphula is not above breaking the rules in his favor. For he believes logic is more important in the case of survivability in the cruel world of a snake. There is one he deems the most worthy of his time: The Lady in the Red @sanguinesorceress​ . 
Abilities:  Not as physically strong as Randdu, Sphula is also a constrictor and has no issue wrapping his long tail around his foes or even applying it in a flailing motion to dispatch someone from approaching Daev. And speaking of which, did you know that snakes can actually jump three times their length? Not just this one, but he can also slip his entire length through objects much like a pocket space just to come out in a near forty yard radius. Sphula is also the strongest when it comes to the use of magic and intellect. He is able to conjure geomancy, hemomancy, umbramancy, and in some cases, cryomancy and pyromancy. But what would a snake be without his bite? Twin fangs possess a potent cytotoxin, which is a toxin that induces tissue necrosis. Keep your hands away from this snakes mouth!
OOC Information Station 
Rp Style:  When interacting with this blog or even the in-game character, I cannot always guarantee that you will interact with all three of them, just as I also cannot guarantee that one of the other’s won’t squeeze themselves into the RP. Otherwise, I am generally laid back and always up to most themes, including the dark and twisted. I am an adult writer and in most cases, I am not so easily triggered and easy to speak with. Please, don’t hesitate to ask questions as I may have an actual answer for them. I also would like to remind everyone that I have been roleplaying in World of Warcraft for nearly ten years. All I ever ask is your undying patience and kindness in return. 
Platforms: Tumblr, Discord, and In-game (Planned) 
If you have made it this far, congratulations. Now to get to the nitty, gritty disclaimer warnings and rules.
1. Roleplaying with The Trio means you have agreed to not knowing the original character Duraxxor is the true identity of these characters without the proper knowledge or permission. Should you regard him as Duraxxor, Alphus, Lord Daevara, Myotis, or any other former alias, it will be ignored in-character. Should this become a continuing habit, I will ask you personally to please stop trying to ruin the mystery of the characters. Let’s make this a fun plot for all, old and new. 
2. If you are seeking to fix the problem as quick as possible, then you have come to the wrong player. I am wanting this particular plot device to go longer than a few weeks or even months as the Shadowlands is going to obviously take longer than a single year itself. There’s going to be hurdles to make evolve these characters over time. You are welcome to speak about being a part of the plot where he attempts to fix himself though!
3. When addressing particular character questions, please specify who you are addressing to unless it is all the above or the mun. This makes my life so much easier and more engaging. 
4. Do not god mod my characters as I would not god mod yours. All of them have their own individual strengths and weaknesses and should be considered only through natural interaction. 
5. More importantly, be respectful and patient. This is a brand new concept I am playing with and I really wish to see it through to the very end and want those involved to have fun. 
Thank you all for taking the time to read this and I do hope that everything is clear! I look forward to roleplaying with everyone and enjoying the Shadowlands storyline! Happy Writing everyone! 
And if you have not read Chapter 1 to the Shadowlands storyline, here is a link to the story is here
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bloodforvlad · 3 years
One of the benefits of hemomancy is that no-one can sneak up on him. His magic lets him sense anything with a pulse in his immediate vicinity. This does include birds and animals (fish and insects vary between borderline noticeable to something he unconsciously tunes out), but for the most part his magic focuses on the blood of humans, near-humans, and yordles. He doesn’t have to hear or see you to know you’re there.
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thegleamingquill · 4 years
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On Hemomancy under the cut for cw: blood
Carmina showed an aptitude for magic at a very early age, which was wonderful news for her father. It meant that as soon as possible, she was encouraged forced to learn hemomancy by joining the Crimson Circle. Hemomancy can be used for a variety of purposes and the Noxian military only recently began to implement hemomancers now that many show the skill to take out waves of men. Some, however, do not have military ambitions and choose to use hemomancy for their own personal pleasures such as power. Despite her more passive tendencies, Carmina cannot help but enjoy the power she feels when she drains the blood of an opponent or uses their blood to control their bodies. 
She’s learned wide applications for blood magic; some of her favorites including forming weapons out of blood such as spears, blood puppetry, and making clones of herself or her enemies. For such a crude and brutal form of magic, she’s mastered using it with elegance and grace, like that of a dancer. With a simple twirl and flick of her wrist, a spear of blood will be plunged into someone’s heart. 
Perhaps she enjoys hemomancy so much because it is the only part of her life she has power over. 
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crimewizards · 4 years
Could you expand a little on your current campaign?
yes!!!! oh my god yes
so: im currently in a dnd game dubbed by the DM as “Beyond The Veil” which is being run thru my uni’s tabletop club. The basic premise is that all of our characters died, but for presumably varied reasons, the universe knew we weren’t ready to be dead yet. we all had something we had to do beforehand, whether it be for our own personal journeys, or in the greater scheme of the universe. after an unspecified series of missions, we would be able to return to life. our home base is a ferry on the river styx, and our “boss” is a skeleton dude named Legend, who controls where we go using a deck of fate-touched tarokka cards. there’s a lot of homebrew, and the DM sometimes plays off ‘rule of cool’ which i appreciate greatly.
the DM has all these super cool locations he came up with for parts of the campaign, including: Phyrax City, a vertical city on a mountaintop surrounded by malevolent fog, where technology rules supreme; the Echoed Isles, a series of islands(?) that straddle the lines between time, life and death; and the Luminae Empire, a theocratic country dedicated to spreading the good news.
our party (name still pending) consists of: - aerin, elf/half elf (not sure) ranger, and dandelion, their unicorn-bunny companion, cause of death unknown - adora, elf? half elf? (also not sure) rogue, CoD unknown but died once before - octavian, “human” artificer, CoD unknown but he probably fell off a cliff or smth - eden, tiefling druid, died in some sort of ice... place. - and teodore, human wizard (me!), died by murder </3
former members of the party were mordan, dragonborn warlock, CoD unknown, and callum, dwarf sorcerer, killed by a dragon but also maybe arson. both of their players had to leave for one reason or another, leaving us w our current party of five.
at the moment, we are trying to find out more about Legend and our contract, since Elwin, sometimes called the Golden Witch, convinced us that there was stuff Legend wasn’t telling us, and also she stole the tarokka cards that Legend used to send us on our missions. at the end of last session, we were going to talk to Fade, one of the other, like, champions of fate or whatever they’re called about Legend and Elwin and see what’s up with them (since she’d, like, probably? tell us more truth than the other two had), but Elwin whisked us away to our next mission before we could get to her. the plan was to talk to Fade and then get her to take us somewhere so that we could plan, go back to Phyrax, and steal the cards back from Elwin, but uh. that’s not happening right now. we just had our festival episode, and now we’re apparently having another one, which, fear.
for the game, im playing as a modified version of teo, an oc of mine that i’ve been holding onto for the last, uh. almost four and a half years? oy. he is a school of sanguimancy/hemomancy wizard from the Dark Arts Player’s Companion. the modification comes in his alignment and backstory - the original version of teo is, like, formerly morally dubious but ultimately just kind of depressed and still living in Proulas near the Institute of Entropic Experimentation (IEE) after it went under, whereas the version of teo im playing for my game left Proulas to return to his hometown of Adriel, got murdered by his brother, and is perfectly fine with killing people to get his way. his ultimate goal is to kill his brother and then return to the IEE and his friends, and is neutral evil, which originally was a secret but now just. isnt. they know he’s evil now lol.
i’ll probably post another batch of memes from the game sooner or later, bc theyre very good, though nothing is going to be able to top the DM opening the latest session by saying “you encountered this figure” and then posting the taco bell logo but it said “burger bell” instead. i love love love this game and i cannot wait to get into everyones stories and character interactions and stuff as we go further down the line.
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Covie Soames - LF Contact
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Age:  21
Race:  Human
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Marital Status: Unmarried / taken
Hair: Black, long
Eyes: Green
Height: 5′8″
Build: Average, but toned
Profession: Mercenary
Hobbies: Horticulture, hemomancy, gambling, brawling
Residence: A ship off the coast of Tol Barad
Birthplace: Stormwind City
Fears: What’s -in- the sea, spiders, losing her family/company
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful 
Grimscale Mercenaries: Her work is her life, and she is open to taking most any contracts for the company and herself. Contracts can include almost anything, as she believes everything can be done for the right price. This also includes treasure hunting! Having been raised in the lifestyle from her father, then her brother, she has always been involved in various circles in one way or another. (Guild tumblr can be found here)!
Blood Magic / Hemomancy: Covie is self-taught, and learning slowly due to caution when it comes to hemomancy. Any sort of guidance, or experiments would be accepted!
Brawling:  Often found in the brawlpub, Covie enjoys both participating, and watching the brawls that take place. Gambling and drinking go hand in hand.
Black Market:  Covie has had a heavy hand in the black market for some time, often retrieving hard-to-obtain items to put up for sell/auction. 
Misc: I can work with mostly anything. I love RPing things from alchemy to blood magic to animal companions. I often initiate walk-ups in game, and have no problem with one-off scenes. Adventure RP is fantastic as well. 
Any sort of RP, so long as it’s quality RP. I prefer to RP in game, though discord RP is welcome from time to time. Tumblr is limited, as I don’t enjoy a full scene taking place in this avenue. Asks are always welcomed, along with short interactions. 
I’m looking for friendships, enemies, or anything in between. Past familial relationships are welcomed, so long as we can make it fit with the characters. Healthy competitions/rivalries are also enjoyed.(as far as work matters go)
Tumblr: This is it
In WoW as:  Cóvie or Covié  (dual class until transition into hunter is complete IC). 
(For potential reblogs: @wraconnect @wracentral @the-royal-courier)
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shimmerbeasts · 11 months
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@elisethetraveller liked for a starter with Kindred.
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Immortality was something, the Kindred always had a complicated relationship with. They didn't believe that anything could last forever and in their hearts, they knew that this included them. One day, even Lamb and Wolf would die, replaced by a new Death. Just as they had replaced the fading idols so many moons ago, the footsteps of its worshippers had long since been eroded by the passage of time.
What beings like the Ascended or Darkin or even the demi-gods of the Freljord liked to claim as immortality, was simply a long life span. Even the ghosts of the Shadow Isles were nothing but imprints of the people, who had lived and refused to die. One day, Kindred would claim every last one of them. After all, Lamb and Wolf had been one once and while the grey man had been shunned, one thing had never changed: All things had to meet them sooner or later.
Thus finding a being with near-immortality and the feeling of an elongated life always drew the Kindred in. Lamb and Wolf had been shadowing the strange woman for a while now, following her as she wandered around Zaun to help the sick and wounded in the medical den. She was performing hemomancy and unlike someone like the Darkin, she was curing people and saving lives.
"What is she doing?!", Wolf broke the silence as they kept stalking. He restlessly circled Lamb. "She is not from here. I do not know her name. What about you, little Lamb? You know everything."
Lamb sighed as she said: "I am afraid, dear Wolf, but not this time. This time, I am as clueless as you are." She froze and blue eyes glowed behind her black mask. "I think they are looking at us, Wolf. Do you think they can see us?"
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kurel-andiel · 5 years
Day 42
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Sunspire Port
It was exactly as it had been the day he left it. All thanks to Mavas Hawke, Kurel’s former Quartermaster and declared brother. Since the departure of their Trade Lord, Purveyor Hawke had continued to see to the towns safety, construction, and economical value. While it would never reach something as rich and glamorous as that of Boralus, it served as home to any number of hard working free men and trade. 
Kurel had only one reason to be there. Beneath his blindfold, set in the back of two hollowed eye sockets were a twin pair of runes. Up until the day he had theoretically died and Mavas had ripped his soul out of his body seconds before to safely keep it in a soul stone, those runes provided Kurel with a sort of spectral vision which could be turned on at the expense of resources and then turned off. After Mavas had repaired the worst parts of him and returned his soul to his body and to the living world, those runes had somehow become disconnected from whatever network of magic was used to create them.
So there Kurel was, traveling briskly from the docks through the center of town. The Purveyor’s office was his destination and the moment he stepped across that threshold, Mavas was more than prepared to receive him with a calm, but concerning tone of greeting that was simply, “Captain.”
"Mavas. I wan' you to fix the runes in my eye sockets." It was more pathetic that Kurel’s whole reasoning with wanting to fix this broken corner of himself hinged entirely on his pride and desire to beat Boras at the seedy little Kelp Club. "Bu' you've to do i' withou' breakin' Eilithe's work here." He tapped the center of his chest where her own craftsmanship had created the five tiers that controlled and contained the behemoth inside him.
Mavas sipped his whiskey, then promptly finished the entire glass as Kurel explained why he was there. His eyes narrowed as he looked away, staring at the wall for a moment. "You realize my magic and claim upon you is more possessive than most." he replied finally. "I will attempt to stay away from what Eilithe has done; my magic is not in the habit of...subtlety, but I can do what you ask." Pacing his glass on the desk, the office suddenly became cooler as windows dropped, the shades were drawn, and what sounded like door bolts slid into place. Runes glittering on the walls, tasting of sharp lightning as they worked to secure the building. 
“Yeah. I'm aware of your possessiveness." Kurel said as he bit back a snarl. "Which is why this cos' her wha' it did."
Mavas set to work by first drawing out a chair and collecting a heavy set of manacles. Kurel positioned himself there and didn’t protest to the amount of restraining Mavas used as precaution. He seemed to go about things slow on purpose and methodical,  as was the assassin’s nature to do so. It was the first time in a very long time the two had shared a room and there was a great amount of past events to catch up on. Most of which included Kurel explaining why he was staying in Boralus and the pitted tension between himself and Eilithe.
"You and Eilithe are...volatile. In apparently extraordinary ways. However, you do well in Dead Sun." Mavas offered as a sort of encouragement that he and Eilithe would likely find a way through it and additional advice on the typical problems that Kurel regularly struggled with; commitment, honesty, fatherhood… the list was practically infinite.
"Your children are also not normal, so perhaps your anger and fear of caring for them is acceptable." Mavas smirked. "I imagine for people like yourself, or myself, we wish for that reprieve, but there will always be someone. With the way you speak, you sound like you're seeking the person who can finally put you down."
"I already foun' tha' person." Kurel replied, his next words something both amused and coiled with animosity. "Bu' then he brough' me back."
Mavas picked up his small scalpel and started in the left eye by gently tracing over the inactive rune. With hemomancy, he couldn't do anything until blood started flowing again; a gentle tendril of shadow slipped to coil and seep like a writhing leech into the freshly made cuts and searched for where the connections between the marks and Kurel had been undone.
"Perhaps I simply cannot see the world without the one An'Diel that irritates the others." Mavas replied dryly, eyes closing as he continued. “Your brother seems to have used blood magic in this. I am not as familiar as I would like, but considering my other markings I believe I can fix this. Do you consent to a weak blood bond?" He had already done so much to the captain, he felt he could at least offer choice in this.
"Considerin' you already summoned me once to your sittin' room floor. Ain't sure there's anythin' lef' to be off limits, invasive, offensive, or otherwise intimate between us."  Kurel said it all with a certain degree of saltiness, which was about as close to a yes as anyone ever got when it came to something he didn't want, but had no other alternative suggestion.
In the minutes that followed after, Kurel could remember only two times where he experienced something more painful than the sensation of his own blood being halted, pushed, and spread within the confines of his veins, followed by the cauterization of it to sources of magic inside him that he could not control or to that which did not belong to him at all. The sounds he made as Mavas worked as fast as his talents allowed, were the sort of sounds only a man being horribly tortured could make.
When it was done. The rune on his chest had held and the runes at the back of his sockets sparked to life.
@shaded-hawke | @eilitheduskbringer
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