#including the v5 defaults
red-dyed-sarumane · 1 year
im going to make one single original song & its going to be dog shit but its also going to use every vocal synth i have as psychological torture for both me and my audience
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simtanico · 4 months
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Ellie Williams (inspired by The Last of Us) for The Sims 3
Teen | Brave, Loner, Artistic, Animal Lover
Behold: my pride and joy. You could say that this character is the reason I started creating CC in earnest. Now it's been almost 10 years since I first saved a version of her in CAS and here she finally is! A whole depressing heart-wrenching sequel to her story and a live action adaptation has come out since then!
So maybe this is the opportunity to give her the fun-filled tragedy-less life she deserves?????? Perhaps???????
If you're up for it, Ellie comes with brand new CC including her hair, Fall Hoodie, Summer Top and an edit of the Diesel High Kee jeans I recently released and a soft-launched slider that is soooooooo niche that I don't think merits its own post. You can find it at my sliders page and in the download. :)
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And her being a sim of mine, she has a LOT of CC requirements and uses a ton of sliders. You've been warned!!!
The rest of the details below!
The List (and credits):
Skin: @kurasoberina Primer Skin HD+ (Default) with @chinsims Extra Tones [She will probably do well with another skin, as most of her features are slider and makeup reliant.]
Eyebrows: @simmillercc Low Full Tweezed brows from the EA Female Eyebrow Overhaul (Non-Default) collection (MTS archive.org link, current Patreon link does not have the non-default version of the eyebrows, afaik)
Face Details: Gosik Subtle Freckles v2 // v3 // v5 | @pralinesims Delicate Freckles for the Nose // Delicate Freckles for the Cheek
NOTE: ALL MAKEUP THAT WASN'T ORIGINALLY ENABLED FOR TEENS WAS MADE SO. This tutorial covers how to do that with s3pe.
Eyeshadow: 1. Base Game Eyeshadow (w/ lavsm's default replacement alpha fixes) 2. mochi029 inner eyelid make06 [reuploaded by @hyperkaos] 3. @sk-sims Natural Eyebag 4. Ephemera E121228eyeshadow [hosted by me here]
Eyeliner: 1. @sclub-privee Eyelash 3NA 2. Eyelid 2 by me [included in download] 3. Base Game Top Eyeliner
Blush: 1. @gramssims Contour 2 and Contour 5 [Link inactive. Click here for official archive link.] 2. mochi029 plainMakeSet A 3. Tifa Shading Line Blush // Nose Mask V2 [creator inactive, shared by @simdreams] 4. ModernLover Nosemask 5. @agnelid Bloodland Blush N1 Part 3
Lips: 11 IN3S Dry Lips [re-hosted by @villesims] | 2. Lip Definition III by me [included in download]
The Riding Pants in her athletic outfit (with the striped shirt) are by @sweetdevil-sims!
*** she does require a slider that I have not been able to find reuploaded anywhere, Ottershell's Chin Tallness. Link here. ***
For any other defaults and mods installed please visit my newly-updated resources page linked on my page!
Last thing: Feel free to change her up as you need. Simplify her slider usage, use her as a base, whatever. Just, please, do not claim you made her all on your own OR make money from reposting her or subsequent sims. I've spent years making her and worked very hard to compile all this. If you've made it this far, thank you!!!!!!!!!!
Download .sim and included CC (and leave a 💖): https://simfileshare.net/download/4512068/
Please tag me in any photos you might take!
She will also eventually be hosted on simblr.cc!
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iamafanofcartoons · 2 years
RWBY is a good show, and I’m tired of people pretending its not!
I’m sorry, I’m just so tired of all these random claims that RWBY is “boring anime cliche” or “racist white male writing”, So...let’s go over them in segments
Female characters:
Aren’t walking fanservice shots and aren’t sexualized
Aren’t degraded in their field (combat, tactics, dust usage, etc) to boost up male characters (cause seemingly female characters being too skilled at something is emasculating to incels)
When a woman says no to a man, the man takes no for an answer and doesn’t keep trying. (So dear Hbomberguy, stop claiming that Weiss x Jaune was ever a thing)
Women don’t require a man to “Defend their honor” (This is in response to the dude who harassed me in anonymous about V5 who was upset that Yang punched a creep)
Aren’t woobified or emotionally weakened, instead having reactions to things like normal human beings. (Sorry Shonen anime which loves to make women woobified or emotionally weakened vs men) Being capable of emotions but also doing things effectively.
Aren’t made into waifu for male characters. Nora is still a badass and even being allowed to explore who she is outside of Ren, which runs against the usual anime/manga bs. Weiss didn’t get with Jaune after finding out he helped w/ Neptune. Blake actually defended her boundaries when Sun crossed certain lines (even though they’re brotp not romantic, he’s a male character that could’ve been put as a pseudo-love interest). Yang is also shown to be more than just Blake’s GF as we see in Ruby Yang interactions, Yang vs Salem, Yang ageeing to talk with Robyn. They’re all their own characters not trying to be the perfect wife for a male character.
LGBT+ characters:
aren’t in a world of “everyone is gay or straight”, so for me at least coming across as more impactful
have Ilia (lesbian); Coco (lesbian); Terra (wlw) and Saphron (wlw) also married and w/ kid that aren’t treated different to any other couple; Scarlet (gay-male); Nolan (implied, I think its at this point and not confirmed, mlm); May (non-deadnamed, voiced by and helped crafted with the help of a trans VA, and not having her trans status be the central element of her character trans character); Blake (bi) and Yang (wlw) that are a main pair that are being allowed to build to a relationship at the same pacing as the hetero alt. pairing. BB being naturally built up and not rushed into a relationship, though still soft-canon locked in via Nora.
Are ALL ALIVE (funny how the straight white male characters get killed off?)
PoC characters:
Includes Marrow, Pietro, Joanna, Flynt, Yatsuhashi, Lie Ren, and Robyn as default heroes side
Includes Emerald having switched to the heroes side after having it foreshadowed in v3. Also possibly Elm and Harriet, depending on where they go in the future.
includes Sienna, who was admittedly actual wasted potential, being contrasted against Adam as the morally better version of violence in activism. A controlled violence actually giving a shit rights activist leader vs. a co-opting murderous abusive bloodthirsty psychopathic terrorist.
are easily the lesser in villain count vs. Caucasian villains.
So can the RWDE please stop trying to claim how RWBY isn’t better than anime/manga at least, but overall “isn’t progressive” in these areas.
Adam Taurus represents a very real element in real life regarding “Radical civil rights movements” ; extremism and co-opters; While the actual faunus rights aspect on its own is given a sympathetic light repeatedly. We also have Ilia Amitola, the female POC lesbian, get a redemption. While Adam Taurus, the cis white male edgelord? Is Evil  and gets his death by double penetration at the hands of two lesbians. (Edit: yes, I know Blake is Bi, as is her VA. It was an expression explaining how cis white male “authority” individuals get emasculated)
The WF has a lot of references, not specifically the Black Panther one. Also the WF on its own is fine, its the version that gets corrupted by Adam’s psychotic co-opting terrorist ass that is the problem.
 Reflective of reality where if any group for any cause crosses into violence that involves innocent bystanders; then they lose any credibility and are nothing more than terrorists. I don’t care what the cause is. Which is exactly what the WF under Adam presents; but is just 1 vein of it with Sienna’s vein existing, Ghira’s, and even Blake’s. Was it handled perfectly? No, you could have easily have shaved time from Adam to give to Sienna and had her live to continue. Personally I found Sienna to be the actual wasted potential, but EruptionFang naturally loves cis white male evil men as his favorite Meow Meows. Don’t even try to recommend a gay or bisexual dude to rwby critics, they’ll flip and call it pandering.
The MC’s aren’t remotely “paper thin”, nor secondaries. Heck the only ones that fit that bill are characters in the tertiary vein that are supposed to be that way. The “two traits” falls apart if one actually pays attention to the characters.
And most fixit fanfics not only sexualize the characters in a show with no fanservice...
Sadly they also overfocus on male characters and have their favorite male characters talk down the female main characters.
Robyn Hill represents the people standing up NOT against the military, but against fascism/totalitarianism. We see that for all the “good intentions” that Ironwood MAY have? It is always sabotaged by him. Ironwood backstabs Ozpin, brings an Army as a show of force, does multiple projects behind people’s backs, and yet displays more than few acts of hypocrisy. Volume 7 literally showed him acting as a dictator because he believed that only he knew the answer to everyone’s problems. Yet the consequences of HIS actions are what led to Atlas Downfall. Yang and Blake even tried to get Robyn to work with Ironwood and Robyn was literally willing to do so. Which of course pissed off Ironwood stans that anyone, especially a POC hero of the people, would stand against a Cis White Male Authority figure. The elections in V7 meant that anyone’s authority could be challenged by the people. Of COURSE Ironwood stans REFUSE to acknowledge the election part was good.
The attempt to balance idealism with realism is pretty interesting. What do you do against an enemy with an unlimited army, immortality, and agents who seek to turn everyone against each other? Do you submit to the “inevitable?” Or do you keep fighting to the end, instead prolonging the end?
You can think of this as having borrowed a theme or two from dark souls!
RWBY is at the very least leaps and bounds beyond most anime it's close in genre with. I remember seeing, partially in jest, the idea that RWBY has half the fanbase it does for being an action anime with a female case and no fanservice and I think it might almost literally be true.
It is depressingly hard to find a decent action show with a female cast that doesn't sexualize them in gross ways. Even shows I like on the whole end up doing that.
Of course, the points regarding love are helped by the fact that a good chunk of the female cast is front and center in the story. They’re largely in the driver seat and aren’t secondary to any male titular protagonist. Thus you don’t get cases where a girl on the main cast is there to be… the girl.
In any other story, Oscar and/or Jaune  would be front and center. Heck, the three creators of RWBY are guys before their team grew so you’d think they’d “write what they know.” Yet they stick to their guns on having girls get shit done.
One Anime a person I know felt came close to this was, if you can believe it, Fairy Tail where Natsu might’ve been the prominent ass kicker but Erza is the one effectively leader the team, Wendy goes on an arc of learning to love herself and Lucy grows into the wizard that leads the charge against Acnologia.
Yet it sent mixed signals with how the girls (those of age) had designs that left little to the imagination. I can appreciate an artist honest in his horniness… but the Anime did something right when it came to Erza’s torture in Tartaros that helped sell the gravitas of the traumatic experience.
RWBY feels like the above but far more refined in execution. There’s a time and place for schlocky cheesecake but not when it clashes with the narrative and themes overall.
So tell me...without using Hbomberguys’ repeated false information about the “love triangle” or “self-insert” slander...how would YOU respectfully criticize RWBY?  How would you claim to be “a critic” yet still encourage people to watch RWBY? 
If you try to bring up Hbomb’s 2.5 hour hate video, then anyone who tries to claim that a video from 2 years ago no longer is relevant is just being hypocritical. (Looking at you, RWDE Apologist, you know who you are)
Oh, one more thing. RWBY seasons 1-3 were the weakest in terms of writing and animation. But even so, the fact of the matter is that anything that happened in those seasons are ignored by critics, theorists, and straight shippers.
Material Inspired from   https://www.tumblr.com/crimsonxe/691425946111295488/since-i-ran-across-a-dumbass-earlier-that-tried-to 
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dubljarnasims · 2 months
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Brenner Veldt
Part of the 5th generation of my legacy, Brenner lost his first three wives while they were young, but optimistically married a fourth time, figuring the third fourth time's a charm and nothing bad could happen. The sim who will spend pretty much every waking moment in their pajamas if not compelled by someone to change their outfit? That's him.
No CC included in the download - please see the list and links below.
Partner(s): Andromeda Stevens; Brooklyn Dubljarna; Faith Delgado; Hayden Foxx Children: Surprise Veldt; Clarkdale Veldt, Eagar Veldt; Della Veldt
✨ DOWNLOAD HERE (Google Drive)
Pants - Lazyeyelids | Straight jeans
Shoes - DallasGirl | Birkenstocks mickey
Top - Caio | Lucca sweater
Hair/Makeup/Skin Details:
Beard - Golyhawhaw | Stubble tint
Body Hair - Luumia | Body hair v5 plus
Clavicle - Sunivaa | Male clavicle
Eyebags - Obscurus | Eyebags 8a
Eyebrow details - Pralinesims | Unibrow wow yasmina
Eyebrows - RemusSirion | Eyebrows n49
Eyelashes - Kijiko | 3D lashes version 2 uncurled
Eyelashes - Kijiko | EA eyelash remover
Hair - Clumsyalien | Monica
Mouth - Miiko | Peachy mouth corners
Teeth - Yooniesim | Imperfection teeth set
Skin - Luumia | Vanilla default skin
Eyes - Pralinesims | Oasis v2 default
Sliders & Presets:
Eyebrows - Obscurus | Eyebrow sliders
Face - Luumia | Face asymmetry slider
Mouth - Magic Bot | Default mouth slider
Lips - sammi-xox | Dandelion lip presets
Lower Legs - CmarNYC | Enhanced lower legs slider
Nose - Magic Bot | Default nose slider
Thighs - CmarNYC | Enhanced thigh slider
🐌 Many thanks to the CC creators! 🐌
@caio-cc @clumsyalienn @dallasgirl79 @golyhawhaw @kijiko-sims @lazyeyelids @luumia @magic-bot @miikocc @obscurus-sims @pralinesims @remussirion @sammi-xox @sunivaa @yooniesim
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creamlattedream · 2 years
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MAGICBOT Mesh Edit by CreamlatteDream
I’ve never been satisfied with any foot mesh available for male sims. Until now.
The meshes for the males are usually too wide, too flat, the toes are too small, etc. so I decided to take MAGICBOT’s V5 mesh and edit it to my liking as a man who knows his feet very well.
You maybe have seen these feet on a lot of my posts already. They fit the game, they’re cartoony and look perfect for screenshots.
I’ve been asked to share this edit soo many times for months, but I never did because it had a few issues, but I’ve solved most of them. 
They’re still not perfect but it’s the most requested piece of cc I got.
Default replacement
Masculine frame only
Unfortunately doesn’t work with nail polish 
Mesh Included thanks to MAGICBOT’s TOU.
(IMPORTANT) Must have: my foot softener, MAGICBOT’s foot slider (2.1V), socks mesh.
Credits: @magic-bot
Download for free at my Patreon (no ads, paywalls.)
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If you know tamagotchi, there's no doubt you've seen his cute mug. An icon of tamagotchi.
Mametchi has been around since the gen 1 tamagotchi (a Superstar).
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Mametchi can be evolved by giving the first stage good care, with a 80 to 100 discipline. Then in the teen evolution you must maintain perfect care and fill the discipline to 100. Even though these are the gen 1 requirements, Mametchi seemsto keep a consistent requirement in all of the devices he's in.
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Mametchi described by the shows and movies seems to be an intelligent ,mannered, good boy.
Mametchi is apart of a family of five. This family includes Papamamet (his papa), Mamametchi (his mama), Chamametchi (his little sister), and Hapihapitchi (his dog??? Artificial sibling??? Wtf???).
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Even though by default Mametchi isn't married, in Tamagotchi connection v5 Mametchi can get married and have children. He can even turn into Papamamet with enough Smart points (father like son)
Due to Mametchi being so iconic in the series he has a large amount of variations an evolutionary turns. For example: Mamenamekotchi, a long mushroom shaped mametchi evolution only seen in Nameko Pierce. Talking about all his designs that I find cool would take forever. However I do encourage you to see explore some if these variations yourself, they are rather interesting imo (may touch on some of my favorite another time)
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Last note:
Mametchi seems to be weirdly picky but general with his likes and dislikes. Like he loves sushi and kiddie pools
But dislikes scooters and rice??? Like mf what do you think sushi is made of???
Anyway thank you for reading
~mwah 💋
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rendersfarm · 2 years
Maya 2023.3 released
Autodesk has announced the release of Maya 2023.3. New features and improvements include:
In the Proximity Wrap tool, a new Transform As Deformation option specifies whether the transform of the driver is used for deformation or whether it is kept separate. The Driver Cluster Matrix attribute can also be used to better preserve rotation and scaling.
New options for left-drag behaviour when working with keyframes. 
Options in the Hypershade work area allow the user to set default grid visibility, grid snapping, display modes, and swatch sizing.
Updates to the Autodesk Translation Framework to allow users to transfer data and files within projects with support for Catia V5-6R2022 and Alias 2023 models.
Includes MaxtoA which promises a smoother artist experience, addressing issues with Physical Materials, Volume materials, and more.
Plus many more small fixes and improvements.
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computingpostcom · 2 years
Virtualization is one of the oldest technology in the tech field but is still very useful up to date. It can simply be defined as dividing and sharing the resources of a computer locally. This helps in creating virtual/software versions of the resources on a system such as storage, networks, applications e.t.c. Many people/organizations use Virtualization in different methods to divide a single machine into several VMs that run independently. For virtualization to occur, a Hypervisor is required. There tow major types of Hypervisors, i.e Type 1/Bare Metal Hypervisors: They are normally installed directly on a physical machine. They include the open-source Kernel-based VMs (KVMs), VMware ESXi, Microsoft Hyper-V e.t.c Type 2/Hosted Hypervisors: They earn the name “hosted” because they are installed on top of an Operating system. These include the Oracle VirtualBox and VMware Workstation In this guide we will learn how to install and use VirtualBox 6.1 on Rocky Linux 9. What is VirtualBox? Virtualbox is an open-source hosted/type 2 hypervisor for both enterprise and home use. It can be used to create and run Virtual Machines on an Operating system such as Windows, Linux, OS/2, Solaris, macOS e.t.c. This tool was first released in 2007. It not only offers high performance but also a rich feature set. The latest release version is 6.1, which was made in December 2019. The cool features associated with VirtualBox 6.1 are: Nested virtualization on Intel CPUs Offers the ability to create multiple VM instances Has imported VM groups and storage settings Updated and extensible Firmware Interfaces and use Allows importing and exporting a VM from OCI Before you Begin In order to install VirtualBox on your system, you need to ensure that Virtualization is enabled on your processor. This is normally made in BIOS/UEFI configurations. To check if it is enabled, execute the command: $ lscpu | grep Virtualization Virtualization: VT-x Virtualization type: full Also, verify that you are running a 64-bit system. $ lscpu Architecture: x86_64 CPU op-mode(s): 32-bit, 64-bit Address sizes: 39 bits physical, 48 bits virtual Byte Order: Little Endian CPU(s): 1 On-line CPU(s) list: 0 Vendor ID: GenuineIntel Model name: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1275 v5 @ 3.60GHz CPU family: 6 Model: 94 #1. Add Virtualbox Repository on Rocky Linux 9 Virtualbox does not reside in the default Rocky Linux 9 repositories. To be able to install it, you need to add the official repositories. First, enable the EPEL repository: sudo dnf install epel-release Install the required build tools: sudo dnf install gcc make perl bzip2 dkms kernel-devel kernel-headers Once installed, compare the kernel-devel versions and the kernel versions: $ rpm -q kernel-devel kernel-devel-5.14.0-70.17.1.el9_0.x86_64 $ uname -r 5.14.0-70.13.1.el9_0.x86_64 Since the two do not match, we need to update the Linux Kernel sudo dnf update kernel-* Reboot the system for the Kernel updates to apply: sudo reboot now Once the system boots, verify if the Kernel and kernel-devel are of the same version. Then add the VirtualBox repositories to the system: sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo=https://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/rpm/el/virtualbox.repo #2. Install VirtualBox 6.1 on Rocky Linux 9 Once the repository has been added, identify the available VirtualBox versions dnf search virtualbox Sample Output: Oracle Linux / RHEL / CentOS-9 / x86_64 - Virtu 125 kB/s | 7.8 kB 00:00 ====================== Name & Summary Matched: virtualbox ====================== VirtualBox-6.1.x86_64 : Oracle VM VirtualBox As seen, we have VirtualBox 6.1 provided, proceed and install it using the command: sudo dnf install VirtualBox-6.1 Dependency Tree: Dependencies resolved. ================================================================================
Package Arch Version Repository Size ================================================================================ Installing: VirtualBox-6.1 x86_64 6.1.36_152435_el9-1 virtualbox 90 M Upgrading: pcre2 x86_64 10.37-5.el9_0 baseos 229 k pcre2-syntax noarch 10.37-5.el9_0 baseos 139 k pcre2-utf32 x86_64 10.37-5.el9_0 appstream 199 k Installing dependencies: SDL2 x86_64 2.0.20-2.el9 appstream 606 k libdecor x86_64 0.1.0-3.el9 appstream 40 k pcre2-utf16 x86_64 10.37-5.el9_0 appstream 208 k qt5-qtbase x86_64 5.15.2-29.el9 appstream 3.6 M qt5-qtbase-common noarch 5.15.2-29.el9 appstream 12 k qt5-qtbase-gui x86_64 5.15.2-29.el9 appstream 6.3 M qt5-qtx11extras x86_64 5.15.2-6.el9 appstream 35 k sdl12-compat x86_64 0.0.1~git.20211125.4e4527a-4.el9 appstream 83 k xcb-util-image x86_64 0.4.0-19.el9 appstream 19 k xcb-util-keysyms x86_64 0.4.0-17.el9 appstream 14 k xcb-util-renderutil x86_64 0.3.9-20.el9 appstream 17 k xcb-util-wm x86_64 0.4.1-22.el9 appstream 31 k Transaction Summary ================================================================================ Install 13 Packages Upgrade 3 Packages Total download size: 102 M Is this ok [y/N]: y Accept the GPG key to be imported: Oracle Linux / RHEL / CentOS-9 / x86_64 - Virtu 3.0 kB/s | 1.7 kB 00:00 Importing GPG key 0x98AB5139: Userid : "Oracle Corporation (VirtualBox archive signing key) " Fingerprint: 7B0F AB3A 13B9 0743 5925 D9C9 5442 2A4B 98AB 5139 From : https://www.virtualbox.org/download/oracle_vbox.asc Is this ok [y/N]: y #3. Install Virtualbox Extension Pack on Rocky Linux 9 Wait until the installation has been completed then proceed and install the Virtualbox Extension Pack. This provides features such as Virtualbox RDP, disk encryption, NVMe and PXE boot for intel cards, USB 2.0, USB 3.0 devices to VirtualBox. To download the Virtualbox Extension Pack, visit the official Virtualbox downloads page. On the page, download the “all supported platforms” pack It is also possible to download the pack via wget wget https://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/6.1.36/Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-6.1.36a-152435.vbox-extpack Now build the kernel modules using the command: $ sudo /sbin/vboxconfig vboxdrv.sh: Stopping VirtualBox services. vboxdrv.sh: Starting VirtualBox services. vboxdrv.sh: Building VirtualBox kernel modules. Once downloaded, navigate to the location of the file and install it with the command: sudo VBoxManage extpack install Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-*.vbox-extpack Proceed as shown; VirtualBox Extension Pack Personal Use and Evaluation License (PUEL) License version 11, 21 May 2020 PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING ORACLE VM VIRTUALBOX EXTENSION PACK PERSONAL USE AND EVALUATION LICENSE CAREFULLY BEFORE DOWNLOADING OR USING THE ORACLE SOFTWARE. THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONSTITUTE A LEGAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU AND ORACLE. ORACLE AMERICA, INC. ("ORACLE") IS WILLING TO LICENSE THE PRODUCT DEFINED IN SECTION 1 BELOW ONLY ON THE CONDITION THAT YOU ACCEPT ALL OF THE TERMS CONTAINED IN THIS VIRTUALBOX EXTENSION PACK PERSONAL USE AND EVALUATION LICENSE AGREEMENT ("AGREEMENT"). ...... Do you agree to these license terms and conditions (y/n)? y #4. How to Use VirtualBox 6.1 Once installed, Virtualbox 6.1 is ready for use. Launch it from the App Menu as shown: To create a Virtual Machine, click on New and set the name of the VM as shown. Assign the memory size for your Virtual Machine.
Create a hard disk for the VM. This will act as storage for your VM Set the disk size. Now you will have your VM created. There are some configurations you can make before you begin the installation. Navigate to the VM’s Settings -> Storage and load the ISO file to be used to install the required Operating System. It is also possible to configure the Network. Here, you can choose between NAT, bridged,l internal Network, host-only e.t.c Transfer Files Between Virtual Machine To Host There are three ways how to transfer files between the Host and VM. These are: Drag and drop & Shared Clipboard USB drive Shared Folder Top configure Drag and Drop, which is typically copy and paste, navigate to the VM’s settings-> General settings-> Advanced settings and enable it as shown. To allow data to be copied from USB Stick to your VM, enable the USB controller and set the controller. You can now click on + to add the USB device. To configure a shared folder between the host and VM, click on Shared Folders and set the host folder to be shared, the share name then the required permissions. You also need to specify a mount point on the VM as shown. Once the desired configurations have been made click Ok and start the VM. The installation will begin as shown: VirtualBox Networking VirtualBox supports several network modes that include: NAT NAT Network Bridged Adapter Internal Network Host-Only Adapter Generic Driver In this guide, we will discuss and learn how to set 3 commonly used modes which are: NAT Networking This is the default enabled mode, the VM is able to access hosts in a physical area network using the virtual NAT. The internet is also accessible from the guest OS. Using this mode, allows the VM to be accessed internally and cannot be accessed remotely. The NAT mode has a internal DHCP server with the default IP address as Bridged Networking With this mode, the VM’s adapter is connected to the host’s physical network adapter. The VM now uses the hots network interface for internet connection. Here, the VMs are fully accessible from the physical LAN. The IP is assigned from your physical network using the IP address of the default gateway in the physical network. Host-only Networking This mode is used to establish communication between the host and the guest. The VM is also able to communicate with other VMs that are connected to the host-only network. The host-only network can be created on Virtualbox by navigating to File > Host Network Manager. Create the network and check the properties. You can edit them manually or configure them automatically. Once the host-only network has been created, you can now use it on VMs as shown. That is it, now proceed and install the VirtualBox Guest Additions that consist of a set of device drivers and system applications used to optimize the performance of the VM. They provide a number of features such as Mouse pointer integration, shared folders, shared clipboards e.t.c This can be achieved using the aid in the guide below How To Install VirtualBox guest additions on Rocky Linux 9 Closing Thoughts That marks the end of this guide on how to install and use VirtualBox 6.1 on Rocky Linux 9. You are now able to create and use VMs on your system as desired. I hope this was significant.
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pinerrecruitment · 2 years
Ipv6 ping transmit failure home network
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Ipv6 ping transmit failure home network mac#
Statement instead of the value you specify in this command option. The DSCP value specified in the dscp-code-point configuration Of ICMP echo request packets sent on behalf of this command carries Includes the dscp-code-point value statement at the hierarchy level, the configured DSCP value overrides the (Optional) Set the type-of-service (ToS) field in (Optional) Intermediate strict source route entry Is usually the loopback interface ( lo.0). If this option is not specified, the default address This address is sent in the IP source address field of Theĭefault value is 56, which is effectively 64 bytes because 8īytes of ICMP header data are added to the packet. Of values, in bytes, is 0 through 65,468. For Junos OS Evolved, the routing-instance option supports only mgmt_junos. Record and report the packet’s path (IPv4).įor the ping attempt. The number of requests, include the count option. Ping requests are sent before the results are reported. Not in individual messages for each ping request. The results are reported in a single message, (Optional) Specify a hexadecimal fill pattern to include The remote system you are trying to reach.ĭo not attempt to determine the hostname that corresponds to the IP (Optional) Ping the physical or hardware address of (Optional) Intermediate loose source route entry (IPv4). (Optional) Name of tenant system from which to send To return to the main router or switch, enter The defaultĪlternatively, enter the set cli logical-system logical-system-name command and then run the ping command. Of values, in seconds, is 1 through infinity. (Optional) How often to send ping requests. Header) is greater than the MTU, the ping operation might fail. Therefore, if the ping packet size (including the 48-byte In Junos OS Release 11.1 and later, when issuing the ping command for an IPv6 route with the do-not-fragment option, the maximum ping packet size is calculated by subtractingĤ8 bytes (40 bytes for the IPV6 header and 8 bytes for the ICMP header)įrom the MTU. Is identified as IPv6 Ping when destination is IPv6 address or inet6 option is used.įor Junos OS IPv6 packets, this option disables fragmentation. Set the do-not-fragment (DF) flag in the IP header of the ping packets.įor Junos OS Evolved Release 18.3R1, IPv6 ping does In the output the interface on which the ping reply was received. Option is not supported for Junos OS Evolved Release 18.3R1. Value is an unlimited number of requests. (Optional) Number of ping requests to send. The command output displays the connectivity information of the CEĭevice based on the configured routing instance type. Name of the VPLS or EVPN routing instance. Loopback address as the source for a specific VPLS or EVPN routing To use the CE device IP address as the target host and the PE device Ping infrastructure, where the ping utility is extended Private LAN service (VPLS), hierarchical VPLS (H-VPLS), and Ethernet
Ipv6 ping transmit failure home network mac#
Points, and MAC addresses, from a provider edge (PE) device in a virtual Information of customer edge (CE) devices, such as reachability, attachment Routers with MPC and MIC interfaces only) (Optional) Check the connectivity Local system through an interface that has no route through it.Ĭe-ip destination-ip-address instance routing-instance-name source-ip source-ip-address If the system is not on a directlyĪttached network, an error is returned. Pi-hole v5.1.2 Web Interface v5.1.1 FTL v5.IP address or hostname of the remote system to ping.īypass the normal routing tables and send ping requests directly toĪ system on an attached network. Any ideas of what I can check? I understand ipv4 well.but this ipv6 stuff just goes above my head.Įdit- my router is even using my pihole to resolve ipv6 addresses when it pings according to my pihole log. But like I said I didn't change anything at all on either the router or pihole so I don't know what's going on. I don't know if this is a router or pihole problem.my pihole has a static ipv4 and ipv6 address that I use for DNS advertisement. But pinging from my pihole or my network devices I get transmit failure (windows) or network unreachable (linux). I made no changes and did no updates on either the router or my pihole.ĭoing an ipv6 ping from the router itself is successful and the ipv6 wan settings look fine. Up until a few days ago everything was working, but now I no longer have ipv6 access on my network. I have a network setup with openWRT as my router, and a pihole handling DHCP and DNS with Unbound.
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nahasarch · 2 years
Unzip winrar mac
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It will open common formats such as Zip, RAR (including v5), 7-zip, Tar, Gzip and Bzip2. 4.8 73 Ratings Free Screenshots The Unarchiver is a small and easy to use program that can unarchive many different kinds of archive files. The Unarchiver 4+ Open any archive in seconds MacPaw Inc. It’s highly recommended for almost any user. Open the Mac App Store to buy and download apps. Another neat Archiver feature is the ability to split your archives into multiple volumes. Link Type Windows Description Download.exe: 64-bit 圆4: 7-Zip for 64-bit Windows 圆4 (Intel 64 or AMD64) Download. Alternatively, if you want to create a RAR archive: Choose RAR out of the formats offered. You can unpack compressed files of almost every format file and fix corrupt information. rar on Mac, simply choose Extract, select the destination, and then click Done. It allows you to compress files to save space and secure them with a password.
WinRAR is compression and extraction software that’s available for free on a trial basis for 40 days. Simply download and extract it, move it to the desktop and then open it. Keka needs a helper to set itself as the default application. You can also fix corrupt information with the repair tool. Set Keka as the default extraction application. WinRAR offers a Wizard feature that assists novices through the packing and unpacking files as you view and create content. You’re further protected from possible attacks by including a ZIP archive into the signatory body with the Authenticode digital signature feature. This program offers 128-bit password encryption to secure any compressed information you send. This compression and extraction software is safe to install, but you need to be cautious with the external data you download to unzip with WinRAR. The initial download and installation are fast, and the program doesn’t take much space on your device.
A license agreement has to be accepted upon installation of the app. WinRAR FULL Version 6.02 Free WinRAR for mac by TechCyber Vision janewinrar alternative mac WinRAR FULL Version 6.02 Free WinRAR Ubuntu: How to extract and join files xxx.zip, by Roel Van De Paar janez01 zip Ubuntu: How to extract and join files xxx. The application is available in many languages such as English, Chinese, Indonesian, Turkish and more. If you’re looking for a reliable and powerful file extractor for Mac, Commander One is the go-to option. Luckily, there are multiple third-party apps that offer more functionality when it comes to compressing and extracting files on Mac.
You can select the file type to associate with the app, as it supports all popular compression formats such as RAR, ZIP, CAB, ARJ, LZH, ACE, TAR, GZip, UUE, ISO, BZIP2, Z and 7-Zip. To unzip other archive formats, including RAR, you’ll need a dedicated Mac OS unzip app. WinRAR has an easy-to-navigate interface to compress and extract data into RAR and ZIP files. All future updates of the software are free. You can also mix versions to meet your preferences if you buy several licenses. You can purchase a WinRAR license in many available languages and on various platforms.
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studioslascl · 2 years
React router dom redirect
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So to make it an authenticated route, create a Higher-Order component (HOC) to wrap the authentication logic.// BookCreateForm.test. We will grab the user's name from the URL using route parameters.Ĭurrently the profile page can be accessed directly. Donec dui urna, vehicula et sem eget, facilisis sodales Sollicitudin porttitor, tortor urna tempor ligula, id porttitor mi This component will make use of the component from react-router-dom.Ĭreate a directory called "components" inside the src folder. By default, the query parameters will just pass through but you can specify them if you need to. The path you want to redirect from, including dynamic segments.
Let's start by creating the navigation bar for our app. A sets up a redirect to another route in your application to maintain old URLs.
We will create the Profile page later on in the article. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctusĮt ultrices posuere cubilia curae Duis consequat nulla ac ex consequat, Lorem tortor dapibus turpis, sit amet vestibulum eros mi et odio.Ĭlass aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per Pellentesque dignissim, sapien et congue rutrum, Risus at dapibus aliquet, elit quam scelerisque tortor, nec accumsan eros Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Paste the following inside the Home and About components. Creating the Page ComponentsĬreate a pages directory inside the src folder where we will park all the page components.įor this demo, create three pages - Home, About, and Profile. Now that you have the project set up let's start by creating a few page components.
Next, import in the index.js file and clean up all the boilerplate code from the App.js file. yarn add react-router-domįor styling the components, I'm going to use the Bulma CSS framework. is used to build a website for one static page.
uses the hash () in the URL to create a component. Basically, react-router-dom has 2 types of routers used, namely and Both have their advantages depending on what type of Web we are building.
I'll be using yarn to install the dependencies, but you can use npm as well. React Router Dom Component Router components. Setup the projectĬreate a new React project by running the following command. Version 6 of React Router is here React Router v6 takes the best features from v3, v5, and its sister project, Reach Router, in our smallest and most powerful package yet. So open up your favorite text editor, and let's get started.
In this article, you'll learn how to use React-Router and its components to create a Single Page Application. There is no flashy blank page in between route transitions. React-Router matches the URL and loads up the component for that particular page.Įverything happens so fast, and seamlessly, that the user gets a native app-like experience on the browser. The browser will make a GET request to the server, and the server will return an HTML page as the response.īut, with the new Single Page Application paradigm, all the URL requests are served using the client-side code.Īpplying this in the context of React, each page will be a React component. If you are using routes in your app you are also using react-router-dom. Traditionally routing works like this: let's say you type in /contact in the URL. React router dom redirect Routing is an important task for the proper functioning of a website or application. If you have just started with React, you are probably still wrapping your head around the whole Single Page Application concept.
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nahasneeds · 2 years
Vsphere client for mac os
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This only applies for people using the VCSA (VMware vCenter. Wait while it is installing macOS Mojave on vSphere Hypervisor. Wait while it is are copying the necessary files for macOS Mojave installation.
Select the disk to install macOS 10.14 and click the Install button. Symptom: Getting page cannot be displayed errors when attempting to access a virtual machine's (VM) console while using Safari, Firefox, or Chrome on a mac. Click the Continue button to launch the MacOS installation on vSphere ESXi. This took me quite a while to track this down so I decided to post a quick article on it. This would include 2 client installs of OS X and one OS X server install. We want to built a test lab for setup and testing of our images for new Mac deployment and software installs. Apparently it does not install as it keep looping back to the the black and white Apple logo screen.
We need to host Mac OS servers such as (MacOS 3.13 High Sierra) or (MacOS 3.14 Mojave). I have a question about virtualizing OS X on VMware vSphere ESXi running on a Mac Pro. Our company has a VMware ESXi 6.7 & 6.5 servers that run mostly Windows and Linux servers.
If you are using a Linux-based pc or Mac OS X and want to manage a vSphere-environment then you might ask yourself the question if there is a native OS-version of the vSphere. By default, there is a Mac OS X template in ESXi wizard. Is there a vSphere Client for Linux and Mac If you are using a Linux-based pc or Mac OS X and want to manage a vSphere-environment then you might ask yourself the question if there is a native OS-version of the vSphere Client available for your platform. In this video I show you how I installed the vSphere client on a mac using an application called Crossover. I’m not sure about licensing Purchasing Lion for App Store for your Mac, you seem to have the right to install it on every Mac you own My Hypervisor is not a Mac But I bought Lion Anyway, here’s a simple way to install Mac OS X Lion in ESXi 5. As you grow, this ultimately lets you manage multiple networks or groups of hosts within the same interface. So I installed Mac OS X Lion as a virtual machine on my ESXi v5. vSphere Client Creating a Virtual Machine The MacStadium private cloud options you selected will determine the number of physical hosts you see in your vSphere cluster. I would like to see if the Sandy Bridge Core i5 2500T in my hypervisor does a better job. I find my MacBook Pro mid-2009 quite slow when rendering my personal H.264.
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angieloversims · 2 years
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dubljarnasims · 1 month
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Douglas Goodyear
Part of the 6th generation of my legacy, Douglas married California straight out of high school. They moved to Britechester because they liked the college town vibe but had no plans to attend university.
CC not included in the download - please see the list and links below.
Partner(s): California Stinson Children: Stinson Goodyear
✨ DOWNLOAD HERE (Google Drive)
Earrings - sugar owl | Elifir earrigns
Face Piercing - Magic Bot | Face piercing circular ball 22
Necklace - Pralinesims | Cyd choker
Pants - Simandy | Lotus pants
Shirt - Deathpoke1qa | Trad tees
Shoes - Marigold | Combat boots
Sweater - Imadako | Long hoodie accessory
Hair/Makeup/Skin Details:
Beard - Golyhawhaw | Stubble tint
Body Hair - Luumia | Body hair v5 plus
Clavicle - Sunivaa | Male clavicle
Eye Bags - Northern Siberia Winds | Eyebags n3
Eye Bags - Tamo | Basic eye bags
Eyebrows - RemusSirion | Eyebrows n49
Eyelashes - Kijiko | 3D lashes version 2 uncurled
Eyelids - ddarkstonee x Obscurus | Lower eyelid
Eyeshadow - Obscurus | Eyelids n3
Face Scars - AlisaSour | Face scars
Hair - Raccoonium | Okiya
Lips - RemusSirion | N291 polyclonal
Mouth Corners - Miiko | Peachy mouth corners
Tattoo - Reevaly | Random tattoo v41
Teeth - Yooniesim | Imperfection teeth set
Skin - Luumia | Vanilla skin default
Eyes - Pralinesims | Oasis v2 default
Presets & Sliders:
Body - Obscurus | Male body presets
Butt - CmarNYC | Enhanced butt slider
Chin - Magic Bot | Default chin slider
Face - Luumia | Face asymmetry slider
Head - Northern Siberia Winds | Male head shape preset 5
Lower Legs - CmarNYC | Enhanced lower legs sliders
Mouth - Magic Bot | Default mouth slider
Nose - Magic Bot | Default nose slider
Nose - Simbience | Nose preset #39-51
Thighs - CmarNYC | Enhanced thigh slider
🐌 Many thanks to the CC creators! 🐌
@alisasour @ddarkstonee @deathpoke1qa @golyhawhaw @imadako @kijiko-sims @luumia @magic-bot @miikocc @northernsiberiawinds @obscurus-sims @pralinesims @raccoonium @reevaly @remussirion @simandy @simbience @sugarowl @sunivaa @tamo-sim @yooniesim
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fetishims · 2 years
Fetishims Feet V5
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This is my V5 Feet.
There were people asking for smaller feet consistantly. I could release my old 'EA size V2 Feet' but i decided to make my new feet from scratch for your asking.
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Completely New Mesh, Toenails has square shape. Sharp and thin, Maybe it will look good with skinny body type.
Tonail polish is what i'm working on, exactly same texture location as @magic-bot​ Magic Bot's nail polish. So it will be compatible.
- Base game compatible - Non-default compatible with body selector WW - Works great with Magic Bot's nail polish and feet overlay - Female Only - Find in ‘Slides’ and ‘Lace Up(Child)' category
- Do not include the mesh, Shoes creators should get my permission first to make their shoes using my mesh. also indicate my authorship. - Do not share my work with any paysite, or for free. - Please do not re-upload or claim as your own. - You can share my post without files. Always please link to my original patreon post.
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incandescentsims · 3 years
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Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
I posted 2,207 times in 2021
853 posts created (39%)
1354 posts reblogged (61%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 1.6 posts.
I added 4,206 tags in 2021
#ts4 - 783 posts
#the sims 4 - 713 posts
#witchtober 2021 - 448 posts
#reblog: 🧙‍♀️31 days of spellcasters 2021 - 430 posts
#reblog: 🧜🏼‍♀️31 days of merfolk 2021 - 371 posts
#💕 friday favourites - 360 posts
#sims 4 - 352 posts
#berry sweet sims - 318 posts
#berrypastelrainbowcy - 216 posts
#bpr gen2 - 215 posts
Longest Tag: 68 characters
#i would definitely recommend stopping by sam’s blog during simblreen
My Top Posts in 2021
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Who’s ready for 31 days of Mermaids and even some Mermen?
It’s coming up to that time of the year again!
🧜‍♀️MerMay 2021
This year I decided to create my own prompt list!
Feel free to join in, I’d love to see how you interpret the prompts. You can do all of them or pick n' choose the ones that inspire you.
Have fun with them!
Tag #31 days of Merfolk 2021 or @ me for reblogs.
You can check out my MerMay edits from previous years HERE
Transcript under the cut:
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266 notes • Posted 2021-04-08 22:00:35 GMT
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Candy Shoppe Recolours
@ dallasgirl79′s Havana Wedges (No Slider Versions)
Recoloured in @ berrygameplay’s Candy Shoppe Palette
*Not HQ compatible
Download under the cut
No Ad.fly and Always Free
@ maxismatchccworld
MESHES NOT INCLUDED get them HERE  - No Slider versions
(ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧ DOWNLOAD:
Sim File Share Patreon
285 notes • Posted 2021-10-23 08:24:17 GMT
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@ luumia's Body Hair v5
All 15 different styles recoloured in @ simandy's 40 Puppy Crow Colours. Each hair type is a stand alone with custom icons. There is a merged file or you can pick n' choose from the 15 individual files.
Required: Luumia's Body Hair v5
(ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧ DOWNLOAD:
Sim File Share Patreon
No Ad.fly and Always Free
@ maxismatchccworld
297 notes • Posted 2021-01-05 14:06:16 GMT
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(∩`-´)⊃━☆゚.*・。゚ Who’s ready for 31 days of Spellcasters
It’s coming up to spooky season and to celebrate I created my own Witchtober prompt list.
🧙‍♀️Witchtober 2021
Feel free to join in, I’d love to see how you interpret the prompts. 
**Remember you don’t have to do all the prompts, you can pick n’ choose the ones that inspire you. You also don’t have to do the prompts in order, feel free to swap the days around if you want.
Have fun with them!
Tag #31 days of Spellcasters 2021 or @ me for reblogs.
You can check out my Witchtober edits from 2019 HERE
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552 notes • Posted 2021-09-14 09:10:25 GMT
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@ pyxiidis Under Your Spell Eyes - Cottage Living Default Overrides
Replaced all textures for the Cottage Living animals (the Rabbits, Foxes, Cows, Llamas & Chickens)
Removed the specular (Eye Shine) on the eyes.
All animals beside the fox are simple texture replacements so they don’t override the objects themselves just the textures.
Default Overrides (will conflict will other overrides that touch the animal textures)
Requires: Cottage Living
Download under the cut
No Ad.fly and Always Free
@ maxismatchccworld
You can see examples of what they all look like HERE
(ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧ DOWNLOAD:
Sim File Share Patreon
563 notes • Posted 2021-08-22 02:22:51 GMT
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