#incredibly foine crushes
fbfh · 2 years
PART 4 OF INTRODUCING YOU TO MY CRUSHES: Adrian greensmith (hunter Sylvester in metal lords)
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I think i have a type for rockstars…
Oh my god????????? Now I have to watch metal lords. Ngl I'll probably reblog this screaming when I finish it. Once again, FUCKING TASTE!!!!!! As you should honestly, I love a rockstar myself so you're in good company
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dwarf-posting · 2 years
Thoughts on the long-standing hammer vs axe debate?
Anon A've jus' woke up an' ye've hit me with tha longest, mos' complex argument ta ever grace dwarfkind!
Hammers are fantastic, because no' only are they weapons o' war, they're also tools fer construction an' forgin'. Hammers have a lot more heft than mos' other weapons, so they're usually slower to land a hit, but when they connect, they'll shatter bones like twigs! They'll dent any ramshackle plate humies might come up with an' turn any elf er goblin ta a foine red stain. But no' only that, hammers are an essential tool for buildin'. They'll pair with that anvil ta forge ore inta beautiful blades an' spears, with a chisel ta carve our story inta that very caverns, with a bag o' nails ta literally put a roof over yer head. A hammer may gain use in war, but it's much more valuable in peacetime.
Devastatin' damage
Incredibly useful outside of war
Warhammers tend ta be larger an' heavier, no' tha' ye cannae use yer hammer from yer workshop ta bash goblin skulls, but they're different items usually
Slower ta swing, which leaves ye vulnerable ta yer foe's strikes
Now, axes are a different story! An axe is usually quite hefty, but no' near as hefty as an axe o' that same size. They're faster to use. Whoile a hammer'll bash bones an' crush organs, an axe'll hack off limbs, crack through yer ribcage, or jus' carve off a sizeable chunk o' ya. They're more surface-level damage than core damage, which is no' a bad thing! On tha contrary! A humie'll die from exterior bleeding much quicker than from interior bleeding. Tha' said, hammers have axes beat in tha other arena. Axes are useful outside o' combat, but no' nearly so as hammers. Sure, we use them fer choppin' down trees near our mines, but tha's about it.
Much more hack-an-slash than hammers
Elves live in trees
Not quite as useful as hammers
So, in conclusion, it's a tough argument tha's been causin' tavern brawls as long as dwarves have inhabited taverns. But me personally, A'd have ta go with... tha Axe. It's an iconic weapon, an' A like ta see my enemies come down ta eye-level, if ye get my meanin'. Plus, have ye seen how Kratos uses tha' Leviathan axe? Totally badass.
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dontshouta · 5 years
helloo love~ could i request smth pleease? i thought it would be really cool if bakugo or todoroki have like a huge crush on the reader and the reader is just so oblivious to that and one day they just come up to their desk and says 'i know why ur acting so weird! ur that really famous all might fanpage on social media!!' and theyre just like "e-excuse me??!!??! i love you?!????!!!???!?!" if its possible with a gender neutral reader please~ thank u so much and dont worry, u dont need to rush!!!!
i thought this was so cute bc deadASS these boys would be so obvious with their pining but i’d be like (:??? anyway i hope you enjoy this anonnie im sorry im so late hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Bakugou Katsuki:
You were sat in the dorm’s common room, a book in your lap as you mindlessly flipped through the pages. You didn’t notice when someone sat next to you, your mind elsewhere, completely submerged in your thoughtless head. You felt a hard poke jab against your rib cage, startling you.
“Ow-! Bakugou, what the fuck.” You pouted, rubbing your side dramatically. You didn’t realize he sat next to you. Since when did he ever want to sit next to you? The thought confused you, he never initiated conversations. You thought this was a gift from some divine spirit watching you from above. 
The boy rolled his eyes, his finger pointing accusingly in your face. “I’ve been calling your name for like 5 minutes, dumbass. I can’t believe you couldn’t hear me.” He scoffed, though his eyes were soft as he stared at you. You didn’t think you’d ever seen him look at you like that. Your stomach erupted with butterflies.
You scrunched your eyebrows in thought. Since when has Bakugou had the patience to sit and wait for someone to notice him? Usually he’d be asking for everyone’s attention without any further notice. This was new, what’s his motive? Does he want something from you? You bit your lip, delving yourself back into your own head.
“Yo! Y/N, I’m talking to you, fuck.” His tone suggested anger but his face still held a softness to it that had your mind reeling. You wanted to beat him up. With kisses. 
“Why though?” It didn’t hurt to ask, especially since the situation was so foreign to you.
The boy’s face suddenly turned a rosy hue, his lips set in a straight line while he silently appraised you. Your furrowed eyebrows deepened ass you took the flushed boy in. You don’t think you’ve ever seen him like this. You thought it was cute. And frankly, kind of annoying. No one was allowed to be that cute while simultaneously be so infuriating.
A thought popped into your mind, causing a smirk to rise devilishly onto your lips. 
“Oh, Bakugou, is there something you want to tell me?” You teased, taking a turn to poke into his rib cage. Bet he didn’t like that. Payback’s a bitch, huh.
“Hah? I ain’t got nothin’ to tell you, dumbass.” His face was even redder than before, this hands quietly fidgeting while he desperately tried to avoid eye contact. 
“I think I know your little secret, my poor, poor blasty.” Your smirk turned into a full blown smile, your finger risking another poke to his side. The poor boy was tongue tied, you couldn’t believe the state he was in. You wished you could record the whole endeavor so everyone could finally see Bakugou Katsuki in such a state.
“Oh yeah? Well tell me since you know so fuckin’ much.” 
“Yeah, I know why you’re acting so weird. I’ve got you alllll figured out. You run that All Might fanpage on Twitter, right? Ugh, my mind. I’m too smart. You can grovel at my feet now so I can keep your cute little secret.”
He was quiet for a minute. Like, frighteningly quiet. For a minute, you thought you had gone to far and wanted to take all your dumb small brain words back but it was too late. He looked like he was about to explode any minute.
“Are you fucking kiddin- no you idiot I fucking LIKE you. What the fuck.”
You stared at him. Your brain running a million miles a minute. Did he say what you thought he just said? Your ears weren’t deceiving you? Well, now you felt like a damn fool. What in the ever living heck were you thinking when you confidently declared he was the All Might twitter fanboy. You were embarrassed, to say the least. But also incredibly flattered.
“Awww,” You cooed, trying to fend off your obvious embarrassment by trying to fuel his. “Little blasty likes me??” You reached over to ruffle his hair but he suddenly stood, already making a grand escape.
“Oi, if you don’t like me back just say it, I don’t have time for this shit.” Your brain went into hyper drive, already deciding you were a dumb bitch and forcing you to follow quickly in his heels. You slammed into his back, your arms wrapping possessively around his waist.
“Noo, Bakugou, baby, it was a prank don’t be like this. I like you too! Please, I’m sorry for having half a brain cell.”
He clicked his tongue, his head turning to address you. “I guess that’s what I like about you, dumbass.”
Todoroki Shouto:
You were scrolling through your Twitter timeline while walking through campus, your attention fully occupied by the device in your hand. You were silently snorting to a thirst tweet by Kaminari when you suddenly bumped into something- or someone. You squealed in surprise, clutching your phone so you wouldn’t yeet it across campus.
“T-Todoroki! I’m so sorry, oh my goodness-” You were a blubbering mess, trying to apologize profusely while also not drool over the boy clad in his black turtleneck.
He smiled slightly, cutting you off. “Don’t worry about it, Y/n. I actually wanted to.. Talk to you about something.” His voice was smooth and quiet, making you weak in the knees. Damn this man. Damn him all to hell.
“Oh, sure, yeah. What about?” You pocketed your phone, wanting to give the boy your undivided attention. It’s what he deserves.
He scratched at the back of his neck, averting his gaze somewhere behind you. You were confused, but still kept quiet as he gathered his thoughts. The most you would do was give him your undivided attention. Not like it was a difficult task, that boy was foine.
You had been feeling like Todoroki had been acting sort of weird whenever you were around him. He’d never fully look you in the eye or address you directly. He seemed like he was nervous about something. Or hiding something. You just couldn’t figure out what or why. 
“Not to like, rush you or anything but, what’s going on?”
His cheeks turned pink, surprising you monumentally as you stared up at the taller boy. In all you interactions with him, you’ve never seen him once get flustered. He’s definitely hiding something.
“Oh my gosh, Todoroki, is this what I think it is?!” You yelled, taking his hand and shaking it about wildly. The flush spread from his cheeks to down his neck, disappearing behind the delectable turtleneck of his. “I can’t believe it- I’ve had my suspicions but I never thought you’d actually tell me! I’m truly honored to know your the person behind that famous All Might fan account on Twitter. Gosh, it was so obvious!”
Todoroki scrunched his eyebrows cutely, a small but confused smile growing on his lips. 
“Excuse me what? That’s not at all what I was going to say.”
His hand finally gripped yours, you didn’t notice you were still shaking his hand, and he brought it up to his chest. You could feel his erratic heartbeat once he finally made eye contact with you.
“Y/N… I like you.. I’ve liked you for a while and.. I just thought you should know.” His voice was so quiet you weren’t sure if you could hear him right. But his grip on your hand and the blush on his face couldn’t be any more obvious tells of his confession.
You felt your heart swell up in happiness as a big grin spread across your face.
“Oh my gosh, you dork, I like you too! I feel kinda dumb now for assuming you were that Twitter page.” If the Earth could open up a hole underneath you and swallow you up, you honestly wouldn’t mind.
“I thought it was cute.”
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tjbcnntt · 6 years
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suP im back !!! hope y’all aren’t sick of me yet akldjfhld
( keith powers • twenty three • cismale ) looks like tevin “tj” bennett just moved into apartment 3C! i heard that he is here in los angeles because he needed to get away from his father but has been struggling – thankfully moreau has taken them in! rumour has it, they can be quite reticent and aggressive but at least they’re creative and charming, hey? i can already tell they’re going to be the phoenix of the building.
ok sO tj here is a new rendition on a faV muse of mine because i rlly wanted to bring bby keith here cause he foine as hell. i love this muse deaRLY and have been dreaming of developing him properly for like ... years lmao so i’m sorry if i ramble okSAsdlk
tw: mention of death and anxiety
a normal childhood could not have been further out of reach for tj. growing up, it was just him and his father — his mother sadly passed away after complications during his birth and despite reality promising it wasn’t his fault, tevin’s always had a deep-rooted guilt about it
his father never made it much easier on him either honestly. though calvin never outright blamed tevin for his beloved wife’s death, his attitude towards his son always seemed to hint towards it
tj doesn’t remember ever rlly seeing a smile on the man’s face — except in the few photos he found of his parents together, which only confirmed his beliefs that his father wasn’t the same man that he was before his wife’s passing
on top of that, nothing tj ever did seemed to be enough for the stone cold man, including pushing away his own passion for his fathers
art has always been tj’s first love. painting, drawing, writing, music, everything considered “art” tevin was sure to love. but his father never agreed with his love for watercolours and paintbrushes — instead he wanted his son to follow in his footsteps and go into the medical field
calvin had a practice in their hometown and was the most reliable family doctor in the vicinity
tevin always respected his father’s drive and passion for healing others but it was always painful for him to hear of all the people his father helped all while he neglected his own son
going into the medical field was the last thing that tevin wanted to do. the schooling, the pressure, everything that went along with the industry gave tevin shivers but as a young boy who wanted nothing more than the approval of his father, he saw no other option but to go into it
with no break or gap year after high school, tj went to the university of san fran for his bachelor of science and completed the program but lol the stress man
he developed anxiety and he jusT scraped by on most of his classes in his last year. the pressure of university alone was a lot but with his father’s constant watching over his shoulder and nagging about med school, it almost became too much for tevin
he graduated from usf at 22 with his ba in science but had no real motivation to apply to medical school. his fathER on the other hand was already eyeing the best ones and pressuring tj to do the same. it was a lot on his shoulders but tj fought through it for a while, trying to find his passion and motivation for med school but it just kept getting pushed to the side by something elSE
his fingers continued to yearn for the paintbrushes he’d packed away and ideas for sketches kept flashing across his the backs of his eyelids. his passion for art became a burning itch he couldn’t scratch and in the middle of summer, it became too much
an argument began between tj and his father after his father started pestering him about applying to med school and getting angry that he was “slacking.” tj, normally one to just bow down and hide away from confrontations with his father, exploded on his father and a fight ensued that ended with tj packing his bags and storming out of his father’s house
for several weeks, tj bounced between friends’ couches until the idea of a proper fresh start came to mind. he needed a new city, a new home, a new outlook. la came to mind almost immediately, remembering a friend of his in school talking about their time lived there, and tevin boarded the next bus to the city of angels
he found a job working at a local art gallery at the front desk and assisting with events, and picked up another job bartending to help save more money. he lived out of a cheap motel until he found moreau, its promise of a new start for struggling young adults catching tj’s eye in an online listing
SO now here he is. a starving artist working on gaining his muse back and finding his style. gallery worker by day and bartender by night. passionate, charming, and kind but incredibly reclusive and sheltered after a childhood lacking support and encouragement. he’s strong-willed and is willing to fight for what he wants but his fear of rejection and short temper often get in the way
as for connections?? i honestly want anything adjkh
i’d love some connections from sanfran if some ppl are from there / the area
ppl he met during his time in the motel here? patrons at the club he works at, maybe a one night stand or something, a cute friendship from the art gallery?? 
tj also dances and works out a lot to expel his restless energy so someone from that
a mUSE pls or eve n multiple skjd
total bros ofc
flirtationship / crush/ anything cute like that
asdjkh i mean, tev’s new here so we can literally just start rigHt from the first meeting ya KNOW
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fbfh · 2 years
Gonna call this “introducing you to my INCREDIBLY FOINE crushes”; alex turner edition
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Not sure if you listen to AM but if don’t then consider this a favor🫶🫶
Yeah we absolutely do need to make this a series. One trillion percent. Hm. Yeah I don't listen to Arctic monkeys but wow I guess I'm going to now,,, yeah definitely,,,,, oh my god
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fbfh · 2 years
I am going absolutely FERAL over georgie farmer currently
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LOOK HOW IN LOVE HE IS WITH ME HAHA HES SO IN LOVE(I’m so delusional dear god)
OH MY GOD???? OH MY GOD,,,, listen I don't write rpf BUT IF I DID????
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fbfh · 2 years
PART 3 OF INTRODUCING YOU TO MY CRUSHES; finn wittrock (known from AHS)
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SONG RECS!! snap out of it, arabella, 505, i bet you look good on the dance floor, and R U Mine? Are some great ones to start with!! (Another ask coming soon with MORE CRUSHES👹)
Okay I had to Google which season he's in (none that I've seen yet) which makes sense bc I KNOW I WOULD REMEMBER HIM IF ID SEEN HIM. He sort of looks a little bit like Felix mallard mixed with Mitchell hope?? In short I very much approve. Once again you have amazing taste in men like holy fucking shit dude
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