#incubus swedes
Welcome Home
by killerweasel
Izzy has his shop back and his regulars are glad to see him.
Words: 1048, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 8 of Incubus
Fandoms: Our Flag Means Death (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M, Other
Characters: Israel Hands, "Calico" Jack Rackham, Jim Jimenez, Frenchie (Our Flag Means Death), Wee John Feeney, The Swede (Our Flag Means Death), Buttons (Our Flag Means Death)
Relationships: Israel Hands/"Calico" Jack Rackham, Oluwande Boodhari/Jim Jimenez, Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Angels & Demons, Alternate Universe - Succubi & Incubi, Succubi & Incubi, Incubus Jack
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/44869051
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jossambird · 4 years
This Soul Of Mine
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Main Incubus Otto x Reader (Incubus Axel and Oscar x Reader in later parts!) 18+ (also in later parts) (Mentions of Rape but only passing, as Incubus are Male Demons who feed off sex, most of them are NOT kind Swedes.)
Part 1
Sitting alone, he listened to the other Incubi speak among themselves, sighing at their disgusting talk, and finally heaved himself off of the barstool.
He didn’t know what he was doing here, his brothers always told him it was stupid, and they were right. With their... abnormal and unusual taste in ‘victims’, they would be dead within the next 30 years, starved and unable to satisfy themselves like the rest of their race did.
He envied his brothers abit as well, he thought as he started the long walk home, the moon shining above him. Yes, he truly envied them.
Mortals practically threw themselves at his brothers feet anywhere they went, complimenting them and trying to obtain any sense of gratification from his brothers gazes.
Of course, HE was able to attract many possible ‘victims’ as well, but not at the rate that his brothers did. Be it as it may, envious or not, they never did satisfy him, nor did any of the mortals satisfy his brothers.
For years and years, they had survived by feeding off of their ‘victims’ sexual desires, mimicking whatever acts they had learned from their parents, but they each felt nothing, absolute and cruel emptiness.
Never had his hideous and dark heart beat faster, never did he find pleasure in the acts, in the fucking, in touching their skin like a mortal lover would. Never did it happen to have a mortal touch him, and to feel the pressing, dark deprivation to touch them with equal fervor, to seek his release alone and continue, leaving his seed leaking out of them. Feeding off the mortals souls in those moments helped his brothers and he survive another month, but each time, they felt less and less satisfied.
Incubi and Succubi loved to rape, to take unwillingly, to attack their victims in their sleep or lure them away, and then attack, sucking their soul and life out of them until nothing remained.
But for he and his brothers, they could not. They were legendary among their kind, for being the only Incubi who searched for more in their Victims, needed more.
They were known for not being able to feed off the empty sexual gratification that came from mortals, feeling nothing, the emptiness in their chests growing stronger with each victim.
They could not rape, could not find pleasure in mortals pain and fear as they preyed on them in their beds at night, waking to the horrors that most Incubi would subject their victims to-
“Oof!” A voice rang out infront of him, something- someone colliding with his wide chest, hands reaching out to grab her-
In that moment, as Otto laid his eyes upon you, hands holding you up by your shoulders, he felt it; the steady and frightening beat of his heart roaring to life, watching in stupefied silence as you smiled softly, thanking him and apologizing for practically running into him.
For the first time in all of his thousands of years alive, Otto finally felt it, an intense need to touch you, to seek each spot on your body that made you yell out in pleasure, a need so blinding he barely registered what you were saying, trying to calm his thundering heartbeat.
“Oh- I'm so sorry, that was so rude of me! Here-“ You said, smiling up at the handsome man. He mustn’t have seen you, the surprise in his eyes comical and adorable for such a tall man.
“-atleast take this as an apology, please!” You insisted, reaching into your bag, pushing one of your boxes of handmade cookies into his hands.
Otto felt like he was drowning, fighting so hard to keep his head above water, trying to listen to what you were saying but couldn’t, his Incubi senses going off like fireworks as they never had before. His eyes took in everything about you until he noticed your blush, the sharp scent of embarrassment, attraction and humiliation rolling off of you-
You nodded, finally, seeing as the man was too dazed to say anything, only watching you with awestrucked eyes.
God, you must look absolutely horrible for this handsome stranger to be so tongue tied. Of course, you had just baked the equivalent of 400 cookies, but you had hoped you looked atleast a bit decent, right?
“Well, kind stranger, thank you again! If ever you want to say hello, you know where to find me!” You smiled once more, telling yourself it was time to run home, taking your leave and continuing down the street.
Find you? How would he-
Oh. Otto looked down at the box, feeling a shiver of wrongness as he read over the stamp, knowing now why you were hauling a bag full of homemade cookies.
On the box, it read:
Bake Off Sale, Church of Royal Hills, Y/N L/N
“You WHAT?!” Axel and Oscar exclaimed, watching their brother fidget on their sofa like a mortal, his Incubus tail wrapped around his leg like it always did when Otto felt shy or embarrassed.
Nothing could have ever prepared them for any of this, neither able to hide their surprise.
“I think I met my soulmate.” Otto repeated, this time in a quieter tone, trying to curl into a ball at his brothers stupefied gazes.
“ARE YOU INSANE?!” Axel roared, throwing his hands up dramatically, rageful dark anger seeping into the air, making Oscar recoil abit. Axel had never hear of a more preposterous thing. Soulmate? They didn’t even have souls, for crying out loud!
“Otto, we are INCUBI, we aren’t mortals-“ Oscar started, cut off as Axel turned towards them again, huffing loudly. He pointed at Oscar menacingly, as if to warn their youngest brother to pick his next words carefully, and to not give their mopping sibling any hope.
“As I was SAYING, we aren’t mortal, Otto, we don’t have soulmates like they do. We aren’t meant to be life partners to them, we are demons.” Oscar finished, watching and sensing his brother’s utter despair. He could see that Axel felt it too, trying to calm himself as Otto simply sat there, emotions running amok, unable to stop them from trickling out like pheromones into the air.
“Stop that Otto.” Axel muttered, feeling weary at their middle brothers inner turmoil. Their brother was usually very careful, never letting his feelings and thoughts project outward but in this moment, they felt exactly what he felt, and it felt as if they were being held under frozen water.
It was obvious, cruelly dawning on Oscar and Axel like a freight train;
Otto hadn’t invented any of this, nor was he lying. Fear, pain, doubt and heartbreaking hope filled the air around him, signalling that something truly had happened to make him doubt everything they knew about themselves. Axel realized how it was almost just as cruel to deny their brother this fleeting hope.
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cadavrange · 4 years
i’m considering bringing this very specific demon au i’ve been writing a fic about for awhile but also idk how i would plot in it because alas i don’t want to feel like i’m controlling
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Keeping Secrets 2/?
Back at it again with RenDad lol. To answer any potential questions- The oddity at Area 77 takes place during- well, the Area 77 arc- and Keeping Secrets occurs at the beginning of Season 6. Yes, Pele(Ren’s kid) and Amal exist in the same universe. This is all during the same universe, just different periods of time! This is a hermit’s being parents au. It will include Ships! But a few of the parents will be single- like Ren here. There will other kids in the future! Warnings for everyone- Character death and slight description is in this part. Alright, now that were done with that- Enjoy!
“I’m Grian…”
Ren couldn’t breathe. His chest was too tight, mind racing and body frozen in fear as the demon’s eyes scanned the small crowd. His eyes landed on Ren, and the moment the Lycan dreaded came as his eyes slowly widened in recognition.
"You…" His voice was barely a whisper, and in a moment's notice he was scrambling to his feet, cradling the bundle in his arms gently as he walked shakily toward him. He looked around Ren frantically before looking up at him pleadingly, "Where is she?"
The brunette opened his mouth, but no sound came out as he felt everyone in the room looking between them in confusion, their eyes burning holes into him as he tried to think of a lie.
"You know who! Where's Elna? Please- please tell me she's safe I-I-"
"I-I really don't know who you're talking about- I- I don't even know an Elna…"
It was the blondes turn to fumble on his words, despair written on his features. He searched Ren's face frantically, and soon the Lycan's obvious anxiety became apparent. Grian's eyes widened as it clicked to him, looking to see the long healed claw-like scars along the man's arms, too thin and long to be from anything but a demon child. 
The rest of the people here didn't know there was another demon on the server, and this man had been raising her in secret.
And Grian had just outed him.
Stepping back again, he gulped and looked away, "I-im sorry...it uh...seems I mistook you for someone else…" There was a sigh of relief from Ren, "Yea uh...no worries dude-"  Ren's gaze settled on the blond demon's face, heart aching as he so badly wished he could tell the demon that Pele was fine, that she was healthy and cared for, and that she was happy with him.
However, a cry from the baby in his arms had Grian turning his attention from Ren, gently rocking him and cooing softly. Xisuma walked over and put a gentle hand on Grian's back, leading him back to where False, Mumbo, Doc, and Stress were gathered. Behind his eyes, flashbacks to that day played. The sight of betrayal in a young man's eyes towards his friend, the way blood dripped off the golden sword.
That incubus with golden locks and pretty blue eyes, looking so pained as he put Pele in Ren's arms, seeming resigned to a fate Ren hadn't understood in that moment.
The pure malice and insanity in the noirette demons eyes as he lectured the other demons, and the sight of his sword cutting through the incubus' neck and slashing his throat clean open.
Iskall walked over to him, concern written all over his face as his best friend looked uncharacteristically distant and fearful, as if memories were playing behind his eyes. He rested a hand on Ren’s shoulder, making the Lycan jump. For a split second, he looked terrified before he realized who was standing there.
His heart warming at the sight of the Swede, Ren felt a smile cross his features.
"Are you alright? You seem kind of out of it, dude."
Ren tried to laugh off the man's concern, taking a deep breath, "Just fine. I'm just sort of wondering who the new guy mistook me for-" He watched as the crowd dispersed, Xisuma and Mumbo walking away with Grian, "He seemed...so concerned."
Iskall hummed in contemplation, "For X to make this big of a deal, I'm sure he's one of the special case hermits. Kind of like Tango was, but more extreme I guess?"
Tango was the only demon the server knew of, but he was more of a Blaze hybrid. He didn't have the whole horns and wings thing, but instead the only tell-tale signs were his eyes and a tail that made him mistakable for an animal hybrid instead. Tango was the first secret case he had been a part of, and he was one of the few to witness the man's first interaction with Impulse and Zedaph. The three of them immediately clicked in the sweetest way. Tango came stumbling out of the nether portal after Xisuma, only to trip and fall right on top of Impulse- who had been waiting too close to the portal- which would've been romantic if the blaze wasn't in the midst of a panic attack. As if on instinct, Zedaph had crouched down and started to comfort him, Impulse joining in until the taller of the 3 fell asleep in their arms, making them smile at each other in silent agreement.
Since then, they had been inseparable.
Almost like him and Pele.
"I guess so…"
They continued to talk for a bit, until Stress finally called Iskall for them to head back to their bases. Ren winked at his friend, joking that his Ice queen was calling, making Iskall snort and punch his arm. He watched as Iskall ran back over to Stress, smiling as the smaller woman leaned up and pecked Iskall on the lips before they waved goodbye to Ren, taking off with their elytras.
Sighing, Ren turned and started heading home.
"...and this is where you can stay until you get started on a base, or until I can get a better room for you," Mumbo motioned to the double bed in the makeshift treehouse. For once, he was cursing himself for not having built a better place. Xisuma was relieved when Mumbo offered to let Grian stay with him, having a deep trust in the man's capability.
Grian felt it was perfect.
His body was aching in exhaustion as he walked over and sat on the bed, exhaustion hitting him like a brick as he gently rocked the infant in his arms. The taller of the three noticed this and walked over, kneeling down and cupping the demon's cheek gently with one hand, the other touching the bundle in Grian's arms cautiously.
"Let me take him for now. I'll watch him while you sleep, I promise."
Grian was nervous. He didn't want to just hand his baby over to a stranger, yet he knew he had no choice. He was too exhausted from it all.
The fear as Mini and Zee ran beside him. The utter terror as he watched Mini tell him goodbye, staying behind to stall Taurtis.
The burning in his legs as he just ran, ran, ran, listening to the crying bundle in Zee's arms. Him and Zee needed to make it out. If they didn't- if they were caught- Grian knew it would be the end. Zee would die, and the Taurtis would most likely kill the baby once he realized it wasn't his. The safety of his lover and baby were at the top of his list right now, and he knew Zee was thinking the same as the taller demon gripped his hand with not a single sign of letting him go.
Slowly, Grian handed his baby to Mumbo, admiring how the human man knew just how gently to cradle the demon infant. At the thought of his lover, Grians heart clenched in unbearable pain, the memories resurfacing.
As they reached the nether portal, Grian ran up to a man in a suit. He collapsed against the frame of the obsidian portal, legs shaking from the long distance they ran. He heard him and Zee exchange words before Zee handed the baby to the man, their words muffled to him due to the blood rushing in his ears. He watched in tired confusion as Zee let go of his hand. He stood up as best as he could, look at his lover in worry, "Zee? What are you-"
Before he could continue, the red head hugged him close, arms tight around him, holding him as if it was the last time he would.
Grian had no idea it would be.
He pulled back and intertwined their fingers with one hand, Grian still so confused at what was happening, "Dearest, look at me, please…"
Grian looked up into Zees ruby red orbs, the lively, beautiful eyes he fell in love with. 
Taking as deep breath, Zee cupped Grian's cheek, leaning down and capturing Grians lips in his own. The blond reciprocated the kiss eagerly.
Zee kissed him like it was the end of the world. He kissed him like he was trying to convey every emotion he felt for Grian in a single kiss, filled with so much tenderness, passion, and love it made Grian's heart melt. For a second, Grian forgot about it all. He forgot this was life or death, he forgot about the man in the suit probably awkwardly watching, he forgot about the world around them. His hands cupped Zees face, dedicating every detail to memory.
Then Zee pulled back, the two of them panting as Zee rested his forehead on Grian's.
"Grian, I love you so much. Ever since we met, you've been the light in the dark for me and you've brought me nothing but joy and happiness. I want you to remember this okay?" Grian nodded gently, still lost, "I. Love. You. I love you, and I will never stop loving you. Never, ever forget that…"
"I love you too, but what-"
Fear filled Grian as Zee turned, facing a very, VERY, pissed Taurtis. Zee grabbed the man in the suits sword, "RUN!" The man grabbed Grian's arm and tugged him to the portal, but Grian buried his heels in place, "Zee!! What are you doing- Let me go!!" Grian struggled, tears filling his eyes as he watched Taurtis and Zees swords clash. The two fought hard, but Grian knew Zee would lose. Zee had never been a fighter, and his footwork was clumsy compared to Taurtis. Suddenly he was yanked forward and an arm wrapped around his waist. He was picked up and thrown over the suited man's shoulder, "I'm so sorry about this!!"
"ZEE!!!" Grian cried out and struggled, sobbing as he reached out for Zee.
Just before he went through the portal, Grian saw his worst nightmare come true.
Zee stumbled forward, his eyes locking with Grian's for a split second as Taurtis got behind him. Grian let out a shriek as he watched the sword be stabbed into Zees back, a look of unbearable pain flashing across his face before Grian was suddenly in a new world.
Grian felt a sob erupt from his throat, shoulders shaking. Mumbos eyes widened and X seemed alarmed, carefully taking the baby from Mumbo as the noirette reached out. As soon as Mumbo touched his shoulder, Grian launched forward, wrapping his arms around Mumbo’s torso and burying his face in the tall man's collar bone. He cried. He cried, and cried, and for a while it seemed he'd never stop sobbing.
Mumbo held him tightly, gently petting his hair and rubbing circles in his back, his own heart aching at the demon's pure heartbreak.
He thought back to the promise- The one he had made to the red-headed demon.
He wouldn't let anything happen to Grian and his baby. He wouldn't let Grian suffer anymore.
He was going to pick up the broken pieces of Grian one by one, no matter how long it took and how rough things got. The blond needed somebody by his side, and Mumbo was more than willing to be that person.
As Ren opened the door to his base, he was immediately greeted by the sight of Tango telling an extravagant story to a more than amused Pele. Chuckling, Ren spoke up, "I'm home!" Pele perked up and looked at him, "Dad!" She stood up and ran over, jumping to hug him. Ren felt his heart warm as he hugged the young demon tightly, chuckling, "Someones excited today, huh?" He laughed as he let go, ruffling her hair a bit, making her yelp.
Pele was now 16, turning 17 soon. Ren knew in just a few more years, she'd be able to meet the rest of the hermits. For now though, only Tango knew of her existence- due to him being half demon as well, Ren trusted him to help with the things Ren couldn't understand about his daughter.
"Tang-tang was just telling me about another project him, Pulsey, and Zed are working on!"
"Really now?" Ren looked at Tango, who was standing by with a grin, "Let me guess, a rocket shop?"
Tango gasped dramatic, "Well dang man, figured me out so quickly?! Am I that predictable?"
"Nah, just a wild guess." Tango chuckled before turning to hug Pele tightly, "Alright, I gotta get going. I'll continue the story next time! Alright?" The young girl nodded and Tango ruffled her hair fondly the same way Ren did, "Alright then, then be good ya little fire-starter!" The demon walked out and Ren trailed behind him, shutting the door behind him.
Ren sighed in relief, smiling weakly at Tango, "Thanks again for coming on short notice- X just called out of nowhere and I-I-"
Noticing the stress practically rolling off the Lycan, Tango reached out and gently squeezed Ren's bicep. Ren looked up to see the golden blond giving him a smile, full of fondness and warmth, "Seriously Ren, it's no big deal. You know how much I love hanging out with your kid- she's practically like a niece to me. Don't you ever worry about having to call me out of nowhere, okay? I'm here."
Ren could've cried, silently thanking whatever god there was for the people around him. His smile widening, Tango pulled him into a tight hug before stepping back. He waved goodbye and took off, leaving Ren alone on the beach.
The lycan turned and headed back inside, seeing Pele sitting on the floor with a basket of flowers. She loved weaving them, so Ren always picked her baskets to give her something to do other than reading and practicing.
"Is the princess makin' more crowns?" Ren walked over and sat down beside Pele. The demoness giggled before picking up a flower crown made beautiful blue hydrangeas and putting it on Ren's head. Grinning, Ren threw his head back dramatic and fluttered his lashes, "So, Am I fabulous yet Le-le?" He swooned dramatically and Pele cracked up, leaning into her father's side while laughing, being careful not to hurt him with her horns.
Ren smiled fondly at her, chuckling, "Seriously though, I love it. It's wonderful, Le-le." He pecked her forehead and pulled her into a side hug before straightening the crown, "I think I'll keep it on for a while, hm?"
Pele snickered, smiling widely, "You look like a Hippie, dad."
Ren quirked a brow before making a face, "Yeeeeaaa rock on mayyyynnn-"
Almost instantly Pele started laughing again, hitting his chest, "Oh my god Dad no!!"
Watching her laugh, Ren relaxed.
This was fine.
He wasn't going to lose his little girl just because someone from her past came back and recognized him…
Would he?
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Tagged by @msjosephinemarch
1. Nickname: Loops
2. Gender: cismiss
3. Star sign: Gemini
4. Height: 174cm
5. Time: 8:34
6. Birthday: June 7th
7. Fave Bands: clipping. has been playing on a loop for months, but overall probably still Incubus
8. Fave Solo Artist:  Alanis Morrissette, Daveed Diggs, Mark Owen
9. Song Stuck in my Head: the intro to Straight Outta Coffin
10. Last Movie I Saw: Dr Strange (bläh)
11. Last Show I Saw: TV - DS9, play - Against (I wanna punch the author of it, and not in a ‘ugh it’s too good’ way, in a ‘you must be punished for inflicting your poison’ way)
12. Favorite Actors: Emma Thompson, Ben Whishaw, Helen McCrory
13. What do I post: a smoosh of my current fandoms with a sprinkle of social justice and whatever else floats my goat
14. Last thing i googled: ‘så’ because i am a bad Swede and can’t spell
15. Any other blogs: nah
16. Do I get asks: very rarely
17. Why did I pick my URL: originally taken from Darren Criss speaking about performing on stage versus in front of the camera, and I realized it fits my personal experience on a few levels
18. Following: 76
19. Followers: 415 (I’m sure at least half of em are inactive by now, but at least  no porn- or spambots, they get blocked right quick)
20. Fave color: greens and purples
21. Fave place on earth: Burggarten in Vienna in the summer
22. Lucky number: 4
23. Instruments: just enough piano to accompany myself by smashing the chords
24. Fave hobby: reading. books. fic. words. storytelling.
25. Crushes: lots and lots
26. Dream Career: filthy rich patron (I shall keep a salon and introduce artists to each other and build theaters)
27. Dream Trip: all the many places where people I love live. So basically, a year-long trip, and start anew every January.
28. Fave anime: I should probably finally watch ATLA, people keep recommending it
29. Nationality: Austrian and Swedish
30. Fave musical: Rent, Hamilton, Tanz der Vampire
TAGGING: @watch-the-stars-go-by, @startedwellthatsentence, @ellicelluella, @lnmnuelmrnda,  @returnsandreturns, @ordinaryornate, @significantowl, @werelibrarian, @ctimenefic, @vera-invenire, @crazyfishmonger tell me ‘bout yerselves
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zosotrinity-blog · 7 years
You hate me, I'm aware.
♡ Lil Peep - Star shopping ♡ Hawthorne Heights - Ohio is for lovers ♡ Chon - Can't Wait ♡ XXXTentacìon - Let's Pretended We're Numb ♡ Taking Back Sunday - Cute without the 'E' (acoustic and regular) ♡ Slash & Adam Levine - Gotten ♡ Guns N' Roses - Patience (what's a playlist by trinity without gnr?!) ♡ Blink182 - I miss you ♡ Hoobstank - The reason ♡ Incubus - Wish you were here ♡ A Day To Remember - If it means a lot to you ♡ Twenty One Pilots - Can't Help Falling in love ♡ Third Eye Blind - I'll never let you go ♡ Slipknot - Vermillion pt. 2 ♡ Slipknot - Snuff ♡ Hinder - Lips of an Angel ♡ Radiohead - Creep ♡ Green Day - Wake me up when September ends ♡ Guns N' Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine ♡ Blue Swede - Hooked on a feeling (This was a given) ♡ Red bone - Come and get your love ♡ Led Zeppelin- Fool in the rain ♡ Led Zeppelin - All my love ♡ Red Hot Chili Peppers - Did I let you know ♡ Taking Back Sunday - Like you do ♡ Green Day - She ♡ G Eazy - Some kind of drug & Remember you ♡ Blackbear - Idfc ♡ Blackbear - Paragraphs ♡ Eden - Drugs ♡ Lil Peep - Kiss ♡ Jon Bellion - All time low ♡ Mumford & Sons - Little Lion Man ♡ Yellowcard - Ocean Avenue ♡ Lifehouse - You and me ♡ Staind - Its been a while ♡ Twenty One Pilots - Tear in my heart ♡ Ed Sheeran - Thinking out loud ♡ Third Eye Blind - Jumper ♡ Lil Peep - Love Letter ♡ Lil Peep - Stop the car ♡ Lil Peep - Right Here ♡ Lil Peep - About u ♡ Lil Peep - The way I see things 💔💔💔
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jossambird · 4 years
This Soul of Mine PT 3
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Main Incubus Otto x Reader (Incubus Axel and Oscar x Reader in later parts!)
18+ (also in later parts)
(Mentions of Rape but only passing, as Incubus are Male Demons who feed off sex, most of them are NOT kind Swedes.)
Part 1
Part 2
You were exactly everything Oscar imagined, and exactly the opposite.
A child of Man, a being of humans, tied to an Incubus, his own brother, might he add, which was insane by itself. Otto took no interest in mortals, ever. Why now?
The scent of your desperate fear and mounting panic waifed through the air. The very smell would attract all kinds of the most dangerous of beings, he had to be sure to stay close-
As soon as Oscar turned the corner of the street to continue running after you, he collided straight into an awaiting pair of clawed fingers-
“Otto!” He cried, catching sight of his brothers blood red eyes looking down at him before the tall Incubus realized who it was between his claws
“Oscar- what- what were you doing?!” Otto sputtered before feeling your hands grip the back of his shirt tighter, reminding him of what he had just witnessed happen. He was sure his younger brother could smell the anger rolling off of him, Oscar’s eyes still wide.
In all of their years alive, never had he seen or smelt Otto be this filled with rage, seething as if everything he loved had been ripped from his-
“I- I wanted to, you know, come see what she looked like! See what was so special! Then your little Pet started running, so I followed her to keep her safe!” Oscar whispered out, trying to catch a glimpse of you behind his brothers hulking form to make sure you were safe. The scent of your comfort and relaxation with Otto surprised him momentarily, mind racing at the implications but halted as Otto grabbed his attention once more as if oblivious to the decadent smell you were currently exuding.
This was dangerous, if Otto couldn't smell it but he could, other Incubi would as well-
“She was running away from you, brother.” Otto hissed, hand reaching out to grip his brothers collar, surprising Oscar silent.
The realization of Otto’s words hit Oscar like freezing water, wondering how stupid and irresponsible he had just been. Because of him, he could have killed you, Otto’s soulmate-
“Otto...” came your quiet voice behind the tall man, making the both of them refocus entirely on you, only for Otto and Oscar to be drowned in the smell of your sweet, sweet worry for the both of them. It didn’t help one bit that a twinge of attraction bled out with your worry, the sound of your heartbeat thumping loudly into the air.
Oscar felt the guilt radiate off his form, knowing every Incubus in a 100 feet radius would smell it too. Gods, he could have gotten you killed if other dangerous Incubi had found you first instead of Otto. They would have killed Otto and fought amongst themselves for the prospect to ra-
“Oscar, please-“ Otto muttered as he let go of his brother, hand rising instead to hide his eyes, the images Oscar had just accidentally broadcasted to him making his heart break.
“Are you both alright?” You asked, hand releasing his shirt to stand at his side, replacing your hand to rub his back as if to comfort him. A shock ran through the both of you, climbing up your spine in such intoxicating want, spreading heat deep within you like a wildfire.
You didn’t dare look at the unknown man before you that seemed to know Otto, gaze focusing instead on-
His eyes filled with dark need watched you, his beautiful platinum blond hair falling from behind his ear as he reached out slowly, hand hovering over your shoulder as if to test-
“I'm still very much here you know, and I can VERY well smell whatever uh... this is..” Oscar smirked as he spoke in their native language, watching as the two of you snapped out of whatever trance you had been under. He could smell Otto’s slight pinprick of sadness as you removed your hand from his body, looking away out of embarrassment.
The momentary peace didn’t last long as a man came out from between two buildings, eyes glo- that wasn’t a man...
“Oh, that’s bizarre, aren’t you both Oscar and Otto? Funny seeing you both here with this mortal, shes practically BEAMING!” The man asked as he advanced towards you, eyes shining a disgusting green. You barely had a chance to react as the other man, Oscar, gripped your forearms, pulling you close to his chest as Otto stood infront of you. What was this? What was going on? If only they spoke English, you could understand.
“Try and stay as calm as possible, people uh, like him, like fear.” Oscar whispered behind you with a thick accent, hesitating for a moment as he wondered if you had been informed what they were exactly. You mustn’t know, you wouldn’t have touched Otto so tenderly before, knowing that he was a Demon.
“Im sorry, Im trying.” You whispered back, voice shaking. The hesitation in Oscar’s voice made you pause before speaking, listening as he tried to find another term for his kind. Was it out of embarrassment, or humiliation perhaps?
You watched the Incubus try and grab Otto, inhuman teeth growing from the man’s mouth- It lasted a second, as if Otto’s hand barely left his side if you blinked too long, punching the man straight in his monstrous teeth.
“Yep, okay, time to go.” Oscar whispered as he turned you away, walking down the street to god-knows-where, arm over your shoulder. He kept glancing to where Otto lingered behind the both of you, watching out. They didn't seem to know that you knew what they were, and they didn’t seem to know either that you had been visited by their Ruler, remembering the way her eyes shined, exactly like the Incubus Otto had just punched.
“By the way, I'm Oscar, Otto’s younger brother. I apologize for scaring you earlier, I was... excited to meet you, you made great cookies.” Oscar said as he continued to walk, pulling you along with him politely. You didn’t protest, you didn’t know this part of town, glancing around quickly, a twinge of fear rising up your spine.
“Don’t worry, this is a common area of town for.. foreigners like us.” Oscar supplied rather quickly, pulling his hands from you as Otto strode up alongside of you, rubbing his bloody knuckles. He noticed you staring, both of you flaring red as you looked away.
After a moment in silence, as both men walked on each of your sides, they slowed as you all came to a quaint little home, cats swarming around their feet as they walked to the door.
The realization of what was going on hit you: they were inviting you to their home, their personal demon home.
Did Incubi live like humans? That was ridiculous to think, but the thought of the unknown ran a chill up your spine, stopping you in the middle of their front lawn.
This day, today, with their Ruler, the chase... The whole thing was too much, far too much to take in, to process, to accept-
“Breath, you’re okay.” Came Otto’s gentle voice, walking towards you slowly, hands out as if to appease a wild animal.
“I'm sorry-“ You stuttered out, humiliation creeping up on you slowly as you remembered that the man had just saved you from his brother, and here you were, not accepting his invitation into his home. Otto moved closer, nostrils flaring for a second before he caught your gaze.
“No, no apologies from you are needed Y/N. I'm sorry I didn’t realize you would be uncomfortable...” Otto said softly-
A loud meow surprised you, spooking you momentarily out of your emotional whirlwind, and you looked down, a little gray cat moving from between Otto’s legs and rubbing itself against your own. It kept crying, rubbing itself more and more, looking up at you in desperation for love. The man before you chuckled as he watched, bending down to scoop up the little thing in his arms and slowly moving closer to you, eyes filled with kindness.
“Would you like to pet him? I promise he is gentle. I rescued him some time ago and ever since, he requires CONSTANT love.” Otto whispered as he pet the gray cat in his arms, holding it like a little child as he came closer to you a bit more.
Your racing heart and frazzled mind settled onto one singular fact; no matter how scared you were of the uncharted path before you now, you knew that Otto would never cause you any harm, ever. No matter how accidental his imprint on you was, you felt drawn to him, as if everything was falling into place, as if he could save you, protect you, be THE ONE for you.
You reached out, fingers touching the little ball of fur in the Incubi’s arms, and you smiled wide, laughing as it cried more for love.
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jossambird · 4 years
This Soul Of Mine PT 4
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Main Incubus Otto x Reader (Incubus Axel and Oscar x Reader in later parts!)
18+ (also in later parts)
(Mentions of Rape but only passing, as Incubus are Male Demons who feed off sex, most of them are NOT kind Swedes.)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
After a few moments spent together in silence petting the little cat in Otto’s arms, a man came out of the house along with Oscar. The unknown man’s eyes narrowed as he took you in, frowning deeply as Oscar seemed to whisper to him.
“I am Axel.” He roughly stated as he kept your gaze, accent thick. You nodded, trying to smile but too overwhelmed to. The wind blew around you, the silence practically deafening as he seemed to stare into your soul.
“I am Y/N-“
“Yes I know, your name was on the cookie box.” He cut you off, sounding irritated and headed back inside with Oscar, leaving only the screen door open.
“Sorry, he is wary of.. new people.” Otto whispered, a small smirk appearing on his lips as you both heard Axel huff loudly inside the home. Together, you sat on their front porch, petting the little bundle of fur before it demanded to be put down, running away quickly.
“I... May I ask a favor of you..?” You asked Otto, voice silent as to not let his brothers hear you. Judging by the way you saw them slightly turn their heads though, Super Hearing was also probably an Incubus power.
You felt bad asking this of him, it wasn’t his job... But he had imprinted on you, hadn’t he? Laid claim to you accidentally, just as The Handler had said. You were now his, and he yours, surely that meant something.
Your slight pinpricks of worry reached his nose, followed by embarrassment and hope. Hope?
“Yes, of course.” Otto whispered back, feeling slightly overwhelmed by the smell of relief you exuded, so much so that he had to look away, eyes turning inside to catch both Oscar and Axel watching out of anticipation.
“Would you mind accompanying me to church after tomorrow? It would not be for long, I... I need to deliver something, but I dont feel comfortable going alone.” You answered, wondering if he could sense that you were hiding something from him.
Could Incubi also read minds, just as their female Ruler had? Was that simply a Succubus power? God, as soon as you got home, you were going to write all of this down.
It was obvious you were hiding something from him, but as he took in the delicious scent of your emotions, Otto knew it wasn’t anything malicious. Your worry and hope outshined anything else, the sweet mixture making his insides burn, feeling the sudden need to comfort you.
It was a mistake to reach out, to touch you, hand placed on your forearm. The moment he did, mouth open to answer, the sharp dangerous smell of arousal waifed off of you, calling to him, your surprise mixing with it as he retracted his hand. Otto’s mind reeled as he tried to recover, senses on fire, barely registering that you had accidentally projected some of your emotions onto him in that moment.
“I will walk you home.” Axel declared, scaring you as he appeared behind you, gloved hand settling on your shoulder to lift you and turn you away from his stunned brother. You frowned, trying to turn to say goodbye to the two other brothers but couldn’t, Axel’s rough hold veering you out the yard and into the street and cold night, his gray eyes shining as he watched you.
“I know that you know.” He stated as he walked alongside you, momentarily shutting his senses off as to avoid your whirlwind of emotions that you visibly had no control over whatsoever. Mortals, such incapable beings. He didn’t miss the way your head snapped back to him, watching him as you walked together.
“My brothers are young, a hint of stupid even, so they cannot tell, but I can. You fraternized with her, sat with her. You smell of her cigarettes.” He said after a moment passed, coming at a standstill. You werent Otto’s soulmate, you were working for The Handler, plotting, cruel, acting kind to get close to his poor unsuspecting brother. He wanted to lash out, tell you how stupid you were-
The scent of pure unadulterated relief flooded his senses out of nowhere as you turned to him, eyes wide open as you gasped deeply, looking at him in surprise.
“Oh god, thank goodness! You have no idea how relieved I am to know that you know, she absolutely scared the life out of me! She arrived at the Church and sat right beside me!” You exclaimed, hands flying to your face to hide from him, fearing he was about to kill you-
“You- Your being honest...” Axel said, tone sounding more uncertain then he had ever been in his life, finding himself out of his depth at your honest and truthful answer. Something within his chest hurt, a sharp and twisted pain, lighting his senses on fire. It felt like the first breath of fresh air after being held under water for ages, wind filling his lungs as he breathed in slowly. He didn’t understand, he didn’t get it; you knew they were demons? Incubi, to be specific, and yet you stayed either way?
“Why would you fraternize with demons, demons that rape, harm pretty little women like you... who lure unsuspecting women out in parks at night, only to eat their throat out?” Axel stated, trying to make you see just what they were, the dangers that they brought, what they truly were, but as he went on, he felt more drained, losing whatever edge he hoped to exude out to you.
He hated you, hated that a mere mortal like you were making him regret his choices, making him regret what he was as he saw the gentle pure kindness in your eyes. Most of all, he hated that you, you of all people, a pretty little church goer, made him regret being born an Incubus. For the first time in all of his existence, a mortal, a human, knew what he was, and stayed, showing him the same exact kindness as before.
“Wow, with a facial expression as flat as that, Im really trembling in my boots.” You smirked at him, hand lifting to push your hair back behind your ear as the wind blew around the both of you, trees swaying in the wind. A vile putrid stench filled the air for a moment and made him forget the retort that had been on his tongue, nearly making him gag as the scent filled his senses. What was that?
“Do that again.” Axel whispered out harshly, eyes sharply observing you critically as you stopped smiling.
“Do what again?” You asked, eyes wide, breath catching in your throat as he came closer, face moving towards you as if to smell you.
“Place your hair behind your ear again, there is something... unclean on you, something The Handler must have implanted on you, I can smell it wafting into the air around you.” Axel said before recoiling sharply as you lifted your arm, your soft gaze turning worried as you watched him openly gag, the noise making the nerves inside of you burst.
“Oh my god Axel, are you okay!? Im so sorry!” You asked, stepping away from him to leave him some room but halting as his arm shot out, grabbing ahold of your wrist-
Axel froze as foul images assaulted his senses, the scent overpowering him. He remained unmoving though, feeling it too important of a vision to pull back, pull away. You, the mere human mortal, were too important, he corrected himself, heart beating faster as he watched a Priest, supposedly a man of God, jerking himself off, your dainty little bracelet in his hand. Axel watched with a feeling of violation as the priest finished himself off and pocketed the bracelet, only to give it to you later that day at the end of a sermon. The man had tainted it, placed his unholy hands on it, coated with-
“Take it off.” Axel grunted as he pulled away, emotions running amok inside of him like a hurricane in an open field, ripping and destroying everything in its path. The delicate scent of your hesitation reached him, and he almost sighed out of joy at the sheer difference of weight your scent had over the bracelets filthy smell, making him forget the Priest’s disgusting act.
“If you can trust me, no matter how small, please, trust me now Y/N.” He added, eyes locking onto yours. It was a stretch Axel told himself, knowing he wasn’t in any position to demand anything of you after accusing you of potentially betraying them with little proof.
Nothing in this world had ever brought him ecstasy, nothing had ever made his dead heart beat, and yet here you were, ripping the bracelet off and throwing it into the woods behind you; the mere sight of your trust made his blood roil pleasantly under his skin, fingertips aching to touch you.
Had this been exactly what Otto had felt the first time he had touched you? Otto had been frugal on the details of his awakened state of mind, but was touch truly the key? It had to be, he had never felt a more pressing need to touch a human, anyone, anything, YOU, more then Axel did right now, invisible Incubus tail fidgeting back and forth out of confusion.
“Are you alright?” You asked again, noticing how far his gaze seemed, reminded suddenly of Otto’s expression the first time he had laid his hand on you. Axel breathed in sharply as you came closer, eyes connecting with your own. His gray-blue eyes shined in the moonlight, platinum blond hair reminding you of fresh snow.
You didn’t know what Father James’ bracelet had, or what magic was on it, but you trusted Axel.
“Y/N... If I asked you to no longer visit the Priest alone, would you respect my judgement?” Axel whispered softly as he lifted his hand, wanting to pushing your hair once more behind your ear but couldn’t. He watched you, watched as the wheels turned within your mind, and watched with greed as you bit your lip softly.
He had always seen female lovers do it, biting their lips to keep themselves from making sound, or out of desire, and it had never done anything for him. Yet here he stood, hand lowering to his side once more, insides churning in pure delight at the sight of your teeth sinking into your lower lip softly. The sweet scent of your surprise at his question curled around you, patiently allowing you to think before answering him.
You wondered if Axel had heard you speak to Otto earlier or if he had taken an educated guess. Did he also have powers like their Ruler did? He visibly had Super Hearing, but the was for another day to think about.
“You know, earlier at your home, I thought you hated me. But I would almost say you have a soft spot for me Axel, seeing how accommodating you are, walking me home.” You said, changing the subject as you felt anxiety rise up your spine with a vicious need. Axel hummed in answer, eyes squinting as he regarded you.
“You need not answer me, but please, next time, ask my poor simpleton of a Brother to accompany you.” He spoke, smiling a bit as you nodded and continued your walk home, silence reigning over the both of you the rest of the way.
The walk back home was torturous for Axel, mind and heart fighting, intelligence trying to reign victorious over these... feelings, emotions. Useless things, really.
Yet... he understood, understood why Otto had been acting irrationally. Nothing seemed to make sense as he had watched you wave goodbye to him from your front door, senses telling him to leave but.. body roaring to go knock on your door, to ask for permission to enter and touch you, touch your cheeks and run his lips against your throat. Axel wanted to feel your pulse under his fingertips, feel the fleeting human life inside you, and to feel you, just you, touching him back out of your own volition, not like the humans affected by his natural Pheromones.
Axel’s feet came to a sudden stop, previous inner thoughts reminding him just what he was: A Demon. An Incubus, a male demon that sought to impregnate human women, feeding off their souls and lives. He was everything your kind feared, everything they had nightmares about, everything human children cried about.
Slowly yet quickly, the thought came crashing down on him that this, all of these emotions he was feeling, all of these humanly soft thoughts, all of these stupid fantasies could never happen.
Never should he touch your cheeks, and run his lips along your throat. Never should he feel your pulse under his fingertips.
Never, under any circumstances, should he ever feel your touch, from this moment on. If he did, Axel knew he would fail, knew he would throw everything to the wind, fairytales and folktales be damned.
If you touched him, Axel knew he would follow you until the end of the Earth.
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jossambird · 4 years
This Soul of Mine Pt 2
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Main Incubus Otto x Reader (Incubus Axel and Oscar x Reader in later parts!)
18+ (also in later parts)
(Mentions of Rape but only passing, as Incubus are Male Demons who feed off sex, most of them are NOT kind Swedes.)
You ran your hands over your hair once more, trying to hide a yawn as you listened to Father James’ sermon.
Fuck was this boring. Of course you had to be shipped to this honky tonk town, and attend mass with your beloved aunt. There was nothing wrong with your aunt of course, you loved her to death, but you would have preferred not to be involved in any of this-
“Oh, what a beautiful passage, don’t you find Y/N?” Your aunt whispered to you, smiling a tired old smile. You loved her.
“Yes, it was very beautiful.” You acquiesced, accepting the hand she put on your knee.
It was only when your aunt stood to go greet Father James did you notice the woman sitting beside you, jumping out of your skin.
Her eyes wrinkled, sharp blue eyes surrounded by black Kohl watching you as she pushed her white hair back.
“Am I that ugly, child? I thought I looked half decent today when I stepped out.” She laughed, elegantly hiding her teeth as she laughed. You had never seen her in your life, eyes taking in as much detail as you could.
“Oh god no, Im so sorry ma’am, you surprised me is all. You look great today.” You said, hoping she wouldn’t mention any of this to your aunt, or possibly even to Father James.
Her gaze was steady and unblinking. It was terrifying, if you could honestly say so. She looked like she was reading your thoughts, or more like, not being able to with how badly she frowned.
“My, I must say, I dont recall ever meeting you here, Miss..?”
“Y/N!” You supplied, shaking the hand she offered-
Her grip on your hand turned harsh, visibly not the strength of a old lady like her-
“My, nothing? Oh what fun. Tell me child, have you met any... beings, as of late, that haven’t gotten out of your head?” She asked quietly, releasing your hand from her crushing grip, patting her dress as if she needed it.
Her words were smooth, but they cut you deep, as if she could-
“Read minds? Yes, you’ve mentioned that already, but that seems to be all.” She whispered, huffing loudly as if she was angry, sitting too close all of a sudden. You had to escape, you had to get out-
“Dear, I think you should sit down and breath. I am not going to harm you, I am only here to... guide you, we shall say.” The old woman continued, smiling as you did as told and sat back beside her, listening as Father James started his sermon again. Your aunt sat at the front, the traitor, unaware of what was happening.
“You smell like him, you know. He imprinted on you, by accident mind you, but still, it is quite dangerous for your kind.” She was smiling so widely that you were sure now that she wasn’t human, eyes brightening a bit more.
“W-what do you mean?” You tried, voice too weak to summon anything other than the whisper that escaped you. It didn’t matter though it seemed, she had heard you perfectly well, brushing back her white curls, pretending to listen to the sermon, nodding.
“Oh darling, the man you met the other night. Tall, equally white hair, most likely drop dead gorgeous?” She suddenly looked 50 years younger as she turned to look at you, red lipstick clashing with her paling white skin.
“He touched you, didn’t he?” It came out from between her lips sounding cold, but her wide fluorescent blue eyes said different, curiosity shining brightly in them. Nothing felt right. You felt like you couldn’t breath, feeling as if nothing of this was real-
“I touched him. I bumped into him and he picked me up.” You shot back, surprising her as you tried to regain a semblance of power, remembering the dazed man’s surprised and kind eyes.
“What an interesting turn of events! I must say, I am impressed. Not only have you made his brothers and the Incubi world turn upside down, your also partly invulnerable to Succubi powers.” She seriously noted, scooting closer as if she could see the answer in your eyes. Something brushed against your ankle, but you ignored it, captivated by her gaze.
Nothing of what she was saying made sense, Incubi? Succubi? Childrens tales, nothing more than a silly tale told by the church to children... right? No, it was surely the Host wafer that your aunt had given you that was rotten and poisoned you. Yeah, that was surely it.
God, if only-
“Honestly, a rotten Host wafer.” She huffed as she turned her gaze away, rolling her eyes.
“Look darling, Incubi are exactly like mortal men; stupid, handsome, and driven by sex.” She looked mentally exhausted all of a sudden, rubbing at her temples, revealing a scar on her forehead in the shape of a round. The elder woman rose gracefully, her eyes back to the now dull blue they had been at the start, combing over your form one last time.
“If you truly wish to summon him, do so through your desire for him, either for protection or for... assistance, in personal matters.. He will most likely find his way to you within the following hour. You will need him just as much as he needs you.” She finished, turning as if to leave, lingering as you watched her.
“What is that saying again? ‘Speak now or forever hold your peace’? Spit it out.”
“I- ma’am, I appreciate all of this advice.. but if I may ask... who are you?” You asked, knowing deep down what the answer was. You had felt it, felt it between your ribs, in your beating heart. Her fluorescent blue eyes and never-ending knowledge of your inner thoughts were far from normal, and so was the cigarette she magicked before your eyes, watching you as if she had just struck gold.
“I am.. The Handler. I am the Succubus Ruler of all Incubi and Succubi.” She walked away from you then, looking confidently forward as she exited the church, lighting the cigarette between the final pews.
Finally elated to be done with Father James’ sermon, you stepped out of the Church to await your aunt-
“Y/N L/N?” Came the voice of a man, smooth, young but deep, accent reminding you of-
You turned hurriedly in excitement, heart racing until your eyes met with a platinum blond haired man, resembling the man who had occupied your mind ever since. Mild disappointment floored you until the old woman’s words came to mind:
He had imprinted on you, it was dangerous for humans, this was most likely another being of his kind.
“Ouh, that hurts cutie, I can smell the disappointment from here! I simply wanted to come meet my brother’s- Hey!” Said the man, grinning like a cat until you turned and sprinted with all of your might away, away, away.
Otto found himself looking down at the box of homemade cookies, cringing at the Church’s name. It shouldn’t be anywhere near your name, defiling such a beautiful name like yours was a crime.
He felt petty, reaching out and dragging a long sharp nail against the sticker, careful to not cross out your own name by accident-
“Your acting ridiculous Otto.” Came Axel’s teasing voice, surprised as he watched Otto jump out of his skin for what seemed to be the 70th time this week. What was going on?
“Are you.. okay, brother? You dont seem to be well.” Axel asked after a beat, knowing he had to confront him about it. For the first time in all of their lives, Otto seemed unfocused, out of it, mind drifting and constantly asking them to repeat themselves. They didn’t mind it much, but something was wrong. It had to be-
“Im sorry Axel. I...I keep feeling this... tug, of sorts.” Otto quietly muttered as he stared down once again at the sticker, entranced. It unnerved Axel for a moment before realizing this was serious, this was important. He walked over to his brother slowly, tail swishing out of anxiousness, feeling entirely out of his depths.
“Otto?” Axel asked softly as his clawed fingers met his brothers skin, receiving no answer for a long moment.
“Go see her, maybe after you do, youll stop feeling it. Maybe shes calling for you.” Axel said after a beat, deciding to comfort him brother instead of further pushing him into despair. Even if nothing would amount from an Incubus pining for a mortal. He smirked as he watched Otto turn to him, disbelief written all over his face.
“You dont understand brother-“ Otto tried before Axel waved his hand, not wanting to listen to the ‘why’.
“No, you’re right, I really dont, but if you really think you are her soulmate, shouldn’t you be going to see her?” Axel asked his brother, smelling his despair turn into agitated excitement. He smirked, watching and listening as Otto ran out of the house.
No matter how Oscar or he felt, and no matter what happened, Axel came to a conclusion as the distinct lingering scent of Otto’s desperate yearning met his nose:
He would support his brother in his ridiculous endeavour to win your favour, no matter what.
Where was Oscar anyways?
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jossambird · 4 years
Jossambird’s Fic Masterlist
Hello, I am Veronica/Ronnie! This is a multifandom blog! All messages, DMs and (polite) criticism welcome!
I am kind, I love making new friends, and I love to talk, so please don’t hesitate to reach out if ever you want to chat about handsome older men 😌💕
(Please be aware that I post 18+ fics/content.)
✨ (Last Updated July 9th, 2023 ❤️ - Added Chapter 7 of Rooted in your love)
👻 The Band GHOST 👻
Cardinal Copia x F!Reader - Primo, Secondo, Terzo x F!Reader (this fic will include multiple endings for each Papa.) - Love story, angst, sadness, horniness. Its got everything!
Warning: Following Fic contains Hanahaki Disease 🌿
AO3 Link Rooted in your Love (Mature/Explicit Fic)
Rooted in your love - P1: Primo
Rooted in your love - P2: Secondo
Rooted in your love - P3: Terzo and Stages of Grief
Rooted in your love - P4: The cost of silence and assumptions
Rooted in your love - P5: Melodies of their hearts
Rooted in your love - P6: Darkened slumbers and warm hands
Rooted in your love - P7: Forlorn Hope ✨
Papa Emeritus IV/Cardinal Copia x F!Reader
AO3 Link Indecently Fated (Mature/Explicit Fic)
Indecently Fated P1
Indecently Fated P2
Papa Emeritus II/Secondo x F!Reader
AO3 Link Blanketed in your Love
Blanketed in your Love
🚂Pokemon Legends Arceus🚂
Ingo x F!Reader
Ao3 Link Losing you across Time (Mature themes mentioned)
Losing you across Time
Ao3 Link Your echo across Time (Angst)
Your echo across Time
Ao3 Link In the moon’s light Fic (Mature/Explicit fic)
In the moon’s light P1
In the moon’s light P2
In the moon’s light P3
In the moon’s light P4
In the moon’s light P5
In the moon’s light P6
In the moon’s light P7
Otto Octavius/Doc Ock
Ao3 Link to The Scent on your coat
The scent on your coat P1 NSFW
The Scent on your coat P2 NSFW
The Scent on your coat P3 NSFW
The Scent on your coat P4
The Scent on your coat P5
The Scent on your coat P6
The Scent on your coat P7 NSFW
☂️Umbrella Academy☂️
AO3 Fic
Main Otto x Female Reader, Side Axel x Reader, Platonic Oscar x Reader
Im Giving Up so just catch me NSFW
Whenever, Wherever (Deleted Scene, Otto x Reader, One sided Diego x Reader)
Don’t let me go NSFW Goodbye (Sad Version of Don’t let me go)
Saturday Morning NSFW
Remember Me? NSFW
Remember Me? PT 2 NSFW
Pumpkin Patch Love PT 1 NSFW
Pumpkin Patch Love PT 2 NSFW
Pirate Axel NSFW
Becoming a Father NSFW
Axel Bathroom Short PT1
Axel Bathroom Short Pt2 NSFW
This Soul Of Mine PT 1 Incubus Swedes
This Soul Of Mine PT2 Incubus Swedes
This Soul Of Mine PT3 Incubus Swedes
The Soul Of Mine PT4 Incubus Swedes, Unfinished, Abandoned for the moment
Entre Deux Mondes
Pirate Otto NSFW
Featherlight Touch
Apple Picking Slight NSFW
60’s Dress Request NSFW
Pink Lace NSFW
Touch my Body NSFW
To Fall Apart Depressed Reader
Once Upon A December Amnesiac Reader
Cherry Stem NSFW
Succubus in the Night NSFW
Movie Night NSFW
Black hole hunger  Fluff, mentions of 18+
He would have. (Brother in Law Axel and Married Reader) Sad
Pearly Whites NSFW MENTION
Married to Reader Otto & Adopted Reader’s father Hazel eating donuts together
To Feel his Love Any Swede x Reader
In the silence of the night Any Swede x Reader
Under my Dress
Reacting to Otto’s Harem
Foursome for some NSFW
Phrase Prompts/Prompts
“What are you going to do about it, huh?”
“Do it again.”   NSFW
“Sit on my face.”
“I am your superior and you will respect me.”  NSFW
“Oh god, look at her, what is she doing?”
Flash NSFW Mention
“You want to lick chocolate sauce... off me?”
“You know what they say about big hands…”
“Be Gentle”
“You want me to bite you? Why?”
“Dont worry, I wont tell my brothers.”
“If you weren’t trying to stab me right now, I’d be tempted to kiss you.”
“Since when are you a pornstar with killer grammar?”  NSFW
Teen Reader x Papa Swedes
Nerf Fight
Bacon Pancakes
Chronic Pain Reader x Swedes  NSFW UNDER READ MORE
Sex Worker x Swedes NSFW
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Keeping a Secret 1/??? (HC Kiddo AU)
First half takes place in season 4, while the end bit taking place in the beginning of season 6. Yes, this is connected to “The oddity at area 77″ TW for: Blood descriptions, slight implied child abuse, Taurtis being the asshole for once.
Putrid, horrible, agonizing, miserable.
These were the words Ren could use to describe the Nether. He disliked everything about the place; the stink of sulfur and brimstone that would stick to him for days, the dim lighting of glowstone and the fire that was scattered along the ground forcing him to constantly use his sharper eyesight, the screams of the damned coming from the mouths of horrid flying creatures as they spat balls of fire at him making him consistently on high alert, everything about the place made him despise going there.
Sure, the others didn't mind it as much as he did; but they didn't have the heightened senses he had to deal with.
There was only a few reasons he felt it worth being there; Quartz, Glowstone, and Blaze rods.
That last one was why he was in the Nether right now. He needed Blaze rods for Blaze powder to get his potion stands working. At first, He had asked Iskall- well, more like begged- for some, but the Swede didn't give in, simply giving him directions to a Nether fortress and telling him to get them himself as politely as possible.
Which promptly meant he chased Ren out of his base with a Cod.
Jabbing his sword through the skull of yet another Wither skeleton, he watched in annoyance as it crumpled to the ground in ashes. The amount of sweat he was covered in gave him the feeling of being in this fortress for hours- maybe even days! While in reality, it had most likely only been 2 or 3 hours but it was still quite a long time without finding Blazes.
He'd really have to work to scrub out the smell this time.
Ren ran his fingers through his hair, undoing it and grumbling softly under his breath as he re-tied it. By now, the smell of brimstone was annoying the hell out of him- clogging his senses and making his eyes water. His eyes roved over the endless expanse of the nether, hoping to spot at least one blaze so he could just leave already.
The sound of an echoing shout made the Lycan's ears perk up, his head snapping towards the sound so fast it almost gave him whiplash.
From across the Lava, he could see a half-bred blaze demon chasing far behind another demon. The grip around the handle of his diamond sword tightened, his adrenaline rushing. As Ren focused on the half-breeds face, something in the eyes of the demon made his stomach drop- his instincts telling him something was just wrong and he needed to hurry.
Sprinting across the Fortress bridge's, Ren didn't slow down as his previous exhaustion was long gone, replaced by increasing paranoia and adrenaline.
Jumping from the fortress, the Lycan landed on the netherrack with a thud before continuing his sprint; quickly catching up to the Blazes. He skidded to a stop as they reached a cliff, jumping behind a cluster of Quartz as a voice spoke up. The half-breed held a golden sword in one hand, his hair a chestnut brown and wearing golden armor. He was bulky and looked to be about Iskall's size- making Ren a bit nervous. He looked to be in his early 20's, having a slight beard that only added onto his similarities to Iskall. His eyes were an unnatural gold, seeming to be blank and soulless.
"This doesn't need to be hard pal; just give up the girl and we'll be on our separate merry ways!"
"Like hell!"
"I will not ask you again!"
Peeking out, he spotted just what the blaze was chasing. A demon stood with his back to the cliffs, tensed in a defensive position. His hair was the color of honey, his skin was pale as the moon, his scerla's were black as the void and his iris' were red as blood, wearing nothing but a ripped tunic and cloak the color of freshly grown grass and black tights. He seemed to be young, around the age's of 18 or 19- but his skin was littered in scars and bruises.
Then, as his gaze shifted, Ren's focus was on something else.
His eyes narrowed in on the small child next to him, their hands clamped around each other tightly as the teen held her slightly behind himself- eyes locked with the Blaze hybrids.
"Salem's dying wish was to take her child away from- from HIM- why the hell can't you just respect that Mini?!"
"I do respect that, I really do! But you know how it is around here."
"Why are you acting like this?!"
A thud inches away from him made Ren jump, seeing another demon land beside him. Following him were two more male demons- both of them holding golden swords, but not wearing golden armor. The first seemed to be an Incubus, his hair a golden blonde with strikingly beautiful blue eyes, a black bandana tied around his head. He was smaller than the hybrid in stature, his slight curves showing through his clothes. His shirt was lime green and he wore slightly ripped blue jeans, a long whip-like tail waving behind him.
The other seemed slightly older than the others and easily could match Doc in his size, but seemed to have a gentle atmosphere. At first glance, He was just a regular demon, but the uncharacteristic black demon wings folded behind him gave away his rank easily. It wasn't often demons were born with wings- but when they did, Ren heard it could be insanely dangerous. The demon had auburn hair that was gelled back and the mustache on his upper lip was well-groomed, his eyes a soft red and his skin a tanned color. His horns were curled back like a ram, and his tail was just as whip-like as the Incubus'. He was dressed more formally in a rusty red pin-stripe vest, a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and black dress pants. He held the golden sword with less tensity, seeming to not have as much malice as Mini.
"M-Martyn- You're-" The teen spoke up, looking surprised and hurt as he locked eyes with the Incubus. Martyn seemed to flinch, taking a step back, "Look- I have to. You know what happened last time I went against order's..."
The larger demon stepped forward, his look almost pleading, "He's willing to forgive you, bud...You just need to come back with us- Please....I...We don't wanna hurt you." His voice was soft, sounding genuine and calming.
He reminded Ren of Mumbo.
"Zee- You should understand better than anybody that I- I need to fulfill Salem's wishes. Please!"
The Child let out a yelp as her foot slipped a bit, causing Ren to react instantly, taking out his sword and charging the Incubus.
The blond spun around and blocked the strike with his own sword, eyes wide as he looked at Ren. He pushed back against the Lycan, taking Ren by surprise with a kick to his stomach, making him stumble back. The larger demon caught him, holding his sword to his neck, "Move and I kill you-" Ren gulped, surprised at how fast he was taken down as well as his lack of self control.
What was he thinking?
Mini huffed, completely ignoring the situation as he cut off the larger demon, "I really don't understand how the King keeps forgiving you. You've always been nothing but an ungrateful brat..." His voice was flat, void of emotion. Zee's head snapped toward him in shock, eyes wide, "Mini, what the fuck are you saying? What has gotten into you?!"
A grin spread across his face as he dashed forward before the teen could react, grabbing the child by the arm and tossing her behind him carelessly, "I'm just a bit smarter now, that's all ya big softie! And I'm smart enough to want to get rid of the problem!!"
Marytn reacted fast, catching the crying child and pulling it to his chest comfortingly before it could hit the ground- looking at the brunette in a panic, "Mini what are you doing?!"
"MINI NO-!" The larger demon let go of Ren and ran toward the pair in a panic. Ren watched in horror as the hybrid pulled the teen towards him; the golden sword plunging into his stomach as his eyes flew wide. Blood seeped past his lips and tears flowed freely from his eyes as he frantically gripped Mini's arm.
The look in his eyes was so full of betrayal and heartbreak as he looked up at the older demon, the scene being something that would not stop playing through Ren's head for years to come.
Mini withdrew the blade as his eye's turned a soft green, flushing with emotion again as he seemed to pale, "G-gri?" A look of horror and realization spread across his features as he dropped the blood-soaked sword. The teen wavered, holding his bleeding stomach and stepping back shakily, "I-i...how...cou....ld....you..." His breath hitched as he slipped, falling back off the cliff. Mini shot out, grabbing him by his tunic front and pulling him back with enough force to knock himself back. Zee fell to his knee's beside them as Mini sat up, cradling the young boy in his arms tenderly.
He began to shake, eyes welling with tears, "God- FUCK- what have I done-" Mini looked up at Zee with wide, teary eyes as he ripped up his vest and used it to cover the wounds, "Zee- Please- believe me, I didn't mean to hurt him- I don't know what the hell happened-!"
"H-hey- I know I know..." He leaned forward, kissing the hybrid on the forehead reassuringly, "He's- he's going to be fine- we need to think fast, they'll be here any moment-"
Martyn looked at the child and the 3 demons, seeming to struggle with an internal decision. The conflict swam in his eyes, seemingly brewing as old memories seemed to resurface.
His head snapped to Ren as if he had decided, "You. You're from the human world right?" Ren swallowed dryly, hands shaking, "I...y-yes." Martyn chewed his lip, gulping before walking over with the crying child in his arms, "Take her and Run. Make sure she never comes back to the nether- I'll take the blame for losing her-"
The incubus handed the Child over, kissing her forehead before stepping back his hand gripping a golden locket, "Hide- they're coming..."
Martyn ran over to the others and Ren tensed at the sound of beating wings approaching.
Thinking instinctively, Ren held the small child to his chest and made a break for it, his mind running at 100 mph as he searched for a hiding spot. Skidding to a stop when he reached the base of the nether fortress, he spotted a crack in the netherrack wall. It was just big enough to hide the child if he dug a bit in, but not big enough for both of them.
Looking down at the child in his arms, he felt her tiny hands gripping his shirt as she sobbed, breaths shaky and uneven. He could just drop the child and save himself- after all, he could be assisting in a kidnapping without even realizing it. He owed nothing to those demons anyway, he had no attachment to this child, and besides- he wouldn't make a good parent. He had no idea how to raise a normal child, never mind a demon child.
Then there was the issue with realm rules. Trafficking any species out of the nether other than pigmen, ghast's, blazes, or magma slimes was strictly forbidden- taking a normal demon from the nether would for sure get him banned from the server, but taking a demon child? That would probably be a one-way ticket to being eradicated.
But as usual, Ren was thinking with his heart rather than with his head. He didn't take a second to think about his own life on the line as his mind drifted back to the demons from before. His heart ruled out all logic in the situation as he put down the child and took out his pickaxe, digging a bit more into the hole before picking the child up and putting her inside the crevice. She scooted back into the hole in confusion, her entire body engulfed by shadow's as only watery golden cat-eyes stared back at him.
Leaning forward, he reached in and cupped her face, heart-squeezing as he felt her soft cheek covered in warm, wet tear streaks. His voice softened almost instinctively, sounding barely recognizable to his own, "Gri-gri is uh...He's gonna be okay. I need you to stay here and sit quietly, don't make a sound and don't come out until you hear me yell uh..." His mind drawing a blank, Ren blurted out the first thing he thought, "Firefly. I want you to do your ABC's 15 times. If I'm not back by then, I want you to climb the weird staircase right there-" He turned and gestured to the cobblestone staircase attached to the nether fortress, waiting for a nod before continuing, "From the top, go straight past 2 hallways. Take a left, then a right. You should find another staircase just like the one you climbed up. Climb down it and you should see a weird square tunnel through a wall of the rock below us. Go down it, you should find a weird rectangular thing with a pretty purple curtain like thing. Go into it and don't step out until you see warm brown floor and grey brick-like walls. From there, do this." He took out his communicator, clicking on Iskalls contact before handing it to her, "Click that slash icon, and then when another man answer's, tell him to come because Ren Dog might be in trouble and sent you. Then stay till he arrives, okay?"
A soft nod came in response as she took to the communicator, "Promise me you'll do this?" She nodded again and Ren bit his lip, reaching and taking out a flint knife, handing her the small object, "If any bad guy's come after you or grab you, you use this to hurt them back, okay?" Reaching out, she took the knife by it's handle and held it close, nodding once more.
Ren heard a yell, making him tense as he snapped his head towards the noise, "Alright- I'll try to be back as soon as possible."
Unsheathing his sword, Ren ran back toward's the spot with the demons, quickly ducking behind the same quartz cluster as he spotted a few new demons. He peeked out from behind the cluster, watching yet another scene unfold.
"Lost her- What do you mean you lost her?!"
One of the new demons spoke up, seeming to be the ring leader. He was roughly a few inches shorter than Mumbo but made up for it with muscle mass. He had tanned skin and neatly combed raven black hair, a red and blue headset sitting around his neck while he wore a blue t-shirt and ripped blue jeans. His horns were long and sharp, his tail whipping irritably behind him and large red demon wings folded behind him. He looked furious, his glowing blue eyes narrowed at the Incubus from earlier.
"S-she ran off after Mini stabbed G, Sir. I was too distracted by the scene to account for her escaping. I-"
"So what your telling me...is that your incompetence...not only let my property be damaged-" He gestured to the teen on the ground from earlier, his head now in Mini's lap as Zee had begun wrapping the wound. They both seemed to flinch and tense at the man's words, Mini's eyes narrowing on the man before quickly looking away, "But also let my daughter run away alone. Where she can easily be killed?!"
Faltering, the incubus stepped back, "W-well- Yes but-"
"Are you a fucking imbecile?!!" The raven-haired demon reached forward grabbed the blonde by his hair, throwing him to the ground, before suddenly freezing in place, "No...You think I'M the imbecile, don't you?" His pupils dilated and he brought his foot down on Martyn's stomach, the man crying out in pain, "You let her go, didn't you Martyn?!" He dug his heel in, Ren's stomach twisting as he heard the cries of pain erupting from the smaller male.
A young woman stepped forward, her short silver hair tied back, wearing a grey jacket and pants over a white tank top, her horns significantly smaller than any of the others.
"Taurtis, that's enough- you're being irrational again-"
She flinched back, looking hurt at the man's sudden bark. The man- Taurtis- turned his attention back to Martyn with fire in his eyes. He snarled, growling as he stepped back and let the Incubus stumble to his feet, "Just like Tim...Just like that goody-two-shoes boyfriend of yours, you're starting to get soft....I have no use for anyone "soft" unless they're my property." He walked over the wounded teen, smirking as he grabbed him by the front of his shirt and pulled him closer, "You all wonder why I haven't gotten rid of little G over here? He's soft. Soft doesn't fight back. Soft runs away, and once you wrangle it up again and beat around the bush a bit they are nice and obedient for you again.Thats exactly why I love him." He let go of the teen carelessly, Mini just barely managing to catch him before he hit the ground, letting out a pained sob.
Mini and Zee looked at Taurtis like they were ready to bite his head off, both of them hovering protectively over the teen.
Taurtis glared back before moving on, walking back towards Martyn, "This…This is the bad kind of soft.” Lifting the sword, Ren watched in horror a Taurtis brought blade down across the Incubus’ neck. “I have no use for soft!!” With a gurgled screaming and coughing, Martyn collapsed while holding in neck, bleeding out onto the netherrack. Ren slapped his hand over his mouth to keep himself from crying out. Without hesitation, he scrambled back and took off towards the nether fortress. As he approached it, he called out- “FIREFLY!!” Approaching the hole, he looked inside and was relieved to find the little demon still there, golden cat eyes staring back at him in the darkness hopefully. “Cmon, we gotta go-” He reached in and carefully removed the toddler from the crevice, holding her against him.
Sheathing his sword, Ren used both arms to support her against him before taking off towards the staircase. Up the staircase, across the bridges- Ren’s lungs burned as he inhaled the scalding air and ash, the muscles of his legs burning as he ran on pure adrenaline. All that mattered to him was getting the child to safety, forgetting the entire reason he had been in the nether in the first place. As the purple hue of the portal came into view, Ren only ran faster, his instincts taking over as a whimper sounded from the small body in his arms.
As he jumped through the portal and landed in his base, Ren knew this wasn’t over. He put the child down and took out his pickaxe, using what remained of the adrenaline in his system to breaking the obsidian portal.
As the portal broke, Ren sighed in relief and flopped back, panting. The adrenaline finally flushing out of his system, he started to become more aware of his surrondings.
“M-mister…?” Oh. Right. Sitting up, Ren looked to see the little demon beside him, her appearance making him grimace. In the brighter lighting he could see the bruises and cuts that covered her body much better. Her hair was a black as a ravens feathers and looked unkempt, her sclera engulfed in that same black and eyes a bright gold, Soft maroon markings made patterns on the warm brownish tan skin of her face, and two small black horns protruded from her head. His heart sank as he realized the situation, eyes widening and freezing. If anyone found out, he was sure he’d be banned immediately and the child would be sent back to that- that hell. …...Alright. He could do this... Slowly, he reached back and picked up the toddler, setting her in his lap as he crossed his legs, “Heya kiddo...Do...Whats yours name? I’m Ren.” Giving his warmest smile as he could feel the small body in front of him slowly relax. He reached out and brushed her bangs from her face, seeing her leaning into his touch as he gently cupped her face again, “I...I don’….I don’ like my name…” He hummed softly and picked her up, cradling the demon in his arms, “Then how about we pick a new one, hm? How’s that sound kiddo?” “New name…?” “Mhm! How about....Amanda!” He walked up into his base and to his bed, gently setting her down on his bed and he began to look for something to clean her cuts. “Nuh-uh!” “No? Aww darn...Emily?” “Bleh!!” He chuckled and turned to her, putting down the rubbing alcohol and kneeling in front of her, beginning to clean the cuts, “Well, aren’t you a picky nicky!!” A smile broke across her face and she giggled, “Silly puppy!” He felt a tug at his ears and chuckled, letting her play with them, “Ay! I’ll have you know I am the fearsome diggity dog, thank you very much ya butt!” Her giggles grew into full laughter as they kept talking, a warm feeling spreading into Ren’s chest as he gently bandaged the young girls wounds. As he finished, he looked up at her and tilted his head, “How about...Pele.” She lit up instantly, a wide smile spreading across her face telling him everything. “Pele it is then! Now,” He picked her up once more and sat on the bed instead, placing her in his lap, “You need some sleep. When you wake up, We’ll get you bathed and some new clothes, okay?” “Okay…” He hummed softly, inhaling deeply, “You…Your gonna be staying with me from now on, alright? But i’m gonna take real good care of you! I won’t let any bad guys hurt you anymore…” “Promise…?” She held out her pinkie to him and looked up at him with pleading eyes, making his heart melt, “Yea…” He intertwined his pinkie with hers and shook it, “I promise. Now- let’s get you to bed kiddo!” Internally, as he tucked Pele into bed, he made a promise to himself. He wouldn’t let anyone stand between him and Pele. Not that Taurtis fellow, not Xisuma, Not Iskall, no one. ----------------------- As Ren ran towards the future district, all he could think about was his little girl. Sure- she was little older now, but to him she was still his little girl deep down. By now, Xisuma had figured out how to code the Nether without demons, making it safer for the hermits. It took a long while for Ren to get used to being a father- and raising a demon wasn’t the easiest- but he figured he’d done a good enough job. Pele was responsible enough, was a quick learner, and by now she could barely remember her real father- a fact Ren was grateful of. He had told not a soul about her, not only because he fearful of the repercussions, but ideally worried about being separated from her. Shaking his head, he focused on the problem at hand. Xisuma had announced an emergency arrival at spawn, something that was alarming to everyone. The admin had never called such a thing to the server’s attention, so it made everyone curious and worried.
As he arrived at the spawn, he was surprised to find False, Stress, and Iskall standing around a nether portal as Xisuma was pacing back and forth in front of it, his helmet strapped to his side as he looked shaken. Ren approached a familiar blond, putting a hand on her shoulder, “Falsie, what’s going on?” “Mumbo went into the nether for the emergency arrival, but he hasn’t-” Almost if on cue, there was a vooping noise and Mumbo emerged, holding a bundle in one arm and someone else thrown over his opposite shoulder. “Close the portal!! NOW!” Without hesitation, Xisuma took out his pick and broke the side of the portal. The person over Mumbo’s shoulder was sobbing and kicking, reaching towards the portal pleadingly, “NO! ZEE’S STILL BACK THERE! LET GO!!” Rushing over, Xisuma took the bundle from Mumbos arms and cradled it. Ren watched as Mumbo slowly lowered the smaller person, kneeling beside them with an apologetic look as they finally stopped struggling. Ren spotted the demons tail whipping behind the person and his breath hitched, walking closer. His heart stopped as the young demon looked at him, honey blond bangs hanging in front of his face and vibrant red sweater standing out. Slowly, the demon calmed down and he looked around, “M-my baby...where is he- please-” Xisuma walked out and kneeled by him, handing over the bundle. The young man took it with a whimper of relief, hugging it close as it began to cry and snuggle up to him. Xisuma inhaled deeply before taking out a communicator, “I’m sorry but...I’m gonna need your name…” Taking a deep breath, the demon looked at the admin through blood red teary eyes, “I-i’m Grian…”
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jossambird · 4 years
incubus swedes is a crigne AU lmao
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I mean, you can always just.... skip it and not read it 😎
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