#incubus otto
msrhaxoz · 19 days
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what if....
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writingkitten · 9 months
Do you have any headcanons about any of the Molina characters that haven’t come up in any fics or asks yet?
Oooooh hm that’s a good question!
Ricky: I know I have full fic dedicated to this but Ricky was in the Marine Corps and suffers from ptsd because of it. Ricky’s also really probably of his Hispanic heritage and so is his family, who make you feel like one of them as soon as they meet you like they are so hospitable. Also the Morales’ are very superstitious, Ricky not so much, but the rest of them are.
Robert: he’s so so so so so insecure about everything to do with himself. He just doesn’t feel good enough in my aspect, even though he’s perfect and I love him
Otto: ALWAYS LISTENING, and uses it to his advantage. Hear me out: I would pick up on people saying they liked something while I was working, and I did this with almost everyone there, so everyone got a Christmas present that was something they’d genuinely like. I feel like Otto is this way, but he also uses it for various things not just presents lol
Doc Ock: man is insatiable, like the actuators have made his sex drive skyrocket. Always down to clown
Big Boss: I want to dedicate a big chunk of this to him, because we (my friend and I) have a lot of HCHs about him lol, so first off his real name is Jedidiah Black, Jed for short. Jed had a rough childhood, grew up in a very religious household, etc. He also loves animals, especially cows/bulls, and he owns a massive ranch. In reality he’s a big softie with a lot of anxiety and needs a warm blanket wrapped around him
Manuel: again I’ve talked about this a little bit, but I think Manuel is either a demon, specifically an incubus, or the devil. I’m more inclined to say incubus but there can be some good in him, but I also love the idea of a pure evil Manuel 🤤
Andres: the older cousin of Ricky!
Harding: secretly an egg
Hank: probably would be besties with Penguin, but would get annoyed with Oswald.
Oswald: deserves better than Hank tbh
Dick: I think he was probably bullied, especially for his name, when he was young. That’s why he’s so prone to anxiety and panic attacks. Also I love him.
Chandler: the biggest softie after he’s gotten all of his primal urges out, like he’s so so good at aftercare and then all he wants to do is snuggle!!!! Also soft when sleepy (well sometimes he gets hard 😈)
That’s all I can think of right now but I’ll post more random HCs as I collect them! THANK YOU FOR THE ASK FRIEND!!!!!!
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virgil-is-a-cutie · 1 year
I like to imagine in an au where some Targaryens are perhaps incubus/succubus or even fae
The Valeryons are sirens or mermaids because their very much are different, of course.
Every noble house is a weaker creature or just normal humans
The Strongs however are Werewolves
Rhaenyra and Laenor struggle in the first year of their marriage to conceive and know there will be consequences if they don't have trueborn children
So Harwin helps them, of course, as best he can and and they both have Jace, Luke and Joff, Jace is born an incubus/fae (idk still), Luke is born a siren/mermaid, and Joff is an incubus
Everyone knows they're truborn bc Jace would get his energy by small hugs or hand holding with Nyra, but it also turns out their energy is given by the dragons
But if we go the fae route I like to think they have wings or horns, or the pointy ears.
Jace looks like Laenor, except he has his paternal grandmother'shair, but is a fae
Luke looks like Aemma, his skin lighter than his father's but he has the gills in his neck that help him breath in the water
Joff is the one with Nyra's skin tone and looks most like Nyra except for the hair color. He's perhaps a mix of fae and siren/mermaid
Viserys is a fae, Daemon an incubus who's energy he gets from anyone who's close to him.
Alicent's children are half fae, and weak their magic is barely there and Otto hears how they're too weak for the throne, that Nyra has had trueborn children and are powerful of course they see her as the rightful heir.
Send me asks if you have questions for this au bc I'm happy for this one
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since i consider you a wise blog in the nu metal side of tumblr, i figured i'd ask you for help.
are there any nu metal ships you like or recommend? i've been reading so much davisdurst fics on a03 cuz there's a lot of it there, but I wanted to branch out but not sure where to start. i like korn, limp bizkit, slipknot, linkin park, crazy town, but i'm also down to check out ships of other nu metal bands and crossovers too. if shipping is not ur thing, i get it. disregard this message. just figured i'd ask since i'm not sure what other good ships are out there to check out.
Oh I adore this ask, thank you for taking the time to write it. I’ve been meaning to get back into nu metal shipping, it’s just so fucking fun.
Davisdurst is pretty much my otp but I also like any ship with Fred (names that come to mind are Head from Korn and Wes from LB) and especially any ship with JD or JDevil specifically (anyone in Korn but especially Fieldy and Munky and Chino from Deftones). Also within Limp Bizkit Sam x Wes is another very good ship with plenty of awesome fics courtesy of the fucking amazing @downtherabbitholewithlucy. They’re not super popular ships but I love the ship I call LB’s RhythmSection (John Otto x Sam Rivers) and DJ Squared (DJ Lethal and Sid from Slipknot, turntablists just understand each other like that). Had an amazing JD x Wes fic written for me once and it’s one of the best nu metal fics I’ve ever read, that ship has real potential. Oh and one time I got an ask on the confessions blog about shipping David Silveria and Shifty from Crazy Town and I’ve honestly thought about writing something for that because it sounds hilarious and could be hot as hell. I know there are some fics with guys from Linkin Park, Incubus, and Rage Against the Machine but I haven’t checked them out yet. Oh and lord in heaven, don’t get me started on the Slipknot ships. A polylover’s/multishipper’s/rarepairer’s heaven. Any of those are good but I like Clown x Sid, Jim x Corey, Paul x Anyone, Chris x Craig, and Joey x Anyone.
I totally would be down to get some shipping going with the guys from The Union Underground and Crazy Town and shit like that because they’re totally slept on shipping-wise and those are some good looking guys with writable personalities. Haven’t gotten around to it myself because…😅
Anyways, hope this helps anon! Happy shipping!
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riddlerosehearts · 20 days
getting very very close to the end of baldur's gate 3! of course, i plan on doing many more playthroughs of this game, but--not counting the things i finish up in this post--i only have a handful of things left to do in my first playthrough and it feels so weird. i'm excited to be done with it but at the same time i don't want it to be over for some reason akfjsgsdf
went to go fight orin, completing the dribbles quest on the way and getting some gloves that apparently used to give a really OP bonus to magic missile but don't anymore?? well, the description makes it sound like they should not work with magic missile, so i guess that was a bug which was patched... but in that case i don't know if i want to bother with finding dribbles in the future lol, doesn't feel worth it for all the trouble you have to go through. anyway, i have not fought gortash, but that's okay because it was extremely easy for my tav to just straight up lie to orin about it!
god i missed lae'zel so bad, she's honestly become one of my favorite characters over the course of this playthrough. in my next playthrough i need to make sure someone else gets taken so i'll get to hear her reactions to all of the things she was gone for during this one. also, minsc did have a lot to say about her and about githyanki in general! i still wish i could've gotten him to talk about shadowheart, not sure why he wouldn't comment on her.
i'd say i can't believe raphael wrote an entire 100-chapter novel that’s nothing but descriptions of different scenarios of him being crowned and coronated as archdevil of the hells, but i can absolutely believe it. i mean, this guy literally has an incubus that's basically a clone of himself--and not only does haarlep tell you raphael is a bottom, but i've also heard it's possible to get him to tell you raphael is bad in bed LMAO?!?! he is so over-the-top arrogant and vain and for what? his own incubus to roast him and reveal his secrets?
anyway, i have loved exploring the house of hope, but now it's time to go kick raphael's ass!
...okay i was super surprised when not only did yurgir show back up, but my tav was able to persuade him to join them in the fight?! i meeean not that i'm complaining but they kind of persuaded him to kill his minions and himself before, so. i guess maybe he respects their cunning and/or feels like their hand was forced by raphael, or maybe he just doesn't give a shit since defeating raphael is more important now. and it was a DC 30 roll to persuade him. but that is still pretty wild lmao, i kind of wish someone had mentioned it.
raphael's final act goes so hard that it almost feels like a waste of talent to kill him. and at the same time it is hilarious that this overdramatic fucker who has 666 HP is also singing his own battle theme. i keep imagining my bard tav clapping back with their own song about what a loser he is, with gale and wyll forming a backing chorus and lae'zel making some snarky comment before very reluctantly joining in.
makes me so sad that otto's irresistible dance incapacitates him but doesn't make him actually dance :( i'm a little confused though because i'm unsure whether i'm encountering a bug or i'm misunderstanding the game mechancics... raphael has a buff called inevitable resolve which says it makes anything that incapacitates him only last one turn, which holds true when i have gale cast hold monster--he breaks out of it on his next turn. but otto's irresistible dance didn't trigger that for some reason and he stayed in it for several turns before my concentration got broken. well, not that i'm complaining!
i found mol's contract in the house of hope, and went and told her we killed raphael. not surprised that she was all mad about it--she's a kid, and kids love to think they can do anything they want without consequences lol. we can only hope she'll grow up and be grateful later.
the order of events during act 3 has honestly been a bit confusing for me and i'm not sure which is the "best" or most logical way to do the whole steel watch/iron throne/killing gortash set of quests in, or if it even matters, but... i stumbled upon the way to get to the iron throne while doing the avenge the drowned quest, so i guess that is where i'll be going next!
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the-whispers-of-death · 2 months
my ocs in a monster au
Hazzard: either a mutated werewolf or radioactive sludge monster
Void: spatial anomaly, literally a gap in the fabric of reality
Boss: dragon. has two pairs of wings with a galaxy pattern on the inside of his wings membranes
Selga: homunculus (thinking of changing it)
Johan: high incubus
Vaccine and Dartboard: i didn't know what to make them but i was leaning towards ghouls or gargoiles
Otto: fire elemental
Romanas: either a blood homunculus or a vessel for some blood related eldritch entity
Oooh, nice.
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jossambird · 3 years
This Soul Of Mine PT 4
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Main Incubus Otto x Reader (Incubus Axel and Oscar x Reader in later parts!)
18+ (also in later parts)
(Mentions of Rape but only passing, as Incubus are Male Demons who feed off sex, most of them are NOT kind Swedes.)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
After a few moments spent together in silence petting the little cat in Otto’s arms, a man came out of the house along with Oscar. The unknown man’s eyes narrowed as he took you in, frowning deeply as Oscar seemed to whisper to him.
“I am Axel.” He roughly stated as he kept your gaze, accent thick. You nodded, trying to smile but too overwhelmed to. The wind blew around you, the silence practically deafening as he seemed to stare into your soul.
“I am Y/N-“
“Yes I know, your name was on the cookie box.” He cut you off, sounding irritated and headed back inside with Oscar, leaving only the screen door open.
“Sorry, he is wary of.. new people.” Otto whispered, a small smirk appearing on his lips as you both heard Axel huff loudly inside the home. Together, you sat on their front porch, petting the little bundle of fur before it demanded to be put down, running away quickly.
“I... May I ask a favor of you..?” You asked Otto, voice silent as to not let his brothers hear you. Judging by the way you saw them slightly turn their heads though, Super Hearing was also probably an Incubus power.
You felt bad asking this of him, it wasn’t his job... But he had imprinted on you, hadn’t he? Laid claim to you accidentally, just as The Handler had said. You were now his, and he yours, surely that meant something.
Your slight pinpricks of worry reached his nose, followed by embarrassment and hope. Hope?
“Yes, of course.” Otto whispered back, feeling slightly overwhelmed by the smell of relief you exuded, so much so that he had to look away, eyes turning inside to catch both Oscar and Axel watching out of anticipation.
“Would you mind accompanying me to church after tomorrow? It would not be for long, I... I need to deliver something, but I dont feel comfortable going alone.” You answered, wondering if he could sense that you were hiding something from him.
Could Incubi also read minds, just as their female Ruler had? Was that simply a Succubus power? God, as soon as you got home, you were going to write all of this down.
It was obvious you were hiding something from him, but as he took in the delicious scent of your emotions, Otto knew it wasn’t anything malicious. Your worry and hope outshined anything else, the sweet mixture making his insides burn, feeling the sudden need to comfort you.
It was a mistake to reach out, to touch you, hand placed on your forearm. The moment he did, mouth open to answer, the sharp dangerous smell of arousal waifed off of you, calling to him, your surprise mixing with it as he retracted his hand. Otto’s mind reeled as he tried to recover, senses on fire, barely registering that you had accidentally projected some of your emotions onto him in that moment.
“I will walk you home.” Axel declared, scaring you as he appeared behind you, gloved hand settling on your shoulder to lift you and turn you away from his stunned brother. You frowned, trying to turn to say goodbye to the two other brothers but couldn’t, Axel’s rough hold veering you out the yard and into the street and cold night, his gray eyes shining as he watched you.
“I know that you know.” He stated as he walked alongside you, momentarily shutting his senses off as to avoid your whirlwind of emotions that you visibly had no control over whatsoever. Mortals, such incapable beings. He didn’t miss the way your head snapped back to him, watching him as you walked together.
“My brothers are young, a hint of stupid even, so they cannot tell, but I can. You fraternized with her, sat with her. You smell of her cigarettes.” He said after a moment passed, coming at a standstill. You werent Otto’s soulmate, you were working for The Handler, plotting, cruel, acting kind to get close to his poor unsuspecting brother. He wanted to lash out, tell you how stupid you were-
The scent of pure unadulterated relief flooded his senses out of nowhere as you turned to him, eyes wide open as you gasped deeply, looking at him in surprise.
“Oh god, thank goodness! You have no idea how relieved I am to know that you know, she absolutely scared the life out of me! She arrived at the Church and sat right beside me!” You exclaimed, hands flying to your face to hide from him, fearing he was about to kill you-
“You- Your being honest...” Axel said, tone sounding more uncertain then he had ever been in his life, finding himself out of his depth at your honest and truthful answer. Something within his chest hurt, a sharp and twisted pain, lighting his senses on fire. It felt like the first breath of fresh air after being held under water for ages, wind filling his lungs as he breathed in slowly. He didn’t understand, he didn’t get it; you knew they were demons? Incubi, to be specific, and yet you stayed either way?
“Why would you fraternize with demons, demons that rape, harm pretty little women like you... who lure unsuspecting women out in parks at night, only to eat their throat out?” Axel stated, trying to make you see just what they were, the dangers that they brought, what they truly were, but as he went on, he felt more drained, losing whatever edge he hoped to exude out to you.
He hated you, hated that a mere mortal like you were making him regret his choices, making him regret what he was as he saw the gentle pure kindness in your eyes. Most of all, he hated that you, you of all people, a pretty little church goer, made him regret being born an Incubus. For the first time in all of his existence, a mortal, a human, knew what he was, and stayed, showing him the same exact kindness as before.
“Wow, with a facial expression as flat as that, Im really trembling in my boots.” You smirked at him, hand lifting to push your hair back behind your ear as the wind blew around the both of you, trees swaying in the wind. A vile putrid stench filled the air for a moment and made him forget the retort that had been on his tongue, nearly making him gag as the scent filled his senses. What was that?
“Do that again.” Axel whispered out harshly, eyes sharply observing you critically as you stopped smiling.
“Do what again?” You asked, eyes wide, breath catching in your throat as he came closer, face moving towards you as if to smell you.
“Place your hair behind your ear again, there is something... unclean on you, something The Handler must have implanted on you, I can smell it wafting into the air around you.” Axel said before recoiling sharply as you lifted your arm, your soft gaze turning worried as you watched him openly gag, the noise making the nerves inside of you burst.
“Oh my god Axel, are you okay!? Im so sorry!” You asked, stepping away from him to leave him some room but halting as his arm shot out, grabbing ahold of your wrist-
Axel froze as foul images assaulted his senses, the scent overpowering him. He remained unmoving though, feeling it too important of a vision to pull back, pull away. You, the mere human mortal, were too important, he corrected himself, heart beating faster as he watched a Priest, supposedly a man of God, jerking himself off, your dainty little bracelet in his hand. Axel watched with a feeling of violation as the priest finished himself off and pocketed the bracelet, only to give it to you later that day at the end of a sermon. The man had tainted it, placed his unholy hands on it, coated with-
“Take it off.” Axel grunted as he pulled away, emotions running amok inside of him like a hurricane in an open field, ripping and destroying everything in its path. The delicate scent of your hesitation reached him, and he almost sighed out of joy at the sheer difference of weight your scent had over the bracelets filthy smell, making him forget the Priest’s disgusting act.
“If you can trust me, no matter how small, please, trust me now Y/N.” He added, eyes locking onto yours. It was a stretch Axel told himself, knowing he wasn’t in any position to demand anything of you after accusing you of potentially betraying them with little proof.
Nothing in this world had ever brought him ecstasy, nothing had ever made his dead heart beat, and yet here you were, ripping the bracelet off and throwing it into the woods behind you; the mere sight of your trust made his blood roil pleasantly under his skin, fingertips aching to touch you.
Had this been exactly what Otto had felt the first time he had touched you? Otto had been frugal on the details of his awakened state of mind, but was touch truly the key? It had to be, he had never felt a more pressing need to touch a human, anyone, anything, YOU, more then Axel did right now, invisible Incubus tail fidgeting back and forth out of confusion.
“Are you alright?” You asked again, noticing how far his gaze seemed, reminded suddenly of Otto’s expression the first time he had laid his hand on you. Axel breathed in sharply as you came closer, eyes connecting with your own. His gray-blue eyes shined in the moonlight, platinum blond hair reminding you of fresh snow.
You didn’t know what Father James’ bracelet had, or what magic was on it, but you trusted Axel.
“Y/N... If I asked you to no longer visit the Priest alone, would you respect my judgement?” Axel whispered softly as he lifted his hand, wanting to pushing your hair once more behind your ear but couldn’t. He watched you, watched as the wheels turned within your mind, and watched with greed as you bit your lip softly.
He had always seen female lovers do it, biting their lips to keep themselves from making sound, or out of desire, and it had never done anything for him. Yet here he stood, hand lowering to his side once more, insides churning in pure delight at the sight of your teeth sinking into your lower lip softly. The sweet scent of your surprise at his question curled around you, patiently allowing you to think before answering him.
You wondered if Axel had heard you speak to Otto earlier or if he had taken an educated guess. Did he also have powers like their Ruler did? He visibly had Super Hearing, but the was for another day to think about.
“You know, earlier at your home, I thought you hated me. But I would almost say you have a soft spot for me Axel, seeing how accommodating you are, walking me home.” You said, changing the subject as you felt anxiety rise up your spine with a vicious need. Axel hummed in answer, eyes squinting as he regarded you.
“You need not answer me, but please, next time, ask my poor simpleton of a Brother to accompany you.” He spoke, smiling a bit as you nodded and continued your walk home, silence reigning over the both of you the rest of the way.
The walk back home was torturous for Axel, mind and heart fighting, intelligence trying to reign victorious over these... feelings, emotions. Useless things, really.
Yet... he understood, understood why Otto had been acting irrationally. Nothing seemed to make sense as he had watched you wave goodbye to him from your front door, senses telling him to leave but.. body roaring to go knock on your door, to ask for permission to enter and touch you, touch your cheeks and run his lips against your throat. Axel wanted to feel your pulse under his fingertips, feel the fleeting human life inside you, and to feel you, just you, touching him back out of your own volition, not like the humans affected by his natural Pheromones.
Axel’s feet came to a sudden stop, previous inner thoughts reminding him just what he was: A Demon. An Incubus, a male demon that sought to impregnate human women, feeding off their souls and lives. He was everything your kind feared, everything they had nightmares about, everything human children cried about.
Slowly yet quickly, the thought came crashing down on him that this, all of these emotions he was feeling, all of these humanly soft thoughts, all of these stupid fantasies could never happen.
Never should he touch your cheeks, and run his lips along your throat. Never should he feel your pulse under his fingertips.
Never, under any circumstances, should he ever feel your touch, from this moment on. If he did, Axel knew he would fail, knew he would throw everything to the wind, fairytales and folktales be damned.
If you touched him, Axel knew he would follow you until the end of the Earth.
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oftheseathings · 5 years
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Here are some character concepts for a rather self-indulgent story I’m writing for fun! [Stefan voice] It’s got everything: Victorians, monster boyfriends, the Roaring 20′s, chaotic bisexuals (cough Alastair cough), monster fighting...
Working title is “Blackwell Agency”. That’s how I’ll tag concept bits going forward.
With grad school in the works it is more realistic for me to stick to posting pencils and inks rather than full digital color. (I still want to post that kind of art, but I honestly might not have the time to color.)
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shahs1221 · 2 years
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“Thread softly, stranger.”
The ‘Eldritch/Demon/Incubus/Grimm-esque’ Otto au that was born from @brxt-prince and myself is now done!
No, you don’t understand... we have so many ideas for this, we’re losing our minds.
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morelikedoccock · 2 years
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I’m more than a little enamored by @shahs1221 ‘s Eldritch demon/incubus Otto au, so I did a small doodle of him (with an alternate spookier version)👀❤️❤️❤️
Their original post here
Close up under the cut
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fandom-go-round · 3 years
DC and Marvel Masterlist
DC Comics:
Dick Grayson/Nightwing:
Motorcycles: Dick Grayson x Reader [smut]
Refuse: Alpah!Nightwing x Omega!Reader [smut] {dark}
  Jason Todd/ Red Hood:
Home: Jason Todd x Reader (fluff)
Present: John Constantine x Reader (fluff)
Incubus!Constantine x Reader HCs [smut]
  Barry Allen/The Flash:
Date Night: Barry Allen x Reader (fluff)
Taking Care of a Child HC: Barry Allen (fluff)
  Bruce Wayne/Batman:
Dealing with Kids HCs (Batman) (fluff)
Batfam Adopting Mermaid HCs
Old Man Bruce Fighting Crime HCs
Non-Sexual Pet Play HCs
Responding to Furry Joke HCs  
Flower Prompt: Wild Rose
Love Letter Event: Battinson
  Slade Wilson/Deathstroke:
Deathstroke x Reader [smut]
  Arthur Curry/Aquaman:
Hugging and Kissing HCs: Aquaman (fluff)
  Diana Prince/Wonder Woman:
Hugging and Kissing HCs: Wonder Woman (fluff)
Yandere HCs {yandere, dark}
  Hal Jordan/Green Lantern:
Omega!Hal HCs
  Clark Kent/Superman:
Shrunken! Reader x Superman HCs
  Harvey Dent/Two-Face:
Reader x Harvey Cuddling HCs (fluff)
  Star Sapphire:
Reader x Star Sapphire Dating HCs (fluff)
Injustice Dating HCs {dark}
Male!Reader x June Switching During Sex [smut]
First Date HCs {light dark}
Love Letter Event
Coming Out: Kaldur Imagine (fluff)
Incubus!Batboys x Reader HCs (Bruce, Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian, Duke) [smut]
Naga Egg HCs (Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg, Flash, Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Black Canary) [smut]
General Centaur HCs (Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg, Flash, Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Black Canary)
Alpha!Riddler x Omega!Reader Heat [smut]
Squirting HCs (Bucky Barnes, Dr. Strange, Loki, Batman) [smut]
Reader Coming Out as Trans to Batboys (Bruce, Dick, Jason, Damian)
Reader Dressing Up in Lovers Costume (Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Arrow)
Blue Lantern!Reader x Green Lanterns (Jessica, John, Guy)
Poly! Poison Ivy x Reader x Harley Quinn Domestic (fluff)
Poly! Raven x Reader x Starfire Domestic (fluff)
Poly! Constantine x Reader x Zatanna HCs
Omega Verse Batfam General HCs
Batfam!Reader x Batfam! Best Friend Getting Pregnant HCs (Bruce, Dick, Jason, Tim)
Reader Becoming Doctor Fate HCs (Jason, Tim, Cassandra) [dark]
Monster HCs (Duke, Stephanie)  
Bruce Banner/The Hulk:
Picture Perfect: Bruce Banner x Reader (fluff)
Domestic HCs (fluff)
  Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow:
Too Late: Natasha Romanoff x Reader {angst}
  Tony Stark/Ironman:
Broken: Tony Stark x Fem!Reader {angst}
Cello Music: Loki x Reader (Dissociation) {angst]
Take Me to Bed: Reader x Colossus (fluff)
Horned!Reader x Thanos [implied smut]
  James “Bucky” Barnes/Winter Solider:
Grim Reaper!Reader X Bucky {major character death}
  Doctor Octopus/ Otto Octavius:
Reader x Doc Ock Alleyway Sex [smut]
  Matt Murdock/Daredevil:
Reader x Matt Murdock Underneath You [smut]
Flower Prompt: Lilac
Male! Reader x Viper Anal Sex [smut]
Bedtime HCs: Logan x Kurt (fluff)
Enemies to Friends to Lovers HCs: Nightcrawler x Toad (fluff)
Kissing HCs (T'Challa, Erik Killmonger, M'Baku)
Poly Captain America x Reader x Winter Solider Possessive Sex [smut]
Logan Howlett x Reader x Kurt Wagner Stuck in Wall [smut]
Parents Getting a Divorce HCs (Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Dr. Strange) {emotional themes}
Squirting HCs (Bucky Barnes, Dr. Strange, Loki, Batman) [smut]
Shrunken! Reader with X-Men HCs
Kryptonian! Reader x Avenger HCs (Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Thor, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff)
Valentine’s Day HCs (Thor, Loki, Valkyrie) (fluff)
Tony Stark x Bruce Banner Flower Prompt: Daisy
Kryptonian!Reader x Avenger HCs (Daredevil, She-Hulk)
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msrhaxoz · 17 days
Meeting with Haarlep
I wanted to write a fanfiction, but I couldn't do it. But the other day I got into a conversation with my new buddy who asked me a few words about my character. When I started writing about him I remembered all the things I wanted to write so badly. I almost cried. I can't write, I don't practice it, but I think if I don't try now I'll never try.
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Short preface
ㅤBy that time Otto had served in the House of Hope for more than a hundred years. It so happened that apart from Korilla and Raphael he had no contact with anyone and rarely communicated with other residents of the house.
ㅤOtto first met Haarlep quite by chance when he passed by the master of the house's chambers. Otto saw Raphael in bandage clothes and was shocked. Well, we understand who it really was. When Haarlep saw the dark elf through the foggy door, Otto immediately ran away.
ㅤI think Otto had a crisis after this situation sgsjdhjsshl andjerkedoff
ㅤThe second time, Haarlep himself made contact with the elf out of self-interest. Otto was extremely tired that day. When he was making notes somewhere in the House of Hope, he turned around and met the incubus. 
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smth like that adklsajdl
ㅤHaarlep led the elf into the boudoir with a short conversation.
ㅤ– You have nothing to worry about since I brought you here. 
ㅤOtto knew it was a lie. Obviously he was not allowed to be here. But how to refuse an incubus? Should he obey? Why does this fiend look so much like a master of the house? 
ㅤOtto followed him anyway despite the inner horror. And when Haarlep stopped by the bed, he began to talk calmly. 
ㅤAnd every word he said was like a knife to the heart.
ㅤ– I noticed you a long time ago, Raphael's most loyal mouse. What a shame that your abilities were never evaluated. I wonder, how many years should it be before you're really noticed? Such a pitiful mouse...
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ㅤOtto opened his eyes wide and didn't take his eyes off the incubus's hands. Haarlep runs his fingers gently over his palm and smiles warmly.
ㅤAt that moment the incubus didn't even have to resort to his natural charm. Although he expected that the elf would react either with anger, or be embarrassed, or, unlikely, pounce in hot intercourse, but...
ㅤHeavy tears poured down the cheeks of the young drow. He kept his eyes on his hand. He was so ashamed of his tears. He understood that it was too late to run and it was pointless. He had already humiliated himself in front of the incubus who was silently watching his unstable reaction.
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ㅤAfter tears, Otto asked hoarsely: ㅤ– What do you need from me? Have you decided to revel in my tears, my miserable condition? ㅤHaarlep replied calmly, with a soft smile.
ㅤ– Not at all. I can simply give you what you've been dreaming about for years. ㅤAfter a few seconds of silence, Otto began to slowly pull off his clothes, trying not to look at the incubus. Although he felt the excited gaze on him. When the clothes were on the floor Otto stumbled slightly on his underwear. But after taking a deep breath he took off the last piece of clothing and, still not looking up at Haarlep, sat on his lap, timidly placing his hands on the strong shoulders.
ㅤ– Good boy.
ㅤThe sweet whisper sent goosebumps all over Otto's body.
ㅤThe dark elf trembled at every touch. In the hands of the incubus he was like a fragile doll. The elf didn’t resist the foreplay, but didn’t respond in any way, as if he was not letting Haarlep approach him. This turned him on. Haarlep wanted to explore his body, he wanted to find out his weak points. He wanted Otto to reveal his soul on his own.
ㅤKisses from ear to collarbone, sliding hands on the waist, hot breath on the skin. Haarlep hugged the graceful body, inhaled its fragrance, felt its heat.
ㅤIn an instant, Otto was under him. Defenseless and terribly embarrassed. Out of habit he began hugging his shoulders, involuntarily closing himself off from the incubus. And Haarlep's smile didn't calm him down either. ㅤOtto felt terrible fear. His thoughts were filled with the anger of the owner of the House of Hope. As if he was going to come and burn him now. It's as if Raphael is delaying the moment, allowing the young man to have fun and later subjects him to excruciating tortures ㅤHaarlep didn’t like Otto's remoteness. But because of that the thirst to break his will grew. How stubborn this drow was. ㅤ– You like it, don't you? – the incubus interrupted the flow of thoughts of the young elf, running a claw over Otto's stomach, – Do you like being touched?ㅤThe claw slowly reached the pubis. The tremor gripped the elf's body again, all thoughts focused on this moment. Otto squeezed his eyes shut, turned his head away from Haarlep. And at this moment, as if expecting such a reaction, Haarlep gifted the young elf a thousand touches. With a faint touch of his fingers on the drow chest, he made circles on the pale skin. He left light scarlet stripes with his claws. Haarlep warmed his waist and hips with hot palms. Pressed his dry lips to Otto’s neck. He was biting his ears. ㅤIt was treacherously pleasant. The elf's body responded to every touch. He was burning from the inside out, his voice was trembling. Heart ached with pain. But the soul remained in turmoil.  This struggle, which Haarlep felt, argued with a rush of pleasure. Otto didn't resist the incubus, he resisted himself. ㅤHowever, he couldn't fight the urge for long. Otto dared to meet him, he opened his eyes and saw the familiar face of his master.
ㅤHis breathing was choked off and the drow's eyes filled with bitter tears. The smile was so familiar, but at the same time so alien... No, Otto was simply mistaken. But one mistake was enough to make emotions flare up with renewed vigor. He groaned and covered his face with hands, showing the incubus all that pain, that despair, that hopelessness that has haunted him for centuries. ㅤHaarlep stopped. Otto couldn't see his face, but he was sure the incubus was smiling mockingly, he was reveling in his position. But a minute passes, two. Otto did not hear the fiend's voice above him, not even a slight grin. Haarlep gave him a moment to understand his feelings again. ㅤOtto trembled for a long time under the fiend. He looked extremely helpless. And his thoughts were so loud that it seemed like every devil in the hells could hear him. He didn’t know these feelings, he didn’t understand whether he was doing the right thing towards himself and especially towards his master. When Otto finally regained relative consciousness, and the burning of tears became unbearable to endure, he timidly removed his hands from the face, but left one on his mouth. His gaze was full of bitterness. The young elf was afraid of condemnation for his desires and expected anger for the lost moment. ㅤThe drow dared to look into the burning eyes. There was no mockery on Haarlep's face. He was calm, even mildly interested. Otto looked at him expectantly, trying to detect at least a grain of mockery in his gaze, but Haarlep did not smile. ㅤThis involuntarily made the drow sigh and he put his hand on the bed. The incubus slowly reached out to him with his hand, but Otto suddenly intercepted it and squeezed it. ㅤ– Can you hold me?... ㅤHaarlep smiled back, but this time his smile was sincere. It was as if he was momentarily overcome with pride at the young drow's request. ㅤThe incubus slowly hugged the emaciated body. He lowered his wings, put his hand on the top of Otto's head as the other wrapped around his back. The drow held his breath for a few seconds, his body was tense, but on exhaling he finally softened in Haarlep’s arms. ㅤHaarlep stared into the distance without blinking. Oh, how sweet this young drow is. Despite the breakthrough of emotions, he was still overwhelmed with feelings, pleasure, fear and... something indescribable. How can there be so many conflicting emotions in one body? Fascinating. ㅤWhat a pity that all these feelings are dedicated to someone who will never appreciate it. ㅤThe hug lasted a long time. Otto only shuddered and sniffed a little, diluting the silence. When the weight of emotion finally left, he let go of the incubus, burying his forehead in his chest. Otto has nothing to say. ㅤHowever, he heard a sweet whisper in his ear. ㅤ– Shall we continue?
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writingkitten · 2 years
Reading Material
UPDATED: 06-06-2024
Buy me a Kofi!
NOTE: I have not included fics written prior to August 2022, aka the start of the Molina fic era. There are other fics that can be found on my blog, specifically for Joker, but those will not be listed in this post. Also, I don’t beta-read these. There will be grammar issues/misspellings and I’m alright with that.
(E) = explicit/smut (detailed warnings included on individual fic posts) MINORS DNI
* = written while high, filed under Big Goof (likely a note in the post)
Personal/professional writing: @noxhawthorne
Erotic Novel: @towhomevermayreadthis
Ricardo Morales
Helping Karina
Yardwork (E)
Lionheart (E)
Too Much (E)
Conception (E)
The Fawn and The Lion (E)
Thunderbird Clearing I
Thunderbird Clearing II (E)
AU Viking - Bear-kissed (E)
Rain-check (E)*
Gathering (E)
AU Undercover Noir - Always (E)
AU Undercover Noir - Heartbeat (E)
Blurb - Daydreams (E)
Blurb - Scrapbook (E)
Blurb - Intertwined (E)
Blurb - Placid Submission (E)
Spotify Playlist 🎵
Otto Octavius
Warm Honey (E)
AU Pervy - My Sweet Girl (E)
Blurb - Corn Maze (E)
Spotify Playlist 🎵
Doc Ock
Rotten Honey (E)
Black Honey (E)
Dark Necessities (E)
Blurb - I Don’t (E)
Spotify Playlist 🎵
Harold Lindsey-Jones
Blurb - Morning After
Everything You Ask (E)
AU Vampire - Invitation (E)
Blurb - AU Vampire - Rendezvous (E)
Spotify Playlist 🎵
Armand Gamache
Blurb - Ice (E)
Blurb - Car Ride (E)
Spotify Playlist 🎵
Robert Aldrich
The Script I (E)
Nightmare (E)
Touch-Starved (E)
Spotify Playlist 🎵
Harding Hooten
Blurb - No Control (E)
Control (E)
Driving You Mad (E)
Blurb - Under Control (E)
Spotify Playlist 🎵
Hank Spallone
Finer Things (E)
Nothing Like Making Love (E)
Submissive Tendencies (E)
Negotiations (E)
Spotify Playlist 🎵
Manuel Aringarosa
Duality (E)
Intensely Divine (E)
Spotify Playlist 🎵
Chandler Manning
Edge of Primal (E)
AU Demon - Blissful Burning (E)
AU Demon - Petulant God (E)
Blurb - Haunted House (E)
Blurb - AU A/B/O - Without Mercy (E)
Spotify Playlist 🎵
Andres Galan
AU Ghost - Disembodied (E)
Blurb - Strike A Deal (E)
Spotify Playlist 🎵
Boris Plots
Say It Again (E)
Spotify Playlist 🎵
Big Boss
AU Devil - Merciful Pleasure (E)
Blurb - Save The Last Dance For Me
Spotify Playlist 🎵
Mark Rothko
AU Jigsaw - Unleashed (E)
AU Serial Killer - Eternal Return (E)
Spotify Playlist 🎵
Maxim Horvath
AU Vampire - Drink of Choice (E)
Spotify Playlist 🎵
Oswald Cobblepot
Goosebumps (E)
Spotify Playlist 🎵
Jimmy Stiles
Look At You (E)
Spotify Playlist 🎵
Frank Burton
Roulette Wheel (E)
Blurb - Licking (E)
Spotify Playlist 🎵
Dick Suskind
Blurb - Favorite Book (E)
Spotify Playlist 🎵
✨ Ask HC Masterlist ✨
Morales/Manning - Silhouettes (E)
Morales/Manning - Sinister Reverence (E)
Morales/Manning/Gamache - Truth of Dare (E)
Galan/Big Boss - Lewd and Intoxicating (E)
Aldrich/Suskind - Editing (E)
Doc Ock/Mad!Hooten - Black Coat, White Coat (E)
Devil!Big Boss/Possessed!Ricardo Morales - Walk The Earth (E)
Incubus!Manuel/Incubus!Horvath - Searing Eyes (E)
Horvath/Cobblepot - Observation (E)
Big Boss/Manning/Spallone - Tug-O-War (E)
Vampire!Harold/Werewolf!Chandler - Delicately Primal (E)
Blurb - Morales/Manning - Ten Minutes (E)
HCs - What cryptids would they be?
Wanna join the Molina-Verse Discord? Request the link! :)
Anons: Review anon, 🍎, 🐦‍⬛, 🐾, 🌺, 🐟, 🧋
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e17omm · 2 years
How do succubus feed in soukai demons? Coz like, Mei seems to need food…? Are there incubus too or is it just a general term?
What do you think they feed on? Life force. (Primarily)
Though, they dont need to take all of it, a little here and there works. You know, take 50% from one person and 50% from another, or 10% from 10 people, or 1% from 100 people, all gives 100%. Its just more work for them.
And yes, incubus' also exists, though with how many males there are in Honkai... Idk, do you want Kevin or Otto as an Incubus? Didn't think so.
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riverbirchindex · 2 years
This is the current compiled list of all my oc’s that I’ve managed to get to on 4/7/2022. This list includes ALL OF MY ADOPTED OC’s, ALL OF THE OC’S I HAD ON MY OLD LIST, and some of the new ones added ontop. 
– The Men:
·        Aedei Osum – Tulip Desert Rose Plantoid
·        Aksle Graham – Fahrenheit Incubus
·        Aurian Jay: Orca Dragon
·        Barjecht Baffomeht – Baffmo Demon
·        Blyoo Ummi – Blue Raspberry Gummy Slime Boy
·        Boojum Baffomeht – Baffmo Demon
·        Caleb Otto – Scylla
·        Calivera Rojo – Old Cardinal Ghost
·        Cesar Isandro Chavez – Cactus Soccer Player
·        Clyde Carnicke – Bull Shark Cop
·        Cinnamin Ruul – Burner Salamander
·        Chase Briar – Crocodile
·        Devin Pascal – Oscar’s Rival / Best Friend
·        Edward Celsur – Yellowjacket Nobleman
·        Emilie Onblooms – Rose Plantoid Flauna
·        Fiful Nifelheim – Skunk Plague Doctor
·        Frederico “Freddy” Santasar - Human
·        Harue Ochi – Snake Demon Prince
·        Jacopo Tato – Red White Tarantula
·        Jicama – Insomniac Shadow Person
·        Julius Flor – Dandelion Plantoid
·        Karlos Astor – Human [Likes Redmond]
·        Mihail Sholes – Botanic Dancer
·        Monatana Ackermann – Shotgun Mercenary Robot
·        “Nasta” – Lich Necromancer
·        Oreo - Rollie Pollie
·        Oscar “Soutman” Browhn – Swing Singer
·        Owen Renfield - Human
·        Parys Beau – “Beauty” Model Demon
·        Popella Hominim – Brazier Hellion
·        Poppycock – Poppy Bastard of Druidic and Incubus dealings
·        Pyrite I– Manmade Idol Angel
·        Rook Bowlin – Mafioso Jerk
·        Rorsch - Ink Blotchy
·        Sebastian Yo – Devils Cigar Mushroom
·        Sicily Rosa - Blue Rose Plantoid
·        Strave Kilos - Alien Sand Skater
·        Sundae Mums – Ice Cream Fairy
·        Toy Bunny – Toy Bunny
·        Walter Briggs – Persistent Coffin System [Human Deceased]
·        Waryn Sallet – Blacksmith Daedra
·        Willow Bunyin – Barn Owl Harpy
·        Zorblo Zathurn – Green Alien
– The Ladies:
·        Aalaya Leare – Black Jaguar Demon
·        Adranuch “Phuri” Shephar – Sheep Ranchhand
·        Afra Azad – Persian Justicar
·        Alouette Cross – Wolf Spider Arachpire
·        Anj’I Vyrss – Kobillianoid Mechanic
·        Arbor Buckle – Goblin Blacksmith
·        Ark’xa Mor – Blue Skinned Orc
·        Aro Anois - Scorpion Lady
·        Anne Gale – Garden Spider
·        Ayiqua Unalii – Thunderbird
·        Ayo – Shade Child
·        Azalea Brightsap – Azalea Bush Plantoid
·        Baisu – Stitch Witch
·        Bayleigh Kells – Maron Unicorn
·        Bii Plum – Bee
·        Boo Bee – Ghost Bee
·        Cassidy Miles – Desert Long-eared Bat
·        Catalina Chavez – Lil Barrel Cactus
·        Celosia Strega – Human turned Flame Elemental
·        Cindii – Fire Bee
·        Colette Myr – Oni Lass
·        Coralynn Tato – Cobalt Blue Tarantula
·        CRT – TV headed Robot
·        Cybia "Mia" Pscillo - Mushroom Witch
·        Cushion – Bed Golem
·        Delilah Carnicke – Nurse Shark
·        Elise Vermillion – Astronomer Student
·        Fawn Hylls – Bear Demon
·        Fifai Foe - Firefly
·        Fuba Chichi – Firefly Squid
·        Gazelle – Revenant Skeleton
·        Gretchen Saoire – Werewolf Queen/Mom
·        Hiji Phrydum – Hunter Class Robot
·        Ivie Myill – Indigo Milk Mushroom
·        Illiyad III – Pugilist Robot
·        Ineruiko Ari – Black Inari Fox
·        Ira Jiya – Venus Flytrap
·        Joey – Eldritch Femme Fatale
·        June Indigo Holiday – Mythical Werewolf [Queen] PI
·        Katherine Ryme – Yuki-Onna
·        Kram Bustonthrooh – Oni Girl
·        Kiki Ketsup – Goliath Tomato Plant
·        Lyio Quill – Dandelion Plantoid
·        Lola Friday – Turkey
·        Matilda Rake - The Country Bumpkin Scarecrow
·        Marie Green – Cow Centaur
·        Mascara Rake – The Cast Scarecrow
·        Melody Rake – The Clubbing Scarecrow
·        Meridia Ile – Drow Alchemist
·        Mikola Tescin – Roadie Skeleton
·        Minx Wehr – Harlequin Mime
·        Mirabelle Pumpernickel [Sourdough] – Scottish Fold Cat
·        Mother Magnet – Maid Robot [Malfunctioning]
·        Ms Badger – Plush Badger
·        Mu – Tall Fungal Finder
·        Myca Dime – Bunny Monster Gal
·        Myra Foil – Mantis Robot
·        Nimune - Swamp Monster Lass
·        Nu – Shortstack Fungal Finder
·        Paka Pita – Snail
·        Pamela Grisgill – Infected Human [Vegan Chupacabra]
·        Pebble Cove – Shoebill lady
·        Porridge – Fluffy Pidgeon
·        Portia Bella – Portobello Mushroom
·        Raynae Papria – Dragonfruit Druid Human
·        Rahmiel Valhm – Fallen Angel of Mercy and Love
·        Rhys Lykcit – Ferret Cursed Witch
·        Sara Indippdi – Christmas Crab
·        Sew Bahr – Undead Ghoul Boar
·        Sii Cookie – Mythical Bee
·        Somnia Munel – Shade
·        Valerie Duccat – Honest Gambling Skeleton
·        Vina Erma – Cornucopia Tree
·        Vulcan Oll – Zippo Bounty Hunter
·        Wimona “Wyrm” Zobe - Zombie Girl
·        Ysabell Asor - Blue Rose Noble Plantoid
·        ZugZug Blubba – Trash Golem
·        Zyl Phynx – Plum Vine Plantoid
– Neither / Gender Fluid:
·        Amadrya Cimmerro – Mandeadrake Nymph
·        Charolette Springs – Spider Animatronic
·        Cygnus – Blackhole Effigy
·        Eridanus – Voidling
·        Fui Bya – Wingless Silverspun Moth
·        Gmooh – [Ether] Voidling
·        Halceyon Tide – Ship AI Navigator
·        Kokolo Flor – Long Flower Plantoid
·        Kris[tine] Shio – Pistachio Plantoid.
·        Ookli Ohkapi – Super Space Alien Scout
·        Othello – Caretaker Paper Spirit
·        Perseus – Star Voidling
·        Rubeka – Watermelon Doggo Slime person
·        Septerra – Anu Guardian
·        Stinky – Pile of Grass Plantoid
·        Vivia Paars – Sock Unicorn Puppet
– The Transistioned:
·        Andi Oli – Toxic Salamander
·        Fain Mail – Piloted Assassin
·        Jake Carnickie - Tomboy Shark
– The Imps:
·        Azucar – Sugar Skull Imp
·        Cinder – Ash [Chimney Sweeper] Imp
·        Dandara – Heart Imp
·        Gymnyst – Geode Imp
·        Jiji – Diamond Card Imp
·        Khal – Club Card Imp
·        Kryll – Sea Angel Imp
·        Michio – Mint Chocolate Chip Imp
·        Qux Huulak – Spade Card Imp
– The Fandoms:
·        Blue Heaven – Morning Glory Floran
·        Chip – Furret Pokemon
·        Clenoa “Clover” Donahue – Celtic Earth Pony
·        Hydrani Gea – Deku Scrub Librarian
·        Lilian Seafoam – Gardevoir Pokemon
·        Ludica Trebble – Gijinka Parasect
·        Mio Cir Loto – Seedrian
·        Pip Mozette – French Earth Pony
·        Raspberry Nebula – Mismagius Pokemon
·        Sapphire Tear – Unicorn Pony
·        Stubborn - Ram
·        Rawr – Tiger Pony
·        Tundra Mist [May Rebirth] – Bat Lantern Pony
– Groups / Creature Species:
·        Dragoil Thatchers – Dragon Rustler Desert Protectors
·        Hydroqua – Aquadile
·        Teil – Rainbow Parrot
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notwxrriors · 3 years
what if,, otto was an incubus before becoming king
yeaaaa,,,,he fucked w humans and it was Easy bc humans are easy. also he's so?? hot?? and maybe a little scary, but he was good at picking out those he knew would be receptive to him, coming to them in their sleep,,i am just Thinking
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