#indipendence day sale
idiomando · 2 years
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museenkuss · 1 year
so apparently shops just don't carry Terracotta anymore. I haven't tried the Guerlain Boutique yet, but I went to Douglas, Sephora and two indipendent (one normal, one high end) perfume boutiques and none carried it. had littlr chats with the women at the boutiques and those conversations made it sound like the perfume isn't sold in stores anymore, or at least at the moment? Very strange. (The Guerlain counter at Douglas is orphaned on certain days and I don't have the schedule memorised. Plus I've never spoken to a Sephora sales assistant? I think I've seen some but they're always too busy talking amongst themselves).
That being said, Douglad.de has 100ml for 74€ and I've had one bottle of Grapefruit Schöfferhoefer, so.....
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daimonclub · 7 months
USA Presidents (Part 1)
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Mount Rushmore American Presidents Sculpture USA presidents Part 1. The men who made America. The most powerful figures in the world. President's Day, sometimes called Washington's Birthday, is an official holiday observed in the United States of America on the birth of George Washington, the country's first president. This year Presidents Day is celebrated on Monday, February 19, 2024. Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company. George Washington When angry, count ten, before you speak; if very angry, a hundred. Thomas Jefferson The advancement and diffusion of knowledge is the only guardian of true liberty. James Madison If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. John Quincy Adams An honorable defeat is better than a dishonorable victory. Millard Fillmore Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing. Abraham Lincoln I pity the man who wants a coat so cheap that the man or woman who produces the cloth will starve in the process. Benjamin Harrison Our differences are policies; our agreements, principles. William McKinley After the collapse of the USSR and the end of the Cold War, the President of the United States of America is undoubtedly the most powerful figure in the world. In fact he is the head of the Government of the most important economic and financial power and the Commander in Chief of the most formidable army in the world. That is why every four years the American presidential elections are followed with such great interest all over the world. Washington, the capital city of the USA, derives its name from the first President of the nation. It lies in the District of Columbia (DC) on the Potomac River half way between the North and the South. Its foundation was due mainly to President Thomas Jefferson. Presidents who made America On the rocky cliff-face of Mount Rushmore, South Dakota, are to be seen four colossal portrait sculptures. They are the heads of four great American Presidents: Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Theodore Roosvelt. George Washington (1789-1796) He was the commander-in-chief of the American Army during the War of Indipendence against Britain. After the Victory of the former 13 British Colonies (1783) he became the first President of the US. Before the United States won independence from British rule, George Washington was a farmer in the colony of Virginia. He served as a military as a military leader in the Revolutionary War. The colonists trusted him because he did not want power for himself. He wanted all the states and the people to work together as one. He wanted the government to serve the people well. Washington said that power should belong to institutions, not to men. He also said that people could understand the U.S. Constitution in many ways, not just one. He did not think that the United States should have strong ties with other countries. George Washington was the First President of the United States from 1789 to 1796. He is often called "the Father of Our Country!" Washington's Birthday, also known as Presidents' Day, is a federal holiday held on the third Monday of February. The day honors presidents of the United States, including George Washington, the USA's first president. The day commemorates past presidents of the USA. Washington's Birthday is sometimes known as Presidents' Day. This is because while most states have adopted Washington's Birthday, some states officially celebrate Presidents' Day. Some states pay particular attention to Abraham Lincoln, as his birthday was also in mid-February. In the weeks or days leading up to the holiday, schools often organize events and lessons for students about the presidents of the United States and George Washington in particular. It is a popular day for stores to start their sales. The US federal holiday is on the third Monday of February each year, but records show that George Washington's birthday is on February 22. Many businesses are open as usual and many stores hold sales on Washington's Birthday. Many delivery services, except for the Post Office, have a regular service and many, but not all, public transit systems operate on regular schedules. Some schools close for the whole week for a mid-winter recess. According to some government sources, Indiana observes the Washington's birthday holiday in December. John Adams (1797-1801) The Adams' were the first residents of the White House. They moved in in November 1800 while the paint was still wet. Mrs. Adams would hang her laundry in the East Room to dry. Adams was one of three presidents not to attend the inauguration of his successor. Not only was Adams disappointed in losing to tiny U.S. flag Jefferson, he was also grieving the death of his son Charles. Adams was the great-great-grandson of John and Priscilla Alden, Pilgrims who landed at Plymouth Rock in 1620. The only presidents to sign the Declaration of Independence Adams and tiny U.S. flag Jefferson both died on its 50th anniversary, July 4, 1826. Adams' dying words were "Thomas Jefferson survives". Jefferson, however, had passed on a few hours earlier. In 1800, U.S. capital relocated to Washington, D.C. from Philadelphia and the Congress established the Library of Congress.
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President's Day Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809) He could do many things. As a young man, he was a farmer and a lawyer in Virginia. He was also a scientist an inventor, a philosopher; and an architect He designed his own home, called Monticello. He could speak French, Italian, Spanish, Latin, and Greek. Many of Jefferson's ideas became basic principles of the government of the United States. For example, he believed that all men are created equal, are born the same and should receive the same treatment under the law. He also said that power must come from "the consent of the governed" (the voters, not the leaders). He wanted free elections, a free press and free speech. Thomas Jefferson held many important government positions. He was Ambassador to France, Secretary of State (under George Washington), Vice President (under John Adams), and the third Prwsidwsm of the United States, from 1801 to 1809. As President, Jefferson bought the huge Louisiana Territory from France. In 1776 he helped to draw up the famous "Declaration of Independence" which stated that Britain's American colonies were "of right free and independent States". His name is also linked to the foundation of Washington City as the capital of the United States of America. Abraham Lincoln (1861-1865) He was the president of the Civil War (1860-1865) and of the abolition of slavery. At that time the Southern States still kept black slaves. Lincoln spoke out strongly against slavery. As a result, a Civil War broke out between the Northern and Southern States. The North won the war. The two sides were reunited as a nation and slavery was abolished. He grew up in Kentucky in a log cabin. He couldn't go to school, so he taught himself. He became a lawyer. Friends called him "Honest Abe" As a delegate from Illinois, he served in Congress from 1847 to 1849. Lincoln was against slavery and gave some famous speeches about his ideas when he was running for the Senate. In 1861 Abraham Lincoln became the sixteenth President of the United States. He wanted the states of the Union to work together as one country, but he had to lead the North against the South in the Civil War. Some people thought that Lincoln was too strong as President because he used unconstitutional powers. President Lincoln freed the slaves with the Emancipation Proclamation. He had a plan to bring the South back into the Union after the Civil War, but he couldn't carry it out because he was assassinated. In 1865 an actor named John Wilkes Booth shot Abraham Lincoln. Theodore Roosevelt Jr. (1858-1919) often referred to as Teddy or by his initials, T. R., was an American politician, statesman, conservationist, naturalist, and writer who served as the 26th president of the United States from 1901 to 1909. He previously held various positions in New York politics, rising up the ranks to serve as the state's 33rd governor for two years. He later served as the 25th vice president under president William McKinley for six months in 1901, assuming the presidency after McKinley's assassination. As president, Roosevelt emerged as a leader of the Republican Party and became a driving force for anti-trust and Progressive policies. Harry S. Truman (1884-1972) was the 33rd president of the United States, serving from 1945 to 1953. A member of the Democratic Party, he previously served as a United States senator from Missouri from 1935 to 1945 and briefly as the 34th vice president in 1945 under Franklin D. Roosevelt. Assuming the presidency after Roosevelt's death, Truman implemented the Marshall Plan in the wake of World War II to rebuild the economy of Western Europe and established both the Truman Doctrine and NATO to contain the expansion of Soviet communism. He proposed numerous liberal domestic reforms, but few were enacted by the conservative coalition that dominated the Congress. Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945) was 50 when he became President in 1932, during the worst period of the Depression. He did not have the look of a leader: thin, stricken by polio, bound to a wheelchair... Yet he proved one of the greatest presidents ever. He launched the New Deal, that is a sort of alliance between all the social classes and ethnic groups to help the country regains its standards of production and distribute wealth with more justice. In 1936, 1940 and 1944 he was re-elected, but he died just a few weeks before the end of the war. He represents some of America's greatest virtues: a strong will, able to go beyond the limits of paralysis; the ability of working harder and harder to reach the objective; a certain stubborness when he was convinced that he was right (which caused him some problems with Congress and the Supreme Court...). The American people thanked him in a special way: FDR was the first and only president to be re-elected after the second term! Dwight David Eisenhower (1890-1969) nicknamed Ike, was an American military officer and statesman who served as the 34th president of the United States from 1953 to 1961. During World War II, he was Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force in Europe and achieved the five-star rank as General of the Army. Eisenhower planned and supervised two of the most consequential military campaigns of World War II: Operation Torch in the North Africa campaign in 1942–1943 and the invasion of Normandy in 1944. After the war, Eisenhower reverted to his regular rank of captain and a few days later was promoted to major, a rank he held for 16 years. Throughout his presidency, Eisenhower adhered to a political philosophy of dynamic conservatism. He described himself as a "progressive conservative" and used terms such as "progressive moderate" and "dynamic conservatism" to describe his approach. He continued all the major New Deal programs still in operation, especially Social Security. He expanded its programs and rolled them into the new Cabinet-level agency of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, while extending benefits to an additional ten million workers. He implemented racial integration in the Armed Services in two years, which had not been completed under Truman. American Presidents Part 2 American Presidents Quiz Full list of presidents of the United States Here are the major U.S. holidays. In some cases, businesses, government offices, and schools will be closed, and also the International Days list. New Year’s Eve/New Year’s Day MLK Jr. Day President’s Day Valentine’s Day St. Patrick’s Day Easter/Spring Break Mother’s Day Memorial Day Father’s Day 4th of July Labor Day Halloween Thanksgiving Christmas Eve Christmas Day International Days List Read the full article
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shirleykarasuma · 3 years
Hello my friends,
This time I want to talk about a very specific topic called the work of indipendent artists, or for short Doujinshi. O^O
╔══════❀ Disclamer ❀══════╗
I know a lot of people will be triggered by this topic and probably hate me for talking about it, but I want to break the bad cliche! Òwó
Also everything I say in this post is my opinion. You don't have to agree with me. (´•᎑•`)
Over the time of being active in the DCMK fandom, I collected a pretty nice collection of DCMK Doujin. This is my collection.
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Here are my Three favorites!
I have these.
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They look absolutely gorgeous. Not only from the outside but also on the inside. I feel like every single Doujin you will find with Makoto X Sonoko is so polished and well thought of. *w*
I have those.
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Those are actually old. They are from 1997 - 2002. According to some Japanese people I showed them, they are real treasures. °A°
And I have this one.
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This one is essentially just a romance Doujin drawn in the style of "Otome Games". I had never seen anything like this before and I am amazed by how amazing it looks and feels to read. ♡.♡
So now that I've annoyed you with my favorite Doujin, let me tell you a bit about it. (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ˶)
The Japanese word Doujinshi can be roughly translated as "unprofessional personal magazin" and it is used to describe items that are published by an independent artists or artists groups (circle).
Doujin can range from short comics/manga, artbooks/photobooks over written stories (fiction) to magazines, videos, music and even games. So basically any items from those categories that are published by a independent artist or artist group (circle) are considered "Doujinshi" in Japan.
The main genres are Romance, Comedy/Parody, Action and Drama. At least thats what Japanese people like the most. °^°
There are two big main sections "for male" and "for female". When it comes to DCMK you will be more likely to find Doujin here in the "for female" section.
Also doujin are categorized after their main character shipping, so it's easier for people to one they would enjoy. (´•᎑•`)👍
In 2019 I had the opportunity to go to Japan and it was amazing. I went to the doujin store of "Toranoana" in Akihabara which is specialized in Doujins "for female" and it was amazing! ☆^☆
When you entered the small store the first thing you were confronted with, were all DCMK Doujin. Eight big shelfs, three tables, all full packed with DCMK Doujin and a big TV only for advertising them. 〣(๑º口º๑)〣
So yeah reading DCMK doujin as a woman is actually very mainstream in Japan. ô.ô
Most Doujin I saw in the Store were standart Romance, Comedy/Padody and Drama. Honestly there weren't much adult ones I have to say. I think it's because Japanese women don't really like that much hardcore stuff. °A°
Now on to the question "Why are there so many weird and absurd Doujin?". ÓAò
Adult stuff sells, it always has. Also its technically illegal in Japan and illegal stuff is always much sighed-for. Thats why so many indie artists that focus on content like that. Well, it's unfortunate but it can't be helped. >~<
And yeah, the easiest way to be recognized is of course making weird shit. Thats how the Internet works. °^° XD
Besides that....
Funfact of the day:
Did you knew that Gosho Aoyama did doujin before he became a professional mangaka? °^°
There isn't much information about this online, but I found one of his doujin for sale at YahooAuctions. Owo
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Gosho once said he doesn't like the stuff he mad in early artist days. Yeah, it may be weird, cringe and nerdy, but every artist starts like that. °^°
If you are an indie artist or you'r a person that supports them, don't let anyone tell you your weird for creating and/or liking this stuff!
This 100% acceptable and those stupid ass people have to stop thinking inside thier cliche box! ÒAó
Yes I do support indie artists! I stan that! ( ˘꒳​˘ )
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blastoisemonster · 3 years
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Shantae (Unboxing Pictures)
Quick! What's the most sought after cartridge for the Game Boy library? Actually, the Pokèmon main games might be much more popular, but their millions of copies sold worldwide also make them relatively easy to search for, therefore their prices, usually, don't reach astronomic values. Then there's Shantae: developed by WayForward in 2002, it showed up on shelves when everyone was waiting for the Game Boy Advance, and the cart, even if it advertised enhanced gameplay for the upcoming Nintendo handheld, was unfortunately mainly for a soon-to-be obsolete console, so pretty much no one bought it. Then the collecting mania sparked, and a lot of people realized there weren't many copies of Shantae around. It became a diamond in the rough, a priviledge only a few could afford in their collection; the carts reached thousands of dollars in value, and for a while I think the general idea became that if you owned a copy, you were pretty much done. Kinda like Nintendo World Championship for the NES.
During my initial years of collecting I was probably influenced by this general hysteria and thought that a copy of Shantae would've been the only solution to add value to my own collection; I wasn't even curious about the game itself. Of course, the EBay prices were highly prohibitive and even reproduction carts, assembled in an hideously amateurish manner with their red opaque shells and home-glued labels, went for hundreds of euros. Moreover, the price tags also attracted a bunch of ill-meaning sellers that started flooding the market with absurdly expensive counterfeits. In the end, my wallet responded with a strict no; I realized there were some things I could just never have, and instead focused on collecting games I actually wanted to play or was curious about; then my collection reached and surpassed a hundred carts, so Shantae wasn't that important anymore.
Fast forwarding to 2020, I came to know about Limited Run Games; not sure about their whole origin story and all, but they're sort of an indipendent publishing house focused on distribuiting physical copies of digital-only titles, or indies, or retro games whenever they get a licence for it. They mainly produce current-gen stuff, but when it comes to retro titles they do offer to print on old carts, and their whole schtick is that every single sale is limited, so once the orders are all closed for a particular product, it doesn't come back in stock anymore.
You know where this is going: during that summer I discovered LRG was going to sell, in partnership with WayForward, several Shantae products, among which a GBC version. Price was only 50$! It had to be mine. So yes, it is a repro cart and not the real deal. However, since LRG is indeed a game publisher and the original developers were involved, I felt that their product would've resulted much more professionally assembled and faithful to the original cart than the homemade "red shell" versions on EBay. Furthermore, while 50$ is not exactly the definition of spare change, it was definitely a much more affordable expense than several hundreds or a thousand. In the end, this looked like the only time I could ever effectively add Shantae to my Game Boy collection, so I preordered. The carts were supposed to be produced in September and ship a few weeks after; since I'm across the pond, I already took for granted there was going to be quite a delay with the delivery, so I said to myself "I'd better forget about this until November".
However, November came and went and no one who paid for a Shantae cartridge (I followed a collector community that also ordered a lot from LRG) recieved their copy: as a later email recieved at the start of 2021 stated, there were some production delays and GBC Shantae would have probably started showing up in mail boxes after April. What upsetted me greatly is that while we were having this delay, LRG was also taking orders for new deals almost weekly xD my inbox got flooded with their newsletter arriving even several times a day, while I was hearing nothing from the thing I had actually bought, except that I had to wait even more.
Fast forward to this June and finally, after 9 months of wait, this package gets delievered to the door of our studio. ...Except that this time I was miles away at my parents' place! Had to wait until I got home after summer vacations to unbox it, take the due pics, try the game out and put an end to this whole ordeal. Oh yeah, and I could finally cancel my newsletter subscription to LRG!
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*SPECIAL INDIPENDE DAY OFFER SALE SALE SALE LOOT LO OFFER* *VELVET LOFFER'S* SIZE *6 to 10* *650 only* Amityns (at Morb District - GJ 36) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD6Bw3fnXLj/?igshid=1ursvw33f5nsv
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saeeg-blog · 7 years
14th August Latest Dresses Collection 2017 For Men & Women
14th August Latest Dresses Collection 2017 For Men & Women
14th August Fancy Dresses Online Sale In Pakistan As we know that you are so excited for the celebration independence day in support of Gaza people and  your l love by wear of gaza partial booklet of Azadi Tee Shirt you can buy online by booking order or call and SMS now. For the loyalty and love level the grab of peacefulness. Buy yourself latest and national Pakistani flag color cotton shirts…
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yogeshtyagi10-blog · 7 years
studio apartment rent dehradun 9910450549, indipendent , kothi apartment...
1bhk rent dehradun 9910450549 rajpur road call us dehradun rent houses 9910450549 call us 9910450549 rentals in dehradun rajpur road , canal road, shatradhra road , dilaram chowk , dalanwala , vasant vihar , race course road , Deals Pentahouses Ranges – 45 k Duplex- 30 k Kothi – 20 k to 40 k Indipendent floors- 15 k above Apppartments- 7k Paying guest ( PG)- 2500 Students hostels – 6000k Per day rentals –RS 150 call us 9910450549  Originally shared by Yogesh Tyagi arboria appartment sale & rents dehradun 9910450549 call us dehradun rent houses 9910450549 call us 9910450549 rentals in dehradun rajpur road , canal road, shatradhra road , dilaram chowk , dalanwala , vasant vihar , race course road , Deals Pentahouses Ranges – 45 k Duplex- 30 k Kothi – 20 k to 40 k Indipendent floors- 15 k above Apppartments- 7k Paying guest ( PG)- 2500 Students hostels – 6000k Per day rentals –RS 150 call us 9910450549  Photo arboria appartment rent & sale cal 9910450549 no plus ones no comments  Originally shared by Yogesh Tyagi arboria appartment sale & rents dehradun 9910450549 call us dehradun rent houses 9910450549 call us 9910450549 rentals in dehradun rajpur road , canal road, shatradhra road , dilaram chowk , dalanwala , vasant vihar , race course road , Deals Pentahouses Ranges – 45 k Duplex- 30 k Kothi – 20 k to 40 k Indipendent floors- 15 k above Apppartments- 7k Paying guest ( PG)- 2500 Students hostels – 6000k Per day rentals –RS 150 call us 9910450549
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vccproperties-blog · 7 years
Proerty Dealers for Flats,Plots,Villas for Sale in Chandigarh
VCC Properties is Well Known Name in Real Estate Sector in Chandigarh, Panchkula, Mohali, Zirakpur. We deals in all kinds of Residential, Commercial, Industrial, and Agricultural Properties. We have a Well Maintained Data base of All the Flats, Indipendent Houses & Floors,Villas  Available for Sale in this Area. A quick Search through this will Certainly Help you to Find your Dream Property that too at Best Prices. We Study and Understand Trends in Market and Provide Relevent Information about Best Options  and  Enticing Deals to our Clients. We Understand Value of Your Money and We Leave No Stone Unturned in fulfilling Dreams of Our Clients to get Best Property at Most Copetitive Prices.Our Dedicated Team work day and night to Bridge Gap between Buyer and Seller by providing them all the Guidance and Bring Profe ssionalism in the Sector. We Work With Sincerety and Integrity to Understand Goals for Your Investment and Try to Accumplish them by providing them right Guidance and Insight Which we have gained through years of experience in the field. We offer complete transparency in Dealing and Ensure Risk Free &  Legitimate  Property Transaction. We Provide Vastu Guidance for Overall Peace, Propertity and Good Luck for Our Clients. We Proviede all the Necessary Guiance for All the Loan Formalities at all the Stages of the Process. One valuable Chance Given By you to Serve is Enough for Us to  Prove our Credibility. Kindly Contact us if you are Planning Buy or Sell Residential or Industrial Plot, Flats, Villas, Indipendent floors.
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destroythisnerd · 8 years
Tagli di capelli, spade, trucco goth. Questi sono i primi elementi che saltano all’occhio dopo il first-look di ieri sul nuovo film del Marvel Cinematic Universe,  Thor: Ragnarok, che uscirà nelle sale il 3 Novembre 2017.
L’ultima volta che abbiamo visto Thor in azione è stato sul finale di Avengers: Age of Ultron, dove, ritenendo che la Gemma della Mente sia al sicuro con Visione, ritorna ad Asgard per scoprire di più sulle misteriose forze che hanno manipolato gli ultimi eventi.
Da qui si comincia con il plot di Thor: Ragnarok.
Sappiamo, ovviamente che Loki (Tom Hiddleston), ha impersonato il padre Odino (Anthony Hopkins) per un lungo periodo di tempo con l’obiettivo di far riemergere Hela (Cate Blanchett) dalla sua prigione. Il primo incontro con Hela, per Thor, sarà abbastanza disastroso, verrà infatti spedito, senza mezzi termini, su Sakaar, un nuovo pianeta governato da un certo Grandmaster (Jeff Goldblum – Indipendence Day, Jurassic Park).
Su Sakaar incotreremo per la prima volta Valchiria e sarà proprio il nuovo personaggio, interpretato da Tessa Thompson (Creed, WestWorld), a condurre Thor dal Grandmaster.
A detta di Hemsworth: “Thor is a bit of a fanboy for the Valkyrie, the elite women warriors.” 
Thor, su questo nuovo pianeta, è costretto a diventare un gladiatore (ecco spiegato il nuovo taglio di capelli e le due nuove spade) per poter sì sopravvivere, ma soprattutto per poter recuperare il Mjöllnir, il suo fidato martello.
Ma chi è il campione di questo nuovo pianeta di gladiatori? Come sappiamo, è Bruce Banner a.k.a. Hulk, interpretato ancora una volta da Mark Ruffalo.
Una volta che Hulk e Thor si riuniscono, sicuramente dopo essersimenati a dovere, partiranno in un viaggio on the road, per sconfiggere Hela e per poter ritrovare Odino.
Proprio in quest’ultima fase, Thor si unirà al famoso stregone di New York, Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch), come abbiamo già visto dalla scena scena post-credit del suo nuovo film.
Thor: Ragnarok (2017) Thor (Chris Hemsworth)
Thor: Ragnarok (2017) Loki (Tom Hiddleston)
Thor: Ragnarok (2017) Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson)
Thor: Ragnarok (2017) Hela (Cate Blanchett)
Thor: Ragnarok (2017) Grandmaster (Jeff Goldblum)
Thor: Ragnarok (2017) L to R: Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson) and Thor (Chris Hemsworth)
Thor: Ragnarok (2017) L to R: On set with Tessa Thompson (Valkyrie), Director Taika Waititi and Chris Hemsworth (Thor).
Thor: Ragnarok (2017) L to R: Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo) and Thor (Chris Hemsworth)
Thor: Ragnarok (2017) L to R: On set with Tessa Thompson (Valkyrie) and Director Taika Waititi.
Detto questo, Taika Waititi, ha tutte le carte in regola per poter dirigere un buon film, il cast è eccezionale, la storia sembra abbastanza curata nei dettagli e soprattutto c’è un perfetto collegamente con tutto ciò che è uscito dal MCU fino ad’ora.
Ho una sola riesva in particolare, ed è proprio sul regista, Taika Waititi, che è lo stesso di uno dei più grandi flop del genere cine-comic di sempre: LANTERNA VERDE.
Mi sembra con questo di aver detto tutto.
La strada verso il 3 Novembre 2017 sarà lunga e tortuosa.
Svelato il plot di Thor: Ragnarok! #DTN #Thor #Ragnarok #MCU #Marvel #MarvelStudios #DestroyThisNerd Tagli di capelli, spade, trucco goth. Questi sono i primi elementi che saltano all'occhio dopo il first-look di ieri sul nuovo film del Marvel Cinematic Universe, 
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yogeshtyagi10-blog · 8 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmTinPqO9WU)
arboria appartment sale & rents dehradun 9910450549 call us dehradun rent houses 9910450549 call us 9910450549 rentals in dehradun rajpur road , canal road, shatradhra road , dilaram chowk , dalanwala , vasant vihar , race course road , Deals Pentahouses Ranges – 45 k Duplex- 30 k Kothi – 20 k to 40 k Indipendent floors- 15 k above Apppartments- 7k Paying guest ( PG)- 2500 Students hostels – 6000k Per day rentals –RS 150 call us 9910450549 
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