dragonshost · 4 years
fight me any characters you want
“That was the saddest thing I’ve ever seen in my life,” Sasuke commented bluntly, eyeing his cousin’s almost comatose form with deep suspicion.  “I’m having a hard time seeing why the elders talk about his abilities so much.”
Itachi hefted their cousin a little higher up on his shoulder and let out a soft sigh.  “Sasuke.  No one is at their best after putting that much alcohol into their system.”  Except perhaps Tsunade of the Senju clan, but that was a rare case.
“He flashed-stepped straight into a tree,” Sasuke reminded him with a scoff.
“Admittedly not his finest moment,” acknowledged his brother.  “And in his defense, that tree was not there last week.  I assume we can thank your pink-haired teammate for rearranging the landscape of the practice grounds for us?”
Sasuke flushed heavily and didn’t reply.
After a moment of silence, Itachi added, “Try asking him for a spar again in two days.”
The younger Uchiha blinked a couple of times, trying to piece together what Itachi was getting at.  “Why two days?”
It was at that point that Shisui let out a groan - the only warning Itachi got before his shoe was suddenly covered in vomit.  “...Because he’ll be doing that for most of tomorrow.”
Shisui groaned.  “I promise... to never try to outdrink an Akimichi ever again.  I swear it on my life. I... I owe you one.”
Itachi hummed in agreement.  “The concussion probably doesn’t help either.”
His cousin gave him a weak thumbs up.
“...Fine,” Sasuke conceded.  “I’ll give him another chance to redeem himself.”
Itachi tried not to look too amused at the prospect of Shisui wiping the floor with his little brother.  “Glad to hear it.”
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kurokoros · 4 years
playlist title: "going fucking feral absolutely buck fucking wild the day before an assignment is due and I haven't started"
you didn’t request alt-rock, but you got alt-rock
mr. brightside the killers
float on modest mouse
clint eastwood gorillaz
don’t threaten me with a good time panic! at the disco
teenagers my chemical romance
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orange-plum · 5 years
🔺+ pizza?
Unpopular opinion: Pizza always sounds better in theory than in practice. The idea of eating pizza always is better than when you actually eat the pizza because the pizza never compares. Pizza will never really be as good as people make pizza out to be.
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gehayi · 4 years
idk if y'all over at das_sporking have heard but apparently smeyer has a countdown on her website and a lot of people are speculating she might finally be dropping Midnight Sun 👀 I know Mrs Hyde did the leaked 13 chapters but if this turns out to be MS, what're the chances y'all spork it??? I'd cry laughing just to relive the OG twilight spork experience lmfaoooo
Odds are that I’m not going to spork it. It’s not a series I’ve ever covered in depth.  However, Mervin--the sporker of the Twilight novels--has been asked what will happen if Meyer publishes another Twilight book and her response was, “Eat hot shards of glass.”
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sequencefairy · 5 years
all the stars for the fic title?
Oh, Eien. 
So, Ichigo’s always liked to watch the stars, you know? He has an affinity for the night sky. Anyway, he grows up to be an astronomer and ends up working out at some remote observatory, ‘cause tragic childhood + anger issues = does not get along with people and he’s happy to be alone, out there on the mountain. 
Except he’s not, because late one night when he’s been up too long listening to the background radiation of the universe, she shows up, a little bedraggled and a lot drenched in the pouring rain.
Her skin is luminous like the moon, and her hair is black as midnight and Ichigo takes her in out of the rain and tells her that he’ll take her down to the city the next day, but the road gets washed out and so he can’t and they eat canned food and get to know each other and maybe Rukia isn’t only what she seems. 
Send me a fic title and I’ll tell you what kind of fic I’d write!
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astarisms · 4 years
Oh and fire, burn, ignite, flame...have I missed any
His eyes burn so brightly she swears they’re seared into her memory.
(At least she thought they were until he’s gone and she can’t remember the exact shade of emerald).
It felt like a punishment. An Afshin, to track and report her every move? Had she finally been found out? A flicker of panic ignited in her chest before she smothered it, quickly enough that she hoped her mother hadn’t noticed. 
Nahri went cold all over, the flames at her heart reduced to coals, but if Manizheh noticed, she didn’t show any sign of it.
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rhosinthorn · 5 years
2, 9, 12, 41, 42, 43!!
2. Favorite genre of fic?
Oh lord. Ah, probably romance in conjunction with other things? When hunting for fic, I start with either a pairing or my latest fave Ao3 tag and look around for something that seems interesting.
9. What is the longest fic you’ve read?
Still reading! It’s Re-Entry & its sequel series Re-Entry: Journey of the Whills (Star Wars Time Travel) by @deadcatwithaflamethrower (flamethrower on Ao3). Second up is by the same author, the Of A Linear Circle series (Harry Potter), which is about 300k away from surpassing RE. They’re both fantastic, but make sure you have plenty of time to read them because they’re addictive monsters.
12. What turns you away the most from a fic?
From the start? Formatting/Mechanics. If I’m struggling to read what you’ve written, it’s very unlikely that I’m getting beyond the first chapter/paragraph. Which is always really sad when it’s an interesting premise. Otherwise, if the fic isn’t what I thought it might be, or if it’s just something I’m not in the mood for, I’ll click out. I’m usually up to trying most things that aren’t just really weird, so the only thing that’s an immediate, hard no for me right now is infidelity. I just can’t stand reading anything where the protag is unfaithful to their SO because I often tend to get personally invested in stories and infidelity is just something I can’t fathom and makes me feel really uncomfortable.
41. Favorite fluffy tropes?
Oh dear. All of them? Give me some tall and smol, loveable dork and longsuffering partner, cuddling…I like characters to be happy, even if my writing doesn’t always show it, so most things are pretty good in my books.
42. Least favorite fluffy tropes?
I don’t think there’s any that I particularly dislike. My fluff tastes vary a lot, so what I’m craving one day may differ from what I go looking for on other days.
43. Do you like fluff on its own or in conjunction with other elements (angst, sex, etc.)
About ninety percent of the time I prefer my fluff mixed with other elements. It’s the other things that make the fluff stand out more. A moment stolen in an angst fic. Sweetness in something highly sexualized. Sometimes I’ll seek out fluff on its own, but most of the time I prefer to counterbalance it with something else.
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hashtagartistlife · 6 years
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there weren’t enough words in the world for how much I loved @indraaas‘s fic for @ichirukimonth, so I drew a picture instead. 
Eien, you are a beautiful talented precious human being and ily so much for this gem. 
To match her contribution, this is for ichirukimonth day 8: breakups to makeups. 
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elegiesforshiva · 5 years
oh my god @ ur tags pokemon the first movie and Mewtwo returns fucked me up so bad as a kid I cried and so like a few years back I decided to see if it still did (while drunk at a party mind you) and uh hypothesis #confirmed tears were shed 11/10 would do again
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0-memento-mori-0 · 6 years
B1 Lucifer please!!!
This fandom still isn’t over Natalie’s Death man,,,
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termitate · 5 years
tate all this amuto content you're putting on my dash has me feeling like I'm 11 years old and waiting for the next episode of shugo chara to drop in three parts on youtube again
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orange-plum · 4 years
Angel Michael and 5 and 7!
Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech! Will they give one, and what about?
If Michael gave a speech (and I’m just guessing for the question) it’d probably be about loyalty and pride and image and evil vs good. So kinda just a big show lol
Describe them in three words. Now let them describe themself in three words.
Me: Insecure, overbearing, overcompensating 
Michael: Compassionate, loving, burdened 
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lauleemc · 6 years
a fic...where ulquiorra and orihime are both philosophy profs who rotate teaching the same class and it takes everyone forever to figure out they're actually married
b r u h... i imagine them doing little petty things like not wiping the board when they’re done or fucking with the settings on the computer just to fuck with each other. and they one day the students are just like. oh.
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sequencefairy · 5 years
2, 5, 15!
2. Oldest mutuals ... probs @perfectlyrose and @skyler10fic and @halcyonhowl (who had a different URL) and Lisa, but she lives on only in my heart (and in real life because apparently there is life outside this blue void of procrastination), and @chocolatequeennk and @lastbluetardis and... all the old guard of the Doctor/Rose crew. 
5. I’m intimidated by everyone who follows me back, especially if they’re like, a Presence in fandom. The day Foxy followed me back, I yelled. Same with Kelsey, and omg, @tripwirealarm following me back too! In the Bleach space, you intimidated the fuck out of me with your fic and your following and your smart brain. 
15. Mutuals with my sun sign? I know there are other scorpios out there, but I confess that I am bad at remembering birthdays, so please arrive out of the woodwork to remind me of your presence. 
Send me a number!
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astarisms · 4 years
Blue for the fanfic ask!
He thinks she doesn’t notice the way his gaze lingers on her, but how could she not when his eyes are like a brand against her skin? 
The first time she feels the touch of his eyes is not quite two weeks into their journey, though the days are starting to blend together in a blur of green and brown and blue landscape, of the wind whipping through her hair, of the sun on her back and in her eyes, of homesickness and fear and anticipation and Dara.
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weedle-testaburger · 6 years
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