#industrial manufacturer
anantengineering08 · 19 days
Jaw Coupling in Mumbai
Jaw Coupling in Mumbai: Anant Engineering
When it comes to industrial machinery, precision and reliability are non-negotiable. At Anant Engineering, we understand the critical role that jaw couplings play in ensuring smooth and efficient operations across various industries in Mumbai. Our commitment to delivering top-quality jaw couplings has made us a trusted name among businesses looking for dependable coupling solutions.
Why Anant Engineering is Your Go-To for Jaw Couplings in Mumbai
Quality You Can Trust
At Anant Engineering, quality is at the heart of everything we do. We know that the performance of your machinery depends on the reliability of the components within it, and that’s why we use only the best materials and adhere to the highest manufacturing standards. Our jaw couplings are built to last, offering durability and performance that you can count on day after day.
Tailored Solutions for Every Industry
Mumbai’s diverse industrial landscape means that one size doesn’t fit all. That’s why we offer a wide range of jaw couplings designed to meet the specific needs of different industries. Whether you’re in manufacturing, automotive, or any other sector, our team works closely with you to provide coupling solutions that are perfectly suited to your requirements.
Precision Engineering for Optimal Performance
Every jaw coupling we produce is the result of meticulous engineering. We leverage the latest technology and our deep industry expertise to ensure that each product meets the precise specifications needed for your application. This precision ensures that our couplings provide optimal performance, helping to keep your operations running smoothly and efficiently.
Customer-Focused Service
At Anant Engineering, we believe in building long-term relationships with our customers. From the moment you reach out to us, our team is dedicated to understanding your needs and providing you with solutions that deliver real value. We’re not just a supplier; we’re a partner in your success, committed to helping you achieve your operational goals with the best jaw couplings in the market.
Affordable Excellence
We understand the importance of balancing quality and cost. That’s why we strive to offer our premium jaw couplings at prices that are competitive without compromising on quality. With Anant Engineering, you get the best of both worlds – superior products that fit within your budget.
Get in Touch with Anant Engineering
If you’re in need of reliable, high-quality jaw couplings in Mumbai, Anant Engineering is here to help. Our expert team is ready to provide you with the coupling solutions you need to keep your machinery running at its best. Contact us today to learn more about our products and how we can assist you in meeting your industrial needs.
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reasonsforhope · 4 months
"Nasir Mansoor has spent 40 years fighting for Pakistan’s workers. Whether demanding compensation on behalf of the hundreds of people who died in a devastating 2012 factory fire in Karachi or demonstrating against Pakistani suppliers to global fashion brands violating minimum wage rules, he’s battled many of the country’s widespread labor injustices.
Yet so far, little has improved, said Mansoor, who heads Pakistan’s National Trade Union Federation in Karachi... Regulations and trade protocols look good on paper, but they rarely trickle down to the factory level. “Nobody cares,” Mansoor said. “Not the government who makes commitments, not the brands, and not the suppliers. The workers are suffering.”
Change on the Horizon
But change might finally be on the horizon after Germany’s new Supply Chain Act came into force last year. As Europe’s largest economy and importer of clothing, Germany now requires certain companies to put risk-management systems in place to prevent, minimize, and eliminate human rights violations for workers across their entire global value chains. Signed into law by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in January 2023, the law covers issues such as forced labor, union-busting, and inadequate wages, for the first time giving legal power to protections that were previously based on voluntary commitments. Companies that violate the rules face fines of up to 8 million euros ($8.7 million)...
...As governments come to realize that a purely voluntary regimen produces limited results, there is now a growing global movement to ensure that companies are legally required to protect the people working at all stages of their supply chains.
The German law is just the latest example of these new due diligence rules—and it’s the one with the highest impact, given the size of the country’s market. A number of other Western countries have also adopted similar legislation in recent years, including France and Norway. A landmark European Union law that would mandate all member states to implement similar regulation is in the final stages of being greenlighted.
Although the United States has legislation to prevent forced labor in its global supply chains, such as the 2021 Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, there are no federal laws that protect workers in other countries from abuses that fall short of forced labor. That said, a proposed New York state bill, the Fashion Act, would legally require most major U.S. and international brands to identify, prevent, and remediate human rights violations in their supply chain if passed, with noncompliance subject to fines. Since major fashion brands could hardly avoid selling their products in New York, the law would effectively put the United States on a similar legal level as Germany and France...
The Results So Far
As of January, Germany’s new law applies to any company with at least 1,000 employees in the country, which covers many of the world’s best-known fast fashion retailers, such as Zara and Primark. Since last January [Jan 2023], German authorities say they have received 71 complaints or notices of violations and conducted 650 of their own assessments, including evaluating companies’ risk management.
In Pakistan, the very existence of the German law was enough to spark action. Last year, Mansoor and other union representatives reached out to fashion brands that sourced some of their clothing in Pakistan to raise concerns about severe labor violations in garment factories. Just four months later, he and his colleagues found themselves in face-to-face meetings with several of those brands—a first in his 40-year career. “This is a big achievement,” he said. “Otherwise, [the brands] never sit with us. Even when the workers died in the factory fire, the brand never sat with us.” ...
-via The Fuller Project, April 2, 2024. Article headers added by me.
Article continues below, with more action-based results, including one factory that "complied, agreeing to respect minimum wages and provide contract letters, training on labor laws, and—for the first time—worker bonuses"
With the help of Mansoor and Zehra Khan, the general secretary of the Home-Based Women Workers Federation, interviews with more than 350 garment workers revealed the severity of long-known issues.
Nearly all workers interviewed were paid less than a living wage, which was 67,200 Pakistan rupees (roughly $243) per month in 2022, according to the Asia Floor Wage Alliance. Nearly 30 percent were even paid below the legal minimum wage of 25,000 Pakistani rupees per month (roughly $90) for unskilled workers. Almost 100 percent had not been given a written employment contract, while more than three-quarters were either not registered with the social security system—a legal requirement—or didn’t know if they were.
When Mansoor, Khan, and some of the organizations raised the violations with seven global fashion brands implicated, they were pleasantly surprised. One German retailer reacted swiftly, asking its supplier where the violations had occurred to sign a 14-point memorandum of understanding to address the issues. (We’re unable to name the companies involved because negotiations are ongoing.) The factory complied, agreeing to respect minimum wages and provide contract letters, training on labor laws, and—for the first time—worker bonuses.
In February [2024], the factory registered an additional 400 workers with the social security system (up from roughly 100) and will continue to enroll more, according to Khan. “That is a huge number for us,” she said.
It’s had a knock-on effect, too. Four of the German brand’s other Pakistani suppliers are also willing to sign the memorandum, Khan noted, which could impact another 2,000 workers or so. “The law is opening up space for [the unions] to negotiate, to be heard, and to be taken seriously,” said Miriam Saage-Maass, the legal director at ECCHR.
Looking Forward with the EU
...Last month [in March 2024], EU member states finally approved a due diligence directive after long delays, during which the original draft was watered down. As it moves to the next stage—a vote in the European Parliament—before taking effect, critics argue that the rules are now too diluted and cover too few companies to be truly effective. Still, the fact that the EU is acting at all has been described as an important moment, and unionists such as Mansoor and Khan wait thousands of miles away with bated breath for the final outcome.
Solidarity from Europe is important, Khan said, and could change the lives of Pakistan’s workers. “The eyes and the ears of the people are looking to [the brands],” Mansoor said. “And they are being made accountable for their mistakes.”"
-via The Fuller Project, April 2, 2024. Article headers added by me.
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wikipediapictures · 1 month
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Steel mill
“Koninklijke Hoogovens at IJmuiden, Holland” - via Wikimedia Commons
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supplyside · 1 year
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slag hauler
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dvrknessabides · 7 months
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Dreamers and Dogs
The Rail Yards, Albuquerque
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thinkingimages · 1 year
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Half an oyster shell demonstrating pearl shell button manufacture, circa 1875-1885
This object is part of a collection which illustrates how pearl shell was made into pearl buttons in Sydney in the 1930s. The display was given to the Museum by The Pearlbutton Manufacturing Company of Foster Street, Sydney, in 1933.
Pearl divers in places such as Thursday Island, Broome and Port Darwin harvested the Golden Lip pearl shell, (Pinctada maxima), from which the buttons were made. The shell was shipped to the Sydney factory for production. After cutting the button shaped pieces from the shell, the 'blanks' were then split to an even thickness, an operation performed by hand and one requiring considerable judgement and skill.
Buttons made from pearl shell were valued because they were durable and retained their lustre unaffected by washing. After World War II, plastics replaced pearl shell as the preferred material for buttons.
The Torres Strait supplied over half the world demand for pearl shell in the 1890s. In addition to buttons, pearl shell was used for cutlery, hair combs, jewellery, decorative objects and inlay for furniture. The Powerhouse Museum collection includes a variety of objects made from pearl shell.
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electropneumatic · 6 months
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Lockout Tagout
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snarp · 13 days
Countries where the medical industry NEVER bothers to hire technical artists
and it's ALWAYS just fucking improperly-angled photos taken in a public restroom in Silent Hill, UNLESS they got someone out of Plato's Fucking Cave who has never seen ITEMS before to try and fucking TRACE said photos:
United States
The implication is clear: the UK hates technical artists specializing in the medical field and so systematically eliminated them in all their colonies, ironically dooming all English speakers to die of some kind of misapplied ointment accident. This will happen by 2046. We're fucked.
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grainelevator · 10 months
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Southern Ontario right before the snow comes
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In late May, 19 Republican attorneys general filed a complaint with the Supreme Court asking it to block climate change lawsuits seeking to recoup damages from fossil fuel companies.
All of the state attorneys general who participated in the legal action are members of the Republican Attorneys General Association (RAGA), which runs a cash-for-influence operation that coordinates the official actions of these GOP state AGs and sells its corporate funders access to them and their staff. The majority of all state attorneys general are listed as members of RAGA.
Where does RAGA get most of its funding? From the very same fossil fuel industry interests that its suit seeks to defend. In fact, the industry has pumped nearly $5.8 million into RAGA’s campaign coffers since Biden was elected in 2020.
The recent Supreme Court complaint has been deemed “highly unusual” by legal experts.
The attorneys general claim that Democratic states, which are bringing the climate-related suits at issue in state courts, are effectively trying to regulate interstate emissions or commerce, which are under the sole purview of the federal government. Fossil fuel companies have unsuccessfully made similar arguments in their own defense.
RAGA’s official actions — and those of its member attorneys general — closely align with the goals of its biggest donors.
The group, a registered political nonprofit that can raise unlimited amounts of cash from individuals and corporations, solicits annual membership fees from corporate donors in exchange for allowing those donors to shape legal policy via briefings and other interactions with member attorneys general.
A Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) analysis of IRS filings since November 24, 2020 shows that Koch Industries (which recently rebranded) leads as the largest fossil fuel industry donor to RAGA, having donated $1.3 million between 2021 and June 2024.
Other large donors include:
• American Petroleum Institute (API), the oil and gas industry’s largest trade association
• Southern Company Services, a gas and electric utility holding company
• Valero Services, a petroleum refiner
• NextEra Energy Resources, which runs both renewable and natural gas operations
• Anschutz Corporation, a Denver-based oil and gas company
• American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers, a major trade organization
• Exxon Mobil, one of the largest fossil fuel multinationals in the world
• National Mining Association, the leading coal and mineral industry trade organization
• American Chemical Council, which represents major petrochemical producers and refiners
Many of these donors are being sued for deceiving the public about the role fossil fuels play in worsening climate change: many states — including California, Connecticut, Minnesota, New Jersey, and Rhode Island — as well as local governments — such as the city of Chicago and counties in Oregon and Pennsylvania — have all filed suits against a mix of fossil fuel companies and their industry groups. In the cases brought by New York and Massachusetts, ExxonMobil found support from Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, who filed a friend-of-the-court brief in defense of the corporation.
Paxton has accepted $5.2 million in campaign contributions from the oil and gas industry over the past 10 years, according to data compiled by OpenSecrets and reviewed by CMD.
Fossil Fuel Contributions to the Republican Attorneys General Association Includes aggregate contributions of $10K or more from the period November 2020 to March 2024.
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Note: This funding compilation does not include law firms, front groups, or public relations outfits that work on behalf of fossil fuel clients, many of which use legal shells to shield themselves from outright scrutiny. For example, Koch Industries, through its astroturf operation Americans for Prosperity, has deployed a shell legal firm in a major Supreme Court case designed to dismantle the federal government’s regulatory authority.
This is far from the first time RAGA members have banded together to try to defeat clean energy and environmental regulations. In 2014, the New York Times initially reported on how RAGA circulates fossil fuel industry propaganda opposing federal regulations.
The Times investigation revealed thousands of documents exposing how oil and gas companies cozied up to Republican attorneys general to push back against President Obama’s regulatory agenda. “Attorneys general in at least a dozen states are working with energy companies and other corporate interests, which in turn are providing them with record amounts of money for their political campaigns,” the investigation found. That effort, which RAGA dubbed the Rule of Law campaign, has since morphed into RAGA’s political action arm, the nonprofit Rule of Law Defense Fund (RLDF).
Since then, RAGA’s appetite to go to bat for the industry has only grown.
In 2015, less than two weeks after representatives from fossil fuel companies and related trade groups attended a RAGA conference, Republican AGs petitioned federal courts to block the Obama administration’s signature climate proposal, as CMD has previously reported. Additional reporting revealed collusion between Republican AGs and industry lobbyists to defend ExxonMobil and obstruct climate change legislation.
There was also the 2016 secret energy summit that RAGA held in West Virginia with industry leaders, along with private meetings with fossil fuel companies to coordinate how to shield ExxonMobil from legal scrutiny. Later that year, West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey — aided by 19 other Republican AGs — successfully brought a case before the court that hobbled Obama’s signature climate plan.
Morrisey is currently leading the Republican effort to take down an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulation that targets coal-fired power plants.
Often, the attorneys general bringing these cases share many of the same donors who backed the confirmation of Republican-appointed Supreme Court justices, as pointed out by the New York Times.
And in 2021, Republican attorneys general from 19 states sent a letter to the U.S. Senate committees on Environment and Public Works and on Energy and Natural Resources hoping to persuade senators to vote against additional regulations on highly polluting methane emissions, a leading contributor to global warming.
Since 2022, RLDF’s “ESG Working Group” has been coordinating actions taken by Republican AGs against sustainable investing. Communications from that group obtained by CMD show that it was investigating Morningstar/Sustainalytics and the Net-Zero Banking Alliance. Republican AGs announced investigations into the six largest banks for information on their involvement in the Net-Zero Banking Alliance later that year.
It’s not only about fossil fuels. Attorneys general who are members of — and financially backed by — RAGA have a long track record of pursuing right-wing agendas. In Mississippi, Attorney General Lynn Fitch helped bring the legal case that ultimately overturned Roe v. Wade. In Texas, Paxton has attempted to overturn the Affordable Care Act and sued the federal government over Title IX civil rights protections, and safeguards for seasonal workers, among other policy irritants to the far Right. With support from fellow Republican AGs, he also led one of many efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election.
In recent years, other pro-corporate major donors have included The Concord Fund, which is controlled by Trump’s “court whisperer” Leonard Leo, Big Tobacco, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Institute for Legal Reform.
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anantengineering08 · 19 days
Jaw Coupling Manufacturer in Mumbai: Anant Engineering
In the bustling industrial landscape of Mumbai, where precision and reliability are paramount, Anant Engineering stands as a leading name in the manufacturing of jaw couplings. As industries in Mumbai continue to expand, the demand for high-quality, durable, and efficient coupling solutions is at an all-time high. At Anant Engineering, we are committed to providing superior jaw couplings that meet the exacting standards of various industries, ensuring seamless power transmission and operational efficiency.
Why Choose Anant Engineering for Jaw Couplings?
Expertise and Experience
With years of experience in the manufacturing industry, Anant Engineering has honed its expertise in producing jaw couplings that excel in performance and durability. Our team of skilled engineers and technicians is dedicated to ensuring that every product leaving our facility meets the stringent quality standards that we are known for. Our experience in serving diverse industries allows us to understand and cater to the specific needs of our clients, providing them with customized solutions that enhance their operational efficiency.
High-Quality Materials
At Anant Engineering, we understand that the quality of the materials used in manufacturing is critical to the performance of the final product. That’s why we source only the best materials for our jaw couplings. Our products are made from high-grade steel and other premium alloys, ensuring that they can withstand the rigors of industrial use, resist wear and tear, and offer long-lasting service. The use of high-quality materials not only enhances the durability of our couplings but also ensures optimal performance under various operating conditions.
Comprehensive Product Range
Anant Engineering offers a wide range of jaw couplings designed to meet the needs of various industries. Whether you need standard jaw couplings or customized solutions, we have the expertise and resources to deliver. Our product range includes:
Standard Jaw Couplings: Ideal for general-purpose use across various industries.
Customized Jaw Couplings: Tailored to meet specific application requirements, ensuring maximum efficiency and reliability.
High Torque Jaw Couplings: Designed to handle higher torque demands without compromising performance.
Maintenance-Free Jaw Couplings: Built to require minimal maintenance, reducing downtime and operational costs.
Industry Applications
Our jaw couplings are utilized across a wide range of industries in Mumbai and beyond. Some of the key sectors we serve include:
Automotive Industry: Our couplings ensure smooth power transmission in automotive machinery, contributing to efficient production processes.
Manufacturing: From small-scale operations to large manufacturing plants, our jaw couplings play a crucial role in maintaining the reliability and efficiency of machinery.
Textile Industry: The demanding environment of textile manufacturing requires couplings that can withstand high speeds and continuous operation. Our products are up to the task.
Pharmaceutical Industry: In an industry where precision is crucial, our jaw couplings ensure that production equipment operates with the utmost accuracy and reliability.
Power Generation: Our high-performance couplings are essential in power plants, where they contribute to the efficient generation and distribution of energy.
Commitment to Innovation
At Anant Engineering, we believe that innovation is key to staying ahead in the competitive manufacturing industry. We continuously invest in research and development to improve our products and processes. By embracing the latest technological advancements and industry best practices, we ensure that our jaw couplings not only meet but exceed the expectations of our clients. Our commitment to innovation allows us to offer cutting-edge solutions that enhance the performance and reliability of industrial machinery.
Quality Assurance
Quality is the cornerstone of our manufacturing process. At Anant Engineering, we adhere to strict quality control measures at every stage of production, from material selection to final inspection. Our jaw couplings undergo rigorous testing to ensure that they meet the highest standards of performance, durability, and reliability. We are ISO certified, and our products comply with all relevant industry standards and regulations, giving our clients the confidence that they are investing in top-quality products.
Customer-Centric Approach
We understand that every client has unique requirements, and we are committed to providing personalized service that meets those needs. Our customer-centric approach means that we work closely with our clients to understand their specific applications and provide solutions that deliver maximum value. From initial consultation to after-sales support, our team is dedicated to ensuring that our clients have a seamless and satisfactory experience.
Competitive Pricing
While we never compromise on quality, we also understand the importance of providing cost-effective solutions. Our efficient manufacturing processes and economies of scale allow us to offer our high-quality jaw couplings at competitive prices. We strive to provide the best value for our clients, ensuring that they receive premium products without breaking the bank.
Contact Anant Engineering Today
If you are looking for a reliable jaw coupling manufacturer in Mumbai, look no further than Anant Engineering. With our commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction, we are your trusted partner for all your coupling needs. Whether you need standard products or custom solutions, our team is here to assist you. Contact us today to discuss your requirements and discover how we can help you enhance the efficiency and reliability of your operations.
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genocidegentry.org outlines individuals who hold positions at both educational/cultural institutions AND weapons manufacturers
this obvious conflict of interest is one of the many reasons why these institutions refuse to divest from genocide and z*onist settler colonialism so head over to the site to leverage this information as an additional pressure point for your divestment campaigns
resource created by @adalahjusticeproject @littlesisgram and @acrecampaigns
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wikipediapictures · 28 days
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Steel mill
“Metallurgist working by the blast furnaces in Třinec Iron and Steel Works.” - via Wikimedia Commons
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supplyside · 11 months
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sleepyleftistdemon · 10 months
An ID card that appears to belong to a Chinese prisoner was found inside the lining of a coat from the British brand Regatta, raising concerns that the clothing was manufactured using prison labour.
The waterproof women’s coat was bought online by a woman in Derbyshire in the Black Friday sale. When it arrived on 22 November, she could feel a hard rectangular item in the right sleeve, which restricted the movement of her elbow.
After cutting into the coat to remove the item, she discovered what looked like a prison identification card, with a mugshot of a man apparently in a prisoner’s uniform in front of a height chart, and the name of the prison in China.
“You don’t expect it from [Regatta]. It’s a UK brand that’s up there with Next, with M&S, that you put your children in their clothes … and this happens, and it just makes you feel really uneasy and uncomfortable,” said the woman, who does not wish to be named.
The card was found inside a plastic holder embossed with the words: “Produced by the Ministry of Justice prisons bureau.”
According to Regatta’s 2023 modern slavery statement, “forced or imprisoned labour is prohibited” in its supply chain and it is a member of the Ethical Trading Initiative, a membership organisation that requires adherence with certain guidelines, including a ban on “forced, bonded or involuntary prison labour”. The statement also says 70 factories were audited in 2022-2023, although it is unclear how many were in China.
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grandboute · 7 months
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Montres Dodane - Besançon
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