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Effective Change Management Activities:
✔ Motivating Change:
- Cultivating Change Readiness: Involves generating a sense of dissatisfaction with the existing state to motivate the adoption of novel work methods, technologies, or behaviours.
- Addressing Resistance through Empathy: Alleviating resistance by employing empathy, support, communication, participation, and engagement.
- Conveying Change Logic: Mitigating resistance by communicating the rationale for change, correcting misinformation, and ensuring clear understanding.
- Enhancing Employee Participation: Involving employees in decision-making to reduce resistance, secure commitment, and elevate the quality of change choices.
- Inspiring Employee Dedication: Igniting enthusiasm and underscoring employees' commitment to the organisation as a whole to foster emotional investment in change rather than the status quo.
✔ Framing a Vision:
- Articulating Core Ideology: Defining the organisation's fundamental values and mission.
- Crafting a Visionary Future: Encompassing an envisioned future state with significant and cherished outcomes.
✔ Building Political Support:
- Assessing Change Agent Influence: Evaluating the sources of power wielded by the change agent.
- Identifying Key Stakeholders: Recognising influential individuals and groups, including employee bodies, unions, department managers, and top executives.
- Influencing Stakeholders: Garnering backing from pivotal stakeholders to endorse the change.
- Cultivating Positive Relationships: Establishing trust with managers overseeing the change process.
- Selecting Change-Embracing Individuals: Opting for individuals disposed towards change due to their openness to experience, risk-taking propensity, and adaptability.
✔ Navigating the Transition:
- Planning Activities: Devising a step-by-step plan for change implementation.
- Mapping Commitment: Identifying vital individuals and groups crucial for change success and devising a strategy to secure their support.
- Constructing Change Management Structures: Establishing specialised frameworks to oversee the change process.
- Facilitating Learning Processes: Acquiring new knowledge and skills that support adopting new behaviours.
- Fair Implementation: Ensuring fairness and consistency in change execution to mitigate negative perceptions among employees.
✔ Sustaining Momentum:
- Allocating Resources: Providing the necessary financial and human resources for effective organisational change.
- Supporting Change Agents: Extending emotional support to change agents as needed.
- Cultivating Proficiencies: Developing new competencies (knowledge, skills, behaviours) essential for change.
- Reinforcing New Behaviours: Tying rewards directly to desired behaviours to reinforce change adoption.
- Maintaining Course: Ensuring ongoing managerial and organisational commitment to change implementation.
#changemanagement #adaptation #empowerment #growth #industrialpsychology
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dwiagnessetiani · 5 years
Bagi kalian yang sudah bekerja pernah nggk sih mengalami fase dimana kalian merasa capek baik secara fisik maupun psikis ? seperti tidak bergairah dalam bekerja, kehilangan energi, mudah sakit, tidak puas dalam pekerjaan, dan bahkan puncaknya, kalian pengen banget resign ?
Nah kalau iya, mungkin kalian terkena sindrom burnout.  Apa sih burnout itu ?
Menurut review jurnal yang aku baca burnout adalah sindrom psikologis yang ditandai dengan reaksi emosional yang negatif terhadap suatu pekerjaan sebagai konsekuensi atas tekanan lingkungan kerja yang terus menerus (Chowdhury, 2018). Selanjutnya mengacu pada Maslach dan Jackson (dalam Chowdhury, 2018) dijelaskan, terdapat 3 tipe/ dimensi burnout   yaitu keletihan, sinism, dan inefektif. Keletihan adalah perasaan yang sangat berat baik secara fisik maupun emosi; Sinism adalah sikap sinis atau dingin terhadap tanggungjawab pekerjaan; dan Inefektif adalah perasaan ketidak mampuan dalam melakukan pekerjaan. Pendapat pribadi aku, 3 dimensi ini bisa dipakai untuk mengenali ciri-ciri dari pekerja yang mengalami burnout.
               Nah, Mengapa sih kita perlu tahu tentang burnout ?
Banyaknya fenomena burnout yang terjadi pada para pekerja mulai dari bidang kesehatan, pendidikan, manufaktur, sampai pada bidang sosial namun banyak dari mereka tidak menyadari bahwa mereka sedang mengalami burnout. Akibatnya  para pekerja ataupun perusahaan tidak menyadari dampak secara langsung dari burnout tersebut, yaitu produktivitas. Ya, Sebelum aku ulas tentang  dampak dari burnout secara detail, aku akan sajikan data penelitian mengenai burnout pekerja dari berbagai bidang pekerjaan :
1.       Penelitian oleh Indrilusiantari dan Milena (2015) menemukan bahwa 67,5 % pegawai direktorat bina kesehatan RI Jakarta selatan tahun 2015, mengalamai burnout
2.       Penelitian oleh Latifah dan Nu’man  (2017) menemukan bahwa 20 % Karyawan kantor pusat PLN mengalami burnout sangat tinggi, 20 % burnout tinggi dan 18 % sedang
3.       Penelitian oleh Wulan dan Sari (2015) terhadap guru honorer SD Swasta, 61 % mengalami tingkat burnout tinggi, dan 39 % rendah
4.       Penelitian oleh Putri (2009) terhadap relawan yang tergabung dalam pelayanan rehabilitasi medik untuk survivor gempa bumi Yogyakarta tgl 27 Mei 2006, yaitu Dokter, Fisioterapi, Perawat, dan Tenaga Umum, 54,54 % dari mereka mengalami burnout tinggi, 36,36 % burnout sedang, dan 9,1 % burnout rendah.
Cukup banyak bukan ? Itu belum semuanya, aku hanya mengambil contoh dari berbagai bidang pekerjaan aja. Nah sekarang aku akan paparkan, apa sih dampak dari burnout?
Chowdhur (2018) menjelaskan bahwa ada 2 konsekuensi berkesinambungan dari burnout yaitu konsekuensi individu dan konsekuensi terhadap produktivitas perusahaan. Sebagai konsekuensi individu, burnout bisa menimbulkan depresi; dan sebagai konsekuensi terhadap perusahaan burnout bisa mengakibatkan penurunan kinerja, ketidakpuasan kerja (maslach et all dalam Chowdhur, 2018); berkurangnya komitmen terhadap perusahaan (Meyer & Allen dalam Chowdhur, 2018), meningkatnya ketidakhadiran pekerja dan bahkan tingginya turnover pekerja (Goodman & Boss dalam Chowdhur, 2018). Sebagai tambahan burnout juga dapat menimbulkan konflik Work-Family atau konflik kerja-keluarga (Green dalam Chowdhur, 2018) yaitu konflik yang timbul akibat tuntutan pekerjaan mengganggu kemampuan tugas/peran dalam keluarga. Nah, konflik work-family inilah yang biasanya menimbulkan kelelahan, depresi bahkan penurunan kesehatan terhadap pekerja tersebut. Kesimpulannya dari semua paparan mengenai dampak burnout, ujung-ujungnya dampaknya adalah pada produktivitas perusahaan atau instansi.
Jadi, menurut pendapat pribadiku burnout adalah salah satu isu yang perlu mendapatkan perhatian bagi perusahaan atau instansi, karena burnout ini dinilai mampu memprediksi  tingkat kepuasan pekerja, engagement pekerja terhadap perusahaan atau instansi sampai pada turnover pekerja. Tentu saja, perusahaan atau instansi diharapkan mampu mengevaluasi setiap beban kerja yang diberikan kepada pekerja supaya pekerja juga mampu memaksimalkan kinerjanya dan mengembangkan dirinya sehingga mendorong peningkatan produktivitas perusahaan atau instansi.
Bagi pekerja, burnout ini penting untuk disadari supaya kita mampu untuk memberikan preventif terhadap diri untuk mencegah sindrom burnout, atau kita mampu menangani secara pribadi/mandiri jika burnout itu terjadi pada kita. Satu hal yang menurutku penting, tubuh kita masing-masing punya kapasitas berbeda dalam merespon stress, jika tubuh sudah merasakan ketidaknyamana mungkin saatnya kita perlu rehat sejenak, piknik, me time untuk menetralisir hal-hal yang membuat kita stress. Bukan berarti kita melarikan diri dari tanggungjawab pekerjaan kita ya, tetapi lebih kepada merefresh pikiran kita supaya kita bisa kembali lagi mendapatkan energy positif untuk mengerjakan pekerjaan yang sudah menjadi tanggungjawab kita.
Chowdhury, R. A. (2018). Burnout and its Organizational Effects: A Study on Literature Review. Journal of Business & Financial Affairs,  7, 4, 1-3
Indrilusiantari, V. RS & Meliana, I. A. (2015). Faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan Burnout Syndrome pada pegawai di Direktorat Bina Kesehatan Kerja dan Olahraga Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Jakarta Selatan Tahun 2015. Journal Kesehatan, 7, 1, 28-33
Latifah , A. & Nu’man, T.M. (2017). Hubungan Spiritual Well Being dan Burnout pada karyawan. Naskah Publikasi. Fakultas Psikologi dan Ilmu Sosial Budaya Universitas Islam Indonesia. Yogyakarta.
Wulan, D. K. & Sari, N. (2015). Regulasi Emosi Dan Burnout Pada Guru Honorer Sekolah Dasar Swasta Menengah Ke Bawah. Journal Pengukuran dan Penelitian Psikologi, 4, 2, 74-82
Putri, I. SK. (2009). Burnout Pada Relawan Kesehatan Palang Merah Indonesia yang Tergabung dalam Pelayanan Rehabilitas Medik untuk Survivor Gempa Bumi Yogyakarta & Jawa Tengah 27 Mei 2006.Skripsi. Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Sanata Dharma. Yogyakarta.
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jewelsiev · 6 years
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Dreaming big in 2019! 
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lovelyladybb · 6 years
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So this morning I woke up with a scratchy throat and realized in all the hubbub of Thanksgiving that I hadn’t been taking my #InnerDefense! What is it you may ask? It is a daily softgel with #oregano and #Theives I frequently get strep, to the point that my body has become resistant to amoxicillin. Then I read about Oregano and OMG 😮 why are we even putting chemicals in our body of herbs can fix it better?! (Please note: I am not a doctor. Also, I do the research for myself and make the best choice for me- I advise you to do the same) But a couple days back in this and I’ll be feeling 💯 again #seedtoseal #essentialrewards #essentialoils #oilygoodness #yleo #yleotom #mermaid #furmom #catlady #gradstudent #snhu #crochetersofinstagram #industrialpsychology #lemon #thyme #eucalyptus https://www.instagram.com/p/BqpxHLbHkjy/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5xwsb3ukyyxp
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westford123 · 3 years
Why Business Psychology is important in an Organization?
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shikshaadvisor · 3 years
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Clinical Psychology:- Clinical psychologists assess and treat people with psychological problems. They may act as therapists for people who are experiencing normal psychological crisis (e.g., grief) or for individuals suffering from chronic psychiatric disorders. Some clinical psychologists are generalists who work with a wide variety of populations, while others work with specific groups such as children, the elderly, or those with specific disorders. . . . . #shikshaadvisor #psychology #psychologist #clinical_psychology #therapy #mindfulness #careerguide #careercoach #careercounselor #psychologycareers #admission2021 #delhi #healthpsychology #industrialpsychology #schoolcounselling #sportspsychology #delhiuniversity #christuniversity #iiprbangalore #amityuniversity #loyolacollege #mumbaiuniversity #kolkatauniversity #jmi_delhi #psychologyadmissions #stjosephbangalore #mountcarmelcollege #bangalore #pune #mumbai (at Shiksha Advisor) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPZ5RY2srDH/?utm_medium=tumblr
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surveycircle · 5 years
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New on my Pinterest: New Studies @SurveyCircle https://srvy.cl/2F2FfkG : Participants needed for online survey! Topic: "The validation of a Workplace Neosexism Scale" http://bit.ly/2XAMx4w via @SurveyCircle #sexism #IndustrialPsychology #HumanResources #employees #neosexism #workplace #survey #surveycircle http://bit.ly/2wGuoX6 #SurveyCircle #Research #Survey #Study #CallForParticipants #Participants #Respondents | Participate now: http://bit.ly/2K0CO4c
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Career plateauing can be categorized into four types:
Productively plateaued: Employees in this category actively seek stimulation and challenges despite having achieved their career ambitions and experiencing job satisfaction. They are loyal to the organization and view themselves as indispensable.
Partially plateaued: These employees feel that the organization does not offer much for their growth, but they maintain interest in their job through personal hobbies or activities. Although experts in their field, they may find their work routine and welcome new opportunities to learn.
Pleasantly plateaued: Individuals in this group are content with their current position and are not interested in training or advancement. They prefer routine tasks and tend to remain with one organization for an extended period.
Passively plateaued: Employees in this category feel stuck in their current position and lack the motivation to initiate change or pursue training opportunities. They have been in the same job for more than five years and are neither curious nor creative.
Additionally, employees may plateau due to possessing inadequate skills, a low need for career mobility, or being held back by older employees staying in their positions longer.
Other reasons for career plateauing include being less qualified than other candidates, age-related issues, changes in organizational needs, and a narrowing of the organizational structure at the higher levels. Flatter organizational structures can also contribute to this phenomenon. In some cases, employees may choose to plateau due to health, personal, or family reasons, as well as a lack of intrinsic motivation, slow company growth, stress, burnout, or insufficient extrinsic rewards.
#organisationalpsychology #industrialpsychology
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lovelyladybb · 6 years
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Today I spent some time with my Dad getting some sushi & going to see #bohemianrhapsodymovie . . This movie LITERALLY Gave me CHILLS! . I have always been a huge fan of @officialqueenmusic and a MAJOR #musicnerd But OMG! @rami._.malek performance was amazing (not to mention he’s cute as hell!) Seriously, Screw the critics! 12/10 would absolutely recommend . . Here’s another thing... this movie gave my dad and I time to bond! He grew up in the 70s & 80s and I was only 2 when Mercury died. And today after the movie my dad was telling me how his 19 year old self and his friends actually saw the #liveaid1985 Concert on TV! I can’t even imagine how AMAZING that must have been! . THIS MAN IS LEGEND! Now excuse me while I Blast #Queen while I clean my car & house 💜😻😻😻😻😻💜 . Also, I legit aspire to a a Freddie Mercury level #catlady he knew what was up! #rockandroll #music #streaming #fatbottomgirls #diffiser #essentialoils #holistic #wellnessadvocate #industrialpsychology #daddydaughtertime #memoriesthatlast #gradstudent #killerqueen https://www.instagram.com/p/BrV5V6hnaNV/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17zz5vhlh6iik
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shikshaadvisor · 4 years
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Clinical Psychology:- Clinical psychologists assess and treat people with psychological problems. They may act as therapists for people who are experiencing normal psychological crisis (e.g., grief) or for individuals suffering from chronic psychiatric disorders. Some clinical psychologists are generalists who work with a wide variety of populations, while others work with specific groups such as children, the elderly, or those with specific disorders. . . . . #shikshaadvisor #psychology #psychologist #clinical_psychology #topcareer #therapy #mindfulness #careerguide #careercoach #careercounselor #admission #psychologycareers #admission2021 #india #delhi #healthpsychology #industrialpsychology #schoolcounselling #sportspsychology #delhiuniversity #christuniversity #iiprbangalore #amityuniversity #loyolacollege #mumbaiuniversity #kolkatauniversity #jmi_delhi (at Shiksha Advisor) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLQiBuGM6Xb/?igshid=mslgcl5x3rwk
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ashwinipashte · 4 years
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Hiring a new employee?? Then this post will help you in onboarding process of an employee😎 #employee #employer #onboarding #hiring #hire #fire #hr #hrm #humanresources #humanresource #ceo #organization #humanresourcemanagement #ashwinipashte #organizationalpsychology #psychology #organization #industrialpsychology (at Pune City) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIYeCgnFZIB/?igshid=1x9n5gvcll1dp
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surveycircle · 4 years
Participants needed for online survey! Topic: "How personality affects individual preference of voice behaviour" https://t.co/nZol8WUNV9 via @SurveyCircle#personality #voice #organisation #IndustrialPsychology #SpeakUp #research #survey #surveycircle pic.twitter.com/Pt0kB3ERYJ
— Daily Research @SurveyCircle (@daily_research) June 28, 2020
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lovelyladybb · 6 years
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So something I have always struggled with is #personaldevelopment. I have no issues giving my all and striving to make everyone else in my life happy. This is not to say that I don’t work hard to achieve goals, but I feel like my growth staggers tremendously. As I am wrapping up this term I am realizing I need to work on some things, do y’all have any podcast suggestions for the following things? ❣️Motivation➡️ I always get my work done, but I don’t always start it as early as I should. I also know I ➿SHOULD➿ take initiative on my health, but I can’t find the motivation for the gym ❣️Clenaing➡️ honestly it’s just so annoying and I cannot figure out how to incorporate cleaning into my daily schedule ➿➿HELLO there is Netflix & Naps to consider here➿➿ ❣️Procrastination➡️ honestly like this is my biggest thing & definitely gets me in trouble. What Podcasts do you listen to on a regular basis? What draws you there? #hotmessexpress #plantbased #holistic #essentialoils #younglivingessentialoils #growthmindset #gradschoollife #mermaid #furmom #itsbeginningtolookalotlikechristmas #dietcokeaddict #apa #psychology #industrialpsychology https://www.instagram.com/p/BrB-KzqHdnv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1alo55zslohzn
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shikshaadvisor · 4 years
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Clinical Psychology:- Clinical psychologists assess and treat people with psychological problems. They may act as therapists for people who are experiencing normal psychological crisis (e.g., grief) or for individuals suffering from chronic psychiatric disorders. Some clinical psychologists are generalists who work with a wide variety of populations, while others work with specific groups such as children, the elderly, or those with specific disorders. . . . . #shikshaadvisor #psychology #psychologist #clinical_psychology #topcareer #therapy #admission #careerguide #careercoach #careercounselor #admission #psychologycareers #admission2021 #india #delhi #healthpsychology #industrialpsychology #schoolcounselling #sportspsychology #delhiuniversity #christuniversity #iiprbangalore #amityuniversity #loyolacollege #mumbaiuniversity #kolkatauniversity #jmi_delhi (at Shiksha Advisor) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJIltq3sAmm/?igshid=1hl4dl08kpipr
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ashwinipashte · 4 years
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Components of job satisfaction #jobsatisfaction #satisfaction #job #work #workplace #office #industrialpsychology #organizationalpsychology #psychology #psychologist #hr #hrm #humanresource #indigoadult #psychologystudents #organizationaldevelopment #OD #OB #components #ashwini #ashwinipashte https://www.instagram.com/p/CF2LFZIAWO_/?igshid=1nytxhz2muimg
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