#infectious Virus Prevention
healthedupro · 8 months
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thehealthofficers · 1 year
A new study directed by the Yale School of Public Health (YSPH) has distinguished concentrated groups of the tick-borne Powassan virus all through New England.
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princehalem-blog · 10 months
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covid-safer-hotties · 28 days
FDA Approves and Authorizes Updated mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines to Better Protect Against Currently Circulating Variants - Published Aug 22, 2024
Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved and granted emergency use authorization (EUA) for updated mRNA COVID-19 vaccines (2024-2025 formula) to include a monovalent (single) component that corresponds to the Omicron variant KP.2 strain of SARS-CoV-2. The mRNA COVID-19 vaccines have been updated with this formula to more closely target currently circulating variants and provide better protection against serious consequences of COVID-19, including hospitalization and death. Today’s actions relate to updated mRNA COVID-19 vaccines manufactured by ModernaTX Inc. and Pfizer Inc.
In early June, the FDA advised manufacturers of licensed and authorized COVID-19 vaccines that the COVID-19 vaccines (2024-2025 formula) should be monovalent JN.1 vaccines. Based on the further evolution of SARS-CoV-2 and a rise in cases of COVID-19, the agency subsequently determined and advised manufacturers that the preferred JN.1-lineage for the COVID-19 vaccines (2024-2025 formula) is the KP.2 strain, if feasible.
“Vaccination continues to be the cornerstone of COVID-19 prevention,” said Peter Marks, M.D., Ph.D., director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research. “These updated vaccines meet the agency’s rigorous, scientific standards for safety, effectiveness, and manufacturing quality. Given waning immunity of the population from previous exposure to the virus and from prior vaccination, we strongly encourage those who are eligible to consider receiving an updated COVID-19 vaccine to provide better protection against currently circulating variants.”
The updated mRNA COVID-19 vaccines include Comirnaty and Spikevax, both of which are approved for individuals 12 years of age and older, and the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, both of which are authorized for emergency use for individuals 6 months through 11 years of age.
What You Need to Know
=Unvaccinated individuals 6 months through 4 years of age are eligible to receive three doses of the updated, authorized Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine or two doses of the updated, authorized Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine.
=Individuals 6 months through 4 years of age who have previously been vaccinated against COVID-19 are eligible to receive one or two doses of the updated, authorized Moderna or =Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines (timing and number of doses to administer depends on the previous COVID-19 vaccine received).
=Individuals 5 years through 11 years of age regardless of previous vaccination are eligible to receive a single dose of the updated, authorized Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines; if previously vaccinated, the dose is administered at least 2 months after the last dose of any COVID-19 vaccine.
=Individuals 12 years of age and older are eligible to receive a single dose of the updated, approved Comirnaty or the updated, approved Spikevax; if previously vaccinated, the dose is administered at least 2 months since the last dose of any COVID-19 vaccine.
=Additional doses are authorized for certain immunocompromised individuals ages 6 months through 11 years of age as described in the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine fact sheets.
=Individuals who receive an updated mRNA COVID-19 vaccine may experience similar side effects as those reported by individuals who previously received mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and as described in the respective prescribing information or fact sheets. The updated vaccines are expected to provide protection against COVID-19 caused by the currently circulating variants. Barring the emergence of a markedly more infectious variant of SARS-CoV-2, the FDA anticipates that the composition of COVID-19 vaccines will need to be assessed annually, as occurs for seasonal influenza vaccines.
For today’s approvals and authorizations of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, the FDA assessed manufacturing and nonclinical data to support the change to include the 2024-2025 formula in the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. The updated mRNA vaccines are manufactured using a similar process as previous formulas of these vaccines. The mRNA COVID-19 vaccines have been administered to hundreds of millions of people in the U.S., and the benefits of these vaccines continue to outweigh their risks.
On an ongoing basis, the FDA will review any additional COVID-19 vaccine applications submitted to the agency and take appropriate regulatory action.
The approval of Comirnaty (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA) (2024-2025 Formula) was granted to BioNTech Manufacturing GmbH. The EUA amendment for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine (2024-2025 Formula) was issued to Pfizer Inc.
The approval of Spikevax (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA) (2024-2025 Formula) was granted to ModernaTX Inc. and the EUA amendment for the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine (2024-2025 Formula) was issued to ModernaTX Inc.
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dduane · 2 months
Now this looks interesting
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The article's abstract:
COVID-19 vaccines have successfully reduced severe disease and death after severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection. Nonetheless, COVID-19 vaccines are variably effective in preventing transmission and symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection. Here, we evaluated the impact of mucosal or intramuscular vaccine immunization on airborne infection and transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in Syrian hamsters. Immunization of the primary contact hamsters with a mucosal chimpanzee adenoviral-vectored vaccine (ChAd-CoV-2-S), but not intramuscular messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine, reduced infectious virus titers ~100-fold and 100,000-fold in the upper and lower respiratory tract of the primary contact hamster following SARS-CoV-2 exposure. This reduction in virus titer in the mucosal immunized contact animals was sufficient to eliminate subsequent transmission to vaccinated and unvaccinated hamsters. In contrast, sequential transmission occurred after systemic immunization with the mRNA vaccine. Thus, immunization with a mucosal COVID-19 vaccine protects against cycles of respiratory transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and can potentially limit the community spread of the virus.
The article's here:
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Some recent COVID-19 news
Growing Concern for back to school as data shows rising COVID cases in B.C.
A grassroots group of health professionals are calling for British Columbia to reinstate mask mandates in schools and hospitals to prevent a repeat “tripledemic” of COVID-19, RSV and influenza infections that pushed the province’s hospitals to the brink last fall.
And with data showing rising COVID-19 cases in B.C. and two new viral subvariants on the horizon, Protect Our Province B.C. says the province should act sooner rather than later.
The group is composed of more than a dozen doctors, nurses, researchers, teachers and professionals who advocate for evidence-based pandemic policies.
“We know from last year kids and schools were hit hard and if the goal is to keep kids learning in school we need to do what we can to prevent virus spread this fall,” said Dr. Lyne Filiatrault, a retired emergency room physician in Vancouver and a member of the group.
COVID response confounds SARS expert
As COVID-19 surges globally, a leading infectious disease specialist is confounded by the lack of pandemic mitigation measures in Ontario.
Q: What is your advice for people who want to stay safe this fall?
Dr. Dick Zoutman: “One is to be informed. I do recommend Dr. Tara Moriarty’s website — COVID19resources.ca,” Zoutman said. “We owe her a large debt.”
Second, when the latest COVID-19 vaccine is available, “get it,” he recommended.
Third, “buy N95 respirators and make sure you have plenty and have one with you all the time. And when you go into an indoor public space — be it a hospital, a bank, a grocery store, school — put it on. The best ones are the ones that go around your head, because they’re tighter.”
Fourth, antigen rapid tests must be made widely available. “If you have any symptoms, you need to test and isolate yourself.”
Finally, avoid indoor public places this fall, he said. “I haven’t eaten in a restaurant in almost four years, and I don’t intend to.”
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mitchipedia · 30 days
Kaitlin Costello:
I’ve been masking consistently in public since 2020, when the Covid-19 pandemic began, because I have a kidney transplant and will take immunosuppressant medication for the rest of my life. Unfortunately, my lifesaving medication also makes me more susceptible to infectious diseases like measles, the flu, and Covid-19. Even when people like me are vaccinated against the virus, we are at higher risk of being infected and are more likely to experience adverse health outcomes, including hospitalization and death. The legislation in Nassau County and elsewhere primarily targets people who wear masks to hide their identity while committing crimes or during public protests, specifically against the ongoing genocide in Palestine. Masks are defined as any facial covering that disguises the face, and facial coverings worn for religious or health reasons are exempt. But people like me, who wear masks for health reasons, are disproportionally affected by these bans even when they include medical exemptions. That’s because although the Nassau mask ban contains provisions for people who mask for medical reasons, it is up to the police to determine whether someone has a medical reason for masking if they are out in public. This means that enforcing the ban is subjective and will disproportionally impact Black people and people of color, who are more likely to be stopped by police and are also more likely to wear masks to prevent Covid. This is in part because Black and Latinx Americans are more cautious in their approach to the pandemic, reflecting the higher hospitalization and death rates in these communities. The Nassau mask ban as it is written is reminiscent of a “Stop and Frisk” law, which allows police to temporarily detain, question, and search people without a warrant. This isn’t just localized to Nassau County; mask bans have been proposed or passed in multiple states, including North Carolina, Ohio, and California.
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iwriteaboutfeminism · 1 month
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(source) August 16, 2024
The patient is a 10-month old baby.
This is the first case of polio in Gaza in 25 years.
Information on polio from the World Health Organization:
Poliomyelitis (polio) is a highly infectious viral disease that largely affects children under 5 years of age. The virus is transmitted by person-to-person spread mainly through the faecal-oral route or, less frequently, by a common vehicle (e.g. contaminated water or food) and multiplies in the intestine, from where it can invade the nervous system and cause paralysis.
Up to 90% of those infected experience no or mild symptoms and the disease usually goes unrecognized. In others, initial symptoms include fever, fatigue, headache, vomiting, stiffness in the neck, and pain in the limbs. These symptoms usually last for 2–10 days and most recovery is complete in almost all cases. However, in the remaining proportion of cases the virus causes paralysis, usually of the legs, which is most often permanent. Paralysis can occur as rapidly as within a few hours of infection. Of those paralysed, 5-10% die when their breathing muscles become immobilized.
There is no cure for polio; it can only be prevented by immunization.
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homeofhousechickens · 23 days
Hii, I saw your Marek's disease post, my cousin has a hen that has this kind of eye but she's ok, she eats, moves and everything, do you maybe know if this type can also evolve and become the most dangerous types like the paralysis? I'll be glad if you can answer and hope you have a great day
There are 5 different "forms" of Mareks and different "strains" of the virus that are more lethal or infectious then others. It's possible for a bird to present with multiple symptoms and forms when they have the disease.
Nerve form- Birds with this form have tumors infiltrate into their peripheral nerves. This causes symptoms like wry neck and sometimes a head tilt. It can also cause a chicken to have a slow crop and have trouble emptying. 20% of birds with this form die
Transient paralysis form - Causes brain edema and ataxia. The bird can have partial paralysis of the neck and legs. Usually, you will see these birds trying to use their wings to get around while falling over a bunch. 30% of birds with this form will die.
Ocular form- The virus replicates in the eye, causing tumors and vision loss. This causes the shape and color of the eye to change. 25% of birds with this form will die.
Skin form- The virus replicates in the skin causing tumor growth and enlarged feather follicles. Usually the location for these is around the head, legs, and vent. The bird will be lumpy and might have wonky feather growth but that's usually it. This form has the lowest mortality rate.
Visceral form- Tumors develop all throughout the body and onto the internal organs. The symptoms will present differently depending on what organs and systems are affected. 60-80% of birds with this form will die.
For chickens with Ocular Mareks they are usually older birds that have a bit of an immunity to the virus which is why their body is able to kind of suppress it but unfortunately the chicken can still have tumor development elsewhere in her body especially if her immune system gets compromised by a different illness like coccidosis or fowl pox.
If your girl has the Ocular form you must assume the rest of your flock has it and it's possible for it to present as the other forms. Mareks can stay dormant in a host for a long time then pop out when the birds immune system is weakened.
For anyone reading this and getting worried..
YOU CAN TEST FOR MAREKS! A lot of people don't know you can test living birds for the disease but it can also be diagnosed via necropsy. Your vet can help you with the testing but you can also do the testing yourself using something like VetDNA.com.
To avoid Mareks you can get your birds vaccinated and only purchase from NPIP certified flocks. The vaccine won't stop the spread of the disease but it can prevent birds from showing symptoms. If you have a mareks positive flock it's important to keep them on your property and dont sell them or show them as they can infect other birds.
Good biosecurity practices are a must and the best way to prevent an outbreak is running a closed flock. No adult or baby birds are added everything is hatched and raised on the property is the ideal. Of course accidents can still happen like if you have a close neighbor with an infected flock. Mareks spreads through the dander so it's important that infected birds don't share air space with non infected birds.
If your birds do have Mareks and you want a flock that isn't infected the best thing to do is either cull your current flock, or wait for them to pass naturally. There are certain cleaners like Rescue and Kennelsol that kill the Mareks virus so you would want to clean all old feeders and waterer with it (or get new ones) and I have seen people say to burn down the old coop as it can be tricky removing the dust from the crevices. Mareks can live in the soil for a long long time but like other viruses you can still work towards sanitizing and decomtaminating the soil.
You can still hatch eggs from Mareks infected birds as the disease doesn't transfer vertically.
Hopefully this is the information you were looking for
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mindblowingscience · 1 year
Scientists from Duke-NUS Medical School and their collaborators have uncovered several previously unknown strains of swine flu viruses that have been circulating unnoticed in Cambodian pig populations over the past 15 years, potentially posing a pandemic risk. The strains include viruses that have been passed by humans to pigs, as well as some with genes originating from as far as North America. The paper, published in the journal PNAS, makes the case for systematic surveillance to detect and warn of new strains of viruses early to prevent future pandemics. The study, led by scientists Yvonne Su, Gavin Smith and Michael Zeller from the Emerging Infectious Diseases (EID) Program, identified genetically diverse pools of influenza A viruses co-circulating in pigs.
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survivingcapitalism · 16 days
COVID is surging once again and, if you live in British Columbia, you probably already know someone sick with fever, chills and a sore throat.
As of mid-August, about one in every 19 British Columbians were enduring an infection, with or without symptoms.
Although the media routinely dismisses all COVID infections as an inconsequential nuisance, that’s not what the science says. The virus remains deadlier than the flu and repeated infections can radically change your health.
An important new Nature study, for example, has now proven that the spike protein of the virus can bind with a blood protein, fibrin, setting off a chain of blood clots resulting in chronic inflammation and brain damage. Fibrin can actually form a mesh impeding blood flow in arteries to multiple organs in the body.
Repeated studies show in the bluntest terms that the initial acute infection is only the tip of the iceberg. Even a mild bout of COVID can leave a legacy of blood clots, heart failure, diabetes, decreased brain function (see sidebar), long COVID (now affecting 400 million people worldwide) and immune damage that increasingly makes people more vulnerable to a plethora of infectious diseases and possibly cancers.
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horse-cdc · 7 months
Welcome to the Horse Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Equestria's leading group of infectiologists, pathologists, and curse researchers. Please find enclosed below an excerpt of our extensive case files on various infectious diseases that can be found around the country.
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Rainbow Factory Infection
Sleepwalker Infection
Chaos Infection
Chronic Wasting Disease
Variant Chronic Wasting Disease
Ruinous Vine Epidemic
Chronic Wasting Files
Everfree Infection
Magic Fever
Rainbow Rabies
Uncanny Valley
my little paranoia
my little toothache
my little apocalypse
my little corruption
Bubblegum Virus
Olden Virus
Dream Fever
Polychanging Virus
Blood Loss
Dreadbite Syndrome
Inanis Folliculi Syndrome
Everfree Fever
Mutated Rabies
Summer Night Mare
my little fortress
Smile Worms
Pinkie's Senses
Banyan Parasite
Head Loss
My Little Worms
Rigor Root Rot
Chaos Virus
Florial Infection
Blue Flu
Rainbow Blossoms
Marrow Bloom Infection
Condren Contagion
Toxic Joke
Wandering Tree Swamp Fever
Divine Swamp Fever
Audle Posk
Variant Swamp Fever
Swamp Fever
Rainbow Cordyceps
Mutant Imposter Infection
Nightmare Virus
Infection Of More
Ultionem Lunae
Night's Curse
Parabite Virus
Magic Rot
Changeling Virus
Doll Virus
Nopony Curse
Voidmatter Virus
Mystic Corruption
Cutie Mark Contagion
Cutie Pox
Variant Cutie Pox
Cutie Fade
Geode Disorder
Cockatrice Disease
Crystal Contagion
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pandemic-info · 4 months
Akiko Iwasaki: The Immunology of Covid and the Future
Right, so when you look at the epidemiological evidence of Long Covid, clearly in the beginning when we had no vaccines, no antivirals, no real good measure against Covid, the incident of developing Long Covid per infection was higher than a current date where we do have vaccines and Omicron may have changed its property significantly. So if you compare, let's say the Delta period versus Omicron period, there seems to be a reduced risk per infection of Long Covid. However, Omicron is super infectious. It's infected millions of people, and if you look at the total number of people suffering from Long Covid, we're not seeing a huge decline there at all because of the transmissibility of Omicron. So I think it's too early for us to say, okay, the rates are declining, we don't need to worry about it. Not at all, I think we still have to be vigilant.
We need to be up to date on vaccines and boosters because those seem to reduce the risk for Long Covid and whether Paxlovid can reduce the rate of Long Covid at the acute phase for the high risk individual, it seems to be yes, but for people who are not at high risk may or may not be very effective. So again, we just need to be very cautious. It's difficult obviously, to be completely avoiding virus at this time point, but I think masking and anything you can do, vaccination boosters is going to be helpful. And a reinfection does carry risk for developing Long Covid. So that prior infection is not going to prevent Long Covid altogether, even though the risk may be slightly reduced in the first infection. So when you think about these risks, again we need to be cognizant that reinfection and some people have multiple infections and then eventually get Long Covid, so we're just not safe from Long Covid yet.
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covid-safer-hotties · 2 months
Alarm bells ring in Japan as experts warn of fast-spreading new Covid variant KP. 3 - Published July 19, 2024
Paywalled at the South China Morning Post: Unpaywalled by Covidsafehotties.
The country reported a 39 per cent week-on-week surge in infections from July 1 to 7, with Okinawa the hardest hit
Japan is grappling with a new and highly contagious coronavirus variant that is fuelling the country’s 11th wave of Covid-19 infections, health experts warn. The KP. 3 variant is spreading rapidly, even among those who are vaccinated or have recovered from previous infections, according to Kazuhiro Tateda, president of the Japan Association of Infectious Diseases.
“It is, unfortunately, the nature of the virus to become more resilient and resistant each time it changes into a different form,” Tateda told This Week in Asia. “People lose their immunity quite quickly after being vaccinated, so they have little or no resistance.”
Tateda, who sits on Japan’s advisory panel formed at the start of the pandemic, said the coming weeks will be critical as authorities monitor the variant’s spread and impact.
While hospitals have reported a sharp uptick in Covid-19 admissions, Tateda said he is “relieved that not many of these cases are severe”. Typical symptoms of the KP. 3 variant include high fever, sore throat, loss of smell and taste, headaches, and fatigue.
According to the health ministry, medical facilities across Japan logged a 1.39-fold – or 39 per cent – increase in infections from July 1 to 7, compared to the previous week.
Okinawa prefecture has been the hardest hit by the new strain of the virus, with hospitals reporting an average of nearly 30 infections per days. The KP. 3 variant has accounted for more than 90 per cent of Covid-19 cases nationwide, the Fuji News Network reported, leading to renewed concerns about bed shortages at medical facilities.
Since Japan’s first detected Covid-19 case in early 2020 involving a man who returned from the Chinese city of Wuhan, East Asian nation has recorded a total of 34 million infections and around 75,000 related deaths. The country’s Covid-19 caseload peaked on August 5, 2022, when more than 253,000 people were receiving treatment.
Japan’s uptick in cases coincides with similar increases being observed globally. In the US, the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention reported a 23.5 per cent week-over-week rise in the number of people visiting hospitals with Covid-19 symptoms during the week ending July 6.
High-profile US.figures such as President Joe Biden and Doug Emhoff, husband of Vice-President Kamala Harris, have recently tested positive and gone into isolation. Meanwhile, several riders in the ongoing Tour de France cycling race have also returned positive test results.
Experts say it is too early to determine the full impact of the new variant on Japanese businesses or cross-border activities like travel. Precautionary measures are already in place at the country’s air and seaports to monitor the health of incoming arrivals. However, the global spike in cases may deter some Japanese from venturing abroad this summer.
A recent survey by Nippon Life insurance found that just 3.2 per cent of Japanese plan to travel abroad in the coming months, which is likely to depress annual travel figures once again. In 2023, Japan saw 9.62 million outbound travellers, a recovery after three years of extremely low pandemic-era numbers, but still far below the 20.01 million outbound travellers recorded in 2019.
Despite the latest surge, infectious disease expert Tateda insists there is no need for panic in Japan. However, he emphasised the importance of following precautions implemented during the pandemic’s peak, such as mask-wearing in public, handwashing, and social distancing.
Tateda also stressed that anyone testing positive should immediately isolate themselves.
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pinkcreamypeach · 2 months
Rosalina backstory in my au (Tons of angst)
I've been thinking about Rosalina for a week, and I've decided to share some information about her backstory in my AU. It's a bit different from canon, but I think it adds an interesting twist to her character. Anyways, here's what I wrote.
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Rosalina has always had an unbreakable bond with her family in the Mario Universe. However, she had an extended family in addition to her parents, including grandparents, uncles, and cousins. They had a beautiful life and a close-knit connection. Her mother was like the sun, shining brightly, while her father was like the moon, illuminating the dark. Together, the couple lived in a world where stars were sentient beings, traversing the skies and communicating in a unique language. Humanoids, aliens, and strange creatures also coexisted in this world, each taking on unique forms and abilities.Rosalina herself was a humanoid, and she grew up surrounded by moon people. Her mother guided some across the Milky Way, teaching her daughter the importance of discipline, responsibility, and control. Her father taught her about the value of family and the importance of passion for one's goals.
Rosalina's parents were rulers and guardians, respected by their subjects and beloved by the citizens. They treated their people with kindness and fairness, and Rosalina was set to follow in their footsteps.However, tragedy struck, and the family was torn apart.A lethal, infectious virus that affected the magic-based users and entities of cosmic magic began to spread and cause havoc in the world. The virus was highly transmissible and had the ability to slowly drain the life and magic out of affected users, turning them into husks.Rosalina's father, a wise and capable ruler, did his best to protect the population and implement protocols to prevent the spread of the virus. However, despite his best efforts, the virus claimed the lives of many, including the king himself.
In his final moments, Rosalina's father continued to rule and guide his people, determined even in the face of death to keep them safe and protected. Unfortunately, even his own family was not spared from the virus's destructive effects. His beloved wife became the next victim and, despite being aware of the danger, she kissed her dying husband in a show of love and devotion, knowing that the sickness would take her life too.Rosalina was devastated by the loss of her world, which was once filled with light and magic, and became darker and more somber. Her mother passed away in Rosalina's arms, leaving her to grieve the loss of her only family. Rosalina watched as her mother fought through the pain to hold her daughter close and share her final words. With a comforting smile and gentle touch, her mother kissed Rosalina's forehead and whispered, "Look to the stars, my darling; there you will find me, always watching over you. We'll both be watching you; be brave, my Rosa.”
Rosalina spent many months mourning the loss of her parents and the pain of ruling a kingdom that was broken by the stars. Her dress was now too big for her small body, and the burden of being queen was more than she could bear. She found solace in sleeping in her parents' bed, clinging to the memories of their warmth.Despite her young age, Rosalina knew that she needed to grow up quickly. She had responsibilities far beyond her years, and she struggled with the weight of leading a civilization that was no longer functional. After several years of ruling, Rosalina was at her breaking point.However, a small glimmer of hope appeared in the form of a glowing Luma. It seemed to have lost its family too, and Rosalina sensed a kindred spirit. She took this opportunity and made an announcement that she was leaving the kingdom. She was able to make it habitable again, but she knew that she couldn't rule it.With a heavy heart, Rosalina packed her bags and set out on a new journey, unsure of where it would take her. But she wasn't alone - the Luma would be by her side, reminding her that there was still hope and light in the world.She tucked securely under one arm was an oversized hardback book, its thick pages weighted with the memories of Rosalina's family. Like a family photo album, the book was a precious keepsake, a tangible reminder of happier times. Rosalina had spent months carefully crafting her sketchbook, ensuring it was large enough to house a lifetime of cherished family memories.
Fatigue shone in Rosalina's eyes, the result of weeks of endless work and little rest. She carried a secret burden, the weight of her family's memories weighing heavily upon her shoulders. Her mother's dress provided a simple comfort in a world that had become overwhelming, the luma family she carried inside it a source of solace and hope.But the memories she held so dear also had the power to destroy her. Flashes of the past would flood her mind, bringing with them the pain of loss and the longing for the days when her family was whole. The memories were too much to bear, and Rosalina would often find herself on the brink of collapse, crying uncontrollably as she clung to her mother's dress.Her father's earrings were a constant reminder of the people she had lost. Rosalina had barely had a moment to grieve, consumed as she was by her duties as a ruler. The responsibility she bore had taken its toll on her, both physically and emotionally. She was often too weary to eat, her body weak and fragile from the endless strain. The pain she felt was both haunting and overwhelming, the kind of agony that threatened to devour her whole.
When Luma, the small star-shaped creature, approached Rosalina and heard her sobs, they knew they had to help. With reassuring words and comforting actions, they helped her calm down and feel safe. After hours of her tears, Rosalina finally quieted down, her cries gradually slowing down until she finally fell asleep. Luma then hugged her tightly, grateful for the opportunity to finally feel safe and protected.The experience was transformative for Rosalina, who had been through so much trauma and struggled with depression for a long time. Seeing her loved ones being killed, encountering the aftermath, and carrying the weight of restoring an entire civilization had taken a toll on her. She carried so much stress and anger, but finally, with the presence of Luma, she felt a sense of hope and even managed to feel alive again.Along with Luma, she also found Luna, another luma who she considered her child. Together, they provided her with a sense of love and comfort, helping her heal and move forward from the pain and suffering she had endured for far too long.
Rosalina's journey through the decades was a journey of healing, motherhood, and leadership. With the love and support of her loyal Lumas, including Luna, she was able to find comfort and purpose as the Queen of the Stars. Despite the virus slowly eating away at her, the magic within her allowed her to keep it at bay, ensuring her powers remained intact. And though her family was gone, she cherished the memories and legacy they left behind, wearing her mother's dress and her father's star helmet with his jewelry, grateful for the chance to cling onto her roots.
Rosalina's greatest achievement was the creation of the Comet Observatory, a beautiful marvel that she built on top of a drawing she created with her family decades ago. The Observatory was a bustling hub that served as a home for Lumas and Luna, filled with pictures and memories of them that made Rosalina smile. It was a testament to her resilience, determination, and love for her family, and it would forever stand as a reminder of the power of love and companionship.
Rosalina has always felt her parents' presence in the stars, even when they were still alive. But the loss of her loved ones had left a gaping hole in her heart that no amount of light could fill. She had to find a way to cope with the pain of missing them every day.But the luma helped her see things differently. They showed her that her parents were always with her, not just in the stars but in the very creatures that surrounded her. Luma's love and kindness reminded her of the love and care her mother and father had shown her growing up.Despite the bittersweet feeling of finally having a "family," she still couldn't help but miss her parents dearly. She found solace in the memories of their lives together, how they shared their passions and laughter. And when she looked up to the stars, she couldn't help but feel them shining brighter than ever.She knows she will always carry her parents in her heart, no matter where her journey takes her. And no matter how much time passes, they will always be a part of her, guiding her and reminding her of what truly matters in life.
Also extra art of younger Rosalina in my au.
(Sorry for horrible grammar and handwriting tho)
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A reminding her of her past and what she has lost. Her mother's dress was a constant reminder of who she was and who she wanted to be, but her heart wasn't in it.The color scheme of her younger self felt dull and lifeless, lacking any spark or bright colors. The only thing that stood out was her mother's dress, which had a stark contrast to the rest of her appearance. Her eyes had lost their shine, and her hair had lost its luster, reflecting the darkness that had taken hold of her. She had stopped taking care of herself, not caring about her appearance or her voice, only speaking when she had to. The Rosalina that was once full of life and joy was a distant memory, replaced by this empty shell of a person.As she got older, her mental health slowly improved. She felt more at ease, like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. However, it wasn't an easy path to get there. She had to deal with a lot of hardships and pain, but with time, she found a new lease on life.While she didn't age like a human, she aged slowly, meaning she was still subject to death and harm. However, she was much more resistant to it than humans and earth creatures.
@bberetd @maceincognito @awesomewolf27 @house-of-xiii @magnas27 @peaches2217
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hnm-tech-support · 2 months
Data recovered from disks taken from the labs of HNM Biotech's Dr. Yeva.
[Decryption failed, most files corrupt. Accessible data shown below]
DARK MATTER RESEARCH SUMMARY Dark Matter is the colloquial name given to a virus-like lifeform that needs to infect other living creatures to reproduce, feeding off these hosts like parasites. The basest form is a mere particle with no intelligence or will of its own. Lesser than even a single ant and more like a bacterium, it needs to mass into larger quantities, becoming a sort of "colony" that communicates through a hivemind. It reproduces through binary fission while infecting another living creature, releasing excess Dark Matter to split off into more copies. Other methods of reproduction are suspected but have not been recorded. Naturally more animal-like and instinctual in nature, only by infecting hosts of sapient species is it able to develop intellect of its own. However, as infected hosts no longer feel emotions such as fear, Holy Nightmare is devoted to preventing the spread at all costs to protect Nightmare’s continued control of the known universe. Hosts are infected when particles of Dark Matter enter the body through wounds or orifices. The infectious dose is quite high- most can fight off casual exposure. It doesn't spread well through the air and prefers physical contact. Host becomes part of the hivemind and will try to spread to other victims. This form is the primary way they spread but also the most obvious, as feral Dark Matter doesn't have the intelligence needed to hide itself effectively. They often start with animals and other less intelligent beings. WARNING: When threatened all forms can cause rapid mutations in the host to increase defensive ability, such as growing sharp claws or new mouths. They can heal the host if injured as well, but in extreme situations will evacuate the host to escape. This is often fatal.
They have a social structure superficially similar to eusocial insects, with each lower form being subservient to those higher. They advance in stages over their lifetimes, with the speed they grow seemingly based on how many and the quality of hosts they’ve consumed. Feral/Massed - As Dark Matter multiplies, smaller parts will gather into undifferentiated masses. The most numerous form, presenting as little more than inky black ‘blobs’ with varied numbers of eyes. They have little individuality at this phase and tend to join and split at random to create larger masses, but can't hold complex forms. Without a more advanced individual to control them, these will default to a simple 'spread and infect' mode of attack. Drones - Massed Dark Matter eventually begins splitting off into smaller and more stable colonies with a single eye. Notable are the orange orbs they form around the center mass, although the purpose is unknown. They become capable of hovering flight in this stage. Higher level Dark Matter can also spawn small versions of these from their own bodies by sacrificing a small amount of their own mass. Soldiers - Dark Matter drones that have infected many hosts of more intelligent species can begin to gain something akin to sapience, perhaps through a form of horizontal gene-transfer. They can keep more complex forms, often wielding weapons on their own. They're also better at hiding their presence in a host. Regents - The oldest and most powerful, their bodies turn pure white. Highly intelligent and extremely rare, they are believed to control all other Dark Matter.
EXTERMINATION PROTOCOLS- Dark Matter is resistant to cutting and bludgeoning weapons, and requires high energy to be damaged. Fire is effective, as is electricity. Focused light-based weaponry is the most effective counter when they're outside of a host. Inside a host they're more difficult to deal with- complete obliteration of both is recommended. Advances in destabilizing technology block the ability of individual particles from cooperating and cause a temporary loss of form. This hasn’t been tested on more advanced types. Current protocol when dealing with heavily infected planets is complet- [...the rest is too corrupted to access…]
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Selecting PCF-03-A and B show images of two tiny, almost cute blue lizard-like creatures, alongside what are presumably their larger adult forms, covered in icy spikes, alongside information describing developing and enhancing their ice powers and removing previous weaknesses. 03-B is described as being killed in battle with Galactic Soldiers, while 03-A's body was simply never found.
PWO-01 describes the lab working with a creature said to modify memories, and how this can be weaponized. The creature is interchangeably called 'Erasem' or 'Oblivio'- apparently different HNM scientists disagreed on a name. PWO-02 just seems to be an improved version of the last, actually getting used a few times on the enemy to sew chaos among the GSA by rendering important individuals forgotten by their comrades. However after one much later mission it is said to go missing entirely, and the project is put to an end due to difficulty in managing the creature.
Describes a project to turn a planet's native sea life into demon beasts.
(This is from a roleplay session over at the Discord! I figure I'd share it for more people to see if you're curious about figuring stuff out about Techie)
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