#inflamatory bowel disease
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‘One Ring’ August 16th, 2022 #onering © Outhouse Cartoons/C.A.P 2022
Last week the day we’ve been waiting for all year finally came to be. My surgery wasn’t supposed to be until September/October but two weeks ago, I was woken by a call from my surgeon telling me that I’d been scheduled right away. At first, I was rather freaked out. We had all these plans to throw my pre-ileostomy body a going away party but the disappointment of fallen plans quickly changed into the hopes for a better life. We immediately hit the ground running. Within a day we were out to see my new Ostomy nurse while getting pre-op bloodwork done. The nurse ran us through a bunch of the basics of life with a bag, giving us a general idea of what was to come. He even sent us home with some sample bags.
I wanted to really get a feel for what I was in for, so I decided to wear one of the bags for 48hrs. Through the day and through the night, I even went and ran errands with it. It was a good primer but not quite the same. It was an empty bag that could only partially simulate what my ileostomy would be like but it was enough to stop some worries. My wife and I also made sure to do a lot of research, choosing not to let others tell us ALL the ins and outs. This made it easier to come up with questions to ask at my first post-op appointment. For the rest of the week my wife would treat me to every craving I could think of! You name it, pizza (artisan), carnitas, steak, ice cream; if I wanted it, she got it for me.
When Tuesday came, I was as prepared as I was ever going to be going through the second major surgery of my life. As these things tend to be, my surgery was bumped by about an hour and a half. Someone in need of an emergency surgery jumped ahead of me but that was okay. I just had to stay out of my head, at that point, alone in the pre-op waiting room. At least they let you keep your phone with you so I was in constant contact with my wife up until the last moment. Once in the OR room the surgeons joked that it was a crowded affair. I was getting a lot of work done with two surgeons working on me simultaneously. I had some laughs with the lovely staff before they put me under and before long I was awake with my new buddy, Shawn. My stoma.
Those who follow me may remember that I call my guts, Gus, after a character in one of my favourite shows called Psych. So I thought it only fitting to name my stoma, Shawn, his partner in crime from the show. Now Shawn & Gus are back together, friends for life.
The first night was decently rough but honestly, I think it wasn’t anything like my first resection. I was off of the button morphine within 24hrs and stopped hydromorphone within 56hrs. I was out of the hospital and back home on day 4. I was up on my feet walking around the house the next day. Another day later I made it out of the house for a quick spell. My energy levels have been growing and it’s been getting much easier to walk & stand up straight. A lot of people were rather surprised with this and, to be honest, I was one of them. But it all came down to the fact that this time around I was the lucky guy who ended up with one of the leading surgeons in the province for non-invasive surgical techniques. They actually pulled all of my colon out through my rectum, having only two laparoscopic points of entry on my stomach. One atop my stoma, the other inside my belly button. It’s really the barbie butt that is causing me to slow down and make sure to not over do it.
My speedier recovery can also be attributed to my amazing wife. Helping to make sure I have what I need but also making sure that I don’t push myself too hard as I tend to do. I’m not a fan of being looked after, so it takes a lot of strength and willpower to not just do everything myself. It’s because of this that I know I will get through this stage without many issues. We are a team and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Have you had IBD/Ostomy surgery? How did it go for you? What were your experiences? Tell us in the comments below.
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bonnie645 · 1 year
Anti-inflammatory Dietary Supplements: TrueMed Boswellia Serrata are made using natural and 100% organic Boswellia Serrata extract and 65% Boswellic acid. Made with love and care for your daily wellness essentials, TrueMed Boswellia can provide health benefits to adults of all ages. Natural Pure Ingredients: TrueMed Boswellia Serrata anti-inflammatory dietary supplements are made using natural and 100% organic Boswellia Serrata extract and 65% Boswellic acid. Made with love and care for your daily wellness essentials, TrueMed Boswellia Serrata can provide health benefits to adults of all ages. Unquestionable Quality: TrueMed Boswellia Serrata supplements are also Made in the USA and UL, GMP, and NPA certified to ensure the highest quality standards for our dietary supplements. TrueMed Boswellia Serrata for Healthy response towards chronic inflammatory illnesses including Inflammatory Bowel Disease* A plethora of anti-arthritic functions and healthy inflammatory response* No more chronic joint pain and muscle ache* Our TrueMed Boswellia Serrata Stronger and healthier connective tissues* Ease in movement and activity*
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mindblowingscience · 6 years
A startling discovery published today in the journal Science reveals how your past history of minor bacterial infections can add up with age to cause a severe inflammatory disease.
Small bacterial infections that may go unnoticed and which the body easily clears without treatment, such as occurs during mild food poisoning, nevertheless can start a chain of events that leads to chronic inflammation and potentially life-threatening colitis. These new findings may also help identify the long-mysterious origins of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
Continue Reading.
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rosebookshelf · 6 years
I’m so sorry, at the moment I’m just kinda rereading some of my comfort series that I’ve either already reviewed or plan on reviewing much later when the series is closer to finishing. Dealing with everything that’s happened this year regarding my health has been tough. While you’re going through it you kind of have no choice but to get on with whatever it is and deal with it. You take the drugs because without them you’ll die. And when they stop working you take the drugs that make your hair fall out in chunks. And when they stop workin you prep for surgery because without it you’ll die. But what about when it’s no longer life or death? When the surgery’s done and you’re no longer in danger? you go home from the hospital, they wean you off the drugs, your hair stops falling out as quickly. What then? That’s the time people don’t warn you about, when you have time to stop and breathe and think and mourn. And that’s kind of what I’m dealing with right now, the slow down period where I heal and learn to adjust. And it’s taking all of my mental energy and strength so I’m having a very short break from reviewing while I learn to deal with this, I might do one or two reviews, I’m not sure. I’m not setting any rules or schedules and if I read something and have something to say and the energy to say it of course I’ll post it but this is more of a warning that that may be happening less often for a little while. But I’ll be back fully once I deal with everything and I hope it won’t take long. Xxx thank you all so much
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chronic-confessions · 7 years
Confession #2,427
My partner is sick and is having tests for IBD and I'm terrified. We're hoping it's just GORD and IBS (I say 'just' but you know what I mean) but I'm just so scared. I hate seeing him unwell and it kills me to think he'll keep getting sicker. Hopefully it's a H. Pylori infection and he can be cured. Luckily his blood inflammation levels are normal but that's not a sure thing. I don't know what to do and how to help him. I just want to take it all away from him and deal with it myself.
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need-a-new-bowel · 7 years
Crohn’s Problem #8
Lacking energy after a shower, so you just lie in your damp towel before you find the motivation to put on a clean pair of PJs.
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donnnoir · 4 years
Crohn’s Disease and Cosmetics...
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Let’s see who I can upset today with the Truth.  Over the past approximately seven years I have observed two trends that initially I presumed were not directly correlated.  The first is one all of us now endure in the form of those big pharma commercials for dubious drugs to treat the symptoms of a growing list of gastrointestinal maladies from Crohn’s, Inflamatory Bowels, and endless others.  The second; what I initially noticed as a curious practice among “crazy” women from a substrata of society.  These “psycho tramps” (and know I use the term with all due Love and Affections) usually ended up amassing a large assortment of various cosmetics with boxes full of numerous eye shadow, and the similar.  Anyone familiar with the art and etiquette of make-up application knows that the various constituents need to remain smooth in their little pats or squares. This is so they can smoothly and evenly transfer to their approved applicator and subsequently onto sweet little princess’ face.  Yet I observed that select types from certain manufactures looked as if they had been scratched or dug into with a fork or similar sharp object.  Very, very curious!  More recently while dealing with unpleasant family business issues in California, along with an escalation of activities and operations against my person by the Luciferians, Shadow Government and the Intelligence Community.  I noticed an increase in the practice and other strangely associated conduct.  It appears that the contents after being scraped from their case are partially incinerated into a type of ash.  This ash is then placed in the targeted individual’s (obviously in my case that was me) food and drink to be ingested.  If the subject begins to avoid all food prepared by others, they would disconnect the cold water hose going to sink, drain it and place this witch’s ash into the hose.  As in my case as I either drank water from the tap or drew water for cooking I would unknowingly contaminate my food or poison myself.  I am a little more aware of my surroundings than the average Bear, shall we say.  In a short period of time I began to display symptoms and pain very similar to those described in the literature of Crohn’s Disease and other gastrointestinal diseases.  Over the course of almost a year, I was able to purge much of this witch’s ash from my gastrointestinal tract till the symptoms abated.  On occasion when I run into elements that subscribe to this nefarious practice the symptoms flair back up.  As I rid myself of these persons and begin the long process of purging my system the symptoms again abate. In subsequent discussions with various Satanist and Luciferians within the Shadow and Covert realities of government they have nodded and confirmed that it is only certain brands and manufacturers that are used.  Take it for what it is worth, or simply as a word to the wise.
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‘Gut of the Tiger’ July 12th, 2022 #gutofthetiger © Outhouse Cartoons/C.A.P 2022
Weight issues have commonly been one of the worst of my IBD enemies. The problems I have with weight mostly started after my first resection but took me years to truly grasp. Over the last two years I’ve been in a constant battle with my body. It is constantly trying to shed any of the weight I attempt to put on it. I’m trying to eat as many calories in a day as I can but honestly, this year has been pretty tough. Food has, once again, become just a fuel source for my body. Rarely does it interest me and yet, through everything, I am still hovering around the 140lb mark. 
My permanent ileostomy is coming up in September, and I’m doing my best to gain and retain as much weight as I possibly can to make my recovery easier. I was in the 120lb range with my first surgery and the recovery process was hard. In all honesty, I would probably have ‘thrown the towel in’ a while back. Not for good, no. I never give up. But I do have my moments where I get so tired of fighting that I would start to give in for a spell. Not very long, but long enough to cause damage. 
Every year I go through the same routine. From the start of Fall and into the colder months, I do my best to put on weight since I know once we get into the warmer summer months, I tend to shed it again as I can’t keep up with my high calorie diet. With the heat, I used to have my breakfast, or at least as much of it as I could get down, then throughout the day, I’d do my best to snack. I tend to snack before going to bed. I have a heavy sweet tooth at night so more often than not, a big bowl of cereal is something I've been able to enjoy once again as lactose-free products have really taken storm over the last few years. And now, with my wife around, I try to at least eat my breakfast and dinner. She takes over the cooking during the nights when I just don’t have it in me which, during the summer, is more often than I’d like.  This has been a positive change for me in the fight against my weight. 
Many of us deal with weight gain & loss due to IBD, how do you cope with it? What are some of the routines you go through to maintain? Tell us in the comments below.
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earthangelhealingco · 5 years
Holistic healing with mother earth’s bounty of herbs is a special way of connecting with the subtle energies that make up every fiber of our being. Herbs are not only great for self-healing but excellent for incorporating them into your magical ritual and spells.
There’s a plethora of herbs, spices and flowers used for holistic healing but we will discuss the most common you can find in your local grocery store, grown on a window sill or in your very own garden within a relatively short amount of time. If you are a beginner at herbal healing then the list included here is a great way for you to start acquiring basic holistic knowledge. You can purchase these herbs fresh and hang dry them in a cool, dry area or purchase them already dried.
If you would like to learn about common herbs and their magical properties, click here.
Most common herbs for holistic healing:
Cilantro: Enhances appetite, improves digestion, relaxant and anti-inflammatory, relieves spasm, wind, bloating, nausea, gastritis, heartburn, halitosis, diarrhea, dysentery. Reduces harmful cholesterol. Clears the mind, improves memory, reduces anxiety. Relieves headaches, migraine and muscle pain. Seeds taken in hot tea’s for colds, flu and to ward off infection. Decongestant for colds, asthma and bronchial congestion. Reduces fluid retention. Reduces pain associated with PMS and uterine contractions during childbirth. Leaf juice used externally for hot, itchy skin rashes.
Thyme: Enhances appetite, digestion and stimulates the liver. Used for indigestion, poor appetite, anemia, liver and gallbladder complaints. Has a relaxing effect, relieves wind, colic and IBS. Protects the gut from irritation and reduces diarrhea. Warming stimulant, relieves tension, anxiety and depression. Antibacterial and anti fungal, relieves asthma and whooping-cough. Increases longevity, diuretic relieves water retention. Externally helps relieve aching joints, muscular pain and disinfect cuts and wounds. Gargle for sore throat or a vaginal douche for infections.
Rosemary: Protects the gut lining from irritation and inflammation, reduces bleeding and diarrhea. Antimicrobial, stimulates appetite, digestion and absorption, relieves flatulence and distention. Simulated bile flow from the liver and gallbladder, aids digestion of fat and clears toxins. Stimulates blood flow to the head, reduces inflammation and muscle tension. Great for migraines and headaches. Used for varicose veins. Excellent brain tonic, improves concentration and memory. Calms anxiety, lifts depression, relieves exhaustion and insomnia. Hot tea used for sore throat, colds, flu and chest infection. Helpful in asthma. Antibacterial, enhances immunity, may have potential as anti-cancer remedy. Relieves arthritis and gout, reduces heavy menstrual bleeding. Rub diluted essential oil on aching joints and skin for headaches and poor concentration.
Garlic: Carminative, expectorant, immunostimulant, antimicrobial, anthelmintic, hypocholesteolaemic, hypotensive, antitumor, rejuvenative, circulatory stimulant, digestive. May benefit diabetes 2. Increases circulation and reduces blood pressure. Reduces cramps, lowers harmful cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Reduces chances of clotting and the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Exporant and decongestant, clears catarhh, sinuitis, coughs, asthma, hay fever and rhinitis. Antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral. Powerful antioxidant, antitumor activities and protect against pollution and nicotine. Externally used for cuts , wounds, arthritist, sprains, athlete’s foot, stings and warts. Avoid large doses during pregnancy, warfarin and antihypertensives.
Basil: Demulcent, antibacterial, antifungal, expectorant, antispasmodic, anthelmintic, febrifuge, immunostimulant, laxative. Relieves spasm, wind, bloating. Appetizing and digestive , improves absorption. Used for anorexia, nausea, constipation, vomiting, abdonimal pain, ulcers and worms. Increases production of protective stomach mucous. Uplifting and strengthening. Clears lethargy and congestion. Reduces anxiety, mild depression, insomnia, headaches and IBS. Decongestant, protects against histamine induced bronchospasm. Helpful with asthma and rhinitis. Used for coughs, colds, fevers, sore throats and flu. Anti-inflammatory, protects healthy cells from toxicity of radiation and chemotherapy. Used for hay fever. Relieves dysuria, cystis and urinary tract infections. Clear toxins via diuretic effect. Lowers blood sugar, harmful cholesterol and tryglyceride levels. Avoid during pregnancy.
Ginger: Warming digestive stimulant, improves appetite and digestion. Useful in anorexia. Removes accumulation of and wind, nausea, IBS and food allergies. Relieves morning sickness and hangovers. Stimulates the heart and circulation, reduces blood clotting. Antispasmodic, relieves asthma, catarrhal coughs. Anti-inflamatory and antioxidant, aid immunity and circulation, used for osteo- and rheumatoid arthritis. Promotes menstruation, used for scanty periods and clots. relieves pain at ovulation and menstruation. Ancient reputation for being an aphrodisiac, helps with impotence. Avoid with peptic ulcers and gallstones. Avoid with anticoagulants.
Sweet Marjoram: Digestive, carminative, tonic, stimulant, diaphoretic, antispasmodic, diuretic, antiviral, antioxidant, expectorant. Warming, used for indigestion, poor apetite, wind, colic, nausea, diarrhea and constipation. Stimulates blood flow and taken hot clears toxins via skin, used for poor circulation, arthritis and gout. Traditionaly used to calm unwanted sexual desire and ease loneliness, bereverant and heartbreak. Relaxes mental and physical tension, relieves insomnia, restlessness, anxiety, depression, aching muscles and stress related symptoms like indigestion, colic, headaches, migraine, period pains, PMS, poor concentration and memory. Enhances immunity and increases circulation. Essential oils are antimicrobial against bacteria such as TB, viruses like herpes simplex and fungal infections. Clears phlegm, soothes coughs and relieves sinusitis and fevers. Probiotic. Clears toxins via urine. Diluted essential oil can be used on painful joints, aching muscles, sprains and strains.
Peppermint: Diaphoretic, carminative. antispasmodic, antiemetic, antiseptic, digestive, circulatory stimulant, analgesic, antimicrobial. Relieves pain and spasm in stomaches, colic, flatulence, heartburn, indigestion, hiccups, constipation, IBS and diahrrea. Enhances apetite and digestion. Relieves nausea and travel sickness. Protects gut lining from irritation and infection, useful in Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Stimulates liver and gall bladder function. Relieves tension headaches, joint and muscle pain. Clears airways and reduces spasm in asthma. Relieves colds, flu and fevers. Increases energy and immunity. Relaxes smooth muscle in the uterus, reduces menstraul pain and cramps. Oil used as inhalant for colds, sinusitis, added to lotions for muscular pains. Mouthwash for gum infections and mouth ulcers. Avoid oil during pregnancy, on babies or small children.
Lavender: Carminative, diuretic, antispasmodic, nerve tonic, analgesic, stimulant, digestive, sedative, antimicrobial, antiseptic, diaphoretric, expectorant, anit-depressant, antioxidant. Releases spasm, colic and combats wind and bowel problems related to tension and anxiety. Used for infections causing vomiting and diarrhea. Great for anxiety and stress related symptons, headaches, migraines, insomnia, palpitations, neuralgia. Helpful in agitated bahavior in dimentia. Lifts the spirits, restores energy in tiredness and nervous exhaustion. Increases resistance to colds, coughs, chest infections, flu, tonsilitis and laryngitis. Decongesting and exporant, clears phlegm, relieves asthma and croup. Taken as hot tea it reduces fevers and increases the elimination of toxins via the skin and urine. Used in baths to speed healing after childbirth. Antiseptic for inflammatory and infective skin problems like eczema, acne, varicose ulcers and naooy rash. Stimulates tissue repair, minimizes scar formation. Oil repels insects and relieves bites and stings, soothes pains of bruises, sprains, gout, arthritis and muscle tension.
Fennel: Anaesthetic, antibacterial, antiemetic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antitussive, aperient, carminative, deigestive, diuretic, exporant, hormone balancing, stimulant. Improves energy by enhancing appetite, digestion, and absorption. Aids digestion of fatty foods. Added to laxative blends to ease griping. Stabilizes blood sugar levels and reduces sugar cravings. Settles the stomach, relieves hiccups, colic, bloating, wind, nausea, vomitting, halitosis, indigestion, heartburn, diarrhea and IBS. Decongests the liver, clears stagnation. Relaxes the bronchi, useful in asthma. Anti-inflammatory effects in arthritist and gout. Used for cellulite cystitis, fluid retention and urinary infections. Helps dissolve stones. Relieves period pains, regulates the menstrual cycle, used in amenorrhea. Helpful during menopause. Seeds are potentially toxic, in excess they can over stimulate the nervous system. Avoid theraputic doses during pregnancy.
Dill: Carminative, alterative, expectorant, diuretic, antispomadic, vermifuge, analgesic, relaxant, digestive, sedative, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial. Stimulates appetite and digestion. Releases tension and spasm, used for colic, wind, indigestion, nausea, constipation and diarrhea. Helps alleviate tiredness and enhances concentration. Relaxant for insomnia. Antispasmodic and exporant for harsh, dry coughs and asthma. Used for painful periods and milk in breat- feeding women. Relieves swelling, essential oil used to treat abdominal pain, colic, arthritist and earache.
Cinnamon: Antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antioxidant, tonic, immunostimulant, adaptogen, circulatory stimulant, antispasmodic, astrigent, digestive, anaesthetic, probiotic. Protects gut linning against irritation and infection, prevents inflammation and ulcers. Good for gastroenteritist and dysentery. Enhances effectivenss of insulin. Has a drying effect on mucosa. Lowers harmful cholesterol. Improves resistance to stress. Lifts fatigue and low spirits. Used for chronic fatigue and ME. Rich source of magnesium. Relieves arthritic pain, headaches and muscle stifness. Antiseptic for bladder problems. Helps maintain hormone balance, great for PMS. Aphrodisiac. Helps throw off fevers. Inhibits growth of E. coli and typhoid bacili. Avoid large doses during pregnancy.
Aloe Vera: Mild laxative, clear toxins and heat from the bowels. Combats pathogenic microorganism. Enhances the secretion of digestive enzymes and balances stomach acid. Regulates fat and sugar metabolism. Soothes and protects the gut lining, used for colitis and peptic ulcers, IBS and inflammatory disease. Anti-inflammatory and detoxifying for arthritis. Enhances immunity, antiviral and stimulates active B and T lymphocytes. Antiviral for Herpes simplex and shingles. Increases blood to the uterus, reduces hot flushes during menopause, and used to treat PMS. Externally soothes and heals burns, acne, eczema and psoriasis. Antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral.
Get to know each of these herbs and their healing properties. Incorporate them into tea’s, hot baths, cooking, salves and so much more.
If you would like some herbal healing recipes to get started, click here.
Blessed be!
– Earth Angel Healing Co
Herbs and Their Holistic Healing Properties Holistic healing with mother earth's bounty of herbs is a special way of connecting with the subtle energies that make up every fiber of our being.
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kojoty · 6 years
good news from today, if you need a pick me up
1. net neutrality was reinstated today 
2. scientists found an organ in the human body that could possibly help us get way closer than ever to eradicating (1) cancer, (2) ill-understood digestive diseases like inflamatory bowel stuff
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abtoddler · 6 years
A little melancholia for the day
It’s interesting how far we come and sometimes
Its no where near far enough. When i was younger, I couldn’t tolerate my mother. When shes oh hey, im goin to be a bitch for days, then expect me to talk to her. Its already bad enough shes super dismissive or hateful, and then super concerned so she can ear another tick in her caretaker personality.
Which explains why i need a daddy so much. I al thankful to mine, and my big bro champ, the two of them create a world where i dont have to worry about what occurs outside the front door. - a bit of backstory, and the strings of complaints, spoonie comments, support groups and things like that: i have a chronic pain condition with compression and the slow approach to parapalegia while on the medication, the norco and muscle relaxers to help the sensation of walking on nails, and endless buzz, this is a gift from 14 years ago, that keeps taking the feeling and control of my legs & feet. I also have an inflamatory bowel disease, so its like shitting hot lava. This has been occuring more regular then a ladies period, and has been occuring since longer then I can remember.
Growing up, i would throw up while shitting at the same time for hours ans hours. Get up in the middle of the night and just let it go. Ive turned memory of this shit to another thought. Right now its about how much time i have left, 20 years? That wouls make me 54, if i go out then, or even in the next 35 years wouls make me younger then my adoptive parents.
Now heres a funny thing, since my dad doesnt really keep up with me, mostly my fault because i hate talkin on the phone, and cant exactly travel at the moment. The point is, “oh you still have to go through that, i hadnt heard so i assumed it went away”, its not that” oh i assumed you just stopped having a horrible mutiple times a month for my entire life stomach pain, just stops, because nothing is said about it. Or the trying to convey that i just do not have the means to emotionally handle it, and so cant make effort to do stuff that hurts my heart. The same is whether or not my mother means it. But shes always been cunty when shes not put first, or in control. It’s interesting she abused drugs and alcohol when i moved into my own house the first time. Then the abuse from her starts, getting mad, being dismissive, just down right fucking horrible for no good goddamn reason.
This then causes me to have an emotional shut down, this abuseive crap, this shit makes me not want to be around her. She cant “do” being alone, and it makes her really mean. The more mean she gets, the more i have no desire to fuck with that. The endless complaints, rudeness, snide comments, endless streams of just foulness. Thank you to everyone whose not like this, is what i want to say. Thank you to daddy and champ. Those who “choose” us, and so help up the folk like me who have all sorts of shit to deal with. Its nice having an insulation.
I do not want contact with people who are sneaky and will put someone else under a bus, i do not want folks who do not give more then lip service to”bdsm full exchange” and “demands” that put them ahead of what they want to do with my daddy. Theres so much in this life that i wont be able to do. I have less then most folk i wager. Going by the wayside, posting to the empty vaccum where the internet remembers.
I can do this. I can do one day at a time forever, one moment, that is an endless cycle of sleep. And meds, and pains. The reason i can do this. Family. Good people raised me, but im home for the first time with these last 6 months, 50 or 60 years ahead of me is not enough time for my daddy, for my big bro. There is a ton of the world to see.
These are the thoughts, and feelings ive had since loosing my hope on handling something just a bit better. Its been super dark, with looking at end of life affairs, looking into kinds of burials, and assisted suicide. Everything that would mean i miss everything i want with my family. I do not mind a death I choose. I do not mind my final wishes. What i mind; the knowledge of folks with my kinds of stomach shit dont really see much longer to the older age brackets. It scares the piss out of me, that it could just be done, i wont be able to wake up and work on my grimoires, i wont be able to tell my daddy I love him. Anytime i feel it, i have to say it. That way in all the tiny moments of time, and if folks can remember me. He will know i would always love him, thank him, appreciate him. He is the scope of my world. Anything less then forever is an unacceptable amount of time. The thought of leaving him early scares me. Its my greatest worry, that i will never know enough, or see enough of his life to only see it really start.
Its hard, it sucks. So thats why my grimoire projects will not, end. My desire to be little, and safe and cared for, must be followed right back into daddies arms, and the worlds hes helped build. I ve been trying to process this, its taken a few months, in suspected truth, probably it will be always there. But, i try and focus on projects, on the little things that can be done in a day. I cant care about my mother demanding i go and see her. Or her being a bitch when i do, and leaving her with a “see you whenever” i said “what ever” and just walked out of her apartment the other night.
So, while she feels i should be doing what ever she asks depite my lack or to too much sleep according to her. Not the exhaustion i get subjected to after the fire of hell erupts from my asshole, and causes me to throw up anything left in my stomach. Yea, between that 1-4 hour production of “this is your life” in food I attempted to eat earlier. Shes got stupid questions that have no bearing on day to day shit, and now that shes done fucking making threats at me, she can shut up, while I sort out how to handle her ass, while being with wonderful people, for what will be the rest of my life. However long i can make it. Daddy, makes it worth it, i want to see him and champ be their best selves. I can instead only do everything that i am able to set their roads up, even if i wont get the chance to see how it ends.
I cry, at night, most nights pooh bear has earned his keep as the cuddle surrogate to daddy. My barking dragon doesnt bark, it would randomly do it; making it hard to sleep with. I know that this internet void, is a public place where people will know, coo!. But I need to post this, i need to put it into the world while I think about how i am going to master the coming years, and not let shit get between daddy and champ and all our dreams.
So, while i get word vomity, and sad. The horizon has this light of the future, the single moment of now, stretching on to the morning. The linear path of all actions, thoughts, life and the experiences, its easy when in thinking of daddy, that i can just aim to make the most of the moments with him. That they know he is the best man i have ever known, the range of his character. His way of dominance, his love and zest for life. The way he steps one foot a time to get the big picture. I will walk with him til my story ends. But, daddy i love you, and thank you. I loves that we have forever and ever. Its not long enough.
But anyway this isnt something i can stop thinking, so my hope is putting just this stuff here, will get it out, and lets me sleep tonight. I am trying to post more, to have a place to unload my thoughts. Thank you for anyone who reads this, its just hard to identify the situation at hand, so many moving pieces. I will try not to post to much of this philosophic ramble, and depression.
I will figure on how to deal with it but tonight, it did it’s job and has cleared my head, and given me a look at what i feel is going on. Night tumblr. Thank you for this medium.
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digitalyogesh · 3 years
Kayam Tablet
Kayam Tablet is utilized for Constipation, Digestive issues, Gastroenteritis, Obesity, Skin illnesses, Hemorrhoids, Eczema, Oxidative pressure, Cough, Loss of weight and other conditions.Kayam Tabletmay likewise be utilized for purposes not recorded in this drug guide.
Kayam Tabletcontains Haritaki, Saindhava Lavana, Senna Leaves, Swarjika Kshara, Trivrit and Yashtimadhu as dynamic fixings.
Kayam Tablet Tabletworks by treating the different sicknesses; advancing injury recuperating measure; hindering the development of microorganisms; repressing the development and spread of malignancy cells; restraining the development of infections; controlling blood glucose levels; treating different diseases; invigorating the peristalsis of the colon and changes the colonic assimilation and emission; securing the skin against oxidative harm; scattering the melanin because of the presence of liquiritin; restraining the prostaglandin arrangement and cyclooxygenase action; repressing the development of infections; assisting with further developing absorption framework; animating the blood dissemination and keep up with pH balance; settling the circulatory strain; hindering longing for to lessen weight; treating or forestalling a few other medical conditions;
Point by point data identified with Kayam Tablet’s uses, creation, measurement, incidental effects and surveys is recorded underneath.
Kayam Tablet is utilized for the treatment, control, counteraction, and improvement of the accompanying infections, conditions and side effects:
Stomach related problems
Skin illnesses
Skin inflammation
Oxidative pressure
Deficiency of weight
Kayam Tablet may likewise be utilized for purposes not recorded here.
Find out additional: Uses
Incidental effects
Coming up next is a rundown of conceivable incidental effects that might happen from all comprising elements of Kayam Tablet. This is certainly not an extensive rundown. These incidental effects are conceivable, yet don’t generally happen. A portion of the incidental effects might be uncommon however genuine. Counsel your primary care physician on the off chance that you notice any of the accompanying incidental effects, particularly in the event that they don’t disappear.
Stomach torment
Chest torment
Hepatic harmfulness
Lack of hydration
Midsection torment
Low potassium levels
Loss of motion
Kayam Tablet may likewise cause incidental effects not recorded here.
On the off chance that you notice opposite incidental effects not recorded above, contact your primary care physician for clinical guidance. You may likewise report incidental effects to your neighborhood food and medication organization authority.
Prior to utilizing Kayam Tablet, educate your PCP about your present rundown of meds, over the counter items (for example nutrients, home grown enhancements, and so on), sensitivities, previous infections, and current ailments (for example pregnancy, impending a medical procedure, and so on) Some ailments might make you more vulnerable to the results of the medication. Take as coordinated by your PCP or follow the bearing imprinted on the item embed. Measurements depends on your condition. Tell your primary care physician if your condition continues or declines. Significant directing focuses are recorded underneath.
Pregnant, wanting to become pregnant or breastfeeding
Communications withKayam Tablet
In the event that you utilize different medications or over the counter items simultaneously, the impacts of Kayam Tablet might change. This might build your danger for incidental effects or cause your medication not to work as expected. Enlighten your primary care physician concerning every one of the medications, nutrients, and natural enhancements you are utilizing, so you specialist can assist you with forestalling or oversee drug collaborations. Kayam Tablet might cooperate with the accompanying medications and items:
Anti-inflamatory medicine
When not to use Kayam Tablet
Excessive touchiness to Kayam Tablet is a contraindication. Also, Kayam Tablet ought not be utilized on the off chance that you have the accompanying conditions:
Extreme touchiness
Newborn children
youngsters under 12 years old
older individuals
patients experiencing draining per rectum
patients experiencing loose bowels
patients experiencing rectal prolapse
Creation and Active Ingredients
Kayam Tablet is made out of the accompanying dynamic fixings (salts)
Senna Leaves
Saindhava Lavana
Swarjika Kshara
If it’s not too much trouble, note that this medication might be accessible in different qualities for every dynamic fixing recorded previously.
Bundles and Strengths
Kayam Tabletis accessible in the accompanying bundles and qualities
Kayam Tablet – Packages: 30 Tablet
Every now and again posed Inquiries
IsKayam Tabletsafe to utilize when pregnant?
Trivrit: No
Haritaki: No
Senna Leaves: Please talk with your PCP for case-explicit proposals.
Yashtimadhu: No
Saindhava Lavana: Please talk with your PCP for case-explicit proposals.
Swarjika Kshara: Please talk with your PCP for case-explicit proposals.
IsKayam Tabletsafe while breastfeeding?
Trivrit: Please talk about the dangers and advantages with your primary care physician.
Haritaki: Please talk about the dangers and advantages with your primary care physician.
Senna Leaves: Please examine the dangers and advantages with your primary care physician.
Yashtimadhu: No
Saindhava Lavana: Please examine the dangers and advantages with your primary care physician.
Swarjika Kshara: Please examine the dangers and advantages with your primary care physician.
CanKayam Tabletbe utilized for stoppage and stomach related issues?
Indeed, stoppage and stomach related issues are among the most well-known announced uses for Kayam Tablet. Kindly don’t useKayam Tabletfor clogging and stomach related issues without speaking with first with your primary care physician. Snap here and see review results to discover what different patients report as normal uses for Kayam Tablet.
How long do I have to useKayam Tabletbefore I see improvement of my conditions?
tabletwise.net site clients have detailed 1 day and multi week as the most well-known time it takes before they saw upgrades in their conditions. These occasions may not be intelligent of what you might insight or how you should utilize this medication. Kindly talk with your primary care physician to check how long do you need to utilize Kayam Tablet. Snap here and see study results to discover what different patients report as an ideal opportunity for viability for Kayam Tablet.
At what recurrence do I have to utilize Kayam Tablet?
tabletwise.net site clients have announced one time each day and double a day as the most widely recognized recurrence of utilizing Kayam Tablet. If it’s not too much trouble, follow your primary care physician’s recommendation on how frequently you need to Kayam Tablet. Snap here and see review results to discover what different patients report as recurrence of utilizing Kayam Tablet.
Would it be a good idea for me to useKayam Tabletempty stomach, before food or after food?
tabletwise.net site clients have most ordinarily revealed usingKayam Tabletafter food. Notwithstanding, this may not be intelligent of how you should utilize this medication. Kindly follow your primary care physician’s recommendation on how you should utilize this medication. Snap here and see review results to discover what different patients report as timing of utilizing Kayam Tablet.
Is it protected to drive or work large equipment when utilizing this item?
On the off chance that you experience tiredness, dazedness, hypotension or a cerebral pain as incidental effects when usingKayam Tabletmedicine then it may not be protected to drive a vehicle or work large equipment. One ought not drive a vehicle if utilizing the medication makes you sluggish, bleary eyed or brings down your circulatory strain widely. Drug specialists additionally prompt patients not to drink liquor with medications as liquor escalates sluggishness incidental effects. If it’s not too much trouble, check for these consequences for your body when utilizing Kayam Tablet. Continuously talk with your primary care physician for suggestions explicit to your body and ailments.
Is this medication or item habit-forming or propensity shaping?
Most prescriptions don’t accompany a potential for dependence or misuse. Generally, the public authority’s arranges prescriptions that can be habit-forming as controlled substances.
Kayam Tablet models incorporate timetable H or X in India and timetable II-V in the US. If it’s not too much trouble, counsel the item bundle to ensure that the medication doesn’t have a place with such extraordinary classifications of drugs. In conclusion, don’t self-cure and increment your body’s reliance to medications without the guidance of a specialist.
Would i be able to quit utilizing this item promptly or do I need to gradually wean off the utilization?
A few drugs should be tightened or can’t be halted quickly due to bounce back impacts. If it’s not too much trouble, talk with your primary care physician for proposals explicit to your body, wellbeing and different drugs that you might be utilizing.
Other significant Information onKayam Tablet
Missing a portion
In the event that you miss a portion, use it when you notice. In case it is near the hour of your next portion, skirt the missed portion and resume your dosing plan. Try not to go through additional portion to make for a missed portion. In case you are consistently missing dosages, consider setting a caution or requesting that a relative remind you. Kindly counsel your PCP to talk about changes in your dosing plan or another timetable to compensate for missed dosages, in the event that you have missed an excessive number of portions as of late.
Overdosage of Kayam Tablet
Try not to utilize more than endorsed portion. Taking more prescription won’t work on your indications; rather they might cause harming or genuine incidental effects. In the event that you presume that you or any other person who might have ingested too much of Kayam Tablet, if it’s not too much trouble, go to the crisis division of the nearest emergency clinic or nursing home. Bring a medication box, compartment, or mark with you to assist specialists with fundamental data.
Try not to give your medications to others regardless of whether you realize that they have a similar condition or it appears to be that they might have comparable conditions. This might prompt overdosage.
If it’s not too much trouble, counsel your doctor or drug specialist or item bundle for more data.
Capacity ofKayam Tablet
Store prescriptions at room temperature, away from heat and direct light. Try not to freeze drugs except if needed by bundle embed. Get drugs far from youngsters and pets.
Try not to flush meds down the latrine or empty them into seepage except if taught to do as such. Prescription disposed of in this man Kayam Tablet.
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chronic-confessions · 7 years
Confession #2,172
My grandma makes a big fuss about how my gas smells like IBD. I feel disgusting enough already. I feel like she'd be better off without me and it's not helping my suicidal thoughts and anxiety.
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‘Dracula vs Ironman’ June 28th, 2022 #draculavsironman © Outhouse Cartoons/C.A.P 2022
In my last write-up, I mentioned how iron infusions have been a regular part of my IBD maintenance for nearly twenty years. As of last year, I started on a newly upgraded iron product called monoferric iron. This wasn’t only because I have near-constant anemia but also due to the fact that in 2021, I had begun to bleed rather excessively*.
Less than six months into starting my Entyvio infusions, the new biologic I had started in October 2020, I noticed that I was starting to bleed. Not like my normal bleeding I’d become accustomed to seeing whenever I’d be over-stressed. This was new. Amounts I’d never seen before. But as I’ve tended to do in the past, I let it slide longer than I should have, thinking I’d be okay. In June 2021 I admitted myself into the ER where I received my very first blood transfusion. Over the next five months, I would get several blood transfusions as my medical team couldn’t replace the blood and iron I’d lost fast enough. Late in the fall of 2021, I reached out to my GP to get his opinion on the situation, getting him up to date with, as he put it, my ‘novel of medical information.’
He suggested that if it was possible, to try to get more frequent iron infusions rather than constant blood transfusions as the latter could lead to possible complications. Very very rare complications, but still something to look out for. So with that, I went back to my medical team and relayed the information. At this point, I was admitted back into the ER for more testing and a drug change. We fully boosted my iron back up with several iron sucrose infusions which lasted longer, getting me through to the end of 2021. By the new year I was back on the new upgraded iron monoferric and as of today, have yet to need another blood transfusion. I’m still bleeding a decent amount, but nowhere like I was last year. We’re hoping my upcoming surgery will finally give me the relief I’ve been looking for.
Have you had to have blood transfusions? How did you cope with the stress of it? Tell us in the comments below.
*Refer to Funny from ‘A Bloody Good Time’ [July 12th, 2021]
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manasiwisdom · 5 years
Lion's Mane for Brain Gain
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What is Lion's Mane Mushroom Medicinal Mushroom Lion's Mane (Hericium erinaceus) has been used for millennia as a tonic by monks and traditional herbalists to enhance nerve growth and repair and therefore supporting clarity and focus of the mind. Due to its nootropic properties Lion’s Mane has become quite popular especially in ‘biohacking’ groups. In my experience it sharpens the brain and cognitive function. It is a tonic and does not have the stimulating or the negative affects of black tea or caffeine. Rather it gives clarity and acuity to the brain in a gentle and steady manner that lasts for many hours. Lion's Mane Benefits 1. Enhances neural pathways and brain function -  Besides increasing the memory and cognitive function, one way by which lion’s mane affects brain function is by enhancing “neurite outgrowth” in the brain and related organs, according to research published in the International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms. (3, 4) .This is great stuff! By increasing this growth, it could potentially be possible to slow or reverse cell degeneration in the brain which are the main symptoms of diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. 2. Anti-inflammatory - It reduces inflammation in fatty tissue. This is important because fatty tissue inflammation is a factor in the formation of metabolic syndrome, a cluster of conditions that can increase your risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes. (31). Lion’s mane also has antibacterial effects against h. Pylori. 3. Support Heart Health - Lion's Mane increase the HDL (good cholesterol) and decreses the LDL (bad cholesterol). It can also prvent blood clots thus reducing the risk of getting a stroke. 4. Supports DIgestive System - Due to anti-inflamatory properties, LIon;s Mane can help protect from gastric ulcers and bowel diease. 5. Protection against cancer - Studies have show that it can potentially slow the progression or reverse Leukemia, Gastric Cancer, Colon and Breast Cancer to name a few. How to use Lion's Mane has a pleasant savory taste. 1/4 to 1/2 tsp on salad or cooked food will blend in nicely with the flavours of your food. It can also be mixed in a hot chocolate or coffee. Coffee and Cacao are  great vehicles for this tonic as it carries to the neural pathways where it can do its magic. Lion's Mane helps to take away the jitters than coffee can give. Further study and research - Lion's Mane: A Mushroom That Improves Your Memory and Mood Lion’s Mane Mushroom: The Potential Brain-Boosting, Cancer-Fighting Powerhouse   To order click on my webstore here or contact me on 021 132 5701 If you are interested in taking your brain power to the next level, try this special nootropic blend - Neural Nectar. Read the full article
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essayprof · 5 years
Inflamatory Bowel Disease
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Case Study The patient is an 11-year-old girl who has been complaining of intermittent right lower quadrant pain and diarrhea for the past year. She is small for her age. Her physical examination indicates some mild right lower quadrant tenderness and fullness. Studies Results Hemoglobin (Hgb), 8.6 g/dL (normal: >12 g/dL) Hematocrit (Hct), 28% (normal: 31%-43%) Vitamin…
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