#injury / accident tw
one-time-i-dreamt · 6 months
I was hit by a truck going 50km/h in front of an elementary school. The Wii bowling announcer voice announced it was a strike and the witnesses cheered and applauded the truck driver.
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turtletoria · 9 days
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man having the worst day of his life about to have the second worst day of his life
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vavoom-sorted-art · 1 month
Purrchance to Dream - Part 8!
This chapter deals with some heavier themes. For more detail, click the content warning below. It contains mild spoilers.
Companion fic written by @ukcalico >> here on Ao3! Part 9 is up on >> Patreon.
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(tagging: @goodomensafterdark)
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loonybun · 3 months
hey whump writers turns out even when you’re on heavy painkillers and have a high pain tolerance it still stings like a bitch when you’re getting wounds cleaned/irrigated.
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breezy-cheezy · 10 months
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WHUMPTOBER 22: Vehicular accident
Yes I’m still doing these. Slowly but surely, at least the ones I had distinct ideas for. Anyway! Deuce got in a blastcycle accident, Epel was on the phone with him when it happened. They were about to meet up for something for fall break or something….im sure they didn’t plan this. Ofc Epel called fantasy 911 first, but then…
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He’s on the phone with Rook because as CRAZY AS HE IS, mans knows how to handle emergencies. Also look at his dumb picture please lmao
Please don’t tag with ship tags, thanks!!
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charlibooboo · 2 days
The ground is cold, small stones on the bitumen digging into his cheek. Blood drips across his side, clinging to his clothes and his skin. From where he can see, a few people run over towards him, shouting. Nearby, a car has swerved off the street, a buckle in the hood and the windscreen smashed. The driver is sitting on the curb with a few other people, her eyes glazed and unfocused, a cut on her eyebrow. Charlie grunts; his wings are...
He screams, his talons digging into the road. Pain ripples up and down the muscles in one of them, the other numb and almost feeling dislodged from its socket. Every part of his body burns with agony..
Someone kneels down beside him, saying that the paramedics are on their way. Frantic voices all muffle and morph together over his head like something horrific, hands touching his back and brushing his wings which only make him sob against the ground and whine. The pain, the adrenaline, the confusion, it's all too much. Charlie feels his consciousness slipping away into darkness, wishing that at least someone he knew was here right now.
@that-punk-from-brooklyn, @james-barnes-wintersoldier
//Angst time ehhe-
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 1 year
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Afton Virus’d Y/N AU: Inciting Incident !
(don’t worry tho they’re ok they’re just murdering ppl now 😌)
(Alternative take on how the blood could’ve looked and a fun fact abt the au below!)
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Fun fact, in the very first original babies-first-au-concept of this AU, reader’s ‘inciting incident’ (aka what would’ve started them on the path of Violencing) was finding an old spring lock suit while clearing out some storage! They found a piece of the instructions on how to operate the suit, got curious, tried it on, and got spring’d! Ain’t that just the worst. They survive, but are now traumatized and covered in grisly scars, and FazCo, being completely and utterly unable to read the room, is like ‘heyyyy so we know u almost died but uh. What if we fire u and make u sign an NDA buuuut u get a nice check out of it <3’ and reader is like wtf no????? Ur gonna promote me and let me stay here or im telling everyone and FazCo is like ‘Jesus fine be like that’ AND THATS HOW IT STARTS IG LMAO
(Also, yes, reader’s hands were destroyed by this machine (no idk what it is exactly sorry lmao) bc they thought it was off when in reality the light that’s supposed to indicate when it’s on was busted or burnt out lol rip)
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aftgficrec · 8 months
hi besties! can i be a bit weird and ask for sick fics here? old/new/favorites, any will do! just some big ol’ hurt/ comfort, especially if combined with some emotional hurt/comfort 🥰
There’s nothing weird about this at all!  Apart from the fics below, there’s also our sickfic tag as well as our hurt/comfort tag for more (see our tag page under the heading ‘themes - injuries/illnesses/conditions’). - S
Previous recs:
cool andreil sick fics here
sick fics here
foxes with headaches/sick fics here
10k+ sick fics here
Andreil in hospital here
Neil with major injury here
Neil gets injured (post canon) here
Neil & car accidents here
accident-prone Neil here
Andreil with amnesia here
medical Andreil/Aaron & Neil here
Neil getting roofied here
Also see… 
‘we're one (there's nothing to be done)’ here
‘Just like that day’ here
‘head case (what to do with you)’ here
‘Such Stuff as Dreams are Made’ here
‘Neil Josten Is a Lucky Man’ here
‘Broken’ here
‘If Only I Were Enough’ (completed) here
‘I'll Come Back To You’ here
‘glass in the trees (objects in the rearview)’ here
‘Running Ragged’ here
‘To Love and Be Loved’ here
‘all that looking down’ here
‘next best thing’, keep telling me that it gets better (does it ever?)’ and ‘no matter when and where, we’ll be alright’ here
‘Can Nobody Hear Me (I cannot breathe)’, ‘I remeber tears streaming down your face (for me to wipe them away)’, ‘you crawled inside my head’, ‘living leaves so many holes in us’, ‘Ciggarette Smoke Cure’, ‘Breathless’, ‘i've done my time’ and ‘cats and close calls’ here
‘The Highs and Lows of Pre-med Majors' here (Aaron)
‘Hold My Hand?’ here
‘Echo’ here 
I’m More Than This Body of Mine by yall_send_help [Rated M, 88811 words, incomplete, last updated Jan 2024]
The doctor took a pause, which Nathaniel was able to use to ask, “what about my leg?” The two pigs had the audacity to look surprised. The doctor looked over at them with a hint of confusion. “You didn’t tell him?” Towns shook his head as Browning said, “you told us not to.” Dr. Byrd nodded her head in approval and turned back to the bed. “Nathaniel…” she trailed off, reevaluating her words. “Would you mind if I sit?” and only after his own nod did she. “The damage done to your leg… it was unlike what most of the staff at this hospital had ever seen. The surgeons tried to save it, but…” She looked down at where his legs were and Nathaniel did too, only to feel himself pale at what he found. “The surgery took about three hours,” Dr. Byrd continued. “The only reason why it took so long was because the surgeons really did try to save your leg. They did. Amputations usually take only half that time. Eventually, Dr. McCoy called it. Because of the damage done to your leg, we couldn’t wake you up to ask. It had to go. I’m sorry.” or - the one where neil goes to baltimore and comes back missing a leg
tw: torture, tw: amputation, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: panic attacks, tw: blood, tw: animal cruelty, tw: implied/referenced drug overdose
fireproof by mostly_maudlin [Rated T, 2097 words, complete, 2024]
Andrew gets his flu shot.
Things Always Gets Worse Before They Gets Better series by Renee_Walker_09 [Rated G, 40141 words, incomplete, 3 complete works, 2024]
Part 1: Beginnings & Endings (G, 1083 words)
It's 1:30 in the morning. The Foxes are celebrating their championship win against the Ravens the only way they know how to: booze, partying, and a little bit more booze. Nothing could possibly ruin this?
tw: car accident, tw: major character injury
Part 2: You Mean Everything To Me (G, 12767 words)
There are two crashed cars. There’s blood on the floor. Lights are flashing all around. Andrew is standing in the middle of the crash site with a blanket draped across his shoulders as he stares straight at Neil, lying on the floor.
tw: car accident, tw: major character injury, tw: (temporary) major character death, tw: suicide attempt, tw: drug overdose, tw: blood, tw: self harm
Part 3: Hours, Days, Weeks (G, 26299 words)
Andrew is lying in a coma following the accident. His condition is critical. And Neil and Aaron have to find a way to cope.  Neil and Aaron’s POVs of the crash and the past 6 weeks
tw: car accident, tw: blood, tw: major character injury, tw: (temporary) major character death, tw: self harm, tw: panic attacks, tw: seizures
NB: find art for the fics by the author here as well as embedded in the fics
Even goalkeepers can’t block sickness by BlowingYourMind [Rated G, 12768 words, complete, 2024]
“Rabbit,” Andrew peered up at him with half lidded eyes, “Yes or no?” “Yes ‘Drew,” Neil clasped his hands at Andrew’s elbows, “it’s always a yes, you know that.” “No ‘s not,” Andrew weakly argued as he took hold of Neil’s chest pad, using it to leverage himself upwards. It was awkward work of walking half-delirious Andrew back to the locker room, shielding him from the crowd while keeping him on his feet, but they managed. Or Andrew becomes very sick at an away game, and Neil and the foxes take care of him.
tw: vomit
the upswing by missgivings [Not Rated, 45569 words, incomplete, last updated Jan 2024]
The next universe over, life has gone a bit easier on Andrew. He’s gainfully employed as a nurse of all things, working beside his best friend Renee, and living in relative harmony with his brother, the recently graduated Dr. Aaron Minyard. Everything’s fine. It’s fine that he hasn’t spoken to Kevin in person for three years. It’s fine if Aaron’s leaving him to marry his stupid doctor girlfriend. It’s fine until the boy with the box-dyed hair stumbles into the ER and passes out at his feet, bringing a world of secrets and trouble with him. And Neil? Neil’s looking for any port in a storm.
tw: major character injury, tw: violence, tw: implied/referenced self harm
please (don't bite) by Major_816 [Rated M, 5478 words, complete, 2024]
Genioglossus. It’s a fan-shaped muscle and forms the bulk of the inferior part of the tongue. It stretches to the hyoid bone too. ~ Neil wakes up to a bad day and it just gets worse.
tw: blood, tw: self harm, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: nightmares, tw: flashbacks, tw: vomit
Will you love me for who I am, not for who I was? by something_boring [Rated T, 1580 words, complete, 2024]
Neil is sick on New Year's eve, wakes up to the fireworks, and continues to have a panic attack about his time on the run.
tw: nightmares, tw: panic attacks, tw: implied/referenced child abuse
Your Needs, My Needs by TogeMythia [Rated T, 1073 words, complete, 2023]
‘Neil.’ He whined, his face still buried under the blankets. ‘Hrmph?’ Neil responded with a confused noise from somewhere across the bed. ‘Do you feel as shit as you sound?’ - Or Neil and Andrew wake up sick on Christmas day.
tw: vomit
To be safe by HushedStars [Rated G, 2116 words, complete, 2023]
Neil is feeling unwell. He seeks comfort from Matt. It was late at night. Neil stood in the kitchen, deep in thought but still with one ear alert for any movement of his roommates. He shifted from foot to foot, hands digging into his sore neck
tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: panic attacks
Safe with him by 1mNot4Hum4n [Not Rated, 2434 words, complete, 2023]
Neil is sick but doesn't want to admit it. He can't be sick. He can't be weak. Luckily Andrew is there to make sure his junkie is okay, and remind him that he has people around him who are willing to do anything to protect him.
'tis the season by moonix [Rated T, 5579 words, complete, 2023, locked]
Five holidays Andrew had to let Kevin take care of him and one time he got to return the favour.
i called your name ‘til the fever broke by cyanica [Rated T, 5632 words, incomplete, last updated Nov 2023]
Neil’s breath is hot and awful against Andrew’s thigh. “I can’t be sick on your birthday,” he says, like it’s that simple. “I can’t be sick on you on your birthday.” “How considerate,” Andrew’s voice is a bland murmur, and he is left watching Neil’s bloodless, wet lips, as he curls into Andrew’s lap. Neil gently pulls away after a moment, leaning back into Andrew’s hand on his neck. “Is me being sick still making you anxious?” he asks. Fever-stricken with dizzied-eyes and delirious thoughts, he knows Andrew without more than a moment beside him, a look into his eyes that makes Andrew feel undone, found. Or Neil is sick and Andrew isn’t coping well.
tw: vomit, tw: panic attacks, tw: dissociation, tw: anxiety
You Know I'm Good On My Own by sambutwithbooks [Rated G, 4568 words, complete, Aftg Then And Now 2023]
Andrew breaks his arm two games into the season and it feels a little bit like Neil’s world snaps with it. (A snapshot of Neil and Andrew between Andrew coming home from the hospital and going back home to Palmetto State.)
tw: major character injury
that's my line by sillyunicorn6154 [Rated G, 1291 words, complete, 2023]
Andrew is definitely not sick. But he is a little stubborn.
You're not fine, but you will be by karmenvi [Not Rated, 616 words, complete, 2023]
Neil is sick, so Andrew takes care of him. So it was supposed to be a sickfic, but it turned into 'Andrew stares at Neil and thinks his boyfriend is the prettiest boy in the world.' Anyway, enjoy some fluff.
I'll be okay if he's here by obsessivereader156 [Not Rated, 1673 words, complete, 2023]
“Thank you, Drew,” Neil says for the twentieth time, feeling so lucky to have someone take care of him. “Say it again and I will kill you.” “You’re just so nice to me,” Neil says a bit deliriously, “I’ve never had someone take care of me when I’m sick.”
If it means losing you, then no by LostMess_24 [Rated T, 6712 words, complete, 2023]
There was something against his hand, a pressure he knew too well, a hand that fit so perfectly against his, making Andrew’s presence known, making Neil’s entire body relax, slowing his breathing a bit. But before Neil could see the man at his side, it hit him. He was starting to feel it, all around him. Those white walls, the mattress he was in, the soft yet old sheets, the pressure on his arm. And finally, unmistakably, the regular and aggressive beeps, signs of a life that was his own. He was in a hospital bed. There’s an accident. Those idiots would do anything and everything to protect each other.
tw: major character injury, tw: car accidents
cause and effect by mistyrie [Rated M, 13107 words, complete, 2023]
"Andrew realized what he was seeing but he couldn’t comprehend it. He didn’t know how to help. There was no enemy to deal with – there was just Neil seizing on the floor and Andrew didn’t know what to do." Neil starts having seizures and Andrew tries to help.
tw: seizures (epilepsy)
how the foxes act when they're sick by @detectivebambam [tumblr, 2024]
headcanons on the foxes and illness
headcanons on Neil getting sick by @24-0z [tumblr, 2022]
Neil doesn't get sick very often, so when he finally catches the bug that had been going around campus, he's suddenly 8 years old again, sweating and trembling with fever
SICK!Neil for my soul. by @satan-in-a-v-neck [tumblr, 2021]
Neil is acting strange. Ask every fox and they'll tell you that for the past three days Neil Josten wasn't acting very Neil Josteny.
tw: vomit
illness/injuries as background event:
The Songs Around Us by doodlingstuff [Rated M, 80075 words, complete, 2022]
The mission was simple: Nathaniel would join Astral Foxes as Neil Josten and make them part of Moriyama Music. In reality, Neil became real, found a home, and fell in love despite his lies. When the Moriyamas send the Butcher to remind Neil of his mission and Andrew's life ends on the line, Neil will have to find a way to escape his fate and bring Andrew back. As he gets closer to losing the man he loves the most, Neil will realize that sometimes, music is the only answer, and others, truth is the only weapon he can use. Another Band!AU. This time extra angsty.
tw: torture, tw: car accident, tw: major character injury, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: panic attacks, tw: violence
NB: find art for this fic by @doodlingstuff here
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The little accident
Hotch x reader
Summery(barely) - After a minor car accident there maybe some lingering problems that scare the shit out of aaron.
This is a one shot unless some mfs ask for more lol.
WC- 4276
You knew there wasn’t much time till Aaron picked you up but your already strong procrastination skills paired with the sick lethargic feeling you had made it all the much harder to get out of your cozy nest. 615- it was nice to be able to have breakfast with Aaron but to do so you had to wake up at the crack of dawn. You wrestle yourself out of bed and throw on the clothes you layed out last night. Mornings had never been your strong suit so to make them more doable you took some measures. Always set out your clothes, towel if you were going to shower, and set the coffee maker to have a fresh pot when you walked down stairs.
You were definitely getting sick, the slightly dizzy and sore feeling indicated that. But it wasn’t bad enough to not go into work so you thought you should just tough it out.
Earlier that same week you had been in sunny California on a case. One of the best perks of working for the BAU was the travel. For some agents that was the worst but you didn’t have any real responsibilities in dc that would hold you back. There was max, your massive Akita but you had a fantastic dog sitter. Other than that you could pack up and go at almost any time. On this particular case after a long and tiring investigation, hunt and chase of a particularly violent bank robber you and hotch had gotten into a mild car accident.
You yelp
You turn to look too see headlights pouring in through the passengers side window.
Not even 20 seconds had passed since you plowed into the back corner of car you had been chasing. The driver had attempted to pull a u turn in front of you but your vehicles were already too close for Hotch to stop the car fully before clipping the unsubs left fender. With the speed you were going it ended up spinning the car about twice till it was on the edge of the road.
“Are you ok!?”
Your lungs hurt from the sudden pressure of you seatbelt but other than that you were fine.
“Yeah, are you?”
And that was when another medium sized Sudan plowed into your side of the car, sending your cruiser tumbling down the hill to your left.
For a moment everything went black as your head bashed against the window. Then you were in it, the car came to a stop in a somewhat akward position. Tilted on it side so that you were looking up at Hotch.
As soon as you regained some sort of grip you reach over swiftly to place your two fingers on his neck. He was unconscious but alive and breathing.
“A - Aaron” you don’t mean it to come out as pained as it did.
“mhhh” a small exhale and then a deep groan and Hotch was back.
After further assessment you were genuinely surprised they you both were ok. A tree had come through the window and pinned your waist and right arm. Your ribs hurt wheres the tree had made contact, probably broken. Hotch was cut up but basically fine and so were you.
“Can you move?”
His tone if hushed and concerned so you try to give comfort with your response.
“I just have to move the seat, can you hold this up and I’ll slip out”
Hotch held the tree branches as you clicked your seat back and slipped into the back seat.
You both climbed out of the wreck and turned to get a good look at eachother.
He swiftly steps forward and cocoons you in his arms, you didn’t have enough time to hug back so you settled with your hands tucked onto his chest.
He was leaning into your shoulder and holding you so tightly.
“Thank god your ok”
He whispers.
Both of you were fine, checked out for injuries but emts and sent home. On the plane back Hotch sat with one arm around you for almost the entire flight. He was normally anti-PDA but you could tell how anxious the whole ordeal made him.
Now you were ready and waiting for hotch to show. You decided to meet him at the curb so you walk down. The sun seems a little bright for 630 but the days we’re getting longer.
He pulled in-front of you about 30 second after you walk down your steps.
You hop in, immediately he kisses you on the side of the mouth and the cheak.
“Good morning to you to” you laugh.
“I wouldn’t do that again, think I’m coming down with somthin”
“Hmm too bad I really wanted to do it again.”
Hotch shot you a devilish grin.
“So where do you have in mind this fine morning?”
You knew, whenever he got to chose the breakfast place he picked the same one
“I was just thinking the coffee place”
Moon rise coffee.
Exactly your guess.
He would get 3 eggs with whole wheat toast, bacon and a cup of black coffee.
You already knew that.
The BAU was slow today, which infact was coming to an end. Good thing too beck you were definitely ill. There was a high possibility you had a fever and you felt like you had been punched repeatedly in the chest. There was nothing you could do except hope to sleep it off so you watched the clock and the minute hand crawled by.
457-458–459— and there you go. You leave all your things at our desk only grabbing a small file.
The stairs up to hotches office literally took the life out of you. By the time you were at the top you were panting and sweating.
You finally made it and as you walked in Hotches gaze shot up. It started as happily supprised but quickly turned into a concerning tone.
He got up quickly meeting you in front of his desk where you had already sunk into a chair and were holding out the file limply.
“How are you feeling? I know you said you were getting sick but you look like your in pain.”
You were, your chest ached, head was pounding, it was the worst you’ve felt in a long time.
“Ehh I’ve been better” you say sheepishly
“I’ll be fine after a good sleep, which is why I came to say farewell.” You smile and begin you begin to get out of the chair you had melted into. Hotch quickly reached around his desk to get his bag and then the coat off his chair.
“I’ll come with you” he said as he slipped on one sleeve.
“Really, your going home at a reasonable time?” It was not somthing that happened regularly, he was normally there for about 2 hr after you.
“I thought I should take you home, you really don’t seem ok.”
He seemed genuine in his concern and you know how things this like this really fuck with his ability to be in control so you try not to seem too offended by his insinuation you could not make it home.
“Alright Hotchner, I’ll let you take me home but I don’t think you’ll be safe from the rest of the children out there.” You notion to the rest of the team now gathering in the bullpen before they all leave for the night.
It was harder than it should have been to go from sitting to standing, for about 10 seconds you were so dizzy you couldn’t see but as it passes you started to leave.
Grabbing your things you give a quick nod to the rest of the team and turn to leave.
“Wait your leaving too?” Morgan Looks at hotch and with a giddy tone spits out
“I see your girls got you on normal time now!” The team laughs as hotch shakes his head. He wants to retort but you are already so far ahead he chooses to follow.
Yet in passing his throws in “have a good night guys”
You had done so well up to this point, the bullpen, the elevator, the halls, the car garage but now as soon as you were reaching the car you weren’t doing well at all. There was a tightening in your chest and it was getting hard to breath. Hotch had already slipped into the drivers seat but as you went for the handle you collapsed.
You could not see or hear or move. It was all loud and bright. You thought you heard you name being yelled but at this point you couldn’t respond.
Hotch jumped out of the car, bolting to your side as he trys to get any response at all.
“Hey! Hey!” He softly shakes you but to no success.
From what he could see you were shaking, breathing heavy and ragged, and you were burning up.
You can see the panic in his eyes, the pain even though you were barely conscious. He was shaking as his hands slip under your head and knees as he slips you into the passengers seat.
Hotch knew he could get you to a hospital faster than an ambulance could get there. It was only 3 blocks away but it felt like miles. For you and him.
“We’re almost there… just hold on… please.” He was pleading as he reached over to your face. His hands were unnaturally cold because of your fever but his touch helped you feel safe.
At the hospital he grasp onto your hand for as long as they would let him before you were wheeled into the emergency room.
Upon your arival they had asked him so many questions. It was all a blur. Your name, blood type, all about the car accident and even if you were pregnant. He answered the best he could but his mind was going a million miles an hour. He was sweating and shaking and as the doors slammed behind your gurney a wave of nausea slammed into him.
Hotch turned to the waist basket at the side of the check in desk and proceeded to vommit.
A stranger waiting in the lobby came to his side.
“Hey are you alright?”
At this point he was dry heaving and could feel tears boiling up in the back of his eyes.
After a moment he seems to gain back control of his body and try’s to stand
“How about we get you to a seat”
Said the stranger
“Thank you.” Hotch grumbles
Waiting was the hardest.
At this point the team had come in, they didn’t get the call untill well after they had become heavily intoxicated at their normal bar. When they all did come in hotch didn’t even notice. His head was in his hands, elbows resting on restless legs.
“Is she ok?!”
“What happened!?”
He was unresponsive, tied up in his head.
Rossi promptly took the seat next to him and placed a hand on Aaron’s back.
He flinched and looked up swiftly. Rossi could see the redness in his eyes paired with confusion and pain.
Rossi quieted the questions with a
“Give him some room and go ask her” he was pointing to the desk attendant.
The team did as they were told leaving aaron and Rossi alone for a moment.
“Are you ok?” A question no one had asked hotch yet. After a long moment and stiff inhale he responded in a hushed sigh
“I can’t even think Dave…. She was fine, sick but fine and then she was on the ground. They said they couldn’t find a… a heart beat …..”
he paused for a moment taking in a shaky breath. “ I can’t do this again.. I can’t..” he stops as he try’s to gain some composure before he starts crying.
Rossi can see that he is badly holding it together and places his hand on Aaron’s shoulder in a comforting way.
Morgan walked over to where Rossi and hotch were cornered in the waiting room.
“She doesn’t know anything” he scoffs
It’s been 2 hours since Aaron carried you into the ER and there was no update. At some point somone had called your brother, the only family you had, but he was over 6 hours away and wouldn’t be there till the next morning. The feeling that you would wake up alone kept Aaron locked into his chair. When he had delicately placed you on the stretcher his hands lingered under you. With Hailey he knew, immediately that it would be the last time he touched her. With you he didn’t know.
He tried to think back to when the last time he kissed you was. That morning. The last time he said he loved you? He couldn’t remember if he had said it after he left you last night. He couldn’t remember! He must have said it within the last couple of days but he couldn’t remember.
That’s what he thought about as he waited.
“Aaron, can I get you a coffee or anything?” Emily asks softly.
“Um sure, black” he was exhausted.
“You got it. Anyone else?”
Morgan and Reid volunteered to come with.
Emotionally the team was struggling. Emily was basically your best friend. You went out with the team almost every weekend as if spending all your time with them wasn’t enough. Morgan loved you like a sister. Reid looked up to you in a way that he didn’t with anyone else. You and Garcia we a little unit, always finishing each other deductions, mainly live had been saved based on your communal quick wit. Rossi was like a father to you even though you would never admit it to his face. JJ, even though you two didn’t always see eye to eye she loved you. They all did.
At the 3.5 hour mark a young looking nurse came out of the doors to the ER.
“Y/n L/n?”
As soon as he heard your name Hotch jumped up along with the rest of the team.
The nurse explained how you had suffered from internal bleeding along with a small tear and swelling in the tissue surrounding you heart and that they were still working on stoping the bleeding.
The car accident.
It made his stomach churn. He should have known, he was there. He saw you everyday since. There were small winces here and there like at his dinner table two nights before when you tryed to get out of your chair. He should have pushed you to go to the hospital. He should have.
6 hour mark came and went with no updates. Everyone but Hotch Rossi and Emily had gone home to rest. Deciding who would go was harder than it seemed. They all wanted to stay, but Rossi made the decision for them. It was for the best, someone had to go into work tomorrow.
11 hours in and the doctor finally came into the lobby.
Rossi and Emily had dozed off but Hotch was wide awake.
His arms were crossed and he was watching the ceiling, lost in thought.
He almost didn’t hear when your name was called. After a dazed second he jumped up again.
Emily woke up immediately but she had to slap Rossi’s stomach with the back of her hand to get his attention.
“It’s just too soon to know” it was a punch in the gut and Aaron could feel the air get sucked out of the room.
The exhausted looking physician explained slowly that you had coded 4 separate times once for 6 and a half minute which has caused your brain to receive very low amounts of oxygen.
They were able to stabilize you but until you woke up there was no way to know the damage done to your brain.
“When can I… when can I see her?”
“She is in the ICU so family can visit now, are you family?”
“YES” Emily chimed in.
Hotch turned to her and with a quick nod she continued.
“He’s her husband”
He wasn’t but with quick thinking on Emily’s part now Aaron could see you.
He was more thankful than Emily could ever know. As the doctor led him to your room he mouthed a ‘thank you’ over his shoulder.
He was almost running as he honed in on your room.
As he cleared the doorway he stoped.
Seeing you lying there with a tube coming out of your mouth, arms, stomach and wires crossed hectically over your chest he felt dizzy. He carefully picked up your hand as he knelt next to your bed.
It was cool and limp as he raised it to his face, kissing your palm as he did so.
“Oh… my love” he tenderly stroked your cheak as a tear fell down his.
On the morning of the 4th day at around 5:14 am you woke up.
There was the sunrise coming up in the window but the light was faint. It was quiet except for the beeping of some machines. The birds are what you hear first though. Slight chirps pour in though an open window.
When you slept, you always left a window open. The only thing that would stop you is below zero temps. Yes, you had only been dating for a month but Aaron had a lot of time to study you before his skills were tested. He noticed your tendency to leave the car windows open and if any office you used on a case had one you would open it.
He opened your hospital room window on the first night.
You weren’t in the icu anymore which was a significant step. The fact that you had slept for 4days wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, the doctor explained. “She lost a lot of blood Mr.Hotchner, the trauma her body is dealing with right now maybe too much for her to handle awake and she just needs some time to heal.”
On the third day they took out the intubation but you still had a nasty drain coming out of your side.
It turns out it was very lucky that Aaron was there. The team made a schedule for him -and you- so that he could also go home to jack.
He was at the hospital from dawn to when he picked Jack up from school. And repeated for the first 3 days but on the 4th he planed to go into work. He wanted to see you one more time before he went back so he got there at around 445. The night staff let him in, federal badges do have a bit of power, and he sat quietly in the chair next to your bed. He was looking at case files that the team have had for 4 day already but he is just getting a chance to look it over.
By 513 he is done with the inicial interview folder and is trying to find the some paperwork he had to sign when he thought he saw something. It was still darkish outside but he swore he saw your hand move.
And then
He saw it again.
Your pale hand grasping for something.
He slid all of the paper off his lap and stood. He shifted over to the edge of your bed when you make a faint groan as he takes your hand, sandwiching it between his.
And your eyes open. Just slightly at first as you get used to the light. And then your staring into his.
He leans in swiftly making you recoil slightly. Trying to not move you as much as he can he only leans in to hug you so that you nesiled your head to his shoulder, you hand coming up to meet his back, just barely touching him. He pulled back after a few moments and kissed you. Your lips were chapped and you barely could muster the energy to kiss back. He sat for a while just kissing you , he pecks the side of your mouth as he pulls away.
“…what… what happened?” Your voice was horse from the intubation.
“You scared the shit out of me that’s what.” He chokes out. You grimace slightly as you start to assess the damage to your body. Everything hurt, your chest, your legs, veins, all of it.
Aaron explained what happened and you express the same confusion he did when he first found you keeled over.
“I was fine… how didn’t I know?” You almost whispered as a tear rain down the side of your exhausted face.
“They said the internal bleeding started very small and it was just eventually too much. They think it was from the car accident.” He paused as he just watched you. Just the fact you were animated in front of him put all his fear and panic on the back burner of his mind. He reached out and brushed your hair to one side of your face.
“… I was so sacred y/n. You died… four times…” his breath became ragged and he looked down at the hand he had of yours.
“I know” your tone is supposed to be comforting but as you breath in a little more deeply than before you shudder. Grasping his hand tighter, looking up at the ceiling as your mouth mimics a small yelp yet no sound emerged. It feels like your chest is on fire. Aaron looked up at your contorted face and quickly reached over to hit the nurses button.
“They should adjust your meds, your shouldn’t be in this much pain.”
The nurse came in and upon seeing you and Aaron a large smile crept across her face.
She had only seen Hotch as his completely heart broken and lost self as he watched you.
“Thank god!” She said in a volume neither of you had prepared for making you both turn to the door and jump back a bit.
She silently apologized for her loudness and began too look over all your readings and chart.
“Agent Hotchner would you mind moving to the chair” she motioned.
He slipped back but he moved the chair even closer to the bed so that they were almost over lapping.
The nurse proceeds to listen to your heart rate.
“She’s in pain, can you give her somthing?”
“Unfortunately we have given her almost all that we can,(she turns to you) your heart is damaged which mean we really can’t put much stress on it or we risk you having a heart attack on us.”
“Mhh” you grunt.
“So there’s nothing, nothing you can do”
You can hear him start to get pissed.
“Aaron it’s fine, I’m alright” you give him the best smile you can muster, which isn’t very convincing. “You don’t want me to have a heart attack after all this do ya.” You let out a short breathy laugh.
He only stairs at you as the nurse starts to leave.
“The doctor will be in at about 6 but from what I can see your doing well, is there anything i can do to make you more comfortable. Raising your head might release some of the pressure in your chest.”
You nod swiftly. that’s all you wanted.
She began to tilt the bed so you were slightly sitting. The release of pressure on your lungs and chest resulted in a small gasp for you as your breath deepened.
Even though your eyes were closed you could feel his focused on you. It only took one or two slightly pained breaths for your rhythm to become even. You did sound better than when you were horizontal.
The nurse left quicky afterwards, at this point it was 545, and hotch knew Rossi would be awake. There was no way he was going into work. Absolutely no chance he would leave you now that your finally awake and he could breathe again. He just needed some time to fully process that your alive and seemingly ok. He quickly shot Rossi a text “ she’s awake, I’m not coming in”
“So what have I missed?” you ask in a slightly raspy voice motioning to the mess of papers on the ground with a slight jesture from your Iv covered hand.
Aaron let’s out an emotionless laugh and looks at the floor for a quick second before joining your eyes.
“It hasn’t even been an hour and you already want to talk about work?”
“I will talk about anything Aaron,” you say defeated. You just wanted to hear his voice, hold his hand and… sleep. It seemed odd how tired you for how long you had just slept.
“, please just talk” you can feel your impulse to cry is peeking through. He can hear it in your voice.
He has been so worried about your physical condition he hasn’t even thought of the damage it had done to your mind. You were scared out of your mind and in pain.
He knew how to comfort you through words.
“Ok my love, ok.” He kissed your hand and began describing the case the files scattered on the floor held.
Everyonce in a while you would ask a question like “ what did the ME say?” Or “ do you beleive him?” Just like at the round table in the bau. Now you just had to close your eyes and imagine it.
There was a smile across hotches face, he explained more as he picked up and read the folders.
Eventually you fell asleep.
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ahedderick · 2 months
Silver scissors
Sometimes I'm just going about a normal day and I suddenly remember the silver scissors. They were cold, moving up the side of my ribcage. Hold up:
The summer I was four I got run over. My parents had loud hysterics (and, yeah, I have to let them have that one) and drove me to the ER right away. In the ER, after the nurses tried to tell my mother to settle down, someone got a look at the big tractor-tire-print across my abdomen, and they suddenly got a lot more serious. I was gently laid on a table for an x-ray, and they cut my clothes off. From the ankle on up to my neckline; I'll never forget the feel of the scissors. For the longest time, the words 'silver' and 'cold' were synonyms in my mind. Children's clothes were different in the 70s, and not nearly as 'childish' or rainbow-y as they are now. The shirt I had on had dark olive-green stripes. I can remember being terrified that I would get in trouble for ruining my shirt. I was squished, bruised, and had both hips dislocated, but my primary concern was getting in trouble. Which, hmm.
The x-ray showed no broken bones or visible organ damage, just the dislocated hips. The doctor reviewed things and decided, in his wisdom, to inform my mother that I was going to die; that there was nothing they could do but keep me comfortable until I passed. "This is not a survivable injury."
I lived. Bitch. Three days later they sent me home. I don't believe the ruined shirt was ever an issue. They didn't want to feed me anything, because of the internal damage they assumed I had, but I did get a sherbet cup at some point, and it made quite an impression on me. I got zero actual medical care (after the x-ray). The seventies were a wild, weird time.
All of this brought to you by the fact that I saw a video clip of Ernie from Sesame Street, and he had a very drab, kinda-ugly striped shirt on.
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"get me a damned matcha" | Chapter 16: September II
{{ Chapter 15: August II | Chapter 17: October II }} Chapter Directory
this is honestly my fave chapter tbh, i've had it written since may
if you wanna get tagged for updates, fill out this form here!
✧ pairing ➼ levi ackerman x fem!reader, college x coffee shop x roommates!au ✧ summary ➼ After you find yourself plagued with misfortune due to struggles in your personal and family life, you find yourself needing to move last minute. As a junior in undergrad with little money and little social support, you considered yourself lucky when you found a sublease that was close to campus and was relatively cheap. Unfortunately, it seemed that your roommate did not seem to be so excited regarding your presence. ✧ content/warnings ➼ fluff, slowburn, mutual pining, idiots in love, car accident, explicit descriptions of injury, blood, explicit descriptions of panic, explicit descriptions of being overstimulated (in a bad way) ✧ word count ➼ ~6.3k
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The events of the past month went unaddressed. Although part of it was due to the two of you avoiding each other, the biggest reason was simply because you were out of town. Paradis University had enrolled in an annual conference for aspiring authors to attend in their junior or senior year. You didn't make it in last year because of the chaos surrounding Zack and moving, so you dropped everything to make sure you were able to go this year to get some networking under your belt.
This resulted in Levi coming home to an empty apartment for the past week. Once again, he found himself feeling defeated whenever he went home and was reminded that you weren't going to be there for the night. He remembered that when you first moved in, he couldn't wait to get rid of you. Now, not having you around felt wrong, as if he was missing a constant in his life.
Being left to his own thoughts whenever he was at home forced him to try to process what had happened two weeks ago. He remembered being in shambles after half of his work that was saved remotely on his computer in lab went down in flames, which would push him back at least another year in terms of graduating. He remembered coming home to see that you had been sitting at the dining table all day, waiting for him. He remembered you hugging him—which was more than enough to throw him into a state of shock (the last time you had hugged him was when you were horrifically drunk)—before kissing him. 
He had kissed you back. 
He knew that. What he didn't know was what this meant. Was it just emotions running high? The whole incident seemed so blurred to him and you just never addressed it afterwards. Not having you around to talk about it was even worse, although he wasn't even sure if he wanted to bring it up. It could've just been a mistake that you two could forget ever happened.
Levi sighed to himself, scowling at the freshly brewed batch of tea that he had restocked to prepare for the evening rush of customers. The sun had just gone down and ominous clouds were beginning to cover the sky. That translated to more people taking shelter in the café, which meant more work for him.
Good, it'd at least take his mind off of you, although his eyebrows furrowed as he wondered when you'll arrive home, given the incoming storm. He knew it didn't matter in the end. He'd be up regardless. The real question was if that shared kiss was worth bringing up.
As he pondered over if he wanted to subject himself to that conversation, he was distracted by the buzzing of his phone in his pocket. He pulled out his phone and saw that it was Marlo calling.
What the hell does that kid want?
He pressed the answer button and brought his phone up to his ear.
"What?" Levi asked in an irritated fashion. "I thought you didn't get back until tomorrow."
Levi's facial expression quickly transitioned from an irate one to a horrified one as Marlo quickly spoke to him over the phone. The young man was talking so fast that it was nearly incomprehensible, with clear panic present in his voice, which was further muffled by the sound of the wind coming through the phone, which indicated that he was outside. 
As soon as Marlo said the words "car accident", Levi's eyes widened and his face drained of color.
You and Marlo were carpooling to and from the conference together.
"I know you're roommates and I didn't know who else to call," Marlo continued to speak as Levi remained silent. "_____'s unconscious and I can't get her to wake up and I don't even know if she's breathing and-"
"What the fuck are you calling me for?" Levi said in a monotonous tone. "Call the ambulance already, you idiot."
Levi began to walk towards the staff locker room, untying his apron as he continued to speak into the phone.
"I'll be there in ten."
He hung up the phone and momentarily looked at the call log that popped up, with his eyes out of focus, indicating that he wasn't actually processing what it was that was on the screen. Levi stood still in front of his locker for a while, unable to put his phone down or put his apron away, being completely paralyzed at the situation that had just been dropped onto him.
"Shit," he muttered to himself, pulling himself out of his stupor.
Suddenly feeling an incredible sense of urgency, Levi threw his apron into his locker, grabbed his wallet and car keys and rushed out of the café towards his own car.
Focusing on the road felt impossible. The storm had come down in full force, limiting the visibility of the road, and Levi couldn't get his own heart rate to calm down. He had told Marlo that he'd get there in ten minutes, but it became closer to twenty due to the storm. If Marlo was telling the truth in that he didn't know if you were breathing, Levi could be much too late by the time he arrived.
He continued to curse at himself as more and more time passed. He had foolishly been wondering if he wanted to bring up something as innocent as a kiss once you got home when you had actually been in a car crash that could possibly take your life. It felt trivial to be stressed over something as small as a kiss. He gripped at the steering wheel upon realizing that, depending on your state once he found you, addressing whatever was going on between the two of you might not be a reality. He could be too late. 
He wouldn't have the chance to explore that with you, instead only being left with a sense of regret for not bringing it up sooner.
His eyes that were fixated on the road darted around his field of vision, keeping an eye out for the red and blue flashing lights that indicated the presence of an ambulance. He felt his breathing begin to destabilize the longer he drove without the siren of an ambulance in the distance. 
Maybe they had already gotten to you and were on their way with you to the hospital. That would be the best case scenario.
His heart dropped once he arrived at the location that Marlo had sent him. No ambulance had arrived. Marlo's totaled car had its emergency blinkers on and Levi could see that there were parts from the front bumper strewn about the ground. The main frame of the car was completely bent in and the passenger side of the car was caved in. 
Levi immediately turned on his own blinkers and got out of the car, holding his hand over his head in an attempt to at least keep the rainwater out of his eyes as he sprinted over to Marlo. 
Marlo himself seemed fine, save for a few scratches, but he definitely looked panicked. 
Levi felt his panic and anxiety only continue to increase as his eyes searched for where you were, his eyes immediately snapping to the passenger's seat once Marlo pointed out where you were. 
Marlo was saying something, but none of it was processed by Levi as he stumbled through the wreckage to get to where you were. Once he finally reached the door, he tugged on it to pry it open after it had gotten stuck due to the main frame of the car caving in. 
He let out a sharp exhale once he saw you.
Your side of the car had gotten directly hit and your airbag had failed to pop out. You were leaning forward with your head against the dash, your arm was bent at an odd angle, and blood was gushing out of your nose and down your face from a wound that Levi couldn't begin to attempt to identify.
He could tell that you weren't hurt anywhere else. None of your chest and abdominal regions seemed to have been punctured and weren't bleeding, but he had no idea how bad your head injury was. He could understand why Marlo had panicked. 
He wasn't processing anything around him. He didn't feel the rain falling on him, hear the thunder crashing above him, or even see anything that wasn't the sight of you leaning forward in that car after having smashed your head against the dashboard. Panic only continued to build in his gut and it took everything in him to pull himself back into reality.
"Shit," he said out loud as he pulled out his phone, shakily dialing for the ambulance again. 
After placing his phone back into his pocket, he leaned forward and stepped over some of the debris and placed one hand on the nape of your neck and used the other to gently push you away from the dash, his breath getting caught in his throat once he saw your head bob to the side. He got a closer look at your arm and was able to deduce that your arm was certainly broken, but he still had no idea how bad your head injury actually was. There was certainly more blood dripping down your face than he had initially expected.
"_____?" he called for you, raising his voice so that you would be able to hear him over the pouring rain. 
You didn't stir, but he was now close enough that he could see your chest rise and fall. You were still breathing. That at least meant you were still alive. 
He felt himself exhale in relief at that one positive fact amongst the ocean of negatives around him.
Levi gently shook at your shoulder in a vain attempt to wake you.
Open your eyes. Come on, _____, open your fucking eyes.
You weren't waking.
"_____!" he called out again, feeling his breath hitch as he saw the extent that you were continuing to bleed from your head wound.
Knowing that you weren't going to wake, he looped one arm under your legs and the other around your shoulders, propping your head up against his chest as he lifted you out of the car. He glanced down at the blood on your face that was mixing in with the rain water and he felt his own heart rate only continue to rise. His shirt was soaked in the mixture that was your blood and the rain water falling down on him. Your hair was matted and stuck to your head from the bleeding. 
The worst part was that there was still no sign of an approaching ambulance.
"Fuck!" he yelled out.
He immediately turned around and began carrying you back to his car. 
"Stay here so you can report what happened when the police decide to actually get their asses here," he spoke to Marlo as he walked past him. "Keep me updated."
Levi slowly lowered your legs down to free his hand to open up the passenger side door for you, taking care to not put too much pressure on your broken arm. He reclined the seat all the way back and then lifted you into the seat, immediately rushing to the driver's side once you were secure. 
He immediately turned on the engine and drove off as soon as he shut the driver's door, desperately trying to deduce the fastest route to the hospital. The last time he drove around in this state was when he had gone looking for you during the New Year's Eve party. The exact scenario that was happening in front of him—finding you injured, in trouble, or hurt—kept playing through his head during that night. Relief fell upon him when that reality didn't come to fruition.
That sense of relief felt stupid now. 
"You better stay with me, you goddamned brat," he mumbled as he glanced over at you, his grip on the steering wheel tightening as he pressed down on the gas pedal to speed his way over to the hospital as quickly as he could.
He couldn't tell if the wetness was from the blood or rainwater. He had taken off his jacket that was drenched in rainwater (or blood, he couldn't tell). 
Levi currently stared at himself in the mirror of one of the private bathrooms in the hospital. He didn't want to wander into a public one in the state that he was in. 
He was absolutely filthy. His hands, arms, and shirt were covered in blood. He had spent the past five minutes desperately trying to wash away the blood on his hands and arms, but he couldn't get all of it off. Even if he could, it would do little to ease his distress. He had continued to scrub harder and harder in a vain attempt to not only wash off the blood, but also the stupidly uncomfortable feeling that was building in his chest and throat upon seeing your blood that had dried onto him. 
He had scrubbed until his arms were raw, yet the blood stains were still there and his distress had not shown any signs of dissipating. 
He gripped at the sink and tightly shut his eyes. Everything was setting his senses on overdrive. His eyes hurt from the bright hospital lights, his skin hurt from the scrubbing and the feeling of his wet clothes clinging onto him, his head hurt from hearing the whirring of the ventilation above him and from the smell of hospital cleaners permeating his nose. He felt nauseated and wanted to throw up. He couldn't stop his shaking. Every breath he took felt like he was inhaling fire. Even the loose strands of hair that rested upon his forehead felt like they were stabbing into him. 
He had rushed you into the emergency room as soon as he had arrived and felt both a sense of relief and dread once they took you away. He was relieved that you were finally getting help, but also hated not being by your side. He had no idea if you were going to be okay. You were breathing and alive, sure, but he had no idea if you would wake and what state you would be in when you woke. 
He felt so stupid for holding back on discussing any of the intimate emotions that arose when he was around you, and even moreso when he recalled the fact that he had tried to push you away. He still didn't know what it was, but he knew it was something—and now he might never get the chance to figure out what that something was. 
Levi slowly opened his eyes again and looked at his reflection. He really was a mess. He took a shaky inhale in an attempt to calm himself down. He couldn't last the night in this state and he needed to be by you when you woke up—if you woke up.
He felt his breathing destabilize again upon having that thought.
Shit, get yourself together.
He tried again to take a breath in.
Breath in for four.
Hold for four.
Out for four.
Hold for four.
After a few more rounds of box-breathing, Levi was finally able to loosen his grip on the sink. He felt weak and his lips looked pale. He hadn't eaten anything since the afternoon before he left for his shift and it was now approaching 10pm, but he knew that he wouldn't be able to keep anything down until he knew if you were okay.
He slowly walked out of the bathroom, silently thanking the heavens that the waiting room was mostly empty. He didn't know how well he'd be able to cope with people walking around and talking next to him. Every additional sound was only contributing to his headache.
Levi collapsed into one of the chairs that was close to the operating room so he could be prepared when someone came out to inform him of your condition. One hand was rapidly tapping on the armrest of the chair and he found himself biting at his nails on the other—something he's never found himself to do. He only recalled resorting to it in an attempt to calm his anxiety down once—when he was waiting to hear back about his mother before she passed.
He remembered calling the ambulance when his mother had fainted after weeks of being sick and weak, kneeling next to her as the ambulance took much too long to arrive at his home. He remembered sitting in the waiting room of the hospital, regularly going up to the front desk asking if she was going to be okay. She wasn't. 
He was only eight at the time—and here he was, nearly 15 years later, feeling like he had regressed back into the body of that small child that kept on begging to himself that his mother had survived and being devastated when she didn't. He didn't know if he could go through that again.
Every second that passed was agonizing. He needed to know. He wouldn't be able to rest until he knew. Part of him wanted to just assume that you were dead so that he wouldn't be as devastated when they delivered bad news, but that itself was already too painful for him to bear.
After what felt like an eternity, he finally heard footsteps approaching from the operating room.
"Mr...Ackerman, was it?" someone spoke as they flipped through some papers on a clipboard.
Levi's eyes shot up at the doctor that had approached him.
"Y-Y..." Levi began speaking and found that his words weren't coming out properly, immediately clearing his throat to gather himself. "Yes."
The doctor looked at him and then back to the forms that had your information listed on it.
"Are you her boyfriend, I assume? She had you listed as her emergency contact." 
"What?" Levi asked, his eyes widening at both the fact that you had listed him as your emergency contact and at the doctor's somewhat absurd question. "No, I'm her roommate."
The doctor noticed his reaction.
"My mistake," they said, lowering the clipboard. "She just didn't have anyone else listed, so I assumed. That's my bad."
Levi had known about what happened with your parents and your turbulent relationship with your aunt, so he wasn't too surprised at the fact that you had listed him as your emergency contact. However, he would have assumed that you would have put Petra or Oluo instead of him. If he wasn't so freaked out about this entire situation, he might have even felt flattered.
Levi listened closely as the doctor discussed your injuries with him. He was correct in that you had a broken arm, the doctor had mentioned that it had been fractured in the accident, but should heal in a month as long as you didn't injure it again. You had a sprained ankle that should heal within a week. The most concerning injury was your head injury. The doctor mentioned that they did a CT scan and said that you had a "mild traumatic brain injury", which immediately caused Levi to tense up. 
"Fortunately, it was mild enough that she should have a speedy recovery and doesn't need to be held here for prolonged observation, but I would suggest the two of you be on the lookout for any developments."
Levi nodded as the doctor spoke, feeling himself able to gradually calm down after the doctor only listed non-fatal injuries. You were going to be okay.
"We'll probably keep her until the morning when she wakes so we can do a mental status exam, but she should be good to go home afterwards."
Levi sat back down in the chair again once the doctor walked off, holding his head in his hand. The sudden wave of relief that overtook him was almost as bad as the distress that he had been feeling for the past few hours.
Thank fuck you're okay, you annoying ass brat.
The last thing you remembered was the blaring horn of a pickup truck that had slammed into your side of the car. There was nothing after that.
Your head felt like it was trying to explode from the inside out. It made it so that you felt nauseated and even attempting to open your eyes seemed to prolong the pain. There was an annoyingly persistent beeping sound next to you that made it feel like there was a hammer pounding at your head every time you heard it.
Your arm felt even worse. You felt like you had gotten punched in the shoulder, except the pain radiated throughout your entire arm. You tried to lift it to maybe stretch it out to normalize the pain, but even your slight movement made a surge of pain shoot through you in such an intense wave that you wanted to cry. 
You finally peeled your eyes open and found yourself staring at the ceiling of an unfamiliar room. You weren't in your room. You weren't in your living room. You had no idea where you were. You looked down and saw a pulse oximeter attached to your left index finger and that your right arm was tightly held in a cast.
Your eyes widened and you looked over to the side at a sight that was definitely unfamiliar to you.
You saw Levi sitting at the side of your bed, looking down at the ground with a grim expression. You looked towards your night stand and saw three empty coffee cups, indicating that he had literally stayed up all night watching over you.
He suddenly raised his head as he heard you shuffling around, taking a deep breath once he saw your eyes looking back at him.
He scoffed as he shook his head at you.
"About fucking time," he said in an annoyed tone. 
You couldn't see it, but his nails had been digging into his hands for the majority of the night, and it wasn't until now that he had been able to release his clenched fists. The events of the past 12 hours had put him in a state that he hasn't experienced since childhood.
He saw you try to push yourself up and he immediately stood up, placing his hand on your back to help push you up so that you were sitting.
Your cheeks flushed up as soon as he came over to you and even more so when he placed his hand on your back. He was being oddly caring and it made you suspicious.
"Lev', where are we? What happened?"
Levi sat back down once you were up and stable.
"You were in a car accident, _____."
Your eyes went in and out of focus as you listened to Levi explain everything that had happened the previous night. He spoke about how he found you unconscious in the middle of the storm and had to drive you to the hospital himself. When you looked at him again, you saw that his shirt and pants were stained in red, which you deduced to be your own blood. 
He had been here literally all night. 
"And that's why I had to spend all night dragging your ass to the hospital," he finally ended and you grimaced at the irritation that you could hear in his voice. He was mad. You could tell that he was mad.
"...I'm sorry," you said, which earned you a bewildered look from Levi.
What the hell are you apologizing for? he thought.
"I'm sorry you had to go out of your way for that."
Levi scoffed and shook his head.
"You're such a dumbass."
"What?" you asked, unsure what he was referring to.
"Nothing," he said as he stood up. "I'm going to grab the doctor since you finally decided to wake up. Don't move."
"Not like I can move anyway."
Levi grunted as he turned away and walked out the door, the corner of his mouth twitching up slightly into a small smirk. The presence of your normally irritating sass indicated that you were okay and for the most part functional, which was all that mattered to him in this moment.
After being observed for 24 hours at the hospital, you were finally discharged and able to go home. The biggest concern was your head injury, so once it became clear that you didn't have a concussion, the doctor said that you were good to go, but to also keep an eye out for any signs that might reappear once you get home and to come back if they do. 
Levi walked closely behind you as you navigated your way down the hall towards the door to your apartment on crutches. You were technically able to walk, but were told not to until your ankle healed. 
He stepped forward to unlock and open the door for you and you immediately went for the kitchen table, collapsing down into one of the chairs, letting out an exasperated sigh. Everything was shit right now. You had a sprained ankle and a broken arm, and this was the first time you had been home in a week.
You weren't sure when, but your life living in this small apartment with Levi had quickly become somewhere you considered to be home.
"You'll let me know if you start feeling dizzy or any of that, yeah?" Levi asked, taking a seat next to you.
Although you were here in front of him now, he felt like his body still hadn't fully processed what had happened. He remembered just how panicked he was when he was waiting at the hospital and he still felt like there was another shoe that was going to be dropped. Something was going to happen where you fell and hurt yourself again or a symptom indicating a concussion would appear when he wasn't around to help you. He couldn't help but feel that he was still holding his breath for whatever follow-up disaster was going to occur.
You nodded, shutting one eye in pain as you tried to adjust yourself in the chair. Your entire body still ached and you knew you needed to move or at least do something to distract yourself from it.
"Where's my laptop?" you asked, opening your eye again.
Levi raised an eyebrow at you.
"Are you seriously thinking of doing work the day you get out of the hospital?"
"Where is my laptop?" you repeated, not being in the mood to suffer through Levi's attitude.
Levi sighed and leaned back in the chair.
"Marlo is coming to drop it off along with the rest of your things later tonight."
He frowned as he saw you tense up at his comment.
"How the hell am I supposed to catch up on my work-"
"Are you serious?" Levi snapped, cutting you off. "You're so stupid."
Your tenacity and stubbornness never failed to impress him. You literally had a life-or-death scenario and you were sitting in your kitchen worrying about missed schoolwork. 
His eyes darted over to you as he saw an offended look appear on your face. He immediately looked away, an uncomfortable feeling growing in his chest at the thought of hurting you.
Since when did he start caring so damn much about that?
"Get your ass on the couch and rest," he said, motioning over towards the living room before getting up. "I'll get you something to eat that's not the shitty hospital food."
The next 2-3 weeks primarily involved Levi helping you adjust to and heal from your injuries, which involved helping you in and out of bed, bringing you food, and generally helping you move around. He'd wake you up each morning with your coconut milk Matcha without fail, bringing a small smile to your face every time you took a sip.
After 3 weeks, you were able to take your arm out of the outer casing to move your shoulder around, but you still had to be careful to not move it too far or too quickly to avoid reinjuring it. Any symptoms of a possible concussion had long faded and moving your ankle became easier with each passing day. 
If you had to choose, the most annoying part was your inability to write. You remembered a point roughly a week after you came home, in which you were sitting in the living room with your bad leg propped up and your laptop sitting in your lap. Levi had been consistently telling you to cut it out whenever you tried to push yourself regarding school, which was made even worse given the fact that you could only type with one hand, significantly slowing you down.
You couldn't afford to be out of commission for a whole month. You sat in front of your computer, desperate for words to come out, and frustrated beyond belief at how slow your typing became due to your right arm being dysfunctional. You quietly groaned as you rubbed your head in pain. You needed more caffeine, and you were already past your third cup of coffee for the day.
"_____," you heard Levi call out from the dining area.
You didn't acknowledge him, only continuing to stare at your laptop screen as you tried to type as quickly as you could with your left hand.
You heard him sigh as he walked over and took your laptop from you, setting it down on the coffee table. 
"Cut it out," he said before you could protest, referring to you constantly pushing yourself past your limits when you were still trying to heal. "I'm sick of having to tell you this shit."
You knew that he was right. You couldn't realistically get any work done with the state that you were in, but you didn't want to just lay around either.
With the more days that passed, the more you became frustrated with your inability to take care of yourself that was compounded by Levi essentially hovering over you to make sure that you were okay. It was obnoxious and you relished any time you could actually have to yourself without your overbearing roommate watching your every move.
You currently found yourself laying in bed, glancing at the small ray of sunshine that peaked in through the curtains. You needed to get out of the house. You had been cooped in all week. While you were still supposed to be using your crutches, walking had gotten a bit less painful, which gave you hope that you could maybe go for a "walk" down the street.
You pushed yourself up off the bed, swinging your legs over the side, careful not to put too much pressure on your barely healed arm.
However, the unfortunate timing of when you pushed yourself up versus when you swung your legs over clashed with each other and you felt your bad ankle get caught in the blanket right as you moved. The sudden surge of pain briefly made you disoriented, which was more than enough to send you tumbling to the ground.
You whimpered in pain as you landed on your left shoulder (which was not the injured one, thankfully). Landing on your side also meant that you avoided hitting your head on anything. A dull ache radiated throughout your body as you rolled over onto your back. Every movement you made sent another wave of pain through you, which elicited more quiet groans of pain from you.
You tried to push yourself up, but you had nothing to grab onto and it hurt your arm too much to keep pushing yourself up. Your abs cried in pain whenever you tried to sit up on your own. You were stuck on the ground.
"Shit," you whispered to yourself. 
You knew the best course of action was to call Levi for help, but you had been so annoyed with his presence recently, that you'd rather lay on the ground and wait for the pain to pass so you could get up yourself.
However, not much time passed before you heard rushed footsteps approaching your door, and a dejected sigh escaped your lips.
You looked over as the door swung open and you saw Levi standing in the doorway with a scowl on his face.
"Hi," you said with a deadpan expression.
"Why the hell didn't you call me?" he asked as he flipped on the light switch, sounding as annoyed as he looked. "How long have you been down there?"
"Not long. I'm fine, Levi."
"No you're not," he said dismissively as he walked to you and helped you get up off the ground.
"I'm not a child, Levi," you said as you sat back down on your bed, rubbing at your left shoulder in pain. "I didn't need your help."
He stared at you, not believing a single word you were saying.
"So you're telling me you were just hugging the ground for the hell of it?"
He waited for you to come up with a snarky response or excuse as to why you were on the ground after he had heard a thud come from your room that didn't involve you tumbling out of your bed involuntarily. 
You didn't have one.
"Dumbass," he finally said. "Stay here."
You sat in your bed with an exasperated expression as you watched Levi walk out of your room after opening up the curtains so that you could get some sunlight. You heard him fumble around in the kitchen for a few minutes before he finally came back to your room with a cup of tea, setting it down on the nightstand next to you. His other hand held your computer, which you found oddly endearing for him to bring to you since he's been trying so hard to get you to not work on anything related to school.
"Could've gotten that myself," you grumbled.
"Could you have?" 
You rolled your eyes. Your arm cast was off, so you were able to move your arm around, although it still wasn't completely healed. You waved your arm to show him that you were functional, but then winced as you moved your arm a bit too far back, which earned you another surge of pain running up your arm. 
Levi stared at you with an unamused look as he watched you blatantly hurt yourself again.
"Quit looking at me like that," you said, frowning. "I can take care of myself. Arm's healed for the most part. I can walk without those stupid crutches now. I-"
"Can you just shut the fuck up so you can heal from this shit already?" Levi scolded, cutting you off, getting sick of your commentary.
"I don't need you hovering over me 24/7, Levi!"
"Tch. Tell me that when you go for a day without falling on your ass at some point."
He glanced at you again and saw that you were scowling at him.
"I can take care of myself," you said, clenching your fists in frustration, "so quit wasting your time feeling like you have to watch over me."
Levi remained quiet for a few seconds as he turned away, averting his gaze. 
He spoke quietly.
"I just don't want to lose you again, you dumbass."
It had been a few weeks since the accident at this point, yet that feeling of waiting for the other shoe to drop never left. Levi still felt like any minute, something else would happen and you'd slip from his grasp. He couldn't get over the feeling of his heart absolutely sinking once he saw your condition in the wreckage or how he had relentlessly scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed until his arms were raw in that hospital bathroom in a desperate attempt to scrub away all of the chaos running through his mind as he waited for you in the operating room. He felt that if he had slipped up in any way, something would happen, and you would have to pay the price for it.
"Shit," he mumbled. "Why do you have to do this to me, _____?"
"Do what?"
He looked down at his hands, remembering the sight of them after he dropped you off at the hospital. The events of that stormy night kept running through his head, as if he was trapped in it. 
Levi looked back up into your eyes. You were here in front of him, awake and breathing—the opposite of when he found you in that car, unconscious, bleeding, with unstable breathing patterns. You were here. You were okay. He had no reason to still feel as panicked as he was, yet he did.
Before you could open your mouth to speak, he reached out to you, closing the gap between you, and planting his lips onto yours. His hand rested at the side of your face as he held you.
You tensed at first at the sudden gesture, but quickly relaxed into it as you kissed him back, placing your hand on top of his.
He pulled back from you and avoided your gaze as he whispered:
"I can't lose you again." 
You noticed him gripping at your bedsheets with his other hand and the pieces clicked together for you.
It wasn't that he thought you couldn't take care of yourself or that you were incompetent. He'd been so overbearing because he was afraid of losing you. You had guessed to an extent how rough that night must have been for him, but you had no idea about the magnitude of just how bad it was.
You felt your bed shift as he got up and your hands trailed off him as he pulled away.
"I'll be in the living room," he said quietly, still avoiding your gaze. "Call me if something happens again."
You reached out to him as he walked away.
"Levi, wait-!"
Your bedroom door was shut before you could finish your plea for him to come back, and you fell silent.
#: @levisbrat25 @gothgril69 @sckerman @berrijam @notgoodforlife @meowjaa @averysmolbear @roseofdarknessblog @bejewelledd @hhighkey @ayame236 @sad-darksoul @velouria17 @kamyru @l1zk4 @layenacreates @lamees004 @whoami-72 @highgoon69 @chaotic-on-main @levishotgf @nube55 @chosos-mascara @heichoucleanfreak @svftackerman @v4mp-wife @moonchild-angel @astri-ackerman @auriuswolve @noctemys
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one-time-i-dreamt · 5 months
I ran over Elon Musk with a Tesla, then backed up over him so I could apologize.
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33max · 6 months
🐝 paper thin
Max breaks his leg in a horror crash while driving GT3s. It’s a really bad break, the bone is pretty much shattered, he needs surgery, and the doctors won’t give him a timeline for driving F1 again. They just keep saying it will be a long recovery, Max has to take it slowly, there is a lot to accomplish before he can drive again.
Nobody actually tells Max, but he knows, it’s an if he drives again, not a when.
At first he’s determined to prove everyone wrong, he’ll be driving again soon, he can do anything he puts his mind to.
But then weeks pass, and there is so little progress, that Max’s determination starts to die. He’s been laid up for weeks, watching Liam race in his place, and it’s starting to become unbearable.
It starts with little things. Like dropping the fucking remote and being unable to pick it back up because of the full leg cast. Like trying to jerk off and losing his boner half way through. Like having to ask Daniel to come over and help him put his sweats on.
And then becomes big things. Like not answering anyone’s messages. Not getting involved with team redline stuff anymore.
And after a while Max is seriously depressed. He doesn’t have racing, therefore he has nothing. He starts thinking If I can’t drive again I don’t want to be here.
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three--rings · 1 year
So today I was driving to my dnd game as I do every week, in my husband's brand new car, and someone crossed in their car right in front of me when I was going full speed. I barely had time to hit the brake before I hit him.
Let me tell you a full impact wreck at highway speeds, with all the airbags going off is an experience. Not a good one.
I stopped finally on the side of the road, having taken out a metal sign post as well, opened my door and crawled under the inflated side air bag to get out of the car, grabbing my phone on the way, my brain telling me it was Important Somehow.
I was super dazed and in shock, unable to answer questions for a minute, but I knew right away my right ankle was hurt.
Eventually police and then EMT arrived and took me to the ER. Where after being swarmed by people intent on getting me naked, after begging them not to cut off my dress that I sewed myself, I was eventually diagnosed with a broken bone in my heel.
It still took many hours of tests before they would let me go, yet they totally missed the injured ribs I definitely have.
Anyway, I'm home now and have been dealing with a truly ridiculous amount of pain and many things are very bad, but I'm alive and I only hurt my foot (and probably some ribs), which is thanks to modern cart technology.
Our new car is doubtless totaled, which sucks but also it probably saved my life or my health.
So uh, hope everyone is having better days than me. It's hard to keep in mind how lucky I am when I'm screaming in agony but uh, I guess I am. (Also for some reason I've just discovered putting my foot down on the ground helps the pain which is sus but hey.)
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lazyapperence9754 · 11 months
all current existing AUs I’ve made
if curiosity gets to you, just ask about any of them.
Dark (gore, suicide, body horror, blood, violent themes, etc.) :❗️
Mild (Mixed) : 🌀
Happy (no dark themes) : 🔅
1 SillyKel!au ❗️
2 Supernatural!au ❗️
3 VeryBadEnding!au ❗️
4 TheTwoBirdsWhoFell!au ❗️
5 DogFight!au ❗️
6 SelfInsert!au 🌀
7 BurningStar!au ❗️
8 TheTwoOfUs!au ❗️
9 Drowner!au 🌀
10 Nuclear!au 🌀
11 Flower!au ❗️
12 Hikikio!au 🌀
13 Aquatic!au 🔅
15 HollowKnight!au 🌀
16 Mermate!au 🌀
17 Unidentified!au ❗️
18 Storybook!au ❗️
19 Disfigured!au ❗️
20 God!au 🌀
21 Apocalypse!au ❗️
22 TheStakesThatSpearHim!au ❗️
23 MagicalGirl!au ❗️
24 Religion!au ❗️
25 KelVerse!au ❗️
26 Omoverse!au ❗️
27 Hellmori!au ❗️
28 Alleyways!au ❗️
29 FaceStealer!au ❗️
30 Watcher!au ❗️
31 Runaway!au ❗️
32 MentalFacility!au ❗️
33 Pidgin!au 🌀
34 SomethingChanged!au 🌀
35 Caretaker!au ❗️
36 Ballistic!au ❗️
37 Winged!au 🔅
38 Animal!au 🔅
39 TheCursedLake!au ❗️
40 Doll!au ❗️
41 BlackSpaceTakeover!au ❗️
42 Experiment!au ❗️
43 Nymph!au 🌀
44 Cellar!au ❗️
45 Home!au ❗️
46 ColorTheory!au 🔅
47 BadHero!au ❗️
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cookiesupplier · 23 days
Every Rose Has Its Thorns - Part Fifty-Four
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pairing: Ricky Olson x ofc x Chris 'Motionless' Cerulli
warnings/tropes: slow burn, soulmates, strangers to enemies to lovers, betrayal, angst, fluff, smut, language, online bullying, panic attacks, stalking, mental health issues, conspiracy theories, car accident, injuries.
summary: In a world where soulmates inexplicably receive a tattoo that will match that of their soulmate the moment they turn eighteen years old, being famous and covered in very visible tattoos can make finding your true soulmate a questionable fate. For everyone involved.
author’s note: Trigger Warning for Car Accident/Injuries Descriptions. Yes, okay, another cliff hanger, but we're getting so close! Hold on! Unbeta'd, as usual. author's note 2: Sorry this was going to go up yesterday but I had a family emergency... um, I will finish Roses, but once I have I will be taking a little bit of a personal fic hiatus again.
To read from the beginning, check out the Masterlist Here!
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tags: @faceless-mirror @missduffsblog @tamtam-elizabeth @witchyweeb34 @tearfallpixie
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@sunsshinesunny @spicywhenspeaking @dontdiganothergravetoday @chick-from-nz @latenightmusiclover
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Talia was feeling high as a kite right now, the thrill and excitement that was running through her veins was just amazing, and she couldn’t thank Chris enough for planning all of this. Yes, she knew she had to thank Ava and Vinny too, those two had been cheeky enough to help him, keeping the secret from her and Ricky. Keeping it from Ricky she got, the whole party had been for his birthday, but her, he was so ridiculous, she kind of loved that about him though, she absolutely loved that about him. He might be ridiculous sometimes, but he was their kind of ridiculous, and that just made him perfect. 
She dropped off Jordan and Kyle at their hotel, with the promise of brunch tomorrow, it made having to say goodbye to them now a lot less painful knowing that she wasn’t just getting only one day with them. That was always the hardest part when friends visited from long distance, wasn’t it, saying goodbye? Talia knew when their vacation was up, it was going to just rip at her heart strings. At the same time, knowing that her friendship with both of them was so strong that they were willing to come all this way here? How could she not love them to pieces! Yes, she knew in her heart that she missed them already, and they weren’t even gone yet. Talia could already see herself visiting them sometimes while Chris and Ricky were on tour, no, she wasn’t going to assume she’d be going on tour with them as Ava had. Maybe sometimes, but she could tell you now, that would be suffocating for weeks on end, from all the videos she’d seen over the years, she knew how insane it could get. Just the weeks Ava had been with them, she still didn’t know how she’d come out unscathed, but oh she was glad she did!
Driving home, making note to herself to call Ava when she got home, to thank both her and Vinny for their help with Chris. She’d thanked them both earlier, but it didn’t feel enough, nothing felt enough after today, not after how she’d felt strung out, and so uncertain, up and down. Then, today, it had just made everything feel right again.
Now, Talia always drove carefully, she tried to, but being on her own and seeing the other car coming at her, she felt nothing but such a surge of anxiety, who wouldn’t? She barely had a moment to yank the steering wheel to the side to try to veer the car away from the path of the other. The moment she did, she knew there would be no hope that it would work, the best she could do was try to limit the impact as the car came careening at her. A scream sounded through the air, and it took her too long before she even realised that the sound was being ripped raw from her own throat, as she gripped onto the steering wheel for dear life.
It was with complete horror that Talia found that her world felt like it was a whirlwind, everything was tumbling over and over in a tunnel until she was gasping for breath. 
There was a point that she realised the reason could not breathe, was caused by the pressure of the seatbelt strapped across her chest strapping her into her seat and holding her down in place. It felt like it was cutting into her body with how tight it was, almost cutting into her collarbone and shoulder. That was when she registered that she was hanging upside down in her car, and her seatbelt was all that was holding her in place. Her car had rolled, and she was hanging overturned in the very seat of her car, what, what the hell had just happened?
“Oh, oh my god- I- I can’t-”
Gasping for breath, it hurt to breath, but when she went to reach for her belt to try and release herself from her seat so she could maybe reach for her phone. Maybe even attempt to escape entirely so she could get out of the car, her window was completely obliterated, so that wasn’t a problem anymore. Her hands were fumbling as she was trying to get her belt undone, dammit, looking around for her phone, maybe if she could reach it?
“Phone, phone… Shit…”
That was when she saw where her phone had fallen, and the condition that it was in, it was as smashed as her window. It was sitting on the roof of her car, obviously currently on the ground, completely destroyed. Swallowing, she could taste blood, fuck, no, no she didn’t want to think about that, she just wanted to get out and try to stay calm, calm. Seat belt, focus on her seat belt. Talia took in a deep, slow breath, as much as she could, steeling herself before she managed to get her belt unhooked and finally released. Talia felt her body give into gravity, crumpling down, crying out in pain as she slammed painfully into the roof of her car. Panting as she just laid there, knowing she needed to move, she needed to keep moving, or she wouldn’t, she would just lay there, but she couldn’t as she didn’t even know if someone would find her. 
Blinking her eyes, she lifted her head from the floor, the roof, of her car, she could feel stickiness dripping down the side of her face, lifting her hand to touch her cheek and, oh, oh, she was bleeding. Groan she needed to move, and now. Pushing herself up as much as she could, she crawled herself out of her car, through the broken window frame, even if it involved half dragging herself through broken glass and torn metal. Oh god, what, what was she going to do. She needed to get, get… help… but she couldn’t even stand up when she started coughing the more she tried to take in deeper breaths again… Stabbing pain in her chest.
That was when the blood she tasted in her mouth started to coat her tongue, and started to feel thicker, and thicker until she had to spit it out on the ground. Collapsing to the ground as she coughed out more and more blood, passing out to darkness as sirens sounded in the background. 
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Chris was sitting by her bedside, while Talia had made it through her initial surgery, he hadn’t even had the mind to be able to hear all the details when the surgeon had come out to see them. Her knew he should, he knew, but all he could see was her laying so pale, so lifeless in the hospital bed. She was still in critical condition, and he wasn’t sure if they even knew if she was going to wake up, let alone if they’d have to operate again. With Ricky beside him, his hand in his, Chris had Talia’s hand in his other, held so tightly, he didn’t know what he was going to do if he lost her. His eyes felt damp, he didn’t know when he’d started crying, or maybe, if he’d ever stopped since realising that Talia had been in an accident and that this was all happening again. How could this all be happening again…
“Oh, God, Ricky, what are we going to do?”
His hand squeezed the other man’s hand so tightly he was almost certain that he might have broken some of his fingers, but did he complain, no, Ricky didn’t make a sound as he instead felt him squeeze back. 
“What if she doesn’t wake up, she has to wake up.”
He didn’t even feel like himself right now, all he could think about was how much his life had changed since meeting that tiny looking woman in the bed, and she did look so tiny. Laying in that hospital bed, tucked in, with the tubes in and around her body, bandages wrapped all around her so much that in some ways it was almost impossible to tell who she was. He could tell, though, he could tell it was their sweet girl, and not just because of the half rose tattoo still visible on her neck.
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Chris was basically refusing to move from his seat by her bedside, despite everyone suggesting they both go home, get some rest, and if he didn’t leave, Rick wasn’t about to go either. Ricky wasn’t about to go home and leave him here to destroy himself, and he knew while he needed to look after himself, even if it was just one of them, someone had to look after Chris. He was not going to stand by and let him spiral again. So, he got him food, he got him water, and he would stand there and watch over him eat and drink if he absolutely had to. Now getting Chris to sleep was something else, he couldn’t get him to go home, there was no hope of that, and he knew it. Ricky did however manage to get him to sleep on the couch by the window sill to the far side of the private room. He knew it would, and did, destroy the tall singer's back the next day, and Chris didn’t say a single word about it when Ricky had him sitting up and having something to eat for breakfast with him. 
This went on for almost a week. A week that included another two surgeries to repair more of Talia’s internal injuries. Talking to the doctors, as she continued but didn’t wake, she was both stabilising but also running the risk of getting much worse if they didn’t address certain issues. However, if they went back in before she woke up, there were even more risks involved, and it could increase the risks again. This was why they, of course, had left if up to Ricky to decide as her soulmate, whether to wait until she was awake before doing the surgeries, or do them now. Rick had tried to talk to Chris before deciding, he was her soulmate too, he deserved to have a say as well, but half of those conversations had just sent the other into an almost panic attack. All Chris had wanted to know, is if the surgeries would help her wake up, or make her worse… trying to explain, had been… difficult.
What it came down to, was, she needed them, waiting, could kill her, doing them now, could kill her. Ricky had given his permission and two surgeries later, she was still alive, holding on, as strong as ever, that was their Sweetheart & JellyBean. Yes, specifics, no girl, no woman, because that would suggest she could be replaced with just any other girl, or woman, but she couldn’t, and she never would be. 
A week and two surgeries later, that was when the next kick in the teeth happened. The next wrench in the works that had Ricky wanting to stick his head in the sand and wish literally anyone else had to make these decisions. It wasn’t that he wished Chris was in his shoes, he was glad that Chris was by his side. He just hoped Chris didn’t resent him one day for being the one to sign all of these hospital forms if something does happen to Talia from the surgeries. It was just, it was all weighing on him.
What happened? The detectives came back. Ricky had been dreading this, but he knew it would happen. The moment he had heard them bring up Grace, he knew he would be seeing them again, sooner or later. As much as he would prefer later, much, much later, he doubted that he would be so lucky. If he was truthful, he was surprised it had taken them this long. Perhaps, it was the fact that Talia wasn’t awake that had their investigation taken as long as it had. 
He was sitting by Chris and feeling nothing but doom when the arrived and asked to speak with him again. Ricky sighed, this was not what they needed…
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Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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