#ink's flower au
fl00mie · 15 days
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more ink's flower au stuff
sooo this is obviously a reference to that gif in undertale's newsletter lmao, ofc protraying blue as paps cause, here comes my new headcanon about this lovely au, i love to think ink leaves flowey with blue when he's travelling around universes, flowey for sure got attached to him in an instant becauuuse yea papyrus' personality, although he gets embarrased when he sees swap chara bc REASONS (i'll perhaps draw smth about this?)
[ non especially related but these gifs with paps and flowey made me think flowey actually started living with the rest on the surface, at first i though flowey's ending was open AND i think it was (idrk actually ww i left the fandom on like 2019 and i wasn't aware of any undertale content -sort of- until 2 months ago) until this stuff released ]
i'll find time to draw more i swear ink sans by @/comyet underswap by popcornpr1nce undertale by toby father fox
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skyppl-e · 3 months
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oh yeah.... im making aus now.... florist au but al haitham is a part time employee at the plant nursery tighnari owns and kaveh keeps running into him
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stonesandpeaches · 4 months
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flowers and ink ☀️🌻💚
ink -> comyet
sketches, flower names and closeups under the cut hehe
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In order:
Paeonia tenuifolia
Dictamnus albus var. purpureus
Tragopogon pratensis subsp. orientalis
Cichorium intybus
Salvia nemorosa
I particularly chose these since theyre plants found in my country
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thecluelessdoctor · 28 days
ive noticed something.
When sans as a character is written accurately, him in genocide based things is so much more impactful than the thing he was seen as a few years ago.
Like it's not just impactful because it's accurate.It's impactful because he's just... Given up. He's tired. He doesn't care anymore.
Sure, he's sad and a bit pissed about papyrus, but he doesn't try to attack you endless your about to literally, end the world.
It's... So much more sad. He knows he can't do anything, so he doesn't try. It makes him feel even more real, and like a person. Because honestly, if someone you loved was murdered, what would you do?
You can't.. really do anything. And most people won't even TRY to do anything.
It's saddening and so much more impactful than the sans that was popularized by the fandom.
Idk, little thoughts of mine..
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hairstevington · 1 year
flowers and ink (part 1)
Eddie Munson x Steve Harrington
Summary: Steve and Robin work at a flower shop together. One day, the pair decides to get matching tattoos at the place across the street. You can probably guess who their artist turns out to be. (requested by @thereindeerlady)
part two, part three, part four part five part six part seven part eight final part link to Ao3
Word Count: 2.6K
Warnings: This is just cute fluff, nothing too serious, modern day AU, Tattoo Artist!Eddie, platonic soulmates Steve and Robin, also I threw Bob Newby into the mix because I love him
A/N: I'm wrapping up the semester and am finally tackling my request list! Thank you for reading! :)
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Robin applied to Flowers for All because a really pretty girl worked there and Robin needed a reason to go in and talk to her. 
She was hired, then the pretty girl promptly quit. Also, she was straight and engaged to a man. That was a huge bummer.
Still, the job stuck, and since they were down an employee…
“No,” Steve said when she brought it up.
“Please?” Robin begged. “Come on, you hate your job and it’s been forever since we worked together. It would be just like old times and -”
“Robin, we never used to get anything done when we worked together. We were terrible employees.”
That was true, but it did not deter Robin from her master plan. 
“Okay, well so far the only other applicant is the seventeen year old son of the owner who thinks the shop is actually a marijuana dispensary, and there’s no way I’m gonna work with that little twerp -”
“He didn’t take himself from the running when he found out you just sell literal flowers?” Steve asked, amused.
“I think he’s going to set up his own business in the back, honestly,” Robin sighed. “Please, I promise I’ll do everything and you can just hang out and -”
“Okay,” Steve said. 
“Wait, what?” 
Robin wasn’t anticipating he’d agree to it so quickly.
“I said okay. Sure. Fine. Where’s the application?” Steve took his phone from his pocket to find the Flowers for All website. He clicked on the “apply now” button and scrolled through the questions. 
There were basically no requirements. He just had to put in his name (Steve), education (high school), and any experience he’d had with flowers (none), and then boom, submitted. 
He got an email the next day to come in for an interview. Robin was assigned to be the interviewer.
He got the job. 
Eddie started as an apprentice for Ink About It when he was fresh out of high school. It was run by this dorky middle-aged man named Bob, who didn’t have any tattoos and initially seemed mismatched for the profession. Still, Bob was supportive and kind, and he let Eddie grow and thrive in the tattoo shop. He also happened to be amazing at working with clients and was a decent artist. Go figure. 
“Hey, Eds?” Bob asked as he tapped his knuckles on the door. Eddie was on his break, snacking on some chips while watching YouTube on his phone. 
“I was thinking of inviting Joyce’s son here sometime so he could see the place. He’s this great artist, and I think he’d love to meet you and see how we work here.”
“How old is he?” Eddie asked, his eyes still fixed to the screen. 
“He’s seventeen. Just about to graduate high school, can you believe it?”
Eddie didn’t really pay attention when Bob talked about his family. He probably should have listened more, but the man was just so dorky. 
“Okay,” Eddie agreed. He didn’t really want some kid in the shop snooping around, but it wasn’t really his decision. 
“Okay, great,” Bob replied with a smile. When he didn’t leave the room, Eddie knew he had more to say. He shut his phone off and turned to face his boss. “You see, uh. Will’s been having some trouble lately. Bullies and all that. He just came out, you know? And he’s a great kid. He’s so great, and some people at school are just - well, they’re bullies.”
Eddie didn’t really know where Bob was going with this. 
“That sucks,” Eddie acknowledged. “I remember when I came out, people said all kinds of shit - I mean, uh, stuff. Sorry.”
“That’s kinda why I’m telling you about it,” Bob said, shifting his weight on his feet nervously. “I think Will could really use someone on his side right now. Someone who really understands, you know?”
Ah. Eddie got it now. 
“Someone who’s gay,” he deduced. Bob knew that Eddie was gay, and he never cared or said anything about it, which was great. While he didn’t really want to be some motivational story about overcoming adversity in a hetero-normative society, he knew that Bob didn’t ask for much, and talking to a struggling kid seemed easy enough. “Okay, yeah. I’ll talk to him, if you want.”
“Great,” Bob said, breaking out into a smile. “You’re gonna love him. He’s a huge fan of that Dungeons and Dragons game, just like you.”
“Shit, really?” Eddie replied. “I mean - shoot. Sorry.”
“I never told you to stop cursing in front of me, Eddie,” Bob chuckled. “I know I may seem naïve and innocent, but I got into all kinds of trouble in my youth. You’re free to be whoever you want to be here, as long as you’re nice.”
He was just so wholesome it hurt. Eddie imagined the trouble Bob was referring to being something along the lines of sneaking a beer into a movie theater. It would probably break his heart to know some of the things Eddie had gotten into before he’d started working at this place. Maybe Wayne already told him, and he had just never said anything. Eddie certainly wasn’t gonna bring it up. 
“Hey Bob,” Eddie said. “Why did you start this job in the first place? Aren’t you this huge tech wizard?” Bob smiled warmly.
“Sure was. Bob the Brain, they used to call me. I still love a good puzzle, but life takes you to all kinds of places you don’t expect to go.”
“Yeah, but that seems like a pretty big career change,” Eddie continued. 
“Well, did you know this building used to be a RadioShack?” Bob asked. Eddie shook his head. “It was, and I used to work there. After it closed down, some artists tried to make it a tattoo parlor, but had no idea where to start. I stepped in as manager and they did the tattooing. I rebranded it, changed the name, and have been running it ever since. The rest of the story you’ve been around for.”
Bob was a great guy and a wonderful manager. He motivated Eddie to get his life together, and things had really leveled out for him just by having a stable job he enjoyed.
After their conversation, Eddie’s break was over, so he went back to work. He continued a design for a client who’d come in wanting a quarter sleeve, and then at 4pm he was scheduled to tattoo a bird on a guy’s shoulder blade. 
Overall, it was a normal day.
Robin knew every single plant and flower in the shop. She knew their names, their seasons, how to take care of them, and what they meant. 
She just happened to be really bad at keeping track of watering schedules, and tended to kill anything she touched. 
“Maybe I should work at a pet store,” Robin sighed, discouraged that the gardenias that had just come in had already wilted.
“What? Robin, why would you do that to the poor animals?” Steve replied, horrified. 
“Shut up, Harrington,” she snapped back. “Animals can tell me when they’re hungry.”
She looked sad, and Steve hated when she looked sad. 
“Aww, Robbie,” he said, jumping off the counter to put a hand on her shoulder. “It’s okay. I can help. If you tell me what to do, I can do it.”
“Are you sure about that?” she asked. 
“Nope,” he responded confidently. “But they’re already dying, so it’s worth a shot, right?”
Steve actually turned out to be a natural at taking care of plants. He tended to be very good at looking after people, so it shouldn’t have been that surprising, but what was most shocking was how much he enjoyed it. Robin caught him talking to the flowers quite a bit. It was adorable. 
Ink About It was right across the street from Flowers for All. Steve and Robin stared at it every single shift through the front window. Neither of them remember who started the bit where they’d come up with weird matching tattoos they’d get with each other, but it became a staple every time they worked together. 
“Salt and pepper,” Robin greeted him as he walked in one day. 
“You’re pepper?”
“Obviously,” she responded with a smirk. They continued working, but it was a slow day. The ideas got progressively unhinged as the hours went by. 
“What about…” Robin wondered, her chin resting on her hand as she sat at the register. “You get my face and I get yours.” Steve chuckled. 
“Or we both get Harry Styles’ face.”
“Yes!” Robin’s face lit up as she laughed. “What about something flower themed?”
“Like what? A flower and a pot?” Steve proposed.
“Sure, you can be the pot,” she remarked. 
“What? Why am I the pot?”
“Because you smoke pot and I don’t,” she explained. Steve shook his head and scoffed. 
“Weak reason, Buckley, but fine. You’re the flower.” She smirked, pleased with herself, but then Steve added - “The flower is dead, though. For obvious reasons.”
“Steve!” She yelled, laughing. “Harsh, but fair.”
Their shift ended, but instead of going home, they went to the bar next door. They continued the bit until they were tipsy, and ended up arguing over who would be Bert and who would be Ernie. It got kind of heated. 
“Whatever!” Robin huffed, throwing her arms up. “It doesn’t matter, because you know I hate puppets. We’re not getting Bert and Ernie tattoos.”
“You’re acting like we’re actually going to do this,” Steve said as he sipped his beer. 
“I mean, if we find something we like, why not?”
“Why not?” Steve echoed. At first, he was going to give her all the reasons he could think of why they shouldn’t get tattoos together, but then he realized he didn’t have any reasons. “Uh, I guess you’re right. Okay, so no Bert and Ernie. What about Frog and Toad?”
“Are you just going through all the queer-coded best friends in children’s media, Steve?”
“Basically, yeah,” he replied, smirking. “Fuck, I’m Toad aren’t I?”
“I’m glad you said it and not me,” Robin replied. They sat in silence for a moment, coming to the same conclusion. 
“Uhh, so maybe that’s - Like, maybe that’s not such a bad idea,” Steve said. “Am I just buzzed, or -”
“No, I’m right there with you,” Robin responded. Of course she was, she always was. 
Before they knew it, they were stumbling towards Ink About It.
Eddie had just wrapped up his final appointment and was quietly working on other designs. Bob had left for the day, and sometimes Eddie stayed late just because it was a quiet place to be. 
It became less of a quiet place to work when two tipsy idiots stumbled in. 
“Hello!” The man greeted Eddie. “We would like tattoos, please!”
“Okay?” Eddie replied, confused. 
“He wants Toad and I want Frog. You know, from Frog and Toad are Friends?” The woman said. “Can you do that?” Eddie eyed them both and did his best to refrain from rolling his eyes.
“I can do whatever, pretty much,” Eddie replied. “Except, uh - I mean, do either of you have tattoos?” The pair shook their heads. “Do you know where you want them?”
“We didn’t get that far,” the man responded, prompting both of them to giggle.
“Right, okay,” Eddie said. “So, since you’ve clearly been drinking and this is your first tattoo, I’m gonna say it’s a no-go. Think about it, and come back tomorrow if you’re still interested.”
This kind of thing happened every so often, so Eddie was used to it. People never came back. They always came to their senses once they sobered up, and Eddie would never see them again. He figured it would be the same for these two. 
It wasn’t. They showed up again the next day. 
“We’ve thought about it!” The woman said as she walked into the shop. She dug into her bag and pulled out a picture. “This is what we want. Inside of the ankle.”
“Wow,” Eddie said as he looked at what they’d chosen, impressed. “I really didn’t expect you’d wanna go through with this.”
“Why wouldn’t we?” the man argued. “It’s an amazing idea.”
“Yeah,” the woman agreed. “And work’s been slow, and we’re bored, and this is not even close to the wildest thing we’ve done together.”
Eddie didn’t find spontaneous tattoos to be that wild in the first place. He was covered in them, and most of them were on-the-fly. Once you have a few, it gets easier and easier to add more. 
“Right,” Eddie said, wondering what the other wild things they’d done together were. He wondered if it was some sort of innuendo, like they were the kind of couple that secretly went to BDSM clubs or something like that. “Well, lucky for you, it's slow here today, too. Shall we?"
Eddie had them fill out paperwork while he got the stencil ready. He had adjusted their reference picture a little bit just to add his own flair, and after they approved it they were basically ready to go. It turned out their names were Steve and Robin. 
Eddie thought that Steve was kind of a stupid name, and didn’t match the pretty boy associated with it whatsoever. 
They didn’t even seem that nervous, which was baffling. Eddie figured there must be more to them than he had originally assumed. They were also a lot less annoying when they were sober. 
“So, who’s first?” Eddie asked, gesturing to the chair. 
“I’ll go,” Steve answered, raising his hand. Eddie put the stencil on his ankle and got final approval before they got started. 
“You ready?” Eddie asked, holding the tattoo needle in his hand. He waited for Steve to back out, but he nodded instead. “Okay. It’s gonna sting a little.”
“I have a pretty high pain tolerance,” Steve replied. Eddie tried to hide the smirk on his face. He’d heard that line before, many times. 
Eddie put the needle to the skin, and Steve didn’t so much as blink. Huh. Well, okay then.
Tattooing someone naturally involves a lack of personal space. It never bothered Eddie, because he tended to not think about personal space at any given moment, but some clients were a bit more hesitant than others. Ankle tats were thankfully not as intense as a rib or hip placements, but it did mean Eddie had to have a stranger’s foot close to his face, which wasn’t amazing. 
He wasn’t a foot guy. The man attached to the foot, however…
Eddie couldn’t help it. Steve was gorgeous. He also was charismatic, which was a quality that Eddie always appreciated and was attracted to. Steve chatted with Eddie during the whole 45 minutes he was being tattooed, and even made Eddie laugh a couple times.
Robin started to show her anxiety the moment it was her turn. 
“You don’t have to do this, you know,” Steve reminded her. 
“Uh, of course I do!” she retorted. “This was my idea. You think I’m just going to let you have a loan toad on your ankle?” Steve and Eddie laughed. 
“I don’t mind. It came out pretty badass, thanks to Eddie.” Eddie smirked at the compliment. 
“If you can do it, I can do it. Come on, Eddie, let’s do this.”
She was shaking a little at first, so Steve pulled up a chair and held her hand. He asked her to start naming all the flowers they sold, and she did so rapidly. Eddie hadn’t heard of a lot of the plants she’d listed, and the list was unending. Ten minutes in, she eased into the process, and the rest went by without a hitch. 
Steve and Robin were really cute together. Eddie wasn't sure how long they'd been dating, but he wished them the best.
Steve left a sizable tip - like, an absurdly high tip - and then they were off. 
This time, Eddie was sure that would be the last he’d see of them. 
It wasn’t. 
(part 2)
@paintballkid711 @abraca-fxckyou @allbimyself26 @jellybabiesforall @allbymyselfexceptformycactus @justaloadofgarbage-blog @alliemunsonsstuff @undreamingscatworld @thefruityfours @hobbitnarwhal @calivanus @wreckmyplans-thatsmyman @antheia @goodolefashionedloverboi @lillemilly @missmagillicuddy @steviesbicrisis @gamerdano @menamesniall @eyeslikewildflowers111 @callmesirkay @stringischeese @eds-trashmouth
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Huzzah! I might try different art styles each post :33
he got a bit excited
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da-bees · 2 months
Undertale AU Characters as Flowers
So i got hyperfixated on flowers meanings and it has taken over my life so here is my favorite little guys as flowers
Flower meanings are based on the flower and then its color, so like red roses mean something different than yellow roses, but both relate to love. Also differnt cultures have different meanings for flowers. This was a nightmare to reasearch, lots of conflicting info.
(Note that some flowers seemingly have confilcting meanings, this is cause often their meanings can be affected by what other flowers are around them, like in a bouquet and shit. Also i will not accepting criticism :) )
Anyways lets go!
Ink - Marigolds
So marigolds represent joy, excitement, creativity and Energy, while also being associated with grief, despair, and mourning. This fits Ink very well, he a very bright person while having one of the fucking sadesst backstory like ever. Also they are assocatied with protection and I think that fun with his protecter of the multiverse thing.
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Blue - Bluebells & Blue Dahlias
Bluebells represent resilience, strength, overcoming adversity, growth, along with humility, constancy, gratitude, and kindness. This feels kinda self explaintory cause Blue is a very power dude and a very kind person, so bluebells are perfect for him
I picked blue dahlias mainly for their symbolism of standing out from the crowd, though its other meanings also apply, change, strength, fresh start, inner strength, positive change, and commitment. Cause like out of the whole mutiverse of Sans and even other swaps Blue managed to fight along side some of the most power people and holds up against people like Nightmare and Error. He is truly unquie to the other swaps and i wanted this flower to represent that. Can you tell i really like Blue. (Also ignore that true blue dahlias dont exist, truly wild that one can find flower meanings for a flower that doesn't exist, there are blueish green dahlias :P )
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Dream - Yellow Chysanthemums & Purple Hyacinths
Yellow chysanthemums represent happiness, joy, celebration, the sun. light, friendship, and optism, along with neglected love, sorrow, rebirth, and protector. This fits really well with Dream cause on the surface he is a sweet cheerful guy, literally the embodiment of postitivity but he also feels a lot of grief and guilt for what happen to his brother. Which is further emphasized by the purple hyacinths, wich repesent sorrow, regret, and a desire foe forgiveness. Also by complete accident his flowers are yellow and purple, like how he and nightmare were when they were kids.
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Nightmare - Astrantia, Black Dahlias, & Black Roses
So the astrantias reprsent passive, cause like they represent strength, innocence, courage, magic, and protection, along with assocaitions with stars and the night sky. It represents all he couls have been if not for what happened. very sad
Now for the black dahlias and roses. Black dahlias represent betrayal, saddness, change, beauty, power, and negative emotions. Black roses represent death, despair, hatred, revenge, mourning, loss, rebirth, tragedy, regret, elegance, and mystery. these represent who is becomes after his corruption and the "death" of passive, he's angry and hurting and he lashes out at those around him. He feels betrayed both by the villagers and by Dream, but he is also mourning who he was and his brother. Also he's hot and powerful so like.
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Anyways ill do the rest later cause its like 2:30 and im tired.
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flower-virus-utmv · 2 months
Meet the survivors + Rules + TWs
TWs: Body horror, death, it's an infection AU, like the MLP ones
Current Survivors:
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Ink: "Where is Blue..."
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Error: "1-1'M N0T 1NF3CT3D!"
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Geno: "hope goth is safe..."
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Nightmare: "Ink needs to stop being suspicious"
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Dream: "Everybody calm down!"
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Decans: "i miss my fiancé..."
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Fresh: "Deccy, hand me da sample!"
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Sci: "..."
Rules! 1. You can RP as long as you RP as someone from another Multiverse
2. This is the Infectionverse, be mindful of that
3. None of this is canon to the characters
4. You can ask any of the characters
5. You can request refs for any characters (Sanses or Ship Children are urged)
6. No NSFW
7. Please behave
8. No OP bullshit
9. No magic cures
10. No forcing the story forward
More may be added...
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redfurrycat · 5 months
🤠✒️💐🐓Flower Shop & Tattoo Parlor AU Fic Recs🐓💐✒️🤠
(Includes FS, TP and the lovely combo of the two)
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Check the Top Gun Masterlist post for the latest updated version. 💕
Ao3 Authors: Abliafina, Haridwar, Lovelybattle.
Hanahaki Disease > Bakery & Coffee Shop > Mechanic AU
Spice by lovelybattle {E}
Jake strolled into the tattoo parlor, looking around at the art scattered about the walls. It was all really well done, as expected, from one of the highest rated shops in California. There was a buzz in the background, but he couldn’t see anyone getting tattooed. He quickly realized there were multiple rooms with curtains hanging down instead of doors. The sound coming from behind the curtains that were completely closed. “What can I do for ya?” The woman behind the counter asked, splaying her hands on the counter and leaning on them. “Well, considering we’re in a tattoo shop,” Jake said, smirking, “I was hoping I could get a tattoo.”
got a thing for you by haridwar {T}
The bell above the door jingled, alerting Bradley that someone had entered the shop. He ducked out of the back room to find two brick walls worth of men shutting the door behind them. Sighing a little at the intrusion, despite it still being opening hours, Bradley took up position behind the counter and pasted on his best customer service smile. Or: Bradley and Jake's first meeting goes a little bit different when there's no rivalry to stop them from aggressively falling head over heels for one another
Sunshine & Roses by abliafina {T}
/🐓✒️ &💐🤠/
“How often do you get to be creative Bradley?” Jake asked. “Look, I love your designs, I wouldn’t be here otherwise, but they’re not me.” Bradley crossed his arms, an intrigued look on his face. “You saying you’re giving me free hands?” “Sure am.” Jake made sure to sound confident, but on the inside, his heart beat as if he’d just finished a marathon, “I trust you.”
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Good Omens Fic Rec: Ink Blots and Forget-Me-Nots
Ninth Circle Ink was hardly more than a stone’s throw from the flower shop; Aziraphale knew from past experience that it took less than thirty seconds to go from door to door (forty-five if you had to wait for a car to pass). It had been a perfect arrangement in the beginning, when they were just starting out. Owning a flower shop across the street from your boyfriend's tattoo parlor is fun and adorable. Owning a flower shop across the street from your ex-boyfriend's tattoo parlor? Not so much.
Length: 42,373 Words
AO3 Rating: Teen and Up
Best for: Safe in Public, Slow Burn, Slight Angst, Human AU
Triggers: None
Read it here, fic by gutsandglitter
*Minor Spoilers* This story was written in 2019 but reading it now after season two...hm..extra ouch. In this Human AU, Crowley and Aziraphale were together for 14 years before separating and still own shops across from each other. The perspective changes from present to past and we slowly learn what happened to them. It's devastating at times, learning something from their history and then coming back to Aziraphale's present day heartache. It's so heavy on him. It's primarily an Aziraphale point of view, yet you'll still be able to pick up on Crowley's feelings very clearly. Of course Aziraphale misses all the signs, it's a fanfic after all. No romance brain cells allowed here folks.
Internalized homophobia is one of our main themes here. It's something all of us LGBT people know intimately, and I'm sure we've all had experiences that mirror Aziraphale's and Crowley's in this. Fear, shame, having to hide, being hidden. It's heartbreaking but cathartic to read a story that knows this feeling and doesn't villainize Aziraphale for his actions here. He may blame himself, but the story doesn't.
It's not all gloom though! The present day is filled with scenes with The Them, Anathema, and Madame Tracy that I really enjoyed. I love Adam's matchmaker schemes and how it never goes to plan. In the past, the original character of Elsie was one of my favorite parts of the entire story. She was the original owner of the shop Aziraphale now runs and becomes family to our boys. It was such a wonderful and heartfelt found family story line to go along with their new found family in the present. While there is a lot of heartache in this story, there is also so much love!
Completely safe in public. It'll break your heart a bit, but it's ends on a very good note and I wouldn't classify this as angst. Slight angst yeah, but it's not depressing. Well....2004 is a bit depressing....good luck with 2004....
Read it here, fic by gutsandglitter
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cak31ssuperi04 · 1 year
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main character syndrome is when your bestie is voiced by Tabitha St. Germain
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fl00mie · 1 month
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au where ink starts to visit flowey after the pacifist run because !!!!! i say so
based on this
ink by comyet
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synnfa · 6 months
ink sans and flowey.. underrated combo
i have never seen anyone say much about this before (be it I might've just not seen anything about it) but ink sans and flowey would be a kinda chill combo.
At first when I was thinking about it I was like 'lol they are both soulless beings, what if they met?' Then I thought about it a bit more and it makes total sense. Well, yes both have drastically different personalities. It would be nice to see them compare each other.
I was also thinking about the possibility of ink sharing some of his vials with Flowey to give him human emotion. It just sort of seems like a nice concept. Ink: here take these, they help with emotions Flowey: so your telling me I could've had emotions this WHOLE TIME???
It would also be funny to see Flowey and classic Sans to interact and Flowey's just like "suck it Sans, I have met a better Sans than you". Then Ink's just standing there waving to classic Sans.
Or even Flowey's initial reaction to this incredibly different Sans than his own.
All I'm saying is this combo has unmatched potential and I have seen NOTHING about it. It lives in my head like a parasite, please free me from this cursed empty void. If you have seen anything about this duo please immediately direct me to it (if you want to).
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mushangaa · 7 months
Hanging Tree
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2023/11 (full view)
"Are you, are you comin' to the tree? Where they strung up a man, they say, who murdered three Strange things did happen here, no stranger would it be If we met at midnight in the hanging tree" F!Leo and his horse Comet.
Just... I listened to the song from Hunger Games and got hit in the face with this image so I drew this almost in one go in one day expect for some details and colour corrections today. Peepaw is not well before he goes into the past TM. Comet tries her best. Comet is a Percheron bc I figured a tall Leo needs a strong big horse. Next to the youngsters and their horses both are huge.
I tried some different approaches with the colouring and which media to use first because I used inks, copics and watercolour pencils in this one and there have been some mishaps because I keep forgetting how much the coloured pencils seal off the paper if used first so those are definitely going to be the last step of any process if used. (comet has actually some blue shading via coloured pencils but the scanner ate those lol) But all in all I got out what I saw in my mind so I am very pleased. I could've worked some more details into the hazy background, make the clouds more apparent but the vagueness actually works well for the image as it is more a symbolic thing.
On that note, while the image is meant more symbolic for the struggles and grief Leo is going through if there are any concerns on trigger warnings I should put in the tags for this one please let me know because idk if it is warranted because of the noose around Leos neck? But yah, let me be clear, this is more about grief than anything.
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thecluelessdoctor · 1 month
A little chat.
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hairstevington · 1 year
flowers and ink (part 2)
Eddie Munson x Steve Harrington
Summary: Eddie and Steve like each other, but unfortunately Eddie thinks Steve is dating Robin, and they're both generally just gay disasters who don't know how to communicate
(part one found here)
Word Count: 3K
Warnings: Tattoo Artist!Eddie, Florist!Steve, fluff, gay panic, Platonic Soulmates Steve and Robin, Will is here and we love him, everybody is a sweetheart and an idiot, it's just cute and funny
A/N: Ha ha, remember when I said this would be two parts? I'm having so much fun with it that I'm making it three parts. I hope you don't mind??? Also this story is officially cross posted on Ao3 for those interested!
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“Steve, did you give Eddie a 50% tip?” Robin asked as they walked out of Ink About It.
“Well, I’ve never been that great at math,” Steve mumbled, blushing. 
“Uh-huh. I’m sure that’s the reason.”
“He did a great job?” Steve offered. He wasn’t even sure why he was denying the obvious. Robin knew Steve way too well to play these games. 
“You like Eddie,” she stated.
“I barely know him,” Steve shrugged.
“Yeah, but his work is permanently on your skin forever,” Robin pointed out. 
“Jesus, why did you have to say that?” Steve whined with a groan. “He’s hot, okay? Will you just leave it?”
He knew she wouldn’t leave it. It was kind of her specialty.
“It was just so cute seeing you be all flirty with him,” Robin said. 
“God, I hope it wasn’t that obvious.”
“Don’t worry, he was too focused on his work to notice,” she assured him. “Come on, we just did something big, let’s celebrate!”
So, they did.
The next time they worked together, the teasing was relentless. Steve couldn’t escape it due to the tattoo shop being right through the glass. He couldn’t help trying to see if Eddie was in there. 
“Oh my god, just go back there and talk to him,” Robin suggested.
“I can’t just go there, Robin,” Steve replied. “I’d have to, like, make another appointment or something.”
“You’re willing to get a new tattoo every time you see this guy, Dingus?” Steve chuckled.
“If I have to, sure.” Robin smacked him playfully on the arm. 
“You’re ridiculous.”
“Oh, and you’re any better?” Steve challenged. “Remind me again why you started working here.” Robin rolled her eyes. 
“Whatever, we’re both gay disasters,” she replied. “I still think you should go over there. I’ll cover for you.”
“Wait, you mean now?” Steve asked, confused. 
“Yeah,” Robin confirmed. “It’s been so slow I’m going crazy, Harrington. I need something to spice up the day, and this fits the bill.” She put her hands on his chest and pushed him backwards toward the front door. “Do it. Go.” Steve sighed.
“It’s a good thing I love you, Buckley.”
And with that, he was off to the tattoo parlor.
Bob took the morning off to take Will to brunch, leaving Eddie alone in the shop. He didn’t mind holding the fort, because he could plan breaks and moments to relax based on the appointments he had for the day. Tattoo shops were chill.
Most people generally knew not to walk into a tattoo place without notice. Appointments and communication beforehand were necessary so that the artist could design and adjust, plan their day, etc. 
Steve apparently didn’t have that memo. But when he sauntered into Ink About It, Eddie didn’t care about his lack of a heads up. 
He was wearing his work polo - light blue with the name of the flower shop over his heart. He looked a bit nervous, but Eddie figured that was because the man clearly did not fit into a place like this. 
“Back for more already?” Eddie teased. Steve blushed, and it was cute how nervous tattooing made him. He wondered if Steve regretted getting one in the first place. 
“I just have a question,” Steve said. He walked up to the counter and leaned his elbows on it, making the height difference between them drastic enough where Steve had to angle his chin up to make eye contact. 
“Shoot,” Eddie permitted. 
“Is the damn thing supposed to like - peel?” Steve asked. 
Eddie just about lost it. He never wanted to make someone feel bad for not knowing these things, but Steve was just so goddamn cute about it. He pressed his lips together as tightly as he could so he wouldn’t give himself away, then nodded. 
“Yup,” Eddie answered. “The first week or so you’ll see it flake off. Don’t pick at it or scrub it or anything.”
“Would it come off if I do?” Steve asked. 
Okay. Now the guy HAD to be fucking with him. Don’t laugh don’t laugh be professional do what Bob would do.
“I - uh, well no I’m afraid tattoos are permanent, Steve,” Eddie responded. Steve looked at him dumbly for a second, then shifted back up to standing and burst out laughing. 
Eddie watched, confused, until Steve spoke again. 
“I’m just fucking with you Eddie. I may not know a lot about tattoos, but I know they’re permanent, okay?” Eddie seeing Steve goof around like this was charming in a way Eddie hadn’t seen yet. He’d really only known Steve with a brave face on, caring for Robin when she got scared. Eddie had already been crushing on Steve, and hearing him laugh now took the crush to new heights. 
“Oh,” Eddie said, smiling back with a light chuckle. “Alright then. So yeah, if it’s flaking that’s okay, but I can look at it if you want.” Steve nodded, so Eddie gestured for them to go back to the space where Steve got the tattoo in the first place. 
Steve stood there awkwardly, looking at the table he was supposed to sit on, then down at his ankle, then back up. 
“How do you want me?” he asked. 
Eddie really wished he didn’t say that. 
“Uh, you can just sit like you did the other day and pull your pant leg up.” Steve did as told, crossing his left leg over his right so his ankle was in clear view. 
Eddie knew at first glance it was healing just fine, but he lingered on his work for an extra few seconds, just to extend the moment as much as he could. 
“So, what’s the verdict?” Steve asked, nervously. Eddie shook his head to get himself out of his daze. 
“Everything looks good,” he confirmed. “Maybe a bit dry. Are you putting lotion on it?”
Steve nodded, then named a kind of lotion Eddie knew was shit for this sort of thing, but it would do in a pinch. Eddie caught sight of the clock and realized Bob was going to show up with Will any moment. 
“I guess I should head out,” Steve said, noticing Eddie’s focus drifting to the time. 
“Uh, right,” Eddie said. He really did need Steve to go, but he didn’t want him to. “Yeah, I got - the manager is coming in soon with this kid who I guess is into art. I’m supposed to show him the ropes and -” Eddie paused, realizing he was just about to spill his whole guts to Steve without even thinking about it. 
“And?” Steve pressed. Shit. Eddie took a deep breath. 
“I guess the kid just came out and Bob thinks he needs another gay person to talk to or something,” Eddie admitted. 
“Oh,” Steve replied. Eddie couldn’t read his expression. He definitely looked a bit surprised, but most people did. Eddie couldn’t even count the amount of times someone had said something like, I had no idea. You don’t look it. Like, what the fuck does that even mean? He waited for Steve to say something similar, but instead the door opened. 
“Hey, Eds, we’re back!” Bob announced from the waiting area.
“Uh, good luck,” Steve mumbled, fixing his pant leg and standing up. He turned to leave, but froze when he saw the kid. “Will?”
“Wait, you two know each other?” Eddie asked, confused. 
“Uh, yeah. I kinda used to babysit him,” Steve answered. “How have you been, dude? You’re almost as tall as me now!”
Eddie and Bob watched as Will ran to Steve and hugged him, both of them smiling warmly. 
“I’m good! Things are good!” Will said. He separated from Steve and looked to Eddie. “You must be the artist Bob has told me about.”
“That’s me,” Eddie replied with a wave. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“Well, I gotta get back to work,” Steve said, knowing that he was no longer supposed to be there. “But you’re in good hands with Eddie. He just gave me my first tattoo and he’s pretty great.”
Eddie had no idea why Steve was complimenting him so much. He could feel himself blushing. 
“You work at the place across the street?” Will asked. Steve nodded. “Yup, with Robin,” he answered. 
“Oh, how’s she doing?” Will asked. 
“She’s good. Same as always. Still the best person I know.”
Aww. That was sweet. But also annoying. For Eddie, anyway. Their goddamn relationship was long term and solid as ever, apparently.
Steve insisted again that he should get going, and then he was off. 
“So,” Eddie said, clapping his hands together. “What do you want to see first?”
They started with a tour of the place. Eddie showed Will his tattooing space first, going over the tools and explaining how it all worked. Then, Will started asking Eddie about his own tattoos, so they went over all of those next. It took a long time, because Eddie had a lot of tattoos to explain, each of them with their own backstory. Some backstories were more involved and coherent than others. Some of them just consisted of, “oh yeah, I was kinda tipsy and it seemed like a good idea at the time. Don’t do that by the way.”
“I don’t want a tattoo, anyway,” Will had responded. Eddie nodded, but had an inkling from the way Will was so fascinated by all this that he’d change his mind someday. 
After that, Eddie showed Will a bunch of designs he’d done in the past, then a few he was currently working on. Will ended up showing Eddie some of the drawings he’d done. 
“Oh, shit,” Eddie said, completely blown away. “You’re really talented, man.”
“Thanks,” Will replied with a smile. “I’ve been doing it my whole life.”
“That’s awesome. So, you think you’re gonna get into tattooing?”
“I dunno, maybe,” he responded with a shrug. “I’m going to college in the fall for art, but I don’t really know what I’m gonna do with it yet.”
“That’s soooo normal,” Eddie replied. He’d heard people say as much often, so he figured he’d pass the knowledge along. “I didn’t go to college, but I found my place here. I wasn’t an artist my whole life like you, but it turned out to kind of be perfect for me.”
“Isn’t it weird to have your designs on people’s bodies forever?”
“It’s kind of awesome, actually,” Eddie said with a grin. “It was a little wild at first to work on skin, but thankfully they had me start on oranges, first.”
“Really?” Will asked, amused. “I had no idea!”
“Yeah!” Eddie responded. “You wanna try?”
“You just have an orange lying around?” 
“I like citrus, what can I tell ya.”
Will practiced a few designs under Eddie’s watch. He caught a glimpse of Bob in the office, smiling at the two of them bonding. 
Will was cool. He was sweet. He was also sarcastic in a sneaky way. Sometimes he’d say something that caught Eddie off guard, just because Will seemed shy and quiet at first. He wasn’t, really. 
“I know why Bob wanted me to meet you,” Will said. They’d peeled the orange and were now splitting it.
“Hm?” Eddie asked. “I mean, so you could check out the shop, right?”
“It’s okay, I know he wants me to talk to other gay people,” Will pointed out, rolling his eyes. “Bob isn’t that slick.”
Eddie chuckled. Smart kid.
“Yeah, well I’ll talk about it if you want me to, but figured I’d let you bring it up first. When I was your age, I didn’t really wanna talk to anyone, but you’re a lot different than I was.”
“What do you mean?” Will asked. 
“Uhhhhhhh….” Eddie looked around nervously. Bob had closed the door to the office. “I was all over the place back then. I was the school freak - that’s literally what they called me.”
Eddie had gotten over the trauma of high school the last few years. His life stabilized, and he realized all the shit people thought about him were irrelevant. He left all of it behind, and he was a lot happier now. 
“People bully me too,” Will confessed quietly. 
“People suck,” Eddie said with a sigh. “I guess that much hasn’t changed since I graduated. Maybe we aren’t so different after all, then.”
Eddie didn’t think Will dealt drugs or got into fights like Eddie used to, but people don’t have to go through the same things to feel the same things. 
Eddie’s gay. This changes everything. 
Steve did his best to exit Ink About It calmly, and it took everything in him not to fully sprint across the street. He still ended up doing a fast walk that was basically a jog. 
He flung himself to the door and opened it, taking a deep breath. 
“Robin!” he shouted. 
His eyes focused on the absolute chaos happening in the shop. People were everywhere, like what the fuck? Robin was manning the register and answering questions as best as she could, but she was clearly in over her head. 
“Help,” she mouthed with terror in her eyes. 
Steve desperately wanted to tell her that this was karma for her saying she was bored and sending Steve away. He also wanted to tell her about his time at Ink About It. But there were other priorities first. 
Steve quickly swooped in to help her cash customers out. She scurried to the back to handle the many customers who wanted to know about the various flowers being sold. 
Steve was able to gather through small talk with the customers that prom was happening at the school down the road, and everyone was getting last minute flowers for their dates.
More accurately, the parents were. Some brave kids showed up, but they looked completely lost. 
They continued working until the rush died down, leaving the two of them on the edge of exhaustion. 
“That was brutal,” Steve muttered as he splayed himself across the counter. 
“So brutal,” Robin agreed. She was lying fully on the ground, starfish style. Bits of stems and flower petals surrounded her. It was kind of pretty, actually. 
“Hold on, stay right there,” Steve said, pulling his phone from his pocket. Before Robin could object, Steve snapped a picture from above. 
“Hey!” she said, sitting up. “I don’t want this moment of my life documented, Steven!” 
“Yes, you do. Look.” Steve bent down and showed her the picture. After a moment, she nodded. 
“Okay, fine. Yes. That’s going on my Instagram, thank you.”
“You should put it on your Hinge profile, too,” Steve suggested. 
“Good idea,” Robin agreed. She jumped to her feet and sighed. “I’m gonna go clean up the back.”
“I’ll be here,” Steve replied. 
Ten minutes went by, and then Steve heard a squealing.
“Shit! Fuck!” Robin didn’t actually curse that often, so Steve knew something must be very wrong. 
“Robs? You okay back there?” He rounded the corner just as Robin squatted behind some bouquets, concealing herself. 
“Don’t!” she yelled. “Okay, well actually I do need your help, but you have to promise not to laugh.”
“I can’t promise that, but I’ll try,” Steve said with a smirk. 
Robin straightened herself back up, and Steve got the full picture of what had happened. Her hair was all kinds of tangled in a watering can. 
He laughed so hard he cried. 
“I hate you, DIngus,” she muttered, not nearly as amused by the situation. 
“This is why you leave the watering to me,” Steve joked. “Come on, let’s get you fixed up.”
This is stupid. This is so stupid. Eddie, you are stupid. Get some help.
He was headed to Flowers for All with unscented lotion. For Steve. Because Eddie had no chill and was a simp. 
He didn’t even care if Steve was queer, or if he was taken. Eddie just wanted to talk to him more. 
So stupid.
Eddie walked in, triggering the bell above the door. He quickly heard voices from the back.
“Shit! Someone’s here!”
“It’s ok I got it I got it.”
There were more sounds of shuffling for a few seconds before Steve tumbled out of a doorway, blushing. 
Oh my god. Did I just interrupt them hooking up?
Eddie somehow felt even more like a dumbass. He wasn’t fazed by them getting it on at work - it’s not like he hadn’t done that before - it’s that he brought goddamn unscented lotion to his client’s place of work, unannounced and unprompted. 
“I - shit, sorry,” Eddie said, just about ready to turn and bolt. 
“It’s okay!” Steve assured him. “What’s going on Eddie?”
Robin ran out of the room so fast she almost fell over. 
“Eddie! What a wonderful surprise!” 
There was a teasing quality to her voice that Eddie mistook for her trying to cover up how flustered she was. This was all but confirmed when Steve gently elbowed her in the rib. 
“I brought this for you,” Eddie said. He raised the stupid fucking lotion so it was in plain view, then forced himself to walk to the counter and leave it there. “It’s what I use. Your tattoo will heal better. Uh - both of them. For both of you, I mean.”
“Hey, thanks, man.” Steve smiled and grabbed the lotion, inspecting it. 
“Do all tattoo artists care this much about their clients?” Robin asked. There was that teasing sound again. Is she jealous or something? 
“Well, I - Bob always tells me to be nice so I do my best. Sorry if I interrupted anything.”
Steve and Robin shared a knowing look. 
“You didn’t,” Steve said casually. “We’re finally dead again, which is the way we like it.”
“Yeah,” Robin agreed. “It was rough earlier, but we survived.”
“We always do,” Steve added. 
They were so friendly and kind, and they clearly loved each other very much. Eddie knew he needed to go. He had to go. He just needs to say goodbye, turn around, and -
“Actually, I wanted to talk to you guys about something,” Eddie blurted out. 
He didn’t actually have anything to talk about. But luckily, one of his special skills included the ability to never shut the fuck up. 
He took a deep breath and decided to do a little improv.
(part three)
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