#inktober day 31 mask
sknow-and-ink · 1 year
Day 31 - Mask
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encantober-official · 10 months
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Encantober is an Encanto fandom event with themes for each day of the month of October (link to theme list in a copy/pasteable format Here), inspired by the concept of Inktober. Encantober is open to any and all content, including art, drabbles, one-shots, and more.
Fanworks can be shared via the #Encantober tag on tumblr and/or posted as part of the AO3 collection HERE.
Works must be a part of the Encanto (2021) fandom. OCs, AUs, and crossovers are permitted.
Works must adhere to one of the Encantober themes.
Series of Encantober works are welcome.
No incest.
Q: Can I link prompts together? Or multiple prompts into one work? A: Linking works together to create a story series is a wonderfully creative idea! However, combining multiple prompts into one work defeats the purpose of the daily prompt challenge. Each work (or chapter in a series) should focus on one prompt.
Q: Do I have to participate every day? A: You do not have to participate every day. This is meant to be fun, so please don’t stress yourself out. 
Q: Do I need to publish my work on the specific day listed? A: No. We ask that you not publish before the specific day you're filling, but we will reblog late entries.
Q: Why aren’t my posts being reblogged? A: Either you posted it out of order (we will reblog late prompts, but not early ones!), forgot to tag #Encantober, or the admin team just missed it! We’re doing the best we can across timezones <3 
Use the links below to find the works for each prompt in our archive!
1 Sunset, 2 Siblings, 3 Reunion, 4 Mystery, 5 Cold, 6 Heart, 7 Storm, 8 Question, 9 Time, 10 Help, 11 Liminal, 12 Nerves, 13 Fear, 14 Safety, 15 Midnight, 16 Grief, 17 Home, 18 Sleep, 19 Clock, 20 Vision, 21 Age, 22 Reflection, 23 Roots, 24 Memory, 25 Quiet, 26 Lost, 27 Grave, 28 Moon, 29 Mask, 30 Blood, 31 Sunrise
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tmntober-2023 · 9 months
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Welcome, everybody, to
🐢 🍁 TMNTober 2023! 🍁 🐢
An Inktober-inspired month-long event where every day will be assigned a prompt that you can write or draw something for!
🐢 Rules & guidelines: 🐢
All prompts have to be TMNT related, obviously, but they can be of any iteration, including fan made ones.
Post your art and writing on whatever platform you want! If you want it archived here though, post or link it on tumblr and tag this blog!
Tag your art with #tmntober 2023 or #tmntober2023. I will make a point of going through the tag and reblogging as much art as I possibly can to here!
Your art doesn’t have to be done on time and you don’t have to do all prompts. First and foremost, have fun!
Since this month ends with Halloween, I expect some art may involve horror themes, and if so, will be tagged appropriately. This is an appeal especially to writers, as I’m not sure I’ll be able to read every single piece, to tag your works with proper warnings, please.
Every day, there will be a post announcing the current prompt! If you lack inspiration for any particular prompts, I may leave some ideas in the tags :)
1. Warm-up!
2. Eyes
3. Teeth
4. Bones
5. Act
6. Improvised Weapon
7. Begrudging Alliance
8. What a tragedy!
9. Trap
10. Under-appreciated non-turtles!
11. Glitch
12. Dance
13. Devour
14. Press Start!
15. Try again?
16. OC spotlight!
17. Roots
18. Fairytales
19. Machine
20. Mask
21. Greatest fear
22. Favorite episode
23. Unlikely pet
24. Teenage
25. Mutant
26. Ninja
27. Turtles
28. Full Moon
29. That is not a person.
30. Scary Movie
31. Halloween!
🐢 Image version of the prompt list by @wutdeedido! Look how cool!! 🐢
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Happy creating, everybody!!
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EDIT: I did find out after the fact that there’s a buncha other tmntobers out there! If these prompts don’t work for you, try some of these!
- the tmnttober2023 account (with two T’s! Unlike mine!)
- @/super-un-stable’s tmnttober2023 with a list that is a piece of art to me
- @/oopsmypencilslipped’s tmnttober2023 with a swag poster
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yutopia-eleftheria · 8 months
Inktober 2023 ; Day 24/31
Day 24 : Shallow (Peu Profond)
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Their Neko masks ... The only physical thing that remains from these poor souls that tragically passed away at the hands of a demon ...
They died protecting their friend Giyuu Tomioka in the process ...
But despite being dead, they are still able to help the new recruits out.
They both trained Tanjiro when he became Urokodaki's student. Thanks to the 3 of them, Tanjiro was able to learn Water Breathing.
And later on, Tanjiro was able to kill the demon that took these young souls their life away. He was able to avenge their death with their techniques. Possibly the best way to avenge them.
Now they can finally rest in peace... Goodbye Sabito and Makomo... You will be missed, but never be forgotten ...♥
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hbprophetie · 2 years
"Lilies bloom first in the garden where ghosts appear often" - poem, Gôto Takashi.
Each night, there is this weird boy wearing an Oni mask, wandering in the scarlet bloomed fields like a drifting spirit. I won't be able to tell if he's an actual purifier or a demon himself. Not very tchaty, this boy is.
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Inktober Day 1: "Gargoyle" 🎐
I'm back from the deads to try, this year again, to accomplish the Inktober challenge for the second time in a row...!
"Wait - why is the prompt of today "Gargoyle"? That's not Snapetober!" Arg, that is not indeed, and that's pretty unfortunate.
For that there is two reasons, so let me explain. Sadly, the Snapetober prompts arrived a bit late and until yesterday I was so convinced that there will be no Snapetober 2022 that I had already sketched my first entries...based on the official Inktober prompt list. The second reason is that for the time being, I don't feel like drawing angsty things, so the official list fits to my current mood better. For the time being, I'll stick to those prompts, so sorry if some of you are disappointed.
To be honest, I'm pretty anxious to post my new drawings as I basically want to try something I haven't posted a lot on my blog before: cute, chibi like Snapes. I really hope you will like this new approach, cause despite I drew some like those in the past I decided to not post them here cause I was affraid the style would rebuke some of you.
For this first entry, I was inspired by Japanese traditionnal costumes and Sev wears a "Oni" (litteraly "Demon") mask and horns. I thought it would fit the prompt "Gargoyle" just fine, as the mask has a pretty intimidating look. On his kimono you may reconize a pattern of "red spider lilies", a lily representing separation and grief. Lately, those have bloomed in Japanese fields and I've had the chance to be able to observe them myself.
I moved from France and now I've been living in Japan for one month, in order to continue my language studies abroad. That's a wonderful experience that I've been aiming for since childhood, and there is great chances my current environnement will influence the tone and imagery of my drawings. I truly hope you'll be ok with it. Anyway.
I'll do my best for this challenge this year again, hoping that I'll be able to go as far as possible! I don't have the best of equipement of course so please be forgiving with the "scan" quality. I'm honestly not sure that I'll be able to do 31 drawings, what sounds completely insane to me as the 16 drawings of last year already were my biggest drawing achievements.
Please, don't hesitate to give me your thoughts! 🍂
I apologize for the long time where I didn't post anything, I was pretty busy before moving to Japan, but I've missed exchanges with the community a lot.
Deeply hope you'll enjoy! ~
(And big Good Luck to all the artists who will try to take part in the challenge!)
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weeee · 2 years
Weeee's Drawtober 2022
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I didn't really like any of the few inktober/drawtober/promptober lists I saw this year so, even though I don't usually participate, I decided to make my own. I included a fun version and a clean, high contrast version. This was made with visual art in mind, but feel free to use any medium. Image description in alt.
Optional and dubiously helpful prompt exposition below the cut:
We're starting off with a choice between classic and contemporary with this one. Feel free to make your interpretation as scary or ominous as you want. For those of you with clown phobias, take advantage of the more vague carnival option.
2. Bones - y'know bones. We've all got 'em. Right?
3. Draw one of your own personal autumn traditions, or something traditionally Halloween!
4. Reaching for.... help? For salvation? For... you?
5. ...
6. The great gourd of the season! You could draw your favourite jack-o-lantern design, a dessert, or the pumpkin-headed king of Halloween themself.
7. Chains, knives, faesbane, etc. You can never go wrong with iron.
8. Some call it stalking, I say walking - just extremely close behind. If traditional people stalkers are a sensitive topic for you, please take 'Scarecrows' as an alternative prompt.
9. Let's throw it back, baby. Think diners, truck stops, thick glass bottles, or whatever particular thing retro means for you.
10. Landline phones have infinitely more spooky vibes than mobiles.
11. Does this prompt call to mind winding paths, being torn between choice, or crossroad deals with demons? I wrote this prompt with the lattermost in mind, but the choice is yours.
12. Is it good or bad? Friend or foe?
13. Let's get some colours and vibrancy going on in here. Neon signs, string lights, bright palettes, etc.
14. It's wings, baby. The sky's the limit.
15. Lights! Juxtapose the spooky darkness of Halloween with some glow.
16. I'm on the edge of my seat. Am I excited? Am I exhilarated? Am I shouting "Don't go in there!!"? You tell me!
17. Design a coupon for a Halloween event, or item. Like, for example, 50% of Michael Myers' mask. Alternatively, draw me a Halloween spook using a coupon at a gas station or something. Be creative!
18. We love fungi, fungi love us. Show me how much.
19. What is even in that creepy bastard? Or on it, for that matter? Nobody knows!
20. I stole this one from this year's official Inktober. It's just so dynamic.
21. You know what candy is. Do something with it!
22. Use a cartoon style, use a cartoon character, make it move, etc.
23. Like a costume, but with a purpose.
24. Whether you choose a public washroom or a private one, these are hubs for all sorts of scary shit. Take advantage of the mirrors, drains, stalls, or sinks.
25. Remember when I said that landlines are the creepiest phone? Make me take it back.
26. Cute puppy in a costume, or vicious werewolf on the prowl? Or mix and match them together. Do whatever you want!
27. Weapons can be anything! Or, rather, anything can be a weapon, in the right hand.
28. Slasher films are a personal Halloween staple of mine, so I'd be remiss to not include it. Think Scream, I Know What You Did Last Summer, or even Happy Death Day.
29. This has nothing to do with ventriloquism, but have you seen The Boy? That movie was fucked up - I really didn't see the twist coming.
30. Something positive! Or maybe not. Point is, someone, or something, is in looove.
31. Draw your OC, or a character you really like, all dressed up for tonight!
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viola-halogen · 2 years
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Inktober day 31: Mask
Happy Halloween!!! 🎃👻🦇🧛🏻‍♂️
Pat definitely took Daley trick or treating every year on Halloween. Also the masks are definitely homemade with crafts stuff Pat brought home from scouts.
And that’s the end of Inktober! I know I missed a few and was late on a bunch but I am incredibly proud of how I’ve done since this is my first time ever taking part in this. It was really fun to do, but I’m definitely looking forward to being able to start some other things I have planned. And with how well this year’s gone, maybe I’ll be doing it again next year.
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sunlit-art · 2 years
Happy Days of Mischief!!!
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oh no. the skykids graffiti'd my art. whatever shall I dooooo
[actual art below the cut]
Happy Hallow...een? ar? Happy Days of Mischief? Happy whatever-you-celebrate-in-this-time-vicinity.
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TLD x Sky:CotL
day 31: mischief
warning! long post of cosmetic identification + inktober reflection ahead. might wanna leave if you'd prefer to avoid text walls~
Anne: Mischief Witch Hair, mask from the darkness plant [Season of Shattering], Mischief Withered Cape, Mischief Witch Jumper [but with folded-back pants instead of the shoes]
Fai: Mischief Witch Hat, her own hair, Doublefive Light Catcher Mask, Indifferent Alchemist Cape [but Fai-purple], cargo pants
Alex: Krill hair [but short], Cackling Cannoneer Mask, Ultimate Krill Cape, Polite Scholar pants
Phil: Elf Hair [but his own bangs], Chuckling Scout Mask, his own scarf, Mischief Web Cape [but blue], Mischief Witch Jumper with Ushering Stargazer pants
And so, Inktober comes to a close. I had a ton of fun doing the challenge, and I'm super happy to finish on time! I can't BELIEVE I've turned out 31 pieces in 31 days. It's almost unreal.
I've learned sooo much--how to properly use my pens, how they react to my white paint pen and vice versa, how much I need a new pen set... (*winces* my 005 is practically nibless it's sad)
... and how to use my phone's absolute unit of an image editor. You can hueshift and saturate specific colors!! so I can desaturate yellow/orange to get rid of lighting but keep actual color!!!
I'll put together a big masterpost with every inktober page of my sketchbook tomorrow :) hopefully I'll see some improvement haha. At the very least, I've gotten much more confident doing more complex pieces! Landscapes, people, and scenes, not just icons or symbols. The charms I did at the end were so easy.
I really wanna do more art, but I'm. not very creative, believe it or not. All of my work is derived—from a prompt, a game, a photo, whatever. I might do Inktober 52, or 30 days of Reborn? As much as I'd love to do Huevember, I don't have consistent access to either coloring materials or digital programs to do it as I'd like. Maybe I'll try inking real-world photos? Or going back and doing "missed" inktober prompts or lists...
(31 October 2022)
bonus concept sketch ?
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honestly like this posing more than final but whatever. too late now
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schtroumpfcurieux · 2 years
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J'ai publié 357 fois en 2022
C'est 357 billets de plus qu'en 2021 !
107 billets créés (30%)
250 billets reblogués (70%)
Les blogs que j'ai le plus reblogués :
J'ai étiqueté 148 billets en 2022
#the smurfs - 106 billets
#les schtroumpfs - 37 billets
#the smurfs comics - 17 billets
#hefty smurf - 11 billets
#jokey smurf - 11 billets
#inktober - 11 billets
#smurftober - 10 billets
#fanfic - 10 billets
#smurftober 2022 - 9 billets
#papa smurf - 8 billets
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#other demons tell you how his life went to deeper hell since he tried to trick the smurfs and now he's on a sick leave for his depression
Mes billets vedette en 2022 :
Hi everyone!
Great news for Smurfs (and Brainy) fans! I was asked (by @schtroumpf-a-lunettes )if I could translate some comics that weren't translated in English yet, and I started with The Smurfs and the Dream Machine!
Here is a drive link to read it, one doc is the translation the other the comic in french. I'd recommend dowloading, just in case.
have fun!
16 notes - publié le 5 septembre 2022
Making a compilation for Fourth Wall Smurf
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Voir l'intégralité du billet
18 notes - publié le 27 novembre 2022
in case anyone's wondering: I have absolutely no regrets
this inside is the bestest
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20 notes - publié le 16 novembre 2022
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he looks so sad
23 notes - publié le 1 août 2022
Mon billet n°1 en 2022
btw i think it would be very funny if the different versions of the characters met
Everyone thinks the Glasses Smurfs will love to talk together and be an insufferable trio; turns out 80s and comics can't stand each other, and 80s made a stupid comment about Smurfette so now 2021 is annoyed by him. Then 80s and comics find out 2021 actually has a group of friends, and they're too stunned to react.
Prankster Smurfs start as a trio of pranks terror, but as the days go on, comics realize he is somehow the more mature of the three and has to babysit before the other two go too far with their pranks (did I imagine a story where the trio starts making pranks that get meaner and meaner, and more and more dangerous, so at one point their pranks start getting thwarted by a masked smurf that 80s and 2021 name Killjoy Smurf, and now the trio is doing complex pranks to defeat him, but it goes too far and get almost everyone captured by Gargamel, but then Killjoy Smurf saves the day with the help of pranks, and it turns out it was comics Prankster all along trying to stop the other two Pranksters? yes. yes i did.)
The Vanity Smurfs are always complimenting each other, and do slumber parties and spa days all the time. The Smurfettes are sometimes invited.
The Strong Smurfs are all in a friendly rivalry, and they organize sport competitions only them and a few smurfs participate in. It became more interesting to watch them than compete, anyway.
The Great Smurfs are friendly and work together, but you can feel that sometimes they have tensions they smile through about how to best raise the smurfs.
At one point they talk about their Musician Smurfs, and comics have to concede defeat as 80s Musician can at least help Baby go to sleep, and 2021 Musician is actually a decent trumpet player.
31 notes - publié le 28 juillet 2022
Obtenez votre année 2022 en revue sur Tumblr →
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sky-ivylight · 8 months
In The Garden
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Inktober day 1! yes it's october 4th we don't count it shhhhhh I'm following 2 separate prompt lists (below the cut :D) and combining each prompt for the day! The prompts for this one were "dream" and "vines" so here we have a nymph/god/spirit character who harvests dream fruits from the vines of a lush garden. The fruit, once harvested, disintegrates and finds its person. The dreams can find anyone; god, mortal, demi-god, spirit, etc.
Time taken: 3-ish hours Program: Clip Studio Paint
[ID: A digital painting of a lush, green area. There is no sunlight, the vines and foliage are far too dense. A single person faces the camera, looking directly at the viewer with eyes that are a half dozen colors all swirling together. Their skin is greenish blue, almost blending into the plantlife around them, and sparkling like a night sky with stars. Their head and hair seem to dissolve into a cloud. They are holding up a freshly picked glowing magical fruit that's swirling with hot pink, purple, and deep blue colors on its surface. The fruit is dissolving into the air in a hot pink cloud. /END ID]
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[ID: Two inktober prompt lists. The official INKTOBER 2023 Prompt list, reading: 1. Dream, 2. Spiders, 3. Path, 4. Dodge. 5. Map, 6. Golden, 7. Drip, 8. Toad, 9. Bounce, 10. Fortune, 11. Wander, 12. Spicey, 13. Rise, 14. Castle, 15. Dagger, 16. Angel, 17, Demon, 18. Saddle, 19. Plump, 20. Frost, 21. Chains, 22. Scratchy, 23. Celestial, 24. Shallow, 25. Dangerous, 26. Remove, 27. Beast, 28. Sparkle, 29. Massive, 30. Rush, 31. Fire.
A prompt list labeled INKTOBER, #PlaguePrompts reading: 1. Vines, 2. Crystals, 3. Wild, 4. Pumpkins, 5. Eyes, 6. Sweater Weather, 7. Flowers, 8. Rain, 9. Skeleton, 10. Campfire, 11. Graceful, 12. Masked, 13. Lost, 14. Creepy, 15. Sad, 16. Small, 17. Poisonous, 18. Space, 19. Rain Boots, 20. Warm Drink, 21. Trees, 22. Collection 23. Friend, 24. Music, 25. Candy, 26. Deer, 27. Feather, 28. Zodiac, 29. Mushroom, 30. Potion, 31. Grand Finale /END ID]
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mennaih · 2 years
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Inktober day 31: Halloween My OC Jacob! . . . #traditionalart #traditionaldrawing #traditionalillustration #traditionalillustrator #inkillustration #inkillustrations #illustrationart #illustrationsartist #inkworkart #inksketches #inkpensketch #oc #originalcharacter #originalcharacterwork #originalcharactersoc #inktober #inktoberchallenge2022 #inktoberchallenge #chyas_inktober #chyas_inktober22 #chyas_inktober2022 #day31 #inktoberday31 #storiestotell #comicsart #cómics #lastdayinktober #halloween #mask #blacksuit https://www.instagram.com/p/CkZcZgyDwYH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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