#inosuke cracks me up
ninapi · 1 year
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┊┊┊✧ ⁺ ⁺╚══ Roommates…? ╝
Premise: Zenitsu trips you and Genya into being roommates in your first year of college, disregarding Genya’s everlasting crush on you.
Word count: 7638
Note: This is set up in the Kimetsu academy world, just so you know~✨
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
High school was finally over, a new page in your book was about to begin.
You and your school friends all applied to the same local collage and all got in without any problem, majority of you at least, Zenitsu got in only because there was a misconstructed question in the entrance test and the school gave everyone a couple extra points for the inconvenience. But the important thing was that all of you got in.
When you all signed up for the school dorms you chose to go for the mixed building, it was more like a shared house rather than a regular dorm, a cozier experience, getting to share your time off with your friends.
Aoi, who was a year older than you all, was the one in charge of the house, she was part of the student council as well, a very busy responsible young woman. One who very much doted on Kanao and managed to live an entire year without a roommate just waiting for the moment she would be able to share her room with her.
This unfortunately meant you were the only girl without someone to share your room with.
The house had one room for three people and one for two left and space for one person in Aoi’s room. Originally, you would be teaming with Kanao, but she got abducted by her friend real quick. Aoi was supposed to share her room with her boyfriend, Inosuke, but that wouldn’t be seen as proper by the student council.
After a long heartfelt conversation with your best friend Tanjiro, he agreed to share with you, leaving Zenitsu, Genya and Inosuke in the bigger room.
That however, changed without your knowledge…
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It was finally the day to move in, you were excited to say the least, wanted to tour the campus, the house, everything was so exhilarating and new. Sharing your room with your best friend would be so much fun you just couldn’t wait.
When you finally got to the house, all your friends were already there, their bags and boxes in the shared living space, and they were arguing with one another.
“Hey guys, what’s up?” Tanjiro looked annoyed, he’s as popular as one can be; this was normal for the likes of him, though it was more of an intense hogging than usual. Inosuke was pulling one of his sleeves, Zenitsu hugging his leg while wailing loudly. His girlfriend was just watching everything quietly from the couch and Genya looked like he just lost three lives.
“(Y/N)…Zenitsu did something bad without my consent…he…he changed the order in the request form for the rooms. I’ve been assigned to the 3A, not the 2C….”
All your plans of a happy college life crashed in a second, your bag falling from your shoulder onto the floor with a loud thump. “He did WHAT?”
“(Y/N) please don’t yell at me, I didn’t think this through…I just wanted Tanjiro in my room so I’d get to see Nezuko-chan more often…I didn’t do this on purpose I swear…” his loud wails were giving you a headache.
Making your way over to the list glued on the wall, you searched for your room.
“2C…2C….there it is. (Y/L)(Y/N) and Shinazugawa Genya. WHAT??? Baby Shinazugawa??? ZENITSU GET YOUR ASS HERE RIGHT NOW!” Genya let out a loud sigh, he knew you’d be upset, who wouldn’t?
He wasn’t one to talk to people, he’s been your classmate since first year in high school and you both have been in the same group of friends since then, but all you had in common was your relationship with Tanjiro. You’ve never really talked, didn’t know anything about the other, all you knew was he was the little brother of your favorite teacher, the oh so very hot Shinazugawa-sensei, besides that all you knew was that he didn’t feel comfortable with women.
Unbeknownst to you, he’s always had a crush on you. Ever since that day in your first year when he lost his English book and you let him share your desk for the entire class and even shared your snacks with him. Ever since that day he’d only have eyes for you, and that’s the main reason why he avoids you all together, steam comes out of his ears every time you’re both in the same room, it’s utterly embarrassing.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know you hated Genya!” Zenitsu’s snot was dripping down your hand which made you release the angry grip you had on his shirt right away.
“I don’t hate Genya. I hate YOU. Are you stupid? He isn’t comfortable around girls. How is he going to live in the same room as me? Do you ever stop for a moment and think? All that’s in your head is Nezuko, Nezuko, Nezuko. You gotta think about others too!” you were fuming at this point, he’s so insensible.
Genya was now speechless, he thought you’d be mad for having to share your room with someone like him, never expected you to be angry on his behalf. His heart was racing faster, unwilling to listen to reason.
“But (Y/N) if there’s a girl that can sleep with Genya, that’s gotta be you, am I right guys?” Genya who was drinking a sip of water to calm his racing heart, chocked on the choice of words of his friend, making him almost cough one of his lungs out.
Tanjiro, being the gentle sweet friend he is, wanted everyone to be happy with this arrangement, so he intervened, “Zenitsu is right. Genya doesn’t seem too affected by you, he’s normally yelling at other women whenever they get in his space, but he’s fine with you and Nezuko, I’m sure you two will get along. I know that what Zenitsu did is not right, but I already talked with Aoi-san, there’s no way of changing it, at least not until next semester, do you guys think you’ll be ok with that?”
Genya was snarling, very much upset at the fact that not only Tanjiro, but Zenitsu, noticed how he acted differently around you. “It’s not like we have a damn choice, you better not get in my way (L/N).” he was always like this, you knew this was a typical answer coming from him, but it hurt you just a bit thinking he would hate his life for an entire semester all due to you.
“I’m fine, at least is not Zenitsu, I would move out of the dorm if it was him…” you were grumbling on your way up the stairs to find your room.
Genya’s heart was singing, so you would leave the dorm if you had to share with someone you didn’t like, and you weren’t going to…does that mean you like him?
His tough facade was not something he felt comfortable dropping just yet, he needed to establish boundaries first, so he grumbled his way up behind you, following you quickly into your new residence.
The house had a nice layout, room 3A was the only room in the first floor, it had three loft beds, each with their own desk underneath, a bathroom and a little common space in the middle of the room to hang out. This floor also held the shared living room, kitchen and laundry room.
The second floor had two rooms of two each, 2A and 2B, Aoi and Kanao were in 2A, while 2B was home to two third year guys you didn’t know very well, one was from your school, Inadama-senpai while his roommate was unknown to all of you. This floor also held a share bathroom with multiple shower booths, a study room with computers and a big work table and also a game room with a big couch, a very large TV and all sort of videogame consoles.
And finally the third floor and the smallest one in size, was shaped like a little triangle and only housed your room, 2C.
The room itself was larger than you expected, unlike Tanjiro’s room, you both had your own comfy twin sized bed with a nice shelf and closet each. The desks were both next to each other facing a large window and your bathroom wasn’t the biggest one out there but at least you didn’t have to share with the rest like the guys in the second floor.
Genya kept on scowling at you from his bed while you kept on exploring your new home, decorating the space would be so much fun, this shouldn’t have to be a bad thing.
“Can you fucking stop for a second?” you were used to his dirty mouth, it’s one of the things he had in common with his brother, one you didn’t completely hate.
“Yes, baby Shinazugawa~?” your happy singsongy tone of voice was causing him indigestion, he hated when you called him that, it reminded him of who you truly liked.
“Stop calling me that, just call me Genya like everyone else does.” you nodded, sitting across from him on your own bed.
“So what’s up?” he still couldn’t believe his dream girl would be sleeping in the same room as him for at least one semester what if he calls out to you in his sleep? What if you see him staring creepily at you or even worse what if you notice he likes you?
“I’ve never shared a room with a girl before, thought we should set some rules.” to this you agreed, bringing a little whiteboard out of your backpack.
“Alright, #1 don’t leave the toilet lid up after using it.” you were writing on your board, a vein popping out of Genya’s forehead. He got up and plopped beside you, taking the board from your hands roughly to write on it as well, “#2 pick up your loose hair from the shower after you wash it.”
You grabbed it once more, a little irritation visible in your face, “#3 No nakedness.”
It was his turn, instead of writing a fourth one he just underlined the third rule, twice, making you giggle, it was an important rule after all.
“How about we take turns to clean the room? I have Wednesday’s off I can clean that day.” Genya nodded, thinking back on his own schedule, “I’ll take the weekend turn then.”
This wasn’t so bad, he was now less agitated and after seeing your short list of rules, you felt like sharing your space with Genya wouldn’t be much different than doing so with Tanjiro.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You were both getting settled in your side of the room when the door burst opened, a wild Inosuke charging right in. “Tanjiro says you both have to be ready for the party in thirty minutes, better hurry he wants us to dress nicely.”
You really didn’t want to go to this stupid party, you were tired and your little encounter with Zenitsu soured your mood just a bit, but saying no to Tanjiro wasn’t an option, neither it was for Genya, so you both got ready to leave in time.
While Genya opted for just a plain tee and some leather pants, you went all out wearing the tiniest dress he’s ever seen in his life. Your friend Mitsuri gave it to you as a birthday present and made you promise you would wear it for said party. You were regretting listening to her now though, this wasn’t something you would normally wear.
Genya was sweating, his face redder than the sunset out your window, “It looks weird doesn’t it? Maybe I should change, things like this would never suit someone like me….” the sad look on your reflection made Genya snap out of his wild teenage fantasy, stopping you from going back into the bathroom by holding your wrist.
“I-it doesn’t look w-weird. Not at all. L-let’s go, it’s late.” his cute stuttering made you smile, he was kind, you always knew this, he was just always with his guard up and never let you fully approach him before, hopefully this would be your chance.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The party was a little too much for you.
Majority of your friends already drunk before 9PM.
There were many known faces, even some you thought you’d never see again, Shinazugawa-sensei being one of them. So this is why Mitsuri gave you this dress. She knew he was coming.
“Sensei! I didn’t know you were coming tonight! It’s so good to see you again.” Sanemi’s face was one of shock, he never thought his cute favorite student could ever look the way you did now with that dress. He wished he was a bit more sober now, this was dangerous, then again, he wasn’t your teacher anymore…
“(Y/N)! My god, would you look at yourself.” he grabbed you by your waist pulling you closer to him so you could actually hear each other over the loud music.
“You think is weird too? Your brother said it wasn’t…” you were still uncomfortable wearing such a short dress, but the look he was giving you made goosebumps go crazy over your soft skin.
“Well he wasn’t wrong.” he’s not stupid, he’s known about you crushing on him since your first year, the way you would always look at him dreamily, how your eyes would always drift to his exposed chest, it was pretty obvious.
You were looking up at him through your long lashes, Genya could see how you were giggling at who knows what his brother was telling you. His hand never left your waist and the hungry look in his eyes was ringing alerts in Genya’s brain.
Without thinking about it twice, he walked over to you, grabbed you by your wrist and pull you over to his chest. An angry scowl covering his features while he stared down at his older brother.
“Genya, what the fuck do you think you’re doing? Let her hand go, right the fuck now.” Sanemi was growling loudly, the alcohol in his bloodstream causing his needy self to turn against his brother in rage.
“I’m taking my roommate home with me now. Find someone else to fuck around, brother. Leave her alone.” you were staring up at him in awe, nobody had ever done something like this for you before, but in all truth you didn’t want to be rescued.
Yes, you were nervous. You saw the way he was looking at you too. You could feel his breathing change, but you wanted this too, that was the purpose of this damn dress after all.
“Genya, it’s fine. I was the one who approached Sensei. We were just having a little chat.” you pulled away from him gently, giving a step back in Sanemi’s direction, causing him to smirk in victory.
“You heard it from her, now leave us will you? Have a pretty good idea of what we could get up to for the rest of the night.” he walked over to you, placing both of his hands over your hips, pulling you flushed against him.
Genya was losing his cool. He couldn’t let this happen, he knows his brother, is not like he would have an actual relationship with you, he would wake up the next day, see one of his students in his bed, freak out and never see you again.
Normally he wouldn’t care, but he knows how you feel about him, he didn’t want you to feel used, to be sad. And he most definitely didn’t want you in his brother’s bed.
“I said we are going home.” Genya grabbed your wrist once more, tugging you harshly as he walked out of the party and towards the street.
You kept wiggling trying to get him to let go of you but he kept walking ignoring you completely. He wouldn’t allow this to happen, not on his watch, not on the first night he gets to share with you.
“Genya, please. You’re hurting me!” your words made him stop abruptly, making you crash against his solid back and fall on your bum. “Ouch…”
“It’s your damn fault! For acting like a slut with someone like my brother! You can’t do something like that (Y/N) you hear me?! He would use you like a damn old rag!” he was yelling at you, a hurt look on his face.
Your eyes though, watered at his harsh words, “I’m not a slut…you idiot!” the tears started to go down your face, still unable to get up from the floor after your fall, your ankle was throbbing in pain.
Genya realized what he just did, hating himself for letting his anger do the talking. He never meant to make you cry. “(Y/N) I….I know you’re not…I was just angry…he…I know you like him but he would just use you and throw you away the next morning, you don’t deserve that…” he was mumbling in between grunts, clenching his fists as to hold himself together, his eyes glued to the pavement.
He was in more pain than you at this point. You could see how hard it was for him to apologize but you appreciated his effort.
You knew Sensei was very much drunk, he’s a great guy would never do something like that in his right mind, you didn’t want him to block you completely out of his life for a crazy passionate night he won’t even remember. Genya put some sense into you with his little display, you had to be grateful.
Smiling in between sniffs, you made grabby hands at Genya, making his eyes grow wide. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“Well you kept insisting on taking me home, but thanks to your anger problems I sprained my ankle. So, take.me.home.” you punctuated every word, never stopping your hand gestures.
Fuck, why did you have to be this cute? It was killing him.
Without arguing, he turned around while crouching down for you to climb onto his back. You happily complied, wrapping your arms around his neck while he held both of your thighs as gently as he could. He could feel your assets pressed to his back, the soft skin of the fat of your thighs between his fingers, his heart was racing so fast that his vision was clouding, he’s never had this type of contact with a woman before, he didn’t know they were this soft.
He walked over to your shared house in silence, while you took in the entire situation once more.
“Genya…?” your voice was soft, welcoming, your breath tickling his left ear. “Y-yeah…?”
“Thank you. I know I would of eventually regret it if I’d had gone home with your brother instead. Probably wouldn’t be able to face him ever again…” he just nodded, your arms draping lazily around his neck. He was so strong, it wasn’t even necessary for you to hold onto him, so you found entertainment in playing with his hair as he walked. It was softer than you imagined, made you want to keep touching it.
Genya on the other hand forgot how to breathe. Why were you touching him like that? Were you teasing him? Just what on earth was going on…?
You hummed happily, resting your face on his head, nuzzling your cheek on his hair sleepily, “Genya….?”
“Hmm?” he readjusted his hands around your thighs, you were getting heavier, sleep claiming your undisturbed self. “I’m glad you’re my roommate...”
This brought a little smile to his face for the first time in a long time, “Yeah, same...”
He could hear soft little snores pressed against his neck, but he could also feel you smile at his reply just before falling asleep.
He took you back to your shared room and set you down in your bed. He took your shoes off, took your earrings off and laid them on your desk, wrapped you tightly with your warm blanket and smiled down at you before turning the lights off and going to his own bed.
Yeah…he was glad he was your roommate too.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You and Genya have been roommates for a couple of months now. You found a routine that worked for both of you just fine in no time, making life together much easier.
He helps you zip up your dresses, you help him style his hair, you share the sink as you both brush your teeth every morning and before going to bed. That’s kind of where you were right now.
It was comfortable, for both of you.
Your last lecture for the day ended up extending for a while, making you arrive later than usual to the shared house.
The place was always loud, the guys were usually hanging out in the game room, while Aoi and Kanao would stay in the living room and kitchen area doing their crafty things. As for you and Genya, both would normally stick to your own room, Genya wasn’t very social and you were terribly busy with assignments and upcoming tests.
When you got into your room that night, you never expected seeing what was in front of you. Well, you just never ever in your life expected to see what was in front of you.
Genya was sprawled on the floor, shirtless. A shiny layer of sweat glistening over his succulent muscles. The sight alone made you swallow hard.
“Shinazugawa Genya, you are very much breaking rule #3 right now.” you tried to sound stern, masking your amusement with a fake scowl.
“(Y/N) help me…I’m melting…why is it so hot today…?” his breathing was ragged, seemed like a hassle for him to even speak.
“What are you talking about, it’s actually pretty cold today. C’mon up! You’re gonna get sick laying on the floor half naked.” you saw him trying to move on his own but not being very successful at it, so you gave him a hand.
“Oh my god, Genya. You’re burning up, hold up, stay still.” you pressed your forehead on his, getting a feel of his real body temperature.
You were solely focused in your task at hand but all Genya could see were your plush lips, he’s never seen them so up close, they were as beautiful as the rest of you. “You definitely have a fever. Can you sit up for me?”
While he did his best to sit on the floor resting his back against his bed, you went to get a clean towel, rushing back to his side in less than a minute.
Without asking for his permission, you patted dry his skin gently with your mini towel, then reached out for one of his shirts when done. “Help me get you in this shirt.” he could barely lift his arms a little for you, dressing up such a heavy mass of a man was a task, but you were done fairly quickly.
“Let’s get you in your bed. Can you get up on your own or should I go call for some help?” he shook his head doing his best to crawl up into his bed with your help removing the covers for him. Once he was secured under his blanket you checked his temperature once more. It didn’t seem to be getting any better.
“I’ll go find some meds for you alright? Would you like some instant soup for dinner?” he managed to blink a couple of times as if acknowledging your question, you took that as a yes and started heading downstairs when his hand reached over for yours, “Don’t leave me…”
“I’ll be right back, ok? You need food and medicine to get better.”
Sick Genya was doing things to your heart, your hand reached over to his face, gently moving his hair away from his eyes. “Promise.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The soup ended up better than you had hoped for since you added some vegetables and other toppings you could find down stairs to it, you were also able to get some meds from Aoi, having a pre-med school student in the house was a life saver.
“Take two of the blue ones and one of the red ones as soon as you finish eating your soup, ok? I’ll go take a quick shower, be right back.” grabbing a pair of comfy pjs you went into your bathroom while Genya slowly took in his food.
Feeling refreshed, you got out ready to take the dishes down and hopefully have a restful sleep.
“Nurse…can you please call my mom? I don’t feel very well…” his rough voice caught you off guard. Did he say nurse-?
You rushed over to his side immediately, worried for his delirious state. “Genya, did you take your medicine?” he gave you a tiny nod, pointing at his tray.
“Oh god. You took two red ones and a blue one! It was the other way around you silly goose!” the look of despair in your face made Genya chuckle. You’ve never heard him chuckle before.
“You’re so cute, nurse. You kinda look like the woman I love. Funny.” he was babbling nonsensical things now, you had to help him.
“Genya. I’ll be right back. Stay in your bed ok? Be a good boy.” he smiled giddily at you, making you run down a flight of stairs.
“Aoi-san! AOI-SAN!!!” you were banging on her door, nearly in tears.
“Jeez (Y/N) what is it-?” she was watching a movie in her room with her boyfriend, Kanao and Tanjiro, a cuddling party you didn’t want to disturb.
“The pills you gave me…Genya…he took two red ones…it’s all my fault I should have stayed by his side while he ate…he’s calling out for his mother now, how do I tell him his mother is dead?? Oh god. What if he dies…I can’t let him die Aoi-san…please help him….he’s delusional already.”
“(Y/N)…” she held both of your hands making you take in a very deep breath. “He will be fine, even if he took two of the red ones. He’s not delusional, just high. He’ll fall asleep any time soon and will feel better in the morning.”
“So he won’t die…” you hiccuped, blinking tears off your eyes.
“He won’t die, no. Just take his temperature a couple more times. If it’s high just put a cooling towel on his forehead and let him rest.” you nodded, listening carefully to her instructions, before heading back upstairs, disappearing into a cloud of dust.
“Since when are (Y/N) and Genya this close?” Tanjiro was supposed to be your best friend, what were you not telling him? Kanao just shrugged, hitting the play button once more.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
When you got back in the room he hadn’t move one inch. He gave you a big goofy smile as soon as he saw you getting closer.
“(Y/N) you won’t believe this, my nurse. She looks just like you. Isn’t that funny?” didn’t he say the nurse looked like the woman he loved- poor creature, he’s really sick.
“Oh really? Well she was quite the looker then.” you played along not wanting to upset the poor man and he nodded agreeing with your statement.
“Aoi-san said you must rest. I’m going to leave here a cooling towel, your fever is still pretty high.” placing the towel gently over his forehead, he sighed in delight, it felt great against his burning skin.
“I always knew you were an angel.” he grabbed a hold of your hand, nuzzling his cheek on your palm. He was really going hard at being adorable.
“A-angel…? Well this angel says you gotta rest. So how about you close your eyes and take a little nap?” you flicked the tip of his nose gently, making him grin even more.
“Will you nap with me? I don’t think I can sleep if you don’t.” there was a little pout forming on his lips, he was acting just like a baby.
“You would like that, won’t you, baby.” playing his game was fun, you were sure he wouldn’t remember any of this in the morning so who cares, you’d indulge him just this once.
“Very much, yeah.” he was scooting his butt to the side making space for you on his bed. You just couldn’t fight against those sick puppy eyes.
Nestling on his side, he was quick to wrap himself around you, humming in contentment. This was the good life.
You ran your fingers through his hair hoping that would get him to doze off, he was oddly very awake for someone so high in meds.
“Ok I’m here, now is time for you to nap.” he looked up at you with a slightly annoyed look on his face, “I can’t sleep yet.”
“Oh? And why’s that?”
“Duh-uh…I didn’t get any goodnight kisses. I can’t sleep without them.” Oh good lord, you couldn’t help but wonder who’s this person that gives him the goodnight kisses, a pang of jealousy hitting your insides unexpectedly.
You held his face up softly, pressing a tender kiss to his forehead. “There, now you don’t have any excuse. Time to sleep.” to this he scoffed, glaring at you.
“That kiss was full of bullshit. Doesn’t count.” a fit of giggles left your lips at his reply; this man was too much.
“How was that full of bullshit? Has nobody ever kissed your forehead before?” he shook his head, still glaring at you.
“Ok, ok come here.” holding his face once more, you gave his cheek a loud smooch. “There.”
“Pfft…my mother gives me better kisses than that.” this guy was hard to please, how unexpected.
“Does this mean you don’t like my kisses? I’m sorry I’m not as good of a kisser as your mom.” he buried his face on your side, mumbling against the fabric of your top, “I do like your kisses. Those are the only ones I want. But you just keep bullshitting me…you’re the one that doesn’t like me…is it because I’m not as handsome as my brother? Is it because of my scars? He has more than I do...maybe I should get more...” his voice was now cracking, he looked like a typical drunk old man. First all cozy and cute now all depressed and about to cry.
You brought him back up, brushing your thumb gently across his big scar, “You look just like your brother, what are you saying. You’re both beautiful.” your smile was so soft, it made him want to cry and he didn’t know why.
You cupped both of his cheeks, pressing your lips ever so lightly against his, his whole body going still. “How about that one? Still bullshitting you?”
Your wide grin made him blush even in his current state.
You kissed him. YOU kissed him.
“Do you think you can take your nap now? I don’t fancy kissing guys that won’t listen…” he went back to bury his face on your side, playing dead. This made you laugh, a true earned laugh full of glee.
“You cute little rascal. Come here.” you got him in a more comfortable position, making him rest his head on your chest, and bringing his blanket over the two of you.
“Can I maybe get one more kiss? I’m not that sleepy yet.” even as high in meds as one can be, he had to get the best out of this situation, it might not repeat itself.
“You really like kisses, don’t you?”
He nodded, brushing his nose against your jawline. “Just yours.”
You knew he was sick, he probably didn’t mean anything he was saying, but it made your heart race. Reaching for his lips with your own, you kissed him once more. This time was more of a real kiss than the last one, yet still very tame and gentle.
He sighed against your lips, nestling his face in the crook of your neck, finally ready for sleep.
What a night.
You fell asleep in his tight warm embrace, heart still racing for someone it didn’t know it could go this fast for.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Genya woke up earlier than normal, his head was pounding, his back soaked with sweat.
He felt heavy, he couldn’t move, almost felt like he had someone on his chest-
He looked down in panic, seeing your face very much pressed against it, your limbs tangled together into a knot.
Panic was now filling his entire self, memories of last night flooding in.
“Oh no, no, no, no. What did I do-“ his outburst made you stir, pulling him back down with you. “C’mere baby, let me check your fever.” he answered to your groggy request by pressing his forehead against yours, making you smile with your eyes closed. “It’s much better…can we sleep a bit more?” you were snuggling into him, very much aware of what you were doing.
Internally, Genya was a mess. He didn’t know what to say, how to react.
He suddenly remembered your lips against his and his entire world collapsed.
You kept on pulling him closer until he went back into the knot of limbs you seemed to enjoy so much.
“Hmmmm…you’re so comfy….I could sleep on you all day...” you mumbled against his neck, placing a soft kiss against it. His eyes were about to fall off their sockets, he just couldn’t believe what was happening.
Weren’t you just roommates?
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Waking up for a second time that day, Inosuke charged into your room unannounced. He was followed by Tanjiro and Zenitsu who were worried about you two missing breakfast.
When they got into the room the sight that welcomed them was right of the bat outrageous.
Your hand was way up in Genya’s shirt, resting against his naked abs, his comfily resting on the curve of your bum, more than half of his ridiculously large hand groping the soft flesh greedily in his sleep. Your face was still hidden on the crook of his neck, his lips permanently stuck to the side of your head. They could barely distinguish what was from who, it was a real mess of blankets, sheets and feet.
The loud gasp that left their lips made Genya stir angrily in his sleep. ¨Shhhh….shhhh….it´s ok.¨ you rubbed soothing circles on his belly trying to get him back to sleep.
Propping yourself up on one of your arms, you glared at your friends with a very much annoyed looking expression. ¨Ever heard of knocking?¨ Inosuke felt bad for barging into your privacy, he honestly never expected to walk in on you like that, he thought you’d be both dead based on what he heard last night in his girlfriend’s room.
¨Ever heard of locking your door before doing frisky things?" the glare battle was intense between the two of you, making Tanjiro having to intervene as usual. ¨Sorry, we should have knocked, our bad, we'll keep that in mind…(Y/N) could you…explain what's going on?” he was still feeling hurt from being left behind, not you, nor Genya had said anything about whatever it was going on between you two, he thought you were best friends…
¨Can we talk later? He needs rest…¨ you were talking to Tanjiro, yet your eyes never left Genya´s sleeping form. He nodded closing the door behind him, not before telling you he saved you two some pastries from today´s breakfast and hid them in the microwave.
Once they left, Genya opened his eyes, tiredly looking up at you. ¨Feeling any better?¨ you went back into his arms, checking his temperature with the back of your hand. He nodded just a bit, hiding his face on your shoulder. He still didn't know how to address what you were doing, it felt so natural, like this was your normal every day thing, which it wasn't of course.
¨Your shirt is drenched in sweat though, go take a shower, I'll get our breakfast.¨ he tightened his grip around you, still afraid of losing whatever it is he managed to get through his feverish love outburst from last night.
¨I feel like ditching school today…so no worries, I'll stay with you all day. You do need a shower though.¨ you wrinkled your nose, teasing him just a bit to see his composure go back to normal at the snarl he gave you in response.
¨Wait, didn’t you have a test today?¨ you glanced at your wall clock, it was way past ten already, that was in your first class for the morning. Shrugging, you got up from his bed stretching, ¨I'll text my teacher, tell her I'm too sick and couldn't get out of bed in time. I'm sure we can figure something out later. Give me five minutes, I need to freshen up before you hog the bathroom.¨ chuckling, you waddled over to your bathroom with a pair of freshly laundered leggings and a crop tee. Lounging around didn’t sound as bad, you've been overly stressed during the past few weeks anyways, you also needed this.
When you got out of the bathroom, Genya was already sitting by the edge of his bed, going through an existential crisis.
He didn't know how to deal with this, he was way more comfortable with you now, he didn't blush as much, didn't stutter every single word of his out, but you weren't that comfortable to just kiss and sleep around like if it was nothing.
How was he supposed to interpret this? Did you like him back? Was that why you didn't really care and kissed him more than once? Or were you secretly freaking out trying to figure out how to get out of the awkward situation he got you in.
You walked straight into his closet roaming through it and looking for a pair of warm sweats and its matching sweatshirt. You handed it over to him and pointed to the bathroom. ¨Go.¨ both of your hands were on your hips, a deep glare forcing him on his feet. He liked this side of you, it was hot.
¨I'll go get our breakfast. Give me your shirt and stuff once you take them off, I'm going to drop by the laundry room.¨ you were ushering him out of the way, gathering his drenched sheets and blanket while you waited for him to get naked.
Not later than a couple of minutes after your instructions, Genya's hand could be seen coming out of the bathroom, his drenched shirt dangling from the door knob, closing the door shut right after, his face burning in shame. He was not ready for this.
After a long shower, Genya got out into the room to be greeted by a large tray filled with pastries, fruit, something steaming in a pot and some eggs. The tray was laying on your bed and you were waiting for him, tucked all the way in against the wall. You were really just going to play along with this without saying anything, weren’t you-
He just sat down beside you, taking a tiny croissant into his mouth.
This time you made sure he took his pills in the right order, getting comfortable in your bed after a hearty breakfast. You decided to watch movies in your tablet, he slept majority of the day, but you still had fun together, chatting around and cackling at how bad the movies were. The subject never being addressed by any of you, yet your gentle caresses and loving stares remained throughout the day.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Genya was feeling much better the next day, both of you went back to classes as normal without discussing anything at all with your friends, regardless of the inquisitive stares they all gave you two as you both came out from your room.
After a long day of tedious lectures, you were on your way back to your dorm when you heard someone call out for you.
¨Sensei-?¨ Sanemi was waiting for you by the entrance to your building, he looked a little flustered, a little insecure, things that weren't typical of him.
¨I- are you busy? I wanted to talk to you for a second if you don't mind.¨ you nodded, walking over to him, a little taken aback by the whole situation.
¨I'm sorry about the way I behaved that day in the welcome party. I was not myself, it's been bugging me for months, I was hoping you weren't mad at me…¨ his tone of voice was lower than usual, his snarky bite nowhere to be seen.
¨Don't worry, sensei. We were all a little off that day.¨ your bright smile reassured the crestfallen man. He didn't want to accept it but the truth was that he started seeing you in a different light that day. He's been thinking of how pretty you've gotten lately, how much he enjoyed talking to you in your breaks back when you were still in his school, how much he missed seeing your lovely smile in between the herds of zombie-like students he had.
¨Would you, I mean only if you want to of course…maybe go for a coffee with me? There’s a place nearby very popular among my students, I think you’d like it…¨ he was fumbling with his words, a light shade of pink covering the tips of his ears.
Was he asking you out? Like on a date?
If so, why did you not feel as happy as you should? The man you’ve been dreaming about for years was in front of you, blushing and asking you out on a date. Nothing should be able to beat this, but you were just not feeling it.
Genya was walking up to the house when he saw you…and his brother. Panic ran through his veins at the soft look he was giving you.
How was this possible?
Why was he here?
He's never been this close to actually having you, he wouldn’t let his own brother ruin his happiness.
¨Brother, what brings you here?¨ a possessive hand landed on your shoulder. Oddly enough, hearing his voice made you release a breath you didn't know you were holding, making you understand why was it you weren’t thrilled by the thought of going on a date with someone else, even if that someone was your very own high school crush.
¨The fuck Genya?? Can’t you see we are having an important conversation here? Piss off.¨ Sanemi's normal stand was back, angrily scowling at his little brother.
¨All I see is you bugging her. (Y/N) let's go inside, I got us some cocoa powder for tonight.¨ he knew you loved hot chocolate, just the thought of cuddling Genya while watching another awful movie together and drinking the warm goodness brought a smile to your face, very much confusing Sanemi.
¨Wait, wasn't she just your roommate? Why are you giving her those bedroom eyes? Don’t test the fuck out of me Genya.¨ he towered over his big brother in a power display, the grip on your shoulder only intensifying.
¨She isn’t just my roommate. She’s the girl I like since my high school days, my best friend, the coolest girl around, the only girl I’ve ever cared for. And you, brother, are not going to mess this up. You can get any woman you possibly want, why are you after the one I love?¨ your eyes were as wide as they could go, entranced by his angry shouts full of his love for you.
¨And why should I care? You’re not the only that likes her. Why would she choose you instead of me, dumbass? She’s always been after me, everyone knows that.¨ this got your attention, so he knew…he always knew…
Grabbing a hold of Genya’s hand, you smiled up at him, pulling him along to the entrance of your building. ¨Sorry Sensei. It is true, I did like you for a very long time and in any other moment in the past I would have happily follow you anywhere, but you see, we kindda have plans already for tonight, can’t go out with you. Also, don't ever call him a dumbass again, if you ever want to talk to me again, that is.¨ you waved sweetly at him, the smile you gave him never reached your eyes, as cold as steel, before heading over to your room with a very quiet Genya hand in hand.
When you arrived at your shared room, he just stayed by the entrance, replaying your words in his head.
¨So where is it? Get changed first so we can get in bed. I saw there were some cookies downstairs, I'll bring them along our drinks.¨ you were taking off your jacket, browsing your closet for something to change into.
He really didn't like this bad habit of yours, he needed to talk things through, he needed to fully understand what was going on. ¨(Y/N) are you sure this is fine? Wouldn’t you prefer to go on a date with my brother instead?¨ after everything he said, now he’s not even sure of himself anymore.
¨Pretty sure, yeah. Like I said, I'm not interested anymore.¨
¨And why is that…?¨ his voice was nothing but a whisper, walking over to you, his hand unconsciously reaching for the warmth of your back.
¨Hmmm…probably because I have a very handsome roommate, that’s incredibly sweet when he’s sick. Which also has the hottest abs I’ve seen in my entire life, that happens to know everything I like and I enjoy spending my time with? Yeah, that must be why.¨ the sultry undertone you were using, plus the flirty bashful look you were giving him, was driving him insane.
¨Oh yeah? Sounds like a better match for you, I agree.¨ you chuckled, lacing your arms around his neck. He lifted you up by your bum, making you wrap your legs around his waist as he kissed you deeply. There was no time for shyness, no time for blushing or stuttering, that man was long gone, even if he still had a hard time around other women, he felt home in your arms.
¨Genya…?¨ he hummed against your lips, not wiling to let go of you ever again, ¨yeah?¨
¨Should we buy Zenitsu dinner?¨ he broke the kiss staring down at you, eyes full of confusion.
¨Why the hell would we buy anything for that shithead?¨ the jealous snarl he was giving you made you giggle.
¨If you think about it, we are here now all because of him.¨ you nipped on his lower lip, making him relax in your touch.
¨Right, kay can do….¨ his mind was someplace else altogether. He gently set you down on your bed without letting go of you, getting in between your legs while laying on top of you. His hands were going up and down your sides with an added sense of urgency.
¨Genya…?¨ he looked up at you through hooded eyes, about to kill a man or two if you were to mention Zenitsu again.¨Yeah…?¨
¨I don't think we are just roommates anymore….¨ the flushed look on your beautiful face made him smile down at you tenderly.
¨Nah, we are so much more than that…¨ he kissed down your neck hungrily, his hands swiftly lifting up your skirt, your hands greedily reaching under his shirt to cling onto his strong bare back muscles, when the door burst open to a wild Inosuke charging right into your room while carrying a basket full of freshly baked cookies, gasping in horror.
“Didn’t I fucking tell you to lock your damn door when you two are up to this shit?!”
Note: I was going to make this a mini series but I just couldn’t stop and ended up being a very long one shot…😣
Masterlist Bonus Chapter
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mytheoristavenue · 2 months
Shy Makeouts with Your Fav!
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Summary: You initiate a makeout as a confession and he's just putty in your hands!
Warnings: Just fluffy stuff, makeouts, sub!character, dom!reader, gn!reader
"H-Hold on..." He said, staring up at you shyly. He'd always had the softest spot for you and no matter how confident he could be, no matter how resilient- he never could tell you no. That's what had him sitting on his own bedroom floor with you in his lap, kissing down his jaw without any shame for knowing neither had confessed yet.
"Sh-Shouldn't we talk about this first...?" He asked weakly, swallowing thickly as his head rolled to the side to give you more room. This felt so taboo, and yet he had no intent to stop it. "Hey..." He shuddered while your lips brushed his throat, but his palms stayed planted on the floor.
He could never pinpoint what it was about you that made him so shy. Maybe it was you dazzling smile or the mischievous glint your eyes would have when you had an idea that would get him in trouble. Kinda like right now. You were smirking at him for above, peppering his face with kisses, giggling at his blushed cheeks and furrowed brows.
"I'm seriou- ahh..." He sighed, melting when your lips brushed the shell of his ear. Your playful giggle rang in his ears as he tried to muster the willpower to stop you, to make you talk things out with him. "W-Wait, please-" He begged, trembling under your touch, but his arms betrayed him, pulling you closer instead of pushing you away. "Just talk to me, you know I hate it when you get all cryptic..."
"What would you like me to say, big guy?" You finally mused, breath hot on his ear.
"That you like me...?" He confessed with red cheeks. "T-That you keep kissing on me because you want be my..." He didn't have the heart to finish his thought, the embarrassment becoming too much to bare.
"Oh, but I do like you..." You smirk deviously. "And I do want to be whatever it is you want me to be." You didn't miss how his infectious, dopey grin cracked across his face at your confirmation. "There's that cute smile..." You giggled, settling back into his lap as he melted against your touch like butter in a pan. "Now, where where we?"
Mezo Shoji, Fumikage Tokoyami, Mashirao Ojiro, Eijiro Kirishima, Tamaki Amajiki, Izuku Midoryia, Tenya Iida, Hanta Sero, Shoto Todoroki, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, Juzo Honenuki, Shihai Kuroiro, Iguro Obanai, Inosuke Hashibura, Tanjiro Kamado, Gyomei Himejima, Tomioka Giyuu, God Usopp, Roronoa Zoro, Vinsoke Sanji, Cyborg Franky, Portgas D. Ace, Spirit Albarn, Soul Evans, and whoever else you'd like!
I hope you guys like this format! I wont be doing this like this all the time, but I thought it might be a way to give yall something when I'm away for a few days at a time!
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squiddy-god · 3 months
kny maine trio with s/o who likes to do stupid things
Re-upload from terminated blog squid-god-supreme
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Tanjirou 🌊
Chukles lightly and shakes his head at your dumb jokes
Thinks you are so cute telling nezuko jokes even when she’s inside her box
Honestly was so worked up about the fact he didn’t realise he loved you as more then a friend
Poor baby waited untill he was absolutely sure you liked him back befor he confessed
Won’t stop apologising for it
Would never want you to be awkward around him so he trys his best to be as considert as possible
Dad jokes to make you happy
When you play with nezuko and make her laugh (as much as she can) it just snatches all his UwUs
He worries a lot about you, especially if you go on a mission without him, he might have a heart attack
Wants a big family one day and jokes about it with you
Mother hen worrys 24/7
You wher walking down the dirt path to your next mission with the idiot squad™, you where behind tanjirou and could tell that the adorable demon nezuko was awake. You didn’t want the cute girl to be bord so like always you started to tell her your “best” jokes. “ hey nezu, did you hear about the scarecrow that won a award?” Tanjirou could feel himself dieing a little inside the more you told this joke, but he thought it was so cute how you got along so well with his sister. “He was outstanding in his feald!” He loved you but some times, you’re such a dork. It was a calm and genuine thing, and his smile never faltered.
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Zenitsu 💡
Literally dies because you remind him of inosuke so much sometimes
Takes most of your jokes seriously
So jealous of inosuke because you spend so much time pulling pranks with him
The pranks are on zenitsu
Realized he loved you more then just a crush when you made a joke about having kids
It got him thinking a lot
Confessed constantly but his s/o’s dense ass didn’t take it seriously
Untill he was chased by inosuke and ran into your arms wineing about how that bore monster was gonna kill him before he made you love him
Poor baby is self-conscious a lot and needs harsh reassurance that you love him
He thought the pranks on him would die down but he was soooooo rong
S/o was training with Tanjirou when they Hurd the familiar sound of screaming heading their way. Tanjirou sighed for the one hundredth time today “when will those two stop fighting” “no idea but-” the (h/c) demon slayer grunted when the familiar blond mop of hair baroled into them. “ s/o!!! That monster is going to kill me!!!” Zenitsu hollered as inosuke stopped his charging at the piñata haired male. “Dear lord zen-zen what would the children think of their father if they saw you like this hahaha” the (h/c) haired demon slayer laughed as zenitsu looked up at them, shocked and odly warm in his chest. It was a loud and chaotic thing, but he would never regret asking you.
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Inosuke 🐗
Thought you were really kewl
24/7 you guys radiate crack head energy
It sometimes scares zenitsu because hes beby and you two torcher him
Gets all fuzzy when you laugh at his dumb Sananagans or when you give him praise
Him realizing his feelings is… Complicated
Asked literally everyone, even Shinobu what it was
When they told him it was a crush he didn’t believe it
That didn’t last long because he almost lost it 3 times
The first was when you and Tanjirou were training, he saw Tanjirou takle you because it was simple hand to hand, and oh boy did it make him JEALOUS
The 2nd time was when he made you laugh so hard milk came out your nose, he felt proud the HE made you laugh to hard
3rd time was when you yeeted zenitsu into the lake cause he was being annoying, and Inosuke nearly lost it
He didn’t believe it.He, the grate Inosuke, the future beast pillar having a crush? Impossible. But why did it make him so angry to see you with gonpachio. You were under him and breathing heavy, and that made him mad. He wanted to headbutt tanjirou but ensted simply walked away. Why did it make him feel fuzzy when you laughed so hard like that. He had told a dumb joke and you being the idiot you were, laughed so hard the milk you hand been drinking shot threw your nose. It made him fuzzy to see you laughing at HIS jokes that HE made. The last straw was when you threw zenitsu into the water. The pinata haired male was being quite annoying and you had enough of it, so you picked him up and threw him in. He admired you for your strength, humor, kindness, and the patience you had with him, so one day while you were sitting down doing nothing but heal your wounds. He sat behind you and pulled you into his lap. It was a silent thing, but he was confident enough to know it was a good thing
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tojisbbg · 1 year
𝙘𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙢𝙮 𝙣𝙖𝙢𝙚
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❝call out my name when i kiss you so gently.❞  
♡ uzui tengen ♡ 
a/n: first demon slayer piece!! i picked up the anime after a long time and i forgot how horrendously down bad i was for this man. 
a/n (cont.): also! my apologies if tengen’s a bit out of character, i tried my best lol. this writing piece is very long because i don’t believe in porn without plot, i need plot and context. word count is stated below!
word count: 12.2k
content: uzui tengen x fem!reader, tengen isn’t married, reader is one of the hashiras, enemies to lovers, minor plot (if you squint), spoilers (sorry), lots of teasing and bickering, smut smut smut!!, all acts are consensual, not edited for grammatical errors.
“god, i hate these uniforms.” you groaned in annoyance, shuddering as the soft skin of mitsuri’s fingers grazed your chest while she helped you button up. the girl giggled at your daily complaint. 
it was true, you truly hated these god awful uniforms that were provided to you by the demon slayer corps. the shirts were so tight, you’d think that the manufacturers forgot how human anatomy works and that everyone’s body isn’t the same. 
needless to say, the shirt didn’t fit your chest, so you’d had to go with the mitsuri-style of wearing your uniform. 
“hm, well, now whose fault is it for having these huge tits?” she shamelessly asked, poking your boobs jokingly, which made your cheeks burn. 
“hey! it’s not like i personally asked the gods to give me them. besides, you have them too!” you defended, averting from her teasing eyes. 
“yeah, but i’m proud of having these babies. anyways, it’s nothing to be ashamed of. they sit so nice and pretty, if i was a guy, i think i would purposely hug you face first on your chest.” mitsuri smirked, making you gasp as you playfully landed a smack on her upper arm. 
“mitsuri! geez, you’re such a little perv.” you said as you squished her cheeks, making her laugh as the sound was contagious enough to make you crack a smile.  
you love mitsuri with all your heart, she’s the ball of sunshine in your life that you needed. you’ve been a hashira for about two years now and she was your first friend and now your best friend. 
it’s important to mention that you were very disliked in the demon slayer corps at first. the other hashiras, such as sanemi, obanai and giyuu didn’t speak to you for months because you were taken in for a hashira position so quickly. 
less than a week to be exact. 
the amount of skill that you have is almost inhumane and was never seen before. you were given the position without any prior training or requirements. 
after all, you took an upper moon down by yourself, which was pretty impressive for a first timer who claims to have no experience. 
nonetheless, mitsuri and rengoku were your only friends. you have a huge soft spot for both of them, but after the incident that occurred in the mugen train, both you and mitsuri went down a pretty dark path. 
but, you made sure to comfort her as much as she did to you. you both have each other and you swore to protect her just like how she did to you. 
you both were platonic soulmates without a doubt. 
“y/n!” you heard tanjiro’s voice behind you, making both you and mitsuri turn around. 
“oh, ‘jiro!” you flashed him a smile as you waved at the redhead. 
“the crow spoke to me this morning, we got assigned a new mission.” he said eagerly, panting a little, which indicated that he probably ran around in circles to find you. you hummed in response, ruffling his hair. 
“ah, so you’re with me. inosuke and zenitsu are on it too, i assume?” you questioned, accepting the cup of green tea that mitsuri handed you as you took a sip. 
“yup, and also mr. tengen.” tanjiro nodded with a nervous smile. you choked on your tea, coughing as mitsuri patted your back. 
“what?! why is he coming??” you yelled, making tanjiro’s eyes widen as he gulped. 
“u-uhm, it’s ‘cause i heard that we’re fighting an upper rank six. the more help we get, the better.” he tried to calm you down, but the information he relayed only angered you further. 
“huh?! do those shitty higher ups think that i can’t kill an upper moon myself without that cocky bitch?!” you raised your voice, eyes glaring in the distance as tanjiro gasped. 
“n-no! y/n, you got it all wrong! i di-”
“i’m gonna have a word with those stupid hags.” you spat out angrily, marching off before you felt tanjiro wrap himself behind you in an attempt to halt your movements. 
“let go, tanjiro. i’m not going on a mission with that stupid freak.” you tried to desperately peel yourself away from his hold, but tanjiro’s hold was tight. 
“please, y/n! why don’t you understand that this is not the time for your pride or his pride to get in the way. inosuke and zenitsu already suffered from minor injuries because mr. tengen lashed out from hearing about you joining the mission.” tanjiro informed, making you scoff. 
“that arrogant little shit. i’m gonna kill him for sure now!” you exclaimed, making tanjiro cry out as he begged mitsuri to help him cage you inside the room. 
“y/n! please, just listen! after losing one of the hashiras already, we need to be sure that we don’t lose another. i don’t want to lose you or mr. tengen. so, please, just try to get along with him or you can just stay with me and the other two.” he suggested, and as much as you hated the idea of being stuck with tengen, you adored tanjiro like a little brother and saying ‘no’ to him was pretty hard. you let out a heavy sigh in defeat.
“fine, but if he pisses me off, i’m gonna slice his throat with my blade.” you threatened, making tanjiro’s face turn pale as he let out a nervous laugh. 
“everything will be fine, y/n. don’t worry.” tanjiro assured, but you didn’t pay mind to his words because it will go down like how it usually does when you get placed together with tengen. 
with you both at each other's neck, of course.
“hmm, i think you secretly like tengen, y/n.” mitsuri flashed you a mischievous grin, making your jaw drop to the ground. 
“did you not hear about me wanting to execute his murder literally a few minutes ago?” you asked in disbelief, wondering if your best friend was okay in the head. however, the two-toned hair colored woman simply laughed at your words. 
“you both quarrel like an old married couple.” she giggled, making you let out a fake gag in response.
“disgusting, i’d rather marry obanai’s snake than him.” you retorted, making mitsuri gasp from your obnoxious words. 
“you’re crazy!” mitsuri looked at you with wide eyes. 
“no, you’re crazy for even thinking that i wanna even breathe the same air as that shithead!” you sneered, making mitsuri scoff. 
“don’t be silly, he’s totally your type. you told me that you like tall guys, more on the muscular side, extroverted to fit your opposite personality and someone who’s very sexy.” she smirked, watching how a deep blush tinted your cheeks as your lips twitched, trying to formulate words to defend yourself. 
“i was not referring to him!” you quickly blurted out, walking ahead as you wanted to leave the conversation. 
“mhm, whatever helps you sleep at night.” mitsuri said as she ran up to you, linking her arm with yours as you rolled your eyes. 
“shut up, i don’t like tengen. he’s an arrogant jackass that pisses me off.” you grumbled under your breath. 
“i’m a what now, princess?” you suddenly heard a deep voice coming from behind you, making you yelp from how startled you were. 
“what the fuck is wrong with you?! can’t you let your presence be known, creep.” you glared at him, mitsuri happily greeting the giant as you ignored his presence. 
“creep? no, no, no. you must be mistaken. i am the god of festivals, the flashiest being on the planet, and the best of the best!! i also happen to have very good ears to hear a certain little rat talk ill of my superior being.” tengen cockily gave his speech, making you groan in irritation. 
“spit out one more word and i swear i’m gonna rip your tongue out.” you threatened in a low voice, to which didn’t scare the 6′6ft man, as he only gave you a chuckle in response to mock your attempt of being intimidating. 
“what was that? i couldn’t quite hear you from down there. it just sounds like squeak squeak squeak i’m stupid squeak squeak lord tengen is the best squeak squeak!” he said in a very obnoxious and annoying fake high-pitched voice, making your blood boil as you turned around to face him. 
“you little shit!” you yelled, before lunging at him and jumping to cling on his very inconveniently tall body. your actions caught tengen by surprise, quickly placing an arm on your hips to make sure that you don’t fall on your ass. 
“i said that i’m gonna kill you if you don’t shut up, uzui tengen!!” you said in a louder voice, closer to his face as you harshly pinched his cheeks. 
“ouch, ouch! it hurts, y/n!!” tengen whined, trying his best to release himself from your deathly grip. 
“good, that was the whole point.” you grinned in satisfaction, sticking your tongue out at him. 
“look at you being so close to my face and with your tongue out too. you wanna french kiss me that bad, princess?” tengen teased, making you immediately pull your hands and face back to create distance between you both, your face scrunching up in disgust. 
“as i said before, i’d rather kiss kaburamaru than you, freak!” you quickly defend, trying to slip away from his embrace, but tengen only tightened his hold on you. 
“hmm, i don’t think i’ll let you goo~.” he sang out, making you cry out to your friends to help you escape the beefy man’s hold. 
“they’re definitely in love, right tanjiro?” mitsuri asked the boy who was standing next to her and witnessing the entire thing. 
“oh, for sure. i’m a strong shipper of y/n x mr. tengen.” tanjiro responded, making mitsuri squeal. 
“oh my, me too!! let’s start our little club and play cupid with them.” she eagerly suggested, making tanjiro laugh and nod. 
you were finally able to peel yourself away from tengen, which was not as easy done as said, but you somehow did it. you threw a sharp glare at tanjiro and mitsuri who were giggling at god knows what while you just battled death. you stomped over to them before crossing your arms over your chest. 
“you traitors.” you spat out, making the both of them grow silent as they side eyed each other, trying to contain their laughter. 
“sorry, y/n, but tengen is strong for us too. we wouldn’t be much of a help.” mitsuri said, which was a total lie that both you and her knew, but you were too tired to argue. 
“ugh, whatever. ‘jiro, get inosuke and zenitsu to meet up with us in front of the gates. it’s almost sunset, so we should start moving.” you instructed the scar-faced boy, making him nod as he obliged. 
you turned around, about to walk off, only to be spun back around before getting pulled into a bone crushing hug. you let out a heavy sigh, already knowing the words that would come towards you now. 
“hey!! you jerk, don’t just walk off without telling me goodbye. tch, you better come back to me in one piece, alright? i have to braid your hair tonight, so you must come back. i know i tell you this before every mission, but i really love you, y/n. you’re my best friend, and i can’t lose you. so, don’t be stubborn. if you need help, then ask the others, okay idiot?” mitsuri softly spoke, her squeeze on you tightening with every word. 
your heart melted as you returned her hug, a smile forming on your lips. no one in this entire universe would be able to describe the bond that you both had as it ran too deep to even measure. 
“i love you too, mitsuri. how can i leave you when i still have to attend your and obanai’s wedding, hm? i’ll be back home tonight, in one piece, i promise.” you assured her, looking into her gentle green eyes that held so much adoration for you. 
she was the love hashira after all. 
“i know you will, y/n. you’re a strong little thing and i believe in you.” she gave you a warm smile before you both pulled away. 
both you and tengen waved mitsuri goodbye before taking off. needless to say, tengen’s serious mode is quite enjoyable because he finally shuts up. 
“yeah? well, maybe if you weren’t such a manwhore, then you’d probably have a wife right now.”
“are you jealous that i can pull bitches and that you can’t?”
“i could have a whole harem full of men if i wanted to.”
“but would they offer to be your husband?”
“then we’re equals!”
“i would never want to be your equal, that’s just me disrespecting myself.”
“excuse me?! i am the god of fe-”
tengen was rudely cutt-off midway his sentence as the ceiling broke down, his hands instinctively pulling you towards him as your back collided with his hard chest. there were multiple screams coming from everywhere as the commoners looked horrified. 
“huh, i guess finding our little friend tonight wasn’t as hard as we thought.” you sneered, walking further in to find the source of all of this commotion. 
your eyes widened as you saw tanjiro on the ground struggling to tame nezuko who was in her full demon form. however, tegen seemed more surprised than you because this was his first time witnessing it. 
“damn, what a flashy way to demonize your sister.” tengen said in awe as the poor girl was out of her mind and clawing at the air. 
“holy shit, then we’ve come pretty late. you look very beat up, ‘jiro.” you said with apologetic eyes, taking note of how tired he looked as he panted and was covered in some blood. 
“yeah, the demon’s pretty strong. she- nezuko please! just go to sleep!” tanjiro begged, tears pooling in his eyes as you felt useless since you had no solution for him. 
“take her outside in a safe place and try to think of something that would bring her mind back to something that is close to her. maybe like a song or tune that your mother used to sing. we got this from here.” you gave him a small smile, making him nod his head as he quickly grabbed a hold of nezuko before leaving. 
“hey!! why aren’t you guys paying attention to me!” you heard a high-pitched voice yell, making both your and tengen’s head turn. 
“god, your voice is so annoying, it nearly made my ears bleed.” you grimaced, taking a look at the female in front of you. it was the demon that tanjiro was talking about, but she looked so... weak?
“huh?! you dare to say that to me, you ugly looking shit!” she angrily remarked, making you giggle. 
“of course, if i were you, i wouldn’t even need a demon slayer to kill me. i’d just kill myself if i had such a hideous voice like that.” you shrugged, making tengen let out a muffled chuckle as he tried to hide it behind his palms. 
“you fools, you may be hashiras, but i’m one of the strongest demons out there. i’m one of the upper moons, ranked in number six. the name’s daki, so don’t forget it when you’re on your last breath by the end of this battle.” daki smirked, but both you and tengen exchanged an expression of amusement. 
“what? there’s no way you’re an upper moon six. you’re so weak and unskilled, i could end you in two seconds.” tengen scoffed, making daki’s eyes widen at the insult as she gritted her teeth. 
“the fuck did you just say to me, you meat sack?!” she snarked. 
“what a pity. not only is your voice ugly and you’re weak, but you’re dumb too! jeez, that’s just foul. here, would you like to take my katana and just end your sad little life on your own before we do?” you pulled out your katana and offered it in a way to taunt her. daki’s eyes twitched at your words as she ran at you, only to have her head laying on her lap in just seconds. 
“h-huh? did you just cut my head off?! it’s not fair, it’s not fair, it’s not fair!! you both are so mean to me and this is just bullying!” daki cried, making you confused as you looked at tengen who looked equally as lost as you were. 
“is this some kind of a joke? there’s no way she’s throwing a tantrum right now.” tengen chuckled in disbelief. 
“what a child.”
“i know, right? her parents must’ve been so fed up with her. she’s so not flashy at all.”
“ugh, and she has white hair like you, so she’s automatically ugly.”
“excuse me?! do not compare me to that thing. i’ll dye my hair to black then with mitsuri’s dye.”
“you both deserve to die for ganging up on me like this! big brother i need your help!” she suddely called out, and you gasped as you saw another demon emerge from her body. 
“holy shit-” you were struck, not even being able to form proper sentences. 
“oh? how interesting. the fun has just begun.” tengen smirked, his hands gripping the shaft of his katanas. 
this was going to be a long battle. 
“you stupid bitch! you have some nerve to insult my looks when you look like you were picked up from the trash. i’m a beauty icon!” daki cackled, watching you struggle to sit back up after forcefully thowing you across the building with her belt. 
you groaned in ache as it felt like your bones were nearly shattered to pieces. you lost sight of tengen, assuming that he was probably handling the brother. you heard the clacks of her heels grow closer and you knew that if you didn’t get back up on your feet soon, things won’t be good. 
so, you focused on your breathing to heal. 
“beauty icon? don’t make me laugh. you look like the fat shit that i took earlier in the morning. actually, no. you don’t even deserve to be compared with my shit.” you frantically laughed at her, watching her ball her fists, grinding her teeth at your words. 
“that’s it, i’ve had enough of you. it’s time to put an end to you right now.” she maliciously smirked, her belt coming towards you to wrap around your figure, only for her to lose sight of you. 
“huh?” she looked around in confusion. 
“too slow.” you scoffed, holding your katana tightly before beginning to slice her belts. being partnered up with tengen on missions and training allowed you to adopt some of his notable skills. one of them being to move very fast to the point where it almost seemed like you were teleporting. a blue flame began to wrap around her belts, burning them to crisps as daki bellowed in pain. 
“you burned my belts!” fat tears began to roll down her cheeks as she fell on her knees, gasping and crying out in pain. 
“i wish i could hold even an ounce of sympathy for you, but sadly i don’t.” you coldly said before harshly landing a clean slice on her neck, making her decapitated head fly far from her body. 
a sigh of relief left your lips, but you let your guard down way too soon. forgetting how demons work, it slipped out of your mind that even though her head was cut off, her body was still functioning. 
you both were still on the roof of a very tall building and you didn’t notice when daki’s body came behind you as you were now pushed off. your eyes widened in horror as you felt yourself lose balance, feet slipping of the edge as you didn’t have the opportunity to grab something. 
you screwed your eyes tight, waiting for the impact of the cold soiled ground to come into a harsh contact with your already weak and aching body. however, that never happened as a strong pair of arms caught you, your eyes opening to see tengen look down at you with a playful smile. 
“you just can’t do anything without my help, can you?” tengen narrowed his eyes. 
“tch, i didn’t even ask for your help.” you rolled your eyes, yet you were still thankful for him saving your life. 
“ugh, this is why you’re not very flamboyant, y/n.” he let out a dramatic sigh before completely dropping his hands to the side without warning, making you crash on the ground with a yelp. 
“you absolute shithead!” you yelled at him, groaning in pain as you shot him a glare. 
you glanced up to the roof to see that daki’s body was now laying hopelessly, and you know that you should probably go look for her head, but you were too tired and pained to even move. 
“did you take care of the crybaby?” tengen asked, referring to daki. 
“kinda.” you replied, a hint of embarrassment in your tone. 
“kinda? what do you mean?” he furrowed his very thin white eyebrows. 
“i managed to slice off her head but i let my guard down too soon. so, i don’t know where her head went and her body is pretty beat up but could still function.” you informed him, watching tengen’s face turn into one of disappointment. 
“you’re not that careless to mess up like that, y/n. i’ve sliced her head off almost twenty times, so you know that’s not an effective method to kill her.” he nagged at you, making you feel slightly irritated. 
“you think i don’t know that, genius? my body can barely stand and i’m losing so much blood that i feel like i can pass out any moment.” you tried to reason with him, only for him to scoff. 
“if you can’t handle a little bit of blood loss and body ache then why are you a hashira? this shouldn’t be new to you, y/n.” tengen’s words felt like a jab at your pride with every word that he spoke. 
“i made a mistake, okay?! i can’t do anything about it!” you spoke through gritted teeth. 
“yeah? well, it was a very stupid mistake that only brainless people make!” he yelled back at you before giving you a glare. your jaw dropped, unable to even form words to defend yourself. 
he was right, it was a very stupid mistake. 
tengen almost immediately regretted his words, but it was too late to take it back now. he saw how you grew quiet, eyes planted on the ground as he watched you slowly slide back to lean against the wall. he wanted to say something, but would soon be interrupted by gyutaro, who has found him once again. 
even keeping your eyes open at this point was draining. your head throbbed and your body felt completely numb. you had no clue where daki’s head went and you didn’t know where tanjiro was either. 
you felt your eyelids growing heavier and before you knew it, you passed out. 
“y/n! y/n! wake up, please! y/n!” you heard a voice desparately call out for you, your body being shaken back and forth. you slowly opened your eyes, vision still slightly a little blurry as you were able to make out some fuzzy burgundy and green bits on the figure. 
“tanjiro?” your voice came out as a whisper. 
“yes, it’s me, y/n. are you okay?” tanjiro softly asked, helped you sit up straight as you grimaced in pain. 
“i’ve been better.” you tried to laugh it off, but it even hurt to laugh. 
“mr. tengen and i managed to weaken the brother, but it’s not enough to kill him. we’re just buying some time to recover ourselves.” he said, gulping harshly and you could sense the fear in his voice. 
“hey, we’re not gonna die, okay? help me stand up so that i could go over to that airhead over there.” you pointed a shaky finger at tengen who was panting in the distance while gyutaro’s body was at a farther distance. 
tanjiro helped you up and held onto you as you walked over to where tengen stood. you could see how fatigued he was, the poison that was injected into his body earlier began to spread. he was so out of it, that he didn’t know that gyutaro was creeping behind him, claws out with the intent to chop a limb off. 
both you and tanjiro began to yell his name, but tengen was too distracted to even hear you both. you quickly got out of tanjiro’s hold, sprinting towards the weak man with whatever energy that you had left in your body, throwing yourself onto him. you both came crashing to the ground, rolling off to the side and dodging the attack. 
“y/n?” tengen called out your name in surprise. 
“this is me paying off my debt to you for saving me earlier.” you quickly muttered, before standing up as you pulled out your katana. 
“missed me?” you heard the familair high pitched voice coming from behind. your head turned around to see daki, full recovered before she took one of her belts and wrapped it around you. 
gyutaro took this an an opportunity to get back to the unfinished business him and tengen had. 
tanjiro quickly sliced through the belt to release you. as far as you know, inosuke has been taken down by daki as he was now trying to recover the severe wound he got. you don’t know where zenitsu went. 
“tanjiro, go help tengen fight the brother. i don’t think he’ll be able to hang on by himself for long.” you quickly directed him, but tanjiro seemed conflicted. 
“but, what about you, y/n?” tanjiro asked with concern washing over his face. you thinned your lips, only to have some hope in your eyes as you saw a sleeping zenitsu creeping up behind daki. 
“zenitsu and i got it from here.” you gave him a small smirk. 
it was finally over.
both daki and gyutaro were taken down. you laid on the ground, feeling like your heart was going to explode any moment from how irregular your breathing was. there was a huge blast, landing you at a distance and you had no idea where zenitsu was.
all you knew was that the demons were taken down. you saw tanjiro running off to somewhere, along the lines of saying how he won’t be at peace until he found both of their heads. 
as bad as it sounded, you had no energy left inside you to care. you felt like a dead corpse. you’ve fought many upper ranked demons before, you even took some very powerful demons down on your own, but this by far was the one that nearly knocked you off. 
it was because there was two to deal with, double the trouble. 
you’ve been laying on the ground for god knows how long, probably fifteen minutes or so. you tried to control your breathing, trying to envision every single blood vessel within you to deal with the aches and wounds that you had. 
from what you know so far, everyone was still alive to some extent that can be taken care of. other members of the corps were on their way, such as kakushis and obanai was said to be on his way as well. 
although, the serpent pillar was taking his sweet lovely time. 
after some time, you finally felt your body somehow become a little more alive. so, you tried to slowly stand up, knees still slightly a little wobbly but you regained your balance. you walked, well more like limped, around the area as your eyes scanned for tengen. 
finding him didn’t take very long as you saw him resting on a pile of rubble. you scoffed, walking to him before crouching down as he glanced at you weakly. 
“you look like shit.” you blurted out, making him chuckle at you usual sharp tongue. 
“thanks, you look even shittier.” tengen replied, his words having a little lisp added to them but you didn’t pay too much mind to it. 
there was a thick silence that was placed between you too, the only sound that could be heard was the heavy breathing that was coming from tengen. 
“you alright?” you asked in a gentle voice.
“could’ve been better, although, i don’t think i can hang on much longer.” he gave you a sad smile, making your heart drop to your stomach. 
“w-what do you mean?” you stammered, gulping down the lump that formed in your throat. 
“the poison he injected inside me is way too strong for my body to fight against it.” tengen let out a pained groan, making you rush to his side as you examined his body. nearly all of the skin he had exposed right now was purple from the poison and worry took over your mind. 
“stop talking like that, you idiot. you’re gonna be fine, you hear me? the kakushis are on their way and they’ll have an antidote to reverse this. you’ll be okay.” you said with soft eyes, grabbing a hold of his cold hands to provide some warmth to him. tengen hummed is slight amusement. 
“oh? do i see the cold-hearted y/n being mushy for the great god of festivals?” he teased, and you couldn’t help but laugh at how unhinged he can be sometimes, even when he’s nearly on the brink of death. 
“unfortunately, yes. you get on my nerves a lot and you’re a complete idiot, but i need you to stay alive and continue doing that. i need you to keep bothering me and making me wanna strangle you. so, you can’t die on me, okay?” you gave his hands a gentle squeeze, making him gaze at your face. 
in tengen’s point of view, you looked so beautiful, even though you were covered in blood, scars and dust. he noticed the scar on your cheek, which you got from gyutaro when you saved tengen from losing his arm. 
“does it hurt a lot?” tengen asked, a weak finger coming up to lightly graze the scar on your cheek. 
“not so much.” you winced a little after feeling his touch. 
“i’m sorry.” he suddenly apologized, making your breath hitch. 
“it’s okay, it was just a defense inst-”
“no, not for that. i mean, i’m sorry for the scar too. but mainly for what i said earlier to you.” tengen’s voice was laced with guilt as you tried to think back to what he was talking about earlier. 
you realized what he was referring to. 
“it’s fine, don’t worry about it. in one way, you weren’t wrong about it.” you admitted as you shrugged your shoulders. tengen shook his head before opening his mouth to speak. 
“no, i was in the wrong. i was so angry and frustrated at myself for not being able to take down either of them that i lashed out on you. i know it was a mistake, but i used it as something to attack you with. so, for that i’m sorry.” he sincerely apologized, and you knew that there was not even a speck of bullshit in his words. 
“we’re okay, tengen.” you offered him a comforting smile before stroking his messy white locks which came undone from his ponytail. 
tengen could feel the poison slowly making his heartbeat irregular, from erratic to dangerously slow, his vision was growing fuzzy and his tongue was getting stiff. 
“i need to let my last words out, so hear me out, please.” tengen requested and your heart shattered to a million pieces. 
“stop talking crazy! you’ll be fine.” you panicked, feeling useless and desparate as your eyes scanned for any source of help. 
“you’re an amazing hashira, y/n. i mean, being able to climb into these ranks and this position in less than a week without any prior training is beyong impressive. i’ve always admired and respected you. you’re very flashy and flamboyant.” he gave you a wide smile, making your heartbeat increase as his words flustered you. 
“i think he injected you with too much poison, ‘cause you’re out of your mind.” you giggled, trying to lighten the mood, which worked as the weak male in front of you laughed. 
“there’s something else i’ve been wanting to tell you too, y/n.” he cleared his throat, making all your attention go to him. 
“hm?” you hummed. 
“i l-”
suddenly, his words came to a halt. his expression pained as he slouched back, his mouth closed. 
“tengen? tengen! oh god, what the fuck is taking them so long to come?” you yelled in frustration and fear as you stood up and started to call for help in every corner, but it was futile. 
you came back to where tengen sat, sitting on your knees as you gently cupped his face. you saw how his eyelids fought to keep open, tears welling in your eyes. 
“don’t try to speak, just focus on your breathing, okay? y-you’ll be fine.” you stuttered towards the end, your voice breaking as you let your tears fall. tengen’s eyes softened upon seeing you cry, bringing a shaky hand to wipe your tears away as he shook his head, an attempt to tell you to not cry. 
you heard rushed footsteps coming from behind you, turning around quickly to see the kakushis hurrying to your side. you moved over a little, allowing them to take a look at tengen. 
“he’s been poisoned and it’s really bad. give him a strong antidote, please.” you begged, watching them nod at your words as one of them dug into the medical kit to pull out a small bottle before handing it to you. 
you opened it before placing the bottle near his lips, as tengen obliged and drank the medicine. 
“this is the strongest antidote that we have access to. it works almost immediately.” one of the kakushis informed you. 
but nearly five minutes has passed and nothing has improved about tengen’s condition, it only seems to have gotten worse. 
“it’s not working. do you think maybe a second dose would work then?” you asked, eyes pleading for any kind of solution that could reverse this mess and put your heart at ease. 
“miss. y/n, there’s no other option. i don’t think-”
“no! no, you can’t say that!” you cried, looking over at tengen who tried his best to keep a small smile whenever you looked at him. you chewed on your lips, knowing that he was trying to mask away his pain to make you feel less shitty. 
you couldn’t help but throw yourself on him, straddling his lap as you shoved your head in the crook of his neck. you started to sob, it sounded really loud and ugly, but you didn’t care.
you don’t want to lose him. 
“you can’t die, tengen! this is not how you’re supposed to go, you little shit. being killed by poison is not a flashy nor flamboyant death that is fit for the great god of festivals. please, don’t leave me.” your tears began to wet his clothes and the flesh of his neck and shoulder. 
tengen’s heart clenched in pain as he heard your broken cries and pleas. he wishes that he could speak and comfort you, even if his words would’ve been a bunch of lies. but, sadly he couldn’t do anything other than trying his best to embrace you as tightly as he could. 
you were so busy crying and sobbing as you begged tengen to not die, followed by a bunch of empty threats darted to him, you didn’t realize when nezuko and tanjiro arrived. 
nezuko gently placed her hand on tengen’s bicep and he felt the small touch, glancing down to see the smaller figure giving him hopeful eyes. then, both your and tengen’s body was place in a huge pink flame. 
you were still unaware of all of this going down, not even bothering to pull away from tengen even for a second. although, you felt your body temperature slightly rising and it was almost as if your body aches were magically going away. 
“jeez, i thought that demon was a crybaby, but surely you’ve taken over that title, princess.” you heard tengen speaking normally, feeling the vibration of his chest as he let out a chuckle. 
you quickly pulled away from the hug to look at him, your face teary and eyes glossy with tears. you quickly scanned him and noticed that the trace of poision was gone as his flesh returned to its normal color. 
and, his lips drew a shit eating grin.
“you idiot!” you scolded him before tightly wrapping your arms around him as you hugged him, trying to be as close to him as possible as your heart was slowly being put to ease. 
“you’re alive and okay.” you said, which was slightly muffled. tengen hummed in response, arms tightly wrapped around your waist. 
“can’t leave you now, can i?” he said, comfortingly stroking your back to calm you down. 
“i’m glad that you two are okay. we both checked up on inosuke and zenitsu, too. they’re both doing good as well, the kakushis are treating them.” tanjiro assured with a smile, making tengen reciprocate. 
you pulled away to look at nezuko who was sitting next to you and tengen. tanjiro came closer before ruffling her hair. 
“nezuko’s blood demon art includes healing powers. although, you both shouldn’t move too much as it might make the wounds worse.” tanjiro advised, and both you and tengen nodded. 
“thank you, tanjiro and nezuko. you both saved my life and no action of mine can ever repay you for what you guys have done.” tengen graciously thanked them, and both siblings offered him a smile. 
“thanks, nezuko.” you gave her a big smile, holding your arms out so that the little girl could come into your embrace. you gave her a gentle squeeze before placing a kiss on her forehead. 
“and thank you, ‘jiro. you’re always looking out for us.” you ruffled tanjiro’s hair, he looked more than just beat up, giving you a smile as his tired eyes tried its best to stay awake. 
“now, let’s all return home in the most flashiest way possible!” tengen’s loud voice boomed, making everyone cheer. 
you sighed in bliss, stepping out of the huge shower as you dried yourself. you hummed a small melody, feeling refreshed to wash away all that blood and gunk with a warm shower. you wrapped your hair in a towel and your body in a robe before exiting the bathroom. 
you nearly let out a blood curdling scream when you saw someone laying on your bed. after realizing that the person in question is none other than your best friend, mitsuri, you calmed down your elevated heartbeat. 
you forgot that she’s the only one who knew your password combination. 
“holy shit, you nearly put me in a heart attack just now.” you placed a hand over your heart, closing the bathroom door behind you before shuffling over to the bed where mitsuri now sat up. 
she wore a facial expression which made you grow worried. usually, she’s never this quiet and is all smiles and giggles. but, her lips are frowning and you could see her eyes swelling with tears. 
“mitsuri? what’s wr-”
you were cut off by her jumping on you as you let out a yelp. she sobbed on your chest as she tried to say something to you, but all her words were incoherent and muffled. 
you patted her back and stroked her hair to calm her down, feeling her arms tightening around your waist as if she was afraid that she was gonna lose you. 
“i-i was so scared, y/n! when the order came for the assistance of another hashira because you and tengen were down, i lost it. i wanted to go and help you guys, but obanai refused to let me go. i thought i lost my best friend!” mitsuri cried, looking up at you as tears nonstop poured out of her eyes, landing on your neck. 
“i’m sorry for worrying you, mitsuri. but, you know that i’m a woman of my words, right? i promised you that i would come back in one piece, and i did. i can’t leave my one and only best friend, now can i?” you gave her a warm smile, making her smile at you too. 
“don’t ever leave me, okay? i love you too much to lose you.” she sniffled, and you nodded your head as a small chuckle left your lips. 
“i love you too and i promise. now, let’s stop with all of this sad stuff and talk about something else. come on, help me dry my hair so that you can braid it.” you suggested, making her quickly sit up and smile brightly at you as she eagerly nodded at the idea. 
so, here you both are now, munching on the red bean mochi that she made earlier while she braids your hair. 
“so, i heard that you and tengen shared a pretty special moment together.” mitsuri suddenly said out of the blue, making you choke on the mochi that was trying to pass down your throat. you could feel her smirk behind your head. 
“said who? no such thing happened.” you quickly dismissed her assumptions. 
“nope, a little birdie told me that you hugged him and you both got all sappy with each other.” 
“so, i’m correct, right?”
“tanjiro told you, didn’t he.”
“i never said any names. so, that means i was right!!”  
“i never said that.”
“ughh, you’re so mean, y/n.” mitsuri whined, shaking you back and forth as you let out a heavy sigh. 
“listen, even though he’s annoying, i was scared that he was gonna die. i just got a little too emotional, alright?” you explained, your cheeks tinted with an angry blush right now. 
“oOooOo~ y/nie’s in loovveee with tengennnn~” she sang out, making you grumble as you were trying to shush her. 
“i don’t know anymore, he makes me confused. sometimes he’s a little mean and annoying but then he’s so sweet and caring.” you admitted honestly, making mitsuri hum in response. 
you’ve taken note of the small actions tengen would do to fluster your heart. him putting you before himself, moving you away from harm, his sometimes suggestive or flirty comments, and the numerous skinship you both unknowingly shared. 
“do a little trial on him for these next few days that you both get off. see if he acts the same or a little different with you.” mitsuri peaked her head around to shoot you a wink. 
“different?” you questioned, eyebrows pinched together in confusion. 
“mhm, different. you’ll be able to realize, don’t worry. oh! and i finished doing your hair. you should go to sleep, you must be tired.” mitsuri hopped off your bed, leaving you a little dumbfounded. 
“huh? but i thought we were gonna have a sleepover.” you said, causing her to laugh nervously.
“o-oh, well that, uhm i just realized that nezuko told me to sew up her kimono.” she replied, which was a total lie, but you decided to mess around with her a little more. 
“really? why didn’t she just give it one of the kakushis?” you interrogated further, making mitsuri thin her lips. 
“because the kimono is special to her and she trusts me the most with it. besides, you deserve some peace and quiet to rest. i’ll see you tomorrow in the morning.” mitsuri quickly waved to you before scurrying out.
you giggled at her strange behavior as mitsuri never hid anything from you before. but, you knew that sooner or later you’d find out. 
you turned of the lamp light before snuggling into your bed as you pulled the covers over your body and fell into a deep slumber. 
you were awoken by a cold breeze that entered you room, goraning as you rolled around you bed for a little. after stretching your body and doing that weird shaking/twitching thing, you sat up and turned on your lamp. a yawn left your lips as you rubbed the sleep away from your eyes, glancing at the clock rengoku gifted you on your last birthday. 
it was almost five in the morning. 
it was still pretty early but you knew that you weren’t going back to sleep any time soon. so, you decided to go to the hot spring for a soak since you knew that everyone was still asleep at this hour. 
you went to the bathroom and brushed your teeth before washing your face. you then grabbed a fresh set of clothes and a towel before heading out. as you were walking outside, you noticed the familiar white scaled reptile freely roaming the place. 
you cocked an eyebrow in confusion, knowing that the animal was almost never without his owner. you walked over to obanai’s pet snake, kaburamaru, before leaning down. 
“morning, why are you out here all alone, ‘maru?” you asked, as if the snake could understand and respond to your words. nonetheless, kaburamaru simply stuck his tongue out. 
“come on, let’s get you back to obanai.” you extended your arm, allowing the snake to slither onto you before wrapping itself on your neck. 
luckily, obanai’s place was on the walk to the spring, so you didn’t have to make a double trip anywhere. 
you finally reached his place, knocking on the door as you waited for a response. the door finally opened, revealing obanai in his robe. 
“good morning, i just came to return your little friend here who was roaming nearby my place.” you gave him a smile, extending your arm out to let kaburamaru slither back onto his owner as obanai thanked you. 
“who is that, honey?” you heard a familiar voice speak from inside his room. you looked at obanai with a questionable expression, but, he simply averted his eyes away from you as a blush crept up to his face. 
“mitsuri kanroji. come out here. now.” you strictly called out, hearing a faint gasp coming from her as you could here her shuffling around the bed. you saw her come into your view in just a robe as she harshly pushed obanai aside. 
“y/n! what are you doing here?” she nervously laughed as an obvious blush embrace her, while she scratched the back of her nape. 
“i just came to return kaburamaru. what are you doing here?” you asked, crossing your arms over your chest. 
of course, you didn’t need her to answer. 
the visible hickeys that were littered across her neck gave it away. 
“i can’t believe you left me for obanai. is this how deep our friendship runs?” you pretended to sulk, making her quickly shake her head. 
“no, no! it’s not like that, y/n, i swear!” she tried to reason. 
“i was going to invite you to join me in the hot spring, but i assume you’re to busy.” you let out a dramatic sigh, making her face wash with guilt. 
“i promise, i’ll join you later!” mitsuri grabbed your hands, giving you apologetic eyes. you chuckled at her futile attempts. 
“i’m just playing around, mitsuri. have fun, i’ll see you later.” you winked at her before walking off. 
the sun was still shying off, not fully risen as it was still a little dark outside. but, you didn’t mind it. you liked the dimmed lighting, the quiet atmosphere and how it was warm outside. 
you finally reached the hot spring, untying your robe as you took it off before settling your clean clothes and robe on the bench that was provided by the corps for use. 
you were now in your naked glory, being one with mother nature as the warmth of the earth embrace your skin. you dipped your toe in the water, testing the temperature, which was just perfect. you slowly began to emerge yourself in the water, moaning in bliss as the warm water hugged you with warmth. 
you leaned against the edge, allowing yourself to close your eyes as a contented smile was plastered on your face. 
“mind if i join you?” you heard a loud voice boom, recognizing it almost immediately. you opened your eyes to see tengen in nothing but a towel around his waist that was barely covering the lower half of his body. 
he was bare faced, snowy locks untied and his jewelry was removed. 
“knock yourself out.” you bluntly responded, averting your gaze as you realized that you spent way too much time checking him out. you looked the other direction to give him some respect of not looking at him completely nude. 
the only people you’ve been in the hot spring with was you friends, mitsuri and rengoku. other than that, you rarely come here unless it was a tiresome mission or mitsuri needed some company. 
you heard the splashing sound which indicated that tengen got inside the water, facing him as you both now sat across each other, an awkward distance if you were to be honest. 
after about a few minutes that had past, you suddenly heard tengen chuckle. 
“i feel like i’m about to have a serious conference with you. come closer, i’m not gonna bite you, ya know.” tengen gave you a sheepish grin, leaning back to become a little more comfortable. 
you suppose that he was right. 
you wrapped your arms around your chest as you got up, thankfully, the water covered your waist. you didn’t want to accidentally flash him. 
you took a seat next to him, feeling a little shy. 
“why are you so quiet?” you broke the silence, turning your head to the side to face him. tengen looked down at you with a cheeky smile. 
“why? you miss my voice that much?” he asked in a flirtatious tone, making your cheeks heat up. 
“no! it’s just unusual for you to be this silent.” you murmured, pushing yourself further down inside the water from embarrassment. 
“i’m giving you a day off from our bickering today. but just today! so, don’t get your hopes high.” tengen said, making you roll your eyes. 
“why thank you, lord tengen, how kind of you.” you said in a sarcastic voice. however, the foreigness of the honorifics used for him slipping out of your stubborn mouth made his eyes widen. 
“you should use honorifics with me more often. you sounded so hot.” he remarked, looking at you with a smirk as he licked his lips. 
“oh my god, shut up!” you splashed him with water, making him yelp. 
“hey! not fair!” he scoffed before returning the treatment to you as you both were now too busy wetting each other by the brutal splash attacks. 
which was you mostly getting drenched as his large hands caused huge splashes while your comparably smaller ones were not much help 
“why are you acting like we both didn’t have a romeo and juliet moment yesterday, princess!” tengen teased, continuing his attacks as you struggled to keep up with him, too busy as you were dodging. 
“don’t get any weird ideas, i was just an emotional wreck yesterday ‘cause i didn’t want to experience the whole rengoku incident.” you responded, using all your strength to form a huge wave with your hands before splashing him. 
“is that so? and how do you view rengoku as?” tengen paused, cocking an eyebrow as he waited for your response. 
“a brother of course!” you blurted with no hesitation as if it wasn’t obvious. 
“then how do you see me as? a brother?” he scrunched up his nose in distaste as he fake gagged. 
“what the fuck, hell no.”
“i see you as a colossal dumbass.” you smirked, earning a gasp from him before the water attacks continued to be thrown at you. this would go on for another couple of minutes before you waved your hands in defeat. 
“okay, okay! truce.” you held out your hand, waiting for him to shake it. 
“fine.” he agreed, taking a hold of your hand; only to pull you against his chest as he smirked. your eyes widened, feeling the bare skinship between your tits and his well-scultped abdomen. 
tengen leaned his face down before his hand cupped your cheek, grazing the healing scar that was created from yesterday’s battle. 
“does it still hurt?” he softly asked, his voice sounding so hypnotizing and you couldn’t tell if your body was getting hot because of the water or the close proximity between you two. 
“not a lot.” you meekly responded, making him hum. 
“you were so good to me yesterday, saving me from that demon and scarring this pretty face of yours for me. yet, you look beautiful as ever.” tengen whispered sensually, making you release the breath that you didn’t realize you were holding in. 
“really?” you asked, mind slowly fogging up. 
“mhm, the prettiest. so fucking pretty that i could just eat you up, princess.” he began to leave soft kisses on your jawline, his lips feeling like soft pillows as you let out a whimper. your hand snaked up his nape, pulling him closer to you as he continued to kiss down your neck. 
suddenly, you felt something wet on the flesh of your neck. his tongue began to lick and bite your skin, making you moan. tengen made a few kitten licks before harshly sucking on the spot, determined to leave his mark. 
“tengen.” you called out his name, which came out as a whisper. 
“hm? tell me what you want, and imma give it to you all.” his thumb stroked your cheek as he looked at you with lust clouded eyes. without thinking twice, you pulled his head towards your face, crashing your lips onto his. 
the kiss was steamy and intense, the lewd noise of sucking and clash of teeth from how needy the both of you grew. you nibbled on his lower lip teasingly before licking it as an apology. tengen smirked into your little antics, grabbing a hold of your jaw before kissing you roughly. 
you felt his tongue swiping against your lips before his free hand cheekily went down and groped your ass, making you gasp. he took this as a chance to slide his tongue in your mouth, exploring every cavern he could find. you sucked on his tongue, completely drinking and devouring each other. 
you could taste the fresh mint he uses every morning. 
tengen pulled you more into him, as you could feel his hard cock now resting on your thigh. your eyes widened at how long, heavy and thick it was. he noticed your reaction and couldn’t help but let a cocky grin dance on his lips. 
“you feel that? it’s what you do to me.” he spoke on your lips before placing a sloppy wet kiss on them one last time. tengen pulled away, both of your lips connected by a string of saliva as you both panted for air. your lips were swollen and your face was burning red. 
tengen bit his lips, seeing your tits on full display for him to enjoy. of course, your tits borderline flash him every day because those tight uniforms are too small to cover them up.
not that he’s complaining. 
although, now it was completely exposed. your perky nipples swollen and begging for some of his attention to which he’d be more than happy to provide. 
tengen took one of your tits in his mouth, his hand fondling with the other one as he pinched your nipple, before rolling it between his index finger and thumb. tengen was the king of fairness, using his mouth equally as he suckled on your nipples before lightly biting it. he swirled his tongue around the bud before releasing it from his mouth with a ‘pop’ sound. 
your breath hitched as you entangled your fingers in his wet snowy locks, pushing him further into your chest. of course, tengen made sure to leave plenty of hickeys on your chest too, just for good measure. 
“come on, princess. let me please you how you deserve to be pleased, yeah?” with that being said, he lifted you up as you wrapped your legs around his waist and wrapped your arms around his neck. tengen made sure to securely hold onto you as he stood up and exited the hot spring. 
the area had two benches, one of them was occupied with both of your stuff. so, tengen used the empty one to sit you down. a sudden shyness took over you as you realized that you were completely nude in front of him. 
you look down at your feet before he grabbed a hold of your chin, lifting your face up to meet his burgundy ones. 
“come on, baby, let me see that pretty little pussy of yours.” tengen begged, kneeling as his palms were placed on your knees. there was a growing ache between your legs that you knew only tengen could cure. 
so, you pushed away those stupid worries swarming in your mind and said fuck it. 
you opened your legs, giving him a beautiful view of your wet cunt. tengen grinned in satisfaction, licking his lips as placed teasing kisses on your thighs, trailing up to your inner thigh. 
“tengen, please.” you whimpered, looking down at him with pleading eyes. although he wanted to toy around with you, he has waited way too long for this, so he wanted both you and him to indulge in this. 
tengen leaned forwards before licking a fat stripe on your folds. you let out a heavy breath as you felt the wet muscle part your folds open. he began to sloppily makeout with your pussy, sucking on your lips before lightly biting it. multiple swears and curses slipped out of your lips along with sinful moans as his tongue worked wonders. 
tengen sucked on your clit before placing a kiss on it, making the most lewd sounds ever. you soon felt the intrusion of something entering your hole as tengen pushed in a thick finger. he began to tongue and finger fuck your dripping cunt, his chin wet with your arousal as he continued to circle the tip of his tongue on your clit. 
he soon added a second finger, the sounds of your pussy squealching was like music to his ears. he experimented by moaning against your pussy, the vibration of his voice sending a shockwave through you. 
“fuck! s-so close, tengen.” you moaned out as he continued to scissor his fingers inside you while his tongue continued to lick, suck and bite your clit and folds. your stomach began to form a tight knot, your chest feeling fuzzy as your eyes rolled back from the intense amount of pleasure that you felt. 
“cum for me, princess.” he demanded, speaking against your sensitive pussy, nose bumping into your swollen clit while he continued to eat you out. 
you gasped and let out the most pornographic moan that your throat could produce, cumming all over tengen’s face. he happily drank in all that you had to offer, using his tongue to clean you up as his gracious actions began to overstimulate you. 
tengen gave your clit one last playful bite before giving it a kiss as he pulled away, looking at you as he wiped his wet chin. you were still trying to catch your breath from that powerful orgasm that he just put you through, looking at him with a flushed face. 
“i’m not done with you yet.” he mumbled, picking you up as he began to walk to his place. you forgot that the hot spring was located pretty much in his backyard. 
you both were now inside his bathroom, as he turned on the showerhead, the both of you now becoming wet once again. you felt his hard cock poking your thigh, wrapping your hand around it as you lazily pumped it while kissing him. 
he gasped in the kiss, a low moan leaving his lips as your thumb circled his tip. you grinned, looking up at him with an innocent face. 
“you know, i could put my mouth to other uses than just bickering with you.” you seductively said, licking and biting his peck playfully, making him groan. 
“is that so? why don’t you show me, i’m a visual learner.” tengen replied, making you giggle as you got on your knees to come eye level to his cock. 
this man was 6′6ft, it was expected that he’d have a huge cock. but, now that you’ve come face to face with it, you felt a little intimidated. tengen was massive, an erected shaft standing at no less than nine or ten inches, thick as the girth of it barely fit your hands, twin veins running on either side which throbbed under your fingers and his tip leaking precum. 
you placed a teasing kiss on his tip before swirling your tongue around, knowing that it’s the most sensitive part. tengen’s breath hitched, as he stroked your hair lovingly while you toyed around with his cock. you licked up and down the sides of his cock, making sure to specifically go over the twin veins, feeling him shudder. 
without warning, you took his cock inside your mouth, trying your best to fit most of it in. you gagged at first as you didn’t expect it to hit the back of your throat so soon, but you regained control. you bobbed your head back and forth, making sure to use a lot of spit to lubricate it and make it more slippery. 
tengen felt like he was in heaven, just on earth, in his bathroom. your teeth lightly grazed his shaft, the new sensation sending him over the edge as you continued to throat fuck his cock. you sucked and licked the entire length before sucking on his tip like a lollipop. 
you fondled with his balls, trying to stimulate more pleasure within him as you knew he was getting close with the way he was twitching in your mouth. 
“f-fuck, you’re such a good girl, doing so good for me.” he breathed out, encouraging you to continue your actions as he began to thrust his hips into your mouth. you heard him let out a whimper before a guttural moan exited his lips, his warm cum flowing down your throat. 
you made sure to clean his cock up, not wasting a single drop of cum that he poured inside of your mouth. you placed a gentle kiss on his tip, before standing up. 
tengen pulled you into a heated kiss, tasting himself a little on your tongue as he looked at you with darkened eyes. his hands travelled in between your thighs, fingers slipping past your slit as he rubbed your pussy. 
“need you so bad...please, tengen.” you whimpered, desparately grinding your wet cunt onto his hand as you continued to leave sloppy kisses on his jaw. tengen smirked, feeling himself get hard by your pleas. 
“you poor thing. need me to make you feel good, princess?” he tauntingly asked, but you were too fucked out in pleasure to care about his tone. you nodded your head eagerly before he pinned you against the wall. 
tengen grabbed a hold of his thick cock, using the tip to prod your slit open. you felt his tip graze against your clit, making you moan as you gave him pleading eyes. however, tengen intended to play around with you a little more. 
he coated his cock in your juices, sliding the long shaft between your folds as it ocassionally bumped into your clit or poked your entrance. you were on the verge of tears because your hole was clenching on nothing. 
“no more teasing, tengen. i need you inside me.” you said in between your pants, trying to convince him to give in to you by kissing him, sucking on his lips and biting his tongue. 
perhaps if tengen was feeling generous today, then he would’ve given in. but, he needed this. 
“tell me how bad you need it and maybe then i’ll consider if you’re worthy of my cock.” tengen evilly grinned, making your eyes widen at his request. 
“you little shit!” you cursed at him, only to receive a harsh smack on your ass. 
“disrespect me again and i’ll leave you in here all hot and bothered, i swear.” he threatened, making you harshly gulped as that was the last thing that you needed to happen. 
“please, tengen. i want you to please me, i need you inside of me so bad. make me cum, please?” you tried your very best to sound as pleasing as you could to make him happy, to convince him that you deserved to be fucked by his cock. 
“hm, have you forgotten that i am superior to you?” tengen scoffed, wrapping an arm around your waist to make sure that you don’t slip when he lifts one of your legs to wrap around his waist. he takes his free hand to slap his heavy cock on your clit, making you wince in pain. 
“say it right or you won’t get it.” he spoke and with every word was a smack on your clit with his cock, to which you were sure made your clit swell with both pleasure and pain. 
“please, lord tengen. make me cum, please.” you begged once more and this time he was satisfied with your answer, a proud grin plastered on his face as he leaned in to give you a longing kiss. 
“see, that wasn’t so hard now, was it?” tengen playfully asked, but you were too distracted by the way the tip of his cock was splitting you in half. your face expressed a grimace as the stretch of his cock entering your tight hole burned a little. 
“just breathe, baby. you’re taking me in so good.” he encouraged you, a finger toying with your clit to stimulate you with some pleasure as he slowly continued to push more inches of himself inside you. 
“mhm.. it’s too much, tengen.” you mumbled against his lips, feeling incredibly full as he still hasn’t bottomed out inside you yet. 
“you can take it, princess, i know you can. this pussy was made for me.” tengen groaned, pulling out of you completely before slamming his entire cock back inside of you, a loud moan escaping your mouth as you clawed his back in both a mix of pain and pleasure. 
“f-fuck, so tight.” he stuttered, feeling your walls welcome his throbbing cock in a tight hug as he continued to thrust in and out of your went cunt. you were breathing heavy, the feeling of fullness from his cock threw you into a whole other dimension. 
“feels so good.” you whimpered, biting down on his neck as he continued to piston his hips into you, balls smacking against your thigh. his twin veins grazed your slick walls so perfectly, the friction increasing your pleasure. 
“been waiting for so long to fuck this sweet pussy of yours. god, if only you knew how many times you’d make me so hard and i had to jack off at the thought of you. and now? this pussy is mine.” he lowly chuckled, increasing his pace as his stamina was absolutely wild. 
a ring of white cream began to form at the base of his cock as you were fucked out dumb from his huge cock. your eyes rolled back, vision growing blurry as your mind was filled with nothing but tengen. 
“i’m gonna cum.” he moaned out, making you gasp as he twitched inside you while his tip kissed your cervix. 
“i-inside.” you managed to stammer out, and he nodded. the familiar knot continued to tighten as your climax was near. you moaned like an absolute bitch in heat, purposely squeezing him with your walls, feeling him choke on a breath from how good you made him feel. 
“gonna cum-” you whimpered as your body shook with pleasure, cumming all over his cock and a few seconds later, tengen painted your walls with thick ropes of cum. you shuddered at the warm feeling of your pussy being pumped full of his cum, as tengen still lazily thrusted inside of you. 
you were completely delirious.
you cupped his face, pulling him in for a kiss, nothing too suggestive. it was a simple and loving kiss. 
you pulled away, looking at him with a bashful smile. 
“come on, let’s properly clean up now.” tengen chuckled, and you nodded your head. he pulled out of you, watching the sight of your pussy leaking his cum and he could feel his cock struggling to contain the urge to get hard again and plunge deep inside your cunt again. 
“don’t waste it, pretty. i worked too hard to fill you up.” he scoffed, plunging two fingers into your cunt to shove his cum back inside you. 
“tengen!” you smacked his bicep, your pussy still sensitive. you both broke out into a fit of giggles as you guys finally decided to cut it out. the rest of the shower consisted of you two bickering as usual about who made who feel more pleasured. you washed his hair and he washed yours, it felt very domestic. 
after about another half an hour or so, you both finally got out of the bathroom. tengen went outside by the hot spring to grab both of your clothes from the bench. 
he saw mitsuri heading to the hot spring, waving her good morning as the woman happily reciprocated. 
“oh! why do you have y/n’s clothes in your hands? and speaking of y/n, where even is she? i told her that i’d be joining her in the hot spring later.” mitsuri pointed at your clothes as she asked in confusion. 
“don’t worry, i took great care of her. she seemed a little tense, so i helped her relieve it.” tengen smirked, giving mitsuri a wink. she gasped as she saw the marks left on his flesh, a squeal leaving her lips. 
“i knew it, i knew it! hehe, she’s never gonna hear the end of it from me!” mitsuri jumped in joy from her victory. 
“hm, looks like you and obanai had some fun like us too.” tengen pointed out, noticing the bluish-purple marks left on her neck. she laughed in embarrassment, to which tengen didn’t pick on her any further, patting her head before taking his leave to let the woman enjoy her time. 
tengen returned with your clothes as you both dressed more comfortably. it was only seven in the morning, still pretty early. 
“i should head back to my room.” you said, standing up from the bed, only to have tengen frown. 
“why? just stay here with me for a little longer.” tengen grabbed your hands, pulling you down on his lap as he protectively wrapped his arms around your waist. 
“what if someone finds out?” you asked in worry. 
“so? who cares? you’re mine now anyways. also, mitsuri know.” tengen dropped the bomb as he kissed your neck. 
“what?! how??” your eyes were the size of two full moons. 
“i met her by the hot spring just now, she was asking for you and i told her that you were with me.” he shrugged it off. you groaned as you shoved your face in the crook of his neck. 
“fuck, i’m screwed.” you whined. 
“why? you don’t wanna be with me?” his voice was tainted with disappointment, making you quickly pull back to cup his face. 
“no! that’s not what i meant. it’s just, i’ve been in denial with my feeling for you for so long and mitsuri was right. so, she’s gonna eat me alive for the next few weeks.” you let out a heavy sigh, making him chuckle. 
“oh? you know, you saying that now makes me wanna eat you again.” tengen grinned, and in a swift motion you were now on his bed with him hovering above you. 
you giggled, locking him between your legs as you wrapped your arms around his neck before pulling him in. 
“you’re so dirty, geez. i’m so tired and sore, so let’s just sleep.” you suggested, watching his eyes glimmer with love as he nodded. tengen laid on the side, pulling you close to his chest as he kissed the top of your head before looking down at you. 
“tengen?” you called out to him.
“yes?” he responded, as you looked up at him. 
“i love you. well, i love you a lot actually. i was so scared that i was going to lose you yesterday. so, don’t ever scare me like that, okay?” you hugged him tighter, making him laugh at your sudden confession. 
“i love you too, princess. as long as my heart beats, i promise to protect you.” tengen leaned down to press a kiss over the scar on your cheek before finally planting a soft and loving kiss on your lips. 
you both smiled at each other before snuggling into one another’s embrace as sleep slowly began to take over your heavy eyes. 
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r2katsu · 5 months
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Ft. Tanjiro, Inosuke, Zenitsu
WC: 419
kny m.list | gn!reader | fluff + crack
a/n: reader has a habit of doing everything on their own without telling anybody or where they're going
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Tanjiro Kamado
"Y/n I'm only asking a simple favor is that you communicate with me more, I don't intend on being controlling it's just that I worry about you a lot if you're saying that I seem like I don't care or I'm too busy then you're wrong. I care about you, I care about what you're doing, what happened to you today, where did you go. I need to check up on you and I'm asking you to communicate with me more about your whereabouts." His eyes looked so sad while looking at you, tears were almost forming in his eyes
"Okay I will tanjiro." He smiles warmly at your answer and gave you
Inosuke Hasibira
“Ah you finally decided to show your face huh?” He scoffed while looking away from you, clearly pissed. Standing there in silence until he spoke up again “could’ve at least sent me a bird to tell me where you were” he mumbled angrily. “Okay I’m sorry I was about to tell you but I got sidetracked…” No response “I’m sorry” you finally admitted.
As you peaked over his shoulder he was still huffing and pouting so you deliberately offered “I bought some tempura as a peace treaty.” You can tell his eyes immediately light up hearing your offer but he wasn’t budging so you had to shove the plate of tempura at his face and he still wasn’t budging until your hand held up one tempura to his mouth and reluctantly ate. You giggled, making him grumble while still eating the tempura you offered him.
Zenitsu Agatsuma
You saw in the corner of your eye the blonde demon slayer was sulking while looking down on his feet. And as you approached him, making your presence clear to him. He exploded with epiphanies such as “WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN GOING AROUND FOR HOURS WITHOUT TELLING I WAS WORRIED SICK I ASKED EVERYBODY AROUND NONE OF THEM KNEW I WAS SO SCARED TO DEATH THINKING WHERE WERE YOU-” as you accepted his yelling and crying you noticed his cheek was bruised and asked about it. “I was…asking Inosuke where you were since you were last with him and I was yelling and scolding him and he smacked me on the cheek to calm me down…That's besides the point! Next time you're going out I'm coming with you.” He huffed with arms crossed, you chuckled and gave an apology but of course he continued pouting and sulking until you showered him with enough affection.
likes and reblogs are appreciated loves 🍤
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zikkytheblicky · 8 months
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♡︎ you can call me zikky or any pet names if you prefer. I’m black and Jamaican— pronouns are he/him/they/them/theirs i’m transgender and bisexual !!
ও jjk (satoru gojo, suguru geto, kento nanami, toji zen’in, yuta okkutsu, kenjaku as geto, ryomen sukuna, masamichi yaga, kiyotaka ijichi, toge inumaki, aoi todo)
ꔛ csm (denji, aki hayakawa, kishibe, hirofumi yoshida, young kishibe)
✦ astv (miles 42, hobie, miguel o’hara, spider noir)
⊹ demon slayer (tanjiro kamado, kyojuro rengoku, inosuke hashibara, sanemi shinazugawa, tengen uzui, giyu tomioka, obanai iguro, gyomei himejima, kokushibo, muzan kibutsuji, akaza, kagaya ubuyashiki, doma, gyutaro)
★ kpop groups (stray kids n SEVENTEEN)
(such little fandoms ik!! i don’t watch a lot of things/remember what i watch , sorry !!)
-homophobes, transphobes, racists, antisemitics, zionists, trolls, isnotreal supporters, dsmp stans/fans, female readers (this includes SHE/THEY, SHE/HER, SHE/XE/THEY, etc.), people who sexualize itadori, sexists, pedophiles, rapists, sex offenders.
⊹ i WILL write
black male reader
feminine t!m/m reader chubby black male reader
trans black male reader
trans chubby black male reader
pre top surgery black male reader
pre top surgery chubby black male reader
pre bottom surgery black male reader
pre bottom surgery chubby black male reader
male reader
chubby male reader
Pre top surgery male reader
pre top surgery chubby male reader
pre bottom surgery male reader
pre bottom surgery chubby male reader
submissive t!m/m reader
switch t!m/m reader
feminine t!m/m reader
any kink besides body fluid ones and foot fetish
gay t!m/m reader
sugar daddy x sugar bby trope
any trope really except for those cringe ones like golden retriever x black cat idk those are just.. uhm. like just say introverted x extroverted trope if you really want that one!! (My op sorry.)
pet names , i love them. Except for those really.. cringe ones like "my little sugar waffle! " stop it. I will use different language ones too depending on the characters nationality.
“ crack “
t!m/m reader with a core/style (any types of cores like aaliyah core for ex).
any kink involving body fluids or foot fetish.
HEAVY angst (r@pe, HEAVY abuse, etc.)
m preg. Like i'll do the getting cummed inside of part but not the giving birth.. having kids.. like no sorry!! ( it makes me uncomfortable. )
aged up characters
fem readers (you guys tons of stories you'll be ok, twin.)
✧ Thats it really i'll probs add more tho !!
⊹ i write in lowercase on purpose !! and sometimes space my punctuation (like this !! or this , or this . but i rarely space the period.)⊹
☆ if you’re black reader please inform about your hairstyle/texture !! i don’t wanna accidentally just use the wrong hair texture/hair style for you 💓.
request status: closed ! ⊹
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gamblersdoll · 2 months
Hello, I was wondering if you could write a nsfw of genya where reader is touching genya while he plays his game and all his friends hear is him making sounds in the mic and reader ends up riding him after, I hope it’s not too weird and thank you❤️
not too weird! was just thinking about it too because of the recent dub ep
18+, under the desk support, teasing, handjob, whiny genya! >:)) , riding.
you fall under the category of ‘black cat girlfriend, gamer nerd boyfriend.’
yet, genya was such a bottom, usually its the other way around. this was no different, not with the way you basically just cockwarmed genya, only in your hand of course.
his face was red, redder than anything of a apple or tomato that youve seen. you smile, kissing his cheek and keep your dirty words to yourself.
he gulps when your hand starts to stroke him, biting his lip as he tries to hold back his breath and moans and hes slowly losing that grip on the controller.
“genya! you okay?” you can hear tanjiro ask, zenitsu screaming about dying or about to die, and inosuke just screaming about for honor.
“mhm! im okay.” he responds shakily, looking at you while you lock eyes with him. he pulls his mic up so no one could hear, “what the hell?”
“shh, just let me do this, ‘kay?” you mumble, spitting in your hand and slowly jerking him again. all he can do is whimper under his breath, even zenitsu screaming at genya to stop breathing heavily in the mic.
“ah fuck!—“ he groans, having to recollect himself and focus on the game. “yeah, i just got hurt, thats all.” he replies back to tanjiro.
he hears his throat cracking up, muting himself temporarily and looks to you. “thats not fair..” he moans, eyes crossing as you quickly pump his cock. “its not fair, its not fair, its not fair.. uh–“ he moans, hearing tanjiro call him back.
and his eyes check on you, immediately ignoring the game as he see your shorts have been removed, and watch how you climb on top of him.
“be quiet, baby. enjoy your game.” you mouth to him, wrapping your arms around his neck and working your knees immediately.
he would be lying if he said it isn’t difficult to play, hed be lying through is teeth. because he cant just stop playing, or this was his way of playing hard to get. he just bites his lip as you bounce up his cock, down to his balls.
“guys, i gotta head out—“ he tries to say, mouth starting to water at the way you clit was dragging up his skin.
‘man, you just got here! cant you stay a little bit?’ tanjiro says over the mic, exclaiming when genya agrees and you chuckle. poor baby.
and you pick up your pace, feeling that pleasurable cramp starting act up. your mouth drops to an ‘o,’ cumming silently on genya’s cock until it was hard to just pull out.
hes trying his best to stay composed, what the fuck made you this horny to where youd slut yourself out just.. in front of his friends. was this in front of them? had to be. but he feels like he could cum from this too, eyes rolling back when you slowly move your hips.
“ill be back—“ he quickly says, heading to discord and leaving the call. his hands grip your hips, only a few hard, deep strokes to make himself such a mess inside your cunt. you moan, making eye contact with him as his own dilate.
“cummin- i cummin—“ he growls yet mewls, knotting himself accidentally and whining out. “fuck! fuck! fuck!” he breathlessly says, squeezing his eyes in a painful yet pleasurable way of knotting. it had been a minute, and he had knot you in.. oh god, months?
“im…” he breathes, panting as he pulls you back into his lap. “im going to kill you.” he chuckles, kissing your lips.
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ilydeku · 1 year
lie close | tanjiro x reader
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"You...you want to what??!!" Exclaimed Tanjiro, his expression endowed with disbelief and an undoubtedly hint of want. You lay comfortably in your futon as he stood firmly, well not so firmly, beside you, rewinding the little request in his head that you've so suddenly wanted for. Tanjiro's not one to object to you or anything you ask of him. That being helping you practice your breathing technique, or caring for any injuries you've sustained; actually, you haven't really asked him for any favors at all. He's always been the one to come forward to you with a heartfelt smile. After all, he loves you deeply, in secrecy. But this time, it was different. You coming forward to him? This was new and profound by the light pink dusting across his cheeks.
The room resided in awkward silence, with small wisps of Zenitsu and Inosuke arguing somewhere around the Butterfly Mansion. Your eyes remained steady with his. Behind them kindled a fire, a sudden boost of confidence caving in. Was it the time of night maybe? Or the fact that you two were alone, the first ones prepared for slumber.
Your heart was beating uncontrollably fast, yet you kept a calm composure before him. Though your tenacity was unwavering, you began to wonder if this was the right move. You've carefully read the signs and ensured there weren't no dents or cracks in your lengthful friendship. The timing better be right.
"You heard me, Tanjiro," you reassured calmly, lightly pressing down the blanket on top of you. "I said I want to..sleep next to you tonight." It was almost embarrassing to convey. There was no other formal or better way to say it; snuggle, cuddle, hold you in my arms? Ughh. You prayed that he wasn't thinking about the other terminology.
"But...I already sleep with you, y/n! We all do! Zenitsu, Inosuke, and I..." He pointed to the three empty futons across the room, "...are all right here! Mine is even right next to yours! I could scoot closer if you'd like-"
"You don't get it, do you?" You sat up and took a deep breath in to prepare for the final blunt. "I want to cuddle with you, Tanjiro! I want to cuddle with you, hold you, feel you. I just want to be close to you, Tanjiro...Will you?...Just for tonight?" He couldn't believe the words that came out of your mouth. His knees gave out and plopped down in front of you. He couldn't contain the joyful smile and excitement inside of him. He was avoiding the thought on purpose, uncertain of what you were expecting. He didn't want to assume anything or something that made you uncomfortable. But now that it was made crystal clear, he lay rest assured.
"It can be tonight, tomorrow, the day after that, and forever if you'd like, y/n."
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support me? :)
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fairy-writes · 1 year
hello! for your event may I request action prompt number 14 for rengoku?
please and thank you
have a good rest of your day!
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Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!!
Fandom(s): Demon Slayer
Pairing(s): Rengoku Kyojuro x Reader
Prompt: Sitting at their lover’s bedside when they’re unconscious (Action Prompt #14)
Genre(s)/Tag(s): Gender Neutral!Reader, Post-Mugen Train
Notes: Mugen Train Spoilers!
Sorry it’s so short, hon! I’ve been REALLY struggling with writing these last few days.
Four months, three weeks, and seven days.
Four months, three weeks, and seven days and Kyojuro has yet to wake up.
He counts the days as he floats in limbo. The clock on the wall counts the seconds. The seconds turn into minutes, turn into hours, and turn into days. And those days turn into weeks and then months. 
He can feel the rough bandages itching his skin, covering his eye that had been rendered useless after the fight with Upper Moon Three. Hadn’t he said his name was Akaza? 
It didn’t matter anymore. 
All that matters is waking up.
That is… if he ever woke up.
Kyojuro has a myriad of visitors during his coma. The most prominent being his younger brother Senjuro, Kamado Tanjiro, Hashibira Inosuke, and Agatsuma Zenitsu.
And, of course, you.
You are the most constant visitor he has next to his brother. You sit at his side day after day, holding his hand and talking quietly to those who come in the room. Young Inosuke is quiet, something out of character for him, and everyone else tiptoes around you and Kyojuro as if scared something would go wrong. 
Your hand is soft against his own calloused one. You were never one to wield a sword. Instead, you wield a needle and thread. You are a seamster, someone who made the uniforms for the demon slayers all over Japan. And a very talented one at that. You mended his uniform and even his haori more times than he cared to count. 
It was how he got to know you in the first place. 
You tighten your grip as he lies there in the dark, counting the seconds with every “tick, tock, tick, tock” of the clock.
“I miss you, y’know?” You whimper, and he can hear your voice crack. His heart breaks at the sound, and he wishes with all his heart that he could respond. 
A gasp.
“Did you…?” You whisper, and he realizes he just twitched his fingers. He tries again, praying to whoever is listening that he will be able to—
Another gasp. Almost a cry this time. Kyojuro hears you calling for Shinobu and then your hand on his face, cradling his cheek.
“Kyojuro? Can you hear me?” You ask, and he feels his eyelashes flutter and then open. 
It’s blinding for a moment.  But only for a moment. 
Then he sees you. 
Your eyes are watery, and you have a look on your face that you’re telling yourself not to hold out hope. But when his eyes meet yours, the tears begin to fall. 
Despite your joy, you are incredibly gentle with him, easing your arms around his neck and pressing the most gentle kiss to his lips that nearly has him crying. You were never this gentle. You were fierce and bold with your affection. You kissed him when you wanted and didn’t give a damn about who watched. 
But now, you were so careful with your love that it made his heart ache. 
“You came back!” You say tearfully, and he smiles, wrapping an arm around your waist and nosing your temple when you pull back. Just having you here, just having you with him, made it all worth it. He smiles that smile that you love so much and replies. 
“I promised, didn’t I?”
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luvbugs-blog · 1 year
getting saved by...
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pairings: tanjiro x reader, inosuke x reader, zenitsu x reader
a/n: there will be a part two... but switched! you saving them!
warnings: POSSIBLE SPOILERS! also mentions of death in inosuke's (reader has to do what tanjiro did to wake up on the mugen train)
part two!
tanjiro kamado
you try to brace yourself as you're thrown against a tree. it hurts, but you have to keep going. you think of the bright smile that always inspires you when you need it. the smile of your best friend. you take in a deep breath in, trying to control your total concentration, as you reflect on where you are at, and how you would rather be back at the butterfly mansion with your friends, who haven't finished healing yet.
you lift yourself up just in time to deflect the blood demon art of the spider sister, who almost captured you in her web ball. you fling yourself to the side, and when you jump up, prepared for the next attack, she's gone.
strange. you look around you at all of your surroundings, hoping that she won't pop out from behind the trees. your power, besides your breathing, is in your strength, so unfortunately, you lack any power of being able to sense where your opponent is by smell, audio, or some weird beasty sense thing that inosuke possesses.
you still and close your eyes, trying to focus on listening, when you hear something above you. something isn't right about this.
you are able to jump to the side just as the monster leaps where you were. this thing is massive, with a godawful spider face. not only is it creepy, but it scares you enough that you hide behind a tree, trying to think of a plan. that's when you remember tanjiro again.
last week, the two of you were eating breakfast at the butterfly mansion. you were sitting next to each other, chatting and occasionally laughing at inosuke devouring his onigiri. you turn to focus back on your conversation about tanjrio's "hinokami kagura", and how impressive it is.
"you truly are amazing, tanjiro! not even the hashira can perform two breathing techniques!" you gush, trying to imagine yourself doing the same. "you must feel so powerful!"
tanjiro scratches at his neck, trying to push down the raging blush that had formed on his face. "it's really not that impressive! I'm sure you could do the same if you really tried."
"oh, don't be ridiculous. i'm not near close enough to your level. and don't be modest either! just don't forget about me when you become a hashira," you say, with a little joke at the end.
tanjiro grabs your hands and stares at you a little too intensely. you feel a little startled. "don't say that about yourself! you are an incredible swordsman and i constantly want to be like you."
you blink, unsure what to make of the fervent compliments. you open your mouth, but before you can respond, he continues.
"you inspire me with your strength. you never give up and that is what's truly amazing!" you swear you can see little puffs of steam coming out of his ears.
"so don't underestimate yourself!"
you blink for a moment, trying to find your composure. and you don't know what else to do but laugh.
"well, alright then!" you give him a huge smile and hug him tight. "thank you, tanjiro," you whisper into his ear. he just hugged you tighter to his body. what you missed seeing was the very pointed look given to him by zenitsu.
you brace yourself and make a move from behind the tree, rushing at the creature who was looking for you in the opposite direction. activating your first breathing form, you aim at the giant's arm, hoping to buy some time while he is regenerating. but your sword doesn't cut through. instead, he flings you a couple meters back. you land harshly on the ground, and you wince when you feel your ribs crack. you take a deep breath in, desperately hoping for an idea to get you out of this mess.
the monster roars, destroying trees in his path as he searches for you. "LEAVE MY FAMILY ALONE."
some hell of a family, you think, as you roll out of the way to escape a tree from crushing you. you rush at the monster again, this time aiming for his neck with your sixth breathing form, but to no avail. your sword still doesn't go through.
you can see the monster's hand coming towards you. you're going to die. there's no way you can move out of the way without breaking your sword, and you won't be able to survive without it. think! you desperately rack your brain for ideas, but it's too late.
you close your eyes as the hand comes to you, but you never feel the impact. you quickly open your eyes to see a checkered haori blocking the monster's head.
"y/n! i was so worried when we arrived and saw all of the bodies!" the hand shakes the two of you off, and tanjiro holds you close as you both fall to the ground. he's quick to jump to his feet, but you're still a little sore from your earlier exchanges with the tree. he gives you a charming smile as he helps you off the ground. "i'm so glad you are alright."
you jump up to give him a tight hug, trying to fight off the nerves of your near-death experience.
"gonpachiro! are you going to help me out or keep flirting?" you cough as he glances over at inosuke trying to saw his way through the monster's arm.
before you can react, he presses a quick kiss to your forehead before running to help. "stay alive, ok!" he yells, "i have to confess something after the battle!"
you allow yourself one bashful smile before lunging into the fight, helping your future bf and one weird boar.
inosuke hashibira
you gasp for air as you're being held down by the neck by the train's appendage. you try to break free, but your sword is just out of reach and the tentacle thing is just too slimy to really grab hold of it. with one hand, you try to free your neck, and with the other hand, you strain for your sword. the appendage lifts you a bit and slams you back down, making something in your arm snap. you try to scream, but nothing comes out. your vision starts getting a little blurry, and black starts creeping around the edges.
what should you do? before you can do anything, a big eye pops out and blinks at you.
when you open your eyes, you have to adjust, because it suddenly got very bright. you sit up off the ground, looking around for the train, but you don't see anything. you do recognize this dirt path you are on though.
you lift yourself up and start along the path until you come across... the butterfly mansion? something wasn't right. you were supposed to be helping tanjiro and inosuke with the train demon.
just then you heard a cackle coming from inside the building. how is inosuke here? you also heard a scream coming from the inside. you sprint to the sound, and throw the doors open to see your little sibling cowering behind your parents, who were in a protective stance and looking up at the ceiling. on the ceiling was inosuke, crawling around like a weirdo.
"mom? dad?" how were they here? their deaths were the reason you became a demon slayer in the first place. tears start pouring down your cheeks as you run towards your beloved family. you stay there, hugging them for what seems like hours. your parents were very confused, but accepted the affection nontheless. your sibling was giggling at how stupid you looked, but you could care less, because at least they were alive.
maybe this whole slayer thing was just a bad dream. BAM. you jerk your head to see inosuke had come down from the ceiling. how did you forget? so the slayer thing was not just a dream. so what the hell is happening?
inosuke walks up to you and grabs your hand. "come on, y/n! let's go train." he walks you outside and into the woods.
"inosuke, i think something is wrong. we were fighting a demon and then we ended up back here. do you know anything?" he steps back and lifts his mask up, letting it fall to the ground.
"what the hell are you talking about?" he starts towards you, backing you into a tree. you put your hands to his chest, looking into his eyes.
"this is not the time to fight right now! i'm being serious-" you are silenced when he puts his finger to your lips, cocks his head and looks at you.
"the fuck are you yappin' about? you know the training thing is just a ruse." he puts his hands on your side and squeezes, making you gasp. he lays his head into the crook of your neck and gives you a small little bite, in which you grab onto his shoulders in shock. "we do this all the time."
you push inosuke back and look around. you grab onto his shoulder and gently shake it.
"didn't you hear that?" he just snorts. "hear what?"
"there it is again! someone is calling my name!" inosuke shakes his head and pushes against you once more, arms circling your waist. he starts to leave kisses up your neck, which causes you to let out a little whine. this was a little dream of yours that you kept a secret so no one would find out about your little crush.
A DREAM! of course!
"i've got to get out of here." inosuke lifts his head up.
"you don't understand. this is a dream! the real you needs me right now." you run around the woods, searching for the demon that put you to sleep. if you kill it, you might be able to get out. how else would you wake up?
you slow to a stop, realizing the demon isn't in the dream with you. dream inosuke pokes your back. "what are you doing?"
you turn to him, unsure of what you're about to do. you reach to his waist and grab one of his swords.
"i'm sorry." you whisper, terrified. you bring the sword up to your neck. what if you're wrong? what if there are repercussions from the dream in reality. what if you actually died?
you push your hand up again the blade, ready, when a hand grabs your wrist. you look up into his beautiful face, which looked miserable.
"don't you want to be with me?" you almost drop the sword from your neck. you raise your hand to dream inosuke's face.
"it's all i've ever wanted, since we met. that's why i have to do this. to be with the real you." you pull your wrist free and scream, and with a twist of the blade, everything goes dark.
you wake up and take a deep breath. you can feel the wind from the roof of the train, and you realize it worked. you look over to see the appendage that was holding you wither into dust on the ground.
"you done taking your little nap? we got a demon to kill!" you smile at the taunting voice coming from behind you. you turn and jump into his arms.
"h-hey!" you lift his mask to give him a quick kiss on the cheek.
"thank you for waking me up," you say, before running off to where tanjiro was calling your name. inosuke follows behind you, very glad the mask is covering the redness of his face.
zenitsu agatsuma
there is no way you are making it out of this one alive, unless you hear the drum again. there are two demons making their way to you in this moving house. you aren't skilled enough to taken on two demons by yourself. so you are holding out that the drum will beat again soon, so that the rooms will shift. the first demon crawls closer and lashes it's tongue at you. you swipe at it, and the tip falls off, spraying blood over your uniform. while the first demon sprawls backwards in pain, the second lunges at you, and just as you swing your sword at it's neck, the drum shifts the rooms around.
you fall through the air in this new room, but land on something solid. you look down to see zenitsu under you.
"oh my goodness!" you hug him tight, thankful to see his face instead of another demon. while you're too busy with your relief, he's focused on your legs on either side of his waist. pervert.
his euphoria ends quickly, however, when you hoist yourself up and introduce yourself to the kid he is with. shoichi, the little boy, is so relieved that another slayer joined them, so he didn't have to put up with zenitsu's tantrums by himself.
while he is introducing himself, zenitsu sits up and screams. you turn, shielding the boy behind you, when you spot the tongue demon making it's way toward the three of you.
you all run to the nearest room and while you hope for another drum, you know you won't be so lucky this time, so you focus your attention on the door, hoping to be able to ambush the demon when he enters the room.
"no, no, no, no, no. please wake up." you turn to see zenitsu passed out on the floor.
"shoichi, i need you to get him to the wall if you can." then you turn your attention to the approaching demon, whose tongue had already regenerated. the tongue lashes out at you once more, but faster this time. you knew you wouldn't have time to cut it off, so you settle for deflecting it.
but the force of his tongue was too strong, and you were thrown backwards, hitting the wall and roughly falling to the ground. you crawl back over to zenitsu and shoichi, praying the drum sounds again.
you go to stand up to face the demon again when a soft hand pushes you back. you look up to see zenitsu and are surprised. wasn't he just passed out?
you see him get into position and hear a faint, "thunder breathing, first form". you blink and the demon is dead.
zenitsu sways for a second before falling back to the ground. you rush over to make sure he's ok to discover he's... STILL ASLEEP?
he jerks awake and squeals when he see's the demon's body disintegrating. he latches onto your torso and shamelessly hides his face into your skin.
"y/n-chaaaaan, you saved me! thank you thank you thank you!"
you look over at shoichi who just shrugs. with a small laugh, you lean over and press a kiss to zenitsu's head.
"let's try to get out of here, yeah?"
"AHHH y/n-chaaaaaan! let's get married!"
a/n: SORRRRRY i am so tired and so i rushed zenitsu's, but i hope it's still good! i'll try to finish the part two tomorrow (with a special surprise drabble!)
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ninapi · 1 year
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┊┊┊✧ ⁺ ⁺╚══ Roommates…? ╝
Premise: Living together as friends was easier than expected, but being a couple, things change. Will it be for the best or for the worst? Experiencing all sorts of first times with your now boyfriend while sharing the same room can get a bit chaotic.
Word count: 3184
Note: This is a continuation from my previous work, you can read the first part here.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Tanjiro called you and Genya into the living room after Inosuke came downstairs, seemingly traumatized. He made you sit together on your knees while the rest shared the couch, a very distressed looking Inosuke sitting on a chair to the side, still holding the basket full of cookies.
“I called you all today to take part of the first shared house trial. Seems to me like something has been going on behind our backs and need clarification. As you can see, our witness here,” he motioned towards Inosuke, “suffered some severe trauma this evening. Care to share your experience with us?”
Inosuke cleared his throat, both of his hands laying on his knees trying to recount what happened, “Here I was, taking the cookies Kanao baked over to everyone around the house. I started from the third floor just because it was easier that way, my room is on the first floor as you may know. When I went in their room…I…I saw….they…were pink…with a little white polka dotted bow…and…and…please tell me I have more back muscles than he does, Tanjiro. Do I need to work it more? It didn’t seem fair to me in that angle…”
The look of confusion in everyone’s face was priceless, though, you both knew what he meant by all that.
“Hashibira Inosuke, did you deliberately stare at my panties??? How can you remember so many details? You were in the room for less than a second!” Aoi’s gasp could be heard on the background, making Inosuke grow nervous.
“I didn’t do it on purpose, ok? He had your skirt all the way up! When I got in is all I could see! I told you to lock your door, didn’t I?”
“And did I not tell you to knock? Seriously, Inosuke, you gotta stop barging into rooms like that!” Genya’s fist was trembling with rage, he didn’t even get to see them, he felt them, yes, but he didn’t know they were pink or had a bow even, how was it possible that the damn pig had seen them first, outrageous.
“Wait, wait. I’m not getting what’s going on. What do back muscles have to do with (Y/N)’s panties?” Zenitsu was munching on a sandwich, seemingly confused with the random assortment of details.
“Oh god. Is this what I think it is? Did you go into their room again without knocking and…”
“YES” you and Genya shouted in unison, glaring towards Inosuke.
Tanjiro got up from his seat, getting in between both of them and motioning for both to go back to their place, your hand gently tugging on Genya’s for him to sit down.
“Ok so, is this a thing now? Are you like together?”
You were mumbling quietly, hiding your face on Genya’s shoulder, you really didn’t want to talk about this in front of the entire crew, you hadn’t even talked about it with Genya yet...“Why does it matter to all of you? Isn’t it common decency to knock before barging into someone’s room? What we do or don’t inside our room is our damn business.” his hand came over to yours, rubbing soothing circles on the back of it. You were more than embarrassed, not only have you not told them anything of what’s been going on but one of your oldest friends saw your panties, among other things…
Tanjiro’s eyes were on your joint hands, a little smile making its way over to his face. He’s always known of Genya’s crush on you. He saw the entire scene unfold when you shared your book with him all those years back, he saw his friend’s ears turn pink, his expression turn soft every time you addressed him or said something funny. He was happy for him, for the both of you really.
“So Genya and (Y/N) are fucking or something? Sorry I don’t get all this, Nezuko-chan sent me a selfie with the cutest cat ever, I lost track of the conversation.”
“I will fucking crush your skull…” Genya was gathering you in his arms as you buried your face on his chest in shame. His protective self shielding you from the prying eyes, his own burning holes into Zenitsu with passion.
“Now, now. Let’s not get ahead of our ourselves. (Y/N), are you two together now? Is that it? C’mon let me see your pretty face.” Tanjiro was now crouching in front of you, giving Genya a soft adoring smile as he waited patiently for your reply.
Going out of your safe space, you looked at him with one eye, the rest of your face still hidden away. “Yeah…I think so…”
“Thank you, that’s all we needed to know. Now, let’s get into an agreement. Inosuke, you won’t go into ANY of the rooms without knocking. They aren’t the only couple around, if you don’t want to get even more traumatized, I advise you start listening to others. As for you two, please lock your door from now on, that’s what we all do when, well you know…” Genya’s face was bright red, giving Tanjiro a little nod.
“Wow, so am I the only one single now? This sucks…Tanjiro let me date Nezuko-chan already, she’s not a child anymore!” the glare he received left you all speechless, everyone made their way over to their respective rooms quietly, loud cries of intense pain could be heard for the rest of the evening.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Now that all your friends knew you were together, things quieted down.
Everything went back to normal, except for maybe the fact that Genya placed three additional locks on your door and now you have to carry a bunch of keys in your bag. He still can’t get over the fact that Inosuke saw your panties before he did, he has to keep the menace away before something worse happened.
Though, with back to normal I mean Inosuke barging into your make out sessions constantly, a normal thing this days, it did happen often after all.
First he found you making out in the game room; everyone had fallen asleep while playing or were knocked out drunk on the floor after a fierce Friday night of friendly bonding, or so you thought, but Inosuke was still very much awake and saw you perched on your boyfriend’s lap, enjoying everything but the games on the screen. His loud obnoxious complaints woke everybody up.
A similar thing happened a few days later, but in the laundry room, you were sitting on the folding table, your limbs clinging onto Genya almost desperately while you both waited for your garments to be ready. Inosuke heard your quiet whimpers and blew the door open just to have one of his arms almost ripped to pieces by your very much annoyed boyfriend as he barged in once more to kill the mood on purpose.
But it all ended after you caught him and Aoi, half undressed in the living room past 3AM when the munchies hit you both after a movie marathon. The gasp of horror that left Aoi’s lips and Inosuke’s histerical outburst trying to cover his girl were engraved in your mind forever.
You got to experience the awkwardness of it all and kept your hands to yourselves in public places from then on, also Inosuke started being more considerate after seeing his girlfriend crying in shame, he felt bad for exposing you the way he did, so he bought a tiny bore plushie and left it on your pillow as a sign of peace and as a long overdue apology.
Things went back to how they used to be before you were together after that encounter, or so you like to think but sharing your bed with Genya was definitely not something you used to do, now though, that became the new normal for both of you.
“Do you wanna go somewhere together over the weekend?” you’ve been together for a few weeks now, yet you haven’t had your first official date, you were looking forward to it even if it didn’t matter much in your unusual circumstances.
“Sure, where do you wanna go?” he was comfily pressed to your side, half asleep while you browsed on your phone, his hand aimlessly rubbing circles on one of your thighs.
“Hmmm…I always wanted to go on one of those cheesy dates, you know what I mean? Like going to an aquarium and buy matching phone straps, then maybe go eat some crepes and hold hands while we walk in a park. Is that too much for you?” you giggled, kissing his shoulder gently in a playful manner trying to sway his decision.
Groaning, he buried his face on your chest nuzzling your softness, “I hate you…”
“Is that a yes~?”
“Whatever… you owe me at least ten thousand kisses, and I want them by tomorrow if you want me to do all that girly crap…” chuckling in excitement you rolled around in your bed, getting on top of him and showered his face with soft kisses, “Gotta start now then~”
This would be fun.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Your typical cheesy over the top date was fantastic.
You walked around the exhibits in the aquarium hand in hand, making comments on the pretty fish and forcing your boyfriend to make silly faces for your selfies. Both wore matching head wear obtained at the gift shop at the front to make it all even worse for poor Genya.
You wanted something cute like a dolphin or jellyfish headband, but he refused to wear anything that wasn’t the cool white shark hat that the mannequin had in display. Not like you cared really, you were just happy to wear matching items with someone like him, it felt like an accomplishment, like if you were in some sort of sweet dream you didn’t want to wake up from.
Genya enjoyed it more than he thought he would, aquariums are unexpectedly quiet and fun to be in. He made you touch a sea cucumber and laughed at your disgusted face for about twenty minutes, he just couldn’t stop. So you grabbed his hand and pressed it gently to a starfish, making sure to capture his mortified expression in video. He realized he’d be fine wherever you’d want to take him, being with you was fun, even if he had to wear crazy hats, he really likes to see you smiling.
You got to buy the matching phone straps you wanted, they had a tiny dangly shark hanging from them of course, and he ended up getting a dolphin plush for you out of a claw machine.
This was the first time Genya had been to an aquarium, to a date in general, but he hoped it wasn’t the last.
After your under the sea adventure, you stopped by the crepe stand in the big park outside of the building, it had a long line but he knew you really wanted some for your utopian date plan, so he queued next to you for an hour even if he grumbled the entire time, nothing a couple of sneaky kisses couldn’t fix.
You got back to your room by sunset, exhausted but happy. Having a boyfriend that is willing to indulge you even when he wasn’t one to do such things made you feel loved, and that was new.
“Wasn’t so bad, was it?” you were poking his side while he took off his socks, too lazy to take a bath, you ended up walking a lot, who would have thought dates were this tiring.
“That shark was freaking cool. Do you think they’d let us buy one as pet?” you chuckled, laying flat on your bed, the wild image of your boyfriend feeding Zenitsu to the shark crossed your mind.
“I doubt it, baby.” he nodded slightly disappointed, reaching over to nestle himself on your side. “Too bad. Maybe one day we could get one, those tiny ones might fit in a house tank.” he was dozing off quickly as you threaded your fingers through his hair, dreaming of a future were you two would still be together.
“That would be nice.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Dating your roommate had more perks than anything.
You both always knew what the other forgot before it was too late, always supported the other in bad days. Always ready for cuddles and kisses or a very deep conversation and pep talks.
But it also came with a bad side.
Being comfortable is a good thing, but some times being too comfortable can be a double edged sword.
You were currently in the shower, getting ready for school. Your phone kept ringing and it was driving Genya crazy.
He went over to your desk to make it stop when he saw the caller on the screen, making his stomach turn.
‘Sensei~ ♡’
Why was he calling you, why was his name saved like that in your phone? It made him want to throw your phone off the window and get you a new one so he wouldn’t have your number…
He was about to walk away when a text message arrived, a notification displaying on the screen, ‘I miss you…can we meet today after class?’
“He what??? This bastard…” he was fuming at this point, his imagination running wild. Why would he miss you? Is not like you two had a thing. Did you…? No, no, he trusts you, you are his girlfriend, you even live together, not like you could cheat on him without him noticing.
You went out of the bathroom, Genya reached over for one of the books on his own desk, trying to fake ignorance. His heart was racing, doubt was filling his insides and he didn’t like the way that felt.
You checked your phone but didn’t reply, just continued getting ready.
“S-shall we go for some burgers tonight, babe? Inosuke said they were super good in that new place downtown.” He sounded a little insecure, something he hasn’t been for a while, at least not around you.
“Can’t, not tonight at least, have something to do.” you were rushing out of the door, grabbing your backpack on the way, “See you later, baby!” you blew him a kiss and ran downstairs trying not to be late for your first class of the day.
“Something to do? Since when she doesn’t tell me what that ‘something’ is? She always tells me what she’s doing, why not today? Fuck…” he didn’t want to believe you would cheat on him, but things were just not adding up, his brother was also your first love, and a very dangerous competition to have, didn’t want to but he had to admit he had doubts, he was jealous, hurt even, but he would give you a chance.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Genya was waiting for you sitting on his bed with his arms crossed, it was almost midnight, and you hadn’t even texted him since lunch.
When he saw the door being unlocked, he tried to look calm, reaching for a discarded notebook on his bed to look like he was studying and definitely not waiting for you.
“You still awake, babe? Isn’t it too late? Or were you waiting for me~?” you gave him a loving smile, making your way over to his bed, craving the warmth of your boyfriend after a long day. But he wasn’t having it, even if he didn’t want to be, he was still annoyed by the situation.
Pushing you over to the side, he rolled over, making you face his back.
“Babe? What’s up? Are you mad?” snaking your arms around his waist, you placed a kiss between his shoulder blades.
“Why would I be mad? Did you do something that would make me mad?” his voice was gruff; you could hear the annoyance lacing his every word.
“Not that I know of…” to this he scoffed, throwing the notebook to the ground and turning back to face you, an angry scowl adorning his rather handsome face.
“Yeah right…I fucking saw my brother’s message! Are you toying with me (Y/N)? Am I not enough? Do you really need to go pleading for his stupid attention? Is he that great???” you were speechless, trying to grasp the situation.
“You think I went on a date with Sensei and that’s why I came home late? Is that why you’re mad?” now you were the one scowling. You didn’t mind him seeing your notifications, what made you upset was his lack of trust.
“Why else would you be so fucking late? You didn’t even want to tell me what you were doing after class today…and…and you’ve never rejected a date with me before!”
“It was LATE! I had to run to class! We fell asleep this morning after snoozing the alarm, remember??” you got your phone out, unlocking it and throwing it his way, showing the conversation with his brother.
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Genya’s eyes were glued to your screen, re-reading the very short conversation you had with Sanemi in disbelief.
Not only did you declined his offer, but you plainly rejected him.
He grabbed your phone and went into your contacts, an overwhelming need to delete his phone number overtook him but he was able to control himself. Instead, he changed his contact name from 'Sensei~ ♡' to 'Brother in-law', making you giggle. That's what he was now, not your sensei, not your crush, your boyfriend's brother.
He was feeling many things at that moment, he felt proud, of your relationship, of how you didn’t need him to intervene, how you stopped him from the start and didn’t fall for his antics. He felt shame, of his attitude, of the way he shouted at you just now, of how he couldn’t trust you enough. But overall, he felt happy, loved, and oddly, somewhat horny. You’re so hot when you get all bossy like that, shutting him off completely, drives him nuts.
And that was the feeling that won him over.
He threw your phone to the side, climbing on top of you as he smashed his lips against yours. “I was so angry...so jealous...He keeps on lusting over you… over MY baby. You’re mine…Just mine.” he kept grumbling, kissing every available patch of skin he could find like a starved man, his hands roaming over your body with an overwhelming need.
“All yours, my love.” he stopped his ministrations, looking down at you with a mix of confusion and awe. You hadn’t crossed that line just yet.
“What?” you laughed, wrapping your arms around his neck, gazing lovingly into his widened orbs.
“Your l-love…?”
“Yup that’s you. My boyfriend, the man I love. So, my love. Right?” you tilted your head to the side, a bit saddened by his confusion, was it one sided-
“I-I guess so, yes. You are my love too then, my girlfriend, the woman I love.” he nodded with resolution, making your smile grow once more, the urgency getting even more unbearable as time went on, his skin was on fire, same as his heart.
“Genya…?” your eyes were shut in bliss, all you could think about all day was on coming home, to be in his arms…
“Hmmm?” he couldn’t stop kissing you, he just needed more and more of you.
“I love you.” that though, made him stop, looking at you while panting heavily. You felt the need to make things clear, wanted him to hear it properly coming from your mouth, to clear any doubt he might have about your relationship.
“I love you too, babe.” this time you were the one to pull him over to you, not before pulling his shirt over his head in as swift movement, getting rid of the very much unnecessary piece of clothing, needing to feel every inch of him.
“Can I…?” his hand stopped right at the hem of your dress, waiting for your permission to proceed. To this you just nodded, bringing him down once more for another deep kiss as clothing went flying on its own.
Another line was crossed that night, one you both eagerly waited for the right moment to cross fully.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Next morning, Inosuke had gone to pick up the groceries, you had added to the list some of your girly essentials and he went over to your room to leave them there.
He saw the door wasn’t locked, which made him go in after he knocked and there was no reply from any of you.
The room was in fact empty.
He walked over to your bed, dropping the supermarket bag on it and was about to leave when he felt something fall on his head.
Terrified and ready to fight whatever it was attacking him, he saw something pink fall to the ground.
The item that followed him to his nightmares fell from the lamp above the beds, your pair of pink lacy panties with the polka dotted bow he still remembers to this day to perfection.
Note: Just a little extra something for those who asked for more, hehe~ 🙊✨
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mytheoristavenue · 2 months
Premature Ejaculation with your Favs!
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Summary: You pity your incel classmate and pay his dorm a visit. Little do you know is all it takes is few French kisses to finish him off.
Warnings: college!au, modern!au, incel!character, virgin!character, misogyny, premature ejaculation, degredation, dom!reader, fem dom, sub!character, male sub
"O-Oh, fuck, please no, fuck-!" He hisses, shifting away from you, stiff as a board. "Oh my fucking god, shit, I'm so fucking sorry!"
All you can do is giggle at the wet spot on the front of his sweats and the humiliated crack in his voice. "Did you seriously jizz your pants?" You snort cruelly. "We were barely even making out!"
"D-Don't laugh! Fuck!" He scolds, covering himself as he awkwardly maneuvers off the bed. "Fuck's sake, cut me some slack, I've never done this before!"
"Awe, don't get all pissy!" You snicker, watching him waddle to the bathroom. "It's fine that you're a no pump chump, really! It's cute, actually!"
"I'm so glad you find this amusing," He grumbles, cleaning himself and dropping his sweats, walking out in just boxers and an old t-shirt. "'Cause I sure as hell don't." He ranted while tossing through a hamper to find a clean-ish pair of pants, having to do the sniff test on nearly everything.
"You really should clean your room, ya know? Maybe you'd actually get girls that way." You joke, lounging on his bed. "Girls don't like nasty rooms, dude."
He rolled his eyes, cheeks still pink. "Are you saying I don't get bitches?" He asked, stepping into a pair of pajama pants.
"More or less," You smirk at the irritated scowl he presented. "Also, don't call women bitches if you ever plan on changing that."
"All women are bitches," He says, turning back to you with a cocky grin. "And if I don't get any, why are you in my bed?"
"I felt bad for you, you're like a wet cat." You deadpan, hiding the fact that his last words dripped with more sex appeal than even he intended. "And I like messing with virgins."
"Shut up," He grumbled, the wind taken from his sails. "I don't need your pity, I could pull if I wanted to. Just got better shit to do."
"You mean like edging to hentai while all your friends go out to party?" You sneer, eyes flickering to his computer, pump bottle of lotion sitting beside the monitor so obviously.
"Oh my god, I hate you, is there a point to all this torment?" He finally asks, pacing the room, ready to throw you out.
You smile sweetly, catching his eye. You look so inviting as you lean back in his bed on your palms. "Hey, creep?" You coo and he gulps. He used to hate when you called him that, but now it melts him. He's already crawling over you nervously, shaking like a leaf.
"Y-Yeah?" He asks through quivering lips, hard on painfully obvious. You smirk at his short refractory period.
"Let's try again, yeah? I won't tell anyone you're a minute man if you try and hold out as long as you for me can this time m'kay?"
Mezo Shoji, Katsuki Bakugo, Shihai Kuroiro, Neito Monoma, Mashirao Ojiro, Kosei Tsuburaba, Togaru Kamakiri, Shoto Todoroki, Shota Aizawa, Toya Todoroki, Enji Todoroki, Denki Kaminari, Sanemi Shinazegaua, Obanai Iguro, Giyuu Tomioka, Guytaro Shabana, Inosuke Hashibira, Zenitsu Agatsuma, and whoever else you like!
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meowzfordayz · 1 year
when your anxiety spikes — inosuke, genya, sanemi
Author’s Note: just a lil fluff to end my evening (#writer is TIRED lol). ☺️😴
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when your anxiety spikes — inosuke, genya, sanemi
Hashibira Inosuke x Reader, Shinazugawa Genya x Reader, Shinazugawa Sanemi x Reader
Word Count: ~800
CW: anxiety/panic disorder, death content
Emergency Request Fulfilled: This is going to be such a strange emergency request so feel free to ignore 😭 all day I’ve been smelling blood like an iron smell and it’s making me so unsettled😭 idk if it’s a nosebleed that won’t come out or if I’m Tanjiro now but I’m so unnerved by this
If you could write a little preference of sanemi Inosuke and genya calming down an anxious reader I’d appreciate it because I’m convinced I’m dying 😭
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“Why’re you all jittery?” Inosuke mutters, placing a firm palm on your knee, “I’m hungry too y’know.”
Swallowing a wry chuckle, you rest your hand on top of his, reveling in his steadiness, “I’m not jittery because I’m hungry.”
“Then why’re you all wiggly?” he asks again, scowling with confusion, “You’re not usually this wiggly!”
“Only you would call feeling anxious wiggly,” you snort, amusement softening your gaze as his eyes widen in realization.
“Well why didn’t you say so?!”
Promptly shoving aside the imminent prospect of dinner, Inosuke’s full attention radiates intense and warm on your clammy, tired skin.
“Surprisingly, when I’m feeling anxious, I don’t feel like announcing that I’m feeling anxious,” you mutter quietly.
“But you still manage to be as sarcastic as ever,” he huffs, “What’s going on?”
“I’ve been smelling blood all day.”
“Blood?!” he nearly growls, “Are you injured?! ARE YOU OKAY?!”
“Inosuke,” an alarmed giggle forces itself through your nose, exasperated appreciation for his concern tamping down your still stirring anxiety, “You’re not helping.”
“Oh,” he immediately switches gears, suddenly so serious that your giggling continues, “I’m sure you’re fine. Stop overreacting.”
Silence fills the dining room as you slowly raise an eyebrow, goosebumps raising on his arms… 1… 2… 3…
You burst out laughing at the gruff anguish in his voice, quickly pecking his cheek to soothe his own panic, “That’s quite alright, Inosuke. It’s the thought that counts. Thank you for caring.”
“Of course I’m going to care! I love you!” he declares loudly, clearly disgruntled toward himself.
“I know, I know,” you shake your head fondly, nodding toward the entrance as the door slides open, and the aroma of dinner seeps into the space, “And I love you. You’re probably right, I’m probably fine,” winking boldly, “And I know you’ll be here for me if I’m not.”
Aaand now Inosuke’s torn between scarfing down dinner or carrying you to his room for a cuddlefest.
Genya’s composure cracks when your anxiety spikes — in a very soft, delicate, really-unlike-him manner. As soon as your breathing becomes uneven: his eyes narrow, he immediately mutters Bye to whoever he’s talking to (literally mid sentence too), and stalks over to your side. To anyone else, he likely appears pissed off, but the gentle way he covers your hand with his, guiding you away from the crowd (while glaring at anyone who seems even slightly curious about whatever’s occurring) — he’s the opposite of pissed off.
He’s quiet as he asks, “What can I do for you?”
He’s warm as he brushes your hip with his thumb, reassuring you of his physical presence, “Do I need to get someone?” Teach someone a lesson?
And devoted as he nods once, “We can go home. I was bored before we arrived anyway, everyone else sucks.”
And even though you’ll admonish him Genya, they’re our friends! They do not all suck, he’s more than content to play up his own disdain for social events and overwhelming spaces if it means getting to see your frazzled stare melt back to its usual sharpness — a tiny sliver pulsing with adoration whenever you decide to look at him.
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“I smell blood all the damn time,” Sanemi grunts, “So what?”
“It’s not about the blood,” you sigh, arms crossed.
“Then what’s it about?” he sighs louder, “I don’t understand.”
“It’s about how the blood makes me feel.”
You feel a little silly attempting to explain your anxiety to him, but you know he means well… and you also know he really won’t understand unless you’re patient with him.
“I just feel anxious smelling it. Like, is there something wrong with me-”
“-no,” he can’t help interrupting, his affection for you slipping through.
You smile despite yourself, nudging his shoulder with a satisfied sound—he’s absolutely not blushing thank you very much he totally is—before continuing, “Am I imagining it? Is it something simple that will go away? Am I dy-”
“You’re not dying,” he interrupts again, this time with an eye roll, “I’d know if you were.”
The sincerity, the darkness, of his tone freezes you, somehow reassuring even as it seizes you.
“Not to be weird,” he grimaces, backtracking quickly as dread threatens to cloud your gaze, “I just- … you mean a lot to me, so I’d know if you weren’t okay. Physically. I’d tell you to report to Shinobu.”
“Tell me?” you ask lightly.
“Carry you there myself,” he smirks, confidence overcoming the heat in his face, “Because you mean a lot to me.”
“Does that help?” he murmurs softly.
You gulp, calloused fingers squeezing your wrists as he guides you closer.
“Knowing that you mean a lot to me? Knowing that I’m looking out for you?”
You nod, smiling now as you meet his earnest stare, thrilled by his unexpected gift of vulnerability and sincerity  — by his revelation of tender intent.
“You help,” you whisper, shyly kissing his chin.
“Good,” he whispers, kissing your forehead in return, “I’m trying my best.”
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sommerflue-22 · 1 year
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Carrying You After Battle — Kamaboko Trio
You got injured during a mission and couldn't really move. You could wait for the Kakushi brigade to help you out, or you could send your Kasugai crow to ask for an aid. Your partner doesn't think it's a good idea. The best thing to do is to carry you as fast as they could to the nearest Wisteria House.
Featuring: Tanjiro Kamado, Zenitsu Agatsuma, Inosuke Hashibira
Warning: Demon Slayer!Reader, major character injury, broken bones, blood, near death experience
Word Count: 1,6k
Author Note
This is not beta read and it's my first KNY headcanon here. I've attached the link of images to help you visualize how they did the carry. As always, feel free to interpret these actions as platonic and/or romantic. Feel free to request something if you'd like, just leave it in my ask box! Hope you enjoy this :)
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Tanjiro - Pack-strap Carry (Image)
You tried to regulate your breath as you chased the demon. It was running away from you and Tanjiro. At that point, you were sure the demon realized how it was no match for the both of you. You were a few inches away from slashing the demon's head when you lost your footing and fell on your knees. A part of your pants near your right knee was torn by a protruding tree root on the ground..
You weren't sure if it was just your imagination, but you swore you could hear your bone cracked. You let out a scream as you lay face down on the forest ground.
"Stay still, (Y/N)!" Tanjiro yelled as he continued chasing down the demon.
You bit your fist, trying to hold back your tears. It was so painful to the point where it made you feel dizzy.
Tanjiro came back only a few moments later, panting. It seemed that he succeeded in slaying the demon.
"Oh dear, (Y/N)!" Tanjiro kneeled next to you. "(Y/N), what... do you think you can stand up?"
"N-no." You choked up, finally letting yourself go. Guess it was the Tanjiro Effect. His presence let you loosen up your tough façade. Tanjiro was one of the few people who had seen you cry.
"Alright, alright, it's okay. I'll carry you, okay?" Tanjiro caressed your cheek, wiping off the tears. "I'm sorry, this might hurt a bit."
Tanjiro gently flipped you to your back. You winced in pain as he helped you up, maneuvering until your chest was against his back and he was holding your arms close to his chest.
"I got you, (Y/N). It's okay. We'll meet up with Zenitsu and Inosuke. I've sent Matsuemon to get help. It's okay, I got you."
Tanjiro kept trying to calm you down a little bit as he made his way to the rest of the squad member. He could feel every inch of his body screamed in agony, but he pushed through. There was no way he would let you on your own feet when your leg started to get swollen.
You met up with the rest of the squad. As usual, Zenitsu started to panic and cried seeing your injured leg. Inosuke cursed at you for not being careful enough. Tanjiro shushed them as he carried you, while also leading the squad, out of the forest.
The Kakushi brigade finally came. They examined your leg and thought it might be fractured. A member offered Tanjiro to carry you on their back so he could rest for a little. Tanjiro refused.
"It's fine. The Butterfly Mansion isn't that far, is it?" Tanjiro turned them down with a genuine smile.
All of you made your way back to the mansion.
"You don't have to carry me, you know?" You said, resting your chin on Tanjiro's shoulder.
"I know, but I want to." Tanjiro replied. "It's okay to cry, (Y/N). I know it hurts. You don't have to pretend to be strong all the time. Just wait for a little longer, yeah."
You muttered a protest but couldn't help yourself. You cried. It really hurt like hell.
Zenitsu - Bridal Style (Image)
You heard a familiar voice calling out your name, a few meters away from where you sat. You realized it was Zenitsu. You wanted to call out to him, to tell him that you're nearby. However, you couldn't bring yourself to say anything. Your hand was clutching the right side of your stomach where the demon had attacked you, resulting in a deep wound across your lower abdomen. You could only coughed in pain, yet it was enough for Zenitsu to locate you.
"(Y/N)?" Zenitsu crouched in front of you, panic written all over his face when he saw blood on your uniform. "(Y/N), what happened?"
"I got... slashed..." You panted.
"(Y/N), you're losing a lot of blood."
"I know..." If you were in a better state, those words would come out way more sarcastic. You were quite literally dying, either you and Zenitsu could tell.
"Oh, (Y/N), I'm so sorry!" Zenitsu whined as he easily scooped you up into his arms. "I'm so sorry! I didn't know you were hurt!"
"...It's fine, Zenitsu..."
"No, it's not fine!"
You could tell by the way his voice trembled, Zenitsu was in the verge of crying. You leaned your head on his chest and looked up. You were right, tears were pooling in his eyes.
"Zenitsu," you reached out to touch his cheek, "It's alright..."
Zenitsu didn't say anything in return. He kept running, trying to bring you to the nearest Wisteria House before it was too late, while starting to sob. You were both sent to finish off a demon that had been haunting a small village. You managed to chase it to the forest nearby, but as you slashed its head off, the demon delivered its final move. It cut your abdomen quite deep.
You couldn't bring yourself to say anything. You just looked up to the sky, watching your crow led the way. Ah... How wonderful the sky was... The sun was about to set, and it turned into a lovely orange color. So bright and warm, like the color of your partner's hair.
Zenitsu cried even harder when you closed your eyes. He knew you weren't dead, but he still felt guilty for not coming with you to the forest faster. If only he was braver...
With lots of effort and tears, you both finally reached the house. As if they could sense your arrival, a young female staff quickly opened the gate and ushered both of you in. Zenitsu let you go, wouldn't budge from where he stood until you were out of his sight.
After being treated by a doctor and cleaned up by the staff, you were put inside a room. It took you a whole day to regain consciousness and the first person you saw was Zenitsu. His face was red and his eyes were puffy. He saw you opened your eyes and immediately cried (again).
You winced in pain. "Oh, shush Zenitsu... You know nobody can get rid of me easily..."
You wouldn't tell your other friends, but you let Zenitsu craddle you for a whole day after that.
Inosuke - Firefighter Carry (Image)
Normally, being sent on a mission with Inosuke is not a problem. You both are good fighters and was able to work together to exterminate any demon. However, that one time you both got sent to a mountain. The terrain was really steep. Inosuke might be used to it, but that wasn't the case with you.
You kind of struggled during the fight, but you didn't want to worry Inosuke. You tried your best to hold on for your dear life. It's okay, you reminded yourself over and over again, it won't be long, now.
Even though it was way more difficult than your usual fight, you managed to defeat the demon. It approached you in a fast speed, but the blade of your sword was faster. You took a step back, bearing your whole body weight in one of your legs, and slashed the demon's head off with all the power you had.
As the demon's head rolled to the ground, you let out a scream. You were just so relieved. You couldn't wait to go back and take a shower.
"(Y/N)!" You heard Inosuke called out your name. No, he wasn't laughing maniacally, he wasn't boasting like usual...
Inosuke's call sounded more like a warning.
Before you could asked him what was wrong, you felt the ground underneath your feet crumbled. You couldn't think of anything as you fell. While fighting the demon, you didn't watch where you were going and stood on a hillside. The ground wasn't really solid as it has been raining the day before. As you stepped on it, it broke down and the land slipped.
Thankfully, it wasn't a fatal landslip. You only fell nine feet from where you first stood. Yes, it was bad, but it could be worse. You could only lay down on the ground. It felt like your whole body was smashed and you were dizzy. The last thing you saw before you passed out was Inosuke jumping off to save you.
"Wake up, underling!" Inosuke shook your shoulder. "Oi! (Y/N)!"
It was no use, you fainted. You hit your head pretty hard, resulting in a concussion. Inosuke stayed silent, his eyes widen and mouth agape underneath the boar mask. He couldn't believe it, you—someone whom he considered a strong person—fell down from a landslip.
"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" Inosuke yelled in frustration. "Damn that demon!"
He picked you up rather gently and slung your unconscious body over his shoulder. Inosuke knew it would be awhile until the Kakushi arrived to clean up and help you. So, he took matters into his own hands and started sprinting. He ordered your crow to lead him to the nearest Wisteria Mansion, spitting profanities and curses as he ran.
Once you both arrived, he made sure the people there "fix" you almost immediately. He swatted anyone who was about to clean his own wound, yelling "You mind my underling first!" He hated to admit it, but he was scared you'd die.
You regained consciousness the next morning, just before the break of the dawn. Your body felt like it could break anytime soon, but you forced yourself to sit up from the futon. You didn't notice at first, but Inosuke was lying down, resting his head near where your thighs were. He even took off his boar mask. He wouldn't like anyone to see him like that, so you remained quiet. Though, you couldn't help but touch his hair, thanking him for saving your life.
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Let me know if you enjoyed this! I really did read a few sources to write this headcanon so T^T
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loveemii · 1 year
𝐓𝐚𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐙𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐬𝐮 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐨𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐞 “𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠”
warnings: none because i’m skipping over the spicy training scene - enjoy ♡︎
me and inosuke plopped onto his bed after we had our private training, he caught our breath then i spoke.
“We should go out with Tanjiro and Zenitsu, they might be wandering where we are.”
“Yeah yeah.”
inosuke said as he placed a soft kiss on my cheek, i blushed as i smiled at him. we got sorted out and went outside of the masters mansion where Tanjiro and Zenitsu where hanging out.
“Hey guys! What’s going on?”
Tanjiro and Zenitsu instantly looked over and turned red they looked really flustered.
“H-hey guys.”
Tanjiro’s voice cracked as he croaked, i looked confused.
“You guys ok? What happened?”
i asked as inosuke held my hand while i held his, Tanjiro and Zenitsu weren’t looking at us completely but they kept sneaking a few looks.
he turned his head to Zenitsu for help but he was just as red as Tanjiro was, now i really wanted to know. oh wait..crap!
“D-did you guys hear me and Inosuke earlier?”
i asked with a shaken voice almost hoping that the answer was no. i blushed as they gave me a clear answer.
“I mean…Y-yeah.”
Tanjiro managed to say, my eyes widened at his answer and i started to get even more flustered on the other hand Inosuke was doing just fine.
“You see…we were a bit close to your private training.”
he continued well knowing how embarrassing this was for all of us, well except for Ino he didn’t really care if they heard or not. Zenitsu face palmed as Tanjiro said that.
“R-right umm, sorry about that guys. I-I’m just gonna go now.”
Zenitsu, Tanjiro, and myself were really flustered and blushing hard, Inosuke soon followed me back inside his room after apologizing to our friends.
“Hey sorry guys we’ll be back. I think.”
i laid underneath Inosuke’s bedsheets as hid with his pillow as i covered my face a little, he sat on the bed as i curled up and gently brushed my face.
“You ok? Maybe a kiss will help.”
inosuke said before he pecked my cheek, i smiled and blushed as he did so but the feeling of embarrassment was strong.
he then laid next to me under the sheets, we fell asleep the whole night and in the morning Tanjiro began to make breakfast.
i woke up first and went down to the kitchen and saw Tanjiro and Zenitsu, Tanjiro was cooking breakfast and Zenitsu was sipping tea t the table.
“Hey morning guys.”
“Morning Y/n.”
“Good morning.”
i sat at the table and i can see that Zenitsu kept taking a few glances at me and Tanjiro too. he then spoke catching me a little off guard.
“Sorry for listening outside the other day, I know you were both having special private training. I just wanted to tell you don’t need to worry, me and Zenitsu won’t bring up what we heard, it’s between you and Inosuke only.”
hearing Tanjiro say that made me feel a little better, although a part of me is still embarrassed from when they heard us. i sighed in relief.
“Thanks Tanjiro.”
“Yeah of course, and you hungry?~”
i noticed Zenitsu raised an eyebrow as he looked over at me it seemed as though he couldn’t stop as he sipped his tea. i gave. small glance at Zenitsu to see if he was still looking. he wasn’t.
“Y/n I know I said that we wouldn’t talk about it but I kinda want to know. What was that private training you and Inosuke were doing last night?”
Zenitsu had a look of curiosity on his face when Tanjiro asked you, he seemed genuinely interested in what you had to say.
Tanjiro’s question took my by surprise but I knew they at least had to know a little otherwise they wouldn’t rest easy. i sighed and told them the story.
“Earlier that day Inosuke bought me two new pairs of lingerie and he wanted to see how they looked on me and well I guess you both know the rest.”
i admitted with blush on my face, i then only covered my mouth my hand. both Tanjiro and Zenitsu turned red as they heard the story.
“Lingerie? But isn’t that for? Ohh”
Zenitsu said as he sipped his tea taking another glance at me. his next question surprised me.
“H-how did it feel when you and Inosuke were ya know.”
now i was even more flustered than before why would Zenitsu ask me that type of question? god this is so embarrassing.
“I-it was really nice w-we enjoyed it.”
Zenitsu had an impressed look on his face while he continued to sip his tea. Although it seemed like he couldn’t stop himself from staring at me once again, he seemed interested in hearing more about me and Inosuke.
“So how far did you two go your private training?”
i was just blushing like crazy and i felt my whole body become as stiff as a stick. Zenitsu then put his cup down a little loudly.
“Well sounded like you and Inosuke had a great time last night.”
“Apologize to Y/n!”
Tanjiro tried to back me up in keeping the 𝒅𝒆𝒕𝒂𝒊𝒍𝒔 private.
“Fine, I’m sorry. But I have to know what type of lingerie was it? More romantic?”
i can see now that Tanjiro was intrigued as he listened while he cooked, Zenitsu took another sip of his tea.
“Well yeah I guess so, he bought me a lingerie black dress and a regular purple lingerie set.”
Zenitsu and Tanjiro’s face were a bright red as i said so, i think they had pictured those on me in their heads.
“I-I’m sure you look beautiful in them.”
Zenitsu mumbled but me and Tanjiro heard him. the rest of the day was pretty normal but i kept feeling Tanjiro and Zenitsu’s eyes all over me. what a damn day.
please excuse any grammar or spelling mistakes thank you - i hope you enjoyed this lol 😭
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knyleggo · 1 year
to comfort a demon s/o (Giyu, Muichiro, Inosuke)
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to be honest, i couldnt really pick so i decided to spin a wheel and it landed on these 3 LOL HAHAHA ENJOY its been a while since i began writing again so its probably rusty :"P (lemme know if its not up to ur standard and i will rewrite it again!!! @sanjishoe
tw: mentions of suicide
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he immediately rushes to your location, determined to help you and prevent any harm from coming to you
listens attentively to your concerns and validates your emotions
expresses genuine care and concern for you
LOTS of soft hugs and kisses, refusing to let you out of his hold
reminds you of your worth and value and how he would not be able to live without you
shares his own struggles and vulnerabilities, showing you that it's okay to feel overwhelmed and that you're not weak for experiencing these emotions
promises to be always there for you, to listen and support you, no matter what you're going through
emphasizes that your life is valuable and that there is hope for a brighter future, and he encourages you to keep fighting
stays by your side, offering his unwavering support and compassion, until you feel more stable and safe
follows up with you regularly and continues to provide support, ensuring that you're taking steps towards healing and recovery
Giyu Tomioka, the Water Hashira, stared at the letter in his hand, his heart heavy with concern. It was from you, his beloved girlfriend and a demon, expressing your deep sorrow and despair. You had been struggling with your inner demons, feeling overwhelmed by the darkness within you, and were contemplating taking your own life. Without wasting a moment, Giyu set out to find you, determined to offer you comfort and support.
When he arrived at the secluded spot where you were, he saw you sitting by the edge of a cliff, tears streaming down your face. He approached you cautiously, mindful of your fragile state, and sat down beside you, offering you his presence without saying a word.
"I... I didn't expect you to come," you said in a barely audible voice, surprised to see your boyfriend standing right beside you.
"I'm always here for you, no matter what," Giyu replied softly, his eyes filled with concern as he reached out and gently placed his hand on yours.
You looked into his eyes and saw a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness. It was as if his presence alone was a beacon of light, offering you a lifeline in your darkest moment.
"But I hurt you."
Your voice cracked as you let out all your pent-up feelings at the moment. The amount of hopelessness you had when you could not even hear his pulse. How you felt when you found out you had almost killed him. Your lover. Your Giyu.
Nonetheless, Giyu still spoke to you with unwavering kindness and empathy. He listened to your pain, validating your emotions and assuring you that you were not alone. He shared his own struggles and regrets, revealing his vulnerabilities in a way he rarely did with others.
"I know that darkness can be overwhelming, but I believe there is always hope, even in the darkest moments," Giyu said softly, his voice filled with compassion.
"And you can hurt me all you want. I'm never leaving you."
He gently talked you through your thoughts and feelings, helping you see things from different perspectives. He reminded you of your worth and the value you bring to the world, and how your life is precious and irreplaceable.
"I care about you deeply, and I cannot bear to lose you," Giyu said, his voice trembling with emotion. "You are not a burden to me, and I am willing to walk this path with you, no matter how difficult it may be."
Tears streamed down your face as you listened to Giyu's words. You realized that you were not alone, and that there was someone who truly cared for you, despite your demon nature. Giyu's unwavering support and understanding touched your heart deeply, and for the first time in a long while, you felt a glimmer of hope.
With Giyu by your side, you made a promise to yourself to keep fighting, to seek help when you needed it, and to hold on to the hope that life could get better. Giyu continued to be there for you, providing you with his unwavering support and love, helping you navigate the challenges of being a demon and finding a purpose in your existence.
In time, you learned to cherish your life, and the bond between you and Giyu grew stronger. You found solace in each other's company, and your relationship became a source of strength and hope for both of you. Together, you faced the difficulties and uncertainties of life, knowing that you had each other to lean on, and that with love, empathy, and understanding, even the darkest moments could be overcome.
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stops dreaming and staring into space the moment he found out about your current situation
immediately finds you in an instant using his breathing techniques and managed to stop you just in time before you were about to jump
you burst into tears the moment you saw him
gives you a backhug so tight that you could barely breathe as he rubs your back to soothe your cries
releases you after you have finished sobbing into his shoulder, leaving a damp spot on his clothes
interlocks his hand with yours as he pulled you away from the ledge of the cliff with no intention of letting you go
teaches you breathing techniques to calm her mind, helping you learn to control you emotions and instincts in healthier ways
gives you affection physically and verbally
pays more attention to you and your behaviour
stops daydreaming to make sure you don't do anything funny
Despite the danger you posed, Muichiro couldn't help but see the pain and anguish in your eyes.
"I won't let you give up," Muichiro said softly, as he reached out to gently touch your hand. "I know you're struggling, but taking your own life is not the answer.
You were overwhelmed by conflicting emotions - the guilt and shame of your actions, the longing for peace, and the fear of what lay ahead.
"I... I don't deserve your kindness and your love," you choked out, tears streaming down your face.
Muichiro's expression softened even more, and he spoke with gentle reassurance. "Everyone deserves a chance at redemption. You are not beyond saving, and your life is worth preserving."
He sat beside you, offering you his calming presence as you poured out your heart to him. You told him about the struggles you had faced as a demon, the pain and loneliness that had led you to lose control. Muichiro listened attentively, without judgment, his hand still resting gently on yours.
"You are not alone," Muichiro said softly. "I am here, and I will help you. You can find a way to control your instincts and live a meaningful life."
His words brought a flicker of hope to your heart, and you realized that maybe, just maybe, there was a chance for redemption. Muichiro's unwavering belief in you touched you deeply, and you found solace in his presence.
Days turned into weeks, and Muichiro stayed by your side, helping you learn to control your demon instincts and showing you kindness and understanding. He taught you breathing techniques to calm your mind, and helped you find ways to channel your emotions in healthier ways. He shared stories about his own struggles and hardships, letting you know that everyone had their own battles to fight.
Slowly, you began to see a glimmer of light in the darkness that had enveloped you. With Muichiro's patient guidance and unwavering support, you found the strength to confront your inner demons and make choices that were in line with your true nature.
One day, as you were sitting by a serene lake, watching the sun set, you turned to Muichiro with gratitude in your eyes. "Thank you," you whispered, your voice filled with emotion. "You saved me, Muichiro. You gave me a reason to live."
Muichiro smiled, his usually stoic face softened with warmth as he gave you a kiss on your forehead. "No, it was you who found the strength within yourself to keep going. I'm just glad I could be here to support you. And I will never stop loving you."
You ran into his arms and hugged him for what felt like forever. In that moment, you realized that Muichiro had not only saved you from physical harm, but also helped you find a renewed sense of purpose and hope.
From that day on, Muichiro and you stood side by side, facing the challenges of the demon world together. Your bond grew stronger with each passing day, filled with mutual respect, trust, and a love that transcended the boundaries of species. With Muichiro by your side, you knew that you had found a true companion who would always be there for you, supporting you through the highs and lows of life, and helping you find the light in your life with the love he provided you unconditionally.
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(with an extra little confession because why not)
"You stupid demon!" Inosuke growled, glaring at you as you cowered in a corner, tears streaming down your face. "Don't think I'll let you off that easily!"
But as he approached you, he noticed the deep pain and sorrow in your eyes. His anger subsided, replaced by a sudden surge of protectiveness. He couldn't ignore the fact that you were hurting, despite being a demon.
"Inosuke, please," you whispered, your voice barely above a whisper. "Just end it. I can't take it anymore."
Inosuke was taken aback by your words, and he realized that you were on the brink of giving up on life. His heart clenched, and he couldn't bear the thought of losing you, even though you were a demon.
With a sudden burst of determination, Inosuke grabbed your hand and pulled you up to your feet. "No way I'm letting you die like this!" he declared, surprising both you and himself with his action.
He pulled you into a tight embrace, ignoring the fact that you were a demon, and held you close to him. "Don't you dare give up, you hear me?" he whispered, his voice filled with raw emotion. "I won't let you go. I won't."
You were taken aback by Inosuke's unexpected display of affection. His strong arms around you provided a sense of comfort and security that you hadn't felt in a long time. You felt a warmth spreading in your heart, and for the first time, you realized that maybe, just maybe, there was a chance for redemption and love.
Inosuke stayed with you, refusing to leave your side even as you tried to push him away. He showed you a side of him that you never knew existed - caring, gentle, and protective. He helped you learn to control your demon instincts, teaching you breathing techniques and ways to channel your emotions in healthier ways.
Inosuke's rough exterior melted away whenever he was with you, and you saw a softer side to him that made your heart skip a beat. He would often wrap you in his arms, holding you close, and pressing gentle kisses to your forehead or cheeks. His physical affection brought you comfort and made you feel cherished.
As time passed, you found yourself falling in love with Inosuke, and he seemed to feel the same way. He would often blush and stutter around you, a stark contrast to his usual bravado. He would steal glances at you when he thought you weren't looking, and he would always make sure you were safe and well taken care of.
One day, as you were sitting under the stars, enjoying a moment of peace, Inosuke turned to you with a nervous expression. "Hey, demon," he said, scratching his head awkwardly. "I... I like you. A lot."
You couldn't help but smile, feeling a warmth spreading through your chest. "I like you too, Inosuke," you confessed, reaching out to touch his hand.
Inosuke's eyes widened in surprise, and then he grinned, his boar-like teeth showing. "Alright then, from now on, you're mine," he declared, pulling you into a fierce hug, his heart pounding against yours.
You laughed, feeling a sense of happiness and belonging that you never thought possible as a demon once your lips connected with his. With Inosuke by your side, you felt completely safe in his arms. You felt at home. You felt love. You felt him.
a/n: i am sincerely so sorry for procrastinating this request atw frm 2021 when its 2023 now LOLS i apologise :( so i hv been quite busy lately chasing after my dreams and career and now im finally back to writing!!! YAY HAHA hope everyone is doing well too! stay tuned for the next post :)
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