#insane double standards in this fandom
captain-hen · 1 year
it was all 100% consensual until it got out of hand in 3x08—at which point he immediately stopped.
you know the thing is, it didn’t even get that out of hand. eddie just landed a wrong hit that happened to be in a place that really hurt the guy. after the first time i watched 911 and before i rewatched the series, back when my view of the characters was slightly warped by fanon, i was under the impression that eddie beat up the guy pretty badly and had to be dragged off of him which is why the man almost died, but then i rewatched it and that’s not even close to what happened. he just hit the man in the wrong place and then took all the necessary measures to save his life and called 911 the second he could and i hate that fanon twisted him into this inherently angry violent man when really all of this was a response to the shitload of trauma he underwent in a relatively short period of time (getting shannon back just to lose her again, first to an impending divorce and then to death, with the knowledge that he would never get a chance to fix things with her and the anger that she didn’t want him to try, the tsunami and dealing with his son’s continued terror over losing his mom and nearly dying, and not to mention the lawsuit where it felt like his best friend made a decision without even stopping to think for a second about how it would affect him).
it was an admittedly unhealthy coping mechanism, but the show actually addresses why he did it and showed his development from then on, even having him advise buck in the next season that resorting to hitting things is no way to go (and also locking his door so that chris wouldn’t be anywhere near him when he had his breakdown). it was a really well written arc that showcased a lot of growth, and seeing it it as nothing but eddie being an ‘angry man of color’ is just gross.
you bring up a great point about eddie & chim vs. bobby too, and in pretty much all three cases the violence was caused by extreme circumstances or significant trauma but bobby gets overlooked while eddie and chim are permanently reduced to their worst moments. god, it just sucks that such a wonderfully written show with beautiful arcs for its characters of color has a fandom like this 🥴
so well said! pretty much everything in that arc, from the lawsuit to the street fighting is taken heavily out of context and is highly exaggerated in fanon, which would be merely annoying by itself, but is even more hard to see when it's clearly used an excuse to vilify any character that isn't buck and it's sooo. deep sigh. i haven't opened the 911 ao3 tag in ages, but i'll bet you anything at least a half of the first page of results will be lawsuit/5A fics painting eddie and chim as inherently violent and buck as a poor widdle baby who needs to be protected. it's just so. sigh.
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aihoshiino · 4 months
Hey! I’ve been hearing a debate pretty recently about Kana’s character, especially after 151. Some are saying that Aka is weakening her character…ignoring her past development..reducing her to a love interest…etc, stuff along those lines, by making her dream be just being Aqua’s idol. What’s your take on this?
Saying this with the full awareness that i am Asking For It by phrasing it like this but. this honestly just feels like a bad faith read by people who already don't like aqukana/kana in particular LOL. Like... idk, I can get being frustrated by the sudden swing over to all the romcom stuff again when we have A Potential Serial Killer just kind of vibing in the background, but Kana -> Aqua is something that's been part of the series for over a hundred and thirty chapters. It was going to need resolving before the series ended regardless of whether they actually hook up or not and it's baffling to me that people are throwing this accusation at Kana's arc when like... sorry, but Ruby is right there, lol
Like, if we're going to talk about 'ignoring past development' and 'reducing her to a love interest' whose dreams revolve around a romance with Aqua... is that not just describing Ruby since 123? Everything to do with Sarina's trauma of abandonment and emotional abuse at Marina's hands and the way it continues to affect Ruby, Ruby being triggered and retraumatized by having to engage with material depicting Ai's abuse at Ayumi's hands, the way she mistreated and took Kana & Mem for granted while she was clout chasing and how that caused fan backlash against those two while they did their best to keep B-Komachi afloat for her - all that shit goes out the window at mach speed once she finds out Aqua is Gorou and she spends the majority of her screentime after that gushing over her oniichansensei and having her narrative recentered around her obsession with Gorou. Never mind how bizarrely she'd flanderized and dumbed down she is in relation to it all.
(Note in advance: shout out to this thread by KizzityKaito on Twitter that I stumbled on while I was chewing on this ask that helped me to articulate some of the stuff re: Kana that I was kind of struggling to put to words - I don't agree w/the whole thread but I think the Kana analysis here & 'reincarnation as child acting' is fascinating and really in line with what OnK seems to be going for.)
By contrast with Kana... this feels consistent to me! This feels like additive characterization building on top of and not contradicting what came before. I've seen people frothing and screaming about her talk vis-a-vis being an actress not being her 'dream' but like... that just kind of checked out to me?? Kana is an actress. If that's her 'dream', she's already achieved it, as she says. Everything else has been her fighting and clawing to hold onto it. That's what she means when she says she didn't have any dreams; for Kana, becoming a nationally recognize actress again isn't a dream because it's just a return to the status quo.
Not only that, but like... being an actress wasn't even necessarily Kana's dream in the first place! She herself outright says it - it was enforced onto her by her abusive mom so she could live vicariously through her.
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That's not to say Kana hasn't found her own spark for acting and that she isn't deeply passionate about it in her own way. But again, this is something Kana already has. A 'dream' is something you want to achieve - it's something you, well, dream about. And if you read between the lines, Kana's dream has never really been about acting.
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It's about love. It's about Kana feeling secure in her relationships with the people she loves.
I think a lot of people are taking Kana's words in 151 entirely at face value and just... totally failing to read the subtext because they've been ignoring her all this time and now her arc is actually coming to a climax they don't know what the conclusion is building off of lol. Kana's 'dream' right now is something pitifully simple - to have the boy she loves not even return her feelings necessarily, but just to say that in his eyes, she shines brighter than anyone else.
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ultraericthered · 2 months
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Full context: the "remorseless criminal" was also a KID, the same age as the other kid. And this pro-IRL terrorism fanatic was ecstatic about the kid dying a self-sacrificial death because child suicide is alright when it's the right type of kid who's dying.
Insanely, stupidly hypocritical person.
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apoetlens · 9 months
okay i’ve been into pjo for a while but quite likely and since the show came out i have been doing an intense deep dive, i know bits and pieces but this one thing is bugging me.
i’ve seen that godly parents don’t really count towards incest since they don’t have DNA, so despite Percy being the son of Annabeth’s mother’s uncle, it isn’t seen as weird that they date since they aren’t really cousins since they don’t share the DNA that would make them so
but then also apparently dating someone from your own cabin is frowned upon?? so it is incestuous to date someone with the same godly parent even though they don’t share any DNA with you, but you can date someone from another cabin even if their godly parent is the sister of yours because you don’t share DNA????
help i’m so confused by this
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mintharasthrone · 7 months
istg so many str8 women express more empathy for fictional men than real women
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louislyrics · 1 year
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currently thinking about how the show kinda infatlizes sarah lynn after her death
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tache-noire · 1 year
i think i saw somebody vague post abt me but thats ok cause i do the same pretty much every week tbh
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never giving anyone i actually know my tumblr or reddit accounts. these are the only spaces where i can obsess over my random niche interests be completely understood by other random strangers. going through 500 theories on a sub for a forgotten indie game, or insane theories with evidence and phd levels of connecting the dots for a manga. or like I could upload my birth chart with the caption dissect me daddy or write a 10k word analysis about a fictional gay ship (that's not even canon) or obsess over a kpop person's hands or post completely nonsensical memes. getting major news about anything in the world through the spn meme. and you know what. like 90% of you here will understand all of it. we're all together in our insanity.
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barblaz-arts · 7 months
I think people have been accustomed to couples being in that honeymoon phase when they’re shown onscreen together. We ALWAYS see that with newly-established couples in pretty much any type of media… But that’s not Chaggie.
Charlie and Vaggie have been together for years. Their honeymoon phase has long past. They’re not doing outlandish displays of affection. They’re just, comfortable. Doesn’t mean they love each other any less, just that those sappy moments aren’t as common anymore
Yes! also the way a lot of people are surprised that charlie and vaggie aren't only best friends is such a good example of the double standards wlw ships get. thinking they aren't dating is understandable. Overlooking that Vaggie and Charlie were meant to at least be shipped together is INSANE.
If i never knew they were dating already, i and so many other sapphic ship lovers would be eyeing tf out of Vaggie and Charlie's relationship. Lookit some of the things that happened/are established before the "she's my girlfriend" line in ep 5
- the newcaster lady made a homophobic comment towards Charlie, saying she "doesn't touch the gays" when Charlie tried to give her a handshake
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- just all the times Vaggie would soften up as soon as she sees Charlie smiling or being her dorky self despite being previously upset/angry
- Vaggie's whole friggin verse in Whatever It Takes is very obviously meant to be romantic
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- Charlie being worried about Angel Dust while Vaggie gives her the most "i love you and im sad that you're upset but i love that you're upset over something like this because it shows how amazing of a person you are" look at Charlie as she tucks her hair behind her ear
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- Angel: I think this belongs to you *hands Charlie over to Vaggie*
- just all the casual touches they do that would totally be read as shipping fuel AT LEAST if it happened between a male/female duo or two men
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- the fact Vaggie woke up?? Looking beside her to find Charlie?? To show that they sleep in the same bed?????
- Vaggie offering her hand unprompted when Charlie was having a stressful phone call with her dad and Charlie readily accepting it
And I'm sure there are people who'd go "But it's always shown from Vaggie's end! It looks so one-sided!" So? Aren't there tons of ships out there that seem one-sided but yall are perfectly fine shipping? And it's harder to see Charlie's love for Vaggie because Charlie at her core is a very loving and affectionate person. Of course it's gonna be more obvious for Vaggie since she's so prickly towards anyone else.
If all these things still happened without any of us knowing that they were actually girlfriends, we'd have a certain section of the fandom shipping it hoping they DO become canon while others would be claiming we'd be ruining a perfectly good platonic friendship by making it gay. They'd say we're reading too much into things.
But they ARE a couple. we aren't reading too much into things because it was meant to be read as romantic. And yet we're still the delusional ones for thinking an already established sapphic couple is "cute and interesting" because now they're claiming they simply dont have chemistry. It's frustrating.
Of course I have my criticisms too. The show could portray more of how Vaggie is more special to Charlie than anyone else, have them flirting more overtly or something. But any argument that they're "so boring i thought it was het" is invalid to me because i damn well know if at least one them was a dude a lot of them would be saying otherwise.
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dzvelinaskebiyars · 1 month
*Mikey goes insane and murders his friends and people*
Fandom: He lost EVERYONE! Of course he'd went crazy! Plus he's suffering from Dark Impulses that he can't control at all!
*Kazutora accidentally kills Shinichiro and Baji after being manipulated, also suffering from same curse as Mikey*
Fandom: I hate him so much! He's worst! He's so sinful and disgusting!
I'll NEVER stop talking about double standards this fandom has for them.
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captain-hen · 2 months
obviosuly not all of them but ngl my biggest gripe with Tommy stans (esp ones who joined this season AFTER he rejoined), is the fact they refuse to acknowledge that he is still (primarily) a fanon based character. Like acting this guy is the most complex character ever when we still know so fucking little is so so so weird. especially when they're also the ones who dislike eddie...
you're right but honestly idc about the people who just joined because for me the funniest bit is looking at the behavior of people who have actually been here for a while. especially those who vehemently hated taylor kelly and were openly misogynistic about it. idk how to tell you that tommy is the less developed male version of her. they even have the same initials! you gotta laugh!
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alexandriastark76 · 23 days
“Imagine how Barty felt masquerading as the man who killed his lover?” He didn’t feel babygirl, he was busy torturing Neville’s parents to insanity to hold Rosier’s body and sob his heart out.
The babygirlification of death eaters is insane, and the double standards <<<
When the Marauders do it, it’s cool and nice and the fandom was built on headcanons so we can do whatever the hell we want
But when other part of the fandom does it (*ahem ahem* Snapedom *ahem ahem*) it’s stan Bambi and he bullied kids (yeah Barty did what exactly? Dance the Macarena on tabletops cause Neville was traumatised?), and he is an irredeemable monster (knowing damn well that Crouch Jr. had hands in the resurrection of Voldemort)
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siflshonen · 1 year
The potential for envy and jealousy, not just admiration, actually being the root of Toga’s obsession with Ochako makes me insane.
Ochako is a girl who “can’t hide anything” and whose straightforward and blunt style of expressing herself is seen as charming and appealing. She’s cute, has loving (if poor and struggling) parents, has her main childhood fixation (looking at all the happy people heroes help) constantly validated. Her parents supported her dream of becoming a Hero. Her heteronormative crush on Izuku is also validated without her even asking for it (and the messed-up thing is that she doesn’t want it. She doesn’t want people sticking their noses in on that one to tease her.) And even with her crush present, Ochako is still allowed to interact with Izuku and be close with him. He’ll let her watch his back. She can tell him that they’ve inspired each other with things like the addition of wires to her costume. She can reach out and help him when he is in trouble, and it isn’t impeded by her crush nor are her intentions misconstrued because of her crush (excluding whatever the heck the fandom is saying.) Her feelings are big and confusing and contradictory, but nobody fears her for them - and in fact, Tsu is there to sympathize and support her throughout her struggle with them.
Toga is a girl who put on an ironclad tatemae of repression because her outward-facing obsession was seen as bad and horrible, and then when it cracked, her forward behavior towards others was always condemned. She is seen as creepy and, unlike La Brava, as overtly dangerous and someone to be openly reviled. Her parents treated her like shit and didn’t support damn near any of her dreams or desires. None of her interests or fixations are supported or tolerated. Toga is cute and doll-like, but it is seen as creepy. Her attractions towards others are always seen as dangerous. Her fixation on their happiness and love is condemned. Only the League would trust her to stand near them and fixate on them without thinking it was inherently dangerous, and they’re already too messed up to really give her the time and attention she needs or to understand her. Jin died, Magne died, Shigaraki is barely there on the best of days, Spinner doesn’t get it, Mr. Compress keeps his secrets, and this one time Dabi helped her burn down her house??? Everyone else hates the few people who do support her. Her feelings are big and scary and confusing to her and people don’t just pry into them as cute teasing, but for use in life-or-death situations. Toga’s internal turmoil is leveraged as a weapon to try to trap and kill her (Ochako is the rare exception as this is not her goal.)
The difference is that it’s seen as cute and appealing on Ochako and frightening and twisted on Toga. What the fuck. What a double standard.
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The Legend of Zelda: stats of the kingdom
A Statistical Analysis of Popular Fanfiction in the Legend of Zelda Fandom on AO3
I like numbers and stats and for some unfathomable reason I find it calming. So over the past couple weeks, I’ve been making this spreadsheet!
DISCLAIMER: This is not a judgement of the quality, value, or merits of any of the fics on this list. It's just me being curious about what's popular with the Legend of Zelda fandom on AO3.
Feel free to go explore the spreadsheet. My own observations and analysis under the cut.
TL:DR, Link has a lot of kinky sex. Sidlink and Zelink are vying for who’s the most popular ship. Also, this fandom has a shit ton of sub categories that are truly islands unto themselves and have their own conventions.
Methodology: I'm including all fics from the first page of AO3 results (20 fics per page) sorted by:
Anything tagged under the Legend of Zelda and Related Fandoms tag that was in the top 20 most hits, kudos, comments, or bookmarks made it into the spreadsheet. This ended up including 51 fics in total.
I put all the fics into one single spreadsheet in order to compare the differences between fics that are really high on the kudos count but not the hit count, or what has a lot of comments but fewer hits. Basically, I'm throwing a lot of things together to observe what gets engagement and looking at patterns that emerge!
Popular fandom subcategories:
Botw (41 fics tagged as such)
Linked Universe (9, including one mostly set in the world of BOTW)
OoT (2)
(I do wonder what it would be like to run these numbers on other fanfic sites, given the popularity boom of ao3 over the last 15 years or so. But also, Botw was an insanely popular game even by Zelda standards, so… who knows?)
Character tags: Obviously, Link was by far the most popular character, but here are the characters that had a minimum of 3 appearances per category. Yay champions!
Story tags: Again, just going by sheer numbers, here are the story tags that appeared at least 3 times in every category:
AU – canon divergence
With honorable mentions to fluff, angst, double penetration, anal sex, amnesia/memory loss, and mute or selectively mute Link, who all cracked above 3 instances in 2 separate categories.
This was a tight race, but shoutout to Sidlink for eking out the win for the most highly rated ship in the Zelda fandom with 13 fics qualifying in my ranking. Zelink is close behind at 10 fics. (That being said, Zelink takes it by volume: 7,797 fics tagged as Zelink vs Sidlink’s 2,193)
Other popular ships:
Revalink (8) (this one surprised me! I didn’t realize my beloved birb was so popular)
Miphlink (3)
Link/Monsters (2)
Sidon/Reader (2)
Ganzelink, Ganlink, Malink, Miphzelink, and Miphzel all made single appearances.
(Pls don’t start ship war discourse in the notes kthanx)
All right, let’s deep dive into the numbers!
Fics in all 4 categories:
Interim - starkraving
Sands of time -tirsynni
Congrats you are officially the most popular Loz fics across all of ao3! at least according to my particular scope of analysis.
Fics in 3 categories:
Displaced - socksock
Drown In Me - bacchanalia
Alone We Fight - SilvermistAnimeLover
Blood Moon Rising - MarquesGillette
Popular authors (people who show up more than once in multiple categories sorry comments georg)
Top 5 most popular fics by hit count:
Displaced - socksock
Interim - starkraving
To Save Hyrule - orphan_account
Sands of time - tirsynni
Drown In Me - bacchanalia
First page by hits:
Min: 117,917 – Sidon’s Epic Pining Adventure (ObakeAri)  
Max:  189,622 – Displaced (socksock)
Average: 145,385
Average wordcount for fics with the most hits:
Top 5 most popular fics by kudos count:
Excuse Me While I Kiss This Guy - Icka M Chif
Interim - starkraving
To My Dearest Friend - surveycorpsjean
26 Minutes and 42 Seconds - T_5Seconds
Blood Moon Rising - MarquesGillette
First page by kudos:
Min: 4917 – Finding Link (Umbreonix)
Max:  10321 – Excuse Me While I Kiss This Guy (Icka M Chif)
Average: 6981
Average wordcount for fics with the most kudos:
Top 5 most popular fics by comment count:
Carlos from MarvelandZeldaFan's Children of the Heroes - KR5
This is an Adjuration - notfreyja
My Art - KR5
Sidon's Epic Pining Adventure - ObakeAri
Priestess of War - KR5
Woohoo! You all get to meet KR5 aka Comments Georg. Comments Georg has long conversations and RPs in the comments of their ao3 posts, which are usually fanart. TO BE CLEAR, THIS IS TOTALLY FINE AND COOL! I think it’s quite delightful! However, it does completely bork my ranking system because outside of comments, these posts do not have a lot of engagement (like, less than 100 hits and less than 20 kudos) and I don’t think they count towards my analysis of “what is popular in the Zelda fandom writ large”. But they qualified based on my criteria. Which I think speaks to the weakness of my criteria more than anything else tbh…
Anyways, shoutout to Comments Georg for truly showing off what it means to be a statistical outlier.
First page by comments:
Min: 1568 – The Quiet River Rages (MaryDragon)
Max:  43808 - Carlos from MarvelandZeldaFan's Children of the Heroes (KR5)
Average: 4131 (which goes down to 2042 if we exclude KR5’s impressive max, which is a full order of magnitude more than notfreyja in second place with 3470 comments. Very much demonstrating the power of a statistical outlier!)
Average wordcount for fics with the most comments:
Top 5 most popular fics by bookmarks count:
Interim - starkraving
Excuse Me While I Kiss This Guy - Icka M Chif
Sands of time - tirsynni
To My Dearest Friend - surveycorpsjean
Alone We Fight - SilvermistAnimeLover
First page by bookmarks:
Min: 973 – Expatriate (thehoyden)
Max:  2984 – Interim (starkraving)
Average: 1468
Average wordcount for fics with the most bookmarks:
Fic Ratings:
G: 3 (literally all fanart from KR5)
T: 22
M: 8
E: 17
Unrated: 1
I ran this twice. Once including crossovers, and once excluding crossovers. This filtered out a lot of large drabbles and things like “flash fiction fuckings” which, no judgment, you do you, they just weren’t super relevant for what I was looking for. If you wanna see these stats including all the multifandom stuff that shows up, here’s the link for that:
(I’m going to break academic professional analysis here and get on my soapbox for a sec – please don’t post big multifandom one shots where you tag like 20 different fandoms and every single kink that gets written about across 103 different chapters. This is literally what series are for. These kinds of things just clog up the tags, and it also makes it harder for people to find the things you’ve written that they want to read! I know this was a convention on ff.net, but this is not ff.net! We can make authors' lives and readers' lives easier!)
There were 38,427 fics in the tag “Legend of Zelda and Related Fandoms” (including crossovers, that goes up to 41,634). I manually added one back in though because it was entirely a botw story, just loosely inspired by another game.
Linked Universe fans comment a LOT. Strong correlation between high comment and Linked Universe fandom subsection. Y’all are very involved and active, and you show support to your authors. I salute you!
Sidlinkers, y'all are horny and I respect it.
Zelinkers, dear god we do love a slowburn.
All the most highly kudos’d fics are very low in the comment count. It’s almost an inverse correlation.
Excluding crossovers increased the correlation between hits and kudos quite dramatically.
There were not very many au’s other than canon divergence. Only one modern au as far as I could tell from a cursory examination of tags.
Lots more clustering, far less disparity between min and max numbers than when I ran this with A:TLA numbers.
Far less consensus on a vibe. Way fewer big writers, but lots of little writers doing their own thing.
Truly a lot of E fics. We are horny bastards.
We need more stuff written for games other than BOTW!!
There aren’t as many fics that are like “oh everyone in the fandom has read these fics”. There are probably those fics in each subcategory of the fandom, or within the specific ships, but there aren’t as many general fics that have entire fandom-wide appeal.
Thank you for reading! This was a lot of fun, and I hope you found it interesting. Shoutout to the Hateno Hangout discord for helping me refine this mess :P
Further shoutout to my partner who helped with writing some SQL to help with tag analysis. Truly partner of the year.
If you want more of this kind of egregious nerdiness, I did this with the top fics in the A:TLA fandom a couple weeks ago: https://www.tumblr.com/cooking-with-hailstones/751749202663669760/statistical-analysis-of-the-most-popular-atla
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chaoticbiguysblog · 2 months
I've only been in the 911 fandom for the last 3 years and yesterday when RG came back on twitter was the first time I saw how toxic it can get. The amount of hate Guzman gets for something (controversial and indefensible) he said a few years ago, and has grown from it, is absolutely insane. And yk what the worst part is? A significant amount of the hate he gets comes from Buddies AND self proclaimed Eddie Diaz stans.....like, what's the logic here?
And these people stan Oliver, who is very close with Ryan, so again, what are we doing here? Why the double standards?Are people not supposed to grow? The high horse of morality (which really is just hollow virtue signalling) is so annoying.
I'm not saying you HAVE to forgive him, but to tell others who have forgiven him, a lot of whom are PoC (including myself), that they're minimizing racism and bigotry is bonkers. You can't forgive him, okay, don't interact with him and his fans but to wish nasty things including death on him is ridiculous, especially when he has talked about being su*cidal in the past. Calling him slurs and what not, y'all think you're better than him, well, news flash you're not.
If people who have grown, who have made improvements in their behaviour, and despite all of that work they've done, they're constantly reminded about the mistakes they made, then what's the point of any of it? Asking people to be held accountable is great, I'm very vocal about doing that IRL and on the internet but there should also be scope for forgiveness.
Constantly bringing it up, when people around him have said that he has grown from that incident is just shit stirring. Oliver and Aisha publicly called him out and distanced himself from him, and now they're close again, so clearly they've made amends. But If you think Ryan is a terrible person then you gotta call out the rest of the cast as well for hanging out with him, call out Ryan Murphy and Tim Minear for employing him but then the goalposts are moved. Bc it's not about accountability, it's about bullying someone YOU deem deserving.
Also, people call him anti-vaxx and what not, and yeah he posted like two stories on his Instagram (when a lot of misinformation was being spread about the pandemic), but this is a show that quite literally fired an actor from the main cast bc of his anti-vaxx stance, not to mention, he has most of his scenes with Gavin McHugh, it's safe to say he wouldn't jeopardize a kid's health. He gets called a Trump supporter when he on his twitter and Instagram has been very anti-trump.
If Oliver did all of these things, he would've been forgiven by now but people are so toxic about Guzman. And we all know why. We are so lucky that Oliver and Ryan are so supportive of Buddie and its fans despite everything the 911 fandom puts them through. Bc God knows if I was in their shoes, I wouldn't have been so kind.
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