#inserts undated
tahadesignmarket · 2 years
My Planner l Daily + Weekly + Monthly Planner l All in one planner, Printable & digital A4, A5 sizes included
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bobbiprintables · 1 year
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Free Undated Calendar / Monthly Planner - Digital Planner Insert - Landscape Orientation
Download Here
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brawltogethernow · 2 months
I would LOVE to hear your aro Hal thoughts if you don’t mind sharing?
[re:] (Sorry in advance there are absolutely no issue citations; I have saved so many pages in random places without labeling them.)
I don't know if I'd even call it having thoughts so much as having...an incomplete collection of Hal...saying things?
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And having things said about him?
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And he does this very familiar weasel jink when asked certain types of questions.
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Like the general direction of authorial intent here is presumably that he's a ~playboy~ who ~can't be tied down~,
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but we rarely see him...like...with anybody. He's an informed attribute playboy who's had a handful of onscreen flings that tend to be complete disasters with significantly less chemistry than a poorly measured baking soda volcano, and other than that there's Carol, who he's been failing to marry with high agitation for sixty-five years at this point. Like in cape comics it's standard for your obvious endgame A couple to take twenty or thirty years to get around to that, but sixty is excessive. Like even Alicia Masters and the Thing managed it faster and they kept getting put off because it stressed out too many Marvel writers to contemplate monsterfucking. (And other less comedic factors but this post isn't about that.)
And every time Hal tries to go steady with Carol he acts like he's dying, even though he clearly loves her and holds having her in his life in extremely high priority.
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Like he is not enjoying a playboy lifestyle he doesn't want to give up. He has tried very hard to settle down several times, but he always panics and bolts at the last second like someone who's run out of the willpower¹ to keep holding onto an electrified rod--except when he's rescued by deus ex machina.
And it's also pretty evident that he hates himself for this and doesn't understand why he can't pass this standard life milestone, or why he keeps hurting Carol, his favorite person, trying and failing to do what they think you're supposed to. He very blatantly views his romantic failures as something that let down other people and "improving" as a sacrifice he's supposed to make for them.
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When his desires come into it it's primarily in the context of him gaslighting himself about how he totally wants the things he's supposed to that won't disappoint people, definitely definitely for real this time.
As seen above, romantic success for Hal is often conflated with retiring from being Green Lantern to inject cheap drama and insert a built-in inevitable failure, framing him as staying single because he's "married to the job". This barely ever made sense but was already downright comedic by the, I want to say late 70's?, where Carol was in on the secret identity and John and Katma were pulling off extremely successful GL/GL dating in the same book. At this point it's complete nonsense, so writers have been pulling harder on framing Hal as a disorganized man-child with commitment issues who's just sort of arbitrarily rendered undateable by being a committed superhero, something which, although it's a classic source of drama, has not hindered any of DC's other characters to this degree this consistently.
In conclusion: This aro man does not know what aromanticism is despite being one degree of separation from Connor Hawke, which is ruining his life and his ability to have any self esteem. Him and Carol desperately need someone to tell them what queerplatonic relationships are so they can stop doing these wretched I'm-not-touching-you kisses.
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Also he's been dressing up as the aromantic flag since 1959. Okay now I'm done.
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dearlyjess · 2 months
My Journaling Set-Up (As of Late)⭐️
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hi friends! ~
i have finally sat down to talk about how i journal. i get tons of questions related to my journals in my inbox, so i wqnted to dedicate a post talking about my three main journals - my diary, my planner, and my commonplace book. thanks so much for your patience, i hope this post will be helpful! 🤎
my journal/dairy
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this is my regular travelers notebook, which i use for daily journaling! i tend to make small collages in the corners, using stickers, scrap paper, or mementos from my day. i write about my day, usually in the morning or right before bed. some entries will be short, and some others are much longer. i like to write everyday but i do occasionally miss days. my favorite insert is the dotted insert from travelers company!
my planner
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for planning, i’ve been using my passport travelers notebook. since its summer, i have found this to be the perfect size! i use this undated weekly insert from travelers company, and i split each day in half. the left side is for any events or reminders, and the right side is for tasks. i plan on continuing this set up when i return to grad school in the fall, but i’ll use a blank insert for my to-do’s since i’ll have more tasks. i always keep a muji pen in the loop for jotting down tasks on the go! i tend to keep the pages minimalistic, so i’ll sometimes use a stamp or a sticker to spice the pages up.
my commonplace
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ah my commonplace book! i get the most questions about this, rightfully so because commonplacing can be very stress-inducing. i should start off by saying that i don’t use my commonplace book in the traditional sense. the term derives from the process of copying down passages with the intention of compiling others thoughts and writings. i use this method, but i almost always incorporate my own thoughts on what i’m reading and writing down. i can’t help it!
this notebook is the midori dotted a5, and i use the midori paper cover. i have a very loose indexing/categorizing system at the moment; green is for reading, purple is for my writing, and yellow is for etc. i use a graphite pencil to draw a light line in between entries. i commonplace the most about books and articles that i read, and then i love to do more long-form journaling and writing in here as opposed to my travelers notebook. i found myself overthinking my indexing system, which led me to not use this notebook in fears of messing up. my #1 advice would be to just start using your notebook, and index/categorize your entries as you go! the best notebook is the one that is used.
that’s it for my current journaling system! i seem to be in a good groove, so i’m hoping i stick with it. i’m more than happy to answer any questions you may have. happy journaling friends 💌
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Do you happen to know how often it occurred for wives of arrested deputies to share the same fate of their husbands, so either imprisoned, or condemned to death ? Do you have some examples? I'm referring to the years between 92-95. Moreover if it's not too much to ask for, could you also point out the signature of the CSP members who signed such warrants?
That’s a very interesting question, especially since no official studies seem to have been made on the subject. What I’ve found so far (and it wouldn’t surprise me if there’s way more) is:
Félicité Brissot — after the news of her husband’s arrest, Félicité, who had lived in Saint-Cloud with her three children since April 1793, traveled to Chartres. There (on an unspecified date?) she and her youngest son Anacharsis (born 1791) were arrested by the Revolutionary Committee of Saint-Cloud (the two older children had been taken in by other people) which sent her to Paris. Once arrived in the capital, Felicité was placed under surveillance in the Necker hotel, rue de Richelieu, in accordance with an order from the Committee of General Security dated August 9 1793 (she could not be placed under house arrest in her own apartment, since seals had already been placed on it). On August 11 she underwent an interrogation, and on October 13, she was sent from her house arrest (where she had still enjoyed a relative liberty) to the La Force prison. Félicité and her son were set free on February 4 1794, after six months spent under arrest. The order for her release was it too issued by the Committee of General Security, and signed by Lacoste, Vadier, Dubarran, Guffroy, Amar, Louis (du Bas-Rhin), and Voulland. Source: J.-P. Brissot mémoires (1754-1793); [suivi de] correspondance et papiers (1912) by Claude Perroud)
Suzanne Pétion — According to a footnote inserted in Lettres de madame Roland (1900), Suzanne was imprisoned in the Sainte-Pélagie prison since August 9 1793. In an undated letter written from the same prison, Madame Roland mentions that not only Suzanne, but her ten year old son Louis Étienne Jérôme is there too. I have however not been able to discover any official orders regarding Suzanne’s arrest and release, so I can’t say for exactly how long she and her son were imprisoned and who was responsible for it right now. @lanterne you wrote in this super old post that you’re waiting for a Pétion biography, did you get it? And if yes, does it perhaps say anything about Suzanne’s imprisonment in it? 😯)
Louise-Catherine-Àngélique Ricard, widow Lefebvre (Suzanne Pétion’s mother) — According to Histoire du tribunal révolutionnaire de Paris: avec le journal de ses actes (1880) by Henri Wallon, Louise was called before the parisian Revolutionary Tribunal on September 24 1793, accused “of having applauded the escape of Minister Lebrun by saying: “So much the better, we must not desire blood,” of having declared that the Brissolins and the Girondins were good republicans (“Yes,” her interlocutor replied, “once the national ax has fallen on the corpses of all of them”), for having said, when someone came to tell her that the condemned Tonduti had shouted “Long live the king” while going to execution; that everyone would have to share this feeling, and that for the public good there would have to be a king whom the “Convention and its paraphernalia ate more than the old regime”. She denied this when asked about Tonduti, limiting herself to having said: “Ah! the unfortunate.” Asked why she had made this exclamation she responded: ”through a sentiment of humanity.” She was condemned and executed the very same day.
Marie Anne Victoire Buzot — It would appear she was put under house arrest, but was able to escape from there. According to Provincial Patriot of the French Revolution: François Buzot, 1760–1794 (2015) by Bette W. Oliver, ”[Marie] had remained in Paris after her husband fled on June 2 [1793], but she was watched by a guard who had been sent to the Hôtel de Bouillon. Soon thereafter, Madame Buzot and her ”domestics” disappeared, along with all of the personal effects in the apartment. […] Madame Buzot would join her husband in Caen, but not until July 10; and no evidence remains regarding her whereabouts between the time that she left Paris in June and her arrival in Caen. At a later date, however, she wrote that she had fled, not because she feared death, but because she could not face the ”ferocious vengeance of our persecutors” who ignored the law and refused ”to listen to our justification.” I’ve unfortunately not been able to access the source used to back this though…
Marie Françoise Hébert — arrested on March 14 1794, presumably on the orders of the Committee of General Security since I can’t find any decree regarding the affair in Recueil des actes du Comité de salut public. Imprisoned in the Conciergerie until her execution on April 13 1794, so 30 days in total. See this post.
Marie Françoise Joséphine Momoro — imprisoned in the Prison de Port-libre from March 14 to May 27 1794 (2 months and 13 days), as seen through Jean-Baptiste Laboureau’s diary, cited in Mémoires sur les prisons… (1823) page 68, 72, 109.
Lucile Desmoulins — arrested on April 4 1794 according to a joint order with the signatures of Du Barran (who had also drafted it) and Voulland from the CGS and Billaud-Varennes, C-A Prieur, Carnot, Couthon, Barère and Robespierre from the CPS on it. Imprisoned in the Sainte-Pélagie prison up until April 9, when she was transferred to the Conciergerie in time for her trial to begin. Executed on April 13 1794, after nine days spent in prison. See this post.
Théresa Cabarrus — ordered arrested and put in isolation on May 22 1794, though a CPS warrant drafted by Robespierre and signed by him, Billaud-Varennes, Barère and Collot d’Herbois. Set free on July 30 (according to Madame Tallien : notre Dame de Thermidor from the last days of the French Revolution until her death as Princess de Chimay in 1835 (1913)), after two months and eight days imprisoned.
Thérèse Bouquey (Guadet’s sister-in-law) — arrested on June 17 1794 once it was revealed she and her husband for the past months had been hiding the proscribed girondins Pétion, Buzot, Barbaroux, Guadet and Salles. She, alongside her husband and father and Guadet’s father and aunt, were condemned to death and executed in Bordeaux on July 20 1794. Source: Paris révolutionnaire: Vieilles maisons, vieux papiers (1906), volume 3, chapter 15.
Marie Guadet (Guadet’s paternal aunt) — Condemned to death and executed in Bordeaux on July 20 1794, alongside her brother and his son, the Bouqueys and Xavier Dupeyrat. Source: Charlotte Corday et les Girondins: pièces classées et annotées (1872) by Charles Vatel.
Charlotte Robespierre — Arrested and interrogated on July 31 1794 (see this post). According to the article Charlotte Robespierre et ses amis (1961), no decree ordering her release appears to exist. In her memoirs (1834), Charlotte claims she was set free after a fortnight, and while the account she gives over her arrest as a whole should probably be doubted, it seems strange she would lie to make the imprisonment shorter than it really was. We know for a fact she had been set free by November 18 1794, when we find this letter from her to her uncle.
Françoise Magdeleine Fleuriet-Lescot — put under house arrest on July 28 1794, the same day as her husband’s execution. Interrogated on July 31. By August 7 1794 she had been transferred to the Carmes prison, where she the same day wrote a letter to the president of the Convention (who she asked to in turn give it to Panis) begging for her freedom. On September 5 the letter was sent to the Committee of General Security. I have been unable to discover when she was set free. Source: Papiers inédits trouvés chez Robespierre, Saint-Just, Payan, etc. supprimés ou omis par Courtois. précédés du Rapport de ce député à la Convention Nationale, volume 3, page 295-300.
Françoise Duplay — a CGS decree dated July 27 1794 orders the arrest of her, her husband and their son, and for all three to be put in isolation. The order was carried out one day later, July 28 1794, when all three were brought to the Pélagie prison. On July 29, Françoise was found hanged in her cell. See this post.
Élisabeth Le Bas Duplay — imprisoned with her infant son from July 31 to December 8 1794, 4 months and 7 days. The orders for her arrest and release were both issued by the CGS. See this post.
Sophie Auzat Duplay — She and her husband Antoine were arrested in Bruxelles on August 1 1794. By October 30 the two had been transferred to Paris, as we on that date find a letter from Sophie written from the Conciergerie prison. She was set free by a CPS decree (that I can’t find in Recueil des actes du Comité de salut public…) on November 19 1794, after 3 months and 18 days of imprisonment. When her husband got liberated is unclear. See this post.
Victoire Duplay — Arrested in Péronne by representative on mission Florent Guiot (he reveals this in a letter to the CPS dated August 4 1794). When she got set free is unknown. See this post.
Éléonore Duplay — Her arrest warrant, ordering her to be put in the Pélagie prison, was drafted by the CGS on August 6 1794. Somewhere after this date she was moved to the Port-Libré prison, and on April 21 1795, from there to the Plessis prison. She was transfered back to the Pélagie prison on May 16 1795. Finally, on July 19 1795, after as much as 11 months and 13 days in prison, Éléonore was liberated through a decree from the CGS. See this post.
Élisabeth Le Bon — arrested in Saint-Pol on August 25 1794, ”suspected of acts of oppression” and sent to Arras together with her one year old daughter Pauline. The two were locked up in ”the house of the former Providence.” On October 26, Élisabeth gave birth to her second child, Émile, while in prison. She was released from prison on October 14 1795, four days after the execution of her husband. By then, she had been imprisoned for 1 year, 1 month and 19 days. Source: Paris révolutionnaire: Vieilles maisons, vieux papiers (1906), volume 3, chapter 1.
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smoft-demons · 8 months
Intro+rules stuff
Hello! I’m Adhara. I like Obey Me! I’m familiar with the OG game, but not nightbringer. Trying to get back into writing. I’m working on a rewrite fic on ao3 with my own MC (Auva) and I also have a BUNCH of worldbuilding/concept notes. The purpose of this blog is half to practice and interact, and half to infodump about my MC and her version of the story because that’s fun.
I’m most comfortable with writing the seven brothers. Much less so for the undateables, and I have absolutely no familiarity with the new three. For now I’m only willing to write stuff focused on the bros.
Here’s my masterlist
Requests open! Use the ask box. It’ll be labeled “request box” when requests are open. It’ll be labelled “ask me anything” when they’re not open.
Don’t be afraid to get too detailed (more detail is better!). Be patient and polite. I reserve the right to not write something I don’t want to. I will default to a gn MC for these things, but I could write a fem MC too. Sorry, no male MC, because… I’m not one.
Request format, in case that helps (I find it does, requesting can be nerve-wracking. I personally always freak out about formatting, so. If it helps you, please use it)
[insert greeting/pleasantry here], I have a request for [insert name of brother(s)/all seven].
[insert idea here]
[insert relevant details about MC here, like pronouns and relationship to relevant characters]
Feel free to talk to me about your own MCs too! Or just in general! I’d be very happy to brainrot together :]
I WILL write:
Headcanons, oneshots, reactions, scenarios, concept brainrot, character analysis
Fluff! Hurt/comfort! Angst! Slice of life! Found family!
Platonic relationships, queerplatonic relationships… I can TRY writing romantic relationships. I will always default to platonic, QPR, or familial dynamics.
I will NOT write:
Pedo shit (obviously)
Will add more shit I won’t write as I come across it I guess
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“A Far Fall From The Heights Of Heaven” A Dio Brando x Self Insert Fanfic
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The sun set like red gold over Cairo, and I watched my older sister Denise get in her wedding dress. I remembered saying she was crazy for wanting her wedding all the way in Egypt. But to be honest? Now I was grateful. Egypt was magical. I could feel it in the air.
We were in the crammed storage rooms of an old church, where she was getting ready before she walked down the aisle. I got emotional thinking about my sister all grown up and married!
The ceremony went well, and the wedding vows were moving, but it was all quite overwhelming, and after my mom made a crude comment to my aunt about me being unfuckable and certainly undatable, I felt like I needed fresh air and a place to run off too.
After Denise left with her new husband, I left through the back door. I wandered a bit down some streets, crying a bit, when a convertible pulled up in front of me. I froze, unsure of how to proceed. The men in the car offered me a ride, and I got the sense I was dead if I didn’t take it, considering my cornered situation. My heart was racing as I took a seat in the back. They drive through the streets to more lavish areas. Hours into the drive I felt like kicking myself, but to be honest? I was too tired to try anything drastic like jumping out of the car. It seemed silly anyway. The night breeze lulled me to sleep, and I woke up when the convertible stopped abruptly in front of—an Egyptian mansion looking structure? what the heck?!
The men got out and pulled me roughly from the car, dragging me into the well guarded mansion, which was pretty much a fort in its function. I figured things weren’t looking too great for me, so when they brought me through a maze into a lavish lounge room I was relieved they let me rest, collapsing on the floor from exhaustion. I didn’t bother lifting my eyes from the floor where I lay until—
“What’s this, gentleman? You seem to have treated our guest quite poorly. She looks exhausted.” A smooth voice overtook my senses, and I became well aware of a presence on one of the ornate lounges. His hair was golden blonde, and this man… no… surely more than a man, this god was handsome beyond my wildest dreams. He reclined on his side, shirtless (revealing beautifully defined muscles). I blushed, suddenly aware that my bridesmaid dress was barely staying up on my chest. “Bring the sweet mademoiselle to me so I can… be more hospitable.” I felt my tired body lifted and laid down next to him on the velvet upholstery. It felt good to lay down, I knew it was reckless and stupid to comply, but I’d been on my feet all day attending to my sister’s wedding, and this felt good.
“Allow me to introduce myself,” the handsome god said. I shivered, my spine tingling as I felt his breath on my exposed neck. He gestured for the men who had brought me there to leave. “You may call me Lord Dio.” He explained, as if it was the most natural thing in the world how close we were to each other.
I nodded, looking up at him with wonder. “Yes, my Lord.” I whispered.
Dio looked satisfied, taking a sip from a glass of…wine? No… this was too thick for wine. I should’ve freaked out by now. ‘This seems like a cult’, I thought.
“I can offer you many things, beautiful.” Lord Dio explained charismatically.
My heart dropped. ‘Yeah, definitely a cult.’
“Eternal beauty, riches, and lots of pleasure.” Dio continued.
“Who are you, Satan or something?” I joked timidly.
Lord Dio frowned. “No, a bit different. You’re religious, I take it?”
“Not a whole lot. I used to be… but, well, it felt so hollow.” I explained, watching Dio regain his amused demeanor.
“I can give you something better to worship. But it will come with a cost.”
“I’m broke so…I’m not really in a position to be paying—“
Dio flipped me to face him parallel, and pinned me there. “Now you are. This is a great position for what I desire.”
I realized what he wanted in that moment, and a little rebellious part of me wanted to give it to him. To prove my mother wrong about being unfuckable.
Dio gently placed his hand on my waste, and I tried to stifle a sigh as my body pressed up against his. “May I, mademoiselle?” He whispered in my ear.
“Yes.” I swooned. Screw safety. I needed this. “But I should warn you I’m a—“
“Virgin? Yes. I figured as much.” Dio said, completely unzipping my dress. “You’re too sweet to be anything else.”
My dress fell away, revealing my figure. Dio didn’t waste any time, his lips went straight to my neck and his hands…. Oh god, I was not prepared for the sensation of his hands traveling up my thighs, fingering my pussy, and teasing my clit until it was gaping with pleasure. Then he pulled his fingers out and dug them into my waist til I bled small droplets of blood. I winced, but I could tell the pressure he applied was very calculated so as not to be too painful and outdo any pleasure he was giving me with his mouth.
Lord Dio kissed and caressed my breasts, carefully making his way down to where he had drawn blood from my plump folds of flesh at my waist. The way he lapped up the blood with his tongue sent shivers down my spine and had my breathing become heavy with lust. This was better than any sexual act I’d read about in my favorite smutty books. This was the real thing, and Dio seemed to know every physical and sexual weakness I had. Weaknesses as a first timer I was completely unaware of.
Then he repositioned me on my back and spread my legs further apart. He smirked as he saw my wide eyed expression.
In between panting I gasped, “Shouldn’t we use protec—“
His giant hard cock rammed into my soft pussy, and I let out a cry of surprise. Dio persisted in pushing it further, no matter how tight it was for his large length. I shed tears, but got no sympathy, only the sound of his own groans and growls of ecstasy. I braced my body as he pushed it in and pulled it out repeatedly. I was drooling with overstimulation until finally he left it in, filling me with an absurd amount of his cum.
Then Dio did something unexpected, repositioning and holding me close, his dick still deep inside me. He rubbed my back and held me tightly, in a comforting way. “There there…” he soothed me with his low voice, as smooth as liquid gold. I took this as a sign to press up against him. I wrapped my legs around his waist and cried softly, my teary cheek pressed against his pecs. He laughed softly, acknowledging my vulnerability with a kiss on the top of my head and a quiet moan of satisfaction. I fell asleep in his arms, exhausted from all the sexual excitement.
When I woke up, Dio was still asleep. I had to check the clock on the nightstand to see what time it was as there were no windows in the room to let in light that indicated whether it was day or night. I covered my mouth to suppress a yelp of shock. It was afternoon of the next day. I was supposed to be helping my mom set up the wedding reception venue!
Dio stirred, rolling over and opening an eye to observe my distress at the time. He mumbled about how it was too early to be awake, and I should join him back in bed.
I sighed. I couldn’t say no, gazing at his sleepy expression. Even a bit disheveled Dio looked like a fucking king. I climbed back in bed. Who’s to say I had to show up for the reception? It was more my mom’s event than my sister Denise’s event. My mom had taken full control of all the planning and didn’t let my sister have a say in anything. Besides… I had been kidnapped! I was practically… helpless.
I sighed, curling up against Lord Dio. “Are you going to put me up for ransom?” I asked, beginning to dose off.
Dio laughed heartily, nuzzling the back of my neck affectionately. “Over your dead body.” He said, then proceeded to yawn and falling back asleep.
TYSM FOR READING! Reblog if you enjoyed it!
Comment Rose to join and Thorns to leave!
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killed-by-choice · 8 months
Erin Shannon, 18 (Canada 1986)
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In 1986, abortions deemed “therapeutic” were legal in Canada. The law required that a request for abortion approval be sent by a medical doctor to a Therapeutic Abortion Committee of experts including no less than three medical doctors, who would review the case to judge if the abortion would be safe for the applicant and if it would serve a purpose deemed “therapeutic.”
Although these safeguards were intended to protect pregnant people, these regulations were all too easily manipulated by those in the abortion industry who put profit over lives. One of the victims of this “rubber-stamping” was Erin Shannon.
Erin was 18 years old when she was seen at the Queensway-Carleton Hospital’s ER in Ottawa on December 3, 1985. She was diagnosed with a UTI, given a prescription for medication and sent home. She saw her regular doctor, Dr. Patrick Cross, the following month on January 10. Dr. Cross examined her and discovered something that the ER had missed: Erin was pregnant.
At the time of the treatment for her infection, Erin hadn’t realized she was pregnant because she had a history of irregular periods. The Riverside Hospital conducted an ultrasound on January 13 and estimated that she was 17 weeks pregnant. Three days after the ultrasound, she returned to Dr. Cross to discuss her options.
Dr. Cross was concerned that an abortion would be hazardous to Erin’s health, especially one done so late in pregnancy. Over the next several days he had a series of conversations with Erin’s mother, who said that Erin wanted an abortion. Dr. Cross tried to warn her that it was medically in Erin’s best interest to have the baby, but by January 20, Erin’s mother informed Dr. Cross that her daughter wanted an abortion.
Erin and her mother went to abortionist Irving Soloway, who self-identified as “specializing in late-term abortions” that other doctors would not do. Soloway told Erin and her mother to bring a letter from Dr. Cross recommending an abortion. When Dr. Cross refused to write the letter and once again recommended against the abortion for Erin’s safety, Soloway simply wrote the letter himself.
Soloway’s letter to the TAC was undated and simply said “This young girl is pregnant and cannot carry on because of psycho social reasons and I therefore strongly recommend a TA for this patient.” Not once did the letter mention that a doctor had already advised against the abortion. This single-sentence letter was all it took to seal Erin’s fate.
During the later inquest over her daughter’s death, Erin’s mother recounted her surprise at how quickly Soloway proceeded. She had been under the impression that Soloway would give Erin a pre-op exam for her safety and then schedule an appointment for the abortion. Instead, Soloway went ahead and inserted no fewer than eight laminaria dilators (later discovered to have been inserted before the letter of recommendation was even sent) and told Erin to return for the abortion early the very next morning.
That same afternoon, Erin began to suffer from a discharge of yellowish fluid. Soloway’s practice was called, but his staff said that this was normal and dismissed any concerns.
The next morning at 8:00 AM, Erin was admitted to the Surgical Day Care Unit. The nurse who saw her before the abortion later testified that “app’d” (shorthand for approved) was handwritten beside Erin’s name on the O.R. sheet between 8:00 and 8:30 AM.
Erin was taken into the operating room at 10:05 AM. The D&E abortion was completed at 10:22, right about the time that Erin went into cardiac arrest. Despite all attempts to resuscitate her, she was declared dead by 10:53. Just as Dr. Cross feared, the abortion was not safe for Erin.
Erin’s autopsy diagnosed the cause of her death as amniotic fluid embolism and heart failure. Her mother was stunned that the abortion that had allegedly been approved as “therapeutic” for her daughter had killed her instead.
The inquest over Erin’s death revealed that the “safeguards” were being manipulated and that the system was not working. Although there were doctors in the TAC, none of them were OB/GYNs. In the past year, all applications for abortions reviewed by this committee had been approved no matter what the letters to the committee said. They were appointed by the Medical Director of the hospital even though the Criminal Code specified that this should be done by the hospital Board of Directors. Weekly meetings were typically done in only 20–30 minutes, during which time approximately 30 to 40 abortion applications would be approved after allegedly being reviewed. Nobody would even say when exactly the abortion that killed Erin had been approved.
Inconsistent and missing information was detected throughout Erin’s case. The date signed on the form for approval was not possible unless the TAC filled out the wrong date, which they did regularly by inserting the date of the scheduled weekly meeting on every certificate regardless of when the ‘actual’ meeting takes place or when the ‘actual’ approval is given. (The fact that this is a legal document required by law which should be dated at the same time that it is signed did not seem to matter to them.) The referring doctor for the abortion was listed as Dr. Cross even though he had not done this and repeatedly advised against it. The type of abortion was listed as D&C and suction (a method typically used for early in pregnancy) even though Erin was actually subjected to a D&E. The section for LMP (last menstrual period, used to calculate gestational age) and for date of procedure was entirely blank. The section for post-operative complications was also blank even though Erin had died.
The committee admitted that in the past year they had approved every single request for abortion, even though they had received thousands of applications for review. Those who were asked to explain discrepancies or missing information frequently told the inquest they did not remember, even though records should made it clear had they been properly kept. Erin’s abortion was also the fourth or fifth done that morning and records were also inconsistent for the others.
Soloway’s own testimony on what he had done to Erin and her child was deeply disturbing. He claimed to have done 500 abortions per year and identified as “specializing in late-term abortion.” He then went on to give a gruesome description of the abortion procedure he carried out on Erin’s baby. He described the “crushing instruments” with “big jaws and teeth” that he used to “break up the fetus and take it out bit by bit.” When asked why he did so many abortions so late in pregnancy, Soloway answered that others wouldn’t at that size.
It was also noted that even though Soloway included “psycho social reasons” in his single-sentence letter, he didn’t see any reason why Erin should be provided with counseling before she made her decision. Unless you count the conversations between Dr. Cross, Erin and her mother, there was no form of counseling given to Erin at any time. Erin’s mother had been under the impression that the TAC would ensure her daughter had informed consent, but Erin was never at any point told by the hospital, the abortionist or any of his staff that she could die. The jury recommended changes to ensure all prospective abortion clients would have counseling and informed consent.
The inquest for Erin’s death took three days during which it was suggested that “the committee has been little more than a rubber stamp for abortion requests.” It was noticed that nothing in the TAC paperwork said anything about the continuation of the pregnancy being a threat to Erin’s health in any way even though this was supposed to be a requirement.
The jury found it concerning that Dr. Cross repeatedly tried to warn that the abortion was unsafe for Erin but that the TAC did not take his warnings into consideration. They concluded that “The hospital committee needs more expertise to judge abortion applications and should do a better job of keeping track of its decisions,” that there was a need to ensure abortion committees are effective and efficient, and that approvals are only granted after "careful deliberation of all relevant information." The jury also urged changes to the Criminal Code to make sure abortion committees included qualified gynecologists, obstetricians or internists as members. The jury also recommended that the minutes of abortion committee meetings be fully recorded. The hospital indicated that they found these common-sense measures to be “impractical” despite the jury’s decision.
Even though Erin was killed because the legal system meant to protect her had been bypassed, manipulated and in some aspects outright broken, the Ottawa Police and the local Crown Attorney had no interest in criminal charges for anyone involved. They apparently dismissed the treatment of Erin’s case as “technicalities” not worth charging anyone over. Erin and her family were denied justice.
The Vancouver Sun, “Abortion body lax in review, jury says” 17 April 1986
Ottawa Citizen, “Inquest called on teen's death during abortion” 25 January 1986, 14 April 1986, 15 April 1986, 16 April 1986, 17 April 1986, 18 April 1986, 15 May 1986
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anneaelise · 2 years
Freebie • A5 Monthly
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Free for all on elizenn.com ♡ Printable Planner inserts in A5 size [ 148×210 mm // 5.8″x8.3″ ]
Undated Monthly Planner - Monday & Sunday start 🡓 https://elizenn.com/free-a5-montlhy/
Enjoy! ❀
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No. 9, or Things I Do Instead of Writing
Excessively Robust Footnotes: If there's one thing my advisor and committee are absolutely itching to read, it's more 400 word footnotes. Is the thought relevant to my dissertation? No...but what will my readership do if they don't know the entire biography of a random person I mention in passing?! Won't they be confused about my ethics if I don't provide an entire metacommentary of critiques of the ontological turn from Indigenous scholars?! How will they bear without insights into my methodology for dating a random undated webpage! Sorry dear committee, the third of this chapter that is in random tangents (that I spent hours looking up instead of writing the body of the chapter or developing the main argument) are essential!!!
Unnecessarily Long Citations: Hmmm...surely one citation isn't enough to substantiate this claim. Whelp, time to search on Google Scholar, skim 10 articles, add them all to my Zotero, and then realize it looks absolutely buckwild to have six different sources across five different disciplines from 1998-2021 after the sentence "x is one of the components of settler-colonialism."
Did Someone Mention Zotero?: There's no way I have 600 things saved on Zotero! Surely it isn't a waste of time to scroll through all of them, just to *see* if I actually need them. Oh and while I'm here, let me just insert this chapter's bibliography into a Word document to make sure there's no mistakes. And hmm...is that really how you cite a Congressional Report? Time to Google that for 30 minutes!
Frantically Look Things Up: Do I sound academic enough in this chapter? Is my writing good? Sounds like the perfect opportunity to look up a bunch of dissertation writing craft books!
Open Tumblr or Twitter or Reddit or Youtube or Instagram or Duolingo or ProPublica or Two Dots: Close immediately after feeling immense shame that I'm procrastinating. Wait five minutes. Open again.
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bobbiprintables · 1 year
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Monthly Planner / Undated Calendar - Free Digital Planner Insert - Portrait Orientation
Download Here
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hillbillyoracle · 2 years
Added a Calendar
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It’s a Traveler’s Notebook passport sized undated monthly insert. I had to trim the back cover to get it to fit and it sticks out a little bit but it does the job. 
It seems like the spine on this notebook is coming unglued a little but I also have had that happen on other notebooks I didn’t have as much stuff in and it never impacted being able to use them. It can be a little tough to use the note pages without removing the binder clip but it’s mostly fine. And also I can just remove the binder clip, no big. 
I’ve been using this system for a month now and I’m really digging it. I like that I can just toss a task list if I get part through the day and it doesn’t align anymore. I like that it’s mostly to remind me what I thought sounded good and not necessarily to track every task I think I need to do. 
Other materials pictured: 
Leuchtturm A6 Lined Notebook in Black (going to switch to dotted though)
Faber-Castell Loom Fountain Pen with F nib
Birmingham Pen Co Ink - Ohio River
Generic brand notecards - 3 x 5
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affectbreathe · 2 years
Really enjoying Stardew valley besides a few things, like the strong amatonormative vibe.
This game is trying harder to set me up than my father. I'm running out of undatable people to become besties with and I think I've accidentally seduced Leah. I've had to blow up the stupid cradle that comes with my home expansion. I'm getting cutscenes and shovel talks and the fortune teller won't stop talking about that stupid field with me and (insert last 20 yr old I spoke to) in my future. Why this
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yusuke-of-valla · 1 year
I cracked the code on at least some of the FE 'least dateables'
(Most of) these people decide they don't like a character for whatever reason, and never full explore their supports. I do agree some units don't get any real character development... in the story. I guess that is one thing against Fire Emblem characters (from the games I played, Awakening on). Most characters, the ones that aren't main/integral to the story, only get their developments in ways the player would have to actively seek out. Which you aren't liable to do if you don't like the character first thing, you aren't going to use the unit.
(Which in a maybe Meta way is funny. Don't like the character so you don't use them, which leads to not much character development because in universe wise, they don't get much interaction with people... )
Yeah Fire Emblem does have that problem where like, everyone except a handful of characters are superfluous because they can die at any time
But also I have found characters I don’t like and started to like them when I read their supports. Laurent and Severa both really annoyed me, but I liked them more reading their supports
And also that’s just less interesting. Saying “this character is undateable because of (insert trait they grow out of, use as a front, or is generally just deeper than what’s going on on the surface)” it’s like. Ok so you don’t know shit about them. It just doesn’t compare to “I have psychologically analyzed everything fucking wrong with Rhea and concluded several reasons NO ONE SHOULD BE DATING HER and also maybe she should be arrested for war crimes so she can take a nap”
TL;DR: if you think Lorenz is undateable it’s because you don’t care about his character. If you think Sylvain is undateable you probably read all his supports.
(Also also it is a tournament for being a petty little hater thus I get to be a petty little hater about other people’s choices uwu)
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callsignspark · 1 year
Mar(r)y Me - strawberry shortcake recipe
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Mar(r)y Me is the love story of Bradley Bradshaw and Mariella Vertucci, as told through friendship, laughter, and food. As part of writing their story, I’m sharing the recipes for the food featured in each part. Most of these recipes are family recipes that I’ve changed and developed over the years to make them my own. Any recipes that aren’t mine will have the proper credits listed. Let me know if you make these!
The full version of part two will be dropping tonight, June 16th, at 6PM EST! See the part two teaser here!
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strawberry shortcake with lemon pound cake prep time: 15 min | bake time: 75 min | makes about 12 servings
the perfect summer dessert, even if you do have to turn on the oven. or skip that step and get store-bought pound cake! the important part is that no matter what, you cover the final product in enough whipped cream that each bite gets its own fair share. (don't forget to squirt some whipped cream directly into your mouth. it's a crucial step of the baking process.) as you'll read in part two, Mary's Aunt Denna came up with the perfect sugar-to-berry ratio for this dessert, credits my own Aunt Denna for this recipe. and a special thanks to my cousin for being a terribly undatable person and her only child, so this recipe was given to me and not you! also if this recipe seems super indulgent and full of butter and sugar, that's because it is. it's pound cake.
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1 pound softened butter (4 sticks)
2 cups granulated sugar
8 large eggs
4 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1.5 teaspoons vanilla extract
juice and zest of 1 large lemon
1-quart strawberries, rinsed and cubed
1/2 cup white sugar (for the strawberries)
1 can of your favorite whipped cream
Preheat oven to 325F. Grease and flour your pan(s). I typically use a Bundt pan for this recipe.
Using a stand mixer or hand mixer, cream the butter then add 2 cups of sugar. Beat until well mixed.
Add the eggs and mix until combined. It may help to crack the eggs into a separate bowl, whisk them some, and then add them to the batter.
Add the salt, vanilla, lemon juice, and lemon zest.
Then slowly add the flour, and mix to incorporate. Be careful not to overmix your batter.
Pour into the prepared pan(s).
Bake for about 1 hour and 15 minutes* or until a knife inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean**.
Allow the cake to completely cool on a cooling rack before slicing.
As the cake is baking: combine the diced strawberries and 1/2 cup of sugar in a mixing bowl. Cover and let sit in the fridge for a minimum of two hours***.
To serve: cut a thick slice of pound cake, add a few spoonfuls of strawberries (be sure to add some of the strawberry syrup!), and a swirl of whipped cream.
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Notes *If the pan(s) you are using make the cake thinner/smaller than it would be in a Bundt plan you may need to adjust the baking time. **This means there is no raw batter on the knife. If only baked crumbs come out - it's baked, take it out of the oven. ***The juice from the strawberries and the sugar will create a simple syrup. The longer it sits, the more the strawberries will break down and create the syrup. When serving be sure to mix the berries in the syrup before spooning on onto the cake.
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fic tag | main masterlist | credit for dividers here
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civilcodearticles · 3 months
Article 1345. Simulation of a contract may be absolute or relative. The former takes place when the parties do not intend to be bound at all; the latter, when the parties conceal their true agreement. (n)
Sample question
What are the two Kinds of simulation of contract?
Absolute and relative Simulation.
Q. Jervis and Krizzia executed a Contract of Sale but there would not really be any transfer of owne What kind of simulation is this?
A. Absolute simulation. The parties do not intend to be bound at all.
Q.1. What if Jervis and Krizzia executed a Contract of Sale over Jervis’ property but what they really intend was for Kerizzia to have it gra- tuitously? What kind of simulation is this?
A.1. Relative simulation. In this case, the parties intended to conceal their true agreement.
Case digest
Tanchuling vs. Cantela
Sps. Tanchuling sold to Cantela two (2) parcels of land for 400,000. The spouses Tanchuling later alleged that the sale was simulated, hence void, as (a) there was no actual consideration paid by Cantela to them; (b) the subject deed was executed to merely show to their neighbors that they are the true owners of the properties, considering that there are portions thereof being illegally sold by a certain John Mercado to unsuspecting and ignorant buyers; and (c) Cantela simultaneously executed an undated Deed of Absolute Sale reconveying the properties in their favor.
The RTC held there was simulation but this was reversed by the Court of Appeals.
Whether or not there was simulation
“In this case, the Court agrees with the RTC that the subject deed was absolutely simulated. The parties never intended to be bound by any sale agreement. Instead, the subject deed was executed merely as a front to show the public that Sps. Tanchuling the owners of the properties in order to deter of John Mercado from illegally selling the same.
“And finally, the undated deed, which serves as a counter-agreement to, and which was simultaneously executed with, the subject deed, unmistakably evinces absolute simulation. While Cantela posits that he was tricked into signing the undated deed as it was supposedly surreptitiously inserted by Sps. Tanchuling into the copies of the subject deed at the time of their signing, nothing, aside from his self-serving assertions, support his account. It is well-settled that fraud is never presumed but must be proven by clear and convincing evidence by the same party who alleges it. Besides, Navarro and Botero, who equally witnessed the signing of the undated deed, never testified on any irregularity. Notably, the fact that the undated deed was not notarized is rendered irrelevant by Cantela's own admission of the document's execution, which, unless proven to be fraudulent, must be presumed to be fair and regular, as in all private transactions.”
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