#inshaallah khair
peace-nd-protection · 2 years
Once again, I have arisen with my allergy symptoms
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psychosodomy · 4 months
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this is so corny. Do these people know how corny they are
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notetaeker · 2 months
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March 29, 2024 - Friday  | Ramadan Challenge 19/30
What is something you are grateful for this Ramadan?
The magic of personal tarawih that I honestly felt for the first time in my life
I have (already) been able to fast more days than I did last year
Found a qur'an with the same script as my childhood qur'an and now I can magically read qur'an much faster (?!)
Having made small changes I think I can maintain even after Ramadan !! (InshaAllah)
Daily Moments of The Qur'an episodes. Honestly I am so grateful may Allah bless them for that it has been a staple for me the last few Ramadans
Everyone who is doing this challenge ! I love love love reading everyone's responses and try to comment in the tags as much as possible! It's so motivating and humbling honestly Jazakallahu khair for joining 💞
My masjid girls! Alhamdulillah for the youth and energy they bring into my life lol
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fromdarzaitoleeza · 1 year
May Allah ease the pain in your heart. Ameen.
Sometimes when I'm in pain i listen to Omar Hisham's recitation of Ayat Shifa (the healing verses), i hope it brings you peace as it does to me InshaAllah
jazakAllah khair I look forward to it 🍊!!
Thank you for sharing it with me ❤️‍🩹!
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rueyam · 5 months
Salam girls<3
Yes, I have definitely learned from this, and as rueyam said, I am also closer to myself, alhamdulillah.
Bless him though, he tried very hard. He is a good guy, and I hope he finds someone who can give him what he is looking for. I appreciated what he has done, and I told him that. Not gonna lie, from the outside, we looked good together lol. Like a random uncle who would send his blessing when we were walking, and another uncle from the last meeting gave us free drinks and blessed us. I could feel the people around us.
Anyways, unfortunately, I just couldn't vibe with him. I never felt a true attraction towards him. Thinking about our future as a married couple was hard for me to imagine: like living in the same house, our conversations still lacking a vibe, things feeling very formal, and even simple intimate gestures like a hug would put me off. I know myself, I can be talkative and laugh easily if I feel like I'm on the same wavelength as another guy, and everything comes naturally. I'm not saying a guy needs to be perfect, I'm definitely not perfect either and have my own personal problems. Everything happens for a reason. Alhamdulillah.
No, thank you both<3<3 Thank you for giving me this space to write with you here and for encouraging and supporting me. It makes me so happy. May Allah bless you both. BarakAllahu feek for both of yours beautiful duas, and a BIG ameen to them. May Allah ease all your hardships and make your affairs clear for you. May He grant both of you happiness and success in this world and the hereafter, with your loved ones. Ameen.
If we still use Tumblr in the future and I get married, inshaAllah I will let you know haha and maybe reveal myself too lol. But for now, I'm gonna focus on myself and pray, pray, and pray and let's see what Allah has planned for me. Khair inshaAllah.
Salam <3
aw inshAllah that’s really cute of you haha, khayr!! @sseol the way she started to mention us both 🥹💗
imagine marrying someone you don’t vibe with, who will you laugh with till your stomach hurts? who will understand you in all ways? who will look at you and know how to act right? who will know your love language? ofc nobody is perfect, we all have our flaws but we have to find someone to complement these flaws with. everything happens for a reason and behind every obstacle there lies a deep wisdom we will find out later, if Allah wills!
i would love to hear from you and find out who is hidden behind the wonderfully worded texts, but only if you want to. big big ameen to your duas and thank you my dear! i also pray for the kind-hearted man you talked about, i hope he will find a spouse who brings him happiness. take care 💕
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sabrgirl · 1 year
assalamualaikum!! just followed you recently — mashaAllah, i adore your posts and your ikhlaq. i was just wondering if there are any other tumblr (or twitter) accounts you follow that are similar to your page/you enjoy also? trying to surround myself with people who love and share the deen inshaAllah 💌🌷
wa'alaikum salam sister :) jazakallah khair for the follow and your kind words ! 🤍 i don't actually know any other accounts that are similar to mine in terms of how my blog posts look - that's one of the reasons I decided to make this. but if I find any (which i do hope!), i will reblog this with their @s Insha’Allah ♡
if anyone knows of any, please comment under this too! jazakallah!
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rrxindrops · 1 year
Im going to have a “meeting” with my manager in an hour or less. I’m a bit nervous. This will also be included in my own decision to quit or to keep working here. Khair inshaAllah.
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thefemaledrizzy · 1 year
Hey big sis, can you check out my small business and tell me what you think? Also Ramadan Mubarak! abjewelryco.com
Ramadan Mubarak!! Usually I respond to messages privately but wanted to shoutout your business, it's so lovely mashaAllah! Praying for all your success inshaAllah khair <3
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butchniqabi · 2 years
congratulations on your benchmark mx. amatullah. a whole 3/4th of the year alhamdulillah to you sibling. as someone who has been on that road to recovery from sh, every small step, benchmark, and struggle has gotten you here. heres to a time ahead when this benchmark will be twentyfold, and twentyfold over that , and so on. inshaAllah because i know They will it!
jazakallah khair beloved! thank you so much 🥺 may Allah bless and reward you for your kindness and perseverance 🥺💕
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Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barkatuh qoum ki mokhayyar hazraat se guzarish hai ki Bhayandar shahar ka dinee ilmi mazhabi qoumi aur falahi markazi edara madarsa *Darul uloom Noor e mustafa education foundation bhola nagar uttan road Bhayandar West district Thane Maharashtra Mumbai India 401101* jo 2019 se Bhayandar shahar dini taleem ka kaam anjam deraha hai ye madarsa ek kirae ki makaan main chal Raha hai is saal zameen ki kharidari ka baat mokammal hogaya hai ramzanul Mubarak ke baad 1500000 lakh rupiya jama karna hai aap ahle khair hazraat se moaddabana darkhwast hai ki aap apne zakaat fitrah sadqah atiya khairat aur lillah raqam se madarsa ke mehmanane rasool ko taoon dekar hausla afzai aur sawabe jaiya ka mustahique banain Allah paak aapko aapke marhumeen aur tamaam ahle khana ko duniya aur aakhirat main is ka behtareen ajre ajeem se nawazega *aapka 1 rupiya goya ki madarase ka ek bacche ka Hafize quran ka Banna aap ke khandaan ke 10 logon ka bakhshish ka jariya ban sakta hai* inshaallah AAP log madarsa ko har aetabaar se madad karne ki koshish karnain
Aur is message ko inshaallah jitna hosake forward ka rain ziyada se ziyada logon Tak pahunche ki koshish karnain kiya pata aapke ek forward se madarsa ka taoon ho jae aur aap bhi sawabe jariya ka mustahique banjaen Allah paake se dua hai ki aap ke tamam marhumeen ki magfirat farma kar jannatul firdaus main aala illiyeen me jagah naseeb farma
*Jazakallukhaira Aameen summa aameen jazakomullah*
Aap ka khidmat guzar Banda *HAFIZ LAL MOHAMMAD*
ACCOUNT NUMBER 1343104000083544
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endahretnonw · 10 months
Selamat datang, kang!
Terima kasih telah memilihku. Selamat menjadi nahkoda, kemana pun kakang akan terbangkan layar, selama iman perahunya, dakwah lintasan arahnya dan jannah dermaganya, inshaAllah… aku akan setia untuk selalu berada di sampingmu
Semoga peluhmu berbasuh lega, dan Allah beri ridho-Nya kepada kita banyak-banyak
Doakan aku selalu, di atas ubun-ubunku, di depan dadaku, dengan rengkuh jiwa juga pelukan hangat. Hingga biarlah mahabbah Illahi senantiasa mengalir, mencurahkan sakinah dan mawaddahnya di antara kita
Dan pada akhirnya semoga inilah Ziyaadatul Khair yang Allah janjikan, kebaikan yang bertambah-tambah yang Allah berikan kepada hamba-Nya, atas kesabaran kakang dalam proses menanti dan penjagaan akan banyak hal agar hanya berkah dari-Nya lah yang menjadi orientasi
Aku tahu betul ini tidaklah mudah kita hadapi di tengah zaman orang memandang bahwa romansa sebelum pernikahan bukanlah hal tabu untuk diungkapkan
Terima kasih padamu, juga keluargamu… yang sudah menyambutku. Tenang hatiku saat kau lah orangnya, luruh gelisahku ketika kakanglah jawabannya dan teduh hatiku karena ternyata keluargamu lah tempatnya.
Semoga agar kiranya Allah ta’ala benar-benar menakdirkan kita, keluarga kita dan keturunan-keturunan kita… bersama dalam hidup dan di keabadian nanti hingga tiba kaki-kaki ini di tempat terbaik yang Rabb kehendaki. Jannatul Firdaus
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pakiprincess · 1 year
Martha is honestly one of the most amazing people I've ever known. Her ability to listen and empathise will make her one of the best psychiatrists ever inshaAllah khair
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The desire, the Longing of the heart, it never dies . It never does. This world is a prison for the believer . It is , for sure it is . We long for so many things in this world and when we don't get it , everything around us feels suffocating. Suffocating to the level , that we even forget who we really are ? We forget our existence , our real purpose , and forget that this world is a trial for the believers. We even forget that this world is not permanent . We have the hereafter that we are supposed to chase . This feeling of suffocation makes me sad because we cry and we die for the things that are not worth it . We even forget that Allah ( s.w.t ) has planned things that are infinity times better than what we choose for ourselves. I pray to Allah (s.w.t ) , to ease the pain , to make us firm on his religion , to forgive us , to heal us and make the battles of this Dunya a source for being closer to Him .
InshaAllah , Khair.
Love from the other side <3
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dazzlingm0on · 1 year
Here after so long (tho I peeped here once in a while)
A lot has changed, minor to major changes, a lot of close marriages, moving away, transferring school, new people, new place, someone getting baby, staring of a new chapter, new story, new life, happiness, anxiety, sadness, just a mixture of a lot of things.
It's 2023 now, and we hear the core of earth has stopped rotating and is probably rotating the other direction jeez..
Whatever it is... hope everything goes well for good and khair InshaAllah..
Don't want to grow old... but here we are
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suhyla · 3 years
No i sent the one about taking an academic step that is SCARING THE LIFE outta me i cant explain that step to you because diff country but i have no other choice , i am just so scared ,and i also dont normally ask people to make dua for me but could you please make some sort of dua for me
Oh man, may Allah make it easy for you and facilitate only khair for you! You got this, make the niyyah that you're studying for the sake of Allah - to gain knowledge, equip yourself with the tools you need to provide for your loved ones, to help other muslims, give dawah, etc. and inshaAllah Allah will help you get through this. Niyyah helps a lot with facilitating affairs, and you'll be heavily rewarded for all the time you invest in your academics.
Keep me posted, I hope everything goes smoothly!
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weakendings · 2 years
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i hope it‘s enough for tomorrows exam im so tired ;_;
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