#inspired by manhwa and bridgerton clips I saw on YouTube
juchioris · 5 months
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Three versions of the cover image: Handdrawn, AI-assisted, Full-AI
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It all started with the Premise: I ship the loser side characters because they DO deserve each other... But you can read this without knowing the Original, it'll still make sense.
A dormant drama-queen, who tries to play matchmaker for her cousin, but meets her own match. And a shady prince, who has to keep a dangerous secret, but risks everything to keep the lady he loves safe - can this pair prevail or will their problems catch up with them and ruin everything? A desperate villainess, who engages in violence to get her beloved prince back, but gets engaged to a hideous stranger as punishment. And an ostracised duke, who is underappreciated because he is overweight and therefore gets forced to wed a criminal within a few weeks - a bad basis for a marriage, but nevertheless, they might slowly fall in love with each other…
Some snippets:
“Alright, this is goodbye then. Goodnight, have a nice life!” speaks Therese as she turns away and starts to walk. “Wait! I want to see you again!” exclaims Julian. She turns around and they stare at each other, their eyes connecting yet again. [...] And she thinks: No, I mustn’t let that happen! Wow, though. He’s just… wow. Attractive! And the way he looks at me… I feel so seen. And I should resist, because I’m like 99% sure you’re the one Camilla loves… But you, you prince of not my dreams, are oh so irresistible. Around a smile Therese answers: “I would like that very much.” 😍
“And Lord Alois, what do you feel for Camilla?” goes the Viscount on. “Camilla is just lovely. She has shown me kindness and respect. She really cares for me and she doesn’t patronise me. Therefore I admire Camilla very much!” answers Alois with an absolute lie. 😇
"And the view on this island is breathtakingly beautiful, too”, means Therese. “Yes”, comments Julian as he turns away from Therese to take in the sight of the cliffs and the sea. 😅
I put so much effort into this.
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