#inspired by the au from
crescentblossom66 · 2 years
Dead Bird Metro: The Tale of two Girls Chapter 18
“What do you want?” The large eye brows of the Penguiad leader furrowed at the unwelcome sight of the other leader.
“Bold of ye ta assume that I'd wanted somethin' from ye. I only came up here ta get some fresh air- “the owl clarified, and turned hostile immediately after, “-which is now ruined due to ye polluting it with yer awful stench.”
“You're one to talk.” The penguin only rolled his eyes and concentrated again, but not without keeping the position and the behavior of the owl in mind, and watching him out of the corner of his eye, just in case he draws his knife and attempts to do the same to him that he did to the young cat. To his surprise, the owl appeared moderately calm, he went to the other side of the roof and seemed to reach for something in his jacket, out of reflex, the penguin felt for his own weapon, once he saw that it was only a partly smoked cigar, he let his flipper drop to his side again.
He must have been standing there for a few minutes now, all that time the yellow bird in his peripheral never once moved, he only glared in one direction, so when the other finally moved a muscle, he returned to reality swiftly, not trusting the owl to keep their truce. He tilted his head just a little to see what that yellow menace had retrieved from his inner pocket, it was a bit small for a sheet of paper, and he noticed that the Conductor's jagged beak turned from his usual scowl into a sad frown. If it would have been any other bird, the DJ would have asked if they were okay, instead he scoffed. What a surprise, who would have thought that the cold-hearted Conductor could be anything other than grumpy or angry.
The Conductor's talons balled to fists and his feathers rose at the noise, his reminiscing interrupted by an insolent noise of mockery. A little flustered, he turned in the direction of the penguin, who turned to face him,“What are ye laughing at, peck neck?! Too much of a coward to tell me to me face?”
“No, Conductor, if I'd have to look at your face, I'd vomit.-” He smirked after seeing the scowl return to the owl's face, “-what's on that picture? Let me guess, it's one of your beloved trains, that's all you really care about after all.”
The amount of people that died because of him, the staggering amount of penguins that died due to his vile actions, it made his flippers shake with rage by just looking at the yellow owl that countered his piercing, angry glare with his own. “Oh please, do ye really think that looking at ye is remotely pleasant, if I looked like ye, I would've stabbed meself a long time ago.-” He spat back, “-Also, mind yer own business, why don't ye just peck off and go back to writin' music or whatever it is that ye waste yer time with.”
“What, and leave the planing to you? I'd rather put my life in hands of a monkey with stage 7 dementia, your plans are reckless and endanger the lives of not only you, but all the owls that accompany you!” Without even realizing it, the penguin had his flipper back in his pocket and tightly wrapped around the handle of his knife, the yellow owl had started to advance toward him, his fist shaking with anger.
“At least I don't shirk away from a fight like a scared hatchling! While I was out there risking me life to get information, ye sat around and did absolutely nothin'!”
“If you consider saving Hattie doing absolutely nothing. What did you do to that girl, Conductor?” The owls feathers rose for a moment at the mention of his granddaughter.
“I swear if ye did somethin' to her, I'll cut ye down where ye stand.” The menacing tone of the owl was followed by him slowly getting out his knife, the penguin noticed that a facial muscle twitched as he did so, if it was from anger or due to his injuries, the DJ couldn't care either way, as he followed suit by reading his own weapon.
“I didn't harm her, you did! How often did you hurt her, Conductor?-” He gritted his beak, narrowing his eyes behind his shades. “-How long did it take you to break the poor girl's spirit?!”
He repeated the line quietly in disbelieve, his mind refusing to understand the insinuation, almost reeling for a moment. His grip on his knife tightened as his feathers rose in his growing anger. Grooves expected his adversary to yell at him in anger, yet when he spoke the owl's voice was a whisper “How dare ye...-” The Conductor started to move, slowly, the penguin, meanwhile, never broke eye contact, he wouldn't back down one step. The aura of malice now coming from the yellow bird didn't unnerve him in the slightest, his hatred for the him only increased the closer his arch nemesis came.
Suddenly the yellow bird started to chuckle, and he shook his head slowly. Even though he was shaking with anger, he spoke in a near calm and level voice, “I should 'ave known that me bad reputation would come back ta haunt me. Ye cannae murder countless and expect people ta think that ye have any kind o' honor...yet this from ye of all, I could return the same question back ta yer.”
“Don't you even dare to put me on the same level as you. I'd NEVER, not in a million year, hurt little Bowie! Look at Hattie, you low-life, no young girl should have a need to be this calculated and willing to kill!”
“Mighty hypocritical, flightless scum, the bow lassie isnae as innocent as you paint her. Just like me Hattie, she has killed, it's what ye have ta do ta survive in this world. If ye cannae understand that even now, this life will teach ye sooner or later.” Both birds were mere steps away from each other now, trembling with anger and just waiting for the other to make a move. The owl stared his rival down, fighting hard against the wrath that threatened to take control over his actions, as much as he loathed him, they needed the help of him and the penguins.
His rival was caught of guard for just a fraction of a second, he spoke the truth, he knew, yet.....by the stars, now that the Conductor said that with that horrible intonation...he'd contemplate that later, now was not the time.
It took all his willpower, all of it to lower his knife and pry his eyes away from the shades that hid the sharp glare of the penguin's so well, but he somehow managed to quickly spin toward the exit and put away his knife, he wouldn't ruin everything that Hattie and the other lassie had worked so hard for. He almost gasped in shock when he noticed that the old polaroid had slipped out of his pocket as he turned toward the stairs quickly.
The small photo swayed left and right in the light breeze as it slowly tumbled to the ground almost right in front of the leader of the Penguiads, who picked it up before the other could, and inspected it. A happy looking family of five, the father of the young birds looked strikingly like the old bird that tore the photo out of his flippers a mere moment later. “I had no idea you had...” The surprise was clearly etched into the face of the DJ who looked at the flustered bird that quickly shoved the old picture back into his pocket.
“And it ain't none of yer business...-they're gone fer good.” His anger trailed to a sad whisper as he turned back around and headed toward the stairs once more.
The penguin's gaze followed the owl as he retreated, but something irked him. Gone? What did he mean by that.....no! No, he couldn't have, could he? Then again he just murdered that young cat in cold blood like it was nothing, who's to say that he wouldn't...do something like that.
His hatred for the bird spiked up again at the thought, “Only you would be so deplorable, you're really as cold-hearted as they say.-” The owl stopped, but didn't turn around. “-That you'd stoop so low as to kill innocent children, your own flesh and blood no less!” The penguin drew his knife again, he wouldn't get away with that, not ever!
“Well, I've tried, Hattie.-” The owl said quietly to himself before he whirled around and drew his knife and clashed blades with the penguin, “-NOW THAT'S IT!” DJ Grooves knew that the owl was hurt badly from his escape, so thinking that he was likely still a bit weak, he put more pressure on his own weapon, that coupled with the other bird being shorter than him pushed the owl down.
“I've been called a lot of things; heartless, cold, unforgiving, bloodthirsty...peck, the insults flung at me by those whose lives I took, I deserve all of them.-” The owl winced as he felt his right wing tremble, the wound he sustained there reopened and started to bleed. “-a criminal, a murrrrderrrerr, a filthy scum, all of these I've been called befer and they were right-” For a moment he thought he had him, that it would be that easy, but then the owl dodged to the side just in time, before he attacked back, “-I'D NEVER HURT EVEN ONE FEATHER OF ME OWN FAMILY!!!”
The attack was sluggish and the DJ had no trouble dodging the swipe that was aimed at his face that followed. “Where are they then if not six feet under?! None of my penguins have ever heard or seen any of them! As much as I respect Bowie's decision, I could NEVER be in the same room as someone so utterly repulsive and vile!” The owl parried the slash from the penguin aimed at his throat after said penguin spun the other way gracefully after evading a stab attack aimed at his heart by the owl. “You're honorless scum with no regard for any life whatsoever, while your pitiable owls bleed and die for you, you never look back.-” The harsh and quick movement from fighting irritated the third-degree burns on DJ Grooves' back, causing him to grit his beak. “-I value every single one of my penguins, we're strong because we stick together, you're all alone.”
“That's exactly why yer the weak one, ye cannae deal with the harshness of this world, peck neck! No matter how hard ye may try, there's always gonna be death, and it will hurt, especially if the person that died was close ta ye-” for a moment the penguin could detect sadness from his enemy, not realizing that the other noticed the same emotion from him, “-I sent 'em away so that they could be safe form all this, that they could be safe from YE!”
With a force that the DJ obviously didn't anticipate the Conductor to still be capable of with his injuries, the owl disarmed his opponent by moving his own weapon up so quickly against the other that it caused the penguin to lose his grip and drop the knife. The DJ was stunned only for a split second, enough time for the yellow bird to attack, yet still enough for the him to dodge swiftly and punch the arm of owl, who let his own weapon drop with a shriek.
“That's rich coming from you! We both know that once this is over, you'll just continue to attack us, continue to harm my penguins, me, and even Bowie! No one is safe from you!” Another punch from the penguin made the Conductor reel backwards, his hat falling off in the process.
“Would you kill me, Conductor?” The voice of the curly-haired girl was brought back to the front of his mind. She had spoken to him so casually and friendly, even that horrible question left her lips without hostility or worry...Like she was aware that he wouldn't...and she was right, he simply wouldn't be able to raise his trusty knife, that had seen so many fall, to end her life.
“As if ye'd stop! Only recently ye ambushed and killed me owls! Don't delude yerself thinkin' yer something better!-” The owl retaliated with a punch of his own, the huge amount of hatred and anger in the eyes of the DJ were now clearly visible as the impact knocked of his shades. “-Just like me, ye killed and robbed countless! Ye ain't a saint neither, yer filthy flippers are coated in blood, just like me talons!”
DJ Grooves wiped the spot on his face there the punch had connected and for a moment he hesitated. It was true that even with him trying his best, both his penguins and no small amount of innocents had lost their lives over the years. The smug smile on his adversary that only widened the more the penguin's eyes shined with realization, caused the DJ to come back to reality.
“Don't you dare compare me to you! I'M NOTHING LIKE YOU!” The owl just chuckled at his outburst.
“Aye, that's true, laddie. Ye fight like a wee toddler.” Now the penguin truly lost his composure and grabbed the bird by the collar shoving him down to the ground hard, After blinking away the sharp pain on his back the yellow owl barely intercepted another punch that was aimed at his face, using the sharp claws on his other hand to scratch the flipper that he held until his enemy winced in pain and moved his arm away which gave him the chance to get the upper hand, he moved the other bird around, ready to slice open his face.
“STOP!” Both birds flinched at the young voices they heard and looked over to see both Bow and Hattie, terrified of what they did to each other.
“Don't kill him, grandpa! He's...he's not evil.” Hattie tried to appeal to her mentor who reluctantly let go of the penguin, who got up and dusted off his clothes.
“Why are you fighting? I know you two don't see eye to eye, but...please don't kill each other.” Bowie wiped away a few tears, as she picked up her mentor's shades and returned them to him.
“I tried, Bowie, I really did, but-” DJ Grooves glared at the smaller bird, “-he's so frustrating to deal with.” That and the fact that he had a point, his arguments were eerily solid...
Hattie looked at the reopened injury with worry and only calmed down a bit when the old bird assured her that he wasn't seriously hurt and placed a talon on her head gently. He quickly moved down the stairs followed shortly by Hattie, who picked up his hat that threatened to get blown of the roof by the breeze.
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demaparbat-hp · 18 days
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She will (and he'll let her)
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factual-fantasy · 3 months
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Ya'll.. hear me out-
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rika-mortis · 8 days
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I think it would be funny if their reunion basically went like this
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sunnystrikerz · 16 days
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Mac and his scary titan privileges :]
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nebulanightsky · 2 months
Someone asked to see the bonus, and I'm giving them the bonus..
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2K notes · View notes
bigfatbreak · 10 months
Birds of a Feather previous / next
(part 43)
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084392 · 12 days
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was inspired by another sm pmd au to revisit my lillie and gladion rockruff pmd-ifications + a lycanroc lusamine ^.^
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canisalbus · 1 month
Hello! I wanted to ask if you got any inspiration for Machete’s outfits? I would love to find an outfit similar to one of theirs for personal wear but I can never find anything that similar.
Most of his canon outfits are just slightly modified cardinal's cassocks.
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Jehan Georges Vibert's paintings have been a recurring inspiration.
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The buttoning on his shoes is visually reminescent to late 19th/early 20th century boots and spats.
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588 notes · View notes
crescentblossom66 · 2 years
Dead Bird Metro: The Tale of two Girls Chapter 7 Part 1
TW: Minor Character death
Hattie walked through the near empty street that connected the central plaza and the shopping district, she looked at her watch 07:51am, no surprise that she encountered hardly anyone, and the ones she did, gave her a strange look that made her want tell them to peck off, but she didn't care about what they thought anyway.
She hadn't been able to sleep, her thoughts kept circling around the mission and it's severity. She couldn't mess this up. It would all be way easier without the Penguiads around to interfere in their business constantly, yet what if she failed, then all the hard work from everyone toward realizing this plan would be wasted.
As she routed the corner into the next street she noticed someone she knew walking on the other side of the road. It was Bow! Bow always had good advice and she was fun to talk to, maybe talking to her would cheer her up a bit. She sped up a bit and yelled over the traffic to get her attention.
“Hey Bow, wait up!” The girl in the green coat got startled and almost tripped. She spun around to see who had addressed her and found Hattie looking to the right to check that no car would run her over before she crossed the street and caught up to her.
“Hattie?! What are you doing here this early?” Maybe she was on the way to school or something...but there were no schools in the metro, and she wasn't carrying a bag of any kind. It was truly strange, especially because she had never seen her accompanied by anyone. Well, the blue-eyed girl had told her that she'd be fine, so she just ignored the obvious neglect of her guardian, she was out here by herself too after all.
“Oh, I was just taking a stroll, and you?”
“Same. I needed some air, things have been...hectic to say the least.” Hattie's face fell a bit.
“What's wrong, Bow? Has your grandpa still not listened to you?” Bow shook her head.
“No, your advice worked like a charm, Hattie!-”, the purple-wearing child beamed, happy that her advice yielded results.”-I finally figured out what had him so worried...he was simply concerned about the safety of the family.” The smile on Bow's face faltered a little at the question Hattie asked after.
“Why would he be worried about the safety of you and your family?” A very valid question to which she absolutely had to make something up, she didn't want to drag her first real friend into harm's way.
“Uhh, you see...we're kinda not doing so well financially...but we'll soon have paid all the debt back.” Yeah soon they would pay back the losses of life and freedom the less fortunate Penguiads had to endure at the wings of the Leowles. She had no idea yet what “Operation Jailbird” entailed, but she had no doubt that DJ Grooves' plan would succeed, and that the Leowles would crumble after their attack.
Hattie looked a bit sad and worried, but lit up a moment later, “Wanna buy some cookies and chocolate milk for breakfast?!-” She gave her a friendly smile, “-My treat.” Bow wasn't going to refuse such a tempting offer, although she felt a bit bad for abusing Hattie's kindness.
“Cookies and chocolate milk? Count me in!-” She jumped up and down excitedly before giving Hattie a wink, “But next time, I'll treat you to something, I know just the place.” The purple-eyed girl could see that Hattie looked excited at the idea, before her delight stopped rather abruptly.
“Okay, but don't spent all your saved up pocket money just to make it up to me.” If Bow's family really had little money, she'd feel awful. How was Bow going to buy the latest issue of 'Soldier Moon', if she would spend it to return the favor?
“Don't worry, as I said, it isn't that bad.”
Hattie took Bow to her favorite bakery and bought some chocolate chip cookies, after that she bought some chocolate milk from the convenience store nearby. Bow suggested that they could sit in the tiny park just a few blocks over, it wasn't really a park, just a small bench situated in the middle of a green grass field with a total of...three trees around them, the metro really didn't have much greenery to begin with, but it was the perfect place to enjoy a nice and calm breakfast with a friend.
“Those are some of the best cookies I've ever had! Thanks, Hattie!”
“I know right! I always buy some whenever I have some money left over.” Maybe she should ask the yellow bird for more allowance? The thought reminded her about what she actually wanted to talk about with Bow. “Bow can I ask you something?”
“Go ahead I'm all ears.” Bow assured the other girl, who was fumbling with the packaging that the cookies were in previously, Bow could tell that something was weighing heavily on her.
“I...I have a really difficult task to complete and I'm worried that I mess up. If I do, I'll let my family down.” Bow didn't know Hattie for that long now, however, she didn't strike her as unreliable or incompetent. Heck, she was out here all on her own and seemed completely fine, most other kids avoided the whole metro like the plague.
“You got this, Hattie! You simply worry too much. Just do it and don't think about what could go wrong all the time.” Bow had a point she just needed to concentrate on the mission and not think about failure, it only made her fear worse and distracted her.
The blue-eyed girl smiled once again after her eyes lit up with realization. “Yeah, I'm just gonna focus on completing the task. Thanks, Bow!” Bow was caught a bit off guard as Hattie gave her a big hug, which she returned a moment later.
Yes, the Penguiads wouldn't even know what hit them. Just like the cats they were just obstacles that needed to be eliminated, as long as she didn't think of them as living, breathing beings and more like objects it would be fine.
A small convoy of cars made its way through the dark, narrow back alleys, careful not to draw too much attention to themselves. Bow sat in her seat, as rigid as a statue, on high alert, ready to carry out the mission with which she was entrusted by the tall penguin.
“So, this should be easy, right, Bow?” Dave's flippers trembled slightly and were clutching the steering wheel so tight they almost left imprints on the leather, which only confirmed that he knew just how important this mission truly was.
She took a deep breath to calm her own nerves down before she replied, she had to be the level-headed one now, the penguins were loyal, but very prone to messing up if they didn't concentrate enough. “Bro listen, I'll handle most of it, just stand near the station so that you can see me through the windshield of the train. Got it?”
“You sure you don't want any help?” He gave her a small glance before fixing his sight back on the bumpy, hardly-maintained back road. She slowly shook her head.
“I'll need you and the others after I'm done in there, we needed to get a hold of the owls before they have a chance to report to the Conductor. That ancient owl...thing may have no style, but he ain't dumb.” He'd know to be prepared and bring reinforcements with him, and that would compromise their plan, they needed him alone.
Dave parked the car a bit further away from the station, three other penguins followed them, one stayed behind in the other car, prepared to pick them up in case something went wrong.
“What time is it?” Bow asked Dave as she carefully approached the station, she rose a hand to stop the advancing penguins behind her, as suspected, there were two owls patrolling the station.
“02:48, we gotta hurry.” Dave whispered. Bow had to lure the Leowle members over to them somehow, they would spot them even in the dark, due to their superior vision.
“Anyone have a coin?” The others searched their pockets upon the odd demand.
“No coin, but a marble.” One of them said and Dave beat her to the question that she wanted to ask.
“Dude, why do you have a freaking marble in your pocket?” The other penguin put his flippers to his hips, a little irritated.
“None of your business...I can collect what I want, it's a free country.” Bow just rolled her eyes and reached for the small turquoise orb, with hesitation and a sincere anguish, the penguin handed it over.
She waited for one of them to turn his head in their direction, before ducking back behind the building and throwing the marble. The owl seemed to have noticed that something landed in the street behind the station and alerted his friend, who also moved away from his post.
“Get ready, they're coming over here.” She readied her dagger, as much as she hated to do it, killing them would make it easier down the line.
The wide eyes full of sheer terror, that broke right as she stabbed the dagger through the owl's stomach, made her skin crawl. She would never get used to this, the lifelessness and the way their dead eyes seemingly stared at her made her almost vomit.
The other owl was swiftly taken out by the other Penguiads. Bow composed herself again, not wanting to dwell on the horror of taking a life any longer, she had to pull herself together and focus on the mission. “Put them into one of the dumpsters in the alley, we'll be long gone before they find them.” She loathed the words that came out of her mouth, she knew it was necessary, she hated the Leowles just as much as the other Penguiads did, but it still disgusted her. They did as she commanded and simply tossed them in the big dumpster like feathery pieces of garbage.
Bow went closer to the station and hid just out of sight behind advertisement standees placed on the platform, as long as she was quick about it, they wouldn't even see her coming. The penguins waited a bit further away, ready to help out after she had broken the front window and opened the doors to let them in. For this operation, Bow decided to bring the heavy iron bat she had found among the stuff in the storage once, thinking that it would come in handy now.
Bow jumped out from her hiding place the moment the train came to a halt, a loud shattering noise could be heard as the metal bat made contact with the big windshield as the purple-eyed girl broke into the enemy vehicle. Before the owl in the front could react she swung her weapon again and either knocked him out or killed him, she wasn't sure and she didn't have time to check, she needed to open the doors first. She panicked a little after seeing the huge array of blinking lights and various switches, but after pressing a few buttons the doors finally opened, and not a moment too soon. The owls in the other wagons acted just as they anticipated and ran to the front to find the cause of the commotion. The two owls that arrived were assaulted by the three penguins that swiftly entered, now that the doors were open. Dave, who was oddly focused today, opened the door to the next wagon and managed to knock the communicator right out of the Leowle's talon, thus preventing the failure of the mission right then and there.
Bow opened the lock on the door and joined the others, who apparently had everything under control, as she found the two owls dead on the floor.
“We rock, dude! Those mite-ridden feather bags don't stand a chance against us!” The two penguins high...oned? each other and looked to her with proud smiles on their beaks.
“Stay focused, this isn't over yet.” They stopped their cheering, a bit perplexed by Bow's unusual seriousness. A moment later Dave returned with the communicator that he had taken from the, now incapacitated, owl.
“So we just gotta put that little chip in that the boss gave you, right?” He asked Bow, who nodded and pulled the tiny chip out of her pocket. The DJ had told her that all she had to do was put it in the slot in the back and it would do the rest, after it was inserted she was to do her best impression of a gang member of the Leowles and get their yellow-feathered leader to the train.
“Dave, you got the jewels, right?” He grabbed a small bag and showed its sparkling contents to the purple-eyed girl, who nodded and told him to place it in the front. It would be more than obvious that it was a set up, but the new police corps would jump at the chance of getting the old owl behind bars, how would not matter to them. They just needed to make sure that old bird would arrive around the same time the police did.
Bow inserted the chip and switched the device on after clearing her throat.
“Hattie, Hattie....HATTIIIIEEE!!!”
“I can hear you, you know. You don't have to scream my ears off, gramps.”
“Sorry 'bout that, wasnae sure if it was operatin' properly.” Hattie put the headset up for a moment to stop her ears from ringing, before she got up and got ready for the mission. With a slight jolt, the train stopped at the only station in the entertainment district, from here, she had to walk as stealthily as possible. One wrong move and she would alert the penguins to her presence, and that would probably be the last thing she would do. Hattie could see the glowing lights of the biggest night club a few blocks away.
“Tell me when ye get there, lassie, and...be careful, okay.” She smiled, somewhat happy that he worried about her.
“Roger! Talk to you when we arrive there.” She looked over to Enrique and the other owl that followed them. He had told her his name right after they boarded the train, but she hadn't paid any attention, she had been so focused that when Enrique lightly tapped her shoulder, she had fallen off her seat.
“You ready, Noah?”, the eagle-owl asked his shaking comrade.
“W-We just have to fly to the rooftops and wait for Hattie to get in position, right?” The other owl nodded and looked over to Hattie, who tried to figure out the best way to make it to the side of the building without being seen.
“I wish you luck Hattie, we'll start phase two as soon as I see you arrive.” With that he took to the skies, the other owl followed close behind. Hattie sighed, sometimes it really sucked to not have wings to fly.
The young girl decided to avoid the front of the club and the roads leading to it entirely, and opted to take the long way around, sneaking through side roads. As she got closer, more and more Penguiads were patrolling the area. On time she got particularly close to being caught after two penguins nearly spotted her. She had seen them route the corner while talking to each other, the girl doubted that they wouldn't have noticed her climb up the escape ladder and hide on one of the platforms of the fire escape, had they not been so involved in their conversation.
When she was around four houses away form building, the loud booming of the heavy bass made the ground under her vibrate, not to speak of the loud music. How anyone could have their headquarters in a place this intolerably loud, was beyond her.
She also noticed the cars that were parked all over the road, she had been skeptic when the yellow owl had told them that the noise of the cars would be so loud that they could distract the Penguiads at the entrance, but now all that doubt had disappeared.
“Alright, I'm in position, Enrique and Noah should start the distraction any moment now.” As if on cue she heard the cars in the front and on the other side of the club activate their alarms. She wondered for a moment just how those two could fly with rocks in their pockets.
“Alright, lassie, you gotta make it all the way ta the back of the buildin', then, we start phase three.” That was by far the hardest part, she needed to make it past the huge crowd without drawing the attention of any of the Penguiads. She swallowed the lump in her throat and prepared herself.
Just as planed, the penguins that stood guard near the entrance left to figure out what had triggered the alarms of the nearby vehicles, giving Hattie the opportunity to slip in unnoticed. The moment she entered, she immediately ran to the back of the crowd, staying as far away from the front as possible while she searched for an easy way to make it to the rooms in the back on the other side of the huge room. The blue-eyed girl had noticed that there were a lot of penguins watching the crowd from the edges of the room probably to keep the more rambunctious patrons in check.
She grew a bit anxious as she tried to figure out how to get past them, until she noticed a vent shaft up on the big speaker on the other side of the room, however she had to sneak behind one of the huge music-blasting boxes, and when crawl behind the bar.
When no one was looking, Hattie quickly moved to the speaker closest to the entrance and squeezed behind it. She wondered when the last time was that they cleaned them, there was so much dust and so many cobwebs that she had to pinch her nose to prevent a sneeze. After climbing over and ducking under long, thick cables, she emerged on the other side. She spotted two penguins, who honestly appeared to be so wasted that they were in worse condition when the yellow owl had ever been whenever she found him drunk, so it was easier than she thought it would be to sneak by unnoticed. The last thing she had to do was get up on the huge speaker near the ventilation shaft, it took her a bit of effort but she managed by pressing her arms and legs against the speaker and the wall and slowly pushing herself up that way.
Hattie breathed a small sigh of relief the moment she entered the vent and made her way through the narrow path, all she had to do now was find an opening somewhere further in without to many people and she would be fine. The vent opened in a small storage room, which Hattie chose as the perfect place to plant the bomb.
“Hey, can you hear me gramps? I'm in one of the backrooms now.” She heard a small rustling noise before he answered her.
“Good, get the parts out and assemble the bomb like I showed ye.” She put her small bag down and tried to do it just the way she had practiced.
“Okay...Just wait.....almost got it. There!” She exclaimed a bit louder than she wanted, and as no sounds followed after she listened for footsteps, she quietly let out the breath she had been holding.
“Well done, lassie. Now set the timer to 'round 30 minutes and get the peck outta there.” Hattie placed the bomb high up on a shelf that had a lot of canned food, most of it appeared to be canned tuna. The bomb started beeping and the red digits counted down from 30. She checked her watch it was 03:17am.
When she tried to tell the owl that so far everything was going according to plan, she was confused, the weird rustling from before was even louder now.
“What is that noise, is everything alright?” Hattie cautiously asked and heard a low grumble before his tone shifted.
“Don't ye worry, lass. Just gotta go out fer a moment.” Right before he switched the device off, she could hear him angrily mutter something about stupid peck necks, a train, and Crowwing-Station.
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ooomael · 16 days
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Maître Hunter et Maître Wright
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artsy-imogen · 7 months
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✩ so excited to finally show off my Faust design ^^! based on the future where he regains his job as being a doctor 💚 his past still pains him, but he feels more at peace with himself after strives time line. he moves forward to look after those who need him, and in extension himself ✨✨
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 8 months
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Lan Wangji Goes To Lotus Pier AU: Part 3: Enveloping Feelings.
(Part 1, Part 2, Part 4 (soon))
#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#lan wangji#Yungmeng Jiang training arc AU#I wanted to try out a different paneling style for this one - sorry I'm a day late! (there will still be a post tomorrow to keep on track)#The original 3 panel comic idea was fine but the point of this new schedule was to take time to push myself a bit more.#I was taking a look back through some comic artists I felt inspired by#and I really loved how Lynda Barry fills her gutters with patterns and doodles!#Obviously I'm not going as absolutely wild with it as she does but it was a great exercise!#I truly think the gutters are the most important and most overlooked part of any comic. There's lots going on in that space.#It's the same with timeskips. The implied movement between moments that we don't see changes depending on how wide that gap is#You're here for the funny tags so here's some that ties this time talk together:#I think LWJ was thinking about that second note from day 2 but it took him 7 days of hazing to commit it to paper.#I think he sends it a day later and immediately regrets it. Chasing down the messenger and everything.#You know if something actually happened to his brother he would never ever forgive himself for putting the bad vibes out there.#Third time skip was the hardest because there was so many possible flavours of jokes here. Day 8/9 was a personal favourite.#day 14 was also funny (week by week). I think the debate on 'how long does lwj take to catch feelings' is more or less:#'how long does it take for him to arrive at a particular stage of grief and yearning (and awareness of it all)#This is a symphony. There is an act by act structure. Every day he is fighting to keep his old sensibilities. He is losing so badly.#(I'll be returning to the main comic soon but there is more of this AU to come!)
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weird robot alien
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time-and-spuds · 8 months
A few Screenshot edits of how I would Imagine the Portal Scene, in the Portal-swapped AU, to Go down :]
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raycatzdraws · 2 months
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The fiercest fizzgig there is
a Linked Universe x The Dark Crystal AU :D
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