#inspired by the person that replied to my post earlier lol
thetisming · 1 month
autistic people will post 'im autistic and this isnt a bad thing, i love being autistic :D' and tumblr users will go 'actually autism is a terrible thing and youre not actually autistic youre a tiktok user who saw one tiktok and self diagnosed because you have interests and being autistic is terrible and horrible and there's nothing good about it'
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hxney-lemcn · 9 months
Is This Really Fake? — Fern Mertens x gn! reader
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summary: Fern and reader fake date so Finn will stop bothering Fern. Only, it becomes a lot more real between the two behind closed doors.
tw: slightly suggestive at the end...but not really at the same time lol
a/n: Fake dating trope!!!!! Heavy inspiration from this post! Go check it out.
wc: 1.2k
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“Please,” Fern pleaded. “Just until Finn gets off my back.”
I squinted at him, but his tired gaze finally convinced me.
“Fine,” I huffed. 
In reality, I was ecstatic. I’ve had the fattest crush on Fern for as long as I could remember. And although I was a bit bummed he didn’t actually ask me out, I’d take what I could get. 
It was game night at Finn and Jake’s place, and Fern’s plan was going to be set in motion. I felt nervous about what may happen tonight…
“Can you put on a smile?” Fern asked after he knocked on the door. “You look like you’re ready to dig your own grave.”
“For a matter of fact, I am,” I replied back with a fake glare. 
When the sound of feet shuffling got close, I straightened my posture, quickly grabbing Fern's hand. He jumped slightly at the contact, but we quickly both threw on smiles when Finn opened the door.
“Hey guys! Come on in,” Finn invited. When we entered, climbing up to the living room, Jake waved us over to the couch.
This isn't your regular game night. This was video game night. Since there were only two controllers, we’d pass it on to the next person each round. Fern and I sat next to each other on the couch, closer than usual that is. The entire encounter was quite awkward. Perhaps pretending to be a couple wasn’t gonna work.
“So,” Jake spoke up, a cheesy smile on his face. “What’s going on with you two?”
“What do you mean?” I asked, playing coy. I glanced over to Fern whose face had been a dark shade of green ever since I grabbed his hand earlier. 
“Yeah,” Finn added. “You two have been acting differently all night.”
“Uhm,” Fern mumbled, glancing to his side. “I mean…I guess we started dating-”
“WHAT!” Finn shouted, hands on the side of his head. “How long?”
“A week?” I asked more than stated. We went over our cover story, but being interrogated by Finn and Jake was slightly nerve wracking. 
“A week!” Finn continued to exclaim. “Why didn’t you tell us man!”
“I…uh…didn’t think it was a big deal,” Fern shrugged. 
“Calm down man,” Jake chuckled when Finn seemed like he was going to continue to explode. “We’re happy for you two. Now let's keep playing!”
The lie became more comfortable for Fern and I. An example being the new years party Marceline was holding. There were a lot of people, but Fern and I were chilling in a corner. We each held a red solo cup, his holding water and mine holding some punch. We were talking about whatever came to mind, just enjoying each other's company. 
“Yeah, and Finn totally freaked out,” Fern chuckled, leaning against the wall. 
“You two lovebirds having fun?” Marcy asked while approaching us. 
“Totally,” I grinned at her from my place next to Fern. The teasing comments from our friends had become a norm we’ve grown used to. Not helped by the fact that Fern and I hung out a ton. 
“Just a reminder,” Marcy grinned deviously. “It’s said if a couple doesn’t kiss at midnight, their bond weakens.”
I felt my face flush, and glancing at Fern revealed he was feeling the same way. Marcy only cackled as she floated away. 
“You don’t gotta kiss me,” Fern spoke up after a few seconds of awkward silence. “Just a peck is fine…”
I smiled shyly, looking down at the drink in my hands, “It’s cool. As long as you’re okay with it.”
“Y-yeah!” Fern exclaimed before clearing his throat. “I mean, yeah. I don’t care.”
A small chuckle left me at his enthusiasm, butterflies fluttering in my stomach. Shuffling a bit, I found myself scooting closer to Fern, who smiled at me sheepishly. Suddenly, the entire room had people counting down.
“10!” People said in chorus. I tensed, not realizing how late it’s already gotten. 
I looked over to Fern whose whole face turned a slightly darker shade of green.
My eyes swept across the whole room, landing on Marcy and Bonnibel who were cheering loudly together.
Taking a deep breath, I face Fern once more.
We shuffled closer together. “You’re really okay with this?”
“Yeah,” I replied breathlessly, in awe that this was actually happening. 
Our faces inch closer.
I looked into his green eyes, afraid about how real this feels.
My heart twisted, hoping that this felt just as real for him.
Our lips connected in a light kiss. Neither one is sure how far to take it. I pushed a little more, not satisfied with just merely brushing our lips. Fern seemed to agree, as he raised a hand to rest on my arm. 
We pulled apart after a few seconds, our faces both on fire. I looked off to the side, taking a small step back. I just kissed my best friend who I was pretending to date. Did I just reveal my feelings? Does Fern know that my feelings in this relationship aren’t as fake as they’re supposed to be?
After that night, things had taken a turn for the better. We were currently hanging out, just watching a show. My head rested on his shoulder, his arm wrapped around my shoulder. We both had become accustomed to each other's touch. In fact, I felt like I couldn’t imagine a world without it. 
It was late, and my eyes kept fluttering close every so often. Fern rested his head against mine. He was so soft to lay against, not to mention warm. Like resting on freshly cut grass on a nice summer day. 
“Could…could you kiss me?” Fern asked quietly, almost like he didn’t want me to hear.
“What?” I questioned, pulling away slowly to meet his eyes. “We don’t have to pretend right now.”
“I know,” Fern replied awkwardly, not able to meet my eyes. “But…I could use one right now.”
My heart rate accelerated. Perhaps, this was real for him too. These feelings that I felt were reciprocated. I felt like mush at the fact that Fern is asking me to kiss him, not somebody else. 
“Of course,” I agreed. This was our second kiss, and it felt just as amazing, if not better than our previous one. Still a bit awkward, but it held a passion that threatened to take my breath away. His hands held my face softly as he angled his own to better match me. My fingers brushed through his hair, enjoying how soft it felt under my finger tips. 
When we pulled away, Fern still held his face close to mine. My eyes fluttered open, drinking in his flustered expression. His cheeks were a deep green, eyes half lidded, mouth open as he tried to catch his breath. 
“C-could we do that again?” I couldn’t help but ask, already missing the feeling of his lips on mine. 
“Please,” Fern begged, meeting my lips once more without missing a beat. I let out a delightful hum, he tasted slightly sweet. It felt so intoxicating, I can only hope this means we’re official now. I pushed myself closer into his figure, and he wrapped his arms around me. I pulled away to take a breath, only for Fern to chase my lips.
I let out a soft chuckle, putting my hand against his chest, “I need to breathe.”
“Do you?” Fern replied stubbornly, eyes filled with such a strong want I felt myself melting against him. 
“Kinda,” I muttered with a sly grin. I decided to snuggle up against him, laying my head in the crook of his neck, “...does this mean we’re actually dating now?”
“Yeah…I think so.”
"We better be," I grumbled.
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zhouxiangs · 5 months
One last thing and then I'll never darken your doorway/ask box again, but I just need to get all this pent-up Way-related madness out of my system so I can put it all behind me and move on!
Inspired by your tags on the post compiling the mind control moments, I thought how this is a great example of confirmation bias and it's really fascinating how differently we interpret things depending on our predisposition to view someone/something a certain way: those ppl who view Way primarily as a manipulative, creepy, irredeemable antagonist (each to their own!) see him using his power on Babe in ep 9 when they're hugging as the sick cherry on top of a moulding cake - it's Babe's most vulnerable moment and Way can't help himself, he's at it yet again, the utter bastard.
Whereas in that same moment what I see - someone who views him primarily as a deeply fucked up, morally confused, painfully tragic disaster - is a man watching the person he loves most in the world (regardless of how we judge his feelings, that's certainly what Way believes) completely break down, sob in his arms, and feel utterly helpless in the face of that pain - unable to comfort him, to make it better, to make Babe stop hurting. He looks positively panicked. And that's partly because of his own lies and secrets and the general complications of their situation, but it's also because he's a trainwreck himself - he doesn't have the psychological toolkit necessary to provide Babe with the solace he needs. So he falls back on the only thing Tony's conditioned him to think he's good for - he feels powerless so he uses his power. It's all he has. It's all he can do. It's such a childlike reaction, it breaks my heart - often when a child encounters someone in distress, that's their exact reaction: stop crying! Don't be sad! They're bewildered, they're hurting now too, and they don't know what to do, they just know they don't like it, so they simply order you to feel better. It's coming from the same sort of place, it's just that Way happens to have the ability to make that order a reality! And maybe I'm grasping at straws, but I think it's important that all he actually uses his power to say is, effectively, 'dont cry, you'll always have me', which, as you pointed out, is a perfectly normal sentiment to express to an upset friend! And even then you can see his hesitancy in doing it. If he really was a terrible horrible no-good very bad boy, this would be the moment to take advantage of Babe, physically or emotionally. But he doesn't. Okay, so the bar is super low, but I don't care - I'm still claiming it as a win for Way's potential redemption!
and because it took me so long to reply to the others i actually got a third ask ijbol 
ANON DON’T LEAVE ME, my ask box is open for whenever you need to get all your pent-up way-related or pit babe in general madness out of your system, so feel free.
disclaimer i should have made earlier maybe: i didn’t know nut before pit babe, so i wasn’t influenced by him playing way in any way. don’t let my username fool you; i am a hot wheel omegaverse fan first and foremost and a nut supanut fan second.
i have to say i felt so proud as more eps came out and they kept making more and more obvious what was happening with way… because i clocked it in that first scene at the pool table, on second watch iirc. it took so much effort not to point it out to my friend when i watched the ep with her later that i had to shut up so i wouldn’t say anything lol i love when they do things like that hhh
i’m pretty sure that’s the moment i started paying more attention to way too, because he uses his powers on babe
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to tell him something completely normal that anyone would just tell to their friends directly. and, to me, there’s only two ways to read his motives there: either he thinks he needs to use his powers to get through babe’s thick skull because he would not believe it otherwise, or he doesn’t believe in himself enough to think babe, his best friend, would actually listen to him and believe him. (arguably you could say he wants to make sure babe goes to him and no one else, which i don’t think is the case, but i will say it here just to be perfectly clear.) whichever his reasoning actually was it made my sad man alarm go off full blast. i didn’t have an opinion on him yet at that point, only found his reactions to the charlie situation funny, so that was my honest reaction without having any kind of preconceived notion or expectation from the character.
and then, as the story kept progressing, he kept using his powers for similar reasons.
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yes he still mind-controlled babe in fucked up ways into believing he wasn’t worthy of love, but now, because he doesn’t already believe that anymore, the idea wouldn’t take. it would hurt babe’s feelings hearing his best friend say that, but it was honestly something he had believed at some point, and again way was trying to protect babe in the most misguided way possible.
and then of course there’s the scene in ep 7 after babe learns about charlie being another of tony’s children and i don’t know if you’ve watched it again after way’s reveal, but you can see his thoughts and feelings so clearly in his face. he’s feeling helpless in so many ways and he wants his friend to stop hurting so he knows the only think he knows that works and it’s so fucked up, because it doesn’t really do anything. he only gets babe to stop crying, which doesn’t make him stop hurting, only makes way stop seeing it, and i don’t think he puts that much thought into it, as you said it’s very clearly a childlike reaction, but it is so telling of way as a character and of his state of mind. not least of all because we’ve seen him comfort babe a lot more with things that are nothing compared to this, but here he doesn’t know what to say or do. so yeah, no notes.
you and me anon, you and me. i do think we’re getting a redemption arc, specially with pete’s whole thing toward way, but i’m cautiously not counting my eggs just yet. 
breaks my heart when people don’t stop to wonder why someone that from what we know has the sole mission of bringing babe back home to tony couldn’t have used his powers to either do just that back then or mind-controlling babe into thinking he was in love with him, and instead has spent the last 10 years next to him every day as his best friend. love by itself is neither good or bad, it simply is. 
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I intended to write a reply way sooner. Anywho here it is! YouTube complication videos bout BG3 are so useful for fanfics and more! I bet you’ve seen the ones about Astarion’s assist voice lines (Shadowheart has her own video too).
They deserve just playful banter & casual flirting. The entire group seems pretty shippable with each other because of the similarities & differences they all have. That’s such an interesting & angsty idea, SH just escaping a life of shadows then Astarion being doomed to one. 
Ascended!Astarion & DarkJusticiar!Shadowheart being together just contractually for power & playing a game together but accidentally falling for each other would be so interesting. Neither of them want to lose the game. 
Both of them were used to causal flirting at meant nothing since they start from the time they met.  It had been one comforting inconsequential constant & just for fun + didn’t mean anything but this. This was terrible. It’d muck up the simplicity. It’d be ridiculous. Why now? What’s so great about that person anyway? I don’t relate to them! Me in love with that diva? What?! That’s preposterous. Just a rival-ally I happen to be contractually marr- ahem…with. Why would you suggest that? Away with you.
(^Them Tsundereing. Impromptu dialogue. You just inspired me I suppose! They’d both amp up the pressure and flirting (probs the possessiveness and jealousy too) but would still try to make it look effortless and like they don’t give a damn any more than the usual act)
Exactly, it could happen or could work.
I have so many thoughts about them. They’re both my favourite characters & I just ship em too after I thought about them.
I read some of your writing and it is phenomenal. Hopefully you have had fun. You seem on a roll since you wrote so much. As a fellow writer, I applaud you and congratulate you. 
I’ll dub myself Bloodmoon anon I guess? 
What’d you like to be called? 
-Bloodmoon/ 🩸🌕 anon 
Hello, Bloodmoon anon! Missed you, darling. I've spent a long while thinking about this, went back and studied YouTube videos, took notes and boy do I have a wall of text for you lol.
Yes, I have seen those assist lines and I'm a tad sad we don't have many snarky or genuine "kiss you better" like lines from Shadowheart. She's the cleric, come on 😭.
All the companions deserve playful banter and casual flirting! Personally, I think the two most shippable are Wyll and Karlach.
But Astarion and Shadowheart fostering a relationship only for her to have to choose between living in darkness again or living with Astarion would be very angsty. I feel like that idea is better written post game though. Maybe they had inkling of feelings throughout but for one reason or another failed to pursue. There IS a line you can get with Shadowheart where you can ask her "We started a romance earlier but didn't follow up" and she basically says "yeah, maybe in another life" like way to tell me to reload my playthrough Shadow-waifu... That aside, this could be the way you pave into a SHxAst relationship post game.
So an Ascended and Dark Justiciar relationship... A little bit trickier to see with the Sharran Shadowheart ending I saw but we can bend things around, for sure! Part of the fun of fanfic is bending canon, after all. SPOILERS FOR THE EPILOGUE FOR SHARRAN!SHADOWHEART AND ASCENDED!ASTARION FOR ANYONE WHO HASN'T SEEN IT YET BEYOND THIS POINT
Shadowheart canonically becomes mother superior of the Baldur's Gate cloister, and if asked will tell you she actually sympathizes with Viconia now. And though she'll practically clamber onto the dining table and preach "Lady of Loss, now only $19.99 plus shipping and handling, call now and get two Lady of Losses for the price of one" at the start of the dialogue, clearly wants Shar to give her a way out. She's feeling overwhelmed. If you tell her you're living a quiet life, she'll admit to being a little jealous of you because "a little calm and solitude would be a tonic". When you ask her how's life being mother superior she will go off on a rant about how exhausting it is and that she misses the comparative simplicity of "your little group against the odds". And if you romanced her and she left you, you can hit her with the "You're not the same woman I fell for" and she basically gives you a tough girl "nor are you the same person who fell for me..." before segwaying into "👉👈 but I'm sure there's still plenty for you to like and indulge in for tonight 😏".
Astarion, if you break up with him, will admit that he has missed you and there's something lonely about all the power he has. And I have no doubt if the opportunity were presented to rekindle something, that he'd happily take you back. He'd be a total asshole about it, that I'm almost sure, but he'd still welcome you back. He seems reasonably calm and not like the fanfics have written him to be. But I do get a mild sense that he is still obsessed even if just a teensy bit.
All that said, you can certainly swing their stories toward "two lonely souls seeking carnal/physical solace in each other but end up way more entangled than either of them wanted/expected". And once they do realize they're catching feelings, then the toxic tsundere power plays start rolling in. Then they're just trying to out yandere each other and that could be scary, hot and hilarious all at once.
Aww, thank you! It means the world to me that people enjoy my work! Without that, I'd have no reason to post. Much less pressure to write privately for myself, but knowing there are people like you out there that my writing can make happy or boost your mood is what I really write for.
What would I like to be called? Not sure! You and anyone else can call me what you'd like, within reason of course. Could call me by my ao3 username, could call me an abbreviated name of this blog... Doesn't matter, as long as it's not malicious or bullying.
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c-kiddo · 2 years
My jaw is on the floor about that reply to your post… even aside from the misogyny, the racism… like there’s a lot to be said about how Yasha’s tribe is depicted in canon and I’m not the person to talk about that but “forced to be savage” just has such anti indigenous undertones… like. Gd. What the fuck. Why would you say that. Also the new design sucks.
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[Image ID: An ask from seinnamain, reading: "Feel free to delete this obviously, but the reblog from the aphobe on that domesticated Yasha post makes me so 😬... The tribe forced her to be a "savage"??? That wording is kinda yikes." End ID.]
posting these together since theyre both about the same thing - but , yea. to be honest i was so much focusing on the design aspect that that aspect of their bad take didnt really register in my brain.. but. yea. yous totally have a point. also yea, think its worth talking about the way yasha's tribe is spoken about.. mostly it seems like, unchecked bigotry toward indigenous people and other POC that's been baked into dnd since the beginning.. and like, its not outright, but they should've examined that and thought about the connotations of a "violent tribe".. also, sidenote - i know picts and celtic people stuff where also demonised, but couldve called her tribe a violent brutal clan or something instead, at least it doesn't have a racist, colonialist past behind the idea of a violent tribe. also in yasha's earlier designs she was more celtic inspired rather than based on viking people and scandinavian, so it couldve worked. thats just my idea though. . interested in hearing others for sure :-o
but yea, that person , bad vibes all around. i looked at their blog and there was plenty of shit takes so . lol
edit: i forgot to say, but important to note that in the comic, th majority of leaders in yasha’s tribe appear to be white. it would be worse if they were POC and if they were i would be saying it was racist. because they’re not is why i’m saying it has bad connotations that they should’ve thought about
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skarloeyspa · 2 years
The Two Good Fairies (Wait, Two?)
Just a bit (a lot) of re-imagining of the finer details of Duke's rescue and the episode Sleeping Beauty. I haven't exactly posted my writing publicly before so don't expect stellar content lol. I also took some liberties between the tv series and RWS canon, but most of the inspiration is from the tv series. Also crediting @/ryan1014n2 for the aluminum works HC for Stuart and Falcon!
“...and that’s why they call you a hotbox!”
“Hotbox?! At least I’m not the one with steamroller wheels!”
Rheneas watched the two new engines bicker with amusement as he waited for his own departure, passengers still slowly filing into the coaches attached to his back buffers. The two new engines, Sir Handel and Peter Sam were double-heading a heavy freight train, passing by the station slowly.
“Steamroller! Wait until Duke hears about this one!”
Sir Handel proclaimed, and the bickering had all but stopped. Rheneas couldn’t see the expression on either engine, they had already passed the station by then, and were speeding along the line once more. 
A familiar whistle sounded across the platform, Rheneas whistled back as Skarloey pulled into the station.
“Rheneas! How does it feel to be back on the line?”
“Just wonderful, is that even a question? I was so glad to finally get overhauled, but I’m even more grateful to be back.”
The two old engines shared a laugh, before settling into the buzz of the busy station. Tidbits of the earlier conversation between the two new engines resurfaced in Rheneas’ mind.
“Say, Skarloey. You know that Duke person that Sir Handel and Peter Sam bring up? Who are they?”
The red engine froze, before returning Rheneas’ gaze, a hint of bitterness in his eyes.
“Duke is…an engine. He was on the old railway that Sir Handel and Peter Sam used to run. It closed after some time and…they couldn’t find Duke a new home.”
Rheneas felt dread pool at the bottom of his boiler.
“Was he…”
“Oh, no, they didn’t scrap him. They just…sheeted him. But who knows what happened to the poor old engine?”
Rheneas opened his mouth to reply, but the sound of guard’s whistle kept the words on his tongue. Pursing his lips, Rheneas simply whistled back as he pulled out of the station, left to ponder about this mysterious engine’s fate.
Several years had passed since their conversation, and Rheneas would have forgotten, if he didn’t hear passing mentions of Duke whenever the two new engines were around. 
No, calling them new would imply they were strangers, Peter Sam and Sir Handel had far outgrown that title.
Sometimes, when the rain was heavy and the trees rustled against the brick of their sheds, the two engines would recount tales on their old railway. It was from these stories that Rheneas and Skarloey would learn more about the mysterious engine named Duke. 
Duke, or as Sir Handel and Peter Sam liked to call him, Granpuff, was the old faithful of their old railway the Mid-Sodor. When they were still called Stuart and Falcon, Duke was the one to keep them in check and out of trouble. They talked of the time that Duke gallantly pulled Sir Handel back up the mountain, or the time Duke humbled Peter Sam by roaring loudly on the mountain as though he were the one with a packed passenger train and an engine pulling on his coupling. The two told of many stories, some more savoury than the others, but not once had they spoken Duke’s name without love.
And, as Rheneas would later recognize in their voice, grief.
One day, after returning to the sheds for the night, with Skarloey being the only other engine present, Sir Topham Hatt approached Rheneas and Skarloey along with a group of men holding rolls of paper and small suitcases.
“Starting from tomorrow,” announced Sir Topham Hatt, “I’d like the two of you to assist in a special job,” and he quietly explained to the two old engines the visitors’ proposal.
“They want to find Duke!” Skarloey exclaimed as the men left with the Fat Controller, “Goodness! Wait until Sir Handel and Peter Sam hear about this, they’ll be ecstatic!”
But Rheneas shushed his brother, “Best keep it a secret until we actually do find him,” he replied, “It would be such a letdown for them if we build up all this hope only to end up finding nothing.”
And so, the two engines and their crew agreed to keep this operation a secret. In the following days, either Rheneas or Skarloey would take the visitors and some workmen into the faraway mountains, going through old tunnels and over high bridges, trying to find the old shed that still housed the lost Duke. Every day, they would go deeper and deeper into the hills, and with each day their hope dwindled, but the search carried on, the crew refusing to give up. 
Skarloey waited on the old rails, watching as the search crew climbed further and further into the old station, looking like ants as they scrambled over the overgrown ruins. Bored, Skarloey observed the mountains around him. 
From the moss-covered tracks to the rusted barrels and rotting wooden crates that strewn about the grounds paved with gravel, Skarloey’s gaze trailed to the empty decaying shed, the first thing they had found upon arriving. Pieces of the roof had broken off and fallen onto the ground, the glass on the windows cracked and filled with holes, and vegetation ate away at the bricks and wood that still struggled to keep the shed intact.
Skarloey’s observations were interrupted by the sound of a distant crash. Returning his attention to the search crew, they were rushing towards the top of a particularly shallow cliff. Skarloey squinted his eyes. Was that…smoke? 
The men crowded around the clouds of dust, and Skarloey was too far away to hear their conversations, but soon cheers and laughter erupted from the crew. 
“We found him! We found our sleeping beauty!”
Skarloey and Rheneas waited patiently as the crew secured the old engine to the flatbed, chains pulling over the engine’s dusty, worn brown paint. Some of the men discussed among themselves what to do with the decade-old coal that still remained in the old engine’s little tender, but neither Skarloey nor Rheneas caught the end of that conversation as their crew prepared for departure.
Rolling along the old track, Skarloey was coupled up to the flatbed, curiously observing the old engine they had just rescued. Duke’s eyes were wide and filled with glee as he watched the mountains pass. Soon, the old engine’s gaze landed on Skarloey.
“Oh? Hello there, I don’t believe we’ve met before,” Duke inquired of Skarloey. 
“No, we haven’t. But I’ve heard a lot about you,” Skarloey replied, and the two began chatting, with Rheneas soon joining in from behind. They talked of the stories that Peter sam and Sir Handel would tell, now hearing Duke’s perspective as well, chuckling over how the two had been such cheeky engines in their youth.
“Really now? Seems like Peter Sam hasn’t changed a bit!” Rheneas retorted, and the three laughed once again, though a sadness settled in Duke’s tired eyes.
“Peter Sam, is it? Everything does change, I suppose.” The old engine murmured solemnly.
“Perhaps, but I’d say the joy I hear in their voices when they told your stories was all genuine, and so was the sadness they'd tried to hide,” Skarloey said in return.
Duke contemplated Skarloey’s words in silence as they passed over the viaduct. With his gaze trained on the ravine below, Duke smiled tenderly.
Sir Handel bit back a retort, imagining all the ways he would one-up Peter Sam once given the chance. As he waited for his coaches to be uncoupled, Skarloey rolled into the station, strangely muddy for a day at the quarry and barely contained excitement.
“Hello Skarloey, what’s got you all excited?” quizzed Sir Handel.
“Oh, has the Fat Controller not told you yet? There’s a surprise waiting for you and Peter Sam at the sheds!”
“Surprise? How nice of him! What is it?” Peter Sam replied.
“Well, I’m not one to spoil surprises, but there’s someone you’ve been longing to see, just as he’d been longing to see you again.”
“You mean…Duke?”
Skarloey’s grin widened. Next to him, Peter Sam bounced about on his tracks, shaking with joy, but Sir Handel remained frozen on his spot, disbelief still rampant in his mind. Distantly, he could hear his driver’s comments about his fire going on and off, unstable and incapable of producing good steam. Skarloey spoke again, but his words faded into a buzz, settling into the background with the rest of the bustling passengers at the station.
Glimpses of the mountain cliffs flashed through his mind, the pull of gravity on his buffers and the drafts of wind from the bottom of the mountain, the sheer cry of the eagle that pierced through the screeching and humming of his Granpuff’s wheels as he pulled and pulled against the tracks. Then, the comfort of the ground, of being pushed back to the station, standing safely next to his Granpuff as he shushed him to sleep later that night with a rare softness to his gruff voice.
Then there was the bitterness, the painful panging in his boiler when their old railway closed. The gut-wrenching fear, clawing and clambering at him as he was driven away from his Granpuff, who stood faithfully to the very end at his shed at the foot of the mountain. 
Short flashes of those brief years at Peel Godred, the coldness of the factories where he found his only comfort next to his brother, wishing and hoping everyday that maybe, just maybe, someone would be nice enough to bring their Granpuff back. 
Drip. Drip.
Wishing, praying, oh he’d have done just about anything to have his Granpuff back, if only just for one day-
Sir Handel was snapped out of his thoughts, Peter Sam had stopped just before his buffers, with Skarloey looking on from the side with concern. 
Tears welling in the corners of Sir Handel’s eyes splashed onto his footplate, only then did he notice how blurry his vision had gone, muddled by emotion. Blinking rapidly, Falcon cleared his eyes and took a good look at his brother before him, just to make sure he didn’t mishear.
It was like they were back at the aluminum works, where Stuart would feign bravery and act strong for both of them, keeping a smile on his face as he pushed on. But Falcon always saw the fear in his brother’s gaze, the trembling young engine who just wanted to be comforted too, but had put on a brave face because one of them had to. 
Now, wearing the same expression that Stuart had on when he tried to calm Falcon down the same way their Granpuff used to, there was still a fear that had long since lodged itself within him, but there was also something new. Like their very first night at Peel Godred, Peter Sam had hope, and maybe just a little bit of his own tears.
“Come on, Falcon, looks like we have to keep Granpuff in check.”
For one last time, Sir Handel dared himself to spare a glance at Skarloey. The old engine, now joined by Rheneas, smiled at him assuredly. Squeezing out all his remaining tears, Sir Handel beamed at Peter Sam.
“Yeah, gotta keep Granpuff in order, Stuart.”
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fandomlessfinder · 4 months
hi!! i'm a 26 year old gmt-based writer looking for an enthusiastic writing partner who would like to write a long-term 1x1 verse inspired by netflix's new romance show ( and the book it's based on ) 𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙙𝙖𝙮. we'd be writing ocs and would diverge from some of the canon events ( especially what ends up happening towards the end ! ) but the main thing we would take from the plot be that we'd write our muses lives together over the span of several years.
i'm happy to write it as m/f or f/f and, if it's the former, i don't mind whether i write the male or female muse.
i'd like us to become really good friends and gush about our muses together over d*scord.
i'm looking to write either on a private dscord server or using private tmblr sideblogs.
i work full time and struggle with adhd-related fatigue so i would really require my writing partner to understand waiting sometimes multiple days for replies to para threads and only really expect rapid fire if we're doing short stuff or texting threads.
what to expect: lots of enthusiastic plotting and headcanoning, pinterest boards, playlists, manips / edits, worldbuilding, the verse getting more and more detailed as time goes on with side characters / side plots etc.
if you're interested, please give this post a like & i'll follow / IM you. must be around 21+ just out of personal preference. ❤️
( sorry, this is my second time sending this, admittedly i hadnt seen the rules, please feel free to delete the earlier one! )
Op hmu in dms Im interested lol
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drawnaghht · 10 months
a reply to @freakova's tags on this post
#this would be a really nice ending honestly#cause YEAH why happened to his parents what gives they’re Usagi’s too#and the fact that auntie adopts the kids it shows how family can be found#+Yuichi know got lil sisters#He’s all about family (miyamoto and auntie) they could have explored it even further
same! would like to know more!!!
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we never really touched on Usagi's backstory besides that his parents entrusted auntie with taking care of him, so I often wonder, if the show had been given a longer episode run, like maybe 30, 40, maybe even 26 instead of 20 - could we have seen more character backstories in general? Cuz there's also Kitsune, who's backstory we don't know at all, and then Gen and Toshiko, who we see explain their story a bit in bits and pieces through-out the 2 seasons. The fact that Usagi immediately goes back to his auntie, because he knows Hana would be safe from the ninja there, says a lot about how much he trusts his auntie. like the show makes it feel like he might actually be the most fleshed-out of all the characters, but his story is hidden almost as much as Kitsune's. I sorta get the reasoning there - their personalities already serve to tell their story a lot, Usagi is a big fan of his own ancestor and idolizes him, while Kitsune is a street-thief and grifter before we see Usagi bump into her puppet-cart and ruin her evening plans. The audience can get a lot of info out of just context-clues, but Kitsune and Usagi are also characters who are most easy to read at first, so we don't get their backstories really explored or opened the same way as Chizu or Gen, because, I can only guess, those stories don't seem to directly tie into the two larger arcs shown during the 10+10 episodes. But lol, would still like to know more, where are the activity books and character pages? a little side novel maybe? why did the age of flash games with extra info have to end before this show aired lol, if only Netflix spent money on that sort of stuff too, maybe we'd have more info besides just the shows on their own 😂😂😅
More theories and rambling below :D
My theory about Usagi's parents is that they died in one of the wars mentioned by some of the older characters in the show :) Cliche, I know! but it seems to sorta make sense. Could have been many other reasons too of course! Maybe they went to the city to find or do something related to the family business or history, but found their end somehow. One of my other theories is that there were gang wars in Neo Edo, around 10-14 years before the series starts. Maybe they found their end there? We don't even know how old his parents would have been, but judging by auntie's look and how she speaks and acts, maybe she's like, around 60-ish? she has raised her nephew for 15 years, meaning since she was around 45, so maybe her sister/brother would have been around 35-40 something when they died. I personally headcanon that it's his mom, who is the Miyamoto family member here, so maybe his dad really was a farmer by birth and thus, the family did not have a name anymore (they've always preferred staying in hiding after Miyamoto died) and that's why they gave him the name Yuichi Usagi with meaning... related to that earlier Senso-connected theory I had ^^;
The "big" wars, mentioned by Lady Fuwa and Armiral Nochi, being recent makes sense tho. bc even though a 1000 years have gone past and Edo (our real-world Tokyo) in this world has been able to embrace some more advanced tech (courtesy of the Ki-stone), perhaps even alien tech, depending on how you view what happened with Miyamoto Usagi in the show's past, some of the culture and tech has sort of stayed in the Edo period. This is mainly because the show creators and staff wanted to keep both Edo sensibilities as well as modern tech and create an interesting fusion on an artistic and story level. One of the older interviews from last year mentions that the crew was inspired by Stan's 2015 story Senso - that what if Edo got to take all that alien tech and use it for themselves? From one of Stan's answers in this 2022 Popverse interview:
"They took one of my stories – Senso, a miniseries I did where Martians invade feudal Japan – and wondered what if they took some of the technology they got from those Martians, how would it affect their society generations down the line?
That was the premise, with the story taking place in a city called Neo-Edo; with Edo being the old name for Tokyo, the capital of Japan. It also takes a lot from Japanese culture, such as vending machines, pachinko parlors, karaoke bars, and things like that. It integrated everything, the old and the new, and I’m quite happy about that."
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So the wars would make sense to be more recent because to me, it seems that maybe with this tech, from a story-world level, they should be further along the line than having just flying cars and airships, right? But wars are one of those things that always and if Edo didn't have those outside influences that we had, maybe they wouldn't have some things, i.e. we don't see phones or trains on the show vs the phone boom we had in the 1980s in the real world and the hi-speed train rails japan is known for now. So they probably would have also missed out on the 60s Space Race between the US and the Soviet Union, which popularized the 1960s "space age aesthetic" for example, which is what we might think of when trying to remember 60s tech and fashion. So the show creates its own retrofuturism in trying to consider all these different elements.
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(images from Flickr, Lehza Vintage)
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(from The Rake, The Olympians)
I wonder if they even considered some cultural things that stuck and became popular before and after the US occupation, such as baseball Harley Davidsons and jazz - what would those be like in the world they created around the city of Neo Edo?
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(from AnotherDesignBlog, Eiko Hanamura on League of Extraordinary Cosplayers, Sally the Witch on Wikipedia, 60s Vintage MENKO on eBay)
We see some semblances of what we could call western influences in how Gen installs new kitchenware in episode 5, how Kitsune looks like she could be a 1970s Harajuku girl, how Admiral Nochi and the Bat Squadron dress etc. It's an interesting balance throughout the show and thinking about it more just makes me more curious about it haha.
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Maybe what happened with the Makkine a 1000 years ago is that a few sentries arrived with Kagehito's ship. Because of the surprise Kagehito expresses about the makkine warbotto self-replicating in the present (the s2 warbotto ep), we can surmise that they didn't back then, so they didn't replicate. Did they leave any ships? In the first season, Kagehito's ship is underground and covered by hundreds of years of rubble and rock. The Mogura Gang helping him then, actually find gold before they find his ship. So if any ships did come through with him those 1000 years ago, it seems that they did not "park" into the same place, or, likely that whatever happened, they were used up by locals.
The show is also quite fast-paced in reality, as we can see from how each episode jumps from POV to POV, or topic to topic and we get a lot of info in a short time, so to me it seems that the story crew REALLY crunched every bit of important info, story or jokes into the episodes, but just, didn't have more time to show or do anything about Usagi's parents.
lol what I'm doing to avoid more brainworms like this is to.... I guess continue writing my fanfic where I try to solve this (the main storyline from the comic i posted haha), but I also realized while writing this... I am waiting to see if I can get one of the new books coming out this or next year that bridges the stories/worlds between Yokai Hunter and Space Usagi, to see if there might be some new connections to be from there about Space Usagi in general, but maybe there could be something there nodding back to SR as well? maybe the new character is inspired by that or somehow bridges those things? lol a fan can hope ;D
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yeonchi · 2 years
2022 In Review
The first year of the post-pandemic era has gone fairly well, to say the least. I had lofty plans for this year, like the big instalments I have lined up for Kisekae Insights, Doctor Who 10 for 10 or getting back into the Koei Tecmo fandom with a new review series, but those things have had to be pushed back because for most of this year, I was working on my version of Kamen Rider Zi-O for my personal project, which was meant to have aired late last year. I initially thought I could have everything done in 4 months, but I ended up taking basically the whole year to do it.
One thing that I learnt after going through six lockdowns and my first year of full-time work is that I can only focus on one project at a time and I shouldn’t be obligated to run to my own schedule, so I decided to break the script and just release stuff whenever I felt like it, though I like to have a bit of a loose guideline to help build a sort of schedule. Anyway, despite being unable to complete most of what I wanted to do this year, I managed to achieve some other things as well.
I’m releasing this year’s review a little earlier because I want to get it over and done with, so let’s jump right into it.
Sea Princesses
So last year, I decided to embrace the Sea Princesses renaissance and even got involved with a few people in it as well. After covering Liamasterink’s Sea Princesses Iceberg videos and giving my own takes on them, I was asked by him to do a review of his fanarts. In that review, I decided to fully call him out for posting horny on main, which I held back on in Iceberg Part 2. Since then, a couple other people, namely VotrexGames (his video’s been deleted now) and VistaMacaw have called him out on similar subjects as well. To his credit, Liam has taken the criticisms well and over the past few months, he has been doing considerably less contentious content, which was mostly requested by a fan on his channel. On that note, I want to specifically point out that I never said that he shouldn’t be hornyposting at all, but that I wanted him to be mindful of what he posts considering the platforms he is on and the demographics of his audience; if he insists on hornyposting, then there are certainly other platforms out there that are rather accommodating of such contents.
After briefly joining MJZD Gaming’s Discord server for Sea Princesses and leaving after feeling like I was being a nuisance, I decided to come back for real, but surprisingly, the server’s dead most of the time. My correspondence with Liam, however, did move from Tumblr to Discord, which was a good thing since Tumblr’s asks don’t keep receipts if you reply privately and the chat system is a bit janky. Later on, I also joined a couple other Sea Princesses-related servers by invitation, but I don’t really do anything because they’re practically dead most of the time. I really should do something lol.
I spent a couple of months working on a Sea Princesses music video and the kid who inspired me to do it reposted the video, didn’t give me credit and deleted one of my fan’s comments when they called him out on it. I don’t have any other plans for videos like this relating to Sea Princesses, but in the future, I’m looking to post some other music videos and memes I’ve made over the years, possibly in relation to Kisekae Insights instalments.
Later on, I took a month’s break from writing Zi-O (after finishing the main series and just before writing the epilogue specials) to work on the v2 book transcripts and translations along with refreshed versions of the book and cartoon reviews as part of the Sea Princesses Refresh. I didn’t mention this when I made the post about it, but there were some things that I did manage to miss in translation. They have been fixed now, but I hope I won’t have to revisit any mistakes again because I’ve been a bit of a perfectionist and having to revisit things is admittedly taking time away from me doing other things.
September 2022 also marked the 15th anniversary of Sea Princesses premiering in Australia, which I celebrated with a special instalment of Kisekae Insights. On a similar note, I also noticed that 2024 will mark the 20th anniversary of the book that started it all. I brought this up with Fabio Yabu and he said that he would talk to his publisher about an anniversary edition or something. Since I also want to take advantage of this occasion regardless of whether Yabu will be publishing anything substantial, I would like to announce that just as Russell T Davies is writing three Doctor Who specials featuring David Tennant and Catherine Tate for the 60th anniversary, I will be writing a one-off continuation fanfic for Sea Princesses, currently titled The Conquerors of the Lost and Forgotten.
Here’s what I can tell you now. The story will be compatible with both the book and animated series continuities as the canon that this story is set in is one where both continuities are intertwined. There’s going to be quite a bit of meta-humour and I’m probably going to throw a few memes (mostly from mainland China) in there as well. The story doesn’t take place in the universe of my personal project, but some elements from it will be in there as it will be a condensed interpretation of the Sea Princesses storylines but without all the Kamen Rider stuff. In addition to this being a love letter to the series, it’s also going to be a love letter to the renaissance, so I’m unashamedly going to include shoutouts in the form of characters named after people who have contributed to it, along with Liamasterink’s original characters and storylines (because I only have like 1 or 2 OCs lol). I’m going to spend the next year writing it, then figure out how to release it when we get to 2024.
Doctor Who
After the disappointment that was Flux and Eve of the Daleks from towards the end of last year, the Thirteenth Doctor Reviews concluded with Legend of the Sea Devils and The Power of the Doctor, which honestly turned out better than I expected because my scores for those specials slightly redeemed the total score for Series 13. Although I said that I would continue doing reviews of new episodes with the RTD2 era and Ncuti Gatwa, I felt like I was rushing into it when it was announced that the new episodes would be exclusive to Disney+ outside of the UK and Ireland, meaning that the ABC no longer has the rights to them so I can’t watch them on ABC iView right after it’s aired in the UK. I know I’ll find a way around this, it’s just that the news did a number on my interest to do those reviews.
Last year, I promised that I would do Doctor Who 10 for 10 as a weekly series, but by June this year, I realised that I probably wouldn’t have time for it because I was so focused on Kamen Rider Zi-O. I did the heading for the first post in September last year, then worked on it occasionally in February and March. Barring minor changes, I only have 2 out of 10 points left to finish for the Series 1 post and given all the discourse regarding Noel Clarke and John Barrowman, I’m probably going to have quite a bit to say about it. Doctor Who 10 for 10 will be the first thing I’m going to work on in 2023 and each part will be released when they are done; it won’t be a weekly series.
Kisekae Insights
Like I said, I was too busy working on Zi-O to cover what I wanted to cover in Kisekae Insights, starting off with the My Little Pony instalments. I began working on some material that would be required for those instalments, but by the time I originally planned to do them, I thought that it would be better to work on some smaller topics, plus I haven’t really had time to finish what I needed for the MLP instalments. As such, the third run of Kisekae Insights was a short one, but the fourth run will begin sometime in 2023.
Koei Warriors things
After announcing my intentions to come back to the Koei Tecmo fanbase with my own lineup of content, including reviews of Koei Warriors games, I only got to do one or two things before I had to focus on writing Zi-O. At the same time, thanks to me building a gaming PC last year, I got to play basically all the Koei Warriors games I could play, whether it was their PC games, the Samurai Warriors games on my PS3 emulator, or going back to the classic Dynasty Warriors games on my PS2 emulator. Unfortunately, Dynasty Warriors Godseekers crashed while trying to play the first mission and I don’t think the Vita emulator’s polished enough yet because I can’t play the aforementioned game and Dynasty Warriors Next without significant glitches, which means that I am unable to review those games, however I might give my thoughts when I get to it.
As I gradually played through those games, my love for Koei Warriors games started to be rekindled despite my thoughts on them in the past - in fact, it’s mostly because of those thoughts (which I’ll elaborate when I get to them) that I play the Japanese/Asian versions of the games where possible (also because some games were never released to the West so the Japanese versions are the only way I can play them). However, when it comes to the Dynasty Warriors Empires games, I might have to play the English versions because of the nature of those games (and besides, the only version of 7 Empires I could easily get was the English version). Samurai Warriors Empires games will be reviewed with the Japanese version because the PS3 port of 2 Empires and 3 Empires were only released in Japan and also because I played 4 and 4-II in Japanese and I wanted to import my edit characters into 4 Empires. Right now, I’m beginning to have an interest in reviewing Dynasty Warriors 9 and Samurai Warriors 5, games that I originally never planned to cover given my thoughts on the post-modern era of Koei Tecmo (post-2016).
The Dynasty Warriors Weapon Moveset Power Rankings are still on and they will come before the game reviews, which will form a new Koei Warriors Rant Series from different perspectives to the original. This series will only cover the weapon systems in Dynasty Warriors 7 and 8; if I wanted to do those in 9 it would have to be a separate series after my review of that game. The redo of Warriors Orochi: The Recollective is still in the pipeline.
Responding to a couple of people
This year I made a couple of posts that got attention from a couple of people. The first post was about the ethics of reposting fanart which I made back in March. Five months later in August, an artist named Mazeru reblogged it to her sideblog and it was basically this:
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I could have looked over her insults towards me and my fanbase and calmly made a rebuttal to that post, but she really hasn’t attempted to make any decent and coherent points that I couldn’t easily counter with anything from the post, plus I didn’t want to waste my time with someone who clearly won’t see reason. Right now, artists are banding against the rise of AI art and even I think that’s a better cause to support compared to people reposting art.
I will address a few things from her post, though. Mazeru says that sites like Danbooru tag their artists and link back to the sources, plus they also take posts down if artists request it, however she conveniently neglects to mention that booru sites are (arguably) the biggest source of art reposts. On top of that, booru sites are like wikis for art, so anyone can tag posts and add sources. If the poster won’t add the source, chances are that someone else will do it.
“bUt RePOsTINg oThEr PeOPlE's arTWORkS iS AgAiNsT The TOs” Social media sites haven’t been consistently enforcing their ToS for years now, on top of the fact that DMCA and copyright systems are broken because they’re either inconsistent or easily exploited by bad actors, so why would you trust them to do anything? People like you are the reason why Elon Musk bought Twitter.
Also, you’re one to tell me “yOU dOn't HaVE a faNBASE”. I checked your social media accounts. You’ve been on social media (or at least Twitter) for about the same time as me and you don’t even have half the followers I have, reposts or no reposts. As iDubbbz once said to RiceGum, “You have nothing to be boastful about, you fucking moron.”
Despite me disagreeing with like 80% (or thereabouts) of the reblog, never let it be said that Mazeru didn’t have a point, even if it was marred in ad hominems and walls of text (a line break doesn’t make it a separate paragraph). I made that post because people like the OP of the Twitter thread I was responding to constantly talk down to people who likely won’t be convinced by what they are talking about and I want to bring a dose of reality to the former. It was because of Mazeru that I decided to include artist credits to every Waifu Network post since October this year. If people like a piece enough, they’ll stop at no length to find the source and maybe even follow the artist if they care about them enough, otherwise they’ll just scroll past whether it’s a repost or not.
I’ve already said that abandoning the majority of my fanbase by not reposting art is not an option for me, so stop trying to convince me otherwise. Because I believe in ethical art reposting, I will make sure that artists are credited and sources are included (provided that the original source isn’t deleted at the time of posting), I will respect artists’ wishes if they don’t want their art reposted and as an extra, I will refrain from reposting AI-generated art in an effort to support real artists. At the same time, I encourage anyone who sees my posts to support the artists however they can (using the source links or SauceNAO as a starting point), but I can’t force anyone to do so.
You called me an ignorant twat, Mazeru, and this compromise is how I’m responding to you. If you or any other artist don’t like it, then you can cope harder.
The second post was the expected copepost I made following the Victorian election in late-November, where the Labor Party received another victory thanks to people who don’t understand freedom. Someone called pixies-chasing-white-dandelions reblogged my post to respond to one sentence and then blocked me so I can’t see what they wrote unless I go incognito.
If they had a blog behind her Tumblr link then I might have been able to see the post, but they didn’t and clicking into the link takes me to the dashboard where the post doesn’t load (like with the-archlich, who I had a couple of conversations about English dubs in Koei Warriors games before he blocked me for some reason because I can’t see his posts on the dashboard but I can see his posts if I go into his blog).
This is what they wrote below. For a comment that seems pretty benign, you sure are a fucking pussy.
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On the day I made the post, I edited it a few times because I rushed it out and didn’t get all my thoughts in. The reblog was made just before I was about to make an edit that added “at least in the face of vaccines that weren’t as effective as people expected them to be”.
Look, I can get behind caring about our communities and banding together against bigots, but what I can’t get behind is people being forced to do it at the cost of our livelihoods or privileges. Getting vaccinated against the coronavirus has been marketed as something people should be doing for their communities when given what we would later learn, it should have been about themselves and possibly the people around them. The highlighted sentence was really me calling people who support vaccine mandates “entitled”. I was okay with the mask mandates. I was okay with the lockdowns even though I didn’t know the effect it would have on some individuals businesses. But when Daniel Andrews announced that the sixth lockdown would end soon and that our freedom depended on getting vaccinated, that was the last straw for me even though I supported people getting vaccinated (of their own volition no less). The fact that you thought this was about bigots shows that you missed the point of what I was talking about, though I can’t fault you that much for that because you reblogged the post before I made the clarification.
Unpopular opinion, but sometimes the people you call “bigots” might not be bigots and they might have had a point about some things all along. When you tell people that they have a responsibility to their community and then you threaten them with punishments or loss of privileges for not upholding that responsibility in a society that is supposed to be “free”, people are going to double down and think that other people are not entitled to their contribution to society.
In the end, only you are responsible for your own health, and if you decide you want to be responsible for the health of others by doing things like wearing masks, washing hands and staying home when you’re sick, that is a choice you can make on your own volition which extends from yourself. Basically, everyone else is collateral and they should not be expected to be responsible for your health.
Other current affairs
Unsurprisingly, the situation between Russia and Ukraine is still going on. Regardless of what you think about either country’s government, I think some empathy needs to go to the Ukranian people for what they are going through and as such, I would prefer to side with Ukraine’s plights even though I’m not one to virtue signal.
Sadly, despite all efforts and expectations, the Labor Party won the federal election and the Victorian state election, with freedom parties achieving little to no success, which only goes to show that Australians (and by extension the entire world) do not understand freedom. Together with Biden’s victory in 2019, Trudeau’s reelection in 2021 and Lula’s election in 2022, I feel that this world is experiencing a shift to the left, which is admittedly a problem in a world of people who do not understand freedom.
Around the time I did a follow-up post to How the world failed Chris-chan, Kiwi Farms was in the midst of a deplatforming campaign led by trans activist Keffals. Although the Kiwi Farms would weather the storm eventually (as they always do somehow), the campaign was largely successful compared to previous attacks (mostly involving DDoSing which is a crime) and as a result, I was unable to access the CWCki to do my research on Chris-chan as they shared the same servers as Kiwi Farms (though the CWCki would later move to different servers separate from them).
Conspiracies about the trans community having power over big tech and society aside, I kind of want to share my thoughts about people being “doxxed” by sites like Kiwi Farms which kind of runs into the topic of cancel culture. Personally, the way I see it is that having your personal details leaked isn’t as big of a concern compared to the ramifications of it, such as what people could potentially do with that information. Kiwi Farms runs on a platform that laughs and ridicules the antics of internet figures, which may or may not include highlighting or exposing the good and bad things that people do. Trolling plans are generally frowned upon and anyone dumb enough to brag about how they trolled someone is usually ridiculed because of an unspoken “look, but don’t touch” rule. Although Null may be the owner of the site, he is not responsible for what users do outside of the site, so he or the site as a whole shouldn’t really be blamed for anything, including causing suicides. That being said, let’s just say I’m glad I only discovered the Kiwi Farms after 2017.
If people who have threads on Kiwi Farms don’t do lolcow-ish things for a certain period of time, their thread may likely get buried and people will probably stop talking about them. If people keep bringing attention to the existence of their thread by constantly talking about it in an effort to get it taken down, then Kiwi Farms will just laugh at it. The site does not participate in systematic censorship like big tech sites have been doing nowadays, but they remove content that is unlawful in the US or under court order. DMCAs are usually laughed at because they are incomplete or they don’t actually break laws.
“When you tear out a man’s tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you’re only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” While people may want gossip about them taken down because they are complete lies, I feel that the main reason why people go on these “deplatforming campaigns” is because they have something to hide or because the gossip was actually the truth all along. Although I can’t speak for everyone, if you’re not a content creator with a large following and you get exposed on Kiwi Farms, my advice would be to stay humble and improve yourself, because the minute you react to these people, they’ll take the first opportunity to laugh at you and keep digging for hidden bones. Like I said, it’s not about being exposed on the internet, it’s about what you do after being exposed.
Moving on now. Elon Musk brought Twitter in an effort to bring free speech back to it. Aside from people on the left being butthurt over a private company doing whatever they want and enforcing rules on themselves that they continuously dodged while people on the right were being censored and deplatformed (thanks to government collusion), people became afraid that Elon Musk would destroy Twitter, to which I say, “Call me back when he actually does something on the scale of Tumblr’s NSFW ban”. However, I don’t know if Elon is serious about anything he does because he created a poll asking users if he should resign and a majority voted “Yes”. Then again, I’m not a CEO who pumps-and-dumps or thinks Taiwan should be a Chinese SAR like Hong Kong or Macau, so yeah. Tumblr updated their NSFW ban to allow nudity on the site (with appropriate community labelling), but when you’ve had your inactive NSFW blog deleted for the hilarious justification of “content involving minors”, you can see why I’m not interested in going back to it.
People have been moving to defederated social media sites like Mastodon instances as an alternative to Twitter. I would like to say here that I did create an account on a Mastodon instance last year to try it out. I was planning to put a link to it in last year’s end-of-year review post, but after one of my haters showed that he still lets me live rent-free in his head, I decided against it and I also won’t be putting a link here because I don’t want to give him the satisfaction of stalking me in the hope that it can help him move on. All I can say is that my Mastodon is basically just me posting links to the posts on my Tumblr like I do on my Facebook page, along with some reposts of old content here and there (tbf, this is what I’d do as well if I decided to use Twitter).
Although 2022 may not have been the year some people wanted, there are also things that are worth celebrating. Because I had to finish off my personal project, a few projects I had planned to do this year had to be pushed back, so 2023 for me will be catching up with the pipeline before I propose any new projects.
Since I’m early enough for it, have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. See you all in 2023.
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imaginativeamateur · 2 years
[Itachi Uchiha X Reader] First Snow Season 2 {Prologue}
Season 1 Prologue
Pairing: Itachi Uchiha x fem!Reader
Note: It's been a very, very, VERY long time, but I am back after a seemingly infinite period of hibernation! Thank you for still staying with me! Okay, I have spent the last month getting inspiration and ideas for this plot, by this I mean watching drama reviews LOL, so expect heartfelt moments in this season, but the beginning is quite angsty! I feel like you all deserve fluff for First Snow because of what we have been through, honestly! I will be uploading weekly and updating the masterlistS, yes, I am creating a new one for this series! My taglist for First Snow is all over the place right now, please, if you requested but I haven't added you, comment on this post! Thanks! This is just the prologue so expect more hehe :) Enjoy!
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“How have you been?” 
Itachi’s words rang in your ears like a siren. Amidst the light breeze of spring, you felt your heart closing shut. “Better than I used to,” you replied halfheartedly and the room fell into a deep silence. It was the first time you met him, again. You expected that you would, sooner or later, face the Uchiha, given that you were still a part of the Clan, but not for a matter like this.
After you returned to the North, everything was centered around rebuilding the place, everyone was in high spirits that they finally found their way back home. At first, you used their jubilance to drag yourselves through the endless days, to be their role model, you supposed. At night, when they would be returned to their families, you would sit alone in your own place, piecing together the letters your parents left behind, gazing at their belongings, and crying yourself to bed. Being back to where you were born and raised, now without your family, did nothing but add salt to your open wounds yet to heal.
If home was a place for assurance and serenity, you were the farthest from home.
Earlier in the week, you received a letter from Kakashi outlining that he and Itachi would be coming to the North to hand over the Clan’s responsibilities. Your heart shuddered at the thought of having to come face to face with the man you could never forget, for good and bad, who you would never be able to mistake even in your sleep. You narrowed your eyes and fixated them back onto the figure standing several feet away from where you were, unfathomable. However, your gaze lingered on the person standing behind him, a woman.
“Why is she here?” You cleared your throat and sucked in a quick inhale, feeling a bit nauseous as you spoke. The sight before your eyes was enough to shake you to the core—Izumi stood casually with her hands intertwined behind her back, smiling slightly at your perplexity. Your face was ashen when the two of them exchanged glances—disgust. 
You never heard of any information regarding her release, nor her appearance in your land. Feeling your burning stare on his back, demanding an explanation, Kakashi shook his head sideways and stepped out, closing the door behind, leaving you and the pair inside your office.
“Izumi will be living here from now on to atone for her mistakes,” Itachi did not waste an extra second to spit the words out. “She will be working like all other members, helping to rebuild the place.”
“Hello, Y/N-san.” She bowed. “I am truly sorry for everything I have caused, for all the things that I made you go through. I was blinded by jealousy, but right now, I want nothing but to fix my mistakes. Please accept my deepest apology, Y/N-san.” 
You opened your lips to say something, but before you could, Itachi interrupted, telling Izumi to go outside and wait. You glanced as her back disappeared, still in disbelief. Itachi took a seat across from you, beginning to pull out some documents. You crossed your arms and furrowed your brows, “Is this a joke? You never spoke to me about this. Do you think that I’m here just here for show?”
“Before giving me a lecture, would you listen to what I have to say, first?” His voice was as light as a feather.
Your blood boiled. You wanted to ask if he would, if he was you. But Itachi’s deadly gaze, though unwavering, spoke volumes. He slid the papers across your desk and folded his hands on his lap. “Izumi is now released on parole, the Advisors want you to be in charge of her.”
“I won’t,” you smirked, “I can’t.” The raven-haired remained expressionless—he expected this from you. You shifted in your seat, slowly dropping every word with gritted teeth. “It’s out of my capabilities—what she did and what she will do. Just like whatever happened to get her out of prison.”
“Stop beating around the bush.”
“I was just wondering how talented she is to be able to walk away from her punishments just like that.” You chuckled lowly, “It was only three months.” Itachi seemed rather disturbed and you took satisfaction in it. Leaning forward, you smiled gently. “Is it her money? Her status? Her skills? Perhaps her body?”
Itachi was taken aback by your forceful candor, his face stiffened. Never in his memory had he recalled this side of you. The woman sitting in front of him was no longer the Y/N that he used to know. For a moment, he felt the urge to apologize, for ruining you, but he knew his effort restraining his emotions the moment he saw you—the moment you left his side—would be in vain if he let his heart overtake his mind. Instead, Itachi looked outside at the cherry blossoms dangling in the wind ever so slightly with a condescending curve on his lips. “You’re not…wrong, but there’s one thing that I need to remind you, Y/N.” There was more into the situation that he wished you would know, but for your sake, he was willing to play the devil. Itachi tapped the table, relaxed, but his words were the opposite. “You don’t have a say in it, better take the easy way out. You are smart, make the decision that you won’t regret. You have the lives of many in your hand now.”
With that, he pushed himself up and turned for the door. You bit our lips, your eyes growing red the louder his words repeated in your head. Succumbing to the highers—not your morale, but your route. You crumbled the papers in your hand and released a trembling exhale. Right now, you were overwhelmed with an inexplicable sense of frustration, regret, disappointment, and loss. But what you did not know was that on the other side of the closed door, someone quietly blinked away the tears that were yet to shed—this was the only option.
Taglist: @dai-tsukki-desu @darling-imobsessed @animepickle7 @simping-master-69 @tirzamisu @the-tiniest-one @greenshirtimagines @icedemon1314 @madaraswittleslut @saturn-falls @adeards @mistymuii @kishimoto-did-us-dirty @oneofsummersday @iluvjessemac @baby320 @byyalady @rory-cakes @brnel58 @arkem1s @aireenmoon @blyanyan @yesperonon @nats-the-geek @milkshake4800 @dramaticq @sonja3 @sharingangirl @melovehiddlestan @sakinotfound @shuxjodie
194 notes · View notes
juletheghoul · 3 years
Burning Hour (Part 3)
This series has completely taken over my life and I am so happy you are all enjoying it so much - thank you for all of the lovely messages and comments - I treasure them deeply.
So - you shouldn't be surprised that this particular moment on the red carpet absolutely inspired a scene in this story and I regret nothing. Hope you all enjoy this fantasy that's keeping me going lol.
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Din Djarin x F!Reader (Virgin reader)
Pairing: Din x F!Reader
Word Count: 4.9k
Warnings: (18+ NO MINORS) Angst, pining, slow-burn, implied arranged marriage, language, age-gap (about 10-11 years, legal, reader is of age) Yearning, jealousy, fingering/touching / slight dirty talk (slightly possessive)
Let me know if I missed anything!
reblogs are appreciated
Masterlist Series Masterlist Part 4
You floated through the morning.
Your dreams were full of kisses, of declarations of love and beskar glinting under the sun and it was hard to concentrate on anything.
You smiled to yourself as you broke your fast with warm bread and butter, feeling his eyes on you from his place behind your father.
“Your highness-” Your father’s advisor came through the door holding the usual paperwork, things for him to look over, letters to read. “-A letter has come for the Princess.” He turned to you then with a smile. He was an old man, grandfatherly and sweet. He handed it to you and you noticed from the corner of your eye Din’s helmet turn towards you.
It was a small letter and you noticed how beautiful the script was as you opened it.
Dearest Princess,
I would be honoured if you were to join me here at my home for dinner. My messenger awaits your response and if you agree, I will send my personal household guard to accompany you. I also imagine your knight will be in attendance, I welcome him and whoever else you choose to bring at my table. Ruby as well of course.
Hoping you’ll say yes.
Ever yours,
Poe. D.
“It’s from Poe, he asks that I join him this evening for dinner.” You were frowning at the letter, conflicted because you wanted to stay home, wanted to meet Din in the garden again. A tiny part of you however, the tiniest part wanted to say yes - wanted to see how Poe would behave. Part of you wanted him to do something unforgivable to wipe the smiles off your parents faces.
“Oh but you must go!” Your father’s voice boomed through the room and you imagined that you could almost hear Din’s jaw clenching.
“Yes my darling, you must go. What does the letter say?” Your mother held her hand out and you handed it to her. She smiled as she read it. “Din, you must accompany her.” She was smiling big, excited at the prospect of a match having been made. No one bothered to ask if you wanted to go.
“Yes of course, let his messenger know that the Princess will be in attendance. She will go, Din- I leave her safety in your hands. Take you who must.” It had been decided for you, and you had to accept it. You felt Mila’s hand grasp yours under the table in understanding.
“Which gown would you like to wear your highness?” She asked sadly as you put on your undergarments and you sighed.
Whichever one makes everyone leave me alone.
“Whichever you think would look best sweetling, I have no preference.” You said the words and they were honest. Yes - Poe was charming and sweet, handsome and in another life you would have been faint with excitement at his interest in you but you were in love with Din. He was the one you wanted to share a meal with. He was the one you wanted to kiss in the open - to have holding your hand as you sat together in front of the hearth. He was the one you wanted in your bed.
“How about this one?” She held out a lovely powder blue gown. You would have said no, something more plain but you had to be seen to be making an effort.
“Yes, that will do nicely.” You smiled but it didn’t reach your eyes. She didn’t comment on it.
“I will tie a blue ribbon around Ruby’s neck to match, and I think you have some sapphires as well.” She brought over a tray of jewelry for you to peruse while she laced up your gown.
Your mind drifted to an interesting place. You imagined you were preparing for dinner with Din and imagined your knight picking out jewels for you to wear.
Would he prefer diamonds? Would he like me better in opals or emeralds?
You had a feeling he wouldn’t mind either way, but it was lovely to pretend even for a moment. She placed a dark blue cloak about your shoulders and stood back.
“You look beautiful Princess, the blue looks lovely against your skin.” She held up a silvered looking glass and you saw the reflection of a happy woman, although why she was happy - no one could know.
“Thank you sweetling, let's get this night over with shall we?” You smiled at her as you both made your way outside.
Din, along with five of his best knights, waited for her to set out for Damerons home. Damerons own household guard waited as well, having been sent to accompany her and he surveyed them. They seemed competent enough, he gave them their space nonetheless.
It was getting more and more difficult to put the future out of his mind - he knew that the Princess would marry at some point, it was her duty as Queen. She might even marry Poe - he knew that objectively they were a good match but his mind simply couldn’t stay objective. Not when it came to her.
This whole thing was moving faster than he hoped and he didn’t know what he could do about it.
You have to face facts Djarin, you’ll never marry her. You are a knight, she is a Princess, there is no place for you. Maybe you should just let her go.
It was in him to do so, to ignore his feelings for her; to find Gisela and ask her to marry him - have a couple of little ones and pray for things to work out. The harsh words to get her to hate him on the tip of his tongue but they evaporated like dew on a sunny day when he saw her come out to meet him.
She was a gem- a bright, glittering thing that he wanted so desperately to hold onto.
“I am ready Sir, shall we?” She smiled shyly and he nodded.
“Of course Princess, allow me.” He guided her into the wheelhouse, dreading and cherishing every single second.
The ride was uneventful, the road was quiet thankfully with nothing to see but long swathes of trees and greenery in the gloaming of the evening.
Ruby was napping softly in your lap but woke quickly when you arrived, her little tail wagging happily at the prospect of exploring.
“Yes my little darling - we are here.” She was in Mila’s arms when you pet her, the two of you waiting for the wheelhouse to come to a stop.
Din opened the door for you, he was helping you climb down when you heard Poe’s voice sounding out.
“Princess, I am so pleased you agreed to come-” He was striding over, his squire on his heels. “-I am happy to see you all. Please - be welcome.” He was smiling big at everyone as his guards retreated, no doubt returning to their posts. He crouched quickly to pet Ruby before approaching you.
“Hello Poe, I thank you for your invitation.” You smiled as you took in your surroundings. His home was a beautiful sprawling estate. He must have been wealthier than you thought. “You must give me a tour of the grounds - I would love to see the gardens.” You smiled at him as he offered you his arm.
“Of course Princess, I will show you whatever you wish after our meal - unless you’d like to go now?” He paused for a moment.
“After dinner would be just fine.” You answered as he guided all of you inside.
You weren’t sure what to expect about his home when the letter had come in earlier but it was a pleasant surprise. There were fresh cut flowers everywhere, painstakingly detailed tapestries hung up on the walls as you made your way to the large dining room. Lush carpets and plush chairs, truly a man who enjoyed his comforts.
“You have a lovely home Poe.” You smiled as he led you to your seat.
“I thank you Princess -“ He turned to Din and the other Mandalorians waiting by the table. “-Please, sit with us. I meant what I said, you are all welcome at my table.” He gestured to them to sit.
“I do not wish to intrude, we would be happy to eat with the rest of your household guard.” Din replied, his voice was clipped however.
“Nonsense. I insist, I dare say the Princess would be more comfortable if you were to join us.” He said it with an easy smile and Din hesitated slightly before agreeing. They all sat, lining their helmets up before them.
Din barely spoke.
He had never been one for long speeches - you were unsure whether it was because of the helmet, or just his nature. The other Mandalorians were friendlier and Poe took it all in stride. You could see that he took nothing personal and treated them just as he treated you.
Aside from Din’s cool demeanor and Poe’s etiquette, the dinner went well. The food was wonderful and you didn’t fail to notice some of your favourites on the menu.
“I took the liberty of finding out what you like to eat.” He said it quietly, not wanting to draw attention and you favoured him with a smile. It was hard not to like him, he was very thoughtful.
Once the meal was done, he fulfilled his promise and escorted you outside. It was much more open than the gardens back home - everything illuminated by torches and lanterns. There were flowers and neatly pruned shrubbery surrounding the large building. You noticed a stable on one side, as well a modest greenhouse on the other.
“It’s nothing compared to what you’re used to but I enjoy it. The kennels are just behind the stables and there are flowers and different fruit trees just to the right there - that’s where they get the most sun. I’m afraid the night doesn’t do it justice, it’s much lovelier during the day.” He was walking you through the grounds, your arm tucked under his as your party followed.
“It’s lovely, truly.” You were sincere and you couldn’t help but look up, the sky awash in stars. “I would imagine you must spend a lot of time out here.” You let him guide the way.
“Not as often as I'd like to, but I try. Perhaps when we marry I’ll make more of an effort.” He said it with a wink and you scoffed loudly but without malice.
“Oh is that so? Well then I suppose I’ll have to change some things around since in your mind I’ll live here hm?” Your tone was playful but sarcastic and you were acutely aware of Din following the two of you.
“Oh yes Princess, I am quite sure. My home is yours and you may do with it what you will. I live only to make you happy.” He was just as playful and as annoyed as you were that he was so confident in your union, it was also aggravatingly refreshing to be able to speak to someone so honestly - better yet for them to respond in kind.
You ignored it, Poe was charming, that’s all.
Much to your annoyance, the night was enjoyable. Poe was an excellent host and it was later than you had originally planned when you set off for home. The woods were pitch black in some spots, it made you anxious to ride in the wheelhouse while the world outside seemed like it didn’t exist. The soft light of the moon doing nothing to pierce through the darkness of the road at times.
Reaching the palace had been a relief and you said as much when you stepped out.
“You should have told me Princess, I would have ridden in it with you - if it would have helped.” He spoke as he guided you inside. You had wanted to, but the temptation of having him so close would have been too much - and as much as Mila knew about your feelings towards him - you didn’t want her to see you kissing him.
You patted his arm in silent thanks and he said nothing else.
When you reached your room you hesitated at the door, wanting him to pull you away somewhere but he didn’t - instead he waited until Mila got in. He took his helmet off and you smiled at the state of his hair. Your fingers itched to ruffle through it.
“Princess, if it’s not too late, I would ask you to join me for a midnight ride.” He waited for your answer and your smile widened.
“Of course! Would you permit me to change quickly?” You didn’t want to ride in such a stuffy gown - as beautiful as it was.
“I will wait however long it takes.” He motioned for you to go and you did - urging Mila to help you once you reached your bedchamber.
“The soft linen dress I think - with the long shift and the heavy cloak. I want to be comfortable and warm.” You changed as fast as humanly possible - all but ripping the jewelry off and within a few minutes you were rushing out the door. The two of you making your way towards the stables as silently as possible.
You watched him work deftly, his skilled hands saddling his horse with ease. One horse, not two.
“Are we to ride together?” You looked at him confused.
“Is this a problem for you Princess? I thought it might be quicker to get us to safety should something happen if we were on the same horse. I could saddle you your own if you prefer - we just wouldn’t travel too far.” He hesitated momentarily and your heart leapt at the thought that he would be holding you so closely.
“I trust your judgment Sir, one horse it is.” You kept your voice neutral and he nodded, finishing his work quickly. Once he was done - he helped you up and pulled himself up behind you. The cool beskar pressed up against your back as his arms reached around you to grab the reins.
Your dress pooled up around your thighs slightly, but your legs were covered by your big cloak but it was exciting nonetheless. You felt exposed, with his proximity it excited you way more than it should have. It felt forbidden, taboo and thrilling to have it feel like he was holding you. You couldn’t stop yourself from leaning back into his body slightly but he didn’t complain.
The ride through the forest was quiet except for the sound of the night birds, the crickets and the creatures that prowled at this time. The sound of the horses' steps, the sound of its breathing mixing with yours as well as Din’s. He rode through trees, through the little paths only he seemed to know and after a while you were beside a lake. The soft sound of the water kissing the shore added to the nightsong and you were happy that he had brought you here. He had been silent the whole ride, but you felt him take his helmet off behind you and secure it somehow to the saddle.
“You should know that you looked exceptionally lovely today Princess, blue is your colour.” His breath tickled your neck and you shivered. You turned slightly to look back but you couldn’t fully face him, the angle awkward but he kissed you just under your ear to let you know it was okay.
“I thank you Sir, I hoped you would like it.” You leaned back into his arms to tuck your head under his chin.
“You wore that for me? I thought you wore it for Dameron.” His hands came up to hold onto your arms as he pressed little kisses to your neck.
“I always dress for you.” You left it at that, hoping he would understand that despite everything- he was the one you wanted.
“Can I confess something?” His hand came up to slowly undo the cloak tied at your throat.
“Yes, anything.” You answered almost breathlessly, watching his hands open up the cloak to expose your shoulders, the skin of your thighs poking out where the dress had bunched up even more.
“You might think me wicked but, I thought about what it would be like to kiss you.” His hand trailed down as he spoke, rubbing at your thighs over your dress and you watched them in the low light of the moon, mesmerized.
“You’ve kissed me before Sir, you could kiss me now.” You turned a little more but he stopped you.
“I wasn’t thinking about kissing your mouth lovely girl, I was thinking about kissing you somewhere else.” His hands slowly gathered the fabric of your dress, bunching it in his fist - lifting it inch by inch to bare your legs to him. “May I show you where I want to kiss you?” He stopped but you clung onto his arms around you.
“Yes - please show me.” You felt is other hand join the fray and soon he had exposed your lower half to the cool night air. Your undergarments were damp you knew it - the arousal pooling low in your belly at the thought that he might touch you where you most wanted him to. He didn’t disappoint.
His hand trailed up your inner thigh lightly, slowly, up until he skillfully slid it into your undergarments. He groaned deep in his chest when he touched your bare sex.
“Right here. I long to kiss you, taste you here.” His touch was feather light on the lips of your womanhood, slipping along the seam of you. You whimpered, no one had ever touched you here and you felt the slick dripping out of you as you let him explore. “Would you let me Princess? Would you let me bury my tongue right here?” He dipped his fingers low, parting you slightly to dip his fingers just at the entrance - collecting your arousal onto his fingers before slipping them out and bringing them to his mouth behind you. You moaned at the sound of him sucking you off of them and you nodded frantically.
“Yes Din, I would let you - I’m yours.” You moaned the words and his other hand held you in place.
“And I am yours.” He responded before bringing his hand back to where you craved it, this time he spread the lips of your cunt open wide, honing his middle finger on the pearl of your sex. He rubbed tight, slow circles around it and you moaned - trying desperately to open your legs wider. He chuckled darkly behind you.
“Does that feel good Princess?” He turned your face with his other hand, twisting his upper body enough to capture your mouth in a messy kiss, not quite aligned but it sent a shiver of arousal through you and you felt yourself climbing higher and higher- his finger relentless as he sped up a little.
“Yes - Gods yes - it feels so good Din, I thought about you too.” You moaned the words into his mouth. “I think about you touching me like this, when I do it to myself.” He groaned at your confession, his tongue thick in your mouth when he kissed you again.
His finger dipped low to collect more wetness and the glide of it was just right, just slippery enough to send you over the edge and you almost screamed. Your body seizing up with pleasure as your sex clenched around nothing. He cooed into your ear as you rode it out.
“You are intoxicating my lovely one.” He kissed your neck, as he lowered your skirts.
You watched him, blissed out and boneless as he licked his fingers before grabbing the reins again and slowly making his way back to the palace.
Mila was snoring softly when you slipped into the room and you were careful not to wake her and as tired as you were from travel it took you a long time to fall asleep. Your heart full of love for Din and a hunger you couldn’t satiate filled your belly. It was a craving for his body, for his kisses, for physical love a woman shared with her husband. You fell asleep hoping - though secretly knowing- that he craved you the same way.
As happy as you were when you awoke the next morning, it was quickly dampened - your father informed you that Poe was to arrive at the Palace as his honoured guest. That he was to stay for a time as a gesture of good will.
You saw right through it.
Your parents had decided that Poe was the suitor they wanted for you and they weren’t being at all subtle.
They informed you with big smiles on their faces, no doubt in hopes of pushing you towards him. It was exhausting - this constant reminder that you would never be truly free to live the life you wanted with Din.
When Poe arrived, he was happy - taking this as a sign that he was winning you over.
“Greetings Princess, I cannot tell you how happy I am to be able to spend more time with you.” He was all smiles and you had no choice but to smile back.
“It will be interesting for sure.” With the way you felt about Din, the intense desire to be around him was at the forefront of your mind. As well as the way Din behaved around Poe, it would definitely be interesting to say the least.
Your father invited Poe to dine at your private table, and he engaged him in conversation almost the whole night. They spoke of the future, of how Poe would help rule if he were indeed to marry you. Your mother smiled silently, happy to let the conversation center around the two of you.
Din stood still behind your fathers chair and you wanted nothing more than to pull him to sit with you. To talk to him, kiss him and feed him from your own plate.
“I would want to help people to be quite honest, extend a hand to those that aren’t as fortunate as us. There are people out there starving and that doesn’t sit right with me.” He was honest, to a fault like he said but you admired that.
“That’s very noble of you my boy.” The king nodded.
“It’s very honourable isn’t it my darling?” Your mother smiled at you and you smiled back, nodding around a bite of your food.
“I’m sure the Princess and I could do much and more to help the people who need it the most, if she would let me that is.” He had a shy, genuine smile for you, tentatively reaching over and taking your hand in his. You couldn’t very well snatch it back but you felt Din’s eyes burning into the interaction.
This could get messy.
“Princess, I would humbly ask that you accompany me for a walk through the grounds - chaperoned by your knight of course.” He asked as the remnants of the meal were taken away.
“Oh I’m sure she’d love to join you wouldn’t you sweetling?” Your mother cooed, and you smiled and nodded.
“Yes of course.” You let him guide you, Din following closely behind.
“I hope I’m not intruding - I know that the King and Queen are very keen for this to work between us.” He held your hand as you walked arm in arm and you couldn’t help but sigh softly.
“Yes they are aren’t they.” Your tone came out a little more exasperated than you’d hoped but he was well aware that you were not to be swayed by him so easily, you knew he should expect some hesitancy from you.
“I understand that you aren’t impressed and that I am most likely not your first choice. For all I know you might already have your eye on someone else.” He laughed and you couldn’t help but look over your shoulder at Din. “Regardless of that Princess, I know this must be difficult for you but I beg of you to give me a chance to show you that there is potential here. I believe that in time you might come to love me.” He pulled your hand up to his mouth and kissed your fingers.
“You are selling yourself quite hard Poe, I appreciate that you understand that my feelings for you aren’t where you want them to be.” You looked up at him apologetically, expecting him to have a sad look on his face but he surprised you; he was smiling - content to listen to you speak.
“I know, it’s not in you right now but I believe you will see me in a different light. I have faith.” He left the conversation there.
It was hard to find time to meet with Din, Poe seemed to be everywhere and his determination seemingly had no bounds.
Your mother found you as you dressed for the day - she had a note from Poe. He was asking you to accompany him into town to hand out some supplies. You couldn’t refuse him, not when your mother had delivered it herself.
“Will Din accompany us?” You asked it offhand, your voice neutral - your face a mask of nonchalance.
“No your father is going on a hunt and Din will be protecting him, there will be other guards with you.” She said it with a shake of her hand as she searched your wardrobe for an appropriate dress. “This will do nicely.” She picked out an off the shoulder, deep berry coloured dress that was not at all practical for a day out in the city.
It would have to do.
He had taken you to an orphanage in the heart of the city. There were kids running around of all ages and the older ones ran towards Poe when you entered - recognizing him. He had a big smile on his face as they hugged him around the middle, all decorum forgotten.
“Poe did you bring us anything?” A boy of about twelve years was eager, looking around you to the entourage of guards waiting behind you.
“Of course, brought all of you some good stuff like I always do.” He ruffled the boys hair before he held his hand out to you, you smiled and stepped forward. “I have someone very special here with me today, this is the Princess. Come on over and say hello.” He called them over to you and you saw some of the little girls eyes light up. They flocked to you, asking you if you were indeed the Princess. Asked you if you had a crown, and most importantly why you were there. They were precious.
“She’s here to help just like I am.” Poe answered for you.
A little girl of about six pulled on your dress and you lowered yourself slightly to be at her level.
“Princess, I like your dress, you’re so pretty.” She was smiling at you, her hair was a tangle but her eyes were bright.
“Thank you sweetling, you are much prettier I must say.” You moved the hair out of her eyes and she smiled wide, her little hand clutching at a makeshift cloth doll.
You helped Poe hand out toys and new clothes and there was food for them to eat. You spent the day playing with them and learning about their lives. The women who ran the orphanage knew him and you saw that all of the talk of helping the less fortunate was real, he had already been doing much more than you had ever even imagined.
It was hard to deny the little spark of something that he held within you.
He was handsome, he was kind and smart- funny and generous and with the way his eyes found yours throughout the day; he felt something for you. His eyes were piercing, dark and mysterious and for the first time, he gave you butterflies.
One of the little ones was showing you his space within the building, his bed and his tiny toy horse. He was waxing poetic about how one day he would be a knight. You were smiling at him when Poe stood next to you, his gaze heavy and it sent a flush crawling up your neck to light up your ears.
The fabric at his neck was crumpled and you couldn’t help but reach up to fix it, your arm extended over to him and his gaze focused on it, reached up to hold it to his neck. He placed a delicate kiss to your bicep and pulled you closer. The act was small, but so intimate it did something to you. Melted a tiny piece of you that up until now was frozen to him and he saw it on your face. Felt it in the way you let him hold you close, your arm still around his neck, his hand moving down to hold onto your waist.
The little boy was in front of you now, asking Poe if he would ever give him a real horse and he laughed, not unkindly.
“One day my boy, one day I will give you a horse - only if you promise to behave and be on your best behaviour. Can you do that?” The little boy nodded sagely promising he would. You didn’t pull your arm away, and you couldn’t pinpoint why.
Tag list: @frannyzooey @foli-vora @danniburgh @greeneyedblondie44 @lola4pedro @ezrasbirdie @221bshrlocked @artsymaddie @supernaturalgirl20 @sleep-tight1 @softdindjxrin @wheresarizona @sherala007 @marydjarin @cannedsoupsucks @thirstworldproblemss @ilikechocolatemilkh @lori-tovar @freeshavocadoooo @hrk-fic-recs @greeneyedblondie44 @maxwell--lord @princessxkenobi @the-feckless-wonder @kirsteng42 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @thisshipwillsail316 @feministfanboi @dihra-vesa @gaiuswrites @stevie75 @sweet-creature98 @readsalot73 @pedrostories @tobealostwanderer @mandocrasis @elegantduckturtle @diogodxlot @alczysz17 @evyiione @absurdthirst @beskarboobs @andruxx @littlemissoblivious @1800-fight-me @goldielocks2004 @maievdenoir @gracie7209 @omlwhatamidoinghere @bellaorisa @hellovanessax @magikfanatic @frankiecatfish @mrs-ghuleh @pedritoispunk @librariantothejedi @studythoreauly @missswriter @prostitute-robot-from-the-future @pintsizemama @mswarriorbabe80 @a-trial-run-on-paper @giizhkens-cedar @la-le-lu @chickadee-djarin @dobbyjen @rosiefridayrogersunday @ajeff855 @anaaaispunk @johnsrevelation @the-witty-pen-name @zombiesnips-blog @quica-quica-quica @sarahjkl82-blog @fan-of-encouragement @queenofthecloudss @mandosmistress @deadhumourist @felicisimor @tuskens-mando @no-droids-on-sunday @sophiefatale2495 @toomanystoriessolittletime @what-iwish-you-knew @pedrostories @athalien @bi-thewayy @literallydontlook @pedrosbrat @gamingaquarius @gothicxbarbie @tkolemba @localddreamer @luxmundee @iamafadedmoon @nakhudanyx @littlemisspascal @grogusmum @ajeff855 @recklessworry @soltassbruxa @heyitmelexie @liviiii98 @killyspinacoladas @gothicxbarbie @evildxad @dragonslarimar @spideysimpossiblegirl @chemtrail-mix
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sunnysunoo · 3 years
Love Letters ; Sim Jake
Pairing: Jake X Reader
warnings: explicit language and cursing
word count: 3k words
genre: friends to lovers au! fluff with tiny pieces of crack lmao
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Jake was always known for being this perfect guy in school. I mean, they're not wrong. They always described him as if he's this walking piece of art in the hallways. People would stop to just stare at him. You'd stare at him all day too, but you set priorities first: writing him love letters.
You're no Lara Jean, but I guess you can say that she's what inspired you to write Jake letters. Who needs Peter Kavinsky when Jake Shim exists anyways?
note: Not me completely disappearing off of tumblr for like months and then showing up again suddenly lol. I got really busy the past few months since I was completing requirements for school, and I really didn't have the motivation to do anything at the time so I took so time off to take care of myself first so I hope you understand :) But now since it's summer break, I am given at least 2 more months until I go back to school in August :)) Here's the long-awaited Jake imagine that I completely forgot about lmao hope you enjoy <3
P.S I finished writing this at 1:26 am so please excuse the really shitty plot and grammar ill rewrite it once i wake up
tag list: @cha-raena ( sorry for the rlly late post bestie )
Dear Jake, First of all, I will never call you Jaeyun because calling you by your English name makes me feel like I'm your friend. Calling you by your Korean name makes us feel like we're cold strangers to one another and I don't want that. I want us to be something more than that, but it's hard when you don't even know who I am. I'm surprised how you don't grow tired of me just dropping letters right into your locker every time you open it, and that's one of the things I love about you. You don't just throw away people's efforts and you treasure them with care. It makes my heart beat so fast as if I ran miles away from here.
We're already one year left until we graduate high school, and I don't want to end my high school years without you realizing my feelings for you. I know for sure that you would never reciprocate the feelings that I have towards you, so I want to treat this as closure in case we do forget about each other in the future. Yours truly,
"How is this person not over you? That's like the tenth one this month," Jay said, looking over Jake as he reads the letter from his secret admirer. Jake has always been receiving these letters from the same person everyday for the past four months. He's thankful for the letters because they definitely make his day better, knowing that there's someone out there who loves him as who he is regardless of looks. He's not gonna lie that these little notes and letters make his heart race too. "Do you have any plans with finding the person behind the letters?" Jay asked as he watches his best friend trying to hide the small smile that's been growing. No one really knows who this mysterious person is and why they decided to name themselves the moon, but we don't judge anyone in here. If they want to be the moon in their next life, then so be it. "I really want to find the person who's making these letters," Jake shoved the letter in his backpack, trying to not wrinkle it. "But I don't know where to start." "Who's finding who?" A voice popped suddenly beside the presence of the two boys. You leaned beside the locker beside Jake's, watching him as he grabs his books from his locker. "Did Moon drop your daily letter today again?" "They did as usual," Jake wasn't even surprised. He would expect the letters every time he enters the school in the morning. He would open his locker to see the usual small letter placed inside his locker. He usually arrives at seven or earlier, but he's surprised that he could never even catch a glance of this anonymous sender around the campus. "Should I go to school at five in the morning?" "Five in the morning? Isn't that a bit too early?" You questioned, followed by a shaky breath. "The school doesn't even open until six." "I could just walk to that nearby convenience store I always pass by to grab a coffee." He argues, closing his locker shut before walking towards his classroom.
You and Jay followed beside him, and you sneered under your breath, "You don't even wake up to your alarm clock."
"Why don't you even want me to go early anyway?" He glances as you try to give him an answer. But before you could say something, Jay replies first.
"You’re probably hiding something." He said. You rolled your eyes and narrowed your eyes at him. "You are so weird." You grunted, before walking ahead of them. You feel panicked because you were scared that you made yourself obvious to them.
You were inside your classroom sitting on your desk. There were only fifteen minutes left before lunch, but you had eaten your packed meal before instead of going to your school cafeteria. You were fidgeting in your place, conflicted about Jake finding his secret admirer, not knowing that it was you who's been sending him letters the past few months. You're not scared of him finding out that the letters were from you; that was the entire reason why you wrote him letters in the first place. You're scared of how he was gonna confront you about it. Would he like you back? Would he hate you? Would he avoid you?
Your mind was full of scenarios but you were suddenly brought back to reality when a hand planted itself on your desk. You look up and saw Jay standing in front of you, eating sushi with his other hand. His face kinda looks like he knows something, and it's freaking you out a bit.
"What?" You asked, suddenly flustered over how his eyes stared right into you. He took the seat in front of your desk and flipped it so it was facing you. He sat down and blurted the phrase that you were dreading to hear from anyone.
"So, you like Jake?"
You suddenly feel like punching him in the face with his sushi.
"What??" Your body felt like, and you were left a nervous mess. Your heart like it was going to pump right out of your chest any minute, and your hands started to sweat.
Jay's mouth formed into a smirk. He caught you. "Jake may be a bit oblivious, but I can totally see right through you."
“Haha...no you don’t,” You tried to deny, but it was all useless when his expression looked unconvinced.
“Oh yeah? Then why are you all red? You look like a bursting tomato.”
“You don’t know that," You leaned further into your seat, playing with the strings of your hoodie.
“C’mon Y/N, you’re not even trying. Just give up and admit it,” Jay was trying to help you confess your feelings for Jake. Frankly, he knew it was you sending him letters this whole time—how can Jake not see it?
With a heavy sigh, you slumped and laid your head on your desk, embarrassed. “Fine. I like him, okay? Are you happy now?”
The smirk on his face grew wider, feeling proud of himself. You are not dealing with his annoying crap this early in the morning. He grinned and munched on his half-eaten sushi. “I knew it.”
“Congratulations,” It was muffled because you hid your red face away from him. All that was on your mind now was how you could book yourself a flight all the way across the world.
“But seriously, since when did you have a crush on him?” You raised your head to face him, giving him a look that could kill, except Jay finds it entertaining rather than intimidating.
“I started having a crush on him when we were in fifth grade. It was at a friend's birthday party, and he saw me being all quiet and lonely. Honestly, I forgot who’s birthday that was.” You told him the very first time you had discovered feelings.
“He saw how sad I looked so he accompanied me the whole time. He was even trying to feel more included in the games and stuff.” You felt a smile ghosting on your lips as you can still vividly remember how you felt your heart tug the first time. “It was kinda like I fell in love at first sight.”
Jay faked a gag, so you lightly punched him in the shoulder. He may be a bit of an asshole, but he’s one the most caring and kind people you’ve ever met. It honestly felt good spilling out your feelings about Jake to him.
Speaking of, Jake was watching you two play around and laugh at Jay's little jokes from outside, and he felt something burning from inside him. Was it that he felt jealous of you and Jay?
No, he can’t be...right?
Maybe it was because of how he felt separated from you and Jay because of him being a separate class.
Yeah, maybe it's because of that.
Dear Jake,
I just had the most bizarre day today, and I felt like telling you about it.
It was chemistry period, and we had to be partnered with someone for a lab project. I ended up getting paired with Yeojin. We kinda created this unexpected friendship, which I love. We would crack jokes at each other, tell funny stories, it was so fun to be with her that we had completely forgotten about our project. So now, we both got a detention slip for making an accidental explosion.
How about you? How was your day? I hope it was just as fun as mine. If you feel like the day just wasn't as happy or you're feeling down, just now that it's okay to feel that way because days like these just lasts for 24 hours. It will be all over before you know it and you'll be greeted by another day. Maybe it will be different, and you would be all happy again just like how my day went. Maybe being with you would be my happiest day yet, and I couldn't wait for that day to come. See you soon :)
"Yeojin!" Jake called, seeing her walk down the opposite way. "Hey, mind if I ask you something?"
"Hey Jake," She greeted him with a smile. "Sure, go ahead."
"Could you perhaps give me any information about your partner in Chemistry?" He had hopes of getting any kind of description about his mysterious sender, but he was instead given a sad frown on Yeojin's face.
"Sorry Jake, but that person told me not to tell you about their information." She gave an apologetic smile. "I wish you all the best in finding them!"
Jake muttered a small "okay," and sighed before walking away, feeling defeated.
Yeojin knew that he was gonna ask about Moon the moment he called her from across the hall. She couldn't wait to tell you about this.
"Hey Y/N," A voice said from behind. You turned around to see Jake with his backup hung on his shoulder. He brought his hand up and raked his hair, and you felt your face grow red. Jake is like a gift from the gods. How can someone look so ethereal even if they're just standing there? You could stare at him all day. You couldn't even understand a thing he said until he started waving his hands in front of you.
"Hello?" You blinked multiple times as you were brought back out to reality. You saw Jake's face grow into concern. "Are you okay? spaced out."
"O-oh..No, I'm completely fine." You reassured him, feeling embarrassed. "What were you saying again?"
"I was asking you if you wanted to go to school with me early tomorrow."
Well, shit.
Your eyes started to go wide, and your hands started to go clammy.
"Tomorrow?" You repeated, voice trembling.
'Well, yeah." He pouted his lips, and you felt like melting into a small puddle in your place. Your heart started to pound heavily.
Oh my fucking god, he is so adorable.
"Okay, sure I can go with you tomorrow," You weakly smiled at him, slightly tense.
How we're you going to give him the letter now?
"Good Morning," Jake said as he watches you close the gates of your house. It was past five in the morning, and you were a mess.
"Morning," You replied back before running your fingers through your hair, getting rid of any flyaways.
As you started walking your way to the bus stop, Jake kept on glancing towards you from time to time. He knew you were pretty, but since when did you become really beautiful in his eyes?
The walk was pretty quiet, but it was a comfortable silence. For him, mostly.
Meanwhile, you couldn't stop freaking out. You had written a letter the night before, but you don't know how you were going to slip it into his locker without him taking notice. If he saw you, he would know.
"Are you sure you're okay? You've been like this since yesterday," Jake blurted. You looked at him before heaving a sigh.
"It's nothing," You mouthed, suddenly feeling anxious and gloomy.
"Something on your mind?"
"Something like that." It was hopeless. I guess he would have to miss this letter today. It was the first time you skipped a day, and you're feeling guilty that you would have to see Jake's face sadden that he wouldn't receive it today.
As you two stop at the bus stop, Jake looked slightly panicked as he was rummaging through the pockets of his blazer before looking through his bag. "Hey, do you have an extra pen? I left mine at home and I have a quiz today."
You snickered, "Out of all the days, Sim Jake. The same day you have a quiz is the same day you forget your pen."
"Very funny." He scoffed.
As you unzipped your bag to grab your pencil case, a folded piece of paper fell out without you realizing it. When Jake went to pick it up, he notices that it was folded the same way as the letters in his locker. It looked so identical.
Once you already got your pencil case out, you were about to hand it to him when you saw what he was holding that made your body freeze with your hand holding the case in the air.
"Why were one of my letters inside your bag?" He glanced at you, waiting for you to reply.
If you were freaking out before, this is a whole other thing. The thing that you were fearing the most is happening right before you.
"Maybe it fell into my bag yesterday..." You stammered, making up an excuse to look like it was an accident. You were tightly holding onto your pencil case, chanting many curse words in your head as you watch Jake unfold the letter.
"I don't think I've received this one yet," He said before he opened the letter and read it.
You watch as his expression formed into confusion as he reads through the paper. It only took a few moments before something in him clicked that it was you sending him the letters.
"Y/N," He began, and you started quivering in fear.
You should've known this would happen, but you didn't expect it to happen this sooner. In fact, you believed that this wouldn't happen at all. But it did.
"Let me explain," You eventually gave up and accepted fate and watch as your identity as "Moon" be revealed to your crush. You're now exposed so you didn't have any other choice but to explain everything. "Yes, I am Moon. I was the one writing you the letters that you've been getting in your locker."
Jake's face was unreadable. He looked bewildered and puzzled. He was trying to comprehend what was happening right now. All this time, it was you?
"I started crushing on you when we attended that birthday party before. I didn't want to confess my feelings for you because I was scared that you were going to harshly reject me, so I started writing down letters as a way to tell you how I feel about you without making you feel awkward around me." You continued, eyes suddenly taking an interest in your shoes. They were brand new too.
Jake was silent, and you felt your heart crack into pieces. You were mad at yourself for being so careless about it that he ended up finding out about you as his secret admirer. You wanted nothing else but to run back home, lock yourself in your room and cry with your sad playlist on loop.
You were expecting a harsh rejection coming from him, but what surprised was how he took dangerous steps towards you, minimizing the gap between you two. He placed his hand under your chin, forcing you to look up at him.
"I don't plan on rejecting you Y/N," You stare into his eyes as it reflects the sunlight of the early morning. "I'm actually happy that it was you."
You look at him, puzzled. He lowly chuckles under his breath before leaning over to place his lips against yours. It was a light, quick kiss, but it brought you feeling ecstatic. You've dreamed of this moment before, and now that it happened, you thanked your clumsiness.
As he pulled away, you were sure your face was a red mess.
"Thank you," His smile was as bright as the stars in the sky. It was the most beautiful thing you've ever seen. "Thank you for making me like I'm special to someone."
You felt flustered over his words. You were scared that he could hear the sound of your heart pounding loudly. The butterflies in your stomach were going wild, and you felt like this was all a dream.
"So, what am I to you now?" You broke into a smile as he grabs your hand, intertwining your fingers with his.
Jake acted as if he was thinking, "Hm..maybe my best friend still?"
He bursts into a fit of giggles as he sees your smile slowly disappear, replacing it with a look of disbelief. You removed your hand from his and walked at a faster pace away from him.
He ran to match your pace beside you before holding your hand again, "I'm sorry, I won't ever do that again. Is my girl mad at me?"
"Oh my god, it's only five-fifty, Jake." You too broke into laughter over his cheesiness, but your heart fluttered over the thought of Jake calling you his.
HERE’S A LITTLE BONUS! since I've made you guys wait for 4 months :(
"What the fuck?" Was the first thing You heard from Jay as you and Jake entered the classroom. All of your classmates were staring at your and his hands intertwined together.
Jay stood in front of you two, crossing his arms together. "Can one of you explain when this happened?" he motioned towards your linking hands. You and Jake smiled at each other before walking away, leaving Jay in a fit of joy, and confusion.
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kuuipobangtan · 3 years
I’m sorry for everyone who follows me for my incorrect subs bc this post is way out of left field but I need to have this rant.
Feel free to completely ignore this post but plz don’t unfollow me 😭 I’ll try not to make this a habit lol
I’m mainly looking at it like a diary entry bc I don’t actually own one 😂
So first thing first, too many of my friends in Hawaii don’t understand why I love BTS so much.
Normally that wouldn’t bother me, but they’ve become so negative about it that I need to at least rant about it somewhere and all of this started bc of one simple question.
Why do you like BTS?
I always have the same answer:
I really love their friendship.
Now, if I’m completely honest—and this is probably a really unpopular opinion but—Run! BTS is what made me fall in love with these boys. Not their music.
Like yes, I love their music and so many of their songs have brought me back from dark places and that only strengthened my admiration of them. But seeing who they really are and how they treat, not only each other, but everyone they come into contact with is just… wow.
I watched interviews and Run! BTS episodes waaaay before I started actively listening to their music. From day one, their friendship completely stole my heart. The way they love each other so deeply and genuinely want the best for one another is everything I’ve ever hoped to find in my own circle of friends and never thought actually existed.
When I sit down and watch a Run! BTS episode, I feel like I’m sitting down with old friends. When they succeed, I feel like I’m succeeding. When they laugh, I can laugh and feel like I’m part of the conversation. When they comfort each other, it somehow comforts me too and makes me feel better.
Watching them be who they just naturally are in their everyday lives gives me hope.
Hope to be a better person and a hope that I’ll eventually surround myself with better people. So that I can be able to give back positivity into the world just like they do. They inspire me to do the things I never thought I could do and they remind me that making mistakes is okay.
Plain and simple: BTS feeds my soul in a way that I’ve been desperately looking for but never found before them.
So, no matter how many insults or scoffs I get, my answer will never change that I am so grateful for letting BTS into my life.
Lol chile anywayyyyyy
I’m sorry for the serious post. I just felt really bad earlier today and needed to get it off my chest. I promise I’ll be posting happier content today 😂 but if any of you ever need to talk or find yourself in the same situation, feel free to message me or reply to this post! Let’s talk and cry. Or talk and laugh. Or just cry.
Whatever you want 💜🐳 I’m here for you
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theopolis · 3 years
Hey! I’m not sure if anyone else has asked you this before, but I’m interested in getting to know Harry better as a character, and how he relates to other main characters within Spider-Man, and I wanted to ask you this: If Harry ever appeared again in any brand new piece of media as a character, what would you have wanted the writers to have read or known about him before writing him, that you think, if taken into account when writing him, would make him really spot on? Sorry if this is a strange way to put it!
Hi! That's a great question.
I've answered a somewhat similiar ask over here, but my response focused on good Harry centric material. While I absolutely recommend everything in the reply I linked to get a good picture of Harry as a character, I wouldn't recommend that exclusively. Because as I mentioned in that post, a lot of what defines Harry as a person happens outside of big dramatic developments for him. And I think that one of the major mistakes most adaptations so far have made is reducing Harry to Green Goblin Junior when he has always been so much more.
The result is that audiences see this side of Harry:
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The Spectacular Spider-Man (1976) #200
But not necessarily this one:
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The Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #60
Or this one:
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The Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #261
I would recommend anyone having a go at an in-depth Spidey adaptation to read "casual" issues that don't stand out much on their own. Not all of them ofc, as that is an impossible amount of comics, but a handful from whichever era(s) you plan to take inspiration from. That way, you get a feel for how the characters behave in day to day situations, and which struggles follow them beyond the villain of the week. Harry is no exception here.
I believe seeing him just being his regular self is extremely integral to the true weight of his eventual villainy. Because who he tries to be when he’s the Goblin stands in such stark contrast to who he is authentically, but also because the build-up to Goblin Harry has honestly been there since day one. Not that it was intentional since day one - I'm very sure Harry was absolutely not supposed to be this complex and prominent of a character when he was introduced in TASM #31. But the emotional issues he exhibited since the beginning of his character - his strained relationship to his father, his own feelings of inadequacy and "weakness" - have followed the character for many years and gradually snowballed into the mindset that led him to put on the ol green costume. (I will say, originally Harry's Goblin was not as multidimensional and captivating as JMD eventually wrote him to be. He was more like a stand-in for Norman's after his death lol. But even so, the theme of power vs weakness has been tied to the persona for Harry since early on - Somewhere around the Dr Hamilton arc, if not earlier)
Now that you've gotten past this wall of text, here's what you really came for: A couple more or less "unspectacular" Harry appearances I recommend to people who wanna see beyond the Goblin (hah) Primarily from the 60s and 70s because I'm still working on my 616 readthrough and also because the list might get far too long otherwise
The Gwen Stacy miniseries - or what Marvel published of it before it got unjustifiably cancelled. Harry appears as a side character and we get a good look at his longlasting friendship to Gwen
The Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #39 & #40. The beginning of Peter and Harry's friendship, as well as first insights into Harry's... less than ideal upbringing
The Amazing Spider-Man (1963) Annual #96 Heart&Soul. A flashback of sorts to an earlier issue with more focus on Harry's emotional turmoil at the time.
The Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #53, #54, #57 & #59. Harry is pouty at Peter for not spending enough time with him but immediately struck by regret when Peter disappears suddenly. Once he returns, Harry instantly forgives his roommate.
The Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #61 & #62. Harry is caught up in unfavorably comparing himself to Peter
The Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #96 & #97. Tension arises between Peter and Harry, and Harry's drug addiction comes to light.
Everyone feel free to drop more suggestions for good Harry content!
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reelwriter19 · 3 years
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*Inspired by this image 😍 he posted a while ago & the fact that I literally got my blender in the mail this morning lol ENJOY!
It was the start of a beautiful spring day, and once again, you were sitting at the island mesmerized by the man maneuvering in your kitchen. When you’d first met Kevin, he pretended that your apartment was on the same route as his daily run. He later admitted that he changed his route in hopes to see you more often...and it worked. Now, in a full-fledged relationship for the past 10 months, he ends his workout 3 times a week at your doorstep and takes over your kitchen and Ninja to make a smoothie you can’t seem to function without.
He’s a morning person and you’re the direct opposite, so you’re always grateful that he doesn’t make a fuss. He just shows up, glistening from an intense workout, usually in some sleeveless black tee and makes you want to risk it all right on this kitchen counter before the day officially begins.
“Baby, hellooo...you gon’ stop staring at my arms long enough to try this?”
Kev’s hand was extended towards you with a piece of some exotic looking fruit he wanted you to taste.
CRAP, caught. “I was not…”
With a smirk on his face. “Yeah...ok.”
“What is this?”
“Just try it.”
You oblige and take a bite, juice almost immediately running down your chin.
“Ok detective...I like it.”
Before you can grab a paper towel to wipe your face, Kevin has made his way in front of you to slowly lick the juice from your chin. Boxing you in place on the barstool with his arms on each side, staring into your eyes. Not beat for the wait, you grab his face and move in to finally connect with those lips. Kissing him feels like all the energy boosts, caffeine and vitamins you’ll ever need.
“I like these better though.” You whisper as you continue to graze his lips.
“Uh huh beautiful…” He says as he reluctantly walks away to pour your respective smoothies into glasses. “I told you I have a case.”
He hands you the glass and walks towards your balcony to sit outside. This was also a part of the routine. He’d sit out here under the guise of not ruining your couch with his funk, but you knew it was his attempt to wake you up by blasting you with the morning sun. You pretended to hate it at first, but you honestly cherished these mornings with him. He’d talk about the craziness he’d seen at work the night before, the stress and how he sometimes couldn’t sleep. You’d fallen in love with him because of this vulnerable side.
Feet up and nestled next to him on the chair.
“Voight loves me Kev, I think he’ll be perfectly fine with me calling out for you today.”
“He does love you...which isn’t easy to achieve...but hell no. He’d send Ruz right to your door to come get me.”
You both chuckled thinking back to the night that very thing happened a few months ago.
“How long this time?” You began to pick at the fabric on your sweater as a distraction...you always hated the answer to this question.
“A month….....in New York.”
You sit up to face him, trying to hide the sirens of shock and concern currently going off in your brain. As calm as you can pretend to be, “What’s in New York?”
“I’ll be working with Lindsay out there undercover on a case. But Ruz will be checking in on you here ok?”
“He’s not going with you? I always feel better knowing he has your back out there.”
“I know babe. But Erin is a badass too now...I’ll be fine.”
You hear your phone ringing inside, breaking the moment. You grab the empty glasses from the table before walking back in, wiping a tear that you hope Kevin didn’t notice was about to fall.
“I promise you baby, the month will be over before you know it!” You hear Kev yell as you search for your phone. You find it in the other room and wonder when you could’ve put it there.
Kim Burgess/FaceTime: you take a breath and decide to answer.
“Hey Kim.”
“Y/N...you ok?”
Holding back tears…. “Uh huh, yeah I’m fine. Kev just told me about New York. Why can’t Adam go instead?”
You both pause to look at each other and simultaneously reply…. “LOOSE CANON”, which cheers you up for a moment.
“And you know Voight trusts Kev. It’ll be great for his career too.”
“I know I know.”
“Is he there? I need to ask him something really quick and he didn’t answer my text earlier.”
“Yeah he's outside one second.”
You walk back out to the living room to find Kevin facing you from the balcony on one knee holding a gorgeous diamond ring. You stop in your tracks, as Adam appears on the screen next to Kim whistling like he’s at a hockey game.
“Ha! It worked! Go Kev!!!!”
Kim elbows Adam “Hush! Y/N, we love you guys.”
Standing directly in front of your boyfriend, still in shock, Kevin takes the phone from your hand and addresses the excited pair on the other end.
“Thanks y’all.”
Adam, of course...“Wait man, leave us on speaker. Don’t  we deserve to hear the speech?”
Kim laughs as she disconnects the call.
After putting your phone down, Kevin grabs your hand and traces gentle circles on it with his thumb as he begins to speak.
“Y/N. I love you so deep I don’t even want to think about how empty my heart felt before you. I fight harder to survive out there because of you. I don’t care how grumpy you are in the morning, or how big these sweaters get that you put on when I wake you up...I want this with you every single day for the rest of our lives. Baby, will you marry me?”
With a face full of tears, you drop to your knees and crash into Kevin’s lips.
Breaking the kiss, he’s cheesing with the most adorable boyish look in his eyes. “Is that a yes??”
“YES. Yes of course!” Your hands are shaking so much he can barely get the ring on.
“I love you.”
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isabellehemlock · 2 years
!! Just saw you're doing the game too! 🍓 please? <3
Ahhhhh Sarah, I'm finally catching up on all of these and what a joy it is to get an opportunity to gush about you properly! Thanks for sending me a strawberry 🍓
Thanks to Claz's comment earlier to my reblog of your absolutely lovely post, she mentioned how funny it is that she's basically like a Russian doll that revealed several other friends and now it's just one big circle of randoms you DM with. Here's a visual in case you needed to picture that 😎
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In all seriousness, I'll start by saying the first thing I noticed about you is your welcoming, kind spirit - it would be completely understandable for you to have found that group of 38 people you follow, and close ranks and just stick to people you love and cherish and let that be that (really, really understandable!).
And yet you kindly reply to all, both with humor and joy, and help! I can honestly vouch for the hashtags you sent me - added to my own list - and I have literally not had anything slip up on my dash in months!! Cannot thank you enough for your insight in that regard. You basically didn't have to give me the time of day - but not only do you chat with me, tag me, and otherwise engage, you have helped me, and brought joy to my days 😊
Now without getting any more sappy than that, let me also go on about your humor and talent - the laughs I have gotten from your tags! And I adore how you talk to people within them, because I tend to do the same (especially in liveblogging/rambling comments on AO3, as you know lol). I've been thankful for added smiles to my day thanks to your blog 😎
As for the talent!! Goodness gracious what an impressive writer you are! Like holy heck ~ I was doing one of those writer tag games where it asked you to describe your own writing style, both strengths and weaknesses and I was sharing how I definitly feel like I'm fairly straightforward in my style sometimes - and I'll admit I am so utterly moved by these sort of sweeping, prose like, imagery type styles I see within the fandom . . . And one of the examples I was thinking of was you!!
I feel like reading one of your fics is like lying down under a cozy heated blanket, and holding art between your hands - comforting, and inspiring all at once 💕
Thank you for your wonderful contributions to the fandom, but even more so for who you are as a person, and thanks for the ask - I hope this brought a smile to your face, and that you have a lovely week ahead!
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