#inspo: seamus
holocene-sims · 1 year
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july 1, 2021 2:00 p.m. uncle seámus's house
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apennywasted · 2 years
Hello my old heart
It's been so long
Since I've given you away
And every day I add another stone
To the walls I built around you
To keep you safe
Oh, don't leave me here alone
Don't tell me that we've grown
For having loved a little while
Oh, I don't want to be alone
I want to find a home
And I want to share it with you
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swissboyhisch · 1 year
We're Not Naked
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Pairing: Nico Hischier x Hughes!Reader
Summary: You just wanted some time alone with your partner. Sadly your brothers are clingy.
Word Count: 660
Warnings: Some making out and mentions of a boner
Request: From Anon I just wanna make out with Nico and then get caught tbh I have no shame 💀
A/N: I would love that as well. So I wrote this little piece. Thanks for the inspo :)
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As the photographer of the New Jersey Devils, you got to enjoy the training and game nights as a part of your job. A perk alongside working in the same organisation as your boyfriend. Nico, the captain of the New Jersey Devils, and yourself had been dating since you had met in 2019. You met through your brother, Jack. Which was the downside of working for the Devils; your brother was also on the team. Oh and can’t forget Luke, your youngest brother, who had moved to Newark to play on the team as well. 
After training, you and Nico went back to your apartment. He was house mates with Jack so it wasn’t unusual for him to stay with you as you didn’t live with anyone. Both of you got comfortable. You changed into your favourite lounging clothes then grabbed out some snacks. Since neither of you had work tonight, it was going to be a lazy day. The movie Batman was set up on the tv. Nico came back to the couch in just a pair of sweatpants. 
“You look cute,” Nico mutters, pressing a kiss to your lips as you two get comfy.
A giggle escapes your lips as he continues to pepper your face with kisses. He shifted you two around so you were under him. It had been a while since the two of you had some time to yourself. It soon heated up. Hands started wandering, finding exposed skin. 
“You taste like skittles,” You laugh, pulling away for a second to catch your breath. 
Nico smirks, “I could taste a little sweeter if you’d like.”
You didn’t bother replying, only kissing him once more. Nico pulled off your devils hoodie, leaving you with your comfy Bonds bra and your fluffy sleep shorts. You grin into the kiss when you feel Nico through his sweatpants. Mid tongue down your throat the door was thrown open. A door that was locked.
Luckily Nico had a quick reaction time and grabbed the throw blanket. He pulled it over you, covering your tits. “What the fuck are you two doing here?”
Your brothers, Jack and Luke, stood inside your apartment with Luke’s friends Seamus and Ethan behind them looking like deers in headlights. The only reason Jack even had a spare key was incase of emergencies. Not for random visits.
“What the fuck are you guys doing here?” You seeth. 
Luke pulled out his phone and called someone. “Yo Quinn. We just walked in on (Y/N) and Hischier making out naked on the couch.”
“We’re not naked!” You shout, hoping your twin could hear you.
“Semi naked,” Jack compromises. 
Quinn sighed on the other side of the phone. Sometimes he was glad he was alone in Vancouver with none of his siblings able to do this exact situation. “Leave them be you guys. They’ve been dating for like three years.”
Nico didn’t move from above you, hoping his hard on wouldn’t be on show through his grey sweatpants. “Can you two please leave?”
“We wanted to go out for lunch, do something on our day off.”
You groaned once more. “Why didn’t you text us instead?”
“We did,” Luke argues. “Neither of you answered.”
“Did you ever think maybe we were busy doing our own thing? You know… as a couple?”
You huffed, pressing a kiss to Nico’s cheek and standing up from the couch. Making sure to hold the blanket to your chest. Your brothers didn’t need to see anything more than they already have. “Give us 10. But you have to leave and wait in the car.”
Both of the boys raced out excitedly. It allowed Nico to finally stand up from the couch. Both of you sighed and went to your room to change into some better clothes. 
“I feel like we’re their parents,” Nico jokes.
You chuckle, “At least our kids will be better than these rascals.”
“That they will.”
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@findapenny @mp0625 @hischierhaze @11zegras @lvrzegras @francesfarhadi @cixrosie @daisysthings @jayrami3
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Neville longbottom x misunderstood slytherin girl who everyone thinks is bad and is going to like, betray him but she genuinely loves him🥺 anything from fluff to smut is fine🙈 thanks so much and sorry if you dont wanna or if this doesnt help your lack of inspo for neville fics❤️
It's cool, anon. Thank you for the ask 😄 the idea was interesting to write.
Genuine (Neville x Slytherin!F!reader)
Trigger Warnings: fluff; some of the Gryffindor's being rude; light swearing
A/N: sorry for it taking a little long to write. Had to rewrite different parts a few times. I also forgot to proofread so there may be a mistake or two somewhere. Added in a random oc Hufflepuff to keep Y/N company.
Why and how Neville ended up with a girlfriend from Slytherin has astounded every one of his friends. Y/N Y/L/N wasn't much for hanging out with her fellow housemates. That didn’t stop any of the Gryffindor's whispering things about her though. Always thinking she'd crush Neville's heart eventually or that saying yes when Neville asked her out was secretly some kind of poor joke. Neither let on that they minded, but Y/N always worried what he thought about it.
With their one year anniversary coming, Neville and Y/N started to plan how they might want to celebrate. Neville was sitting outside in the courtyard with Seamus and Dean enjoying the weather before lunch. Y/N had been looking for Neville a good 20 minutes by the time she finally did. The other two Gryffindor boys weren't to pleased to see her coming.
"I thought I might find you enjoying nature. Surprised it's out here in the courtyard vs one of the Greenhouses, but certainly something I love about you," she giggled watching Neville's face turn red.
"Hey, Neville, don't you think we should head back to the dorms?" Dean suggested.
Neville looked at Dean and Seamus, about to say something before being awkwardly tugged away from where his girlfriend was standing. "Guess I'll see you in potions then," Neville hollered to her, earning a smile and wave in response.
Back at the Gryffindor Common Room..............
"What the heck was that for?" Neville huffed. "And don't say that it's because you don't like Y/N."
Neither Dean nor Seamus said a word. A few moments passed before one of them decided to speak. "We know how much you love her, mate, but -."
Neville groaned, "Honestly guys, she's not going to backstab me, alright? If she was, wouldn't she have done it already?"
Meanwhile in the courtyard..................
"Y/N!" Stephanie hollered. "You get a chance to talk to Neville?"
Y/N sighed, "His friends rushed him off to Gryffindor tower before I could get a chance to have an actual conversation with him."
"Can't believe I'm saying this, but they're idiots. Absolute idiots. Thankfully I have two hours of History of Magic with Gryffindor's after lunch, so I might be able to help," she looked at Y/N with a grin.
"Thanks, but I'll about it," she replied as they hugged.
The End
(I wasn't sure what kind of ending I wanted to write, so I went with one that kind of on the open-ended side.)
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prioriincantatem · 1 year
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y’all know the drill-- mutuals only, pls specify no more than 3 muses for me to choose from, especially if you’re a multimuse! i’ll be doing these in the next couple of days! muse list under the cut. muses with the highest inspo rn are marked with an asterisk*
colin creevey
seamus finnigan
viktor krum
chiara lobosca
frank longbottom
neville longbottom
remus lupin *
everett mason
dorcas meadowes *
alastor moody *
harry potter *
greylyn tavish-moody
andromeda tonks *
ginny weasley
percy weasley
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elisedonut · 5 months
fic author interview
Thank you for the tag @mirrorofliterature I'm tagging whoever feels like doing it!
How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
42,741 words.
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Raspberry Muffin Flintley - 139 
at least we're trying Flintley - 104
Rhododendrons and False Indigo Harry/George - 102 (why its only been up a week wtf)
Anyone But You Draco/Percy - 98 
Storytime Naps Perciver - 96 
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yeah! unless it's just asking me to make more then i tend to get annoyed and ignore it but i don't get very many at the moment so i tend to stay on top of it pretty well
5. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Deceased. i guess? it's really the only one I got
i don't write angsty stuff much
6. What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
most of what i write barely even has AN ending I do a lot of open endings
i think the closest I've gotten to a complete story story have been A Shell for a Mate and Camera Cutie and they both end pretty happy
7. Do you write a cross-overs?
I have not as of yet! if I ever do it's probably going to be an isekai type scenario because it seems like the most fun to me
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I still have not shockingly
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Sometimes im not very good at it and am still learning on that front most of it tends to cut before smut really happens or is just jacking off
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
12. Have you co-written a fic before?
Also no.
13. What's your all time favourite ship?
I'm a big multi shipper so don't really even have one within one single fandom and you want an overall??
right now 99% of what i think about is Percy ships
14. What's a WIP that you want to finish but think you never will?
hmm if i say all of them do i lose my writer card?
but i do have alot of things I've started because the mood hit that i just can't see myself going back to like i have 3k for an amnesia memories au that has just been gathering dust since that original sprint of inspo hit
15. What are your writing strengths?
??? i come up with fun concepts i think? or at least they're fun to me
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
the writing part really I come up with far more ideas then I would ever be able to write hence why I still post alot on here but also like making the idea an actual story story and not just a small slice of a story
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in fic?
I'm too lazy for it overall.
18. What's the first fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter so far it's the only fandom I've written for
19. What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?
I'm not sure i ofc have a list of Percy ships i want to try which is currently
Dudley, Seamus, Justin and then ofc the two that constantly give me trouble when i try to pair them with Percy, Remus and Harry
but like outside of Percy ??
i have fandoms but most are dormant as of now like i love Idolmaster and stay caught up on the music but the idea of writing fics for it is like eh if anything it would be Makio/Soichiro tbh i miss them
I finished rwrb and enjoyed it a ton but with the firstprince being canon my brain just doesn't care that much to even seek out content for it because that's how my brain works
its canon so i don't feel the need to read (or by extension write) like 1000 different scenario's for them to get together
like people who stay fully invested in canon couples are powerful because my interest in them in a fanon sense goes out the window every time
i feel like if i ever did do something with rwrb it be an isekai since they are both into HP so it be a very typical get transported into your favorite series story i think that would be fun
i will never do it but fun idea
the ships i like for Danganronpa would probably get me killed/j
like i am with Percy now i was a big Chihiro multi shipper in my DR days before settling on ChiMaru as my favorite for them
20. What's your favourite fic that you've written?
controversial pick but Secret Fantasy 
i put so much work into it KNOWING no one was going to care about it because it's incest but i care about it damn it!! its the longest fic ive written as of now and i had so much fun with it and still think about it alot
less controversial pick is Camera Cutie  because I'm Colin kick at the moment though it is a bit more like messy since it was a pretty early one
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doobler · 5 years
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“I had no idea you had such fire inside you.”
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lily-vs-uni · 5 years
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27/09/19 - an afternoon working on my dissertation! been looking forward to this all week - a very different set up to the dull grind of translation. Still hard, though - it’s been 4 months since I last wrote an essay and I can practically hear my brain creaking, trying to get anywhere close to an argument that I can talk through with my tutor in a couple of weeks. I’ve got lots and lots of key words, but trying to fit them together is difficult. ah well, made a start on something tangible that I can show for a summer’s reading, got to use my highlighters, all in all, better than 300 lines of met 2! 
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incorrect-hp-convos · 5 years
Seamus: Well come to the ‘fuck Malfoy’ support group where gather to say a collective ‘fuck you’ to that stupid bitch.
Dean: But first, a few words from our newest member.
Harry, sweating: So I may have misunderstood-
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So we all know that Sam loves her flannels, but I can imagine her wearing a blazer and nice dress pants with a "fancy" t-shirt if there should be a special occasion or conference. Kinda like what Ally and Aj wore in their live performance of Potential Breakup Song (Explicit) version. (This was the only way I could figure out how to describe it)
Their fan club when seeing both Sam and Andrew in nice dressy looking clothes: "Wow we have the hottest parents."
Tristan: "Friends :) who dress nicely together, stay together :) hopefully not for long :)"
omg i know EXACTLY what you mean, i tried to get a proper screenshot from the video but it turned out horrible so if anyone is reading this and wants to experience the utter beauty that is aly & aj, the video can be found here
but YES that's precisely what i had in mind, like business casual but still absolutely stunning (and in this way, i project my love of band t-shirts onto sam, bc i think her collection would be much more impressive than mine)
can you just imagine the hysteria at english department events and sam and andrew come within like 1 meter of each other? i can practically hear the whispers already lol and you know they are going to be the most fashion forward people there, but like in a very understated way
like just imagine this look sans guitar:
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apennywasted · 6 years
Well I would swim but the river is so wide And I’m scared I won’t make it to the other side Well God knows I’ve failed but He knows that I’ve tried I long for something that’s safe and warm But all I have is all that is gone I’m as helpless and as hopeless as a feather on the Clyde
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my-god-another-ma · 4 years
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Seamus Heaney’s final words in a text to his wife // don’t be afraid
No(li) time(re), Darren Almond (2018) at Museum Voorlinden
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theocapaldi · 2 years
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(joe keery, male, he/him) THEODORE CAPALDI is the newest evergreen eagle! they’re TWENTY-THREE years old from CINCINATTI, OHIO joining us at evergreen to study COMPUTER ENGINEERING. have you heard CRAZY = GENIUS by PANIC! AT THE DISCO? it reminds me of them because they’re so ENERGETIC and DYNAMIC, but also super OBSESSIVE at times. i hope we catch them around campus soon!
full  name: theodore caleb capaldi nicknames: theo, t gender/pronouns: cis male; he/him faceclaim: joe keery birthday: april 14th star  sign: aries height:  5′11″ hometown: cincinatti, ohio orientation: homosexual masters: computer engineering character  inspo: jake peralta ( brooklyn nine-nine ), nick miller ( new girl ), seamus finnegan ( harry potter ), alex karev ( grey’s anatomy )
*brief background
being the youngest in a family with four brothers isn’t easy, especially when the mom had been wishing for a girl all of that time. either way, theodore was still born into a happy family, at least for the couple of years of his life - at least they were until theodore was old enough to be tossed around by his brothers. don’t worry, not literally being tossed around, but it just meant his older brothers would usually prank him, which meant that theo had to make sure he learned how to live with it. and so he did, and much for his brothers’ demise, he seemed to be the worst out of all of them. once he finally learned how pranks worked and of course with the help of the internet, theo became the prankster that the family didn’t expect - but it didn’t mean that they all didn’t love each other, but it did mean that they needed to start being careful around him.
growing up, theo showed to be extremely intelligent without even trying that hard. he would rather much focus on playing videogames and working on his pranks, but that didn’t mean he didn’t get good grades. he was one of the best students at his school and he kept this up until he finally reached high school. while in high school, theo learned about parties - and of course, he was at them all of the time, getting drunk by stealing drinks with his friends and he was never really caught. and the worst part is that he didn’t stop the pranking after he reached high school, in fact he became much worse. he would get firecrackers and throw them around the halls, throw wet toilet paper at walls and just be a menace. that’s what people knew him for.
even if he was like this most of the time, that didn’t mean he wasn’t a good friend or that he didn’t even have friends. not only was he a good friend, but he was also a good cousin, especially when céline and carter would come and visit him. the truth was that he quickly grew close to céline, even if he only saw her once in a while, but they immediately became close like siblings - and yes, it was weird that he saw her as his sister, mostly because he had grown with his brothers around, but that just made it good enough of a reason.
now that he’s in college, it doesn’t mean that he has changed any of his personality. sure, he doesn’t steal drinks as he would before, but the pranks still go on as if it was part of him. of course, he’s still as a good of a student as he was before, but he still goes to parties and gets drunk regularly, and being at evergreen university only made him enjoy those parties even more. plus, this gave me a chance to get close to his cousins.
you’re in for a treat if you ever come across theo. he’s the type of person to be always energetic and he’s probably the most chaotic person you’ll meet. he’s loud and he knows it, and he always seems to be pranking people whenever he gets the chance. just think, if spencer st. james is the devil, then theo is definitely the devil’s little helper. he’ll bite back if he has to, but he’s definitely nicer to people he knows and he’s generally a good person, but don’t be surprised if he suggests breaking into a building because he’ll do it easily.
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morgan-macguire · 5 years
Bloodhound Rescue
Arthur Morgan x reader
Summary: Arthur and the reader adopt a dog after seeing it mistreated
Warnings: animal cruelty (just implications of it!), whack writing
A/n: so I got the inspo for this after I helped some kid find his dog in Emerald Ranch. When they reunited the kid was being mean to the dog and I felt so bad I just wanted Arthur to take the poor pup back to camp and love it :(( most of the dialogue from the owner of the animal is straight from the game
not my gif (I know Cain isn't a bloodhound but I can’t find a gif of one for the life of me so ur just gonna have to pretend eheh)
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You and Arthur had ridden into Emerald Ranch to sell some valuables you’d picked up from an O’Driscoll camp. It was easy enough to get everything, there were only five people at the hideout and they were all drunk off their asses. As you and Arthur rode by on your horses, one of them recognized you and took his gun out. His bullet missed but everyone’s guns were out moments later, firing at you and Arthur, along with tripping over themselves and stumbling along. The two of you took them all out quickly and looted the camp for your troubles.
Seamus gave the two of you a suspicious look at the number of belt buckles and wedding rings but didn’t say anything as he paid you. As long as he could sell it, he could care less as to where it came from. You walked through Emerald Ranch towards the horses, sorting through the money and making sure you separated the gangs share before splitting the rest between the two of you.
Some sad-looking teenager was pacing around the Ranch, shouting something. Gently gripping Arthur’s forearm to get his attention, you gestured to the boy.
“Boy! Where are you, boy?” the teen shouted. He kicked at some rocks and dropped his shoulders, wiping a hand across his face.
“D’you think he lost his brother?” you turned to Arthur. He shrugged, suggesting the two of you go find out what was wrong with the kid.
He noticed as you two walked towards him and practically ran to meet you half way. “Oh you’ve got to help me! My dog has gone missing and it’s getting real late. He’s been gone for hours! If he don’t come back soon, the wolves’ll get him.”
Arthur was a bit hesitant, but agreed to help after glancing down to your worried face.
The boy began another rant about the wolves, only to have Arthur cut him off mid sentence. “Alright, alright kid calm down. We’ll keep an eye out for your dog.”
“Oh, thank you! Thank you, mister! H-He’s a Bloodhound, black and brown. If you find him, I’ll be under that old tree near the Post office”
You and Arthur went off in search of the dog while the kid sulked away.
“I sure hope the wolves haven’t already got to the pup.” You frowned, crossing your arms in worry.
Arthur’s hand reached up to rub your shoulder reassuringly. “I’m sure he’s around here somewhere. We’ll find him.”
You nodded, reaching down to grab his hand. Arthur followed as you led the way.
The two of you had circled the town twice without any sign of the dog.
Arthur’s heart ached for you, he hated the frown that had set itself upon your face and desperately wished for the damn dog to just appear.
Just when all hope seemed lost, you heard a faint boof. You squeezed Arthur’s hand, stopping in your tracks. “Listen.” You whispered. He didn’t question you. Arthur fell silent, looking around intently.
When another quiet boof sounded, you knew the direction it was coming from. You were on the edge of town, the only things around being a windmill and an empty stable. You crouched down to peek underneath, nearly crying out in joy.
“Arthur!!” You gasped, pointing to the windmill. You dropped you loves hand and sped over to get a closer look at the dog.
You dropped to your knees near the Bloodhound, cooing “Hey, boy! Have you lost your pa?” The dog sent you a hesitant look and didn’t move. Arthur finally caught up to you, resting a hand on your shoulder as you tried to coax the dog out. You extended your hand out to the dog, instantly retracting it when you noticed him flinch.
“Hey now, it’s alright. I’m not gonna hurt you.” You told him, slowly offering him your hand to sniff. You pulled a small piece of salted venison out of Arthur’s satchel, holding it out for the dog to grab. After a few moments, the dog stood up and walked up to you.
The dog circled you for a moment before relaxing. He started wagging his tail and rolling around at your feet, requesting some belly rubs. You sat petting the dog for close to ten minutes. He licked your face a few times before you had to back up. Arthur laughed at you, reaching down to pat him.
“Oh, Arthur, I just love this little guy.” You exhaled, briefly glancing up at Arthur with a gleeful grin. You pet the dog for a few more minutes before Arthur mentioned the boy looking for him.
You wanted so badly to keep him but Arthur, always your voice of reason, reminded you that the dog already had a family. Even though the two of you really liked the dog, the kid was missing him, so you gave the dog a few more pats and the three of you returned to the teenager.
As you approached, you noted the dog’s demeanor shift slightly. He stopped wagging his tail and held his head down slightly. The kid’s worried face melted away upon seeing his dog, and he jumped up from the tree stump and called the dog over. Your heart swelled at the sight, eliciting a small smile from Arthur as he watched you.
Your eyebrows knitted in the middle when the dog refused to leave your side and his tail went in between his legs. You glanced up at Arthur, both of you sharing a look.
The boy didn’t seem so happy anymore either. He swore loudly and snapped his finger at the dog, calling him once again. The dog didn’t move.
“Get over here right now or I’ll stomp on your paws!” He growled at the dog, taking a few steps towards it. You were just about to say something when the poor dog sprinted away from his owner, who chased right on after it.
Before Arthur could even wrap his head around what was happening, you took off after the kid, ready to whoop his ass. Arthur took off after you, also prepared to whoop some ass for you if needed.
The boy cornered the dog behind a cabin, bawling his hands into fists. You jumped in front of him before he could get to the dog, shielding the frightened creature. “Mistreatin’ an animal is no way to get it to listen to you.”
The teen rolled his eyes at you, crossing his arms as Arthur caught up.
“What would you know, old lady?”
Before you were able to respond, Arthur stepped forward, towering over the teen with a dark scowl. He clenched his fists, clearly unhappy with how the kid spoke to you.
“That ain’t no way to speak to a lady. You’d better learn some respect, kid, or I’ll have to pay you a visit when the lady’s not around. Now apologize to the kind woman who helped you find your dog.” 
“S-sorry,” the boy shrunk into himself, taking a small step away from Arthur. Arthur tilted his head, crossing his arms as he continued to glare. ”ma’am” the kid added. He called for his dog once more, voice shaking slightly. The dog whimpered, hiding behind your dress.
“Fine then! Run off to Mexico for all I care. Stupid mutt.” he stomped a few feet away, glancing back at Arthur before running back home.
“Now what?” Arthur came to stand next to you as you stepped back to look at the dog.
“I guess we have a dog now.” He shrugged.
Your jaw dropped, and you stared at the man in front of you in admiration. “Really?”
Arthur shrugged again, glancing down at the dog watching the two of you intently.
“Well, the kid sure ain’t gonna keep him. I’m sure we could use a dog around camp to keep the rodents in check, Dutch won’t be mad.”
You threw your arms around Arthur in excitement. He stumbled back, but caught himself.
“Arthur Morgan, you are a wonderful man.”
He shook his head, glancing down to the floor momentarily. “I don’t know about that, darlin.”
You pulled away, whistling for your horse.
The Bloodhound was very anxious for a bit after leaving Emerald Ranch, but he loosened up the further away you got. He walked in between your horse and Arthur’s, relieved to have found a new family.
- :) I have a part 2 for this comin soon hehehehe I actually finished it before I finished this LOL I’ll post it if anyone wants it
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damnthings · 4 years
@theasteriae | meme!
☼ How does your character usually dress in daily life? (meira, seamus, evey)
     romantic goth inspo all the time. black and rich colors, dramatic but nothing ostentatious. ruffled shirts and jeans, antique jewelry. sometimes makeup but not always– dark lipstick and smoky eyes. religious talismans like crucifixes and nazars. boots or sneakers.
     bold and suggestive. buttoned shirts hanging almost entirely open and tight jeans or flowing skirts. lots of jewelry, anything flashy or tacky, especially layered necklaces and bracelets and big rings. ears are pierced in several places and he wears dangly earrings along with hoops and studs. always smudged eyeliner, tinted chapstick. nails are often painted but chipped. big patterns and bright colors. sandals or sneakers.
     og soft girl lmao. lots of vintage (she thrifts most everything). jeans and tshirts and big cozy cardigans or sweaters at work, which is most of the time. sundresses and maxi dresses and frilled blouses outside of work. soft pinks, creams, vibrant yellows, sky blue. she’ll buy anything with a rabbit or cat or bee on it. not much into jewelry for the most part aside from an old locket that she wears when she’s feeling nostalgic, maybe some earrings. flats or old sneakers.
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pynkwitch · 4 years
every time I go to reread sections of the books for tonks & seamus inspo I’m reminded how little content there actually is for them.............
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