#int: answered.
rassvetiye · 1 year
sometimes survivors don’t survive. ( around defection … )
fatigue almost makes him turn away from the wisdom of other people, her ominous warnings that feel like a door left unlocked but not ajar enough to reveal the other side. anatoliy feels the uncertainty of the times like pressure in his ear as he leans against the wrought iron of the fire escape and ashes his cigarette into the alleyway beneath them. there are things to be enjoyed about manhattan, but he does not like it's never ending trumpet band of car horns very much.
≪  so we change.  ≫ he raises a brow at her, having become too tired to tell if he's successfully gleaned her meaning. ≪  change is good. if you can remember who you are.  ≫ or at least stomach who they have had to become. he takes another drag from his cigarette. ≪  what have you done, natalya, if not survive?  ≫
@vlyuvdova / meme.
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wholestory · 2 years
who would he pray to?  bill wants to answer her question seriously but he doesn't really have the means. his attention gets caught by the way the sun comes through the stain glass, how it changes as the clouds move around in the sky behind it.  it’s so quiet in the church that even their measured whispering feels blasphemously loud.  he itches at his jaw and badly wants a cigarette.
this is true: “ i got this nice picture, " he measures out an estimate of its size with his fingers and thumbs. " of chuck berry. i keep it taped up on the mirror where ever i set up shop, blow him a kiss before i leave the dressing room for a show. think that's as close as i get to prayin' these days. “
meme / @d1c4af
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nickyguns · 1 year
“ it’s only weird if you make it weird. “
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" listen, honey, you know - i know it's important to keep an open mind about who's putting what in where, that kind of stuff, but... some shit can just be objectively weird shit. who you do it with isn't really the part to blush about. "
nick takes a drink of some real top shelf whiskey and scans the crowd. " you think they're swingers? you think they think we're swingers? " ... could they be swingers?
@mrsteries / meme.
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essektheylyss · 1 year
Contact Other Plane really is such a perfect wizard and warlock spell, because it truly encapsulates the hubris of those classes. It's the most extreme "fuck around and find out" spell. It's like, you can make a collect call out of this world. You might get some answers, but you also might go insane for trying it. You'll be fine in the morning, though. You will learn nothing from this experience.
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patrothestupid · 2 days
*The secret rock that'll heal your snout*
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turrondeluxe · 2 years
Hi. So, I saw Mikey feed Odyn a bottle of (presumably) milk, but what other things do the turtle tots like to eat?
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It was indeed milk!
We don't truly know how exactly ronin Mikey grew up but I'm assuming that in like most iterations of the turtles, food and a place to stay were hard to come by when growing up, specially when Mikey and his brothers were babies. Because of this, Mikey knows what is like growing hungry and not letting any food they had the luck of having go to waste.
In the comic Mikey is shown growing his own crops and harvesting them So in the au Mikey grows his own vegetables and fruits making it easier for him to prepare food for the babies. He tries his best to make a large variety of dishes for them because he wants them to try as much they want and never go hungry. Since Mikey is a turtle mutant himself he tries to makes dishes that would appeal to their turtle cravings too, like algae! In addition to this, in the au Mikey sells his harvest to nearby towns to manage with money or stuff he and the babies need for the house! (like ingredients to make homemade pizza :] )The people from the towns he usually visits don't really mind him or the babies because they are aware they are Hamato clan members and the people from the towns actually like having the little turtle family around! (Since Mikey can't really leave the babies on their own yet (not like he wants to either), the towns knows of their existance and they love them)
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atomiqueen · 4 months
♔ — memes / accepting!
@radiaking said: 46. sender  pulls  receiver  out  of  harm’s  way .
        The first shots fire from somewhere neither of them is expecting, so quiet Lucy almost doesn't realize what the sound is. Fwip, fwip. And her whole body jerks like she's a marionette and someone's pulling her strings: First back as a bullet pearls into her shoulder, then doubling over as another finds her hip.
        Then the Ghoul has her before she can hit the ground. There's a rush of air around her ears and the sound of more gunfire. He dumps her behind a pile of stone and steel rubble with a grumbled, “Stay.”
        “Where d'you think I'm gonna go?” she asks in a daze. It doesn't seem to hurt yet. That's not right. She should be in pain...
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radiaking · 4 months
+ memes / accepting!
@atomiqueen sent: ∗ 97﹕ sender  has  hidden  an  injury  from  receiver ,  and  receiver  finds  out .
        She's putting her hair up, getting it out of her face as she fiddles with one of her weapons when he sees it. Or them rather. Two distinct pinhole marks on the side of her neck. "What the fuck is that on your neck?" He growls, teeth clenched as his eyes flicker briefly toward the pale elf, knowing damn well what it is.
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babtest · 4 months
still obsessed with Jenny, picking up the narrator on the side of the road, presumably a person with nowhere to go. And they ask her, hey, "what's that say?" about the legend on the shield in greek on her fresh tattoo.
and what it says is
“I will bring this man back and he will have his city and move freely in his father's halls.”
and she can't say that to this person. She's done this before, after all. "Plenty came through before". She knows she will not bring them back to where they came from (where they came from got them here), they will never have this city (the city is trying to rezone her house), and they certainly don't end up moving freely.
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ocprompts · 9 months
I only followed recently so you don't have to use these if you've done something too similar before. also you can rephrase them if they're awkwardly phrased.
Why is your OC named what they're named? Is there a different reason in-universe than out-of-universe?
Does your OC consider themself a cat person or a dog person?
If your OC was a pokemon gym leader, what type would they specialize in?
How does your OC decorate their room?
Does your OC share their room with anyone? A sibling, a partner, a pet..?
How many pillows does your OC sleep with?
Does your OC have an outfit that they never or almost never wear, but still keep?
What is the most illegal thing your OC has done?
Has your OC's favorite color ever changed? How?
Can your OC solve a Rubik's cube?
Does your OC collect anything?
What does/did your OC do with their old school work?
Does your OC prefer to sleep with their door open or closed?
How many times can your OC wear an article of clothing before they decide to wash it? And how does this compare to how actually dirty it is?
What does your OC have hung on the front of their fridge?
If your OC was a magical girl (gender neutral), what would their theme color be?
What kind of animal(s) are/were your OCs stuffed toys?
Is your OC any good at keeping plants alive?
How many ties does your OC own, and how often do they actually wear them?
Has your OC ever had any dental issues?
What kind of animal represents your OC, is it the same animal they think represents them, and is it their favorite animal?
Is your OC a fan of glow-in-the-dark items?
If your OC's life/story was a game, what kind of game would it be?
What books does your OC own, and why?
How much spam email does your OC get? And is it their own fault for signing up for it?
Does your OC have any mail subscriptions?
How many YouTube channels is your OC subscribed to?
How does your OC organize their phone gallery?
How often does your OC get a new phone?
What OS does your OC use on their computer? Did they pick it specifically, or did they just get a random computer and stick with whatever the default OS was?
How hard would it be to crack your OC's password?
How easily does your OC remember their own password(s)?
What age did your OC stop trick-or-treating? Dressing up?
When did your OC stop believing in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy?
How much money did your OC get from the tooth fairy when they lost a tooth?
Does your OC know how to make flower crowns?
Does your OC like hiking?
How good is your OC at remembering dates like birthdays and anniversaries?
Does your OC have the same political views as their parents? How have they affected each other?
What is your OC's favorite ice cream flavor?
When ordering a drink or treat, does your OC get small, medium, or large?
Does your OC like eating mushrooms?
Is there any birthday or Christmas gift that your OC is guaranteed to love?
Where does your OC get their groceries?
How well does your OC drive, and how does that compare to how well they think they can drive?
Does/did your OC make or buy their Halloween costumes?
Were your OC's Halloween costumes "normal" things, or were they weird or unique?
How big were your OC's birthday parties?
How often does your OC move houses?
Does your OC like garage sales?
Can your OC change a tire?
Who raised your OC when they were growing up?
How good is your OC at estimating distances, sizes, and measurements?
If you were trapped in an elevator with your OC, how long could you stand each other, and who would break first?
Does your OC have a good poker face?
How messy is your OC's bedroom?
How big are/were your OC's classes in school?
What is/was your OC's favorite school subject?
How is/was your OC's relationship with their teachers?
How bad do the holes in your OC's socks have to be for them to get rid of them?
How many pairs of shoes does your OC own?
Is your OC a hat person?
Has your OC won any awards or medals, and if so, what for?
What music genre(s) does your OC prefer?
How often does your OC buy things they immediately regret?
How often does your OC see wild animals?
What's the biggest animal your OC thinks they could take in a fight, and what's the biggest animal they could actually take in a fight?
How often does your OC lie?
What is your OC's preferred method of payment? Cash, credit, debit, cheque, bank transfer, app like paypal..?
How much money would it take to get your OC to kill someone?
What is your OC's sleep schedule like?
How well does your OC get along with their siblings?
How far is your OC willing to bend their morals for someone they love?
If someone close to your OC became a zombie, would your OC be able to shoot them?
How would your OC fare in a zombie apocalypse?
How is your OC at spelling?
How many languages does your OC speak?
How good is your OC's immune system?
At a carnival, what kind of food would your OC get?
Does your OC consider candy "food"?
What are your OC's favorite and least favorite household chores?
How does your OC feel about sex jokes?
What's your OC's alcohol tolerance like?
Does/did your OC decorate their locker in school?
If money wasn't an issue, what would your OC spend their days doing?
Does your OC enjoy puzzles like crosswords and sudoku?
How much facial hair can your OC grow?
How much jewelry does your OC wear?
How many piercings does your OC have?
How often does your OC need to use the bathroom?
How much does your OC care what others think of them?
Does your OC usually pick heads or tails?
What's your OC's rock-paper-scissors strategy?
Does your OC like shopping?
Why does your OC style their hair the way they do?
How does your OC feel about bugs?
Does your OC know how to perform CPR?
Has your OC ever been to the hospital? What for?
How many seconds does your OC allow for the 3/5/10-second-rule?
Does your OC keep broken, used, or worn-out items for sentimental reasons?
What makes a place "home" for your OC?
hi im literally in love with you <2
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Inquiring minds want to see your take...8 INT Tav meets Haarlep in the Boudoir.
asjdaksjdasd oh my god okay, well obviously taking massive inspiration from your og: 8 INT Tav
this got... impossibly long. don't blame me, blame the two competing peacocks.
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Raphael rematerializes within the familiar walls of his bedroom, still pinching the bridge of his nose. He normally prefers to arrive at the front hall, to allow his servants to see and feel his presence in their midst, but today… He’ll grant himself an allowance, just this once. A familiar rustle of wings unfurling has him spinning around, looking for the slightest opening to lash out and satisfy even some portion of his wounded pride. He is not kept waiting long. 
Haarlep’s mockingly dulcet voice lilts out of the shadows across the room, eyes alight with glee. “How was the visit with your dear paramour, Unseelie lord?” 
Raphael raises a clawed fist in their direction, discordant notes like distant screams gathering at the tips. Haarlep leans forward with anticipation, the byplay between them familiar if not yet entirely banal. Just before he releases it, tips them over the edge into simple violence that might ease but not soothe the indignity he has suffered today – and every day since meeting that impertinent, irritating girl – a thought strikes him. He grins, slow and toothy.
Haarlep is far too accomplished a fiend to do anything so obvious as blanch, but they do blink twice in rapid succession, a clear sign of their startlement from one who knows them as well as he. It is not often that he misses a step in their masquerade. 
Letting the accrued magic dissipate entirely, Raphael raises his hands to his mouth in an expression of carefree thought, a fine and cutting edge to it that he knows the other feels. 
“Why, how delightfully cordial of you to ask after her, Haarlep. In fact, she has been doing the same, nigh incessantly!” He watches the other’s face with barely-hidden glee, tracking every visible micro-expression. 
Another blink. Confusion. Haarlep doesn’t see the game yet. And, after all, how could they? That girl is absolutely incalculable. Raphael soothes his vexation with the thought that, at least this time, he can make someone else play the victim to her unique form of nescience. 
A brief mantling of the wings. They have determined their gambit then. With a sultry movement of their arm, Haarlep gestures to themself. “But of course! Who could possibly resist such a delicacy in truth? I am glad to hear the little darling has come to her senses and reconsidered.”
Raphael lets them preen, their eyes still watchful behind their long lashes, a moment longer, then claps his hands sharply. 
“That’s settled then. I’ll be just a moment, and then the two of you can get reacquainted.” He lets some portion of his own power rise around him for just a moment. No need to put too fine a point on it. “And, Haarlep? I do expect you to give a more proper welcome to guests of the House in future.”
Haarlep looks away for that moment, a pretense at nonchalance, but Raphael trusts his message has been received. He discorporates himself with a moment’s thought, feeling a malefic cheer rising as he considers the treat in store for him. 
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Haarlep remains where they stand, loath to cede more ground and mistrustful of this turn of their little brat’s whims. They cast back to their first, brief meeting with the subject of his – unwitting and unwilling – current attentions, but nothing materializes that could explain the specific turn of his disposition. She had been too insipid to intrigue, yet somehow survived her visit unscathed where countless others had not. 
Their thoughts are suspended by the familiar metaphysical crackle that heralds the rematerialization of Raphael’s preferred method of conveyance. This time, he does not arrive alone. Held stiff and distrustful within the loose circle of his arms is… her. The moment she sets her eyes on Haarlep, they go limpid and soft.
Raphael speaks, face inscrutable but voice tremulous with his mirth, “See, dear one, I told you I’d had a… crisis of conscience. You’ve worn me down with your keen moral arguments, and I’m prepared to… see sense, and let you speak to Haarlep again.”
Haarlep blinks, genuinely caught off guard for one of the first times in recent memory. What… is going on. 
The girl steps forward, turning back to give Raphael a solemn, approving look, before approaching Haarlep tentatively. It is, however, not with the understandable caution they are accustomed to from mortals, but rather underpinned by something saccharine and soppy. Their well-honed survival instincts prick at them as she opens her mouth, warning them without even a bare moment to flee that whatever comes out of it will be harrowing indeed. 
“I know, Haarlep. I know what you are.” She reached out toward them with  supplicant hands. “You aren’t stuck here. You can be free.”
Haarlep blinks once, then again. “... What.”
She elaborates, but does not in any way elucidate. “I’ve seen this before, you know. It’s not hopeless. Whatever these fey have told you, your nature does not make you one of them. You belong on the Material Plane, with others like you.”
Behind her, Raphael’s face begins to crack into a grin worthy of a true fiend. Haarlep’s distrust is growing exponentially with each passing moment. They paste on a smile and lean forward, “Others… like me. And just what would those others be, little interloper?” 
“Oh, Haarlep…” To his stark disgust, a single tear drips from one eye. Gleeful micro-vibrations emanate from Raphael, propagating a shimmering haze around him. 
She continues on, after a brief pause in which she stares at him mournfully, “A changeling, of course. I’m so sorry you’ve fallen prey to their lies, that you had to find out this way.” 
She clenches her fist, a mawkish determination filling her entire body. “I’ll find a way to free you. I promise.”
[Haarlep.exe has stopped responding.] 
On the resounding heels of the vacuum left by her pronouncement, Raphael vibrates himself into the wall of the next room over. His cackling still reaches them unimpeded.
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rassvetiye · 1 year
How does your muse handle emotions? what does it take to get your muse to cry? what are they like when they’re angry?
emotions. anatoliy tries not to detach himself from his feelings because he doesn't like the idea of there being something inside himself that he cannot ultimately get a handle on, and he prefers to weather the discomfort than pull away from it. sometimes he will detach himself from the situation, but he is not detaching himself from the feelings it inspired. not being able to control the grief of losing vitaly ( which i should also mention how this springs from the loss of his sister and how her death kind of detached him from his parents and he really didn't have much of a relationship with them afterwards ) and also losing mariya as a result of that definitely helped shape how much more careful he is with his emotions and the reactions they cause from that point forward in life. but! again, he doesn't deny himself his feelings. his parents were like that, which turned him into a conduit for their emotional labor/processes while never really getting much back from them in return for it besides a lot of intellectualization in place of any genuine empathetic connection. this is also why anatoliy is very conscious of other peoples emotions as well, or at least his own perceptions of them. crying. i have no doubt that he's been seen to shed a tear over a particularly emotional story/song on occasion because he's just a very sentimental guy and i've said before he would absolutely cry when any of his kids leave the nest. he'll cry over loss for sure, but i think he tends to cry for other people more than he does for himself, and in private. anger. anatoliy more often than not perceives his own anger as a secondary emotion to something else and he is not very quick to respond in anger to people that are important to him. for the moments where it can't be helped his anger has a pretty humid presence of restraint that is clearly not for his benefit. he's immovable, stops hunching, hands on hips and deep breaths in his chest. he'll smile or laugh, but it's not nervous. he's not a yeller, won't raise his voice, it just gets deeper.
@d1c4af / meme.
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wheeboo · 4 months
babes come get your man
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TOMO WHY WOOLD U FCKIFNG DO THIS TO ME ?!\€|€€]**]’&/:;):$$:&:&:&
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nickyguns · 1 year
it’s a good story, but i don’t believe you.
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" what's that even mean? what're you sayin', you don't believe me? when have i ever lied about somethin' stupid like this, huh? " kinda dug his own hole with that one. he throws a hand out to stop her when she rears up to start counting on her fingers.
" alright, alright. jesus, i didn't think you'd actually start countin' it all out like that. alright, you want the truth? here's the truth: " nick sits on the edge of the bed and slaps his hands down on his knees. sixteen years they've been married and they've filled the last half of the decade with some pretty intense shit. not sure why this kind of stuff can still embarrass him in front of her.
" i got beat up. okay? i caught up to the guy, i had him in a corner, and he laid me out like ralph macchio in the god damn karate kid. it happened. we don't need to get into the nitty gritty. "
@mrsteries / meme.
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resettingprogress · 1 year
↦ . . .
[It's been... more ðan þree days. Why did he wait for so long?]
[he appeared and looked around] "hellooooo???"
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settinggeneral · 1 year
hey, you know anything about... "reset?"
"oh hi!! yeah haha more then i'd like to! whats your name friend??"
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