#interacting communicating interacting
brown-spider · 1 year
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Hey remember how Noir is an anti-fascist from 1933
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lastoneout · 1 year
the whole guilt-tripping language in posts about important topics paired with how I'm still getting bitches in my notes talking about why it's actually good to tell "bad" people to kill themselves continues to prove to me that a lot of people have absolutely no concept of social justice or activism outside of assuming the worst of and then viciously attacking strangers on the internet
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bonkykog · 3 months
Got a problem? Donkey Kong's got a solution!
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tracritical · 3 months
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shrek2fan1 · 3 months
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i think its sweet that he lovesd her even when she looked like this. not something a lot of men
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girliestkiddo · 8 months
I need carrying around a stuffed animal friend to be normalized
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lilithism1848 · 25 days
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Growing up with a gender non conforming mother literally saved me. She never wore makeup, she rarely shaved, she had short hair, she always put comfort first when choosing clothes, she never cared for skincare or anti-aging products in fact she’s proud of her wrinkles, she was a ‘these are signs of a fulfilling life’ mother not a retinol at 15 mother, she was a ‘eat whatever you want’ mother not a ‘are you gonna eat all that?’ mother, she was openly against plastic surgery, she stood up for her beliefs, she never let men talk down to her or belittle her, she was always down for a debate etc.
It didn't dawn on me until I got older that this wasn't 'normal'. That not everyone’s mother was like that. I rarely felt pressure to conform to patriarchal gender stereotypes because I didn’t grow up with one as a role model. In fact the only times I started to feel as though I should conform to ‘femininity’ was when I started integrating more into wider society and less in the comfort of my home. (Social media, friendships etc)
When I was a kid, I took it for granted, but now I see how blessed I was to be raised by a mother like that, and I see how much my friends and women online are struggling to accept themselves in totality, in their natural and unapologetic form. Since I was born, I thought it was totally normal for women to be like that … because it should be.
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radfemridiculous · 24 days
I find it endlessly amusing that men are so confused, affronted, and concerned about the birth rates and marriage rates declining globally and then they behave like subhuman creatures. There are sex toys now that allow men to simulate fucking the decapitated head of a woman. Men cannot handle rejection and frequently become violent. Men are responsible for 75% of crime and 98% of sex crimes. Pornography has become increasingly violent and stomach-turning. Turns out when you act like an animal and treat women like a commodity, they don't wanna fuck you OR chain themselves to you and make themselves your legal property! Isn't that fun
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gunk----pumper · 1 month
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coinswallower39 · 2 months
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yapoholics-anonymous · 2 months
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"it's woman's responsibility to be assaulted correctly"
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Middle aged women on twitter always get it.
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garfieldmoviequotes · 3 months
"Spaghetti can be eaten most successfully if you inhale it like a vacuum cleaner." - Sophia Loren
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therealanomalysbane · 2 months
my real most controversial opinion (even on here probably) is that i genuinely do not see it as horrifically evil when a woman/girl abandons their baby somewhere. even for dead. or gets a late term abortion. or even kills her children. she wouldn't have done that without a very good reason. she could have been traumatized and afraid, or genuinely not have the means to raise that child.
i remember watching a vid a few days ago about a 14 YO girl who abandoned her newborn in a dumpster after giving birth alone. 14 FUCKING YEARS OLD!! she could have murdered that baby and i would not hold it against her if i'm being honest. imagine how traumatized she must have been. the comments were FULL of people saying she has some responsibility despite her age, perhaps she does, I don't care. there will ALWAYS be someone sympathizing with and wanting to look after an abandoned baby. but the poor traumatized mother will be seen as the inhuman scum of the earth.
my sympathies will always, always lie with the woman/girl, she has hopes, dreams and fears just like everyone else. her humanity is not forfeit, and i can and will value it over her child's, because no one else is going to. 'evil' women have my everlasting sympathy.
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lilithism1848 · 27 days
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