#interactions: imogen
callofthxvoid · 2 months
WHERE: Lake Party WHO: Miz Shah ( @cryptidkeepp )
Imogen was laying on her back on the picnic blanket she had spread over the ground for the whole gang. They hadn't seen them in a while, but they trusted that Utena was keeping an eye on the rest of them. Glancing around, she spotted her friend nearby and pushed herself up into a half-seated position. "Miz," they called out, gently patting the spot next to them. "Please, come join me. I'm just soaking up the sun over here."
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nancyartemisvon · 2 years
w/ @imogenchxrch​
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Though Nancy wasn’t one for clubbing per say, she felt this was the perfect time to let loose. The Shadow was arrested, she could let her hair down and get a few drinks in her system.. right? The best person she knew for the job was Imogen. She was fun, wild in a way that made sense to Nancy still and she was gorgeous. Gorgeous meant that the attention would be on her and Nancy wouldn’t have to fend off a bunch of creeps who wanted nothing more than to get in her pants. Her very expensive pants at that. And yes, she wore a power suit to the club. She didn’t really own any club gear. 
“So... this drink is proclaimed as an.. Adios Mother F...ucker?” she leaned over to her friend, an eyebrow quirked in pure confusion as the bright blue drink stared her down. Not only did it look like toxic waste, it smelled like every alcohol under the sun mixed into one, and that was probably because it was. Not to mention the name alone was worrisome. 
“You want me to drink this? My vehicle is still parked outside and I’m sure Carmen is far too busy with her own friends to pick me up. Imogen, are you trying to annihilate every bit of self control I have left?”
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danwhobrowses · 3 months
Since I have some free time on the weekend, Downfall is next week and it's Missing Bells Hells hours for me, I'd like to share with everyone my vision for when the Hells return to table
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sparring-spirals · 1 year
im still thinking about that moment last episode where they're planning how to approach dancer and we got:
Ashton: "yeah we should go in with a ginger approach, make sure she doesn't run"
Imogen with complete sincerity, immediately: "so should i just go and calm her emotions right away?"
Ashton with zero judgement or concern: "that, or i was going to pin her down, but that's cool too."
and then when FCG naturally panics over why are we attacking dancer they both turn in sync to be like! No!!! not attacking. restraining. 👍 :) like what. you're both. mildly messed up on exactly the same wavelength here. i love them both so much. what do you mean overkill. this IS my ginger approach. I'm Doing The Job By Whatever Means Necessary Why Are You Yelling.
Something something two people who have spent their lives learning to suppress their flinch/doubt reflex when in a crisis. Out of a horrible necessity. Those two Problem Solving together with a casual sort of callousness. and looking at each other like 👍? 👍 meanwhile FCG is in the background going "wait we're talking about attacking her???" "no of COURSE not, just restraining!" god i adore them.
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sapphicstacks · 2 years
I think there is a lot to be said about Imogen trying so hard to meet Laudna where she is at emotionally post-resurrection.
It’s first obvious in the moment Pike doesn’t find Delilah’s spirit. Imogen is taken, for the briefest of moments, by joy because this is what the two of them have been working on for years together. From the very beginning, Imogen was in the conservatory looking up how to separate Laudna and Delilah. “We’re going to get her out of your head,” was Imogen’s reassuring promise to Laudna after the FCG fight. So, Imogen shows unabashed excitement for a split second.
However, Imogen also just made a new promise to Laudna. A promise that she will meet Laudna wherever she is and be there for her. So, Imogen uses her hands to cover her smile, steels herself, and matches Laudna. And we watch her do this over and over again that day in Whitestone. She takes every single cue from Laudna.
Laudna needs a hand to hold on to? Of course.
Laudna needs a promise that Whitestone is real? Imogen crosses her heart.
Laudna wants to touch the Sun Tree? Well, get up here.
Laudna is excited about a newly alive Pâté? Imogen has never giggled so openly.
Laudna can’t eat lobster? Luckily, potatoes are Imogen’s favorite food!
I can’t help but be impressed with Imogen in those moments. Imogen hasn’t had as many chances as Laudna to be the caretaker in their relationship but she will be damned before she neglects that duty now. She recognizes that Laudna will be in the place that Imogen was when they first met, and there is not a moment where Imogen doubts her ability to step up and be there for her. Imogen, in all of her self-doubt and anxiety, knows for a fact that she can keep that promise to Laudna. There is a confidence in Imogen’s love for Laudna that has never been more obvious.
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luminousstardust · 11 months
sorry but laura and marisha acting their hearts out every week and giving us the queer performance of a lifetime…. with the love AND the drama AND angst AND occasional fluff…….. literally roleplaying themselves to TEARS because they care about these characters so much gets to me so bad. as a wlw who’s lived through every iteration of queerbait and horribly shitty representation it just feels so good getting to watch imodna get together mid-campaign and not just at the very end so we get to watch them GROW with each other and NOT BE PERFECT and have ISSUES that come with their whole end-of-the-world thing but trying their very best to work them out because they want nothing more than the other to be happy and safe…………. yeah i’m never going to be the same again.
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revvethasmythh · 1 year
I actually really enjoy the fact that FCG seems to be straight up pissed at D for selling them to Dancer. It makes sense--from FCG's POV, D effectively sold him like a pile of scraps to Dancer, inadvertently placing FCG in a position where they had no concept of their own personhood, where they had no identity other than servitude. In the same way that FRIDA was angry with the gods for their awakening, FCG is angry with D. For bringing him back, but taking no responsibility for guiding him or teaching him or helping him in any meaningful way. How beneficial is it to fling a baby bird from its nest before it's even opened its eyes? Not very.
FCG choosing to reach out to Dancer instead of D? The safer option to them. Yeah, they should probably lay off of Dancer after everything that happened, yeah continuing to seek her forgiveness right now isn't really the move. But it is, perhaps, less fraught in FCG's eyes to approach Dancer and simultaneously more meaningful to them. D, to FCG, is just someone who could have brought them back (or had someone else awaken them if need be) and stick around to tell him what he is and why he was awakened. Who could have assured him of his personhood from the first. D did none of that. Dancer, alternatively, practically raised him, even if it was a deeply flawed relationship. Seeking that forgiveness and connection to her, no matter how misguided, makes a lot of sense
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the-matron-of-ravens · 9 months
Hear me out…..Imogen narrative shift from Abberant Mind Sorcerer to Storm Sorcerer
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callofthxvoid · 2 months
WHERE: Lake Party WHO: Danny Anderson ( @wanderinglcst )
"Danny, darling," Imogen said as they walked up to him, holding a margarita in each hand. She offered one to him with a bright smile. "I saw that you didn't currently have a drink in your hands and I thought 'hold on, that can't be right.' So I decided to remedy that." They brought their own drink to their lips. "Are you having a good time, love?"
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luckthebard · 1 year
I have no idea what corner of the fandom or discord this take emerged in, but the people with the same take all veering into "actually the other characters [read: Orym because Liam is an easy target for drastically misunderstanding his character work for whatever reason] need to ask Imogen permission to do anything because they might hurt her fee-fees" are tbh exhausting and doing Imogen as character, Laura as a player, and the concept of collective storytelling and conflict a massive disservice.
Like I'm sorry y'all don't think anyone but your faves should make decisions or have interiority and if they do they're "mean" or "manipulative" and I'm just so freaking tired of these myopic media takes that seem to stem from a weird aversion to have any kind of narrative tension.
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pocketgalaxies · 2 years
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I also feel like they have friends everywhere.
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clar-a-m · 5 months
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Had the best time ever coming up with Imogen and Laudna designs alongside the one and only @the-junebugg for her the last of us au
I had made a few Imogen designs before but we got to add a few more for her and finally figure out Laudna's look!
You can check out all of Imogen's looks in a single image under the cut:
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laudnasratking · 1 year
in episode 22 Laudna makes a joke about knowing that there are people who want to sleep with dead things and implying shes been approached and im obsessed with the concept of this happening in front of Imogen. Maybe shes watching Laudna get drinks and someone starts talking to her, Imogen starts reading their mind because why wouldnt she, and is immediately disgusted and horrified and maybe even a bit furious, before it hits her that like... oh yeah wait,, me too actually
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shorthaltsjester · 2 months
rewatching c3ep48 for silly reasons and forgot it was also the episode with relvin and matt mercer please tell me everything about that man. there are so many interesting body language choices and facial expressions that are like. not in conflict with but definitely complexify the Gruff Man aura and . i would like to know every thought he’s ever had actually .
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jadequarze · 1 month
If the Stormlord does interact with Imogen, I think I can whip something out. I have ideas, only if it's meaningful though
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mehoymalloy · 5 months
Again, this deliciously tense Imogen & Otohan moment in the final battle was for me specifically:
Otohan attacks Imogen, knocks her prone, then stands over her with their sword poised to go come down on her.
Still prone, Imogen's eyes flash white and she uses telekinesis to rip the pack off their back. Otohan glances down just in time to see the straps begin to snap. They try to apparate a few echoes at the last second, but the shadows disappaerate as the pack is sent flying into the ceiling and across the room.
Growling in frustration, Otohan snarls, "Ohh, you bitch!"
Imogen pushes herself to her knees (later retconned to standing so she can be flanking but let me have this) and grabs Otohan's hand in hers.
"Aw whatsa matter?" Imogen asks, pausing as Otohan again grunts in frustration and glances back one last time at their disappearing echoes. "Feeling a little weak?"
Imogen casts Shocking Grasp and Otohan grunts in pain before they snap, "Is that all you got?"
Imogen (Laura lol) giggles and says, "Kinda."
I thank you profusely for your service, Laura Bailey!
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