#intj conversations
the-intp-kid · 1 year
INFP: i think this guy and this girl are in a relationship
INTJ: proof?
INFP: I've seen them together often, and they seem pretty close
INTP: we often spend time together and aren't in some kind of polyamourus relationship, so your argument is not valid. i don't believe you until you give me some proofs
INTJ: yeah, they could be just friends, so you're saying that girls and boys can't be just friends and will always have romantic shits going on between them? what a stereotype. so, we don't take your invalid arguments. give us some proofs and we'll talk about it
INFJ: I'm sorry, INFP, but I'm with INTP and INTJ this time
INFP: but these two don't even know what romance is tho???
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antheiantics · 2 years
On the subject of love and gifts
INTP: I don't want gifts.
ENTJ: Yes, you do.
ENTJ: Yes.
ENTJ: Yes.
INTP: No. 😭Stop it, I hate saying no.
ENTJ: I will get you a nice little gift and you're gonna love it. Or at least, let me feed you whatever you want.
INTP: I don't need love or-
ENTJ *continues mockingly*: - or food or sleep. Yes, you do, now shut it and let's watch the next episode.
INTP: 😭 (not crying, whining)
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imenfp · 1 year
INTJ: So what I was say you have to be...
ENFP: *Look at his eyes*
INTJ: Are you okay?
ENFP: Yeah, yeah just continue
INTJ: O...Okay so what I was saying...
ENFP: *sigh, talk to themselves* He have ocean eyes...and I love it
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frog-worm-spring · 2 years
ENFP🐛 + INTJ🐈‍⬛ = ❤️‍🔥
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INTJ: Imagine all the things that could happen! 😱🌪️
INFP: Imagine all the things that could happen! 😍💖
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luv3art · 2 years
A few seconds before intj beating shit out of entp:
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scruffycatio · 1 year
ENFP 7w8 teasing INTJ 5w6 for kissing ENTP 7w6 while ISFP 9w1 is like 😒
ENFP: intj kissed entp!
INTJ: no I didn’t!
ENFP: yes you did!
INTJ: didn’t!
ENFP: diiiiiiiid
INTJ: did…not!
ENFP: did did did did did did did did did did did
ISFP: *Ahem*
ISFP: ugh I could break this tie ISFP: They totally did.
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olivesaforever · 2 years
ISFJ: remember guys, murder is never the answer
INTP: murder is the question
INTJ: and the answer is yes
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mbti-enemies · 1 year
enfp: hey intj we're friends right?
intj: normally I would say yes but I don't like where this is going
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notanotherinfjblog · 1 year
ENTJ: Do you know those moments when you’ve got so much to do that you have no idea where to even start and so you start making a list of things that are too unimportant to waste your time on right now? But at the same time you’re wasting time by not working on the things that actually are important. You’re just making lists of all the tiny aspects of your work that you can throw out just to make yourself feel like you’re doing something.
INFJ: No, I don’t know those moments. I’m less productive, you see. When I’m overwhelmed by all the stuff I have to do, I panic and stare at the wall for three hours.
ENTJ: You’ve been doing that a lot lately, haven’t you?
INFJ: ... yes.
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rxtx44 · 4 months
More MBTI conversations I’ve had, heard or read in the past 2 months so I can finally get rid of my notes:
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the-intp-kid · 1 year
INTJ: who do you think, out of three of us —INTJ, INTP, and INFP, will live the longest?
INFJ: easy, it'll be INFP
INFP: huh? why?
INFJ: don't you realize these two just want to die young?
INTP: true, thank you so much
INTJ: yeah, very true
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antheiantics · 1 year
Some things I found out after I got into MBTI (ENTJ observations) pt. 3
INTP are literal study monsters if the outcome is worth it. With that being said though, they still get good grades even without studying.
ENTP/ENFP love a good scandal. The first have a thing for controversy, the latters see it as a emotional outlet.
INTJ tend to seem open to conversation when in social situations or working but when it comes to people who are really close to them, they hold back and isolate, a lot. Same could be applied to ISTP.
Sometimes ISTJ are even more productive than ESTJ.
ENTJ have their productive and non-productive days and while it sometimes cause us stress, we always manage to catch up with unfinished business in the following days.
The love ISTJ and ESTJ have for charts, sheets, organising and planning is indomitable.
INFP are too good at empathy, that it makes me sick. These people could feel happy over their second cousin's child passing exam and it would be like a fiesta lasting for two days. Some days I almost wish I could do the same, but then I remember I'm me and as long as the kid is healthy and thriving I would be fine without making anything of it. (not trying to offend INFPs in any way, just mad respect for managing to hold onto an emotion for that long)
ISFP would finish the job and then forget to tell you they finished the job. Happened twice with a friend of mine in the past month.
ENFJs tend to save the situation by making a random comment and then somehow turning it into a full-blown discussion without even trying.
ENTJ get the "slip of the tongue" around 10-15 times when talking to a crush... Or presenting something of a high importance.
I'm astonished as to how easy ESFJ accept mistakes or rather seem to do it. Never seen a more unbothered person. Failure is more like a misstep to them. Also mad respect.
ESTJ stress out the whole room until the job is done. If they are stressed, then the whole room must be stressed.
When under pressure, INTJ shout. It's something along the lines of: "I CAN'T THINK WHEN ALL OF YOU ARE THINKING NEXT TO ME, GET OUT!"
This, I'm not sure if it applies to all ENTJ but: I was told that when I think about solving something like a problem or a creating a design (I study interior design), I tend to look straight ahead and move my eyes as if there are multiple boards in front of me. They told me my eyes darted up and down and from right to left the entire time, as if I was searching for something. Entering the mind palace is apparently how I operate.
Following that train of thought, I tend to "jerk awake" from that thinking process by suddenly getting up from my seat and saying "Alright, got it. We should do-"
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dzzulingmin0614 · 2 years
INTJ x ENFP texting
INTJ: ...and I was like, people who make mistakes are failures. Therefore whatever I do, I make sure that I am 100% perfec at it.
INTj: Perfect*
INTJ: How ironic huh
Enfp: A couple minutes ago you were talking smack about my A+ English– I'd like to see you open your mouth now.
Enfp: Like, when it comes to English, I never make mistakes. So don't undermin me.
Enfp: undermine* dammit
INTJ: ⁠(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠) you were saying...
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desire-loves-food · 1 year
INTJ, INTP & ENFP conversation
(This is a real story which took place in my school)
Me (INTJ) and my acquaintance (INTP) had been discussing MBTI and cognitive functions since we both find it interesting another acquaintance of my and our conversation goes like this:
ENFP - Hey guys!!!! What's up???
INTP - We are kinda busy now.
ENFP - Are you all hiding something? Is it for my birthday???
INTJ - No. We were talking about MBTI.
ENFP - That's boringggggg!!!
INTJ and INTP continue as it is a part of their project.
ENFP - Do you know what my MBTI is??? Let me tell you. It is C-U-T-E!!!
INTJ and INTP look at each other awkwardly as they finally realize that they will have to continue with their project later.
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Infp: *shares her water bottle with intj*
Intj: *drinks a few gulps and hands it back to infp*
-after awhile-
Infp: here, take it all *hands her water bottle*
Intj: *shakes his head no* it’s ok you take it
Infp: *face turns to ‘:(‘* take it!
Intj: fine *chuckles and takes it* you sure do not handle rejections well
Infp: no, certainly not from you 🥹
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