#inukag au option
inukag-archive · 7 months
Hi can you recommend any period drama Inukag fics? I read Rudd’s Sense & Sensibility retelling and I love it! I’m looking for fics with a similar vibe to the Regency/Edwardian era or other period drama types 💕
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We heard your calls for period dramas and are here to answer! There aren't too many InuKag fics that are set in this specific time period, but we listed the ones we were able to find below. For more reading material, we included a few options at the end that take place in a historical setting, but are not specifically Regency.
For more historical, royalty, and fantasy fics, check out our recently posted Royalty AUs list, which includes links to our other fic rec lists in this genre.
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[Set in Regency/Victorian/Edwardian Era]
Sense and Sensibility, an Inuyasha Retelling by @ruddcatha & @kalcia (T)
When their father dies, the Higurashi sisters Sango and Kagome suddenly find their fortunes changed overnight. The sisters begin to find their own paths, as one learns to step away from the practical to learn to dream with the help of the dashing Miroku, and the other sees the importance of stability in a world of fancy with the steadfast Inuyasha. An adaptation of the Jane Austen Novel Sense and Sensibility.
Higurashiton by @theladymagnolia (M)
Lady Kagome Higurashi’s life appears perfect. Having spent her entire existence preparing for the upcoming social season, she is certain to find a proper match. True love and happiness will undoubtedly follow. Unbeknownst to her, the Duke of Tessaiga is plotting his revenge, and will stop at nothing to ruin Kagome’s perfect world.
Stealing Kagome by Isabella Rain (T)
Set in the Victorian Era of London, Kagome Higurashi is engaged to Lord, and friend, Kouga Wolfston. But when she catches the eye of a Prince, she knows her engagement is in trouble. Especially since the Prince has already stolen her heart.
Letters on a Train by Emilyblood (T)
Demanded to find a bride by his father, Inuyasha is spending a trip across Victorian Europe with Kagome trying to think of a way to get Kikyou to marry him. Needless to say, Kagome is nonetoo happy, but can she keep how she feels to herself for her friend
You, Waiting (series) by @witchygirl99 (G-M)
Your love isn't meant to be. It exists, anyways.
Inextricably Knotted (an Inukag + Jane Eyre AU) by @ssukidesu (T)
Kagome Higurashi was orphaned as a baby and raised by her cruel aunt until the age of ten, after which she went to school and learned the art of service and self-suppression. Now eighteen, Kagome takes a job as the governess of Shippo, the young ward of the great and mysterious Lord Inuyasha Taisho.
But as Kagome gets to know her bemusing master, a ghost seems to haunt his estate, hinting that there is a long-lost secret hiding on the third floor.
The Oval Portrait by @ruddcatha & @nartista (T)
A sudden accident causes Inuyasha and his valet to find shelter for the evening during a storm. A portrait captures Inuyasha’s attention: a figure so like his wife. A single journal lays nestled by the portrait, filled with a cautionary tale of love and obsession.
[Other Historical Settings]
Folktale by HoneyBee31 (T)
Kagome's life changes in ways that she had only heard about in folktales after she saves her brother from certain death.
Freak Attraction by @artistefish (T)
A birthday outing to see a foreign circus turns into a nightmarish mistake when Kagome stumbles upon a circus of a very different nature and meets a sideshow freak with dog ears and a human heart.
Monster by @akitokihojo (E)
A murderous demon taints the world with unforgivable crimes, taking out his weakness in secret. Unfortunately for him, it isn't that easy. He thinks he's unstoppable, but his arrogance blinds him to the war blooming before him. Kagome and Inuyasha, both powerful in their own way, and even more so together, step forward to try to put an end to things.
Feel free to add your own recs in the comments or reblogs! Check our Masterlist of previous lists to see which topics we've covered.  After reviewing our submission guidelines, send us an ask (here).
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superpixie42 · 1 year
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So it's not quite ready for AO3 buuuuuuuuuuut
I did make progress on The Thing aka my whole 7-part new AU for InuKag Week. After not writing anything for months, I'm a little rusty and this is more ambitious in terms of style and world building than I typically work with so I'm not sure when the whole thing will be ready, but I love love love @inukag-week and seeing so many folks coming out of hiatus to participate really inspired me to get *something* ready to rock.
Much love to @anisaanisa @kstewdeux and @dawnrider for their help as I shook off the cobwebs.
So here is Part 1: Love Languages (aka Touch & Miscommunication)
General Info:
Kagome Higurashi would sell her soul to get into a good high school. No. Literally. The ratty old journal she found in her grandfather's shed may have been a long shot, but with only one more day before her entrance exam, she really didn't have anything to lose. But when the Hell Hound Inuyasha actually materializes in her room, it turns out to be more than either of them bargained for.
RATING: M or E (but this part is T, for language)
Words: 2,000 (I know I was shocked too)
TAGS (for the whole fic not just these parts) Modern AU // InuKag Week 2023 //Serial Style// Time Jumps//Tumblr events//Modern setting//Sexual content- masturbation//Demon Summoning AU//Bittersweet Endings//No additional character tags
In which Kagome learns to be careful what she wishes for.
Kagome checked the instructions one more time. She had the candle, the fresh meat, the knife, and was using clean linen paper. Honestly it all looked so… dorky. She let out a frustrated sigh, unsure if she felt more disappointed or just plain stupid. Doing stuff like this was probably why she wasn’t going to get into a decent high school. Or college. And if med school ever found out she honestly tried to summon a demon using instructions she found in a handwritten journal in a shed on her grandfather’s shrine she would have a better chance of becoming a patient than treating them. 
And yet here she was. Kagome Higurashi on her knees in a black dress and dark cardigan looking straight out of an American horror movie, hoping against hope that her soul was worth a better-than-passing grade on tomorrow’s entrance exams. She was smart - smarter than her current situation made her feel, that’s for damn sure. But after nearly a semester of sick days there just wasn’t enough cram school on Earth to get her up to speed. She needed this to work. This had to work. 
She checked the clock: a good hour before her mother and brother got home. It was now or never.
Taking a deep breath Kagome quickly sliced the kitchen knife across her finger. She pressed down onto the middle of the white page. With as much conviction as she could muster she finally spoke: “Inuyasha, I need help.”
A beat passed. 
Then another. 
Nothing happened.
Honestly, she didn’t know what she expected.  Defeated, she swore violently and tore the useless little paper with its stupid little spell clean in half.
As soon as the last fiber broke there was a deafening roar. Kagome screamed and stood, pressing her back against her bedroom door. In front of her the air crackled with energy as the room went black, then flashed orange with light and heat as the walls burst into unnatural flames. In the middle of the room, pulling his way out of the torn half of paper, was a giant white dog. It growled and snarled and snapped its jaws; spittle hissing into steam. 
The Hell Hound filled the whole room, his red eyes with blue irises bore into Kagome, staring her down like the prey she was suddenly very sure she was. As Inuyasha’s shoulders dropped low to let him take the single step between them, Kagome considered her options. 
One, burn to death. 
Two, be mauled to death. 
Three, something equally melodramatic considering she summoned a fucking demon to pass a test. 
She quickly surveyed the room for an option four, looking hopefully at the window behind the hound. Her vision was blocked as the beast twisted slightly to face her fully again, its pointed white ears alert and focused on the heartbeat she could hear loud as a drum. She watched the ear twitch at her intake of breath. Maybe it was a lack of oxygen from the arson she’d accidentally committed, but the longer she looked at the ears the softer they looked. Figuring she was going to die anyway, Kagome slowly raised her hand; Inuyasha finally blinked, then moved his eyes to follow her raising arm. 
As softly as she could manage, Kagome dragged her middle finger down from the tip, but the ear didn’t so much as flinch. Emboldened, she quickly caressed her thumb and forefinger on the fluffy white ear. 
As soon as her fingers closed around the soft appendage the growling stopped and instead she heard a very human voice shouting in her face.
“What the fuck lady? You don’t pet a Hell Hound!” 
As suddenly as it appeared the fire disappeared. Kagome dropped to her knees in confusion and relief as her room reappeared around her, untouched and unscathed by the flames no longer licking at her face. She blinked stupidly at where the monstrous dog had been only seconds ago. In its place was a pale, fit, glowering man - the pointy ears she’d just held in her hand perched on top of a thick pile of frizzy white hair. Below the pinned back ears were thick, scowling eyebrows, molten golden eyes with slit pupils, and an expression as black as a thundercloud. She tried to find somewhere else to look when the heat returned quickly to her face as she realized that the angry demon dog man was a naked angry demon dog man. 
She ripped her eyes back to the ears. Unusual. 
Then to his eyes. Unsettling. 
The penis. Unexpected.
In an undignified fluster she smacked her face to the floor in a deep bow.
“My name is Kagome and my Lord Inuyasha I beg you to help me, please please I have to get into High School! In exchange I’ll give you anything you want I swear! Just make sure I pass and it’s yours.”
Inuyasha stood absolutely dumbfounded in the middle of what he now realized was a small bedroom, in a small house, next to a small shrine. When he’d felt his summoning charm call him he expected to rip into a board room, or a camp fire, or the aftermath of something that had gone very pear shaped. He was used to being offered souls, meat, or blood in exchange for power, murder, money; or to make problems go away in whatever manner he wanted. He sure as shit didn’t expect a teenager in a pink cat sweater to touch his ears and then ask him to help her cheat on a test. 
He scoffed. But after five hundred years of the same pathetic, selfish demands, novelty wasn’t something Inuyasha was willing to walk away from so quickly. He bit. 
“Keh, what can a girl like you even offer a hell hound?”
Kagome lifted her head slightly to look at him. “Anything you want. I’m a virgin-”
“I am so!” she shouted indigently. She raised herself up onto her knees and glared. Yes, Kagome was turning to black magic to pass her exam but she wasn’t going to have her character assassinated by a demon. “You don’t have to be rude ya know!”
Inuyasha blinked as his ears flattened of their own accord. It had been a very long time since anyone scolded him. Another unexpected turn in this summoning. He crossed his arms and returned her glare.  
“I mean no I’m not interested in your virginity. Or your soul, you humans have such tiny souls anyway.” He smirked as he saw her lip twitch with what he was sure was a scathing retort. Kagome, however, did not take the bait. Instead she reigned in her temper and bowed low again. In a much less desperate tone she spoke into the floor. 
“In exchange for making sure I get into a high school that will get me into medical school I will give you anything you ask.”
“You summoned a demon for that? If you can’t even pass an entrance exam what makes you think you can survive medical school? Ya can’t offer your virginity to a demon twice ya know - how were you even gonna graduate?”
That, however, was too much. Kagome stood and stomped over to him, poking her finger into his chest for emphasis as she shouted. 
“Listen here pal! I could pass that test all on my own if they would just give me some time! It’s not my fault I got sick, like doctors aren’t allowed to get sick sometimes!?” She growled in frustration, a sound that Inuyasha couldn’t help but appreciate as it sounded not unlike his own. “It’s not fair. I just need time to catch up on the material and I know I could do it on my own. But if I don’t take the test tomorrow, or I flunk and retake it, that’s it, my reputation will never recover even if my grade point average does.” 
Inuyasha considered her request. I wouldn’t take any effort at all to change her score on the exam. But then he’d be back to aimlessly wandering until someone much less interesting with a much less, well not wholesome, but definitely more gruesome demand calls him. This Kagome stood up to him, defended herself, faced death in the eye and instead of running she reached out to touch it. While he had already decided to grant her wish, he had also decided he wasn’t quite going to do it the way she asked.
“You ain’t the only one with a reputation,” he said. He took a step back, cutting the tension and giving Kagome space to breathe. “If I’m gonna get you into this stupid special school I gotta make sure you stay there. Folks summoning me need to know I get the job all the way done, not taking the easy way out.”
Kagome narrowed his eyes, skeptical of the idea of creating an ongoing contract instead of the single transaction she expected. But then again, he wasn’t entirely wrong. What if changing her scores got noticed and she needed another fix? What if she got sick again? Isn’t that why you’re supposed to be really, really specific with genies? Assuming there were genies- but that afternoon’s events made her consider taking up antiquing as a hobby just in case.
“You still haven’t told me what you want as payment.”
“Well,” he said, “depends on what you need.” He picked at his ear with a pointed finger to feign disinterest. “To guarantee a passing grade I’ll just need something small. But to un-dead someone you cut up in clinicals will be a whole other matter,” he smirked at her undignified snort, “but not as much as convincing the class leader to take six months in Shanghai to improve your standing. But let’s not worry about that just yet.” 
Kagome braced herself, but still felt the air rush out of her lungs when he finally said, “I want your right eye.” He continued quickly, “For one year, I want to see everything you see through that eye. It becomes my eye. If I get bored, I can simply make it go black. Or maybe I use it to track someone for another wish. Or maybe I don’t do anything at all; but it’s mine to do as I will.”
He slit open the tab of his left thumb with a quick swipe of his claw. “Do we have a bargain?”
Kagome hesitated. This seemed more annoying than costly- thought being suddenly blind in one eye wasn’t what she’d expected. Was this better or worse?
Did she really feel like she had a choice anymore? 
With one smooth motion Inuyasha thrust his thumb into her eyesocket. The force of the blow knocked her to the ground and she quickly threw both hands up to cover her face as her left eye burned. As soon as it started, it ended. Kagome blinked slowly, looking around the empty room. It looked exactly as it had an hour ago and if not for the dull ache behind her orbitals and the sweat caking her brow she might have thought it was all a dream. On hands and knees she scrambled across the floor and snatched the small mirror from the desk.
Staring back at her was one of her traditional brown eyes. The other was bloodshot, with a blown pupil, and a bright sapphire blue iris; and without her permission, it winked back at her.
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feudalconnection · 2 years
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This year, Inuvember is getting a new twist!
@feudalconnection & @inu-mothership have partnered with @inuvember​ to bring you an all new fun-filled way to enjoy the Inuyasha fandom! This November, we will be hosting a modified Bingo to aid the creative process and give rise to new fanfiction, fanart and other creations to share with this wonderful community!
For November, each participant will receive a bingo card to complete. Participants can get additional bingo cards as they finish their current card. As works are completed, they can be submitted with the corresponding square.  After you have completed a “bingo”, you will have the option to either receive a new card, or continue playing on your current card. If you are able to complete an entire bingo card, you will receive major points!
Each square will focus on a prompt, and you are able to use the prompt however you wish in a work of fiction, art, or other mediums. Once you are able to create a traditional bingo (rows, diagonally, or four corners + center square), you can submit your bingo card for points!
You are able to use multiple squares in one work if you’re able to do it. There is a lot of freedom here to use which ships float your boat, and topics that you enjoy. 
In addition, to add a little more fun to the mix, each week will have a designated topic. If you’re able to work-in the topic with your planned creation, you will receive bonus points for that piece! 
Week 1: Rare Characters
The character must be a main character in the narrative to count for the bonus. 
No bonus: Inuyasha, Kagome, Sesshomaru, Kikyou, Naraku, Kagura, Miroku, Sango, Shippo, Koga, Moroha
25% bonus: Jaken, InuKimi, Toga, Izayoi, Rin, Ayame, Shiori, Hojo, Bankotsu, Jakotsu, Kanna
50% bonus: Everyone else not mentioned. 
Week 2: Rare Pairs
The characters must be main characters in the narrative to count for the bonus. Friendships/platonic ships are allowed, and pairs must follow the rules of FeudalConnection and Inu-Mothership. 
No bonus: InuKag, SessKag, Sess & Rin, KogKag, InuKagMor
25% bonus: MirSan, SessKagu, TogIza, InuKik, KogAya, KagKik, InuKog
50% bonus: All other pairings not mentioned
Week 3: Black and White Week
Time to either make your characters suffer (Black) or make their teeth ache with fluffy sweetness (White). Whether you want to write about your favorite villain, enemies/rivalries, or just want to beat up on your favorite punching bag, pick your whump! Or if you enjoy the other end of the spectrum, feel free to indulge in your favorite romantic or platonic pairings in fluffy settings. 
No bonus: Angst, Minor Character Death, Holding Hands, Sweet Compliments, Blushing
25% bonus: Enemies, Rivals, Major Character Death, Betrayal, Proposal, Snuggles & Huggles, Sensual Seduction
50% bonus: Dark Themes, Gore, Horror, Torture, Kisses (romantic or platonic), Meet Cute, Making Love
Week 4: Tropes
The tropes and AUs can come from here or here. Combinations and mix & match will earn you bonuses!
No bonus: One or two tropes/AUs used
25% bonus: Three tropes/AUs used
50% bonus: Four or more tropes/AUs used
You are not required to participate in the themes each week. These are just added challenges that will help participants obtain more points. 
There will be a Leaderboard that you can view to see where you stand in regards to points. At the end of the month there will be prizes based on points as well as random selection. 
Stay tuned for a Frequently Asked Questions post to better lay out the rules, requirements, and overall workings of this year’s Inuvember. 
We all have potential to make beautiful things. So let’s start closing out the year with a bang!
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la-hannya · 2 years
"SeSsRiN iS cAnOn, GeT a LiFe AnD mOvE oN"!!!! cit.
Rumiko Takahashi NEVER said that Yashahime/Sessrin are canon, Sessrinners are living in their own delusion as usual because litterally every canon source tells otherwise but of course they prefer to ignore this truth. Rumiko, after Yashahime was out clearly stated that Sess is Rin's "hogosha" aka guardian/parental figure and in her recent interview also clearly stated that her series, ALL OF THEM, are over. She never acknowledged Yashahime as Inuyasha's canon sequel, we were never told by whoever to consider Yashahime part of the Inuyasha canonical storyline as if Rumiko herself wrote it unlike J.K.Rowling did with the Curse of the Heir that unfortunately is canon. On the contrary, on the Yashahime OFFICIAL WEBSITE is clearly stated that Yashahime is nothing more than Sumisawa's au scenario. Even the author of the YH manga adaption explained on a Twitter post that his work is merely his PERSONAL INTERPRETATION of Yashahime. So basically it's a doujinshi inspired to a fanfiction. These Sessrin pedos stupidly believe that given that Rumiko approved these works means that they're magically turned canon, but just so you know she needs to approve everything related to Inuyasha because of legal rights. She also approved the movies and the drama cds (remember the Inukik one?) but this stuff is never canon and never will be. Toriyama also had to approve Dragon Ball GT but it's still not canon. The day Rumiko will wake up and publicly announce we're supposed to consider the YH series and manga as canon then it's gonna be set in stone, but canonical sources tell otherwise and contraddicting themselves now would embarass and make them look like clowns who're not able to make up their minds. So no, not gonna happen. Not now not ever, sorry. Also, Rumiko never remotely hinted in her CANON story that Sesshomaru and Rin would be lovers, nor that Sess's feelings for her were remotely romantic when he showed to care for her. On the contrary, she always called out pedophilic behaviors in her story, when Miroku asked that 11 yo girl to birth his kids, all the other characters were disgusted as it should be. And Rin had exactly the same age when Pedomaru proposed to her in that disgusting drama cd that again, wasn't from Rumiko but from Sunrise.
So... nice try pedos, but no, your garbage pedo ship will NEVER BE CANON. You can cry as much as you want, just enjoy your fanfiction/doujinshi crumbs and go back to the sewer were pedos like you belong 🤷‍♀️😘
There's an Inukik one???
And yes, that's on point with what we've been saying for the past 3 years and even before that.
Also, even if it's not canon I dunno why they can get so up in arms "Like really? That's gonna stop you from shipping your THING? That is not canon. You gonna die because of that?" If we go by Anastasia's source, (*a person who worked animating some parts of HnY*) and that first leak— it's implied they were more "mom" options on the table and that when present with the idea of "Rin" mostly everyone on the meeting rejected it except ofc you know whos that kept pushing the idea (and we know that backfired). So, let's say it was Kikyo, or Kagura, or Sara Asano, or even Kagome, or EVEN some random woman.
It would still have been non-canon... 🤷🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️
Unless RT says otherwise, it would still be non-canon.
And even if that had happened. I have a feeling they would be rustled at us and the studio for not choosing theirs. Tbh, why care about that? Even if you ignore the saucerib in HnY. The rest of the thing mostly f*cking sucks. They had HnY on the backburner for years after TFA and they couldn't come up with decent writing? They would've f*cked over my ship or the others like they did theirs and InuKag's. The people I know here can come up with something better in a one shot in one day. Hells, weren't they tagging #justiceforsessrin on twitter because they hated how it turned out at the ending?
At this point I don't really give much about HnY. As long as they stay in their little corner and stay off my sh*t I won't give Fs so like I've told em before:
"Block me".
I just want to focus on my headcanons and writing skills to Git Gud. I'm more mad that thanks to a guy with a Loli fetish this fandom isn't what it used to be.
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petri808 · 2 years
“ you wanna cuddle, or some shit? “ “ i guess, seeing as we’re already here… “ for inukag? 😁
Oh that so matches Inu lol! Here you go Nony! Hope you like it. 😊
Inukag Modern AU drabble w/a touch of Mirsan
It had been Miroku’s wish to marry at a very specific shrine in Shimane Prefecture called Izumo Taisha. Why that one? Something about the oldest in Japan, and special to his ancestors. Which also meant the entire wedding party needed to travel from Tokyo. The plan was to fly into the small Izumo Enmusubi Airport. Miroku and Sango were going a few days early to meet with the priest, while their best man and maid of honor, Inuyasha Taisho and Kagome Higurashi would fly the day before the ceremony.
Well… that was the plan…
“What do you mean the plane is down?!” Kagome snapped at the airline clerk. “But we’re due for a wedding!”
“I’m very sorry,” the clerk apologized, “but the mechanic has downed the plane due to mechanical issues. We hope to have it fixed in the next couple of days.”
“That won’t work for us.” Kagome checked the time on her phone and another groan escaped her. “There isn’t a train until tomorrow afternoon as well.”
“That’s too late.” Inuyasha muttered.
“Obviously,” she rolled her eyes. “What’s next that could go wrong??”
The only option left for the pair was to drive, and so after renting a vehicle, they headed out in the direction of Shimane prefecture. It was a ten-plus hour drive from Tokyo, and because it was already the later part of the afternoon, stopping somewhere along the way was inevitable. They made it as far as Osaka before finding the first place they could which turned out to be Hotel Nikko Osaka.
Kagome groaned loudly. “What do you mean that’s all you have available?? One bed??” The hotel was a modern one. Instead of futon beds, they were the regular western style queen-size.
“Very sorry, ma’am,” the desk clerk apologized, “but there is a convention nearby, as well as a concert going on, so all the rooms are booked.”
Inuyasha chimed in to try and smooth out Kagome’s anger. “We could look for another hotel…”
“No. It’s fine, it’s just one night.” She let out a long sigh as she rubbed her temples. “I just want to get some sleep.”
Over the course of five years, Inuyasha and Kagome had learned enough about how to deal with each other, and he knew not to push things if she was annoyed. Besides, this wasn’t his fault, so there was no sense in becoming a target. He quietly grabbed their bags and headed to their room.
For the rest of the evening Inuyasha did everything he could to soothe the maid of honors anxiety. Reminding her that since this was a traditional Shinto ceremony, their roles were easier and the temples staff took care of almost everything. After a long hot shower and dinner with wine, she finally started to relax. Which meant so could he.
Oh, who was he kidding! Sleeping next to an unrequited crush did not make for a relaxing time! This was a scenario he’d played out in his head too many times to count. To hold Kagome, to snuggle and wake up with her in his arms the next morning. He’s loved her for awhile now, but couldn’t tell how she truly felt about him.
Coward! His inner turmoil taunted. Only a fool would let this opportunity pass by! After a few growls in his head, Inuyasha turned over to face Kagome who was on her side facing away from him.
“Are you awake?” He questioned hesitantly.
“Yeah…” she responded with a questioning tone.
Inuyasha swallowed slowly, almost choking out the question he was so desperate to ask. “Um… you wanna cuddle, or some shit?”
It felt like forever as the silent response from Kagome made Inuyasha think he’d made a huge mistake. He was about to turn back over and cry when he heard it.
“I guess, seeing as we’re already here.” Kagome turned over to face him, propping her head up with her hand. “You know, I’d been wondering if you’d ever ask…”
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Hello Friend!!
So many options, but tell me about "I Know I Love You (Bodyguard AU)"!
Hello, Friend!!!
I Know I Love You (this is the title of the song that inspired it, but I'll probably change it at some point unless it grows on me) is an InuKag Bodyguard AU that I've been plotting for over a year now.
The premise so far is that Kagome and Kikyo are cousins and grow up together until Kagome's father and Kikyo's parents die in a terrible accident. They reconnect almost 10 years later at which time Kikyo is set to marry a man she doesn't love and who is hiding many dark secrets. Kagome gets entangled in Kikyo and her husband's dangerous lifestyle and somehow ends up with a very special bodyguard.
Right now I'm strictly in the research stage. I've decided to incorporate 100+ things I know nothing about. So far I have outlines for my outlines and drafts for the first 3 chapters, but there is still SO MUCH RESEARCH TO DO. If I make it out of writing this fic alive I'll probably go swimming with sharks or skydiving or something.
Thank you for the ask! <3
My WIPs list for the ask game is here!
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witchygirl99 · 4 years
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An Untitled InuKag Human, Assassin, Soulmate AU because I am The Worst™
“Son of a bitch.”
Kagome lowers her gun with only a slightly slower fall than the dead man collapsing a few feet away. Behind her, she hears the telltale footsteps of Inuyasha, her rival. Or, well, that’s what everyone says, anyways. Hakurei’s Sicarius Hotel likes to spin the tale of their infamous hatred for one another, their clashing styles and a scorecard of deaths that are almost always tied. Well, that’s what they say if you tip the bartender well enough. No tip equals no intel, and Hakurei is a big enough city that everyone wants intel.
Inuyasha stands at her side but she doesn’t look at him. In fact, both of them are still staring at the dead man on the floor, his blood slowly leaking out onto the dirty concrete. There’s a stack of cardboard boxes by him and Kagome wonders idly if anything important is inside that the blood will soak through and ruin. “Kagome,” he says, though his voice is always a growl. Good, bad, or moments away from death: he always sounds the same. “That was mine and you know it.”
“You lost him,” Kagome answers, tapping her pistol absentmindedly against her thigh. It’s a bad habit of hers when she’s bored. “I found him.”
“You shouldn’t have been here at all.” Inuyasha doesn’t sound angry though, probably because in the last five years this has happened so many times it’s impossible to count. Her stealing his kills, and him stealing hers. A sort of tit-for-tat, one that started after a situation neither of them particularly remembers. Kills tend to blend and blur, if you let them, if you’re that involved in this life.
Kagome gestures towards the dead man. “I mean, you can still call it in if you want.”
Inuyasha snorts. “For a dime? Please. My ego doesn’t hurt that much.”
Ten thousand dollars is still ten thousand dollars. Kagome knows he’s not hurting so she shrugs and grabs her cell phone. She’s close enough that with zoom, the photo IDs him well and she can claim the hit. The Processing Centre responds right away, and within moments she receives a notification of her money transfer. Not bad for an hour of sneaking around and two bullets.
There’s a sigh to her left. It sounds irritated, but he always sounds irritated. “I should have just stayed in bed.”
“Or not lost him,” Kagome comments lightly, still paying more attention to her phone.
“I fucking hate you.”
That makes her smile up at him, startlingly pleased. “No, you don’t.”
Inuyasha rolls his eyes, the click of the safety going back on before he holsters it. Kagome watches his hands, sees the thick black lines of his tattoos poking out from the sleeves. Like most people in their profession, covering up is essential. Given their highly treacherous lifestyles, covering up includes both clothing and tattoos, permanent marks to hide the most dangerous weapon of all: leverage.
And there’s no greater leverage than one’s soulmate.
“The Cave isn’t that far away,” Kagome says then, because she’s an idiot and maybe the adrenaline from the kill hasn’t dissipated completely yet. Why else would she invite her rival, the extremely attractive man that she sees a handful of times a month, for drinks at some grimy bar?
For a second, Inuyasha grimaces into the distance. “The Cave? Really?”
Kagome patiently gives him another option. “Did you want to go to the Sicarius?”
His face, predictably, gets worse. “I rather just go to bed.”
I could join you there, too. It’s thought of but definitely not said out loud. For all Kagome knows, Inuyasha found his soulmate a long time ago and returning to bed is made better for that reason alone. He seems like the type, in a weird way. Not that Kagome knows him, or knows anything about him, really. If she was to make a top ten list of things she knew about the assassin, it would end after item #5: hot as hell, great with a gun, even better at close-combat, has nice hands, doesn’t smile but rather smirks if you work really hard for it.
“Better luck next time, then,” Kagome says, waving even though the gun is still in her hand.
Inuyasha doesn’t even flinch. “Fuck you.”
It’s not until the sound of him walking away completely disappears that Kagome counts to five, holding her breath before she lets it out.
Well, that happened. Inuyasha is still hot and is still overly cocky while pursuing marks. Still attractive too, fuck. What is it about him that she can never just shake?
Kagome holsters her own gun and figures she’s spent far too much time standing around a dead man. It’s kind of weird. Probably best not to do it again, if she can help it.
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ruddcatha · 4 years
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Here it is! The teaser treat we were talking about! @fawn-eyed-girl, @neutronstarchild​ and I are all going to be writing you stories, to thank you all for being an amazing tumblr family!
Starting today and ending Monday, Nov. 30, you have the opportunity to vote and be a part of the process! 
You get to determine the ship, the AU, and the trope that we write to.
Help us shape our stories! On Tuesday, Dec. 1, we’ll announce the winning combinations.
(These are the options for me - Fawn and Neutron have their own votes too!) You are choosing between
The ship InuKag – Sesskik
The AU Coffee Shop– University – Theatre
The trope Single Parent – Angst – Confession
Click here to vote!
(you need a Google account to minimize spamming, but it is not collecting any information from you other than your vote!)
I hope you enjoy this Holiday treat from us, because dear tumblr family, we massively appreciate you!
🍪 🥛 🍪 🥛 🍪 🥛 XOXO and Happy Holidays, 🍪 🥛 🍪 🥛 🍪 🥛 @neutronstarchild​, @fawn-eyed-girl​, and @ruddcatha
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shinidamachu · 4 years
Neighbor Crush (The Thread)
Summary: modern AU, anyone? This was heavily inspired by a twitter thread I read a while ago, about a guy who developed a major crush on his neighbor’s voice and, with his roommate’s help, managed to ask him out.
Word Count: 2.015  Genre: fluff  Fandom: InuYasha  Pairing: Inukag  Format: oneshot  AO3 Link: 🌹  Fanfic.Net Link: 🌹
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“I’m home!”
The abrupt sound of Miroku throwing his keys and briefcase at the table made InuYasha jump on his sit. It was a rare thing to do, taking him by surprise that way.
Unfortunately, Miroku knew so.
“You’re eavesdropping her again, aren’t you?”
It was hard to say what pissed InuYasha off the most: that Miroku had startled him, that he got caught in the act or the infuriating smugness in the bastard’s tone.
“Mind ya business.”
Ignoring his temper, Miroku went to their refrigerator and returned with a loosened tie and a couple of beers. He handed one to InuYasha and sat beside him on the couch.
“Come on, this is getting ridiculous. You have been obsessing over this girl for what? Three weeks, now? Just go downstairs, knock on her door and ask her out.”
Miroku took a long sip of his Heineken, as if rewarding himself for giving the world’s greatest advice. InuYasha wished he would choke on it.
“I’m not knocking on her door and asking her out, dipshit! We have no idea what the girl looks like!”
“Then do us both a favor and go find out!”
To be totally honest, her appearance was what mattered the least about this girl, although he couldn’t deny his curiosity.
Her voice.
It was her voice that started it all.
For two years he had been sharing this little apartment with Miroku and for two years it had been easy for them to ignore each resident of the building without a second thought. InuYasha was in no way a social guy and even though Miroku had a weak spot for the ladies, he had vowed not to get involved with a neighbor, ever.
“Location, location, location.” InuYasha remembered Miroku explaining once. “It’s simultaneously the best pro and the worst con. I’d rather not risk it, it could get pretty ugly.”
Knowing his tendency to hit and run, it was probably the smartest call.
And life went on as usual.
Until InuYasha heard her voice.
It was exceptionally loud. That was the very first thing he noticed. The second thing was that he incredibly didn’t mind at all. There was a sincerity tone to it that was ever present. Almost as if physically unable to lie. Sweet. Gentle. Smooth. But not in a generic way. He could download it into his GPS and drive forever. Her laughter had over him the same effect of sunbeams reaching out the untouched ground of a frozen forest and when she talks too low, something primal and urgent wakes inside him, letting him dying to know what his name would sound like between her whispers.
Then it became less about how and more about what she talked.
Her name was Kagome. She was in her twenties and had just graduated from pedagogy school. Three weeks ago, she had moved in with the girl who lived precisely in the apartment below theirs to save money as she adapted to the new job of substitute teacher. She had a cat named Buyo, couldn’t swear for the life of her, sang a lot, a bit clumsy, definitely a half full kind of person... Single, as far as he could tell.
Kagome had the most hilarious stories, most of them starring her little brother, her grandpa or her friends. He was especially fond of the ones in which she tried to be nice and it ended up blowing on her face spectacularly. Her heart was too big for her own good.
On the floor below, the girl in question left what InuYasha assumed was her kitchen and walked to the living room, turning the TV on. Even now, when the current conversation was supposed to be his focus, he found himself painfully aware of her moviments.
Miroku didn’t have to know any of that.
“That’s insane.”
“Why? How is that insane?”
“Hi, I’m InuYasha, your upstairs neighbor. You don’t know me, but I’ve been listening to everything you say or sing in your apartment since the day you moved in. Often on purpose, like a creepy person. Anyway, wanna have dinner sometime?”
“Lose the ‘creepy’ part and you’ll be fine.”
“Drop it, it ain’t happening.”
“Well, at least you recognize your obsession. Admitting you have a problem is the first step to recover.”
“You’re my problem,” he mumbled.
“Wrong, my friend. I’m the solution. You just gotta listen to me.”
“Yeah, don’t count on it.” Miroku laughed. “So how was work?”
“You’re changing the subject.”
“Damn straight I am.”
They made small talk and drank for a while, then Miroku pulled out his phone to check his notifications and InuYasha searched Netflix for an action movie they haven’t seen yet. The girl was binge-watching a sitcom. A good one, judging by the way her laughter reached his ears every now and then.
He smiled.
In moments like these, it was crazy tempting to walk down the stairs and go for it, but InuYasha wouldn’t dare. He was perfectly fine just hearing her life from a safe distance so they couldn’t hurt each other, because this is what love inevitably leads to — and that was assuming she wouldn’t reject his advances, in the first place.
Might as well save them both some pain.
“So what do you say? Shall we eat ramen for the third time in a row or order some pizza? InuYasha?”
But he wasn’t listening. In the apartment below, a door opened. Her roommate, Sango, had arrived.
“Hey!” Replied Kagome. “I hope you’re hungry, ‘cause I just made lasagna.”
“And I hope you’re thirsty, ‘cause I just bought Tequila.”
“Tough day, huh?”
“Tough week.”
“You bet.”
The girls turned the blender on.
The balcony was their favorite spot to chat. It was also where the acoustic sounded better. To the point even human ears could catch the words.
One look at InuYasha and Miroku realized what it meant.
“Is she going to the balcony?” He asked, but didn’t wait for an answer.
InuYasha ran, intercepting Miroku just in time. One hand securely covering his friend’s mouth, the other holding him still. They were now in their own balcony.
“What the fuck are you doing?”
There was an attempt to speak, but it came off muttered. Even so, InuYasha refused to budge his hand. Until Miroku licked it. “Ugh!”
“What does it look like?” He questioned while InuYasha compulsively wiped his hand on his jeans. “I’m being your wingman.”
“I don’t need a wingman and will you shut up, already?” His whispered, angry. Miroku was ready to deliver a cunning comeback when the blender stopped and the girls stepped into the balcony.
“So I had to break up with Kuranosuke today.”
“Break up? I thought you guys were friends with benefits or whatever.”
“YES! WE WERE! THANK YOU! Now could you please be a lamb and go tell him that? Maybe I didn’t make myself clear the first four hundred times! Oh, stop laughing!”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Go on.”
“It was a nightmare! The whole week he kept sending flowers and Valentine’s Day cards to the precinct. It’s not even february!”
“I’m surprised you didn’t get him arrested.”
“Believe me, I was this close. It’s hard enough getting their respect, you know? Being a female cop and all. He wasn’t helping.”
“I know. But hey! Someday you’ll find the guy for you. Someone who’ll understand how much your job means. I’m serious! You will!”
“Nope. That’s it for me. I’m done with men.”
“Funny, I’m in the opposite vibe.”
“Really? Now that’s interesting.”
“It’s just… I haven’t dated anyone since Koga.”
“Damn, you’re right! I haven’t realized it.”
“You know what? You should set me up with someone.”
Miroku playfully punched InuYasha’s shoulder, getting his attention. “That’s your chance,” he mouthed. The half demon shook his head.
“Hmmm… Wouldn’t Ayumi, Yuka and What’s-Her-Name be a better option for that? I’m usually cuffing most guys I meet.”
“Eri. And no way! They would just set me up with Hojo.”
“Right! And why won’t you date him, again?”
“Because he’s my friend!”
“He is cute.”
“A cute friend.”
“He likes you.”
“Not my fault.”
“Fine. I’ll d—”
Mortified, InuYasha watched Miroku make a fool of himself. Like in a movie, his body seemed to forget how to react.
“Hi!” Greeted Sango. “I’m sorry. Were we being too loud? We’ll keep it down.”
“No, it’s okay, the walls are really thin. Listen… I have this friend. And he’s really into your friend’s voice. I was wondering if she would be interest in going on a date with him.”
“What?” Kagome let out a shaken giggle.
“Is this for real?”
“Yes! I gotta go, but check his Instagram out. It’s @InuYashaTaisho.”
Apparently very pleased with himself, Miroku walked inside.
“You’re a dead man!”
“What do you think?” Kagome asked, while InuYasha chased Miroku around the apartment.
“It can’t hurt to give a look,” Answered Sango.
“Five years from now, when the two of you get married, you’ll be thanking me for this.” Miroku dodged the pillow InuYasha threw on his direction.
“Don’t ya worry. Imma make sure to write this on your tombstone.”
“Wha—Wow! This is him? What are you gonna do?”
InuYasha threw another pillow. Miroku caught it in the air. He was cornered on the wall and nothing could save him now.
Bzzt! Bzzzt!
Impertinently, his phone choose that exact minute to vibrate. InuYasha fished it off his back pocket and the notification took his breath away.
Kagome Higurashi started following you.
“Is that her?”
InuYasha ignored him. The only important thing was the dark haired beauty smiling brightly on his screen. Her eyes were big and warm, framed by extremely long black lashes. She had adorable bangs and sharped cheeks. The perfect shape of her lips rivaled those from a greek statue and they seemed to be painted in a natural shade of pink in almost every picture. Except when they were burning red.
He couldn’t have put a better face to the voice if he tried.
Scrolling down her feed, InuYasha continued to connect the features he didn’t know with the names he did. Sango. Her mom. Sota. Buyo. Her grandfather.
“Let me see!” Miroku ran to his side and hang on his shoulder like a parrot, whistling in approval as InuYasha went on. “Woah, wait, wait, wait! Who is that?”
“That’s Sango, the girl you just embarrassed me and yourself in front of.” He followed Kagome back.
“I think I’m in love.”
InuYasha glared at him.
“Don’t even think about it.”
“He followed me back!”
“Oh, it’s going down!” Sango laughed.
“Watch me.” Defied Miroku.
“What the fuck happened to the ‘not dating neighbors’ rule?”
“If four years of law school taught me something was that every rule has its exceptions. In this case, the exception is the absurd level of hotness of said neighbor.”
“On a second thought, go ahead and date her. It’s about time someone put you in jail.”
Miroku smirked.
“Should I say hello?”
“Definitely!” Encouraged Sango. “Don’t schedule anything until I check him for bad precedents, though.”
“You’re such a cop.”
Bzzt! Bzzzt!
Hi! I’m sorry about my friend. He thinks ‘boundaries’ is an indie band.
She chuckled.
“Don’t you have a pizza to order?” InuYasha faced him, eyebrows raised. Miroku narrowed his eyes and left.
“This isn’t over.”
That’s okay. So... you’re a dog demon. I’m assuming this is how you can hear us down here?
Actually I’m half demon, which means I’m only half responsible for invading your privacy. The other half is on you for being so damn loud.
Excuse me?! I thought you liked my loud personality! Wasn’t that the whole point?
To be fair, what I liked was your killer cover of Livin’ On A Prayer.
OH MY GOD! I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU HEARD THAT! Okay. This isn’t fair. You’ve been listening to my voice since I moved in, but I have no idea what yours sound like.
The next text he sent her was his phone number.
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A/N: it’s been a while, yes? Tell me if you guys enjoyed this one. Fluff is not really my thing. Let me know if I can interest you in a Part II of them dating and send me sugestions of where they could go, if you want to. If I liked them better than the ideas I have in mind, I might end up writing it (is not a priority, though).
Also, I want to dedicate this piece to @xfangheartx​. Thank you for always being a sweetheart.
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inukag-archive · 2 years
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We’ve got you covered, anon! Hurt/comfort is a well-loved trope in the InuKag fandom, so to keep this list at a reasonable length, we limited ourselves to one story per author. However, there are a few authors who specialize in whump and have several more stories within that category that you might enjoy. We added ** after their handles so that you know to check out their author pages for more! 
P.S. If anyone is craving the reverse (injured/sick Kagome with Inuyasha caring for her), you can find our recommendations here!)
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Gif by fic-finder @lostinfantasyworlds​
Paralyzer by @splendentgoddess​​ ** (T)
While traveling just the two of them, an unexpected attack leaves Inuyasha temporarily paralyzed. Can his pride survive having to rely on Kagome for aid? And how will he react to her getting all emotional when running away isn't an option? Inu/Kag WAFF
Kintsugi by @soliska​ (M)
AU. Failing to be chosen as her village's miko, Kagome had resigned herself to a humble life. An unexpected summons returns her to the city where she's forced to reconcile the taught virtues and the spiralling, warped reality created by those that abuse their power. She holds the key to repairing the fracture between humans and youkai, and the freedom of her new hanyou friend.
Free Falling by onyourleftinheels (T)
All Inuyasha ever wanted was to protect Kagome. He would slay the most dangerous beast to impress her. He would fall from the moon if it meant he could catch her. What Inuyasha doesn't realize is that sometimes a physical fall leads to much more.
The Scent of Winter by Camudekyu (T)
Winter smells like promises. Spring has to return.
Freezer Burn by @kstewdeux​​ ** (NR)
No summary provided.
Freak Attraction by @artistefish​ (T)
A birthday outing to see a foreign circus turns into a nightmarish mistake when Kagome stumbles upon a circus of a very different nature and meets a sideshow freak with dog ears and a human heart. [Also be sure to check out the sequel Freak Attraction: Seven-Man Circus (T) for even more Inuyasha whump!]
The Way You See Me by King Baka (M)
‘If I transform again, with these claws of mine…I might even tear you up, Kagome.’ For the first time, Kagome must face Inuyasha’s full-youkai transformation alone. Will she be able to reach him, or will Inuyasha’s worst fears come true?
Blood and Bandages by Aryndiel (T)
Kagome comes home to find Inuyasha badly injured and reacts in a way that surprises her mother. Mrs. Higurashi wonders: who is this strong, unwavering young woman who looks like her little girl?
Rock Bottom by @lavendertwilight89​ (E)
On the night of Inuyasha's weakness, he is attacked and ends up at death's door. Kagome works at the hospital he is brought to and ends up locked in the room with him as a full youkai. Will they be able to get along? Will Inuyasha survive?
Brownie Points by @elkonigin​ (T)
Kagome forgot how dog-like Inuyasha could be.
Skin by Neisha (T)
Somewhere in her subconscious she could still feel the warmth of his skin under her fingers, and the soft beat of his heart beneath her palm.
Claw Marks On My Heart by VampireWriter144 (T)
Inuyasha is left weakened and severely injured from a fierce battle. Kagome is determined to take care of him whether he likes it or not. Interesting situations arise and emotions are expressed.
Mocha Latte by KittyKatz (T)
Just a little bit of chocolate can take all the bitterness away. A wounded Inuyasha wakes up in a stranger's apartment and experiences a warmth and acceptance he's never had before. Intended to just be a series of dribbles that can hopefully be just a little bit of chocolate in your day! [T for language]
How Does Your Garden Grow? by @dawnrider​ ** (M)
An Ingary-esque AU: Kagome, the newest generation of caretakers of the Higurashi House, finally starts to feel like her garden and business is thriving with the help of her friend Jinenji. Their routine is thrown off by the arrival of an injured visitor who does not want to be found...
Hurt by supernovagirl99 (T)
When our favorite duo gets injured, Inuyasha comes out a little worse for wear. Can Kagome save Inuyasha? Who could have done this to him?
The Last Stop by @banksdelivers​ (T)
In a world where demons are ostracized by society, Inuyasha has only his pride and the clothes on his back to his name. When Kagome offers him a place to stay during the approaching storm, will he take a helping hand?
Or, that story where Inuyasha is a stubborn idiot and Kagome has to rescue him.
Won’t Let Go by TheDiamondSword400 (M)
Kagome struggles to care for Inuyasha when he becomes sick after being injured in a fight.
Last One Standing by @lazy8blog​ ** & @mamabearcat​ (T)
Petty fights usually don't seem so petty anymore once you're faced with the possibility that they might be the last fight you'll ever have.
A Kiss to Make it Better by @ruddcatha​ (T)
When Inuyasha is injured during a fight, Kagome takes care of his wounds, bandaging them, and follows an example set by her mother. How does the silver haired youth react to the unexpected gesture, and how does he return the favor?
Have Faith in Me by AlondraDina (T)
Takes place after episodes 124-126 of the anime, where Naraku kills Kikyo and Kagome almost gets possessed by The Infant. On the way back to her home, Kagome and Inuyasha get caught in a Spring storm and take shelter in an abandoned hut. There Kagome discovers that Inuyasha has been hiding an injury from her.
Another Kind of Promise by @fawn-eyed-girl​ (T)
When Inuyasha is unconscious for several days after being viciously attacked by a scorpion yōkai, he has flashes of memories, of moments of Kagome caring for him. While he is out, he has a realization that, when he comes to, he must make clear to her.
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superpixie42 · 4 years
ooooooh idea!
Okay someone who isn't me needs to make this a thing please:
Southern Vampire Mystery Series (the True Blood Books) but with Inuyasha characters
Concept outline below the cut because it's filled with spoilers for the Sookie Series
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Okay it's been a hot minute since I read the books so..bare with me
Follow the basic plot of the books up until they get fucking weird and it's clear Charlaine Harris was just doing it for the money (aka book 9) 
Actually fuck it book 7 cut off might be better
so basically...Demons "come out" and Kagome realizes she can't hear demon thoughts, falls in love, solves some mysteries between sexytimes. ALSO HOW MUCH FUN WOULD THAT AMNESIA BOOK 4 PLOT BE
Kagome as Sookie, outcast telepath who loves her brother Souta (Jason) and lives with her Gramps (RIP sorry dude)
Inuyasha as Eric, from a strong old as fuck family line, runs a club for demons and humans which feels very on theme for him.
Sango as Pam because I love them both
Miroku as Sam Merlotte because OF COURSE that flirty sonofabitch runs a bar where he only employs cute girls (Ayame, Yuri, Eri) and one sassy gay cook 
the one place where we can follow the tv show is here , Lafayette, that beautiful man, doesn't have to die and I just decided it's Jinenji BECAUSE I CAN
Koga as Bill, a Naraku (regional king) lackey who is sent to get Kagome on their side but falls for her in the process. Is an ass.
Okay hear me out, Shippo as son of the leader of the Kitsune who are in this case the werewolves. Inuyasha is jealous of Kagome's affection for the kid and her close ties to their pack because of it. Removes yet another "romantic" subplot and gives Inuyasha and Kagome a little more depth to play with
Kikyou as Amelia because the witches are now priestesses ... all the shifters and vamps and stuff will just be their demon counterparts, dont even have to change the Were-Panther-Divas
hmmmm Quinn, Quinn, Quinn.... I just don't see Hojo as a wereTiger but, fuck it, why not. WERETIGER HOJO.
 I love those books (the early ones anyway) and was thinking I should reread them since they got unboxed when I pulled out my winter coat but since InuKag take up 90% of my brain this is what my brain fixated on while I was making dinner tonight. BUT I am terrible at multi-chapter stuff and this is, clearly, too much for a one shot. 
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kawaiichan67 · 4 years
WIP: You’ve Got Options
It’s Wednesday, but the next chapters of “Bonded from Birth” and “His New (Fake) Girlfriend” aren’t quite ready.instead, I have a one shot that could become something more.  Warnings: suggestive material and maybe some swearing. Modern AU, InuKag
Well, this was officially the weirdest thing that had ever happened. 
“Oh! I can’t believe you answered?! I mean, of course you did, cuz you thought it was, was Mi-ro-ku!” The ebony haired beauty giggled and rushed on. “I’m so drunk but I just knew, you know, I just knew I had to tell you because it all makes sense, right?” 
Seriously, who was this woman? And why does she have ‘Roku’s phone anyway?
“I totally forgot! I’m Higurashi Kagome and we went to high school together!” More giggling. She was so, well, adorable. Ugh! Did he just say, well, think that? Maybe he was drunk! “I had the biggest crush on you, Takahashi-san but I was too nervous to tell you and then when I was finally ready to confess, you had a girlfriend! I was so crushed! And Hayashi Kikyo?! She is really mean! Well, she was.” The beautiful woman took a breath, then continued, her blue eyes somehow looking quite sad. “She was mean to me, you know, because she found out that I liked you! Wait...wait!” 
InuYasha could hear his friend in the background, obviously drunk. “Kagome-chan! Where are you?” Suddenly, Miroku’s head popped into the frame, so Inu Yasha could snarl at him. “Oh, Yash! Kags really did call you! Good for you, Kagome-chan!” 
Was ‘Roku actually hugging this stranger? This beauty -what? He had a Girlfriend! Well, he and Kikyo were still sort of together...
“Oh, Takahashi-san, I’m so sorry! I hope you’re not still dating Hayashi-san. You can do so much better! She doesn’t really love you, not like I love you. I mean, respect you! You are so sexy, Takahashi-san, I just want to tie you to my bed and do all sorts of naughty things!” Inu Yasha growled, the image getting him hard almost right away. Fuck! How was this woman doing this to him? He didn’t even know her!
“Whoa! Kagome-chan, I’ll take my phone back,” Roku said, taking over the full screen and murmuring something away from the phone. Inu’s sensitive hearing caught his muttered, “Yeah, I think we should give her water from now on.” Roku’s violet eyes were twinkling as he turned back to his FaceTime call with the hanyou. “Sorry, Yash. I didn’t realize that she had my phone. She’s obviously drunk, but...” Roku broke off with a hearty chuckle, “I figured you should know that you have...options! Have fun missing out on an awesome party and say hi to Hayashi-san for me. As long as you two are ‘on’ again!” Then the fucker hung up. 
Yash shook his head and then realized that he hadn’t even said anything the entire call. That Bouzo! Some friend he was! And who was that beautiful-no! He has a girlfriend! Girl Friend! Well, they’re...whatever. 
And there she is. Waiting at the same table she was last month when they went out. Had it really been a month? Suddenly, a memory struck him. A sweet first year smiling at him and cheering him on for a volleyball game. He looked at Kikyo, but somehow, he saw this Higurashi Kagome instead. 
His mind made up, he walked over to the table and smirked. Tie him to the bed, huh? Well, maybe he should find out what all this naughty things are that Higurashi Kagome he planned fo him?
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umacaking · 5 years
Christmas Bonus
So excited to deliver my present for this year Secret Santa.
Modern, office AU, Inuyasha and Sesshomaru are the bosses, Kouga and Miroku unsuspecting wingmen.
Word count: 1056
Rating: T
Pairings: Inukag, Mirsan, Kogaya 
Hoping my giftee enjoys it and everyone else too of course.
Merry Christmas!!
If the tone wasn´t a dead giveaway, the look on Inuyasha´s face unmistakably scandalized.
"Come on boss, Kouga is getting one just like this for Ayame. And I´m getting a similar one for Sango too." Miroku kept talking while he displayed a skimpy lace and silk red teddy in front of him. "You know, some people believe that you are going to have a whole year full of love and passion if you give your significant other red underwear."
"I don´t care.  I´m not buying Kagome anything like that." He felt his face was beginning to flush but went on anyway. "I don´t want her to get the wrong idea."
"Correct me if I´m wrong, after pinning for this woman since...forever, you are saying you have no intention of taking your relationship to the next level?
Now he could definitely feel his face burning.
"That is none of your business Miroku!"
"Ok, then let me put it this way. What message are you trying to send her with a pair of gloves? You actually think that is the perfect present to take you  out of the friend zone?"
Now he was speechless. Was it really that bad? He liked the gloves. They were warm and fussy, ideal for this chilly weather. And he had noticed Kagome had an old thin, gray pair to keep her hands from freezing.  He just hated to think of those delicate fingers getting cold. A brand new pink pair was the perfect gift in his opinion. That or his own hands wrapped around her small, dainty fingers, his passion enough to keep both of them warm.
He could only sigh at the image.
"I´d love to take a step out of the friend zone but what you are implying is a huge leap." That was all he could muster out of his mouth.
"What do you think Sesshomaru?"
Inuyasha was so flustered by the conversation he hadn´t noticed his older brother approaching them. Granted, the store was crowded with last-minute shoppers like himself and his friends. He had been avoiding shopping at a real store but since he hadn´t found anything to his liking online and was now running out of time, this was the only option left. Therefore he begrudgingly accepted Miroku´s and Kouga´s invitation to tag along with them on their shopping spree. What he hadn´t counted on was Sesshomaru joining them too.
"The hanyo is right," He finally answered. "I don´t think a female would appreciate that kind of largess."
"Say then, Sesshomaru, what are you getting for Rin?" Miroku´s curiosity was immediately hooked.
"Slippers," The youkai answered promptly.
"Slippers??" Both Inuyasha and Miroku spat in unison.
"I´d say she deserves a bit more," Inuyasha added. "That girl´s crazy about you and would do anything for you. In fact, she has saved your ass on more than one occasion.
"Rin is merely an infatuated young woman. And she is my secretary too. Slippers are an appropriate present for a subordinate."
"You wouldn't mind if Kohaku took her out then? My little brother in law likes her very much. They seem to have hit it off during the last office  Christmas party." 
Sesshomaru´s demeanor didn´t change much but Inuyasha could feel his anger rising and noticed the subtle twitching of his mouth as he tried to remain silent.
"Hey guys, are you all done here?" Kouga´s voice booming above the boisterous crowd surrounding them distracted them all from Sesshomaru´s reaction.
"Yes." Inuyasha and Sesshomaru answered together.
"No!" Miroku wasn´t so sure though.
"Yes, we are." The hanyo insisted. 
"Fine! If you two want to remain single for another year, I won´t stand in your way."  The violet-eyed man was done with trying to play matchmaker. They didn´t even seem interested in his efforts.
"Let´s get our purchases wrapped then," Kouga commanded.
They had to stand in line for a while but eventually, Kouga got all the present wrapped and bagged before the four men left the store. They ate at a small bistro, away from the shop crazed masses, where Kouga handed out everyone´s little parcel.
The next day, a white Christmas dawned, the city was covered in snow and under four different trees, four equally astonished women were finally opening their presents. 
Kagome and Rin blushing profusely and avoiding their families' curious stares.
Sango gave her husband an eye roll and shrugged her shoulders. "Is this the best you can do?" A pair of fluffy white slippers hanging from her extended index finger.
Ayame gave Koga an incredulous look plus an almost disgusted "Really?" while she wore the pink gloves and showed him her fists.
Later that day Rin called her boss to thank him for his splendid gift.
"Sesshomaru-sama, merry Christmas! Did you enjoy my present?"
"I did Rin. In fact, I´m using the fountain pen right now to practice my calligraphy. Did you try yours on?"
"Well, actually it is a little tight." Her face was burning as she held the exotic garments in her free hand.
"You just need to break them in. Wear them for a while and they will fit perfectly soon enough."
"Oh... of course. I will do that. Thank you, Sesshomaru -sama."
Kagome, on the other hand, was positively happy with her present. She invited Inuyasha for dinner to thank him personally.
When the hanyo arrived at her apartment, Kagome buzzed him in and told him to wait for her in the living room.
Inuyasha was sitting comfortably on an armchair when she appeared, thank goodness he wasn´t standing up or his legs might have given in under his weight together with his already dropping jaw.
Standing before him was a vision wrapped like a Christmas present in a  scanty red babydoll with a red satin joining the two sides together, leaving her flat stomach and belly button in full view including a tiny red thong, a pair of red pumps and nothing else.
Inuyasha remained sitting, his hands desperately grasping the sides of the armchair to prevent them from flying to her waist that very moment.
"So, what do you think?" She asked with the most wicked smile he had ever seen adorning her features.
He had to take a few deep breaths before he was able to answer.
"I think that I owe Miroku a Christmas bonus."
If you guys want to check out the outfit here´s the link
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sailorstarr-chan4 · 4 years
37.  First sentence or your current WIP
Okay, I’ll be nice and post one from each lmao 
An Unexpected Encounter, Ch 12: 
“Kagome frowned, tapping a finger against her chin thoughtfully as she surveyed her options.“
Inuyasha: Prince of Thieves, Ch 4: 
“Kagome clutched onto the stranger’s garb as he leapt her down from her tower at Nottingham Castle, hardly daring to believe her own boldness.”
Sun and Moon, a Tinker Bell fic Ch 2: 
“Never fairies were always diligent of each passing season, but if you were to ask a fairy how many years passed since the time of Pixie Hollow’s creation to the time they were now in, they would have no answer.” 
no Shards of the Sea new material at this time
Say It Again, an InuKag soulmate AU: 
“ “Kagome, I think I love you.” “
you think you know what that line’s about.... BUT YOU DON’T!!! *evil cackling*
Electrifying, an InuKag smut: 
“With an earsplitting roar, the sky seemed to split asunder as a particularly bright flash of lightning instantaneously lit up the sky, followed by a deafening clap of thunder.”
Best Man, a Harmony oneshot: 
“ “’Ears’ to you, Harry and Hermione!” George said, raising his glass of firewhiskey in the Burrow’s living room, surrounded by friends and family.” 
Asunder, a Vampire Knight oneshot: 
“Time moved more slowly in a room with no windows.”
Crossed Love, a Vampire Knight historical AU: 
“One more week until her eighteenth birthday.”
Summer Days, a Percabeth AU oneshot: 
“ “Where in God’s name is my coffee?!” Annabeth growled quietly under her breath, her tense fingers hovering over her laptop’s keyboard.” 
A Writer’s Ask Game!
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petri808 · 3 years
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Inukag Royalty Au
Queen Higurashi looked up after reading the letter. “What is the meaning of this Sango?” Her voice straining against lashing out in a mix of anger and confusion. “Prepare a wedding? For whom, Kagome? But where is Kagome?”
“I am very sorry your majesty,” Sango bowed, “but I am only the messenger for the Inutaisho. He didn’t tell me all the details either.”
The instructions sent by letter and stamped with the Inutaisho’s official seal explained that the Higurashi’s should prepare a secret wedding ceremony. It was a brief letter and requested the only other person that should be in attendance besides the royal family was the priest. All the trappings of a traditional royal wedding affair would not take place, such as inviting the nobles or holding a large ball to celebrate. It was important to maintain a secrecy.
“Then you tell me everything that you do know!” The King snapped. “This is our daughter!”
“I understand, your majesty, I really do. But I am doing this to protect the Princess. I agree with the Inutaisho that there is a potential spy, but we don’t know who or where they are to have found out about the cancelled marriage arrangement. So, secrecy is our only protection. Please just know the Princess is safe and everything will be made clear when the Inutaisho arrives here in a week.”
“Do you truly believe this spy exists?” The queen questioned the young woman.
Sango stood tall and firm in her conviction. “Yes, your majesty. I do.”
The queen and king shared a silent conversation before turning back to the attendant. “Very well, we will honor the Inutaisho’s request. But is there really nothing else we should be preparing? What will Kagome wear? Are no flowers needed?”
Sango shook her head. “If there really is a spy in our midst, ordering such things will raise suspicions and I got the impression that the Inutaisho will make sure anything else required will be taken care of. Right now, the important thing to do is act as normally as possible until they arrive.”
King and Queen Higurashi were concerned, but in the end, they knew Sango was loyal to their daughter and would never do anything that could put her in harm’s way. So, they chose to trust her. It had already been a shock to them to learn their daughter had been living an assumed life in the Inu kingdom but were even more confused on how the Inutaisho became involved. It was a relief in a way, despite not knowing all the details because King Naraku was not someone they’d want their daughter to marry. They’d been threatened with force if they hadn’t agreed to the marriage, so this might just be their saving grace. Their trusted priest was contacted and sworn to secrecy, to be ready in about a week’s time to perform a marriage ceremony, with the only other person told anything being their younger son Souta. The young man was less concerned over his sister’s whereabouts all this time and simply happy that he’ll be seeing her again.
And right as expected, a week later the castle guards were notified of the Inutaisho’s arrival. But not just the King, a full entourage including the whole royal family. The castle’s staff was sent into a full frenzy to ready enough sleeping quarters for the royals, and a meeting room was also readied so the two families could finally sort out just what in the world was going on.
Kagome led the Inu family into the meeting room and immediately upon seeing her mother the tears began to pool in her eyes from all the guilt of putting them through this. She rushed over and hugged the queen.
“I’m sorry for running away,” she quietly whimpered into her mother’s shoulder. “This is all my fault.”
“Oh, my dear, please don’t blame yourself.” The woman rubbed her hand up and down in a soothing manner along Kagome’s back. “We were partially to blame as well. Now dear,” the woman pulled away and cupped her daughter’s cheek while wiping away the tears. “Please tell us what is going on.”
Kagome looked back and gestured for Inuyasha to come to her. “It will all be explained, but first I’d like you to meet his son, prince Inuyasha.”
“Your majesty’s,” the man bowed his head to the royals.
“It is nice to finally meet you, prince Inuyasha,” the king and queen smiled at the handsome man.
Kagome then took Inuyasha’s hand and interlaced their fingers. “Mom, Inuyasha is the man I’ll be marrying.”
Her parent’s eyes widened. They’d suspected it, but to have it confirmed was a joy! “Oh, thank the gods!” The queen smiled. “But how did this happen?”
It was at this point that the Inutaisho stepped forward. “We should first discuss the more pressing issue that’s brought us here today.”
The Higurashi’s nodded and motioned towards a sitting area. From there the rest of the Inu family were introduced to the Higurashi’s before being escorted to their guest rooms. Only the Inutaisho, Queen Izayoi, Inuyasha, and Kagome were the ones to stay behind.
Inutaisho spoke first. “I shall leave the details of how Kagome originally came to us for her to tell you later.” He explained how his son had fallen in love and that is what prompted him to call off the original marriage arrangement, but of course at the time they didn’t know of Kagome’s true identity. It was only revealed when Sango arrived to take her home. “Once that happened, I was shocked to find out she was the original princess he was betrothed to, but also furious to learn Naraku had swept in and threatened you over her hand. That is not something I will tolerate, because it means he’d had spies either in my palace, your castle, or both to have learned such information.”
“So, what are you saying?” King Higurashi questioned. “We’re still bound by the new contract, and he is probably on his way right now.”
“I believe,” the Inutaisho continued, “that this is both our faults for not telling our children the truth right from the beginning. Had we introduced them before setting up the arrangement, perhaps none of this would have happened. But we cannot undo the the past and therefore, I feel there is a way to set things right again. Our new arrangement provided that the Inu Kingdom would step in to protect this one and that is exactly what I plan to do.”
“And how do you propose to do so?” King Higurashi questioned.
“I have already hidden a garrison in the surrounding area.”
“Will one be enough?” Queen Higurashi questioned.
“Yes. They are our strongest yokai division. So, when King Naraku arrives he will have no chance against them.”
“But why did we need to prepare for a wedding ceremony?”
“To make Kagome and Inuyasha’s marriage official before he got here. Between a binding marriage vow and the threat of destruction, Naraku would be a fool to test my might. If once everything has been settled, you wish to hold a proper celebration, I see no harm in that.”
“Thank you, your majesty.” King and queen Higurashi bowed their heads to Inutaisho.
“I want you to know that over the course of these months, Kagome has truly become a part of our family. So, it is my honor to play a role in setting things right.” Inutaisho smiled. “Plus, she’s a very good match for my son.”
Queen Higurashi sighed in relief. “It’s a genuine pleasure to see my daughter happy too.”
Before Queen Izayoi took her leave, she explained to her counterpart that Kagome’s dress was already made, and flowers had been brought in for a bouquet. They were also instructed to tell their staff that the Inu clan was just there to attend the upcoming wedding in order to keep rumors lowered. Next the two kings moved onto outlining what will happen when Naraku arrived. One plan was to confront him immediately before they even arrived at the gate, while another was to allow him entry and confront him in the throne room. The second option came down to if the hunter Inutaisho brought to track down Naraku’s spy was successful.
While the men discussed the military details, queen Higurashi, Kagome, and Inuyasha retreated to another private room. As soon as the trio sat down, the refined poise of a queen was turned off. “Alright, spill it.” The woman scolded the couple in a light tone. “I want all the details and starting from the beginning.”
The couples faces turned pink in embarrassment, but nevertheless, Kagome began telling the tale of how she’d become princess Rin’s attendant at the palace, to the budding romance between she and Inuyasha. “We both tried so hard to fight our feelings,” the woman looked down in nervous shame. “But it just grew stronger instead.”
“That’s when I’d fought with my father to cancel the arrangement. I told him I’d rather stay single if it meant living with Kagome in the palace for the rest of my life.”
“I probably should have told Inu the truth right there,” Kagome admitted. “But I was so afraid the king would kick me out because not only did I want to stay with Inuyasha, but I didn’t want to leave Rin as well.”
Inuyasha grasped Kagome’s fidgeting fingers. “And I’m grateful for everything you’ve done for her. Rin’s truly blossomed because of you.”
“Kagome,” her mother addressed her. “I hope you know that we always had the best intentions for you and I’m sorry that because we weren’t honest with you it drove you to run away. I was more afraid then upset not knowing if you were okay, so it warms my heart to know you’ve been in good hands all along.”
“The Inu’s made me feel like family from the beginning, and I can’t thank them enough for their hospitality.”
The queen smiled. “I’m proud of you Kagome. To know I bore such a strong woman, I can rest well, knowing you’ll be able to weather anything thrown at you.”
Kagome’s eyes teared up as she moved over to hug her mother. “Thank you, that means the world to me to hear that.”
The queen hugged her back. “Oh, I love you so much my dear.”
“I love you too mom.”
“And thank you, Inuyasha, for taking care of my little girl. I have no doubt that your marriage will be a long and happy one.”
“Thank you, your majesty,” Inuyasha smiled. “I will treat her like a queen.”
The following day, the royal families gathered in the chapel to solidify the marriage between Inuyasha and Kagome. While a small affair, it was still a special one with Rin playing a flower bearer, Sango a bridesmaid, and Miroku a groomsman. Inuyasha wore a white ceremonial military uniform with red and gold accouterments and decked out with the royal Inu family crest. Kagome’s white dress followed the style of the Inu kingdom with a form fitting top and flowing floor length dress, decorated with red and gold patterns to mirror Inuyasha’s garb.
The couple stood facing one another before the priest who took their hands and placed one on top of the other, then lightly wrapped the layered hands with a white sash to signify their union. He then placed his own hand on top and began the sermon.
“There is nothing more blessed than the coming together of two individuals in matrimony. To love each other and support each other through sickness and in health until the end of their days. And what I see before me is a tested love that shall endure whatever trials or tribulations may come their way.”
“Prince Inuyasha, do you take princess Kagome to be your wedded wife, to cherish and honor with love and loyalty until the end of your days?”
“I do.”
“And do you, princess Kagome, take prince Inuyasha to be your wedded husband, to cherish and honor with love and loyalty until the end of your days?”
“I do.”
“Then unless there is any here that objects to this Union, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”
“Finally,” Inuyasha breathed out as he swooped in and kissed a giggling Kagome.
Cheers and clapping from all around the couple went ignored, and the attendees simply became a faded background. This had been the moment they’d been fated for all along and to finally have it consummated, truly felt like a new beginning. When she ran away from home, Kagome never imagined this is where she’d end up. Marrying a man, she’d fallen in love with all on her own instead of through an arranged marriage. Perhaps the gods had been on her side all along.
Inuyasha’s fingers swept gently over her cheek as he stared with blissful intent into her eyes. “I love you, Kagome.”
She leaned into his hand as her eyes softened. “I love you too, Inuyasha.”
Just a little longer and they’ll truly be free…
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keichanz · 5 years
Inukag modern au headcannons
this is....rather broad, but i’ll do my best
Inuyasha is a hands-on, keep busy type of man so his job will be really physical where he works with his hands and is in constant motion
Kagome is a nurse/works in the medical field 
Inuyasha has a dog. because reasons
Kagome likes Starbucks
Inuyasha hates it, but will drink it if its the only option because coffee is life
If Inuparents are still alive Inuyasha’s a mama’s boy
When Inukag first meet its because he has to save her ass for some reason or another; idk maybe she got mugged, or he snatched her outta the way of a car or something
he is instantly enamored 
Kagome is struck stupid by his attractiveness and is a blushing stuttering mess 
Inuyasha finds it adorable
he becomes immediately and fiercely protective of this small beautiful woman
Inuyasha sneakily puts his number into her phone when she’s not looking (idk how he got her phone, dont ask akdfjaf) and goes into her settings to obtain her number
he prefers texting over calling and sends her a text that night asking her out
Kagome was at first completely baffled as to how he got her number (and how he put his in her phone??) but ofc accepts
all of their dates are unconventional and fun because he finds dinner and a movie completely boring
Kagome discovers her love of paintball because of him
for their sixth date he takes her to an amusement park and its nighttime at the very top of the ferris wheel when he kisses her
Kagome is breathless and flushed and smiling when he pulls away and he can’t resist kissing her again
his arm is around her waist when they get off the ride and head over to the games where Inuyasha wins her a giant stuffed dog
when Kagome meets his parents she and Izayoi instantly bond and Tai teases his son
Sesshomaru gives zero fucks
When Inuyasha meets Kagome’s family Mama gushes over his ears, Souta is starry-eyed, and grandpa harrumphs
after a year together Kagome moves in with him, they get married some years later and life happily ever after
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