zedecksiew · 2 years
You carry your experiences with you
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Some musings about inventory systems, inspired by (though not exactly in line with) this post by K on cohost:
"The Lessons We Take With Us ... are treated very much like an inventory of useful items."
I like things that do a lot with little. So the notion that your inventory of gear is also your list of skills (and maybe also also your health system) appeals to me?
Also Colin reminds me that games like Cairn and Mausritter already have bad conditions (like exhaustion and spellcasting fatigue) fill inventory slots.
And that Iko's The Lost Bay has "Burdens", which represent both items and skills?
So I'm thinking: let's put skills, character abilities, and character advancement in the inventory, too. Your inventory is your whole character sheet.
Here's your character. The only character stat that matters for our purposes is Capacity, a measure of how much bandwidth you have: physically, mentally, emotionally.
Lets say you start with 7 Capacity slots:
Every piece of meaningful Gear (a bow and arrows, rations, etc) takes up a Capacity slot. This includes stuff meaningful in other ways---ie: valuable Treasure (a golden idol, etc).
Specific Training takes up a Capacity slot. But also adds two Capacity slots. Effectively, having Spear Training means you get to carry a spear without having it take up Capacity. If you have Spear Training, you are both good at wielding a spear and stowing it away so it doesn't encumber you in an adventure.
A Mastery takes up a Capacity slot. But also adds three Capacity slots. If you are a Master Thief you are so good at various thiefly trades that your tools are a part of you (so to speak), and you are always open for new opportunities.
An Ally (think henchmen, animal companions) takes up a Capacity slot. But also adds three Capacity slots. They are like Masteries, I guess? It's good to have skilled, loyal friends!
A significant Experience takes up a Capacity slot, and adds a Capacity slot. They are like Training---but where Training gives bonuses in a specific field (you are good at spear-fighting), Experience gives bonuses in general areas related to it (Fought A Dragon In A Riddle Contest gives you bonuses when encountering dragons and riddles contests, etc).
Stuff that hamper a character, like Injuries (broken limb, bleeding wound) or bad Conditions (scared, tired, hungry) take up one Capacity slot each. If you have a broken hand you'll think about it, favour it, try to keep it from getting wet, etc.
Some notes:
Carrying stuff you have no training in takes up Capacity, essentially. This is not just physical encumbrance, but mental also: "Man this bow is getting in the way." "Ok which pocket did I put my water bottle in again?"
If you have less than half your starting Capacity slots free, you are encumbered in mind and body. This should represent disadvantage in all areas, becoming more severe the more you go over the limit. All your stuff occupies you!
You could pick up Training or Mastery in things like Mindfulness or Packing---expertise specifically for increasing Capacity. (Since these fields don't have items associated with them, you basically get an extra slot.)
Things that are Storage (houses, wagons, etc) take up a Capacity slot, and give lots of extra Capacity---but you don't necessarily have them around you reliably. (You can't bring your house into the dungeon.)
Experiences should be malleable. If you riddled with a dragon, then entered a riddle contest with a demon, both experiences should get "upgraded"? Riddle Mastery? (That Training can get upgraded into Mastery is a given.)
Trainings and Masteries should be as bespoke as Experiences. Training: Master Qi's Spear Art and Training: Spear-wall Formation Fighting In The Vedocci Legion imply different things, and should lend you different ways of wielding your spear.
Yeah, so that's my quick and dirty "Experience Is Inventory" system. Thoughts?
Personally I'm torn. On the one hand: I'm pleased / stimulated by how simple and abstracted and (potentially) easy this is? Your character sheet is a mind map, basically. As you play, the sheet grows, becoming a record of your character's history and who they are, what friends they have, what stuff they value.
On the other hand: is this too abstracted, that it detracts from the concreteness of an imagined space? I know that when I play games my fun starts ebbing when I feel like I'm playing rules and jargon, not the fiction.
(Also I'm sure some maverick innovative indie game has done this kind of skills-are-gear thing before. What games handle things in similar ways?)
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ssoliloquyy · 2 months
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toji fushiguro if he woke up and decided to shoot for olympic silver instead of the star plasma vessel 🤠👍
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munette · 10 months
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millingroundireland · 11 months
RBM I and his inventory: a story continued
In a later post, I'll discuss RBM II and his probate, noting that journals are not currently online. For RBM I, there are many journals cited. [1] This post will look at inventory record books. in order to determine his inventory. Once again, the Hamilton County Probate Court is very helpful here.
The first page of RBM I's inventory shows he has over $8,000 in shares of the American Laundry Machinery Company, which is still around today, manufacturing "commercial laundry, dry cleaning, and textile processing machinery":
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Inventory Record Book 281, p 157
This post was originally published on WordPress in November 2018.
The next page shows he has stock in AT&T, an auto club, automobile insurance agency, a gas & electric company, DuPont, the First National Bank of Cincinnati, General Motors, and the Grand Hotel company, to name a few:
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Inventory Record Book 281, p 158
The next pages lists him as a stockholder in Kroger, Proctor & Gamble, and Standard Oil of Chicago:
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Inventory Record Book 281, p 159
On the final page  it is noted that he has stock in the United States Playing Card Company and varied savings bonds, along with mutual assurance, a bank account at First National Bank of Cincinnati (with over $4,000 in it), $100 worth of household goods, $50 worth of silverware, and $50 worth of 2 gold men's watches, the same ones he gave to RBM II and RBM III:
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Inventory Record Book 281, p 160
The next page only has a short notice saying the inventory will be filed:
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Inventory Record Book 281, p 161
And that's it. This definitely says something about RBM I: that he was a businessman of some sort, which isn't a surprise due to his involvement in the hotel business until the 1930s, at least.
But there are than just the pages above listed! In another volume, his $40,000 in stock in varied companies is listed:
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Inventory Record Book 306, p 291
The last page lists that a small piece of land, in February 1956, became a new asset of RBM I's estate due to the moving of a road, with nothing else noted.
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Inventory Record Book 319, p 517
There are two other record books which have information on RBM I, but they do not seem to fit any of the archive categories at the present time. [2]
© 2018-2023 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
[1] Specifically vol 618, p 433; vol 619, p 578, 621; vol 620, p 637; vol 621, p 421; vol 622, p 95, 204; vol 623, p 218; vol 628, p 328; vol 629, p 359; vol 631, p 379; vol 644, p 840; vol 647, p 67; vol 658, p 335; vol 661, p 427; vol 662, p 536; vol 674, p 360; vol 675, p 395, 546 (or 846). Vol 40, p 384 of the account record books has not been digitized as of May 16, 2018.
[2] Specifically Record Book 406 [1950], p 126 and Record Book 431 [1953], p 389.
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meredithmoriarty · 11 months
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timothy-kang · 1 year
Road to Rich— 7 Keys for eBay Selling from Justin Resells (vol.4)
1. Prepare a thick skin for bad customets. 2. Srutinize the faulty product in return. 3. eBay provides good seller protection. 4. Don’t trust in luck, but in preparation. 5. Invest in your business. 6. Time is valuable. 7. Search for new inventories.
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lulla-bee · 1 year
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