#inventors galore
m0thisonfire · 2 years
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If I had a nickel for every time I went batshit over a mad evil inventor with the face of a triangle, I’d have two- three? Four??
I’m not sure, but it’s becoming alarming how many nickels I’m beginning to acquire in this regard.
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creatorping · 6 months
“What if the boys were moodulated”presented in 4 doodle pages!
credits to @flowery-laser-blasts for the og idea! check out her post
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This is my take on how the scenes would go if Drakken and Ron are controlled by emotions. Generally, I think that both of their skills shine more when they have confidence and let it loose (especially Ron).
For example, Ron’s charisma will increase along with skills like crafting and being the Jack of all trades. Drakken will be able to create his inventions a lot faster due to heighten emotions. His decision making is stronger but may execute them recklessly.
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In Love:
Ron has all the confidence that he rarely shows, and directs it at Kim, only her. Every move he makes to woo Kim chips away her barrier of resistance. Ron would continue to show the puppy love affection, including physical touch (hugs galore). Ron asks her to the parade festival, convincing her with flowers.
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Drakken goes full The way of the Househusband mode: cooking, cleaning, and showering Shego with gifts and affection every chance he gets. Heck, he’ll even make new gadgets just to benefit Shego in any way. Shego is weirded out by his behavior but inwardly crumbles at his affections. However, she gets concerned when Drakken gradually loses his ambitions to take over the world, which she didn’t want him to lose that. Well maybe a bit more love time wouldn’t hurt as Drakken begs her to go with him to the parade as a date. (He gave her the pout and dinner)
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At the Parade:
Shego of course agreed to the festival date for fun. After overhearing about the moodulator she wants to get it to break Drakken out of control and get back to evil ambitions OR perhaps control Drakken for herself and make things easier.
She decided to use the E.M.A on the moodulator (even tho she has no idea how it works but she’ll try it) after eavesdropping on Kim and the Inventor. But girlie doesn’t know shit about inventions so she accidentally charged the moodulator to extreme anger
Extremely angry Drakken… bites. ha r d.
yeah he wrecks havoc and she loves the power he shows but he lacks the direction he had in the first place. So Shego ultimately tries to shut him down from being a mindless zombie
Shego had to use her upmost ability to shut Drakken down and not destroy himself at the parade. So at the end, she puts a muzzle on him after dragging him out of the scene. Then perhaps an aggressive kiss sets Drakken on a sudden emotional overdrive that broke the chip, which set him free from the moodulator.
In my take of Kim trying to reject Ron is that she feels he’s been a bit off and not truly himself. Like she loves the affection but the sudden bursts of emotions during the whole time makes her suspicious. Therefore Kim tried rejecting Ron at the festival
but then right as Kim tried to tell Ron her suspicions, the moodulator changes and angry Ron misunderstands the rejection and yeah…
Kim found out about the moodulator… and internally was torn about whether or not Ron’s emphasized feelings were genuine.
Ron channels his anger on not being enough for Kim and explodes with monkey kung fu, wrecking havoc at the parade. (I noticed that Ron gets the powers when his emotions take over him)
And of course kim isn’t going to be a sitting duck so she gets back with her martial art skills. They had a battle similar to what Hiro and Kim had in the exchange ep. Lowkey Kim finds it attractive of him fighting like that.
The chip breaks after they come at a draw in the fight. Ron panicked after realizing what he did to Kim and frantically apologizes but Kim kept the conversation playful to cover up the awkward confrontations until SO THE DRAMA MOVIE
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zedweek · 7 months
Day 2 Prompts!
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Hermitcraft 5-6:
Caves of crystal and bases galore, we’re going back in time! Featuring lovely characters such as Worm Man and Zedeath, season 5 and 6 give a lot to work with! The rise of the gaming district and the iconic Is That Sheep Looking At Me? entertained the Hermits, and our hero still found time to try his hand at aerial livestock delivery!
The following season saw a Jack (Er. Zed?) of all bases, with 5 in total, but no one official base to call his own. Truly, the season of embodying what it means to be a hermit!
Contraptions & Shenanigans:
Zed’s been an inventor from day one and whatever stains on his sweater are definitely redstone and definitely not blood! While he values his silly contraptions, he’s not at all afraid to abandon work in favor of some silly shenanigans! In the most Zedaphy cases, they have a brilliant overlap! This day encompasses all of it, pranking and inefficiency and all!
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fellpurpose · 1 month
surprising perhaps everyone who knows him, owain dark, accursed of the aching blood, wielder of mythical weapons, inventor of long names... is wearing closed-toe shoes.
in a pause between music, brady has to physically put his violin down lest he drop it from surprise. he calls to take five, hops down from the stage, and storms over to his Rather Snappily Dressed Pal to give him what-for.
" well, damn, owain, i didn't think i'd live 'ta see the day you put those freakin' dogs away, " brady gristles, hands in his pockets as reflective of his typical self. fancily as he's dressed, that doesn't erase the personality. " i'm more shocked'n a wet melvin usin' thoron. you get complaints from the school or somethin'? "
little can dampen his spirits amidst the revelry all around — odin thrives in this setting, surrounded by jocund party goers and elaborate displays of drama galore. still, he raises a brow at an old friend's words, feeling somewhat indignant that brady would choose to comment on that as opposed to...well. anything else, really.
did his attire not inspire awe? after all the meticulous care he had bestowed upon its intricate design...
"complaints?" what a notion. he scoffs. "HA. hardly. if anything, these hallowed grounds extol my name, for i, ODIN DARK, doth spurn the shadows to fight the vile evils that ENSNARE this earthly realm. you wouldn't understand."
arms fold across his chest pointedly, his gaze surveying brady from head to toe. "well. that makes TWO of us. i'm shocked you managed to get halfway across the ballroom without activating the waterworks. a fell feat indeed. "
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see i’m not familiar with asoue but even with the lack of context i have sonic being the middle child who bites people is just scu canon
ok so context is in this series while there are nuanced characters galore, each character has like one interest or personality trait that defines them and makes them stand out from the others. this is because they all have autism. that's not canon but it should be
anyway. the oldest girl in asoue is an inventor and that's her main interest. the middle boy is a reader and is super smart. the youngest child is a fucking baby and her main interest is biting things. that's all she wants to do and im not kidding you. please read these books
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twistedtummies2 · 1 year
The Price May Be Right - Number 11
Welcome to “The Price May Be Right!” I’m counting down My Top 31 Favorite Vincent Price Performances & Appearances! The countdown will cover movies, TV productions, and many more forms of media. Today we focus on Number 11: The Inventor, from Edward Scissorhands.
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While Vincent’s role in this Tim Burton classic is rather small – he’s only onscreen for about five minutes, that’s less time than he had as Baka in The Ten Commandments – it is certainly a memorable appearance. This is not least of all because this was actually Vincent’s final theatrical movie, at least officially speaking. (More on what I mean by that later in the countdown.) Price actually passed away three years after the film was released; there’s actually a misconception this was the last piece of acting Price ever did, period. This is untrue: his ACTUAL last film was a TV movie called “Heart of Justice,” which I must confess I’ve never seen, and he also did some voicework for the cartoon show “Tiny Toon Adventures.” However, it’s perhaps not so bad that “Edward Scissorhands” gets so much credit, because it truly does feel like a swan song for the great actor. For those who don’t know, the plot of Edward Scissorhands is a sort of pastiche of both Pinocchio and Frankenstein. The kindly Inventor – who acts as a sort of combo of Dr. Frankenstein, Gepetto, AND the Blue Fairy all rolled into one – is only seen in flashback sequences that explain the main character’s origins. It’s revealed that, long ago, the Inventor was a humble tinkerer who made wacky food-processing machines up in his tower laboratory. Lonely and aging, he was inspired one day to take apart one of his machines and turn it into a real human being: he wanted a son. It’s not entirely clear how the man managed it, but he did, bit by bit, create Edward from the ground up, and raised him with kindness and sweetness galore. Unfortunately, there was one part the Inventor never was able to give Edward: his hands. In fact, in the ultimate heartbreaker, the Inventor died of a heart attack while in the middle of trying to give Edward the hands he had made for him. Helpless, Edward watched his father die as his lovely would-be hands were ruined at the same time, leaving the poor dear alone for many, many years, until a young lady found him in the tower…but that’s another story. Well…technically the same story, but that’s the extent of Vincent’s role in the proceedings. While the part is small, Vincent still manages to give – in the twilight of his life – a sensitive and surprising performance. The Inventor is memorable not simply because he’s played by Vincent Price, but because of the gentle-hearted and slightly humorous way Price plays the character. He’s an endearing figure in the film, as so much is learned about him and his relationship with Edward not through dialogue, but through their expressions, mannerisms, and the world in which they live. The movie is, in many ways, the kind of film Vincent was used to doing: a stylish, Gothic, but slightly off-kilter picture, with its roots in classic literature. And it is perhaps ironically fitting that – much like Christopher Lee would do with Saruman in “The Hobbit” Trilogy – Vincent’s final cinematic motion picture depicts him not as the villain, but as a good-hearted sage.   Tomorrow, the countdown continues as we move into the Top 10!
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plaindangan · 5 months
Genderbent Taka saw Miu is walking around in a far too short skirt again, deciding that a punishment was in order she’d enter the inventor’s laboratory… only to be blasted by a pink powder slowly making her lose concentration. Enough time for Miu to restrain her and start to ‘bully’ her before she could get punished! Spankings, Wedgies, and just teasing in general galore!
Disclaimer: R18 material! If not to your liking then please do not view!
"Miu!!! This is the fifth time I've caught evidence of you wearing a skirt that's for too short for a school environment!!! I have you know the penalty for five strikes in a row is a paddling for five minutes with the officially sanctioned Hope's Peak pad-!!!" Taka would be cut off shortly as Miu fired some pink powder at her with some strange gun!
"Stickler Defeatinator!!!! Goooo!!!" Taka began to cough and her head began to sway...
She was the law of justice at Hope's Peak!!! She can't falter...
It was a sorry sight to see...for Taka. But for Miu, she was having a blast~ She had chained Taka, face first, to a wall, but didn't just stop there. Using the moral compass' dizzy state, she had stripped Taka of nearly all her clothes...except her white panties. Something that proved to be apart of Taka's undoing as Miu had given her a wedgie that had her surprisingly jiggly bubble butt exposed.
And for what? Why for Miu to test her latest invention of course!! The Handsy-inator (name subject to change!) With a press of a button, the backpack she was wearing, had four white gloved hands pop out and really have their way with Taka!
One was giving her the spanking of her life, rapidly slapping those bouncy orbs with its sharp hand. Two were having fun groping at her curvy thighs, squeezing them and rubbing them at a firm, swift, pace~ Finally, the last hand hand was having fun in some more...private areas of Taka. Like one of its fingers had penetrating her anally and two other giving her quite the fingering at her pussy~
"Kyahahaha~ Having fun, my dear little slut~ Don't you see how fun it is one the hornier side of things?~"
"N...neveeeeeeer!!! I-I'll...I'll neveeeeer s-s-s-sub..submit...o-ohhhh~" Taka moaned softly, as the fingers began to vibrate incredibly in her pussy. Miu could only chuckle and smirk at the sight.
"Yeah, keep telling yourself that~"
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ratasum · 1 year
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modernwizard · 1 year
Why I love the Spymaster #103: He's in The Hay Wain!
Find my full series under the HELP I WUVS HIM tag.
I talk about the Spymaster's use of classic paintings of modern Western art in The Power of the Doctor elsewhere in my list. #61: Playing even more with gender! notes that he substitutes himself in three paintings into the position of women. #79: The Scream! 💔 points out that his use of the painting illustrates his struggles with mental health. #100: His art collection! examines why he turns to famous paintings that are considered classics. #101: He's the Mona Lisa! talks about the reasons for his self-insertion in that painting. #102: He's the girl with a pearl earring! discusses his use of that Vermeer portrait.
The mini essay addresses The Hay Wain: Landscape at Noon, an 1821 landscape painting by English painter John Constable. It shows a person driving a wooden wain [or wagon] pulled by three horses across the Stour River between Suffolk and Essex counties. The massive work is considered the artist's most recognizable image and one of the best and most popular English paintings. The site in Suffolk depicted in the painting is now a tourist attraction.
Here is a reproduction:
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Of all the paintings that the Spymaster inserts himself into, The Hay Wain stands out for two reasons. First, it's much more familiar to English viewers in particular than the other paintings, which are internationally popular. Second, all the other paintings are closeups of recognizable individuals whose replacement with the Spymaster as Ra-Ra-Rasputin can be easily identified. In contrast, The Hay Wain depicts a large landscape in which the wagon driver is a very small part, not even facing the camera. The driver is an important piece of the painting, but not the focus.
Why might the Spymaster co-opt The Hay Wain, then, especially since, unlike the other paintings he puts himself in, the picture does not showcase his beautiful, attention-getting visage? I think the answer lies in the painting as a peculiarly English [that is, from England] icon. The painting illustrates an English scene--a picturesque, tranquil scene of an idealized, preindustrial, agricultural past. The painting is familiar to English viewers and considered a significant piece of early modern English culture. While The Hay Wain is not as old a picture as the Mona Lisa or Girl with a Pearl Earring, it's specifically English in a way that the other paintings are not.
Doctor Who is a British show created in an era [the late 1960s] when English colonial, economic, and cultural dominance was on the decline. In response to this perceived loss of power, new English cultural heroes developed for the post-WWII, post-imperial period. One such was Ian Fleming's James Bond [inspired by Jon Pertwee's miltary shenanigans, apparently!], an MI6 agent, who showcased British superiority by being the best spy in his fictional universe, owning and deploying the most innovative gadgets, and possessing heterosexuality so irresistible that it could even win over lesbians like Pussy Galore. [No, seriously, go read the novels. They're fascinating.] James Bond re-established British empire, one hot heterosexual encounter at a time.
Another new hero for England's post-imperial age was the Doctor. Though nominally an extraterrestrial from another planet, the Doctor is a very English alien. They belong to a caste-ridden society of great intellectual and scientific achievement that mirror's England's past as a great source of scientific and technological influence. Their status as Time Lord marks them as part of England's noble class, also termed lords. Their role as quasi-scientific explorer and inventor, bringing hope, goodness, and moral insight to the universe, reflects the way in which imperial Britons envisioned themselves as intrepid bearers of enlightenment to the ignorant masses around the world. The Doctor reinterprets English imperialism for a post-imperial age by focusing less on all those objectionable aspects of colonialism [intertwined racism, sexism, and classism] and more on the [supposed] positives: the excitement of space exploration, the intellectual possibilities offered by new nuclear and computing technology, the ways in which a representative of a "more developed" society [i.e., the Time Dorks] could help and improve those of a "less developed" society [i.e., humans].
Anyway, the Doctor is a peculiarly English alien, and The Hay Wain is a quintessentially English painting that talks about English identity: a rural, agrarian, self-sufficient, specifically masculine identity that was formed in an idealized past. The Hay Wain's nostalgic and idealized masculinity, independent and powerful, appeals to the Spymaster, who dislikes his dependence on the Doctor and who's always hearkening back to the "classics." Additionally, the painting's Englishness confers Englishness upon the Spymaster when he puts himself in it; he thus represents himself as just as English, just as legitimate, and just as important, as the Doctor. It's another attempt for him to assert his equality with the Doctor when he's feeling inferior.
@natalunasans @sclfmastery @whovianuncle @timeladyjamie @rowanthestrange
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hazardmemetic · 1 year
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Edited for usability, change pronouns/wording as needed.
Target Market
"I'm the target market." "There is no danger." "I could be the savior." "Always wanted something to live for." "It's gonna be my day, no one's gonna take it away from me." "No one's gonna take it away from me!" "I got the right look." "Pain is pleasure's cushion."
Lonely Girl
"I was a witch in my time of Descartes." "Fought for my soul, but they tried to tear it apart." "Who does she think she is?" "I am a virgin, and I am a whore." "I am a saint and a sinner galore." "I am the inventor of my own tradition." "I know the key and the form of your heart." "I know how to make you tremble and groan."
Marie Antoinette Robot 2073 (A Rock Opera)
"And who would now create such harm?" "What a bonney-bon need." "Sometimes I'm tired of being a serf." "Sometimes I wish the doll on the shelf lead existence, breathed." "Did you know that it was me?" "She's having a crisis." "She's having a crisis about being." "And when the darkness comes to me, it's a star to count on." "You can write it out to make your way back home." "When I look in the mirror, it's empty." "It's just an infinity winking back at me." "You might say I'm a fool to feel this way." "They're making moves in my brain, they say." "They're pretend I know my history."
Time of Light
"It was the time of light." "We'll be loved through thick and thin." "What's outside is just a reflection of what's within." "So dance the night away, my dear." "My cup's already overflowing." "Oh, yes, it is." "I am just waiting for my soul to be restored."
Little Soldier of Time
"Pierce the vortex of your mind, and see what images arise." "You're burning up inside." "My thoughts of you are spinning 'round." "You broke the bronco of my heart." "The past explodes and burns." "Love is a dangerous game." "I guess that love of the self is the only love you can trust." "Deep in my heart, there is a line of keys."
"You're going to light your soul on fire." "The world will blossom with your love." "You sparkling little dove!" "I believe in a world where you are president." "Everything would be so divine." "You turn the water right into wine." "Tell the people how to see the beauty of a thousand dreams." "Pointless wars based on the expert of democracy." "We have no answers, no solutions, no possibilities." "Cast my ballot for a new day and eternal spring."
God Doesn't Take American Express
"I dreamed the Statue of Liberty fell over." "Any move you make creates danger." "It takes a lot of hard work to be saved." "Come take a trip outside of your mind." "It's got a way of treating you so, so unkind." "Got a big surprise waiting here, just for you." "Your dreams are coming true." "Bring back the feeling inside my brain." "The eye that is hidden feeds off the stranger." "God doesn't take American Express no more." "How you ever going to make it home again?" "Oh, my love." "How you ever going to fill that emptiness deep inside?" "What a challenge it'll be." "You'll go down in history."
String Theory
"Freedom can mean a lot of things." "Fly your way into the sea, baby." "The key to creation's in your heart." "You know it is." "She speaks to her many dreams, but her words sew too slow." "You know, they put on quite the show."
Lou Salome
"In the past they called me Lou Salome." "Found myself on fire in the pursuit of philosophy." "For me, wisdom was my ecstasy." "There's a light shadow now, clear out on the water." "History and we live on the invisible wings of your legacy." "Hey [NAME], what are we to do without you?" "You could see the dragons." "You could see the angels." "All of life is poetry."
Electra 33
"And isn't it for you that I'm still waiting here?" "And isn't it for you that I'm still alive?" "And isn't it for you that I parted the veil to the other side?" "It's all over now, love." "I don't need you to feed me anymore." "I've got my own medicine now." "I killed the dragon with its terrible teeth." "Find a way to break the spell." "But I broke the hook that she tried to put in me." "There's no going back now."
Girl of Your Tomorrow
"In the times of old, we used to dream about her." "You know it's true, my love." "She'll soon be here." "She's the girl of your tomorrow." "She'll see you through." "Cry to cleanse the body of your fears." "You know that I'll be here for you." "She is your morning girl." "Baddest little girl in the whole wide world."
Fill Me Up With Grace
"Fill me up with grace, 'cause I'm falling." "I've buried my crown." "Fill me up with tears and Jesus." "I could use some healing." "I found the reason today to be living." "I saw the answer." "And you have stayed my heart with the blood of a thousand rose petals."
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galoretechs · 6 days
Must-Know: 6 Upcoming Space Missions 2024
Must-Know: 6 Upcoming Space Missions 2024 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6NcLj42atw Must-Know: 6 Upcoming Space Missions 2024 Get ready for an out-of-this-world adventure with the latest video from Galore Techs you must know! Discover the must-know details about 6 upcoming space missions in 2024, including the highly anticipated Europa Clipper. Join us as we dive into the exciting world of space exploration and get ready to be amazed. Don't forget to hit subscribe for more cosmic updates! Products: =================================== ================================= 🔔 Join Galore Techs to watch more content on innovative Ideas and Technology: https://www.youtube.com/@galoretechs ✅ Stay Connected With Us. ============================= Time Stamps: 0:00 - Intro 0:22 - Europa Clipper 1:44 - Artemis II Launch 3:10 - Viper Rover Search For Moon Water 💦 4:28 - Lunar Trailblazer & Prime-1 Missions 6:05 - JAXA’s Martian Moon eXploration Mission 7:23 - ESA’s Hera Mission ============================= 👉Facebook: https://ift.tt/MvETbB6 👉Instagram: https://ift.tt/LW5KlkG 👉Tiktok: https://ift.tt/LfS7RdY ✅ For Business Inquiries: [email protected] ============================= ✅ Music Credits: Music from InAudio: https://inaudio.org/ Track Name: Technology Future Bass [Future Bass Music] by MokkaMusic / Space Toaster  • (No Copyright Music) T... Music provided by "MokkaMusic" channel and https://inaudio.org Track: Good Times - Ason ID [Audio Library Release] Music provided by Audio Library Plus Watch: • • Good Times - Ason ID |... Free Download / Stream: https://ift.tt/Goaq46i ✅ Recommended Playlists 👉Movies Tech Reviews: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIz67rSO6VqKMpli3v483CbwEY_PeFPmt 👉List of New Technologies: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIz67rSO6VqLiHMsSI028gKBiOtXgiF-C ✅ Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching: 👉The Future of Creativity: Understanding the Rise of Generative AI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbbJw8GWdjk 👉The Secrets Behind Creed III: Unveiling the Hidden Tech https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sY4rkDoE-oI 👉TOP 12 Emerging Tech Trends of 2023 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSQlYg9TXxk 👉A Vivid Multidimensional Film: Is Across the Spider-Verse the FUTURE of Animated Movies? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcxdmahh3WQ ============================= ✅ About Galore Techs. Galore Techs does its best to present you with new gadgets, tech ideas, and technological advancements to look out for in the upcoming future. This channel is meant to be educational and informative about how these new technologies will change the world as we know it. “The Web as I envisaged it, we have not seen it yet. The future is still so much bigger than the past.” -Tim Berners-Lee, Inventor of the World Wide Web. Are you curious about science and technology? Want to learn more about the technology of the past, present, and future? Subscribe to our channel. For Collaboration and Business inquiries, please use the contact information below: 📩 Email: [email protected] 🔔Subscribe for more videos on new gadgets, tech ideas, and technological advancements: https://www.youtube.com/@galoretechs ================================= #GaloreTechs #Technology #Innovation #mindblowingtech #futuristicinnovations #emergingtech #aiadvancements #nasa #spacex #techideas Disclaimer: We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of our publications. You acknowledge that you use the information we provide at your own risk. Do your own research. Copyright Notice: This video and our YouTube channel contain dialog, music, and images that are the property of Galore Techs. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to our Youtube Channel is provided. © Galore Techs via Galore Techs https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTyjV2lcEUMfTz4lxuB1ukg June 07, 2024 at 11:27PM
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julierysava · 9 months
🌟 Trivia Thursday: Unveiling the Treasure Trove of Knowledge! 🌟
Greetings, knowledge seekers! 📚 It's the first Thursday of September 2023, and you know what it means – it's time to unlock the treasure trove of fascinating facts and figures. Get ready to challenge your intellect, spark your curiosity, and dive deep into the world of trivia. Let's embark on this thrilling journey together!
🧠 Trivia Delight: A Delight for Your Mind
This Trivia Thursday, we've prepared a delectable spread of questions to tantalize your intellect. From history's hidden gems to science's captivating wonders, pop culture's iconic moments, and beyond, we've curated a treasure trove of brain-teasers to pique your curiosity.
🌍 Geography Gems: Explore the World
Get your global thinking caps on! We'll be exploring the diverse landscapes, cultures, and wonders of our beautiful planet. From majestic mountains to vibrant cities, from ancient wonders to modern marvels, there's a world of knowledge waiting to be uncovered.
🌌 Science Wonders: Journey into Discovery
Delve into the mysteries of the universe and the marvels of the natural world. Test your knowledge of scientific breakthroughs, famous inventors, and the awe-inspiring forces to shape our existence. Science is a never-ending adventure, and you're invited to join the exploration.
📽️ Pop Culture Parade: Lights, Camera, Action!
Lights, camera, trivia! Take a stroll down memory lane and revisit iconic moments from the world of entertainment. From classic movies to chart-topping music, from beloved TV shows to literary legends, there's a pop culture nugget for everyone.
🕰️ Historical Highlights: Learn from the Past
History comes alive on Trivia Thursday. Travel through time and discover the people, events, and revolutions which have shaped our world. Every historical tidbit is a glimpse into the rich tapestry of human experience.
🤓 General Knowledge Galore: The More, the Merrier
Our trivia adventure wouldn't be complete without a generous serving of general knowledge questions. These cover a wide range of topics, ensuring there's something for everyone to ponder and enjoy.
🗝️ Join the Quest for Wisdom
The quest for wisdom is a never-ending journey. After exploring the questions, share your answers, insights, and any interesting tidbits in the comments. Engage with fellow knowledge enthusiasts, and let's celebrate the joy of learning together.
🏆 Trivia Thursday Tradition
Remember, Trivia Thursday is a tradition which continues week after week. Stay tuned for more captivating questions, engaging discussions, and a healthy dose of brain-teasing fun. Knowledge is a treasure, and together, we're uncovering its riches.
So, without further ado, let's dive into this treasure trove of knowledge and quench our thirst for learning. Happy Trivia Thursday, everyone! 🌟📚🧮
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miko2495 · 1 year
BEHOLD! Me rambling about an idea I had for a while. Originally was a self indulgent idea for a lego game but thought it be too big. So... an AU, I guess?
Long post so the idea will be under the Keep reading line.
With how long I had this idea, I’m surprised I didn’t write it down sooner.
The concept of this is a mixture of Lego Dimension, Lego Bricktales and Lego Brawls… in terms of plot with the first two. Lego Brawls is just added because of the franchises it has.
The two main protagonists of this game are both Custom Characters, who I will call CC1 and CC2. You can customise their appearance, combat style, personality (CC2’s anyway, not sure about CC1) and their job that they coincidentally had a day off at the same time. The relationship between CC1 and CC2 are that they are best friends since childhood that have a fun/chaotic sibling vibe between them. Oh, and they like the same type of music.
 Now for the plot!
CC1’s grandpa is a scientist and an inventor who may or may not pull some strings to get CC1 and CC2 their day off from work and on the same day. He invites them to his home and asks them if they would like to go explore other Lego worlds out there through this portal he finished making this morning. The two friends agree and go on their adventure.
They go to worlds like Ninjago, Monkie Kid, Hidden Side and more (like Pirates, Nexo Knights and Western).
 Note: This list came from me looking at the list in Lego Brawls, aside from Nexo Knights
The two protagonists are also sent to a city or world where different parts are dedicated to certain theme, like the harbour south of the city is a lego pirate theme. This is also the protagonists’ new home and a place where they can invite new inhabitants to live in this world (AKA; ocs galore). You can also invite canon characters too because why not. You will also have big projects that everyone would put their studs and materials in; projects like a jazz club, a few dojos, a tavern and a huge bathhouse or hotspring.
 The villain? Not exactly sure.
 Things that the CCs can do in their new home: cook, learning how to cook, read in the library, training, relax in the bathhouse/ hotspring, sing at karaoke, eat at a diner or restaurant, and dance during the various festivals held there. That’s all I can think of for now… and drive.
Day/ night cycle and well as seasons. Home World looks very pretty during Christmas and impressively scary during Halloween.
 Actually, I think the two are dropped off in the Home World first as this “assignment” will take a very, very long time and they do need a place to stay.
 That’s all I have on this idea and I feel like making a fanfic out of this.
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strangeduckpaper · 2 years
JLI Continuing
Following up on the JL series post, further ideas:
- Guy Gardner / GL-The Canadian choice, actually, who has chip on his shoulder stemming from comparisons to other GLs, as well as the ways his life has changed since he got the ring. He’s definitely still angry, yet focus should be drawn to his heroic qualities, including both his sheer willpower and surprising ability to connect with people, and focus given to his past as a childcare specialist. Babysitter jokes Galore!
- Tora Olafsdottir / Ice-the Icelandic member, a relative newbie who is eager to please, while dealing with her own insecurities & reputation with a “B” team. She shouldn’t be all smiles and rainbows, maybe even some major anger issues stemming from injustices she’s suffered, and attention should be drawn to her Roma heritage and the magical origins of her powers. She is basically a minor nature goddess in human form.
- Beatriz De Costa / Fire-The Brazilian member, and a “friend” of Maxwell Lord. She’s actually a former Checkmate agent before gaining her powers during a suicide mission that Max sent her on. Hides her survivor’s guilt, guilt about what she did at Checkmate, and resentment of Max under a party-girl exterior. She’s still a fashionista though. Major snarker.
- Dora Leigh / Godiva-UK member from Norther Ireland, which acts as a source of drama, both from the fact that she’s definately pro-reunification, and the British government’s desire to actually have a loyal, british hero, which Godiva isn’t. Soft spoken and actually the JLI’s infilitration specialist, major pop culture nerd.
- Dominic Mndawe / Freedom Beast-South African member and activist who was put on JLI as an attempt to lessen his influence & voice against racism & forgetting South Africa’s shady past. Needless to say it didn’t work. Major equal rights activist, outspoken & wise. Surprisingly friendly with Guy Gardner, deals in deadpan humor.
- Michael Jon Carter / Booster Gold-US choice, in lieu of more “Patriotic” heroes like Captain Atom or Agent Liberty. Still from the 31st century, battles with his own insecurities knowing that he’s going to be forgotten. Likes classic sci-fi, and pointing out how accurate they are, has a love/hate relationship with Godiva because of this. Platonic(?) life partners with Blue Beetle.
- Ted Kord / Blue Beetle-Actually Eduardo Cortez, a Mexican inventor & business owner, criticized for his self anglicization. Still, the team’s inventor and gadget hero, even having a *limited* understanding of the Mother box the team comes into possession of. Major herophile, really *REALLY* wants to be able to stand even with Batman. Also has a crush on the heroic hacker known as Oracle, but has never met them.
- Other characters include Catherine Cobert, their beleaguered press manager,  Orion, the New God tracking down the rogue Mother Box, and reluctantly leaves it with them, Rocket Red, a member of the Russian powered armor squadron of the same name who was really disappointed when Russia decided to not put a hero on the JLI, and others.
The Justice League of China would actually make for an interesting B-plot, as the new young government made heroes also struggle with following orders or being heroes, or you could actually focus on Kenan Kong reaching that conclusion, with the rest of the JLC, and other heroes like the Great Ten, being a point of contention for him
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cyndalyssa · 3 years
Oh, Look, Another Darkwing Drabble
This one’s a snippet of a bigger story in my head, based on the idea of Bushroot going massive mindless monstrosity. 
I dunno if I’ll ever write the rest of the story down, my life tends to get a little busy and I already have a lot of ideas I want to make in my free time, but I at least wanted to exercise the writing muscles. 
All was quiet at the Museum of Failed Experiments. The dark of night gave the appearance of rest to each polished display, even those that were still lit. Though dignified it looked, the place was home to quite a bit of failure, hence the name. Each wing, covering branches of science and engineering, was a hall of shame, showing off embarrassments, tragedies, and unfinished projects to the citizens of St. Canard.
It was at this scene that the night guards present had unfortunate encounters. A flower that sprayed sleeping gas, a stun gun, a joy buzzer that ended in instant knockout, being washed into a closet by water from the drinking fountain, and just getting hit by a mallet were their fates, and they were swiftly locked up by the intruders.  
The Fearsome Five then had the place to themselves. 
As they met up in the lobby, Megavolt couldn’t help but look up, in awe of the enormity of it. “Wowza, they really went all out on this place!” He glanced back at the corridor from whence he came and smiled. “They’ve got gizmos and gadgets aplenty!”
Quackerjack bounced to his side. “And whozits and whatzits galore!”
“They got thingamabobs?”
“Psht, at least twenty!”
Megavolt laughed. “I can’t believe they gave up on some of these! I oughta grab ‘em and show everyone how it’s done!” 
Quackerjack grinned. “Oh, I feel you, Sparky! In fact, I’m getting quite a bit of inspiration myself from doodads like the fruit-flavored fireworks! Ooh-hoo-hoo-hoo, can you just imagine a literal explosion of fruity goodness?”
Megavolt narrowed his eyes, his plug hat sparking and an irritated growl in his voice. “How many times have I told you not to call me Sparky?”
“Not like you can remember.”
Cutting between them, the Liquidator piped in, “Fruit-flavored fireworks? The phenomenon of the century, guaranteed to sweeten up your 4th of July celebrations! Comes in apple, cherry, grape, and blue raspberry.”
Bushroot scratched his head. “I’m just wondering how the inventor expected that to work. What kind of chemistry was involved?”
Negaduck rolled his eyes. “Blegh, of course you dweebs get hopped up on exploding fruit snacks. Now remember, children, we’re not here for the fireworks, we’re here for the portal gun that’s supposed to be displayed here… and I expect you to be looking for it!” 
The other four silently stared at him for a moment, glanced at each other, and then back to him. Then, Megavolt asked, “Well, what does it look like?”
“It’s red and vaguely gun-shaped, with a spinny thing at the end,” Negaduck answered in baby-talk. Then he snapped, “I’m sure you could figure it out from the display name! Now, get to searching!”
Negaduck stormed upstairs. Quackerjack and Megavolt rushed to the technology wing--partially running from Negaduck, partially rushing to see what kind of doodads they could see. Perhaps even take some and modify them for later mischief. 
Liquidator was about to flow down another hall when he noticed Bushroot at the directory. The plant duck glanced the direction of the hall that Quackerjack and Megavolt rushed down, and then up the stairs that Negaduck had descended. Then, almost sneakily, he went in the opposite direction and toward the natural science and chemistry wing. 
Curious, Liquidator decided to follow him, and had caught up in a second. “One in ten customers would say that this portal gun is not in this wing, Bushroot.”
Bushroot flinched at the sudden voice, but quickly regained his composure. “Well, uh… when studying the map earlier, I recall that the storage room was somewhere in this direction. It could be in there.”
Liquidator raised a watery eyebrow. “You want an excuse to look around, huh?”
Bushroot glanced away. “Well… it couldn’t hurt. I mean, I’m curious and I don’t know when I’ll be able to have another opportunity for a museum visit.” He looked back to see Liquidator still staring like a disappointed parent. “But I do think storage is in this wing, honest!”
“Hm. Well, if it’s in this direction, why not treat yourself to this once-in-a-lifetime super private tour? Just don’t get too distracted, and it’ll be between you and me.”
“O-oh, that’s no problem. I’m a pretty fast reader.”
The two mutants wandered around the natural science and chemistry wing, looking for a door or hall or basement staircase that led to that storage room. However, Liquidator was doing most of the looking, sweeping around the rooms quickly, while Bushroot, though still looking at the walls in hopes of spotting the passage they were looking for, was circling displays in fascination. There were models and pictures of odd creatures or monstrosities, as well as deformed skeletons of unfortunate souls. He read about attempts to clone prehistoric plants and even animals, a tale of a man who accidentally fused himself with a fly, and the horror of radioactive moss. On occasion, he’d stumble on a display involving water, and invite Likki to take a look. 
Every so often, Liquidator would look to see what Bushroot was doing. There were moments that Bushroot seemed to be genuinely looking for that storage room--such as now, when walking along the wall of glass cases full of more experiments, he paused at a gap in the wall, looking at a door, but saw that it was an emergency exit and then moved on. Otherwise, the plant duck was more invested in the science that surrounded him, which Likki had a little trouble relating to. While some of the stuff involving water was interesting, he otherwise didn’t care for the biological stuff that Bushroot was so entranced by. 
Meanwhile, so far, the only doors they had found were emergency exits, but nothing leading to any storage or basement at some point. Liquidator was almost of the mind that Bushroot duped him, but Bushy wasn’t like that.
At some point, when Liquidator finally found a hallway that looked promising, Bushroot suddenly cried, “Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me!”
Alarmed, Likki splashed his way to where Bushroot stood, at a display in the corner about biological chemical disasters. The plant duck was looking quite offended, glaring at one particular shelf where a green substance, surrounded by plant models and photos of a strange machine, sat. Likki took a closer look at the label, which read:
Chloroplast Infusion Solution, Dr. Reginald Bushroot, Ph.D
Skimming over the description of the substance, what it was supposed to do, and how it backfired, Likki just glanced over to Bushroot, who held his head in his leafy hands. 
“How humiliating! I can’t believe I made it into the Hall of Shame!”
Likki patted him on the back. “Aw, Bushy, do not fret! After all, you’ve gotten an upgrade! Who needs a normal sad sap scientist when you can have a super plant that can grow a forest with just a thought?” 
A sharp glare arose from Bushroot’s palms. “I just wanted to alleviate world hunger… and, uh, maybe get a little respect…”
“Respect, huh?” Likki shook his head. “I’m sure with your power, you can easily command it.”
“There is a difference between respect and fear.”
“Hm. Well, as Bud Flud, I was just a salesman trying to keep my business afloat; but as the Liquidator, I became master of all liquids, one with the water, and a force to be reckoned with!” A sphere of water detached from Likki’s hand and revolved around it. “I know my power, and I revel in it.” 
He grabbed the sphere, reabsorbing it. “As for you… well, you’ve got potential, but you lack nerve. Someday, I’d like to see you cut loose, show them what Bushroot is really capable of.”
Bushroot glanced at him, pondering on whether he should remind Liquidator of Negaduck and their shared fear of him, but decided against it. He crossed his arms. “Fine, whatever you say.”
He went back to glaring at the display of his fateful project. “If those two ignoramuses had just minded their own business and not made me look bad in front of the dean, then I would’ve still had the funding to test on the lab rats instead of myself. You know, catch the kinks and find a way to iron them out. But… here I am now.”
“I’d say that career change was for the better.”
“But I liked being a scientist… sure, I hated my coworkers--except one--but I love science.”
Likki shrugged. “Life sucks and we just gotta roll with the punches.” He turned around and marched toward that one hallway. “Now, come on, there’s a storage room calling our names, and who knows when the purple menace will pop in.”
Bushroot sighed, taking one last look at his experiment’s exhibit. “All right, I’ll stop wasting ti--”
He stopped when he caught a name on the display right next to his. Eyes boggling, he grabbed the bottle from that shelf and shouted, “Goodness grapevines! He has one here too?”
Likki stopped and turned around. “Inquiring minds must know… who’s he?” 
Bushroot gestured to the name on the display, which, when Likki took a closer look, read ‘Dr. Arthur Bones’. “He was my rival back in college, and he was one of the meanest, most condescending jerks that I’ve ever had the displeasure of knowing. I don’t know what I ever did to him, but sometimes it felt like it was his life’s mission just to convince me that everything I do is stupid and dangerous. Hmph, at least my buddy Andrew had my back.”
Liquidator rubbed his chin. “You just have a way of attracting bullies, don’t you? At the very least, you can take some joy that Dr. Bones is also in the Hall of Shame!”
“Yeah, I guess I could.” Bushroot looked at the label on the bottle, brow furrowed in confusion. “Although I do wonder what he was doing making fertilizer. Last I remember, he was into genetics--especially studies on mutations and defects.”
“For more information, check the description--it’s right there.”
Bushroot turned to the description and read aloud, “‘In 1990, a miracle growth formula invented by Dr. Bones took several western states by storm. With a natural sweet scent and potent power, it improved the lives of gardeners everywhere by making plants healthier, stronger, and sturdier against disease and pests, and helping them to grow faster than normal’.” He scratched his chin and nodded. “Well, now I’m tempted to bring it home with me and see what my plants think.”
Liquidator chuckled. “Oh, I bet they’d love it! The amazing miracle fertilizer, guaranteed to create a happy and hearty garden!”
“Ee-hee, it does sound great.” Bushroot’s smile fell into a frown as he turned back to the description. “But this is a Museum of Failed Experiments, so there is a catch here... ‘While at first it seemed to be a blessing, it soon proved to be dangerous for people, as proven with the Mallard High School Football Team during the fall of 1990. Reports of--’”
“I am the terror that flaps in the night!”
The sudden voice from nowhere made them jump. Bushroot even ended up tossing the bottle of fertilizer into the air. He didn’t even hear the second part of the introduction, too distracted by gravity smashing the bottle onto his head. The glass shattered, and fertilizer splashed everywhere on him and the floor, leaving him a dripping mess. His roots started lapping up the puddle that remained. 
“I am… Darkwing Duck!”
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All of your WIPs sound so cool!! 😄🌟
Can you tell me more about...
If you’re going my way, I’ll go with you? 😊🌟🌟
🥺🥺 thank youuuu that’s so sweet omg
YES i would LOVE to tell you more about that one!!!! buckle up this is probably going to get long i have a lot of feelings about this au. 
the current draft for the AO3 summary is: 
Virgil has a comfortable and steady job as the main supervillain of Sandersville. He has a routine. Life is good. He wasn’t planning on a new superhero showing up—and he especially wasn’t planning on this Prince Creativity figure turning out to be a literal child whose home life clearly isn’t the best.
Virgil isn’t a dad. But when he winds up taking Roman in, and what was going to be a day of protection turns into weeks of bedtime stories and helping with homework and making home-cooked meals, he realizes that maybe he could be.
Basically: have you ever seen those tumblr posts that are like “what if the supervillain found out the newest superhero is a kid and immediately adopts them because clearly all the adults in their life are shit if they allowed the kid to do this” ? This is that, with protective supervillain Virgil adopting energetic kid!superhero Roman and proceeding to give him all the attention and love he's been craving his whole life. Found family shenanigans galore.
SO BASICALLY: Virgil is a supervillain. It’s just a job, but he’s very good at it and is the number 1 supervillain in the city. (Is he secretly dating the brilliant Dr. Logic, supergenius tech inventor extraordinaire of the superhero guild and ostensibly the arch-nemesis of Virgil’s supervillain alter ego? That’s none of anyone’s business, thanks. They don’t let their personal lives interfere with their work lives. It’s all good.) Then one day, a new superhero shows up on the scene: Prince Creativity, he calls himself, and he’s DETERMINED to fight Virgil. Virgil promptly discovers that this new super is An Actual Child. It doesn’t take too much longer to figure out that this child’s home life is Really Really Not Good. He spends a few weeks trying to a) convince the kid to stop trying to be a superhero b) convince Logan to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT (Logan holds that using information he got from Virgil’s spies, even for something like this, would be unethical, and is trying to coax Roman to communicate directly that he needs help) c) give the kid his personal phone number and tell him to “call me if you need help.” 
Virgil’s not expecting the kid to actually take him up on this last offer. But the kid gets into a fight with a different supervillain, one who doesn’t have Virgil’s “don’t harm civilians or kids” attitude, and little Prince Creativity is injured and scared and doesn’t know what to do so he calls the villain who’s been so adamantly trying to protect him. Virgil brings him home, instructs his minions to make sure the guy who hurt him will never work in the supervillain business again, calls Logan for medical help, and then realizes that technically, he has kidnapped a child and is holding him hostage. The problem is that this kid is now cuddled up on Virgil’s couch drinking hot chocolate and demanding bedtime stories and he does not want to leave and oh shit Virgil might be a dad now. 
in this au, Janus will be a superhero who’s the guardian (either parent or older sibling, idk yet) of kid!superhero Patton (I haven’t decided if I want Janus to be a late-20s-to-early-30s adult like analogical, or if I want him to be more college aged like Remus; depending on what I choose, there may be dukeceit and they may plan to run away get married and become supervillains together one day once Patton is old enough to not need Janus to take care of him). Remus has no powers; he’s Roman’s quite-a-few-years-older brother who got kicked out for being gay when he was 15 and has been struggling to get a steady job ever since so he can try to get Roman out of their parents’ house and into a safe home. He’s had no contact with Roman in about 7 years and doesn’t know what’s happened to him. He’s Logan’s intern now, because even though he doesn’t have powers he’s smart as can be and can work with supertech no problem. and there will be some REALLY ADORABLE teary scenes when they finally put the pieces together and Remus and Roman get to find each other. 
Here are some of the excited rambly texts I sent my irl bff (who’s also my everything-ts-related buddy and my beta reader for one chance to change your fate) when I got the idea for this AU: 
just like virgil being all “oh my god i wasn’t planning to be a parent this soon how do i make sure he eats vegetables and brushes his teeth” vs roman being all “i will defeAT YOU, FOUL FIEND.......... right after i finish listening to you read my favorite adventure novel out loud while i drink the hot chocolate you made me and then you tuck me into bed with a snarky yet fond one liner”
virgil, filling out paperwork for school: emergency contact? yeah my private supervillain hotline will be fine for the phone number. yes principal, the address of the emergency contact IS the imposing evil tower on the edge of town. no i don’t see any issues with this. is there a problem?
virgil, fighting idk some grownup superhero and roman shows up: oh my god yoURE SUPPOSED TO BE IN SCHOOL I TOLD YOU NO CRIME FIGHTING WITHOUT SUPERVISION UNTIL YOURE SIXTEEN YOU ARE GROUNDED
crime rates: [drop to almost 0 in the span of like 2 months bc virgil has a curious middle schooler following him around asking questions about literally everything at every turn and hes too soft to seriously stop roman so he just kind of eases up on the villainy to set a good example for the kid] (roman absolutely counts this as defeating the major supervillain of the town and he and virgil absolutely banter about it while virgil peels him an orange to go with his breakfast)
and roman just THRIVING now that he is finally getting the doting love and attention he’s always craved and he has a grownup who believes in him 100% no matter what
roman, after virgil hands him his homework on his way out the door: thanks dad! :D virgil: cool cool, cool cool cool, uh i’m gonna cRY NOW
virgil, like more than 8 months after roman has been away from his shitty old home and living with virgil full time: oh shit i think this child is still technically legally my hostage virgil: uh virgil: i should probably do something about that virgil: [proceeds to spend another month beating around the bush, bc asking roman “hey would you want to be adopted for real” is scary]
also literally nobody ever even considers the possibility of roman turning to villainy. like it’s never even a question. the villains are all just like “ah yes, tiny hero to mentor and nurture so he is equipped to be a good nemesis one day (but purely in a professional capacity, we’ll still love him)” and the heroes are like “oh yeah we monitored the situation for a while, but he’s a good kid, and they’re clearly taking good care of him, we don’t see an issue” and roman is like “oBVIOUSLY i’m a superhero whose dad just HAPPENS to be a supervillain, do you have a problem with that? what, are you homophobic? i feel like this is homophobic somehow. idk how but i’ll figure it out. so cut it out” and between these various mindsets it works out
the entire evil fortress has a black-with-purple-accents color scheme going on throughout the entire building except in roman’s bedroom which is an explosion of color (and the living room and kitchen have had a few red or gold pieces of furniture make their way in but shhh). also roman wears bright colors and glitter and sequins all the time. you’ll be pacing in a dark and gloomy hallway in your dark and gloomy henchman outfit, and then you hear pounding footsteps and a like idk twelve year old with bright red converse sneakers and a glittery gold cape sprints past (bc Gotta Go Fast), practically trailing sunlight behind himself, and then the light and glitter kind of lingers in the air for a minute before things go back to normal.
virgil complains about the glitter getting in everything. roman thinks this is absolutely hilarious. virgil does not mind as much as he claims to bc the glitter is a side effect of roman and roman is his kid and his kid is so Happy and that’s pretty neat actually
virgil comes home really late bc he was out working, finds roman asleep on the couch after clearly having tried to wait up for him, carries roman back to bed so gently n tucks him in n gives him just a tiny lil kiss on the forehead for sweet dreams 😭
i am very excited for this one hksghkdfghsklgfa i should totally work on getting chapter 1 finished so i can actually post it lol. if anyone wants to be on the taglist for this or on my general taglist, let me know!! 
ask me about my wip fic titles!
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