#investment advisor regulation
secretstime · 1 year
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August 11, 2024
Heather Cox Richardson
Aug 12, 2024
Vice President Kamala Harris’s choice of Minnesota governor Tim Walz to be her running mate seems to cement the emergence of a new Democratic Party.
When he took office in January 2021, President Joe Biden was clear that he intended to launch a new era in America, overturning the neoliberalism of the previous forty years and replacing it with a proven system in which the government would work to protect the ability of ordinary Americans to prosper. Neoliberalism relied on markets to shape society, and its supporters promised it would be so much more efficient than government regulation that it would create a booming economy that would help everyone. Instead, the slashing of government regulation and social safety systems had enabled the rise of wealthy oligarchs in the U.S. and around the globe. Those oligarchs, in turn, dominated poor populations, whose members looked at the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a few people and gave up on democracy. 
Biden recognized that defending democracy in the United States, and thus abroad, required defending economic fairness. He reached back to the precedent set by Democratic president Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1933 and followed by presidents of both parties from then until Ronald Reagan took office in 1981. Biden’s speeches often come back to a promise to help the parents who “have lain awake at night staring at the ceiling, wondering how they will make rent, send their kids to college, retire, or pay for medication.” He vowed “to finally rebuild a strong middle class and grow our economy from the middle out and bottom up, giving hardworking families across the country a little more breathing room.” 
Like his predecessors, he set out to invest in ordinary Americans. Under his administration, Democrats passed landmark legislation like the American Rescue Plan that rebuilt the economy after the devastating effects of the coronavirus pandemic; the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law that is rebuilding our roads, bridges, ports, and airports, as well as investing in rural broadband; the CHIPS and Science Act that rebuilt American manufacturing at the same time it invested in scientific research; and the Inflation Reduction Act, which, among other things, invested in addressing climate change. Under his direction, the government worked to stop or break up monopolies and to protect the rights of workers and consumers.
Like the policies of that earlier era, his economic policies were based on the idea that making sure ordinary people made decent wages and were protected from predatory employers and industrialists would create a powerful engine for the economy. The system had worked in the past, and it sure worked during the Biden administration, which saw the United States economy grow faster in the wake of the pandemic than that of any other developed economy. Under Biden, the economy added almost 16 million jobs, wages rose faster than inflation, and workers saw record low unemployment rates.
While Biden worked hard to make his administration reflect the demographics of the nation, tapping more women than men as advisors and nominating more Black women and racial minorities to federal judicial positions than any previous president, it was Vice President Kamala Harris who emphasized the right of all Americans to be treated equally before the law. 
She was the first member of the administration to travel to Tennessee in support of the Tennessee Three after the Republican-dominated state legislature expelled two Black Democratic lawmakers for protesting in favor of gun safety legislation and failed by a single vote to expel their white colleague. She has highlighted the vital work historically Black colleges and universities have done for their students and for the United States. And she has criss-crossed the country to support women’s rights, especially the right to reproductive healthcare, in the two years since the Supreme Court, packed with religious extremists by Trump, overturned the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision.
To the forming Democratic coalition, Harris brought an emphasis on equal rights before the law that drew from the civil rights movements that stretched throughout our history and flowered after 1950. Harris has told the story of how her parents, Dr. Shyamala Gopalan, who hailed from India, and Donald J. Harris, from Jamaica, met as graduate students at the University of California, Berkeley and bonded over a shared interest in civil rights. “My parents marched and shouted in the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s,” Harris wrote in 2020. “It’s because of them and the folks who also took to the streets to fight for justice that I am where I am.”
To these traditionally Democratic mindsets, Governor Walz brings something quite different: midwestern Progressivism. Walz is a leader in the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party, which formed after World War II, but the reform impulse in the Midwest reaches all the way back to the years immediately after the Civil War and in its origins is associated with the Republican, rather than the Democratic, Party. While Biden’s approach to government focuses on economic justice and Harris’s focuses on individual rights, Walz’s focuses on the government’s responsibility to protect communities from extremists. That stance sweeps in economic fairness and individual rights but extends beyond them to recall an older vision of the nature of government itself.
The Republican Party’s roots were in the Midwest, where ordinary people were determined to stop wealthy southern oligarchs from taking over control of the United States government. That determination continued after the war when people in the Midwest were horrified to see industrial leaders step into the place that wealthy enslavers had held before the war. Their opposition was based not in economics alone, but rather in their larger worldview. And because they were Republicans by heritage, they constructed their opposition to the rise of industrial oligarchs as a more expansive vision of democracy. 
In the early 1870s the Granger movement, based in an organization originally formed by Oliver H. Kelley of Minnesota and other officials in the Department of Agriculture to combat the isolation of farm life, began to organize farmers against the railroad monopolies that were sucking farmers’ profits. The Grangers called for the government to work for communities rather than the railroad barons, demanding business regulation. In the 1870s, Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Illinois passed the so-called Granger Laws, which regulated railroads and grain elevator operators. (When such a measure was proposed in California, railroad baron Leland Stanford called it “pure communism” and hired former Republican congressman Roscoe Conkling to fight it by arguing that corporations were “persons” under the Fourteenth Amendment.)
Robert La Follette grew up on a farm near Madison, Wisconsin, during the early days of the Grangers and absorbed their concern that rich men were taking over the nation and undermining democracy. One of his mentors warned: “Money is taking the field as an organized power. Which shall rule—wealth or man; which shall lead—money or intellect; who shall fill public stations—educated and patriotic free men, or the feudal serfs of corporate capital?” 
In the wake of the Civil War, La Follette could not embrace the Democrats. Instead, he and people like him brought this approach to government to a Republican Party that at the time was dominated by industrialists. Wisconsin voters sent La Follette to Congress in 1884 when he was just 29, and when party bosses dumped him in 1890, he turned directly to the people, demanding they take the state back from the party machine. They elected him governor in 1900.
As governor, La Follette advanced what became known as the “Wisconsin Idea,” adopted and advanced by Republican President Theodore Roosevelt. As Roosevelt noted in a book explaining the system, Wisconsin was “literally a laboratory for wise experimental legislation aiming to secure the social and political betterment of the people as a whole.” La Follette called on professors from the University of Wisconsin, state legislators, and state officials to craft measures to meet the needs of the state’s people. “All through the Union we need to learn the Wisconsin lesson,” Roosevelt wrote.
In the late twentieth century, the Republican Party had moved far away from Roosevelt when it embraced neoliberalism. As it did so, Republicans ditched the Wisconsin Idea: Wisconsin governor Scott Walker tried to do so explicitly by changing the mission of the University of Wisconsin system from a “search for truth” to “improve the human condition” to a demand that the university “meet the state’s workforce needs.” 
While Republicans abandoned the party’s foundational principles, Democratic governors have been governing on them. Now vice-presidential nominee Walz demonstrates that those community principles are joining the Democrats’ commitment to economic fairness and civil rights to create a new, national program for democracy. 
It certainly seems like the birth of a new era in American history. At a Harris-Walz rally in Arizona on Friday, Mayor John Giles of Mesa, Arizona, who describes himself as a lifelong Republican, said: “I do not recognize my party. The Republican Party has been taken over by extremists that are committed to forcing people in the center of the political spectrum out of the party. I have something to say to those of us who are in the political middle: You don’t owe a damn thing to that political party…. [Y]ou don’t owe anything to a party that is out of touch and is hell-bent on taking our country backward. And by all means, you owe no displaced loyalty to a candidate that is morally and ethically bankrupt…. [I]n the spirit of the great Senator John McCain, please join me in putting country over party and stopping Donald Trump, and protecting the rule of law, protecting our Constitution, and protecting the democracy of this great country. That is why I’m standing with Vice President Harris and Governor Walz.”
Vice President Harris put it differently. Speaking to a United Auto Workers local in Wayne, Michigan, on Thursday, she explained what she and Walz have in common. 
 “A whole lot,” she said. “You know, we grew up the same way. We grew up in a community of people, you know—I mean, he grew up… in Nebraska; me, Oakland, California—seemingly worlds apart. But the same people raised us: good people; hard-working people; people who had pride in their hard work; you know, people who had pride in knowing that we were a community of people who looked out for each other—you know, raised by a community of folks who understood that the true measure of the strength of a leader is not based on who you beat down. It’s based on who you lift up.”
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magicshopaholic · 1 year
The Boyfriend (Namjoon x OC)
Summary: You use the boyfriend card to get out of a sticky situation.
Pairing: Namjoon x OC
Genre: Smut, some fluff
Word count: 5 K
Rating: 18+
Warnings: dirty talk, making out, fingering, oral sex, unprotected sex, doggy style, lots of insinuations
A/N: Smut. Just shameless smut. Set around six months after Seoul and can be read standalone.
Tagging: @bbl32, @quarter-life-crisis2, @margopinkerton, @faearchives, @whoisbts, @purpleseoul7, @kflixnet (if you want to be added to the taglist, lmk)
Listen to: “i wanna be yours” by arctic monkeys
namjoon masterlist | main masterlist
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“So, based on what we’ve just talked about, which of these would be the best decision in a deflationary economy if you’re advising a crude oil giant?”
Answers pop up in a garble of voices, some educated guesses and some plain incorrect. There’s only one who seems to be completely confident in her answer.
“Jane, go for it.”
“Regulating supply to Q-1 until it hits the kink on the curve and the price rises to P-1.”
Before Kaya can respond, a student behind her wrinkles his nose.
“In a deflationary economy? So manufacturing and transportation costs can increase even more?”
“You want prices to increase so there’s greater investment in the economy -”
“How does investment help when there’s -”
“Alright, that’s enough,” calls Kaya, somewhat amused. Both students roll their eyes and each other and face forward. “You’re both right… theoretically. Who can tell me why?”
There’s another mess of answers and she chuckles, her gaze moving instinctively to the back of the class. There’s her thesis advisor, observing her teaching the class. He nods encouragingly behind his glasses, sharing her amusement. Behind him, in the last row, is that student again, the one with the baseball cap still on his head tilted low. 
In spite of it, she can’t miss his eyes behind his glasses finding hers, and her heart stutters. 
She averts her gaze instantly and takes a step backwards, reaching inside the bowl on her table. The sound of her heels clicking against the floor brings the class to relative silence.
Jane raises her hand again, pushing her glasses up with her other hand. In front of her, the open pages on her notebook are filled with scrawls in black ink of diagrams and text. Feeling a vague sense of kinship, Kaya points at her.
“Increased crude oil prices lead to greater investment in the shale oil space,” she answers immediately, and the guy behind her closes his eyes and sighs, evidently having forgotten this rather important detail. “This leads to an influx of cash in the economy, leading to more jobs and employment. As for the increase in costs,” she adds, turning around conspicuously to look at him, “that’s a side effect that can’t be helped. Those companies would be better off moving from consuming crude oil to shale oil.” Satisfied, she looks back to Kaya.
“Near perfect answer,” she confirms, tossing her a candy.
Despite the compliment, Jane frowns, absently catching the candy. The bell rings then and there’s a rustle as everyone begins standing up and gathering their things.
“Good class, everybody,” says Kaya, doing the same. “Don’t forget your pre-read for Wednesday’s class.”
There’s a murmur of assent as everybody begins heading out through the side doors in front of the class, passing by her desk to do so. Jane bounds up to her.
“Um, just asking for future reference,” she begins, “what was… not perfect about my answer? Because according to my notes,” she says, leafing through her notebook, “it was exactly what you said.”
Kaya winces internally, knowing that while teaching the class requires days of preparation, this is the hard part. Straightening up to face her, she sighs.
“Your answer was perfect,” she admits gently. “The gloating was not. Trust me, I’ve been there. Learnt it the hard way,” she adds honestly when Jane’s shoulders deflate and she trudges out with the rest of the class.
There aren’t too many people left in the class now. Another student, the same one who was caught unawares by Jane, stops by her desk. “I should’ve realised it was the shale thing,” he mutters, sounding disgruntled. “I don’t know how I missed it. I missed another thing last class. I don’t know why… is it possible - I mean…” He shuffles uncomfortably. “Do you… do you tutor?”
Hell no. “You don’t need tutoring, Jakob,” she answers instead, hoping she sounds encouraging. “You just need to pay a little more attention.” Kaya turns to switch off the projector, effectively ending the conversation. She doesn’t turn around until she hears footsteps behind her again, and her smile fades when she sees the student with the baseball cap, his hands in the pockets of his open hoodie. His glasses frame his face, and she sees blond hair peeking out from under the cap.
“I was going to ask the same thing,” he says after a moment, voice deeper than Jakob’s. “About the tutoring.”
Kaya swallows, her eyes darting around at the remaining few people still packing up. “My answer is the same as well,” she says shortly. “You don’t need tutoring.”
“I don’t?”
“No. You just need to pay attention in class.”
His gaze travels down her figure, from the slim white top to the pencil skirt she’d worn in hopes of being professional. The way he’s looking at her, though, is anything but. “You don’t make that very easy.” 
She pauses, her heart racing. Still aware that they aren’t alone, she bites her lip. “I have a boyfriend,” she murmurs, too low for anyone else to hear.
There’s a shadow of a smile under the cap. He takes a step closer and she catches a whiff of his familiar cologne. He’s taller than Jakob, too… “That’s what you said last time,” he reminds her.
Kaya’s cheeks grow hot but before she can respond, someone else comes over. 
“Kaya,” calls Adam, smiling. “Great class. You’re a natural,” he says, coming over and giving her a friendly one-armed hug.
She chuckles in relief, momentarily diverted. “Thank you. I tried to do everything you told me - notes and all,” she tells him. 
“You nailed it,” he assures her, patting her shoulder encouragingly. In contrast to the previous conversation, Adam speaks at a regular volume. Tall and lean in his mid-thirties, he adjusts his laptop bag and a file of papers in his other hand. Behind him, the other student has smoothly stepped back and is leaning against Jane’s desk, pretending to pay attention to his phone even though his thumb isn’t scrolling.
“It was… fun,” she admits. “Kind of like a high.”
“The good ones are,” agrees Adam. “The students really respond to you. Keep it up and I can start unloading even more of my classes onto you,” he jokes, pushing glasses up his nose in a move identical to Jane’s.
“Can’t wait.” Kaya grins and waves as he exits the lecture hall, feeling the unique calmness of relief. She waits until he’s well out of sight, leaving only one other person in the room.
“Was he asking about tutoring, too?” he asks, voice a little dryer than before.
The relief still seeping through her veins, she shrugs. “No. He was complimenting my class, as I’m sure you heard.”
“I was going to do that, too.”
She chuckles. “I appreciate it, but Adam is my thesis advisor,” she tells him, now giving him her full attention as he approaches her. “In this case, his opinion matters the most.”
He nods, jaw hardening slightly. “Well, good thing I’m not your boyfriend or that would actually hurt a little,” he tells her, now standing right in front of her. His hand strokes her hip and she gasps softly, grabbing it to move it.
“Not here,” she whispers. “Anyone could walk in.” When he smirks, presumably in anticipation of exactly that, she deliberately shoves his hand away. “And there are cameras.”
“Afraid your boyfriend’s going to see? You weren’t this worried the last time.”
“That’s because the last time we did this, it was in the privacy of your studio,” she reminds him, slipping out from in front of him and grabbing her bag. “How did you even get in here? Didn’t anybody see you?”
“Um… no, actually,” he answers, shaking his head. “I literally just gave my name at the gate and walked in. Security’s not great here, now that you mention it,” he informs her, now at a more normal volume.
Kaya frowns, not expecting this. “Seriously? What - you just said your name is Kim Namjoon and just… walked in?”
“Oh, no, I gave a fake name, obviously,” he says as they walk out together. “But it still worked. No one gave me a second look,” he adds, sounding almost uncertain. “Quite surprising. But a good thing.”
“That is surprising,” she agrees in a low voice, hoping it stays true for the short walk to her office as well. Namjoon is taller than average; even wearing heels, it feels like he’s towering over her, shielding her whole figure. Still, the clothing probably works, for no one seems to pay them any attention. She’s thankful it’s a Sunday - the number of people on campus is fewer than usual. They reach her office in relative silence and it isn’t until they’re both inside and she’s shut the door that she finally relaxes.
“I don’t allow hats and hoods in my class, by the way,” she tells him pointedly, grinning when he takes the hat off. “Don’t make me give you detention,” she warns.
“I can handle detention,” he says easily, running a hand through his hair. Kaya allows herself to admire him freely now, leaning back against her table in the small, air-conditioned office. 
“What are you doing here?” she asks him finally, tone softer than before.
“It’s your first class; I wanted to be there,” he answers, coming up to her and placing his hands on her hips again, tracing the shape in the pencil skirt. “And you were amazing. So confident and sexy,” he murmurs, tilting his head and brushing his lips against her collarbone.
Kaya feels goosebumps appear on her skin. “That’s… really sweet. Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Well…” Namjoon straightens up. “I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to get in,” he admits. “And I didn’t want you to be nervous. Wanted you to focus on nothing but the class.”
She nods, biting her lip and wrapping her arms around his neck. “Thank you,” she says softly, leaning up before stopping abruptly. “Wait, what fake name did you use? I need to know who I’m making out with in my office.”
He raises an eyebrow. “And cheating on your boyfriend with?”
Namjoon rolls his eyes but tugs her hips closer to his. “I said my name was Jackson. It was the first one that popped into my head.”
“Jackson?” Kaya frowns, something stirring in her memory. “Don’t you have a friend called Jackson? Didn’t we - hang on, didn’t we go to a party at his house or something?”
“No, that wasn’t Jackson. Jackson was the one who sent me flowers and soup when I got a cold, remember? I think it was May,” he says vaguely.
“Oh, yeah, I remember you told me about that. He was a better girlfriend than me,” she teases, leaning up again.
“You still edge him out just a bit,” he mutters, pulling her closer and kissing her. She sinks into him instantly, the day’s stress, anxiety and relief disappearing in his taste and his scent. She feels his hands roaming her body with ease, running down the curves of her top and skirt, the pads of his thumbs pressing into the flesh, and she can tell here a restrained intake of breath.
“Don’t you think it’s unfair?” Namjoon murmurs, trailing kisses across her jaw. He takes a step forward and backs her into the table.
It takes Kaya a moment to respond. “What is?”  she asks, eyes still closed. 
“Expecting your students to concentrate the whole time when you’re up there looking like this,” he answers calmly, softly sucking the skin under her earlobe.
She almost rolls her eyes at this line but the feel of his body pressing up against hers makes it difficult to do so. “If they want that grade, they’re going to have to,” she says instead, tugging at the bottom of his hoodie. “Take this off,” she whispers, running her hands up to his shoulders and slipping it off.
He pulls away slightly. “What else can they do for a grade?”
She grins. “What can they do…” Hooking her fingers through the belt loops on his jeans, she pulls herself closer. 
“... or what can you do?” 
Being a famous person, presumably, is fraught with the possibility of scrutiny and inappropriate invasion of privacy. Namjoon seems to be an unwilling expert at it, knowing the ins and outs of using disguises, fake names, timed outings and secret exits. 
Being with a famous person, at least for Kaya, is a black box. It sounds dangerous and mysterious, like the depths of Tartarus with the sounds of cameras clicking echoing from inside it. She doesn’t do well with not knowing, but this is one area where she’s restrained herself from Googling more than she should, for she knows the kind of stories she’s bound to stumble across. 
In a somewhat insane attempt to cope, she’d convinced herself that as long she doesn’t see them, there’s a chance her mind is exaggerating and they don’t exist at all, like Schroedinger’s paparazzi. She hates the phrase, doesn’t believe in it - but Ignorance is bliss seems to be the safest option in this case, letting Namjoon take the lead when it comes to navigating a relationship in secret.
A good thing that’s come out of it? The desire to take advantage of every situation that presents itself, even at the most inopportune moments.
The last time Kaya had been in Seoul, she’d made a calculated decision to ask Hoseok to sneak her into the Big Hit building so she could find Namjoon in his studio. 
“With respect, Hobi,” she’d said carefully on the phone, biting her lip, when he’d asked her curiously why she wanted to do this, “don’t ask questions you don’t want the answers to?”
It had taken Hoseok a full minute to understand what she might be referring to, during which time she wished very much that Yoongi wasn’t out of town at this time. Still, Hoseok had been kind enough to help her out and she’d smoothly made her way inside and knocked on her boyfriend’s studio, hoping the lace wouldn’t start chafing before it could be taken off.
To her horror, Namjoon hadn’t been alone. His eyes had widened in shock and she’d been ready to turn around and run, but whoever it was with him had frowned and pointed at her, asking Namjoon something in Korean.
Namjoon had stuttered out a response, tacking on “an intern” at the end in English, she knew, for her benefit. There had been some conversation after that which Kaya could make no sense of, following which Namjoon had handed her a folder filled with papers and a pendrive, apparently waving her away.
Fortunately, his companion had also left then, leaving only Namjoon and the intern in the studio.
“I’m sorry,” he’d said instantly, seeming a little confused, “but, what are you…”
“Obviously, since I’m an intern here,” she’d begun wryly, “I am doing my job. I’m… interning.”
There had been a moment where they’d met each other’s eyes and it occurred to Kaya that her surprise visit could unearth more than just a quickie in his studio. 
“Anything else you need?” Namjoon had asked after a moment, taking a seat in his chair, elbows resting on his thighs and feet flat on the ground.
He was playing along. Kaya’s heart had raced in excitement and she’d tried to suppress her smile. “I’ve always admired your work,” she’d ventured, feeling just the tiniest bit ridiculous. But she’d tried to push the thought out of her mind and stay committed to the bit. “Could you teach me something?”
Namjoon hadn’t responded for a moment and she’d cringed, hoping it hadn’t gone from sexy surprise to average porno in three seconds straight. But then he’d cleared his throat and gestured for her to come closer. “Sure. I can teach you.”
Kaya had walked over and once she’d reached him, pretended to look around the studio. “Um… there’s no other place to sit,” she’d said, ignoring the four seater sofa and armchair. “From where I can see the monitor,” she’d added quickly.
He’d nodded thoughtfully and simply leaned back in the chair, gazing up at her calmly. Even sitting down, he was almost her height, torso long and broad, jeans stretching over his thighs and making his lap look most inviting.
“Have a seat.”
Her toes had curled inside her shoes and she’d nodded mutely, carefully resting on his knee while his hands lightly guided her hips. The slightest touch made her heart palpitate, as though sitting on his lap wasn’t one of the most natural parts of her days with him.
“Are you comfortable?” he’d asked.
Kaya had nodded. “Yeah. I mean,” she’d shrugged, going where her inspiration took her, “my boyfriend won’t like it, though.”
She’d felt him stir then, just a bit, underneath her. The next moment, he’d leaned forward so his chest was touching her back and his nose brushed her hair. 
“Jackpot,” he’d whispered.
Kaya had only gone over with the intention of surprising her boyfriend during a busy week, maybe making out for a while like they had in his home studio years ago, maybe sneaking out to go grab a coffee. Unearthing a rudimentary fantasy that neither of them knew existed had not been part of the plan, but they’d rolled with it to achieve vastly satisfying results.
Now, Kaya feels similar stirrings low and deep in her abdomen, the same impulse in response to how intensely Namjoon is gazing at her, almost amused, but mostly hopeful - and this time, on her turf.
“I’m sure I can offer you something in return,” he suggests after a moment.
She raises an eyebrow, trying to ignore the leap in her chest. “Are you bribing me for a grade?”
“I’m bribing you really well for a grade,” he corrects her, reaching for her hips and gently squeezing her arse. “Fuck, that’s tight,” he mutters, his eyes falling to her skirt.
Kaya gasps, feeling her core tingle suddenly. “So far, you’re only teasing me for a grade,” she retorts, unable to keep the annoyance out of her voice. 
Namjoon grins, dimple popping and eyes darkening. Without another word, he lowers his head to kiss her again, slipping his tongue into her mouth instantly. He squeezes her arse again before bringing his hands up higher, his fingers tightening on every curve and quietly grunting in pleasure when he reaches her chest. 
“Have I mentioned how much I love this top?” he murmurs against her lips, squeezing her left breast and swallowing her sigh. “It makes your boobs look so sexy. I couldn’t look away the whole time,” he adds quietly, running his thumb over her nipple. Even through her bra, he can feel it hard and straining against the fabric.
“I can take it off,” she offers, struggling to keep her legs pressed together and her wits about her amidst his body up against hers. She fumbles in the chiffon ruffles for the string and tugs at it, loosening the top and feeling the tops of her breasts exposed to the cool air conditioner. She moves to take it off but he stops her.
“Keep it on,” he says, catching her wrist and bringing it down. “It’s too pretty to take off.” His lips move down her jaw to her neck, cupping her breast and thumbing her nipple again. 
Kaya finds herself torn between regretting and being glad that she isn’t wearing a padded bra today. She lets out a soft sigh as he thumbs it again, his hair brushing her neck as she drops her head back slightly. His lips move lower, sucking a mark above the hem of her bra and she waits eagerly for him to pull down her top, knowing he’ll take his time.
He never does, though, straightening up as his hands smoothly moving down her chest and to her hips.
“I hate you,” she groans softly, her heart fluttering at his chuckle next to her ear.
Namjoon reaches down and pulls her skirt up her thighs until he can slide his hand in between her legs. He places his palm against her cunt and squeezes it, feeling her soaked through her underwear. “No, you don’t,” he murmurs, swallowing her gasp.
He rubs her through her underwear, his palm at her clit and his fingers right at her entrance. Kaya’s hands fall backwards to land on the table, supporting her as her knees feel weaker by the second. Namjoon holds her to him, though, his other hand on her arse as he presses her into his palm.
“Take it off, take it off,” she whines, dropping her head on his shoulder and grabbing his forearm for support. She breathes a sigh of relief as he silently tugs her underwear down, feeling the fabric fall down her legs just before he resumes his position: his palm rough against her clit and his fingers slowly sliding inside her walls.
“How close are you?” he asks against her lips, his tongue teasing hers.
“So - so fucking -” She breaks off into a moan as he moves his hand in a circular motion, giving her exactly the friction she so desperately needs. “Yes, yes…”
Namjoon pulls her closer as she climaxes, kissing her exposed neck and holding her as she screws her eyes shut, breathing heavily as she comes down from her high. 
“Shit,” she whispers, eyes fluttering open after a few moments when she feels his hands slide off her. “That was - that was - wait, what are you doing?”
He simply raises an eyebrow as he unbuckles his belt and unbuttons his jeans, his erection straining through the material of his boxers. “What do you think?” he asks, wrapping an arm around her waist and hitching her up on the table. “I’m earning my grade.”
Kaya laughs breathlessly, her heart racing at his strength and the desire in his eyes. “You know this is my office, right?” she tells him as he gently spreads her legs and comes to stand in between them. “I work here.”
“And I work in my studio,” he replies, lowering his head to kiss her. “Didn’t mean I couldn’t take a break.”
It’s true, she agrees privately, kissing him back. The intern bit had gone on only for a few minutes before she’d felt Namjoon’s hand come up from behind her and slide in between her thighs, palming her until she’d silently unbuttoned her jeans in response. He’d fingered her there, too, muttering soothingly that her boyfriend would never find out - that, as his other hand reached up her top to squeeze her breast, her secret was safe with him.
His mouth is on her clit now, sucking softly at the swollen nub. The thought of him on her knees for her, here, in her office, only gets her wet again. His lips, soft and ample, glide through her folds as he holds her legs apart, hands gentle but firm on her thighs.
“God, I want you so bad,” he mutters, standing back up and wiping his mouth. Kaya tugs him closer by the t-shirt, kissing him while he lowers his boxers until she feels his tip on the inside of her thigh. She whimpers in anticipation into his mouth, their lips separating but brushing against each other as he eases himself inside her.
“Yes - oh, God…” 
Namjoon feels so big, so thick inside her that she doesn’t even register when he starts moving, his groan low and throaty. She leans back slightly, resting her elbows back on the table so he can get a better angle as he keeps going, his arm tight around her waist.
“Fuck, you feel amazing, baby,” he murmurs at her neck, his voice reverberating through her bones. His lips trail down her collarbone, to her breasts, partially uncovered and moving in rhythm with every whimper she makes. He grabs her other thigh, fucking her harder with each thrust.
“How am I doing?” he asks after a few moments, pulling her up to kiss her again.
“What?” she answers absently, her hands reaching for his neck as she kisses him back. One of her hands glides through his hair and he grunts at the feel of her nails against his scalp.
“How am I doing?” he repeats pulling away slightly and picking up the speed. “Grade-wise?”
“Oh.” She chuckles, pulling playfully at his hair. He suspects she can barely focus on what he’s saying until she meets his eyes, her lips an inch away from his. “B-minus,” she murmurs, her body still moving from the intensity of his thrusts but her gaze steady.
Namjoon’s chest leaps. “Have to fix that,” he mutters, pulling out abruptly. Ignoring her momentary gasp, he picks her up to put her back down on the floor, before holding her shoulders and turning her around until she’s facing the table. She falls forward on her hands in surprise, feeling him sweep her long hair over one shoulder.
He kisses the other shoulder softly, one arm coming protectively around her waist. “Tell me if you want me to stop, okay?” he whispers clearly next to her ear, kissing her cheek tenderly.
Kaya nods, feeling his arm tighten around her and knowing the moment has passed. She bends forward a bit more as he enters her, trying to suppress her groan so it doesn’t carry out of the room but it’s too difficult. He feels incredible; the new angle allows him to hit every nerve ending he couldn’t reach before and he begins moving again, sliding smoothly in and out of her, his low grunts in sync with his movements.
Back then, in his studio, Kaya had been the one to change the tone, turning around on his lap and straddling him on his chair. Ground-breaking music swept aside, she’d rode him in the Big Hit building until they’d both cum together for the first time that afternoon. The walls were soundproof and there had been no fear of being heard; the sounds Namjoon had elicited from her less than hour later when they’d fucked on his couch had been unbelievable, leaving her with legs too shaky to walk herself out after that.
Now, in a quieter work environment, the air is filled with sounds of pleasure; her whimpers increasing in frequency and the soft sounds of skin on skin escaping in between. Namjoon’s hands are tight on her hips, holding her steady as he pounds into her. 
Kaya has no opportunity to warn him when she cums again, finally letting herself moan out loud as he hits the spot and she feels the the heat travel from her core to the rest of her body. She shudders and falls forward on her hands, trying to catch her breath as Namjoon keeps going, faster now, his grip on her hips tightening.
“Fuck, baby, I’m gonna cum…” Namjoon’s thrusts are harder, his hips slamming against her until he pushes forward with a muffled groan against her shoulder, followed by two more slower thrusts, emptying himself inside her. As he pulls out slowly, Kaya feels his seed drip down her legs; cringing slightly, she reaches for the box of tissues at the corner of her desk and wipes herself down as Namjoon pulls up his jeans and zips them up.
“Come here,” he murmurs, turning her around gently and capturing her lips in a kiss before she has a chance to respond. It’s less desperate this time, more loving. Kaya, still trying to breathe normally, kisses him back but pulls away quickly.
“I need a moment,” she says tiredly, leaning back against the desk and panting. He chuckles and nods, wrapping his arms around her waist and lowering his head to her shoulder.
“How about now?” Namjoon murmurs against her skin, stroking her back and pressing soft, lingering kisses to her neck. “Did I do better? Oh, hang on.” He notices something on the floor and kneels down.
Kaya’s forehead clears when she remembers. “Oh. I guess you talked yourself into an A,” she ventures, looking down when he taps her leg. It’s her underwear on the floor; a blush creeping up her neck, she awkwardly steps into it, her hands on his shoulders for support. He pulls it up her legs and she adjusts her skirt over it, biting her lip as he stands up again.
“Okay, an A plus,” she allows, giggling as he pulls her back into his arms.
He winks. “I thought so. Although, I really feel like I have to clear this up,” he adds, running a hand through his hair and taking a deep breath. “I was… I was a really good student. A grea student, in fact. I studied really hard and never skipped a class, so I never actually needed to go the extra mile or do anything that -”
Kaya laughs, pushing him away playfully and stepping away from the desk. “I never doubted you, honey. Don’t worry,” she reassures him, rifling through a stack of test papers before stopping. “I still have a quick meeting with Adam about the next class… do you want to wait? Or I can meet you at home?”
Namjoon frowns slightly before shrugging. “I can wait.”
“Are you sure?” 
“Yeah.” He nods, linking his fingers with hers. “I’ll take you out to dinner after, at that place by the river,” he adds, tugging slightly and kissing her cheek.
Kaya chuckles. “You love that place. Alright, I’ll be back in about half an hour, I think.” With a massive effort, she steps away from him and grabs her bag.
“Alright, love you. Oh, wait -” He reaches forward and adjusts the sleeve of her top, covering the corner of a hickey on her chest. “There.”
“Stop it, you already got the grade you wanted,” she teases, walking backwards.
Namjoon grins. “Don’t let him keep you too long,” he warns her as she leaves, “or I might have to come find you and ask for another grade.”
Thank you for reading. Don't forget to drop a review :)
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theninthdoor · 1 year
what jobs would enhypen have if they weren't idols? 😆
Heeseung || page of swords, two of wands: Music journalism or audio engineering/producing; perhaps a little bit of both, since we have the 2oW!
Jay || the star, death: I think Jay would still be working in the entertainment industry, somehow. He would still be in the spotlight, performing - solo artist or producer are my bets.
Jake || the fool, page of wands: Content creator was the first thing that came to mind, to be honest. He could've settled for a social media influencer-type of job or I could also see him being a social media manager or advisor of sorts.
Sunghoon || two of wands, five of swords: I can see Sunghoon doing some coaching work, but I really can't tell in which field. He could even be a supervisor or be in charge of regulations (establishing and/or making sure people are following them).
Sunoo || seven of wands, two of pentacles: I see a sales representative kind of job? Like pitching a company's/person's product/services to the public or to a client. Could even be something related to finance or investments, with him juggling many things at once and trying to find a way to please both sides (company vs client).
Jungwon || four of pentacles, three of swords: Restauration and/or conservation of something…? I see Jungwon working with either very old or very damaged items and fixing them or giving them a new life. For some reason I also heard "dentist"?? Like fixing teeth, maybe.
Ni-ki || nine of cups, four of wands: I totally see him opening his own restaurant, bar, club or cafe at some point, and having that be his lifelong passion project. This place would be fun, full of entertainment and definitely rich in art and culture.
(Disclaimer: Based on current energies. All readings are alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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aysekira · 1 year
Being a cdrama fan is frankly exhausting, you can't just enjoy the creativity and stories bc there are a 100 behind the scenes considerations and changes happening all the time. I know most industries don't respect writers but chinese dramas take the cake, they're the least respected when their work is the most important, it's why so many dramas end up being horrible. And these new regulations are so frustrating because some shows need 50 or 60 or 70 episodes, nirvana in fire joy of life ming lan, already a lot of shows are cutting their episodes so they air at the same time instead of waiting 12 months, how the hell are you going to tell a 60 or 55 episode story in 40 or less episodes? They keep adding these insane rules as if they're trying to kill the industry outright, you can't make harem shows, you can't make queer shows even if they're sanitized to high heaven, lord forbid couples have sex or sometimes even kiss like normal people, you can't have reincarnation which is why we end up with so many shitty rushed xianxia endings they can't give us more. Sometimes you find something so great it makes all the mess worth it but the way they're going they're not going to leave room for even the tiny tiny slivers, the 0.01% of dramas that are great that somehow manage to make it through the cracks despite their best efforts. It's clear their is something very wrong with the industry when they make 400 dramas a year yet not even 40 of them are good, it's truly the wild west out there bc most of these dramas you'd watch them and think they're money laundering schemes bc no way this actually got made. They need to stop caring about pretty faces and paying them insane amounts of money and start hiring good writers but I'm not going to hold my breath... Sorry for the rant I just had to let this out lmao
let it all out anon: this is a safe space :) i wholly agree with everything you said since i'm a firm believer in that while you could aim for a very tight, cohesive&coherent writings (which i assume would be the aim of this rule); there's only so much you could tell before that compression ceiling hits& all hell broke loose in terms of story telling.
to add more to your examples, i cackled in imagining just how absurd it would be if NEF, rebel princess, secret advisors, three kingdoms cut down to those limits at it might result in qi heng being non existent (minglan), advisors being a singular advisor instead& more. and those, like your examples are the kind of dramas that (similar to the examples mentioned) needed the length to fully flesh out their dimensions.
i do not know what to say to make you feel better about it but my personal approach (esp recently) is just to have no hope about it, zero expectations-- then if it turns out to be good; it'll be a very nice surprise (personal example: currently airing LYF. i expected nothing&even side eyeing it a bit before it airs because well uh the casts&promos shown didn't tickle my fancy one bit back then-- and now it's practically my current obsession)& if it's not then it'll be just a passerby of a show and no investment (time/interest) was made whatsoever :)
or may i suggest venturing more to kdramaland as they have all sorts of good ones recently/currently airing (19th life, my dearest& lovely liar to name a few)& i heard from a very trusted source (@dangermousie) they have quite the stack waiting in line to air some of which you could see from the poll here: https://www.tumblr.com/dangermousie/725177465537003520/the-sageukcostume-kdrama-you-are-most-looking?source=share
you have a good day now anon :)
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
Democratic St. Louis Mayor Tishaura Jones’ support of gun control is coming into question after an open records request released thousands of her personal texts, including one that argued gun crackdowns are ineffective.
"Chicago has strict gun laws as well but that doesn't deter gun violence," Jones texted in a group chat to her dad, Virvus Jones and advisor Richard Callow on March 21, KSDK reported. "It's about investing in the people."
Thousands of Jones’ texts from her personal cellphone were publicly released last week after KSDK and the St. Louis Business Journal filed separate Sunshine Act requests for her communications regarding the political appointment process for a Circuit Attorney.
Her private message appears to contradict public comments she has made in the past, including after a mass shooting in the city last month that killed one and left 11 others injured.
"Our state's lax gun laws make our challenge even more difficult," Jones said in June following the shooting. "The legislature's lack of action on gun safety laws encourages the proliferation of guns on our streets and puts our responding officers directly in harm's way."
Jones also joined other cities across the country in declaring June 3 as "Gun Violence Awareness Day," where the mayor argued the Senate "must protect our families" by "expanding background checks to all gun sales, regulating assault weapons, and passing a federal red flag law." 
In another text to her father and Callow, Jones recounted how Newark, New Jersey, has similar demographics to St. Louis, but far fewer murders, citing Newark’s investment in violence prevention programs. "Newark, NJ has the same size population, same size police force, and similar racial demographics, yet had 50 murders in 2022," she wrote, KSDK reported. "I visited these programs first hand and I know that they work. We just need the will…."
St. Louis recorded 200 homicides in 2022, 201 in 2021, and 263 in 2020, according to data published by the St. Louis Police Department. The city often has one of the highest murder rates in the nation, alongside cities such as Chicago and Baltimore.
The mayor’s office has since gone into "damage control mode," according to KSDK, with Jones’ spokesman releasing a statement last week clarifying the mayor’s stance on gun control.
"Gun laws are just one part of the solution," Jones spokesman Nick Desideri said. "There’s a difference between deterring behavior and making it harder to get firearms and weaponry; for example, there’s no doubt that gun laws in the blue region around Newark help reduce violence as opposed to here."
In other texts, Jones appeared to agree with her public statements in support of gun control.
"We have way too many guns on our streets and no way to take them away," she said in a text message on May 10, according to KSDK.
They mayor also took issue with an op-ed written by Republican state Sen. Cindy O'Laughlin, which argued for city leaders to emphasize education, employment training and economic development to reverse crime trends in St. Louis. 
"St. Louis needs to clean up its act in many ways. It starts with reducing crime. We are also working to improve our schools statewide and there’s no better place to start than in St. Louis. The costs of crime and an unskilled workforce is costing the entire state in many ways," O'Laughlin wrote in The Missouri Times. 
Jones mocked the op-ed on text, summing it up as "basically" saying, "'Thanks for staying in STL even tho we’re responsible for the horrific amount of guns on your streets.'" 
Desideri took to Twitter last week to share a message from Jones, which stated the texts were released due to an "honest mistake."
"I’ve never been one to hide my feelings," the message relayed by the spokesman stated. "Through an honest mistake, text messages between my family and close friends were released to the public. Sometimes my words can be terse, and my text messages speak for themselves. I understand the impact of some of my comments, and will contact the relevant parties to ensure productive dialogue moving forward." 
The texts between Jones, her father and Callow were gathered following the open records requests in connection to Kim Gardner stepping down in May as St. Louis circuit attorney. Typically, such materials are reviewed and portions redacted before they are released to the public, but the texts were published wholesale in a 135-page PDF document, according to KSDK.
The PDF was removed just a couple days after it was published and replaced with a shorter and redacted version.
The mayor’s office did not immediately respond to Fox News Digital’s request for additional comment on the matter.
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financeattips · 5 days
First Time Investing in Crypto: Tips for New Traders on the Digital Coin Market
This has changed the financial landscape for good; it is the first time in history that investors have a share of this type since cryptocurrency entered the market. But then again, getting into the crypto market to begin with can be incredibly intimidating for a novice. This includes some key tips that you must know for making trade-offs more intelligent and how to invest in cryptocurrencies.
1. Understand the Basics
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Understand the basic principles of what Cryptocurrency is, how it works before you invest. If you're unfamiliar, cryptocurrencies are basically decentralized systems, operating with a peer-to-peer framework, that let users do all sorts of things like get rewards for paying on time or using an app. Because they are not organically produced like typical tender, these financial tools are meant to be circulated in a decentralized way via blockchain networks. Educate yourself onwards like blockchain, altcoins, wallets and exchanges.
2. Do Your Research
The value of cryptocurrencies is influenced by a number of factors, and this makes it an extremely volatile market. Learn about various cryptocurrencies and how they are used. Tools like CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko show trends, rankings other handy information regarding ranging and past data. Follow us on Twitter for more news and updates on the Bitcoin space.
3. Diversify Your Portfolio
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Investors apply diversification in their investment strategies. Diversify by investing in multiple cryptocurrencies I mean, everyone knows Bitcoin and Ethereum — why not looking a little bit further down the line at some promising altcoins with real fundamentals. A healthy mix of investments can ensure you have a little exposure to any type of gain or loss that may arise.
4. Only Invest What You Can Afford to Lose
The world of crypto is such that even the prices can and do tend to rise or crash in a jiffy, thanks to high volatility. Gamble only with money you can afford to lose without impacting your finances. Never borrow to invest in crypto or use your emergency savings for crypto investing. This approach ensures that you still are able to stay financially safe in case there's a downtrend.
5. Choose a Reliable Exchange
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It is important to be sure that you deal with reliable cryptocurrency exchanges for safe trading. Search for exchanges with strong security protocols, a simple UI, and broad coin support. Some of the most trusted exchanges that people have been using include Binance, Coinbase and Kraken. Are they regulated and insured for digital assets.
6. Secure Your Investments
In the world of crypto, security is vital. Keep your cryptocurrencies on hardware wallets or in cold storage solutions; simply turn on 2FA in your exchange accounts and do not publish or disclose the private keys. Keep your software up to date and watch out for phishing attacks and malware.
7. Stay Informed and Adapt
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As we know the crypto market is alive and never takes a nap. Learn from the market, regulatory and tech changes. Engage in some of the crypto community forums on platforms like Reddit, Twitter and Telegram to get the benefits of inside knowledge from other investors. Change your investment plan based on new informational and market circumstances
8. Have a Long-Term Perspective
Although there is money in short-term trading, it often requires quite a bit of time and skill to excel what you do. Long term investment strategy If you are beginner, Long term is the best way for you to invest your money from beginning. Look at the long term growth potential of cryptocurrencies instead of trying to make a quick buck. I read many books and listend to a lot of podcasts about the stock market, nearly all these sources agreed that patience and discipline was key to becoming a successful long-term investor.
9. Seek Professional Advice
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If you are uncertain about the investments, you can get help from financial advisors or even some crypto experts. They can offer some personalized advice, depending on your financial goals and comfort with risk. Expert help will make it easier for you to manage the particularly volatile world of crypto.
Investing in cryptocurrency can also be a lucrative endeavor as long the trader is well-versed when it comes to his or her craft. These basic principles, combined with extensive research, establishing a diversified portfolio, and security first will put you in good stead on your crypto investment journey. The key is to stay informed, adapt and think long-term in order for you to succeed.
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sofiaalice · 8 days
Can I Start a Soap Packaging Business from Home in Canada?
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Starting a soap packaging business from home in Canada is not only feasible but also a potentially lucrative venture. With the rise in the popularity of artisanal and small-batch soaps, the demand for unique, high-quality packaging is growing. If you're considering diving into this industry, here's a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the process.
1. Understanding the Market
Before launching your soap packaging business, it's crucial to research the market. Identify the types of soap products you want to cater to—whether it's handmade artisanal soaps, organic soaps, or luxury bath products. Understand the packaging needs of these different types of soaps and the preferences of your target customers. This will help you tailor your offerings and stand out in a competitive market.
2. Legal and Regulatory Requirements
Starting a home-based business in Canada requires adherence to several legal and regulatory standards. Here are some key steps:
Business Registration: Register your business name with your provincial or territorial government. You may also need to register for a GST/HST number if your revenue exceeds the threshold for small suppliers.
Home-Based Business Regulations: Check local zoning laws and homeowners' association rules to ensure you can legally operate a business from your home.
Health and Safety Compliance: Ensure that your packaging materials comply with Canadian regulations for health and safety. For instance, if you plan to use materials that come into direct contact with soap, ensure they are safe and non-toxic.
3. Setting Up Your Home Workspace
Creating an efficient workspace is crucial for a successful packaging business. Designate a specific area in your home for packaging activities. This space should be clean, organized, and suitable for the tasks you'll perform, such as cutting, folding, and assembling packaging materials.
Invest in essential tools and equipment like cutting machines, label printers, and sealing devices. Ensure your workspace adheres to health and safety standards to prevent contamination and ensure product quality.
4. Sourcing Packaging Materials
The quality of your packaging materials is critical. Source high-quality, eco-friendly materials to appeal to environmentally-conscious customers. Consider various options like biodegradable wrappers, recyclable boxes, and attractive labels. Establish relationships with reliable suppliers to ensure you get the best materials at competitive prices.
5. Developing Your Brand
Branding is key to differentiating your packaging business from competitors. Develop a unique brand identity that reflects the quality and style of your packaging. Create a memorable logo, design eye-catching packaging, and build a cohesive brand image that resonates with your target market.
6. Marketing and Sales
Effective marketing strategies are essential for attracting clients to your packaging business. Leverage digital marketing platforms such as social media, email campaigns, and a professional website to showcase your packaging designs. Participate in local trade shows, craft fairs, and networking events to connect with potential clients in the soap industry.
Offer samples to soap manufacturers and retailers to demonstrate the quality and appeal of your packaging. Building strong relationships with your clients can lead to repeat business and referrals.
7. Financial Management
Proper financial management is crucial for the sustainability of your business. Keep track of all expenses, including materials, equipment, and marketing costs. Set competitive prices for your packaging solutions while ensuring they cover costs and provide a profit margin. Consider using accounting software or hiring a financial advisor to manage your finances effectively.
8. Scaling Your Business
As your business grows, you may consider scaling up operations. This could involve expanding your product line, investing in advanced packaging machinery, or hiring additional staff. Continuously assess market trends and customer feedback to adapt and improve your offerings.
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Starting a soap packaging business from home in Canada is a viable and rewarding opportunity for entrepreneurs with a passion for design and a keen eye for detail. By understanding the market, adhering to regulations, and focusing on quality and branding, you can build a successful business that meets the needs of soap makers and appeals to consumers. With careful planning and strategic execution, your home-based packaging business can thrive in the dynamic Canadian market.
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foxnangelseo · 4 months
Navigating the Indian Investment Landscape: A Comprehensive Guide for International Investors
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India, with its vibrant economy, diverse market opportunities, and favorable regulatory environment, has emerged as an attractive destination for international investors seeking high returns and long-term growth prospects. From burgeoning sectors like technology and e-commerce to traditional industries such as manufacturing and agriculture, India offers a wealth of investment opportunities for savvy investors. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the Indian investment landscape, highlighting key sectors, regulatory considerations, investment strategies, and tips for international investors looking to capitalize on India's growth story.
Understanding the Indian Investment Landscape:
1. Economic Overview: India is the world's sixth-largest economy by nominal GDP and one of the fastest-growing major economies globally. With a young and dynamic population, a burgeoning middle class, and increasing urbanization, India offers a vast consumer market and a favorable demographic dividend for investors.
2. Key Investment Sector: India's economy is diverse and offers investment opportunities across various sectors. Some of the key sectors attracting international investors include:
- Information Technology (IT) and Software Services
- E-commerce and Digital Payments
- Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals
- Renewable Energy and Clean Technology
- Infrastructure and Real Estate
- Manufacturing and Automotive
- Agriculture and Agribusiness
3. Regulatory Environment: India has implemented several reforms to streamline its regulatory environment and improve the ease of doing business for investors. The government has introduced initiatives such as Make in India, Startup India, and Digital India to encourage investment, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Additionally, foreign direct investment (FDI) policies have been liberalized across various sectors, allowing greater foreign participation in the Indian economy.
4. Taxation and Legal Considerations: International investors should familiarize themselves with India's tax laws, regulations, and legal frameworks before making investment decisions. India has a progressive tax regime with corporate tax rates varying based on business structure, industry, and income levels. It's advisable to consult with tax advisors and legal experts to navigate the complexities of India's taxation and legal landscape.
Investment Strategies for International Investors:
1. Market Research and Due Diligence: Conduct thorough market research and due diligence to identify investment opportunities aligned with your investment objectives, risk tolerance, and sector preferences. Evaluate market trends, competitive dynamics, regulatory changes, and macroeconomic indicators to make informed investment decisions.
2. Diversification: Diversify your investment portfolio across different asset classes, sectors, and geographic regions to mitigate risks and maximize returns. Consider allocating capital to both high-growth sectors such as technology and healthcare, as well as stable sectors like infrastructure and consumer goods.
3. Long-Term Perspective: Adopt a long-term investment perspective when investing in India. While short-term market volatility and regulatory changes may occur, India's economic fundamentals remain strong, offering attractive growth prospects over the medium to long term. Patient investors can capitalize on India's demographic dividend and structural reforms to generate significant returns.
4. Partnering with Local Experts: Partnering with local investment advisors, financial institutions, and legal experts can provide valuable insights and guidance on navigating the Indian investment landscape. Local expertise can help international investors navigate regulatory hurdles, identify investment opportunities, and mitigate operational risks effectively.
5. Investment Vehicles: Evaluate different investment vehicles available for investing in India, including direct investments, private equity funds, venture capital funds, and mutual funds. Each investment vehicle offers unique benefits and risks, so it's essential to assess their suitability based on your investment goals and risk appetite.
Tips for International Investors:
1. Stay Informed: Stay updated on market developments, regulatory changes, and economic trends affecting the Indian investment landscape. Follow reputable financial news sources, attend industry conferences, and engage with local experts to stay informed and make timely investment decisions.
2. Network and Build Relationships: Networking with industry professionals, government officials, and fellow investors can provide valuable insights and access to investment opportunities in India. Join industry associations, attend networking events, and leverage social media platforms to expand your network and build relationships in the Indian business community.
3. Be Patient and Persistent: Investing in India requires patience, persistence, and a long-term commitment. Building relationships, navigating regulatory hurdles, and achieving investment success take time and effort. Stay focused on your investment goals, adapt to changing market conditions, and remain resilient in the face of challenges.
4. Seek Professional Advice: Consult with financial advisors, tax consultants, and legal experts specializing in India to seek professional advice tailored to your specific investment needs. Expert guidance can help you navigate regulatory complexities, optimize tax efficiency, and maximize returns on your investments in India.
5. Cultural Sensitivity: Recognize and respect cultural differences when conducting business in India. Building strong relationships and trust with local partners and stakeholders requires understanding and appreciating Indian customs, traditions, and business etiquette.
6. Risk Management: Assess and manage risks effectively by diversifying your investment portfolio, conducting thorough due diligence, and implementing risk mitigation strategies. Consider geopolitical risks, currency fluctuations, regulatory changes, and market volatility when making investment decisions.
7. Sustainability and ESG Factors: Consider environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors when evaluating investment opportunities in India. Increasingly, investors are prioritizing sustainability and responsible investing practices to mitigate risks, enhance long-term value, and align investments with their values and principles.
8. Stay Flexible and Agile: Remain flexible and agile in adapting to changing market conditions, regulatory requirements, and investor preferences. India's business environment is dynamic and evolving, requiring investors to stay nimble and responsive to emerging opportunities and challenges.
India offers a wealth of investment opportunities for international investors seeking high growth potential and diversification benefits. With its robust economy, favorable demographic trends, and supportive regulatory environment, India continues to attract capital inflows across various sectors. By understanding the Indian investment landscape, adopting sound investment strategies, and leveraging local expertise, international investors can capitalize on India's growth story and unlock significant value for their investment portfolios. As India continues on its path of economic development and reform, it remains a compelling destination for investors looking to participate in one of the world's most dynamic and promising markets.
In conclusion, navigating the “Invest in India” landscape requires careful planning, strategic decision-making, and a long-term perspective. By understanding the key sectors, regulatory considerations, investment strategies, and tips outlined in this guide, international investors can position themselves to capitalize on the vast opportunities offered by India's vibrant economy and emerging market dynamics. With the right approach and guidance, investing in India can yield attractive returns and contribute to portfolio diversification and long-term wealth creation for investors around the globe.
This post was originally published on: Foxnangel
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elsa16744 · 1 month
The Ultimate Guide to ESG Investing: Strategies and Benefits 
Socio-economic and environmental challenges can disrupt ecological, social, legal, and financial balance. Consequently, investors are increasingly adopting ESG investing strategies to enhance portfolio management and stock selection with a focus on sustainability. This guide delves into the key ESG investing strategies and their advantages for stakeholders. 
What is ESG Investing? 
ESG investing involves evaluating a company's environmental, social, and governance practices as part of due diligence. This approach helps investors gauge a company's alignment with humanitarian and sustainable development goals. Given the complex nature of various regional frameworks, enterprises and investors rely on ESG data and solutions to facilitate compliance auditing through advanced, scalable technologies. 
Detailed ESG reports empower fund managers, financial advisors, government officials, institutions, and business leaders to benchmark and enhance a company's sustainability performance. Frameworks like the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) utilize globally recognized criteria for this purpose. 
However, ESG scoring methods, statistical techniques, and reporting formats vary significantly across consultants. Some use interactive graphical interfaces for company screening, while others produce detailed reports compatible with various data analysis and visualization tools. 
ESG Investing and Compliance Strategies for Stakeholders 
ESG Strategies for Investors 
Investors should leverage the best tools and compliance monitoring systems to identify potentially unethical or socially harmful corporate activities. They can develop customized reporting views to avoid problematic companies and prioritize those that excel in ESG investing. 
High-net-worth individuals (HNWIs) often invest in sustainability-focused exchange-traded funds that exclude sectors like weapon manufacturing, petroleum, and controversial industries. Others may perform peer analysis and benchmarking to compare businesses and verify their ESG ratings. 
Today, investors fund initiatives in renewable energy, inclusive education, circular economy practices, and low-carbon businesses. With the rise of ESG databases and compliance auditing methods, optimizing ESG investing strategies has become more manageable. 
Business Improvement Strategies 
Companies aiming to attract ESG-centric investment should adopt strategies that enhance their sustainability compliance. Tracking ESG ratings with various technologies, participating in corporate social responsibility campaigns, and improving social impact through local development projects are vital steps. 
Additional strategies include reducing resource consumption, using recyclable packaging, fostering a diverse workplace, and implementing robust cybersecurity measures to protect consumer data. 
Encouraging ESG Adoption through Government Actions 
Governments play a crucial role in educating investors and businesses about sustainability compliance based on international ESG frameworks. Balancing regional needs with long-term sustainability goals is essential for addressing multi-stakeholder interests. 
For instance, while agriculture is vital for trade and food security, it can contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and resource consumption. Governments should promote green technologies to mitigate carbon risks and ensure efficient resource use. 
Regulators can use ESG data and insights to offer tax incentives to compliant businesses and address discrepancies between sustainable development frameworks and regulations. These strategies can help attract foreign investments by highlighting the advantages of ESG-compliant companies. 
Benefits of ESG Investing Strategies 
Enhancing Supply Chain Resilience 
The lack of standardization and governance can expose supply chains to various risks. ESG strategies help businesses and investors identify and address these challenges. Governance metrics in ESG audits can reveal unethical practices or high emissions among suppliers. 
By utilizing ESG reports, organizations can choose more responsible suppliers, thereby enhancing supply chain resilience and finding sustainable companies with strong compliance records. 
Increasing Stakeholder Trust in the Brand 
Consumers and impact investors prefer companies that prioritize eco-friendly practices and inclusivity. Aligning operational standards with these expectations can boost brand awareness and trust. 
Investors should guide companies in developing ESG-focused business intelligence and using valid sustainability metrics in marketing materials. This approach simplifies ESG reporting and ensures compliance with regulatory standards. 
Optimizing Operations and Resource Planning 
Unsafe or discriminatory workplaces can deter talented professionals. A company's social metrics are crucial for ESG investing enthusiasts who value a responsible work environment. 
Integrating green technologies and maintaining strong governance practices improve operational efficiency, resource management, and overall profitability. 
Global brands face increased scrutiny due to unethical practices, poor workplace conditions, and negative environmental impacts. However, investors can steer companies towards appreciating the benefits of ESG principles, strategies, and sustainability audits to future-proof their operations. 
As the global focus shifts towards responsible consumption, production, and growth, ESG investing will continue to gain traction and drive positive change. 
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365proservices · 4 months
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Unlocking the UAE's Golden Visa Maze: Insider Tips for Success
Welcome, aspiring adventurers, to the exciting world of Golden Visas Services in the UAE! If you've ever dreamt of unlocking new opportunities, exploring vibrant cultures, or building a brighter future in one of the world's most dynamic hubs, then you're in the right place. In this guide, we'll be your compass, navigating the Golden Visa maze with insider tips and expert advice to ensure your journey is not just successful but also fulfilling. So, grab your map, pack your enthusiasm, and let's set sail on this exhilarating voyage towards your Golden Visa dream!
1. Understanding Golden Visa Eligibility Criteria
Before setting sail, ensure you're eligible. The UAE offers Golden Visas to investors, entrepreneurs, talented professionals, and retirees. Each category has specific criteria, like investment thresholds or retirement fund requirements. Check your eligibility based on your profile and aspirations.
2. Gathering the Required Documents
Assemble your crew of documents for the journey. Common documents include passport copies, proof of investment, bank statements, and a clean criminal record certificate. For investors, additional documents like business plans, trade licenses, and property ownership deeds may be required. Double-check the specific document checklist based on your chosen Golden Visa category.
3. Plotting Your Investment Strategy
Choosing the right investment is crucial. Opt for real estate, business ventures, or innovation projects that align with UAE regulations and contribute to the economy. Research thriving industries, consult with financial advisors, and consider long-term sustainability when crafting your investment strategy.
4. Crafting a Stellar Business Plan
A well-crafted business plan is your treasure map to Golden Visa approval. Highlight your business concept, market analysis, financial projections, and growth strategies. Emphasize how your venture will create jobs, drive innovation, or enhance the UAE's economic landscape. Tailor your business plan to showcase value, feasibility, and alignment with UAE's vision for growth and development.
5. Navigating the Golden Visa Application Process
Embark on your Golden Visa application journey through the relevant government authority, such as the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA), the Ministry of Economy, or local immigration departments. Follow the online application portal or engage with authorized representatives for a smooth submission process. Timing, transparency, and professional assistance are key for success.
6. Insider Tips for Smooth Sailing
Apply During Economic Stability: Submit your application during periods of economic growth and stability for higher chances of approval.
Engage Legal or Immigration Consultants: Consider hiring legal or immigration consultants for expert guidance and assistance throughout the application process.
Be Transparent and Consistent: Disclose accurate information and ensure consistency across all documents to avoid delays or rejections.
Showcase Long-Term Commitment: Highlight your commitment to long-term engagement in the UAE through investment diversification or strategic partnerships.
As we reach the shores of our Golden Visa adventure, it's time to reflect on the invaluable insights and strategies we've uncovered. From understanding eligibility criteria to crafting stellar business plans and navigating the application process, you've gained the tools and knowledge needed to steer your course towards success.
Remember, patience and preparation are your steadfast companions in this journey. Keep abreast of UAE's visa policies, adapt your strategies as needed, and stay committed to your long-term goals. Whether you're an investor, entrepreneur, or talented professional, the UAE's Golden Visa offers a gateway to new horizons and endless possibilities.
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locustheologicus · 2 months
The infamous Project 2025 can be found here for all to see. It presents itself as a thorough conservative agenda, which it is, but at the level of completely undermining our already weak democratic system and gutting the last remnants of economic regulations.
The video above does a good job in offering a broad overview of the expressed concerns. Most groups shine a light on the issue of reproductive rights, however. For my part, I am deeply concerned about two items. The erosion of our democratic systems, in lieu of a self-perpetuating conservative recruitment process, and the gutting of any existing and already weakened economic and ecological regulations. Two such concerns of the latter point are what Project 2025 plans to do to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the Security and Exchange Commission. "Financial regulators should remove regulatory impediments to entrepreneur­ial capital formation." Here are the word for word recommendations.
Congress should abolish the CFPB and reverse Dodd–Frank Section 1061, thus returning the consumer protection function of the CFPB to banking regulators
The SEC on the other hand will continue to exist but serving the executive agenda by removing any independant oversight.
both the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) and Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)... should be abolished, and their regulatory functions should be merged into the SEC.
Politically, people will focus on the reproductive rights issue, but I think the pro-corporate agenda should be a greater concern for all of us. Just look at how it will completely undermine any social issues in Favor of corporate profit.
Prohibit the SEC from requiring issuer disclosure of social, ideological, political, or “human capital” information that is not material to investors’ financial, economic, or pecuniary risks or returns. The proposed SEC climate change rule, which would quadruple the costs of being a public company, is particularly problematic.
Repeal the Dodd–Frank mandated disclosures relating to conflict minerals, mine safety, resource extraction, and CEO pay ratios.
Oppose efforts to redefine the purpose of business in the name of social justice; corporate social responsibility (CSR); stakeholder theory; environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria; socially responsible investing (SRI); sustainability; diversity; business ethics; or common­good capitalism.
Prohibit securities regulators, including SROs, from promulgating rules or taking other actions that discriminate, either favorably or unfavorably, on the basis of the race, color, religion, sex, or national origin of such individual or group.
Now, it seems that Candidate Trump is attempting to distance himself from this agenda. But as you can see, he is clearly wedded to this for his potential administration.
I have mentioned some of my earlier concerns with Project 2025 when I first heard of it. Now, as Candidate Trump seems to be inching ever closer to the Presidency again, it is more important than ever to be aware of this policy paper and its repercussions. Here is a further analysis on the democratic concerns we should all have over this agenda.
Thanks to the Lincoln Project, here is a tongue and cheek presentation of what we can expect from Trump and Project 2025.
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thaiattorney · 2 months
Buying Property in Thailand
Thailand is an attractive destination for property buyers due to its scenic landscapes, vibrant cities, and welcoming culture. However, purchasing property in Thailand, especially as a foreigner, involves navigating a complex legal framework and understanding the local market intricacies. This comprehensive guide will provide detailed insights, enhancing expertise and credibility by delving into the legalities, procedures, and best practices for buying property in Thailand.
1. Understanding the Legal Framework
Key Legal Restrictions:
Land Code Act B.E. 2497 (1954): Foreigners cannot own land in Thailand except under specific conditions.
Condominium Act B.E. 2522 (1979): Foreigners can own up to 49% of the total floor area of a condominium building.
Foreign Business Act B.E. 2542 (1999): Regulates foreign business activities and investments, impacting property purchases for business purposes.
Exceptions and Alternatives:
Board of Investment (BOI) Projects: Foreigners investing in BOI-promoted projects can acquire land under specific conditions.
Long-Term Leases: Foreigners can lease land for up to 30 years, with options to renew.
Thai Company Ownership: Forming a Thai company where foreigners hold less than 50% of shares allows indirect land ownership.
2. Types of Property Available for Purchase
Freehold Ownership: Foreigners can own condominium units outright.
Ownership Percentage: The foreign ownership quota in a condominium building should not exceed 49%.
Leasehold Properties:
Land and Houses: Foreigners can lease land and houses for up to 30 years, with potential for renewal.
Registration: Leases exceeding three years must be registered at the Land Department to be legally enforceable.
Investment Properties:
Commercial Real Estate: Foreigners can invest in commercial properties through long-term leases or joint ventures with Thai partners.
Resort and Hotel Investments: Special regulations apply to foreign investments in resort and hotel properties, often requiring joint ventures.
3. Due Diligence and Legal Processes
Conducting Due Diligence:
Title Search: Verify the property’s legal status, ownership history, and any encumbrances or disputes.
Zoning and Land Use: Ensure the property complies with local zoning laws and land use regulations.
Environmental Compliance: Check for any environmental restrictions or issues affecting the property.
Engaging Legal and Financial Advisors:
Real Estate Lawyer: Hire a reputable lawyer specializing in Thai real estate to guide you through the legal processes.
Financial Advisor: Consult a financial advisor to understand tax implications, financing options, and investment strategies.
Steps in the Buying Process:
Reservation Agreement: Sign a reservation agreement and pay a reservation fee to secure the property.
Due Diligence: Conduct thorough due diligence with the help of legal advisors.
Sale and Purchase Agreement (SPA): Draft and sign the SPA, detailing the terms and conditions of the sale.
Deposit Payment: Pay a deposit, typically 10-30% of the purchase price.
Transfer of Ownership: Complete the transfer at the Land Department, paying the remaining balance and associated fees.
4. Costs and Taxes Involved
Purchase Costs:
Transfer Fee: 2% of the appraised property value.
Stamp Duty: 0.5% of the purchase price or appraised value, whichever is higher.
Withholding Tax: 1% of the appraised value or the actual sale price, whichever is higher.
Specific Business Tax (SBT): 3.3% of the appraised or actual sale price, applicable if the property is sold within five years of acquisition.
Ongoing Costs:
Common Area Fees: Monthly fees for maintenance of common areas in condominiums.
Property Tax: Annual property tax based on the assessed value of the property.
Utilities and Maintenance: Regular expenses for utilities, repairs, and maintenance.
5. Financing Options
Local Financing:
Thai Banks: Some Thai banks offer mortgage loans to foreigners for condominium purchases.
Eligibility Criteria: Generally, borrowers need to have a work permit, proof of income, and a good credit history.
Foreign Financing:
Home Country Banks: Some buyers secure financing from banks in their home countries, leveraging their assets abroad.
International Mortgage Providers: Specialized financial institutions provide mortgages for international property purchases.
Payment Plans:
Developer Financing: Some developers offer financing plans with staggered payments during the construction period.
Installment Payments: Buyers can negotiate installment payments directly with sellers or developers.
6. Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them
Legal Complications:
Unclear Title: Always verify the title to avoid disputes and ensure clear ownership.
Zoning Issues: Confirm zoning regulations to ensure the property can be used as intended.
Contractual Disputes: Have all agreements reviewed by a lawyer to prevent misunderstandings and ensure enforceability.
Financial Risks:
Currency Fluctuations: Be aware of exchange rate risks when making payments in foreign currency.
Hidden Costs: Account for all additional costs such as taxes, fees, and maintenance expenses.
Financing Challenges: Ensure you have a clear financing plan and understand the terms of any loans or payment plans.
7. Enhancing Expertise and Credibility
Demonstrating Professional Credentials:
Legal Qualifications: Highlight the legal qualifications and experience of your advisors and partners.
Professional Experience: Detail your experience in handling property transactions in Thailand.
Memberships and Affiliations: Include memberships in professional organizations like the Thai Bar Association, the Real Estate Broker Association, or international property associations.
Providing Authoritative References:
Cite Legal Documents: Reference specific sections of the Land Code Act and Condominium Act to support your points.
Expert Opinions: Incorporate insights from recognized experts in Thai real estate law and property investment.
Including Detailed Case Studies:
Client Testimonials: Feature testimonials from clients who have successfully purchased property in Thailand with your assistance.
Real-Life Examples: Provide detailed examples of successful transactions, highlighting any challenges overcome and solutions implemented.
Visual Aids and Infographics:
Process Flowcharts: Use flowcharts to depict the steps involved in the property buying process.
Diagrams: Create diagrams to visually explain key legal concepts and ownership structures.
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exitrowiron · 1 year
Investing 101
Part 4 of ?
What to Buy
I've been procrastinating this post because I have a broker who provides buying/selling recommendations to me as I'm not an expert. Having said that, I can provide some information.
The first decision to make is whether to buy stocks or bonds. I explained the difference between the two in previous posts but I should add a caveat. Normally bonds are considered a safe but lower return investment to balance your portfolio and reduce risk. The moves by the Fed to control inflation however have raised interest rates on bonds to levels not seen in >40 years. For the first time in a long time, very safe bonds (ex. US Treasuries) are yielding more than equities and you can lock in those rates for a long time. Normally I'd advise a young person to avoid any bonds, but this is a strange time and some bonds would be a good investment for almost anyone. As with stocks, you can buy individual bonds or a bond fund.
What is a fund? Let's imagine that you want to own a basket of tech stocks (or bank stocks or consumer goods stocks, etc.). You could research various companies and make your purchases or you could buy a mutual fund. Mutual funds are actively managed investment pools with specific investment philosophies (ex. focused on tech stocks) - you purchase shares in the fund and the fund manager uses your money (and the $$ of other fund investors) to buy/sell shares in accordance with the philosophy/purpose of the fund. Actively managed means that there is a management team doing investment research and then buying and selling shares. Of course the management team costs money and they deduct their fee from the earnings pool prior to distributing the fund's earnings back to the owner/investors of the fund. Fund managers argue that their active management improves your earnings while lowering your risk. Detractors argue that management fees are too expensive and over the long run, investors can do better on their own (more on that later). Management fees aren't regulated (that I'm aware of) so investors have to be cautious - some funds have very expensive management fees while others are more frugal. Morningstar is a great resource for researching investments of all types, including funds.
An alternative to a Mutual Fund is an Index or Exchange Traded Fund. These funds are designed to mirror the composition and performance of an entire stock exchange (ex. NASDAQ). So if the NASDAQ goes up 10pts today, the related Index or Exchange traded fund will also go up 10pts. This is a low cost way to invest in the performance of the overall market. Many advisors recommend these investments for superior long term growth. These funds aren't actively managed by a human, but their low cost makes them a winner.
Speaking of humans, AI managed funds are increasingly a hot topic. I may own some of these funds and not even know it, but I'm not seeking AI management. In fact, automated trading can be problematic and cause 'flash crashes' for the market when every AI algorithm tries to sell at the time.
Target Date funds are another kind of mutual fund which is increasingly popular in 401Ks and 529 college savings plans. A target date fund is designed to manage risk and volatility with a specific life goal in mind. For example, you might establish a goal retirement date of 2040 and buy a Target Date fund for that year. The 2040 fund will automatically invest in higher risk/higher return equities in the first 20 years and gradually shift more of the portfolio to lower risk investments (like bonds) as your target date approaches.
Money market funds are a very low risk way to earn better returns on your emergency fund cash than allowing it to wallow in a bank savings account. A money market is a kind of mutual fund, but it owns very safe investments - the odds are very small that you'd lose money and instead you'll have a very liquid, safe investment that you can use in case of emergency.
What about individual stocks? Some investors follow the simple strategy of buying the stocks of companies whose products they know and admire. Ex, "I like my iPhone so I'm going to buy Apple stock." In >30 years of investing I have never purchased an individual stock. My rationale is that there is an entire industry of very smart people who do nothing but research and invest. The odds that I can outsmart them and pick a company which everyone else has undervalued are small. If I've read about it in the Wall Street Journal, so has everyone else and the opportunity to buy something cheap is long gone. In my opinion, buying individual stocks is like going to Vegas - of course you will hear stories of big winners, but in general the house (full time investment professionals) always wins. For a non-professional like me, the odds of selecting individual stocks and assembling a winning portfolio over the long term aren't in my favor.
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halsca-uae · 3 months
Why Choose Chartered Accountants for Your Financial Needs
In Dubai's quick financial landscape, every small, medium, and large business wants to grow quickly and adapt to their changing business environment and business ethics, consequently our top-rated company, Hussain Al Shemsi Chartered Accountants, offers the best and highest quality accounting and auditing services in the UAE. Our Expert Chartered Professional Accountants provide high-quality accounting services throughout the UAE, including Accounting, Tax Accounting, Consultancy and Advisory and other professional chartered accounting services.
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What are Chartered Accountants?
Chartered Accountants are professional Certified Accountants who specialize in business accounting, auditing, financial statement activities, filing corporate tax returns, and also promote business consulting and advisory services. When it comes to Dubai, Ajman, Sharjah, and other UAE locations, our Hussain Al Shemsi Chartered Accountants (HALSCA) team is the most Experienced Chartered Professional Accountants. Our team specializes in auditing, accounting, consulting, tax advisory services, industry driving reviews, and other chartered accounting services in the UAE.
The Role of Chartered Accountants
Taxation Services
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HALSCA, the Expert chartered accountants in Dubai, specialize in providing the Best Taxation Services in the UAE that will guide you through difficult tax issues. With intricate knowledge of tax-effectiveness and compliance with the law while managing your financial affairs, whether you are an individual taxpayer, a corporation, or a trust, Hussain Al Shemsi Chartered Accountants provides the top taxation services in the UAE.
Auditing and Assurance
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Auditing is an important function in all businesses, hence the Audit and Assurance report is required for a variety of reasons. Audit and assurance is the process of evaluating business accounts and confirming data in financial statements using a variety of documents. The audit process can assist detect corporate risks.
Financial Planning and Advisory
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Efficient financial planning and advisory is crucial for long-term prosperity in Dubai's changing economic environment. In order to help individuals and organizations reach their financial objectives, chartered accountants provide strategic advising services. They provide helpful advice and recommendations based on your particular situation, ranging from investment research to budgeting.
The Advantages of Using a Chartered Accountant
Professionalism and Expertise
Dubai's chartered professional accountants are highly knowledgeable and experienced in financial management. Their commitment and professionalism guarantee that your financial affairs are managed with the highest care and attention to detail.
Compliance with Regulations
Navigating the complex regulatory environment of Dubai, UAE, can be challenging without expert guidance. Chartered accountants reduce the possibility of non-compliance and the fines that come with it by making sure your financial procedures follow local laws and regulations.
Strategic Business Guidance
Chartered accountants are trusted advisors who provide strategic insights to propel corporate growth, going beyond simple math calculations. Their experience can assist you in navigating obstacles and seizing chances whether you're growing your business or venturing into new industries.
Accuracy and Efficiency of Finance
You can anticipate increased accuracy and efficiency in your operations when chartered accountants are in charge of your financial processes. They can find chances for optimization and simplify procedures thanks to their sophisticated accounting tools and thorough attention to detail.
Choosing Hussain Al Shemsi Chartered Accountants (HALSCA) Reliable Chartered Professional Accountants in Dubai, UAE, is a strategic move for anyone serious about their financial health. These experts bring a level of professionalism, expertise, and strategic insight that is unmatched in the financial sector. Whether you're a small business looking to optimize your operations, a large corporation seeking efficiency improvements, or an individual in need of personal financial advice, expert chartered accountants in Dubai can provide the guidance and support you need. Their comprehensive services, from tax planning to auditing and financial advisory, ensure that your financial needs are met with precision and care. By partnering with a chartered accountant, you are investing in a secure and prosperous financial future.
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warningsine · 5 months
BERLIN, April 15 (Reuters) - Tesla (TSLA.O), opens new tab is laying off more than 10% of its global workforce, an internal memo seen by Reuters on Monday shows, as it grapples with falling sales and an intensifying price war for electric vehicles (EVs).
"About every five years, we need to reorganize and streamline the company for the next phase of growth," CEO Elon Musk commented in a post on X. Two senior leaders, battery development chief Drew Baglino and vice president for public policy Rohan Patel, also announced their departures, drawing posts of thanks from Musk although some investors were concerned.
Musk last announced a round of job cuts in 2022, after telling executives he had a "super bad feeling" about the economy. Still, Tesla headcount has risen from around 100,000 in late 2021 to over 140,000 in late 2023, according to filings with U.S. regulators.
Baglino was a Tesla veteran and one of four members, along with Musk, of the leadership team listed on the company's investor relations website.
Scott Acheychek, CEO of Rex Shares - which manages ETFs with high exposure to Tesla stock - described the headcount reductions as strategic, but Michael Ashley Schulman, chief investment officer at Running Point Capital Advisors, deemed the departures of the senior executives as "the larger negative signal today" that Tesla's growth was in trouble.
Less than a year ago, Tesla's chief financial officer, Zach Kirkhorn, left the company, fueling concerns about succession planning.
Tesla shares closed 5.6% lower at $161.48 on Monday. Shares of EV makers Rivian Automotive (RIVN.O), opens new tab, Lucid Group (LCID.O), opens new tab and VinFast Auto also dropped between 2.4% and 9.4%.
"As we prepare the company for our next phase of growth, it is extremely important to look at every aspect of the company for cost reductions and increasing productivity," Musk said in the memo sent to all staff.
"As part of this effort, we have done a thorough review of the organization and made the difficult decision to reduce our headcount by more than 10% globally," it said.
Reuters saw an email sent to at least three U.S. employees notifying them their dismissal was effective immediately.
Tesla did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
The layoffs follow an exclusive Reuters report on April 5 that Tesla had cancelled a long-promised inexpensive car, expected to cost $25,000, that investors have been counting on to drive mass-market growth. Musk had said the car, known as the Model 2, would start production in late 2025.
Shortly after the story published, Musk posted "Reuters is lying" on his social media site X, without detailing any inaccuracies. He has not commented on the car since, leaving investors and analysts to speculate on its future.
Tech publication Electrek, which first reported, opens new tab the latest job cuts, said on Monday that the inexpensive car project had been defunded and that many people working on it had been laid off.
Reuters also reported on April 5 that Tesla would shift its focus to self-driving robotaxis built on the same small-car platform. Musk posted on X that evening: "Tesla Robotaxi unveil on 8/8," with no further details.
Tesla could be years away from releasing a fully autonomous vehicle with regulatory approval, according to experts in self-driving cars and regulation.
Tesla shares have fallen about 33% so far this year, underperforming legacy automakers such as Toyota Motor (7203.T), opens new tab and General Motors (GM.N), opens new tab, whose shares have rallied 45% and about 20% respectively.
Energy major BP (BP.L), opens new tab has also cut more than a tenth of the workforce in its EV charging business after a bet on rapid growth in commercial EV fleets did not pay off, Reuters reported on Monday, underscoring the broader impact of slowing EV demand.
A newly elected works council of labour representatives at Tesla's German plant was not informed or consulted ahead of the announcement to staff, said Dirk Schulze, head of the IG Metall union in the region.
"It is the legal obligation of management not only to inform the works council but to consult with it on how jobs can be secured," Schulze said.
Analysts from Gartner and Hargreaves Lansdown said the cuts were a sign of cost pressures as the carmaker invests in new models and artificial intelligence.
Tesla reported this month that its global vehicle deliveries in the first quarter fell for the first time in nearly four years, as price cuts failed to stir demand.
The EV maker has been slow to refresh its aging models as high interest rates have sapped consumer appetite for big-ticket items, while rivals in China, the world's largest auto market, are rolling out cheaper models.
China's BYD (002594.SZ), opens new tab briefly overtook the U.S. company as the world's largest EV maker in the fourth quarter, and new entrant Xiaomi (1810.HK), opens new tab has garnered substantial positive press.
Tesla is gearing up to start sales in India, the world's third-largest auto market, this year, producing cars in Germany for export to India and scouting locations for showrooms and service hubs in major cities.
Tesla recorded a gross profit margin of 17.6% in the fourth quarter, the lowest in more than four years.
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