#iop again
whsprings · 2 years
"I feel like you're desperately holding onto your ed" that's because I am. next question.
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galaxywarp · 10 months
Someone tell me to go to therapy tomorrow. I skipped all of last week and it made shit so much worse :[
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milo-is-rambling · 2 months
Guys help I’m getting bored opening and closing the same like. Eight apps every day. Guys what do I do. Guys.
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scarletcomet · 9 months
I feel so depressed for no reason. I don't know what to do. I feel like I've tried everything.
#i think talking with my psychiatrist put me in a worse mood#i was like on the verge of tears while talking to her#she said that she would have hoped that the new med im on would have started to make a difference by now#she also said that i always present myself the same way when i come into her office. apparently im distant and withdrawn#i try so hard to open up but im just so bad at putting how i feel into words#she said i never report feeling any better. which isnt even true but i also just havent been feeling much improvement lately#i feel like i do acknowledge the improvement i've made#like she has seen me at my lowest. she literally sent me to the hospital in june. then she was my doctor while i was in the hospital too#idk#i think im just like getting burnt out from all this therapy. ive been in higher levels of care (inpatient/residential/php/iop) since may#i just don't want to do anything. even things i have enjoyed in the past or have always wanted to do#im going to spain with my family on tuesday but i so just dont want to go even though ive wanted to go to spain for a long time#this kind of reminds me of when i wasnt looking forward to the taylor swift concert or my 21st bday#and that was because i was so suicidal. i worry that's how im going to feel again#i felt like i couldnt keep getting through each day which i feel now too#but i guess my suicidal thoughts are less constant and intense now even though they are still chronic#i remember that i literally could not focus on anything because my mind would just wander to thoughts about hurting myself#i remember the constant thoughts and urges...
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joyouspursuits · 2 years
I love when work keeps me after for five minutes and so I end up five minutes late to therapy which means that I don't get to go at all. 🙃
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beepmon · 3 months
i’m so good at therapy i’m doing it TWICE a week 😎🤙
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iwatcheditbegin · 1 year
That sounds so bad that they didn't arrange aftercare for you!! I don't know which country you're in, but can't you call that inpatient treatment team back to ask for outpatient care? In my country it would be their responsibillity to arrange care, but I'm not sure how it's in your area. Or maybe your gp knows what therapists are specialized in ed and take new clients? Anyway, it sounds bad. Especially if you don't have the support from your family (I went no contact with my family years ago, so I know it can be lonely even when you're still in contact). I hope you find the support, therapy and care you need. :( And I hope you won't relapse, but please know that we're here for you i you need to talk or vent etc. We never interacted before, but feel free to reach out 💕
TW: Ed. Yeah it was really unusual and irresponsible. There was even aftercare coordinators but they didn’t do much, even told me I’d have to make the calls myself if I was interested in IOP or outpatient. and they still went along with the discharge knowing I had no support. But It was php ( intensive outpatient) and I think that’s why they were so nonchalant, bc it was already a lower level of care. I was no longer a liability bc I had weight restored in res yk. Similar things have happened to me twice before at this phase in recovery. They absolutely didn’t do this when I was inpatient and residential - you’re not discharged until there is a solid plan.
This is largely due to lack of options in my state, I had to go to another state for inpatient and residential bc there’s not much here.
My gp actually is looking for some therapists and stuff and she connected me to a RD. So hopefully that works out. I don’t think I’m at risk for relapse I just need some support.
Thank you 💜
* just wanna emphasize again that this is unusual and don’t let my negative experience dissuade you from seeking help
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blakelywintersfield · 2 years
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wearepurplejackets · 7 months
Eliatrope goddess seeing the end of the world of 12: Okaaaay everybody!!! Let's go! We are leaving this planet right now or we'll die! The last one is a Iop!
Yugo: But mom, we have to help this people. We can't leave them like this in the middle of the greatest chaos of all time.
Eliatrope goddess: I am the goddess of love honey, but firstly I love you all more than anything. And yes, maybe this destruction was partly my fault. But did I said that you are more important than anyone to me? And I don't want to lose any of you in this slaughter. You are my children, I won't let anything bad happen to any of you, never, so we have to go now!
Yugo: Okaaaay, but what about Grouga and Chibi?
Eliatrope goddess: ...
Eliatrope goddess: sorry, who? Yugo: Your... other destined children??? Dragon and eliatrope. I mean c'mon you have 12 demigods, remember? Nora: oh, oh... Maybe we should stop this right now- Qilby: Nonononono... Let them continue. I want to see what happens.
Eliatrope goddess: ... who again?
Yugo: The ones that are exactly the same as Nora, Qilby, Adamai and... me? I mean, Chibi is my f*cking albino clone?? The ones that you never tried to meet before?? The ones that you never mention?? And it seems that you don't even care about?? The ones that you also left on earth??? To die??? An incredible death??? The ones you should love too?? For the love of you mom, I mean, hello???
Eliatrope goddess: ah... Yeah, right. Eliatrope goddess looking at Nora and whispering: I don't follow...
Yugo: ...
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whsprings · 2 years
heard back from my therapist and apparently the ed team wants me to do five days of iop a week when realistically I can only do four because of class. not sure what I'm gonna do now 🙃
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geekgirles · 5 months
Okay, this is probably just me being petty, but if by the time they appear the Percedal family are the only ones who don't go through soul-crushing trauma in the webtoon, I'm rioting against ToT and his blantant favouritism towards anything Iop-related. Either we all suffer unspeakable horros or none of us do, you hear me?
So I'd better see the aftermath and ramifications of Eva and Tristepin dealing with Flopin running away to be with his stranged, assassin grandfather because they failed to make him feel like he belonged in his own family.
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I want to see Élely missing her brother and wondering if she ever did something to push him away to the point he'd rather be with a complete stranger over her. Even though I know this is too heavy a burden for a seven-year-old kid to shoulder, I want Élely to blame herself and her behaviour on Flopin leaving. I want this to be a life-altering event for her, a turning point in her life that will shape the person she grows up into in Waven.
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Rasha is still in Pin's body! In Waven, the World of Twelve has been overridden by shushus! There's no way that is a coincidence. I want to see the events leading up to the shushus' eventual presence in the World of Twelve, and I need to see Tristepin question whether Madagaskan was right or not to say he only ever put Eva and the kids in danger by realising the evil creature terrorising everyone and possessing his infant son is all his fault.
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If Amalia were to die (DEAR GOD, PLEASE LEAVE HER ALONE!), I need Eva to bawl her eyes out for losing her best friend and the one person she's always been closer to than her actual sister! You already robbed us of their friendship in seasons 3 and 4, Ankama, don't go half-assing it again!
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The Percedal family is ripe with drama and unresolved issues. There's no way I'll accept everything going just peachy with them while Yugo, Amalia, Adamaï, and most likely Master Joris are put through Hell.
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milo-is-rambling · 2 months
I’ve just been laying in bed switching between two different games on my iPad while watching bojack horseman today since getting home and like it’s maybe the best thing ever
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kerubimcrepin · 3 months
Liveblog: Wakfu Season 2 (episodes 13-16)
Episode 13 - The Night of the Thirsters
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Proof Amalia and Joris are not close friends number 829342345: if she knew the alcohol he drinks and what he considers "a clean environment to live in" she'd get scared.
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WoT twitter would kill Amalia.
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I know it's more likely that both alcoholic and non-alcoholic bamboo milk exists, but the thought of everyone being a-ok with Yugo underage drinking makes me giggle for some reason. Ruel would fucking do that.
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Are your villains 1. indestructible, 2. want to consume something that could theoretically fix them, 3. in the process, inflict a fate worse than death upon their victim, who 4. becomes one of them?
...Necromes were a missed opportunity. Shoulda called them Wakfu Thirsters instead.
Episode 14 - The Voice Thief
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It's always sad to see the way the world has been devastated by Ogrest's Chaos.
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FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...This says:
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Her singing is so cute!
She is now fully bamboo milk-pilled. GOOD.
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New Krosmoz music lore: We already know that vinyls and their players exist, as well as the fact that rock music exists (due to the fact that The Blues of a Hypermage (parody of the IRL song The Blues of a Buisinessman) exists).
Now we have the confirmation that metal bands are real.
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Also, electric guitars are also real.
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Mics are also real. (I am totally not noting all of this down because I want to write a "Joris, Kerubim, and Atcham go to karaoke" scene in one of my fics in the future, nuh-uh...)
Hummina hummina hummina bazooooooooing! eyes pop out AROOOOOOOOGA! jaw drops tongue rolls out WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF.
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It's very rare to see, within the show, characters who differ from their usual class skin and hair colours, which is a shame. (I am 99% sure this is an iop due to his clothes and his hair pointing upwards)
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Text behind Eva: rien ne sert de payer il faut en fuir / there is no point in paying, you have to run away
Text behind Amalia is too shielded to transcribe fully.
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This is written in Brakmarian. It says:
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This means that, metal music is stereotypically a Brakmarian form of music (big news: spoon found in kitchen)
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I usually don't point this sort of stuff out but, man, this tavern is really well off. Not only is there a lot of food, there are also huge hot baths...
Also, once again, canalization and running water are real in this setting.
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I choose to believe that this bubble thing is the Krosmoz equivalent of vaping because it's funny.
[blushing] Would!
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Jpop is real in this setting, and someday, I will be able to prove to you, that Joris is a fan of it, using some proof besides "well ecaflips are kind of japanese-coded sometimes" and "it just makes sense."
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Good rooms in taverns like these not only have hot baths but also fruit, candles, and drinks... [starts writing down "Joris, Kerubim and Atcham go to an expensive tavern and start talking about some convoluted topic, with vivid descriptions of delicious fruit-eating, how good the wine is, and how soft the bubbles in the bath are" in my fic self-indulgent scene ideas document. I can live my vacation fantasies vicariously through those three men]
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Of course metal music from Brakmar is about the fact that the apocalypse caused inflation and that it's Good.
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This says:
m al
Episode 15 - Wabbit Island
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Hhh she is a very good artist.
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[guy who is insane voice] This means that if I ever want to use the expression "canary in a coalmine" in a fic it'll be "tofu in a coalmine" instead.
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The word Sayonara exists in Krosmoz which implies that some sort of fantasy Japanese is real. Big win.
Episode 16 - The Cursed Fountain
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While I usually talk a lot about character parallels between Yugo and Joris (these men who had to grow up far too fast will someday commit acts which no human being can be forgiven for in the name of goodness—-) there is a lot to be said about parallels betwen Eva and Joris.
They're both artistic, kind people who try to appear logic-driven (and sadly, they are both basically the wranglers/babysitters of their entire adventuring groups).
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scarletcomet · 9 months
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wakfu-weekly · 1 month
Tut_01: Ungodly hour
So it begins...
youtube link to the cinematic
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Until someone collected all the Dofus and plunged the world into chaos, OGREST
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"and the gods completely powerless"
This part no longer appears in the newer versions of the intro, but it is important to me. (I could only find the older parts in Spanish, so 9 year old footage be upon ye.)
It must be emphazised how absent the gods are in the Wakfu era. The gods' presence was much more felt in Dofus; from the start of the game the gods' footprints are all over it. The tutorial area's landscape is shaped by them, and in Astrub you are greeted by their statues.
Wakfu has none of that.
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We are left alone to face the apocalypse.
It seems, you (the player character) had tried to face good ol' Ogrest before. It didn't work out, and you and your party members perish and their souls leave to start the whole process of excarnation and incarnation all over again.
The visual of a party of heroes taking on the big bad only to be promptly defeated, and the player character being canonically one of those souls has always been very cool to me. As well as the entire concept of reincarnating and starting out in what is basically heaven.
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Always keep in mind that Wakfu takes place in a post-apocalyptic world, and that it was caused by a crying super-powered ogre.
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Interesting to note that in this spacial shot, the World of Twelve seems to have a bigger landmass more akin to the Dofus era world. We later get confirmation that the player character's soul's fought Ogrest a few hundred years ago, so this battle likely took place when shit was just starting to go down.
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When a soul dies in this world, they will eventually re-incarnate in a place called called Incarnam.
Incarnam rests atop a slumbering dragon, which can be also seen in both the old wakfu incarnam map and in the incarnam from the dofus era.
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As I went to fetch these images, it dawned on me that I never looked at these two maps side by side. The dragon itself has sligthly shifted. Areas that where in the dofus era are no longer there, but you can still see the shape of them. The wakfu Incarnam map mirrors the dofus one almost wistfully. It all feels more uncertain, lonely.
All the marks and legends that the gods left during the dofus era are gone. While you could see the images of various gods among the stars, now only the lone image of god Iop graces the sky of the Wakfu era Incarnam. (Frankly, it is quite interesting that only god Iop appears in the sky; maybe he is there because unlike the rest of the gods, a vestige of God Iop is still physically present in the World of Twelve in the form of Tristepin and / or Goultard?)
I wonder, if you dig hard enough, will you find the ruins of the buildings that were once there?
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cocogum · 7 months
The theory behind Evangelyne’s father explained.
After waiting seven years for season 4, we have finally got the newest season of Wakfu, with two episodes coming every Friday on the Okoo app.
Given the fact that it takes a full week to wait for each pair of episodes from the newest season, this leaves us with enough time to theorize and create suspicions about new characters that have revealed themselves in the available episodes we have at the moment.
And it just so happens that we do already have a character that emits a strange atmosphere around them, besides the eliatrope goddess.
And the character I’m mentioning is none other than this man right here:
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We first see him in the second episode of Season 4 and we initially get no context as to why he’s there until the end of the episode.
And after watching the last two minutes of the episode, we received some information about him that made us ask even more questions.
What we know:
1- He is a blind Cra.
2- He’s labelled as a monster by the guards and chief of his prison.
3- He’s also labelled as an assassin by the prison guards, implying that he had killed a very important person in the past.
4- He has excellent aim despite not having his sight (he was seen throwing a rock at a very precise angle which then hit one of the soldiers’ swords just as he was about to leave his prison).
5- He can wield and fight with a bow from what we’ve seen in one of the trailers.
6- According to the credits, this man’s name is “Madagaskan” (weird name but okay).
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So given what we now have about this character, Madagaskan, people have suspected that he may have some kind of link to Evangelyne and could even be somehow related to her as a father.
Why the father theory could work:
1- He is a Cra. Since he has pointed ears and was seen fighting with a bow in one of the trailers, this confirms that he is a cra since cras are primarily known to fight with arrows and have distinctly pointed ears.
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2- His precise aim is just as excellent as Eva’s.
3- While meditating, he heard Flopin’s voice of all people and then made a face when he heard Pin’s voice right after it.
4- Since he was meditating and listening to the Percedal’s family, he could have been overhearing them to keep watch on Evangelyne for whatever reason. So when he hears Pin’s voice, his face scrunches up a bit, almost like he was not pleased in the least to hear a new Iop in the family (it could be because he can sense that this specific baby isn’t a normal one like how Oropo has also felt how unusual he is).
5- Pin’s unusual atmosphere (that or the fact that Rasha is in him now) may have been the reason why Madagaskan had decided to leave his prison after all these years to finally face Evangelyne and her family.
On a personal note, I initially had speculated that this man could have been Evangelyne’s grandfather since he looks way too old to be her father in my opinion. But when I finally remembered that his name (again weird name cuz who the hell is named “Madagaskan”?) was not Flopin, I had given up on the possible theory that he was Eva’s grandfather due to the fact that in the Wakfu manga, Evangelyne’s grandfather is canonically named Flopin which is why Dally and Eva named their cra son after him.
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Overall, I do believe that this theory can work but I do not think Madagaskan is in actuality Evangelyne’s father but rather someone related to her.
After all, it can’t be a coincidence if a cra was overhearing another very specific cra’s family and decided to intervene once he heard that same cra’s newest baby.
(EDIT: after taking a moment to think, I believe this man could also end up being Flopin’s mentor since, well, Elely and Pin have Goultard as a mentor while Flopin has his mom so that wouldn’t be a good balance. Which is why I think Madagaskan should be Flopin’s mentor! Flopin really needs some screentime and a moment to shine!)
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