#iphone 16 colors
unboxxlearning · 3 days
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mokubetech · 3 months
5 Biggest Changes Rumored for iPhone 16 Pro Max If you've been waiting up for an iPhone 16 Pro Max, here are five major updates that are rumored to be come to the largest iPhone Apple has ever made. This iPhone 16 series is expected to launch in the fall, possibly around mid-September.
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trendytechinsight · 13 days
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applesferablog · 1 month
iPhone 16 Filtrado: Primer Vistazo Oficial en Reddit
Primer Vistazo al iPhone 16 La comunidad tecnológica está alborotada tras la aparición en Reddit de la que parece ser la primera imagen oficial del iPhone 16. A menos de un mes de su esperado lanzamiento, esta filtración nos da una idea de lo que Apple tiene preparado para su próxima generación de smartphones. Diseño Revelador La imagen, compartida por el usuario Kaxeno, muestra una unidad…
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bluwavez · 3 months
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˗ ˋ 🌊 CONTENT WARNING ﹕ based off the tiktok trend where people trauma dump while making a candy salad, duh. so, trauma dumping but everything mentioned is not in detail! mentions of abusive parents, homophobia, fat shaming, drug addiction, grooming, sexual abuse, cps, suicide, and death. again, none are in graphic detail and are portrayed in a slightly comedic light. here's dowon's introduction piece, just pretend he's been here the whole time instead of jacob lol!
Jisung is illuminated by an iPhone's camera flash, blinking at the camera as he proudly holds up a bag of peach rings. He looks beyond the camera for his sign to start speaking before looking back at the lens, smiling professionally.
"Hi, my name is Jisung, and when I was 5 years old, my mom decided to take my dad to court for child support, and he got really mad and ordered a hit out on her," Jisung shares with a nod, trying to fight back laughter as he lifts the bag of candy. "And I brought peach rings." He announces as he dumps the bag into the large plastic bowl in front of him.
Dawning a blue hoodie and tousled blond hair, Finn smiles politely at the camera.
"Hey, I'm Finn, and I became addicted to drugs when I was seventeen, so now I have these massive gaps in my memories where I have no idea what happened, but I know it wasn't good," he says with ease, dumping the bag of green gummies into the bowl with a thud.
Kiwoo poses naturally when the camera is on him, holding his bag of M&Ms off to the side of him like he's a game show host.
"Hi, my name is Kiwoo, and when I was 18, my sister killed herself when our parents were out of the country, so I had to be the one to identify her decaying body. I brought M&Ms." He gives a peace sign before dumping the bag of M&Ms into the bowl with a dull clatter.
Noah can't bite back his laughter when the camera is on him, curling his lips in before waving shortly to the camera.
"Hey, I'm Noah. When I was 16, my mom died in the hospital, and when we were doing her honor walk, my dad leaned over to me and whispered, "This is all your fault." and then acted like nothing happened." Noah nods at the camera as his lips form a line before looking at the bag of candy in his hand. "I brought Nerds Gummy Clusters!" He cheers with a forced smile, dumping the candy into the bowl.
Woojin snorts when the camera is on him, tucking his long black hair behind his ear. "Hi, I'm Woojin, and when I was being sexually abused by our manager, I told our CEO in hopes of getting her fired, but, um, I got fired instead! Um," He looks at the bag in his hand, chuckling softly. "I brought blue raspberry gummy straws." the straws land with a dull thud in the bowl when he dumps them out.
Blue blinks at the camera before looking off at the murmuring off-screen, laughing at something Finn said before lifting up his small bag of Sourpatch Kids. "My name is Blue, and when I was 6, my dad threw a vase at my head because he thought I was gay," Blue laughs when the words leave his mouth, the rest of the room laughing with him as he lifts the bag up victoriously. "I brought Sourpatch Kids Watermelons!" He cheers, dumping them in the bowl.
Dowon pushes his hair back with one hand before waving to the camera, unenthused by this group activity suggested by Finn. "I'm Dowon, I'm the leader of DeepDive, and when I was 18, I had a really toxic girlfriend who always argued with me over anything and threatened to kill herself when I tried to break up with her. So, one day, we were arguing over the color of my shirt, and she said she was going to kill herself for the 2000th time, and I said, "Then do it," and she actually attempted to do so in my room," He tells the camera like he's talking to a news reporter before looking at the candy bag in his hand, smiling dumbly. "I brought gummy bears." He simply pours them into the bowl.
Jisung is laughing when the camera is back on him, clearing his throat before waving to the camera.
"Hey, it's me Jisung again, and when I was, like, ten? I met my dad for the first time because he was trying to sue my mom for defamation, and the first time he saw me-" Jisung can't stop himself from laughing, causing the others in the room to laugh as well; he covers his mouth before clearing his throat again to collect himself. "When he saw me for the first time, he made the most disgusted face ever and said "I can't believe I helped create something like you." and proceeded to call me a bastard for the rest of the trial." His voice is tight from trying not to laugh before he lifts the bag of candy. "I brought blue gummy sharks." When he dumps the gummy sharks out, they land in the bowl, all clustered together with a dull thud.
Finn is already laughing when the camera is on him, looking off at someone and laughing harder before he looks back at the camera. "I'm Finn, and when I was eighteen, I had a much older girlfriend who got me addicted to coke, like cocaine, the drug, and one night when we were getting high, I was talking to her, and she was really quiet for a long time so when I looked over I realized she had overdosed and died." Finn makes a face that reads, "What can you do?" before shrugging and holding up his bag of candy. "I brought pink starburst." he dumps the wrapped candy into the bowl, shaking the bag slightly.
Kiwoo sighs at the camera before looking off at Finn. "How the hell am I supposed to follow that?" The room laughs at the other's lament, causing Kiwoo to smile softly before the camera cuts to him sitting up straight and looking at the camera.
"My name is Kiwoo, and when I came out to my parents, my dad said," Kiwoo can't stop himself from laughing, covering his mouth with the back of his hand. "My dad said, "We already knew that." and went back to eating dinner like nothing happened. I brought KitKats." He turned the bag upside down, dumping the candy into the almost-full bowl.
Noah points to the bag of sour gummy worms in his hand, nodding. "I'm Noah. Hey. And for the past seven years, I've been in a relationship with our former manager, who is much older than me and started dating me when I was, like, sixteen, and she would get really mad at me when I would talk to girls my age. So, now, even though we don't see each other anymore, whenever I talk to a girl my age I get hit with an impending sense of dread and paranoia. I brought the sour gummy worms."
Blue smiles stiffly at the camera when it's on him, looking off to the side and realizing he has to follow that up. He sucks air through his teeth.
"I'm Blue, and when I was ten, my dad came back from a business trip and started yelling at my mom that she had gotten fat and then grabbed her face and started shaking her. So, I shoved him really hard, and he fell over and broke his arm because he was an old man. Then he threatened to sue me. Again, I was ten." Blue looks at the bag in his hand before raising it like he was cheers'ing at a bar. "I brought Skittles." When he dumps the bag of Skittles in the bowl, they scatter around the candy with a clatter.
"Hi, I'm Woojin," Woojin says, wasting no time when the camera is on him again, "When I was seven, I lived in America with my mom, and we lived in a motel because we were poor and one day, CPS came and took me away, but they promised I would see my mom again and foster care was only temporary, but now I'm twenty-three and I haven't seen my mom since," Woojin blinks at the camera, chuckling softly before giving a finger heart, causing someone to cackle off-screen. "Love you, mom. I brought strawberry cloud gummies." He laughs as he dumps the bag of pink candy into the bowl.
Dowon sighed when the camera was on him again, tilting his head at it as the others laughed around him, making him break into a smile. He shrugs his broad shoulders.
"What's up, guys. I'm Dowon, and my mom? She was an alcoholic who only started talking to me again once I got rich and famous. I don't remember anything from my childhood thanks to her." He snaps at the camera like he just said something cool and not traumatic before pointing to the bag in his hand. "I'm topping this all off with some chocolate-covered pretzels." Dowon unceremoniously dumps the chocolate-covered pretzels into the filled bowl, laughing under his breath.
It cuts to a shot of Woojin shaking the bowl of candy up with intense concentration, brows knit, and lips pressed into a line as Finn works at stirring it with a plastic fork. The camera work is similar to being in a club, moving close in on the boys, then bouncing away, disorienting at best and nauseating at worst.
The last shot of the video shows Finn proudly showing the camera the candy salad, holding the bowl like a newborn infant instead of a bowl of candy. "All our trauma is in here," Finn jokes, motioning around the candy with his finger.
"That's not even all of it," Blue jokes off-screen, obviously chewing on a gummy bear. "We'd need a much bigger bowl for all that."
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modawg · 3 months
random headcannons abt if the seven could infact have phones
simply what i think their phones would look like/be used for if they could have them as demigods
percy: bro would have a flip phone this is just fact i think he’d also have an iphone but he uses that more like you would an ipad he normally leaves it home unless he knows he’s going somewhere where he’s gonna wanna take pics or notes or smth
id say he and sally had matching flip phones for a while since their cheap sally prob got herself one pre gabe then scavenged her money together to get percy one before he went to his first boarding school and that’s what he’s grown up using
for one of his teen birthdays 14-16 sally got him a newer phone but he’s gotten so used to his trusty flip that he only uses the newer one for games and shit
his wall paper is probably a picture of a dinner with sally paul estelle annabeth and grover it’s very cute
annabeth: she didn’t have a phone for a long while and only ended up getting one from her dad when she started hanging out with them again he got it for her as a way to probably buy her affection he probably got it in like red or something thinking it was her fav color (maybe it was when she was like 5 but be fr) it’s prob like an iphone 8 or smth it was new at the time but old asf now
her phones decked out in camp crafts home made stickers etc etc and she changes her wall paper pretty often depending on her fav pictures she has abt 100000 .5 pics of percy it’s like her fav thing
she mostly just uses it to take pictures set reminders/timer and to look things up + keep in contact with sally and paul
she’s broken it like 6 times at this point but the hephaestus cabin keeps fixing it for her
piper: new new new girlies got the newest phone only bc her dad bought it for her she probably had a phase where she continuously shattered/broke her phone to get her dads attention and was forced to have a flip phone for a while but now that everything’s cooled down her phones the most pristine out of all the seven
her phone is fully decked out with a polaroid of her trio in the case stickers bangles the works it’s probably the best looking phone you could have and she loves it but she only started doing that post chb when she first came to camp her phone was default everything bc she kept getting it replaced
leo: leo either built his own version of a phone or somehow got one like 6 years ago and keeps adding stuff to it/changing things on it to keep it alive bc that thing is holding on for dear LIFE
the most JACKED phone out of everyone like you wouldn’t know he’s a son of hephaestus bc that bitch is wrecked it’s got a cracked screen is disgusting but works probably the smoothest out of everyone’s
he mostly uses it as an extension of his work to take pics of what he’s working on write notes and maybe use the calculator if he was a mortal the police would’ve been at his door like every other day bc of the shit he looks up
jason: he had a cj mandated pager lets be fr he didn’t get a phone until piper took him and hazel to get them ones and when he did get one it was a flip phone it’s sturdy low-key and gets the job done he also just gives me the vibe that he’s feel guilty if you spent more then 50$ on him
his phone also has some stickers including a little bangle of superman that piper made him get it also has a peice of tape on there with his name on it like you would the inside of a kids shirt incase he looses it
frank: he’s got a pretty new phone it was a gift from his gma but it’s locked up in a big fat otter case and he kinda hates using it so it’s default everything until hazel gets her own phone and he starts using it more
i feel like phones aren’t things many ppl have in camp jupiter so he kept that shit under his pillow so he didn’t draw more attention to himself
once he lets himself use it more his wallpapers probably a picture of hazel and percy making goofy faces and he probably has at least one sticker or bangle that matches hazels
hazel: hazel def has an ipod touch she probably traded in a chunk of gold for some cash and bought the cheapest thing but piper got her to at least get something with a screen
her phone case is probably just a white phone case with a bunch of pictures of horses on there and her wallpaper for like a year was just the first selfie she took with jason and piper post buying the phone
once she learns how to change her wall paper she changes it every other week to different random pics she takes
she has a really bad habit of butt dialling people
nico: bro doesn’t have a phone he just seems like the type to not give af abt that and only gets one when will forces him to but it’s forever the most default shit ever he maybe changes the wallpaper to a pic of will but that’s abt it prior to getting his own he was the kid who’d show up and immediately ask if you had games on ur phone for him to play
SPOILER: he does get jason’s flip phone when he dies and uses that for a while but he refuses to change anything about the phone and only uses it for emergencies
when he’s really sad he listens to jason’s voicemail on repeat “hello! you’ve reached jason grace im not available rn but i’ll call you back when i can thanks!..uh piper is it still recording-“
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hugshughes · 1 year
cardigan J. Drysdale
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Jamie Drysdale x fem!reader
synopsis - when you and jamie get married you can’t help but look back on every single memory, good and bad, that led you two to this moment.
wc - 2.5k
contains - honestly mostly fluffy, some angst flashbacks but it’s a cute fic mostly, cursing, shouting, kissing, oh reader has a sister who is her maid of honor, i think that’s it (as always lmk!!)
an - i was about to post this yesterday but i fell asleep sorry lol. i’ve had this practically done for like a week but i kept thinking it wasn’t good enough. im actually really excited for this one! i might’ve not made Jamie and bad as James is but we all know Jamie would never do anything like James so. i love the folklore triangle SO SO MUCH (betty especially my favorite) so this one was so fun to write! i hope you love it!
Today was the best day of your life, your wedding day. You married your best friend since 8th grade, Jamie. You were finally Mrs. Drysdale, Jamie had been waiting for this moment since he realized he was going to marry you in his senior year of high school.
The ceremony was absolutely gorgeous, Jamie cried during your first look and then again when you came down the aisle. He looked perfect, a navy blue suit matching the color of the ribbon on your bridesmaid's bouquets. Trevor was tearing up next to his best friend as you came down the aisle, his grey suit matching with the groomsmen.
Now Trevor’s suit jacket is long gone, thrown over his chair as he dances to an old 90s song in the middle of your reception hall. He had created a dance circle and brought most of your guests, even the elderly, into it. That was also where your husband was dragged to at the moment. Now you were sitting at your dinner seat, looking through the gift your sister gave you as she sat next to you.
Your sister had been your best friend since you were born, her being 3 years older than you. Now, she held your hand as you teared up turning the page of the photo book she’d made you.
vintage tee, brand new phone. high heels on cobblestones. when you are young they assume you know nothing.
The first picture there ever was of you and Jamie, sitting next to each other on your parents’ old couch, his arm wrapped cautiously around you at your 14th birthday party, when he was still just your friend boy. He’d gotten you a new shirt. Well, it was not new, but it was a thrifted vintage shirt you’d been looking for for months.
You’d also gotten a new iPhone 7, amazing at the time. It was a phone you texted Jamie on every night before bed, when during the school year you’d have to leave it on the counter of your kitchen till the next morning. It was crazy to think that those 2 little babies were married now.
sequin smile, black lipstick. sensual politics. when you are young they assume you know nothing.
You laughed at a different picture, remembering when you were almost 16, thinking you were hot shit with your dark lipstick at homecoming. Your beautiful boyfriend of over a year with his shining smile wrapped around your side.
You guys had shocked most when at 17 they asked how long you’d been together, and you guys answered with 2+ years. You guys were so young for how long you were committed to each other.
but i knew you, dancin’ in your Levi’s. drunk under a street light, i. i knew you.
You flipped a few pages, seeing a photo of you and Jamie (taken by your sister), slow dancing in the kitchen, him just in his jeans, bare back muscles on display in the photo. Another photo, you and Jamie, holding hands and running down the sidewalk of Anaheim, both quite tipsy as Trevor filmed you two, being the DD. It all was so surreal. You’re married, to Jamie, the boy you’d loved since forever.
hand under my sweatshirt. baby, kiss it better, i. and when i felt like i was an old cardigan, under someone’s bed. you put me on and said i was your favorite.
A picture of the night you and Jamie got back together. You had broken up for all of 2 and a half weeks when you were both 18. After almost 4 years of being together, it was overwhelming to think of him moving to Anaheim, so far from you.
He came to your place the night before he left, pleading with you to just try and make it work. It didn’t take much begging from him, you were always gonna be his. The way he made you feel, was like no other. His most special girl, as Jamie would put it.
The picture was a snap you’d sent to your sister, a selfie of you and Jamie both crying but laughing, with a caption “guess who’s fav couple is #backtogether!!!!” Your sister loved the photo so much, one of her favorites.
a friend to all is a friend to none. chase two girls, lose the one. when you are young they assume you know nothing.
A picture of you two when you were 16, he’d just won a game with his junior team and your moms needed a picture of you two together when he got off the ice. He’s still in all of his gear, you’re in one of his sweatshirts that had his name and number on the chest. His arm is around your waist, you’re both smiling from ear to ear with rosy cheeks. You remember that night, it was your first argument.
There were some girls, presumably player’s sisters, who were waiting around the locker room at the end of the game. Jamie was the first boy to come out of the lockers, and the girls decided to try and sink their teeth into him.
Jamie was trying to get them off of him, all he wanted was to see you. When you finally came over to the locker rooms, all you saw was Jamie with his back to you, and two girls rubbing his arms with big smiles on their faces, telling him how amazing he played.
If Jamie’s back hadn’t been turned from you, you would’ve seen his uncomfortable and upset face, and him telling them to get off of him. But you didn’t see that, what you did see broke your little 16-year-old heart.
You knew in the back of your head you probably should’ve waited to see what his reaction was but you couldn’t fight the ache in your chest when you saw it. You practically ran out to the car, texting your mom that you didn’t feel well and wanted to go home before your planned dinner with the Drysdale’s.
You got a few questions from your parents, but you just told them you felt sick. And you did, to be fair, just not in the way they assumed. Jamie texted, his parents told him how you felt sick and he was concerned. Your answers to his texts concerned him more though, you were being vague, a little mean, even. You’d avoided Jamie for almost a week before he came over when he knew you’d be home and questioned you.
His first thought was that you were really sick, but he also knew how you got when you were sick. If you were sick you always wanted Jamie however you could have him, in person, over text, on Facetime, anything. He knew it was something else. His suspicions were proven correct when he barged into your room, and you were lying on your bed texting, perfectly well.
He argued with you a little bit, just upset that you were telling him you were sick to not see him. He was almost embarrassed about it. When the truth finally came out, Jamie immediately softened, feeling bad that you thought he would give any girl other than you the time of day. When he told you what really happened, you felt so stupid. You apologized over and over. Jamie assured you he understood, but asked you to please tell him if something was ever bothering you.
but i knew you. playing hide-and-seek and giving me your weekends, i i knew you, heartbeat on the high line once in twenty lifetimes, i. and when i felt like i was an old cardigan, under someone’s bed. you put me on and said i was your favorite.
You were Jamie’s sanctuary, his place of peace when his world was upside down. Because of how long you’d known each other, you both could be kids again while together. Your moms bet that you would get married the minute they both found out you were dating. At 14, they both knew that you two were forever. They could see the soulmate connection you two have.
You made each other feel new, while also reminding each other of the good in the past. You came to every Otters game, then when he was drafted almost every Ducks game. Your parents weren’t skeptical even for a second when you said you were going to move to Anaheim and go to school there. They knew Jamie had you, and that you were in good hands.
to kiss in cars and downtown bars, was all we needed. you drew stars around my scars, but now i’m bleedin’.
Jamie had been there through everything. Every panic attack, every bad day, every fight with your parents. He was always there to hold you and whisper sweet nothings to you. He never expected anything from you except for your love, and that wasn’t a hard ask.
Jamie was the most loving and lovable person in the world. He knew what to say and when to say it. He was always able to make everything better, he was everything everywhere all the time.
cause i knew you, steppin’ on the last train. marked me like a bloodstain, i. i knew you. tried to change to the ending, Peter losing Wendy, i. i knew you. leavin’ like a father, runnng like water, i. and when you are young they assume you know nothing.
During those few months when you couldn’t tell what the future of your relationship looked like you were so scared. Pretty much everything you’d done in the past year or so had been for Jamie. Finding a school near Anaheim, moving across the country to Anaheim, trying to be the most supportive girlfriend you could.
Jamie was unlike himself for those months. You were scared the NHL would have forever changed the boy you fell in love with. He was just, different. You couldn’t tell if he was just getting older or if he felt like he had to act older to be respected in the league.
The night Jamie found you broken down is the night he realized he had almost ruined the one consistently good thing he had. He has apologized for weeks after, he felt so terrible and it made you feel even worse, seeing him tearing himself up over something you were past.
but i knew you’d linger like a tattoo kiss. i knew you’d haunt all of my what-ifs. the smell of smoke would hang around this long, ‘cause i knew everything when i was young. i knew i’d curse you for the longest time. chasin’ shadows in the grocery line. i knew you’d miss me once the thrill expired, and you’d be standin’ in my front porch light.
You knew no matter what happened to your relationship he would always be “the 1”. He had been your everything since you were 14 years old, there was no way you could ever get over him.
Jamie had realized his mistake of putting you on the back burner a few weeks before he was able to admit it. He had had a bad game, like really bad. He had multiple penalties, hadn’t done a great job leading the defense, or assisting the offense.
After the game, he was pissed with himself, but his best friend came over to him, patting him on the back and saying “Go home and relax. You’ve been so tense lately. Go be with your girl and chill, you definitely need it.”
It confused him, all season he’d been working harder and harder than ever before, and he assumed when all that work wasn’t helping, he had to push himself even more. He never realized that his best successes came from when he was relaxed when he had been talking to you before, when he could see you in the crowd.
You had come to as many games as you could all season. But one night, after a fight over God knows what, Jamie told you not to bother coming to his game the next night, and you hadn’t gone since.
Jamie had questioned his love for hockey at times during his rookie season. He’d even thought about what his life would look like without it. He never had to question one thing though, that you’d be there no matter what he did. He’d thought about his future, always just knowing you were gonna be there.
Jamie realized that you weren’t always gonna be there if he didn’t care for you like he should. He realized you could probably find another guy who would bend over backward to do everything you ever wanted for you. He realized he had to start doing that again, because you’d done everything for him in the past year, and never asked for anything in return.
and i knew you’d come back to me. you’d come back to me. and you’d come back to me. you’d come back.
You didn’t realize tears were running down your face until your sister wiped them away, tilting your head up to look at her. She then nodded to the side, and you followed her gaze, seeing your husband standing next to you. Your husband. His smile drops when he sees your tears.
“Hey woah baby, are you alright?”
You sniff and nod, laughing at yourself.
“Yes, just my stupid sister made me cry with her present.”
He laughed and shook his head at your sister, saying something about not making the most important girl of the night cry. Your sister stood up from her seat, going to pick up your niece who had fallen asleep at one of the tables. You turned back to Jamie after your sister had left, smiling at him with glossy eyes.
“You tired pretty?”
“A bit, but I guess I could dance with you a little more. At the end of the day, you are my husband.”
He nodded at you with amusement, letting out an “oh yeah?” and grabbing your hand to pull you from your seat, smashing his lips into yours. You held his face while he held your waist. You got a few whoops from your wedding party, calling you over to the dance floor, a Taylor Swift song had just come on, and Trevor was about to go crazy.
When you pulled away from each other, you both had the most lovesick smiles on your faces, intertwining hands and running over to the dance floor, jumping around with the people you loved most, shouting the lyrics to Cruel Summer.
Jamie was always gonna be yours, no matter what happened.
and when i felt like i was an old cardigan, under someone’s bed. you put me on and said i was your favorite.
i’m making a taglist for this if anyone would like that! comment or send an ask if you’re interested!
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i-am-church-the-cat · 11 months
Logan Sargeant is a silly little guy
@vii-tto idk why but it wouldn't let me tag you. Hopefully you see this. also @spell-of-the-rain i added things if you want to check out 75-87
But here's the list of things i know/want to know about logan sargeant
Favorite Actor is Brad Pitt
Favorite Movie is Wolf of Wall Street
Favorite food is a hamburger
Has a boat and often goes deep sea fishing
Lived in London since he was 15
Lose Yourself by Eminem is his favorite hype up song
Is a Dolphins and Heat fan
Enjoyed “No Man, No Cry” by Jimmy Sax
Drinks iced lattes with oat milk
Pumpkin spice lattes?? Edit 12/16/23: No
Has been to Wimbledon
Knows what cricket is
Has a rescue dog named Coco
Also enjoys hockey Edit 11/1/23: Supports the Florida Panthers NHL team and has gone to at least 1 of their games with his friend Kyle Kirkwood
Does he follow college football?
What does he think of the new Miami head coach? 
If not for motorsport, does he think he would have gone pro in a different sport, and if so which one?
Enjoys listening to 50 Cent (is also a big rap fan in general)
Can he speak any other languages with any degree of familiarity?
Cannot draw
Can make a sandwich (other foods?)
Rates all food from one bite and with weird decimals
Gritty-ed in his f1 car
Makes the Williams photographers look like they take good photos
Does he have an English or a Florida driver’s license? And does he still have US citizenship even though he lives in the UK? What kind of visa is he on?
Top three female athletes? (Serena Williams, Simone Biles, and Megan Rapinoe are all acceptable answers) 
Collects Aussies and Kiwis for friends
Does he like the snow? Prefers the heat but does he like snow?
Does he like Missy Elliot? (Requirement) 
“Basic Halloween Bitch”
Calls people “mate” but in an American accent which will never stop being funny
Eye Crinkles™️
Does not have a set eye color he’s just too mystical for that
Has never been to a concert (presumably too busy with racing)
He can swim, he can drive, but can he ride a bike? Edit 11/15/23: He can indeed ride a bike
American commercial cars or  European ones?
Has an older brother but is like an older brother to Benny’s kid
Likes marshmallows
Does not like black beans
Did not think apple could be chips
Knows how to sail??
Knows how to golf
Can paddle (required for any F1 driver)
Lost the F3 championship in 2020 bc of a DNF in the last race
Can he sing??
Does he drink energy drinks? Red Bull or Monster? 
He and Duracell are passionately making out
Blush is very pretty 
Wears a lot of baseball hats
Somehow beat jet lag (expat king)
Mostly spends his nights in but he has some nights out (presumably very interesting ones)
Has an iPhone with a blue case
He looks very pretty in blue
His eyes are sometimes blue
Blue=fav color?? Edit 11/6/23: favorite color is Ocean blue (credit to @spell-of-the-rain)
Pretty insecure (armchair diagnosed anxiety)
Close with his brother and parents but maybe not his extended family?
Is Florida State his college team?? (Worst thing a man can be is a Florida St fan) Edit 12/16/23: believing that FSU got screwed over this year is acceptable
Did he graduate high school??
Did he ever consider going into NASCAR or did moving to Europe at a young age kind of set in stone his path towards open-wheel racing?
Hair is blond/dirty blond
Does he vote in American elections?? (If he supports RonD I cannot stan)
Burger Sauce™️
Logan Hunter Sargeant, certified Frat Bro, most American man ever
Has seen peaky blinder and presumably stranger things
Knows how to carve a pumpkin but has not celebrated Halloween at home in a bit
Possibly dating some instagram model
Caused $4 million in damages, gets payed $1 million a year, and supposedly brings in $30 million in sponsors
Key phrases: “Locked in”, “Bam/Boom”, “Done and dusted” Additions 11/1/23: "Oh hell yeah", "I think you're a little lost here, Chief". Additions 11/6/23: “Yeh” (gets quieter throughout the word (how it’s one syllable??)), “on the bounce” (credit to @spell-of-the-rain i believe)
Joined the Williams Driver Academy in 2021 
Got stuck in F3 bc he didn’t have the money to move up
Driver for Carlin in 2022
Former teammates include Liam Lawson, Oscar Piastri, Frederick Vesti (Edit 11/6/23: Max Fewtrell possibly?)
DOB: December 31, 2000
Had a giveaway for gloves he used to win an F4 race on Twitter in 2017 and both Lando Norris and Max Fewtrell replied
Originally his number was 3 but he switched to 2 for F1 (to much fan consternation who thought he had so many better options)
Childhood best friends with Kyle Kirkwood, a current Indycar driver
Logan's older brother Dalton raced in NASCAR until 2018
Did a commercial for Sport23
Does not have cowboy boots as of COTA 2023
Born in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA
lived in Switzerland from 14-15(?)
knows the conversion rate for a kilometer
is taller than a tuna fish
Podiumed at the Macau Grand Prix in 2019
Won the CIK-FIA championship when he was 14 Additions as of 11/1/23
Loves waffles but they are not his favorite dessert
Very patriotic (oh hell yeah)
is the first American F1 point scorer in 30 years and the first one to score on home soil since 1989
Went to see the Nets in NYC (but would have preferred to see the Knicks)
has a custom Miami Dolphins jersey with his last name on the back
Claims to know all the lyrics to "Ice Ice Baby" (credit to @formulaaone) (Edited 11/6/23)
Additions as of 11/6/23:
Under the same talent agency as Alex Albon
Has the same manager as George Russell
George Russell was his mentor coming up
Went to a catholic private school (credit to @wenevrknew)
Does not like fish? (Credit to @spell-of-the-rain)
He runs weird (in my opinion as he reminds me of my brother when he was 12 (he ran very strangely))
Karted in Las Vegas when he was a kid
Can he drive a stick shift? (Alex believes he cannot)
Enjoys video games
Refers to his car as “she”
Knew how to attach a visor to his helmet prior to February(? Could’ve been March but before the season) 2023
Additions as of 12/16/23
Broke his arm in a 2014 German Karting Championship when Marcus Armstrong took him out at T1 (credit to @spell-of-the-rain )
Has gotten his head eaten by the Golden Knights mascot
If he could have any superpower, he would like to teleport
Has never flown a drone
Favorite racing movie is Talladega Nights (sad Mater noises)
Does not trust other people to drive him
Would rather sleep in then get up early
Considers himself fairly organized
His mother makes a very good sweet potato casserole
Got his habit of worrying from his mom
“Santa’s Little Helper”
Driving for Williams Racing Formula 1 Team in 2024
Got out qualified by his teammate every race of 2023
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pinkheart22 · 28 days
The New iPhone 16 Pro colors are the same as Taylor Swift's The Tortured Poets Department Vinyl Colors
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Ink Black, Ghosted White, Smoke Gray, Parchment Beige
@taylorswift @taylornation
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justabigoldnerd · 4 months
For the WIP tag game, I have to know more about number 16, the Soviet Russia Memes Incident, please!
AKHDJSSKHDJ Okay so I was inspired by these memes:
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And started writing a modern crack fic where Solo and Gaby torment Illya with them 😅
Here's a snippet, under the cut!
"So," Waverly started, leaning back in his chair, "Would either of you like to tell me exactly how this happened?" He gestured between the two men vaguely.
Solo moved the icepack he was holding against his swollen eye to glance over at Illya. The Russian wasn't in much better shape; blood was drying around his nose, and a colorful bruise blossomed along his jaw. He was sitting up perfectly straight, his arms crossed and a frankly pissed expression on his face. Solo rolled his eyes and flexed his sore knuckles.
"I….may have misused the work group chat."
"'Misused,'" Illya scoffed under his breath.
"Misused, how?" Waverly prompted.
"In my defense," Solo drawled as he wrangled his phone from the inner pocket of his blazer, "They were hilarious."
A crease formed in Waverly's brow as he accepted the phone, but as he scrolled through the seemingly endless number of messages, his confusion gave way to annoyance. "To be perfectly honest, Mr. Solo, I am impressed at just how many of these you were able to find."
"I made a few of them myself," he preened, "I'm particularly fond of the 'in Soviet Russia, its not iPhone, its OURPhone' one."
"Is not funny," Illya grumbled.
"Right. Mr. Solo, I believe some sensitivity training is in order. However, I don't believe the onslaught of memes warranted an assault. So, in lieu of a harsher penalty, I'll just have you apologize to each other."
Solo huffed, and looked to Illya, who mirrored his indignation.
Waverly leaned forward again and clicked his pen threateningly, "Or would you prefer paperwork only for a month?"
With a sigh, Solo shifted in his chair to half-face Illya, "I'm sorry for sending you a hundred Soviet Russia memes, Peril."
"One hundred and thirty five," he corrected through gritted teeth.
"You counted?"
"When messages keep you up all night, nothing else to do but count."
"It wasn't-" Solo tried to protest, but a pointed look from Waverly made him stop short, "I'm sorry for sending you one hundred and thirty five Soviet Russia memes."
Illya's glare didn't waver in intensity, even as he tipped his head to the side and held Solo's gaze. He was silent for a few moments, then took in a deep breath and muttered, "I am sorry for punching your face. Might have been overreaction."
Solo chewed the inside of his cheek, unable to conjure much anger when he was faced with Illya's ridiculously adorable head tilt, and he had no right to be that attractive with blood smearing his face. 
"I didn't break your nose, did I?" he asked before he could stop himself, in a soft tone that made him curse inwardly. Maybe Illya had concussed him.
In a fraction of a second, something flickered behind Illya's murderous stare, and he turned away with a shrug. He cleared his throat and stared at a missed spot in the freshly polished tile. "Doesn't feel broken."
"Good," Solo nodded, an extremely unfamiliar feeling of awkwardness churning in his stomach.
"Well then," their boss cut in, sounding more like a middle school principal than the commander of an international espionage force, "Now that's all settled, Mr. Solo, I expect you to be front row at next week's sensitivity seminar. Otherwise, you're both dismissed."
"Thank you, sir," Solo beamed bitterly as he stood, "Looking forward to it."
Illya mumbled a similar acknowledgment and slunk out of the office. Once Solo shut the door behind them, he sighed and mused, "Now the only question is how did Gaby get out of this one."
"No idea," Illya shook his head, "Even screenshots I took were altered. Without my knowledge. Couldn't even track changes."
"She's getting too good at this game," Solo tsked, a bit of pride swelling in his chest nevertheless.
"Da. We make her pay."
"How do you suggest we do that?"
His partner's fingers drummed against his leg, and the muscle in his jaw jumped as he considered their options. "We take engine."
"The whole thing?"
The corner of Illya's mouth quirked up in a poorly hidden smile, "Is just bizarre enough to be good payback."
"She's gonna be pissed," Solo laughed quietly, "Hide it in rendezvous three- no, two. The storage rack in there is taller."
Illya nodded along, mischief washing away the anger in his eyes, and checked their surroundings before giving Solo's chest a pat, "Come on, Cowboy. Let's go steal an engine."
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mokubetech · 3 months
iPhone 16 Pro - IT'S HAPPENING AGAIN! Samsung has reportedly placed orders for the M14 materials and is preparing to mass produce the displays in the second half of the year for Apple's iPhone 16 Pro models. Google's Pixel 9 smartphone is the only other device that is expected to adopt the high-performance displays in 2024.
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trendytechinsight · 18 days
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applesferablog · 1 month
iPhone 16 Pro: Desvelando sus Nuevos Colores
La expectación en torno al próximo lanzamiento del iPhone 16 Pro no deja de crecer. Y aunque todavía faltan meses para su presentación oficial, las filtraciones nos brindan un emocionante adelanto de lo que podemos esperar. Una de las novedades más comentadas es la renovación de su paleta de colores, que promete un aspecto fresco y sofisticado. Adiós al Azul, Hola al Oro Según los rumores más…
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murasaki-cha · 1 year
Cale: *commits calebab*
Clopeh + God of Despair temple: Caught you in 8K UHD surround sound 16 Gigs ram, HDR GEFORCE RTX, TI-80 texas insturments, Triple A duracell battery ultrapower100 Cargador Compatible iPhone 1A 5 W 1400 + Cable 100% 1 Metro Blanco Compatible iPhone 5 5 C 5S 6 SE 6S 7 8 X XR XS XS MAX GoPro hero 1 2 terrabyte xbox series x Dell UltraSharp 49 Curved Monitor - U4919DW Sony HDC-3300R 2/3" CCD HD Super Motion Color Camera, 1080p Resolution Toshiba EM131A5C-SS Microwave Oven with Smart Sensor, Easy Clean Interior, ECO Mode and Sound On/Off, 1.2 Cu. ft, Stainless Steel HP LaserJet Pro M404n Monochrome Laser Printer with Built-in Ethernet (W1A52A) GE Voluson E10 Ultrasound Machine LG 23 Cu. Ft. Smart Wi-Fi Enabled InstaView Door-in-Door Counter-Depth Refrigerator with Craft Ice Maker GFW850SPNRS GE 28" Front Load Steam Washer 5.0 Cu. Ft. with SmartDispense, WiFi, OdorBlock and Sanitize and Allergen - Royal Sapphire Kohler K-3589 Cimarron Comfort Height Two-Piece Elongated 1.6 GPF Toilet with AquaPiston Flush Technology., Quick Charge 30W Cargador 3.0 Cargador de Viaje Enchufe Cargador USB Carga Rápida con 3 Puertos carga rápida Adaptador de Corriente para iPhone x 8 7 Xiaomi Pocophone F1 Mix 3 A1 Samsung S10 S9 S8AUKEY Quick Charge 3.0 Cargador de Pared 39W Dual Puerto Cargador Móvil para Samsung Galaxy S8 / S8+/ Note 8, iPhone XS / XS Max / XR, iPad Pro / Air, HTC 10, LG G5 / G6 AUKEY Quick Charge 3.0 Cargador USB 60W 6 Puerto Cargador Móvil para Samsung Galaxy S8 / S8+ / Note 8, LG G5 / G6, Nexus 5X / 6P, HTC 10, iPhone XS / XS Max / XR, iPad Pro/ Air, Moto G4 SAMSUNG 85-inch Class Crystal UHD TU-8000 Series - 4K UHD HDR Smart TV with Alexa Built-in (UN85TU8000FXZA, 2020 Model) GE 38846 Premium Slim LED Light Bar, 18 Inch Under Cabinet Fixture, Plug-In, Convertible to Direct Wire, Linkable 628 Lumens, 3000K Soft Warm White, High/Off/Low, Easy to Install, 18 Ft Bissell Cleanview Swivel Pet Upright Bagless Vacuum Cleaner Trane20,000-Watt 1-Phase LPG/NG Liquid Cooled Whole House Standby Generator
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traineecryptid · 11 months
DMBJ Web Film: Reality Control Unit (Part 2)
Creature data as posted by the official NPSS Weibo account.
DMBJ Web Film: Reality Control Unit (Part 1) Other web films in the works Translated by @traineecryptid Google document with posts in both Part 1 and Part 2
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Nanpai Sanshu (+Follow) 23-10-21 Posted from Zhejiang From iPhone 13 Pro Max Where do strange creatures go? Nagas, Flying Night Ghost and subdued creatures have actually been locked up in Xie Yuchen’s secret base—The Reality Control Unit. The function of this secret unit, the people involved in this plan and other layers of mysteries await their resolution, please look forward to it.
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(left) Reality Control Unit (right) Xie Yuchen’s extraordinary collection (bottom middle) RCU, Reality Control Unit
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Reality Control Unit, RCU Collected Storage date: 16/09/2023 Activity levels: [redacted] Case file number: W22202 Name: Flying Night Ghost Level: Level 3 Place of birth: Mong[redacted], Gobi Description: A type of nonhuman creature that was created by Jin-era Daoist scholars using [redacted]. It grows quickly. Initially about the size of an eyeball, it can grow to look like a human within a few hours. But it differs from humans with its many heads that have strange childlike faces and a pair of feathered wings. It moves quickly, possesses great strength and has a great ability to [redacted] making it hard to kill.  NO. W22202 Agent: Wu Xie Administrator: Li Cu Control measure: 004 Regular Observation Room Reality Control Unit Notes: None Xie Yuchen’s extraordinary collection
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Reality Control Unit, RCU Collected Storage date: [redacted] Activity levels: [redacted] Case file number: [C]B1130N Name: Zhu Jiu Yin Level: [redacted] Place of birth: [redacted] Description: A type of extremely large poisonous snake that was born during ancient times. It lives very deep underground and was known as “Candle Dragon” in the olden days. The fat within the Zhu Jiu Yin’s body is highly flammable and was rendered into oils to make candles for light in the Emperor Shun era. The scales of the Zhu Jiu Yin is very small but hardy, making it incredibly impervious to attacks. The Zhu Jiu Yin’s eyes are horizontal and purple in color while its Yin eye is blood red in color. Legend has it that a thousand year old Zhu Jiu Yin’s Yin eye is connected to hell, and a glance from it would cause a person to be possessed by evil spirits. After some time, the person would  become a type of creature with the head of a human but the body of a snake. [C]B113ON Agent: Qi [redacted] Administrator: Yang Hao Control measure: C010 Large Underground Vivarium Cavity Notes: Disclosure of its existence is strictly prohibited. Reality Control Unit Xie Yuchen’s extraordinary collection
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Reality Control Unit, RCU Collected Storage date: 11/12/2007 Activity levels: [redacted] Case file number: B11505 Name: Wild Chicken’s Neck Level: Level 3 Place of birth: Tamutuo Description: Some legends say that this type of snake are “little dragons” that live along the dragon veins in the mountains and rivers. There are also other legends saying that they are snake spirits that occupy the areas above the dragon veins. They are the emperors of snakes, inciting fear in other snake species. Wild Chicken’s Necks are as thick as a person’s wrist and fiery red all over. The snake’s head is sharply triangular in shape with a chicken crest on top. They can [redacted] and would often crow like a rooster. Wild Chicken’s Necks can fly flat on the ground, their movements are swift as lighting and they are extremely poisonous to the extent that no grass would grow where they have been. They are social animals and would enact revenge in groups. NO. B11505 Agent: Zhang Qiling Administrator: Yang Hao Control measure: 012 Isolation Room Reality Control Unit Notes: None Xie Yuchen’s extraordinary collection
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Reality Control Unit, RCU Collected Storage date: 28/10/2023 Activity levels: [redacted] Case file number: W22301 Name: Fog Deity Level: Level 2 Place of birth: Wumulei Description: A deity of great fog in the Wumulei mountain region. It wears a two-winged hat guan on its head and a red robe with talisman calligraphy on its body. It is shaped like a red clothed Nuo folk religion god with a ghostly posture and a fierce appearance. It often enters the Stone Room in the Black Gold Ancient Hall and would appear and disappear along with the fog. When it appears, it would plunder and kill people and animals, leaving any area that it has been devoid of life. It [redacted] causing [redacted] and it has a strong ability to propagate, making it indestructible.  NO. W22301 Agent: Wu Xie Administrator: Yang Hao Control measure: 005 Training Room Reality Control Unit Notes: None Xie Yuchen’s extraordinary collection
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Reality Control Unit, RCU Collected Storage date: 19/07/2017 Activity levels: [redacted] Case file number: B11801 Name: Miluotuo Level: Level 1 Place of birth: Banai Description: A type of creature that was bred and kept by the Yao people in the ancient times. Its entire body is green like a piece of jade. It is sensitive towards [redacted] and its attacks are very powerful. Miluotuo moves by corroding rocks and consumes any living thing that it can catch as food. It hunts by sealing crevices and caves with its secretions, trapping the prey until they die and consuming the corpses afterwards. It is afraid of volcanic rocks and strong alkali. [redacted] NO. B11801 Agent: Wu Xie Administrator: Zhang Qiling Control measure: 111 Strong Alkali Airtight Cabin Reality Control Unit Notes: None Xie Yuchen’s extraordinary collection
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Reality Control Unit, RCU Collected Storage date: 02/04/2013 Activity levels: [redacted] Case file number: B11103 Name: Nine Headed Snake Cypress Level: Level 1 Place of birth: Lu [redacted] Description: A type of huge tree that has countless vines as thick as telephone poles wound around it. Its vines are like little green hands, being very agile. When it hunts, the vines would rear up like snakes, the ends unfurling like ghost hands and can [redacted]. They usually trap their prey to death but do not possess the ability to kill and digest the prey. Thus, it formed a symbiotic relationship with Shi[redacted] and other beetle type insects.  NO. B11103 Agent: Wu Xie Administrator: Li Cu Control measure: Number 101 Tianxin Rock Covered Layer Box Reality Control Unit Notes: None Xie Yuchen’s extraordinary collection
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Reality Control Unit, RCU Collected Storage date: 01/09/2007 Activity levels: [redacted] Case file number: B11202 Name: Sea Monkey Level: Level 2 Place of birth: [redacted] Description: A type of human creature that lives in [redacted]. They have an unquellable hostility towards other living beings, attacking viciously and harboring immense sense of revenge. They are very large in size and covered in sharp scales. Their agility and strength far outweighs those of a regular human. Fears [redacted]. Are able to think to a certain extent. NO. B11202 Agent: Wu Xie Administrator: Li Cu Control measure: 003 Regular Observation Room Reality Control Unit Notes: None Xie Yuchen’s extraordinary collection
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Reality Control Unit, RCU Collected Storage date: 04/11/2022 Activity levels: [redacted] Case file number: W22101 Name: Nagas Level: Level 3 Place of birth: Mumaru Description: Nagas means “a thing that is impossible to exist.’ It is a type of large, soft-bodied creature living in [redacted]. It has many tentacles and is covered in slime all over. Nagas has many tentacles that have suckers on the undersides, allowing them to stick to or trap living beings. The ends of its tentacles are sharp and curl inwards. They will slither like snakes and are good at disguising themselves on land. Nagas primarily identifies its prey’s location by [redacted]. Nagas has a certain level of sentience.  NO. W22101 Agent: Xie Yuchen Administrator: Qi [redacted] Control measure: After Experiment S03, Nagas is able to understand commands. It will be trained to be the protector of this institution. Notes: Special permission has been approved Reality Control Unit Xie Yuchen’s extraordinary collection
Note: I've translated the text to match the source as closely as possible instead of doing it in a more localised way. Feel free to ask what certain terms mean, I will edit this post to include the explanation and add an explanation section to the gdocs for the answers.
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tommos · 2 years
one direction history post: strange merch
hi everyone! i'm starting a small series of one direction history posts just to combine my interests in both history and the boys. these won't be super in depth, more so showing and telling. this first post is about some weird and strange merch choices one direction's marketing team has attempted to sell us throughout the years. i got these screenshots from the wayback machine looking at onedirectionstore.com, their official store. they are separated by era solely based on what was present on their shop at the time of each of the boys albums. these merch items are not a reflection of the albums themselves (which you'd think their merch team would try to appeal more to the aging fanbase as years went on), they all seem to me to be more geared toward how much they can attempt to get us buy. i now present to you the weirdest, most dated one direction merch i could find <3 enjoy
X Factor - Up All Night
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what is this for, who is this for, why is this one of the first accessory items ever posted on the one direction store??? what was the initial demographic of the one direction fanbase?? idk when i was 10 i didn't need this, i would enjoy one now though
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if you guys remember silly bandz, you are a veteran.. also give us toledoans credit where it's due because one of ours invented these bad boys
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finally my iphone 4 will be decked out in the one direction collectors set
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this was also the start of their personalized messages section of merch you could buy. surprise your loved one with heartfelt messages such as 'birthday girl' or 'merry christmas daughter'
Take Me Home
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from here on out, this and two other photos are the only photos their team decided to make merch with. there is two other duvet sets that use those other photos, even in their later eras
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sometimes i wake up in a cold sweat remembering these existed. if i can find my louis mask, i will wear it to fitfwt
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if any of you have this keyring or the singing toothbrush, send me a clip of it singing please or if it is able to sing. i am so curious im on the edge of my seat
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Midnight Memories
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i literally do not know what this has to do with music, one direction, or anyone associated with one direction
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i need to point out, these one direction watches came in literally every single color you could imagine. i do not know why they are merched inside of a can?? but they were the it-girl of their merch during this era
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speaking of cans, WHAT IS THIS
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would any of you fine people want to buy a 1d girls glitter strap shoe? it is merch like this that really reminds me one direction was moreso a brand than a band to their team
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kudos to their team for picking a more recent photo for the era, but also who would want this
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do you guys remember the craze of this specific type of lamp
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if the scooter isn't your speed, how about this one direction 16" cruiser bike make with old uan era font, color schemes, and photos?
Made In The AM
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i am only putting this mitam find in here to point out something that i found crazy. this shirt was on the one direction merch website only one month after march 25th, you can see how quickly their merch team shelled out merch without zayn on it. i didn't include anymore, but even their on the road again tour merch on the website quickly had zayn erased
i hope you guys all enjoyed this weird trip down memory lane if you can call it that, and liked looking at some of the weird merch their team used to sell. this is only stuff that stood out to me, i'm sure there's a lot more somewhere so if you have any, send them to me or feel free to add onto this post. if you own any of these, ESPECIALLY THE BIKE, please add a pic of them to this post lol
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