#iphone x usa
novafire-is-thinking · 8 months
Looking for volunteers…
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As some of you know, @cyber-streak-2 and I have been providing the fandom with quality incorrect quotes for a while now.
I’ve had a lot of fun with it, but since I’ll be cutting down on my fandom activities for a while, I won’t be able to help with incorrect quotes more than once a week.
Styx and I are looking for a few volunteers who can fill in for me and suggest characters for quotes.
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Responsibilities and requirements below:
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Styx will DM you a handful of incorrect quotes sometime during the day, depending on its availability. Usually, this happens sometime in the evening (MT-EST USA).
The message will appear as follows:
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Sometime before the next day, you will evaluate the quotes and suggest characters that fit each quote.
I recommend copy-pasting the full message into a separate app (iPhone Notes, Google Docs, etc.) and brainstorming over there. It’ll make your life easier if you can see all the quotes in front of you as you work, and it’ll also help prevent mix-ups on your end.
My preferred brainstorming setup:
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When you’re finished matching things up, you will send back your suggestions in the following format:
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Anubis will look over your suggestions, and it’ll thank you if it’s satisfied. If not, he’ll ask if you have any other suggestions for [quote #x].
Other things to know:
If you’re busy when Styx sends the quotes, don’t feel pressured to respond; you don’t even have to let it know you’re busy. As long as you send your suggestions/ideas before the morning of the next day (6am EST), you’re free to answer him whenever you want. Styx is chill like that :)
If you can’t think of any character(s) that will fit one or more of the quotes, say so. The only consequence is that there will be less quotes.
If the quotes are published, and you realize you or Anubis accidentally mixed up the characters, don’t hesitate to DM, point it out, and state exactly what changes should be made. It’s happened plenty of times with me, and Styx hasn’t hesitated to change the quotes, even after they’ve been published.
If you think of multiple characters that fit a single quote, feel free to suggest them too.
Multi-character formatting examples:
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If you can think of a way to correct and/or improve one or more of the quotes, send back the full quote(s) with the completed changes incorporated. This makes it easy for Anubis to just copy and paste the updated version(s):
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Must have a solid grasp of the main characters’ personalities in MTMTE + LL, preferably with a grasp of some characters from the rest of IDW1, TFP, and EarthSpark. Knowledge of characters from TFA, G1, and Beast Wars is appreciated for the sake of additional variety, but not necessary. No Rescue Bots, RiD15, or Cyberverse, please.
Must be able to communicate concisely. Styx does best when there’s little-to-no ambiguity in the wording of character suggestions and all other messages. (No need to be me or an Ultra Magnus. Just be willing to confirm or reword things if asked.)
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Congratulations and thank you to anyone who’s read this far. 😎
If you’re interested in doing this, please DM me with which day(s) you’re available, and we can discuss other details. I’ll answer any questions you may have.
I know this may seem like a lot, but it’s easy and fun once you’ve been doing it for a little while. I’ve gotten a lot of good laughs out of imagining which characters would say which things.
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just asking for advice, you're not forced to answer ofc
i struggle a lot with motivation, when i force myself to do things, it just doesn't feel right, and i feel so guilty about it, things like going to school or even brushing my teeth, it's all pointless and physically exhausting
idk if i'm just lazy or smt
anyway, any tips for folks with low motivation?
Hello, love! Thank you for your patience. Motivation is such a common struggle. I use some unconventional study and motivation tactics personally, as someone with ADHD and Dyslexia I have to get through a lot of nonsense to do basic things. First, you are not lazy! The idea today of laziness is very frustrating to me, and I feel is built on capitalist (and white supremacist) ideals. See the NAP Ministry.
According to The (USA) National Library of Medicine, "Executive dysfunction is commonly seen in major depression. The types of executive deficits seen in depression include problems with planning, initiating, and completing goal-directed activities." Anyone struggling with depression, whether an episode or long-term can struggle with these basic tasks. So how can we deal with this?
Some different techniques that may help:
Talk through the tasks you need to do out loud. You can discuss them in linear order or not. Don't focus on making them perfect and detailed, just explain it like you would to a friend.
Explain what you are doing as if someone is watching you/you're teaching someone. This is how I motivate myself when studying/working out/etc. and shows you that you do know what you are doing.
Break tasks down into smaller pieces to help them be more manageable, or simplify the ones that seem too complicated. (For this I need to do x, then y, then z. I don't need to overthink brushing my teeth, it's okay to just go do it.
Ask someone to be your accountability buddy. Body doubling/parallel play can be very useful. I ask my partner to brush his teeth with me so I have someone else there.
Accept that you don't need to do 100% of everything. You can't brush, floss, and use mouthwash? Okay brush for even just thirty seconds, it's better than nothing!
Utilize tools, but don't try to make it fancy. Aesthetics can be helpful and motivating, they can also apply pressure to make everything look good. Google Calendar or a messy notebook is good enough.
Surrounds tasks with cushioning time to relax. Even for little tasks, you can promise yourself rest before and after. Likewise, do enjoyable things during arduous tasks. Watch a silly video, playa. song!
Consider what the biggest obstacle is. Does it feel pointless? Do you want to do it? If not, why not? How can you change what is making you avoidant? If you do want to, what feels like it's stopping you? A specific fear? Or an impenetrable wall? These questions help define the next steps.
Accept you cannot do everything, especially not when you are suffering. You deserve help and it's okay to ask for it. Professional help is important when conquering issues with motivation whether from depression, ADHD, etc. Medications, therapy, and more can improve your mood.
Some tools I use:
Brushout - An app to help you brush your teeth for the right amount of time. Simple, and makes a nice dinging sound. Can be added as a widget to your home screen on iPhones.
Google Calendar - Also simple. Easy to click and add events and get reminders for things creeping up on you.
Mnemosyne Notebook - Ok the brand doesn't matter but the paper in this is so smooth and it makes me want to use it. But yes a notebook to organize thoughts.
Little Treats - I like to keep little snacks and treats around for working on things I have been struggling with. You don't have to wait until after, let yourself fuse joy with your efforts.
You do not need to be ashamed for struggling. No matter the reason or the manner, we all go through difficult things. Reach out, and don't give up. Feel free to ask for more information or advice again.
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phones4less1 · 10 days
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findmystore · 1 month
What Innovations Has Apple Introduced in the Past Decade?
Apple, a leading tech brand, has shaped the past decade with its groundbreaking innovations. Their influence spans across phones, tablets, and services. Each product release sparks excitement, redefining our daily routines. Apple's commitment to improving user experiences is evident. Let’s explore the top innovations Apple introduced over the last ten years.
The iPhone has evolved impressively. Starting with the iPhone 4s, which introduced Siri in 2011, voice recognition became a key feature. In 2014, Apple debuted the iPhone 6, featuring a larger screen and new design. This marked a pivotal shift. With each model, cameras improved. The iPhone X, released in 2017, boasted facial recognition and a bezel-less design. The A13 Bionic chip, introduced in the iPhone 11, set a new standard for speed and performance.
iPads have also seen major upgrades. In 2012, Apple launched the iPad 4 with a Retina display. This enhanced screen resolution, offering vivid colors. In 2015, the iPad Pro hit the market, featuring a larger display and compatibility with the Apple Pencil. This turned the iPad into a creative tool for professionals. The M1 chip in the 2021 iPad Pro brought desktop-level power to tablets. These upgrades transformed iPads from mere consumption devices to versatile computing tools.
Apple Watch entered the scene in 2015, revolutionizing wearable tech. Its fitness and health features gained quick popularity. With each update, the Apple Watch introduced new functionalities. The Series 4, released in 2018, included a fall detection feature. It also provided an electrocardiogram (ECG) app. These features underscore Apple's commitment to health. In 2020, the Apple Watch Series 6 added blood oxygen monitoring. This proves Apple’s continuous innovation in personal health and well-being.
Apple’s innovations over the past decade have been vast. Each release has not only set trends but also improved lives. From phones to tablets and wearables, Apple’s influence is clear. As they continue to innovate, one can only imagine what the next decade will bring.
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vilaoperaria · 2 months
  Notas dos editores Este artigo foi revisado de acordo com a Science X's processo editorial e políticas. Editores destacaram os seguintes atributos garantindo a credibilidade do conteúdo: verificado fonte confiável revisar por Universidade Aalto O contraste entre as etapas experimentadas pelos usuários e os processos de manipulação de dados envolvidos em vários estágios do processo de configuração do dispositivo. O usuário inicia o processo de configuração do seu dispositivo adquirindo um novo dispositivo. As etapas 1 a 18 explicam as etapas necessárias para uma configuração completa do dispositivo de um usuário, por exemplo, um MacBook (macOS 10.15+). Bolhas amarelas indicadas pelas letras A - H são resumos da declaração oficial de política de privacidade da Apple [3]. Os balões A - H destacam exemplos de coleta de informações pessoais que ocorrem em vários estágios do processo de configuração. Além de outros procedimentos de tratamento de dados, como a localização das informações armazenadas (por exemplo, em F), as impressões digitais dos usuários são armazenadas localmente no dispositivo. Ressaltamos que pode haver pequenas variações entre a ordem de apresentação dessas configurações no iOS e no macOS. Além disso, a Siri (etapa 15) não é solicitada durante a configuração do dispositivo no iPhone (iOS 14.0). A ordem do diagrama é baseada na ordem de apresentação das configurações no macOS. Crédito: Privacidade de aplicativos padrão no ecossistema móvel da Apple (2024) "Privacidade. Isso é iPhone", proclama o slogan. Uma nova pesquisa da Universidade Aalto discorda.   Estudo após estudo mostrou como aplicativos voluntários de terceiros prejudicam a privacidade das pessoas. Agora, pela primeira vez, pesquisadores da Universidade Aalto investigaram as configurações de privacidade dos aplicativos padrão da Apple, aqueles que são praticamente inevitáveis ​​em um novo dispositivo, seja um computador, tablet ou telefone celular. Os pesquisadores apresentarão suas descobertas em meados de maio na conferência CHI, e o artigo de pesquisa revisado por pares já está disponível on-line. "Nós nos concentramos em aplicativos que são parte integrante da plataforma e do ecossistema. Esses aplicativos estão colados à plataforma e é praticamente impossível livrar-se deles", diz o professor associado Janne Lindqvist, chefe do departamento de ciência da computação da Aalto. Os pesquisadores estudaram oito aplicativos: Safari, Siri, Family Sharing, iMessage, FaceTime, Location Services, Find My e Touch ID. Eles coletaram todas as informações relacionadas à privacidade disponíveis publicamente nesses aplicativos, desde documentação técnica até políticas de privacidade e manuais do usuário. A fragilidade das proteções à privacidade surpreendeu até os pesquisadores. “Devido à forma como interface de usuário foi projetado, os usuários não sabem o que está acontecendo. Por exemplo, o usuário tem a opção de ativar ou não a Siri, assistente virtual da Apple. Mas ativar refere-se apenas ao uso do controle de voz do Siri. A Siri coleta dados em segundo plano de outros aplicativos que você usa, independentemente da sua escolha, a menos que você entenda como acessar as configurações e alterá-las especificamente”, diz Lindqvist. Os participantes não conseguiram interromper o compartilhamento de dados em nenhum dos aplicativos Na prática, proteger a privacidade em um dispositivo Apple requer cliques persistentes e especializados em cada aplicativo individualmente. A ajuda da Apple é insuficiente. "As instruções on-line para restringir o acesso a dados são muito complexas e confusas, e as etapas necessárias estão espalhadas em lugares diferentes. Não há uma orientação clara sobre se devemos acessar as configurações do aplicativo, as configurações centrais - ou mesmo ambas", diz Amel Bourdoucen, pesquisador de doutorado na Aalto. Além disso, as instruções não listavam todas as etapas necessárias nem explicavam como os dados coletados são processados.
Os pesquisadores também demonstraram esses problemas experimentalmente. Eles entrevistaram usuários e pediram que tentassem alterar as configurações. "Descobriu-se que os participantes não conseguiram impedir que nenhum dos aplicativos compartilhasse seus dados com outros aplicativos ou com o provedor de serviço", diz Bourdoucen. Encontrar e ajustar as configurações de privacidade também demorava muito. “Ao fazer ajustes, os usuários não recebem feedback sobre se tiveram sucesso. Eles então se perdem no caminho, retrocedem no processo e rolam aleatoriamente, sem saber se fizeram o suficiente”, diz Bourdoucen. No final, explica Bourdoucen, os participantes conseguiram dar um ou dois passos na direção certa, mas nenhum conseguiu seguir todo o procedimento para proteger a sua privacidade. Ficando sem opções Se é difícil impedir o compartilhamento de dados, o que a Apple faz com todos esses dados? Não é possível ter certeza com base documentos públicosmas Lindqvist diz que é possível concluir que os dados serão usados ​​para treinar o sistema de inteligência artificial por trás do Siri e para fornecer experiências personalizadas ao usuário, entre outras coisas. Muitos usuários estão acostumados com a interação perfeita entre vários dispositivos, o que torna difícil voltar para uma época de maior limitação. compartilhamento de dados. No entanto, a Apple poderia informar os usuários com muito mais clareza do que faz hoje, diz Lindqvist. O estudo lista uma série de sugestões detalhadas para esclarecer as configurações de privacidade e melhorar as diretrizes. Para aplicativos individuais, Lindqvist diz que o problema pode ser resolvido até certo ponto optando por um serviço de terceiros. Por exemplo, alguns participantes do estudo mudaram do Safari para o Firefox. Lindqvist não pode comentar diretamente sobre como o Android do Google funciona em aspectos semelhantes, já que ninguém ainda fez um mapeamento semelhante de seus aplicativos. Mas pesquisas anteriores sobre aplicativos de terceiros não sugerem que o Google esteja mais privacidade-consciente do que a Apple. Então, o que pode ser aprendido com tudo isso: os usuários estão enfrentando uma tarefa quase impossível? “Infelizmente, essa é uma lição”, diz Lindqvist.   Citação: é mais difícil do que o esperado, conclui estudo (2024, 3 de abril) recuperado em 1º de maio de 2024 em https://techxplore.com/news/2024-04-apple-harder.html Este documento está sujeito a direitos autorais. Além de qualquer negociação justa para fins de estudo ou pesquisa privada, nenhuma parte pode ser reproduzida sem permissão por escrito. O conteúdo é fornecido apenas para fins informativos.     https://w3b.com.br/manter-seus-dados-da-apple-e-mais-dificil-do-que-o-esperado-revela-estudo/?feed_id=9340&_unique_id=66b548787e412
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thecowprintshop · 2 months
Printed in and shipped from the USA! What’s to not love about cows? They’re playful, clever, and love being hugged and petted. They're such affectionate and giving creatures. Exhibit your love with this “Got to Love Cows” Telephone Case. That includes the traditional Holstein prints and a black-and-white printed textual content, this telephone case is minimalist and funky. Sturdy and hard polycarbonate cowl Water resistant, scratch proof, and dirt-proof Options an internal rubber liner that protects from shocks, bumps, and drops The graceful matte end offers you grip whereas including a pleasant contact to the case Suitable with a number of iPhone and Samsung telephone fashions Udderly superb present for the cow lover or dairy fanatic in your life Please permit 1-3 enterprise days for manufacturing and 5-10 enterprise days for supply (US). "@context":"https://schema.org/","@type":"Product","@id":"https://designs4farmers.com/products/got-to-love-cows-tough-case#product","name":"Got To Love Cows Tough Case","itemCondition":"https://schema.org/NewCondition","gtin14":"","mpn":"3936223002711","sku":"3936223002711","image":"https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0142/6184/6080/products/got-to-love-cows-tough-case-cow-cp-wc-fulfillment-designs-for-farmers-mobile-phone_831.jpg","description":"Printed in and shipped from the USA! Whats not to love about cows Theyre playful, intelligent, and love being hugged and petted. They are such affectionate and giving creatures. Show off your love with this Got to Love Cows Phone Case.","category":"Tough Case","offers":["@type":"Offer","name":"iPhone 11 Pro Max","sku":"TC-11PMT-000004298","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"24.99","itemCondition":"https://schema.org/NewCondition","url":"https://designs4farmers.com/products/got-to-love-cows-tough-case?variant=30312032567383","mpn":"","gtin14":"","priceValidUntil":"2023-12-31","image":"https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0142/6184/6080/products/got-to-love-cows-tough-case-iphone-11-pro-max-cow-cp-wc-fulfillment-designs-for-farmers-mobile-phone_834.jpg?v=1570547554","@type":"Offer","name":"iPhone Xs Max","sku":"TC-XSMT-000004298","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"24.99","itemCondition":"https://schema.org/NewCondition","url":"https://designs4farmers.com/products/got-to-love-cows-tough-case?variant=29438683152471","mpn":"","gtin14":"","priceValidUntil":"2023-12-31","image":"https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0142/6184/6080/products/got-to-love-cows-tough-case-iphone-xs-max-cow-cp-wc-fulfillment-designs-for-farmers-mobile-phone_597.jpg?v=1570547563","@type":"Offer","name":"iPhone X","sku":"TC-XT-000004298","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"24.99","itemCondition":"https://schema.org/NewCondition","url":"https://designs4farmers.com/products/got-to-love-cows-tough-case?variant=29438683218007","mpn":"","gtin14":"","priceValidUntil":"2023-12-31","image":"https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0142/6184/6080/products/got-to-love-cows-tough-case-iphone-x-cow-cp-wc-fulfillment-designs-for-farmers-mobile-phone_263.jpg?v=1570547571","@type":"Offer","name":"iPhone SE","sku":"TC-SET-000004298","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"24.99","itemCondition":"https://schema.org/NewCondition","url":"https://designs4farmers.com/products/got-to-love-cows-tough-case?variant=29438683250775","mpn":"","gtin14":"","priceValidUntil":"2023-12-31","image":"https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0142/6184/6080/products/got-to-love-cows-tough-case-iphone-se-cow-cp-wc-fulfillment-designs-for-farmers-mobile-phone_949.jpg?v=1570547543","@type":"Offer","name":"iPhone 8","sku":"TC-8T-000004298","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"24.99","itemCondition":"https://schema.org/NewCondition","url":"https://designs4farmers.com/products/got-to-love-cows-tough-case?variant=29438683283543","mpn":"","gtin14":"","priceValidUntil":"2023-12-31","image":"https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0142/6184/6080/products/got-to-love-cows-tough-case-iphone-8-cow-cp-wc-fulfillment-designs-for-farmers-mobile-phone_798.
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0 notes
yeonchi · 2 months
Koei Warriors Retrospective Part 1: Dynasty Warriors 1 & 2
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Dynasty Warriors (三國無双) Platforms: PlayStation Release dates: Japan: 28 February 1997 USA: 27 June 1997 Europe: 10 December 1997 (source)
On 31 May 2024, Dynasty Warriors Origins was announced for a 2025 release. I thought they would have gone the way of the iPhone and named it Dynasty Warriors/Shin Sangoku Musou X in all regions, but it is what it is.
Over the past few years, I've been slowly rekindling my love for Koei Tecmo's Warriors games after leaving the fanbase in 2018 for various reasons including the dumpster fire that was Dynasty Warriors 9. After being delayed for two years because of projects and real life getting in the way, I've finally found an opportunity to begin my Koei Warriors Retrospective, and not too soon as well (at the time of writing).
As I said in my 1000th Post Special that acted as the introduction to this series, I'm going to be reviewing each generation of Dynasty Warriors, Samurai Warriors and Warriors Orochi games along with their expansions and spin-offs. Without further ado, let's begin the relaunch of the Koei Warriors Rant Series with the OGs, Dynasty Warriors 1 and 2.
Dynasty Warriors
Dynasty Warriors 1, more commonly known without the number, was originally released in 1997 for the PlayStation 1. It's a fighting game more akin to Street Fighter as each of the buttons perform or block against slashes and thrusts and moves are performed by combining button inputs.
Playing Warriors games for many years has made me accustomed to the format of a button being assigned to a function, plus buttonmashing is my thing, so I wasn't necessarily accustomed to playing fighting games like this. Initially, I tried playing this game a few times but I couldn't get the hang of the controls enough to land enough hits on my opponents, which made me want to reconsider reviewing this game that seriously. As I wrote this review, I got the idea to try performing Musou Attacks in the Practice mode and once I got the hang of it (on top of setting the CPU difficulty to Very Easy and changing the controller settings to make use of the triggers), I was able to fight effectively. Musous can be interrupted or countered, so this is something to note.
The characters introduced in this game are as follows along with the stages during which they appear in (the time of day varies depending on who you play as and against):
Shu - Changban (Yellow)
Zhao Yun
Guan Yu
Zhang Fei
Secret: Zhuge Liang (Wuzhang Plains)
Wei - Guandu (Green)
Xiahou Dun
Dian Wei
Xu Zhu
Secret: Cao Cao (Great Hall, Shang Yong aka Xuchang, like why couldn't you just have used that name)
Wu - Chibi (Red)
Zhou Yu
Lu Xun
Taishi Ci
Secret: Sun Shangxiang
Other - Various (Blue)
Diaochan (Phoenix Palace)
Lu Bu (Hulao Gate)
Nobunaga (Hulao Gate)
Toukichi/Hideyoshi Hashiba (Xuchang)
Typically the format for the game is as follows - you play a character from Kingdom 1, fight against three characters from Kingdom 2, then Diaochan, then against three characters from Kingdom 3, then Zhuge Liang or Cao Cao, and finally Lu Bu for 9 rounds in total. The secret characters can be unlocked by playing the game with all characters, then pressing button sequences on the title screen for Sun Shangxiang, Nobunaga or Toukichi.
The character voices in this game are entirely in Japanese due to it being Koei's first game to be localised to the West. The name display and announcement settings can also be changed in the settings. The Japanese version allows you to select how the character names should be displayed, either with the Kanji only, the Japanese pronounciation or the Chinese transliteration, aka their English names. Both versions allow you to change the announcement from their selection phrase to the character's name in Chinese, or rather, Masaya Onosaka's attempts at saying their names. The Japanese version also adds a female voice saying the character's name in Japanese as an option (either Rika Komatsu or Eri Uwagawa, I'm not too sure). Even with the Chinese voice, Nobunaga's name is still in Japanese and Toukichi's name isn't voiced for some reason in either Chinese or Japanese.
Aside from the 1P Battle (Story Mode) and the 2P Versus modes, there is also a Team Battle Mode (a 3-vs-3 tournament), the Tournament Mode (an 8-character elimination format), a Time Trial Mode (same as 1P Battle but in a time trial format), Endurance Mode (where you defeat as many opponents as you can with one life bar) and finally, Practice Mode, where you can test out characters. Note that your game difficulty settings will not affect the CPU difficulty in the Time Trial and Endurance Modes.
The ending image song for this game, Blue Sky Blue, So Blue, was sung by a Chinese girl group known as Seirei Bishojotai Ceres (聖麗美少女隊セレス), or by its real name, 青春美少女. The group was made up of Liu Ying, Li Yan, Hu Jing, Jiang Zhong Yi and Xin Xin. The writer and composer, Maiko Kikkawa, changed some of the lyrics and finished the song as a self-cover known as Sora no Kakera (そらのかけら), which was used as the first ending theme for the anime series Bomberman B-Daman Bakugaiden in 1998.
The group has been through four generations, with the aforementioned five making up the first generation disbanding in May 1999. Their agents went through quite a few lawsuits back then as their activities were apparently affecting the girls' education. As a result, the second generation only lasted four months before three of them left and had to be replaced, creating the third generation. The fourth generation was formed in 2003 after the disbanding of the third and the current lineup has lasted to this day. Talk about 30-year-old teenagers lol.
I initially thought that this game was difficult until I finetuned the settings and got the hang of it. Anyway, this isn't what I'm really here for, so let's quickly move on to...
Dynasty Warriors 2
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Dynasty Warriors 2 (真・三國無双) Platforms: PlayStation 2 Release dates: Japan: 3 August 2000 USA: 26 October 2000 Europe: 24 November 2000
And so we come to the game that paved the way for the hack-and-slash genre. This game was originally meant to be a sequel fighting game, but it was changed as the genre was becoming more of a niche (not that that stopped Tekken and Street Fighter). With the new game intended to be made for the PlayStation 2, its stronger graphic capabilities allowed battlefields to be realised.
This is normally where I would cover the Xtreme Legends expansions for the mainline games, but given the nature of the first game and the length of that review, I've decided to cover this game as well. Honestly, I was tempted to review each game individually, but the problem with that was what I would do when I got to a game I wouldn't be able to play for this review.
In Japan, this game was released as Shin (True) Sangoku Musou (真・三國無双) while in the West, this game was released as Dynasty Warriors 2. This would begin a numbering tradition where subsequent games in the West would be numbered one more than their original counterpart.
The characters from the last game are carried over to this game with additions to all factions. Adding new characters would become a staple of future sequels and later, spinoff games.
Liu Bei
Ma Chao
Huang Zhong
Jiang Wei
Xiahou Yuan
Zhang Liao
Sima Yi
Sun Jian
Sun Quan
Lu Meng
Gan Ning
Dong Zhuo
Yuan Shao
Zhang Jiao
The main story mode in this game is known as Musou Mode. Characters in Shu, Wei and Wu play the same five stages for each kingdom as follows:
All kingdoms
Yellow Turban Rebellion
Hulao Gate
Wuzhang Plains
Wuzhang Plains
The battle system for this game is a 4-hit combo system, that is, you can perform up to 4 levels of Normal Attacks by pressing the Square button. At the same time, you can perform up to 4 Charge Attacks by pressing the Triangle button on its own or in conjunction with other attacks. Typically, the C1 breaks enemies' guards, the C2 knocks enemies into the air, the C3 stuns enemies, and the C4 sends the enemy flying away. The Musou Attack is performed by pressing Circle when the gauge is full, which can be filled up with attacks. Guarding, jumping and sidestepping are possible, along with jump attacks, bow attacks and counterattacks. Typically I don't really care for counterattacks because it's so hard to get the timing right, but that's a thing I guess.
Practically all of the new characters debuting in this game have cloned movesets. Most of the sword-wielding characters (including Sima Yi and Zhang Jiao) share their movesets with Liu Bei, while other debutants share movesets with each other. Cloned movesets have been criticised by fans, particularly with their use in future games. I'll elaborate on this in future instalments.
There are two main problems that you can encounter in battle. One of them is that once you hit an enemy, your character will keep going in their direction and you aren't able to rotate towards other enemies around you. This is a phenomenon known as "charge lock" or "lock-on" that would be resolved in future games. The other one is that when you knock enemy officers back, they will typically recover their health, oftentimes recovering their whole life gauge so you have to start all over again. The AI can get fairly aggressive compared to later games, to the point where playing this game on Easy is equivalent to playing on Hard in the modern series games.
In this game, you start with two bodyguard soldiers, but as you level up, you can get up to 8 bodyguard officers. Enemy officers will typically have horses so you can knock an officer off and take their horse to attack, however enemies that you trample dead don't get counted to your KO count. There's also another problem where you can't pick up items on horseback, which is also resolved in future games. As I'm playing the Japanese version of the game, there is no way to save your progress. This capability has been added to Western versions (presumably due to feedback given the gap between releases) by finding memory card items in crates.
After playing with one character from each kingdom, you can unlock Free Mode, which also allows you to play as the other faction in battles (if not already playable through Musou Mode). It's also a good more for grinding character growth, even if you play on Easy and are constantly stuck with +1/+2 boosts. The BGM test feature is also unlocked along with the opening edit movie, which allows you to create a custom opening cutscene montage with different characters. The opening edit feature was inspired by a fan of Xu Zhu who made a fan edit linking together the different ending cutscenes from the first game.
Although I initially believed that Dynasty Warriors 1 and 2 didn't have any English voices, let alone Japanese voices due to most of them being grunts and wails, Dynasty Warriors 2 does include more voiced lines than the first. Where the first game only had officer selection lines and victory lines, the second game adds voices to cinematic movies that appear between battles (different to in-battle events). After looking up some of the names in the English credits, I found out that they were also featured in Japanese-produced English dub works, such as Iron Chef, Shenmue and the Ultra Galaxy Fight series, meaning that this game was dubbed in Japan by a company known as Movie Television Inc. I guess that's the reason why those English voice actors were credited.
This game did not receive much attention and the initial shipment was only for 100,000 copies, with the popularity going to Kessen, which was released earlier that year as a launch title for the PS2. Despite this, Dynasty Warriors 2 ended up selling well through word-of-mouth, a marketing strategy that would prove detrimental when it came to certain decisions being made in later years.
The ending song for this game is Can't Quit This!!! ~ KNOCK'EM OUT ~ by m.o.v.e, which is used in the credits.
Rant: Why localise?
As the Koei Warriors Retrospective is a spiritual sequel to the Koei Warriors Rant Series, I want to include a rant in each mainline instalment. This time, I want to ask the question, "Why localise the games in the first place?"
During the events of 2017, one of my haters made the argument that the target audience for these games is not Westerners, but only Japanese because the market is too shallow and game companies wouldn't make a profit from them if they released their games abroad. Naturally, I called bullshit on that right away, because if that was the case, why would Japanese gaming companies set up international divisions? Why are Japanese gaming franchises popular with Western fans? Why would Japanese gaming companies continue releasing games in the West if they thought it wouldn't make a profit?
See, the argument that "the target audience is only Japanese people" can only be made if a company's offerings aren't regularly being released to the West (preferably by the company themselves and not through third-parties). This is an argument that you can make for tokusatsu, particularly Toei's Super Sentai and Kamen Rider franchises, as uploads of clips and compilations are frequently demonetised and taken down due to them not believing in the Western doctrine of "free use", yet the only Western releases we get are basically a trickle stream with no clear plans for the future, although I wouldn't rule out Hasbro getting in the way even if such plans existed.
"But then why release the games to the West in the first place?" After thinking about it years after, it's very likely that the first attempts at localisation were to test the waters for Western markets, hence why the dub for Dynasty Warriors 2 was produced in Japan before moving to North American studios for future dubs (like most localised Japanese games). When companies continue to release future works to the West, it becomes a habit for the company and an expectation for the fanbase the longer it continues. And as long as the money keeps coming in, it's very unlikely that they will stop localising anytime soon.
However, as I speculate in future instalments, it can be concluded that Koei Tecmo does seem to prioritise the opinions of their Japanese and Asian fanbases more than their Western fanbases. Even with that atypical Japanese sense of xenophobia that foreigners are unfamiliar with, it sometimes does feel that Western fans are being treated like dogs and being fed scraps left by the Japanese companies, even if companies go out of their way to seek the opinions of international fans in future years. At that point, you can probably make an argument about certain fans like community managers and influencers claiming to speak for entire fanbases, but that's an entirely different story and I'm totally not one of those people lol.
In the end, while I do concede that the hater may have had a point (especially given that Tsuburaya has really put Japanese-based English voice actors to work in recent years), I'm not giving him the satisfaction of being correct because he was still wrong about the whole thing. Maybe they might have known better if they kept playing localised Japanese games past the year 2000.
Dynasty Warriors 1 began the dive into ancient Chinese history through an adaptation of Romance of the Three Kingdoms, while Dynasty Warriors 2 became a groundbreaking title with much potential that would gradually be realised and improved in later years. It's honestly hard to judge older games on their own merits when you're accustomed to playing newer games, but as this series goes on, you'll see how the series gradually improves or deteriorates.
That's it for Dynasty Warriors 1 and 2. Next time, the Xtreme Legends begin with Dynasty Warriors 3.
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aslan355 · 3 months
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how to get rid of a vpn
Cómo eliminar un VPN
Eliminar un VPN puede ser necesario por diversas razones, ya sea que ya no lo necesites, esté causando conflictos con tu conexión a internet o simplemente desees cambiar a otro proveedor. A continuación, se detallan los pasos a seguir para eliminar un VPN de tu dispositivo:
En primer lugar, accede a la configuración de tu dispositivo donde se encuentra instalado el VPN. Dependiendo del sistema operativo que utilices, busque la sección de aplicaciones o conexiones de red.
Una vez dentro de la configuración, localiza la lista de aplicaciones instaladas o conexiones de red establecidas. Busca el VPN que deseas eliminar de la lista y selecciona la opción para desinstalarlo.
Sigue las instrucciones que aparezcan en pantalla para completar el proceso de desinstalación del VPN. Es posible que se te solicite confirmar la eliminación y/o reiniciar el dispositivo para que los cambios surtan efecto.
Una vez que hayas completado estos pasos, el VPN habrá sido eliminado correctamente de tu dispositivo. Asegúrate de validar que el proceso se completó con éxito revisando la lista de aplicaciones o conexiones de red para verificar que el VPN ya no esté presente.
Eliminar un VPN es un proceso sencillo que te permitirá gestionar de manera efectiva las herramientas y aplicaciones instaladas en tus dispositivos. ¡Ahora puedes disfrutar de una conexión a internet sin ningún servicio VPN adicional!
Desinstalar servicio VPN
Desinstalar un servicio VPN puede ser necesario por diversas razones, ya sea porque ya no lo necesitas, porque prefieres utilizar otro proveedor o debido a problemas de funcionamiento. A continuación, te explicaré cómo desinstalar un servicio VPN en diferentes dispositivos.
Para desinstalar un servicio VPN en una computadora con sistema operativo Windows, debes ir al Panel de Control, seleccionar "Programas" y luego hacer clic en "Desinstalar un programa". Busca el programa del VPN que deseas eliminar, haz clic derecho sobre él y selecciona la opción "Desinstalar". Sigue las instrucciones que aparezcan en pantalla para completar el proceso.
En el caso de dispositivos con sistema operativo macOS, debes abrir la carpeta de "Aplicaciones", buscar la aplicación del VPN que deseas desinstalar, arrastrarla hacia la Papelera y luego vaciar la Papelera para eliminar por completo el programa.
Si usas un dispositivo móvil con Android, ingresa a la configuración del dispositivo, selecciona "Aplicaciones" o "Administrador de aplicaciones", busca la app del VPN y elige la opción de desinstalar.
En dispositivos iOS como el iPhone o iPad, mantén presionado el icono de la app del VPN hasta que empiece a temblar, luego pulsa en la "X" que aparece en la esquina y confirma la eliminación.
Siguiendo estos pasos sencillos, podrás desinstalar un servicio VPN de manera rápida y efectiva en tus dispositivos.
Cancelar VPN
Si estás buscando información sobre cómo cancelar tu servicio de VPN, has llegado al lugar adecuado.
Cancelar una suscripción de VPN es un proceso sencillo, aunque puede variar según el proveedor que hayas elegido. En la mayoría de los casos, puedes cancelar tu suscripción directamente desde la cuenta que creaste al momento de adquirir el servicio. Generalmente, encontrarás la opción de cancelación en la sección de configuración o ajustes de tu cuenta.
Es importante tener en cuenta que algunos proveedores de VPN requieren que canceles la suscripción con cierta antelación antes de la renovación automática, por lo que te recomiendo revisar los términos y condiciones de tu contrato para evitar posibles cargos adicionales.
Si no puedes cancelar tu suscripción a través de la plataforma en línea, te sugiero que contactes directamente con el servicio de atención al cliente del proveedor de VPN. La mayoría de las empresas ofrecen soporte telefónico o por correo electrónico para ayudarte con cualquier duda o solicitud de cancelación.
Recuerda que al cancelar tu suscripción, es posible que pierdas acceso a ciertas funcionalidades de seguridad y privacidad en línea que te brindaba tu VPN. Por lo tanto, asegúrate de considerar todas las opciones antes de dar de baja el servicio. ¡Espero que esta información te haya sido útil para cancelar tu VPN de forma rápida y sencilla!
Eliminar VPN de mi dispositivo
Eliminar una VPN de tu dispositivo es un proceso sencillo que puedes llevar a cabo siguiendo algunos pasos básicos. Una VPN, o red privada virtual, se utiliza comúnmente para proteger la privacidad y la seguridad en línea al enmascarar tu dirección IP y cifrar tus datos. Sin embargo, en algunos casos, es posible que desees desinstalar o eliminar una VPN de tu dispositivo por diversas razones.
Para eliminar una VPN de tu dispositivo, primero debes acceder a la configuración del dispositivo y buscar la sección de aplicaciones o redes. Dentro de esta sección, encontrarás una lista de todas las aplicaciones instaladas en tu dispositivo, incluyendo la VPN que deseas eliminar. Una vez localizada la VPN en cuestión, simplemente selecciona la opción para desinstalar o eliminar la aplicación.
Es importante tener en cuenta que al eliminar una VPN de tu dispositivo, perderás la protección y la privacidad que esta ofrece. Asegúrate de tomar las precauciones necesarias para proteger tus datos y tu privacidad en línea después de eliminar la VPN. Considera utilizar otras medidas de seguridad, como un antivirus actualizado y la configuración de privacidad de tu dispositivo.
En resumen, eliminar una VPN de tu dispositivo es un proceso sencillo que puede realizarse a través de la configuración de aplicaciones del dispositivo. Asegúrate de tomar las precauciones necesarias para proteger tu privacidad y seguridad en línea después de eliminar la VPN.
Pasos para deshacerse de un VPN
Para deshacerse de un VPN y eliminarlo por completo de tu dispositivo, debes seguir algunos pasos sencillos pero importantes.
En primer lugar, asegúrate de cerrar sesión en tu VPN y desconectarte de cualquier servidor al que estés conectado. Una vez que hayas hecho esto, desinstala la aplicación del VPN de tu dispositivo. En la mayoría de los casos, puedes hacerlo simplemente manteniendo presionado el ícono de la aplicación y seleccionando la opción de desinstalar.
Después de desinstalar la aplicación, recomendamos reiniciar tu dispositivo para asegurarte de que todos los cambios se apliquen correctamente. Una vez que hayas reiniciado, es aconsejable borrar cualquier configuración de red residual que pueda haber quedado del VPN. Puedes hacer esto yendo a la configuración de red de tu dispositivo y eliminando cualquier configuración relacionada con el VPN.
Por último, para asegurarte de que no queden rastros del VPN en tu dispositivo, puedes ejecutar un escaneo de seguridad utilizando un software antivirus confiable. Esto te ayudará a detectar cualquier archivo o programa no deseado que pueda haber quedado después de desinstalar el VPN.
Siguiendo estos simples pasos, podrás deshacerte por completo de un VPN y garantizar la seguridad y privacidad de tu dispositivo. Recuerda siempre proteger tus datos personales y mantener tu dispositivo seguro mientras navegas por Internet. ¡Tu privacidad es importante!
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sfujioka1 · 6 months
ブラックロックは、ゴールドマンサックス、シタデル、シティグループを含む スポット ビットコインETFに5つの新しいAPを追加する
ブラックロックは、ゴールドマンサックス、シタデル、シティグループを含むビットコインETFをスポットするために5つの新しいAPを追加する BlackRock adds 5 new APs to spot Bitcoin ETF including Goldman Sachs, Citadel, Citigroup 
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----Blo-katsu AD----
​BlackRock adds 5 new APs to spot Bitcoin ETF including Goldman Sachs, Citadel, Citigroup ブラックロックは、ゴールドマンサックス、シタデル、シティグループを含むビットコインETFをスポットするために5つの新しいAPを追加する​
​iShares Bitcoin Trust also added ABN AMRO Clearing and UBS Securities in the new prospectus. iシェアーズ・ビットコイン・トラストはまた、新しい目論見書にABNアムロ・クリアリングとUBS証券を追加しました。​
Liam 'Akiba' Wright リアム「アキバ」ライト
Apr. 5, 2024 at 1:02 pm UTC 2024年4月5日 13:02 UTC
Updated: Apr. 5, 2024 at 3:49 pm UTC 更新日: 2024年4月5日 15:49 UTC
BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager, has today updated the list of Authorized Participants (APs) for its spot Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF), IBIT. The ETF, which has been live since January 11, 2024, allows investors to gain exposure to Bitcoin without directly holding the digital assets. 世界最大の資産運用会社であるブラックロックは本日、スポットビットコイン上場投資信託 (ETF)であるIBITの認定参加者 (AP)のリストを更新しました。2024年1月11日から稼働しているETFにより、投資家はデジタル資産を直接保有することなくビットコインへの露出を得ることができます。
According to the latest prospectus, BlackRock has added five new Authorized Participants to the list, expanding the total number of APs from four to nine. The new additions include ABN AMRO Clearing USA LLC, Citadel Securities LLC, Citigroup Global Markets, Inc., Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, and UBS Securities LLC. 最新の目論見書によると、ブラックロックは新たに5つの認定参加者をリストに追加し、APの総数を4つから9つに増やしました。新たに加わったのは、ABNアムロ・クリアリングUSA LLC、シタデル・セキュリティーズLLC、シティグループ・グローバル・マーケッツ、ゴールドマン・サックスLLC、UBSセキュリティーズLLCです。
下記URLから続きを読むことができます。また、図付きの元のレイアウトで読める原文ファイルも入手可能。今月1か月分のファイルは100円で取り寄せられますが、次の月からは600円に値上げします。 ​https://note.com/tongansunmi/n/n0df55022570d?sub_rt=share_pb​​ ​
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fowardfashionfindz · 6 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 8 Ct Green Spodumene Faceted Gemstone Oval Cut.
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customsweaterproducer · 8 months
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championsyedm · 1 year
The Canon Sylph CP1300 small photo printer (black)
Canon Selphy CP1500 vs CP1300 The majority of the time, yes. The controls on the 1300 are more button-based, while the controls on the 1500 are more internal menu-based. The paper tray and cartridges are the same. Both are rather obvious. After a few minutes, you should be able to feel at ease. The card size (2.1" x 3.4") and postcard size (4" x 6") sets of authentic Canon color ink and paper are compatible with the Selphy CP1300. The KC-18IF, KC-18IL, KC-36IP, KP-108IN, RP-54, and RP-108 are all compatible sets. You need an Internet connection and the free Canon PRINT Inkjet/SELPHY app from Google Play and App Stores. Compatible with AndroidTM mobile devices running Android 2.3.3 or later and iPad, iPhone 3GS or later, and iPod touch 3rd generation or later devices running iOS 7.0 or later. Your device has to be part of the same active wireless 802.11 b/g/n/ac/ad network as your printer. requires a suitable social media account and is governed by the terms of service for that account. Some exclusions could be valid. No, an SD card or USB stick may be used to print. A computer connected through a cable can also print. Without having to connect to your home WiFi, you may print from a phone or tablet using the printer's built-in Wi-Fi receiver. Additionally, you can use it as a wireless printer by connecting it to your home network. The answer is that melting the absurdly tiny specks of color onto the specialty paper is far more expensive than using spray paint, etc. The outcomes are astounding. I have prints on my refrigerator that are ten years old yet still look new. If the printer has the appropriate ink and paper configured for that size, your Selphy CP1300 should be able to print in any supported size. We advise contacting our US-based support staff for free help if you want more assistance. The Canon USA website offers them continuously. You may see, edit, and apply filter effects like sepia or B/W to the photographs you wish to print using the huge built-in 3.5″ display. Oh my, WiFi, USB, and more! Choose the printing method that works best for you from among the various options available on the SELPHY CP1500, including WiFi, AirPrint, USB (computer and USB flash drive), your camera memory card, and the SELPHY Photo Layout mobile app. The SELPHY CP1500’s clean and contemporary appearance is evident in how simple it is to operate, even with robust capabilities like Wi-Fi and smartphone compatibility. You can connect the SELPHY CP1500 to just about anything and print from devices like your smartphone to your computer, camera, memory cards, and even USB flash drives with the versatility of Wi-Fi, USB, and memory card connections. The Canon Sylph CP1300 small photo printer (black) is a wireless portable photo printer that is ideal for use both at home and on the move. Your memories will be ready to share no matter where you are if you just print them using Air Print, your camera’s memory card, or the Canon print app from Facebook and Instagram! With party shuffle prints or 2″x6″ photo booth layout prints, you may even create amusing collages with your friends from different devices. You may pick the ideal photo size from 4″x6″, 2.1″x2.1″ square, or even sticker paper, all of which are water-proof and intended to endure up to 100 years! With the available battery pack, you can nearly take the Sylph CP1300 anywhere. Your pictures will rapidly dry and retain their quality for up to 100 years. They will even be water-resistant. Enjoy how easy it is to link your tablet and smartphone with the Canon print app. You may also print directly from a USB drive or the memory card in your camera.
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