iqmatrix · 2 years
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NEW IQ MATRIX: Ending a Relationship [#0495]
The Ending a Relationship IQ Matrix explores how to transition into the next chapter of your life after a breakup. Ending a relationship presents numerous challenges. These challenges can affect you mentally, emotionally, socially, and even physically. Whether you did the breaking up or not makes little difference. What matters is how you move forward with your life. Specifically, we want to address how to put ourselves into an optimal state of mind that will help us make the most of the opportunities we have before us.
This map takes you through common reasons to end a relationship. It then explores how to learn and grow from the experience, design the next chapter of your life, and concludes by walking you through four fundamental commitments you must make that will optimize how you think and what you choose to do moving forward.
You can read a more detailed outline of this map at https://store.iqmatrix.com/shop/ending-relationship
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lifelessons365-blog · 12 years
Mind Map: Self-Sabotage Patterns - IQmatrix.com
Read the companion blog entry on self-sabotage patterns.
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iqmatrix · 1 year
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NEW IQ MATRIX: Shift Your Identity [#0501]
The Shift Your Identity IQ Matrix explores what it takes to successfully transition from “who you are” today into the person you would like to become tomorrow. Each of us is limited by the identities we choose to adopt. This process of adoption can even take place at an unconscious level. In fact, your identity might not even be all your own doing.
Your self-identity is often reflected in your insecurities, habits, beliefs, actions, and traits. These identities you choose to adopt can either limit your abilities or expand your possibilities.
This map walks you through a process that will transform you at your core. When you adopt a new self-identity, everything changes. You essentially become a new version of yourself as you begin to encapsulate a different set of beliefs, habits, actions, and behaviors. Working through this process of shifting your identity could completely transform how you see yourself and how you interact with the world.
You can read a more detailed outline of this map at https://store.iqmatrix.com/shop/shift-your-identity
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iqmatrix · 1 year
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NEW IQ MATRIX: Discover Your Values [#0500]
The Discover Your Values IQ Matrix explores how to uncover the personal values that hold the most meaning and significance in your life. Once you’re clear about your personal values, they will help guide every decision you make—directing you to higher levels of satisfaction and fulfillment in every aspect of your life. It’s, however, important to recognize that the things we say we value most do not always align with the choices we make and the behaviors we indulge. There is, therefore, inconsistency between our words and actions that creates disharmony and life dissatisfaction.
This map takes you through a process to progressively help you uncover the values that bring the most meaning to your life. Start living these values consistently each day, and you will open the door to deeper levels of happiness and fulfillment that otherwise may not have been possible.
You can read a more detailed outline of this map at https://store.iqmatrix.com/shop/discover-your-values
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iqmatrix · 1 year
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NEW IQ MATRIX: Feelings of Inadequacy [#0499]
The Feelings of Inadequacy IQ Matrix explores how to effectively work through feelings of inadequacy and strengthen your self-confidence. When we feel inadequate, we often experience a sense of worthlessness. Moreover, we feel incompetent, incapable, and the feeling that we’re just not good enough. This tears down our self-esteem and leaves us with very little confidence and self-belief that we can do or achieve anything of value.
There is, however, a way to work through feelings of inadequacy, and this map provides a framework on how to do just that. First, it’s essential to learn how to recognize your feelings. We then need to redirect our thoughts and actions toward particular things that will help build our self-confidence. From there, it all comes down to your ability to focus your energy on addressing key areas that will help you overcome feelings of inadequacy.
You can read a more detailed outline of this map at https://store.iqmatrix.com/shop/feelings-of-inadequacy
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iqmatrix · 1 year
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NEW IQ MATRIX: Beat Back Fear [#0498]
The Beat Back Fear IQ Matrix explores how to overcome the fears holding you back from living your best life. When you experience fear, you often respond to something that brings a great deal of uncertainty and instability to your life. It, subsequently, affects how you perceive your circumstances, what you believe you’re capable of, and ultimately the decisions you make. Learning how to beat back that fear will buy your ticket to greater freedom and the opportunity to live your best life.
This map, first, helps you recognize and work through three common fears that typically plague our lives. It then guides you on how to take control of your perspective, how to get very clear on your intentions, and how to work through your fear rationally and assertively.
You can read a more detailed outline of this map at - https://store.iqmatrix.com/shop/beat-back-fear
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iqmatrix · 1 year
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NEW IQ MATRIX: Ease Stressful Tension [#0497]
The Ease Stressful Tension IQ Matrix explores how to stay centered and grounded during times of high stress and tension. When unexpected and unwanted circumstances arise that are not within our control, it’s easy to succumb to negative thoughts and challenging emotions. That will, however, become a thing of the past when you learn how to control your emotional responses.
This map breaks down three reasons why we tend to feel stressed. It then takes you through how to center and calm yourself down by settling your emotions. Once you have control over your emotional responses, you can then take the time to think things through and prepare yourself for dealing with the stressful situation proactively and logically. The map helps break down exactly how to do that by directing you to take charge of your thoughts, imagination, and perspective.
You can read a more detailed outline of this map at https://store.iqmatrix.com/shop/ease-stressful-tension
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iqmatrix · 2 years
NEW IQ MATRIX: Ease Stressful Tension [#0497]
The Ease Stressful Tension IQ Matrix explores how to stay centered and grounded during times of high stress and tension. When unexpected and unwanted circumstances arise that are not within our control, it’s easy to succumb to negative thoughts and challenging emotions. That will, however, become a thing of the past when you learn how to control your emotional responses.
This map breaks down three reasons why we tend to feel stressed. It then takes you through how to center and calm yourself down by settling your emotions. Once you have control over your emotional responses, you can then take the time to think things through and prepare yourself for dealing with the stressful situation proactively and logically. The map helps break down exactly how to do that by directing you to take charge of your thoughts, imagination, and perspective.
You can read a more detailed outline of this map at https://store.iqmatrix.com/shop/ease-stressful-tension
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iqmatrix · 2 years
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NEW IQ MATRIX: The Value of Respect [#0496]
The Value of Respect IQ Matrix explores the interconnection between giving respect and earning respect and how this can help you become a more trusted and dependable person. The saying goes that when you give people your respect, you will, in turn, earn their respect. Genuine respect comes from the heart, where you accept a person for who and how they are irrespective of their differences or varying viewpoints.
This map is divided into two parts. The first two branches of the map explore various ways to give and demonstrate respect while interacting with others. The following two branches of the map take you through how to earn respect through your words, decisions, behavior, and actions. Use this map as a guide to help you become a well-respected and trusted individual.
You can read a more detailed outline of this map at https://store.iqmatrix.com/shop/value-of-respect
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iqmatrix · 2 years
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NEW IQ MATRIX: Relationship Boundaries [#0494]
The Relationship Boundaries IQ Matrix explores how to establish healthy boundaries that form the bedrock of a supportive intimate relationship. Boundaries protect an individual’s identity and the choices they are able to make within the relationship. This, subsequently, helps the relationship function more effectively. On the other hand, when boundaries are unclear, it can lead to disappointment, friction, and resentment over the long run.
This map takes you through what it truly means to set healthy and supportive boundaries within your relationship. It highlights how to identify boundary gaps, walks you through how to set personal boundaries, explores how to inform your partner, and guides you on how to build mutual relationship boundaries for the benefit of the relationship.
You can read a more detailed outline of this map at https://store.iqmatrix.com/shop/relationship-boundaries
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iqmatrix · 2 years
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NEW IQ MATRIX: Ease Relationship Tension [#0493]
The Ease Relationship Tension IQ Matrix explores how to rationally handle arguments that arise when you and your partner don’t see eye-to-eye. Many conflicts that we have with our partners are often over seemingly minor issues. We, however, get so riled up emotionally that we blow these issues out of proportion and end up hurting each other unnecessarily. These scenarios are far less likely to occur when you use the framework presented in this map to resolve the tension before it takes a turn for the worse.
To effectively work through relationship tension requires recognizing your emotional state of mind, identifying your emotional triggers, addressing conflicting expectations and standards, and being open and respectful while conversing with your partner. Use this framework to help bring harmony back into your relationship.
You can read a more detailed outline of this map at https://store.iqmatrix.com/shop/relationship-tension
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iqmatrix · 2 years
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NEW IQ MATRIX: Deepen Your Relationship [#0492]
The Deepen Your Relationship IQ Matrix explores how to deepen the emotional bonds that hold your relationship together. Relationships that last a lifetime are built upon a deep connection that goes well beyond physical attraction. This connection isn’t something we can build overnight. It’s instead something that we must work on establishing over time.
This map provides you with a framework for deepening the emotional connection you have with your partner, which will help strengthen your romantic relationship. To do that, you must set ambitious relationship goals, create positive intentions, set growth targets for the relationship, be fully present and engaged with your partner, show appreciation, give adoration, practice positive projection, and embrace curiosity and empathy. Only in this way will you build a long-lasting emotional connection with your partner.
You can read a more detailed outline of this map at https://store.iqmatrix.com/shop/deepen-relationship
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iqmatrix · 2 years
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NEW IQ MATRIX: Strengthen Your Relationship [#0491]
The Strengthen Your Relationship IQ Matrix explores how to build a stronger emotional connection with your romantic partner. Strong relationships are built upon a solid foundation of trust, respect, and mutual understanding. Whenever these elements are missing, a relationship tends to fragment over time. This map walks you through how to establish a strong bond with your partner that will strengthen your connection and bring you closer together.
To strengthen your relationship, you need to explore your partner’s goals and passions, discuss shared fears and struggles, examine one another’s growth journey, accept differences that make both of you unique and special, and actively create meaningful experiences. Use this map as a guide and framework for building an incredible relationship with your partner starting today.
Want to find out more? https://store.iqmatrix.com/shop/strengthen-relationship
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iqmatrix · 2 years
The Goal Inspired Discipline IQ Matrix explores how to develop the self-discipline you need to accomplish your most ambitious goals. Having discipline means acting in accordance with your long-term goals regardless of how motivated you feel. Discipline, therefore, requires us to push through short-term discomfort to secure long-term gains.
This map walks you through the progressive steps you need to take to train and strengthen your self-discipline muscle as you work on your goals. Key areas the map covers include how to make self-discipline a part of your identity; how to build an empowering morning ritual; how to create accountability; how to structure and schedule your day, and how to use weekly and monthly reviews to stay on track as you work toward your goals.
Want to find out more? https://store.iqmatrix.com/shop/goal-inspired-discipline
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iqmatrix · 2 years
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NEW IQ MATRIX: Goal Inspired Discipline [#0490]
The Goal Inspired Discipline IQ Matrix explores how to develop the self-discipline you need to accomplish your most ambitious goals. Having discipline means acting in accordance with your long-term goals regardless of how motivated you feel. Discipline, therefore, requires us to push through short-term discomfort to secure long-term gains.
This map walks you through the progressive steps you need to take to train and strengthen your self-discipline muscle as you work on your goals. Key areas the map covers include how to make self-discipline a part of your identity; how to build an empowering morning ritual; how to create accountability; how to structure and schedule your day, and how to use weekly and monthly reviews to stay on track as you work toward your goals.
You can read a more detailed outline of this map at https://store.iqmatrix.com/shop/goal-inspired-discipline
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iqmatrix · 2 years
The Habit Builder IQ Matrix explores a proven process for building empowering habits and uninstalling outdated negative habits. Our entire lives are run by psychological patterns and algorithms that determine how we think, what we do, and ultimately the results we realize. Most of the time, these patterns run on auto-pilot in the form of habitual behaviors that impact how we feel and act at any given moment. If you don’t like where your life is headed, you can start taking control of your habitual behavior patterns and begin turning your life around.
This map takes you through a proven series of steps that reveal how to install optimal habits and how to uninstall habits that no longer serve your best interests. Use this map as a guide to help you become the person you’ve always wanted to become but never dared to pursue.
Want to find out more? https://store.iqmatrix.com/shop/habit-builder
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