#ir yut
synnthamonsugar · 1 month
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bigbutchgothgirl · 7 months
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Screw top surgery, where's the surgery that gives me whatever Ir Yût got goin' on, queen's rockin' it
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scarlettnovella · 7 months
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A conversation in discord resulted in this perfection
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ahungeringknife · 9 months
365: April 27
I get sad when I think about Kass and Grey before Taken King :,D Grey's trying so hard and Kass is just a lil baby suddenly dealing with the WORST nightmares imaginable.
They'd always been a light sleeper. Ever since Scarlet at least. You'd think after a few thousand years one would get over it but trauma like that lingered. It meant Grey heard the soft knock on their door even dead asleep. "Go look," they groggily told Mr. Grey who was awake shining a light on them. Mr. Grey left and Grey heard the door open.
Fuck what time was it? Did they have to be awake?
"Grey?" Both eyes opened at the sound of Kass' voice, small and weak, in the darkness by their bed.
Grey pushed themself up and looked at her. She was just barely dressed and her purple eyes were wide but not in a way Grey had ever seen before. She looked... afraid. Grey had never seen Kass be afraid of anything. Not in the face of the Hive, or the Black Garden, or Aetheon, nor all of Crota's minions or even Crota himself. "What's the matter, baby girl?" Grey asked her gently.
She played with her hands a moment, nervous. "I-- that is- it's a bit-- I can't sleep. Can I stay with you?" Kass asked in barely above a whisper.
Grey frowned. "Why can't you sleep?" they asked even as they beckoned Kass to join them, lifting the blanket.
Kass flinched, hesitated, and then said, "Nightmares."
Grey beckoned her again. This time Kass did take off her shoes and climbed into bed next to Grey. "What sort, baby?" Grey asked her gently and when Kass reached out to be held they held her.
Kass squeezed her softly glowing purple eyes closed a moment, her mouth set in a slant of a frown. "Ir Yut," she whispered like she was telling Grey her greatest regret. "And Crota," she said his name almost with a shiver of fear in her voice and opened her eyes. Grey squeezed her. "I can see him. He knew me. He recognized me from when I interrupted his original ritual on Earth," she looked up.
"He didn't," Grey said gently.
"He pointed at me. I dreamed he and Ir Yut chased me all through his Throne World and out into the Pit and all through the Hellmouth."
"Well he's dead. Eris said extra dead because we killed him in his seat of power," Grey said soothingly.
"I know," she whispered. Then she made an unhappy chuckle. "Tell that to my nightmares."
"Well I won't let him get you even in your nightmares," Grey said soothingly, rubbing her back.
"I know," and she hugged Grey back.
Grey squeezed her tightly. "Get some sleep, baby girl. I'll be right here, okay?" Kass nodded against their chest. Grey just gently rubbed her back and after a few minutes Kass went limp against them. Only once they were satisfied Kass was properly asleep without nightmares did Grey close their own eyes and go back to sleep.
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phthalology · 3 months
the ficlet challenge prompt that matched with eris/toland on my own ship list is "Time waits for no man AND/OR Sedoretu AU”! I'll have to think on this. I like Sedoretu, at least in theory, but am not sure I like it for them.
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I know this fandom Is dead, but in the Barbieheimer discourse:
1. Eiji would absolutely go see Barbie and dress accordingly (refer to his Chinatown outfit BABY HAD A VISION)
2. Ash would want to go see Oppenheimer, and would also say he doesn't care for Barbie but HE WOULD BE DRAGGED to see it regardless by Eiji (he would really enjoy ir secretly)
3. Shorter Is also a Barbie enjoyer and he Will be seated
4. Sing Is doing Barbieheimer with a reluctant and pissed off Yut Lung
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asmoreous · 9 months
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Lazy bed tummy. Spent the day trying to complete Day 1 Crota’s End (WERE ON IR YUT AAAAA) and eating my way through a xl pizza and 2 liter of coke. Feel like a proper fat gamer boyfriend today <3
Hey question! Do you guys think I should make some way for you all to help pay for my gains? Finding it difficult to feed my growing appetite as I… well grow lol. I’d really like the help (and more people to tease me about being such an absolute glutton >~>) but I’d feel bad about taking peoples money. It’s totally fine if you wouldn’t be able to help as well I’m just kinda thinking about it. Lmk what you think (if I do I’m sure I’ll be able to make extra content for you x3)
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twothirdsgenius · 7 months
got my fun little raid memories email for our first crota clear and it really said i did zero damage to ir yut ☠️
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Just spent 11 hours with the NICEST and COOLEST guardians ever! Like, this is what a raid team is? The fun, the apologies, the don't worry about its, the EXCITEMENT when you finally clear a room after six hours, and the EVERYONE STAYING?! We got to the bloody witch bitch, Ir Yut, and are gonna continue tomorrow! I'm so fucking excited!! ヽ(*´▽)ノ♪
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thefirstknife · 2 years
Ok there's something I'm really confused by: Who the hell is Toland?
I keep seeing people mention him but I never see what he looks like? And also I just finished Shadowkeep & am playing around in the Dreaming City for bounties and his name keeps coming up?
I hear a disembodied voice in random places in the Ascendant Challenges? Is that him?
Is he like a ghost-spirit or some kinda like energy wave thing like Polaris from Control?
People seem to either like him or really hate him but that's so weird to be that polarizing for someone who doesn't even seen to in game?
Was he from Destiny 1?
This is Toland the Shattered:
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The disembodied voice you hear in Ascendant Challenges in the Dreaming City are coming from this orb, which is what remains of Toland. He also appears on the Moon in the same form and you can start patrols with him. He was prominent in Destiny 1 as we received many messages from him and about him, but he is also heavily present in Destiny 2, especially in Shadowkeep.
Toland was a member of the First Crota Fireteam with Eris Morn, Eriana-3, Sai Mota, Omar Agah and Vell Tarlowe who led an assault on Crota before us. They failed and Eris was the only survivor, if we discount Toland's disembodied state.
He was asked to join the First Crota Fireteam specifically because he was an expert in researching the Hive and Hive magic, with a particular interest in the Hive deathsong practices (he was exiled from the City for this). He also had detailed information on how to kill a Hive god like Crota. He essentially only joined the fireteam in order to further study the deathsong and didn't appear to have much interesting in killing Crota, especially not in the same way the rest of the fireteam did.
After sharing his knowledge to help Eris and the others, he pretty much departed from the fireteam and went to seek out Ir Yut, a Hive wizard and a deathsinger. He attempted to make further studies, but she obliterated him with the deathsong which destroyed his body, but left his essence free to move around and interact. His preferred place to wander around in is the Ascendant Plane.
He's an interesting character with complicated relationships with his fireteam and especially Eris. Eris stated multiple times that his knowledge not only helped them learn a lot about the Hive and Crota, but also that his journal helped her survive the Hellmouth.
People mostly dislike him for how he wasn't truly invested in killing Crota and for his general praise of the Hive and the Darkness. For example, after we defeated Oryx, he was incredibly upset about us not following the sword logic and taking up the mantle of the Taken King, as he believes we should've done as ones that proved superior strength over Oryx:
You fools! You disastrous, bumbling squanderers! It's not right! Who now shall be First Navigator, Lord of Shapes, harrowed god, Taken King? Not you! You might have been Kings and Queens of the Deep! But you have toppled Oryx and you have not replaced him!
He speaks in this demeaning way often, and thinks of everyone but him to be lesser, uneducated and simply believing the Traveler's dogma:
LISTEN! LISTEN! Understand, you simpleton, it’s entirely obvious —
Are you following this? Would it help if I etched a few notes on the margins? I didn’t shuck my mortal form and smuggle this nightmare arcana back to the waking world for the benefit of that masked hypocrite’s drooling loyal orthodox.
The "masked hypocrite" would be the Speaker. There are more instances of this, he's like this every time he speaks, even in his patrols on the Moon.
He also destroyed his own Ghost and advised us to do the same:
I destroyed my Ghost, when I was like you. You should consider doing the same. Little good it does you.
Disturbingly enough, his Ghost (Guren) was not particularly bothered by this and fully supported Toland:
He will redefine death, escape the Traveler's blunt samsara. He will sound the depths of the powers you so myopically fear. My only regret is that I will not live to see his triumph.
He made Bad Juju and helped Eris make Deathbringer. The quest for Deathbringer is a part of Shadowkeep campaign.
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synnthamonsugar · 2 years
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@tropicalscream​ Yea I’ll draw that
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gameforestdach · 10 months
Willkommen zu den neuesten Spiele-Updates auf Gameforest und heute tauchen wir tief in die Welt von Destiny 2 ein. Die Entwickler haben kürzlich die Season of the Witch gestartet, die dem Spiel mehrere aufregende Funktionen hinzugefügt hat. Eines der wichtigsten Highlights ist der wiederholte Raid Crota's End, der bei jedem Hüter Nostalgie weckt.Die Season of the Witch in Destiny 2 hat begonnen und bietet neuen Inhalt, darunter einen wiederholten Raid namens Crota's End.Der Raid führt die Spieler zurück in die Zeit einer entscheidenden Schlacht gegen Crota, einen unerbittlichen Prinzen der Hive.Dieses epische Rennen bis zur Ziellinie, um den Meisterschaftsgürtel im Wrestling zu gewinnen, lässt die Hüter vor Vorfreude sprühen. Die Reise in die Vergangenheit - Crota's End Raid Die Season of the Witch eröffnet den Hütern neue Möglichkeiten, an saisonalen matchmade Aktivitäten teilzunehmen, thematisch passende Ausrüstung zu erwerben und eine neue exotische Waffe zu führen. Destiny 2 Spieler haben das Privileg, wichtige Momente aus der Vergangenheit durch wiederholte Raids erneut zu erleben. Eine bedeutende Gelegenheit besteht darin, die verheerende Schlacht gegen den Hive-Prinzen Crota erneut zu erleben. Dieser Kampf wurde in Destinys erstem Erweiterungspaket, The Dark Below, dargestellt, als Crota das Große Unglück orchestrierte, bei dem Hunderte von Hütern ihr Leben ließen und die Vanguard eine kühne Operation autorisierten, um ihn zu stoppen. Crota's End ermöglicht den Spielern, erneut an dieser massiven Auseinandersetzung teilzunehmen. Dies ist nicht nur eine unglaubliche nostalgische Reise für Destiny-Veteranen, sondern auch eine Gelegenheit für neue Spieler, eines der epischen Momente des Spiels zu erleben.Was erwartet dich im Crota's End Raid Wie bei den bisherigen Destiny-Raids handelt es sich bei Crota’s End um einen Wettbewerb für ein Fireteam, um den Sieg und den Meisterschaftsgürtel zu erringen. Der Raid startet am 1. September um 10:00 Uhr PT / 13:00 Uhr ET. In den ersten 48 Stunden ist der Contest-Modus aktiviert, der den ausgehenden Schaden der Spieler erhöht, Gegnern elementare Schilde verleiht und sie aggressiver macht. Die Spieler sollten die Contest-Modus-Power-Grenze von 1790 für den Raid erreichen. Es gibt jedoch noch keine spezifischen Details zu der Rüstung und den Waffen für Crota’s End. Es ist erwähnenswert, dass möglicherweise Ausrüstung aus The Dark Below zurückkehrt, wie zum Beispiel Word of Crota, Oversoul Edict und Fang of Ir Yut. Es gibt auch Spekulationen über die Rückkehr der explosiven exotischen Waffe, Necrochasm. Für detaillierte Informationen kannst du die Seite Schicksal 2 Lightfall Exotic Revealed zurate ziehen.Letzte Worte Während wir uns darauf freuen, uns erneut Crota zu stellen, teile deine Gedanken zu diesem wiederholten Raid. Freust du dich auf die Season of the Witch? Denkst du, du kannst die erhöhte Schwierigkeit bewältigen und den Meisterschaftsgürtel erobern? Melde dich zu Wort, Hüter!
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phthalology · 3 months
The ficlet challenge prompt for Toland/Ir Yut is “Every time AND/OR Odd.” Despite my Quantum Break ships, the “time” theme hasn’t been working for me. And Toland/Ir Yut sure is odd!! End of thought. Ah, well. I’ll keep these prompts around for fun throughout the year.
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iloveyouseoulhq · 1 year
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Seollal, ano novo coreano! De 20 a 22 de janeiro. 
O Seollal (설날), especialmente o Eumnyeok Seollal (음력 설랄), é o feriado nacional também conhecido como Ano Novo Coreano ou Ano Novo Lunar. Um dos feriados mais importantes da Coreia, é respeitosamente celebrado em família, agradecendo e pedindo bençãos para o novo ano que está chegando. Sua data coincide com o primeiro dia do calendário lunar, mas a celebração é feita, além dessa data, no dia que o antecede e no que sucede também. Durante o período, muitas pessoas viajam para suas cidades natais. 
Uma das atividades obrigatórias é o Sebae (세배) e o Charye (차례), a qual é uma reverência feita aos ancestrais e aos mais velhos. Primeiramente se faz aos ancestrais que já faleceram e oferece comida e bebida ao seus espíritos. Algumas brincadeiras de Ano Novo incluem jogar yut nori (윷놀이: jogo de tabuleiro), jegichagi (제기 차기), neolttwigi (널뛰기: um jogo de saltar sobre uma gangorra), paengi (팽이) o qual é uma espécie de pião coreano, e com pipas, até mesmo o GoStop, um jogo de cartas. Atualmente, as gerações mais jovens jogam videogames enquanto os adultos divertem-se no noraebang (karaokê coreano) ou apenas conversam.
A roupa usada na celebração é o hanbok, a vestimenta tradicional coreana, usada em ocasiões especiais e festividades. Geralmente, seus tecidos possuem cores alegres, ajuda a pedir por boa sorte no próximo ano. É comum pessoas comprarem ou mandarem fazer um apenas para o Seollal, então aí ele passa a ser chamado seolbim (설빔), que significa “roupa de ano novo”.
Claro que nenhuma comemoração é completa sem um belo banquete. A comida mais tradicional é o tteokguk, sopa feita com tteok (bolinhos com massa de arroz). Na crença coreana, o caldo de cor clara da sopa e o tteok simbolizam começar o ano com a mente e o corpo limpos, além das histórias que os mais velhos diziam que não se envelhece um ano até que eles tenham comido uma tigela de tteokguk. Também é comum preparar o Galbijjim (갈비찜), costelas assadas, e o Japchae (잡채), um prato de macarrão com vegetais, entre outras.
Este ano, como todos os outros, o Seong-ah Condo Life, irá organizar um banquete para quem não puder visitar as famílias, incluindo um mini templo para poderem pedir bençãos aos seus antepassados, além de muitos jogos, incluindo, o famoso noraebang. 
새해 복 많이 받으세요 (tenha um ano novo abençoado)!
- Este é um evento tranquilo, visando quem é estrangeiro, quem não tem contato com a família ou os que não conseguiriam ver os pais nesse feriado; - Adiantamos o evento para começar na sexta e terminar no domingo, diferente do Seollal deste ano; - Não é obrigatório ir para o banquete, mas como é um feriado importante na Coreia, não poderíamos deixar passar; - O dia do banquete será no dia 21/01, mas nos outros dias ainda terá as outras atividades disponíveis; - Sintam-se livres para usar a criatividade e desenvolver os personagens de vocês; - A tag referente ao evento será #SEOLLALILS e podem usar mesmo se seu char tiver viajado ou visitado os pais.
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newbornrpg · 1 year
Hola, vengo con una duda ¿Han considerado la opción de sumar wons automáticamente por cada post on rol que realice un personaje? Entiendo que hay manera de obtenerlos publicando cierta cantidad en un lapso determinado, pero hay usuarios que sólo podemos postear 1-2 post semanales, nos cuesta obtener wons y honestamente eso me desmotiva un poco, hablo desde mi experiencia. Gracias.
¡Buenas! La opción en sí fue considerada y ha caído en un par de conversaciones a lo largo del tiempo en la administración, tanto con la actual como con la antigua. Apenas vimos este mensaje hablamos de ello nuevamente, sin embargo, la resolución siempre es la misma y es un no casi rotundo. Esto tiene una explicación que pedimos por favor leer más allá de la negativa a esto. Lo primero y más importante es que el foro funciona con un sistema de punto automáticos. Estos son denominados experiencia, cuya guía la puedes encontrar en el foro. Cada tema te aporta 2 puntos de experiencia y conseguir niveles te otorga beneficios laborales que es hacía donde está enfocado en sí el foro (puedes obtener más experiencia votando o por recompensas). Para esto ocupamos una opción que nos da el panel de administración de foroactivo y solo nos da una opción para añadir puntos automáticos al perfil de los personajes, es decir, en caso de nosotros querer dar wons por cada post además de la experiencia, deberíamos hacerlo de manera manual. Entenderás que eso es un sacrificio que no haremos por mucho que queramos el foro, pues estar pendientes constantemente de este para ir viendo quien postea y quien no para sumar wons por post no solo nos quita tiempo administrativo y como personas, sino también como usuarios. Aquí cabe hacer el inciso que estamos trabajando en el próximo paso de la experiencia para que tome mucha más relevancia de la que ya de por sí tiene. Continuando con tu sugerencia. Entendemos que pueda ser difícil al inicio conseguir wons bajo tu punto de vista, pero actualmente tenemos una amplia gama de recompensas que te pueden dar un colchón bastante generoso mes a mes que se van acumulando y con ello hacen una suma grande. Vamos a poner un ejemplo basado en los 1—2 post semanales que indicas que puedes hacer. Ejemplo: Pepito saltamontes hace 2 post semanales durante 3 semanas al mes. Esto nos indica que son un total de 6 temas al mes, lo que le da para la recompensa de “5 post mensuales”. Además, pudo tomar un tema libre o tomar una trama del apartado de tramas, eso añade 25 wons. Luego, ese mes puede estar el Daily Work Routine, donde cobras el sueldo del personaje y además dos recompensas usando la información predeterminada; recompensa por participar en actividad de 25 wons y además recompensa por usar la información predeterminada de 15 wons. Nos detendremos aquí. Pues esto te sumaría una recompensa final en el mes de: 115 wons + 3 puntos de experiencia. Esto si omitimos el sueldo mes por medio y las recompensas temporales, también las actividades del foro que dar wons o el mismo Yut Nori que también tiene recompensa de dar wons. Como hemos señalado, métodos para conseguirlos hay. Esto lo sabemos, porque nosotros mismos hemos tenido personajes nuevos con los que nos enfrentamos a esto y por eso es una constante prueba/error. En esta parte también queremos recordar una cosa que señalamos hace un par de mensajes atrás. Todo esto son recompensas, añadidos y aportes que ponemos en el foro para poder conseguir algunas cosas, pero no son la finalidad como tal, pues el pasatiempo detrás es el rol. Sin embargo, siempre estamos buscando que recompensas más poner en el foro para darles opciones sencillas y algunas más complejas para los más orgullosos. Si algo se te ocurre lo recibiremos con mucho gusto. Lamentamos que la respuesta no sea quizá lo que esperabas, pero como hemos explicado en los puntos anteriores, es complejo tanto por la mecánica del foro como por un tema de facilidades que ya existen en este. Ten un excelente día. ♡
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bonesingerofyme-loc · 5 years
I’ve reached the uncomfortable and indisputable realization that Hive sorceresses are hot.
This is supported by lore.
Consider the following:
Rezyl Azzir
Epitome of a guardian. Paragon of what it meant to be a titan. Goes to the moon, comes face to face with Xyor the Betrothed. Gets whispered to intimately, and then immediately kills her husband, a Hive Knight.
To Rezyl, the approaching horror cut an imposing silhouette not unlike that of an ancient, disgraced knight. Maybe it had been heroic once. Maybe here in these shadows, to the watchful eyes of the wicked woman and her rotting horde it was a hero still – only for a darker, sinister cause. The thought intrigued Rezyl. 
Rezyl. No Rezyl. Noooo no.
We all know what happens next. 
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This happens next.
Consider the Second: Toland the Shattered
Another guardian. Another Hive Sorceress. He hears her sing and is immediately smitten and fascinated, throwing aside his fireteam to meet her and listen to her deathsong.
I, too, am detached from my source. The charming Ir Yût made her introductions, and I was very pleased to meet her. We had a conversation, a little tête-à-Yût, a couple old wizards exchanging definitions.
Bestest of friends.
Consider the Third: Hiraks
Poor little dreg falls into the Hellmouth. Ends up fascinated by the Hive, learns all about them and ends up taking Ir Ananh, another Hive Sorceress, as his  consort.
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