#iris (andi mack)
sapphosclown · 2 years
there’s something so funny about when buffy is like “omg iris you’re so sweet i can’t believe you’re friends with amber” and iris just is like amber isn’t that bad she’s actually deeply insecure and can’t keep a boyfriend and she killed her teddy bear. like girl why did you expose her like that so fast
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did iris have a last name (canon or fandom-created)
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paracosmicat · 1 year
Watering the Andi Mack fandom with my obscure headcannons and waiting for the fans to return like wildlife to the forest
- TJ loves cartoons. He loves She Ra and Steven Universe but he also watches OLD cartoons. He just loves cartoons and when Cyrus introduces him to fandom space he lurks like it’s the daily newspaper.
- Cyrus thinks the word boyfriend sounds SO nice and he says it any chance he gets. TJ of course thinks it’s really cute and doesn’t mind at all.
- Iris thought that Cyrus just didn’t like her, which she was super bummed about but okay with. So when she runs into Cyrus and TJ at the next  renaissance fair, it’s a little bit healing for her. I think their agreement to be friends becomes a little more viable this time and they start hanging out regularly.
- Jonah deserves to be a part of the Good Hair Crew and the way they tell him is by coyly being like wow Jonah your hair looks great today…great..? You might even say good. And he is just like “I thought great was better than good”
- aromantic Jonah Beck aromantic Jonah Beck aromantic Jonah Beck
- TJ drops the jock thing after freshmen year of high school and starts dressing more polished, coupled with the fact that he now needs glasses. Come on, no one has a consistent style throughout their ENTIRE high school years.
- TJ and Cyrus are the couple that makes it, I know it I just know it. Anytime they have a fight or argument that they need to figure out Cyrus pulls out his binder and walks them through it by talking to himself in third person. “Now, Cyrus how does that make you feel? —…WELL BAD.”
- The Kippen siblings don’t even realize they are dating the same person basically until Iris and Cyrus become good friends again and then Amber and TJ just watch in horror as they OFTEN say the same thing at the same time.
- Cyrus did a whole grand promposal the day before TJ’s grand promposal so they had two
- Andi and Buffy have been in love since season 2 but they take until their senior year of high school to realize and actually start dating, everyone is relieved, especially Cyrus who had to help Andi through thinking she must just have a crush on [checks notes] every boy Buffy has dated
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i-am-church-the-cat · 6 months
you can always go home again (or for the first time)
This is my fic for the Andi Mack gift exchange! This is for @paracosmicat, I'm so sorry that it's late, but I hope you enjoy it anyway.
Summary: She ruffles his hair as she leads the way back through the apartment. It’s small and crowded with trinkets, books and shoes, basketballs and art projects, and something that must have exploded from the kitchen. Three more people are waiting for them in the living room, less than T.J. expected from the level of noise he’d heard. “Hey guys, this is T.J., the dude I was telling you about,” Jonah introduces him to the group at large and he offers a small wave. “T.J., this is Andi, Cyrus, and Marty.” WC: 2674 Pairing: Gen mostly, but with pre-relationship Tyrus and minor Amris Tags: College AU, First Meetings, T.J. POV, Amber and T.J. are siblings Rating: Teen
He knew it was saving him money, but sometimes living with his sister and her girlfriend could be really annoying. T.J. had been trapped in his room for ages, Amber and Iris having fought and made up over the past several hours, both things he would rather not be witness to. At this rate, he was going to be locked in here until graduation. 
Hey man, you looking to hang tonight?
Something like relief passes through T.J. when he gets the message. He and Jonah aren’t the closest of friends, yet. They hadn’t gotten along when Jonah was dating his sister - between the compulsory heterosexuality and Jonah’s constant avoidance of anything even hinting at romantic in nature, it had been hell from start to finish - but since they were both studying kinesiology, they’d tried to be friendly. Today, that work had finally paid off.
Yeah man, what were you thinking?
Some of my friends are holding a get together at their apartment, just a small thing. You wanna come?
Another noise came from the living room. T.J. didn’t want to know if it was a yell or a moan. 
Send me the address, im omw
Since the path to the front door was locked, T.J. used the fire escape by his window. It dropped him right next to the motorcycle he probably shouldn’t be parking in the back alley. But hey, it hadn’t been stolen yet, and it made for a very quick getaway. T.J. set his phone to give him voice directions to the address Jonah texts him and then he’s off. 
The apartment building is nice, an artist-y co-op on the west side of town. T.J. heads up to the third floor after texting Jonah again for the apartment number - Beck wasn’t always the most aware person. Both the bike ride and the jog up the steps do a lot for getting T.J. in a better headspace than he was in earlier. 
He hears the apartment before he sees it. Jonah said it was just a small get together, but from the noise coming through the door, T.J. has some serious doubts. He considers bailing before remembering what’s going on at his own apartment and knocking on the door. 
Surprisingly, it’s not Jonah who answers. It’s a girl with tight braids and wearing a Utah Jazz jersey. She looks like someone he should know, but it slips his mind. She looks him over and must find him wanting because her expression is thoroughly unimpressed. 
“Can I help you?”
“Um, hi,” T.J. says, trying for a smile and probably failing short. “I’m looking for-”
“Oh, Buffy is that T.J.?” A thankfully familiar voice comes from inside the apartment. Jonah Beck pops his head around the girl - Buffy’s - shoulder and flashes his big signature smile. “Teej, glad you could make it! Come in, come in.”
“Just inviting people into my home now, Beck?” Buffy asks, clearly not amused, but she steps aside with a nod to T.J. He nods back, figuring it’s the best course of action, and he’s rewarded with Buffy’s expression going a little less intense and a little more accepting. 
“Oh, yeah, sorry Buffy.” Jonah’s apologetic grin is too cute for anyone, even Buffy, to hold a grudge against. She ruffles his hair as she leads the way back through the apartment. It’s small and crowded with trinkets, books and shoes, basketballs and art projects, and something that must have exploded from the kitchen. Three more people are waiting for them in the living room, less than T.J. expected from the level of noise he’d heard.
“Hey guys, this is T.J., the dude I was telling you about,” Jonah introduces him to the group at large and he offers a small wave. “T.J., this is Andi, Cyrus, and Marty.”
T.J. opens his mouth to greet the group but the guy he’d thought looked familiar beats him to it. Marty hops up, big grin on his face as he offers up his hand for T.J. to slap.
“Hey, Kippen right? Aren’t you the new freshman starter for the basketball team?”
T.J. grins but can’t help the flush that takes his face. He’s proud of himself, yeah, but he finds it’s not always the best to introduce himself with his sporting career. It hasn’t always worked out the best in the past, which was mainly his fault to be fair. He hadn’t been a nice person on the court when he was younger.
“Yeah, I remember you from tryouts. You’ve got a great three-pointer, man.”
“Oh god, Jonah don’t tell me you brought another jock,” whines the other girl in the apartment, an Asian girl with short hair and paint on her t-shirt. “Now Cyrus and I are outnumbered 2-to-1.”
“I also invited Walker and Libby, but they both had things,” Jonah tries to defend himself, flopping down on the floor and grabbing a handful of popcorn from that half-empty bowl on teh coffee table. “It’s not my fault T.J.’s the only one free enough to join us.”
“I’m not totally sure if that’s an insult or not,” T.J. admits, looking around for space to sit. Andi and Buffy are sitting on the couch, Marty going back to sit in the third seat. Jonah’s on the floor. The only seat left is the loveseat, next to the only person here who’s voice T.J. hasn’t heard yet. 
“Hi,” he greets, moving towards the other boy. “I’m T.J. Can I sit?”
The brown-haired boy has big eyes that seem to suck all the air out of the room. Either someone just started hitting a bass drum, or T.J. could hear his heartbeat in his ears. Soft freckles dusted the boy’s nose and his pink lips had teeth indentations in them, as if he’d been biting them only seconds before. Those same lips lift into a smile, crinkly his Bambi eyes at the edges. 
“Sure,” the angel fairy boy said. “I’m Cyrus.”
“T.J.,” he mumbles, sitting down on the cushion. The other boy’s eyes fill with mirth.
“You said that already.”
“Right.” T.J. blinks, wondering it this is what deer felt when they get stuck in headlights. “Sorry.”
Cyrus is clearly laughing at him but he has the decency not to show it. Instead, he leans forward and grabs something off of the pile of snacks on the coffee table. 
“Muffin? It’s chocolate chocolate chip.”
“Oh.” T.J. looks down at the muffin in surprise. It’s big and rich and somehow exactly what T.J. needs. His stomach growls in appreciation as he takes the treat in gentle hands. “Thank you, these are actually my favorite.”
Cyrus’s eyes twinkle. “Mine, too,” he says, grabbing another one and holding it out to cheers against T.J.’s own. T.J.’s grin is huge at the simple gesture. 
“So, T.J.” The voice draws the two out of the little bubble they had gotten sucked in so quickly. T.J. turns to Buffy while his fingers tear off a bit of muffin and pop it in his mouth. “What do the T and the J stand for?”
He snorts, used to this line of questioning. T.J. leans back in his seat, one arm going across the back of the couch. He doesn’t the notice the way Cyrus looks at the arm in surprise, face going slightly red. 
“Sorry, but that’s highly privileged information. Only four people on Earth know it.”
Marty leans forward with eager eyes. “Is it really that bad?”
T.J.’s face and voice are deadpan when he says, “Worse.”
“Amber told me it changes every month,” Jonah says from his spot on the floor. 
“Oh wait, are you Amber’s brother?” Andi says, eyes going wide in recognition. Shoot. If she knows his sister this could either be really bad or… nah, just really bad. His sister’s kind of a dick. 
“Yeah, younger, by two years.” 
“How come we never met you when she and Jonah were dating?” Buffy asks. The way she’s looking at him is different now but T.J. can’t tell if it’s better or worse. “We met Iris.”
“And she was so nice, though obviously in love with Amber,” Cyrus says. This gets sounds of affirmation from all except Jonah who shrugs. 
“I never saw it.”
“You never see it,” Andi, Buffy, and Cyrus all chorus back at him, different levels of fondness or exasperation. T.J. wonders what the story is there. Though, if it’s anything like the one he heard from Amber, he can probably guess.
“They’re actually dating now,” T.J. says, hoping to steer the conversation away from his and Amber’s relationship. He loves his sister, and even likes her these days, but that wasn’t always the truth. “They were roommates and finally admitted their feelings. When Iris moved out of her room, they had an extra, so I moved into their place when I went to college.”
Andi is nodding. “That’s smart. Cyrus, Buffy, and I all the split the rent here and we’re still eating mostly junk food we get on sale.”
“The stipend they give us on sports scholarship is not enough,” Buffy sighs and T.J. can commiserate with that. He holds up his half-eaten muffin in a toast. 
“Hey, at least you and Cyrus are on scholarship,” Andi pouts. “Liberal arts college is the worst financial decision I’ve ever made.” 
“But it’ll all even out when you’re a world famous artist and we can fly out to France to see your new art gallery in the Louvre,” Cyrus encourages in a way that feels more sincere than most. 
“Yeah, and you can represent Jonah when he gets sued for what he’s done to his apartment,” Marty snickers.
Jonah kicks up a fuss and the others fall into bickering over something T.J. clearly does not have enough information on. Instead, he turns his attention back to Cyrus, where it had been threatening to float all evening. 
“You’re going to college to be a lawyer?” He asks, taking a bite of his muffin. Cyrus turns to him as if surprised to be T.J.’s focus once again. 
“Yeah! A civil rights lawyer, though, not a defense attorney.”
“That’s really cool.” He hoped he sounded as sincere as Cyrus had earlier, cause it’s true. T.J. wished he had a career path that was at least half as good for the world as Cyrus’s. He was only studying kinesiology because it’s what a bunch of student athletes did and his parents wanted him to have something to fall back on. He wasn’t going to be changing the world anytime soon.
Cyrus shrugs and blushes, ducking his head. He’s clearly not used to taking compliments which is a shame because they’re filling T.J.’s head like helium in a balloon. One poke and they’ll all come spilling out. 
“Yeah, well, it was either that or become a psychologist. All four of my parents are psychologists.”
“Mom, dad, step-mom, and step-dad,” Cyrus says with a shrug. This topic of conversation he’s far too used to. “You know how it goes.”
“Nah, actually,” T.J. glances away for a second before back to Cyrus. “My parents are the kind that should’ve split up but never did. It kind of left a bad mark on Amber and I’s relationship with them, and each other.”
Cyrus looks up at him curiously. He’s curled towards him, leaning against the back of the loveseat and subsequently propping his head up on T.J.’s arm. The weight is nice, grounding.
“Is that why we’ve never met you before?”
“Yeah,” T.J. admits. It feels safer to tell Cyrus here, where they’re practically alone, instead of to the whole group. “I left to live with my grandparents in high school. The distance helped Amber and I a lot.”
“I’m glad.” Cyrus smiles up at him. “I don’t have any siblings but Buffy and Andi are basically like my sisters. We’ve been best friends for as long as I can remember.”
T.J. smiles, feelings bittersweet. “I don’t think I’ve ever had anyone like that.”
Cyrus considers him quietly. His face is serious and strangely more confident than it had been when their conversation began. “You should.”
They fall into silence then, just observing each other, gathering their thoughts and basking in the feeling their bubble had created. T.J. was still impressed by how quickly Cyrus had sucked him in. There was just something about the young man that felt authentic and calming, like everything was going to be okay. It’s a feeling T.J. has rarely ever felt in his life.
“You know, you’re weirdly easy to talk to.”
Cyrus smiles, teasing. “It’s the four therapists as parents. You get used to listening.” 
Cyrus and T.J. don’t have an opportunity to be quiet together for the rest of the night. Once the other’s finished bickering, they drew the two into a game of Trivial Pursuit, and then Truth or Dare, and then Charades, which T.J. and Buffy weirdly dominated at, to Marty and Jonah’s chagrin. By the end of the night, T.J. was exhausted but happy. He’d left the house to escape the private going ons of his sister and her girlfriend and ended up meeting people he’d never believe he felt so at home with. The way they opened up and welcomed him in felt amazing, like nothing he’d ever experienced.
“It’s a great feeling, right?” Marty had said, halfway through the night, when they’d both stepped into the kitchen to grab a drink. “Andi, Buffy, and Cyrus have always been this trio. It should feel like an impenetrable wall to cross but they always open up and offer space to anyone who needs it. Jonah and I in middle school, Walker and Libby in high school, and now you.” 
T.J. had blinked in surprise, looking back out to the living room. The three roommates were doing weird poses, trying to convince the others they were real formations used in yoga, or just trying to make the other two laugh. He watches with a warm feeling in his stomach as Cyrus laughs so much he topples out of the position he was in, sprawling across the carpeted floor. 
“Can it really be that easy?”
Marty had shrugged and given him a welcoming smile. A beckoning smile. “Only if you let it be.” 
And T.J. was going to let it be. He wasn’t going to question the new familiarity between himself and these people. He was just going to accept it and holds on as long as he could. By the time he left, he had four new numbers in his phone. When he got home, there was a text from one of them. 
Buffy the Basketball Slayer
You better ask Cyrus out soon
He’s not known for making the first move and I can not handle three months of pining
Hop on it Kippen
T.J. grinned. He sent back a thumbs up emoji before pulling down the fire escape. He stumbles through his window and onto his bed, feeling dazed from both the climb and the night he had.
“Hvae fun?” Amber asks from the open doorway. That had definitely been closed when he left, but T.J.’s proud of the fact he didn’t startle at her sudden appearance. 
“Yeah.” He knows he’s grinning like a madman but he just can’t help it. 
“Good,” his sister says. She ruffles his hair, blonde matching her own. “Good night, little bro.”
“Night,” he calls as she exits the room. He sits up a little to make his next words heard. “Good night to you, too, Iris!”
There’s a pause, then, “Good night, T.J.! Sweet dreams!”
And well. There’s no doubt that they will be.
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fairykippen · 6 months
my andi mack sexuality/gender hc’s <3
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andi - pan demi girl she/they
buffy - bi genderfluid she/they/he
cyrus - gay he/him (canon)
jonah - unlabeled aroace he/him
amber kippen - lesbian she/her
tj kippen - gay he/him (canon)
bex mack - bi she/her
bowie mack - pan non-binary they/he
marty from the party - trans bi he/him
walker brodsky - pan non-binary they/them
i couldn’t add libby & iris but
libby - pan she/they
iris - lesbian she/they
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illbeyourreasonwhy · 6 months
Andi Mack Gift Exchange 2024
surprise bonk @sapphosclown!! I got you for the andi mack gift exchange!!
you mentioned wanting to see the gang in high school, so have some pre-prom shenanigans featuring established tyrus and mutual pining ambi!! hope you like it :)
and thank you thank you thank you to @paracosmicat for organising this! it was so much fun revisiting these characters!
« Do you think I should ask Andi to prom?”
Cyrus found TJ’s eyes easily, the two of them exchanging an amused look as Amber looked around the cafeteria table imploringly. Across from them, Buffy rolled her eyes, while Jonah tilted his head, confused.
“Didn’t you already ask us this yesterday?”
“And the day before?” TJ offered.
“No,” Amber said. “I asked if you thought we should get Andi to come even though she goes to a different school. This time I’m asking if you think I should ask her. As my date.”
She looked around the table with a mix of vulnerability and expectation, like she was waiting for them to burst into shocked exclamations and follow-up questions at the revelation. Instead, Jonah nodded as if that were a given, and TJ turned back towards Cyrus, shaking his head at him in amusement.
“Go for it,” Buffy said; Cyrus was pretty sure she was just barely refraining from rolling her eyes again. “You know she’ll say yes.”
Amber’s eyes widened. “You think so?”
“Yeah,” Jonah said as if it were obvious, “why wouldn’t she?”
At that, Amber seemed to deflate a little, her mouth opening and closing. “Well,” she managed eventually. She glanced around the table, still looking a little taken aback at their lack of reaction. She worked at her jaw for another moment, then said: “You know I don’t mean just as friends, right?”
This time, Cyrus couldn’t help the small laugh that escaped him. “Yes, Amber, we’re all fully aware.”
Amber looked at him, then at the rest of their friends, then leaned back into her chair. “Huh.”
Buffy took pity on her after a moment. “I hope you didn’t expect us to be surprised.”
Amber crossed her arms, pouting a little. “A little bit of surprise would be nice,” she mumbled.
As one, Buffy and TJ pretended to gasp, while Cyrus threw his chair back, his face going slack. “You like Andi?” he asked, clutching at his chest. “I never would have guessed!”
A sheepish smile broke onto Amber’s face. “Okay, okay, I get it,” she said. “I guess I’ve been a little obvious.”
“You’re not the only one,” TJ muttered. Cyrus elbowed him.
The conversation was interrupted by Marty’s arrival, slamming his tray down on the table next to Buffy and making half of them jump. On the other side of the table, Iris dropped into the seat next to Amber’s much more quietly.
“Hey, guys,” she said. “What did we miss?”
“Amber’s angsting about asking Andi to prom,” Cyrus said.
Marty’s face scrunched up in confusion. “Yeah, I thought we went over this yesterday.”
“No,” Amber hissed, exasperated. “We didn’t.”
Marty exchanged a puzzled look with Jonah, then shrugged, picking up his apple.
“Well, answer’s the same. You should do it.” He took a bite out of his apple. “It’ll be a cute second date.”
Amber almost choked on her drink.
“Second date?” she spluttered.
“Yeah, what are you talking about, Marty?” Jonah said. He grinned innocently. “They’ve been on at least six dates by now.”
“We’ve what?!”
Cyrus burst out laughing, burying the most of it in TJ’s shoulder for Amber’s sake – not that it did much to hide it, considering TJ was also laughing. Across from them, Buffy was pressing her lips together in an obvious attempt to stop herself from doing the same, and even Iris had hastily hidden her face away behind a large gulp of coffee.
“I’m sorry,” Amber started, her voice a little strained, “what do you mean by six dates?”
“Yeah, I’m also confused,” Marty said, looking between Amber and Jonah with only the slight twitch to the corner of his lips betraying him, “I thought you and Andi finally got together last week. Didn’t you go to that art museum this weekend?”
“Wh – what?” Amber’s head swung wildly from side to side as she looked between all of them. “Yes, we did, but that wasn’t a date.”
“It wasn’t?” Jonah asked, still looking politely bewildered. Cyrus was tempted to believe he was genuinely surprised, with how oblivious Jonah could be, but – Jonah met his eyes across the table, the barest flicker of amusement betraying how funny he was finding this. That realization was enough to send him into another fit of giggles. “What about all those times you get coffee, just the two of you? Or that time you went to the flea market together? Those weren’t dates?”
Amber gaped at him. “… Not as far as I’m aware. Did Andi think those were dates?”
“She hasn’t said anything to me,” Cyrus quickly said, because the last thing they needed was Amber beginning to spiral. “I guarantee you I would have heard if she thought you guys were dating.”
“Yeah, same,” Buffy said. “Even though you kind of have been dating.”
TJ shrugged. “Guess it’s a good thing you’re both just as oblivious as the other.”
Buffy narrowed her eyes at him. “Okay, Smitten Kippen.”
TJ’s cheeks went red. “Don’t call me that.”
“Aww, but I like it,” Cyrus cooed, running a hand through his hair. “I called you oblivious to your face and you still didn’t figure it out.”
“Like you were any better,” Jonah said, and – ouch. It was a low point if Jonah Beck was the one to call you oblivious.
“Okay, okay, that was three years ago, though,” Amber cut in. “Can we go back to my thing, which is happening right now?”
“Listen, it’s not our fault if you and Andi can’t figure out you’re going on dates.”
“We haven’t been going on dates!”
“You kind of have, though,” Iris said – gently, because unlike the rest of them she was kind enough to actually try easing Amber into the realization. “You’ve basically been dating Andi for at least two months.” At Amber’s disbelieving look, she shook her head. “Come on, Amber, that trip to the bookstore two weeks ago? When you each picked out books for the other? That was the most middle-of-the-rom-com-cute-date-montage thing I’ve ever seen.”
“Iris, you were there for that.”
“Yes, and I’ve never felt more like a third-wheel in my life than then. And I’ve crashed dates with TJ and Cyrus.”
“Hey,” TJ said, sounding offended, “I resent the implication that Amber and Andi are cuter than we are.”
“Uh, we’re so much cuter than you guys,” Amber said.
“You didn’t even realize you had a girlfriend until ten seconds ago!”
Amber’s face froze. “Oh my god, is Andi my girlfriend?”
TJ threw his hands into the air. “See, this is what I’m talking about!”
“Yeah, I gotta go with Teej on this one, Ambs,” Marty said. He smirked, wrapping an arm around Buffy. “Besides, if we’re talking cutest couple, me and Buffy win, hands down.”
“No you do not!” Cyrus said, affronted. “TJ and I went on a stargazing date last night!”
“Iris, what have you done?” Jonah whispered. “You’ve created a monster.”
Iris nodded grimly. “No, Jonah. I’ve created five monsters.”
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buckgettingstruck · 2 months
btw. me seeing the girl who played iris on andi mack playing kid maddie in buck begins
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femslashrevolution · 1 year
Popular Pairing List Update
The following pairings have more than 10 recent posts in their pairing tag, and are therefore too popular to be posted on Rarepair Thursdays:
Amalia True x Penance Adair (The Nevers)
Anita St. Pierre x Della Street (Perry Mason)
Anne Boonchuy x Sasha Waybright (Amphibia)
Ava Coleman x Janine Teagues (Abbott Elementary)
Carol Aird x Therese Belivet (Carol)
Cinta Kaz x Vel Sartha (Star Wars)
Drea Torres x Eleanor Levetan (Do Revenge)
Eleanor Levetan x Gabbi Broussard (Do Revenge)
Eleanor Roosevelt x Lorena Hickok (The First Lady)
Ellie x Riley Abel (HBO The Last Of Us)
Emily Prentiss x Jennifer Jareau (Criminal Minds)
Frannie Langton x Marguerite Benham (The Confessions of Frannie Langton)
Katherine Hastings x Sadie Ryan (American Auto)
KJ Brandman x Mac Coyle (Amazon Paper Girls)
Lily Evans x Narcissa Malfoy (Harry Potter)
Mia Reed x Vada Cavell (The Fallout)
Midge Maisel x Susie Myerson (The Marvelous Mrs Maisel)
Miorine Rembran x Suletta Mercury (Mobile Suit Gundam Wing)
Natasha Romanoff x Peggy Carter (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
The following pairings have been posted less frequently recently, and have therefore been removed from the popular pairing list:
Addy Hanlon x Beth Cassidy (Dare Me)
Alex Danvers x Kelly Olsen (Supergirl)
Alex Vause x Piper Chapman (Orange Is The New Black)
Alexis Rose x Twyla Sands (Schitt’s Creek)
Allison Argent x Lydia Martin (Teen Wolf)
Andi Mack x Buffy Driscoll (Andi Mack)
Anne Shirley x Diana Barry x Ruby Gillis (Anne With An E)
Buffy Summers x Willow Rosenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Caitlin Snow x Iris West (The Flash)
Camina Drummer x Naomi Nagata (The Expanse)
Cosima Niehaus x Delphine Cormier (Orphan Black)
Dinah Lance x Helena Bertinelli (DCU)
Eleanor Shellstrop x Tahani Al Jamil (The Good Place)
Finch Tarrayo x Josie Saltzman (Legacies)
Greta Moreno x Riley Luo (Generation)
Hannah Miller x Sarah Fier (Fear Street)
Hermione Granger x Narcissa Malfoy (Harry Potter)
Ji-yeong x Kang Sae-byeok (Squid Game)
Joan x Zoey Clarke (Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist)
Kathryn Janeway x Seven of Nine (Star Trek: Voyager)
Lady Hideko x Sook Hee (The Handmaiden)
Laurel Lance x Nyssa al Ghul (Arrow)
Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Neopolitan x Yang Xiao Long (RWBY)
Nora Grace x Viri Gómez (Skam Spain)
Paris Geller x Rory Gilmore (Gilmore Girls)
River Song x Thirteenth Doctor (Doctor Who)
Seo Ji-wan x Yoon Sol (Nevertheless)
Shane McCutcheon x Tess Van De Berg (The L Word)
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maya-matlin · 5 months
From any fandoms, pick 3 of your favorite ships from each letter of the alphabet (based on their ship name) ex: A:(three ships) B: (three ships) and so on. If there’s only one that exists per letter that’s okay too! 😊
Uh.. I'll try! I can't promise anything for some of these letters.
1.) Adam & Becky (Degrassi)
2.) Angel & Cordelia (Angel)
3.) Alex & Marissa (The OC)
1.) Betty & Jughead (Riverdale)
2.) Brooke & Lucas (One Tree Hill)
3.) Brittany & Santana (Glee)
1.) Chandler & Monica (Friends)
2.) Cory & Topanga (Boy Meets World)
3.) Craig & Ashley (Degrassi)
1.) Drew & Bianca (Degrassi)
2.) Dan & Blair (Gossip Girl)
3.) Dawson & Jen (Dawson's Creek)
1.) Ephram & Amy (Everwood)
2.) Elizabeth & Jason (General Hospital)
3.) Emily & Naomi (Skins)
1.) Fred & Gunn (Angel)
2.) Faith & Buffy (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
3.) Felicity & Noel (Felicity)
1.) Graham & Megan (But I'm a Cheerleader)
2.) Georgia & Joe (Ginny & Georgia)
3.) Ginny & Marcus (Ginny & Georgia)
1.) Holly J & Sav (Degrassi)
2.) Hannah & Bright (Everwood)
3.) Henry & Alex (Red, White and Royal Blue)
1.) Isak & Even (Skam)
2.) Iris & Miles (The Holiday)
3.) Isabel & Kyle (Roswell)
1.) Jay & Manny (Degrassi)
2.) Joey & Caitlin (Degrassi)
3.) JT & Liberty (Degrassi)
1.) KC & Clare (Degrassi)
2.) Kirsten & Sandy (The OC)
3.) Karma & Amy (Faking It)
1.) Luke & Lorelai (Gilmore Girls)
2.) Logan & Veronica (Veronica Mars)
3.) Leo & Piper (Charmed)
1.) Michael & Maria (Roswell)
2.) Marshall & Lily (How I Met Your Mother)
3.) Mike & Phoebe (Friends)
1.) Nathan & Haley (One Tree Hill)
2.) Nancy & Steve (Stranger Things)
3.) Noah & Allie (The Notebook)
1.) Pacey & Joey (Dawson's Creek)
2.) Pacey & Andie (Dawson's Creek)
3.) Patrick & Kat (10 Things I Hate About You)
1.) Quinn & Santana (Glee)
2.) Quinn & Logan (Zoey 101)
1.) Ron & Hermione (Harry Potter)
2.) Ricky & Gina (High School Musical: The Musical: The Series)
3.) Riley & Maya (Girl Meets World)
1.) Sean & Ellie (Degrassi)
2.) Shawn & Angela (Boy Meets World)
3.) Sam & Mercedes (Glee)
1.) Tiny & Shay (Degrassi)
2.) Tristan & Miles (Degrassi)
3.) TJ & Cyrus (Andi Mack)
1.) Victor & Tea (One Life to Live)
2.) Veronica & Cheryl (Riverdale)
3.) Veronica & Betty (Riverdale)
1.) Willow & Tara (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
2.) Waverly & Smash (Friday Night Lights)
1.) Xander & Sarah (Days of Our Lives)
2.) Xander & Anya (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
1.) Yousef & Yana (Skam)
1.) Zig & Maya (Degrassi)
2.) Zoe & Grace (Degrassi)
3.) Zane & Riley (Degrassi)
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ao3feed-tyrus · 1 year
Can I Just Hold Onto You Forever In My Heart??
by Fan_of_many_things
An Andi Mack College AU.
Cyrus Goodman and his friends Andi Mack, Buffy Driscoll and Jonah Beck start going to a college that they’ve heard so much about when they were in Middle School and High School
ShadySide Midwest State College, it’s the biggest College in all of the Midwest State.
Will They Survive College and possibly find love??
Will the College Experience be too much for the GHC?
Words: 1633, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Andi Mack (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Cyrus Goodman, T. J. Kippen, Andi Mack, Amber (Andi Mack), Jonah Beck, Marty (Andi Mack), Buffy Driscoll, Walker Brodsky, Iris (Andi Mack), Libby (Andi Mack), Lester (Andi Mack), Reed (Andi Mack)
Relationships: Cyrus Goodman/T. J. Kippen, Amber/Andi Mack, Jonah Beck/Walker Brodsky, Buffy Driscoll/Marty, Iris/Libby (Andi Mack), Lester/Reed (Andi Mack), Cyrus Goodman/Original Male Character(s) (past)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, Amber & Marty Are Cousins, T. J. Kippen & Marty Are Cousins, T. J. Kippen & Amber Are Siblings, No Beta we die like Bubbe Rose (Cyrus’ grandma), Lesbian Amber (Andi Mack), Trans Marty (Andi Mack), Bisexual Jonah Beck, Pansexual Andi Mack, Pansexual Walker Brodsky, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Past Relationship(s), Past Abuse, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Implied/Referenced Past Bullying, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, POV Alternating
from AO3 works tagged 'Cyrus Goodman/T. J. Kippen' https://ift.tt/Qu7GZDw via IFTTT
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spaceotter42 · 2 years
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Happy Birthday to Molly Jackson!  Iris on Andi Mack.  She turns 21 today, Nov. 22.  
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en-theheights · 2 years
Just here to let all the Andi Macker's know that the gang will be seniors in high school, and Tyrus have been dating for 3 years 💜
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paracosmicat · 1 year
I guess Im making Andi Mack content in 2023
Throwing this all the way back to when Tarty exes was super trendy
- I have always pictured Iris, Marty, and the Kippen siblings being childhood best friends. Marty and TJ became super close in school and Iris and Amber were best friends so naturally a little group formed.
- Amber, TJ, and Marty are the bad influences while Iris is along for the ride. The most this amounted to was watching scary movies that were slightly too intense, causing Iris TJ to force someone to follow him everywhere for the rest of the night.
- Marty and TJ would play house and be the dads taking care of a baby while Amber and Iris would be pretending to be rich sophisticated business women.
- All four of them would play basketball together, but TJ and Amber would become super competitive and end up fighting. MEANWHILE Marty and Iris would slowly back away and play somewhere else.
- They all went on a HUNT for dandelions while Iris taught them how to make dandelion crowns. Once they all had one they played prince/princesses.
- TJ just called Marty his boyfriend one day and Marty was like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ okay. They dated until Marty was like wait I should probably be gay.
- Amber and Iris take a long time to get together. After their falling out they don’t reunite until their Senior year of high school, in which they both spend the entire year pining and making up for lost time before Amber finally bridges the gap fully by asking her to prom.
- Sometime after the finale the four of them get together to watch a scary movie and hang out like old times. Iris and Amber cuddle for the first time since they were younger and both of them can hardly breath. TJ just looks over at all of them and how they’ve all grown, realizing that the best things can come back to you when you least expect it.
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andimack-crack · 3 years
Andi Mack sexuality icons (my updated hcs)
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Andi: Pansexual they/she
Buffy: bicurious
Cyrus: gay
Jonah: unlabelled he/they
Amber: lesbian
T.J: gay
Walker: pansexual
Libby: lesbian
Iris: sapphic
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invierno-inferno · 4 years
andi mack first and last lines
first line: "sorry, I haven't figured out the breaks yet"
last line: "tomorrow? at the spoon?"
first line: "woah!"
last line: "later, tater"
first line: "watch where you're going, psycho!"
last line: "I'm not saying goodbye"
first line: "hey, andiman!"
last line: "I'm so proud of you"
first line: "I see"
last line: "you might wanna wash that"
first line: "yep"/"dude, I know you! you go to jefferson, right?"
last line: "love you, andiman"
first line: "amber alert, amber alert"
last line: "she rolled my hair and put my lipstick on/in the glass of her boudoir"
first line: "do I know you?"
last line: "buffy... I never changed my mind"
first line: "cyrus?"
last line: "twas a fortune of happenstance"
first line: "bex!"
last line: "you're gonna do great things"
first line: "this is a drill. there aren't any fouls in a drill"
last line: "is there anything you wanna tell me?"
first line: "it's fine"
last line: "so, what's your answer? will you go to fall formal with me?"
first line: "you know sign language?"
last line: "I like you... too"
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sapphosclown · 3 years
i miss iris so list of ciris hangouts bc they stayed friends and hangout bc i say so
they did go to paleocon bc iris got two tickets expecting to go with cyrus before they officially broke up so she had the tickets ready to go and everything and then cyrus bought iris a stuffed dinosaur bc he felt so bad about their breakup and iris was like cyrus i literally am fine you don’t need to get me this and cyrus is like too late i already got it for you
everytime a new documentary comes to netflix they text each other very excited and plan either a movie night or they just ramble over text or sometimes a phone call about their favorite parts
cyrus tells iris about how ambers been acting weird (aka being nice) and iris tells him that she really is a good person and since cyrus trusts iris that’s why he has an easier time befriending amber than buffy did
iris tells cyrus the high school drama and cyrus tells her about the middle school drama and it’s funny bc neither of them know who the other is talking about
sometimes iris just texts him to see how he’s doing and vise versa
cyrus eventually comes out to her (i imagine sometime after he’s told jonah but before he starts dating tj) and iris is like yeah that makes sense looking back and in turn she’s like “it’s ok, i can’t be that mad bc i kind of had a crush on amber when were dating but didn’t realize it until way later” and cyrus is like omg bestie but iris likes another girl now she talks about her and cyrus tells her about tj
that’s what i’ve got rn lmk if you think of anything else
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