#iris is an amazing ally
lady-of-endless · 4 months
I saw you were doing matchups and I would love to join in❤️
Id prefer a male
My eyes and hair tend to be my most prominent features. My eyes are really blue with some yellow around the iris. My hair is long brown thick and wavy and 90% it gives off mermaid vibes. I am fairly short and most of the time I get mocked for it. And like I get it because I only know a single person that is shorter than me. That being said I give back what I receive so mock me and I will roast you.
I am an ambivert. I like being around people but silence and stillness is preferred more times than not. I am the friend you can count on for anything. Literally nothing is tmi. I am also very meticulous and analytical. Like numbers, logistics and statistics is my jam. Really scratches the itch in my brain. Always been a good problem solver and I prefer to do things my way. Will genuinely get upset if someone starts helping me with asking if I want help. Not even upset. It will ruin my day, and I will hold a grudge at least until the task is complete. Sometimes I get too focused though and will just completely zone out. There really is no way to reach me when that happens. You just have to wait it out😅
I do love a good laugh at the end of the day and I prefer to spend my time happy rather than waste it being sad and angry. I really can be one of those annoyingly positive people and especially in the morning😅
Hope you have an amazing day/night/whatever it is for you!❤️😊
Author's Note: Thank you for your lovely request! You seem like such a complex and wonderful person! Hope you'll like it!
I ship you with...Trafalgar D Water Law!
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(lovely gif is not mine, please show appreciation to the OP)
- You two will not get closer to one another as allies, friends, or anything like that. Straight up you two won't stand each other initially. (Be patient, it will get better)
- At first, he thinks you're just a pretty woman who would get his crewmates or Sanji to fall head over heels and that's all. Sike.
- He's surprised by how logical and analytical you are. He starts to think that if you let your differences aside, you two can come up with effective plans and strategies.
- Law will respect that you're an ambivert, he gets how complex your personality is from that.
- However, expect him to tease you, only because he knows you'll always have a comeback. He enjoys this back-and-forth going on between you.
- He realizes he is drawn to you when he sees how you're always there for your dear ones if they need help. From that moment on, he gets more protective over you, but it's something really subtle (expect him to tower from behind you, looking at a threat with narrowed eyes, without you feeling it). He knows that you can protect yourself just fine but his fear of losing someone again gets him to act like that.
- Law learned his lesson not to try to help you when you got it under control, although this bold independence worries him at times.
- The Heart Pirates will notice all of their captain's subtle changes and sometimes will tease him for falling for a mermaid, like a true pirate lol.
- After he gets attached, he starts to worry more about you overworking yourself. Yes, he is also guilty of overworking and thinking he can handle it just fine, like you. But it's you...he needs you to be healthy.
- I can picture this: him trying to distract you during the day so that you will take a break and you trying to distract him at the end of the day to finish his things and just rest a bit.
- At the end of the day, he'll like to listen to you talk about just anything. It's the time in which you two bond together the most.
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screechingpulsar · 1 year
I just finished The Last Girl Scout by @natalieironside and reading it was the most amazing literary experience I’ve had in a long time
I don’t know how to articulate how much I loved this book. It felt like… I can only describe it as coming home. The way trauma and healing are depicted is heavy, yes, but also done with such love and earnestness that I kept getting emotional at the randomest times.
And it was also incredibly funny and badass and just— Incredible. It’s everything I’d wanna do if I wrote a dystopia/post-apocalypse.
Other miscellaneous things I could yell about forever:
The queer representation: specifically the diversity of trans and nonbinary experiences shown, like that earnestness and elements of genuine experience?? The scenes with Iris and Jules resonate so hard I tear up if I think about them too long
I don’t know fuck-all about military jargon or guns: I was still interested by the way tactics and weapons etc. were presented here
I knew going in TLGS featured transbians, what I did not know was that MAGS IS JEWISH!!! And that’s not flavour text!!! Its a recurring element and it makes me so happy to see :D
All the little nods to various characters’ cultures throughout the book, A+ top tier
The complicated relationships certain characters have with the BNR/fascism /oppressive systems of power is *chef’s kiss*. The way surviving in a system vs perpetuating it plays out, just *clenches fist* Yes!!!
Similar note, how “redemption” is(n’t) employed is also very very good. The focus on present+future actions without necessarily erasing the past, the way revenge is handled, AAAAAAAA
The forever bickering but fundamentally allied leftist branches my beloved
Becky :)
So yeah
Hard recommend this book and I Will be yelling about it to anyone who lets me <3
Also I’m even more excited to read Lead and Roses and In the Court of the Nameless Queen!
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hi, ash! i'd love to hear about your ffxv s/i and your ship with gladio! also, what does iris think about your s/i? :O
YAY!! I love talking about this kind of stuff!!!
(Some talk of death, injury, drowning, a bit of blood + spoilers for the game)
F.FXV Ash was born in the Crown City to two members of the Crownsguard (eventually the Kingsglaive). Ever since she was young, Ash was always fed this idea that her kingdom was amazing. She loved her home so much and she wanted to grow up there forever with her parents and her sister. It all changed when she was 16. She parents were killed in combat.
(In Episode A.rdyn, there's a boss fight against two soldiers... Those were her parents.)
Ash stayed in the city long enough to graduate high-school, but after that, she just couldn't keep going. She felt hollow and empty inside. The murder of her parents shattered her in every single way possible, wrecked her faith and her love to kingdom, ruined her life. She's messed up.
And so, Ash leaves. She makes a name for herself as a monster hunter, drifting from town to town and protecting the people. She comes to be known as Eos' Rose. Beautiful, but with thorns too. She didn't choose to be called The Rose, it's just that part of her outfit is a long, red coat. I still need to work out the details of her outfit and all that, but she has a red coat and quite a few earrings. She has a chain threader going through two lobe piercings on one ear, and a dangling rose earring on the other. Both silver.
(Whenever she was about 20, she met a lonely chocobo chick. This chocobo stays with Ash for a long time. She is a green chocobo named Sage. Sage is Ash's companion and best friend. Sage is very friendly to everybody, but she has a distaste for Gladio and has tried to bite him on multiple occasions. She succeeded once, but more on that later.
Again, Sage is naturally green. Prompto asks about this once.
"Hey, Ash! Why is your chocobo green?"
"Well, I dunno, Prompto. Why are you blond?"
It gets a good chuckle out of everyone.)
Anyways, early into the game, the Chocobros run into Ash! She actually draws her sword on Noct at first and then she realizes "holy shit, you're the prince. Oh my god, I tried to kill the prince. Oh no, oh no, oh no-"
It's a bit of a funny moment, but she ends up allying with the bros and she gets especially close with Gladio. They get along really well, both protectors of people and absolutely dorks too.
Ash is a gamer, so she gets along well with Prompto and Noct. They actually all played Kings Knight together online! So it's a bit of a "WAIT WE'RE KINGS KNIGHT MOOTS?!" whenever they finally meet. She gets along really well with Ignis too! Ash is very close with all of the gang. It's not long before her and Gladio are falling in love, kissing and sharing Cup Noodles under the stars.
And as for Iris, Iris ADORES Ash! Looks up to her as the big sister she never had. Iris thinks Ash is so cool and strong! And she tells Gladdy that if he breaks her heart, she'll kick his ass! Ash really loves Iris too. She was always the youngest in her family too, so it means a lot to her to be able to be an older sister figure to someone. Ash teaches Iris a bit about how to use a sword too.
Anywho, back to the plot.
Ash accompanies the bros whenever they go onto the boat to Altissia. Her and Gladio have a sweet, romantic date there. But that happiness doesn't last. It's been a bit of a running joke that Ash doesn't know how to swim.
The last thing Gladio expected was to lose her.
As Altissia falls, Ash sacrifices herself to save Gladio and Prompto. They both have to watch as Ash falls from a bridge and into the water. They watch as Ash dies. But there's not enough time to save her. Prompto sobs, Gladio screams in horror. Ash is content. She's going to die protecting the people she loves, right? It's not that cute and her almost drowning to death was the scariest moment of her life. She's choking and gasping for air, trying to grab any rubble she can just to stay alive.
Ash isn't seen again for a while. It's part of the reason why Gladio lashes out on the train—he's mourning his girlfriend's death. Whenever he's sitting there across the table from Ignis, you can hear him crying.
However, a few chapters later... Guess who comes back. She's injured, has scars on her face, and her coat is in tatters. Gladio hugs her and cries, Ash tells him to loosen up a bit since she has a few cracked ribs.
"What's the matter? Not a fan of ghosts?"
Gladio tells her that this isn't the time to crack jokes, but he hugs her so tight. She was alive. She was okay.
(However, during this time, Gladio actually found Sage and told her that Ash was dead. Sage bit him hard that day.)
But... How exactly did Ash survive..?
That gets explained in Episode Ignis. I won't talk about Ash's involvement in every DLC just to not make this to lengthy, but in Iggy's... Ravus sees her drowning. He grabs her out of the water and onto land. He's not gentle about it, and the impact of being thrown against rubble isn't great for Ash's bones, but she's alive. Ash is nursed back to health by the survivors of the town. There's a lot more detail there, but that's the gist of what happens.
Ash's relationship with Ravus is fascinating. They bond quite a bit and have a chat under the stars much later, right before Ash reunites with Gladio. I had to dig through like two years worth of discord messages for this but it went something like this
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Oh and you know that level that's just Gladio and Ignis? Yeah, Ash is there too. She cusses out Ardyn actually. Although I really like Ardyn, my S/I doesn't. He makes a comment that she's quite grown up now. You know how he gets those flashbacks of peoples' memories after he kills people in his DLC? He saw an image of a little girl with red glasses. And here she was, a grown woman.
She breaks off from the group before the Ravus fight. I don't want her to see him like that.
Anyways, then timeskip rolls around. Whenever Noct arrives at Hammerhead is met with a familiar "kweh-kweh!". Sage greets Noct after ten long years, and then Ash runs over. They have a cute hug scene.
However, Ash's outfit is different. Not only is her hair curly (pre-ts Ash had it straightened), but she's wearing... Kingsglaive armor?! Her outfit is vaguely inspired by Crowe from Kingsglaive, but Ash had become a soldier. Not just to follow in her parents' footsteps, but because she had spent her whole life feeling lost and she had finally found a purpose. Traveling with Noct and Co had made her realize that her life had a purpose. She wanted to spend her life protecting her kingdom.
After her parents died, she didn't know what to do with herself. Noct was both her best friend and her king. Noct says that the Kingsglaive outfit looks good on her. It makes her smile. Ash had finally come home to Insomnia, and she had finally found what she was meant to do.
Before the gang leaves, she gives Noct a long hug and tells him to come back alive. She gives Gladio a kiss too.
And that's basically it!
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fanficwriter284 · 1 year
Finally got a mini fic Idea....HAHAHAHA
Outcast had already been concealing the already darkening sky. Nightfall soon approached as the sun hid away, as it had always done, with the continuous game of cat and mouse with the moon. In the shady streets of Chicago full of, glass shards, homeless beggars, and sketchy street salesmen, there Charles Lee Ray and Eddie Caputo had been carrying a relatively large garbage back, cautiously navigating their way through the ally way. Eddie nearly stepped on a cat's tail, the feline's tail chewed, and pink rotting flesh exposed at its tip.
"In There" Chucky pointed to an abandoned home that had been falling apart and had been condemned for years. The people in the area eventually forget about the home and left it there to decay.
"You sure Chuck? What if someone...ya know...finds it "files us for littering" I heard jail time for "littering" is getting serious these days"
Chucky raised a brow at Eddie batting an annoyed eye roll, at his friend's phrasing of the particular topic and his pestering.
"Relax Ed" He reassured, blowing a stary strand of hair out of his face.
"We're only gonna leave it here for a couple of days...there we'll burn the "trash" and be done with it"
Eddie gave a silent nod and stepped upward hoisting the bag up into his grasp, as he felt it begin to slip. They two friends stepped into the abandoned home and hesitated for a brief moment feeling a floor bored creak beneath their feet.
"We're fine keep moving Ed"
Eddie responded with another nod and continued on finding a free empty space beneath the stairwell.
"Right here's good"
Chuck shrugged his shoulders, bending down, helping shove the body into the opening, only to jolt backward, crawling until his back hit the paint-peeled wall. His face bewildered at what he had just saw. His cornflower blue eyes fixated wide open, with a hint of fear glistening in his iris. Eddie had gotten caught completely off guard by his friends seemingly dramatic reaction. But this was Chucky, what could possibly scare him? Once this thought entered Eddie's mindset, the curly haired brunette too began to grow fearful.
Eddie's face contorted into immense confusion, as he turned his head to see what the hell his friend saw. He took a few steps toward the stairwell, peaking his head over, to see a small clump of fur poke out at him. With a small twitching nose, and two small beady eyes.
"Oh it's a rat....wait...don't tell me this...THIS is what freaked you out Chucky...."
"Shut the fuck up Ed"
Snickering at an idea that popped into his head, Ed nudged the rodent toward his best friend, as was shocked to see how fast the rat darted over to Chuck, and even more amazed at how Chucky could climb up a wall.
"Edward...get it away from me...Now"
It took everything in his power to prevent a scream from escaping his lips, as he watched the rat try and scurry up the wall.
Ed frowned but obeyed, and shooed the rodent away from his best friend, silently giggling about the whole incident.
"Not a word"
"Alright Jeez"
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hirak0s · 3 months
She had every reason to have her bankai; her confidence was back; she let go of the past; people were depending on her, they believed in her; and she was trusting others again… She had even told one that she trusted him with her life and now the life of another soul. Ayame just had to talk to Rakkagan for a nice long talk, and see if that mirror image of hers would finally crack.
Ayame had ended up sitting in Kisuke's lap, holding her sword, with both hands, while cross-legged. She knew she could do this. Closing her eyes, she worked on focusing on speaking with her Zanpakuto Spirit in her inner world. Rakkagan was there, in the theater of empty seats, as a mirror image of Ayame. Sitting on the stage, her legs were crossed, dangling over the edge, bouncing forward and back. The two got along well, but Ayame had yet to crack the mirror image. Today was going to be the day she did it.
The blonde would approach the other, hoping words would finally sway this stubborn Spirit of hers. "There're people out there who trust me, believe in me, and I believe in myself an' trust that I can follow through with everythin' goin' on." Which, admittedly, wasn't much other than incubating a soul at the moment while chasing hollows, doing paperwork, doing something she loved, and being with someone she loved.
The snooty 'blonde' woman shook her head. "But do you really believe those words you speak?" The mirror image made sure she was speaking the truth and actually did believe in herself. Have that confidence she once had back; she mended everything. Every reason, she gave Ayame her shikai…
" 'course I do! I'm not lettin' 'em down. I've let the past go—not sayin' I forgive or that I'm ever gonna forget what Aizen did, but… To move forward, I gotta let go of it. I can' stay b'hind anymore. I gotta continue on! Get my feet goin' in the right direction." Ayame was adamant in her words as she spoke to the other.
"You believe you can wield your bankai without any qualms? With what it can do? Including the preparation and the thought needed to go into it?" The mirror image was cracking, about to shatter even. "So be it…" That mirror image would shatter and there stood a woman with purple hair, not blonde, and her hair was longer than Ayame's. Her eyes were nearly white, with a pupil to… indicate which direction she was looking. The woman had a rather wide-brimmed hat on and wore a dress that looked similar to an iris. "Then allow me to introduce myself again, as your bankai, Rakkagan-jou-ou."
Ayame stood there, amazed at the woman. So her spirit had been messing with her this whole time. A mirror reflection to hide what-- And then that hit her—that's been a lot of what she had been doing. Hiding. Her lack of confidence caused most of it. A week or so ago, it was simply nerves, not confidence bottoming out. Though she was curious, what could be so dangerous about this Bankai? "With what it can do?"
"You get into the head of someone else; force them into an illusion before you puppet the body around to attack their allies." There was a smile on her face. "And the illusion they have to live through is fighting themselves, just as you've had to deal with me… and fighting your own inner battles. Except they'll be fighting an illusion of themselves. In most cases, they die to the illusion; they die on the field, not knowing they've killed people they sided with. You shouldn't have to use this very often. But I'm sure you understand there's a risk of using it on an ally if you don't focus on the right person." This meant Ayame had to be tactical but also careful, and as for where the confidence came in… She had to be confident in that ability, and herself, or someone could break out of that illusion.
That… did sound complicated, and Ayame was in awe that it still needed to be illusionary, and it still involved mind tricks and strings, but she now understood why her Zanpakuto spirit kept it away from her for so long. "Thank you… fer believin' in me 'nough to give me my bankai." And now, how was she to train it? Felt like hollows wouldn't have the right kind of consciousness to get through to their little thoughts. But… she could try after she came out of her inner world.
The purple-haired woman watched the young blonde before her and said, "Just don't make me regret it. You are strong and have rebounded from what you would consider your worst years, yet you persevere and move on. Do remember my words; it is a dangerous bankai if used on the wrong person. However, if you believe they to be able to best themselves in a fight, you could perhaps use it on another shinigami." Ayame had to trust her judgment as well when it came to using it. Pick the right person on the battlefield—the strongest one. "There are options for training… But, you have to trust your instincts and experience; make the calls from here." The woman couldn't call the shots for her in a fight.
That… felt like a lot of weight, but she was ready to handle it, though she did have at least one person in mind who was more than capable of handling himself in a fight with himself—that would be her own brother. Potentially Kisuke too, but did she want to do that? She didn't want to hurt either of them, but both of them were perfectly capable of holding their own. It wouldn't hurt to ask first and explain what she was doing, though. Ayame thanked her Zanpakuto spirit again before leaving her inner world.
Eyes opening once more, still sitting in Kisuke's lap, hands holding onto the sheath of her Zanpakuto. "I did it; she lemme have it." Ayame didn't sound hyped up or excited, but calm.
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book-of-baba-fett · 4 months
Iris, first off: Congratulations on completing your fic! This is such an amazing and impressive accomplishment and you should be so proud of yourself! It’s been such a delight watching your story unfold.
My question is two-pronged: How did your story change or evolve over the years from the original idea you envisioned? And: Are there any scenes you originally planned to write but ended up skipping/trashing because they no longer fit in your story?
Illicit Affairs Ask Me Anything
Thank you so much Alli!
When I first started thinking about the fic, I was very strongly considering having this be a x reader fic just because that's what I saw as most prevalent in the fandom at the time. But I felt like it was really holding me back, I love a lot of long form reader fics (going to shout out yours here lol) but sometimes its hard when you have a fic where the reader is such a prominent decision maker and I struggled with either having a more passive lead where more readers would feel seen, yet sacrificing the vision I had. Talia in all honesty started as a placeholder while I worked this out, her name was a name I had created in a star wars name generator back when I was playing Kotor and her appearance is more "basic" because I was just inputting details, but the more I sat with her the less I could see her any other way.
And some plot lines were always there, but because of the time it took to write this, I had more ideas to help finetune moments. Like I always knew there would be a breakup, but I came up with Talia's injury being the catalyst because I was watching Grey's Anatomy while writing and in s2 (?) when Meredith drowns, Derek's reactions inspired how I wrote Rex reacting. So while I wish it hadn't taken this long, having that time to think of the twists worked in my favor sometimes.
And there's actually quite a bit that was scrapped/kept in drafts/or just being held on until later! One thing I turned into the first bit of my Talia and Fives FWB au: it was originally going to be a filler chapter of Talia and the 501st at the beginning of the fic that showed Talia training with the guys and she would even have sparred with Rex at one point. I only cut it because I didn't want to bulk down the beginnign of the fic too much/was self conscious about my abiltities as a writer at the time so I didn't want to hold back too much before getting into the smut lolll.
Also - a few folks asked different variations of this question so I'll have a few different answers!
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asm5129 · 1 year
Flash Thoughts 9x04
Okay now THAT one was top tier. Javicia Leslie was by far the MVP, she was KILLING it this episode. Her acting at the ending was a bit much, but still pretty solid. Still, it is clear she is not getting the quality of material or directing she got on Batwoman--and yet she’s STILL KILLING IT 99% of the time.
 tbh I hope they give her a lot more scenes out of the Red Death suit because it's an absolute crime to have her face and voice hidden or to give her classic Batman lines instead of her own. Actually on that note, lets talk about her origins
So, she’s not Armageddon Ryan, and tbh I think that’s a HUGE missed opportunity. But you know what? She’s still great. The idea that she was adopted by the Waynes is definitely an intriguing angle to play. This is a Ryan who grew up in privilege, who never had to deal with the things that made OUR Ryan a hero. this is also a Ryan who never had a Batfam, it seems--so no one to bring her back from the edge like they did when Earth Prime Ryan nearly killed Hush. I think it’s absolutely a mistake to make her not Armageddon Ryan, but I can accept that’s not the direction they wanted to go, and this could be still be plenty amazing--at least, we know Javicia will be.
That suit up scene in the West-Allen apartment was amazing tbh, and i’m intrigued by the twist that Red Death is NOT the new Negative Speed Force Avatar. I do like how she’s twisted what happened in her world in her head--that The Flash betrayed her, that he went crazy and became evil--to give herself the role of hero. I think that’s super interesting. Actually the entire Ryan/Iris standoff was great, from the acting to Iris’ journalistic instincts to the peek into Ryan Wayne's psychology, to the overall incredibly tense atmosphere--it was all really good. Definitely the highlight of the episode.
I have always had mixed feelings on Mark, so i can’t say i was particularly impacted by his sacrifice--but i do appreciate that he did change just enough with Frost that he couldn't completely commit to the betrayal. 
Also, red death’s line about “seeing the best in your enemies, but the worst in your allies” is really interesting, I like it a lot. That and her absolute contempt for criminals are great peeks into her psyche. 
Speaking of peeks into a characters psyche, i love how deeply that contrasts with Barry mourning the loss of Thawne’s life. Barry values all lives, even that of his greatest enemy, and he’s always going to wish a life wasn’t lost. Also it makes me feel better about what I felt was a pretty significant inconsistency with the saving of Thawne at the end of Armageddon. There’s still some inconsistencies and hypocrisies there, but I'm not too hung up on them.
Allegra and Chester FINALLY getting on the same page is nice. That’s about all I have to say about that. Still great chemistry between the actors.
And i really like Joe’s conflict. He has a chance to be a father again, and try to do things a little better this time--and whether central city is a place for that is a legitimate question. Even though he agreed to stay, the look on his face makes me think this conflict is not over. He still wants to leave, even if he doesn’t want to take away Cecile’s chance at being a superhero, or imply to Jenna she wasn’t capable of it.
And that’s about it. I’m excited for next week!
And i can’t wait for Ryan Wilder to make her grand return in the near future and face off against Ryan Wayne. That’s gonna be a hell of a thing.
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darkspellmaster · 2 years
Castlevania: Nocturne Teaser Trailer Theories.
Buckle up boys and girls, we’re about to dive head first into some theories around Castlevania Nocturne and Dracula X. Now I know that the series will not be a one to one of the game, but for those who have never seen or played this game before, a short summary of events of Dracula X Chronicles, or Castlevania: Dracula X, or Rondo of Blood as it was known before the Remake.
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Richter Belmont, the latest in the Belmont family line, is a vampire hunter who is being taunted by Death as he hurries to the town of Aljiba where his fiancée Anette resides. Turns out the town is being attacked and a number of the citizens are as good as dead. Prior to this point in time, the dark priest Shaft gathered followers who wanted to see Dracula rise again and brought him back though the power of the sacrifice of a human maiden. When he gets there all hell has broken loose and he sees Annette being kidnapped by Shaft, who then takes Annette to Dracula’s castle aka Castlevania. Richter gives chase learning that there are three other young women captured. After going through the castle the vampire hunter discovers Maria Renard, a young girl who manifests amazing powers of Magic and can summon things, including a dragon. Her family were also hunters, and used birds as protectors. With Maria as his ally Richter hurries off to find and save Annette and the missing nun Tera, and the doctor’s daughter Iris and stop Dracula once and for all.
I’m holding off talking about the ending because it became a huge plot point in Symphony of the Night. But I would not be surprised if the ending bleeds into two more seasons making Nocturne probably 4 seasons in total.
Watching the trailer I noticed a number of things. As noted by @ruiniel, in their post Feral , Richter has the same pose as the prologue manga Symphony of the night indicating, at least, that we’re going to get maybe more connections to the game this time around since Rondo of Blood is an important part to the follow up game Symphony of the Night, and Richter is, after Simon, one of the most popular and might I add powerful members of the Belmont Clan. I won’t get into the Pose too much as that could be a spoiler for late in the season, but it’s definitely worth noting.
So what can we glean from just the visual parts of this trailer. Well a lot, which is really great if you’re a fan of the game and know a bit or a lot of the layout and storyline of Rondo. On the other hand it’s keeping it mysterious for new fans. So just a warning and a heads up, if you want to go in blind to Nocturne in this case, and want no info about it, jump out now because I’m going to be dropping some spoilers in here. At least one big one that could happen, but it’s part of an alternative ending, so I don’t know if it would happen or not.
So you have been warned.
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Right then. Let’s get into the thick of it. The very first shot we see is that of Richter on a paved street near what looks like a dock. There’s a ship in the background, meaning he’s near the waterfront. There’s also street lamps, and we have a given date and location. France 1792. Now this is important because this is the setting of the French Revolution, and also a key time in that it borders on the end of the American Revolution and the start of the Victorian era which will be coming up and is the setting for the Novel Dracula, which also is part of the Castlevania timeline. Yup Dracula is part of the story of the Belmonts, and is connected via the character Quincy Morris, whose family is one of the lines of the Belmont Clan.
So why is the ship in the background important? Well it can indicate a few things. First in the PSP game, which the designs of Ayami Kojima from Dracula X Chronicles are clearly being the influence for this season(s?), Richter during a part of the game enters a ghost ship as part of his path to find his fiancée Annette. It should be indicated that the ship is an alternative path to getting to Annette, so you have to beat a version of Carmilla (the vampire from the games not the show) to unlock this ship. If this is a nod to that. I have to wonder if it’s an indication that we’re going to see all the levels, thus making the game longer or maybe splitting them between Maria and Richter.
The other option in this case is the fact that in the animated series the castle seems to move but might not move too far. So it could be that instead of a Ferryman as we have in the game who shuffles along Richter in the castle, he may be the owner of a ship that brings Richter to Castlevania. It’s an option to keep things simple. Though we might get the Ferryman anyway as the number of men in the story is very limited.
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It could also be a nod to the ship that Dracula used in the original Stoker novel to travel from his home in Transylvania to England. You can see the wheel of the ship and it matches its description minus one dead captain. The indication here is to feel gothic horror in this case and I think the image does that well. Richter is living in a world where modern tech of the period, gas lights for example, is a thing and it’s clear from the image that either the boat is either in dock or it’s been left to the current and is moving it. There’s no sails up, meaning it’s not moving by wind. In the animation it’s not moving at all, so likely it’s docked for some reason. Also there’s a building ahead, indicating that this is a more fully developed town then what Trevor was dealing with in the original.
The town in the game was Aljiba, Annette’s home town and one that has a deeper connection to Richter. So a small warning for the games Castlevania: Belmont’s Revenge,  Simon’s Quest and the original Castlevania game.
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So Simon is the descendant of Christopher and Soleil Belmont, who dealt with the count one hundred years after Trevor and Simon fights Dracula twice one hundred years after Christopher. Soleil Belmont and Simon both have a direct connection to Richter in that both had issues with Dracula and a curse. Again I can’t spoil too much in regard to Richter as some might want a surprise for Symphony, but in the case of both Soleil and Simon the curse was lifted. Now for Simon he had to travel to this very town to find answers that he was seeking, so the Belmont clan has direct ties to the town of Aljiba, which is where Rondo of Blood’s story starts and where Annette, Maria and the other two ladies are from originally.
So with that in mind if we are going into the town of Aljiba, we need to note that there’s a lot of history there for Richtor to deal with, amongst that history is Simon’s tale. And it certainly will draw parallels to not only Simon, Soleil and Richter, but also the changing history of the world at the time that this is taking place.
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Additionally @demigoddessqueens points out in the comparison post on Trevor’s back and Richter’s back as seen here the fact that Richter is still wearing the family Templar cross as Leon once did. Aka in this version, the family crest. This to me indicates that the family line of vampire hunting under the same symbol as Leon (Knights for the crusades) fought under shows there’s still connection to the whole past issues with Dracula and that hasn’t changed as of yet.
As mentioned earlier the pose of Richter can have some significance to his future. While I’m going to try to not spoil too much for new fans of Symphony, one aspect of the pose that’s important is the way he is looking ahead and holding himself. Which also plays a part in how he’s going to appear later on in the series, if they do alter his looks. We can tell Richter is watching something or looking at the ship ahead of him. He’s gripping the whip showing that he’s upset about something. This isn’t a man that is happy, as we see in his face moments later. He’s more stoic than Trevor, more serious. So to me this at least indicates either this is at the start of the story, before the town that he goes to falls to ruin, or this is before the Black Mass happens, which is a good indicator of things to come. We’ll get more into that later and more in the dialogue post I plan on making.
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What caught my is the differences in the Vampire Killer Whip, and yes for now I’m calling it that as the other one is the Morning Star and not the Vampire Killer. Trevor’s Vampire Killer and Richter’s Vampire Killer has the same marking on the base of the whip, the cross with the embellishments or crest on it. However whereas Trevor’s is simple and is just the crest,
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Richter’s now has a gold overlay around the base with either Flowers or two daggers crossing at the top part of the base handle above the crest. Further is the fact that Trevor only has a simple gold band at the top of the handle before the whip starts, Richter on the other hand has another band that curves around a pearl set in the middle of it, with possible flowers at the base of the band.
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Additional to all of this there are, on my count: two seen pearls near the base (possibly a third hidden by Richter’s fingers) then one in the center of the handle, and again three at the top, one in the center of the band at the top of the handle and two on the sides below it. This tells me that at this point the Belmont’s have some form of money, Richter isn’t just a poor traveler like Trevor was, he’s a well off noble, and, given his clothing, and it shows that the Belmont’s apparently connected back to their more well off historical roots.
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Another important thing about the trailer that we have, is that Richter is being approached from behind, meaning that someone is coming up to him and we’re zooming in as the person gets near. It’s when we get close that he turns and we see his face. There’s a few important things about him. Let’s start with the face. A number of people have noticed that Richter has “Sypha’s eyes”, however I contest that Richter has Sypha’s face, and jaw line more, and has Trevor’s blue eyes. (Of note, All Belmonts have been retconned to have blue eyes to match with Leon Belmont.) Richter clearly has the Belmont Blue, and it’s intense, showing that he’s not a man to be treated lightly.
So what can this trailer tell us about what’s going on, what could be happening and where the story is going?
I honestly think this sequence we’re getting can be two scenes, possibly a third if they want to expand the past to explain Annette and Richter a bit more.
Option one: The Prologue to Rondo of Blood or Dracula X or Dracula X Chronicles. In the start of the story we are treated to a long summary of how peaceful things are and then serious shit happens:
A long time ago, people lived in peace and harmony. No one noticed the looming shadow among them.
Their senses clouded in darkness, evil ate away at their souls. Driven by madness they made a pack with the devil..
In the late hour they came together to call the powers of darkness with their sinful blood - to save them from their mortal existance, expecting the dawning of a new world!
After one hundred years evil was once again made flesh. An immortal creature of the night, it can assume the shape of a wolf, a bat or fog. Feasting on the blood of humans.
Dracula, lord of darkness, master of the devil's castle, walks among us.
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This sequence leads into the Black Mass lead by Shaft. In the game we watch as a girl is laid on a table in a church and killed by a group led by Shaft to resurrect Dracula. Given we’re going to need to expand on things. I imagine we might get this opening with a change, where in Richter has come to town to try to help save a missing girl, and ultimately fails in this case. Given that, in the Dracula X Chronicles, Maria mentions her dead parents, it could easily be changed that Maria’s father is helping Richter and is killed during this Black Mass to protect his younger mentor. So this could be the meeting of the two in the town where this is taking place in.
Another option that fits the early part of the story is that this is the first meeting of Annette to Richter who happens to be waiting for someone and he protects her from being harmed. This could be used as a means of expanding on Richter and Annette’s relationship and introducing him to the town of Aljiba. One could have her being in town, might not be Aljiba and looking for perhaps Maria, or because her father is Richter’s mentor, or some other reason, and thus the two meet when they lock eyes and she rushes to him to get away from someone. This would not indicate someone weak, but rather that she might be in over her head and may have made a mistake leading to her getting away from others.
Option two could be a later sequence of Richter deciding to go travel to Aljiba after being found by the woman who mentions looking for a Belmont in the dialogue. We know from the trailer that someone is looking for a Belmont, which could indicate that the town of Aljiba is in danger at this point and that Richter has decided to head out to stop Shaft and rescue the four women that have been captured by Shaft as gifts for Dracula. The ship being in the background indicates travels to happen, so this could be him meeting others who are going to be going with him. This also could be a disguised Alucard coming to meet him and travel with him, but I don’t think he’d meet Alucard till later, more on that in the dialogue post I’m working on. .
It’s hard to tell but the image reminds me a lot of events in the book Dracula and the arrival of Dracula to the town of London, and both Morris, Stewart and Harker realizing they need to confront the count. Whatever this moment is, I feel like there’s enough clues here that indicate that this story is going to have some very gothic feels to it verse the more medieval setting in the first series. What’s going to be interesting is if there’s any call back to the history of France, namely the start of the revolution of France, the death of some of those in Louis’s court, and more importantly, the start of the French assembly. Connecting these two the situation in the castle, namely the fall of the church which would be connected to Tera who is a nun, and Iris being the daughter of a doctor, thus the raising of science, and how it was being used during this time, along with Shaft’s choice to re raise Dracula and his comment in Rondo of blood to Annette that he could lead the world into their desires, this could all be a very interesting deeper look into the world of Nocturne.
Adding into that, the name Nocturne comes from a future story that happens after Symphony of the night, Nocturne of Recollections. This could be connected to the CD drama which introduces several elements into Alucard’s history and could, potentially, play a part in this season and the sequel, which I have no doubt will be either called Symphony of the Night, or Recollections, or just keep the Nocturne title.
All in all I’m excited to see how our next trailer pans out. And yes I was screaming when I saw it show up.
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crystalelemental · 10 months
Sync Pair Retrospective - Hoenn VA (Common Pool)
And the other aspect of the Villain Arc: the commons.  Looker was finally added to the game, fulfilling my personal wish for his presence, while Courtney defied the odds and was added as the first team admin.   For some reason.  So, how did the new general pool additions do?
Looker Badly, moving on.  ...okay fine.  He did get Poison Zone from H!Iris, and he now can partner with Emma, but his "partnership" with Emma is that he has a better poison rate to let her Buddy move take over.  Looker's so incredibly sad as a sync pair, I'm kinda mad about it.  I don't know why they did this to him.  Like you couldn’t make him Tech?  Give him some kind of poison and debuffing focus?  It had to be a shitty Strike pair?
Looker is so bad that Roxie can outperform him.  ROXIE.  A common, who just received her EX, is stronger than Looker, a 5* pair.  Grid expansions cannot come fast enough, but given how late he was added, it’s far more likely that Plumeria will get one first, and eclipse both.  Looker may as well be bottom of the barrel at this point.  As far as general pool goes, Looker does not offer much, and it’s...very distressing. Courtney Comparatively, we have God-Queen Courtney, who some argue is the best general pool unit in the game.  They're wrong.  It's Lucian.  But Courtney puts up enough of a fight I'd consider her #3.
Courtney's big defining feature is Ground Zone.  Previously relegated to limited pairs, Zone effects were wildly coveted, and having it show up on a general pool was insane.  DeNA were pulling out all the stops to get you to spend on everything before the anniversary event, so man, whatever they had planned was going to be amazing (*agonized internal screaming*).   Courtney also packed a Ground-type sync nuke, with a decent Bulldoze DPS on it, and potentially perfect self-setup.  Moreover, she had Defense Crush.  Pre-mega evolution, it only had a 30% chance, while post-mega was a 100%.  This was a glorious effect that paired her perfectly with every known Ground-type damage dealer, as literally all of them were physical.  Also, note the Def/Spd debuffing again.  Three sync pairs in under a month.  Is that not weird to anyone else?
Her drawback?  SLOW AS DIRT.  Courtney's gauges are horrendous, and with a three-bar move, this is really bad.  Any team she's supporting needs to pack a lot of gauge control, or there are going to be problems.  And guess what Ground types suck at!
As a Zone setter, Courtney lives and dies by the strength of her same-type partners.  They all do well, but many, like Maxie and SS Giovanni, are so slow as to be catastrophic without speed-boosting support.  Ingo is a godsend for many, but Maxie actively doesn’t work because of the weather conflict, and until Lyra gets an expansion that hopefully improves her bulk, it’s not looking good for either of them.  Cynthia’s the winner of the type.  Relatively fast, loves Ingo, boosts her own speed under Sand.  The expansion really just highlighted that they were going for Cynthia favoritism.  Shame about her Lodge pair.
The intervening year hasn’t seen much change for Courtney.  Naomi was the first specially offensive Ground type in the game, but even then, Naomi’s so frail and aims to clear quickly, so Courtney remains her best partner with Ingo.  Victor showed up with secondary typing, and I imagine they’re able to do something together, especially with his Ground-type Max Move hitting all opponents.  Speaking of, Rose is coming in with similar, albeit much stronger, Max Move potential as well.  So that’s fun.  There’s also the new Raikou Legendary Arena.  It’s pretty easy, but Courtney is notably well equipped to counter its entire stage.  The big loss was SC Lyra.  Ground Rebuff should have been the next step in Courtney’s evolution, but Lyra is also slow as dirt with poor gauge management, so as far as helping allies?  It’s still not a valuable partnership.
Ground hasn’t really taken off.  There aren’t many pairs that function with Ground-type damage specifically.  Courtney does well as her own damage dealing, being the most competent of the generally available pairs.  Low bar, but she clears it nicely.  The problem for Courtney tends to come with her partners.  Gauges plague Courtney’s existence, and until she gets a really helpful speed-boosting support pair, not much will change.  There’s Sonia, I guess, but one point of team speed per hit taken isn’t exactly solving her issues, you know?
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romancemedia · 1 year
My Review of LoliRock.
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Last night I finally completed my binge watch of LoliRock and after some thought here is my review of the series. LoliRock is a fun show with great music, amazing animation and lots of fun stories. Though some might say it was probably one of your typical magical girl shows, LoliRock is unique and special in it’s own way. 
I loved watching the girls different adventures in fighting Mephisto and Praxina, singing, helping people etc. It was all amazing to watch that you simply can’t look away, especially when it comes to the beautiful animation, scenery and whenever the girls were performing. I liked the girls characters and what they each bring to help while proving despite their differences, they all have a strong and healthy friendship. I also enjoyed the romance aspect, especially the main romance between Iris and Nathaniel. They are so cute together and though they are shy to outright admit their feelings, it’s clear they know it’s mutual between them. Aside from them, I did enjoy some of the other romances the show provided whether it was Talia and Kyle or the characters the girls were helping. 
Lastly as for the villains, Mephisto and Praxina were pretty decent, but could be really annoying sometimes. However, if I had to pick which twin I liked better it would surprisingly be Mephisto. I hated Praxina, especially the way she talked and acted. I found her to be WAY too obnoxious.
However, not every show is perfect and LoliRock had a few faults of it’s own. There were certain themes and elements that got a little boring after a while like how Iris narrated the episode by writing in her journal or when an Oracle gem was being restored to the crown much to Gramorr’s dismay. It was always the same scenes over and over again during season 1 and it got old pretty fast, but I’m glad the creators started to get a bit more creative in season 2. I also felt there was some fault to the storyline or characters. For example, there was never a proper introduction where Talia and Aurianna first met Nathaniel.
I enjoyed season 2. I loved how the girls got to expand their music careers, learned new spells and explored new places never seen before, but I feel like it was lacking in certain areas and didn’t quite live up to its full potential. They missed out on so many opportunities such as Lyna and Carissa becoming main characters and could’ve even joined the band too. I would’ve enjoyed seeing this girl group expanded. It was rather disappointing they didn’t appear in every episode and instead only appeared in a handful. Not what I was expecting.
I also find it frustrating with other certain characters.
Izira - Although she remained on Ephedia, I was kinda expecting for Izira to make regular appearances. I was hoping for more expansion and development for Izira’s character whether it’s being a mentor or ally for the princesses, but sadly she hardly made any appearances until again near the end of the series.
Lev - When he first appeared at the end of season 1, I thought he was going to play a bigger role in the show’s future, especially when he followed the girls back to Earth, but nothing! He never made another appearance until Stop in the Name of Lev. Why build up so much drama and potential, only to end up not using it at all. It feels like a complete waste.
Aunt Ellen - I feel like they really missed out on building up more of the mystery surrounding her. The only time they ever hinted about her character was early in the start of season 2. Why couldn’t they have started giving hints earlier or for that matter, give us more clues than just a single episode. What’s worse is that she doesn’t appear as a secret ally to the princesses again after that episode. It’s really kinda frustrating.
Doug - He is a recurring character, who is a big fan of LoliRock and is friends with Nathaniel. He made plenty of appearances during the first season, but by the second, he was practically gone. He almost never appeared again other than maybe 2 episodes and a cameo in the series finale. It annoys me how they seemed to almost completely drop him as a character when he is brings such a fun and vibrant aspect to the show. 
Nonetheless I still enjoyed season 2, but I gotta say it could’ve been a lot better. I just hate seeing so much potential wasted. Overall, LoliRock was a fun show to watch that I would rank an 8/10 and I am really sorry that the series was cancelled. I would’ve liked to have seen what was next for the princesses and Praxina as the new big bad. 
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erikalentz · 10 months
Half Moon Datas #10
Three days passed since Dawn and Barry become friends again. Their own responsibilities prevent them from spending much time together (Dawn being the Champion and Barry helping his dad from time to time in backstage at the Battle Tower), but they do make sure to call each other at night whenever it's possible.
Althea was happy to see the two trainers make up... But she felt anger deep down. Not against the kids, but against the old traditions of the leagues. The detective never liked the "beat the Champion and you will become the next one" rule because of how vague it is; there's nothing wrong to become a top trainer and Champion (she defeated a lot of gym leaders herself as a teen and would be a good Champion if she wanted), but the majority of the world's Champions are adults and started their career in their late teens (with a few exceptions like Iris and Leon). They had the maturity and psychological strenght to shoulder the responsibilities it entails, as well as amazing feats under their belt... But their challengers are all kids who aren't even teenagers - they only have 12-13 years old, barely a few of them are 14-15 years old or more. No one in the leagues' staff wondered if giving such a high title to a still-growing kid is really a good idea, especially when said kid have to replace the previous adult top trainer with a huge legacy with them? Sure, all the leagues in the world have their own specificities and set of rules, but this primary rule remains the same.
The young woman was silently furious when she discovered what Dawn went through after becoming the Champion of Sinnoh through investigation and mind-reading. A 15-years-old girl shouldn't act like an adult and be the public face of an old institution like the League on her own. That's why she called Cynthia in secret to talk about this situation, since the previous Champion went away from Sinnoh for undisclosed reasons.
It turns out that Cynthia was collaborating with the International Police under a codename to arrest the former Commanders of Team Galactic: Mars and Jupiter. Saturn turned over a new leaf after Cyrus' banishment in the Distorsion World and cut all ties with his former allies, but the other bosses continued their criminal activities with some grunts, calling themselves "Team Comet" and causing multiple destructions and hostaging. At first, the International Police treated Team Comet as mercenaries with no goal... But Mars and Jupiter do have a goal: building a giant war machine to wipe out all existing criminal organisations, before rendering the rest of the world as a no man's land. Since Cyrus' goal to change the universe to his ideals with Sinnoh's deities failed and they couldn't get him out of the Distorsion World, destroying everything to rebuild it the old fashion way would do. When the International Police realized Team Comet's true intentions, they asked the help of Cynthia and two other important people to track them down and arrest them, which they did after a long cover-up.
Althea didn't really expected this turn of events when calling Cynthia... Although she wasn't surprised by a criminal organisation changing form by former admins attached to their former leader. The previous Champion also revealed that she knew about Dawn's struggles as the new top trainer by her contact with the Elite Four and is furious of the treatment she got. She actually searched for a solution to the old system of the leagues after she completed her mission for not letting such thing happen again... And she found it with the league system of Paldea, which she got information from her friend Geeta. In there, there is a Top Champion and trainers who defeated them don't take their place but become Champion-Ranked Trainers, and everyone can gain that title after doing the traditional "get the badges and beat the league" road. It's fairer to the challengers and release them from responsibilities not fitting their ages, and they're free to continue their education, following the road to be a top trainer or pursuing a different dream outside of Pokemon Battles.
Cynthia already planned to go back to Sinnoh and change the rules of the league to Paldea's ones. She didn't wanted Dawn to be burden any longer by being Champion. Of course, something like this can't be done in one night... That's why Cynthia didn't get back immediately after Team Comet's arrest and dismantlement: she was battling against the administration with Geeta and other Champions' help to change the institution of the Sinnoh league, to the point of almost going to the court.
But she ended up winning this fight. She's the new Top Champion of Sinnoh and she already decided to grant Dawn and Lucas the titles of first Champion-Ranked Trainers of the region because Lucas defeated her and Dawn defeated Champion Lucas before his disappearance.
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daevastanner · 2 years
I’ve been watching “The Holiday” on Netflix (watch it it’s so amazing but they are taking it off of Netflix Nov. 30) over and over again and I can’t help but imagine a short story inspired by the movie with a Elain and Gwyn as Iris and Amanda. I feel like a story like this would be right up your ally. Of course, it would take a bit to work out the dynamics and figure out who’s who lol. Either way, I would love to read something like this. ITS ALSO PERFECT FOR THE CHRISTMAS SEASON😭
Omg, if I wrote modern day AUs I would one hundred percent pursue this.
Here's what I would do:
Iris: Gwyn (I'd still keep her a broken hearted secretary looking for adventure)
Amanda: Nesta (I'd keep her a work-a-holic with a drinking problem)
Graham: Cassian (I'd keep him a single widower dad with a heart of gold)
Miles: Azriel (instead of a goofy musician, he'd remain a musician but be more sarcastic)
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mythgirlimagines · 2 years
(At the supermarket...)
Purple: (putting a bag of goldfish crackers into her bag, internally) I highly doubt that a surplus of store-brand morsels of crunchy baked dough in the shape of beaming marine life would be a necessity.
Curious: (walking up to Fusion, handing him an envelope) Greetings, Fusion-senpai. Purple wanted me to deliver this letter to you.
Fusion: (taking the letter, and internally reading the contents) Fusion, my dearest compatriot, I write to you in a torpor of dark times. Damnable fool that I am, I have already exhausted mine supply of cheese whales.
Fusion: (rushing over to the store, paternal reflexes kicking in)
Source: Twitter
Page Source: (https://twitter.com/invisichad/status/1239702851556741120)
(Context: Wyre is trying to win a debate against a couple of other accomplished paleontologists, and needs some advice on how to win...)
Wyre: (internally, dramatically) Now, it's time to go...
Wyre: (pointing dramatically at Nerd, out loud) TO THE GRAND HIGH B***H HIMSELF!
Nerd: (shocked at the sudden shouting, and angry at the insult) WYRE!
Source: RuPaul's Drag Race
(When Eldritch and Fusion II decided to attend one of Dream's volleyball games...)
Dream: (smirking, with her game face on) Well, I can't lose now!
Dream: (putting her hair into a ponytail, and pushing her bangs out of her eyes)
Eldritch: (blushing) W-W-Who's that h-hot g-g-guy?!
Fusion II: (deadpan, trying to fight back her blush too) Dude, chill. That's your girlfriend.
Source: Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie
Video Source: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TEjFJQBLbc)
(In Iris's favorite stargazing spot...)
Iris: (stargazing, eyes focused on the constellations)
Sparkle: (flaunting her stuff, in front of Iris)
Iris: (with a strained smile) Uh, excuse me, Sparkle-senpai! You're blocking my view!
Sparkle: (swishing her cape) I AM THE VIEW!
Source: Keeping Up With The Kardashians
(Shortly after Wet Sock adopted the Baby Squad...)
Janon: (showing off his new knife with "1# Son" carved into it, to a pair of amazed Jr. Ultimates)
Scar: (angrily, to Wet Sock) You can't just give the Demonling of Sloth a blade, High Demon of Frost! It's not safe!
Wet Sock: (shrugging) It's a knife. It's not meant to be safe.
Scar: (gesturing to Janon) He's a CHILD!
Wet Sock: (looking away) It's educational.
Scar: (glaring daggers at them) What if he CUTS himself?
Wet Sock: (smirking) That will be an important lesson.
Source: Hogfather (Discworld)
Page Source: (https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/986286-you-can-t-give-her-that-she-screamed-it-s-not-safe)
(How Myth got Egg's approval to date Wet Sock...)
Myth: (confidently marching over to Egg's room, and opening the door with a dramatic flourish)
Myth: (loudly and clearly) Egg! I am asking for permission to date your twin!
Egg: (confused) What is this, the Dark Ages?
Egg: (smirking, pulling out eggs and toilet paper) Y'know what? Since you asked me, no you can't! Beat me in a prank war first!
Source: Tumblr
(During the Mastermind trial...)
The Fancy One/Mastermind: (looking back, giggling a bit) You know, I can't believe how easy it is to get away with this s*** with you people!~★
The Fancy One/Mastermind: (showing slideshows of their respective atrocities) I want to put out any and all hope in Anons, you just sit there and let me! I want to drag my beloved assistant and former ally of your's to the dark side, you just sit there and let me!~★
The Fancy One/Mastermind: (incredulously, angrily yelling near the end) I want to bring this random group of Anons to despair, and YOU JUST SIT RIGHT THERE AND LET ME!~★
Source: Dragon Ball Z Abridged
Video Source: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DfKjR7hHbA)
I hope these quotes are to your liking! As always, be sure to look out for more of my content!
-Fusion Anon
Not the Shikimori quote lollllllllll
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la-libreria-chula · 25 days
💮 🍃april reads 🍃💮 I think this is the most I've read so far? And then two 5 star reads?! It was a good reading month honestly. Even if there were some with low ratings, I mostly read books that I own or had in my bookshelves for a while.
Let me say though, that for "The Scepter" and "The Sword" by J. Bree were a disappointment just because I wanted to know more information about Rooke and the rest of the characters we see in "The Crown of Oaths and Curses". I just felt like everything was repeated in the novel. But the novel was great. I truly enjoyed it and can't wait for the second one, which I am waiting for the physical format.
"Hotel Iris" by Yoko Ogawa was also a little disheartening, but it was also a little crazy to me. I honestly was a little surprised about what was happening, and just wanted to see how it ended. The reason I picked this one up is because I read her other book called "Memory Police", and that was so good! This book was definitely out of pocket to me.
"Vampires of El Norte" by Isabel Cañas was amazing to me. I love ghoulish vampires instead of the pretty kind (not that I wouldn't have minded). And I loved reading from both the mcs' point of view and I felt for them in their family situation. Nena did get in my nerves sometimes but she was fine in the end. And I did enjoy how Cañas mixed in historical aspects to the story. Which seemed similar to "Curandera Mecanina : The parliment of owls" (in Spanish, there is also an English version), a comic book set in a cyber punk-ish Mexico. The artwork was unique, and I loved the use of red and green.
"That Time I Got Drunk and Yeeted a Love Potion at a Werewolf" by Kimberly Lemming was a fun read, I didn't really take it too serious. And the cover is so beautiful. It's the second book of the Mead Mishaps series. I didn't even read the first book, I just saw "werewolf" and I had to get it. My lovely friend gifted me the third book tho, so I'll be reading that next.
"Sunbringer" by Hanna Kaner is continuation of "Godkiller". Elo, Ina and her little god, go back to Kissen's home. It was a little all over the place in that Elo and Ina were grieving and had to figure out what to do next now that they knew their King Arron ended up sucking ass in the last book. While I am happy that we got the trio back together, I am scared how this story is going to end.
And lastly, "The Spider" by Leo Carew, second book following "The Wolf". Roper decides to get rid of the Sutherners once and for all, believing that they will not stop fighting each other even after their victory. So he gathers all his legions up, and makes allies with another group to bring down the Sutherners. Though I thought this was a big thing for Roper to do, especially because he's still new to the role of Black Lord, I could understand his reasoning for this. Upset that my favorite character died, but gonna move on from that..
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luxmaeastra · 9 months
Viren watched Irabel and Iris bond, the way the twilight skies cast Irabel in ivory and stardust. He sipped at his drink watching his brother.
"Iris is your familiar isn't she? Does father know?"
Keir tensed nodding with a sigh. He drained his glass head falling back against his chair.
"I don't think so. Why?"
Viren thought of those events, how their father had gone more and more controlling. How he'd taken more and more of their mother's power and influence. Why? Why would their mother allow such a thing?
Unless grief? Had Eythos done something to Sive? Or was he just unfairly painted that way? Someone else pushing him in his own grief. If he remembered the stories correctly Eythos had adored Sive. Had done everything and older before should have.
So what had happened? Why hadn't they fought harder to find Natalia and Noelle?
"Do you want things to change?"
Keir glanced at him, his hands curling into the armchair.
"Viren....how would you even begin to change anything? And why does it -"
"Father beat it out of me, and I'm tired of letting him waltz around as if he can do whatever he wants."
He looked to Keir, past those masks to the little boy he had always promised to protect. Where had that promise gone? Where had that spark gone? He swallowed the taste of blood, ignoring the phantom pain in his back.
He had tried to survive, had tried to find the girls that night. Acacius words hissed in his head:
"It's your fault. It's your fault Mama is broken! It's your fault our family is broken! You're cursed Viren, but I will help you - I'll save you."
Had he? Eythos would have happily killed him, he nearly had killed Keir a decade ago for pushing their mother.
He gripped his brother's wrist, tightening his grip when he felt him begin to tremble.
"Viren -"
"I don't break my promises. You'll get the court you're owed."
His brother had changed since he had left the court since he had followed Sarai to a kingdom that her family had. Restored to favor, restored to their grace. He had watched as Sarai had began to get back on her feet, as she and her sister's kingdoms seemed to gain power and respect.
He had watched the bonds form between them and the Valg, it had been something which had amazed him at first. He had never thought they would have opened their doors, that they would have formed bonds with them. The fact Viren was allowing his children, especially his daughters, mate with Valg.
Then he had come to visit, bringing with him allies who it seemed Iris was fond of. He came with a new insight, he came with a new mindset that surprised him.
Keir watched Viren, his fingers tightened slightly into fists as he felt him grip his wrist. He was trembling, he was trembling and there was so much more than he was telling him at that moment. "You'll get yourself killed Viren," he warned. "I will not have your death on my hands, or have Sarai bring an army to decimate this land - you know she will."
He looked back towards Iris, swallowing. How they had to tread carefully, how they had to protect their children - sweet Mor had been sent away when her powers had started coming through. She had to learn control so no one would assume and use it against her.
"Don't get yourself killed Viren."
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greenyvertekins · 2 years
What are the things that you like and dislike in sonic movie 2?
The greater sense of action.
The voice acting. Iris Elba makes for an AMAZING Knuckles and I'm still livid about Colleen's performance being undermined by reviewers.
Maddie and Rachel having bigger parts, culminating in some of my fave scenes.
The Sonic-Tails bromance.
Sonic's character development and realization of what hero'ing is supposed to be.
The entire "Run across the ocean to the temple" scene. Masterfully done.
Stone's obviously gay adoration for Robotnik.
Sonic and Knuckles becoming allies.
The trio and Super Sonic vs Death Egg Robot.
The stinger post-credits.
The fart "gag" early in the film when Sonic conceals his nightly activities from Tom.
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