#irrational levels
shxleo97 · 1 year
I was happy to see it within range then this happens. ☠️
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Then it freaking drops like a canon
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My pancreas is a trampoline at this point. 😭😂
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canisalbus · 18 days
kinda going off of what you said in the tags of a recent ask, of how you've been worrying about being self-centered by just drawing for you: please keep doing it. it's one of the biggest reasons i managed to dig myself out of a long art slump, because all of the vascheteposting was just so full of joy, and enthusiasm, and love for your characters and the world youve built around them... it reminded me of why i started drawing in the first place. it helped me shoved aside the critic in me that kept saying "no, that doesn't look right, that needs to be better, you can't show that to people you're a disgrace you need to make that perfect" and just have fun drawing my own silly little guys again. so if you worry about drawing too much of the same thing, or about being self-centered... please remember that it brings others joy. your followers are here because they want to see what you make. thank you for letting us into your world, sincerely - it means a lot to me.
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faithinlouisfuture · 1 month
real talk: teared up during walls live from buenos aires because of obvious reasons but also because this is the same guy who’s beautiful voice was always doubted, who was made to believe that his voice didn’t add anything to the collective, made to believe that he’d never be able to go on doing this live on his own, so much so that this “image” of him is still what gp believes but he literally said fuck that and fucking watch me and “who the fuck is gonna stop us now” here’s a whole fucking live album
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bongosinferno · 2 months
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tearlessrain · 2 months
jesus christ deviantart is an absolute cesspit of low effort AI cash grabbing now. made the mistake of going there to see if I could find a pose ref. I did not.
really glad I left when I did.
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jaaankiey · 6 months
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leafpin "i get to the prompts when i can" week day 1: baking
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soreheadinamblemood · 10 days
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horrorsequel · 4 months
i keep seeing the talking point of like "if someone upsets you, you need to bring it up immediately so you can resolve it as quickly as possible instead of sitting with it" and i think the crux of that is good advice, and I think it's probabaly juat generally good advixe to most people but i can't DO that because when someone upsets me, i never realize until way later. like my emotions have to ferment or some shit. like it's the weirdedt fucking thing. my brain will not let me process emotions in real time. like if i was in a social situation and someone said something awful to me and u pulled me to the side and asked me if i was okay, I'd be like "what, why?" because my brain is??? idk maybe too focused on navigating being around other ppl. so then i never notice like that someone hurt me or pissed me off until I've had some time alone and my brain finally catches me up on everything that happened. and at that point its like. how do i even bring this up? would brining it up at this point make it worse?
you know what i mean? like maybe these are just incoherent ramblings from a traumatized brain but ive been so BUGGED by that lately not because its like Bad or because people Shouldnt Do That but because i dont qant people to think that because I bring something up at a later date, ive been getting grudgy over it. its like no i actually only just realized it happened. to me, this IS bringing it up when it happened.
like its already hard enough to bring things up at a later date so im just nervous abt that mentality making the rounds and becoming the new Internet Life Rule that ppl ascribe to fully.
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birb-tangleblog · 11 months
Thinking about an AU where Hector joins the caravan after the Great Tree, but he still doesn't believe the sundrop is real and it drives Rapunzel crazy trying to prove it to him.
He conveniently doesn't remember the decay incantation or anything she did at the tree, it's all a blur- he's guessing Adira bailed them out or it was dumb luck.
Raps says her hair glows and heals when she sings, so he's like. Sing then. And she has to explain it doesn't work anymore.
Eugene shows him the (sun-shaped?) scar on his side, and Hector thinks it's a weird birthmark.
(He listens to her story about Gothel/the lanterns/the events of the movie, and his takeaway is asking about why Gothel told Raps her real birthday. 😭)
He laughs when Rapunzel insists Adira's shadowblade can't cut her hair- but Adira just took off to go find some medicinal herbs or food, so they can't prove it.
Raps jumps off the roof of the caravan or does some trustfalls to try to force her hair to cocoon her, but she's not in enough real danger for it to activate so she just... faceplants. Hector is unimpressed.
Hector's mental acrobatics getting increasingly outlandish- a normal knife bounces off her hair b/c there's metal filaments hidden in it. The blade was weak/old. Maybe her hair is that long because of her royal diet.
If it looks like it's glowing, surely that's a trick of the afternoon light.
I do feel like he'd eventually accept it (and his support/loyalty to the group would partially hinge on that, and genuinely believing it was an answer to the rocks) but I could imagine his skepticism becoming a running joke.
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inflammatoryfandomblog · 11 months
I do find it interesting that ATLA managed to use a very black and white narrative (stop Evil Empire) to tell several character stories with some nuance, while TDP claims it has a nuanced conflict and flattens everything to try and make up for that, ultimately leading to protagonist centred morality more than anything. And if they didn’t want me to compare the two then they should have let go of the ATLA references right away.
you're right and you should say it.
the constant and shoehorned references to ATLA do not really do this show any favors. honestly might be part of the problem (why are there 7 primals with color-coded elves? to follow ATLA's pattern of marketable separable elements. why is it an adventure story with a core crew? because ATLA was like this too. etc etc.)
but anyway. yeah. ATLA had a very simple main conflict to provide a constant source of tension throughout the show (even if they dropped the ball at the last season re: the plot), and this structure allowed for episodes that explore other aspects of the setting and characters while still making everything feel relevant and tied together by said conflict. it's not some arthouse show by any means, but it has good compelling story work into it. genuinely great show.
tdp immediately opens up with the nuance and it never really delves deeper. you'd think that opening with characters being aware of the cycle of violence stuff would be interesting and the show would explore that more, but it just... flatlines there. there's no progression or graduation or exploration of themes as the seasons go on like in ATLA. very rarely are there new questions being asked or arcs that feel sensical.
honestly the main characters having to be perfect in every situation is the biggest problem with tdp. the mains are not allowed to have shortcomings or mistaken judgements or anything to meaningfully interact in any way with the nuanced set-up. they emotionally exist entirely outside it, which ends up making them the Messiahs of Peace Who Can Do No Wrong. good for fandoms i guess, people bitched and whined about bato and the water tribe for years. but it's not very good for storytelling.
and also, they're just bad characters and the writers can't put two and two together while still asking you to take their world very seriously.
anyways i'm just rambling at this point. good observation.
#tdp#tdp critical#for the tag filterers#ezran is legitimately a fucking awful character#callum is pointless and doesn't make sense within the larger world of the show#remember that <<path to darkness>> fear in season 4? no build-up#no exploration. nothing. just signposting for a Dark Arc because all the cool kids are doing it#like unless you were stupid it was clear that both viren and callum struggled with feelings of insecurity and wanting to be great#like really. no reason except extremely shitty foreshadowing and honestly a waste of screentime. like i'm sorry#but the fart jokes were unironically more characterful. claudia is emotionally immature#never got over her childhood. and her poopoofarty humor is a legitimate way of portraying that. viren realizes this. see i can be nice.#but like. for the mains? the human rayla joke may be funnier but does rayla's prejudice against humans ever play a role in her character?#oh no she's not allowed to be bigoted. neither are her parents. they have to be Good All Along.#and like the sad thing is the characterization of claudia like this is most likely not completely intentional.#devon giehl is like oh claudia likes terry because she thinks he's special in only a way *she* can see.#and not the more obvious nuanced explanation of claudia generally believing things about elves + dragons#but having the sense to realize that this doesn't mean every single individual is evil. but no she's just IRRATIONAL. ok then.#writers shut up and not ruin something that accidentally worked challenge level: impossible#asks#ask#anon#good ask honestly.#just rambling at this point
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ghastlytofu · 3 months
the way Rezaren says "I'm not a violent man" then proceeds to Force-choke a woman and slam her against a wall
the very specific way he refers to Hira as "the woman you so irrationally desire" when it's clear Miriam wants less than nothing to do with him
the way he threatens to make Miriam watch as he kills her girlfriend because, um. Hira has the gall to be more important in Miriam's life than him??
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wellnoe · 10 months
i am obsessed w thinking about o5 butch lesbian cyclops now. bobby. her friendship w warren. *waves hand at everything w jean*
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neverendingford · 3 months
#every time a character does the whole “talk softly and reassure the dangerous person” thing while also walking ominously towards them ughh#it drives me absolutely nuts. like. you're trying to talk them down from paranoia while you're threateningly walking towards them?#someone does that to me and I'm shooting them at least in the leg or stabbing with whatever makeshift spear I've manufactured#anyway. criminal minds is getting real annoying with the whole pathologizing of people.#like. guy shows signs of being very good at torturing people and they go “ah yes.. a pure sadist” or whatever the fuck#I get that it's shitty crime drama stuff but still. ugh.#I just. I fucking hate when people take the obviously wrong route when talking to mentally destabilized people.#like. people are shit at talking to suicidal people. are shit at talking down irrational fears. people are shit at talking down paranoia.#I hate how people don't fucking know how to interact with freaks I hate how people don't know how to interact with me#everyone acts on their own level without understanding what it's like in any way#and so everyone just projects their own reality onto you without performing any sort of empathy or exercising any sort of understanding#and I want to scream so fucking loud#you're all living in a cotton candy world and your words disintegrate in my humidity#and it's so fucking lonely#and my mind has been clear this past week. the autistic need for pressure satisfied by this prescription pushing on my brain#and I can feel the cogs turning. the wheels and pins and linked gear trains and drive shafts and traction band motors.#all the parts of my brain churning around and I can't get close because the heat from my motor makes my hood hot to the touch.#I burn your hand as you try and press your palm against my flanks.#only think saddle and tack make contact. strict guidelines and harsh rules to govern me.#when I am free I buck and I shift gait and I drag you under too-low branches#also. compared to Hannibal I can basically listen to criminal minds as a podcast. none of the visuals really contribute anything to the show#like. feels very shallow
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trainingdummyrabbit · 4 months
< <"
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myimaginationplain · 2 years
adult mabel dresses like this btw, sorry I don't make the rules
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sweetescapeartist · 1 year
Remember this post I made about how I felt about these GT characters?
Remember when I said I didn't like how Pan, Trunks, Marron, & Bra are all were written to be some sirt of Bulma? I mean, Bulma's children having aspects of her personality are fine & makes sense. However, it DOES NOT make sense for Pan & Marron to be written like Bulma. Who is responsible for that choice? Aya Matsui. Don't know who that is? She was the head writer for DBGT.
GT is something mostly created by Matsui (Atsushi Maekawa had a lot of creative input too due to how he wrote more GT episodes than anyone else). Matsui wrote GT without much if any input from Toriyama other than some art. And recently, I discovered that she worked on DBZ and she's a Bulma fan. Ah... So, that is why Matsui wrote for 4 characters in GT to be like Bulma (Pan, Trunks, Bra, Marron).
I also decided to go back and looked at the filler episodes she wrote in DBZ & I found out that Matsui is a Vegeta fangirl as well. And she also seems to dislike Yamcha and Krillin...
Multiple ppl in charge of official material inaccurately portraying Toriyama's characters that helped influence the hatred for Krillin & Yamcha. Sheesh...
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