#is a seafood drawing though honestly
yellow-rose-lady · 1 year
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Lloyd immediately deflates, bending over with a heavy sigh. His heart is thrumming so violently in his chest, he thinks it might jump out. “Please, don’t scream unless it’s actual danger. You scared me.”
“Sorry.” Arin and Sora apologize in unison.
“But, seriously, look at the bug.” Sora chirps and Lloyd takes a peek at it.
“It looks like a bug.” Lloyd answers simply, still shaky from adrenaline.
“He’s a fancy bug.” Arin smiles, pointing at its little brown shell and pinchers. “Hes got pinchers and a cool shell.”
Lloyd nods numbly, watching the two kids. They seem so enamored with the little things in life, adoring it with everything they can muster.
Childlike wonder…
He can’t remember when he lost that…
Wait, he can…it was after Misako left.
Pain gouges in Lloyd’s chest, making it hard to breath, the sadness squeezing his lungs like a ruthless python.
He allows it to set in like before, let’s it burn, let’s it steam, let’s it fade to smoke.
“You know who this bug reminds me of?” Arin remarks.
“Who?” Lloyd asks, wincing at how scratchy his voice is.
“The brown ninja.”
Lloyd bursts into laughter, the tightness from before lifting as if a giant weight was taken off his chest. “He-he does.” he looks to the brown bug, giggling again.
He can imagine Dareth’s face on the insect now and he can’t help, but laugh more.
“He was so cool.” Arin murmurs.
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Oh Captain, My Captain: Chapter 3
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Chapter Summary: You join Joel off the beaten path for a clam bake where you spend hours talking. Will the night end as you hope?
Night was creeping in, though the last rays of sunshine glowed on the horizon. You walked side-by-side with Joel toward the beachy dead-end were you had seen the kayakers pulling up earlier. When he abruptly towed you to the left down a narrow path of sand between rows of trees, you acknowledged this was hitting every "no-no" check mark on the list.
A guy you barely knew. Check. Seclusion. Check. A couple of drinks first. Check. Unknown territory. Check.
But it also made you feel.. alive. Your heart was racing, and each time Joel looked over his shoulder it amplified that feeling inside of you. Your eyes met, you shared a smile and off you went into the darkness to parts unknown. What a rush.
You almost forgot his friends were trailing you until one of them laughed at something that the other whispered. A moment later you emerged onto another little beach. The smell of seafood hung in the air and music played from somewhere.
People of all ages were strung about the area in small groups talking around firepits that sat in holes dug out in the sand. Near a row of wooden tables where food was being served there were several kegs and tiki torches surrounding the area.
"What is this?" You asked, looking around.
"One weekend a month in the summer months we do this," Joel explained. One of his buddies parted him on the back and the two guys headed to the food tables.
You soaked it all in. The atmosphere was inviting and had the potential to be romantic. You didn't want to get ahead of yourself. Hell, you thought you were in a bit over your head.
He's so much older than me, you reminded yourself. At the same time, the thought made you shiver with pleasure for reasons unbeknownst to you.
"You like clams?" Joel asked. "If not there's burgers and dogs."
"Clams are good." You nodded and trailed him to get a plate and then filled up a cup at the keg. The two of you settled on a dock that stretched out into the ocean just out of the reach of the fire's glow.
Joel set his plate down and kicked off the flip flops he had on to let his legs dangle off the side. You mirrored his position and felt the cool chill of the water nipping at your toes.
"How long have you lived here?" You asked him.
"My whole life." He smirked and took a sip from his drink then leaned back on his hands with a sigh.
"How about the boat? How long have you worked there?"
"In some way, shape or form since I was fourteen. Started off getting paid under the table in cash," he chuckled to himself, "And then got more formal jobs. I learned how to drive the boats early on." Joel shrugged. "It's not bad."
"Do you get sick of the tourists?" You asked, drawing a chuckle from both of you.
"Honestly?" He turned and you nodded. "Sometimes. But not always. Day-to-day it can be different. Your crew was alright." Joel winked and you tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and smiled. The darkness hid your blush.
He then turned the questions on you. "Why don't you talk to your parents about your career? And your art?"
You scrunched your nose and looked over to him. "Because they wouldn't take it seriously." It was true. They wouldn't. And part of you thought that was okay. Another part of you felt a bit sad.
"How do you know?"
"I brought things up before, more just on a theoretical level, but it was obvious I was talking about myself." You laughed for a second and then continued. "And both my parents just dismissed it. Childlike dreams I think they repeated a few times."
"Tell that to Andy Warhol."
"You know who that is?"
Joel chuckled. "Yes, I know who that is."
"I'm sorry." You shook your head and could see he clearly didn't take offense.
"Don't be."
The two of you sighed at the same time and it caused you to look at one another. Joel was the first to smirk and it made you giggle.
"Why are you here?" Joel asked you now. Again, he took you off-guard.
"Because.." you thought for a minute and the heat fell back into your cheeks. "It seemed like fun."
"Is that all?"
You weren't used to be so put on the spot, but if you were reading the signals right you were sure Joel had the same type of interest in you that you did for him.
"And because of you." Oh no, you knew the word vomit was on its way out. "I was attracted to you when I saw you on the boat, and now that I've actually had a few conversations with you, I kind of like the decision I made to-"
"Stalk me down to the bar?" He teased.
You laughed. "I mean.. I was there first so." It made Joel laugh a little louder.
"Oh, that's right," he played along.
"You don't care that I'm in my early twenties?"
Joel grinned wide. "Do you care that I have some grays in my hair?"
"No." You smiled at him.
"Then I think we're alright."
You were right where you wanted to be. For the first time in a long time you weren't thinking about anything except living in that exact moment. You didn't think about your job or the future or any of the pressures of your daily life. You didn't think about impressing anyone, including the man you couldn't stop talking to for the better half of the night. Things just flowed. You weren't aiming to impress. You were just being you; and that seemed to reel Joel in. It was good enough. More than enough.
In fact, you hadn't realized the number of texts and the several missed calls you had from your family members until midnight was approaching.
"Shit," you said aloud to yourself, "I forgot to check in." You typed away at messages to your brother begging him to lie to your parents and say you were there with him. He agreed without much of a fight and so you managed to take a deep breath.
"Come on," Joel rose to his feet and leaned his arm in your direction. You linked yours through his. "I told you I wouldn't let you turn into a pumpkin."
You didn't want the night to end. You could've stayed there until sunrise without a care in the world. With your parents in such close quarters while on vacation, however, you did feel like you had to be in by a certain time.
Walking back down the wooded, sandy path with Joel had your heart racing again. Fantasies took over your mind again. It was everything from him turning and kissing you passionately to the two of you ravaging one another right there in the sand.
When the street by the bar came into view and none of those fantasies manifested you felt the slightest twinge of disappointment. As if anything like that was about to happen. You almost rolled your eyes at yourself.
"How far is the place you're staying?" Joel asked as the Lamp Post mermaids came into view.
"Oh, it's like two blocks straight away." You pointed down the sidewalk and the two of you continued on.
"I'll just make sure you get there safely. Not that there's a ton of crime in the vineyard."
You smiled and wanted to reach for his hand. You suddenly realized you didn't know if you'd get to see him again. It left a knotted feeling in the pit of your stomach.
Could you ask for his number? You wish he'd ask for yours.
I'll just wait and see, you thought. You didn't know if you were bold enough to ask.
A silence hasn't fallen upon the two of you all night, until the final hundred yards or so of the walk home. That was when your anxiety finally climbed after feeling so content and at ease all evening.
"It's right here," you told him, motioning to the side by side townhouses where your family was staying. You turned to him like you were expecting him to hand you a Christmas gift or something. You wanted so badly for him to ask for your number. You wanted just as badly to kiss him.
"Did you want to do something again?" Joel asked.
Yes! Yes, yes, yes!!!!! Inside you were jumping up and down.
"Yeah, I'd like that." The words came out surprisingly calm despite the tornado of joy that lingered just below the surface.
"I have to work all day but why don't you wander down for the 6:00 cruise tomorrow night. Same thing, it's our last one of the night. On the house, I'll put your name on the list."
You grinned wide and bit your lip before nodding. "Sounds good to me."
"And maybe I could get your number so you don't disappear on me."
Fuck yes. You rattled off your digits and Joel put them into his phone. It was the ending you were hoping for. Well, mostly.
"Alright, well, get inside so I know you're safe."
"Thanks, Joel." You leaned in to give him a hug and closed your eyes when your bodies connected in the warm embrace on the sidewalk. When you pulled back and the two of you were face-to-face you couldn't help yourself. He was too close. He smelled too good. His eyes looked into yours for just a second too long. And so you did it. You leaned in and you kissed Joel Miller.
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courtofmatchups · 20 hours
Hello! I’ve just discovered your blog and a TWST matchup sounds so fun!! I write matchups too, and my inbox is always open for trades, so if you’d like to send one my way, feel free to! If you’re too busy, I get that! Regardless, thanks for your time!
Here’s my info:
Personality: I am blunt and humorous. I tend to say and do as I please, though rarely to the detriment of someone else, as I tend to put other's needs above my own. I'll talk for hours about my interests and passions, and I'm always up for a challenge. I also have a very strong moral compass, and I refuse to compromise on it. I try to be kind above all else, especially to those who seem to be in a rough place, as I haven’t always been treated kindly, and I want others to feel loved. Despite that, I can dislike someone immensely for even the smallest mistakes, and I hold on to grudges for a very long time. It’s very easy to notice when I don’t like someone. I have a bad habit of being nosy; I have to know all the gossip and if I’m interested in something I tend to find out all of the information I can about it. In a similar vein, I’m really bad at keeping secrets, as I often forget they’re supposed to be secrets at all. I’m hedonistic, and I tend to overindulge in my loves and passions due to my lack of self controll to the point that it often causes me harm. I’m known for giving great advice and being a good shoulder to cry on, but I don’t let others take advantage of that. I do well in emergency situations, especially when leadership is needed, but I also tend to crumble under mounting stress, and lash out when upset. Overall I'm determined, creative, and compassionate, but also stubborn, judgmental, and fearful.
Likes: I love horror media and anything deemed unsettling, since things that make me uncomfortable fascinate me. I love animals (especially tarantulas and spiders) and nature, and I spend a lot of time drawing and painting the world around me and taking walks on sunny days. On that note, I’m an explorer, and I tend to get into spaces I shouldn’t be if only because my curiosity got the better of me. I enjoy composing, playing, and listening to music, especially instrumentals, rock, and soundtracks. I also play video games, especially RPGs and FPS games. Although I don’t like athletics and sports that much, climbing, running, and adventuring is always fun for me, especially with friends.
Dislikes: Inconsiderate people, especially when they’re not aware of how they’re inconveniencing others. People who can’t enjoy silence and talk to fill it tend to get on my nerves as well. I also dislike those who are arrogant and cruel, and I have a particular distaste for seafood and being touched, although I am definitely a tactile person towards others.
What I look for in a partner: Someone who is kind and understanding of my flaws, and especially someone with a good sense of humor. I feel like I don’t truly connect with people until we laugh about something together. I value honesty and communication as well, so someone who isn’t willing or can’t be open and vulnerable with me is a no go. As pessimistic as I am, I also believe in doing good and making other people’s days a little bit brighter if possible, so I couldn’t be around a cynic or someone intentionally cruel. I love giving gifts and providing words of affirmation, and I love receiving both as well.
Fun Facts: I like to read medical textbooks, and I find visiting cadaver labs and watching medical procedures thrilling. I’m double jointed in almost every one of my fingers and in my wrists, which makes me pretty adept at playing musical instruments that require hand movements.
Thanks again, and have an absolutely lovely day!
It seems to me, you've capture the heart of...
Ace Trappola!
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Oh Seven help the poor souls within your vicinity. The two of you as a couple is chaos incarnate. Honestly, he rocks with you though, you can really keep up with him and sometimes even put him in his place. He will not mess around with you, since you don't like to take shit from others, but in the time he does make a mistake, you can be ABSOLUTELY sure he will make up for it. And despite your chaotic nature, he does appreciate your kindness more than he lets on. He'll tease you, yes, but that only comes from a place of affection. He can go a bit overboard sometimes (not that he always means to), so you gotta tell him off. And if your negative qualities threaten to get the better of you, he will tell you also.
Ace is also quite adventurous himself, so he would love to go exploring places with you. He also seems like a movie buff a la his big brother, so he'd love to share any horror movies he thinks you'd like with you. He also likes to lay back and relax in his free time. And even if Ace is good at lying, he can be open and honest with you if something is bothering him. He's willing to hear you out when you're having a bad day also. He'd also rather not be miserable so he supposes you trying to make others' days better is cool (he not-so-secretly adores it)
Ace likes videogames too, so he'd be more than happy to be your player 2. And in the times you play music, please let him listen while you do. And when you get him a cute gift or tell him something nice, he will cherish it. He would do the same for you too. Your interest in medical cadavers might strike him as a little bit odd, but then again, he's met many odd people in Heartslyabul, so it doesn't bother him all that much.
Overall, a happy and chaotic relationship.
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zarvasace · 2 years
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So, um. Hi, it's me again. Happy new years and I hope you like badly planned posters because I sure have one for you.
I have more thoughts, now, and I'm going to try to put most of it into a post. I tried writing a scene but it was just info dumping and not very interesting, so here's me info dumping right to you! I'm including the full character illustrations too. Hop on in and let's go cruisin
The Setting
A galaxy with wormhole pockets that allow for quick interplanetary travel. Might be magic. There's a lot of technology and a little bit of magic. Despite all the technology, no sophisticated AI has actually worked out, so there aren't androids or anything, and robots aren't super common.
The Hyrule system has one star, called Hylia after the goddess. The star has three smaller star satellites, called Din, Farore, and Nayru. Several livable planets dwell in the system:
The Plains has native Hylians and Minish. It used to be called Hyrule until the name was expanded to cover the whole system. It's mostly towns and rivered forests, with one large continent and one enormous sea dotted with islands.
Ordon is a twin planet system with native Twili on one and humans on the other. Humans came to settle after the solar system united, and are still brand new to the area
Domain is a water planet where Zora live, high in seafood exports. Shallow Zora are generally even-tempered and are the ones that interact with others most often. Deep Zora are hostile and have designed their own ships to maraud abroad, though the Shallow Zora have a tentative peace treaty with them
Other planets I haven't named yet with Rito, Gerudo, Gorons, and forest fey
Long ago, when space travel through the Hyrule system just began, an impending apocalyptic war caused the Hylians to leave their native planet on a massive ship called Skyloft. Those on the planet were subject to wars and diseases and cataclysms until only one godlike lich remained. Those on Skyloft embraced peace and established relations with other governments throughout the galaxy (and intermarried. That's important.)
Eventually, a hero appeared, and the Skyloft Hylians returned home to rebuild.
Our Characters' Stories
Okay honestly I'm not sure yet about all this, so I'll mostly keep quiet. The broad strokes are as follows—an unsuspecting Link is employed as some kind of security by a large company, tentatively named Sorcerer Enterprises. The same company directs Shadow to kidnap him. They artificially activate Link's long-dormant non-Hylian genes to induce the split, turning him into four highly malnourished people with strong elemental associations.
Conditions aren't great, but our heroes (plus Shadow, eventually, and Zelda) manage to escape and topple Sorcerer Enterprises in the process. Unfortunately, there's a bigger fish. They escape with files and information, enough to know that Ganon is out there, intending to take over the system and the galaxy. They know how to stop him, they think.
I talked a bit about them in my earlier post, so I'll just go through the illustrations and point out the details! Please forgive the iffy quality, I was trying to be fast and not perfect, and I think it turned out all right.
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Green is associated with air. He's the pilot, and also wears a lil air purifier/compressor thing because he's generally in need of more oxygen than his lungs can normally get (thus the tube thingy.) He also has rocket shoes and a cool cape. :) The thing on his arm is a portable computer, most others have them, too. The bright cyan indicates cool technology, usually.
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Red is, of course, fire, and gets cold easily. He has heat-resistant work gloves and here is shown lighting an explosive. Whoops. He also has a heated sweater but I decided to not draw it this time. His boots have steel-capped toes because he bangs into things on accident a lot.
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Blue is water and gets warm fast, so his clothes are lighter materials. He usually has cans of compressed water on him, along with medical supplies and rations and flashlights and spare batteries and— anyway he has some cool armor stuff and an undercut (because that feels so right.)
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Vio is earth and the tech boy. His weapon is his backpack, which can pop out with a tiny little artillery post. His hair is longer but not too much longer, he hasn't had a lot of time to grow it out. That jumpsuit thingy he's wearing was designed for an alien race that has an oozelike form, it squeezes and exerts pressure evenly across the entire body. As the earth-element-aligned, he doesn't like feeling as if he'll explode.
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Ngl I love Zelda's design here. She's not exactly a princess here, but she does have traces of light magic. She's also good with a gun. Her elbow and knee pads can give her a full-body shield if she needs it.
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Shadow is a genetically modified clone of the original Link. They made him to be a replacement, or a nemesis, he's not sure, but he's on his way to find his own identity now. (he might go a little too far sometimes. He painted purple flames on his boots.) Is his hair fluffy enough?
Their ship isn't new, but it's not garbage, either. It's a bit small, with six of them. They have a quest!!
And those are most of the thoughts that are solid enough to share XD mostly I just drew silly art.
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ickynights · 1 year
Sketchy Seafood
"Doyun, are you sure about this place? I mean, it looks a bit sketchy," Daniel hesitated, peering through the restaurant's dimly lit entrance. He couldn't help but feel a wave of uncertainty wash over him as he watched the worn-out sign and flickering neon lights.
  Doyun couldn't help but roll his eyes at his boyfriend's overdramatic response. "Can you just trust me for once?" he retorted, as he grabbed Daniel's hand and began to pull him toward the entrance. "I know it might look a bit dingy, but the Yelp reviews are incredible, and my cousin said it's the best Korean food in town. You shouldn't judge a book by its cover, babe."
  Daniel nodded reluctantly but he knew Doyun was right. Perhaps the owners just used all their resources on the quality of the food instead of their restaurants aesthetics. It didn't really matter to him how the decor was set up, as long as the food was authentic and tasted well, he could ignore just about anything.
  As they settled into their seats, Doyun couldn't help but notice the lingering fishy aroma in the restaurant. It wasn't entirely unexpected, given that a majority of the dishes listed on the menu were seafood-based. Still, the pungent scent had an unsettling effect on his stomach, making it churn with a hint of discomfort.
  But he wasn't going to let some scent get in the way of his date. So what if the scent was bad, the neighboring tables seemed to be devouring their dishes just fine.
  The food arrived at their table surprisingly quickly. Daniel chose to stick with his go-to favorite, Galbi-jjim (braised short ribs), not wanting to take any risks in a place he still considered somewhat suspicious.
  Doyun, on the other hand, decided to step out of his comfort zone and ordered Nakji Bokkeum, a spicy stir-fried squid dish he had never tried before. Normally, he was quite cautious about trying new things considering his testy stomach, but he loved eating squid plain and it had never been a source of concern for him, so he figured it was a safe bet.
  As Doyun took the first bite of his meal, he couldn't help but notice that something didn't taste right. The squid, while tender and cooked to perfection, carried an unfavorable flavor that made his taste buds cringe. It was a unusual flavor that he couldn't quite place. He was no stranger to plain squid but perhaps the sauce was making it taste bad? Whatever it was, it surely didn't taste well at all.
  He glanced over at Daniel, who was thoroughly enjoying his food, and hesitated for a moment, debating whether to voice his concerns or not. Maybe he just let his boyfriend's words get to his head. It wasn't fair to consider something off tasting if he hadn't actually tried it before.
  "You were right, baby, this stuff is amazing," Daniel said with a warm smile, taking another bite of his Galbi-jjim. "How's your food? The spice isn't upsetting your stomach, is it?" Daniel asked, noticing the younger had barely touched his plate.
  "My food is good too, I think I'm still a little full from lunch though." Doyun awkwardly replied, trying to lie his way out of being wrong.
Daniel noticed a hint of discomfort on the younger's face but decided to ignore it for now. "Your mom really did make a lot of food earlier. I'm surprised she even let us eat out tonight; I thought she was gonna cook for us this whole trip. Honestly I wouldn't mind if she-"
Doyun struggled to concentrate on Daniel's
conversation as the all-too-familiar unsettling sensation continued to bubble in his belly. The
combination of the unfamiliar dish and the rice porridge he ate earlier churned uncomfortably within him. Despite having eaten only a quarter of his meal, Doyun feared that if he took another bite, his stomach might not be able to hold back, and an unpleasant outcome might be inevitable.
Doyun discreetly pushed his plate aside, his appetite vanishing under the weight of his discomfort. He didn't want to draw attention to his growing nausea, especially not in a place he had chosen for their date night. Instead, he focused on listening to Daniel's blabbering, hoping that the queasy feeling in his stomach would eventually subside soon enough.
The night went on for what felt like forever in Doyun's opinion. Daniel insisted on getting desert, even somehow coaxing Doyun into trying some. The banana flavored ice cream was delicious but even just a spoonful was enough to set his stomach off.
As they settled into the backseat of the taxi, Daniel couldn't help but notice how bloated Doyun's stomach had become. Even though he was wearing Daniel's oversized hoodie, a subtle curve was unmistakably poking through the fabric. A pang of guilt washed over him as he realized that he should have paid more attention to the warning signs earlier in the evening.
"Are you feeling alright, love?" Daniel asked, his voice a gentle whisper, not wanting to draw attention towards themselves.
Doyun replied in a hushed and somewhat uneasy tone, "Not really, I don't think my food was made right. I thought it was just the spice, but I'm feeling pretty nauseous now."
Daniel frowned and reached out to hold Doyun's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Just try to relax for now, love. When we get back to your mom's place, I'll make you some tea." he murmured, his thumb gently caressing Doyun's hand. "Hopefully that'll help settle whatever's going on in there."
Doyun offered a weak but appreciative smile. "Thank you, babe," he whispered, leaning his head on Daniel's shoulder as they continued their way home.
The moment they arrived home, Daniel took charge, gently guiding Doyun to the guest room. He gave him a reassuring smile and said, "Why don't you put on your comfiest PJs, and pick whatever tv show you want to binge-watch tonight? I'll make that tea for you, and you can just relax and take it easy."
  Doyun nodded and wasted no time in getting ready for bed. He threw on the first pair of pajamas he could find, and settled into the bed, putting on a random variety show that he knew him and Daniel loved watching.
  Daniel returned to the guest room with a mug of tea and a pack of pills. He sat them down on the bedside table and explained, "Your mom says these pills should help calm your stomach if you aren't already feeling super sick." Careful not to jostle Doyun's stomach, he gently climbed onto the bed, sitting close to his partner.  "She also said the restaurant we went to is known for bad seafood so you probably have some form of food poisoning. I guess your cousin must have gotten lucky when she went."
  Doyun wanted to puke at the mention of bad seafood, "Never let me pick a restaurant again." Doyun groaned and curled into himself; the memory of the unsettling dinner was still too fresh in his mind, and he wished he could erase the experience entirely.
  "Just make sure to do more research next time," he teased, before wrapping his arms around Doyun's waist and pulling him closer. He planted a soft kiss on Doyun's forehead and continued, "Don't dwell too much on it, baby. We still have a week left here, and I'm sure we'll find much better places to eat. Besides, it's the time we spend together that matters most, even if that time is me making sure you don't fall asleep on the toilet again."
    As the night wore on, Doyun and Daniel found themselves growing drowsy in each other's arms. The soothing embrace and the comforting ambiance of the Doyun's childhood room made it easy to for the two to succumb to sleep. They drifted off together, tangled in each other's warmth.
  Doyun, however, was growing increasingly restless as the night progressed. His stomach seemed to have a mind of its own, gurgling loudly, and the cramps he experienced became more frequent and painful with each passing moment. The few sips of tea he had managed to drink earlier offered no relief, and only upset his tummy further.
  The constant turning and the increasingly loud noises coming from Doyun's direction, eventually stirred the older out of his sleep. He blinked his eyes open and, with a concerned frown, noticed Doyun's discomfort, "Love, are you okay? Your stomach sounds really upset." he asked, gently reaching his hand out to touch Doyun's shoulder.
  Doyun turned to face Daniel, eyes welling up with tears, "Feels like I'm gonna puke." Doyun whined, digging his head into the crook of Daniel's neck.
"My poor baby," Daniel whispered, he slid his hand under Doyun's shirt, fingers lightly tracing circles on his belly in a soothing, caressing motion. "You wanna try going to the bathroom, love?" Daniel suggested, "Maybe getting it all up will bring you some relief."
  Doyun nodded weakly and slowly sat up, allowing Daniel to guide him towards the hallway bathroom. With each step he took, Doyun could feel the contents of his stomach slosh dangerously, as if it was threatening to come up any second.
The moment they entered the bathroom, Doyun's stomach had reached its breaking point. As he sat in front of the toilet, a loud belch escaped him, a precursor to the discomfort that was about to unfold. Then, without warning, a thick stream of vomit erupted from Doyun's mouth, splashing into the bowl below. He barely had a second to catch his breath before a second wave of nausea overtook him, sending him retching into the toilet once more.
  "It's okay, love. I'm right here," Daniel murmured, his voice a steady and calming presence. He was used to taking care of Doyun but something about the unfamiliar surroundings was making him feel uncomfortable. He had no time to feel uncomfortable, as his boyfriend was seconds away from collapsing into the toilet.
  After what felt like hours, Doyun's belly finally decided to give him a break. Completely exhausted and drained, Doyun allowed himself to fall back into Daniel's embrace, "I think m' done." Doyun mumbled, snuggling into Daniel's shoulder.
   Daniel held Doyun even closer, his arms wrapping protectively around him as he whispered soothingly, "It's okay, love. You're done for now." He pressed a gentle kiss to Doyun's forehead.
   With Doyun nestled in his embrace, Daniel gently stroked his partner's tummy. Doyun's shallow breaths gradually deepened as he started to relax, his body beginning to recover from the physical strain.
  "You think you're ready to go back to bed, baby."
  Doyun nodded weakly still too exhausted to form any real response. Daniel scooped Doyun into his arms and carried them to their room, making sure not to jostle the younger's stomach. 
  Once they were back in the comfort of their room, Daniel gently settled Doyun onto the bed, making sure his partner was comfortable. They cuddled closely together, and Daniel's touch became a soothing presence as he rubbed gentle circles onto Doyun's lower belly.
  "Try to get some sleep, love." Daniel whispered softly, his voice filled with tenderness. With his free hand, he gently stroked Doyun's hair, a comforting gesture that had always had a calming effect on him.
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obeymematches · 5 months
Hi! 👋 Could you please do a match up for me.
My Personality in few words :-
• Caring
• Loyal
• Protective
• Sarcastic
• Innovative
• Understanding
• Challenging
I'm a Ambivert. I'm a Realist if it counts, if not am a pessimist. I keep my emotions to my self and will rarely tell anyone how I feel. I don't judge a person by what I hear only after I interact with them and get to know them will I draw up a conclusion. I dislike being ignored when I am speaking. I tend to space off in classes if I'm not interested. I dislike being nagged constantly. If I'm given a task to do I will do it at my own pace if it's not urgent. In my day-to-day life I would describe myself as a easygoing person I will put in the required amount of effort based on the importance of the work I'm doing. I am a perfectionist only if the topic catches my interest other wise nope.
I can also be lazy at times. I'm naturally sarcastic and I don't really realize it at all so I can be sarcastically insulting at times. I also tend to curse 🤬 alot. I have a bad habit of subconsciously ignoring people when I'm engrossed with something. I'm Chaotic Good.
I like to read fiction or fantasy online novels, comics, manga, webtoons and occasional watch anime and k-drama . I love listening to music when I read or while doing arts and crafts, I'm good at drawing and painting and generally making things which interests me. Currently I have taken to Diamond painting. I like meeting my friends and hanging out. I like scrolling though insta but rarely post at all. I don't play video games just the phone games (if this makes any sense). I like to try new and different foods when traveling abroad and I occasionally cook and bake. I like spicy foods and my favorite is seafood 😋.  I like to grow flowers and plants. I like drinking Chai / tea. I also like sweets of any kind.
I dislike maths and anything related to mathematics. I don't like rainy weather and would prefer to stay in doors. I don't like being on stage and have stage fright. I have a phobia of spiders.
My biggest peeve is being told what to do or where to go. Over controlling and over possessiveness.
For me trust is very important and if you can't give me basic trust it will not work.
I'm a INFP. My zodiac is Cancer ♋ and it definitely aligns with my personality. I'm a Type 4 on the Enneagram. My Hogwarts house is Ravenclaw.
ahhhh wait a minute i still see you around in my notes hows it going bestie???💞
Honestly on first thought I was thinking of The Mammon but then I changed my mind 😅
I decided to match you with Satan!
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yes i am aware those are 2 very different characters but listen.
All of the traits you bulletpointed are in balance with him; being caring comes in handy as he tends to be a bit forgetful especially when he is focused on a story of his interest, or when he is bustin with his studies.
Of couse being loyal is high on his priority list when he likes someone. He is pretty loyal himself it is understanable he wants someone just as loyal as himself.
Ahhhh the two of you are going to be the sarcastic duo at HoL. In my experience sarcadtic people get along well easily and almost instantly, though the muse of their sarcasm has to be similar. Thankfully you two are on the same team as you both despise being controlled!!
You mentioned you don't like possessiveness... well... he might be possessive if you are in the wrong company but otherwise he is not too bad? Like he definitely won't limit you or be jealous as a hobby as long as you keep boundaries (which you will) so that won't be an everyday problem.
He himself is a realist as well so there are no issues about your views!
He is pretty good at maths so I see a balance regarding this-
I feel like he also tends to leave stuff for the last minute if it's not his cup of tea, which means he won't be nagging you at all!
Now some story on how it started;
I'd think at first it was a slow attraction for you two. Like it was there but neither of you acted on it. After a while everyone knew you two have a special relation going, even if at this point you still didn't spend too much time together; you know the vibe was totally different with you two around, he became a little bit more shy... it was easy to tell.
That was until you started to open up to him too, step by step you spent more time together... he got himself thinking he needs to tell you something, he wishes he could spend more time with you, you know? He found himself genuinely curious about you!!
Some scenarios to think about;
He is pretty versatile regarding activities; if you prefer staying in this weekend that's fine, however for next weekend he already has a date planned for you! He would totally enjoy a picnic with you, or museum, library dates! He puts effort into planning these as you are very important to him 💘
Your chaotic goodness has to balance him on the regular; you know sometimes he is up to no good and it usually turns out rather bad for him. Pls be his vioce of reason if needed.
ahhh you could have a little garden with him? Okay he doesn't have a green thumb at all but he is more than willing to pick up some of the interests of his beloved other half and gardening is something he'd enjoy if he actually tried it. It is rewarding and calming!
Him baking just for you something special on a regular Thursday. ❤️‍🔥
If you ever have trouble with your studies just ask him, he is a good teacher! Well maybe not the most patient/empathetic one but at least he is pretty good at explaining.
One thing about you he is not a big fan of is your laziness. To some degree it's okay, he is not the most active either but the aim is to have balance.
a song that remind me of you two is patrick watson's je te laisserai des mots 🤭😇
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amajorartattack · 1 year
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My General ROTTMNT Donatello Headcanons:
- He’s the tallest at 6′6″, alright. Like the longer neck of a softshell turtle my guys, is what gives him the height over Raph, if he didn’t have the long neck, he’d be the second tallest. - Longer snoot, not always able to see on forward facing shots cuz of perspective. His brothers always boop it, and when they first started doing so it annoyed him to all hell and back, but he’s used to it now.      - Sometimes presses his nose against his brothers, Splinter, or April, to show his affection (Kinda like a headbutt...kinda.) - He often paints his nails, usually purple, or black. But he’s painted them other colors, usually they would be some variant of blue, orange, or red. - Alright, I saw a post...pin thing on Pinterest, and it was where Leo and Donnie had heterochromia, and shared one of the colors, and I absotively posilutely loved it. So yes, he has heterochromia, and shares the red with Leo.      - Also fucking Disaster Twins my beloveds. - Unable to control when his tail wags, but it usually happens when he’s working on something and it’s all coming together, when he’s proud of himself or others, or excited for something. - The fastest swimmer of all of them, and likes to swim, especially when he was younger. - Gamer Boi (yes I know this is technically canon, but.) He streams, and makes videos of him gaming, and there has been many Donnie rage compilations going around (totally not made by Leo) - When he was younger he rarely spoke, and when he did everyone made sure to be quiet and let him do so. - When he gets really overwhelmed, he rarely speaks, or goes completely non-verbal. - Is the second best artist, he needs to be able to draw up designs for his tech, this is one of the main ways that him and Mikey bond. This also is a way that he can communicate if goes non-verbal. - Huge horror fan, especially in game form, but still absolutely gets scared. But that’s the point of it. - Overworks himself, and stays up very late. He has insomnia, but doesn’t always do anything to help with it.       - Splinter has gotten him melatonin gummies, that are safe for Donnie to consume, and he has them in a drawer by his bed. (It’s still a little more than half full.) He only eats them if he’s unable to sleep when he’s already in bed. - He is genuinely great with kids, but claims to not like them. He has said this while a kid was doing it’s damnedest to use Donnie as a jungle-gym, and he did pretty much nothing to stop it.      - Like; April: Donnie, you should come help me with work at *insert random restaurant that is catered to kids*, it’ll be fun.        Donnie (letting a kid mess with his claws): Now why would I do that? I don’t like kids.        April: You’re-but. EH?! - He is the older twin, and has used it to his advantages against Leo. He’s like two minutes older. - For as much as he likes pizza, his favorite food is actually ramen, especially seafood ramen. He knows all of the ramen places in New York, and has them labeled from best to worst. (He cries a little inside whenever he sees that the top most best place is closed.) - Knows all new slang, but chooses to not say it, or claims to say it ironically. Also has more than likely created a new slang word without knowing. - Woops ass in Mario Kart, and always plays as Bowser. Claims he’s the best character to play as because of his high speed stats, even if he has a lower acceleration stat. - Honestly to me, this guy is Demisexual/romantic, he’s gotta be able to trust and feel trust before making any claims about a relationship. - Genderfluid, most often he feels like he’s a guy, and uses he/him pronouns. - Also wears contacts, and if he doesn't have any (even though he typically always keeps a good stock of them,) he wears glasses. - Connecting the 7th and 11th lil hc thing, Donnie does not stream or record videos of himself playing horror games, because he knows that his brothers will see them, and he doesn’t want his videos to be the source of any of their nightmares.
(Imma more than likely just add onto this when I think of more shit to add. This is mainly because I posted this at 4 am, and I was really tired, and so now that I’m more awake I’m thinking of other things to add.)
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violette-hue · 2 years
Congrats for all the followers! You deserve it! <3
Can I please get a match? With the golden trio era (Harry Potter)
Sexuality: straight girl, she/her, preference for men
Likes: Art, books (in any way, rn im listening to the hunger games, reading HP on my kindle and reading The Ballad of Never After on a physical book), reading/writing, scary/thriller movies and books, space, animals, i freaking love music (used to play piano), stress baking, exercise, music and dancing, learn new things (such a Ravenclaw I am lol), funny debates about everything, hanging out with my friends, all kind of topics (aliens, stars, mentally things, weird stuff), I love to investigate new things, mysteries about everything.
Dislikes: misunderstanding, ignorance (when people don’t like to learn when they have the opportunity), judgmental people, being ignored, toxic masculinity, discrimination, people being mean. SEAFOOD 
Personality: ENFJ (actually ambivert but more the extrovert type), I tend to learn and have all my things done on time, a bit anxious (but I'm working on it), like to make jokes, be funny and make people laugh but I also tend to be serious when I have too, I like to try all kinds of things, people say I flirt but I think I'm being nice (when I flirt I tend to freak out lol), I think about romantic stuff but I also don’t let myself to love (sorry self), I like to party but I also enjoy calm nights. I´m also a family girl and get defensive when people talk about them or my friends (I may be an only child but mess with my cousins and you mess with me)
Congrats again on the milestone and thanks for doing this! (sorry if my English is not good)
Want a Match? Here’s the post!💕
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I match you with George Weasley! Out of the twins, I’d like to believe George is the more artistic one. That’s what draws him to you. I feel like at first he would tease you about how many books you’re reading, asking how the heck do you even do that (because that’s honestly a talent). He loves that you love to learn new things, because he loves teaching you. He finds a special sort of gratification when he sees the awe on your face from teaching you something new. I see George as also a romantic person, and, though you don’t allow yourself to love, he’d try anything to get you to love him.
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mcmxcvixi · 2 years
if someone would name another thing jes is incredible at, it is cooking. she finds it fun to shuffle around the kitchen, trying new recipes, making her own style home cook, even she spent her time making burger because a certain fast food restaurant's one tasted so dry, whined about it all day to herself and swore to make something better and she did. her parents approved it with nods and empty plates. she is confident that her grandmother, would kiss her on the cheek if she lived a little longer to witness her grow into someone who loves cooking just as much as she was. a perfect lover to be with because she won't hesitate to cook for someone, doing it together and then eat together.
she couldn't hold herself when she drove pass the fish market, brain was in advanced thinking as she decided in seconds on what she will be eating for dinner. immediately found a spot to park, squeeze through the crowd to get whatever she can stored in her freezer.
a bowl of seafood noodle placed on her kitchen counter. she looks at it for some seconds thinking how it looks really good and a perfect meal for the weather and the second thought hit in on how she is going to finish all this – guilt slowly creeps in. if she cannot finish it, it will be a total waste. don't call her emotional, she is on her period.
she hops off the kitchen stool as she walks to the other part of the place to look for someone who she is sure is still around during the hour in the main entrance of her penthouse. thinking it would be nice to ask for the person to have dinner. together. she assures herself that it is a kind move to do. let's not be a jerk for once towards this man because honestly? she has been one annoying client ever since they stood around the door of her hospital room – if glaring at them, throwing sarcasms, and snuck around leaving them behind so they won't come following her counted as being an ass it is.
the man stands there, checking on his wrist watch as his gaze is quick to find her who's about to greet him.
"ma'am." he nods at her.
seymour has been with her for months now, just right after the murder attempt, her father hired three securities, her personal 24/7, at-home bodyguards. the idea was irritating but she couldn't do a lot in that state, drowned in hospital bed with broken ribs, fractured ankle and a stab wound. she is not new to this, her whole life she was surrounded with bodyguards watching her every move, stopping her from doing things that's not on the list, immediately inform her parents if she ever crossed the line they draw for her. it was suffocating, though she got a blast for some years, freedom without his father's eyes choking her and it was nice. unfortunately, good things weren't always so fond of jes, up until now she wonders why they always left and pulled her back into the ones she hated the most.
jes was kind enough when she asked her father to keep it less, one is enough, she doesn't need three towers tailing her around. two solid things fighting each other is not a good thing; her father is a stubborn man and his completely perfect copy is living to his own face. at that situation a deal was made; jes to take one as her personal security and the other two to watch around her place. still irritating. but she took it anyway. at least to be freed from the probability of her father's more annoying demands.
her brain works on creating a sentence which it won't bsound so demanding, bossy, but friendly sounding and not having a weird intention even a tiny bit in it before it's completely roll off her tongue, "uh, i cooked dinner, a little too much portion for me alone, so, straight to the kitchen if you want some." before anything could come out of seymour's mouth, and she believes he did say something, jes speeds up on turning her heels and walks back to the kitchen. turning deaf to whatever he is saying. it would be embarrassing to hear it so there she goes, preparing two smaller bowls as she starts digging the meal.
seymour comes around with hands on his back as he approaches the kitchen counter, looking around before he fixes his gaze on the bowl of noodle. jes smiles at him, patting the kitchen stool next to her, "i hope you don't mind a little spice" she pulls out a fork from the drawer, placing it beside the vacant small bowl. she begins to sense the awkward tension and how this must look so weird but she shakes it off. caring more of how they should finish all this.
or maybe she hates eating alone. ken's father, when he was around, never skip a meal to eat it together. jes won't ever admit that she misses it.
going through the dinner with silence surrounding. seymour is the one breaking the ice.
"how's ken?" jes lifts her head to her surprise the man is staring for a solid five seconds before he's back on his food, twirling the noodles with fork.
"he's okay. sleeping soundly as we speak." she can look in the corner of her eyes when he nods.
"usually i'd ask my secretary to eat with me but today is her day off, don't wanna bother her as i already steal a lot of her time." she chirps, placing the chopsticks down to fill her bowl again.
"the cheerful lady with glasses?" the question makes her smile. asa with her personality is truly amazing on leaving such an impression.
"the one and only." they chuckle with mouth full, "every single time i see her, it's halloween." jes frowns at that, hands still holding her chopsticks as she leans forward, arms placed on the kitchen counter.
"why—" immediately she gets the term then seymour's lips turn into a big smile, cackling.
"candy—!" they says all together, she snorts into her fist, "oh god, yes, asa with her sweets. and everyday it's different! you might find one or two expensive candies in those bags." seymour nods, agreeing.
"gotta watch for the blood sugar." he jokes and jes can't help but to let out another giggle between chewing her food.
for a moment there she forgot her worry about things, the worry about the meal she cooked would be left cold, the worry of being alone in the occasion she is way too used of being accompanied.
affected her so much but she won't admit it.
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rubenovichoff · 4 months
drawing the line at not cute. like all the regular mammals, seafood-things, reptilians, amphibians are fine, but in the 'bugs' category only few things get a pass. snails are ok ofc, in the realm of hypotheticals saying yes to smaller rainworms, butterflies, some slugs, maybe mosquitoes. bumblebees, though i dont even like peach fuzz so not sure i want tiny hairs down my throat. all the tiny land crustaceans and worms i could give a go, but no spiders, no regular-sized 'bugs'. maybe could do a pretty shiny bug but only if im in spontaneous enough mood to forget about the interior ill be biting into. no labiatae! too many legs man... might be beautiful but not cute. i want to believe that with sufficient effort i could start thinking arachnids and Bugs Generic are cute but honestly i have been trying to on and off just to get over the phobia and its not easy :/
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nanalikessurveys · 2 years
(this was originally a lot longer but I deleted a bunch of questions because it was way too long for me, so sorry)
.:Background check:. Who gave birth to you? My mom. Who is your biological father? My dad is my biological father. Do you live with both of your biological parents? No I live alone. Do you like your parents? Yes I love them. Do you get along with your parents? Yes. Does you your parents like you? Yeah. What is parents ‘race’? Uhh they’re white.
Where were you born? In Finland. What date were you born? October 17th. Do you have any siblings? I have an older sister. You are child number: Two. Do you have a large family? No, I have one sibling, mom and dad. I don’t have many relatives either. I have two uncles and an aunt and four cousins + both sets of grandparents and that’s about it.
What is your family like? They’re amazing I love them.
:.About you.:
What is your name? Nana.
Do you have a nickname? If so what is it? and why? Most people call me by my real name. My friend has given me some nicknames though.
How old are you now? 24.
What 'race’ are you? I’m white.
How do you look like to you? I have blonde hair, blue/green eyes, I’m about 163cm tall and average weight.
What color are your eyes? Blue-ish green.
What color is your natural hair? Blonde.
Do you dye your hair? I have dyed my hair before but haven’t done that in a while.
Do you have a 'style’? If so what is it? Nothing super distinct.
Are you single or taken? I’m single.
What is your sexual orientation? Bisexual.
Do you have any tatoos? I don’t.
Do you have any piercing? I have 7 on my ears and I still have my belly button piercing that I got when I was 15 lol.
Describe your pesonality. Shy, kind, calm/chill, understanding, funny, forgetful and a people-pleaser lol.
How tall are you? 163cm (5′4′’)
Whats your weight? 65kg
What’s the most common misconception about you? I have a feeling people think I’m boring because I’m really shy. Which is true in a way but I’d say I’m not boring at all when I’m with people I am close with.
.:What is your favorite:.
Food? Chicken, seafood, pasta, pizza, salad, pita bread, falafel...
Song? There’s many. I’m listening to Heartbreak Anniversary by Giveon right now, it’s a good one.
Mood? Uhh a good one? Joy and calmness. 
Animal? Cats.
Person? My parents, sister and my friend.
Color? All of them.
Movie? Carrie, Catch Me If You Can, 12 Monkeys, Joker, the Eastrail-trilogy...
TV Show? I don’t watch TV.
Thing to do? Drawing, painting, dancing, stretching/yoga, sleeping, eating, cooking, baking, spending time with my friend, watching YouTube, watching movies.
:.What are your future goals in life?.:
What do you want to be when you 'grow up’? I’m studying philosophy right now and I’d love to do something with that but who knows what’ll happen to me.
Do you want to get married? Do you have someone in mind? Maybe.
What age do you plan to be married?
No plans.
Do you have kids? How many? What are their names? I don’t have kids.
Do you want (more) kids? How many?
Maybe. One or two.
Do you know what would you name if it was a girl? If so what? No.
Do you know what would you name if it was a boy? If so what? No.
Who would be your dream mate? Caring, understanding, kind, funny, social.
What is your dream house like? I don’t know yet.
What is your dream car? I don’t have one.
Any goals not mentioned above? Nope, not really.
Which goal of yours keeps you alive? Graduating from university.
Do you honestly think you’ll accomplish your goals? I don’t know. Probably.
.:Right now:. Are you alone? Yes. Are hungry? I am, I have to make some food after this but this never ends lmaoao. How are you feeling? Hungry. How’s life in general? It’s a mess, really. It’s going well in general but I have my messy moments. Is there any noise around you? Yes I’m listening to music. What are you thinking about right now? Food. And last wednesday because it was an awful day. What are you wearing? T-shirt and shorts. What is the weather like? 6 degrees celsius and a little rainy. What is your mood? I’m fine. What date is it? November 4th. What time is it? It’s 11:01am What season is it right now? November is considered winter here. Where are you? I’m in my bedroom. Are you having a good day? It's pretty good so far.
.:The survey:. What is it fun? Yeah but way too long for my current mood. Sorry for deleting a big bunch of the questions. Do you think it was creative? Sure, some of it. How long did it take to finish? I don’t know, I don’t know when I started. Were you honest about everything you said? Yes. Was it too long for you
Yes. Do you think someone would read it ALL? Most likely no. Do you think someone would copy and do the survey? Who? Most likely no.  What rating you’d give this survey? 1-10 (10 being the best) 4 Where are you going to post it? Tumblr. Do you think I am a low-life that has nothing better to do? Of course not. If you do think that way what does it make you by completing the survey? – Aren’t you going to thank me for helping you kill time? Thank you :)
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alohastyles-x · 3 years
Grocery Shopping ४ Loki [One shot]
Timeline: Like.. Ragnarok Loki but before Ragnarok
Warnings: None :)
Wordcount: 1.6k
Summary: You take Loki Grocery Shopping for the first time... and it was a chaotic experience.
Dedication: To @theyear1980 !! Thank you for this idea and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! <3
Loki Masterlist | Marvel Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Wattpad |
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⊱ ────── {.⋅ ४ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
“Okay Loki, now, you have to remember to act normal. After your little… incident, last time you were in New York, you need to lay low.” You scolded as you pulled into an empty parking spot.
“Are they still mad about that?” Loki looked down sheepishly. He had returned from Asgard a few days ago, eager to spend every second with you before he had to return. It was grocery day for you, and Loki insisted on tagging along. You didn’t mind though, grateful to spend this time with him.
You glared at him for his previous statement before turning the car off.
“Gee, I don’t know. You just destroyed half the city,” mumbling, you got out of the car and started to head to the entrance. Loki hadn’t ever visited a grocery store before, but the idea excited him. They had markets on Asgard, but Loki never had reason for visiting- someone always went for him.
Walking up to the entrance he was taken aback when the doors opened for you, sliding across the threshold. He edged towards it carefully, not wanting it to close on him. He had experienced doors like this before, but on other planets… not on earth where nobodies went.
You looked back seeing him timidly walking to the entrance.
“Loki, come on.” You rushed him, while grabbing a cart. He darted through the doors quickly, earning some stares from strangers passing through.
“Really…” you ask, a blank expression on your face. “You literally have seen some of the most high-tech inventions, and yet you’re scared of a sliding door.”
He glared at you, not appreciating the judgement of his cautiousness.
You smirked and continued to head through the second automatic doors into the store. This time, Loki was a bit more confident, and walked through, still rather slow, however.
“Alright, lets head this way first,” you moved the buggy towards the back of the store where the meat selections were. Stark was hosting a party tonight and asked you to grab a few things from the store while you were going, hamburger patties being one of them.
“What on earth is that disgusting little creature?” You heard Loki ask from behind you.
“What are you talking about?” You turned, and noticed he was observing the lobster tank by the seafood.
“That,” he pointed to one of the lobsters climbing over his buddy. You stared at him for a few seconds before answering.
“Do you really not have lobsters on Asgard?” You asked.
“What? No. Lobsters? Is that what these are?” He was bent over, his hands on his knees eyeing the creatures. You rolled your eyes and turned back around to pick out the right patties.
Not even two seconds later, an ear-piercing shriek from behind you, and you whipped around. Your eyes bulged out of your head, and your mouth dropped open.
“Loki! What are you doing?!” You shouted, moving over to him. He had one of the lobsters in his hand, turning it over to examine it.
“What? Do you not buy them like this? Are they not domesticated pets you take home?” He asked nonchalantly. You were thoroughly shocked.
“No, Loki, they’re not pets! Honestly, I don’t know if you can even buy them like that just put it back!” you rushed, ushering him to put it back in the tank.
“We’re trying not to draw attention to ourselves, remember?” You nodded to the small crowd gathering behind you.
“Nothing to see here! I am the uh-, lobster… inspector...” Loki trailed off, trying to make sense of the situation. A couple people laughed, charmed by the smile he flashed them. He placed the lobster back in the tank and followed you back over to the cart. You sighed, going back over your list.
“Y/N, are you alright? You look flushed,” Loki asked, placing his arm around your back as you walked towards one of the aisles you needed.
“I’m alright, let us just hurry and get through this. Stark needs drinks too,” you headed to grab a pack of the red sports drinks he asked for.
You heard Loki gasped and turned around. His eyes were lit up as he was reaching for a bottle of Green Gatorade on the top shelf. Grabbing it, he turned and looked at you, excited at his find.
“Y/N! Look at this, a green drink! Can we get this too? It looks absolutely delightful,” he exclaimed. You couldn’t help but chuckle at how adorable he was sometimes.
“Yes, we can get it,” you grabbed it from him and put it in the cart.
You continued shopping with minimal distractions. That was, until you came across a worker standing at a kiosk.
“Free samples?” She asked, pointing towards a tray of pierogis.
“What?” Loki asked, a little too aggressively. The lady gulped before repeating herself. You nudged Loki, before looking apologetically at the poor worker.
“Sure, we’d love some! Thank you,” you grabbed two, handing one to Loki who eyed it suspiciously.
You shoved yours in your mouth, before grabbing hold of the cart again and moving further down the aisle.
Loki slowly followed you, still holding the pierogi in his hand. He was skeptical of it.
“Y/N? Is this supposed to be a representation of an entire meal?” He asked,
“What? Loki, no, it’s a sample of an item they sell?” You said, although it came out as more of a question. Some of the things Loki questioned about Earth really threw you off.
“Loki, just eat it.” He looked you in the eyes, glaring just a bit as he took a delicate bite of out it. His eyes lit up, once again, fascinated by all the savory flavors twisting around in his mouth as he chewed.
“Y/N, this is absolutely delicious!” He exclaimed finishing the last bit. You chuckled.
“Okay, we still need to get some chips for-” you turned, realizing Loki wasn’t behind you anymore.
“Loki?” You called out. You sighed, having a feeling you knew exactly where hew was.
“Lady… worker, I demand another sample.” You suddenly heard his voice. Oh, dear god, you thought rushing over to the sample kiosk.
“I’m sorry, sir. We only give out one per customer.” She stumbled over her words, afraid of the man in front of her.
“Dear god, I am so sorry!” You exclaimed, grabbing Loki’s arm, and dragging him away from the stand.
“I only wanted another one of those delicious peregonies, Y/N.”
“Pierogi’s dear,” you bit back a laugh. “We can get you some to make at home, okay? Let us just grab the rest of what Stark and I need, and we can go back home.” You had begun to feel your anxiety kick in at all the disruptions. He nodded, understanding, and followed you to the aisle with the chips.
The chips were in the same aisle as the candy, which ended up being a big mistake. Loki tried to contain himself for your sake, but he was so intrigued by the bright bags of candy in front of him.
“Y/N? What is this?” He pointed to a bag of Sour Patch Kids. He figured it was best to ask you, instead of just grabbing it and examining it like he had done everything else.
You turned around and smiled noticing he had your favorite candy in his hand.
“Those are Sour Patch Kids. They’re candy. Do you want to try one?” You smiled mischievously, knowing he was not ready for this experience.
“Of course, it looks absolutely pleasant.”
You took the bag from him and opened it.
“Y/N? What are you doing?” Loki asked, looking around.
“It’s okay this time because we’re buying it anyways,” you explained, pulling out a piece for him. You grabbed one for yourself and placed the bag in the cart.
“Alright ready?” You ask, holding your sour patch kid up. He smiled and clinked his against yours.
“Cheers!” He said, before popping it into his mouth. His face scrunched up as he continued to chew. His eyes began to water, a couple tears spilling over his eye lid. You laughed, chewing yours without any issue.
“Bleh! Y/N! You did not warn me of this… acidic atrocious flavor of these candies. Are these supposed to be sweet?” He exclaimed, sticking his tongue in and out of his mouth trying to rid himself of the flavor.
You couldn’t help but burst out with laughter.
“They’re a sour candy. They’re supposed to taste like that!”
“Do you like them?” He asked, his voice strained.
“Yes! They’re my favorite!” He gave you a sideways suspicious glare.
“Are- are you a madman Y/N?”
You busted out laughing again, before grabbing a bag of M&M’s.
“Think of it as payback for this grocery shopping experience. Here, you can have these. They’re chocolate.”
“I don’t think I trust you anymore, Y/N.”
“Oh, don’t be so dramatic Loki. Here, take the M&M’s,” you thrusted the bag in his hands, before turning back to the chips. You grabbed the bags Stark asked for and placed them in the cart.
“Alright, do we have everything?” You asked, going over your list.
“We need to get my peregonies,” Loki spoke up, as he placed the bag of M&M’s in the cart next to the sour patch kids.
“Pierogi’s!” You corrected, before heading to the freezer aisle. You grabbed a box and placed them in the cart. Loki beamed, happy to have those little suckers in his life.
After checking out, you walked out of the store- this time Loki was totally prepared for the sliding doors and walked confidently through them. You smiled to yourself. “How can he be an academic, yet absolutely clueless with street smarts?” You thought to yourself, as you loaded the groceries into the car.
“That was an entertaining experience,” Loki said once you settled in the car.
“I’ll say,” you mumbled, before pulling out of your parking space and driving home.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ४ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
A/N: I had so much fun writing this lmao! Send me some more ideas to do lovelies! Click here to see what you can request!
You can find more on my wattpad as well: https://www.wattpad.com/story/272959649-marvel-imagines
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xcrystalzero · 3 years
to understand you
pairing: xiao x gn!reader
summary: as far as you know, xiao hates humans. so why is he offering to come to liyue harbor with you?
note: listen to this, then read plz! warning, these are leaks so don't listen to it or read this fic if you don't want to be spoiled for coming content!
"If you have free time, we can go to Liyue Harbor together."
Never in your life did you think that you would hear those words coming from Xiao. He had been warming up to you in the months that had passed since you had met, enough so that he would actually stick around after the missions you went on together for lunch or just to rest instead of immediately disappearing as he had in the past. He even talked to you now, about things that weren't conquering demons or karmic debt!
Baby steps, you had thought, just happy to able to share his company for some time. So this was a bit out of left field. Of course, that didn't mean that you would treat such a suggestion lightly! The light dusting of pink on his cheeks and the way he wouldn't meet your gaze told you that it must have taken a lot of mustered courage for him to bring this up himself. If you refused him here, you doubted he would ever open himself to you again.
Not that you had plans to refuse him in the first place. No sane person would.
And now, the two of you stood at the edge of one of the many bridges leading into the harbor, you felt a strange giddiness come over you. Xiao was coming with you to Liyue Harbor, he was here because of you!
"So... you're doing this for me?" you had asked.
"Yes, to understand you."
If only he knew exactly how much of an effect those words had had on you.
When you glanced over at the adeptus however, you had to stiffle a giggle. Xiao was standing up stiff as a board, his eyes darting between the people meandering through the pavilion in the distance with a sort of nervous worry. As a man crossed the bridge across from the two of you, Xiao all but leapt out of his way, standing as close to the railing as you were sure was physically possible.
"Are you alright?" you asked, trying to keep the amusement out of your voice, though judging by the glint of annoyance in Xiao's gaze, you hadn't been particularly successful.
"There's... a lot more people than I thought there would be..." he muttered, eyes downcast now as though not looking at said people might somehow make them disappear.
At that, you audibly laughed, drawing the adeptus' gaze back up to you. "Well, it is a harbor! Don't worry, I doubt you'll get recognized or anything like that!"
"That's not what I'm worried about..." For a man pretending to be so cold, his eyes certainly were expressive. Was that, guilt?
"Xiao... you know that you're not going to hurt anyone just by being here right?"
Bingo. Xiao flinched slightly. "... you don't understand my debt... It is supposed to be my burden to handle and yet, with all these people here..."
A soft smile made its way onto your face as you slowly reached out, wrapping your fingers lightly around Xiao's wrist. His initial reaction was to try to pull away immediately, though when your grip remained even then, he relaxed slightly. "Xiao, you're not going to hurt these people. Think of it this way! If the one in a million happens and things do go south, I'm here to take care of things right?"
Xiao was silent and for a moment, you were sure that he was about to drop all of this and make his way immediately back to Wangshu Inn.
"... alright, I trust you."
Oh. You hoped the grin that had spread over your face covered the way your cheeks and ears were heating up like a furnace. "Alright then, let's go!" With the hand still around his wrist, you gently tugged him forward, pulling the two of you across the bridge and into Liyue Harbor.
As much as you wanted Xiao to try out Liyue Cuisine, you were a bit worried. After all, the only thing you had seen the adeptus eat was Almond Tofu, a steep departure from the spicy seafood cuisine that was served in Liyue Harbor. You brought the issue up to Xiao and his reply was a bit unexpected
"I said I wanted to learn about your world didn't I? If this is the food you are always speaking about, then I must too experience it to be able to relate to you."
As it turned out, you were correct in being worried because for all his strength as a Yaksha, Xiao had the worst spice tolerance you had ever seen. All it took was a single bite of Xiangling's signature Wanmin Restaurant Boiled Fish and he was coughing his lungs out. Were those... tears in the corner of his eyes?
"I'm so sorry Xiao, I had no idea it would be like this!" you sputtered, waving down the nearest waiter with urgency. "Could we please get a plate of Almond Tofu! And some more water!"
"I'm fine-" Xiao hacked out, evidently not okay. "Just... give me a moment..."
"I'm sorry, it's my fault! I should have given more care to your tastes!"
"I told you didn't I! I want to experience what you talk about, and if it ends like this, then that's fine as well," he managed between coughs and if he wasn't currently hacking his lungs out in front of you, you thought you might have tackled him in a hug.
When the Almond Tofu arrived, despite all this protests, Xiao seemed intensely happy and gulped it down within minutes. Eager to put the meal behind you, you paid quickly and pulled Xiao back out onto the street with you.
The next few hours were honestly a blur. There was just so much to show Xiao. Despite his initial reluctance to make conversation with the people wandering about, you found that it was actually rather easy to get him to talk. All it took was a sentence or two on your part to draw him into conversation and he would always grudgingly join in. There was often a scoff involved, or a "humans..." muttered under his breath, but at least he was talking to people!
He also didn't seem to want you two to leave. Every time you thought that you may be running out of places, he would make some innocuous remark about a landmark you had mentioned or a certain stall that you frequented that he hadn't seen so far. If you didn't know better, you'd think that he was looking for excuses for the two of you to remain in the harbor.
Not that you were complaining of course, especially since your special plan for the day hinged on you two remaining there until the sun set. Finally, it seemed as though you two had exhausted your sightseeing list, you look a seat on the steps overlooking the harbor, sitting in comfortable silence.
Despite his apparent lack of love for human food, you had managed to get him to try a certain pulled cotton candy dessert. He must have absolutely loved it because he had gone back for seconds about three times before you managed to pull him away from the stall.
"Such a sweet tooth!" you had teased, bringing a slight blush to his cheeks as he took another bite.
"... shut up it tastes... nice."
The sun had gone down a little while ago and from where you sat, you could see the edge of the wharf, as well as the activity you had been planning the entire day. Hopefully Xiao would like it... You were't sure though if it would be particularly to his taste. After all, he had refused to come to the Lan-
"Are you ready to head back now?" Xiao questioned, drawing you from your thoughts.
You shook your head, perhaps a little to enthusiastically based on the questioning look he aimed at you. "N-No not yet! There's just one more thing I think we should do before we leave!"
Xiao shrugged at that, though the way he was glancing at you out of the corner of his eye was a dead giveaway that he was at least a little interested. "Well, let's get it over with then."
Beaming over at him, you stood, making your way over to the edge of the wharf. There was a woman you had never met before standing there, a pair of glowing lanterns in her hands. As she saw you, she gave you a warm smile before extending the lanterns to you. With them in your possession, she bowed quickly and turned to leave. Xiao's curious gaze followed her as she retreated, though his attention turned back to you and your lanterns quickly.
"What are these for?" he questioned.
"They're lanterns! You weren't here during the Lantern Rite, but people release them with their loved ones! You're supposed to make wishes on them too!" Your tone is a little too peppy, but you can't help it. Not being able to get Xiao to come to the Lantern Rite had felt like a genuine failure to you, mainly because there was nothing you wanted more than to just see him happy. If he left now too...
Xiao aimed a skeptical look at you before examining his lantern. "I don't see how this contraption has the power to grant human wishes..."
You giggled at that. "It's just a tradition! Don't think about it too much, and just make a wish!"
Xiao was still staring at you rather blankly. "How do I?"
"Well, close your eyes. Then think of your wish and when you're done with that, just release the lantern!"
You closed your eyes as though to demonstrate, though they opened quickly once more to glance over at Xiao the moment you knew he was no longer looking at you.
Despite his hesitation, the adeptus went along with your instructions. With a soft sigh, he closed his eyes, holding the lantern between the palms of his hands as he angled his face up to the sky. You weren't sure if it was just you, but there was something different about him right now, but you couldn't pinpoint what it was.
"I just want you to know-" When he started talking, you almost dropped your lantern in shock. Immediately, you closed your own eyes, hoping that he hadn't noticed your staring. "I... I saw part of the Lantern Rite this year."
"You were speaking so highly of it, so I watched from a distance... The lanterns drifting into the sky looked so beautiful, even from far away and... and I wished that I had gone with you."
Your eyes opened on instinct as you turned back to him, mouth agape. Xiao's eyes however, remained closed as he continued to speak softly into the sky.
"Thank you, for this." The words were so soft you may have missed them if you weren't so captivated. It was then that Xiao softly let go of his lantern, finally opening his eyes to watch it drift gently up into the night sky.
You couldn't drag your gaze away from him for a moment, but when you did, you let out a soft sigh before releasing your own lantern.
"These are called Xiao Lanterns you know. They are beauty and hope and a light in the darkness. I wonder who they might be inspired by..."
If you didn't know the man next to you, you might have thought that the small sound he just let out had a hint of a laugh to it.
"Perhaps one day, you'll be able to meet him. Someone worthy of such a legacy."
As the Xiao Lanterns floated up into the heavens, the two of you sat the the edge of the pier, watching them. Eventually, you broke the silence with a soft question.
"So tell me, how did you like my world? Did you enjoy experiencing all that you've heard about?"
Xiao sighed, though the sound lacked the usual grit. "Today was certainly... interesting. I suppose humans and their strange rituals aren't always terrible..."
"You could just say you had fun you know?" you giggled as you nudged him gently, bringing a slight glare to his face as he pulled away first before taking his turn to pointedly nudge you back.
"Well, some humans are quite adept at ruining the mood..."
You laughed at that, turning your face to the sky as you basked in this moment. "That, we are!"
note: he's so precious. i just want him to be happy...
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mocharadio · 3 years
Now Playing(Title): Genshin Boys Faves! (Headcanons)
Requested By: Anon!
Song Artists(characters): Kaeya, Diluc, Venti, Albedo, Xiao, Childe, and Zhongli
Lyrics(Summary): I don't know if I did this EXACTLY how Anon wanted me to but basically just a headcanon list of our fave genshin boys' foods, drinks, flowers, etc etc! (Some are canon, though)
Explicit?(warnings): no beta we die like Childe's sanity, lowercase on purpose
A/N: This is my 1st time writing anything (that wasn't from last year or for a school project) so I apologize if it's a little...wonky. But I hope you guys like it regardless! ngl you can tell i started getting a little tired halfway so im sorry </33
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Food: don't know if it's particularly canon or not, but I'd say his fave is the chicken mushroom skewer! Specifically his own specialty, whether it's cooked by him or not!
Drink: we already know it's Death After Noon, but I feel like he'd also like Rose Champagne as well :]
Flower: the Calla Lilly for sure! It's part of his ascension materials, it only makes sense
Activity: honestly? I feel like whenever he finds time (aka not working or wine tasting) he just lays back on the couch (or bed) and listens to music. it's his quiet time!
Animal: DOGGIES!! He likes how loyal, friendly and cuddly most of them are, I feel like he'd especially be a golden retriever lover, and in his rare vulnerable moments will just cuddle his dog while crying to himself or ranting <333
Food: Pile Em' Up! he probably thinks it's the best food to ever exist ever, hence why he made his own specialty, so he could enjoy it even more! ^^
Drink: Grape juice, duh, but I feel like he'd also be very fond of Cranberry Juice!
Flower: Lamp Grass!
Activity: not gonna lie? Probably just sleeping if he isnt playing Chess. Poor mans is working almost 24/7 HE NEEDS A BREAK!! Let him rest
Animal: also dogs! i think he'd prefer a dog that isnt super duper hyper though, like just a little more chill but still affectionate regardless ^^ Something like a Saint Bernard maybe
Food: he has two all time faves; A Buoyant Breeze and Apples! Of course he's grateful for just about anything though as long as it tastes good!
Drink: Dandelion Wine!
Flower: Cecilia's! :]
Activity: he's a bard, of course its gonna be singing and maybe even dancing!
Animal: dogs...again... all of them. every single one ever. he just loves them all so much even the ugly rat looking ones
Food: Sunshine Sprat!! Doesn't matter if it's his specialty or not he enjoys it either way
Drink: I feel like he'd be very fond of hot chocolate! its not as strong or bitter as coffee since he likes sweet stuff, but its still really hot which is good since hes in Dragonspine 90% of the time
Flower: Mist Flower Corolla's! hes just absolutely fascinated by them
Activity: super obvious, but reading and drawing! I feel like on occasion though he'll stargaze, its very relaxing to him
Animal: cats! not only are they similar to him, but he always finds himself enamored with their looks and behaviors!
Food: almond tofu. period
Drink: probably doesnt drink much, and when he does chances are its just water. but! I feel like one day Zhongli takes him out for some tea! Zhongli gets Xiao a peppermint tea with honey and smiles to himself bc Xiao just absolutely loves it its super soothing for him both in flavor AND feeling!
Flower: qingxin!
Activity: poor man doesnt know what hobbies are, let alone his own. i feel like he'd also enjoy stargazing though!
Animal: cats. they're exactly like him, he just resonates with them so much (omg catboy xiao arc??!?!) he'll just sit there on the roof of the inn petting kitties until he's needed somewhere
Food: isnt a picky eater so he doesnt really have a favorite or least favorite, but he enjoys Calla Lily Seafood Soup a lot! hes kind of conceited though so he'll probably brag about how his version ( A Prize Catch) is like 10 times better
Drink: once this man tastes orange juice he will NEVER shut the fuck up about it. he just feels like an orange juice guy to me
Flower: doesnt really have one! i feel like he'd either find all flowers equally as pretty or just not really pay much attention to them at all
Activity: fighting! hes a stupid little brawling adrenaline junkie what did we expect honestly
Animal: also a dog lover; he cant help it okay he sees a dog and just starts beaming like a little child(e)
Food: Bamboo Shoot Soup!
Drink: honestly? Dandelion Wine and any sort of tea are equally his favorites. he drinks tea more often of course, but Dandelion Wine is his favorite to have as an "on the occasion" sort of thing!
Flower: surprisingly silk flowers! he feels relaxed by them
Activity: he just wants rest man thats it, but i feel like he enjoys taking strolls around Liyue!
Animal: all animals!! except for maybe frogs but thats just because they're super duper slimy
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Meeting Them Headcanons
Eraserhead, All Might, Fatgum, and Hawks
Don’t know why but I had such a hard time writing Hawks’ part, like dang I was at a loss for a while
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You met Aizawa your first day at UA
At first you really didn’t talk much to him, but his friends Oboro and Yamada? The three of you talked quite a bit
Finally Aizawa opened up to you a few months into the first year at UA
After that, you were always hanging out with the ‘three dumbigos’ of UA High
After school especially, the four of you would always pick one of their houses to hang out and do homework at or go out and eat at Hot Pot places or ramen shops.
One day though....your heart kind of just jolted when Aizawa said something from beside you while eating hot pot one winter night on a weekend.
For a reason....his face and eyes just hit you differently and you felt dumb to ask what he said again because you totally missed it.
If only you knew how how his eyes would kind of linger on your face after you’ve said something or when you would laugh or smile
Oboro and Yamada TOTALLY knew that the two of you totally digged each other. They casted knowing side glances to each other as they watched the two of interact with each other....
They weren’t surprised when the two of you decided to ‘secretly’ date...
They weren’t fooled by your hand holding under the table or when the two of you would both be busy a few times at the same time when they wanted to plan something
They acted surprised though when Aizawa finally told them that the two of you had been dating for awhile, just so Aizawa wouldn’t feel dumb about hiding it or whatever.
Sadly...Oboro couldn’t see it, but the two of you got married not too long after graduation, the two of you opening an agency together and doing more underground work.
But you stayed to take care of the Agency once Aizawa was offered to work at UA, which you encouraged him to do, because why not?
Aizawa still powers through night patrols though much to your disdain when he clocks in his hours back at the agency and you happen to to see it while doing the book keeping.
Present Mic made the wedding reception lit though at you and Aizawa’s wedding
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He totally ran into you at some mundain place like a grocery store....
In his regular old Toshinori self...
The both of you were reaching for like coffee or something like that
He was just in awe though when you told him to not worry about and to go ahead and take it, in awe by your beauty and voice
He didn’t end up taking it, but he totally scored your number somehow and wooed you by his gentlemanly ways of flirting and taking you on dates.
Plus he always managed to give you good pictures of All Might and that was a big deal for you being a writer for a magazine that wasn’t totally just made up of entire gossip columns.
The two of you would date and see each other for a while...until one day you end up walking into his apartment and All Might is just standing in the middle of the living
All freaking Might
And that really kind of throws you off guard for a bit because what is a hero doing in your boyfriends apartment, so you kind of just scream at them
And then you just scream even more when Toshinori is soon in front of you, coughing roughly before you
It takes you a while to wrap your head around it, but you grown to get use to it..
You and Toshinori date for a few years before finally getting married though and the press goes wild when All Might is spotted with a mystery wedding band.
It literally pains him though that he really couldn’t go into details during interviews and such and with having to be extra careful when visiting you.
But he kind of enjoys his retirement period because he loves being able to finally just show you off to everyone
Will try to flirt with you in his puffed form to impress you and flex his muscles
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You were out doing something simple, like grocery shopping for your little street food stand
The stand was actually quite popular, so you probably could have just easily brought in produce from a wholesale, but you enjoyed supporting local business
Plus you liked to talk to the older women who were out selling their produce and live seafood and such for tips and tricks on how to cook something
The women really enjoyed your talks though and always hit you up with good discounts and would always set aside their eyes products for you, sometimes they would honestly just give it to you for free under one condition
That they could go and get a free snack after they would close up for the day, sometimes you would protest, but honestly, they kind of scared you and you didn’t want to talk back to them with all the wisdom that they held
But one day as you were lugging your reusable bags that were filled to the brim with stuff that you needed for the week, or at least for the next few days of business was popping, one of your bags had begun to slip from it’s place on your arm.
It then fell right where you were about to step, totally tripping you and sending you falling onto your knees on the ground
We were kind of embarrassed as everyone had scrambled to make sure you were alright, but then he showed up
Fatgum was soon in front of you, telling everyone to keep moving and to not big up the walking space, which was a hazard on its own.
He helps you carry your things to your stand and from then on, he is a regular at your little establish, to the point your food stand is instantly associated with him
But then he finally ask you out on a date, which you accept
The two of you date for a few years until finally marrying, your food stand soon being you and fatgum’s stand
He helped a lot whenever he would get days off for vacation or to bulk up again (which is dangerous because he wants to eat EVERYTHING)
Will probably eat everything at the food stand
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You met him while doodling away on your balcony one day
You were relaxing out under the evening sun, enjoying the nice warmth it brought while you just doodled away in a notebook
You doodled the basic things like flowers, then you began to draw away favorite characters from shows and movies along with popular heroes and villains
Then you heard a fluttering noise, like a bird swooping overhead, though then you only gave a gasp as a man was now seated on the railings of the balcony.
Yeah...Keigo is too nosy for his own good, because he really didn’t think it through that you might actually be frightened with some random man sitting down on your balcony.
You knew who he was though, so a few laughs were shared and you showed him the doodles that you were doing.
He would stop by a lot after that, he’ll mooch some food off of you every now and then or maybe a bottle of water if he was just passing by, but then finally you would begin to invite him in and then it got to the point where you would just leave the sliding door open for him to enter in
He would either come to hang out or if it was too late, he would take the liberty to just crash on your couch and leave that morning.
Though of course you would make sure he was fed before he was off again for work
Finally though he asked you out on a proper date instead of you and him finding yourselves cuddling together on your couch while watching shows and movies together
Press was quick to pick up on it though when you went out together because....you know....it’s Hawks
You managed to keep your relationship on the downlow though, which was kind of surprising that that was even possible, you didn’t mind the few paparazzi photos that they would snag though when the two of you would go out on dates.
You date for a year before finally just saying ‘fuck it’ and marrying each other in a private ceremony
Everyone didn’t question the fact the two of you magically wearing wedding rings because it was kind of obvious that it was gonna happen sooner or later
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dancingwiththefae · 2 years
Thanks for the tag @crescendoofstars (and some other people ages ago. Sorry, I was unwell)
Relationship status: married
Favorite color(s): Blue, yellow
Favorite food: seafood and sushi
Song stuck in my head: burn butcher burn (because I was just looking at the guitar tabs)
Last thing you googled: cookie recipes
Time: 1:56pm
Dream trip: Italy! I long for good food and coffee in cute places
Last thing you read: fanfiction tbh
Last book you enjoyed reading: The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce (one of my favourites)
Last book you hated reading: I honestly can’t remember hating anything beyond teen fantasy in high school
Favorite thing to cook/bake: sorry I kind of hate cooking (though I’m not bad at it) because I’ve usually no spoons left by then. Sometimes I like to bake with my kid. 
Favorite craft to do in your free time: I don’t think I have anything that counts? I’ve started drawing again and I love my guitar but I don’t think they really count. 
Most niche dislike: the feel of dishes that have been washed in the dishwasher. I cannot be the only one that hates the friction thing but my husband doesn’t get it
Opinion on circuses: None? I don’t really like all the noise. 
Do you have any sense of direction? I like to think so
Tell us about your D&D character: I’m....working on it. Yet to actually play, but soon.
This was ages ago and I think everyone I would tag has already done it. 
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