#is an even DUMBER take like how dense do you have to be to make this criticism in the year of our lord 2023?
thesweetnessofspring · 11 months
You know what's not a hot take and actually really dumb? Saying that people who are invested in the love story in The Hunger Games are just as bad at the Capitol. A lot has already been said about this to show just how dumb of a statement that is, but I want to add something I haven't seen talked about. And that's how the people of the districts were just as taken by the love story as the Capitol. They just understood the gravity of the Games and saw Katniss and Peeta's love as a successful rebellion against the Capitol, which inspired them as well. Katniss acting like a girl driven to madness with love doesn't dissuade the rebellion at all, and in fact she figures Snow put her up to it during the Victory Tour to distract her rather than as a tactic that would actually dissuade the rebellion.
We get little direct contact with the people of the rebellion, but one of the times we get it, during the visit to the hospital in D8, this is what Katniss narrates:
Despite his controversial interview with Caesar, many ask about Peeta, assure me that they know he was speaking under duress. I do my best to sound positive about our future, but people are truly devastated when they learn I've lost the baby. I want to come clean and tell one weeping woman that it was all a hoax, a move in the game, but to present Peeta as a liar now would not help his image.
For the people in the districts, their romance is real, the hope of these two rebels bringing new life to Panem is real, and its loss is a devastation. Are you going to tell me that these people who are literally dying for the rebellion are just as bad as the people from the Capitol?
So the people who compare those who are interested in the romance in THG to the people in the Capitol, get better critical judgement. The fans I've seen who are invested in the romance are far more akin to how the people of the districts feel about Katniss and Peeta. We love their love because it is a rebellion against the Capitol. It is what sparks the rebellion and inspires people to start fighting back against their oppression. And we the readers know everything from Katniss's perspective (which neither the Capitol nor the districts had access to) and there is still every reason in the world to ship these two characters because they looked at what the Capitol was trying to make them do and at every turn and said "I'm choosing my humanity over submission to you." And they did that together every single time.
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olderthannetfic · 8 months
re people regretting transition or detransitioning.
My little cousin experimented with gender for a bit in her late teens before deciding that she was a cis girl after all. The experiment involved clothes shopping, a haircut, and asking her friends to call her by different pronouns, and lasted for maybe two months tops.
Some of my our family members are generally supportive of that, and view it quite reasonably as a young person exploring various options before finding herself. The dumber and meaner ones, on the other hand, say she detransitioned and is proof that trans people are just playing around and that anyone teen who transitions will come to regret it.
And then they turn around and say they're happy for me and proud of my transition. Because I didn't get anything figured out until I was well into my twenties, and I didn't get to start HRT until I was past 30. These family members are actually dumb enough to think it's an age thing, and that my having to suffer for decades was somehow a good thing.
If the "worst" that happens as a side effect of trans acceptance is a bunch of teenagers getting dumb haircuts and wasting a few hundred bucks on clothes they won't wear again, I don't see how that's a negative side effect at all. That's just what teenagers do.
Grrr. Fucking assholes.
A lot of the "Oh noes, what if you regret it?" stuff comes with a huge side of "What if your WOMB is no longer able to make BABIES after you POISON yourself?" nonsense too. I see plenty of transphobia of all sorts in all directions, but the specific fretting over transition is so, so, so often about how every uterus should be used as a baby factory. People say this shit with a straight face who would never support that idea if you forced them to face the subtext of what they're saying.
There are, genuinely, rare people who do regret it, but it's way more common that someone either experiments with entirely reversible things or takes hormones for a while and then decides to stop taking hormones without actually characterizing it as "regret" themselves.
It's usually other people imposing that narrative from the outside, aside from rare cases where there was some level of coercion to do medical procedures the person was never that into in the first place (e.g. transitioning in order to be legally allowed to change pronouns on ID or getting a boob job at a partner's behest—a thing that afflicts cis women too).
I remember a friend from school years ago going "What if I'm wrong?" and even at the time, I was like "But what if you're right and then spend 20 years waiting to be sure while being miserable?"
In this, as in most other big life decisions, I think you should take your best shot, not second guess yourself, and if you change your mind years later, you can deal with that then. But yes, so many people think there's some sort of virtue in decades of misery as you either can't figure out what's wrong or know what's wrong and are denied access to medical care.
I questioned my gender in my teens back in the 90s. I just didn't do anything that made other people particularly aware of it at the time and ended up deciding that gender is a big lie and who cares. This is probably more common than people think.
The main upshot was that I ended up reading an incredibly dense book of journal articles on third gender roles that was a bit of a headache for a 14-year-old.
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tineteenieworld3 · 1 year
As much as it’s highly possible, it’s so hard to believe that Mike actually thinks El commissioned that painting.
Like, there’s parts where yeah, he doesn’t have this belief that Will would lie to him because they just don’t do that, but there’s more to it than that. Like, Mike isn’t stupid, he’s such a smart character, especially when it comes to Will. I mean, for christ sake, in season 2 he was able to pick up the tiniest details in Will’s words and body language that no one else could.
“He’s quiet today.”
“He’s always quiet.”
Is by far one of my favorites, no matter how tiny the example is.
Or the, “you shouldn’t have upset him.”
Mike pretty quickly grasped onto the whole situation after that.
No matter the change he’s had in the last two seasons, he’s still that same character. He’s not that dense or oblivious, of course the actors say he is, but what we are actually seeing onscreen is different. Mike knows and sees a lot, I mean even in some scenes throughout literally any season, you can just see his mind working in the background or his eyes following something or other. He’s extremely observant and quick.
Idk, maybe I just don’t like the new characteristic that’s been thrown at his character from everywhere, that he’s this oblivious goofball that doesn’t know what’s going on (I feel like that can sometimes be us mixing up Finn’s other character Richie Toizer with Mike, which is totally fine! It’s gonna happen, but they are not that much alike. Of course there’s similarities, but Mike isn’t a side character at all OR comedic relief, he’s pretty serious overall). He just doesn’t actually seem like that in the show. Like in the source material he’s pretty different than the outside characteristics we’ve all given him. And I’m not talking about what Finn Wolfhard says about him, because that’s a completely different thing and he can’t actually say much, I’m rewatching and only talking about the writing of this character.
Anyways back to the program. I absolutely adore Mike Wheeler, first season he and Lucas were my absolute favorites. But going into season three, and season four especially, although it’s much quieter and backgroundish, Mike still has that same silent awareness of what’s happening. Yes his relationship with El doesn’t make him ‘dumber’ or less aware of other people, which is a whole other reason as to why they are so bad for eachother, but in general he’s not really that oblivious.
In season 4, in the fight we are informed that Mike was very very aware of everything Will was doing. I mean, down to the tiniest mannerisms. I do think he struggles to focus on like a million things at once, but if we’re just talking about the painting and Will, Mike is the smartest guy out there. He knows, he knows Will Byers like the back of his hand, we’ve been shown that time and time again. Mike is an emotional character, in situations with feelings he struggles to articulate his words in the heat of the moment, he gets brash and says before thinking. But with Will, it doesn’t take him long to think and get it together.
I don’t even know what I’m saying at this point. Mike can be very mysterious to me at times, I want to understand him better, but overall he’s not really that oblivious and he kind of lurks at times, but if you follow his face or eyes in scenes where something is happening, we can see that he’s paying more attention than his dialogue let’s out.
I do not have it in myself to believe that Mike actually thinks that painting is from El. But that raises the point many others have brought up, maybe he didn’t believe it until they were in that pizza place and Will was pushing him to give a love confession, maybe that was the first time he actually questioned it and thought ‘oh my god I don’t know my friend anymore, he was telling the truth’. Really I have absolutely no idea, this is just me spitballing.
Mike is not really that much of an oblivious character. And we have solid proof that he’s very very aware of Will and every little thing he does, so it’s hard for me to believe he’s just hopping around in la la land with no idea what’s going on. Mike wheeler is far from stupid. Give me a hammer so I can crap him open.
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uvobreakmylegs · 4 years
The Graveyard
🎃~Happy Halloween~🎃
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Warnings: violence, gore, kidnapping, threats of noncon
The Nostrade cemetery sat a few miles beyond your hometown of Milsy, tucked in between the trees of a vast forest that had stood there for ages. The cemetery itself had been there almost as long, and was consequently the subject of gossip and tales of the supernatural. Every child that was born in Milsy had it drilled into them at an early age that they were never to approach the old graveyard or the woods beyond it.
The older folk claimed it was a gateway to hell.
You had your doubts that there was anything out of the ordinary about the cemetery, however. The rumors circulated in your town calling the graveyard cursed and that all manner of creatures roamed around it at night, but exactly what kind of creatures changed depending on who you spoke to, though the most consistent one was stories of ghosts and other restless spirits who were trapped on the cursed spot of land. But asking questions on how it became cursed didn't get you much in the way of answers. Even the middle-aged women who had nothing better to do than gossip had little to say when you asked. The closest thing you had gotten resembling an explanation came from an old man at the retirement home who had told you that something 'unholy' had happened there, long before he was even born, and that since then, evil had been attracted to the place. His explanation shortly turned into a rant about how it was the cause of everything wrong in the town; from the mysterious illnesses that occasionally plagued the people living there, the claims wild beasts that roamed the forests that only ate human flesh, to the disappearances in the town where typically teens and sometimes children vanished without a trace.
One of the nurses at the retirement home had escorted you out after the old man's rant and asked that you not come back if you only intended on upsetting their patients.
It was hard to believe that a graveyard could be the cause of an occasional illness that went around, but you couldn't blame the man for thinking the disappearances were related to the area. All of the witnesses to the missing children saw them last near that cemetery. Same thing with the the teens. Anyone else who had gone missing just vanished one day with no warning. And based off of what you had heard, you suspected that they had the same interests as you in wanting to find out what made that graveyard so special.
Your family was aware of your curiosity and tried to keep you on a tight leash, keeping your days busy and trying to keep the thought of visiting the cemetery out of your mind. As hard as they had tried, you had still found your opportunity and slipped away. Maybe going to an abandoned, likely falling-apart graveyard probably wasn't the smartest thing you had ever done, but there were probably dumber things you could have done instead of that, and you swore to yourself that if you just went there once and just see the damn place, you could put the matter to rest in your own mind.
The sun was at its highest point in the sky as you entered through the rusted gateway, still a long way off from nightfall. Though you told yourself to not believe in such things, it gave you some comfort that it wasn't dark out. Every ghost and monster story you had ever heard always took place at night. If there was something otherworldly in the graveyard, it seemed unlikely that it would come out in the middle of the day.
All in all, you would say that you were underwhelmed. The abandoned Nostrade cemetery appeared to be just that: an abandoned cemetery. Within the confines of the stone walls, there were graves and headstones as far as you could see, with an occasional mausoleum that obscured parts of the vast graveyard. There were large portions that were overgrown as trees, bushes and other plant life covered the slabs of stone, turning the gray rock various shades of green. You approached one of the headstones, kneeling down to inspect it and see what had been carved into it. Unfortunately, all you could learn from that particular bit of rock was that it was old, as the weathered stone had been battered by time and the elements to the point that it was impossible to read anything off of it. As you made your way further into the cemetery, you found that to be true of all of the graves you came across. Though you had anticipated that to be the case, given that there was no one to take care of the place, you had hoped you could learn at least a little about the people who had been buried there. The most you were able to make out from a few was just the image of a skull with wings that adorned the tops of the headstones.
And as you went deeper still into the graveyard, no matter where you looked, there was still no sign of any ghost or ghoul that the people in town were convinced inhabited every corner of the ancient site.
Part of you told yourself that it was time to head back now. You had accomplished what you had come here for: you had seen the graveyard, and proved to yourself that the multitude of stories that were passed around were just stories told to scare children and keep them out. You could be content with knowing that there was nothing mystical about it and get on with your life.
But you didn't want to leave yet.
For whatever reason, you felt compelled to explore more of it, to see how far it went. The size of it confused you, as it was larger than you had expected, and you wondered how many generations of families were buried beneath your feet for so many graves to litter the area in the way they did.
'I'll leave after I see the back wall,' you told yourself. That way you would have explored at least a majority of the graveyard, as well as see if there was anything different at the back, maybe an ancient tool shed of some kind for the long-dead caretakers.
There was nothing of the sort when you saw that wall come into view. Walking around a crumbling mausoleum, your eyes scanned the wall and the foliage that covered it. There was quite a bit more plant life this side of the cemetery, the graves near the wall all but overtaken by vines and flowers you didn't recognize. A tall tree towards the back, and on closer inspection, you noticed that behind the tree a bit of the wall had collapsed, allowing you a view into the dense forest beyond the walls. Considering the amount of time that the cemetery had been standing here abandoned, it was a miracle that more parts of it weren't like that; that the majority of the structures within the walls were standing upright instead of crumbling and broken.
You glanced to your right, wondering if there were any more parts of the graveyard that were more dilapidated like the hole in the wall before you.
“And what might a little fruit like yourself be looking for in here?”
You jumped at the sound of a voice behind you, your heart racing as you turned around to see who had spoken.
A man sat behind the mausoleum you had passed by, sitting cross-legged on a raised stone casket. He was dressed strangely, with card symbols on the front and back of his shirt and black heels on his feet. His hair was a vibrant red, and when he glanced over to you, yellow eyes looked you over.
The two of you stared at each other for a moment. He then turned head towards you, smiling with his eyes closed.
“Well?” he asked, his tone cheerful.
“Uh.... Nothing, really?” you stuttered out, “I just wanted to look.”
“Ah, sightseeing, then?”
“I guess.”
He wore makeup as well, a star and a teardrop adorning his right and left cheeks respectively.
“And have the sights this cemetery has to offer been satisfactory to you?” he asked, turning his attention back to what was in front of him: a pyramid made out of playing cards. He held a card in each hand, carefully moving them to the top.
“For a cemetery, I guess it has,” you said, shrugging your shoulders.
He hummed, placing the last two cards on the pyramid and carefully pulling his hands away.
“You must have gone out of your way to come here, and yet you don't seem like you care much for this place. Why is that?” he asked, turning to look at you again.
“Everyone in town freaks out over this cemetery, saying that it's cursed. I wanted to see if that was true,” you answered, placing your hands on your hips as you looked around once more, “it seems like a normal graveyard to me.”
“Oh? So just because you don't see anything wrong with it means that it must be normal?”
“I mean, if it wasn't normal, would you be hanging out here?”
The man smiled and chuckled to himself.
“Fair enough,” he said. He then motioned to the spot before him.
“Sit with me.”
You huffed, but obliged as you walked towards him. While he definitely seemed strange, you didn't get any sort of feeling that he was dangerous. Just a harmless weirdo who hung out in graveyards playing with cards.
…. Saying that in your head like that didn't make it sound like he was harmless. But for now you decided to go along with it. If worse came to worse, you were certain you could outrun him.
“What's your name?” you asked as you pulled yourself up onto the casket, copying him in sitting with your legs crossed.
“Hisoka. And yours?”
You responded with your own name as you settled yourself. The old stone didn't make for a good seat, and you squirmed a bit as you tried to make yourself comfortable. Hisoka watched with amusement, his eyes taking in your form as you looked back to him.
“Would you like to try?” he asked, pointing to the tower of cards before him.
You shrugged.
With a single finger, he knocked over the structure, sending the cards toppling down.
“I've never tried making one before, though,” you added.
“That's fine. I can show you. Watch,” Hisoka said, gathering the cards together.
He put the cards in a stack, and with a practiced ease, he passed them from one hand to the other in the same way a professional dealer would. He then set about making the base, setting up two cards together so they formed a small triangle. A second set of cards joined them, and then a third.
“.... So do you just come here to play around with cards?” you asked after the sixth card triangle had been placed.
“Sometimes,” he said, laying several cards over the ones he had set up, creating the base for the next row.
“Doesn't that get boring?”
“Not really. I've met many interesting people through my visits here.”
“Like who?”
Hisoka paused as he began setting up the next row, looking at you with a grin.
“..... Me?” you asked, an eyebrow raised.
He nodded at you, smiling.
“That's stupid,” you muttered.
“And why's that?”
“We just met and we're playing with cards. You can't call me an 'interesting person' just for that.”
“The fact that you're here at all is what interests me,” he said, placing another set of cards.
“You said that the people in your town dislike this place, and despite all you seemed to have heard you came here anyway. And it appears to have been all for your own satisfaction.”
He hummed to himself as he placed down another layer of cards on top, the second row complete.
“Does it not matter to you that people have gone missing around this area?” he asked.
“It's been over two years since someone last went missing, and they caught the guy who did it,” you said.
“Oh? They found out who took that young man?” Hisoka's eyebrows went up slightly.
“Yeah. It was some guy in the next town over. Serial killer, among other things.”
“And they confirmed that he was the one responsible?”
“Technically, no. But there's a lot of people who went missing while he was running lose, and he isn't telling the police where the bodies are. So it's a pretty good chance that he's the one who did it. It's not like there are any other suspects.”
“I see.”
Hisoka was smiling, and you swore he was holding back laughter.
“You think it's stupid that I came out here?” you stated more than asked.
“I would say that you're a bit more brave than the others in that town of yours. That, or you just have a poor sense of self-preservation,” he said. The third row was now done.
“Tell me, do you plan on telling people about your visit here?”
“If I did that my family would lock me in the house for a whole year,” you scoffed, “you said it yourself earlier; it's for my own satisfaction.”
Hisoka's smile had widened. To you, it seemed like it was slightly too wide. Like the edges of his mouth went further than they should have. You caught a flash of his teeth as well, and noted that something about them seemed off. Like they were somehow sharper than they should have been.
“That's rather selfish of you, isn't it?”
His words broke your train of thought.
“How so?” you asked. The last set of cards of the fourth row was being placed.
“You came here without telling anyone despite knowing that there's a possible danger. What would happen if you injured yourself and you couldn't get back? No one would know where you were, and in a worst case scenario, you could die before any search parties find you. If they were to find you at all.
“You really didn't think about anyone but yourself when you came out here, did you?”
“.... Well that's one way to make me feel guilty,” you mumbled, “but I don't plan on dying in a place like this,” you added with a bit more confidence.
“You'll survive through sheer force of will alone?” Hisoka prodded.
“Something like that,” you huffed.
Hisoka was chuckling again, looking back at you with amusement. He'd gotten to the fifth row of cards, leaving only the very top of it left. With the last two cards in hand, he repeated what you had seen him doing before and placed the cards at the top of the pyramid, pulling his hands away slowly and spreading his arms open with a slight flair.
“See? Easy,” he said.
“There's no way I can do that as fast as you can.”
“You'll never know unless you try.”
Just like before, he knocked over the tower with the tap of a finger, the cards fluttering down onto the stone below them. This time he made no move to collect them, and he leaned back on his palms as he looked at you expectantly. Taking the hint, you gathered up the cards, sticking them into a semi-neat pile before grabbing two and copying what you had seen him do.
Or you tried to, at least. It took you several tries before you could get the cards to stand upright, and when you grabbed two more, you accidentally brushed against the two you had just set up and sent them falling.
A beat of silence passed as both of you looked at your fallen cards.
“We're going to be here a while,” you mumbled.
“Fine by me. I didn't have any plans,” said Hisoka. It was like that smile never left his face.
Many more tries were made with similar results, and it didn't take long for you to become frustrated to the point that you were tempted to give up. But a look at Hisoka's face made you reconsider throwing in the towel. He was clearly enjoying your failures and how irritated you were becoming by them. He wanted you to give up. The smug look on his face pushed you to keep trying, unwilling to give him that satisfaction.
After a bit, you realized that you could cheat slightly with the first row. The surface of the stone casket you sat on was rough with many grooves and bumps that provided a bit of support that at least ensured that they wouldn't fall instantly. After some careful positioning you were finally able to get a row of six. If he disapproved of the tactic he didn't mention it. You copied what you had seen him do earlier, grabbing what would be the base of the second row and gently dropping them on top, holding your breath each time.
Neither of you had said anything during this time, and while he seemed content just to watch, the silence was starting to get to you.
“So have you been to Milsy?” you asked.
“Yes. I frequently find myself there,” he said.
“Do dress differently when you visit? I feel like I would have heard something about you before today. The older women there live off of gossip.”
Hisoka shook his head.
“I don't need a disguise, if that's what you're asking. I only let people see me if I want to be seen.”
The answer didn't tell you much of anything. You decided against asking what he meant by 'letting' people see him as he would likely only give you more cryptic replies.
You grabbed two cards, trying to place them as carefully as possible on top of the ones you had stacked so far to start the second row.
“So do you live near this area? In another town nearby, or are you some kind of hermit?”
“I'm a magician,” Hisoka said.
“Magician? So you do magic tricks?”
“... Can you show me?”
“I could,” he drawled, tilting his head, “but it would be boring if I just did that for you without anything in return.”
Your eyes narrowed.
“What do you mean?”
“That we could make this a little more interesting! How about I'll show you a trick or two if you can successfully make a card tower?” he asked.
It sounded reasonable enough, so you nodded.
“Oka- Fuck!”
You weren't paying attention and had set the cards down too forcefully, causing the cards beneath to fall under the pressure.
“Ah, too bad!” Hisoka teased, “going to try again?”
“Of course,” you said, already gathering up the scattered cards.
Remembering your cheat, you were able to set up the base cards a little more quickly this time as you began the process again and built your way back up. Trying to rush through it ended with you being punished when your tower fell once again when you reached the same point as the last time. Hisoka continued to smile while you cursed and began again.
You tried asking more questions about him, but the answers you were getting stayed cryptic. Hisoka was born “somewhere” and had lived in the area for “a long time”. He had no friends or family but said that he had “acquaintances” that could “work in those roles” if he so needed. He also claimed that he had traveled quite a bit but wouldn't say where exactly, saying that you wouldn't know the places he was talking about.
“I'm starting to think you're trying to get me to leave, Hisoka,” you said, hissing as your tower fell for the umpteenth time.
“And why do you think that?”
“You've been doing everything to avoid actually giving me a straight answer to any of my questions.”
Beginning again, you glanced back up at him, not surprised to see that smile still on his face.
“You're not wrong,” he said, shrugging, “however, I think if I told you the truth you would still be upset.”
“Because you would still think I was lying.”
You sighed.
“You're impossible to deal with.”
“So I'm told.”
Setting up the bottom row of cards had become somewhat easier now, and by this point you had managed to make it up to the third row. A small breeze came through and you froze, hands going around the cards protectively as if you could shield them. Luckily, the cards stayed in place.
“I don't actually want you to give up and leave,” Hisoka said, leaning forward with his chin resting in his hand.
“After watching you for this long, I want nothing more than for you to succeed. I would hate it if you gave up now.”
“If you say so.”
You weren't at all trying to hide your tone, broadcasting that you still weren't convinced.
Hisoka sat quietly as he watched your tower grow once again, taking in your expression.
“How about along with a few tricks, I give you something good if you complete it?” he asked suddenly.
“I don't know. Do I actually want anything from you?”
“I think you might. Complete the house of cards, and I promise it'll be worth your while,” he said, “you just promise me that you won't give up.”
You sighed once again.
“I've wasted so much time now, I'm not letting that all be for nothing.”
“That's the spirit!” Hisoka encouraged.
With your focus on the cards that you continually built up over and over again, you didn't notice the way the sun slipped lower into the sky as time moved forward. Though sunset was still far away, certain lesser things within the cemetery and the surrounding woods were waking up and found themselves drawn to your scent, multiple sets of eyes peeking over and around the old stone to look at the human who had wandered in. You didn't notice any of them, nor did you notice the warning glances Hisoka sent to all of the beings that approached. The smile stayed on his face the whole time, daring them to try something.
No attempts were made on your life; they knew better.
“Is this going to be the one?” Hisoka asked.
“Shut up.”
Hisoka chuckled, amused at how hard you were concentrating. You had finally made it to the fifth layer of the pyramid, four cards leaning against each other at the top. You held a card horizontally above them, preparing to place it. If you got this one, then all you would need to worry about was the last two cards to finish it, and then you would finally be done with this and be able to laugh in Hisoka's face. You were aware of how stupid and petty this whole thing had become, but after all of that effort, you refused to let it be for nothing.
The card was in place and you pulled away, releasing a small sigh of relief when the cards stayed standing. Without taking your eyes off of the pyramid you grabbed the last two, ever so slowly bringing them up to face each other in what was now a well practiced motion. You positioned them on top, placing them so that the top edges leaned on each other to create the point, and slowly, slowly pulled your hands away, mirroring the way Hisoka had done it earlier.
“I did it,” you breathed, amazed with yourself. Despite how you had told yourself that you weren't going to leave before doing it, you hadn't actually been sure that you could pull off the trick, your original motivations of wanting to prove Hisoka wrong long forgotten. It was such a meaningless achievement and had taken more time to complete than it was worth, but you had done it, and you couldn't help the pride you felt when you looked up to Hisoka who was politely applauding for you.
“Very well done,” said Hisoka.
And with one flick of his index finger he sent the cards toppling down.
Your satisfaction turned to shock as you watched the result of all your effort fall back down to the rough surface of the stone. All that time you spent, and it only stood for a few measly seconds.
“..... I want to punch you.”
“Now now, don't be like that,” the magician laughed as he gathered up the cards, “you won, after all.”
You glared at him as he flashed you another smile, and you caught it again: something that was just off with his teeth.
“Now, I promised to show you some tricks, correct?”
His voice brought you back to what he was doing as he divided the stack into two, holding the stacks in both hands. He then brought his hands together with a clap. When he pulled them away, the cards were gone.
…... A sleight of hand. That was his trick.
“I'm going to punch you.”
“But it was a trick, like you asked for!” he gasped, feigning shock at your irritation.
You put your head in your hands. This time had been so thoroughly wasted on this asshole.
“If it really doesn't satisfy you, I can show you some others. But first! I'll keep my other promise.”
Lifting your head back up slightly to look through your fingers, you saw Hisoka as he hopped off the casket and extended a hand towards you.
“.... Something 'good'? Do you want to elaborate on what that is?” you asked.
“All in good time; I want to take you somewhere first.”
“Take me where?” you questioned as he continued to beckon you into taking his hand.
“It's a surprise~”
When you didn't reach out to take his hand, he gave you another grin - what was wrong with his teeth? - and grabbed you by your wrist.
His hand was large enough that it circled around your wrist completely, and his nails long and sharp enough that they lightly nicked your skin as he pulled you off of the stone and led you through the cemetery. Hisoka weaved through the headstones and plants while you trailed behind. Normally you would have protested someone grabbing you and leading you along like this, but you were caught off-guard by how cold his skin was. Like a person who had been left out in freezing temperatures, Hisoka's skin virtually sapped the heat away from yours in his iron grip. It didn't make sense given how mild the weather was at the moment, and the two of you had been out there for so long; how could his skin feel so cold when you were just fine?
“Hisoka, are you sick?”
He tilted his head back as he smiled at you.
“I've never felt better.”
The two of you made your way to the hole in the cemetery's wall, climbing up the exposed roots of the tree that stood in front of it before stepping over the crumbled rock and out into the vast expanse of the forest. He continued to lead you forward, dodging your questions of where he was taking you with the same claim of it being a “surprise” and that you would “find out soon”, while his faster pace required you to trot behind him while you tripped over the forest floor. His hand remained in place around your wrist, never letting you fall and pulling you closer to him when you began to fall too far behind.
It now dawned on you how much time you had spent out here. People in the town would have noticed your absence, and for those that knew you well, it wouldn't take much for them to figure out where you had gone. You were screwed, and the only thing you could do to try and make this better was to get back before sunset.
“Hisoka,” you tried, “I just realized I've been gone for too long. I really need to get back home.”
“Don't worry; I'll take you home.”
Worries about this man that you had pushed away earlier were now coming back, and you mentally berated yourself for even speaking to him. You should have left the instant you saw him. Instead you spent, what, hours with him? With a man who thought that fun was hanging out in graveyards and playing with cards over buried bodies. You had idiotically thought he was harmless, and now you were being dragged by this man through the woods, further and further away from the cemetery and any familiar landmarks that would lead you back home while you fought against the grip on your wrist that didn't budge in the slightest no matter how you pulled against it. Your pleas to know where you were going and for him to let go became increasingly desperate but appeared to fall onto deaf ears as Hisoka pressed onward.
“Hisoka, please stop and tell me what you're doing!” you yelled, exasperated.
To your surprise, he abruptly stopped in his tracks and you to almost ran into him. You took the chance to catch your breath, looking back up at the magician. He wasn't looking at you, still facing forward.
“.... Hisoka?”
A long, low moan sounded from the man, and he turned towards you as he ran a hand through his hair, tongue licking his lips and his eyes brimming with lust.
“Your little heart is beating so fast and it's making me so excited~” he breathed, pulling your wrist up to his face and nuzzling against it. A chill ran down your spine and you tried again to pull back your hand. But just as before he didn't budge.
“Let go of me,” you whispered.
“That would be a bad idea, little fruit. There are lots of things in this forest that would love to have a piece of you, but as long as you're with me, you're safe.”
“I don't feel safe.”
Hisoka smiled against your skin, his other hand reaching to grip the back of your head. All the while his eyes never left yours.
“Would you believe that you're the first person to ever finish making a card house for me? In all of the years I've been here, every other person gave up and tried to leave,” he said.
“.... I can't say I blame them. I should have given up, too,” you mumbled.
“That would have been very bad for you, dear,” he continued, his lips only a breath away from the skin of your wrist.
“And why's that?”
“Because I would have killed you.”
Despite the gravity of his words, Hisoka said them with a certain air of nonchalance, all while he kept your wrist up near his face, his thumb rubbing circles into your skin as his eyes gauged your reaction.
You didn't know what to say or how to react. The alarm bells in your head were blaring and you wanted to tear yourself away from his grip and escape this situation. But the longer you spent in his presence, a sick feeling rose within you that you wouldn't be getting away from this man.
“.... That's a sick joke, Hisoka.”
“I said earlier that if I told you the truth, you would think I was lying, didn't I? If I had been completely truthful, you would have been scared off and I would have needed to kill you. It's a little rule I made for myself,” he explained, “just killing anyone who wandered in became a bit boring, so I thought it would be more fun to give people a chance to save themselves by playing my game. But as I said, you're the only one who stuck through it. And I have to say, I couldn't be happier that the first person was you. Some of these people I simply-”
“Let go of me!”
Your yell interrupted his speech while you once again pulled against his hold on you, your other arm pushing against the one that held you by the head. His words sent a rush of adrenaline through you and you twisted and pulled to free your wrist while you kicked at him. He was insane, dangerous and if he wasn't going to kill you, you were willing to bet he was going to rape you just based off of the way he was looking you over.
“Did you not hear me? Right now you're safest with me,” said Hisoka, not at all bothered by your struggles.
“You wouldn't want to know what other kinds of things are around these parts.”
And with that he bit into your wrist.
You screamed as his teeth sunk into the flesh of your arm and broke through. Hitting and kicking at him, you felt him sucking out your blood, watching the way his throat moved as he swallowed it. He was drinking your blood. Actually drinking your blood.
Hisoka was unaffected by your attacks, ignoring the way you were beating at him in an attempt to get him off of you. In mere moments after he had bitten you, you began to feel dizzy, and when your free hand landed a soft blow to his head, it stayed there. He opened an eye, taking in your flushed appearance as the blood-loss – how had he taken so much so quickly? - began to get to you. The corners of the mouth that was still planted on your wrist turned upward as he sneered at you. He was enjoying your distress, and that realization had you seeing red.
In an action fueled by rage at being toyed with by this man, you moved the hand you had placed on his head-
And jammed your thumb into his eye socket.
Hisoka yelled out in a mixture of surprise and pain. He pulled away from your wrist as he staggered backwards.
You lifted a leg and kicked him, finally pulling away from him and turning to make a mad dash back to the cemetery. The adrenaline and the panic in your mind allowed you to not really think about what you had just done to him, only focusing on getting back to the cemetery and from there escape home. And after that, you swore you would never even think about this place again.
Dirt and leaves kicked up around you as you scrambled to get away from that man. You prayed that you would be able to find that entrance to the cemetery – whatever kind of freak Hisoka was, he wouldn't pursue you with a wounded eye, right?
You weren't sure if you tripped over a stray tree root or just simply lost your footing to sheer stupidity, but you stumbled as you ran and fell flat on your face, the speed at which you fell making you hit the ground hard. Your arms and legs flailed as you tried to push yourself back up and continue running, but the shakiness you were suddenly experiencing made it hard to control your limbs.
A heel slammed down on the base of your spine and you yelped as you were forced back down onto the ground. Struggling only made the heel dig in deeper and you screamed as the pain became too much, tears streaming down your face as you were forced into submission. Your whole body shook as you looked at the person standing over you: Hisoka, breathing hard, his eye shut and blood trailing down his cheek and ruining his make-up. Slowly, he brought a hand up to his bleeding eye, wiping the blood with a single finger. He inspected it, like it was something he had never seen before, never experienced. There was a wild look in his uninjured eye, and when he looked back at you he smiled, sharp bloody teeth on full display.
���You have a vicious streak in you,” he breathed, “ if you're willing to gouge out someone's eye just to get away from them.”
“You- you were drinking my blood, you freak,” you spat.
He groaned, licking up his own blood as he looked down at you.
“Darling, you're perfect.”
Suddenly his body was on top of yours, pressing down and holding you in place while he held your wrists above your head. His other hand roughly gripped your hair and pulled your head to the side. His teeth sunk into you again, this time into your neck.
Warm blood was dripping down your neck as he began to suck you dry. Your vision began spinning, and your limbs weren't moving like you wanted them to. When Hisoka pulled away the hand that held your wrists in favor of grabbing your waist, you could barely move them. Your strength was almost completely sapped and you whimpered, never imagining you would die like this.
Hisoka pulled off of you, licking up the blood he had missed before sitting up, virtually straddling you as he re-positioned himself.
“I needed to take a bit more since you injured me, and of course, now you're probably too weak for me to continue like I wanted to. Shame. I liked the idea of fucking you into the forest floor, but I really want you to be awake for it.”
With a good deal of effort, you glanced back up at him.
Two yellow eyes gazed back at you. Two, perfectly fine, yellow eyes that showed no sign of injury save for the lingering smear of blood on his cheek. The eye that you had shoved your thumb into had miraculously healed itself, and that wide smile formed once again when he saw your shock.
“I.... I.. M-my- how?”
“I just drank blood from your neck; you really can't figure it out?” Hisoka laughed, “you aren’t very bright, are you?”
He leaned back down, his nose nuzzling against your cheek. Hisoka sighed against your skin.
“I'm going to keep you like this for a while, let you live out a few more years as a human. You'll want for nothing, and I'll keep you safe. And eventually, I'll make you like me.”
'I don't want to be like you,' you wanted to scream, but you didn't have it in you to say anything. By now you were having a hard time keeping your eyes open. When he finally moved off of you, you made no move to run again. You physically couldn't.
He hauled you up by the back of your shirt, laughing as your head lolled back when he pressed your body against his.
Hisoka's hand on your jaw pulled you back, and his lips met yours in a sloppy kiss, tasting your own blood on his tongue as he shoved it into your slack mouth.
He pulled away, patting your cheek.
“Get some rest now. I expect a lot from you.”
You barely registered his words before unconsciousness finally overtook you.
With a satisfied hum, Hisoka slung you over his shoulder and began to make his journey back to his home deep within the forest. Licking the last of your blood off of his lips, he let out another satisfied sigh.
You were going to keep him entertained for a long time.
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themandhoelorian · 3 years
Dincember - November 30: Snow
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summary: Din’s determined to make your stay on this miserable ice planet as short as possible, but you and the kid don’t mind taking your time in the snow.
pairing: din djarin x gn!reader
warnings: angst that quickly becomes fluff, episode 10 spoilers, the smallest bit of canon-typical violence, some swearing?, the cute little green dude, Din is Soft for you uwu
word count: 3.1k
a/n: ahhh hi welcome to my first fanfiction ever!! I’m excited and very very nervous about posting this, but I've been wanting to write my tin can husband for a while and thought dincember might just be the push I needed to start. part of me hopes I’m just screaming into the void, but if you’re reading this, I hope you enjoy it! happy dincember y’all <3
Din doesn’t like snow. 
It’s cold and wet and irritating and it creates a layer of frost on his armor that leaves stubborn smudges on the beskar even after he’s dried off. It’s a practical nightmare that Din quite frankly doesn’t have the patience to deal with, but the snow itself isn’t even what bothers him most.
It’s the planets that are covered in it that he really can’t stand. 
Din’s been on his fair share of ice planets, and not once has he found something appealing among the white plains, just deadly ravinaks and mindless criminals and giant ice spiders. If he had his choice, he would never step foot on one again. 
He’s not sure why any reasonable person would want to either.
So when he hears you gasp from the copilot seat as the frosty white orb comes into view, he assumes that it’s because you’re dreading having to land on this ice planet too.
He knows this is what he hired you for, to follow him wherever he needed to go and take care of the child, but he can’t help but feel a little bad that he’s brought you to yet another dreadful planet. Whenever the three of you land somewhere dangerous, which recently has been more often than not, he insists that you and the child stay on the Crest so he knows you’ll be safe. You never complain, always complying to his requests with a shy smile and dutifully looking after the child, but he can tell you’re growing weary of being holed up in the ship all the time. 
Your eyes don’t sparkle like they used to, the way they did when you first joined his crew and you would break into a dazzling grin every time you landed on a new planet. 
You don’t talk to the kid in excited whispers anymore as you teach him about the forests or the oceans or the sand, giggling as you bring his little green fingers to the ground and let him feel the difference in the landscapes. 
Din’s afraid he’s killed the wonder traveling with him used to bring you, he’s afraid he’s ruined it for the kid too, and Maker, he wishes he could see your face light up the way it used to. He wishes he could see you and the kid overwhelmingly happy again.
But here he is, leaving you both stuck in the middle of a frozen wasteland for what’s sure to be a less than happy few hours while he goes off to find another bounty. He wants to apologize before he leaves, but he can’t seem to find the words for how kriffing bad he feels. Even if he did, he knows you would just brush it off anyways, offer him that sweet smile that makes his face heat up and assure him that the two of you would be just fine on the ship.
So instead, he instructs you to keep the ship running, to stay warm and be ready to take off as soon as he gets back, before he hurries off into the dense swathes of snow. He doesn’t even tell you to stay on the Crest, in too much of a rush to leave before your dewy eyes can convince him to forget the quarry and take you somewhere nicer. 
He’s halfway to the location when he realizes it, but he figures there’s no use turning back to remind you when he’s sure you wouldn’t want to go outside, not when white flakes are starting to dust the already cold air. 
Besides, he’s determined to make your stay on this planet as short as possible anyway. 
Luckily, the target’s in the first cantina Din steps into and doesn’t put up a fight. Well, he tries, but the dumb sucker thinks he can just run, and he doesn’t get more than a few meters out the door before Din shoots him through the chest. 
Usually, Din would scoff at a quarry that slow, but this time, as he ties up the body, he’s just grateful that the target’s lack of mental and physical prowess means he can get you all off this planet that much sooner.
In fact, it’s only been a few hours since he first left, and as he makes his way back to the Crest, Din assumes he’ll find you right where he left you. You probably haven’t even put the kid down for a nap yet, and he’s almost proud of himself for making the turnaround so fast. He may have brought you to this awful place, but at least he’s making sure you barely have to spend any time on it. 
He almost doesn’t feel bad anymore, almost tells himself it’s okay that he left you and the child stranded on the ship again, but then he approaches the Crest and realizes things aren’t exactly as he left them.
The first thing he notices is that the hull door is open. He’s almost certain he remembered to close it, even in his rush to leave, but even if he didn’t, he’s sure you would’ve shut it for him. 
But then again, you’d been in the cockpit when he left, so maybe you had just stayed there and didn’t realize the door was still open. That would make sense.
When he gets a little closer though, he realizes he can’t hear the hum of the engine and that the headlights have been turned off. That he can’t explain. He told you to keep the ship running, and you’ve always followed his instructions. If nothing else, surely you’d want to keep the heater going in this weather. He can’t think of any reason why the Crest shouldn’t be running right now, unless something happened to you and-
No. No, that’s not possible. 
He always engages ground security before he leaves. There’s no way anything could’ve gotten onto the ship. But he was in a rush this time, and he’s not even 100 percent positive he closed the hull door, and kriff, did he really mess up that badly?
Not only did he make you wait on this stupid ice planet, but he also left you and the kid vulnerable to whatever dangers lurk in its snow covered hills because he forgot to secure the ship?
Maker, now he really feels bad for bringing you here.
Before he knows it, Din is sprinting towards the Crest, leaving the quarry’s body behind so he can move faster through the snow. He starts heading up the ramp, ready to scope out the ship, but then he hears faint laughter coming from the other side of the hull. He freezes at the noise, his body tensing as the edges of his vision go red. 
Apparently ice planets make for stupid criminals, Din thinks, because between the quarry he just picked up and whoever the hell is gloating right outside the scene of their crime right now, he’s sure he’s never encountered so many witless assholes in one place. He’s almost glad for it though. At least he’ll be able to put a bolt through the little frozen brain of whoever had the gall to raid his ship and mess with his crew.
He draws his blaster and paces towards the back of the ship, making sure his steps are silent now that the laughter has stopped. He takes a breath before darting out from behind the Crest, blaster raised, finger on the trigger, but he doesn’t find the thief that he’s looking to shoot there.
He just finds you lying on the frozen ground, making faces at the child as you support him on your stomach.
At first, Din is just relieved to see the two of you seemingly unharmed, but the comfort he feels quickly morphs into confusion. He wonders if something happened to the ship that forced the two of you outside, but then the child swats at your face and you giggle, the sound so pure and carefree that he knows nothing’s wrong.
No, you just decided to drag the kid out into the cold for fun.
He sighs and lowers his blaster as he watches the two of you, too caught up in whatever game you’re playing to notice his presence. Maker, maybe ice planets really do make people dumber, the snowflakes fogging up your head the way it does his visor, because he knows if you were in your right mind you wouldn’t have taken the kid out into the snow, and you definitely wouldn’t be lying with him in the ice, completely exposed to anyone passing by.
“I thought I told you to keep the ship running,” he barks.
You sit up abruptly at the sudden noise, pulling the child instinctively to your chest as you whip your head in his direction. Panic flashes across your eyes for a second, but when you realize it’s just him, it melts into a sigh as you offer him a small smile. 
“Oh. Mando. Hi, we were just...”
But then the kid sees that Din’s returned and coos loudly, trying to squirm out of your arms so you’ll let him down. You oblige, placing him gently on the soft ground, and he waddles over to Din with his tiny arms outstretched.
Din picks him up, and the child bubbles with excitement as he positions the little womp rat in the crook of his arm. Din studies him, searching for any signs of distress, but he finds none, just big eyes shining with nothing but glee. 
That’s strange. He was sure the kid would hate snow after what happened last time. 
He snaps out of his train of thought when you make your way towards him, brushing ice off your shoulders and back. 
“Sorry, he was getting a little antsy when it started snowing, so I thought he might’ve wanted to play outside for a little bit,” you explain. “I didn’t want to leave the engine running while we were out here, and I thought we’d have enough time to get everything going again before you got back.”
You’re right in front of him now, so close he can see the small crystals of ice that dot your hair. For a second, he forgets himself, consumed by how breathtaking you look against the icy landscape, and it’s only when the child shifts in his arms that Din catches himself, remembering that he’s supposed to be mad at you for not following his instructions.
“Wasn’t he scared of it?” he demands.
You shake your head, looking down at the child and running a thumb along his ear.
“He seemed a little nervous at first, but I got him to warm up to it pretty quickly. We were just about to head inside, but he wanted to stay out here a little longer, isn’t that right bubs?”
The child hums contentedly as if to agree with you, shifting his gaze between your face and the helmet, but Din keeps his eyes trained on you, trying to figure out how you could’ve gotten the kid to like the snow so easily. The encounter on Maldo Kreis had left him wary of any icy terrain, he can’t imagine what it must have done to the innocent child, but somehow here he is, looking as happy as he’s ever been playing with you in the frost. 
He must have been staring at you for too long because before he can put his finger on how you were able to change the kid’s mind, your face is twisting with worry and you’re starting to apologize again.
“I know we probably should’ve stayed on the ship, but I…” you hesitate before giving him a sheepish grin. “Playing in the snow was one of my favorite things when I was little, and I wanted him to know what it was like too.” 
Din should be mad at you. You didn’t do the one thing he asked, and you could’ve put yourself and the kid in danger by going outside on a cold foreign planet. He should reprimand you, make sure you know how stupid it was to do that, but then you look up at him, your eyes sparkling as they catch his through the visor, and it’s like someone’s lifted the beskar from his chest, cool air filling his lungs as he breathes fully for what feels like the first time.
He can’t remember the last time he saw you like this, so in awe of the world and eager to share it with the child, with him. Din thought he’d killed all the joy the two of you felt, but no, here it is again, radiating strong and warm from you and the little being babbling in his arms, and he feels whatever anger he had managed to harbor melt away.
How could he be upset when you two were so happy again? 
“It’s okay,” he sighs. “Just- I need you to be more careful when I’m not here. I don’t want you two getting into trouble when I can’t protect you.”
“I know, I know. I promise it won’t happen again.” 
It’s a simple affirmation, but your voice is steady, your gaze holding his with so much weight that he knows you mean every word you say. Din knows that he can trust you, so he just nods, deciding there’s not much use in wasting more breath on the topic.
He’s about to turn back to the ship, ready to get you all off this planet like he intended, but the child whines before he can move, pointing a tiny finger at the ground where you had been playing. Before he can ask what’s wrong, you take the child from his arms, speaking in that melodic tone you save for doting on your small companion.
“Oh, you wanna show your dad what we were doing, huh bubs?”
He coos in agreement, and you smile before nodding at Din to follow. You lead him to where you were lying and place the kid down next to two vaguely body shaped depressions in the snow. The kid toddles towards the smaller, shallower one and looks up at Din with bright eyes.
Din’s been with the kid long enough that he knows he’s supposed to act excited at this, but it’s a little hard to do when he has no idea what he’s looking at.
He turns his helmet to you in confusion, only to find you already staring at him with an amused expression. 
“Have you never made a snow angel, Mando?” you tease.
“A what?”
You grin at his response, and Din feels his face heat up. He can’t tell if it’s from being embarrassed at not knowing or if it’s just from seeing you smile at him.
“A snow angel. You lie down and move your arms and legs up and down, and then the mark you leave behind kind of looks like an angel.”
The kid makes his way back towards Din while he studies the tracks in the snow. He can kind of see an angel in the design he’s guessing you made, but the child’s-
“Well, it’s supposed to look like an angel,” you add. “But the kid’s so small I guess it's hard to tell. Maybe I should have taught him how to make snowballs instead.”
“No, you made the right choice,” Din interjects. “He doesn’t need anything else to be throwing around with his mind tricks.”
You laugh, nodding in agreement, and he feels his chest expand again at the levity of your voice. He wants to make you laugh again, be the reason you’re so openly joyful, but as he’s racking his brain for something to say, he feels a light tug on his cape.
“What is it, buddy?” Din asks as he kneels next to the child. He doesn’t respond, just starts waddling back towards the patterns in the snow while holding onto the cape, tugging harder once its pulled taut and he can’t move any further. 
“I think he wants you to make one too,” you note.
Din sighs as he stands, gently removing his cape from the child’s small hand. As much as he enjoys seeing the kid happy, he thinks it’d be a little ridiculous for him to take part in the childish activity, and he’s not too fond of the idea of lying on the cold, wet ground.
“I’m afraid I don’t know how to,” he reasons.
It’s a lame excuse, he knows, but it’s technically true, and he thinks it might be enough to get him out of this little game.
But when you roll your eyes at him, he knows that’s just wishful thinking.
Well, it was worth a shot.
“He did it, I’m sure you can figure it out too,” you accuse, gesturing at the kid who’s plopped himself on the ground. “Come on, bubs, why don’t you show your daddy how it’s done?”
The child doesn’t move though, just tilts his head at you and lets out a confused noise. You shake your head as you make your way to him, but instead of picking him up like Din expects, you just pat his head, striding past the “angels” you made earlier.
“Fine, you lazy little bean,” you say. “I guess I’ll just show him then.”
You sit in a fresh patch of snow and beckon at Din to join you. He’s about to refuse, tell you that it’s time to get back on the ship and leave, but then your bright eyes catch his again.
Maybe it’s worth giving in if it’ll keep that twinkle in your eyes.
“It’s just a little snow, Mando, it’s not gonna kill you.”
Din sighs, pulling his pulse rifle off his back and setting it down before grabbing the kid. He places the child between the two of you as he sits down, following your lead as you lay back in the soft ice and begin to move your limbs. 
It’s about as enjoyable as he expects it to be, which is to say not at all. The beskar makes him sink deep into the frozen layer, and he can feel the cold moisture seeping through the gaps in his armor. He’s about to ask how you could genuinely find this fun, but the sound of your laughter mixing with the child’s stops him.
He turns his head to watch you, taking in the way your eyes squeeze shut as your arms draw patterns in the snow, the way the light reflects off the white ground, making it glow around you.
The way it kind of makes you look like an angel.
Suddenly, Din feels warm despite being covered in ice, and he understands how you got the kid to like the snow so quickly. 
He thinks he might be starting to like it a little too.
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darkpoisonouslove · 3 years
Hi, can you please do Bloom and Icy 1,3,7,9,12,13,14,19,20,25,28,29,30?
1. Who is the most affectionate?
Bloom. Icy likes it but initiating it will take a little longer. Especially since she is still trying to pretend affection disgusts her to keep her reputation of a heartless witch intact. It is totally not working because she is weak for Bloom but it will take her some time to admit it out loud even though she is totally aware of it.
3. Most common argument?
Who is hotter. Totally initiated by their friends (aka Stella and Darcy), totally not serious... until it becomes serious. The fun thing is that they’ve argued it different ways - sometimes insisting that the other is hotter, sometimes insisting that they are the hotter one. It totally depends on how the others will set it up for them. They haven’t seriously fought over it, though. Bloom can make Icy melt at any moment and Icy has all the icebreakers to fix any potential drama situation. (I am not sorry for any of this XD)
7. What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
Icy starts looking for ways to end the confrontations between them without having to kill Bloom. It majorly pisses her off because a) it’s getting in the way of her plans and b) she has to make herself look progressively dumber and more incompetent because Winx seem to lose brain cells as time goes on and pull increasingly dumb stunts. She is sure anyone with half a brain would have figured out that she is doing it on purpose but Winx are too busy fighting them to figure it out and Bloom is super dense about it (probably because she’s in denial).
Bloom finds herself no longer on Diaspro whenever she shows up. Instead of being jealous, Bloom finds herself drifting into musings about what would have happened if it had actually been Icy in disguise instead of Diaspro. Somehow all those scenarios end up with her and Icy experiencing some major sexual tension (in that fight and any other) and they end up kissing and more aggressively. She doesn’t even feel guilty because Sky was lying to her anyway. She just can’t comprehend why Icy of all people and that is why she denies having feelings for her even though she knows it deep down.
9. Who worries the most?
Icy worries more actually. Both about being “good” enough for Bloom and also for Bloom’s safety. Basically, she may love her and respect her as the keeper of the Dragon Fire and a powerful magical user but she still views Bloom and Winx as a bunch of dumbasses who totally get mixed up in the biggest trouble you can find in the universe. Bloom also thinks that Icy gets mixed up into a lot of shit but she is confident that Icy can handle it. She is also a bit scandalized to learn that Icy does not fully return that confidence when it comes to Bloom’s ability to get out of sticky situations (mostly because half the time the only reason Winx survived against the Trix was because Icy didn’t want to actually kill Bloom).
12. Who initiates kisses?
Icy. She likes kissing Bloom and she looks for no excuses to do it. She just goes for it. She doesn’t need a reason to kiss the life out of her girlfriend. She doesn’t care that she is contradicting her proclamations of disliking affection.
13. Who reaches for the other’s hand first?
Bloom. She likes just holding on to Icy, maybe cuddling into her and smooching her, too, or running her free hand through Icy’s hair. Icy claims it is counterproductive. Somehow you’ll never see her letting go of Bloom’s hand, though. She actually starts reaching for Bloom herself as she gets more comfortable with PDAs (and any displays of affection at all).
14. Who kisses the hardest?
Icy. Bloom was not prepared. She is a puddle for Icy the moment she gets devoured with a kiss and Icy loves every moment of it. They both do.
19. Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first?
Definitely Icy. Although it is more of a they already knew kind of situation. Stormy and Darcy had noticed the change in her and they figured out what was going on.
20. What do their family/friends think of their relationship?
Darcy and Stormy are okay with it. They don’t exactly have that big reactions. They might be kinda salty because Winx were the reason why they ended up in jail several times but they’re happy if Icy is. Winx aren’t all that sold on it, though, considering all the times the Trix almost killed them. They come around eventually, some faster than others (surprisingly, it took Flora a big time because the Trix nearly killed Miele) but they do believe in people being able to change and be better so they are happy once they are sure that Bloom is having a good relationship that makes her happy. Mike and Vanessa need some time to get used to it as well because the Trix also nearly killed them. And Marion and Oritel aren’t thrilled about the Trix being descendants of the Ancestral Witches and having attempted to murder Bloom and her friends more than once. But they actually come around faster (well, Marion does, and she has to stop Oritel from meddling) because they don’t feel like they have that much authority in Bloom’s life. So really, it is Mike and Vanessa that Icy has to win over. She does understand why they’re wary of her and is even surprised that they’re giving her a chance at all. So she does her best to be the best for Bloom and they slowly warm up to the idea of her being Bloom’s one and only.
25. Who needs more assurance?
Bloom. She has many insecurities about never fitting in and she actually feels more uncertain about why Icy likes her. Icy is pretty certain in Bloom’s feelings about her because given what they’ve been through and what she’s caused Bloom and her friends, Bloom must really like her in order to even consider being with her. She is actually glad that she can provide reassurance for Bloom, though, and be there for her now to make up for what she’s done in the past.
28. What do they do when they’re away from each other?
Icy will totally get into more trouble than she would if Bloom were around. It’s not that she can’t control herself but she sometimes misses her more villainous moments. Bloom knows about that and pretends she doesn’t see when Icy is being more of a bitch than she needs to be. So Icy isn’t lying to Bloom about anything. She just knows it will be better for both of them if Bloom can pretend to be completely clueless about Icy’s misdeeds. She also chills with Darcy and Stormy, though. Or... well, they’re chilling like villains but you know. She’s chilled with Winx a couple times as well and that went better than she thought it would. Stella was a little annoying but they actually had a good time shopping together? Who would’ve thought. She’s also sparred with Musa and Layla and it was fun. She’ll deny it, though.
Bloom draws a lot. She likes making surprise drawings for Icy and of Icy. She also hangs out with Stella a lot. The other Winx as well but mostly with Stella. She’s had several outings with Darcy and Stormy and that went... decently. They found some things in common but there was also some awkwardness. Darcy and Stormy had a hard time opening up to her to which she totally related. So that kind of acted like a bridge. They were mostly learning to get along without Icy being there and it got better with time. They can have a pleasant meeting just the three of them now.
29. one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart
Icy has a hard time around Daphne because she feels bad for what Daphne (and therefore Bloom) had to go through because of the Ancestral Witches but she can’t help but be salty about Daphne being resurrected and getting to live while Sapphire is still cursed (if we take a better version of canon where the fact that she had a sister did not come out of the blue). Same for Domino vs Dyamond. She finds it hardest to interact with Daphne, however, because of Daphne’s character. The calmness and sort of wisdom that Daphne has kinda grates on her nerves. It breaks Bloom’s heart a little that her sister and her wife (oh, yeah) can’t get along (Daphne is not all that thrilled about Icy either).
30. one headcanon about this OTP that mends it
Bloom makes a necklace herself (with a little help from Hagen) that contains a spark of the Dragon Fire (like Oritel’s sword) and give it to Icy to both show her that she trusts her and share with her everything that is hers - not just her love, but her magic and life as well. It might have been a proposal without actually being one. Icy has to work very hard on learning to contain the tears every time she looks at the necklace in order to actually be able to wear it. It boosts her powers and makes her and Bloom a formidable team and arguably the strongest partnership in the whole universe.
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taegyuun · 4 years
night in shining armour 𖧵
↳ strangers? enemies? to lovers: yeonjun x reader
↳ warnings: alcohol, parties, drunk men, swearing
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the smell of booze was strong. noise filling your ears, almost sounding like a cluster of alien sounds instead of songs and people talking. who got you to go to this part? god knows. yet here you were.
you knew why you came here; in the back of your mind, you subconsciously knew. just didn’t want to admit to it. the second you heard choi yeonjun was hosting a party for everyone to be welcome, you had to be there. this was a chance for a lot of his admires to get closer to him and think they have a chance, but for you, this was a chance to press his buttons in more ways than you ever have before.
you and yeonjun had a strange relationship to say the least. one second you were screaming and yelling at each other, riling the other up as much as possible, and the next you’re wanting to fuck each other’s brains out till next week. sexual tension was at its finest.
so here you were, at choi yeonjuns massive house, standing at the make shift bar, drinking from a red solo cup.
you weren’t sure what was actually in the said cup, you grabbed it, poured something in it and went at it. i mean- who were you to say no to free alcohol? after all, you’re a college student in need of a break. as you stand at the bar, very slightly tipsy, you scan your eyes around the room where everyone was in.
it was made quite clear by the host himself that every room other than the bathrooms and garden, are out of bounds, which you respected- his home, his privacy. this also made it easier to spot a certain pink haired devil. unfortunately, instead of finding the one you were hoping to infurtiate today, you were met with piercing hazel eyes with a gaze hazed over them that sent an unwilling chill down your spine.
“hey they darling,” he was drunk. you had no idea who he was or if he even knew where he was, but he was absolutely shit faced and you were starting to get nervous. “sorry i think you got the wrong person,” you say anxiously and quickly turn away from the man in front of you, trying to get away as quickly and painlessly as possible. “nuh-uh, don’t think so. come here for a second.” her sternly grabs your wrists and spins you around. you hiss through clenched teeth at his right grip. how can a man so drunk still cause such harm?
“please let me go i don’t know who you are!” this wasn’t looking good for you.
“come on darling you know exactly who i am,” he once again said, with a wicked grin upon his lips, a small chuckle escaping them with the same stench of alcohol following. he started coming closer towards you, with his grip on your wrist tightening every time you tried to escape.
“no stop please no,” you mumble words trying to get the man off of you as he started to kiss up and down your neck once he pushed you up against the wall, “stop!”
“she told you to fucking stop,” a stern voice came from in front of you as you felt the presence of the disgusting man being ripped away from you. you open your eyes, drying your tears with your sleeves, and see a certain pink haired boy in front of you. “get the fuck out right now or i swear...” you didn’t catch the rest of what he said, too scared to listen properly. next thing you saw was the man scramble away in fear and yeonjun slowly coming towards you.
“hey, hey it’s ok now, it’s ok, i’m here you’re fine,” he calmly shushed you and tried to calm you down as best as he possibly could in such a loud environment. “is it ok if i touch you? i can take you upstairs if you need some time to yourself?” he gently asks, arms near by you but not close enough to touch you without any permission. you quickly nod your head, instantly feeling safer with him. something about yeonjun always calmed you.
he carefully grabbed your hand after taking some ice out from the freezer behind you for your bruised wrist and guided you upstairs. you knew yeonjun was pretty loaded but holy shit. he had at least a whole other apartment upstairs. he took you to the door the furthest from any noise, which funnily enough, was also his room.
“ok get comfortable, if you want to get changed into something more comfortable then my wardrobe is over there. also put this on your wrist, it will help with the bruising ok?” he was turning around to leave and give you the privacy you originally asked for, but something in you told you to stop him. that’s exactly what you did.
“wait jun...” you called out, without really thinking about what you were going to say. he seemed surprised at the nickname but quickly recovered and let out a quiet ‘hmm’.
“can you.. can you please stay with me? i’m still quite scared i don’t want to be alone,” you quietly asked him, looking down at the ground. “of course i can, don’t worry about it. are you sure you don’t want to change? you can stay here all night if you want or i can drop you off home?” you decided you didn’t want to leave his presence yet and took it upon yourself to open his wardrobe like he previously told you to, and pick out a large shirt. “do you want me to leave or...?” you told him to turn around as you didn’t want to be left alone and quickly slipped off your shirt and pulled his over your head. you also took off your skirt and that left you in a pair of protective under shorts and his shirt which reached about mid thigh on you.
you told him you were decent and he turned around, eyes wondering over your body. “come on,” he said as he guided you to his bed, “we’re not going to do anything you don’t want to do, let’s just cuddle ok? you look like you need a good hug,” so that’s what you two did. he guided you into his warm embrace while the two of you layed on his bed, your head resting on his chest with your arms wrapped around his torso and his head on top of yours, arms wrapped around your shoulders. “jun?” you asked. “hmm?”
“why do you hate me?” silence.
“y/n you moron. does this look like a person hating you?” you laid there for a second. thinking about what he just said.
“well we always argue and yell at each other so i thought you hated me...”
“god you’re dumber than i thought, i mean i know you’re dense but jesus. we argue because that’s my only way of talking to you without you instantly leaving to talk to someone else. i like you y/n and it was easy for me to rile you up ok?” you took a second to take all of that information in.
“you like me?” you look up into his eyes, still completely wrapped up in his arms.
“yes fool,” he says with a small grin on his beautiful lips.
“i was going to say i like you back but all of these insults are putting me off,”
“oh shut up,” he laughs and presses his lips to your forehead. you look up again and he takes it as a green signal. he presses lips to yours and you reciprocate. it felt like a dream. plump, soft lips.
you were so glad you decided to come to this party.
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jjuzoir · 4 years
Overdue | T. Shoto
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request: “Hi! If your requests are still open, could I request a todoroki x reader oneshot please? Basically they’re childhood friends and go to UA together. Everyone ships them and Todoroki always treats reader super sweetly, but doesn’t realize that he’s also low-key pining for her. (always using endeavor’s credit cards to get her gifts LOL) eventually Todoroki figures out his feelings and confesses. Then the class catches them kissing in the dorms, making Todoroki and reader flustered! Thanks so much!”
a/n: this took me so long omgjdjsj fck all my reqs for this batch are taking me long :’) anyway thank you for being so patient with me @sugarandsoft ;;;
word count: 2933
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When it came to romance it was safe to say Shoto was simply blind to it, the romantic feelings of those around him and himself were practically foreign to the teenager.
In all of your years of knowing him you had never once seen him actually be able to recognize the difference between friendship and crushing. To him there was no “I like you romantically” or “I don’t like you romantically”, it was always “I like you as a friend” or “I don’t like you as a friend”. The whole liking someone, crushing on them, dating-courting thing was as complicated as astrophysics is to an eight year old. Which led to everyone around him to immediately be put in the friendzone the minute they got to know him.
Everyone knew that, especially Class 1-A who had to bear witness to one of their top students crush hopelessly on you without even being aware of it. They knew, other students knew, the teachers knew, your parents knew, his mother knew, the League of Villains knew— everyone knew that Todoroki Shoto of class 1-A has a big, fat crush on you except Todoroki Shoto himself. Hell, it was so obvious All for One could’ve seen he had a crush on you.
It was the “little” thing that gave it away, like using the number-two-pro-hero’s credit card to get you a new phone because yours got a small crack. When confronted about it, he’d always say the same thing.
“She’s my friend and I enjoy using the old man’s money,” he’d scowl at Midoriya— Shoto’s self proclaimed wingman and president of the [Name] x Shoto club, who had questioned his spending habits when it came to you.
“So you'd do the same thing for any friend?” Izuku would push the boy further, he was going to get him to realize he liked you even if it killed him- and by the way the year had been going and Shoto’s complete obliviousness to the situation, the latter seemed more likely.
“I guess.”
“Oh really? Then where the fuck is my new phone, lukewarm? If you’re gonna call me your ‘friend’ where is my phone?” Bakugou questioned him with a snarl.
“Yours isn’t cracked, Bakugou-”
“Is that what it takes? ‘Cause I’m gonna do it!”
“Hey Izuku- what’s going on?” Ochako looked at the trio in front of her, easily being drawn to the loud noises coming from the living area.
“Half-’n-Half over here is gonna buy us new phones if we crack ours.”
“I see…”
“Seriously?” Mina barges into the room to pick up the teasing where the blond has left off, “But I like my phone- oh! I know, instead of a phone why don’t you get me some new sneakers!”
“And if I break my house, would you get me a new one?” The brunette asks, she’d rather shoot her shot or miss trying.
“So- you’re gonna admit you’d only do it for [Name] are you gonna need help placing some orders?” Bakugo smirks at Todoroki.
“Ochako and I can check real estate for you!” Mina giggles.
But rather than answering, the bi-colored haired teen simply looked down and mumbled to himself, annoyed; “I’m not buying anyone anything.”
Safe to say he didn’t keep his word because not a day later and he had bought you a new TV after you joked about getting tired of going down the stairs to the shared living space.
He’d make exceptions for you all the time, always covering it with the excuse of “she’s been my friend for longer”, even when it didn’t make much sense. From his limited physical contact rule to the reckless spending, you had him wrapped around your pinky and he didn’t even know it. Everyone would always tease you two about it yet both of you dense as rock to the implications never really paid them much mind.
But soon Todoroki was confused, really confused, by his peers and their words; they were constantly insinuating that he liked you in a more than friends way. At first it was easier to deny such claims, you were just friends— but the more the pestering continued the more aware he was of the ways his heart seemed to flutter at the mention of your name or how he began noticing how he stared at you more often than the rest.
But he couldn’t like you, you were his first real friend— the only person in his life that was always there, if he did like you and he did act out his alleged feelings there was always the possibility you’d say no. And that scared Todoroki more than he’d like to admit. You, on the other hand, did acknowledge the butterflies he’d bring you and welcomed them with open arms. Knowing your chances with him were slim, you unknowingly turned a blind eye to his behavior, chalking it up to him seeing you as his best friend (as much as it might’ve pained you to think like that).
It didn’t take long for you to notice how he seemed more hesitant around you, how he was shying away from your touch and the way he’d avoid giving you any response longer than two sentences, soon enough he was practically avoiding you altogether, and you were worried. In all of your years being his friend, Shoto had never been so cold and distant with you. Had you upset him? It was a complete 180º from before and it left you wondering why.
“Ugh, he’s just-! I’m so annoyed, Ochako!” You groaned into your pillows, “He's never acted like this before, he’s barely talked to me in weeks! I don’t know what I did or what to do.”
“[Name], it’s okay! He has been pretty off lately,” the brunette patted your back, “You should try talking to him!”
“How am I supposed to talk to him when he barely even lets me get near?”
“Hm, maybe leave him a note!” She suggests, brown eyes looking at you sympathetically.
“A note?” You look up and meet her gaze, “Huh…”
And so you did it, you scribbled down a meeting place and signed it anonymously before huffing, stuffing it in your bag and deciding.
“Dear Todoroki, please meet me in the kitchen after practice. It’s very important, you really need to come!”
Simple, short— straight to the point with little to no wiggle room for interpretation (other than a very insistent and kind of annoying person, but that’s a price to pay for the restoration of your friendship), if he didn’t come you’d simply harass him with more notes until he gave up or had enough to open up a paper store. Hopefully the former because you doubted you’d have enough post-it notes or the money for that many.
“Hmph! That should do,” you rub your hands before throwing a thumbs up at your friend, “Thank Ochako, I owe you big time!”
That morning you told Izuku and Iida about Ochako’s plan and how you hoped they’d make sure Shoto actually came to the meeting place.
“But, don’t you think he might, I don’t know,” the freckled boy scratched at his neck, “Think you’re going-to-confess-or-something?”
“I’m sorry, I don’t understand.” You look at Midoriya confused.
“He means that Shoto might think the note might be from someone who wants to declare their feelings for him.” Tenya informs you, maybe a bit too matter of factly for your liking no one likes being talked down to.
“Don’t worry guys, I think a love confession is the farthest thing Shoto will assume this is.” You wave your hands in an attempt to convince them otherwise.
“There is no way this is going to be a confession.” Bi-colored eyes squint at the blonde that walked besides him.
“Look, all I’m saying is this definitely smells like a confession scene to me,” Denki smirks at Todoroki, “The kitchen is a weird place though, maybe they’ve baked you some sweets! Bro, you’re so lucky!”
“You might want to check your nose because there’s simply no way, Kaminari.”
“Why?” Sero smiles as he asks, “You’re pretty popular with girls, why can’t this be another confession?”
“Because,” Shoto snatches the note from the black-haired boy’s hand, “This is [Name]’s handwriting.”
“Wait a minute-! You’re telling me she’s making a move before you?” Kirishima asks in surprise, “I knew you liked her but I had no idea she liked you back, huh. I can kind of see it though.”
“What are you even saying?” The boy in question grumbles, he knew he should’ve gone with Midoiya and Iida but he knew you were going to be there and he didn’t want to risk being a fool. Now he’s got dumb, dumber and the dumbest giving him butterflies by insinuating you like him back, great.
“That she likes you, dude!”
“Totally! And you- you like her back! So all you gotta do now is go accept her confession and stop moping around being all pathetic- ow!” Kaminari rubbed his arm, cursing Kaminari’s strength.
“Don’t say that!”
“Yeah, at least not to his face.”
Todoroki simply rolled his eyes at the boys before hurrying up his pace, today was going to be long as he asks himself if he should really go.
He had a lot to think about, this information was important to him; there’s a chance you like him and the thought made him happy— very, very happy. Just the idea that you might return these feelings, which he’s still trying to come to terms with, just confirms it in his mind that he, Todoroki Shoto, does like you; in a more than friends way. He’s not going to let the chance slip away.
By the time he’s at the meeting spot, he can’t deny that he’s excited even if  his face doesn’t really show it. He had been confessed to many times but this was different because, for the first time, he planned on saying yes.
He heard you approaching, the soft tap of slippers matching the beat of his heart. He liked you, he really did like you and you liked him back.
As you turn around the corner you’re met with a frowning Shoto and are slightly taken aback at his serious expression. You knew he tended to be quite inexpressive sometimes but after a while of not hanging around you can understand why others are off-put by his cold features and intimidating stature.
“Shoto, you’re here.” Even through your shock you still smiled at your friend, relived he’d even shown up with the way he’d been avoiding you. You make your way near the counter, before sitting on top of it, you had chosen the kitchen in case that he'd forgotten about the note but be there anyway getting himself something.
You’d have to be quick before he’d run away,  wanting to get straight to the point and ask him what had been going on. You cared about him and you missed him, you didn’t intend on wasting more time.
“I know it’s sudden but you've been avoiding me all week and I’m sick of it! I really care about you Shoto and you ignoring me like this hurts-!” You stuttered, too caught up in trying to pour out all your feelings at once— accidentally giving him the confirmation he needed that this was indeed a confession.
“It’s okay, I think I know what you mean,” he cuts in, his expression softening, “And I feel the same way too.”
“Huh-? Shoto what are you-?” You look around the room confused, if he knew how you felt then why did he continue avoiding you? Did he even really know what you were talking about?
“I was scared,” he continues paying your previous statement no mind, slowly approaching your sitting form before taking your hand, “that’s why I avoided you but knowing that you feel the same way, makes me happy I guess.”
You blink in confusion, what was he talking about? Neither of you were on the same page, you probably weren’t even in the same chapter, you furrow your eyebrows at the thought.
“Shoto, just to get this straight,” you look into his eyes causing him to blush a soft pink, what the hell was going on, “what feelings are we- uh, talking about?”
First he avoids you like the plague, now he’s blushing and talking about feelings? What did he think this was?
“Like.” He says staring at you in confusion as if you were the one not making sense.
“Like what?”
“Like.” Todoroki looks at you, soft skin creasing at the frown that was now adorning his face.
“Like what, Shoto?”
“Like as in ‘I like you’-like.” He squeezes your hand and you’re thankful you’re sitting down or else you think you’d fallen over at his words.
“Wait, you like me?” At the realization of what you had been just talking about it’s your turn to blush, the blood rushing to your cheeks giving them a soft glow, “You had been avoiding me because you liked me?”
“Well, yes, I just said that,” a pale hand comes to hold your cheek, “[Name], are you feeling alright?”
“You like me?”
He nods, a soft smile in his face as he assures you with a hug;  “I really do”.  This wasn’t the conversation you were expecting but it wasn’t unwelcomed either. In a way, it did answer your question but it left you in a bit of a dilemma because you did like Shoto and he liked you but, now, what did that make both of you?
“Do you like me?” He asked, his hand rubbing your back delicately and a sense of nostalgia washes over you as you remember all the times you’d comforted him when you both were younger. You just nod in fear of your voice giving out and accidentally ruining the moment.
“Are we- uh, dating now?” You ask into his shoulder, the soft smell of his shampoo filling your senses,
“Only if you want to.” He whispers. Neither of you were really physically affectionate with each other before this, at least not since you were little kids, but Shoto had to admit that holding you close like this was nice. Even if it had only been a week or two, you missed him and he missed you a lot and being able to hug you so freely made his heart feel like it was about to burst.
“I’d love to.” You pull away slightly from the hug to face him, your noses touching ever so slightly. You were happy, not only was your relationship with Todoroki restored but it had leveled up and you swore it was as if you were floating.
With hesitant hands he pulls you closer and you close your eyes, he smelt like soft wood and tea and you were reminded of all the times you’d go over to his house where a little Shoto would show you around his room and toys, excited to have a friend his father approved of. You were proud of the way he’d grown, how he’d soften up and learned, how he was able to let go of the anger and grow into himself, you always liked Shoto and to finally be able to be his girlfriend was all you could want right now.
“Can I?” He asked, the whisper soft and delicate in your lips; you nod.
His lips meet yours for a second, a sweet peck that left you giggling into him. You both pull away for a second before kissing once more, it was longer and almost sickeningly sick. You could taste the mint from him and you wondered if he could taste the sweets you had been eating earlier.
But, of course, in class 1-A nothing is really a secret for long and you hear clapping from behind you. Shocked, you both pull away flushed red as your friends are left stifling laughs. The kitchen door is wide open and you can see most of them pilling against the frame with wide eyes.
“Fucking finally, I thought we were gonna graduate before you two got together.” Bakugo is the first to speak.
“I’m surprised they even kissed, I thought it was going to take them another 15 years to get there!” Mina giggles to Ochako who can only nod in amusement, she gives you a thumbs up and you roll your eyes.
“How did you even know we were here? Aren’t you meant to be at practice or something?” You ask them, clutching Shoto’s shirt in an attempt to hide your face.
“Come on, you passed the note to Kaminari and Sero and expected us to not come?”
“I wonder what your kid’s quirk is gonna be like,” Midoriya mumbles into his hand, “Will they get both of Todoroki’s quirks plus [Name]’s?”
“Izuku! Don’t say things like that!” Iida begins scolding the green-head much to both your boyfriend and your amusement, “To say something so suggestive when they’ve only gotten together-!”
“Iida now you’re making it creepy!” Everyone begins grumbling, some annoyed and some laughing at the comments and the once peaceful and romantic atmosphere turns rowdy as everyone starts talking about the newly formed relationship.
“Great now I can’t use the kitchen without thinking about you two making out!” The blonde grumbled before storming out bringing with him a new round of laughs as you and Shoto blush awkwardly.
Safe to say, none of your classmates will ever let you live down how long it took you two to get together.
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Thank you, lemonheads
Disclaimer: non-pandemic AU; winter setting; fluff; a pinch of spice to make everything nice; swearing; Length: 3906 words; Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen AU; Characters: Yuuji/Sukuna x Black!Fem!Reader
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The alarm did not go off at 7 am since it was Saturday, yet your eyes have been wide open for about one hour. The sun rays brought light on the ashy winter sky and you lazily shifted in your bed to check the time. How is it only 7:47 while I feel I’ve been laying here forever? You asked yourself in a deep sigh before you threw away the blanket and sat up on the edge of the bed. A life-saving decision you had taken the night before when you braided your hair, for not a single molecule in your body was able to deal with those shoulder-length thick curls after you wasted your night staring at the ceiling. Your body has developed a habit to wake up around 1 am for no particular reason and have you losing your mind over it. Usually, you managed to fall back asleep quickly, but that night between Friday and Saturday you just couldn’t. No one was online on any social media platform, you knew it would take you more time than available to pick one of the thirty million shows that you wanted to catch up on and you didn’t want to fuck up your night completely, so you forced yourself back into slumber. But now it was morning, your eyes tired and your body heavy.
With your mind set on still having a wonderful free weekend, you rummaged through the cabinets in the lovely apartment you had been thrilled to finally afford, in a futile attempt to grab a bite. You breathed deeply while counting down from ten after finding exactly half of a package of Lemonheads and some leftover seafood on a plate in the fridge. The initial plan was abandoned with the calamari as you headed for the bathroom, knowing for a fact that a nice scrubbing session during a dangerously hot shower will whoosh away all the fatigue and annoyance.
Fresh smell, moisturized gleaming skin, proud dark-brown eyes staring at you from the mirror made you put on a cheeky smile and leave the bathroom barefoot. One step into your bedroom and your stomach almost shouted at you. Ah, I do gotta eat something. McDonald’s it is, then. You were quick to agree to yourself and also to get dressed and leave the house. It has been snowing for a few days so the pavements were covered in a dense layer of white wonder, which made you decide to walk to the breakfast provider, instead of driving there. It wasn’t that far and you also loved the city landscapes.
The neon-yellow combat boots contrasted considerably with the red coat and drew the attention of the entire crowd inside McDonald’s, including one specific young man that was sitting alone at a table in the back. He watched your silhouette walk by a group of boys that didn’t even try to mask their reaction to your looks as you headed to the line to place your order.
“Even I know that it’s not nice to stare,” Sukuna talked all of a sudden, startling poor Itadori and causing him to sink his head deeper in the hood.
“Shut up, someone could hear you,” the boy whispered, looking down on his tray to avoid being heard by other customers.
“Is that the girl you’ve been going on about lately?”
“What girl? There’s no girl. What girl?” Yuuji panicked a bit, the heart racing in his chest letting Sukuna know he was right. Again.
“It’s not that hard. Just go there, what the fuck are you so scared about?” The otherwise thoughtless demon cared to push his host up on his feet.
Swallowing his anxiety along with the gallon of saliva in his mouth, Yuuji left his table, threw the sandwich’s wrapping paper in the trash bin when he passed by and stalled in your proximity on his way out. He just wanted to see you better than he could do it on the high school corridors in the lunch break, but blame it on the coincidence theory, that was the exact moment some Lemonheads slipped from the pocket of your black cargo pants when you pulled out your phone. That was a chance he was not willing to sacrifice. He dropped in a squat, picked the wrapped candies and smiled at you.
“I think you dropped these.”
You turned your head in the direction of the familiar voice only to find the cheerfully grinning pink-haired boy that you could’ve sworn you would fight anyone for.
“Hi. Oh, yes, thanks,” you replied in a pretty much measured tone and grabbed the candies from his palm.
“I’m Yuuji, by the way.” The shot was fired and his blood started boiling under the tension of his mind analyzing all the possible ways you could’ve answered to him. You could’ve laughed, whooshed him away, cringed at his boldness, pulled away or even cut his words. But he did not expect you to shake his hand, with a big smile plastered on your face.
“Alex here. Hi. Do you wann-” the number of your order appeared on the big screen and you paused your question, “-be right back at ya,” you smiled at Yuuji and went to the lady waiting with your bag.
As soon as your eyes got away from his face, Itadori let out a brief silent sigh and filled his hoodie pocket with his fists. This is good. I can do this. What if I ask her out? He was deep in thoughts when a lady shook his shoulder. “Young man, are you ordering, or just blocking the line?” The “I’m tired of you teenagers’ attitude” look on her face disturbed Yuuji and he left the spot, joining you at the front desk.
“Wasn’t you supposed to tell me you were out of the pancake meal? Why did you take my money then?” You tried really hard to hold back some yelling, but a vein on your forehead was definitely popping out.
“What’s the matter?” The boy asked, stopping next to you.
Pure sarcasm on your face when you looked from the staff girl to Yuuji. “I shall be starving to death today.”
“Miss, we can give you something else for the same amount. My colleagues weren’t awa-“
“Just give her a refund. We’ll be fine,” Yuuji stepped in and had both you and the other girl confused.
She gave your money back a bit half-hearted, and truth be told, you were feeling like that too, not only because you were hungry, but man, you loved the pancakes and the bacon and the eggs.
“Where are we going?” You asked, following Itadori out the restaurant after he motioned you to do so.
“I always wanted to try this food, instead of the usual fast-food.”
You had no idea what he was talking about, nor where he was leading you, but your guts weren’t agitated. There was something about that boy that screamed “safety” in your ears. The trip to the unknown food place he was taking you was short and you didn’t really get the time to make any small talk. Yuuji turned his body to face you, suddenly spreading and lifting his arm high up, a cheeky grin on his face when he exclaimed, “I present you ‘Gyros’, my new obsession.”
The fact that no word came out of your mouth as you stood in front of him, with your eyes blinking quickly, wiped Yuuji’s smile away. His confidence took a hike when his hands dropped from the air, where they were pointing at the ‘Gyros’ sign. “Should we just go back to McDonald’s?” He asked, rubbing the back of his head and frowning bashfully, not only because your glare fixed him, but also because Sukuna was laughing powerfully inside his mind.
“You. You have no idea where you just brought me,” your voice sounded more serious than you intended, so you giggled on purpose to loosen the tension because Yuuji looked like he was about to pass out from embarrassment. “Boy, relax. I was kidding-“ you barely held back a laugh, “-this is not my first ride with Gyros,” you finished and rested your palm on his shoulder. The pressure in his chest got released once he realized your playful attitude and he redirected his attention to placing an order he was about to pay for entirely.
Food hits differently at the standing tables and so do conversations. There you were, eating one of your favourite foods, chatting with your newest pal and enjoying the view of the tall city buildings that surrounded you. Once he found comfort in your presence, Yuuji opened up and he appeared even cuter to you than he did before. His eyes would gleam when you found his stupid jokes funny and his loud laughter would join yours when you gossiped like two best friends. The cutest thing about Itadori that you found yourself adoring was that he closed his eyes every time he bit on the gyros. You allowed a discreet smile to form on your lips as you admired him and he wasn’t aware of it. No matter how big of a portion you would’ve bought, it couldn’t take you an eternity to finish up your plate. You actually finished yours sooner than the boy, to steal a few more seconds of watching him perform such an automatic and usual activity as eating because he looked so precious doing it.
“Here, help me up.” Yuuji’s voice pulled you out of your daydreaming just as swiftly as the fry that he pushed into your gaping mouth. You chomped on it instantly and caused Yuuji to laugh at your confused face. “Listen, are you busy today? I was wondering if we could wal-“
“Yes, let’s go,” you answered almost instantly, chugging the rest of the Sprite in the paper cup and grinning back at Yuuji who was once again flustered.
The boy’s face flushed red and he smiled at you right before wiping his lips with a napkin and gathering all the food wrapping. “Where do you want to go?” You asked, watching him have a brain glitch for having to wipe his hands on his pants because he has thrown away all the tissues.
“I was thinking of arcade games, but we don’t have to if you don’t want to, I mean…” Yuuji suggested in a low voice causing Sukuna to roll his eyes aggressively. You are even dumber than I thought, brat. The poor boy shook his head to get rid of the voice and by doing that he missed your reply.
“Hey, did you hear what I said?” You shouted, thinking that he didn’t hear you because of all those car horns on the street.
“Yeah, no, sure. Of course, we can do that instead.”
“Bruh, you’re damaged!” You shouted again and started laughing. “I said I will destroy you in the arcade,” you continued, still full-on laughing, the slight touch of your hand on his arm sending him your cheerful vibes.
“If you say so, let’s test it.” Yuuji caught some courage and sped up the pace. “Can you run in those?” He pointed at your boots and chuckled when you threw him a very offended look.
“Excuse you, I can beat you to it!” You accepted the challenge and sprinted away from Yuuji. His light-brown eyes widened in surprise and he started running.
No, you did not win the race. He was already inside RedLine VR when you managed to arrive at the doorstep, barely catching your breath. “I-… I need- … whoa… where did you get that stamina from?” The mock-neck long-sleeved top was practically suffocating you.
“I don’t know. Guess I’m gifted.” Again rubbing the back of his head bashfully, that boy could not be cuter. Or so you thought.
He led you inside the place and even helped you take your coat off as you cracked your knuckles in preparation for beating Yuuji’s ass up in video games. The coloured light from the video game’s display reflected in your gold hoop earrings as much as they reflected in your wide-open gleaming eyes. His eyes spent more time taking in the shape of your face and the colour of your skin more than they did on the actual screen. You unknowingly made him bite his bottom lip when you let out a different type of chuckle. You wanted it to sound devilish, but it didn’t come out quite like that.
Imagine her moaning with that voice, Sukuna busted in Yuuji’s mind, his own rather full of your image, and caused a deep blush on the kid’s face. It was annoying how much affect you had on Yuuji, and he tried to not look at you like that anymore.
Itadori was good at sports, not games, and you won countless rounds leisurely. Each time you shouted your victory, you clapped your hands in delight and made a funny face to Yuuji. He faked slight envy at first, his pathetic whines giving Sukuna a real headache, but eventually, your general happy state made the boy smile. If somebody observed him, they would’ve figured it out in one second that you completely entranced him. As funny as it was to see him struggling to fight you for the first place in the game, you grew bored of the arcade and suggested you went somewhere else.
“Do you want to go to a park?” Yuuji asked, his mind quickly mapping the area for the closest park.
Too many people around, huh? An evil chuckle hit the corners of the poor boy’s head and he tried to keep his secret hidden furthermore.
“A park sounds good, Yuuji. Can I call you Yuuji?” Only after you said it out loud, you remembered about the Japanese courtesy and, feeling a bit weird, you made yourself busy with putting your coat back on.
“Yeah, sure, you can call me Yu-,“ “Daddy,” his voice was cut off by Sukuna’s who whispered loudly enough for the teens around you two to hear.
“YUUJI!” He tried to mask the demon’s voice and covered the mouth on his cheek instantly. “You can call me Yuuji.” He swallowed hard and then smiled as if nothing happened.
“You’re weird, but cutely,” you said with a cheeky smile as you made your way out the room.
He followed soon after scolding his so-called co-inhabitant and walked by your side, between you and the busy road. You took your time walking to Winnemac Park since it would’ve been too much of a bother to take the bus for only one short station. Once inside the park, you felt like the world around you changed: there was undisturbed snow everywhere, Sun was slowly going down and it was silent. Your romantic side emerged and you hung your hand on Yuuji’s forearm. Your affection was electrifying, and even if he didn’t see it coming and hadn’t prepared for it, the boy accepted it gladly by sticking his hand in the hoodie big front pocket, to help your hand rest better on his arm. Fifteen minutes of walking through town have been filled with school gossip, laughing and “get-to-know-you-better” stuff, but as the cold settled down, you both became quieter.
“Hey, look.” You left Yuuji’s side by a couple of steps and you squatted down to grab something from the pavement.
“Wha-“ Boy didn’t stand a chance against your mischievous snowball attack. “Oh, you did not!” He laughed and leaned to the side to gather some snow for his part of the game.
The war was set into motion. Yuuji found it admirable that you managed to dodge many of his shots even while you almost choked on your own laughter. He loved to see you smiling and having a good time, especially because it was due to his actions. For a second, he got lost again in your smile and the snowball that you threw hit him right in the face. The hand he held a snowball in was frozen above his head, as he had prepared to throw it at you before falling in trance. He had no reaction whatsoever and it worried you a hell lot.
“I’m so sorry, Yuuji, are you ok?” You rushed closer to him and wiped the snow off his face with gentle and burning hands.
When his eyes opened, you hated yourself for falling into that old trap. His arms circled you abruptly and he intended to make you fall in the snow, but you proved more agile than he thought and you escaped. Your freedom didn’t last long, though, for he tackled you. Only, he didn’t see that you have reached the margin of the sidewalk and you would’ve fallen on your ass if it wasn’t for his strong grip. He looked astonishing towering like that over you, and not only the situation was somewhat hot, but you also hated to see him win the fight. One of your legs jerked fast and cut Yuuji’s balance, making him fall over you in the snow. Light-brown eyes met dark-brown ones and the imminent sparkle tied your insides in a tight knot. His face was so close to yours that it had you imagine what would happen if you kissed him right then and there. Yet, none of you two moved a muscle, except for the throat muscles who kept gulping timidly.
Alex and Yuuji are in a tree. K-i-s-s-i-n-g! Sukuna’s words echoed in Itadori’s mind and they added to the closeness between your face and his, making him blush deeply. He stood up slowly and helped you on your feet too. Again silence as each of you cleaned the snow off of yourselves, avoiding the awkward moment.
“So, what now? I’m not cold anymore.” You snapped out of it and gave your best to look as normal as before in front of him, even if your stomach had a watermelon-sized hole inside.
“It’s getting late and I don’t really know the city that well at night. You want me to walk you to a bus station or something?” He asked, barely holding his composure in front of you while Sukuna yelled in his mind nonsense like You’re a chicken. A loser. Fucking lame-ass, stupid motherfucker. You could’ve kissed her. You should’ve kissed her! I should’ve taken over the control and kissed her right there!
“Sure. I don’t live far from here actually, you can walk me home if you want,” you suggested, hoping that he won’t interpret it the wrong way.
The weather became surprisingly harsh after sundown and your little coat didn’t do much in protecting you. Instinctively, you neared Itadori more, lured by the warmth his body radiated. As you balanced your gravity centre from one leg to the other, constantly moving your hands to try to keep them from freezing, your hand brushed against Itadori’s, which was hanging loosely by his body. He definitely felt it because you saw his jaw clenching, but he didn’t bring it up. So you did it again.
Oh, man, she’s got balls bigger than you, Sukuna mocked his host and then proceeded to laugh. You’re not gonna do anything about it?
Your ring and middle finger brushed the side of Yuuji’s hand softly as you two continued walking. When his pinkie interlocked with yours, you were no longer cold. The hole in your stomach filled with butterflies and you could feel your heart pounding against your chest. You hated yourself for being that flustered and weak, but from the way his other fingers circled your hand, you knew the feelings would only get more intense. The dark fell rather quickly and you found yourself squeezing Yuuji’s hand, to which he chuckled.
“Are you afraid of darkness?” He asked in a low tone, caressing the back of your hand with his thumb.
“L-lol, no,” you stuttered a bit but smiled as you looked up to Yuuji, who was just teasing you with a gentle look in his eyes.
The way back home is always shorter and you reached the front door of the building you lived in with a lump in your throat. It was time to let go of his hand and maybe, who knew, let go of that moment too. You didn’t know much about Yuuji other than he was a foreign exchange student, who came for who knows how much time in Chicago, he liked Gyros as much as you and he had a lot of running stamina.
“Well, this is where I live, so… see you at school?” You asked sheepishly, slowly growing aware of the blush on Itadori’s face that was now visible because of the street light close-by.
Do it, brat. Do it now. Don’t be a pussy.
“Listen, Alex… Today has been a very nice day and I’m glad you dropped your candies.”
You scoffed at his hilarious confession and attempted to pull your hand away from his, but just as before, in the park when he caught you, Yuuji’s grip remained firm. “No, let me hold it a bit more,” he whispered, taking a step closer to you.
JUST DO IT ALREADY! You’ll thank me later. Sukuna could hear all of Yuuji’s thoughts and feel the desperate hollow in the boy’s chest. He couldn’t take Yuuji’s reticence anymore. Black marks began appearing on Yuuji’s cheekbones and chin and as soon as he sensed his conscience being ripped from him, the boy shouted. “Ok, ok, I’ll do it!”
“Uhm, I didn’t ask you anything… What’s wrong?” You squeezed his hand once more as you tried to understand what was just about to happen to his face and why he screamed like that.
“Ignore that. It-it’s a long story and I’d rather not tell it now,” Itadori released your hand and stared at you dead in the eye. “How mad would you be if I kissed you right now?”
Your face caught fire. Your ears were burning and your stomach was doing front flips. You barely got to whisper anything before Yuuji’s palms grabbed your cheeks and he slammed his lips on yours. They were soft and warm and he kissed you so slowly that it had you melting in his arms. Your own lips parted to welcome him just as hungrily as your hands tugged at his hoodie to keep him close. He pulled back, eventually, and you smiled at each other in the surprise of what just happened. His forehead leaned on yours and the way you burst into laughter made Yuuji laugh too.
“I hope I didn’t ruin today…” he whispered, rubbing your cheeks with his thumbs, but not parting from your figure yet.
“I can’t wait to see you again, boy,” you cooed, stealing another peck from him before you turned to enter the building.
You barely walked up the stairs with a grin splattered on your face and increased heart rate and once you entered your apartment, you slid down your door and laughed alone for a couple of minutes. That just happened and you were there and he was there and what’s gonna happen now? In the same way, Yuuji called himself an Uber and got inside with palms sweating and a happy frown on his face.
“Finally taking my advice. She was too cute to waste, man. If you didn’t take the chance, I would’ve.”
“Sukuna shut the hell up. I kissed her first.”
I just want to thank @half-baked-biscuit for writing this fanfic for me that I sent in as a commission. I really do appreciate her writing a black fem reader and her taking the time to write this amazing fluff with yuuji/sukuna. I love you bitch T^T. Also credit to the artist for the picture above @hinamie. This was an amazing design so I just had to use it! Please like, reblog, and comment :3
Heres the link to the original post of the artist: https://hinamie.tumblr.com/post/635380113076355072/th-designs-in-this-show-r-god-tier-thank-u-jjk 
Taglist: @half-baked-biscuit @siriusimie @mangobxbbletea @corduroyrose
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little-murmaider · 3 years
D for Skwisgaar/Abigail, I for Skwisgaar/Toki, L for Nathan/Skwisgaar, and F for Skwisgaar/Melmord.
Send a Letter and a Pairing and I’ll Tell You How I’d Write It WELP these got long buckle in.
D: Drunken Love Confession: Abigaar Abigail is working with the band on their new album. The hours are so long and unpredictable that commuting from home is an untenable nightmare. It's easier for her to just move into one of the Mordland Guest Villas reserved for foreign dignitaries and record company douchebags, at least until the project wraps. She's been there for a few months, enough to develop a friendly rapport with the guys, but she has this one Bit with Skwisgaar in particular. When Skwisgaar gets to a certain level of drunk he'll sneak over to Abigail's villa and ask to sleep in her bed. There's a teasing little fake argument about why he can't go sleep in one of his other bandmates' beds. (Nathan is with a bunch of groupies; Murderface is sulking about how many more groupies Nathan has; Toki is pretending to be the mayor of the painstakingly constructed model train town he built; Pickles is Dead.) But Skwisgaar always winds up "winning," and despite making a show of how annoyed she is about it Abigail is happy for the company. If Abigail is reading something when he comes in, Skwisgaar will ask her to read it out loud for him. It doesn't matter what it is, he just likes hearing her voice as he's falling asleep. One night when he comes in she's strayed from her usual dense technical manuals and historical biographies and is reading something recommended to her by a friend—an Adult Contemporary Romance aka a modern romance novel. She's a little embarrassed at being caught and tries to grab something else, but Skwisgaar insists and, well, okay, she's at a really good part and doesn't want to stop, so fine. She's at the passage where, after a lot of wacky hijinx and misunderstandings, the main characters profess their feelings for each other. Abigail reads the line where the leading lady says, "I love you" and pauses for dramatic effect. And Skwisgaar, curled up against her half-asleep, dreamily replies, "I loves you too, Abigail." I: Idiots in Love: Skwistok This is how I've written every single Skwistok story ever. They love each other so much it makes them dumber than they already are. L: Love at First Sight: Nategaar I have a hc that Nathan poached Skwisgaar from another band mid-show, that Skwisgaar was so excited about the Potential of Dethklok he didn't even finish the set. So Nathan feels like the band's sound isn't heavy enough with just one guitarist and has been looking to recruit someone to take them to the next level. He's heard rumors about this virtuoso guitarist from Amsterdam or whatever, so he sneaks into a Al Il All Al Il Al show to check him out. The second Skwisgaar starts to play it's like time slowed down. Listening to him Nathan can see his entire beautiful future unfurling and he knows he can only achieve it if this guy is in his life. So during intermission he pulls him aside and gives his elevator pitch. And listening to him describe the music he wants to make Skwisgaar gets that same feeling, that all-encompassing knowledge that they are on the precipice of something miraculous that they will create TOGETHER. So he quits his band, joins Dethklok, and he and Nathan spend the next several months annoying their bandmates by being too obtuse to realize they are in love with each other. F: Fake Dating: SkwisMelm Okay I'm gonna take this one in a slightly different direction. The fans are getting ravenous at the lack of Dethklok Content and the press is out for blood. Usually Charles distracts them with a carefully curated PR campaign to buy them more time. But he has some kind of prophecy-related crisis that needs his full attention, so he punts to Melmord and tells him to come up with something that'll dominate the news cycle for at least a week. After talking to a lot of weed about it Melm has a gameplan: Convince the world perpetual bachelor Skwisgaar Skwigelf is finally settling down by staging a number of strategic paparazzi shots of him out on the town with a MYSTERIOUS NEW FRIEND. (Skwisgaar, waist-deep in Depression and exhausted from keeping the band from tearing
each other apart, passively agrees to anything that will get him out of the line of fire.) Of course the person they pick for this strategy has to be savvy, has to know how to Sell It. Melmord reviews a bunch of candidates but comes to the conclusion no one is a better showman than him so he may as well do it himself. One problem: Skwisgaar definitely thinks Melm is super dead, and suddenly fake-dating the dead guy you had a threeway with is going to raise a lot of questions. But that's where Dethklok INC's new experimental facial cloaking software comes in.......
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redhawtriot · 4 years
Baby Boom (Bakugou x Reader)
Tip Jar ☕- Not expected but always appreciated💞
I am posting at not my normal time at ALL, but I really wanted to get this chapter out so I can work on my favorite chapter so far lol (month five is boutta be LIT) if the tags aren’t working i’ll fix them tomorrow they are acting weird rn. 
Thx, for the patience. Love y'all
extra chapter warning: sexual harassment, nsfw..ish
HnM 💕
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Month 1, Month 2, Month 4
--MONTH 3--
It was a Friday night about two months ago when Katsuki Bakugou had found himself on the second floor of Club 52—or “the booty room”—as it’s so brusquely known.
But he sure as hell didn’t fucking belong here-- Surrounded by drunken idiots when he had to stay alert and keep his mind sharp-- groped on by inebriated/drugged up women who he would simply growl at in return-- drenched in the germy sweat of the fucking extras around him when he could be at home in his clean bed thinking about how to improve himself tomorrow.
Honestly. How in the flying fuck did he let those three walking hairstyles talk him into coming to this shit show?
The driving beat of the music dancing within his chest was his only saving grace, its constant booming throwing him into a state of familiar comfort as he watched the colorful lights burst around him. He had to admit… they were nice…
Fuck that! He still didn’t belong here, dammit! His roommates, Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest, had all three nagged, and nagged, and nagged him to come here the entire week.
At their begging, Bakugou quite frankly wished that he had lost even more of his hearing than he already had from his quirk. Maybe he could find one of his old drumsticks and jam it into his head—or up those idiots’ asses, “Ahh! I’LL GO! JUST LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!” It was the only way to keep him from losing his job as a hero and committing a triple homicide. 
So yeah, that’s how he ended up in the booty room—and he wasn’t gonna gratify those damn idiots for even a second by enjoying just an ounce of the hellscape.  
“You’re not drinking, huh?”
A sudden inquiry snapped the man out of his thoughts, and he found himself whipping his head around to face the feminine voice that had cut through the loud room. As soon as his eyes encountered yours, Bakugou felt his jaw drop slightly at the sight.
But then he quickly noticed the way that your eyes flickered down to his mouth, and the mocking way that your lips began curving up into a smirk at his display. He wanted to kiss knock that smug look clean off your pretty face. He immediately clenched his jaw back shut and hardened his traitor of an expression so that no more slip-ups could be had.
The two of you sized each other up for a moment before you slickly glanced over your shoulder with a nod, “So I am guessing those belong to you, then?” you motioned toward Mayonnaise, Ketchup and Mustard—all three of Bakugou’s roommate idiots making a theatrical, display in the middle of the dance floor.
Kirishima—who had long taken his shirt off by this point-- noticed Bakugou’s disapproving gaze and attempted a wave back, only to lean into a drunken stumble.
Bakugou clicked his tongue, snapping his regard from the (flat out embarrassing) show “I’m not anyone’s damn babysitter. They’re grown men. They can fucking handle themselves!”
“Good… I’d like to have you to myself for a while,” you turned to the bar-tending counter and beckoned for two drinks.
Bakugou eyed how the man behind the counter ingested you. He was a lion looking for his prey’s weakness and you didn’t even seem to notice—or care. He glared at the man, subconsciously taking a step toward you to speak as the bartender handed you your drink, “For what?” Bakugou asked you flatly. He didn’t even know why the hell he was entertaining this.
You simply shrugged, throwing your eyes up as innocently as you could with the contrarily wicked smirk that befell your face, “To… talk.”
“Yeah right. You’ve got some freak look in your eye. You want something else.”
“Well, hell yeah! Have you seen yourself?” you laughed and Bakugou couldn’t tell whether the stutter in his chest was from your utter bluntness, or from the melody of your happiness, “Anyway, I wont waste your time—or mine. Come find me if you want to…” you trailed off as you handed him the second drink in your hands. You had to bite your lip from smiling too hard, “…Talk. Ba-Bye~.”
As soon as you were the short ear distance away and faded into the dense crowd, the bartender gave a low whistle, “She was fucking fit as hell. God, the things I would do to her!” Bakugou felt his face twitch suddenly as the man continued his rant, “She’d never be able to walk that pretty little walk ever again. Yo, let’s hope she’ll still be here by the time I get off!” he chuckled but Bakugou didn’t see any thing fucking funny about what the bastard said. He might live in what is effectively a hero’s version of a frat house, but still, he never understood “locker room talk.”
Bakugou angrily downed the entire drink in his tight grip in one long pull before slamming it back onto the counter forcefully. His red eyes burned holes through the bartender’s fearful ones—the cup breaking apart under his palm, “She won’t be. Keep your dirty eyes off her, you bastard,” Bakugou didn’t even allow the man an opportunity to rebuttal as he stormed away, his fiery glare set intently on one thing only—or one person only…
That night Bakugou watched intently as the ceiling above him teetered and danced for a moment—sinking into the deep feeling of numbness that his intoxicated mind had succumbed to after about his fourth drink. He wasn’t exactly used to this feeling—this caving in on himself and sense of absolute relaxation as he melted into his bed.
Wait, was his bed really sinking? His eyebrows furrowed into a state of confusion before he heard a sigh coming from next to him. Things finally clicked into place in his slowed mind.
Oh yeah. That’s right…
He would never get used to having someone else in his bed, probably.
Bakugou turned to where you were imprinting yourself down onto his mattress. You laughed at his stern expression, extending your arm to caress the side of his face, “God, your face is s’ intense like that. It gives me chills,” your thumb danced across the permanent furrow of his eyebrow. There had to be a magnet underneath his skin somewhere right about there that kept the brows in a constant state of attraction.
He snapped his face away from you as the magnet’s strength intensified and twisted his expression even deeper into anger, “Heh?” Goddamn, you were a fucking difficult girl to read for as blunt as you were.
You march up to him in the club like you own the damn place and send him heart eyes and flirtatious body signals, just to stone cold walk away like he never even existed? You proclaim that you want to fuck him, yet made him dance with you for almost an hour before you lead him out?? You let him fuck you in thirty different directions, just to call him out for looking “intense?!!” His friends (if you could fucking call them that) always said that he had an ugly mug, the jealous bastards, but why would a girl he slept with--
“You’re jus’ beautiful is all,” you faintly slurred, instantly hushing any of his thoughts and softening his expression, “People tell me all the time ‘You’re a pretty girl! You should smile more, but why th’ hell should I go around smilin’ for people who don’ deserve it? If they don’ like my resting state, then—”
“Then they can fuck themselves.”
“Yeah,” you looked up at him with a lazy smile. To a sober mind there was no doubt that your expression was an obviously drunken happiness, but to Bakugou’s in that moment—he couldn’t help but think that maybe there was something deeper behind that smile. You giggled, “They can fuck themselves,” you agreed more heartedly-- leaning into Bakugou and rolling him onto his back before snaking your way on top of him. You planted a trail of wet kisses up his neck and finished by making a small bite on his jaw “And maybe you can fuck me,”
Your warm breath on his sensitive neckline made him shiver underneath his skin, but he prayed that you couldn’t feel it. He scoffed to cover the pathetic display, “Again?”
You laughed before planting even more smiling kisses all over him—pressing your body even further into his with each one, “and again. and again. and again…”
“Pervert.” Bakugou tried to grab you by your hips to keep you from grinding into him even further—or at least that was what he intended to do; however, instead he ended up using them to guide your rhythm in rubbing against him.
You laughed again as you sat up on top of him and pressed your hands to his chest—your hips far from slowing down or stopping, “Maybe so, but can y’ really blame me? I have this guy in bed with me who isn’t even tryin’ to make me smile, but I have been fucking cheesin’ it up all night with ‘em.”
Bakugou didn’t even try to fight the growing smile on his face. It really was damn corny and pathetic--whatever this was between the two of you. But it felt so… so fucking right to him.
Still, he was going to tease you-- otherwise he wouldn't be him, “Well, I have this girl in bed with me who won’t stop smiling and it’s really fucking starting to creep me the hell out,” he suddenly flipped you onto the bed and mounted himself on top of you before placing his own assault of kisses on your body. His face only reemerging to take in your stupid, corny, beautiful smile for a long second. 
You were absolutely stunning in every respect of the word.
Two months later, the same face that now stood in front of him on the platform of the train station was far from smiling—honestly neither was he. He was pissed the hell off. You didn’t even recognize him until just now?? Was he really so fucking immemorable?
You backed away from the man who had just saved you from falling to the tracks. You took him in one final time as the two of you sized each other up, “I don’t even know what to start…”
Bakugou’s face contorted in such anger that it could have been mistaken for disgust, “How about you start by giving me some fucking answers!” he screamed, causing your heart to drop and your stomach to lurch. The two organs effectively were trying to switch places.
Oh fuck. He knew?
“T-to what…?” You trailed off, but you had a feeling what he was going to say next. He was gonna chew you out about the damn parasite growing in your uterus, but you had no idea how he could have known about that! He shouldn't know that!
Deku didn’t tell... He didn’t! ...Did he?? Your heart raced and assaulted your rib-cage with an armada of thrums.
“Why did you sneak out that morning, huh!?” as soon as the words flew out of his mouth, you paused—your mind not quite able to comprehend his grievance, “I was just some sex toy for you? That it??” When he finished yelling and glared at you with expectancy burning within his red irises, you found yourself tilting your head a bit in astonishment and confusion.
Your heart had dropped, but you couldn't tell if it was from relief or repugnance. 
That? That was the question he needed answers to?
In the grand scheme of the fuckery on hand, his damaged ego was literally not your problem. You crossed your arms as you stretched your neck toward him, “Because it was supposed to be a club hump and dump! So yeah! We were just sex toys! That was kinda the whole fucking point!” Note the fucking emphasis on ‘supposed to be’! Ugh!
A tinge of underlying hurt quickly flashed across the blond’s stern face. You gave a short, sharp sigh in exasperation as you laid your forehead in one of your palms, “Look, I am not exactly here to cater to your wounded pride. Sorry that you caught feelings for me, but I wasn’t exactly obligated to fix you breakfast that day,” the tired, emotional remarks flew out much faster than you could filter them, but you still felt a twinge of remorse as soon as they hit the air.
The man in front of your face look completely stunned as if you just slapped him across the cheek with your words. It actually seemed pretty unnatural on his expression—like a rare, endangered species-- something not many have seen. Soon enough, however, as the dust of your words fell his expression settled back into a more natural state of fury, “You’re fucking right,” he grunted before turning to exit up the stairs of the subway, “I’m not obligated to listen to this horseshit either.”
Oh fuck. What have you done?
You knew that you had laid it on pretty thick, but the emotions you felt were just so damn overwhelming, “Kacchan… I…!” Why couldn’t you have said something different? Nicer maybe?
Whether you liked it or not, your lives were now tied together and this was not a good first impression—or uh-- second impression technically-- whatever! “I promise you’re gonna want to hear the end of this.” you called to his retreating form.
Bakugou’s face shriveled even further, stretching its extent of maximum disgust. Hearing that name come out of your mouth left his stomach feeling ill, “I promise you, I don’t give a fuck”
You slapped your arms at your side as you finally halted in your attempt to get him to stop walking away. Fuck it. You were about to completely call his bluff because you definitely weren’t about to chase him. You were much too tired and emotional for this shit! You just wanted to get home and sleep these random-ass, foreign emotions away, “I’m pregnant.” you simply exclaimed.
Bakugou froze.
In that moment, it was as if the entire world around him had iced over as he replayed your words in his head over and over again. He couldn't have heard you right, “What?” 
The man felt every fiber of his being stiffen. So much so that he couldn’t even bring himself to turn around and face you. In your silence was his answer loud and clear, “How… how the fuck do I know it’s mine?” he murmured, still unable to turn towards you—he didn’t want you to see the raw emotion that his face probably held in that moment.  
You barely even heard him, but the weight of his words was heavy enough to slam down on your ears and cause a burning reaction from you “What?!”
Your shriek finally prompted him to whip himself around, and you almost wish that he didn’t. The mangled mess of feelings transcribed on his face left his cheeks flushed a furious shade of red as he shouted at you,  “You like one-night stands so much—how do you know it’s mine?” With a horrified expression, you glanced around you for a moment to the other people in the subway, who immediately adverted their gazes.
“Hell, You’ve been hanging around that bastard, Deku. How do I know it’s not his?” You looked back to Bakugou with a choked ‘Wow!’ that could be interpreted as “Are you fucking kidding me right fucking now??” These strangers were getting one hell of a show, too.
You stormed up to him to keep him from shouting your all of your dirty laundry into the air, “Deku and I aren’t—” You stopped yourself. Would any fucking thing you said to this man make a difference? He didn’t know you from fucking Adam-- or from fucking Adam. You groaned in annoyance, “Look! I know that it’s yours because you're the only idiot I have slept with in months! An idiot who doesn’t know how to use a goddamn condom apparently!” you half whispered to him as your spectators began eyeing you again. You flipped them off as Bakugou continued,
“I’m the idiot?! Well if you could ACTUALLY FUCKING REMEMBER that night then you would know that we did use condoms the first three times! They ran out and you told me to keep going,” He screamed—by this point you’d given up hope of containing your melodrama as he continued loudly, “What idiot says that unless they are on birth control or something?!”
You throw your face in your hands with a shriek of a sigh before looking back up to his furious face “Here’s the deal,” you decided to completely ignore his comment, becoming tired of this theatrical display of emotions spewing from him,  “I can’t spontaneously conjure up some proof that this-- this thing is yours but I assure you it fucking is. But hey!! If you don’t want to stick around, I am not the type of person to make you. I can deal with this myself,” his face fell a bit as you swiftly turned yourself around to make your exit, but you didn’t make it far before you felt a heavy hand grab you by the wrist.
“Let’s say it is mine...,” Bakugou offered flatly, “You don’t think I can handle it” his daring tone left your mind whirling. This wast a fucking wrestling match or even one of his villain attacks! He continued, “You’re dumber than you look if you think I’m gonna let my kid grow up without me. Give me your fucking number,” He easily snatched your phone from your front pocket with a slight protest coming from you, but ultimately, you really were tired as hell and just wanted this day to be over with al-fucking-ready. You sighed as he put his number in your phone—your mind briefly wandering why you didn’t put a password on the damn thing.
In a short instant, he shoved your device back to you and promptly turned on a heel. Only acknowledging you once more to tell you to “Stay off of the fucking train tracks,” before he stiffly marched away. Good riddance. 
You couldn’t even blame the spectators anymore. This was a mess. This was a downright, melodramatic, teen drama on CW disaster. This was… this was your life now.
“Oooh... no smiles today, huh?”
About a week later you found yourself walking up the stairs to a modern mansion with stupid windows for walls. A true sign of pretentiousness and obvious lack of shame. This house was a display for all to see... kinda like your argument with that Bakugou last week. 
You shook this thought out of your mind and put your ‘work cap’ back on. You were on your way to get some test shots in for the week with your new hair cut that the agency had forced on you recently.
Instead of throwing her a “What’s there to smile for?” like you wanted to, you threw her a “This better?” and forced a small smile at the girl, Dina, who had traveled along with you to get her test shots done today as well. Usually for these kinds of things, you would be alone as you traveled to the photographer’s house, but it was always nice to have someone come with you so you weren’t complaining—well-- not about her company at least.
There truly was nothing to smile for recently. You were pregnant with a raging, quirkcist asshole’s child, said asshole won’t answer any of your damn texts or calls that aren’t directly related to the prenatal appointment that you two have later today, Deku hasn’t been able to hang out with you as much because of his work, and as trivial as this may seem, you looked in the mirror today to saw a completely different person.
You were quite used to your agency drastically changing your hair, but that, along side the obvious rounding of your face and the speckles of hormone induced facial topography growing on your skin, led you to a slight identity crisis. The girl in the reflection was a sloppy second to who you used to be and you hated it-- you hated sharing this body.
“Trouble in paradise with Deku, Y/N?” her tone had a hint of worry in it as she rung on the doorbell to the modern house. You could only give her a slight shrug as the bell sung out,
“I’m fine. Really.” you lied. 
“Hello, hello!” The photographer’s voice loudly blared out before the door could even fully open to reveal him. He gave you a shocked glance, “What a pretty lady—pretty ladies!” he corrected as he stepped aside and invited you in with the swing of his arm. You rolled your eyes as he turned his back to walk through the house. He looked like the textbook definition of a douchebag. 
Fuck not judging a book by it’s cover. If it walks like a duck. Talks like a duck. Then it’s probably a misogynistic asshole who only got into photography to get away with his sick urge to take photos of unfamiliar women.
“Okay ladies, I just want to preface by saying that you can feel comfortable around me, alright? I think of all my models as a family,” Dina stiffened into a board as he came over and rested his hand on her hip. She forced her lips into a fine line that could resemble a smile as he firmly patted her, “This shouldn’t take too long-- only about five to six hours, ‘kay?”
Your face scrunched up, but you just wanted to get this day over with so you could go to that stupid appointment and wouldn’t have to deal with “Cockugou” for another few weeks. Throughout the next few hours, the photographer actually wasn’t too bad. He was for sure creepy, but you noticed that he wasn’t so bold with you as he had been with Dina earlier. Of course there were little off hand comments like, “You are doing sexy.” instead of “you are doing great.” And he would refer to both you and Dina as “baby” is a husky, drawn out tone—like he was moaning, but besides that he was actually being pretty calm.
Until he wasn’t.
“Okay! Now take your tops and bra off,” both you and Dina paused as the camera flashed once more. As the two of you threw each other a wary glance the photographer spoke up again, “Trust me, I have a vision. You’re gonna love it!”
“I- I just don’t feel comfortable with that,” Dinah spoke up feebly. She looked to you for support, so you nodded before she returned her gaze to him, “Do you think… maybe we could do something else?”
The photographer sighed and threw his nose into pinched fingers as if you all had offended him, “Look honey, you’re not that photogenic. I am having to bust my ass off not to capture that cellulite on the back of your thighs, so when I tell you to do something, it’s for a reason.”
You glanced over to Dina with a horrified expression. You noticed that her hands were clenched at her sides and shook ever so slightly after she subconsciously rubbed the back of her thighs-- you also noticed a prominent thigh gap in between the two tiny appendages. You shot your stern glare back over to the photographer.
He sighed again—this time even harder than before, “Take five!” he frustratedly pulled out a box of cigarettes and stormed over to his patio outside—the glass door slamming shut behind him.
You walked over to Dinah and hesitantly found your hands drifting toward her. You were never really good at cheering people up. Hell, you had to rely on alcohol to cheer you up for the vast majority of you adult (and a little bit of your pre-adult) life. Still, you took her shaking hands in your own. “Hey. Don’t listen to that asshole. If you’re not comfortable...”
“I have done nude shots before, but this just feels… wrong. Doesn’t it?” she refused to look you in the eyes as hers glazed over in a thick sheet of shame. She was right. Nude shots were nothing new at all. In fact, some of your best shots had been done in the nude—they had the potential to be true art, but this? This was wrong.
She shook her head,“But I just… I don’t want to be unprofessional.”
“We can walk out right now. I’ll call Ainu and tell her what’s up I am sure she’ll understand,” as soon as you began walking to gather up some of your belongings, her voice spoke up once more—this time much colder than before,
“Maybe for you. Y/N, you could get away with murder at our agency-- you know that, right? You’re the one who bought Ainu her ticket to the top-- her golden child,” she sneered. You threw your eyes toward her own—not quite comprehending if this was the same person still talking to you.
It was, but this Dina had tears growing in her eyes, “Not everyone can half-ass everything and not care…” her voice shook. The two of you just stared at each other as wild emotions filled your expressions and overflowed into the room to drown you.
The patio door clicking open snapped you out of your trance and Dina furiously began wiping her eyes clean as the photographer reemerged, “Alright pretty ladies! Who’s ready to get back into things?”
You sighed.
With a quick roll of your eyes you angrily threw your top off—not even giving the girl with you a second glance as she did the same and the two of you settled yourself into position. The atmosphere was certainly much heavier than it had been before, but the photographer obviously couldn’t read the room,
“Y/N might I say, that your tits looks wonderful! Have you gotten a job recently? I mean- they look huge!”
That. Was. It. You couldn’t fucking hold it back anymore, “Talk about my tits again and I’ll stab you in the neck with your own goddamn tripod,” you kept posing as if you totally hadn’t just threatened someone’s life, but the photographer fell away from his camera, shock painted on his expression. Slacking on the job. Huh, who’s the unprofessional one now?
“…S-sweetheart I—”
“Don’t you fucking ‘sweetheart’ me!” you screamed, storming up to point a finger in his face. This surge of random emotion overwhelmed you. You had never felt this before—like you were gonna explode if you didn’t unleash it. And unleash it, you did, “The fuck is your problem?! You get some kick outta being a perverted asshole, asshole?!”
Dinah tried to come pull you back by the shoulders, “Y/N, maybe you should just calm dow—”
“No! Fuck this bastard!!” you smack her hands away as the photographer gets up and crossed his arms,
“This is so unprofessional. You women always jump to conclusions. Why cant you ever just take the compliment?”
And that’s how you ended up getting sent home two hours early. You had attempted to call Deku to rant about the harsh encounter, but he was at work. You supposed that saving lives a a little bit more important than “The Dramatic Tale of a Quirkless Model” or whatever fucking CW show your life had become. Your mind briefly fleeted to calling Bakugou, but he certainly wouldn’t answer anyway. No. Fuck that.
So you decided to text Deku and cry into your pillow instead,
I mean he was just such a fucking dick!
I should have actually stuck my foot up his ass but he for sure would have liked it🙄
Seriously. I don’t mind nude photos
But there is a difference between art/photography and porn
Well I’m glad you stood up for yourself!
No! Don’t tell me tht!😫
I am upset tha you stood up for yourself…?
I just wish tht I had just walked out
But the other girl wouldn’t leave and I couldn’t leaver her their
Ainu is gonna 💀me for this
How can I help you?
I’ll find what I can on the photographer?
Talk Kacchan into not going to our clinical visit.👉👈
You knew that Deku really wanted to go, and honestly you would really prefer if he did. Regardless, Deku stood up for his childhood bully like the saint he was,
Y/N! He’s the father. he deserves to go, don’t you think?
Don’t forget Baby Notes vol 1! I wrote some questions for you to ask!
You stifled a small laugh as you eyed that stupid goddamn notebook he left on your nightstand one of the few days he stopped by your home.
I can’t handle Cockugou’s moodiness right now
And I-- Oop!
Speak of the devil. He’s here.
Talk later k?💕kith!
You snatched the notebook from your nightstand and marched to your front entrance. The knocking at your door was downright disrespectful—constantly switching between pounding knocks on your door and vigorous successions of the doorbell ringing.
“Fucking. Calm. Down!” you screamed out the door before answering, revealing Bakugou’s stern gaze,
“What the hell took you so long?” he huffed, causing your face to scrunch up into an expression that mirrored his own. 
“I had to walk to the damn door, you know! I’m quirkless? No teleportation quirk here!” He only clicked his tongue at your response. You noticed the way his eyes drifted down to the notebook in your hands before they narrowed into even tighter slits.
“Let’s just fucking go, already,” he took your wrist and led you out of the house before shutting your door. You could really just knock him the hell out. Okay, maybe you couldn't, but your weak ass might just be able to get one good hit in! He deserved it, not replying to any of your attempts to reach out to him past talking about the appointment,
“Why didn’t you answer my texts all week?”
“I was busy.” he simply said, not even bothering to look you in the eye. This was the last time he spoke up for a long while. In fact, you didn't even hear his voice again until later when the two of you sat in the small, shoebox of a room in the clinic with the prenatal physician,
“This is your first appointment, right?” the doctor, was extremely old looking and your mind phased into a grim question of ‘how the hell can someone so close to death know jack about birth?’
You tried your best to push these dark thoughts out of your head as you gave him a slight answer, “Yeah…” you laid back on the crinkly paper covered recliner and lift your shirt a bit for the examination. You looked down at the small, hardly noticeable bump in your lower abdomen and internally cringed. 
“This is the father?” you knew that it didn't really matter, and that he was probably just trying to make you comfortable and spark up some small talk, but you rally didn't wanna hear it out loud. 
You couldn't bring yourself to answer, but Bakugou loudly spoke up, filling the absence of your voice, “Why the hell else would I be here, old man?” he scoffed and twisted his face away from everyone. 
You raised an eyebrow at his rudeness, but from the vast stories that Deku had told you about him, you shouldn't have been surprised. But still, it was like seeing a mythical creature in real life-- a grumpy troll under a bridge, if you will. 
The doctor gave a loud laugh at Bakugou’s remark, causing both you and him to snap your surprised gazed to the elderly man, “You’d be surprised at the shit I have seen, son. Someone brought their neighbor for the entire 39 weeks once-- the husband came in only once or twice, I think.”
You couldn't help but to laugh at this. Your doctor’s voice had a much more youthful demeanor than he had originally led on, “Oh, they were definitely fucking behind the husbands back,” you smirked.
“So Mama Bakugou,” 
And just like that your smile was completely wiped off of your face, “This is your first child right?” the doctor asked. You felt Bakugou throw you a fleeting expectant look. You assumed that it was probably because he hadn't even thought to ask you this question. The two of you really didn't know each other. Matter of a fact, this doctor, with your list of medical history in his hand, probably knew a lot more than the father of this ‘it’ inside of you. 
“L/N actually,” you corrected, “and yes, it is.” with that, Bakugou’s glare drifted back off into unconcerned and uncaring territory as he found a sudden interest in the glass container of gloves on the counter. 
“Well you look about 10 weeks along. They’ll be about the size of a strawberry right now-- almost done with your first trimester.” he trailed off as he began coating your stomach with some sticky jelly substance. 
“What??” you could have sworn that you had only met Bakugou about two months ago right? So does that mean...
“The date of conception would have actually been a little closer to about 7 or 8 weeks ago. We just count by the first day of your last period. No need to get worried about the neighbor, I don’t think, Papa Bakugou,” he winked to the blond, who only gave a scoff in return. You let out a slight sigh of relief. 
The recipe for the rest of this appointment as the doctor searched your organs for your uterus in the ultrasound included him making small talk and Bakugou ignoring it with you giving slight answers here and there,
However, finally, something really caught both of your’s attention, “I think that you guys should take time today to find your primary care physician,”
“Why not you, idiot?” Bakugou spoke up and it shocked you. You were surprised he cared about this out of everything. 
“I am thinking that I should send you to someone with a specialty in a multiple pregnancy birth.”
Your heart skipped a beat as you and Bakugou shared a brief, terrified glance at one another, “What...?” Bakugou spat.
“You see these two circles? It looks like you’ve got two buns in the oven! Congrats on the twins!,” 
The world bean fading into a blur for you as he continued, “Now You are a little past getting the neural tube check, but we can get you started in on some genetic testing and counseling’s. Every thing is looking alright, but we just want to…”
The world around you moved in a blurry, choppy chain of images as your mind tried its best to comprehend the knowledge it had been given. So... not only were you carrying one parasite... but two?
You couldn't bring yourself to listen the rest of the appointment, and you had a feeling that Bakugou wasn't picking up on much else after the shocking news either. 
If you thought that commute to the hospital was quiet, the walk back to your apartment was even more so.
Taglist:  @steggy4ever​ @library-trash​ @watevermelon​ @glimmadora-ble​ @persephones24​ @dragonempress123​ @your-pri-ncess @broken-from-fandoms​ @hot-pocket01​ @tsukineho @bakugousbabydoll​ @bubbzibubbles @ikebukuro-ghoul​ @thehoneycookiecrumbs​ @katsukis-sad-angel​ @dulcetailurophile​ @yukiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii @kanasakura @lonekitsune @pastel-prynce​ @mynameispurple​ @cutest-celestial-princess​ @minfani​ @aurorahoneybuns​ @galacticrosee @orokayagi​ @centerhabit​ @animefan7420 @katsukisposts   @bakugou-is-my-daddy​
502 notes · View notes
lizacstuff · 3 years
Sen Çal Kapımı / Edser  Anon asks for Episode 42
Good asks again for this episode and I got very wordy when answering.
Find asks and answers under the cut...
Anonymous asked: Hey, Liza! How did you like the ep? I loved that Eda was the one to tell him the truth and and also liked how they kept us intrigued about who will tell Serkan, Eda or our private investigators Aydan, Engin and co (although they should have gone to Eda first, it's not their secret after all). I wish, of course, that the writers would show us the scene where Serkan was telling Kiraz those sweet things she mentioned to Eda, but I guess it was done on purpose for the dramatic end of the ep. Why do you think Serkan didn't pick up any clues about his daughter? I mean, Ayse always wrote him as a smart guy. Perhaps, he felt that Kiraz is his but was afraid to face the truth? What do you think? I just hope that we hear Serkan's pov in the next ep!! and they taaaaalk!
I did like a lot of things about the episode, but some parts were a bit frustrating to watch. Not frustrating like the amnesia times where I felt sick and just wanted the episode over, nothing like that. I still enjoyed watching and the time moved quickly, but it was frustrating to watch them both be so DENSE.  
Serkan. Come on, the obvious is staring him in the face. As you say, he’s a smart dude, so why isn’t he putting this together? And it was frustrating that we still don’t know anything from his perspective. Why is he the way that he is when it comes to children!?!? That is the question. IF (a big if) they go the route of him not thinking he can have children after his treatments that would go a long way to explaining why it never occurs to him that he’s her father. However, we don’t know if they’re going to go that way or not, if they don’t I guess we’re just supposed to believe he’s so distracted by Eda that he can’t see what’s blatantly obvious to everyone else?
What was even more frustrating, though, was that Eda was so obtuse when it came to Serkan  Look, from Eda’s perspective I get the notion of wanting to make sure Serkan would be open to a child before telling him. However, the only thing worse than Serkan finding out about Kiraz and outright rejecting her is Serkan finding out and him being angry at what he’s lost and proving Eda wrong by embracing Kiraz as his own. In that scenario Eda has to face how wrong she’s been and how she’s deprived both Serkan and Kiraz (and herself) of a vitally important relationship. That’s A LOT. So I can see why Eda was invested in Option C: the secret remains intact.
So I think in this episode she was seeing what she wanted to see. Or what the worst version of herself wanted to see. Eda is a very good person, but I think she wanted to find reasons not to tell him in order to justify the lies she’s told. Also I think there was part of her that just couldn’t handle hoping that he would want to be a part of their lives. She wanted to shut it down before he could get any further under her skin.
Any way you slice it, though, her unwillingness to see Serkan and Kiraz’s growing bond is a bit selfish. On the other hand she’s not really thinking straight. She has Serkan back in her life, discombobulating her, engaging her heart, confusing her, bringing up all those old powerful feelings. She has Kiraz pining for her father while forming an attachment with a man who happens to be said father. She has Ayfer, Melo, Burak and even Kerem pressuring her in different ways and Ayfer full on judging her. Plus she has Aydan sniffing around.
With all of that I think we can forgive her for not thinking straight, she must be pretty stressed out. However, that still doesn’t really excuse her actions this ep.
Which brings us to her testing him. Seriously? Putting aside the fact that she’s making the man unwittingly prove to her that he deserves to know something that is his unalienable right to know, what was that test?  Let me get this straight, when Eda, who is an experienced single mother, has to take an important call she sends Kiraz away, but when Serkan,  who is not experienced with children and not used to them, is on an important call he’s supposed to gracefully navigate having a 5-year-old he barely knows climb all over him?  And that’s the litmus test for whether he gets to know he’s a father? A test Eda wouldn’t even take herself? WTF?
So bizarre. So Serkan didn’t pass that test, but Eda also either doesn’t see or refuses to see "good” moments. Serkan is at the pool, pretty much at Kiraz’s command, blowing up her floaties, attempting to fix her hair. The guy doesn’t know what’s going on but he’s still willing to sit there and humor this kid and that should have been enough for Eda.  Then she walks up when they’re sitting in the garden and it doesn’t occur to her that for quite some time Serkan Bolat has been successfully entertaining a 5-year-old girl he thinks belongs to Melo. When Eda arrives they are seated together, Kiraz is in good spirits, she’s sitting on an extra cushion, which she clearly didn’t get herself, but this very unSerkan-like moment doesn’t count in Serkan’s favor?  Could she have ever imagined Serkan spending that kind of time with a random child? Why is this not registering with her! Oh because she doesn’t want it to. 
 And again at the end of the episode Eda walked up to find Serkan crouching down on Kiraz’s level having a full conversation with their daughter while no one else was around. But that interaction also doesn’t weigh with her?
So what exactly was Eda wanting to see? Is there even a way Serkan could have unwittingly proven himself? Did he need to say, “Golly gee, Eda, I wish Kiraz was our daughter” in order to unlock the secret level that lets him know he’s a father?
And for this nonsense we must blame the writers. They clearly wanted the dramatic 11th hour reveal from Kiraz that Serkan had been bonding with her and for Eda to make the decision at the last minute to turn back and tell him.  But her leaving at all was incomprehensible to me. At the point that she decided to go, Piril had told her that Aydan and Engin were onto her and knew that Kiraz was Serkan’s daughter. Her excuse that if she left maybe they’d forget about it? Has the character of Eda ever uttered a dumber line? No seriously? She thinks Aydan is going to figure out she has a granddaughter, that Serkan’s flesh and blood is out there and she’s going to let it go? Engin too? Good grief, Eda is not that clueless to think her moronic plan would work out. This episode asked for a lot of suspension of disbelief, too much when it came to Eda’s actions.
However, I must say running away is entirely in Eda’s character, she’s done that many times. So, having said all that, I do feel for Eda. She’s raised Kiraz as a single mother and done all of this by herself for a long time. And I can only imagine how disheartening it was to have Serkan aggressively pursuing her all episode, but when they have a real moment on the pier after reading the message in a bottle, he immediately dismisses the idea of having children. In light of what was on her mind, I can see why that was devastating to her and made her want to flee. 
The thing is there has to be a reason why Serkan is so adamant. He’s now past whatever depression and PTSD he might have been suffering from after the treatments, and he also now knows what it’s like to actually lose Eda and he knows he wants her back... so why is he still so adamant that he doesn’t want children after wanting them before?  We are in desperate need of his perspective on this, and I hope both the audience, and Eda, get it.  It’s too cruel to her not knowing why and just thinking he hates the idea of kids with her that much.
Thank goodness Eda got to him to tell him before Engin or Aydan. I’m not sure what either one of them thought they were doing, just going to spring the news on him without putting any thought into it, I guess.  Yes, they shouldn’t hide it from him, but the reveal can wait until morning until they can figure out a plan to confront Eda and force her hand or whatever else they need to do. 
Those final moments were intense, the dramatic effect they were clearly going for was there.  It was such a relief to hear Kiraz tell her mother how she had bonded with Serkan and gotten to know him.  That girl is smarter than the rest of them combined, I wouldn't be surprised if she knows. Or at least hopes; there’s a reason she’s so attached to him and that she wanted him to be able to find them. However, it would have been much more impactful if we’d actually seen those moments. Either in real time or as flashbacks when Kiraz is talking. I’m not sure why they didn’t do that. 
The final scene struck the right emotional chord for such a heavy confession, and I’m very anxious to see what happens next! 
Anonymous asked: Hello, Liza:) What are the things you liked most and least in the episode?
Let’s see...
Scenery - The visuals of this season are stunning.
Hande & Kerem - They both continue to delivery great performance and their chemistry is always on fire. They transform every scene given to them to a winner. They were particularly good in the bottle scene. 
Edser - I watch this show for their scenes and even when there’s a huge lie and secret between them, their scene are always fun to watch.  Loved Serkan suddenly playing aloof after the kiss and loved that Eda couldn’t leave him alone. 
Kiraz/Maya - What a joy she is to watch. This could have gone so wrong with an overly precocious child, but she’s so cute and she plays so well off not only Hande and Kerem, but everyone she works with. 
Kiraz/Serkan - Every second they’re on screen together is wonderful.  PS -  All I want from this show is after Kiraz finds out is for her to fasten herself to Serkan koala-hug style and just refuse to let go. 
The paternity hijinks -I know, I know, there was too much time spent on supporting characters this episode, but there was some funny stuff when it came to Engin, Erdem, Aydan and Seyfi trying to sleuth their way to the truth. I actually found the mistaken toothbrush to be funny. Come on, Engin, you don’t know your own kid’s toothbrush? I also enjoyed the little nod to shattering gender stereotypes. The melodrama of them believing Engin was the father and accusing him of betraying both Piril and Serkan was dumb but hilarious. Then it got even better with the four of them wrestling each other in slow mo to try to get to the lock of hair first... I laughed out loud. 
Pina/Kerem - Cuties. Poor things, they’ll also have to overcome meddling relatives, misunderstandings and miscommunication.  I also liked Pina figuring out that Serkan is in love with Eda. 
Liked... less
Screen time - I felt the lack of Edser screen time this week. We need more Edser! Much more.  It feels like they are not taking the opportunity to let their scenes breath. Each interaction is so short. Hopefully, once we’re past the secret keeping portion they can elongate some of their scenes and not always have one of them rushing away. 
Production quality - While there were some beautiful shots this episode, there were a few scenes that were lackluster when it comes to the efforts of the crew. The pool scene is one. I get that they probably planned to shoot that outside in Sile, but  weather got in the way and they ended up shooting at an interior in Istanbul, but still, the angles were cramped and they did not make the most of having both Hande and Kerem in the water. Plus they cut the shot of Serkan walking towards her, shirtless and smirking. WHY?  
Additionally, the camera angles and editing on the fainting scene were pretty subpar.  We got a better view of that scene from the fan hiding behind a wall with an iphone! From said fan we can see that the crew would have had plenty of room to move and to get proper angles, but instead we got a 30 second scene where they didn’t make use of the setting, the camera was so zoomed in you couldn’t see anything and still their faces were pretty obscured.  Not Altan, Hakan and crew’s best work, that’s for sure.
Eda’s lies, tests and leaving - I chronicled this above, but the show isn’t doing her any favors. I think the writers think they are making her sympathetic (they are to a certain degree) but it’s not enough to justify her behavior. I’m really excited to get past this phase and hopefully to one where she’s not trapped in lies to the people she loves most.
Ayfer - Can she stay in Sile when the action moves back to Istanbul? Or better yet go back to Italy? She is absolutely insufferable and when she was smugly smiling and telling Serkan he’d missed Eda I wanted to slap her across the face. At least Eda finally got tetchy with her when she was continuously pushing her towards Burak. Eda was right! Burak can see that Eda isn’t interested in him, why can’t Ayfer and Melo see it?
Burak - Seriously this dude has the charisma of a paper weight. I still can’t wrap my head around him thinking he has a shot with someone like Eda. And what was his little squirmish with Serkan? Like, dude, you have no idea of the history and dynamics at work, you also have no idea who you’re dealing with, but if you’re going to start something at least see it through. Instead he slinks away after making a few haughty remarks under his breath. Real tough. So far he’s not good enough for Melo, so I don’t know how they’re going to make him interesting enough for her. 
Anonymous asked: hi! do you like how Serkan's character shown this season? tbh I expected at least some of his pov explained, not just "we don't need to have kids, Eda," "my work is my only responsibility," etc. As to his "infamous" line in the fragman, I hope it is taken out of context and will lead to a meaningful conversation between EdSer about Serkan's genuine fears (cause c'mon, finding out that you have a 5-year-old kid is kinda overwhelming), but I don't trust writers anymore lol. They keep picturing Serkan as a bad guy. How do you think he will react and act in the next epi?
I don’t think they are depicting him as the bad guy. I mean are you walking away from the episodes thinking he’s the bad guy? I’m not. In the flashbacks, there were some when he was upset and angry and clearly they’ve let us know he’s the reason they separated, but it’s also been clear that there’s more to the story we just haven’t heard it yet. 
Agreed that we’re over due for his POV and an explanation of why he did what he did, but I have to assume it’s coming in the next episode. In that episode he’s going to be grappling with a pretty huge thing, he’s just learned a secret that will turn his life upside down. And as anxious as we’ve been to find out why he broke up with Eda, learning he’s a father is probably the perfect time to flashback and tell us why he abruptly decided he didn’t want a family with her all those years ago and set all of this in motion.
There has to be a reason, and I think we’ll find out this week. If we don’t, then the writers will have pushed it too far. However, Ayse answered a tweet a few weeks ago saying that she loved Serkan as much as Eda and that he has reasons too. So fingers crossed we find out what those reasons are sooner rather than later. 
Anonymous asked: so I've really tried to remain neutral here because I know they both had their reasons during the breakup but in this last episode, Eda kinda rubbed me the wrong way and while sure it was her right to tell Serkan the secret, I was rooting for Aydan and Engin to do it by the end because she really was about to escape town without saying anything until our sweet Kiraz spilled last minute. I didn't care who told him at that point, I just needed SOMEONE to!
This is an understandable reaction.  The writers really did Eda no favors this episode.  I guess this episode was her journey to accepting the fact that Serkan is back in her life and will need to know about their daughter. And her daughter deserves to know about Serkan. She’s been living a huge lie for 5 years, so it’s a bit understandable that she’s having trouble letting it go. They just got a little clumsy telling that story. 
But we love Eda, we won’t hold it against her, will we?
Anonymous asked: Can we talk about how this 5-yr-old girl is the one who understands Serkan the most? and they just met? and they don't know they're related? she wanted him to find her?!?!! and when Eda tried to tell her that Serkan didn't care about her, she gave the best clapback and defended her dad. 👏 She is the true hero of this love!
She is the true hero of their family!  Leaving her shoe for him to find, being able to articulate to her mother how he really did take an interest in her, got to know her, and even confided in her. Smart girl. She was able to see what her mother could or would not. 
Kiraz does seem to understand him and his gruffness doesn’t faze her at all, on the contrary she just stands up to him and gives the sass back to him. Like I said last week, he challenges her in a way she’s not used to because all the adults in her life just let her run wild with little discipline or accountability and just give her whatever she wants. But she also challenges him in a big way, and in the next episode I think we’ll see him facing her existence as the biggest challenge of his life. 
The scene when Serkan teaches her how to apologize (the irony!) and make amends was especially great. As we saw in the season premiere when Burak was dismissive and haughty with a customer rather than rightly reminding Kiraz to apologize for knocking over Serkan’s water, Kiraz, as I said above, is surrounded by adults that dote, but think she does no wrong so they don’t always model proper behavior. What a relief to see a contrite Kiraz and Serkan being patient and taking the time with her. And the hug! Awwww. “Are we really strangers, Serkan Bolat?” was a perfect line.
Anonymous asked: Heey! What are your thoughts on the fragman? Cause now I'm a bit afraid to watch the next ep... but I think Serkan can be understood; like day ago he told Eda that they didn't need kids, so I guess it would be weird if he was all excited to know that they have a daughter. But idk... I just want Kiraz to have her dad back with her, she wants him so much!!! and the girl is so smart, like I know that is unlikely, but I think she figured it out on her own that Serkan might be her dad! Offf, I love her. I just hope Serkan's "I'm not ready to be a dad" is in the first half of the epi, and then it is him being afraid but doing his best to get close to Kiraz cause we already saw how he liked her. After all, it seems like the end of the epi will be Kiraz's b-day, and Nesli said that the end will be very sweet and emotional.
I think the next episode is Serkan’s story of becoming a father, and by the end of the episode we’ll see him stepping up and accepting his role and hopefully fully embracing it. 
We’ll see how he reacts but at some point he obviously says, “I’m not ready to be a father.”  I just hope it’s more, “I’m not ready to be a father, so let’s hold off on telling Kiraz for now” and not “I’m not ready to be a father, so I’m planning on ghosting the both of you.”  My guess is that scene is maybe midway through the episode? Like maybe he finds out, freaks out, then he decides it’s too much right now, and says that to Eda, but by the end he figures out his business and thus the sweet and emotional ending. I mean what else could a sweet and emotional ending be for an episode about Serkan finding out he’s a father?
We also know from the IG live on premiere day that Kerem was out of sorts and in a bad mood after filming an “intense” scene for this episode, and that Hande’s hair in that live matches her hair in the “I’m not ready to be a father scene.” So that’s either the scene or a scene probably before or after it on the same day, so I think we’ll need to emotionally prepare to be put through the wringer. However, I don’t think there’s anything to fear in watching it. This season’s storyline is about them becoming a family, so just remember that’s what’s going to happen
As for Serkan’s mindset, it’s understandable if at first he feels overwhelmed and not up to the job. This is a man who did not have a good father role model, doesn't think he’s worthy of love, and finding out Eda had their child and didn’t tell him is going to make him think that Eda doesn’t think he’s worthy either. Think of that from his perspective, he might have pushed her away and said he didn’t want children, but she is the one who decided that their daughter would be better off not knowing him. At least that’s how he’s probably going to take her secrecy, and I can’t really blame him for that. That would be a blow to anyone, but Serkan Bolat will take it especially hard. After all she actually loved him and knew him best, so if that person doesn’t think he’s fit, that’s not going to help his confidence or allow him to think he has anything to offer a child. 
Obviously he’ll come around and quickly in the scheme of things, it’s just going to take approximately 2 hours for him to do it. 
16 notes · View notes
When tensions break too often- a dark side au story
So I got my ideas back for some angst and some tension in this au, and I just couldnt resist writing it. Plus its a good way to warm me back up into doing things for this au.
This is also a bit of a deeper dive into the dynamics of darkside! Virgil and the other dark sides and how they all bounce and thrive off each other, as well a some backstory and peeks at the full effects of Deceit leaving( jealousy is with the dark sides but is only mentioned, he currently doesnt make much of an appearance in this one in particular, he gets his own angst later)
This was fun to write, not gonna lie. Its been awhile an this is gonna be long so buckle up with me
I also got alot of inspiration to finally write this out(and revise parts of it) due in part to @aimasup ‘s recent comics and writings about their kid sides(which I love, like alot alot and I hope they dont mind me getting super inspired by it!)
ships: Past prinxiety, past anxciet, implied intruxiety, implied intrulogical, implied intruloxiety, implied one sided remus x wrath, implied past demus, implied current roceit
Im putting a trigger warning here for cussing, fighting(verbal and physical), descriptions of panic attacks and emotional breakdowns, violence, gross and inappropriate language, some body horror descriptions, as well as implied unsympathetic sides(all sides are morally grey but the perspective is biased towards the dark sides as its seen from Wrath’s view- keep that in mind)
Things are about to get angsty my friends but i promise it ends happy(for once in this au)
I hope you guys enjoy
Wrath Sanders had a lot more patience then almost everyone gave him credit for. Most considered him the biggest hothead there was, going off at the first irritation. But, the truth was he was eerily patient...Sure he may simmer and seethe and hold onto things in unhealthy grudges, but he never lost his cool as often as some would want you to believe.
Wrath Sanders kept his cool during many things, even if that was the last thing he wanted to do.
He had sat back through many things, biting his tongue to hold back the venom and yelling and grinding his teeth together in anger and forced himself to sit through many many things that happened around him out of respect- out of a deep fucking respect- for Virgil’s Fear’s Anxiety’s authority. Instead, he watched shit go down over and over again and held himself back from reacting towards the problem, focusing his energy on the recovery. 
But, the most recent event was his last fucking straw.
It had happened seemingly out of nowhere, Wrath had been slumped down on their shitty lumpy couch boredly watching some dumb movie. It was getting later in the night, around 10 maybe 11 and he had one of Remus’s crappy beers partially drank in his hand. He was just getting up to change the movie or turn it off all together when the whole house seemed to shift violently, the walls seeming to tremble. There was a moment of confusion before he heard it.
“ Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuuughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” 
His whole body jolted to its feet unsteadily as the sound of Anxiety’s pain wreaked scream filled the house to an almost deafening volume as it distorted and deepened. His body moved before his mind, lurching over the couch and running for the source of the scream as another one wailed out even louder than the first, the sound muffling the breaking bottle and violently shaking the walls with their reverb. He heard other sounds too underneath, glass shattering heavy objects banging and wood splintering, wallpaper shredding. A third screech rang out, cutting itself in half with echoing high pitched sobs. 
He hadnt been the first to make it to his room.
Wrath watched as he turned the corner in time to see Remus destroy Anxiety’s door with his morning star, a wild and desperately freaked out look to his glowing eyes as wood splintered and gave out under the weapon, some sending cuts into his cheeks. The creative side was then out of sight in a flash, forcing his way into the room yelling as to be heard over the screams.
Remembering the pain, the fear the absolute panic in Remus’s normally confident voice sent a deeper chill down his spine than the screams had.
“ Virgy??!! Fuck fuck fuck fUCK!! Virgy no no! Its me dammit!! Fuck FUCK FUCK!! No no NO! Virgy virgy virgy storm cloud creepy cryptid no no nnonononono look at me no no look at me cmon honey look at me not those at me. me me me me..” His voice continued, shaky and softening as the screams faded into heart wrenching sobs and high pitched hyperventilating gasps. Remus continued to speak, morning star thudding against carpet and a softer thud sounding.
“ Hey hey hey hey hey hey...hey hey hey I got you I got you I’m here im still here....i’m always here for ya honey...I got you now I got you see? Yeah yeah thats me....just focus on me....cmon cmon stormy cant pass out on me now...follow my breathing lets breathe together...in...out...in out...now....tell me five things you can see....cmon honey you got this just look up im here right here...” 
The sight through the broken door haunted him, made his chest throb hard and bile burn his throat. 
The bedroom before him was completely trashed. It was as if something feral and destructive had ripped it from its very foundation. Every piece of furniture, big or small, was broken and smashed apart, the anxious side’s bed and couch ripped into multiple pieces. Every shelf  or flat surface had faced an even worse fate, thrown around and shattered into various pieces that had been strewn around the room along with glass fragments from anything unfortunate enough to have been made of glass. Papers and books were severed and torn apart viciously, and the wallpaper was slashed in huge wide cute, some of the slashes cutting deep into the wall underneath. And in the middle of the disaster was Remus and Anxiety. Long, protruding limb like dark shapes sprouted from the purple side’s back, twitching and trembling with adrenaline along with his heaving, hunched over shaking form. Remus was there in front of him, knelt down to the balled up figure and slowly but surely coaxing him up enough to pull him into his arms and rock him back and forth as he kept speaking to him. It took Wrath a few seconds of his vision adjusting to the room’s darkness to realize Remus had more cuts on him, and why.
Millions of purple tinted, tautly pulled strings, like a tightly woven and intricate sickening spider web filled the room from top to bottom as if trying to shield the two in its depths. He could see parts of them hanging limp, likely from Remus forcing his way through to the other. He watched in a horrified shock as Anxiety’s body lurched and jerked with his piercing sobs, hand harshly digging into his scalp through his hood and shadowy claws threatening to rip said hood open. He could see many of the strings connected directly to various parts of his body and to the eight extra things on his back and it made him shudder. The room radiated a sort of fear and panic that was infectious, suffocating even. But he refused to leave the doorway and abandon the two there, in that too dense darkness. 
He watched Remus manage to gather up the shorter side into his chest and rock him more, practically curling into a ball over him. He was still talking, his voice softening to the point he couldnt make it out anymore from the door. But he could see his expression. God his expression mightve been what pushed him past his bullshit accepting limit.
Remus’s face was grim, any traces of his grins and normal attitude gone. His eyes were glowing in a dark, dangerously violent fury but the way they stayed trained on Anxiety kept them, for the time being at least, soft and remorseful. There was so much pain there in that focused gaze, pain regret sorrow a disturbing amount of fear and understanding. His mouth moved with words not meant for Wrath to hear, soft gentle coos and reassurances too intimate to be heard by anyone else but the one trembling harshly in his strong arms. Brows furrowed and it made Wrath feel even colder to realize his hands, hands that were holding the other up and petting his hair through that black hood and rubbing between the spidery appendages, were trembling. 
Remus was trembling.
After awhile the strings seem to fade away into nothing, those shadowy limbs following them scarily slow. Once that happened and the worst of the darkeness seemed to dissipate was when Wrath dared to take a few stiff steps into the room, debris crunching too loudly under his boots. He saw Remus stiffen and his eyes flicker up like a cornered, ready to attack animal before relaxing, glow never leaving.
“ W...wh..r...R-remus...” 
“ Des...Dessy brat...h-hey spitfire do me a solid and go open my door ok? Dont worry itll lead to my bedroom...just...go open it for me...will you...?” Wrath’s voice failed him after that and he nodded, backing out of that suffocation and away into the brighter lit hall rushing from the room to push open the dark stained door further down. He turned around to go back, to try to help somehow...anyway he could, when he watched Remus instead picking his way out of the mess and into the hall, their leader cradled in his arms limply like a small sleeping child. Not a sound came from either of them as he stalked through the hall and into his room, a single nod dismissing Wrath before the door swung shut in front of him...
That was where he was drawing a line. Enough had been enough.
Wrath had sat back through many things, too many fucking things than he should have. He held back his doubts when Virgil and Roman had first started seeing each other when they were younger and dumber, had held himself and barely held Remus back from mauling the so called “good” creativity when things had gone awry and he had broken Virgil’s heart and left him in bitter, resentful pieces for them to pick up and help mend back together. He held back every time Thomas had, intentionally or unintentionally, slighted and undermined their jobs as a part of him, of their importance, of Virgil’s and Remus’s importance to him. He had sat back through the aftermath of ever fight with the “light” sides and with thomas, through every dismissal and banishment and arguement and accusation. He had helped and been there through countless sleepless nights and previous breakdowns and panic attacks between all four three of them, and he had been here, had been forced not to retaliate as per Virgil’s simple request.
“ Dont Des....dont go after them...Im forbidding it got it? Dont do it. it isnt going to be worth it...please...” 
It had always been the please, soft and defeated that made him obey. Not the angry snaps and lashing out, not the cruel words and push and shove they all did for so long, but the plea in that word...the vulnerability it revealed. 
He had sat through Deceit’s slow distancing from the rest of them...and his eventually leaving them for the light sides and the ensuing pain and breakdown that his leaving left behind.
It had splintered them, had struck both Virgil and Remus harder and more painfully than either side would verbally admit. Wrath had been forced to do nothing but helplessly watch it break them and break himself too, and try to clean up the aftermath best he could.
But this breakdown, seeing the side that had always stubbornly refused to buckle or back down reduced to a screaming sobbing wreck on the floor, seeing the other side he had always seen be nothing but strong and indifferent to everything thrown with a grin shaking in fear and softly pleading was too much.
He had stayed down, seething, resentment festering for years. too many years without an outlet.
He remembered the hand that had been held out to him all those years ago. Remembered coming along a little bit before Deceit ever did...and looking up from where he was angrily crying on the floor to see two figures before him. One was shorter, with two sets of brightly glowing purple and green eyes and a big black hoodie that was too big for him and messy hair that fell into his face. Behind him was someone much taller, with wild hair and a single streak of white in it, eyes feral and gleeful i a way that made him tense and made him mad through his tears. He was dressed extravagantly, like a prince or even a king grinning unnaturally wide. But his focus narrowed on the purple one, whose dark claw tipped hand stretched out in front of him in an offering. When Anger had put his head back in his knees to cry more he felt an arm drape over him. His head snapped up and he saw the princely one next to him with a softer expression, hand rubbing his back a little.
“ Hey....hey its ok Anger. Whatcha crying for? You did your job! Pretty damn well too! You were amazing the way you had Thomas screaming at that bully!” A clawed hand smacked him making him yelp and he looked in front of him to see Fear knelt in front of him with a look of understanding, a bitter smile on his face.
“ He’s right you know? You were only doing your job...you didnt realize how out of hand things would spiral and thats ok. How they reacted isnt your fault...” 
They offered him a place to go, a place to thrive. Screw the others that refused to understand and stay with them. And Fear led them both deeper down the halls by the hand, making sure he didnt get lost
He was done standing down.
Someone needed to pay. 
~ ~ ~
If he was honest, Wrath wasnt sure how long he sat outside the intrusive side’s shut door, sitting slumped against the opposing wall in a thick, deafening silence. It mustve been long enough for him to drift into an uneasy, restless sleep. His dreams filled up with memories of younger years, of pranks and scuffles and violent roughhousing the three of them got up to being on their own, of Remus making meals and running around frantic to keep both Anger and Fear from accidentally killing themselves or each other on something. Of Deceit hazily joining their trio, hesitant and quiet but able to snap back just as viciously and able to rough house back just as good as the rest of them after awhile. Of days filled with shrieks, squeals, bickering and shrilly laughter, of restless nights where they all broke into Remus’s room and dog piled on his bed to sleep. Of slowly growing up and watching Virgil come out of his quiet observance and transition from Fear to Anxiety and taking charge as a leader among them, of Remus stepping back and letting him with full confidence as his right hand and partner in crime in most cases. Of seeing Deceit come out of his terrified shell and blossom into a belovedly bitchy and...supposedly self assured side...of Virgil’s echoing screams that seem to reverberate through his very core...
He jolted awake at the sound of a door creaking, and sluggishly lifted his head to see a pair of familiar scuffled riding boots, laces fraying if you looked close enough. He lifted his gaze higher and soon locked onto tired green eyes that were dark and dull from exhaustion. Lifeless was a term he could describe those eyes with and that fact made him briefly queasy and cold. He looked tired, so very tired, and older. He was older than them both....but right now he looked much older than he was...There was a silence between them for a few moments that allowed Wrath to rouse himself up a little more.
“ Dessy....for all thats unholy...what’re you still doin out here dumbass? Did you stay there all night?” 
‘Dessy’...‘ Des’ the nickname eased some of his shot nerves. Ever since they were kids they had joked that his name shouldve been “ Despair” instead of “ Daniel Williams” because of his very present pessimism and negative outlook. And soon it became so much more fitting that his nickname became “ Des” short for despair...or in Remus’s case “ Dessy” as he oh so enjoyed calling him. The annoying nickname was familiar though, and it helped him relax enough to speak. His voice was rough and awkwardly quiet in the small hallway, as if he’d been the one screaming. 
“ I....wanted to make sure he’d be ok...” He trailed off, voice faltering with a clear shake. It sounded pathetic and weak to him. 
But maybe, just this once pathetic and weak wasnt a bad thing. Because at the sound of his voice, and his dumb reason, Wrath saw some life flicker back into the older side’s eyes, some of their glow returning. Remus let out a tired, exasperated sigh and gave him a small sad smile, his expression softened into something sorrowful yet fond. That fondness, that softness sent warm tingling butterflies fluttering through his chest like it always did despite the grim circumstances. Remus let out a strained chuckle and shook his head, pulling his door shut with a quiet click.
“ He’s asleep now ya little Tasmanian devil...let him rest and we’ll check on him in a bit...now cmon, lets go make some breakfast and watch some movies or something....lets go up up.” With a grunt Des allowed himself to be heaved up by the armpits to his feet and didnt protest Remus wrapping an arm around him and guiding him down to the living room. He didnt want to see that pained exhaustion on his face...he needed to do something
and had a problem he was finally going to get rid of. 
“ No Des you cant.” 
There was that feeling as familiar to him as breathing bubbling in his chest, that hot smoldering feeling of anger or irritation igniting. It flushed out the cold he had been feeling in an unpleasant way but he ignored that part, pressing his palms flat on the table with a bit of force as he narrowed his orange eyes at the one across from him. He felt something like acid stinging his mouth and begging to be spilled free but he did as he usually did and grit his teeth to hold the worst of it at bay. Pushing it down. Holding back again.
“ Not again Remus. I refuse to just fucking sit back and do nothing again. They need to be taught a lesson! This is all their fault- all his fault--”
“ Even if it is so fucking what?! You blindly lashing out at them is only going to make things worse I can promise you that--”
“ Like hell it will!! They act like they can just walk all over us and treat us like fucking trash and cause things like last night and you think im lashing out blindly when--”
“ --When youre temper is as violent as a fucking feral mongoose--” “ Dont call me a fucking mongoose beetlejuice reject!!” “ Oh shut up and sit back down you twerp!!” 
They went back and forth across the table, both their tempers and volumes raising as they fought. That bubbling feeling was twisting into a boiling, growing burning that began filling his chest and core. Why was Remus not agreeing with him for fucks sake--
His vision started tinging red.
“ Look brat you think I fucking like this?! You think im not pissed the fuck off?! Because I am! I’m beyond pissed off about this!! About the fact I know exact who and what caused Virgy’s breakdown and about the fact it happened at all!! I fucking get it!! But even I know you shouldnt just storm in there to take off trying to take off their fucking heads when youre too upset! Youre not thinking clearly enough for that kind of confrontation dammit im trying to protect you in this too!!” Remus’s words were loud, ruthless, and hard hitting. There were angry and forceful and made sense.
Plenty of sense. 
And somehow that made him even angrier.
“ Oh? Ooooh! I get it, I fucking get it! Now that youve been sweetening up fucking logic youre suddenly the first to fucking defend them hurting our fucking best friend--”
“--oh for fucks sake bitch Logan has nothing to fucking do with this!! Im not fucking defending them either!! I swear to god im just trying to--” “ --to what huh?! Keep on his good side so you can get in his fucking pants?! Or so you can fucking push it aside and laugh about it later like one of them?!--” “ Goddammit you fucking stubborn brat you dont know what youre even talking about--” “ I dont know what im talking about?! I DONT KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT?!?!” His voice rose much louder, his own trembling distortion coming out and getting spat at the side who had helped fucking raise him like venom.
“ I dont know what im talking about?!!  You mean like how I NEVER seem to know what the fuck im talking about?! Like how Virgil  never knows what hes talking about or how you never seem to know what youre fucking talking about when your talking to them?! God now youre even starting to sound like those pretentious bastards!! Dont know what im talking about?! What part do I not know what im talking about Intrusive Thoughts?! huh??!!” His breath was coming out in ragged, squeaking pants as his eyes began to burn “Which fucking part do I not fucking know?! The part where ive had to sit back and bottle up my rage at being pushed aside and degraded and judged and dismissed or having to sit back for fucking years and watch you and virgil get hurt and hurt and ignored and dismissed and talked down and insulted and broken and having to swallow my protests of it?! Or of knowing last night fucking happened because Deceit decided to fully live up to his fucking name and abandoned us for those bastards and left us alone without a second thought and got away with it?! Or the fucking fact youre too busy trying to bone down logic to even fucking care--!!” 
It came so fast he hadnt had time to prepare for it before his head was snapped to the side and pain exploding in his face, on the cheek near the jaw in particular as he staggered to the ground a good foot and his eyes eerily slow dragged themselves from looking at the kitchen cabinets to Remus, who still had his fist outstretched near where it had collided with his face, his chest heaving almost like his own was, eyes wild and just as angry before a flash of realization went through them.
“ ....Des....fuck...i...you...” Nothing too coherent came babbling out Remus’s mouth, he was still way too hoped up on anger fueled adrenaline. His fist was starting to tremble and Wrath watched his pupils dilate a few times in his attempt to calm down.
And then there was something like an explosion as that burning feeling warped into a raging fire and Wrath let out a infuriated, inhuman shriek and lunged for Remus with a full intent to rip out his stupid fucking throat as his rage consumed him.
The two fighting sides went crashing into the living room loudly nearly knocking over the couch in their wake, both of them screaming and Wrath inhumanly screeching in an almost reptilian manner as he clawed and punched wherever he could reach. Remus wasnt just lying down and taking it either, yelling in loud angry spats of soon unraveling nonsense as he fought back mercilessly, throwing the other into walls, into furniture, throwing punches and kicks of his own. But nothing seemed to slow the orange side down and he struck back with slowly growing claws and fangs and something sharp growing out of his hair, angry tears burning his eyes and his voice too warbled and distorted to even be understood anymore, both their forms twitching and subtly shifting and glowing as they tried to rip each other to shreds, things fluid dripping and twisting lashing out from Remus’s back. Remus was stronger, he always had been, but Wrath had a seemingly endless stream of fury and adrenaline that kept him getting back up and charging in for more, the room being wrecked between them. Maybe things would have gone too far if it hadnt been brought to a hard, screeching halt.
By the time they could both blink they were ripped away from each other, both now uselessly struggling as they were entangled in roughly restraining strings that glowed a eye straining, furious purple color and seemed to tighten and wrap around them more the more they fought and struggled for freedom. Their indecipherable words and incoherent screams where just as ruthlessly cut short as strings wrapped warningly around their throats, not tight enough to actually choke or hurt them, but firm enough to be very present and felt, their voices being quite literally silenced the moment it touched looped once and touched the spot over their vocal cords. There was a horrifically tense silence as their mouths moved in spat insults and screams that never made a sound.
“......that....that is enough out of both of you.”  
Virgil’s voice cut through the room like a cleaver, the tone dead, cold, and just as pissed off as they were. At first they couldnt see him, manic eyes darting around until Wrath saw the Duke’s eyes trained on top of the stairs near the hallway, pupils down to small pinpricks. When he glared over in that direction he fully understood and felt all that anger draining and quickly turning into a queasy, cold dread that made him want to cower.
That radiation of fury, or bone chilling fear and a kind of suffocating anxiety that made it hard to breathe and a panic that made them both feel like they were perpetually falling and simultaneously drowning swept over the living room like a flood, the corners and ceilings slowly developing intricate pulsing webs or strings that seem to absorb the rooms light as Virgil stepped, no, half crawled down the stairs and into view. Both sets of eyes were visibly, the whites dyed a void like inky black where his brightly burning purple and green irises cut into them coldly. Something sharp and gleaming poked from his scowl and revealed themselves as fangs as his snarl curled his lips. His hood was up hiding most of his pale skin but couldnt hide the flecks and scatterings of void like, inky and purple spots dusting parts of his slowly purple tinging skin. His hands, snapping out from his sleeves to grip the stair railing were fully blotched in that void, fingers curling into razor sharp claws that strings hung stickily too. The eight dark appendages, opaque and gangly half carried him down faster than usual, the ends digging into the carpet as if for stability. A shrill hiss whistled through Anxiety’s teeth and the panic inducing feeling of being stared at at being excruciatingly examined came from every corner, growing worse and worse as he stalked closer with silent movements. 
“ What....the actual fuck are you two doing.” The words with sharp edged and cold, tone flat and tired. They both just stared helplessly, unable to move or speak and both beginning to mindlessly panic. Virgil blinked and a gust of air like an exhale swepted through the room and....left no traces of those fearful horrified feelings in its wake. Both of their feet thudded mutedly against the carpeted floor as the strings released them and retreated back into nothing, disappearing from all around them as if they had never been there to begin with...the room never dimmer than it had started in the morning light and the three of them stood there in silence. Any hints of inhumanity were gone from Anxiety’s form, leaving his two still glowing eyes losing their luster and leaving dull annoyance behind, no fangs, no extra limbs, no claws, no void dotting his skin. When he spoke he took a slow breath, as if unable to breathe just like them.
“....I...I mean it you two...what. the actual fuck did you two wake me up with.” Even his voice had returned to normal, if not for a bit shaky and hoarse from last nights screaming. Wrath saw his eyes were bloodshot, and his face was tinged with blotchy pink and was puffy from crying and something clenched in his chest, thudding hard. He looked at Remus, who was panting from lack of breath, eyes dull and exhausted and pain filled again, injuries from their fight blaring from the blood decorating his body and clothes.
He had done that....he’d lost control again...
“ Im dont want to repeat myself a third fucking time. What the fuck did you--” 
“ I...This is my fault I started it...” Both of them looked at him, gazes drilling into him. But he let his head drop as shame took over, choking him a little. This was his family and they were already hurting and look what he’d done-
“Oh piss off Dessperato. It aint only your fault I fucked up too. Look virgy we were both tired and coming off that dumb worry adrenaline shit and we started arguing...and we got waaaaaay too heated and decided to beat the living shit out of each other...sorry we woke you you were suppose to sleep later.” Virgil let out a sigh and rubbed his temples, pulling off his hood and shaking out his messy bedhead. 
“ Is that all that happened? Im not deaf and the doors arent sound blockers...” “ Then why are you asking.” Virgil and Remus as a bit of a stare off before finally, for the first time that morning all the life slowly returned to his eyes and he gave a toothy, blood streaked grin and started to laugh. The other two looked at him like he had fully lost it. Then Virgil’s lips twitched up and Des rolled his eyes and failed to stop the grin spreading across his face or the chuckles that he managed to choke out. Within a few minutes all three of them were laughing on the messy living room floor  half sprawled over each other and Jealously bemusedly deciding they werent capable of making breakfast and making it for them all instead. Des watched half delerious from his exhaustion as Remus cackled and kicked his leg, just to laugh more when he kicked back.
“ I swear to god no more violence out of you two or I swear I’ll...” Remus let out a snort and gripped the other’s chin between his fingers sensually tugging their faces closer with a smug grin
“ You’ll what Hot Topic? Lock me in the closet again? Or send me reeling with nightmares and hallucinations~ Oh please virgy baby I dare you too~” His tone was light and suggestive, quirking his eyebrows up teasingly for added effect. Virgil snorted and and grinned back leaning close as well.
“ Oh dont start teeempting me with those sweet talkins about hallucinations dr. Hideous~ I might just take you up on that...” Then he flicked his nose and shove him away, both of them laughing. Des was about to try to give them the time to themselves when Remus yanked him between them waggling his finger disapprovingly, making him whack the other’s shoulder with a affectionate “ fuck RIGHT off” and for awhile, in that growing morning light, things felt ok. 
It had taken alot of talking, and another arguement almost breaking out between himself and virgil to convince him to back down from confronting the light sides violently. Virgil brought a surprising amount of identical points to remus, while also reminding him that reacting to violently will only make them ignore and dismiss him further. Des was very reluctant, and stubborn, but ultimately he trusted Virgil’s and Remus’s judgement. He trusted Virgil’s reasoning and that he was looking out for him- protecting him. So when he asked him, softly, to refrain from trying to handle it on my own and let him deal with it Des had agreed, obeying his request.
And then a real tipping point pushed him back over the edge.
It was a few weeks later. He remembered distinctly because the mindscape was abuzz with excitement, even the dark sides were effected by Thomas’s unbridled joy. But Virgil had said he was getting a bad feeling...and headed off to the main part of the mindscape that morning. Things were quiet after, calm even. At some point him and Remus had started playing cards, though Remus was blatantly cheating and they were bickering.
Things were fine...things were calm...
Then Virgil crashing into the living room breathing harshly and in the midst of a bad panic attack. 
They both jumped up and Remus caught the other in his arms, trying to calm him down and figure out what happened. It took a long time and for awhile they only got bits and pieces out
A callback, a big important one he and Roman were thrilled for
Patton, something with both Patton and Deceit
Neither of them agreeing but both of them fighting Virgil
some kind of important friend event on the same day
they had argued, they had fought, there had been yelling by the climax of it
Him and Roman went at each others throat despite the fact he had been trying to help roman’s cause
Deceit fought him alot too, trying to cut him off at every chance in a form of fear response, out of defense
Him and patton argued and fought badly for the first time since Thomas’s last breakup
He thought logan would try to see his side and be a neutral party
Logan was getting tug of warred into agreeing to arguments to push him out
They kept trying to shut him down and dismiss him, they stopped listening fairly
Virgil had to pull out a form shift in front of thomas
He had to use his influences and fear to get them to stop talking over him and twisting his words
it only made things worse, and arguments harsher
They rejected him and his attempts to help more
He started having a panic attack mid argument
He thought logan and patton tried to help but they were getting drowned out by Roman and Dee
There was so much yelling, things that should never be said got thrown
They told Virgil he never does anything but make Thomas worse
Thomas finally nearly screamed for them all to stop and half asked half pleaded for Virgil to just leave until everyone calmed down
He lashed out and hit someone, he wasnt even sure who before he fled, not hearing them yell after him. It mightve been patton, or thomas, or maybe logan
And then his panic attack got worse and neither of them could get another understandable word from him. 
In the end Remus eventually got him called down, after a good couple hours of trying, and it took everything in Wrath not to scream and destroy the room.
All Virgil did was try to help, and look what their....their bullshit left him. He was beyond seething at this point, he was fuming he was downright practically breathing fire and shaking from the effort to keep himself still. Remus gave him a cautious warning look, as if he was sizing up one of his many monsters in the imagination and debating if it would kill him or not and Virgil lifted his head to choke out for him to stand down, and to not do anything. Wrath had nodded silently and waited, watching Remus help him upstairs to his room to grab his headphones, and hopefully calm down more. Once they were out of sight he made a decision. He knew the consequences of it, knew theyd both be furious and Virgil would make hell for him for it. But none of that mattered to him
For the first time in many many years...he disobeyed Anxiety’s direct request.
It took a few days to find an opening, but once he saw one he took it, rising up in the big main living room, unknowingly in the middle of a video brainstorm.
Wrath always seemed to appear near the couch, between Roman and Thomas. Just seeing them made his blood boil more than it had been.
It was easy to say he scared the shit out of most of them by just appearing, his entire presence sucking the air from the room and making it hot and tense, a cracked dam waiting to break. Itd been months since he’d seen them face to face, and for a moment his senses got overwhelmed by everything.
But he let that fuel his anger further and he growled for them to fess up. Which one had said it. Roman had of course jumped to the defensive of his friends and that was all Wrath needed.
He lost it, pointing and yelling and accusing Roman. Blaming him for it. Roman didnt back down and fought back, and the fight only seemed to worsen. The others tried to interject, and maybe if Wrath’s vision hadnt been blood red from his fury he wouldve seen they were trying to diffuse the situation and calm things down, talk things out. But he ignored that, whipping around and lashing out at them too
“ Wrath you need to step back and take a deep breath! Youre getting irrational!”
“ Wrath kiddo please we dont have to yell and scream about this Logan’s right lets all take a deep breath ok?”
“ Like hell! Im not going to just let him force his way in here and yell and scream and pretend its ok and we can talk!”
“ Roman please!” “ro stop getting angry back is just making all of it worse the others are right we need to be calm or we’ll never get through to him.”
That voice. Silken and soaked with caution. He whirled around on Deceit and snarled pinning him to the wall without thinking.
“ This is all your fucking fault! Youre the reason they keeping hurting and virgil has breakdowns that put him out of commission for days!! Youre part of the reason Remus locks himself away beating himself up. they trusted you!! We all trusted you and you decided to fuck us over and throw us out like trash!! Was it worth it?!?! Was being here worth breaking the people you grew up with you and loved you?! Well?!” There was yelling around them, and he thought briefly he heard Remus’s and Virgil’s voices behind him as well. But now all that anger, that pushed down bitterness and resentment finally had a target and he couldnt focus on anything else. He didnt even heard Deceits struggling answer as he tried to claw him off, his different eyes wide and his mouth moving in words that werent registering.
“ -youre right ok?! Fuck youre not right at all--fuck fuck I get it youre angry and I fucked up with this, this isnt my fault and I havent been trying to figure out ways to fix it! I totally havent been beating myself up for what happened a few days ago with virgil and I dont regret it ok--” THe words blended together in his head, there were hands on his shoulders ripping him away the the freaked out snake and shoving him into the couch. He snarled but froze when he realized He was staring at the very formal business end of Remus’s morning star, inched from his nose and Remus standing over him with a dark look over his face...dark and upset The red faded from his vision and he blinked rapidly, eyes burning again and jaw aching from how hard he’d been clenching it or from yelling he honestly couldnt even tell anymore. From behind Remus stood both Logan and Virgil, side by side speaking in rapid low voices he couldnt decipher. Behind them he caught of glimpse of Roman and Patton both kneeling on the floor, fretting over a still freaked out Deceit as Jealously offered to help him up. Wrath was struggling to breathe, his body twitching and shaky from the quickly fading adrenaline. Soon he was left feeling cold and sick of himself, staring at Remus with just as wide and wild eyes. 
“ Easy....easy spitfire....youre...just breathe for me ok?” He couldnt even nod, he couldnt move. He vageuely noticed Virgil and Logan both looking at him before the morning star was gone and Logan was in front of him, hands palm up in a non-threatening manner. 
“ Wrath can you hear me? Good...just listen to my voice...I need you to name me five things you can see.” He blinked rapidly and barely heard Remus’s and Virgil’s murmurs of reassurance. Or maybe Virgil’s was more quiet talking, as he was standing at Patton’ side  like the normally bubbly side’s shadow. 
“u...uuh....y..youre tie...r-remus’s outfit....the stairs...the others...and the Roman’s s-sword...” Logan gave a nod, slowly kneeling in front of him with a calm, leveled expression that helped him focus more.
“ Good, now four things you can touch. Take your time Wrath.” He flexed his fingers, more of a twitch really as his breathing began to even out slowly. “ Um...My jacket...the couch...my jeans...uh...t..the carpet?” He nodded again through his faltered stammering as the deepness faded.
“ Three things you can hear?” He blinked again and listened for a moment.
“ .....your voice...Remus’s voice...the others...” “ Two things you can smell, remember take your time.” “ Bacon...from breakfast...and someones cologne..” A small smile came to his face as he adjusted his glasses in slow noticeable motions.
“ Just just 1 thing you can taste.” He managed to smack his lips once and his face screwed up at the taste lingering in his mouth.
“ ....acidic bile...” Both their brows furrowed a little but when Logan looked over his shoulder Remus shrugged at the silent question.
“Probably needs to puke Dr. Maywhoo.” Logan sighed at the nickname and turned back to him, holding up his hands a little.
“ Now, Wrath Id life for you to unclench your jaw, roll and relax your shoulders, loosen your posture if you can, uncurl your fingers and exhale please.” He blinked and slowly did as instructed, not realizing until then that he was wound up like a jack in the box. His jaw ached as he unclenched it and his shoulders slumped heavily as he relaxed, fingers sore from apparently being curled into firsts for so long, small red lines in his palms from his nails. He felt calmer, drained and upset, but calm. 
“ Logan, Remus.” He looked past them to see virgil standing up tall, if not awkwardly, besides Roman and watching them with a hard to read look.
“ I...think sitting down and calmly talking...is now long overdue.” 
Hours later Wrath Des found himself on the mindscapes main couch tiredly nestled besides a dozed off Jealousy Jacob and a cheerfully talking Patton. They had spent hours haphazardly strewn around the very room, just...talking and discussing and airing years worth of grievences. It wasnt easy, and things were no where near fixed or completely repaired. But, there were many small positive steps taken in that direction...and things were lighter and better as they stood at a better understanding of each other. Things werent perfect, and in the back of his mind he could list everything that could fuck up and send them back spiraling. Yet he didnt want to ruin what...whatever it was happening as dinner was cooked. Logan, Remus, and Virgil all sat together on the other side of the couch chatting among themselves and with Patton as they tried to decide on a movie and played candyland. In the kitchen he could hear Roman and Deceit cooking and giggling with each other, trying to outdo each other with some dumb food based pick up lines. But they sounded happy, so many it wasnt that dumb...Des watched them play candyland, staying relatively quiet aside from answering questions and jabs sent his way. It was comfortable and relaxed, and Des couldnt help but yawn. Without noticing , he ended up resting his head on Patton’s clearly unoccupied and underutilized shoulder as his eyes drooped shut. He felt Patton jump a little before slowly relaxing, and he didnt even need to open his eyes to flip Remus off as he let out an overly exaggerated coo at the motion letting himself relax. Patton smelled good he decided. Like fabric softener and baked goods and some kind of spice...Des also decided that the blurry sight of the trio next to them, with Remus’s legs draped across Logan and Virgil’s laps and one hand playing with Virgils messy hair as he sat on Logan’s right and Virgil contently and fully relaxed into Logan’s left side, head resting in the crook of his neck and his hand laced with the logical side’s unused hand as they played was also good. The sound of Jacobs soft snores was soothing and the joyful flirty voices in the kitchen blended into it well when combined with Pattons soft humming. If this was how things would be more often....he’d learn to add a little more patience to his supply of the stuff....
And maybe for once he didnt have to be negative, with no more tension for now to be broken.
The end.
 Ok holy shit its finally finished!! This was over 7k goddamn words of emotion and holy shit was it a rollercoaster to write
THis is what happened when I wake up before 5 in the morning after not being able to sleep much...I apparently bust out 15 whole pages worth of words
Now....to go do my chores real quick and go pass the fuck out for an hour or two of sleep
I hope you guys liked it!!!
@phantommoonpeople @sweetsweetemo @leesacrakon @amazable01 @strawberryjellystuff @heyhelloitsk @jemthebookworm @max-is-tired @seriously-a-dragon @sar-kasstic @soupspam @riarities @yalltookmyurlideas @unsocialchapeau @hyperions-stallion @aqua-mazing @pancakewithamace @dee-ree-vee @sensibleghost @ro-roowo @baby-duck-boy @wack-ismygender
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ficsnships · 3 years
Y’all I know that I said I was going to post my review of AHW latest episode last Friday, but I’ve been so stressed and tired lately that I didn’t had the energy to do so. But here it is, the review no one really asked for of American Housewife episode 5x09 “The Heist”.
I am really liking Second Breakfast 2.0 squad, Tami and JD bring a different vibe. BUT I still want Doris back! I thought that JD wanted to adopt not getting an egg donor and a surrogate. Loved Tami’s line about his uncle being with a celebrity on his AA meetings, someone who’s name sounded like “Shmel Bibson” 😂. I loved how goofy that whole story arc was. Breaking in the clinic, then getting caught by the cops and Katie’s reflex was to scream to “flush the evidennce” she was a wild teen, wasn’t she? I LOLed when she said that about Martha Stewart and Snoop Dog. Lol, Katie needs better role models.
Taylor hanging with the Joshes was really fun too. That rage room was awesome! I want to go to one, though I’m pretty sure I’ll hurt myself, I am pretty clumsy. What one of the Joshes said about her, that going to the rage room would be healthy for her since she was full with rage. And Katie saying, it’s not rage, it’s hate. LOL. Taylor and Greg’s scenes were great. Walter being super suspicious about their relationship, lol. “SHE’S MY DAUGHTER!” “And you are her daddy!” Lol.
Poor Greg! He never gets a break from his family antics. I thought that the motto Katie suggested was really funny, “Make Westport Greg Again” 🤣. “As someone without integrity it feels like an attack”. I think, this episode, Katie was the most Katie this season. Katie’s photo on the newspaper was hilarious.
One of the two things besides COOLIVER content this episode, was that Anna-Kat finally interacted with Oliver again, I think the last time they were together was on 5x03, when Oliver, Cooper, Franklin and her were eating pizza, and they didn’t even talk to each other they were just in the same scene, lol. So I was so happy that she had amazing scenes with her brother and her future brother in-law. 😜 She’s so proud of her boy being amazing at everything, lol. Franklin is a keeper for sure. The way he described Cooper’s sandwich was so poetic.
And finally what y’all really want, COOLIVER:
They really said, let’s give these suckers the best Cooliver content without making them canon, so they keep watching... lol.
I’ll start with Trevor, he was so unnecessary mean to Cooper, he didn’t need to tell him that he was useless and call him “toothpick legs”. Like, dude, Cooper was the least toothpicked legged dude in tha room, 😂. But, let’s be real, he wasn’t saying anything that wasn’t completely true about Cooper not being... helpful. And I do agree that he could’ve invested in the app, and then he’d have had a say in the app development process. We know Cooper has a great eye for decoration/design so he could’ve helped desing the app graphics or whatever. Writers being lazy. Cooper asking Oliver to “defend his honor” was the most boyfriendish/gay thing he has said to Oliver, and that’s saying something, lol. And Oliver defending him, not fast enought though and also complementing his not-boyfriend and saying he’s essential to their work, lol. I think that he should’ve said something else besides the eyebrow stuff, once Trevor was gone, when he was trying to reassure Cooper, he had already complemented him last a few episodes back about his “impeccable eye for design”.
Cooper looked so sad eating that ice cream. 😢 And did y’all see Oliver’s worried face while looking at his not-boyfriend? It was as if he wanted to protect Cooper from all the pain in the world. Then when Anna-Kat and Franklin were being kinda mean to Cooper, he looked up to see Oliver in the most adorable sad way, he was literally this emoji 🥺,like he was saying “aren’t you gonna say something?” and our boy obviously understood and defended Cooper again. But it was great that the three of them tried to help Cooper find what he’s good at. Oliver was really trying to say something nice about Cooper’s drawing, lol. And then Cooper lashing out on Franklin, and Oliver’s face was like “Now, let’s not be mean Cooper”. Cooper joke’s were so bad they were funny. “I love your observations” what else do you love about Cooper, Oliver 👀? He was being very supportive though. That scene reminded me a little bit of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. Oliver being Miriam, supporting his not so funny husband, and Cooper being Joel, wanting to be a comedian but not being goog at it, lol. Oliver trying to cheer up Cooper, telling him that he was more than just his money, telling him that he has tons of qualities and character. And then Cooper asking for a compliment about his looks, lol. “You’re outfit is fire right now” while checking him out, LOL! Who knew Cooper could cook? Loved Cooper’s face when he said “I am a chef”, he was so happy! And that suuuuper gay comment Oliver said, “You are gonna wear the crap out of those black-and-white checkered pants” 👀. JUST DATE AND KISS ALREADY! They love each other so much 😫.
Now let’s be a little critical about the episode:
Is it me, or they’ve made Cooper dumber? Like, he wasn’t that dense before. Maybe is the fact that he’s completely out of his comfort zone, living with the Ottos, no credit cards, no hired help. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but that’s how I feel about his character development this season. Like they give him more background and depth, but at the same time took away some of his brain... I also didn’t completely bought that Cooper could cook, I’m happy they give him a passion or something other than fashion and interior design to be good at, but I think is not really that believable. I’ll go with it however, for my own sake, lol.
Other thing that kinda bothered me was that Oliver said that Cooper accepted him right away when he moved to Wesport, which isn’t completely true. Cooper was an asshole the first time we met him, and wanted to prove that Oliver was laying about his family. And he didn’t really find out about Oliver not being wealthy until I think season 3, when Greg showed him the photos of their actual family vacation to the Amish place. And even then, the conversation never happened on screen. I think it takes away from his development to forget that he wasn’t really that nice at first.
Other than that, I really enjoyed and loved this episode. It was so refreshing. And I LOVED every second of Cooliver scenes, they were so wholesome.
I think that’s it, sorry for taking this long to post about it. I had this draft saved since the episode aired but couldn’t bring myself to finish it. Sorry if there are many grammar mistakes, if I don’t post it as it is, I may never will, lol.
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httpbread · 4 years
For another ask, how would Hanako handle a blunt and well-meaning s/o - maybe even a crush - who doesn’t think they are cute, maybe average at best, as well as being a bit dense? For example, they find love letters in their desk and are immediately ready to throw them away because they don’t want them, or think they are doing Aoi-chan a favor?
pairing: Hanako x reader:
did not think i’d be writing today but this is now the second request i’ve done,,,,, i just want to say a big fuck you to writer’s block and i am very excited to get back into trouble 😌😌
- hanako has been trying to woo (Y/n) since their face first popped up on his radar
- at first it was just to poke fun at Kou, since they were his and Teru’s childhood friend
- but when he realized how well they were able to slip out of his advances he grew intrigued
- it wasn’t even that they were actively turning him down, either, instead they somehow managed to cancel themselves out of his attempts.
- brushing it off as though he didn’t mean it, or it was meant for someone else or what not
- hanako was amazed
- until a month later he was still trying to make them flustered only to find they. still. didn’t. get. it.
- this would be the first month of many with (Y/n)
- he works relentlessly to get them to see he likes them
- he’s even told them to their face that he liked them (they turned it into a ‘oh. that’s sweet! I think you’re a great friend too.’)
- so everyday, without fail
- he makes sure to write at least one letter
- give them some kind of snack
- and, when opportunity arises and Yashiro isn’t there to kick his ass, stolen flowers from the garden
- sure, every single time he watched them simply hand them to their popular friend, but he was determined!
- one day they were going to accept his affections, so help whatever stood in his way!
- (Y/n) on the other hand
- “This is just ridiculous.”
- didn’t they get it by now?
- Aoi’s desk was ONE OVER.
- their desk was THEIR desk.
- “(Y/n)-chan… it’s been almost a year now… if they were meant for me- don’t you think they’d start putting them in the right place…?”
- …
- (Y/n) continues to remove the gifts from their desk and fork them over to their friend.
- Nope. No way.
- There was not a person in this forsaken school who looked at them like that!
- It’s not like they were some kind of model! Or rich! Or famous! Or popular! Or-
- you get their point.
- besides, their priorities (problems) were elsewhere, away from the dumber admirer of Aoi’s
- (Y/n) was helplessly crushing on the rumored mystery seven
- they had been for nearly a year now! And it never seemed like it was going to end! They felt like they were never going to get over this boy- and he was already dead!
- no one that she knew offered any good advice on the matter either.
- teru wanted time exorcise him
- kou wanted to fight him (when they had asked if that meant exorcism too, he had said he’d exorcise Hanako with his fists. (Y/n) still wasn’t too sure just what that meant.)
- Aoi had told them to flat out confess, but (Y/n) couldn’t exactly give her all the details on their troubles with that
- and Nene?
- well, nene had said something like ‘what are you waiting for?’ And proceded to tell them just how cool it would be to have a ghost boyfriend. Something about soulmates or other. (But quickly changed her mind in disgust when (Y/n) pointed out it was Hanako that they were crushing on. Nene told her to find a different ghost boyfriend.)
- So, they were very much at a loss with their unrequited, unknown, unreasonable feelings
- because of this, they’d get just as lost in class, missing notes and assignments, too caught up in trying to unravel their thoughts
- which led poor (Y/n) to an early morning start with Tsuchigomori-sensei for extra help. EXTRA early.
- turns out even earlier than Tsuchigomori-sensei because when (Y/n) arrive to class he wasn’t there either
- however
- there was one person there
- hovering over their desk
- with flowers
- and an envelope, sealed with a heart sticker
- and a muffin (their favorite kind)
- at first, all (Y/n) could do was watch from the doorway
- he sat the objects down once.
- then twice
- then rearranged them.
- then picked them back up.
- then put them back down.
- “Hanako-kun-“
- he screamed like they had thrown a spider or something horrifying at him instead of his own name
- “(Y-Y-Y/n)! You’re here early!”
- they eye him skeptically
- then gasp
- “So, you’re the one leaving all the gifts!”
- he straightened stiffer than any board as they marched right on over to them
- His face was all red, his hands were fidgeting, he could barely stand in place with nerves when they finally reached their desk
- “Look, (Y/n)-“
- only to quiet when they simply picked up the items from their desk
- they flash him a tight smile, setting them onto the desk next to theirs, giving it a firm pat
- “THIS is Aoi’s desk.”
- …
- “Uhm- (Y/n)-“
- “After a whole year, Hanako-kun, is it that hard to remember?”
- “It’s not, but-“
- they huff, taking their seat, trying not bury their jealousy
- the boy they had been crushing on for the last year had been giving their best friend gifts for the entire year!
- understandably they were a little miffed
- but Hanako’s hands slap lightly down on their desk
- “(Y/n)!”
- they look up at the rosy faced ghost
- “They’re for YOU.”
- they look down to find he has shoved the gifts back onto their desks
- their brows draw
- “no…?”
- “What do you mean ‘no’- that’s not how this works!”
- they can’t help but laugh at his antics
- “what? So, you’ve been giving me, of all people, secret gifts for the past year?”
- “yes.”
- they stopped laughing
- when Tsuchigomori finally showed up to give (Y/n) their extra credit work they found them busy working on something else
- that being kissing his former student silly
- needless to say all the extra lessons in the world could not help (Y/n)- who was now too busy daydreaming about their cool newl ghost boyfriend.
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hot-mic-imagines · 4 years
OMG. I really love your blog, srly. That's why I wanted to question, if you don't mind. A Ichiro Dating whit a anxious person headcanons and how the Littles and cutes brothers react or what they do.
OMG, thank you!!! I’ll try my best to keep the content going!! The more Ichiro you sent, the better! I love one big bro
Ichiro dating an anxious s/o headcanons + little Yamahas reaction
Ichiro is one of the most sweet and caring in all HypMic fight me, but also a little dense. When you tell him your anxiety problems, he says some nonsense like if it acted like an allergy or something.
But He is willing to listen to your explanations and search for things himself that can help you and a call to the illDoc just to make sure he understands what is happening.
Once learned all he could find about anxiety and asked you what he could do to make you feel better or what to avoid. And remind you that he is here to help! 24/7, whatever you need!
When he notices that you start to feel discomfort, he will bring you closer. An arm passes for your shoulders and takes your hand. Soft, assuring you that everything is okay.
It things not calm down, Ichiro would start plan two: take you to a more calm place, trying to give you your favourite tea/drink, hold your hands and tell you how much he loves you (even if this would turn him red as his jacket, better his embarrassment than you feeling bad)
If you want it, prepare for a lot of cuddles; A LOT
When you get better, he offers to do anything you want: dinner, movie, shopping; you name it.
Now, for his little brothers:
Ichiro informs his brothers of your situation in case you need help and he can be there immediately.
Saburo himself understands it and relates to it, since he is not the social type on contrarie to his brothers.
Jiro makes even dumber questions than Ichiro.
Ichiro explains it as how he understands it. And answer every Jiro question.
Wave of admirations from his brothers. Ichiro could only breath and this two would praise him
Saburo would try to do some breathing exercises with you while Jiro would try to make you laugh. And if you need something, they take turns so you arent alone any time.
So when they have to take care of you while he isn't near, fights are going to happen for sure. But at least they are mature enough to know better than to fight hard in these situations.
But could you blame them? They want to be the best in front of his Big Sis!!
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