#is domestic tua too much to ask
previouslynarnie · 4 years
absolutely no one asked but my tua season three wish list includes but is not limited to and in no particular order:
Diego continuously hunting Lila down to talk to her and trying to convince her to join his family, and finally when she can’t evade him because people are after her and trying to kill her, they talk while fighting them to the tune of Take a Chance on Me by ABBA
the siblings beginning to rectify leaving Vanya out throughout their childhood via going with her to a tattoo parlor so she can get a matching umbrella academy tattoo while Vanya grabs on to Luther’s hand (Luther because only he would be able to handle the agony of Vanya’s iron clutches) for moral support
sibling mall trip with Vanya and Allison pulling Five into a photo booth because why not (bonus if the rest of the brothers try to get in on it and cramp the already non-existent space in the booth, come on Luther) (added bonus if they each keep a strip of photos and argue over the best ones)
the siblings noticing and doing something about the signs that Five is breaking down and needs emotional and mental support from the trauma that is his life + a freaking hug how about one from each of the siblings with verbal affirmations (bonus if it’s a fam group hug with Luther’s arms around them and Five squashed in the middle of it all)
the siblings reverting to childish behavior bc Grace and Pogo don’t know them + Diego being salty bc Mom doesn’t know who I am and extra salty bc one of the sparrow kids notice it bothers him and rubs it in his face
Klaus being taken more seriously and getting the help and support he needs
Klaus and angsty Ben having their first conversation and it being the most awkward thing ever bc isn’t Ben supposed to be dead and seeing that this isn’t the case, isn’t Ben supposed to be... Ben??
the umbrella academy and the sparrow academy fighting each other, physically or verbally I have no preference
the umbrella academy and the sparrow academy fighting together
the umbrella academy and the sparrow academy being domestic and chilling with one another at the end of the season (i.e. movie night all snuggled up together in the living room eating popcorn having just survived hell and Reginald Hargreeves)
Five crying and/or expressing his emotions and being heard because he’s more than earned the right to grieve and process everything that’s happened and be loved
Allison getting joint custody of Claire + reunion scene + meet your uncles and aunt scene
Luther meeting Claire and her calling him “Spaceboy!”
Five meeting Claire and he receives his first hug in years + Claire teaching him about the trends and tech of today + Five being coerced to watch Claire’s favorite Disney movie and letting her sleep on his shoulder when she falls asleep on the couch halfway through + Allison covering them both with a blanket when she finds them both asleep
Five bonding with each of his siblings and getting the appreciation and recognition he deserves
Diego going to see Vanya play and bringing her a bouquet of flowers at the end of the concert
the siblings being super protective of Vanya when she meets someone new because a) they love her and b) remember when she dated a serial killer?
a post-credits scene similar to the Avengers in which the siblings are sitting together eating at Griddy’s Donuts or another donut joint if Griddy’s has already closed after they save the world and Five being the first to get sick and proceed to blink to the trash can and puke into it
maybe an episode where Five finally succumbs to his fatigue and just sleeps the day away in his room and despite the fact that there are things going on and they need his help, they let him sleep because he deserves to rest, damn it!!
bonus if there’s a big fight scene with all hell breaking loose with a badass song playing in the background and it keeps cutting to Five snoring soundly in his bed
Five fighting alongside his siblings
Five dancing with his siblings
any scene with any ABBA song playing but preferably a fight scene, I beg
to be continued (maybe I’ll write a fic of each scenario??)
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absolutebl · 2 years
This Week in BL - 2 GREAT Shows Ended & 1 Crappy One
March to April 2022 wk 1
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs.
Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying the most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
My Ride (GaGa) Ep 10fin - BL grew up with this pulp - a truly lovely and special little show featuring the extremely rare pairing of sunshine/sunshine AKA a cinnamon roll couple. Mature explorations of relationships using one of the softest, sweetest and most innocent friends to lovers vehicles. Kindly, overworked doctor meets broken-hearted motorcycle taxi driver in an “other side of the tracks” slow burn romance. The support cast is excellent, making for great friendship groups and family dynamics. With honest queer rep that adds to, but doesn’t impede the story, and genuine conversation about the nature of class, wealth, and classism, not to mention communication, honesty, and respect for boundaries, you can’t go wrong with this show. In other news, I am a sucker for a single dimple. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED 9/10 
Cutie Pie (YouTube Sat) Ep 7 - This is a cute little show when they’re awkwardly trying to date each other and be domestic. I love a grocery shopping trope. MaxNat giving us some really good kisses. Nuea & Syn are also cute. AND a BounPrem cameo. Pretty much they just there to shill for a gay marriage. But okay. I like the gay mafia cabal they got going on at Pentagon. The public love confession in the club was kind of insane actually, but that’s sort of the way the show is going. Also I guess that’s what gay clubs are for... making out. Owner has to do it and show how it’s done. 
La Cuisine (GaGa Sat) Ep 4 - This series is so soft and sweet. I love the way Ram is making his intentions clear without ever crossing a line very much the gentleman, it matches to Choup’s shyness really well. But I don’t see how they’re going to progress anywhere with these personality types. Meanwhile Sky is THE BEST boy. Being on the phone talking with your crush all night long is so first love, I can’t even. But I’ve actually never seen it depicted in a BL. I remain wild about this show and I love that they are confronting the cost of celebrity. 
KinnPorsche (iQIYI Sat) Ep 1 - I loathe the opening credits and song, not that this matters much. Initial thoughts: We in for 50% car porn 50% actual porn? OK. I’m game. The fight sequences are really good. Kinn’s eyebrows are like seriously aggressive caterpillars - I’m half afraid they’re going to strike out on their own, take up the rainbow flag and join the march in Not Me. I was thinking about live blogging this one, but honestly that’s all I have a lot to say so far. I didn’t take a lot of screenshots, which is usually a sign I don’t have a ton of feelings on a show. So far KiinPorsche is fine, good even. I’m interested. I’m looking forward to the next episode. But the most exciting thing for me was the ombre (hombre, heh heh) suit, and it’s not whipping me into a verbal frenzy. Not even the suit. However, if I feel different next week... 
Dear Doctor, I'm Coming for Soul (iQIYI Weds) Ep 1-2 - I could imagine MaxTul anchoring this series but I’m glad to have Karn (the soul reaper Tua Phee) & Nut (Doctor Prakan) back on my screen. I like the nurse with the crush. In fact, I like all of the characters. The acting a solid too. I’m finding the music a little intrusive but I LOVE the premise so I’m willing to forgive it a few growing pains. Also we can’t ask too much from a New directed piece these days. 
Cupid's Last Wish (YouTube Sun) Ep 1 - I like it a lot more than I expected. I like that they are basically boyfriends before anything goes down. I like the will betrayal as a fissure point (witnessed a few of these myself). I love that Korn can recognize Win behind his sister’s eyes instantly. Mix is acting his little heart out. I’m into it. I’m keeping it in rotation. 
Miracle of the Teddy Bear (grey Sun) Ep 1-3 - This is NOT a premise that interests me. It consists of 16 short eps, airing Fri-Sun on Ch3 & 3Plus, reruns with subs on Netflix Asia, nothing else international. (Apparently it’s already super popular in Thailand.) I gave it a try on DC and I really do love the cast. I really like the leads dynamic, and the actor playing the teddy bear is adorable. But I find the inanimate objects talking really creepy. I ADORE the secondary couple - I always love a younger Ernest age gap romance. I think if it comes up on my radar again I’ll keep watching, but I’m not fussed. 
Enchante (YouTube Fri) Ep 10fin - Well that was a thing. Honestly it probubly should get an 8/10 by my rating system but I was so disappointed I’m giving it a 7/10 and not bothering to write a review. RECOMMENDED WItH RESERVATIONS Live blogg ep-by-ep recap here.
The Tuxedo (GaGa Sat) Ep 5 - These two are very good at flirting. But I’m not sure I can ever forgive the rich kid character. Another BL that is squandering great chemistry. So I guess that isn’t just only GMMTV’s purview.  
Love Stage!! (AISplay or grey Sat) Ep 8 - the subber I follow is on vacay so no report this week, I’m getting behind on this one.
My Secret Love (GaGa? Mon) Ep 1 - I thought this was supposed to air on Monday but... nothing, and no info on MDL either. So perhaps I had the date wrong? 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Cherry Blossoms After Winter (Korea Viki Fri) Ep 6 - OMG SO CUTE. So awkward. College boyfriends campus couple. SO SOFT. Argh. I’m dead. Also it looks like Korea might serves us a little coming out drama next ep (not normal for them) gonna be interesting to see how they handle it. Delicately, I’d guess. I wonder if HaeBom’s gonna find out and leave, for TaeSung’s own good, and then TaeSung self destructs. That’s how I’d write it with this kind of pairing. 
Blue of Winter AKA Judo Boys (Korea Weds YouTube) Ep 5fin - I don’t know, it was odd, like Strongberry decided to do a pulp? Not terrible but not good either. 3/10 NOT RECOMMENDED, I don’t know what I’m watching and neither does it. 
Blueming (Korea IQIYI Weds or Thurs) Ep 1-11 - it’s ongoing if you want to watch it for free week-by-week, but my FairyBLParent got me VIP so I watched it all at once. I LOVED it. You’ll need to get through the first 5 eps though. YOU CAN DO IT!  Review here. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED 9/10. 
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Star Hunter’s next Thai BL What Zabb Man (described as a chaotic romance, of course). Got a description: Poon is a hardworking guy who quit school to take care of his little brother after their parents died. He’s struggling to make a food stall work and then one of his customers recruits him as a chef for a hotel. The hotel owner, Tian, turns out to be someone he already hates, but once challenged to cook well, Poon can’t resist. Tian falls in love with Poon's cooking but won’t admit to it. Enemies to lovers commence. 
New Thai BL Buddy Line Y Animal AKA Buddy Line Y(aoi) Animal (seriously?) dropped a trailer. From the same people who brought us The Yearbook and based on 4 y-novels written by Scriper, slated to be released this year. Stars Man & Tile (Yearbook), Oat (Make it Right), and unknowns. 
Taiwanese BL (ish) Papa & Daddy has had a recast for season 2. The actor playing the seme role has been replaced. 
To My Star stars, Son Woo Hyeon & Kim Kang Min are cast together (again) in non-BL Kdrama, The Golden Spoon. So far they have been in Tale of the Nine-Tailed (not BL) and To My Star 1 & 2. 
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Spring of Crush AKA Love in Spring (coming soon from Watcha (Light On Me, Semantic Error - we LIKE them). Is rumored to be... wait for it... A FULL LENGTH KDRAMA!!!!! Yes my darlings: 16 episodes at 30 minutes each!!!!!! Stars Yoo Youngjae (formerly K-pop BAP) and Kim Song (from School 2017). This is a historical cross dressing rich/poor romance and I AM SO EXCITED. 
Korea’s Dramatist Studio released location photos of their upcoming BL original Happy Ending Outside The Fence feat Leo (VIXX) and Ha Jung-woo. I guess they are keeping that title. OKAAAAAYYY...  
Korea has picked up Dongmul's A Shoulder to Cry On for adaptation, both leads to be played by idols, and it will be 12 eps. Story features forced outing, pubic shaming, sports, confident gay seme, and enemies to lovers. I’m getting Tharntype + Semantic Error + Light On Me. I’m not mad about this.  
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In Case You Missed it
Yes there really is a new Thai GL on the horizon. It has been a LONG time. 
Also, Thailand is bring us some messy queer affirming chaos content Saneha Stories 4. Not much known about it with no MDL listing, but here’s the trailer. And of course, never trust it will actually be made or accessible or LIKE the trailer. I’ve been trying to get ahold of Saneha Stories 3 forever (it’s a trans romance featuring Ohm T, Yoon, and Gun K). So anyway 4 has: 
multiple GLs, 
Nut (Grey Rainbow, Dear Doctor) being hella closeted maybe dating a girl + Plustor + Earth K 
a trans man (played by Tul, yes of MaxTul), 
a trans lesbian character,
a (maybe) poly relationship with BoothNewyear + pregnant lady
an asexual storyline with KaownahTurbo
What we want is, of course, this just as a hella queer Friend Zone, but I think this is probubly a series of short vignettes. It’s looks very very messy and not BL but interesting. The kind of thing GaGa should like. Maybe they’ll pick it up. 
Upcoming Japanese uni BL (live action yaoi adaptation) Mr Unlucky Can Only Kiss! AKA Fukou-kun wa Kiss Suru Shika Nai! starts April 21st. About a boy who is always unlucky, and one who it always lucky, who accidentally start dating. No inter distribution info but it’s from the My Beautiful Man people so... Gaga maybe? 
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Next Week Looks Like This:
Star and Sky: Star in My Mind takes over Enchante’s frigay time slot for GMMTV. Star Hunter’s new offering, What Zabb Man! starts Saturday (no inter distribution). And the Cherry Magic movie is releasing (in Japan). 
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This week’s best moments?
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Cherry Blossoms, this show could not get any cuter. 
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Not my favorite of Yoon’s pairs but that was  spectacular confession scene in My Ride. 
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Butch Queen of the Universe. Now accepting tribute. 
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Sky in La Cuisine = best boy. 
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Phai in La Cuisine = best tsundere bestie. Is that a thing? Well, it should be. Just look at him go...
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He actually says nong saow to pink-haired girl and Kitty. I cooed with the queer acceptance of it all. 
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Look, I don’t like Our Days, but this bit with the boom mic was absolutely hilarious. 
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The *gasp* heard ‘round BL fandom. 
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BounPrem for the marriage equality shill. 
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zhanglaoshi · 3 years
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This harbored deluge for you and i // 像我和你需要下一场雨 by @gardencitymovements (30k) (M) (Completed)
Modern Wenzhou au getting together, falling in love, being domestic and found family trope, this fic has everything! If you haven't read this fic, please read it!! The characters, every charcter interaction and their bond with each other is so well portrayed!! Was literally thinking about this fic for so long!!
Are you ever dreaming of me? By @haojiemei1 (5k) (TUA) (Ongoing)
Mordern Wenzhou au, Friends to lovers, lots of pinning, they are just idiots in love your honor. An amazing fic! And I'm desperately waiting for the last chapter to be updated! It's almost done!
A Brew To Bloom by Nouvamin (62k) (E) (Completed)
Mordern Wenzhou in Beijing with an atypical cafe, some backstories, pinch(maybe more) slow burn, FLUFF and beautiful characters. Please read the tags before you read. I didn't stop reading once I started this fic.
Little Blizzard by thegreatwordologist (499) (GA) (one-shot)
{Summary : Chengling and his daughter, Nian Xiang, visit Zhou Zishu and Wen Kexing yearly. This year, Nian Xiang has something to tell the two immortals.} I don't wanna give away to you about the surprise waiting for you at the end of this fic even though it's so short it's the one I bookmarked first. Also this post, check it.
As We Go by @aiyexayen (1k) (TUA) (one-shot)
{ Summary: A-xiang is happily wed and sent to her new home and Wen Kexing feels too much about it.} I love the writer for writing this. Such a soft and comforting fic. (Twitter thread)
Always you by @jaanwangji (2k) (GA) (one-shot)
{Summary: There's no Zhou Zishu without Wen Kexing. He will shout this in his ears when the brat opens his eyes.} This is the ENDING we all deserved for the drama, and Rie has given it to us! Thank you so much Rie!
This never ending simple tenderness by seagaze (ao3) sunriseseas (twt) (3k) (GA)
The most domestic, slice of life, fluff wenzhou fic! If you want to read about domestic wenzhou at a supermarket on an afternoon, please read this!
Beauty in firelight by the Thegoldenoath (3k) (E) (one-shot)
The special episode 6 which we wanted but never got! No worries, this writer got us! Please read the tags before reading.
Insufferable by @perkynurples (3.5k) (E) (one-shot)
{ Summary: Wen Kexing asks a question. Zhou Zishu only hesitates to answer for a little while.} This is beautifully written and purely pwp but still porn with feelings.
Veiled intentions by Kokosmaelk (4k) (M) (one-shot)
A short drabble of what if Zhou Zishu went to ghost valley as a undercover spy for Prince Jin and the Ghost Valley master actually kept him there for long!
Note : I have tagged writers to credit them here and also tried my best to tag them if they have a Twitter account or just ao3. The first bracketed number is word count, next is the rating { E - explicit, M- mature, TUA - teen and up audiences, GA - General audience} and last bracket is completion status. Please read the tags in the beginning of the fic and authors note before reading a fic!
PS: I just made this list to share my favorite wenzhou fics with others. These are just some of those fics at the top of my mind, that I have read in the past month or so and LOVED them.
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how many wips do you have? like what are they all, and not the number of wips in a fandom? what are all the names?
okay. fuck you. fuck you so much. fuck you.
i’m putting this under a read more cut no one else deserves to see this shit. a lot of these are requests, and for those i will just write out the request itself
domestic polycule fluff with tem, jessa, and will because im not a coward
- hehe hoho i request destiel hehehe
- request 61/? cai cai cai cai i need you to rewrite the destiel scene but yk. GOOD. not like i'm in the know about the spn fandom or anything, it's been years for me. but DO IT
Bright Sessions
- caleb/adam grisha AU
- mark bryant vs. united states aka sue the AM
- caleb/adam college fluff
Umbrella Acaademy
- request 31/? i want a ben and klaus drabble please spare me some brotherly bickering
- AND SO BEGINS NIGHT 4 with request 13/? oooh oooh can i get a raymond and allison playlist??? i think their vibes together would SLAP
- hi there night 2 is technically morning 3 but who's counting not me anyway request 5/? can i get a ben moodboard? gotta rep my tua bb
Percy Jackson
- request 9/? can i get a percabeth moodboard or quote edit?? like god they're the og couple goals take me back to high school cai
- For the 100 follower things :D Jercy getting caught in the rain
- request 29/? a drabble about literally anything to do with pjo. i’ll be happy with anyone and anything i’m love these children
- *somersaults in like I’m a real fancy acrobat* hello ello ello may I request some camp half blood chaos possible involving *does a flip* ✨side characters✨ <3
Penumbra Podcast 
- request 52/? drabble about the penumbra podcast. this is for ren bc ren likes it and i don't actually know anything about it. juno? i think? that's the one ren likes. write it for ren
- Tpp ghost hunting / buzzfeed unsolved au
- sad juno smut
- final resting place fic go brrrr
- request 6/? i'm going to my roots y'all can i get a spider-man playlist? if not a playlist then i'd honestly be happy with literally anything involving spider-man
- request 15/? i'm going crazy this is recorded evidence of me actually losing it ANYWAY can i get a quote edit for something from iron man? literally anything that man says is gold so cai's choice :D he deserved better in endgame i'm still bitter
- request 42/? do another spidey thing that differs from the other spidey thing
- request 73/? you have Opinions. rant about infinity way and/or endgame. go.
- request 74/? quote edit for deadpool!!
- spideytorch relationship character study
- peter parker as a tired grad student monitoring the young avengers (send help)
Six of Crows
- okay listen i wasn't going to request anything bc i worry about you but also? if you want to/have the time hit me with a playlist for our girl nina zenik
- request 43/? fuckin give me the ending anya should have had. she is alive and with her new son and having a great time
- request 45/? inej moodboard?
- request 47/? will you make literally any meme of your choosing for six of crows?
- request 48/? write a drabble for kaz, my favorite bastard
- okay so i don't actually like nina or mattias that much but i still wanna hear about your thoughts (and also see if you'll change my mind)
- kaz brekker turning 18 fic. birthday party, everyone singing, whole shebang. i need it stat
- religious trauma fic aka i started shipping kaz/alina/inej and i can’t stop
- kaz trauma soup (he has D.I.D. and you can’t prove me wrong)
- my two redacted fics for @grishaversebigbang​
- wesper fake dating
- six of crows bright sessions crossover: everyone gets therapy
- uhh... s1 gang having a nice time? melanie getting to have some Pride™️? some "fun" horror thing?
- request 7/? spare steph and jason bonding? please sir? spare some for a humble child such as myself?
- okay so this was meant for night 3 but i had midterm shit SO this is honorary night 3 let's DO THIS request 8/? i want a moodboard of extremely out of context magnus archives shit like i mean confuse the FUCK out of me i don't go here i know Nothing about it
- request 11/? OKAY so i need tim stoker meeting tim drake now i need my timmy to meet your tim plus i want to see character differences no i'm not trying to create a tim stoker in my head so i can read a's fic while NOT thinking of tim drake whaaaaaat you're crazy
- request 18(i think)/? i need a quote edit of every time within the first like. 15 eps of tam where jon is like “sounds fake but go off” thank u bb
- request 40/? i challenge you to write a tma drabble based only on the episodes i've heard. i'm currently halfway through episode 23
- Jon being lovingly bullied into taking a break. I'm aware this has been written a million times but it is one of my favorite things.
- spiral!sasha AU
- extinction martin go brrrrr
- high school era timsasha. they've both been friends for years, and everyone always asks when they will be a couple. they decide to fake date, to prove everyone wrong and show what a bad couple they would be. turns out that's a bit trickier than they thought
- after sasha comes back, tim is broken. he can't let go, scared that if he looks away for even a minute he'll lose her again. sasha suggests shibari as a way for him to give up control
- sasha pov mag 19 au, sacrificing herself to save the others, knows that if she gives herself up to the not!them it will let the others live
- this is the "tim finds a polaroid of sasha" trope
- early archives days,, long nights in research,,, clothes sharing,, somft. late nights and falling asleep at their desks warm and safe in the other's presence
- two parts: timsasha as kids, each picking a constellation that is "theirs". just soft kid antics. tim at sasha's grave glancing up to see their constellations
- continuing your job’s a joke (you’re broke)
DC Comics
- my redacted fic for @batfam-big-bang​
- request for you to get a decent amount of sleep? serious answer, dickkori, SAL's Venus
- request 4/? timsteph morning after 👀 mayhaps?
- a concept: nonbinary stephanie brown
- teehee hi mom, you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to, but can i request damian angst for your accomplishments 100 followers?
- hi you can ignore my first request if you want, or you can ignore this one. but bls possibly write some bikini ra’s? -the bikini bitch
- request 27/? jay is asking through me for a jondami playlist but tbh i also want it so win win yk?
- "I don't know how to help you but I can help you find someone who does" with bruce and jason? im just craving bruce being a good day to jason for once
- “I am putting you in time out because you need to understand the consequences of your actions.” with steph and jason as dumbass disaster bi best friends pretty please?
- request 32/? timsteph patrol date!!!
- request 33/? timsteph *gala* date? mayhaps??
- request 37/? tim drake drabble but make it Edgy cai
- request 39/? drabble of a prank war between tim and damian
- joyfire cuddly fluff please? or like just any outlaw fluff if joyfire isnt your thing (feel free to add every member of the outlaws, dont feel like u gotta stick with jason, kori, roy i love them all)
- barbara and robin! jason fluff? bonding over books or something?
- request 62/? i need a drabble about the chaotic trio jason, tim, and steph i'm love them ty
- request 63/? batfam x mcu crossover. batfam meets ironfam. give me ALL the cliches. ALL OF THEM
- request 64/? young justice x young avengers - jay cuz idk SHIT about the young avengers
- request 66/? jondami moodboard pls and ty
- request 67/? timsteph moodboard!!!!!!
- request 69/? HEHEHE kinky 😏 i would v much like a timsteph drabble of the almost first time. does that make sense? like i don't want you to go all the way NSFW cuz i know that's against the rules and i'm a rule follower. but like they *almost* go all the way. this could be fade to black or some shit i don't care just make it a lil steamy and have Fun
- i request damian angst! all of it
- hmm... maybe i request? jondami?
- mayhaps,,,,some batfam,,,,,committing crimes? ily be gay do crime <3 - lu
- How about a ficlet with Steph and Cass?
Found Family Bingo Prompts
- no powers au
- tunnel
- first day
- join the club
- hurt/comfort
- experiment
- playing favorites
- hold on
- possession
- 10 o’clock
- singing
- road
- snitch
- curfew
- timer
- fantasy au
- zombie au
- dreams
- campfire
- are you okay
- movie night
- games
- scared
- a request: Write A Drabble, Coward
- is it too late to request a moodboard for me?
- request 20/? i’m going off book because i’m in a Chaotic Mood™️ can you just absolutely vibe check me like go off cai demolish me
- request 21/? i formally request that you pick a favorite cai. i don’t care what that favorite pertains to, just pick a favorite something
- request 23/? roast me
- request 24/? can i have a buzzfeed unsolved spoopy playlist but spoiler alert it’s not spoopy bc shane doesn’t believe does this make sense it has been a Day™️
- request 25/50 i want a jake and amy fic make it Soft cai i’m love them b99 is so good
- request 28/? i know nothing about the lord of the rings so make something that will confuse the shit out of me
- request 34/? malvie and jaylos moodboards 😈
- request 35/? a moodboard for the bbb mods!! perceive all of us!!!
- request 36/? moodboard for the tua mods too???? mayhaps??
- request 41/? doctor WHO? idk but i want a drabble of him and the one character i know from doctor who which is rose
- request 46/? make an alignment meme with our group, have fun!!!
- request 49/? i want you to kin assign me a character from every fandom you can/want to. go feral
- request 50!!!!/? this is a special request. the most special request. can you make a bastards tbh playlist? i want our vibes encapsulated. i want us in music form. i want to hear those songs and be like "that's me and cai" and smile.
- requests 51/? i know jack shit about good omens. explain it to me in the most confusing way possible. make me know less by the end than i know now
- request 53/? can you write a mel aesthetic? i'm Curious
- request 54/? give me a list of book recs cai i want some good book recs pls
- request 56/? edit a picture of US together too
- request 58/? oooh can i have a disney edit? like. hm. i just really love disney and i want anything to do with disney. like a quote or an aesthetic or an aesthetic edit i just want disney.
- request 59/? i would v much like a recipe for carbonara. i've never had it but it sounds fucking delicious
- request 60/? ooh hey can i get a makeup tutorial? i know you like makeup, i'm shit at doing makeup. teach me
- request 65/? i need the most emo playlist you can make that vibes with dear evan hansen thank you
- request 68/? i want a superwholock moodboard. this can be serious, with the actual fandoms in mind, or literally what the era felt like. the insanity. the horror.
- request 70/? ooh ooh ooh do you have a good bread recipe?? i wanna get that bread
- request 71/? i want a playlist with the vibes of summoning a demon. please don't ask questions. i don't have answers. and if i do, no i don't.
- For the requests, how about writing something based on a friend?
- request 75/? MMMM i want literally anything to do with natasha, pierre, and the great comet of 1812
- request 76/? i want some healthy recipes. help a girl out
- a feral bbb quote or two?
- you perceive my plant but now I dare thee to perceive mine own visage
- okay this is a two for one request. 1. you did the bee movie script so now we need a shrek two script edit 2. sleep please
- Pansexual mb for my lil queer soul?
- my (probably) final request is just for you to ramble about something, i don't really care what
- HI ILY CONGRATS AS WELL CAUSE IM LATE BUT CONGRATS. could i request a pirates of the caribbean (or just pirates) or whatever you what to do, free range.
- mood board for the beluga whales who got brought to the animal sanctuary in Iceland please?
- 100 follower request: Moodboard for my stuffed cow Oaky?
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five-fic-recs · 4 years
Hi! Can you recommend a fun five-centric fic, maybe with him and the siblings spending some time together?
To be quite honest with you, anon, most of the fics I know fall more in the whump and h/c category. That being said! I have read a few more light hearted fics, and in honor of the literal months it took for me to answer this ask (sorry), here’s pretty much every happy TUA fic I know:
In The Early Hour by livtontea - (2003 words): Five wakes Diego up far too early to go to IKEA. Fun and domestic!
The Hargreeves Take The Bahamas by TheGirlWhoWearsBlack - (7605 words, 3/? chapters): Post S2, Five’s joke about going on vacation gets taken way too seriously.
inhibitions (or, high five) by spritewrites - (2053 words): Vanya notices Five struggling to relax and realizes an old gift from Klaus might help. Just Five and Vanya hanging out and laughing way too hard.
When All is Said and Done by theboywantscoffee - (3113 words): Post S2 Hargreeves family celebration. A little bit of angst in the beginning, but eventually leads to everyone dancing to ABBA.
Mall Pretzels, Bad Fashion, and Other Suggested Brotherly Activities by homosexual_having_tea - (775 words): Five and Klaus just having a good time at the mall!
Perhaps not the most light hearted fic, but I adore Razor Burns and Other Lingo by TheArchaeologist - (3193 words) too much to leave it off a family bonding list. The Hargreeves brothers catch Five shaving and refuse to leave him alone. A little sad, but like every fic by this author, wonderfully in-character and well done!
Finally, Leave Notifications On! by Skaurple - (12844 words, 5/5 chapters) is a rare exception to my general avoidance of chatfics. Wanders into a crack territory on occasion, but Klaus explaining the dangers of autocorrect, Luther’s inability to accurately type on his tiny phone keyboard, and Five’s desperate attempts to leave the groupchat never fail to make me laugh!
I hope this list is helpful, and again, I apologize for the wait!!
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rudimentaryflair · 4 years
17 and 26 of the fanfiction writer asks! :)
17. A trope you’ll never, ever write for.
This is super specific, but: two characters who are friends - one of whom is gay and out, the other who is assumed straight - with rumors of the straight one hanging out with the gay one because they’re both secretly gay and dating. They end up together anyway, proving the rumors true. 
There’s nothing specifically wrong with that scenario, but I’m queer and the assumption that people are friends with me because a) they’re a certain sexuality, b) I want to date them, and/or c) they want to date me is supremely uncomfortable and uh, not aligned to reality lol. It’s totally okay if you like that trope though, this is just a personal squick of mine. 
26. Is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but you’ve been too scared to try?
Pretty much 99% of the things I write fit this description haha. Though, if I want to write something, I always force myself to at least attempt it (most of these attempts never see the light of day though, unfortunately).
Off the top of my head, the most notable ones in my GDrive are:
A very long, chaptered fic of what I imagine s3 of TUA would be like if sparrow!Ben and umbrella!Ben existed in the same timeline, and also if everyone got to be happy for once. My motivation has a short fuse, unfortunately: I’ve only written the first two chapters (~10000 words?) and I’m too scared to publish them or continue
Another chaptered fic, this time of a rarepair from Pokemon that lives in domestic bliss in my head but has yet to actually appear in written form. I’ve attempted a couple chapters on my AO3 but uh, suffice to say it is not going well *sweatdrops*
ArthurEames debate!au, largely based off my own debate experience. However, while I’ve never shied away from self-projecting onto characters or writing in my personal feelings, using personal experiences is a whole other beast that I am slightly afraid to face
I also have a Post-Fischer Job series planned, following each member of the Inception crew on their own personal journey afterwards. I ... haven’t gotten very far with that, as it’s complicated and takes a lot out of me emotionally, but I will continue to try!
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TUA Thought Experiment
So last night I started thinking, what would the Umbrella Academy be like with alternate powers? Still a massive fuck up? Obviously. But how would their personalities change? I got a little invested in the thought experiment, so I decided, I want to write a fic about this. I want one that follows the show as closely as possible, but very different at the same time. And I thought I’d share my thought process on how I got their powers and how I got the changes to personality that would come with those. So... Enjoy! (This gets long, js)
The Powers
To pick what powers they’d have, I wanted to do something directly opposite to their current powers... Only to realize that, for everyone but Luther, Five and Klaus, I was stumped on how to do that. Is there a direct opposite to throwing shit good? no, no there isn’t. So I decided, let’s start in an opposite-like direction, and go from there. Here’s what I decided:
Luther: Super speed. I think that’s a fairly easy leap from super strength. 
Diego: i started with, okay, he can throw good, so maybe he can... catch good? But that’s not so much a power, just a baseball player. To make it a bit more power-y, I decided, okay, he’s got magnetism, but only for already magnetic things (like not just all metal like Magneto. I’m not making Diego all powerful guys.) So he can like, call magnetic objects to him sort of thing. i’ll make it work. 
Allison: Changing reality with her voice doesn’t have a clear opposite, which sucked. I thought about cancelling things with her voice, but she can do that already so it’s not alternate powers enough. In the end I decided mind reading. Since I do want the fic to follow the main story closely (to a point), I figure being able to read minds will get a similar enough backstory for Allison to work with (ie her manipulative personality) 
Klaus: Klaus was easy. If he can see dead people, then the opposite would be to prevent dead people. So he can heal people. This caused problems with Ben, but I’ll get to him in a minute. I thought about having opposites of his comics powers (levitation and telekinesis), but that got too complicated so he’s just going to have healing abilities. 
Five: Five can time travel, so what’s sort of the opposite of that? Stopping time, a la the Handler. This then posed the problem of ‘where did he go for all those years and how does he know the future?’ so I added clairvoyance into the mix, which I’ll explain later. If Klaus can canonically (in the comics) have multiple powers, Five can to. Fuck off. 
Ben: Here’s the tricky one. I wanted Ben to still be a part of the story, but if Klaus can heal then he can’t see Ben’s ghost. I thought about Klaus being able to see the dead people he couldn’t heal, but that’s too similar to canon. So then, maybe Klaus healed him before he died? But then he wouldn’t hang out with Klaus all the time and it’d change too much. I considered making Ben’s powers allow him to be present, maybe able to appear in dreams or instead of having an eldritch monster in him, he was an eldritch monster (hence this going here in the post, not later). In the end, I decided that Ben would still be dead, Klaus wouldn’t be able to see him, and for powers he’d keep the tentacles. Since he’s not a real player in the story himself, I didn’t feel the need to change that. 
Vanya: I wasn’t sure what powers to give Vanya, as apocalyptic telekinesis doesn’t have a clear opposite, and I still want it to be apocalypse causing. In the end, I decided she could get earth powers. Yes i know, kind of basic and ambiguous, but I was trying to think of “how can she destroy the earth/the moon” and well, the moon is rock, the earth is rock, she gets to control rocks. I’m still going to have sound/music center it, because the violin is just too central to Vanya’s character for me to fuck with it. 
The Effects
So we’ve got the new powers, great, great, but how do they affect the characters? How do their backstories change? As I mentioned with Allison, I’m trying to keep this similiar-ish to the canon (so Klaus is still going to be a depressing disaster, just a major trigger warning for him). Obviously things changed, but we’re going to keep it as close to the same as possible. 
Luther: Luther is probably the most similar to canon, in that nothing really changes. He still gets the leader complex, still gets turned into a buff monkey (since I think that was mostly the serum not his powers at play), only with that bit he becomes much more clumsy and shit because he’s not used to running with that bulk. He still gets sent to the moon too. Woo hoo. 
Diego: Again Diego is fairly similar. Stutter, rivalry with Luther, mommy’s boy, all the same. Still goes to the police academy and meets Eudora and fights crime in kink gear. Only difference I see obvious is he probably uses a magnetized knife or bullets or something to fight since he can call it back/manipulate it’s path. 
Allison: She still got really manipulative as a kid, always knowing what people were thinking and such. Since I headcannon that Reginald trained her into thinking she can only change reality with “i heard a rumor” even though she could do it anyways, as like a way to control her, I think he likely did the same with mind reading. So say, now she can only do it when touching someone even if she technically doesn’t need to. She still likely got to be a super star by always knowing what they were looking for/blackmailing, snagged Patrick by being everything he ever wanted in a girlfriend, and manipulated her daughter leading to the divorce and losing custody. Now she wears gloves and long sleeves to prevent touching someone since she doesn’t want to read minds anymore. 
Klaus: Again, trigger warning, this one gets dark. Since he could heal, and his family was being put into dangerous situation when they were like, 10, he probably had immense pressure put on him from family, Reggie, and himself. I imagine for training, Reggie would bring him to hospitals where he’d have to see and heal domestic violence victims, terminally ill children, attempted suicides, burn victims, etc, just horrible things from the time he was young. Reggie probably also hurt him to see if he could heal himself, possibly Grace helping as she could cause pain without permanent damage, and possibly also hurt his siblings for added punishment/’motivation.’ With the pressure and the memories of those he couldn’t save and his siblings suffering, he turned to self harm and self destructive tendencies rather than drugs, as ‘punishment’ for failing. When Ben died and Klaus was unable to save him, he tried to kill himself, only for it not to work as his healing ability kicked in before he could die (see your bitch still got that immortality in there!) Instead he turned to really terrible self destructive tendencies. He wound up in mental health hospitals a LOT which just made things worse as he was surrounded by depressed people who he couldn’t help since he can’t heal mental illness, but he’s still got that ‘i must save everyone or i am worthless’ mindset Reggie gave him. I’ve got more for him, but I kind of want to save some of it for the fic, as he will be the POV character (obvi.) 
Five: Got a vision of the future apocalypse that he tried convince Reginald to take seriously, but he didn’t since Five didn’t get many details except the date (which as we know Reggie already knew). Since Reggie was no help, he left to find out more and stop it on his own, got picked up by the Commission pretty soon after leaving (do you think they WOULDN’T want a person who could stop time/see how different deaths would affect the timeline without long math problems/was crazy smart and excellent at killing? No, they’d swoop him up as soon as he was away from Reggie). He’d eventually come back when he figured out how to tamper with the briefcase they gave him to make it untraceable. Problem was he messed part of it up and it turned him young again (though he was never as old as he got in the series). Delores was another person at the Commission who helped him out. No mannequin fucking in my good Christian household today you hear me? 
Ben: Dead. Torn apart by the tentacles and unable to be healed by Klaus because it’s hard to reattach shredded bodies even with powers. Luther pressured him into using his powers that day, but everyone told him it was okay, so they all feel like they share the blame. I think Klaus probably had a feeling it wouldn’t be...
Vanya: Caused an earthquake as a kiddo when she had to eat oatmeal. Reggie got annoyed because how dare a four year old have a temper tantrum and put her on medication. She got ignored except for by Ben and Five. So about the same. 
The Fic
I haven’t actually started writing the fic yet, again this was just the brainstorming/thought experiment I had at... midnight? one am? Somewhere around then. If you are interested in the idea of this fic, or have any ideas on their powers/plot ideas, please please please leave me a reply or send an ask!! I’d love some feedback and ideas. Whenever I start posting I’ll post the link here as well as on my writing blog @elliot-orion. Thanks for reading!
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keyorsomething · 5 years
►єυ∂ιєgσ яαит
✿Hello everyone!✿
Today, I'm going to simply be ranting about my thoughts on Eudora's character, and the ship between her and Diego.
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Warning! This will contain spoilers for any episodes past number three, and will discuss some serious and rather touchy topics. Reader discretion is advised.
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►1. єυ∂σяα'ѕ ¢нιℓ∂нσσ∂ (domestic violence trigger warning.)
Eudora spent a lot of her younger years in a violent situation. She grew up in the ghetto of the city, and took up martial arts when she was young to learn to better defend herself. Her father abused her mother often, and her grandfather was the main reason she grew up to be as functional as she's shown to be.
Most children who grow up around intimate partner violence (IPV) have a lot of issues. She was lucky enough to have a grandfather who kept the violence as far away from her as possible. When she was eight years old, her mother was nearly murdered by her father, causing her grandfather to call the police. They were helped out of the situation, and Eudora's father was sentenced to 38 years in prison. She dreads the day that might come- where he lives long enough to get out of where he belongs.
Often times, children are distrustful of their female caretakers who were victims of IPV. They don't believe that the victim will care for them, causing independence to be forced at a young age, even after escaping the abuse. I believe that Eudora likely loved her mother a lot- but never fully trusted her, even into adulthood. Ever since she was nine years old, she'd decided that she never wanted to be like her mother. She saved thousands of dollars through all of her years in middle school and high school, so that when she was 18, she could move out immediately.
Seeing the violence in her home caused Eudora to want to stop it. She wanted to be someone who could prevent people getting hurt as her mother was, and was determined to become a cop. She saved up as much money as she could, and once she graduated highschool, she enrolled in the police academy, and bought a small apartment near it.
Update as of May 20th, 2019:
So, I saw a comment that I absolutely agree with, and slightly adjusted my headcanon.
Perhaps, instead of actually experiencing abuse in her own home, she experienced it second hand. A childhood friend, or someone like that. A less violent headcanon that I've also had for a while is that maybe her father just left, around the same time that Eudora's mother and her would have left in the other headcanon.
This version of my headcanon could still leave Eudora's mother wary of men, raising her to be careful around them. If her mother had a close friend, or sister, who escaped from a domestic abuse situation, it could also work better. Leaving Eudora wary of men, but not a direct victim of the abuse. Idk- tell me what y'all think?
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►2. тнє єαяℓу уєαяѕ σf ∂ιєgσ αи∂ єυ∂σяα'ѕ яєℓαтισиѕнιρ.
Both Eudora and Diego had little experience with relationships. Eudora, from a young age, was raised to be scared of men. She didn't think she'd ever want to have an intimate relationship with a man- mostly because she was terrified of becoming like her mother.
Diego grew up as a Hargreeves. Romance was strictly forbidden. He followed the rules as strictly as he could- he wanted nothing more than to be better than Luther at the Academy. In high school, though, he had many girlfriends. Never a long term relationship, though- everything was touch and go for him.
Things changed when they met in the police academy.
Eudora helped Diego through a lot. She tried her best to understand him, and listen to him when all he needed was to know that he's not worthless. He did the same for her, building an incredibly strong bond between the two. Eudora struggled a lot when she fell in love with him.
Diego wasn't dangerous, and she knew he'd never hurt her. But her whole world fell apart when she fell for him. She found reason after reason not to tell him, but she eventually confessed, after months of agonizing over the possibilities. He confessed the same, and their relationship extended to be romantic.
They both had no clue what they were doing, but they figured it out together. They were more alike than they thought, and just grew closer.
They explored a lot together. What their boundaries were romance wise. Their desires sexually (more on this later.)
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►3. ∂ιєgσ тнє ∂яσρσυт.
Diego was kicked from the academy when they weren't far from graduating. He couldn't seem to agree to the laws, so despite being undeniably good at what could've been his job, defiance clearly isn't a trait suitable for a police officer. Eudora was advised to stay away from him after that, due to suspicions that he'd interfere with her career, but she loved him, and he loved her.
Eudora allowed him to help her with assignments. They made an unstoppable team.
Or, what seemed to be an unstoppable team.
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►4. тнє ∂σωиfαℓℓ σf єυ∂ιєgσ.
Diego was bored with bureaucracy. He felt as though he wasn't helping the way that he should. He managed to get access to the police radio, and listened for hours, trying to find any crime to go after. He had moved into Eudora's apartment at this point in time- so it wasn't like she had to do much digging to figure out what he was doing.
Three nights in a row, he disappeared, without her knowing. He'd stopped minor crimes- convienent store robberies, small burglaries, etc. Though one night was different- Diego snuck out as usual, to the scene of some hostage situation at a Circle K just down the street. He didn't like to have to kill the bad guys- but he did.
That night, a lot of gunfire rang out. Eudora got a call at 1:00 AM, telling her she needed to get to the scene. Diego wasn't home, obviously- so she put two and two together. She'd waited just a few minutes, when he got home.
They fought. For the first time in their whole relationship, they fought. She kicked him out of her apartment- she felt hurt, betrayed, and angry at him. They broke up, and despite both parties trying numerous times, they couldn't seem to make it work.
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►5. тнє мσяє... ѕєχυαℓ вιтѕ.
TUA doesn't exactly hide the kinkiness of Diego and Eudora's relationship. I mean- seriously.
Diego: "It's not spandex, it's leather. And you used to like it. A lot, if I recall."
Eudora: "God, please unremember that."
Diego: "Etched into the data bank, Eudora."
It's actually fucking hilarious to me- I'd probably break up someone too, if they were running around fighting crime in a BDSM suit. It's kinda great.
This subject is probably my favorite to talk about with Eudiego, cause it's really entertaining. A lot of people say that Klaus is the kinky Hargreeves sibling but uh?? No?? It's Diego?? Clearly.
Anyway, so about who would top- Eudora. I'm sorry, but her BDE is WAYYYYY too much for me to handle. Diego is, y'know, a switch- like, with Klaus, Diego would probably top (don't attack me for my opinions I swear-), but Eudora definitely topped in their relationship.
I mean, hell, she tased Diego instantly upon seeing him- like?? Hello?? Also, she shushed him just by putting her hand up. Idk, maybe I'm crazy, but I'm just obsessed with thinking about this part of their relationship. Especially when people try to argue with me about it, cause I fight anyone who dares to act like they think more about Diego and Eudora than I do lolol.
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►6. ωну ι ℓσνє тнιѕ ραιяιиg.
M'kay, so this is gonna be kinda sad. And serious- but ya. Just be warned I guess.
So, a lot of my friends ask me why I'm so obsessed with Diego and Eudora getting together again. A lot of them write it off as because it's just a ship of mine, but, actually? It's because of the ultimate feelings it gives me.
I constantly listen to "This Year's Love" (If you're somehow unaware, that's the song that played when Diego found Eudora's body.) Every time I listen to it, I can just feel the relationship they once had (and have the potential to have again). It speaks volumes for the way that they once felt about each other- and I love it.
I have been in multiple horrific relationships. Abusive, toxic, unrequited, etc. But, that song so clearly reminds me of the love that I adore. The love that I crave feeling.
One line that I constantly hear in my mind is "When ya kiss me, on that midnight street, sweep me off my feet, singin, 'ain't this life so sweet.'" The image it puts in my mind? Stunning.
As to why I think in the show that it's actually a really good pairing- they clearly care for each other. When Diego was in front of the station, waiting for Eudora, she seemed really annoyed. But the moment he mentioned his mom dying, everything about her softened. Her expression, her demeanor, and her voice changed.
Diego said "I just don't know how to-" and clearly began struggling to speak. Before he tried to continue, she just placed her hand on his arm- she didn't need him to continue. From this, I can assume that she's helped him before- or at least, she understands his emotions and struggles to some degree.
Another thing: their whole dynamic works really well. Almost a good girl likes the bad boy kinda thing, but different in a good way. Y'know? Because in most stories like that, the girl is really submissive and such- but Eudiego absolutely defies that. And I love it.
Finally, who was the first person Eudora called? Diego. The MOMENT he found out that she called- he left Five with Luther, and went after her. He was so clearly in anguish when he found her body. Luther had to hold him back from trying to attack Five when he got back to his place.
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►7. ωну ι ℓσνє єυ∂σяα.
So, I adore that we don't get a "soft" Eudora moment. We get plenty from Diego- and sure, she softened up when talking to him about Grace, but uh- we never really see a point where she's showing too much emotion. And I really like the insight that gives into her personality.
Also- I saw this article that was rating TUA characters, and it said that Eudora was the worst character in TUA. I, obviously, disagree- while I despise what they did with her, the character herself was really good. Her personality was honestly great- she was entertaining, kind, beautiful, amazing, and god dammit, I love Eudora.
She was also clearly passionate about her job. She cared about Diego- but her job came first. She did the right thing- the moment she found out where Diego's brother was, it didn't matter that she didn't have backup. She knew something needed to be done, and she did it. And even though Hazel had a gun pointed straight at her, she made sure that she clearly didn't shoot him.
Eudora is an undeniably good person. She loves helping people- otherwise, why would she be a cop?
There was a lot of potential lost, when they killed her off. Luckily, though- season two. The Hargreeves are going back in time. I understand that we got some good Diego development through her death- but what about the development we could have gotten if she lived? She knows Diego better than anyone. I think there was an entire background there that TUA really missed out on by killing her.
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My conclusion? Eudora is way underrated. I wish there was such an endless supply of fanart for her as there is for Klaus. That's why I myself draw her so frickin much- because she doesn't get as much love and appreciation.
Also- I actually once got told by this person that they don't ship Eudiego cause it's straight.
And I just-
Huh?? Like, it's still a good ship. Why once a ship is straight is it not shippable?
I don't care if you don't like Eudiego. What I care about is the reasons- and because it's not gay? That is a bullshit reason, man-
Anyway, I digress. I conclude my rant.
Oh, and, yes, I'll likely update this rant in the future :/
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If you saw this on TUA Amino, that's because I posted this there first- so ya uwu.
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okimargarvez · 5 years
HURT- open wounds 19
Original title: Hurt.
Prompt: Luke’s dark thought, destiny, contrasted love.
Warnings: sexual content, dark thoughts.
Genre: angst, drama, romantic, smut, dark, mistery, frienship.
Characters: Penelope Garcia, Luke Alvez, BAU team, O.C.
Pairing: Garvez.
Note: multichapter.
Legend: 💏😘😈🔦🐶❗🎈👻.
Song mentioned: La tua vita intera, Tiziano Ferro.
Hurt- Masterlist
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Chapter 19-
-JJ told me about it .- pulling off his arms away from her hips, he forces her to turn around. Penelope still holds the wooden spoon with which she was stirring the sauce in the pan. She glares at him but finally gives up. She hears a worrying sigh behind her. She decides to give him a maximum of one minute.
-What?- behind Luke instead there is a table perfectly set. It's late evening, not too late for dinner, but he has just returned from a mission and he ate badly, if not nearly fasted, during this trip. And she was very happy to cook for him. Only that he, after having prepared everything, couldn’t resist the sight of her hips while she was doing a sort of alternative dance, following the rhythm, the swaying of the pasta in the pot, the sauce in the pan. In that domestic situation, he had found her damn sexy.
-Of your skills as an engineer.- she smiles. -It is clear that you hide something from me, Alvez.- it's his turn to giggle, feeling called by surname. Everything that Penelope does is exciting. Maybe he should drink a chamomile? -First you think of that thing... dolina? I don’t even remember the name, and you were able to conduct a serious conversation with Reid about that subject! And then this.- she turns once again to give the attention it deserves to their dish. But she feels the man's gaze on herself. And she likes it. -We have overcome this thing of being afraid to talk about our past, right?- he nods. -Then explain to me where you come from these.- she extinguishes the fire. She extracts the spoon and taste the result of her efforts, more to provoke him than for real necessity. And it gets the desired effects. She approaches him, her breasts pressing against Luke's chest, which doesn’t hold back a sort of groan. -I find your intelligence extremely intriguing... your perspicacity...- with each new term that she adds, she shortens the centimeters that separate their faces. He seems in her complete power and this new experience is interesting. -...acumen... sagacity...- Is Penelope reading the synonym dictionary? How does she know so many words? But it is useless for him to try to stay lucid, especially when she says the last word before kissing him -...penetration...- will they eat cold pasta? The sauce will solidify in the pan. But this time she asked for it.
It is her fault if his hands wander along her curves, unable to stop at a specific point. She feels Luke's desire pressing on her thigh, but she decides to be a rational (and bad) person. -Come on, wash your hands, fast.- she slips out without any problem from his grip and returns to behave like a perfect wifey. Man takes a little longer to recover. Finally, he sighs, snorts and sits down at the table. Penelope knows that "revenge" will come, sooner or later. And she can’t wait.
 -A special course of study.- the blonde is picking herself off while humming a tune that only knows her. The voice of her man suddenly breaks the silence. She looks up at him, who catches her eyes immediately. -The sinkholes and that story of the bastards.- he adds as he gets up to help her. -So, I learned them during a special course while studying at university.- once all the dishes are in the sink, Penelope starts the washing. But soon she feels Luke's warm hands brushing her hips and slowly descending, clinging to the edge of her skirt and pulling it higher and higher, higher and higher, gradually, without too much haste.
-What... what the heck...- it's hard to concentrate on the simple manual work she's doing, but also on the slight protest she's trying to make. His movements are always perfect, the fingers go where they want. She can’t stop him in any way, but she doesn’t want to do it either. Water flows while she is rinsing dishes, glasses, cutlery, pot, pan, wooden spoon... every action of man seems to be only preparatory for something that still has to come, waiting for Penelope to have completed everything, before going further. His hands end up on the woman's breast, they go to squeeze it, causing her hot flashes and moments of loss of concentration. When his hand goes to close the tap, they both know that that gesture will carry something much more meaningful.
Luke turns her around and wraps her face in his hands. She feels so small and vulnerable, almost made of clay, wax, malleable and completely soft by his touch. Like from the first time, he could do what he wants with her. And as always, Penelope feels fear and excitement together with this idea.
-What do you want, from this evening, Penelope?- his tone is so sensual, so enveloping, it's the melody of a siren, it will lead her into the abyss... but she doesn’t care. She doesn’t care about anything, only that he will never let her go. -Who do you want to be?- and she understands what he is referring to and looks down, the long eyelashes that make her look like a shy girl at first experiences. Her hair is gathered in two braids, and this helps to give her the childish, naive impression that makes her look as if she were the Newbie or the novice. She can’t see the smile that has been painted on Luke's lips, but she still feels the aura in the atmosphere. She feels his hot breath on the back of her head. He is so infinitely taller than she!
The man abducts her in an overwhelming kiss and Penelope for the umpteenth time wonders how it is possible that it is never boring, obvious, that the spark is always on, shiny; in real life there shouldn’t be passion fading? This hasn’t yet happened to them. Yet it is not that they haven’t had to face problems... then he breaks away and forces her to look at him. She knows exactly what he wants, but this time what will happen will not be followed by sudden regrets or escapes, or excuses pronounced in a valley of tears. Before opening her mouth, she nods imperceptibly. -I want to be yours, I want you to make me feel yours... I'm your woman, if you want me to be.- here are the answers to the questions that awaited. She smiles, again, and is always beautiful, even more now that he knows how much suffering, how much pain she had to overcome to be born on those lips. He goes around her and ends up behind her. Penelope feels a shiver climb along the spine. He pulls the straps off her dress, slides down the zipper and the garment soon ends at her feet. Now she only wears underwear and high-heeled shoes.
She can’t help but wonder, as far as he should have been able to convince her. But does he really like what he sees? She feels the hand travel along the leg, stop occasionally to some point to perform a kind of massage that he manages to snatch some groan. Then he grabs her firmly by the hips and makes her walk towards the table. He puts his hand on her back and pushes slightly down. She bends over, placing her hands on the table. Luke leans on her. It's not really a woman with a skinny physique, yet when it is next to him, she seems incredibly small. The man wraps her with his bare arms, just below the breast. She knows perfectly well that this is not just sex. When he penetrates her, she doesn’t feel wrong, a slave or anything similar. She feels instead that only he knows the mechanism to open her lock, both of her whole body and of her heart.
 -It was my grandfather who wanted me to join it.- he continues practically from where he had left off before the after dinner.  Stroking her hair that makes him tickle on his chest. She looks at him with great interest, but her eyes give her a sweet and tender expression. -All the male members of my family have distinguished themselves in a special field. And so I had to excel myself, too. And I decided for geology. While I was attending the second year, they opened a selection for a special program. I was taken, along with nine other students. I shouldn’t talk about it, even if many years have passed, because it was an experimental program and managed by the CIA, yes, our rivals.- he still can’t understand that Penelope has never been on good terms with this American institution. -Anyway, I trust you.- he smiles. What might seem like something due, is actually very important, because the only real problems that existed between them concerned the difficulty of being able to say something about their past, especially him. -I have quite confused memories of that period. It was a mental training, but also a physical one, which greatly facilitated me to enter the rangers. Very militaristic. Alarm clock at 5.30 in the morning. Clothes all the same, anonymous. Sports activity during the day. Sometimes they divided us into groups and made us play war. But it was above all strategic, they wanted us to develop a certain way of thinking. The same thing for the afternoon, when we had to study things every day more and more strange... and what I gained was an extremely elastic mentality, as well as a series of useful cultural information...- Penelope leans over to receive a kiss. -Unfortunately not everyone was so lucky. A boy tried to commit suicide a few days before the end of the course, he threw himself out of the window... he didn’t die, but remained in a coma and when he woke up he had no mobility from the waist down and had lost most of the faculties mental...- his tone has become completely serious, but the voice remains low and devoid of special inflections. -Another  managed to kill himself, instead.- she caresses his face with her smooth and fresh hands, but there are no tears to dry. She draws him close to her to lay her lips once more on his.
-Honey, if you need to vent, I'm here, you know. Like from the first time, when you appeared outside the door of my house, in the middle of the night, burned and upset.- her mouth bends into a sweet smile, while she kisses the skin of him, exactly where is now visible a sign of those burns. -I welcomed you that time, and I welcome you now. I'm ready to listen to anything you want to tell me or keep quiet, until when you'll need it.- they look at each other for a long time, she still can’t clearly tell him that thing, but now it's there, in the air, between them, just waiting to be grasped and he now doesn’t need it. He just needs her beside him, to know that when he wakes up, she will be there. The smile on his lips is also due to Roxy who snores deeply at the bottom of their feet. They look like a family. A bizarre family, but still a family. Even Penelope gives in to Morpheus, Luke instead is in one of those moments when you realize how lucky you are and you can’t sleep anymore, but you would like to get up and live every second, enjoy it to the last. And so at least an hour passes to caress the woman who rests by his side, to admire every nuance, even a few wrinkles that is normal arrives with the age and that only contributes to making her even truer, more beautiful in his eyes.
When he too abandons himself to his friend, the Sleep, he doesn’t seem to dream. Perhaps because when one has everything he wants in real life, he doesn’t need to have to invent it in the parallel world that we inhabit during the night. And Penelope and Roxy are all he could wish for.
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limjunyang212-blog · 4 years
iRobot Roomba 520 Tuas Link - Are You Ready?
Once the object  Of fantasy in sci-fi films, robotic helpers across the home are now a reality. Despite their popular appeal, there are several individuals still asking:"Why do I need a robot vacuum cleaner?" Let us take a look at why you require a vacuum cleaner before we look at why you may need a vacuum cleaner. The significance of standard cleaning. The floors in your home to collect germs and all kinds of dirt more so than hard floors. Insert pets and children and the job of keeping your carpets and hard flooring clean become even more significant.
[Picture 1] At The period of writing, my iRobot Roomba  is working hard cleaning the dirt while I can focus at my work. Helper is not an object of dream!
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If we look at Carpets, there is no limitation to the dirt is trampled into the fibers.  This deteriorates the carpets and creates the perfect environment for germs and allergens to flourish. They provide a ground for all types of unwanted bugs in your property and also wind up smelling poor. It is recommended that you vacuum your floors. This is the minimum requirement for a healthier home environment. This could be true for non traffic houses where folks are not home for the majority of the day and also don't have to busy households with pets. When you have children and pets in the home, you should really vacuum every day.
With contemporary life Being a busy affair many of us can find the opportunity to vacuum the home daily? Let need to do this when there are so many better and more important things to do. It's little wonder robotic vacuum cleaner are currently taking the world by storm.
This is the Future, and we have robots doing it all: Cars that push, drones that browse the robot and skies vacuums that find their way around furniture. A robot vacuum saves you the hassle of nagging your children to do their chores or scheduling a maid service and keeps things clean.
Because robotic Vacuum cleaners have come to be so popular a lot has been done to enhance these machines. Competition is tough and producers like iRobot, Neato and industry leaders, spend a fortune enhancing their merchandise. There are lots of reasons. Some of their layout features make them even better than traditional upright and canister vacuum cleaner.
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Among the best Qualities of a robotic cleaner needs to be its low profile design. Most modern robot vacuum cleaners endure just a few inches in the ground. This usually means that they are in a position to get under furniture like no other vacuum cleaner may. Generally, we might only move other furniture once or twice a year and couches to wash underneath them. This leaves a lot of dirt and nasty stuff. A robot vacuum cleaner certainly will do this every day and can get under most furniture.
For many people, There is A vacuum cleaner a godsend. For those who are handicapped or too frail to use a vacuum cleaner robot vacuum cleaners are a clear improvement for their lives. Busy working moms simply don't have enough opportunity to do a proper job of cleaning their houses and robotic vacuum cleaners go a long way.
The price of High-end robot vacuum cleaners may leave many feeling it might not be worth paying for these machines. Top of line vacuum cleaners are out of your price range. There are lots of moderately priced robot vacuum cleaners which don't necessarily have all of the features of the versions. There are a few cheap vacuum cleaners which are a waste of money and there are. It's a good idea to do some research prior to going out and spend your hard-earned cash if you've never owned a robot vacuum cleaner before. Online reviews can be a help in this aspect.
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You will find some  Variables you will need to look at when deciding how much you are ready to pay for a vacuum cleaner.
There are myriad Robot vacuums available at an assortment of costs which can help you with the tedious job of cleaning your floors. Whether you have got wood or carpeting, or even a corral of pets, there's a robot vacuum to suit your needs. These machines include lots of additional features -- some of which make them almost as effective at cleaning as a standard, upright vacuum. And when coming home to a spotless abode is the primary concern, you may choose a robot vacuum . If you're worried about dust or allergies, you can even find versions with HEPA filters.
The Majority of the Cheaper robot vacuum cleaner are able to clean one room at one time, if they stray too far from their station, they can not negotiate doors and will get misplaced. End robot vacuum cleaner will clean an entire level of your house without any input from you and may handle multiple rooms. No one has come up. So they're limited to only one level of the home.
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A robot vacuum cleaner  Does not replace a upright vacuum or a deep housecleaning, but it does help pick up things such as food crumbs, cat litter, hair of all sorts, dust bunnies and every other dense particle we leave behind on the flooring when we're living in a house. Because the very last thing that you need to be worried about when you're on deadline is why the floor is covered in sprinkles, they are suited for office spaces, also. Many robot vacuums can be scheduled to run as often as a couple times each week or once a day, and a few are available with companion programs.
For all those that Hasn't spend on a vacuum yet, there may be a dilemma  Buy one or not. It was the same for me. I desperately would Rather save my time for things I could do. Sweeping or vacuuming the  Flooring daily? No, thank you, I do not have energy and sufficient time .  Get a maid? No, considering the exorbitant cost, insecurity and Hassle involved with hiring a foreign domestic maid, no, Gracias. I probably had Made one of the very best investment since now, I live a life that is better with my 4 Year-old faithful iRobot Roomba diligently for me every day.
0 notes
choikokhui · 5 years
Breakthrough iRobot Roomba Robotic Vacuum Tuas Link
When the Thing  Of dream in sci-fi films, robotic helpers across the home are a reality. Despite their popular appeal, there are several people still asking:"Why do I want a robot vacuum cleaner?" Let us take a look at why you need a vacuum cleaner at all, before we take a look at why you might need a robotic vacuum cleaner. The IMPORTANCE of regular cleaning. The floors in your home to collect all types of dirt and germs more so than hard floors. Add kids and pets into the mixture, and also of keeping your carpets and flooring clean the task become all the more significant.
At The period of writing, my lovely iRobot Roomba  is working hard cleaning the dirt in the lower floor while I can focus at my job. Helper is not an object of fantasy!
Carpets, there is no limitation to this dirt is trampled into the fibers. The more the dirt stays embedded in the carpet, the deeper it goes.  This deteriorates the rugs and creates the perfect environment for germs and allergens to flourish. They provide a nesting ground for all types of unwanted pests in your property and also end up smelling poor. It's recommended that you vacuum your floors. This is the requirement for a healthier home environment. This could be true for traffic homes where folks aren't home for most of the day and also don't have busy families with pets. Whenever you have pets and children at the house, you should really vacuum every day.
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With modern life Becoming a busy affair, how many people can find the time to vacuum the home every day? Let want to do this when there are so many better and more important things to do. With this in mind, it's little wonder why vacuum cleaner are taking the world by storm.
This is the Future, and we have robots doing all: Cars that push, drones that navigate the robot and skies vacuums which find their way. A robot vacuum saves you the hassle of nagging your kids to do their chores or scheduling a maid service and keeps things clean.
Because robotic Vacuum cleaners have become so popular, despite their humble beginnings, a great deal was done to enhance these machines. Competition is tough and manufacturers like iRobot, industry leaders along with Neato, invest a fortune every year enhancing their products. There are lots of reasons. Some of the layout features make them better than upright and canister vacuum cleaner.
One of the best Features of a robotic cleaner has to be its low profile design. Most modern robot vacuum cleaners endure just a few inches in the ground. This usually means that they are able to get under low furniture like no other vacuum cleaner may. Generally, we could move heavy furniture twice or once annually and sofas to clean underneath them. This leaves a lot of dirt and nasty stuff collecting under them. A robot vacuum cleaner can do so daily and will get under most furniture.
For many people, A vacuum cleaner is a godsend. For people who are frail to use a vacuum or handicapped cleaner, robot vacuum cleaner are an improvement for their lives. Busy mothers that are working just don't have the opportunity and vacuum cleaners go a long way in assisting you to stay at the top of matters.
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The price of Robot vacuum cleaners that are high-end may leave feeling it may not be worth paying for these machines. Maybe top of line robotic vacuum cleaners are out of your budget. There are many very moderately priced robot vacuum cleaner which don't necessarily have all the features of the versions. There are some cheap robotic vacuum cleaners that are a total waste of cash and there are. It's a fantastic idea to do some research prior to going out and invest your hard-won money if you've never owned a robot vacuum cleaner before. Online reviews can be a huge help in this aspect.
You will find some  Factors you will need to look at when deciding how much you're prepared to cover a robotic vacuum cleaner.
There are myriad Robot vacuums available at an assortment of prices which may help you. Whether you've got hardwood or carpet, or even a corral of pets, there is a robot vacuum to suit your requirements. These machines also include plenty of additional features -- some of which make them nearly as efficient at cleaning as a upright vacuumcleaner. And when home to a spotless abode is the main concern, you can decide on a robot vacuum . You can find versions with HEPA filters that are built-in if you are worried about dust or allergies.
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The Majority of the Robot vacuum cleaner that are cheaper are just able to clean one room at one time, if they stray too far in their docking station they cannot negotiate doorways and will get misplaced. Best end robot vacuum cleaner can manage chambers and will wash an entire amount of your home. No one has come up. So they are limited to only one level of the house.
A robot vacuum cleaner  Does not replace a upright vacuum or a deep housecleaning, but it does help pick things up like food crumbs, cat litter, hair of all types, dust bunnies and each other compact particle we leave behind on the flooring when we are living in a house. Because is why the floor is covered in sprinkles, they're suited for office spaces, too. Many robot vacuums could be scheduled to run as often as a couple times each week or once each day, and some are available with companion programs.
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For all those that Has not invest on a robotic vacuum nevertheless, there might be a dilemma whether to  Buy one or not. It was the same for me. I desperately would Rather save my time for things I could do.  Flooring every day? No, thank you, I don't have sufficient energy and time .  Receive a maid to do the job? No, Thinking about the exorbitant price, insecurity and Hassle involved with hiring a domestic maid, no, Gracias. I likely had Made one of the very best investment I live a better lifestyle together with my 4 Year-old loyal iRobot Roomba.
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chooshixian001-blog · 5 years
Super iRobot Roomba Tuas West Road Huge Discount
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When the Thing  Of fantasy in sci-fi movies, robotic helpers across the house are a reality. Despite their popular appeal, there are many individuals still asking:"Why do I want a robot vacuum cleaner?" Let us take a look at why you require a vacuum cleaner before we look at why you may require a robotic vacuum cleaner. The IMPORTANCE of regular cleaning. The floors in your home collect all types of dirt and bacteria, carpets more so than hard floors. Insert pets and children and of maintaining your carpets and hard floors clean the task become even more significant. At The period of writing is currently working hard while I will concentrate at my job, cleaning the dirt. Robotic helper is not an object of fantasy!
If we look at Carpets, there's no limit to the dirt is trampled to the fibers.  This deteriorates the carpets and creates the ideal environment for germs and allergens to flourish. They wind up smelling bad and supply a ground for all sorts of bugs in your home. It's recommended that you vacuum your floors at least once a week. This is the minimal requirement for a healthier home environment. This may be true for non traffic houses where people aren't home for the majority of the day and do not have busy households with pets. When you have children and pets in the home, you should really vacuum.
With contemporary life Being a busy affair, how many people can get the time to vacuum the home daily? Let need to do this when there are several better and more important things to do. Bearing this in mind, it's little wonder robotic vacuum cleaner are taking the world by storm.
This is the Future, and we've got robots doing it all: Cars that drive themselves, drones that browse the robot and skies vacuums that find their way around furniture. A robot vacuum cleaner keeps things relatively clean and saves you the hassle of scheduling a maid service or nagging your children to do their chores.
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Because robotic Vacuum cleaners have come to be so popular, despite their humble beginnings, a lot was done to enhance these machines. Competition is tough and producers like iRobot, other industry leaders and Neato, spend a fortune improving their products. There are lots of compelling reasons. A number of their layout features to make them better than upright and canister vacuum cleaner.
One of the best Features of a robotic cleaner needs to be its low profile design. Contemporary robot vacuum cleaners stand just a few inches in the ground. This usually means they are able like no other vacuum cleaner may to get under low furniture. We might only move sofas and heavy furniture a year to clean underneath them. This leaves a lot of nasty and dirt stuff. A robot vacuum cleaner will get under most furniture and can do.
For many people, There is a robotic vacuum cleaner a real godsend. For those who are handicapped or too frail to use a vacuum cleaner robot vacuum cleaners are a clear improvement for their lives. Busy working mothers don't have enough time to do a proper job of cleaning their homes and vacuum cleaners go a very long way.
The price of High-end robot vacuum cleaner may leave feeling that it may not be worth paying for these machines. Top of line vacuum cleaner are out of your price range. There are lots of reasonably priced robot vacuum cleaners which don't always have all of the attributes of the expensive models. There are a few cheap vacuum cleaner which are a waste of money and there are many others that could do the job for your requirements. It's a fantastic idea to do some research prior to going out and spend your hard-earned cash if you have never owned a robot vacuum cleaner before. Online reviews can be a help in this regard.
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There are several  Factors that you will need to look at when determining how much you're ready to pay for a vacuum cleaner.
There are myriad Robot vacuums available at an assortment of costs which may aid you. Whether you've got hardwood or carpet, or even a corral of pets, there's a robot vacuum cleaner. These machines also come with lots of extra features -- some of which make them as effective at cleaning as a upright vacuumcleaner. And if home to a pristine abode is the concern, you may choose a robot vacuum with connectivity. If you're worried about dust or allergies, you could find models.
The Majority of the Cheaper robot vacuum cleaners are able to clean one room at a time, if they stray too far in their docking station, they cannot negotiate doorways and will get lost. End robot vacuum cleaners may handle multiple chambers and will clean an whole level of your house without any input from you. Unfortunately, no one has come up with a vacuum cleaner which can negotiate stairs. So they are confined to one level of the home.
A robot vacuum cleaner  Does not replace a upright vacuum along with a deep housecleaning, but it can help pick things up like food crumbs, cat litter, hair of all sorts, dust bunnies and each other compact particle we leave on the flooring when we're living in a home. They are suited for office spaces, also, because is why the floor is covered in sprinkles. Robot vacuums could be scheduled to run as often as a couple times each week or once each day, and a few are offered with companion apps.
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For whoever that Has not spend on a vacuum nevertheless, there might be a dilemma whether to  Purchase one or not. It was the exact same for me, 4 years ago. I desperately would Save my time for better things I could do. Sweeping or vacuuming the  Flooring every day? No, thank you, I don't have enough energy and time .  Receive a maid to do the job? No, considering the exorbitant cost, insecurity and Hassle involved in hiring a foreign domestic maid, no, Gracias. I probably had Made one of the very best investment because today, I live a life together with my 4 Year-old faithful iRobot Roomba, working diligently for me every day.
0 notes
yiusitkit-blog · 5 years
Get iRobot Robotic Vacuum Tuas West Road Singapore Rebate
When the Thing  Of fantasy in sci-fi movies helpers across the home are a reality. Despite their popular appeal, there are several individuals still asking:"Why do I want a robot vacuum cleaner?" Before we take a look at why you might require a robotic vacuum cleaner, let's take a look at why you need a vacuum cleaner at all. The significance of regular cleaning. The flooring in your house to collect bacteria and all kinds of dirt even more than hard floors. Insert kids and pets into the mix, and of keeping your carpets and hard floors clean the job become even more important.
At The time of writing is working hard while I can focus at my job, cleaning the dirt. Robotic helper isn't an object of dream!
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Visit website or dial the number
Rugs, there's no limit to this dirt is trampled to the fibers.  This deteriorates the carpets and creates the perfect environment for bacteria and allergens to flourish. They provide a ground for all types of pests in your home and wind up smelling poor. It is recommended that you vacuum your floors at least once every week. This is the minimal requirement for a healthy home environment. This may be true for traffic homes where people are not home for most of the day and don't have busy households with pets. When you have pets and kids in the house, you should really vacuum.
With modern life Being such a hectic affair, just how many people can find the time to vacuum the home every day? Let alone, need to do so when there are so many better and more important things to do. It's little wonder robotic vacuum cleaners are taking the world by storm.
This is the Future, and we have robots doing it all: Cars that push, drones that browse the skies and robot vacuums which find their way around furniture. A robot vacuum cleaner keeps things clean and saves you the hassle of nagging your children to do their chores or scheduling a maid service.
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Because robotic Vacuum cleaners have become so popular, despite their humble beginnings, a lot has been done to enhance these machines. Competition to remain on top of the robot vacuum cleaner market is tough and producers such as iRobot, Neato along with other industry leaders, invest a fortune every year improving their merchandise. There are a number of reasons. Some of their layout features make them even better than upright and canister vacuum cleaner.
One of the best Features of a robotic cleaner needs to be its low profile design. Modern robot vacuum cleaners stand just a few inches from the floor. This usually means that they are in a position like no other vacuum cleaner may to get under low furniture. Generally, we could only move sofas and other heavy furniture a year to clean underneath them. This leaves a whole lot of dirt and nasty stuff. A robot vacuum cleaner certainly will do every day and will get under furniture.
For many people, There is a robotic vacuum cleaner a true godsend. For people who are too frail to use a vacuum or handicapped cleaner, robot vacuum cleaners are a clear improvement to their lives. Busy working moms just don't have the opportunity and vacuum cleaners go a long way in helping you stay at the top of things.
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The Cost of Robot vacuum cleaners that are high-end may leave feeling it may not be worth paying for these machines. Top of line robotic vacuum cleaner are outside of your budget. There are lots of quite reasonably priced robot vacuum cleaner which don't necessarily have all the features of the versions. There are a few robotic vacuum cleaner that are a waste of money and there are others that could work for your needs. It is a fantastic idea to do some research before you go out and invest your hard-won cash if you've never owned a robot vacuum cleaner before. Online reviews can be a help in this aspect.
You will find several  Variables that you will need to appear at when deciding how much you're prepared to pay for a vacuum cleaner.
There are myriad Robot vacuums available at an assortment of costs that may help you with the tedious job of cleaning your floors. Whether you have got hardwood or carpet, or even a corral of pets, there is a robot vacuum. These machines also include lots of features -- some of that make them as effective at cleaning as a upright vacuumcleaner. And when coming home to a abode is the primary concern, you may decide on a robot vacuum . If you're concerned about dust or allergies, you can even find models.
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The Majority of the Robot vacuum cleaner are just able to wash one room at one time, they cannot negotiate doors and will get misplaced if they stray too far from their docking station. Multiple chambers can be handled by end robot vacuum cleaners and will wash an whole amount of your house. No one has come up with a vacuum cleaner which could negotiate stairs. So they're limited to just one level of the home.
A robot vacuum cleaner  Doesn't replace a upright vacuum or a profound housecleaning, but it can help pick things up like food crumbs, cat litter, hair of all sorts, dust bunnies and each other dense particle we leave behind on the flooring when we're living in a house. Because the very last thing that you need to worry about when you are on deadline is the floor is covered in sprinkles, they are suited for office spaces, also. Robot vacuums could be scheduled to run as often as once a day or a couple times a week, and some are available with companion programs.
For whoever that Has not invest on a robotic vacuum yet, there may be a dilemma  Purchase one or not. It was the same for me, 4 years back. I desperately would Rather save time for better things I could do.  Floor every day? No, thank you, I do not have energy and sufficient time .  Receive a maid? No, considering the exorbitant cost, insecurity and Hassle involved with hiring a domestic maid, no, Gracias. I likely had Made one of the best investment I live a better lifestyle together with my 4 Year-old loyal iRobot Roomba.
0 notes
lewjingyi01 · 5 years
iRobot Robotic Vacuum Tuas Crescent Honest Review
Once the Thing  Of dream in sci-fi films, robotic helpers around the house are now a reality. Despite their popular appeal, there are several individuals still asking:"Why do I want a robot vacuum cleaner?" Before we look at why you might need a vacuum cleaner, let us take a look at why you need a vacuum cleaner in any way. The significance of regular cleaning. The floors in your home collect bacteria and all kinds of dirt more than hard floors. Insert children and pets and of keeping your carpets and floors clean the task become even more important.
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At The time of writing, my iRobot Roomba  is currently working hard while I will focus at my job cleaning the dirt. Helper is not an object of dream!
If we look at Rugs is trampled to the fibers. The longer the dirt remains embedded in the carpet, the deeper it goes.  This deteriorates the carpets and creates the ideal environment for bacteria and allergens to flourish. They provide a nesting ground for all types of pests in your home and also wind up smelling bad. It's recommended that you vacuum your floors at least once every week. This is the minimal requirement for a healthier home environment. This could be true for non traffic houses where people aren't home for the majority of the day and also don't have busy families with pets. When you have pets and kids at the house, you really should vacuum daily.
With contemporary life Being a hectic affair many of us can get the time to vacuum the whole home daily? Let want to do so when there are so many better and more important things to do. Bearing this in mind, it's little wonder robotic vacuum cleaners are currently taking the world by storm.
This is the Future, and we have robots doing all: Cars that drive themselves, drones that browse the sky and robot vacuums that find their way. A robot vacuum keeps things relatively clean and saves you the hassle of nagging your kids to do their chores or scheduling a maid service.
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Because robotic Vacuum cleaners have become so popular, despite their humble beginnings, a great deal was done to improve these machines. Competition to remain on top of this robot vacuum cleaner marketplace is tough and producers like iRobot, Neato along with industry leaders, invest a fortune every year enhancing their products. There are lots of reasons. Some of the design features to make them better than upright and canister vacuum cleaner.
One of the best Features of a cleaner has to be its low profile design. Most modern robot vacuum cleaners stand just a few inches in the floor. This usually means that they are able to get under furniture like no other vacuum cleaner may. We could move other heavy furniture twice or once a year and sofas to clean underneath them. This leaves a lot of dirt and nasty stuff collecting . A robot vacuum cleaner can do daily and can get under most furniture.
For some people, A vacuum cleaner is a godsend. For those who are frail to use a vacuum or handicapped cleaner, robot vacuum cleaner are an improvement to their lives. Busy moms don't have the opportunity to do a proper job of cleaning their houses and vacuum cleaners go a long way.
The price of Robot vacuum cleaner may leave many feeling that it may not be worth paying for all these machines. Top of line robotic vacuum cleaner are out of your price range. There are many reasonably priced robot vacuum cleaners which don't always have all the attributes of the models. There are a few cheap vacuum cleaners which are a waste of money and there are. It's a fantastic idea to do some research before you go out and spend your money if you have never owned a robot vacuum cleaner before. Online reviews can be a help in this regard.
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There are several  Factors you need to appear at when determining how much you are prepared to pay for a vacuum cleaner.
There are myriad Robot vacuums available at an assortment of costs which can help you. Whether you've got a corral of pets or hardwood, or carpet, there's a robot vacuum to suit your needs. These machines also include plenty of features -- some of which make them almost as effective at cleaning as a upright vacuum. And when coming home to a abode is your main concern, you can decide on a robot vacuum with connectivity. If you're worried about dust or allergies, you can even find versions with HEPA filters.
Most of the Robot vacuum cleaners are just able to wash one room at a time, if they stray too far in their docking station they can not negotiate doorways and will get lost. Top end robot vacuum cleaner can manage numerous chambers and will clean an whole level of your house without any input from you. No one has come up. So they're confined to just 1 level of the home.
A robot vacuum  Doesn't replace a upright vacuum along with a deep housecleaning, but it does help pick things up such as food crumbs, cat litter, hair of all types, dust bunnies and each other dense particle we leave on the flooring when we are living in a house. They're suited for office spaces, too, because is why the floor is covered in sprinkles. Many robot vacuums could be scheduled to run as often as once each day or a couple times each week, and a few are available with companion apps.
For all those that Hasn't spend on a vacuum nevertheless, there might be a dilemma whether to  Purchase one or not. It was the same for me, 4 decades ago. I desperately would Rather save my time for things I could do. Sweeping or vacuuming the  Flooring every day? No, thank you, I don't have sufficient energy and time .  Receive a maid to do the job? No, Thinking about the exorbitant price, insecurity and Hassle involved in hiring a domestic maid, no, Gracias. I likely had Made among the best investment since today, I live a life that is better with my 4 Year-old loyal iRobot Roomba, working faithfully for me every day.
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fongjingying21 · 5 years
Top Notch iRobot Robot Vacuum in Tuas Link Singapore
Once the Thing  Of fantasy in sci-fi movies, robotic helpers around the home are now a reality. Despite their popular appeal, there are several individuals still asking:"Why do I want a robot vacuum cleaner?" Let us take a look at why you require a vacuum cleaner at all, before we take a look at why you might require a vacuum cleaner. The IMPORTANCE of regular cleaning. The floors in your home to collect germs, carpets and all kinds of dirt more so than hard floors. Insert pets and kids into the mixture, and also the task of maintaining your carpets and hard floors clean become all the more significant.
At The period of writing, my lovely iRobot Roomba  is working hard cleaning the dirt while I can focus at my job. Helper isn't an object of fantasy!
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If we look atcarpets is trampled into the fibers. The more the dirt remains embedded in the carpet, the deeper it goes.  The rugs deteriorate and creates the perfect environment for allergens and germs to thrive. They provide a ground for all types of pests in your home and wind up smelling bad. It is recommended that you vacuum your floors. This is the requirement for a healthier home environment. This could be true for traffic houses where people aren't home for the majority of the day and don't have busy families with pets. Whenever you have pets and children at the home, you should really vacuum every day.
With contemporary life Becoming such a busy affair, how many of us can find the time to vacuum the home daily? Let need to do so when there are so many better and more important things to do. It's little wonder why robotic vacuum cleaner are currently taking the world by storm.
This is the Future, and we have robots doing it all: Cars that push, drones that browse the robot and sky vacuums which find their way. A robot vacuum cleaner saves you the hassle of nagging your kids to do their chores or scheduling a maid service and keeps things relatively clean.
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Because robotic Vacuum cleaners have become so popular a great deal has been done to improve these machines. Competition is tough and producers such as iRobot, other business leaders and Neato, spend a fortune every year enhancing their merchandise. There are lots of compelling reasons why vacuum cleaners are increasing in popularity. A number of their layout features to make them even better than conventional upright and canister vacuum cleaners.
Among the best Features of a robotic cleaner needs to be its low profile design. Contemporary robot vacuum cleaners stand only a few inches from the ground. This usually means they are able to get under low furniture like no other vacuum cleaner can. Generally, we could only move sofas and other furniture once or twice annually to wash underneath them. This leaves a lot of dirt and nasty stuff collecting under them. This every day, A robot vacuum cleaner can get under furniture and certainly will do.
For many people, A robotic vacuum cleaner is a real godsend. For those who are disabled or brittle to use a normal vacuum cleaner, robot vacuum cleaner are a clear improvement to their lives. Busy mothers don't have enough opportunity and robotic vacuum cleaner go a long way in assisting you to stay at the top of things.
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The price of Robot vacuum cleaner that are high-end may leave feeling it might not be worth paying for all these machines. Maybe top of line robotic vacuum cleaner are out of your price range. There are many reasonably priced robot vacuum cleaners that don't necessarily have all the features of the versions. There are a few cheap vacuum cleaner that are a waste of money and there are others that could do the job for your needs. It's a good idea to do some research before you go out and spend your hard-earned money if you've never owned a robot vacuum cleaner before. Online reviews can be a help in this aspect.
There are several  Factors that you need to appear at when determining how much you're prepared to pay for a vacuum cleaner.
There are myriad Robot vacuums available at a variety of prices that can help you with the tedious job of cleaning your floors. Whether you have got hardwood or carpet, or even a corral of pets, there's a robot vacuum to suit your requirements. These machines also include lots of additional features -- some of that make them nearly as efficient at cleaning as a upright vacuumcleaner. And when home to a pristine abode is the main concern, a robot vacuum cleaner can be chosen by you . If you are concerned about allergies or dust, you can also find versions.
The Majority of the Robot vacuum cleaners that are Cheaper are only able to clean one room at one time, they cannot negotiate doorways and will get misplaced if they stray too far from their docking station. End robot vacuum cleaner can handle chambers and will clean an whole amount of your house. No one has come up. So they are limited to one level of the home.
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visit website or dial the numbers
A robot vacuum cleaner  Doesn't replace a upright vacuum along with a deep housecleaning, but it can help pick up things such as food crumbs, cat litter, hair of all types, dust bunnies and each other compact particle we leave behind on the floors when we are living in a home. Because the very last thing you want to be worried about when you are on deadline is why the floor is covered in sprinkles they're suited to office spaces, too. Many robot vacuums could be scheduled to run as often as a couple times a week or once each day, and a few are offered with companion programs.
For whoever that Has not spend on a vacuum nevertheless, there might be a problem  Purchase one or not. It was the exact same for me. I desperately would Rather save my time for better things I could do. Sweeping or vacuuming the  Flooring daily? No, thank you, I do not have sufficient energy and time for this.  Receive a maid? No, Thinking about the exorbitant price, insecurity and Hassle involved in hiring a domestic maid, no, Gracias. I probably had Made one of the very best investment I live a lifestyle with my 4 Year-old faithful iRobot Roomba, working faithfully for me every day.
0 notes
limjunyang212-blog · 5 years
Fastest iRobot Roomba Robotic Vacuum Tuas Crescent
Once the Thing  Of fantasy in sci-fi movies, robotic helpers around the house are a reality. Despite their popular appeal, there are many individuals still asking:"Why do I want a robot vacuum cleaner?" Let us take a look at why you require a vacuum cleaner before we look at why you might require a robotic vacuum cleaner. The IMPORTANCE of cleaning. The floors in your home to collect all types of dirt and bacteria more than hard floors. Insert pets and kids into the mixture, and the task of keeping your carpets and flooring clean become even more important.
At The time of writing is working hard while I can concentrate at my job, cleaning the dirt. Helper isn't an object of dream!
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If we look at Rugs is trampled into the fibers.  The carpets deteriorate and creates the perfect environment for allergens and germs to flourish. They supply a nesting ground for all sorts of pests in your home and also end up smelling poor. It's recommended that you vacuum your floors at least once a week. This is the requirement for a healthy home environment. This could be true for traffic houses where people are not home for most of the day and also don't have to busy households with pets. Whenever you have kids and pets in the home, you really should vacuum.
With contemporary life Becoming such a busy affair many of us can find the opportunity to vacuum the entire home daily? Let alone, need to do this when there are several better and more important things to do. With this in mind, it's little wonder robotic vacuum cleaner are currently taking the world by storm.
This is the Future, and we have robots doing all: Cars that push, drones that browse the sky and robot vacuums that find their way around furniture. A robot vacuum saves you the hassle of scheduling a maid service or nagging your children to do their chores and keeps things clean.
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Because robotic Vacuum cleaners have come to be so popular a great deal has been done to improve these machines. Competition to stay on top of the robot vacuum cleaner marketplace is tough and producers like iRobot, business leaders and Neato, invest a fortune enhancing their merchandise. There are a number of reasons. A number of their design features make them better than upright and canister vacuum cleaner.
Among the best Qualities of a cleaner has to be its low profile design. Contemporary robot vacuum cleaners stand only a few inches in the floor. This usually means they are able like no other vacuum cleaner can to get under furniture. Generally, we could move sofas and other heavy furniture twice or once annually to wash underneath them. This leaves a whole lot of dirt and nasty stuff. A robot vacuum cleaner can get under most furniture and can do this every day.
For many people, There is A robotic vacuum cleaner a true godsend. For those who are brittle to use a vacuum or disabled cleaner, robot vacuum cleaner are an obvious improvement to their lives. Busy working moms don't have the opportunity and robotic vacuum cleaners go a very long way in helping you remain at the top of matters.
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The Cost of High-end robot vacuum cleaner may leave feeling that it may not be worth paying for these machines. Top of line vacuum cleaners are outside of your budget. There are many moderately priced robot vacuum cleaners which don't always have all of the attributes of the models that are expensive. There are a few robotic vacuum cleaners that are a complete waste of money and there are others that could do the job for your requirements. It is a fantastic idea to do some research prior to going out and invest your hard-won cash if you've never owned a robot vacuum cleaner before. Online reviews can be a huge help in this aspect.
There are several  Factors you need to look at when determining how much you are prepared to pay for a vacuum cleaner.
There are myriad Robot vacuums available at an assortment of costs which can aid you with the tedious job of cleaning your floors. Whether you have got wood or carpeting, or even a corral of pets, there's a robot vacuum to suit your requirements. These machines also include lots of features -- some of that make them nearly as effective at cleaning as a standard, upright vacuum. And when home to a abode is your primary concern, you can choose a robot vacuum cleaner using Wi-Fi connectivity. If you are worried about allergies or dust, you can also find versions.
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The Majority of the Robot vacuum cleaners that are Cheaper are just able to wash one room at one time, they cannot negotiate doorways and will get lost if they stray too far in their docking station. End robot vacuum cleaner can manage multiple rooms and will clean an entire level of your house with no input from you. Regrettably, no one has come up with a vacuum cleaner which can negotiate stairs. So they are limited to just one level of the house.
A robot vacuum cleaner  Does not replace a upright vacuum along with a profound housecleaning, but it does help pick up things such as food crumbs, cat litter, hair of all sorts, dust bunnies and each other dense particle we leave behind on the floors when we are living in a home. Because the last thing that you want to be worried about when you're on deadline is the floor is covered in sprinkles they're suited to office spaces, also. Many robot vacuums can be scheduled to run as frequently as several times a week or once a day, and some are offered with companion programs.
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For whoever that Has not spend on a vacuum yet, there might be a dilemma whether to  Buy one or not. It had been the same for me, 4 decades ago. I desperately would Save my time for better things I could do. Sweeping or vacuuming the  Flooring every day? No, thank you, I don't have enough time and energy for this.  Receive a maid to do the job? No, Thinking about the price, insecurity and Hassle involved in hiring a domestic maid, no, Gracias. I probably had Made among the very best investment since now, I live a lifestyle together with my 4 Year-old loyal iRobot Roomba.
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