#is it just me or is it kind of sexy- *gunshots*
galamerapple · 8 months
remember when baz thought simon was dead and immediately went apeshit and ripped off a vampire's jaw with his teeth
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Base Yandere Deadpool Headcanons: I "FULLY SUPPORT" THIS (RUN!!!) (Marvel)
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am The Yandere Specialist and no I am not being held hostage by Deadpool to make sure that you become his darling, I am not in danger at all!!! Hehehe! Anyway, let me sell you on why Deadpool is the right man for you! Now let's do this, enjoy it!]  (Side Note This was multiple Traits of Deadpool From Various Deadpools Across the Multiverse and Media) 
(Disclaimer: Deadpool is not yandere in canon, and he is such a great guy in canon! This is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all! Simping for fictional characters, and yanderes, and Deadpool, but mainly Deadpool, is fine. Just do not be illegal or gross about it, You know who you are! You Dirty Flaky Biscuits! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life, but Deadpool is an ideal partner in real life. Remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon! Thank you!)  -Base Yandere Headcanons With Deadpool From Movies Mainly!- 
.Deadpool is a very good man, he is good with kids and he is very sweet.  .He is also very good in bed.  (Come on Wade this is going to get me canceled... Fine...) 
.He also would be willing to do almost anything with you in the bedroom. 
.He fell for you right away and he knew that he wanted you as his partner, for you to be his one and only. 
.Deadpool is also Pansexual in Canon! He does not care what parts you have, what you were born as, or what gender you feel you are!  .He adores you and will have you as his and his alone he will make sure of that! 
.Of course, he would be the best husband you could ever ask for and make you tons of chimichangas.  .This man would kill for you that is a fact (SMACK) BUT it is for your own protection of course. 
(you did not have to hit me you jerk)  .He is the type of yandere that is going to deal with rivals by first trying to get them to leave you alone, maybe with a few minor gunshot wounds and threats to their life. 
.If They do not back off he will shoot them in either the tit and or crouch.  .He is going to make sure that they screwed the pooch when they tried to take you from him, he will not regret doing it either. 
.He would probably make them regret ever even looking at you. 
.He would mock them for even thinking of trying to be with you. 
.He is going to mocl his rivals one hundred percent. 
.He also can bend and break the fourth wall... Which he may or may not be doing right now and influencing these headcanons. 
(OW! I said he may or MAY NOT! ASSHAT)  .He is a very sweet man for the most part, but oh, oh boy is he possessive and protective. 
.If anyone was to hurt you, the love of his life. He would make sure that every single one of them was dead, including him. 
.He would not be able to kill himself though so if you did die he would find a way to bring you back somehow, because he just would, don't ask questions. 
(Yes, Wade! I know that is just lazy writing to say just because! Who is the author/content creator here!? Yeah that is right, me so hush up!) 
.Now where were we? Ah Yes, Deadpool would also be the most chaotic Yandere ever. 
.He would never hurt you, but he would hurt rivals and such. 
.This bro has no chill as a yandere. 
.He would be the type to break rivals's bones on a wimb. 
.Not to mention mess with them. 
.He is going to be the type to make sure no one fucks around because they would for sure find out. 
.He is the yandere that would go to such lengths to have a long life with you, even risking his life. 
(Do not question the logic, Wade, you are legit insane!) .He would confess to you in a cheesy but romantic way, and also it would not fully be planned. 
.Not all the time at least. He would have a higher chance to do it on an impulse with a candy pop ring. 
.Which is kind of sweet if you ask me. You have to love Wade aka the Deadpool man.  (Yes, Wade, I love you no shush, do not make this weird) ..He also would want to have a family with you. If you have a uterus be ready for a good impregnation. 
.And if you have no uterus or you do not want to carry a pregnancy. You can expect him to come home with a baby. 
.Where did he get the baby? 
.He won't tell you! He won't tell me! There is just going to be one random ass baby in your home and you will be a mama a daddy or a zazzeh (like daddy but with Z another gender-neutral term Zazzah like a mama with Z) Depending on what you want to be called, but you will be a parent.  .And by the slight chance that you did not want kids, he is going to get a Landshark for you to have as your Landshark baby. 
(Which Deadpool agrees that is the superior choice and I mean he is not wrong! Landshark baby is the best baby) 
.If you accept his love, he will be over the room and you can count on doing the devil tango right then and there. 
(Wade I hope you did not propose to them in public... I am not held responsible for your indecent exposure to (Name) OR THE OBSCENE PDA YOU TWO DO!!!) 
.If you turned him down? He would throw said ring pop over his shoulder, and act like he was messing with you. 
.But he is not going to give up. 
.He is not going to kidnap you, but he is going to start stalking you (which he already did, Wade said I may have forgotten to mention that he has been stal- OW Okay okay... Watching over you!) 
.So he would increase watching over you. To see where he went wrong. 
.He would also be interrogating so many of your friends and family. 
.To see if you were seeing someone else or if someone was blackmailing you, he is doing his best to watch over you all the time. 
.So that he can get rid of anyone who is hurting you. (DO NOT LISTEN TO THAT HE IS TRYING TO GET RID OF HIS RIVA- OW OW OW OK Ok! OK! I will drop it!) 
.In the end, he is one of the better- (Okay Wade, you don't have to point a gun at me) one of the BEST Yanderes to have. 
I fully support you ending up with Wade and saying yes to his love!  .You two are meant to be and would be very happy together, trust me (NO RUN MUFFIN RUN!)  [YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, Another this chapter is done! I hope that you all enjoyed this, and stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins! 
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International Affair
Welcome to my shameless self-insert series🤭 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Last
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Reader Description: Masculine style, They/He, AFAB, International Student, 20 Years Old. Sometimes will be describe using masculine terms (man, boy, handsome, etc)
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x InternationalStudent!Reader
Warnings: Specified age gap (Wanda is 34).
Summary: For their summer break, Y/n decided to spend it in a little town called Westview. It was there when they met Wanda Maximoff. A woman in her 30s with two kids, who seems to be attracted to the college student despite being married.
New York University's tuition was fucking ass. It really is, at a whopping $64,000 tuition fee per year. And that's only the tuition fee, the total estimate of studying in NYU plus living cost was probably over $90,000. Exactly it's fucking insane. Despite receiving a sponsorship from their parent's good friend and also financial aid from NYU, he still needed to figure out how to pay it back.
Sometimes they feel like smacking their head for choosing to study in a city where it's known for its back bank breaking living cost. Can you blame him though? Those tall buildings, shining lights, bustling nightlife, sounds of gunshots, and a huge opportunity for a creative person such as themselves, along with a dash of capitalism. Y/n couldn't help but be fascinated. That American dream that he had been chasing since he saw the Devil Wears Prada.
It was now summer vacation. Instead of going home for the summer, Y/n decided to join this Homeshare Summer program. Basically an elderly person provides home for students to share during the summer. The benefits are plenty, but most notably, cheaper housing rent. His roommates also joined this program, together they sublease their apartment. Adding extra funds to their breaking bank account.
In return, the students must help their elderly host with basic domestic needs. Mostly light household tasks; preparing and sharing meals, tidying up, chores, walking a pet, etc.
Y/n ended up matching with someone in a small town called Westview somewhere in New Jersey. As much as he loves New York, he wanted to spend his summer somewhere else in America.
He matched with a lovely widow named Melina Vostokoff. He learned that she has 2 daughters, both whom are adults with their own respective career. She needed a companion, understandably so, and Y/n was more than happy to assist her in anyway she might need.
"Y/n." Melina called.
"Yes, Mrs. Vostokoff?" Y/n looked up from their laptop, they were sitting on the dinner table editing some footage.
"Oh dear, please, I told you to call me Melina."
"Sorry, Melina. Force of habit." He said with a smile. "What's up?"
"Would you please send all this batches of cookies around the neighborhood? I already have a list of houses on where you can drop them." Melina is known for sharing batches of cookies for free around the neighborhood. Why? Out of kindness.
And also the fact that she loves baking, but ended up not being able to finish it all. So she shares them around the neighborhood.
"Sure, Melina! I'll do that right away."
So he sets of to drop off delicious dessert for Westview citizens. Melina had told them that this was a good chance to ask around for a summer job as well. Which is what he had initially planned to do anyway. Finally they reached the last house, Maximoff Household. They weren't so lucky with the other neighbors, but last one's a charm right? He rang the doorbell.
A person then opens the door. "Hello, I was just-" Holyfucking shit. This woman was absolutely gorgeous.
"May I help you?" She ask, god her voice is sexy.
"Uhhh..." Snap out of it! "Sorry! I'm Y/n, I'm the student staying over the summer at Mrs. Vostokoff. She told me to drop off her Bi-Weekly batches of cookies."
Wanda wasn't stupid, she noticed their nervousness and found it adorable. "Lovely to meet you, Y/n. I'm Wanda, Wanda Maximoff." She offered her hand.
"Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mrs. Maximoff." He shook her hand.
"Do you go to Westview University?" She was rather intrigued by the younger one.
"No, ma'am. I actually go to NYU, I'm studying film production."
Wanda raised an eyebrow and smiled. "How impressive. Though I must ask, why choose to spend your summer here?"
Damn... her smile.
"Mainly a much cheaper living cost, other than that I figured It'll be good for me to explore other parts of America. New Jersey is not far so it's a good place to start."
"Ah, an International student I see. Is it one of those Homeshare programs?"
"It is!" The student beamed.
What a charming smile he has, Wanda thought to herself. "Say, how old are you, Y/n." She ask while leaning against the door frame, her tone was... rather flirty.
"Um... I'll be turning 21 this year." Wanda hummed at the answer. For what reason Y/n doesn't know either. "Here are your cookies, ma'am." Well shit, he was getting nervous again. Obviously, Wanda staring at him with a look he can't quite pin.
"Oh! Thank you, dear. My sons absolutely love Melina's cookies." She took the container from them.
"Well that's no surprise, I could live off from those cookies alone." They said while laughing lightly. "So I take it you've lived here for a while?"
"Yes, I've lived here for years with my twin boys and husband." Damn it, they thought. "Anything you would like to know?"
"Yes actually! I've been looking for a summer job, but I haven’t had any luck."
"Well, lucky for you, a friend of mine who owns the Cafe in town is looking for a new Barista. She just recently opened the position."
"That's great news! Thank you so much for letting me know, Mrs. Maximoff." They said with a smile, Wanda had another idea in mind.
"However, I think they're only offering part-time. If you're looking for some extra work, I may need a few... help around the house. Would you be interested?" She asked with a devilish smile.
Y/n, being too excited at the possibility of finally landing a job, failed to notice the flirty undertone in Wanda's sentence. "Absolutely!"
"Splendid! Come over to my house tomorrow and we'll discuss the details."
"I will see you tomorrow, Mrs. Maximoff. Thank you again!" The young man said with a bright smile, he started walking backwards onto the sidewalk.
"See you tomorrow, Y/n." Once they turned their backs on her, Wanda bit her lip. She had multiple things in mind for Y/n to help her with.
I did a quick research on the law of international students working in the US. I didn't get into detail but it basically said yes but there are restrictions. So ignore the actual laws, and y'know just - whatever man it's a fanfic :') When I saw the estimated cost of studying in NYU i almost cried-
Also I hope you guys don’t mind I go with a more masculine reader for this one (i really want to be called a good boy by Wanda)
I hope the reader description doesn’t confuse you guys, if it does. Its ok, i self inserted myself and im very confused abt my gender-
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writemekpop · 1 year
Double Life | Lee Jeno
Summary: You’re thinking of ending things with your boring boyfriend Jeno – when he confesses that he has a surprising secret life. 
Genre: No jam Jeno, he's kinda dumb but he cute, established relationship AU
Word Count: 1.3k
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“Okay, okay, Spongebob or Patrick – who would win in a fight?”  
Jeno was speaking so animatedly that his dark wavy hair flopped up and down.
“I don’t know, Jeno,” you sighed, walking through the supermarket aisle. 
Once again, you wished your boyfriend was… different. Less nerdy. You wished he helped you with the chores, rather than sneaking Froot Loops into the trolley. You kept planning to break up with him… you just never got round to it. 
Just then, you heard a gunshot. Your muscles turned to jelly. It had to be a store robbery! 
Suddenly, Jeno grabbed your hand and pulled you into a nearby janitor’s closet. 
Your bodies were pressed against each other in the dim light. The firm muscle of Jeno’s chest pressed against yours. You’d never noticed how toned he was. You felt heat rush to your face. 
“Listen to me, Y/n,” Jeno’s voice was deep, confident… sexy. You’d never heard him talk in this way before.
“What?” you said, heart racing. 
“I’m – a secret agent.” Jeno said. “US government.” You blinked. “Sorry?” 
“Clandestine operative?” 
You frowned.
“Black ops?” 
You shook your head.  
Jeno huffed impatiently. “Y/n, I’m trying to tell you that I’m a… spy.”
Despite your fear, you laughed. “Jeno! Stop messing around.”
Jeno sighed, running his hand through his hair. “I figured I had to tell you the truth. You’re about to see me use seven different kinds of martial arts.”  
A thrill ran through you. Was Jeno – a guy who couldn’t kill a spider on his own – putting his life at risk for the nation?   
You heard footsteps approaching the door. Jeno began unbuttoning his shirt. “Now, I don’t mean to surprise you, but I have an idea.”  
You nodded, unable to believe your passive boyfriend was finally taking charge. 
Just as the door was flung open, Jeno – now shirtless – pulled you into his arms and kissed you with a passion that took your breath away. 
There was nothing gentle about this kiss – Jeno pushed your back against the cool concrete, bunching your shirt in his fists. You shivered at the feeling of his warm, wet tongue in your mouth.
“Are you hiding in-“ a voice barked, then fell silent, before suddenly shutting the door again. 
You burst out laughing, trying to hush your giggles against Jeno’s neck. He was chuckling, too. “I had a feeling that might surprise him,” Jeno said. 
You looked away, suddenly conscious of Jeno’s nakedness. Even though he was your boyfriend, he felt like a stranger today. 
Jeno’s hand brushed a stray hair out of your face. “It’s okay. You can look.”
You slowly turned your face, taking in the smooth ripples of Jeno’s tanned stomach, the faint trail of dark hair winding down it. You realised you hadn’t seen Jeno naked in over a year, maybe.
Your heart was heavy. Jeno’s career, Jeno’s body, Jeno’s life – you knew nothing about any of them. It felt like he wasn’t your boyfriend at all. 
Jeno’s eyes refused to leave yours. “Everything I do, Y/n – I do it for you. To build a world where we don’t have to be afraid anymore.” 
You clutched Jeno’s hand. “Let’s get out of this place before someone comes looking.”
You both crept out into the supermarket aisle… when you were confronted by a masked man holding a gun. “Hey!” he yelled. “We missed one of ‘em!” 
“I’m sorry, does this supermarket belong to you?” Jeno boomed.
You were so shocked you couldn’t breathe.  
Laughing, the man called two of his friends over. “Check out this punk!” 
The man shoved Jeno’s shoulder. Jeno stared right back at him, towering over him, his face like stone.
The man’s voice darkened. “This guy’s got a death wish.”
Jeno reached for his back pocket. All three of the guys took a step back. “Now, gentlemen” Jeno said, “I don’t want to use this, but if you try anything, I will.” 
Relief trickled down your body. 
Until one of the guys at the back said, “I call your bluff. He ain’t got no gun!” 
The others, realising that this was true, glared at Jeno. 
“Beat him up or something!” you hissed at Jeno, who was still frozen. “Use your – karate or whatever!” 
But Jeno just raised his hands above his head. He was shaking. 
“I… can’t,” he breathed.
“What do you mean? Use your spy training,” you said. “Don’t give up now!”
Jeno turned to you. His face was deathly pale. “No – I literally can’t.”
Fear enclosed you, like barbed wire around your throat. “What do you mean you can’t?”  
A tear slipped down Jeno’s cheek. “I’m not actually a spy, Y/n. I don’t know a single martial art, I’m not trained in anything… heck, I’ve never even left the state!” 
“You… lied to me?” you said. Of course. You couldn’t believe you had fallen for it. The weight of your anger surprised even you.  
“I just - wanted you to see me – as more than your dorky boyfriend from high school.” Jeno said quietly. “And now I’ve put us in danger…”  
“Shut up,” you snapped.
Raising one hand above your head in surrender, you grabbed Jeno’s shirt and started slowly pulling him backwards. “I’m so sorry.” you called. “We didn’t mean it. I promise – we’ll leave you alone.” 
The masked men were not backing off. Sweat dripped down your top lip. 
You pulled off the gold birth chain on your neck. It clattered on the floor. “It’s real,” you called. “We’ll run out of the store and not look back, okay?”
“You run right out…” the man said. 
“Right out,” you whispered. 
Turning, you pulled Jeno by the hand and ran out of the supermarket. True to your promise, you did not look back. 
You kept running till you got to your car, then drove right home. Despite showering and eating a hot meal, you and Jeno were still on a knife edge. 
Jeno sat down beside you on the bed. He touched your arm, but you pulled it away. 
“I’m sorry, darling. I don’t know why I did that,” Jeno said, sniffing. 
You touched your bare neck, staring blankly at the wall. “I’ve had that necklace since I was born.” 
Jeno wrapped his strong arms around you and buried his head in your chest. “Please forgive me!” Jeno begged, his voice muffled against your shirt. 
You pushed him off. “Jeno… I need some time to think.” 
One week later… 
You and Jeno were nestled together under a blanket watching Netflix. The shock had worn off, and now you missed your boyfriend.
“I’m so sorry, Y/n,” Jeno said for the thousandth time. “I’m know I’m not some – hero. I’m an idiot.” 
“That was such a dumb thing to do,” you snapped. “I can’t believe you lied to me!”
Jeno flinched. 
“But…” you continued, urging yourself to relax. “You’re not an idiot. And I’m sorry that I treat you that way.” You hugged Jeno as tight as you could, pressing your face into his shoulder. “You’re wonderful, Jeno. You’re creative, and funny, and sweet… I don’t want a spy. I want you.”
Jeno kissed your neck, making you shiver. “I want you, too,” he murmured.
“There is one thing that’s been on my mind, though,” you said, pulling away. 
Jeno’s eyes widened. “What?”
“When did you get abs?” you said, lifting Jeno’s shirt and pressing kisses to his stomach.
Jeno’s face darkened. “Um… I guess… I’ve been working out."
You frowned. “Well, agent, your first mission is to get that shirt off. I need all night to explore this new development.”
He grinned. “Jeno to the rescue…”
Let us know what you thought in the comments or on anon! 💋
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I kind of agree bucktommy shippers seem like "horny newcomers", so far all they can celebrate is the kisses, which look fairly hot, but then the chemistry the rest of the time is just 🤷 and there's nothing else to their "relationship" yet. So what's there to be so excited about? Just the two attractive guys kissing. And I've seen mainly bucktommy posts that are just about all the hot sex they must be having...so...seems a bit horny to me...
Hi 👋🏻
Unfortunately, for some fans, just a sexy picture is enough, and they don't care about things like the history of the relationship, the trials and adventures experienced by the couple, the level of mutual understanding and trust.
After all, Eddie is literally the one who went through fire and water with Buck, tsunami, gunshot, trial, lightning, burial alive, hostage taking.
And Tommy is the one who left Buck at the restaurant at the first difficulty.
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mamamittens · 1 month
Fluffy thoughts for my OC ship with Thatch and Izou, just reacting to their scars.
I don't have one in particular planned for Nikia (though if I wanted to, it would be funny to repurpose my own facial scar over my brow, nearly at my hairline, from my cat flipping his shit at being picked up suddenly), but her reacting to both of their facial scars. Maybe other scars they've picked up over the years.
So, for Thatch, if she was there when it happened, she'd absolutely fret over it. He's a grown man but I imagine he'd be touched at how worried she is about it. It's awful close to his eye and definitely in a place that would pull if he makes a face while it's healing.
Gentle, she'd offer to put medicine over it to help it heal. Thatch probably is of the opinion that scars are both inevitable and sexy, but he'd fold so fast at her attempt to lessen it. Especially if she explains that it would mess with his ability to express if its too bad. Thankfully it heals fine and his smile is unaltered. Every so often he pretends it's feeling a little off (or maybe it actually is sometimes) and she gladly dabs some moisturizer on it to help loosen the scar tissue.
For if she hears about it later down the line, how he got it--well, if Thatch wasn't in love before, the soft way she asks if it's okay to touch and cradles his face to examine it would have him down bad.
"Hmm, it still hurts sometimes. Maybe you should kiss it better?" Thatch mumbles cheekily but falters when she smiles and presses her lips to the curve of his scar. Whispering over it like he isn't shocked she actually did it.
"The last thing I want is for you to be hurting if I can help it."
He melts, pulling her into a close hug to hide how red his face is.
He's a big, strong man! But the soft, caring affection about kills him.
Kissing his scar is now his favorite kind of kiss that he can't kiss back through. Hands down. No contest. Instantly shuts him up, no matter what he's saying. Loses all thoughts.
Scars elsewhere probably receive similar attention, though maybe not kisses if they're somewhere... Suggestive outside of bedroom activities. Like, she's not going to casually kiss the scar he has on his hip from a gunshot wound. And probably not fondle it unless they're already both naked lol
He would suggest 'healing kisses' frequently though for 'phantom pains'. If they actually bother him, he may just handle it himself rather than embarrass her with helping pull off his clothes unless they're already in bed. Like, he won't ask for help like that in public lol, she's just smack his arm for the trouble.
For Izou, it would be very similar but she'd definitely ask if she can touch his face beforehand given his makeup situation. And with it literally going over his eye, she'd be super concerned. Izou is generally less... Enthusiastic about affection, but she's still offer to help with whatever she can. Fretting over him and treating every scar with a breathless reverence.
Izou would, however, be way more sensitive to physical contact concerning his scars though. He generally gives off "don't fucking touch me" vibes that she usually respects. But after hearing how he got his old scars or the addition of a new one, she very gently explores the area. Stroking and inspecting his skin. Checking if he's in any pain or generally offering affection for past injuries.
He's very moved by it and always returns the kisses. For days afterwards, he frequently gives her surprise kisses. He's not self conscious about his scars, but the tender care is very appreciated.
Now, as for scars for Nikia...
Well, part of it depends on how it happened.
They'd be super pissed if it happened in a fight. They respect their life is dangerous and that some injury is inevitable, but that doesn't make them any more forgiving about it. And (because I have issues) it's also a bit of a possessive thing. Like, a, "no one has the right to touch you but us, and we'd never hurt you" kind of way. They fret over the fresh injury and follow any care instructions to a 'T'.
If she starts to feel self conscious, they make sure to emphasize how their feelings remain unchanged about her and her looks. It's a little different for women to get scars, after all, even for pirates.
Accidents get very fretted over and they're super cautious about her doing dangerous shit for a long while. They trust her to mind herself but... They really didn't enjoy seeing her injured.
For old scars, Thatch is the most sensually reassuring, being a romantic sort of hands on kind of guy. Izou isn't too far behind him, but he's not as flowery about it. They both still respect her, even if the story is kind of hilarious. They do get worried if she has a lot she can't identify where they're from though.
If she wants to reduce the scars, they facilitate it to the best of their abilities. Thatch bravely volunteers to physically apply any and all lotion, medication, or other topical application.
So brave.
Utterly pure intentions.
Ignore how his hands start to wander, it's nothing. Izou will likely smack him but can be persuaded to join in. Nikia will quickly get overwhelmed and they won't complain, they think it's cute.
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yukidragon · 1 year
Have you seen the new art that was posted on the offical sunny day jack tumbler? I just wanted to ask your opinions on it i love hearing well readkng your rants on everything sunny say Jack!
So whats your take on it?
Sorry for not getting to this ask in a timely manner. I'm glad you enjoy my posts.
I'm not entirely certain if you're referring to the hoodie print of Jack as the Mad Hatter, the sexy print of Jack, or the promotional poster for the game.
If it's about the Mad Hatter hoodie, I've touched on an Alice in Wonderland AU in a previous post. I actually had the same idea to cast Jack as the Mad Hatter too. I just loved seeing Sauce's picture of him in the role. He looks so charming.
If it's about the sexy print, well... yowza. Jack looks very spicy there, just perfect for cuddling.
If it's about the poster, well... there's a lot to be said about it. How about I break it down here?
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Credit for this gorgeous art, and others I might use in this post, goes to the awesome Sauce. Consider joining the Snaccpop Studios Patreon, and remember not to share anything privately posted there.
The first thing to talk about of course is Jack. Much like earlier promotional work posted on the official twitter, and glimpses in this gif, he looks bloody and a bit rotted. I discussed those two images in greater detail in this post. One of his fingers has rotted away, exposing bone, which has appeared in earlier promotional art on the patreon. It's a very unsettling, and could be a reason why he is canonically stated to be always wearing his gloves.
Then of course there's his face, which arguably is even worse than the state of his finger. The damage there is gruesome, and his right eye is outright gone. We've actually seen his eye missing in merch that was released before, and I theorized that he lost his eye because he was shot.
In fact, this little decal in the sprites for Jack that Sauce was kind enough to share in this post look suspiciously like gunshot wounds.
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While I'm on the subject of the sprites, I'd like to call attention to Jack's right eye in the ones where he's dressed in this bloody decal.
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While Jack's left eye is a bright shade of brownish-gold, his right eye is dark, close to black. You might recall his right eye looked different than the left in other promo art.
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In the teaser glitch, Jack(tor)'s right pupil is smaller than the left.
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Also, in the promotional picture of Jack(tor) in the mirror, we see not only is his right pupil smaller, but it glows much more dimly than his left.
I think my theory that his eye was shot out holds quite a bit of weight to it. It's possible his eye looks wonky as he starts losing his grip on himself as Jack because he's struggling to maintain his right eye's very existence.
It seems pretty clear that Jack's façade as Sunny Day Jack might be masking some deeper traumas, both physical and emotional... and I suspect it's that mental state - as well as his closeness to his sunshine - will affect his physical state. After all, if MC starts feeling distant from Jack, suddenly he becomes a lot less real in the demo.
It's possible that the gloves Jack wears are similar to the phantom's mask in Phantom of the Opera, covering up an unpleasant truth. For whatever reason, it could be that Jack's ability to pull himself together is limited by his hands. It makes me wonder if he suffered some sort of physical trauma to his hands as well before he was killed...
Speaking of Phantom of the Opera, expect some stuff about the Phantom of Sunny Day Jack that I've been given clearance to post. Working on this project has given me thoughts.
Now onto the rest of the poster.
Jack is holding a bloody knife while looking menacing. As we've seen in other teaser pictures, Jack's weapon of choice is a knife, though he seems more keen to coax others into using it on themselves when they're at their most vulnerable. Will he actually inflict physical violence with his own hand? Possibly if he's broken enough that he can justify it without breaking character... or after he's so broken that he can justify anything as "in character" for Sunny Day Jack.
"Don't take his sunshine away." It's such a good line. It reminds me of so many slasher movie posters I've seen, and it fits with the le motif of, "You are my sunshine." That song is actually pretty dark and depressing when you look at the lyrics.
Then of course there's the other three male leads. They're all spattered in blood, but while Shaun and Nick look alarmed, Ian almost looks... calm. He's also holding what suspiciously looks like a blue wig. Now... where have we seen that before?
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Oh, right, the glitch in this animated gif teaser. Funny how excited he looks despite being spattered with blood, isn't it? Perhaps Jack and Ian have a lot more in common than just being actors taking the role of Sunny Day Jack...
One last note I'll mention is that Nick's face looks rather roughed up as well as bloody. Remember how he clawed his face at the end of the demo? I suspect that this poster is referencing that with the damage to his face.
With how negatively Jack affects Nick and Ian's mental states... I wonder if Shaun is going to make it through with the least amount of mental/physical scarring because he's more horror savvy... though we certainly won't know for sure until the full release.
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur
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castle-dominion · 1 year
c3x4 punked
I like a good bit of steampunk & judging from the episode thumbnail this is going to be great.
Do they have mounties in the usa? ew
smorelette sounds genuinely gross & I like weird food combinations...
Even on my first watch-through I noticed ashley was a girl’s unisex name
You should have heard the sound I made when I heard him say “chocolate mousse chimichanga”
Diva’s honour uwu He looks so sweet & angry MR: Maybe it’s a nice murder, darling; brighten your day
PARISH IS SO RIGHT, GET HER A TEA (my family also spent five minutes arguing about funnel cakes, elephant ears, beaver tails (which are crepes & crepes are not pancakes), bear paws, white claws, monster energy, & bear claws.  gee ess double-yu is a lot longer to say than gunshot wound. I propose: wed. tee yu vee, wed, ex, wy, zed. Much faster to say & it rhymes with zed to make it not alone.
KR: Photo on the ID matches captain underpants here (Everyone looks at him) KR: Sorry, my nephew loves those books. half my classmates read them but I actually never did (& then an inconsistency in which direction Esposito is facing)
Girl she probably just wears regular women’s underwear. (Also castle I’m shocked. You strike me as a boxer-briefs kind of a guy.) She actually might wear boyshorts.
Lol it’s my little brother, no social skills, sweetheart, dork, math genius... Wow that was some loud knocking Ryan Oh He looks... concerned (& is wearing a nice outfit as usual) RC: Anyone good? KR: *points, gestures, & waves* eughhhhh?????
D’André: *looks at castle* RC: Hey... KB: If you’re so innocent Mr D’André, why did you resist arreest & try to put one of my detectives through a wall? (I’d love to see that scene) RC: *looks back to the glass as if he can see behind the mirror* KR: You know, the right turtleneck, & no-one’s even going to notice bro. JE: *slowly turns to him with a huge-ass neck brace on, the poor guy. It pushes up his ears & cheeks & he looks frickin m a d* KR: Maybe a scarf JE: >:| KR: *hits him playfully?* JE: Ow
I mean castle is a bit high strung but when this buff mountain of a man stands up & you know he already put one of either ryan or esposito through a wall, like, I can understand it. Poor esposito DX  JE: I want this guy to fry, beckett! (whipsers) ow, (ryan looks at him in concern)
This is one sexy episode RC: time travelling killer! *goes to high-five lanie but she is already walking off* (Mandolin version of theme song starts playing)
“time ripple” no it does NOT sound dirty castle wtf I like how Ryan half humours castle KR: Can’t be a time traveling killer; bullet had 200 years of rust on it; if the killer had been a time travelwe, the bullet would have been brand new I like abe sanrich. Lol D’André the giant. I just listened to an audiobook on the making of the princess bride actually.
JE: So uh, is Di Andre our guy? (For someone who can say spanish words perfectly his other latin skills seem to be lacking) KB: I’m afraid not. JE: What? Why did he go all hulk hogan on me? RC: Well why did the scorpion sting the frog? It’s in his nature. (Ryan almost looks more upset than Esposito, but then again, esposito can’t really make all the facial expressions one usually would be able to.) RM: I’ll see he gets the max detective JE: Thank you captain RM: You know you can take a couple days if you’d like? Catch some movies.  RC: Read Naked Heat. JE: No. JE: No need, sir. RM: *goes to pat him on the shoulder* JE, not much of a touchy feely guy in the first place & also in pain: *eyes* RM: *single soft pat* KB: *doesn’t laugh doesn’t laugh doesn’t laugh doesn’t laugh I swear she is not laughing* JE: -_-
RC: Maybe the killer came through the time ripple naked & needed the clothes KB: RC: Like in the terminator KB: Sadly I don’t have a better theory at this point (Castle & esposito feed birds) (even tho esposito usually hates castle’s theories)
KB: Go check [xyz] out KR: You got it *turns around quickly, bumping into esposito* JE: mhhh XP
Beckett is so important in Castle’s raising of a teenaged daughter
RC: You said something about a giant moth?
Ok so Murphy is at the finance firm
RM: Any luck? (USE CTRL F U IDIOT) JE: turns around slowly KR: Nah. So far I’ve seen a lot of cool old guns on these sites. (I love a good cool old gun) RM: (talks about the cool guy with the cool gun on the site) Check it out esposito JE: *groaning as he slowly turns around* RM: *trying not to laugh or feel bad for getting esposito to move* JE: Yeah that’s nice. See back then they were into the artistry of it all KR: Yeah theyre like little sculptures.. that can kill (he says with his cheek on his fist all cute-like) (huertas probably liked this episode, he’s into guns)
RM: If I had that kind of scratch around I’d be putting it somewhere safe, like me mattress.
Podofski sent an audio file? RC: You think he offered him a blindfold & a cigarette?
KB: & can anyone vouch for that? IP: Me RC: Myself & I got your back too?
sir ACD is the time traveler, castle!
Except don’t old guns have no rifling & won’t ballistics be unable to match the gun? RC: Somehow they never prefer to be arrested for murder
RC: This has got to be a joke. Goldstein drives a DeLorean (My mum used to work at the airport & one of her volunteers owned a delorean that he had modified to look like the time machine. It was p cool.)
I love Ryan & his sunglasses They r just talking about the car, it’s valid, it’s a cool car KR: I hope [there’s something in the car that will help us], that’s a lot of doors to knock on (touches hand to car & gets burned bc it is sunny & south?) WOW FIRST NAMES? OK THEN. KR, seeing a guy with a bloodstained shirt: Hey Javi! NGL I love lord henry! Haberdashery across the park! At least it makes Esposito smile Oh poor esposito KR, with lord henry in a hold: U alright bro? JE with his gun out: I’m fine. >:{
KB: Alright, thank you ryan. RC: How’s esposito? KB: At home resting Finally the man took some time off
Castle is so cool, knows the actual period of the clothing (tho I can’t verify that). He did not go quietly into the night, he fired back
It is going to be HARD to metal detect that entire park bro, even just the area you want to check good framing & camera fun RC, walking off: Let’s say *walks back & starts moving Ryan around* Let’s say that our killer was standing over here (ryan looks like he’s had his feathers ruffled) Castle counted a bit off or had longer/shorter strides but different people have different leg length RC: It wasn’t a game! *holds up finger gun* It was an old fashioned duel! KR: *holds up his own finger gun*
I thought that castle was going to practice lockpicking actually.
OH WOW OK THEN (& I was right about the unisex name) RC: Yess well me meeting ashley has smeared lip gloss all over your face (I don’t like the guns but when you go to meet a girl’s dad that’s the only time when a gun is acceptable.) (still not acceptable actually but you get the point.) Castle knows a cool trick there! Ashley: Yeah sure, if it’s ok with your gun-- dad Ash: I respect her, she is respectable, I respect you RC: I like him. He’s respectful. (Cuz u waved a gun at him lol. Heck yeah bro XD)
RC & me: well at least some guy in ballistics had fun firing em off
Interesting motion with the coffee there
RC: Maybe it was about a girl. In fact, alexis’s boyfriend (who has a girl’s name btw) thought I was going to shoot him last night.  KB: *Eyebrows go up, smiles & kinda nods.* KR: Hey RC: Hey, how’s esposito? (Asks ryan this) KR: He’s sleeping in,, mostly because he can’t move. (His voice is more melodic here, a different cadence & pitch.) (& ryan knows that esposito is sleeping in & can’t move) (Like girl the writers knew what they were doing)
Hamlet much?
Danny is a stand-up guy & gave you a job, you’re doing better because of him... Just making a note on troy kendsworth or w/e his name was
& they got the address from him.
What a sexy doorknocker WHOA I LOVE THIS GUY Mum & my little bro just watched around the world in 80 days (I think two different versions too)! I love a good rock shanty, I love adults playing dress up, I love punk, I love simplicity, tbh I’m more into solarpunk & cottagepunk than steampunk,  Riding the penny farthing right through the club I love it Love the hats, love the time machine Sheer supercoolness of futuristic design if things were steam powered, not fossil fuels b’y Poetry <3 KB: Excuse me Mr Peterson-- RC: Can I try that?
You know what it is SO valid to ignore death here. Sadness like that is for the real world, this place is an oasis away from all that. Kinda goth with the poetry & meaning even in death.
Hey at least we know he wasn’t dead yet within the time-of-death. 11-1 but he was alive past 11.
Oh those are some sexy guns Sure beckett smell it & know they’ve been fired. Who’s adam again? Adam murphy from the finance place? RC: I THINK HE’S GOING FOR THE TIME MACHINE (When did ryan & esposito get the address & called over for interviews?) KR: it’s just a bunch of interviews, idk why you didn’t take the whole day off. JE: Because I’m fine! KR, badge in hand: *goes to knock* *door opens before he can* (the two look at each other) (Adam Murphey runs smack into esposito. Ryan is still staring at the door in shock. He turns around when castle & beckett come out.) RC: Hey esposito! (esposito is groaning & whimpering from the pain of being slammed down onto concrete)
RC: So if you couldn’t kill each other then what was the point of the duel? Me: Duels are cool castle!
Me: Go test it out! RC: Only one way to find out *handshake meme* YAY THE SANDWICH ANTIQUE GUN GUY I like this song. Ew come on pig leave the guy alone Aiming better now & still runs away from the cop lol. Hey nice guy the pig got him a sandbag. Hey nice guy he’s actually interested now & got a stand. Hey it’s just like mythbusters, remove the human touch. I like the progressions of companionship with this rando.
Castle you’re so cool /gen
I love this family. & even kind of in my ears. I hugged my mom so much during this scene & alexis is so adorable & rick didn’t even say anything. Castle answering the door in his steampunk gear: Beckett! How do you know when you’re in love? Beckett, missing a single beat: All the songs make sense Castle fulfills our need to be an adult who acts like a child.
Making ryan just climb a tree XD “hey BECKETT” (I HAVE A PROBLEM) Poor guy shot a squirrel. Poor ryan has to pick up the squirrel. RC: Oh no they took his clothes too! KR: Could you..? CSU: awwwww :’( KR: Yeah I know I’m sorry
Castle: *gets caught in crime scene tape*
Who is using a magnifying glass? I thought beckett said it wasn’t a thing since sherlock holmes (like around the turn of the century, murdoch & sherlock time)
Castle: Volcano in centre of the earth: sneffles!
Sciency ballistics thing
Right as the church bells chimed midnight. we now have an exact time of death
tragic... but understandable
I always like seeing that cute cop, the short girl with the red hair. 
RM: Speaking of tragedy, did you hear about detective esposito? Me: he’s not dead, but the poor man has definitely had more happen to him... KB: no, what about him? (concern from both kate & rick) RM: Oh... he.. *gestured behind them* (wheelchair squaking) KB: Oh! D: JE: *rolled in by Ryan with some big brace on him & a big ol spider contraption on his head* RC: God no. Dude, what happened? (Ryan looks as heartbroken as esposito) KB: Esposito,! JE: No, I don’t want to hear it. No I’m ok JE: BOOM! *Jumps up, throws off the brace right into castle’s face* JE: No I really am fine, bro; we got this stuff from storage. KR: You should have seen your faces! JE: Captain you really sold that. KR: “speaking of tragedy did you hear about detective esposito?” RM: Hey KR: Sir RC: That was good, *claps esposito on the shoulder* JE: Ow, I’m not really that fine. KR: Oh yeah let me just... sorry JE: neck brace please, neck brace. Just lock it down, lock it. KR: Yeah yeah
& then some rando comes in & calls them boys (even tho they call each other boys all the time Ryan: *narrows eyes at this guy* & beckett has her nice helmet bc like we said in a previous episode she rides a motorbike (ryan outfit 10/10)
AC: I want to go on a date tonight RC, strained: Of course, great, have a good time. AC: I mean with you dad. (I miss going on dates with my parents. Just the two of us instead of all my siblings & both my parents...) RC: Did gram put you up to this?
She may be ginger but she’s very strawberry blonde for a redhead
She gets better at lying tho, like in s5 when they have their episode 100. 
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rawiswhore · 1 year
Stuttering John, Fred Norris, Howard Stern x Fem Reader- "Y/n's Spanking"
This is a fanfic about people I've never written about, at least, never wrote a fanfic about.
I'm pretty sure this may be the very first fanfiction about these people, since I seemingly can't find any other fanfiction about these aforementioned men.
I also hope you readers won't be offended over this fanfic, so viewer discretion is advised.
Love him or hate him, Howard Stern may be the most famous, iconic shock jock of all time.
When people think of shock jocks, they immediately think of him or Rush Limbaugh.
Besides shock value, Howard Stern is also known for interviewing celebrities, and he's been interviewing celebrities since at the height of his popularity in the 1990's.
Speaking of celebrities, one of the people on Howard Stern's show is Stuttering John, a man with a stutter who used to ask celebrities stupid, vulgar questions in the 90's, often asking these questions at award shows these celebrities would attend.
Many famous professional wrestlers have appeared on Howard Stern's show, ranging from Stone Cold Steve Austin, Hulk Hogan, Triple H, Chyna, Mick Foley, Sable, Stephanie McMahon and even John Cena.
And when you were at the height of your wrestling popularity and heyday in the late 1990's, of course you appeared on Howard Stern's show.
Not only was Howard wanting you to guest star on his show, but so many people would flood him with emails and phone calls begging to get you on the show.
The very first time you guest starred on Howard Stern's show to be interviewed was in September 1998.
Howard was very excited to see you appear on his show, and even you were excited to appear on his show, but not for him, for Fred Norris, Stuttering John and even Jackie Martling.
You won't lie, you think Fred Norris, Stuttering John and even Jackie Martling were pretty sexy and handsome, especially Fred Norris in Howard's "Private Parts" movie.
Howard told you that he has gotten endless amounts of requests from people for you to appear on his show, and he even admitted he wanted you to appear on his show after seeing so many times.
You told him you've kind of always wanted to appear on his show if you were ever a famous celebrity or even if you were an average everyday person.
The reason you said "kind of" was because Howard has said and done some very awful things, just look at when he played one of Selena Quintanilla's songs and then a gunshot shortly after her death.
But, he interviews celebrities, not to mention Fred Norris, Stuttering John and even Jackie Martling are handsome and maybe you could do sexual things to them on their show.
Howard is infamous for sexually objectifying women, and of course he sexually objectified you many times throughout this interview, which made you uncomfortable deep down inside, but you tried to hide it.
Since your ass was spanked many times in the World Wrestling Federation on television, and since Howard and Stuttering John ask rude questions that objectify women, Stuttering John asked you if you enjoy being spanked.
"Hell yeah!" you answered him. "There's a wrestling company called ECW, and many women in ECW have gotten spanked, and I wish I was in ECW so the sexiest male wrestlers in that company could spank me"
ECW was overshadowed by the World Wrestling Federation and WCW at the time.
"I'd even let some of the sexiest wrestlers in WCW spank me" you added.
"Like who, Hulk Hogan?" Howard asked.
"No!" you answered. "Like Scott Hall from the nWo and the Outsiders, Chris Jericho, Raven, Chris Benoit"
This was before Chris Benoit murdered his family a decade later.
"Can I spank you?" Howard asked.
"No!" you squealed, really meaning what you said. "But...I will let Stuttering John and Fred Norris spank me, maybe even Jackie"
Some of the cast members on Howard's show got a rise out of this, including Howard himself, and not just rise as in erection.
Jackie Martling and Robin Quivers laughed hearing this.
"C'mon, lemme spank you!" Howard offered.
"No thanks!" you answered back politely.
There's a reason you don't want him to spank you.
Stuttering John no doubt wants to spank you, and do other things.
"Can I finger you?" John asked.
"I can give you a blowjob" you suggested.
"There you go!" Howard chirped.
Some of the people on Howard's show clapped their hands and cheer for you.
"Come here and I'll spank you" John offered, wanting you to lay on his lap and spank you.
"Even though I'd love to lay on your lap" you said to him. "I want you and Fred to spank me both at the same time"
Robin Quivers, Jackie Martling, and Howard's eyes really grew and their eyebrows raised hearing that, Howard excited to see that.
"What about me?" Jackie asked.
"Maybe" you suggested to him, your eyes turning and looking at him. "I guess I'll lay on John's lap and let him spank me"
With your hands cupping your headphones, you slid and removed the headphones off of the top of your head and ears to let John give you a spanking, and he wasn't the only one to do it.
You got off of the chair and walked over to where Stuttering John was sitting, where you laid on your stomach on his knee.
"She's really gonna do it!" Howard exclaimed.
John grinned as you laid on his lap, whereas you were smiling and giggling over this.
 "Can I pull your pants down?" John asked.
"Is water wet?" you asked him. "Go ahead!"
After John rubbed his hands together excitedly while smiling, his hands grabbed your pants and slid them down until he exposed your ass, you had a thong underneath your pants that was buried in between your ass cheeks and your thong straps were slung around your hips.
Howard and his crew were all staring at John pulling your pants down, they were all smiling and excited to see what was going to happen.
Howard was especially excited seeing your ass get exposed, especially since you were wearing a thong.
"She's got a thong on!" Howard exclaimed. "It's like she's begging to be spanked"
John let go of your pants with one of his hands, where he raised his hand up in the air and began repeatedly spanking your ass, his hand spanking both of your ass cheeks at the same time.
You squealed while he spanked you, whereas Howard and his crew were smiling and some of them even laughing.
You weren't squealing in pain, but shrieking in excitement, although you weren't sexually excited.
Your ass cheeks were turning pink when he spanked your ass.
"Man, this is getting me so hot!" Howard exclaimed, referring to you getting spanked sexually arousing him.
John, on the other hand, was smiling and grinning as he spanked your ass, his eyes were looking at you while you got spanked.
You, however, were smiling from ear to ear as you got spanked.
"Can I spank her too?" Fred Norris asked.
"Whaddya say?" Stuttering John asked, referring.
"Yeah!" you replied back, wanting Fred to spank you as well.
Fred got out of his seat and walked over to where John was sitting and where you were laying, where John removed his hand off of your ass, and Fred now began to repeatedly spank your ass with one of his hands, his hand spanking both of your ass cheeks at the same time.
"Man, I'd love to see Fred and John both spank her at the same time" Howard said. "Or even better, let Jenna Jameson spank her"
You were smiling from ear to ear while Fred spanked you, and Fred grinned as he spanked you, whereas Stuttering John still kept a smile on his face while Fred spanked your ass.
"Is she gonna lay in Fred's lap?" Howard asked.
Maybe, you'd love to.
Actually, soon, Fred wrapped his arms around your waistline and pulled you off of John's lap, where Fred sat down and laid you on your stomach on his knees, where he repeatedly began to spank your ass with his hand.
"Will John and Fred finger her?" Howard asked.
Sadly, no.
Maybe next time, but not now.
After this spanking session was older, you received a round of applause and you pulled your pants up until they covered your ass, smiling as you pulled your pants up.
When you sat down in an empty seat again and pulled your headphones back on top of your head while your mouth was near the microphone, Howard asked if you were spanked as a kid.
"Yeah" you replied.
"Did you enjoy it?" Howard asked seemingly excitedly, like he was happy you were spanked as a child.
"No" you answered back.
Now there's Howard going in the really creepy territory, where he asks if you enjoyed being spanked as a prepubescent little girl like he's a pedophile.
Your very first episode where you appeared on Howard Stern's show was broadcast on television and on the E! channel.
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television-bodies · 2 months
💖🖊️😈🌝 🧠💻
💖 What do you like most about your own writing?
oh wow what a one to start off with…. i write in a style that reads easily to me, so even when i look back at my ‘older’ fics on my ao3 (that sounds kinda ridiculous seeing as my account is relatively new) i still think they read alright, even if i wouldn’t necessarily write those plots now.
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
i am enjoying my silly bahorel/feuilly fake dating/gay chicken wip at the moment and hope to actually get somewhere close to posting it in the near (?) future so have some of that!
He tips his voice low and smooth. “Hey, Feuilly.” Feuilly raises his eyebrows and swallows, lowering his bottle from his mouth. “This sounds dangerous.” “You know what we should do? We should one-up them.” “What?” “You, me.” Bahorel points at each of them in turn, just to be super clear. “Pretend to date. Act like we figured it out first.” Feuilly looks at him for a second, then laughs in disbelief. “Figured what out, asshole? There’s nothing here.” Bahorel rolls his eyes. “I know that, and you know that, but they don’t have to know that. People change, y’know. We’re already together all the time. Maybe you finally came to your senses and realised how goddamn sexy I am. It’s plausible.” “It’s ridiculous.” “It’s fantastic.” Bahorel punches him in the arm. “C’mon, man. It’ll be fun.”
😈 Is there anything you enjoy doing that you think your readers hate?
i don’t Know… there are things i’m a little insecure about in my writing but i honestly don’t want to bring attention to them in case someone sees this, then starts noticing my insecurities in my writing and then it starts pissing them off 😭 yknow
🌝 Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?
wildly, i do not think i’ve really posted any éponine! i love when she’s in fics as grantaire’s best friend and i have done this in drafts that have never been posted, but i hope to do it in something that actually sees the light of day soon. my exr 90s music au, perhaps, in which they are genuine platonic soulmates
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
the farcical triumvirate meeting au i have in which courfeyrac and enjolras try to kidnap some corrupt politician or something but accidentally get combeferre instead <3 feel like i may need to brainstorm it with someone to get it going
💻 Do you do research for your fics? What’s the deepest dive you’ve done?
i do! in terms of published fics i think i went on a bit of a dive to do with gunshot wounds for until the end of everything, but ended up scrapping the advice i read about them because i was writing someone dealing with it kind of badly…. in terms of wips though, broken record (exr 90s au) has involved many research dives already and i’ve barely started writing it. i’ve been on the eastenders wiki page more than you can imagine. i’ve raided my dad’s CD cupboard for 90s albums that maybe haven’t stood the test of time so that i can put them in as new releases. i read maybe the whole wikipedia page for the eurostar. that one’s going to take a bit out of me i think
thank you so much for the ask!
ask game
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sarah-dipitous · 10 months
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 327
Back and to the Future/Nikola Tesla’s Night if Terror
Did I mention there’s a mistake in my “final” calendar? I put the episode of dw I watched the other day on there twice 😎👍 luckily what that really means is I can skip watching one some time this weekend
“Back and to the Future”
Plot Description: Sam, Dean, and Castiel reluctantly team up with a demon inhabiting Jack’s body to battle an army of undead souls that includes some infamous killers
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: (not even started it yet and certainly not, right?) guess who was riiiiight
Cas making sure to bring Jack’s body with them to safety (even temporary safety) 😭😭😭
Vs Cas also pointing out that he wouldn’t starve to death if they stayed in this place forever
Dean’s so mad at Chuck and in such a funny way
So….not running water, just more zombies
Oh this is actually kind of fun, like when Misha gets to play evil versions of Cas
I’m not trusting that this demon was your basic pencil pusher. He just stopped the (not-)zombie horde that god himself put in our trio’s way
Yeah, MAYBE these girls are a little spoiled but that doesn’t mean this ghost has to go after them
We’re starting to see the aftermath of various ghosts who stayed true to form
This murder clown is decidedly not sexy (to me. Could be someone else’s yum, and I won’t yuck it)
How long ago was this demon last on earth??
Oh a big bag of salt and a human heart?? Is THAT all you need??
Of COURSE Sam had to go to the clown house, poor guy
I love that Rowena made Dean say please and use the descriptor “exquisite” when he first told her they needed her to move her ass
Omg we cannot be getting Michael back again (but this universe’s Michael who got———hey, what about Adam? I know we’re NEVER revisiting that plot thread but like…that’s so stupid)
And if COURSE the gunshot wound Sam has isn’t able to be healed by Cas AND he’ll hide it…
Hey, free, fresh human heart, I guess
Lizzie Borden’s here too??
Castiel sassing Sam shooting him with rock salt when he can’t help when a ghost decides it’s gonna vanish
Worst ghosts in a show ever. Why do they HAVE to run? The ghosts are running
Oh man. The bad tension between Cas and Dean continues
Thank you, Sam, from saving Dean even temporarily from a nihilistic spiral
This is unintentionally the funniest fucking show in the world. “If we win—when we win this, god’s gone” I love this stupid show so much, I can’t believe I’m in the last season
“Nikola Tesla’s Night of Terror”
Plot Description: 1903. Who or what is sabotaging Nikola Tesla’s generator plant at Niagra Falls? And has this maverick inventor really received a message from Mars?
Ruh roh I’m not gonna make it before midnight. Can we blame Megumi?? And how cute she was being tonight?
Hey, did this one come out before or after Elon became obsessed with going to Mars? Because the Tesla-Mars connection seems too on the nose
Ok I can see why he believes he’s getting messages from space
Companions should get in period dress more often
These two ACTUAL geniuses in a room together and supporting each other and comforting each other, realizing they have so much in common
This dude in the cape is bad news. Wtf is happening with him??
Ok, since we’re in NYC…I’m just thinking, what if we could DO something that would have prevented what happened to Amy and Rory.
They do this to angels in spn to interrogate them, too…but these are no angels, that’s for sure. The makeup they used almost reminds me of the spider queen from the runaway bride
Voice too, actually
Graham telling off Thomas Edison is delightful
Oh but instead of spiders, it’s scorpions, and they can shoot lasers from their tails!
And what a crazy thing that they also steal tech from other places
Edison should not be allowed to be this close to the plan
Aw, she just wants a high five and he doesn’t know what that is because it hasn’t been invented yet?
The return of the goggles!! Yay!
It’s effective for getting people off the street and away from the scorpion aliens, but it also feels slanderous for Edison to be saying that shit about Tesla
Excuse me? The Doctor is typically about stopping but not killing…but kind of in the way Aang is, but…she seems pretty dead set on killing the queen. I’m not even sure how they managed to save earth this time
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maelstroem-of-love · 1 year
A quick introduction to the Man Behind the Blog
- Who are you?
Hello, I'm Danny, a bloke from eastern europe. I'm still young but I'm not a minor (≥18) so yes, it's okay if I see your smut/sexy fanart or whatever else you dirty schmucks might be cookin' up...
- Are you queer?
Obvi. I'm on the asexual scale and either bi- or panromantic (I honestly can't tell which one lmao).
- What do you do in your daily life?
Don't expect much stuff about my studies - this is just a different part of life for me. My secret camping spot in the mountains, if you will :3 But I gotta tell you I'm a huge nerd, cream of the nerd crop. If I'm in your DM's hungrily asking for information about your country - that's why!
- What are your interests...besides Brokeback Mountain?
I really like hiking, cooking and hanging out with friends. Which is in itself kInD OF LiKE brOkEBA- *gunshot*
- Why do you like Brokeback Mountain so much?
I'm not so sure. Well, obviously I'm queer, but I don't like any other queer media quite as much... My life is not at all like Jack or Ennis', but maybe what we do have in common is this deep sense of loneliness and the comfort we find in nature. If you think about it, they only have each other, don't they? Well, I'm still a-waitin' on that cowpoke who will turn my life around. And they can be a girl, btw.
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enchantedblackrose · 2 years
Tumblr media
Pairing: Antonio Dawson/ Fem Reader
Requested: Kinda? Many eons ago by @fabyoliveira1999
Summary: A gunshot wound lands your partner in the hospital. An argument leads to surprising confessions from both of you.
Warnings: Mentions of a gun shot wound, some swearing, Reader self doubt
You’re absolutely livid right now, having just received a phone call you never wanted to get. Antonio is in the hospital. Your stupid, stubborn, sexy partner of one and half years from work got himself shot.
“Idiot,” you mutter aloud to only yourself as you change out of you pajama pants and into a pair of jeans. Off comes your tank top and you pick a semi clean basic tee shirt off your bedroom floor. You head into your bathroom next to tie your hair up in a hurried ponytail. Your boots are on and you’re already out the door and to your car when you wonder if you brushed your teeth. But you don’t care; you have to get to him.
Of the one and half years you’ve been a part of the Intelligence team, you’ve been in love with the seasoned detective for precisely seventeen months. A secret you keep to yourself.
You hate this, all of it, the being in love with him, feeling like you’re not good enough for him, terrified that you might lose him...
It’s easier to focus on the anger. But the harsh reality is Antonio is in the hospital from a gunshot wound. No other information was given. You don’t know his condition. It scares the hell out of you.
The drive to the hospital is a blur. As you rush through the doors, you see a few members from your team. Jay reaches you first. His gaze fixates on you and he sees the fear reflecting in y/e/c eyes. He places a hand on your forearm as if to steady you.
“It was a clean shot to his upper left arm. He’s okay, y/n,” he tells you. The relief you feel has you thinking you may cry. Jay softly repeats his words as he slowly removes his arm from yours. Your sergeant exits a patient room and notices you.
Hank’s gruff voice calls out your last name. “Antonio’s in there asking for his partner. He is not to be at the station today or tomorrow. Now, that’s an order and y/n, it’s your job to make sure he’s compliant. The rest of you meet back at the precinct asap.” You watch your coworkers disperse, then Hank reintegrates that you are to stay with Antonio and gives you a knowing nod. It takes you aback that all you manage to say is “yes, Sarge,” before you walk into Antonio’s room.
Your mouth is open to scold Antonio for his rash actions that led him here, but upon seeing him in the hospital bed, arm wrapped and in a sling, medical equipment still hooked up, you lose the words. You feel tears starting to sting your eyes. He smirks. Your partner actually has the audacity to smirk at you from his hospital bed. Anger floods your body.
“What the hell happened, Dawson? You were going to wait for me before you went back to that crime scene!”
Antonio is unbothered by your yelling. His voice is nonchalant. “I decided it couldn’t wait.”
Your annoyance grows; how could he be so flippant?
“Couldn’t wait,” you echo. “You got fucking shot because ‘you couldn’t wait’!”
“I’ll live,” he says with a shrug from his good side.
“But you didn’t know that for sure. Why? Why would you put yourself in that situation?”
Antonio sighs heavily. “I made a choice-“
“A bad one,” you interject, crossing your arms over your chest.
"Better me getting shot than you, alright?" His genuine concern for you is lost. Instead his words sting; it's like he's confirming all your self doubts.
You frown. "You…you don't think I can handle myself? Or that I am some kind of screw up?"
“Of course not; I lov-," he pauses to gather his thoughts. "Listen, I called you, right? You were still home in bed. Said you were 10 minutes out. I was already close, so I headed towards the scene. Activity started. It looked like things were gonna go south fast. I took action. You don’t have to like it. You don’t have to agree with it, but it happened.”
“There was no one else around. No potential vics. I don’t understand!”
“Enough!” Antonio shouts. “I’m the superior officer. Not you. Me. You don’t get to keep undermining my call! For fuck’s sake, I thought you’d be relieved to see me. Not in here questioning my actions and giving me shit!”
His words cut you like a knife. You’re too stunned to say anything. You bite your lip to keep from crying. Antonio has never once spoken to this way. He’s always treated you as an equal and valued your opinion. Regret washes over Antonio, he opens his mouth to speak, but a light tap on the door interrupts him.
Both of you turn to see Jay’s brother, Doctor Will Halstead. You’re all fairly acquainted with one another, which is why Will is reluctant to come into the room.
“Um,” he says quietly finally retreating from the doorway, “I know you’re about to be discharged soon, Antonio, but there’s a lot of shouting coming from this room. I’m sorry, y/n, I’m going to have to ask you to leave...”   
“I was just about to. Sorry for all the noise.” You turn for the door.
“Wait,” Antonio calls out. “Let her stay, please. No more shouting, Will. I promise.”
Will looks at you, then back to Antonio, then sighs before leaving the room, shutting the door behind him.
An awkward silence fills the room. You shift your weight to your other foot.
“I’m going to go. I’m sorry, Antonio. I really am glad you’re okay. I’ll see if Ruz or Atwater are still here to give you a ride home.”
“Y/n, hold on. I shouldn’t have talked to you like that.”
“It’s fine,” you wave your hand dismissively, desperate to leave.
“No, it’s not. It’s not okay for a partner to talk down to another. And it’s never okay for a man to speak to the woman he loves like that.”
“I...what?” You finally look at him to see him staring at you, a tentative smile on his lips. As you continue to stare at him wordlessly, his smile falters.
“Come here,” he pats a spot on the bed beside him. You oblige unsure of what is happening. “It’s okay if you don’t feel the same. I’ll keep everything professional between us, but I need you to know: I love you. I have for a long time. I...are you crying?” You nod vigorously, unable to speak.  “Because I love you?” He asks, genuinely concerned. You nod again. Through your tears, you’re able to see the look of confusion and worry on Antonio’s face.
“I can���t believe you love me," you confess.
“What’s not to love, nena?”
“I’m not pretty enough,” you say, unable to meet his eyes. “And compared to you, I’m not strong or super smart. I’m nothing like Laura or Sylvie and you loved them. I’m not-“
Surprised, Antonio cuts you off. “Stop. You’re only right about one thing. You’re not Laura or Sylvie, but y/n, I don’t want you to be. You are incredible in so many ways. You’re a badass in Intelligence. You think of things no one else on the team does. You’re brave. Every day you show up ready to take names. You’re sensitive and empathetic when need be, but not naïve, and dios mio you are sexy, but beautiful too.”
A small blush creeps in your cheeks. You want to argue, but Antonio won’t let you. “I’m going to get discharged and I’m going to let you take me home and there I will show you exactly how sexy you are.”
“No,” you say. “I mean I’ll take you home, but you need to rest. You took a bullet to your arm.”
“Or maybe, we won’t wait,” he says ignoring you. He dips his head into your collarbone and traces your neck with his lips. His good arm wraps behind you and pulls you closer before he rests his hand in the back pocket of your jeans. His mouth finds yours. His hand rubs your ass through the denim. His touch and  kiss are so sensual, he elicits a moan from you.
The door swings open.
“A nurse was going to bring these by, but I said I would do it and...oh! Really?” Will looks at you both and shakes his head. Embarrassed, you try to try to pull yourself off of Antonio, but his strong grip isn’t breaking. He just sits there, unabashed. Will sighs and tosses the discharge papers onto the empty chair in the room before walking out. You wait until you hear the click of the door before you giggle.
"Let's get you home," you say. Once again Antonio stops you from leaving his side. He takes your hand in his. His beautiful brown eyes seem almost sad now.
"Y/n, I'm sorry it took me getting shot to tell you how I feel about you. I thought it best to leave it unsaid. I was wrong, but I don't want you to feel obligated to me in any way…"
You press your lips against his, cutting him off. This kiss, unlike the first, is sweet and tender.
"I love you, 'Tonio." You say, pulling back as you gently run a hand through his hair before resting it on his cheek. He leans into your touch, looking relieved at your words.
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cherrysrambles · 3 years
Riduur (Part 1)
Basically, it got really sappy and cute and Din kind of started turning into Anakin a teeny bit, which is quite funny when you think about it. But then it got sexy. I just like making Din horny
Warnings: yes. 18+ although part 2 makes this look like fluff
‘Din what’s wrong? You’ve been off all night”
He stays silent, what a surprise
“You can’t get angry at every guy that wants to talk to me, and especially not with me”
“I’m not angry because of that” he says as he gently strokes your hair
You pause this time, letting him have his space to open up to you
“I just. I didn’t like how you called me your boyfriend earlier. I mean I am, and I’m so grateful to be, but, I just didn’t like you calling me that”
“Then what do you want me to call you?”
Another pause. Longer this time.
“Your riduur”
Without even thinking you say “Well Din, you’re going to have to marry me first”
“I intend to” he says with conviction”
With Grogu fast asleep and the crest initiated in ground security protocols, you could technically go out for a drink in the nearby cantina while Din picks up some new pucks, right? Wrong.
“Hey pretty lady, mind if I buy you a drink?” This smarmy Twi asks you
“No thank you” you say as you turn to face the other way.
“Come on, one drink won’t hurt”
“It won’t hurt me, but it’ll sure as hell hurt you”
“No, go away”
“Why not!?”
“Because my boyfriend won’t like it”
“Yeah and where is your boyfriend?” he says with a sneer
You move your head dramatically to the side signalling that your big, sexy Mandalorian is behind him.
The Twi turns around still laughing “Oh shit! Oh no, hey dude I don’t want any troub” Din grabs him by his lekku and drags him out the cantina. You hear the Twi screaming and then one distinct gunshot. Just when you think Din had gone too far, you hear the Twi screaming in excruciating pain. That’s better then killing him, right?
Din walks back inside and heads straight for you
“Are you ok Meshla?” His gloved hand caress your face.
“I’m fine tha-“ You get cut off by the Twi screaming outside
“Din, what did you do to him!?”
“Shot him in the dick” he says
“That’s a but dramatic don’t you think?”
“I showed him mercy by not killing him. He should be grateful” Another scream “come on, lets head back to our ship”
As you start to walk back you can sense that something is off, Din seems distant and more quiet than usual. You know he’s jealous, but it’s not fair to harbour on to this and bring it home.
As soon as you get into the ship Din heads for the ladder but you grab him and pull him into your bunk. Slowly stripping him of his beskar and boots in the process.
“Get in, I’m going to check on Grogu. I’ll be right back”
Grogu is sleeping soundly, just as you left him, you tuck his blanket around him a little tighter and crawl into your shared bunk with Din. His arms instantly wrap around you, and you rest your head on his chest.
After a moment of silence you speak.
‘Din what’s wrong? You’ve been off all night”
He stays silent, what a surprise
“You can’t get angry at every guy that wants to talk to me, and especially not with me”
“I’m not angry because of that” he says as he gently strokes your hair
You pause this time, letting him have his space to open up to you
“I just. I didn’t like how you called me your boyfriend earlier. I mean I am, and I’m so grateful to be, but, I just didn’t like you calling me that”
“Then what do you want me to call you?”
Another pause. Longer this time.
“Your riduur”
Without even thinking you say “Well Din, you’re going to have to marry me first”
“I intend to” he says with conviction”
“Cyare marry me, be my riduur, lets be bound to each other for longer than an eternity. You’re the only one for me, it’s only ever been you. I didn’t think I’d be able to have any of this, I didn’t think I could love someone the way I love you. I love you so much that it hurts me every moment we’re not together. You are my everything”
“Yes” you say with no hesitation. “Din, I’ve only ever been sure of two things in my life. 1, that Grogu is mine” He laughs, “ours, but go on”
“Ok ours” you laugh. “And that I’ve only ever wanted you and that I want to marry you. To be your wife, your riduur”
“Marry me now” He whispers
“Marry me right now Cyare, we can say our vows to one another and we are bounded forever” Then he pauses. “Unless you want a big wedding, which we can do, I want whatever you want”
“Yes” you reply, still shocked at his words.
“Yes to what?” He asks
“Yes to marrying you right now, I don’t need a big fancy wedding, I just need you”
He nods and you both stand up facing one another holding hands
“We’ll say it in Mando’a first, then in basic”
“And that’s it?”
“Yes, then we’re bound”
He slowly starts.
“Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome, mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde”
Your Mando’a is awful, but you try your best repeating everything word for word.
Then he starts in basic and you smile finally understanding what you were promising, and you happily repeat after him.
"We are one when together, we are one when parted, we will share all, we will raise warriors.”
You finish your vows, meaning every word of it and stare into his visor with the biggest smile.
“OK Cyare, I’m ready”
“Ready for what?” You ask confused
He places your hands on the sides of his helmet “ready for you to see my face, for you to see the real me”
You freeze.
“Din, I didn’t marry you because I wanted to see your face, I married you because I love you. You are my everything. Even if we go for however long without me seeng your face then I’m ok with that. I need you to know and understand this”
“What if you don’t like what you see?” He asks, and you can hear the vulnerability in his voice.
“If I looked different would you still love me? Would your feelings change in anyway?” You ask
“No. But it’s a bonus that you’re hot” he says and you can’t help but chuckle at that.
“My love we don’t have to do this now”
“We do, I want to” which has to be the most unconvincing thing Din has ever said to you. So you try a different tactic
“You know I basically know what you look like already, and let me tell you, it’s something”
“Seeing my body isn’t the same as seeing my face Cyare” he says exasperated.
“No, but, I know your skin colour, I know your hair colour, you’ve told me you have brown eyes, I’ve felt your face in my hands, on my body, between my thighs” Your move closer to him.
“I know you have a strong jaw, a talented tongue that loves being inside me, a prominent nose that likes to nudge my clit and if it’s not your nose, then its your pillowy lips sucking hard on my nipples, just how I like. I know you have facial hair, the burns all over my body can attest to that. I know what your voice sounds like without your vocoder, when I’m wearing a blindfold and am on top mercilessly riding you, pulling those delicious noises from deep within. Am I close?” You ask
“I’m ready. Really this time, let’s do it”
And he places your hands on the sides of his helmet again.
Your heart beats so loud that you’re sure he can hear it, you hear the latch open, and your slowly start to lift it off.
Something inside you makes you feel as nervous as he is, maybe more, which is ridiculous after that pep talk you just gave him. As you lift his helmet you see a strong jaw, with a light smattering of stubble, golden skin just like you’d predicted. Higher you lift and there is that talented mouth, that prominent nose and there it is. His eyes, his beautiful chocolate brown eyes, looking back at you with so much love.
“Hi Din” you say trying to hold back your tears.
“Hi Cyar’ika” he whispers
His thumb reaches up and wipes your tears away as he leans in for your first kiss as husband and wife. You pull back but he pulls you inn closer, his tongue making its way into your mouth, you can’t help but moan in satisfaction. You both pull back for air and you eyes instantly find his. So you start looking at him, really looking at him.
He starts to fidget “What is it? What do you see”
“Just one second” you whisper as you continue to get a really good look at him.
“Just had a thought” you say
“My husband is hot, like really really hot, fuck”
‘Cyare, I think in this relationship you’re the hot one”
“That’s debatable. Now are you going to take your wife to bed and fuck her senseless or what?”
“I’m going to take my riduur to bed. But first I’m going to take my time, savouring every part of you I can touch, making you yearn for me. You will cum for me at least three times before I finally get to be inside you. You’re mine Cyar’ika, forever, and I’m going to remind you of that. I want your whole body to ache tomorrow because of me. I’m going to take my time and mark you. I want everyone that sees you and thinks they have a chance with you to know that you’re taken, that you’re mine and only mine. Do you want that Cyare? Do you want me to dominate you?”
You nod.
“Use your words"
He backs you into the wall and whispers
“Who do you belong to?”
“Say my name”
“Din Djarin”
And with that, he leads to to your shared bunk.
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yanderemommabean · 3 years
Could you do another yandere all smite purge one please?
“This is not a test “ Echoed through the empty streets as the final safety doors slammed shut, leaving poor souls who were too late in the open and in the vicious line of sight for those looking to hunt. “Your government is announcing the commencement of the lovesick purge. All participants must obey the rules given and indoctrinated-” the message drones on, turning to muffled booms as you rush through the alleyways and stomp through the puddles in your way.
God you hated this time of year. You were never prepared for it, never ready to handle the horrified screams and gunshots going off until morning rise. Praying never brought the sun up any faster but hey, it passed the time. This year you just wanted to hide away in your room like last time and blare music through your headphones, hiding in a cupboard or maybe that hallway closet. Last time it was kinda cozy.
You have to actually get home first, but why wouldn’t you? You knew your shortcuts, your danger zones, and how to fight dirty incase someone picked a fight. You’d like to think you could handle yourself.
You slide into another alley and catch your breath, watching as three people rush past and argue over where to go and what to do. You didn’t bother getting involved or helping, it was every man for himself and kindness could very well get you killed. You wait to see what happens to the three, and when nothing but silence follows, you try not to think about the outcome.
Cracking your neck, you take a breath and begin to run again, having just a few more blocks to “safety”. That being a building thats very easy to bust into and a door that could be broken by just a breath. But it was home, and home is where we subconsciously think no harm will come.
A large hand on your shoulder stops you dead in your tracks, yanking you back into the darkness of the alley. You begin to fight, kicking and biting while trying to escape the grip of your possible killer, your fists making little to no impact with every blow.
Well that’s embarrassing. You thought you were stronger than that.
“Hey, hey, it’s alright. I’m not gonna hurt you” the voice pacifies, a deep chuckle following as the male forces your arms behind your back. You recognized that voice, hearing it speak on the news and on social media constantly.
Not in a heroic manner, not in some savior like way. This man was the tormentor everyone feared. This was the infamous villain All Smite. The man who can kill without remorse and destroy with a smile on his face, has you in his grip for god knows what.
“Silent now? I pegged you as a screamer” he joked, watching you roll your eyes at the innuendo. “I don’t exactly know what to say. I know begging won’t do shit” you admit with a nervous swallow, trying to avoid pissing him off and making the situation worse. Panicking wouldn’t help, no matter how good of an idea your brain made it seem.
The bulking blond laughs, and presses his head against the nape of your neck as he tightens your bonds. “This is why I love you. You’re so calm and calculating yet shy and timid. Cute and sexy. Just my type”. Wait, wait, just his type? Wasn’t he tying you up to like, throw you in a river or something? Break your bones and take your money? No! No there’s no way in hell this man is your yandere! You weren’t even given a warning letter!
Then again you suppose he’s a villain, why would he go by the rules? You not knowing gave him a larger advantage on catching you. You shiver feeling his large hands roam over you, as if checking for weapons and hidden items, but also a cheap way to cop a feel. “P-Pervert” you bit out, knowing that no matter what you said, what you did, you’d only lose and be his entertainment. He loved it when his victims begged and sobbed.
You wouldn’t give him that satisfaction.
All Smite gently lifts you, cradling you as he begins walking down the street with bravado. Dude always has to put on a show. “You’re just going to kill me after this aren’t you? Hurt me, bruise me up, and slit my neck?” you asked bitterly, accepting your fate a bit faster than mentally healthy. Unless of course you were dead on the inside like the author.
All smite gave you an odd look. Brows furrowed in what you dare call concern, as if you were the one acting odd and dangerous. “I don’t think you fully grasp what’s occurring. You’re mine. Captured. My lover to be unless you escape the next purge. Bonded to me and me bonded to you”.
Yeah...ok you’re kidnapped. That should be sinking in, this shouldn’t be so casual, this shouldn't be so calm as it is. You just don't feel a fight in you. Almost like...like you wanted this to happen. Like you wanted to be caught and give up. You should be fighting more than this, tied up or not, but instead you’re empty and waiting for a fantasy that isn’t to come.
The villain gently brushes your hair away from your face, and sighs lovingly “You’ve been hurting for so long. You’ve been abandoned by those who are supposed to protect you, been cut by those who say they love you. You’re tired”.
“Shut up” you spit “You don’t know shit! You’re just playing mind games”.
He only gives a hum in response, opening the door to his hideout while you try to ignore the fact he hit some nerves. “I’ve watched you for a while, you know?” he plops you down on his couch, watching your eyes avert his gaze as he continues. “I’ve seen the hurt those people gave you. The condescending tones over your achievements, the scolding you when you finally come out of your shell, the audacity to belittle you when you’re doing your best and trying to survive and they only sit on their asses”.
You glare with tears in your eyes, spitting out bitterly “What’s your fucking point? What you-you wanna break me down and start from there?! See how deep those fucking scars go? Want me to tell you how they used to beat me-”
He hushes you softly, making you choke back a sob as he just holds your head in his large hands, wiping away your angry tears. “I want to be here for you. Help you heal yourself and show you that I can be the only person you need. A strong person like you deserves to be spoiled and worshipped. “ he kisses the top of your head, holding you as you shudder out more confused tears. Relief and grief, pain and soothing, it was so odd.
Could you really trust him? He’s probably just manipulating you for some sick game of his! “L-Like I can trust a single word from that snake like mouth” you meekly comment, fists clenching in their bindings as All Smite just continues to stroke your hair. “You can’t. Not yet. But I plan to prove that you can trust me, and plan to show you how devoted I am to you and our love”.
You squint in disbelief once again “I’m not in love with you”.
A wicked grin spreads on his face as he steals a quick kiss “You will be”
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 years
Will you list your favorite historical romance heroines?
Penelope Pettypeace, The Duchess Hunt by Lorraine Heath--Penelope is an extremely relatable heroine in that she's actually horny all the time. In this case, the object of her affections is her boss, so she assumes it'll never actually happen and he's not interested... He is. I just love the mixture of cool, calm, and collected and kind of batshit "well I'm here so I might as well get off in this carriage" thinking. The duality of woman.
Olivia Stanford, Between the Devil and Desire by Lorraine Heath--A recent read and God I loved her. Olivia is your typical refined, uptight lady who's so conscious of her duty as a duchess and the mother of a young duke. But like. Jack Dodger makes her all hot and bothered all the time, so what is she to do? This is the "fainted at the sight of his dick" heroine. And who can blame her? Olivia is her own worst enemy, and we love her.
Sara Fielding, Dreaming of You by Lisa Kleypas--WHAT A QUEEEEEN. Sara Fielding wants to write her fun books about sex workers and problematic heroines, and if she's gotta get absolutely railed in the process, that is a sacrifice she is willing to make. God's strongest soldier (with the best rack in town, Derek Craven agrees).
Lillian Bowman, It Happened One Autumn by Lisa Kleypas--THEEEEEE spitfire American heiress heroine. Lillian is kinda dumb, and I love that about her. She just wants to be defiant and ride horses when she shouldn't so that her hero will come and threaten to bend her over his knee and shit. **Feminism**.
Evangeline Jenner, Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas--A shy heroine who comes into her own and turns out to kinda be a little freaky? We love to see it. Evie makes total sense as the heroine who would bring the ultimate rake to his knees (literally) because she's just this really kind of like... Quietly sexy, va va voom on the low heroine? Never forget when she just like. Hopped on top of her husband while he was recovering from a gunshot like that was normal.
Win Hathaway, Seduce Me At Sunrise by Lisa Kleypas--Again, a quietly dignified heroine who just wants to get railed six ways from Sunday and is very annoyed that her childhood friend is afraid he's gonna kill her with his dick. Win being so excited when Kev is kidnapping her is.... iconic. Like. I challenge you to find behavior more deranged.
Farah Mackenzie, The Highwayman by Kerrigan Byrne--Another heroine who is like, this feminine sweet lady who's also sexually voracious and a bit too cunning for her own good (see a pattern?). One of my favorite parts of this book is when Dorian is like "SHE'S MOANING IN PAIN I HATH RUINED HER INNOCENCE" and then he listens closer and realizes... that ain't pain. Farah also has two scenes in this book where he runs away, leaving her still tied up for his manservant to grumble over, and each time she's like "what ya gonna do".
Florence Greene, The Prince of Broadway by Joanna Shupe--Florence is such a fun heroine. She thinks she's way more competent than she actually is, which gets her into a lot of trouble and is endlessly amusing to me. The entire book is just like "what's this bitch gonna do next" and the answer is usually "not the right thing".
Hester Wyatt, Indigo by Beverly Jenkins--I love the determination of Hester, as well as the way she won't let Galen give her any shit ever. She's one of the most intelligent heroines I've read, too--there are tropes in this book that other heroines would've fallen for, but Hester is so clear-eyed and cool-headed... except for when she's like, sleeping with men she probably shouldn't sleep with.
Pippa Marbury, One Good Earl Deserves A Lover by Sarah MacLean--We love Pippa! A scientist who wants to learn about the ways of the secular flesh! Pippa's total lack of self-consciousness is what gets me. She's smart, but she's fully aware that there's some shit she needs to... learn about.
Artemis Greaves, Duke of Midnight by Elizabeth Hoyt--I love Artemis because she's basically the Quiet and Sane to Maximus's Loud and Insane. He'll say the wackiest shit to her, like how he wants to keep her in a hunting lodge and slay an elk for her and feed her while filling her with his seed, and she's just like "I would also like to hunt". A winner of the For That Dick (and also duke) challenge.
Anyway, this isn't a full list by any means but
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